IRC log for #bzflag on 20080507

00:07.21spldartTrying to get pogo on but she's in teh middle of something.. Perhaps she will ping back in a little bit
00:11.13CIA-33FTGL: 03sammy * r1078 10/trunk/msvc/ * Synchronise msvc/ with its directory contents.
00:19.07brlcadspldart: haha, that's awesome
00:19.20brlcadwonders what's holding the turret up
00:20.16spldartBest not to wonder to much ;-)
00:20.40spldartis waiting for the ham and vegatables to be done so he can have a piece of cake
00:22.27brlcadwonders if today is the 'happy' day
00:23.42brlcadhappy day!
00:24.02brlcadyay for still being alive
00:24.39spldartOh! No
00:24.57brlcadso a different happy day :)
00:25.02spldartShe made the cake for the sake of makint it :)
00:25.40spldartI know right? I had a rought day @ work today. It was nice to come home to.
00:28.46spldartI stand corrected.. The wife says 2 days ago was our 8 year 'doin it' anniversary... But she says that's not why she made the cake.
00:30.25JeffM2501then happy cake day
00:31.32spldartsry for the OT :-( The cake was just too kew
00:32.03Erroneousa BZ cake is SO not OT :)
00:32.57Winnynanananana batman
00:33.10spldartI'm on the same channel
00:35.41Constitutionspldart: you chat on IRC while eating? :O
00:35.55WinnyConstitution, you don't? :O
00:36.17Constitutionthat's different... I'm a bachelor ;)
00:37.56Winnyspldart: does pogo have any sisters? :P
00:40.01spldartI chat on irc while eating sometimes, pogo does not have any sisters but she has a panzy brother, etc etc
00:43.19*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (n=shedelj@unaffiliated/thinkdifferentl/x-838543)
00:50.28awilcoxspldart: speaking of pogo where is she?  if she's well enough to bake you an AWESOME bzcake, she's well enough to ping me :p
00:56.47spldart:( She says she's exhausted from baking me an awesome cake and stuff but she's gonna take rest now and will ping you later.... That means she will crash for the night.. sry :-(
00:57.19spldartPS: I'm prodding her along as much as I can
00:57.39L4m3rmaybe if you're nice she'll make you an Overlord cake tomorrow
00:57.53L4m3rtoo bad they don't make, like, gummy tanks :P
00:58.32spldartDUDE!!! A bunch of red and green gummy tanks on a giant overlord map cake would be incredible
00:58.49L4m3rmaybe a Passion cake would be easier
00:58.52spldartand gummy tank candy
00:58.56L4m3ror Pillbox :P
01:00.02spldartDude.. bzflag store and tank gummy's.. I wonder if you can make custom candy's outta gummies
01:00.27spldartBut I imagein JeffM would need special liscensing to be distributing candies
01:00.36L4m3rprobably not easily (easily as in worth the trouble)
01:00.42spldartMaybe if the candies were shipped from the candy maker
01:01.00awilcoxspldart meant: But I imagine JeffM would need special licensing to be distributing candies
01:01.13spldartputs his hear to the echo
01:02.29brlcadspldart: tell her I'm going to have to go get some oreos and doritos tonight because of her
01:03.06spldartShe says "cool. I'm inspiring others!" :)
01:03.15spldartShe sounds tired :(
01:03.34awilcoxspldart: be a mediator and talk for me :P
01:03.35L4m3rmmmm.... oreos....
01:03.36brlcadshe deserves a foot massage for the cake ;)  bzflag-style (steamroller)
01:03.51spldartI got a roller massager too
01:04.08awilcoxgives spldart SR
01:04.38spldartI'm sorry.. I've apparently REALLY OT'd it up in here
01:04.54awilcoxspldart: steamroller massage isn't ot!
01:06.36brlcada bzflag cake
01:08.12awilcoxspldart: tell pogo to not bake you a cake tomorrow :p
01:12.48spldartmeh.. flash went off and oversaturated
01:13.39me1For a second it looked all white, then I noticed it didn't load yet. :P
01:13.59spldartsry.. work dsl is slow
01:14.15spldartneeds to set up apache here @ home too
01:14.43me1I read oversaturated and flash and thought "wow, thats one bright flash there"
01:15.08awilcoxI read that and thought it was gonna be a picture of Flash, fattened from eating the entire cake :P
01:16.33spldartemails chocolate cake in shape of tank to everyone who isn't blocking my spam
01:20.11*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (n=shedelj@unaffiliated/thinkdifferentl/x-838543)
01:29.34spldartWoo Hoo
01:29.55spldartVC8 Debug Win32 ========== Build: 6 succeeded, 0 failed, 4 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
01:31.43*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (n=shedelj@unaffiliated/thinkdifferentl/x-838543)
01:39.19awilcoxspldart: I know, I got 7.1 working last night :)
01:39.54awilcoxnot many people to play on trunk though :(
01:45.03spldartHaving some problems in linux though
01:51.30Constitutiondid you re-autogen and re-configure?
01:52.16spldartNo.. no new .am's
01:52.23spldartI can though.. gimme a minute
01:52.37spldartI did re autogen reconfiugre this morn
01:53.35spldartreally needs to OC the fsb on his linux test rig
01:58.03*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
01:58.07spldartHrm.. getting freetype configure errors
02:01.27*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (n=l4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r)
02:01.27*** mode/#bzflag [+v L4m3r] by ChanServ
02:03.00spldartOk.. apt isn't covering me so far
02:03.44spldarthow do I cover freetype2 dependency with apt when sources.list is covering free non-free and contrib
02:03.53spldartdeb etch
02:05.50*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
02:09.13*** join/#bzflag ndim (
02:12.44*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (n=shedelj@unaffiliated/thinkdifferentl/x-838543)
02:26.06*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (n=shedelj@unaffiliated/thinkdifferentl/x-838543)
02:26.58spldartdoes happy dance though channel emulating Gir
02:39.34*** join/#bzflag Quol (
02:39.51brlcadhowdy Quol
02:40.10Quolhey brlcad  :)
02:40.13Quolhow are ya?
02:40.18brlcadpretty good!
02:40.41Quolbeen a little while since we had one of our late night talks...what's new?
02:41.02*** join/#bzflag delusional (
02:41.16*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
02:41.56brlcadoh, not a whole lot different
02:42.00brlcadlots and lots of coding
02:42.02*** join/#bzflag JeffM_ (
02:42.22brlcadgsoc fun
02:42.25brlcadabout to start up
02:54.35brlcadyou have a cake, you're not allowed to dread :)
02:54.51spldartOk.. You got me there. I'll dread tomorrow.
02:55.54Flashdarn. jeff missed it
02:56.16Flashbut I did make the channel
02:56.32spldartyes yah did
02:57.24spldartenjoys the pun that Jeff missed
02:57.33spldarteven if he wouldn't have appreciated
02:58.04spldartNot to say he wouldn't have
03:06.15spldartNow he's missed it
03:06.23spldartor ignored it
03:07.25spldartsits.. for a long time, waiting for the sun to burn out.
03:08.16Flashfeeds spldart's bz-chi
03:08.50spldartooOOoo BZ_Fung-shwei
03:09.20Flashis still ##bzmeditation-ing
03:15.53*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
03:17.47*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (n=shedelj@unaffiliated/thinkdifferentl/x-838543)
03:19.37*** join/#bzflag Lukstr (
03:37.38*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (n=shedelj@unaffiliated/thinkdifferentl/x-838543)
03:48.33*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (
03:48.45*** join/#bzflag spldart (
03:49.40*** join/#bzflag ElectricElf (
03:50.11*** mode/#bzflag [+v spldart] by ChanServ
04:04.26*** join/#bzflag KillAssFace (
04:05.20KillAssFaceI'm not very knowledgeable about IRC
04:05.30KillAssFaceI'm concerned my messages are not getting through
04:05.38KillAssFaceas I'm receiving no responses
04:05.50ibotask is, like, Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
04:06.23ibotask is probably Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
04:06.47KillAssFaceHow winderful
04:07.05KillAssFaceI'm not here to ask any particular question
04:07.09KillAssFaceabout the game
04:07.13KillAssFaceor anything else
04:07.53KillAssFaceBZFlag is a winderful game
04:08.06KillAssFaceDo you guys agree y/n
04:08.39KillAssFaceIf I could take one thing on to a desert island it would be BZ
04:08.57KillAssFaceThat, or a Teddy bear
04:10.09ibotrumour has it, penis is the DESTROYER of worlds
04:10.20ibotNow where did I put the lube...? Eh, no matter, dry it is tonight!
04:10.37ibotwell, vagina is something that i dont have but i like to suck, SUCK PUSSY YEAH!!!
04:10.39*** mode/#bzflag [+o DTRemenak] by ChanServ
04:10.42*** kick/#bzflag [KillAssFace!i=DTRemena@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak] by DTRemenak (DTRemenak)
04:10.42*** join/#bzflag KillAssFace (
04:11.02*** part/#bzflag KillAssFace (
04:11.08*** join/#bzflag KillAssFace (
04:11.15KillAssFaceYou should kick 'ibot'
04:11.40KillAssFacewas saying lewder things than I
04:11.51DTRemenakibot does nothing that you don't ask her to
04:12.20KillAssFaceWhy is it loaded with those things in the first place
04:13.01brlcadbecause anyone can load it with any factoid
04:13.16KillAssFaceThat's winderful
04:13.41brlcadwhy you feel compelled to publicly probe for those words is what's rediculous, just pm the bot
04:13.49KillAssFaceWhat a very marvellous concept
04:14.18KillAssFace~la, la, la
04:14.28brlcadKillAssFace: enough messing with the bot
04:14.34brlcadtake it to #botpark
04:14.50KillAssFaceExecute the bot
04:15.03KillAssFacefor its unbridled insolence
04:15.21KillAssFaceGet it? Execute? Haaaaaaa
04:15.31KillAssFaceha, ha-ha
04:15.49KillAssFaceWhat's going down in this thing
04:15.54KillAssFaceWhat of interest
04:16.20brlcadlingers over +b
04:16.27KillAssFaceHey, whoa
04:16.34KillAssFaceI'm trying to be personable
04:16.42brlcadhence lingering
04:16.57KillAssFacePlease, give me a chance!
04:17.06KillAssFaceOhhhhhh, please!
04:17.52KillAssFaceDid you misplace one vowel backwards on purpose?
04:18.00KillAssFaceLike I did
04:18.27KillAssFaceo->i in 'wonderful', i->e in 'ridiculous'
04:18.36KillAssFacea - e - i - o - u
04:18.39brlcadif you're bored, there are plenty of other (more fun and constructive) things you could be doing right now
04:18.46KillAssFaceBut did you?
04:18.51brlcaduseless chatter about absolutely nothing will get you kicked out
04:18.53KillAssFaceThis is fascinating
04:19.01JeffMyou are far too nice
04:19.10*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
04:19.13*** mode/#bzflag [+b KillAssFace!*@*] by brlcad
04:19.21brlcadbeats him to it
04:19.29*** kick/#bzflag [KillAssFace!n=Jeff@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501] by JeffM2501 (JeffM2501)
04:19.49brlcadlikes to see how long they hang around talking to themselves not realizing they're being filtered
04:20.13JeffM2501it's simple to do that in pm, then it dosn't clutter
04:20.27JeffM2501and lasts a LOT longer
04:20.33JeffM2501just get em talking in a pm
04:20.41brlcadno, I meant once they're +b'd
04:20.46JeffM2501I know
04:20.57JeffM2501usulay it's after the first one, the client tells em
04:21.08brlcadmost clients will still send and it looks like they're chatting to them
04:21.29brlcaddepends on the client, some are obvious, some shove the notification in some other hidden window
04:22.10brlcadmakes them leave on thier own volition too
04:22.38JeffM2501I prefer to keep em hanging around in PM for ages, then they ain't trying other stuff ;)
04:23.20brlcadyou can still do that regardless :)
04:24.40*** mode/#bzflag [-b KillAssFace!*@*] by brlcad
04:26.19awilcoxoh yes THATS a nick that needs to come on #bzflag :p
04:26.36brlcadleave his beast of burden alone
04:34.44blast007weeeee, I always miss all the fun
04:51.36BulletCatcherThat was Coogle, by the way.
04:53.03BulletCatcherbrlcad: Are you aware that GNU Emacs 22 includes an IRC client?
04:58.20AAA_awrightWow, did gdb just segfault?!? O.o
04:58.43LukstrAAA_awright: good job
05:00.09AAA_awrightAnd I can reproduce it too
05:00.36AAA_awrightThis should turn out interesting... gdb gdb...
05:00.38Lukstrmaybe your code is overwriting gdb
05:00.53Lukstrthat is actually a good idea haha
05:01.40AAA_awrightNo debugging symbols are shipped with it... and I don't feel like compiling it from source
05:04.00Lukstrmmm fluxbox
05:04.11AAA_awrightIt still shows the call stack... 36 entries in it
05:05.08AAA_awrightand my program is still running in the foreground at the same time
05:06.37AAA_awright not that it matters...
05:07.22FlashBulletCatcher: do you know how to configure it?
05:07.31Flashthere's like NO documentation
05:07.41BulletCatcherconfigure what?
05:07.51Flashzenirc in XEmacs
05:08.14BulletCatcherI use rcirc in GNU Emacs.  It probably isn't the same thing.
05:08.45Flashnope, it's not the same
05:09.06BulletCatcherThen you'll have to use the source.  Sorry.
05:11.32BulletCatcherAny new ideas before I start looking at your patches again, Flash?  I'm going to start by applying just the older one and see how that goes.
05:17.28FlashI'm wondering if it is a subtle OS thing
05:20.37brlcadBulletCatcher: yep
05:21.38*** join/#bzflag Saturos (
05:26.07BulletCatcherbrlcad: Then all you need to do to get the perfect IRC client is to adjust some LISP code a little bit. ;-)
05:32.13a_meteoritewhy on earth does a text editor include IRC?
05:33.11a_meteoritethat's the thing that bugs me about emacs...
05:33.39JeffM2501the fact that people make stick figure commics about it?
05:34.09a_meteoriteno, one preposterous example of a feature of emacs
05:34.19JeffM2501ummmm.. that would be fiction
05:34.20a_meteoritewhich, if possible, I would not be surprised to see it included
05:34.27a_meteoritethus a "preposterous"
05:34.39JeffM2501not all fiction is preposterous
05:34.53a_meteoritetrue that
05:35.22brlcada_meteorite: nobody makes you use or even need to know about the other 'features'
05:35.29BulletCatcherEmacs includes a complete LISP programming environment (in which most of Emacs is itself written).  Everything else is the result of bored or otherwise motivated programmers.
05:35.56a_meteoritevery bored :)
05:36.00a_meteoritethen again, it wouldn't be the first time innovation has come because of boredom
05:36.31brlcadit was never originally designed as a "text editor", that's just one of it's common functions that people associate with it
05:36.55brlcadit was designed as an "editor" (for anything), hence editing macros
05:37.17BulletCatchermisses the "overflowing kitchen sink" Emacs icon
05:37.37a_meteoritefrom the horse's mouth "GNU Emacs is an extensible, customizable text editor"
05:37.44brlcadedits his tetris score
05:38.05brlcada_meteorite: that's just the byline now
05:38.15brlcadto explain it to the masses
05:38.52a_meteoriteok, well, I wasn't around when emacs was version 1 or 2 or whatever... extensible framework would probably have better described it then?
05:38.56brlcadand that's not a false statement regardless, it is that .. and a lot of other things
05:39.41brlcadit's always been an "extensible framework" .. that doesn't really mean much by itself without some context or other detail
05:39.47a_meteoritethat's amazing, first version was released in 1976!
05:40.41a_meteoritewell, not necessarily released, but written in 1976. wikipedia does not make the distinction.
05:41.10brlcadyeah, but they didn't start using revision control till '85 :)  at least not preserved
05:41.24a_meteoriteprops to emacs then, bzflag's code is from the early 90s and is a mess... :)
05:41.44brlcadspreads the bragging rights:
05:43.44a_meteoriteit's not coincidence that your name is the same as the project, brlcad?
05:44.10a_meteoriteyou were the maintainer of it way back then?
05:44.42brlcadoh hell no, but I am the maintainer now
05:44.58brlcadit was started by mike muuss, brilliant guy, author of 'ping'
05:45.13brlcadback circa '79
05:45.37brlcadI was probably just learning to walk or talk or something
05:45.45BulletCatcherand the first thing they modeled was ...
05:45.56a_meteoritea teapot!
05:45.57brlcadBulletCatcher: the M1 tank
05:46.08a_meteoritewell that explains things :)
05:46.11BulletCatcherand there's the BZFlag tie-in!
05:46.50brlcadactually it was the XM-1 tank, a prototype for the abrams
05:47.51brlcadbut it was the very first time anyone had ever seen the whole vehicle on a computer before
05:48.57brlcadstarted in a couple nights on a dare/challenge that he couldn't display it all (your cell phone has more computing power than what he had to work with)
05:49.31*** join/#bzflag Ashvala (n=Ashvala@
05:50.01AshvalaBenjaminSisko here
05:50.27brlcadlooks more like Ashvala than BenjaminSisko to me
05:50.46AshvalaActually... My Callsign on BZflag is BenjaminSisko
05:50.57AshvalaMy real name is Ashvala
05:51.02brlcadis shocked :)
05:51.05Ashvalathat is all
05:51.35Ashvalabrlclad... You admin?
05:51.49brlcadtoo many ell's there bub
05:51.56*** join/#bzflag noyb (n=noyb@nat/sun/x-ddb9f6b684b27ced)
05:51.58brlcadbut yes, at least I play one on tv sometimes
05:53.12a_meteoriteAshvala... pretty name
05:53.30brlcadAshvala: pay no mind to me, I'm just being goofy :)
05:53.36a_meteoritein no offense if you're a guy or anything
05:53.49brlcada_meteorite: your names not nearly as pretty
05:54.04a_meteoriteI realize that, my name represents destructions by meteorite :\
05:54.22a_meteoriteDaniel sounds a lot better :)
05:54.35a_meteoriteand I can't type tonight either, pay no mind to my mistakes
05:54.49AshvalaDjack is here?
05:55.04a_meteoriteDjack as in daniel jackson?
05:55.27brlcadi always just thought of it like a lonely quiet chunk of debris drifting aimlessly through the dead voids of space
05:55.28a_meteoritebut I have him currently as a paused frame in VLC
05:55.48brlcad~seen daniel_jackson
05:55.49ibotdaniel_jackson <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 33d 20h 9m 9s ago, saying: 'cya'.
05:55.56a_meteoritebrlcad: that's just as depressing
05:56.07a_meteoriteAshvala: I'm on a Stargate SG-1 marathon
05:56.28AshvalaI am on My defiant
05:56.32AshvalaWith no wARP
05:57.12Ashvala~seen Yonu
05:57.12iboti haven't seen 'yonu', Ashvala
05:57.25AshvalaAh Damn YOU
05:57.38Ashvala~seen LtKirby-2007
05:57.39iboti haven't seen 'ltkirby-2007', Ashvala
05:58.00AshvalaAre all of you here Admins?
05:58.06brlcadAshvala: you can "/msg ibot seen name" to look up names in private too
05:58.32brlcadno, not everyone is an admin
05:58.42Ashvalawho is?
05:58.50brlcadthe ones with an @
05:58.59brlcadand some others that are in hiding
05:58.59AshvalaI KNOW THAT!!!
05:59.07brlcadthen wtf are you asking for?
05:59.09Ashvalathey do /hideadmin
05:59.18AshvalaSean... I know your name!
05:59.24brlcadbig surprise
05:59.37brlcadand I live in maryland, like long walks on the beach, sushi, ...
05:59.45brlcadAshvala: watch your language please
05:59.50brlcadthat's not allowed here
05:59.58Ashvala<brlcad> then wtf are you asking for?
06:00.05Ashvalayou too!
06:00.09brlcadthat's quite different
06:00.26AshvalaOk Never Mins
06:00.46AshvalaSean... Do you know Yonu?
06:00.59brlcadnot that I'm aware of
06:01.21a_meteoriteneither do I
06:01.30a_meteoritenot everyone who plays bzflag uses this channel
06:01.37a_meteoriteor even uses the same username
06:01.37AshvalaHola... Julio lLamo Ashvala
06:01.52AshvalaI DONT USE THE SAME USERNAME(example
06:01.58a_meteoriteno need to yell
06:02.09AshvalaAny Indians any of you came across recently?
06:02.17ruskiekeep the noise down.. I just woke up...
06:02.27a_meteoriteruskie: morning, ate breakfast yet?
06:02.28AshvalaGet to bed
06:02.35ruskieI don't do breakfast...
06:02.44ruskiecan't stomach it...
06:02.44a_meteoritestudies agree that it is good for you :)
06:02.49a_meteoriteoh, heh
06:02.51ruskieatleast for another 2 hours or so
06:02.55Saturosbreakfast.. yummy
06:03.25Saturosbut got to watch that regensis episode before
06:03.27ruskieI will have some cocoa but beyond that nothing else really...
06:03.46AshvalaI need to watch STAR TREK Ds9
06:03.57ibotACTION screams NOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooOOOOoooooOOOOooo!!!1!!11!!!
06:04.18AshvalaAH.... Nice try iBot
06:04.53AshvalaHey dan Outmin....
06:06.20AshvalaHow Waz that man... I found your name
06:06.55brlcadAshvala: running whois on IRC is no secret
06:06.57AshvalaApparently I am the only INDIAN here!
06:07.28AshvalaI am the ONLY indian to BZflag!
06:07.35brlcadcut it out
06:07.36blast007you're from Indiana?
06:07.38brlcadnobody cares
06:07.59brlcadand stats would probably indicate otherwise
06:08.11BulletCatcherNo, no.  Someone from Indiana is a Hoosier.
06:09.10brlcadthey're probably just to embarrased by your spectacle to be associated :)
06:09.24brlcadBulletCatcher: probably a lot of folks :)
06:09.26AshvalaI am the ONLY indian from India in South Asia to play BZflag
06:09.35blast007Ashvala: Unlikely
06:09.45brlcadAshvala: last warning dude, seriously .. give it a rest
06:09.51Lukstrany fluxbox users here?
06:10.04blast007Lukstr: I used to be... does that count?  ;)
06:10.18Lukstrclose enough
06:10.24AshvalaHey Blast
06:10.28AshvalaI Am Indian
06:10.32AshvalaBorn Indian
06:10.36brlcadlikes fluxbox, used to be a bit blackbox fan prior
06:10.37AshvalaLiving INdian
06:10.41ruskiemmm ignore is so nice...
06:10.42*** mode/#bzflag [+b Ashvala!*@*] by brlcad
06:10.49brlcadand now voiceless Ashvala
06:11.03LukstrI just switched to it as my primary WM, any suggestions or pointers?
06:11.24LukstrI'm aiming for a fairly light-weight X experience :P
06:11.47Saturosxfce is cool.. did you try it?
06:12.04ruskie*shrug* fvwm here now and that's light-weight :)
06:12.12Lukstrnay, fluxbux I like
06:12.19a_meteoritexfce is lightweight and looks good :)
06:12.33a_meteoriteall in the eye of the beholder though, and how lightweight one wants to go
06:12.33LukstrI don't care about looks :P
06:12.48Lukstrthe less work my fan-less TNT2 has to do...
06:12.53a_meteoriteoh boy..
06:13.01Lukstrthe longer it lives
06:13.04blast007Lukstr: buy a new fan :P
06:13.13Lukstrblast007: I can't be bothered to care :P
06:13.14blast007the WM really isn't what's going to make it run cooler
06:13.18LukstrI could buy a new video card for the price of the fan
06:13.43blast007I grue a shrew
06:14.14BulletCatcherquickly walks back into a lighted room to avoid being eaten by a grue
06:14.32brlcadLukstr: it's about as lightweight functional as you can get (and not looking horrible).. flux, pwm, and a couple others
06:14.35*** topic/#bzflag by bier -> || || || logs at || || 2.0.10 is the latest public release || GSoC 2008, mentor blog at /topic || Congratulations GSoC participants: || Students should add their projects to the wiki for review
06:14.38blast007hah, that is something real..
06:14.49bieroups - sorrx
06:14.51blast007well, by real, I mean, fictional
06:15.02Lukstryou've never heard of a grue?
06:15.05ruskiehmm no +t on the chan...
06:15.24brlcadruskie: never has been (intentionally)
06:15.40ruskiedoes ibot atleast track the topics?
06:15.43brlcadif someone abuses it, they're out
06:16.12LukstrI wish topic changes were diffs only :(
06:16.16LukstrI can never find what changed
06:16.20bieri typed /topic in the topic bar of xchat... now there is a /topic somewhere in the topic, i guess :)
06:16.32brlcadthe topic changes are in the log, but no explicit tracking iirc (could be wrong)
06:16.33ruskieLukstr, there's a script for irssi that does something like it...
06:16.42Lukstrruskie: nevar!1
06:16.50blast007irssi ftw
06:16.51LukstrI see it
06:16.54ruskienthere's topichistory
06:16.56blast007has /topichistory
06:17.00blast007hehe  :)
06:17.07bierhere it is
06:17.08biermentor blog at /topic ||
06:17.11*** topic/#bzflag by Lukstr -> || || || logs at || || 2.0.10 is the latest public release || GSoC 2008, mentor blog at || Congratulations GSoC participants: || Students should add their projects to the wiki for review
06:17.50ruskieof course no diffs directly... and only captures when one changes not on-join
06:18.14LukstrI'm running Xming on my XP box
06:18.24LukstrI'm a dirty windows user
06:19.05ruskiewhen I need something on windows I borrow a box at work(a backup craptop or somu such since I run gnu/linux at work as well) and use that :)
06:20.03Lukstrwhen I need something on linux I forward X :)
06:26.20LukstrI must get the sleep.
06:26.49BulletCatchernighty night
06:26.57Lukstrmore of learning fluxbox and readying for hard core coding and conception of libbzw tomorrow
06:28.11*** join/#bzflag QuantumT1m (
06:30.03*** mode/#bzflag [-b Ashvala!*@*] by brlcad
06:31.22AshvalaAh... I am finally heard
06:43.29*** join/#bzflag F687s_ (
07:17.19CIA-33FTGL: 03sammy * r1079 10/trunk/demo/ (c-demo.c simple.cpp):
07:17.19CIA-33FTGL: * In the C++ demo, show that FTFont itself can be directly derived, not
07:17.19CIA-33FTGL:  only its subclasses.
07:17.19CIA-33FTGL: * Minor changes to the C demo to reduce the differences with the C++ version.
07:20.01*** join/#bzflag Saturos_ (
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07:50.10BulletCatcherFlash: Your cleanup SF patch 1956498 seems to be fine by itself.
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07:50.34BulletCatcherBut when I add 1957744 I get the same hang in bzfs.
07:51.21BulletCatcherI'm not sure where to start looking for the problem.
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13:00.11Saturosping brad
13:00.39Saturosyou should match more often.. like now
13:00.50bradcan't match here
13:01.02bradping me again at 8pm :P
13:01.05Saturosoh, ok
13:01.21whodaman-Saturos, 4more is back :)
13:01.53Saturoswhodaman-: was?
13:02.24whodaman-Saturos, er zockt jetzt wieder richtig heufig
13:02.31Saturosjetzt gerade?
13:02.35whodaman-die letzten 4-5 tage war er jeden Tag on
13:02.41whodaman-Ne, aber vielleicht kommt er gleich
13:03.33brlcadmornin' Saturos
13:03.38Saturoshi :)
13:03.43Saturosgoing to match ducati now.. wee
13:03.48brlcadfun :)
13:03.59Saturosnot really..
13:04.04brlcadwhat team are you on?
13:04.06Saturosbut theres no team for GU :)
13:04.18Saturosexo.. we've been inactive for a while
13:04.36whodaman-Saturos, actually, ben and I matched once last month
13:04.39whodaman-that's something :P
13:04.51brlcadLong live the BZRebels! *ahem* ;-)
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14:01.35spldartOh.. gonna be fiesty are we :-[
14:03.21spldartOoops.. killed BenUrban's process though ssh too LOL
14:03.37whodaman-oh you?
14:03.50spldartIt was a joke
14:04.03spldartI are not BU
14:10.05blast007spldart: you should have said "No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night!"
14:10.30spldartYour right. My bad. Moo, Moomooo
14:10.42FlashBulletCatcher: the connection logic is in NetHandler.cxx (NetListener)
14:10.55Flashyou are getting the connect message, but not any of the others
14:11.05Flashsee if select() returns anything
14:12.17Flashthen look in the BZFSUDPReadCallback and BZFSNetDataPendingCallback in bzfs to see if they are getting called
14:12.52Flashthe code was really just moved, not so much changed, so it has to be subtle (since "It works on my machine")
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14:55.43CIA-33FTGL: 03sammy * r1080 10/trunk/src/FTGL/ (FTBBox.h FTPoint.h):
14:55.43CIA-33FTGL: * Allow to create an FTBBox using two FTPoint objects.
14:55.43CIA-33FTGL: * Allow the operands to FTPoint's "+" and "-" operators to be const.
14:56.59CIA-33FTGL: 03sammy * r1081 10/trunk/src/ (FTFont/FTFont.cpp FTFont/FTFontImpl.h FTGL/FTFont.h):
14:56.59CIA-33FTGL: * Add an overload of FTFont::BBox that returns an FTBBox object. It will
14:56.59CIA-33FTGL:  save us a lot of code later.
14:58.11CIA-33FTGL: 03sammy * r1082 10/trunk/src/FTFont/ (FTFont.cpp FTFontImpl.h):
14:58.11CIA-33FTGL: * Reimplement all FTFont::BBox() variants using the same FTFontImpl::BBox()
14:58.11CIA-33FTGL:  common method.
14:58.41ruskiebusy bee ;)
14:59.04CIA-33FTGL: 03sammy * r1083 10/trunk/src/FTGL/FTBBox.h:
14:59.04CIA-33FTGL: * Fix FTBBox::SetDepth() behaviour with negative depth values (as done in
14:59.04CIA-33FTGL:  the FTExtrudeGlyph class).
15:01.02samjesus, sourceforge is painfully slow
15:01.49CIA-33FTGL: 03sammy * r1084 10/trunk/ (11 files in 5 dirs):
15:01.49CIA-33FTGL: * Make all BBox functions return an FTBBox object instead of doing
15:01.49CIA-33FTGL:  countless conversions to floats or arrays of floats.
15:01.56spldartIt has been pretty bad @ times lately
15:03.53CIA-33FTGL: 03sammy * r1085 10/trunk/src/ (FTFont/FTFont.cpp FTGL/FTBBox.h FTLayout/FTSimpleLayout.cpp):
15:03.55CIA-33FTGL: * Change the += operator for bounding boxes to |=, which better represents
15:03.57CIA-33FTGL:  what is happening, and avoids future confusion with "FTBBox + FTPoint"
15:03.59CIA-33FTGL:  constructs.
15:06.26CIA-33FTGL: 03sammy * r1086 10/trunk/ (src/FTFont/FTFont.cpp src/FTGL/FTBBox.h test/FTBBox-Test.cpp):
15:06.26CIA-33FTGL: * Replace FTBBox::Move() with the += operator, to make it clearer that the
15:06.26CIA-33FTGL:  object is modified in the process.
15:07.40CIA-33FTGL: 03sammy * r1087 10/trunk/src/FTGL/ (FTBBox.h FTFont.h): * Documentation updates.
15:09.26CIA-33FTGL: 03sammy * r1088 10/trunk/test/ (5 files):
15:09.26CIA-33FTGL: * Fixed and reactivated unit tests that were disabled during the pImpl
15:09.26CIA-33FTGL:  refactoring.
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16:10.34CIA-33FTGL: 03sammy * r1089 10/trunk/src/ (6 files in 3 dirs): * Some code cleanup here and there, mostly in FTGlyphContainer.
16:34.03TheRedBaronrecompiles his server
16:46.55TheRedBaronanyone with a recent 2.99 client feel free to test  I"m on a bz-less computer atm
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18:47.54MPS_is the server crashed?
18:48.16MPS_at least the bzf server at port 5154?
18:48.32whodaman-seems so
18:49.28MPS_who maintains
18:49.58bradpoints to uso
18:55.25*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
18:55.46tsMPS_: I got "not a bzflag server" back from bzf a few minutes it seems to have been restarted
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18:57.48MPS_ts: ah, k. it works again
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19:03.53awilcoxspldart: normal run-of-the-mill e'ryday ping.
19:04.42awilcoxspldart: ... what's always up? :p
19:04.59spldartA Holiday Inn Express??
19:05.04awilcoxspldart: just making sure pogo isn't making you any bzcakes today...
19:05.29spldartNope. But it was yummy :-p
19:06.01awilcoxwas?  you already ate the whole thing?  :p
19:07.27spldartduh... pitter patter of 5 little treaded kids running through the house.. That cake didn't stand a chance
19:07.46awilcoxspldart: haha, right, I forgot
19:07.56awilcoxspldart: also been wondering, how does one annunciate your nick?  "spell dart"?
19:08.18spldartI don't ennunciate it.
19:08.26spldarts.. p.. l.. dart
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19:33.18Lukstrgod I love Xming
19:36.21*** join/#bzflag nn64 (n=nn@
19:36.43nn64hi all
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19:37.55nn64I Just finished making Extremely Extensive Documentation of the bzflag source code and am uploading it to my web server.
19:38.13nn64I made it using doxygen
19:38.35Lukstrdoxygen es la sexy
19:38.48nn64It has diagrams of function calls etc
19:39.14nn64the total size of the documentation came out to be 786MB
19:40.19samit's very easy to generate totally useless content with doxygen
19:42.12JBdiGrizIt's also easy to generate highly useful content with doxygen.
19:42.36Erroneousparts of bzflag are properly doxygenated.  other parts not so much.
19:42.51JBdiGrizhas generated totally useless content with gcc as well
19:43.28Thumper_Erroneous: is the plan to move all floats to doubles?  There's a lot of floats in the codebase...
19:43.39ErroneousI am not aware of any such plan
19:43.46Erroneousonly for timekeeping
19:44.20Erroneousin particular GL code will still end up needing to use SP floats, so there's no point in making them double.
19:44.31Thumper_noticed some commits moving floats to doubles but didn't hear any plan (yeah I know we don't have a plan) other than comments in the commits (which didn't really indicate if it was concentrated on one part of the codebase or not)
19:45.12Lukstrdoubles for important math only ;)
19:45.18Erroneousthere are a (very) few places where it's useful to do so
19:45.28Erroneousactually yeah :)
19:45.40Lukstrin a video game...
19:45.43awilcoxnn64: doxygen is cheating :p  you don't get the whole picture unless your brain replaces doxygen and makes its OWN function maps and class diagrams (at least imho) :)
19:45.44Lukstrnot much important maths
19:45.45Thumper_ok thx - was just looking for extra info
19:45.52Thumper_wasn't planning to actually mess with floats->doubles
19:45.55Erroneousif the value really matters, use a double.  otherwise floats are much faster.
19:46.22LukstrGLFloat is only 32 bit right?
19:46.36Erroneousmost drawing stuff, positions, etc, it doesn't matter if it's off a bit a few places to the right of the decimal
19:46.42Lukstrvaguely remembers a GL hint for double-precision
19:47.08Lukstras long as it's consistantly imprecise :D
19:47.18JBdiGrizawilcox: gcc is cheating :p you don't get the whole picture unless you write the assembly language and convert it to machine code.
19:47.30sammost importantly, don't forget to use sinf() etc. instead of sin() etc. or you lose al the speed advantage of using floats
19:47.41Erroneousglfloats are 32-bit, yes
19:47.45Erroneousit's guaranteed by the spec
19:47.49LukstrJBdiGriz: your processor is cheating :P you don't get the whole picture unless you step through the code in your head
19:47.57nn64Well i found the doxygen i made extremely use-full it helps a tun when tracking what a function calls
19:48.03JBdiGrizLukstr: yep, I do :D
19:48.19Lukstrinstalls his capacity doubler
19:52.35awilcoxJBdiGriz: the problem is for a few routines I've DONE that (and been faster than gcc :o )
19:53.03JBdiGrizWhy would that be a problem?
19:53.17awilcoxbecause I thought you were kidding.
19:53.39awilcoxI now see you weren't, because it actually works sometimes. :p
19:53.53*** join/#bzflag kirun (
19:53.54JBdiGrizI was just pointing out that any tool can be used in a useful or a useless manner.
19:54.17awilcoxyeah.  string manipulation is a bear in assembly, but doing raw UART I/O is best left to assembler
19:55.52JBdiGrizIt depends a lot on the UARTs that you use. I have been fairly successful in using c for accessing them recently, although my first assembly code was playing with UARTs.
19:57.51awilcox16550s, mostly
19:58.43awilcoxI use C code to access them but I wrote the assembler routines that the C code calls :)  so basically I abstracted the raw I/O into assembler and then my C program doesn't need to think about all that stuff and can focus on its task
20:00.32*** join/#bzflag nn64 (n=nn@
20:00.39awilcoxJBdiGriz: my very simple UART library, if you'd like to see :) ->
20:01.31JBdiGrizAt this point, I'm working on multiple processors handling parallel threads. I'm not spending too much time on serial communications anymore.
20:02.04awilcoxmul...mul...*shudders at thoughts of SMP*
20:02.30awilcoxso I take it that I am in the presence of a fellow kernel hacker?  :p
20:02.55JBdiGrizIt depends on how you define "presence"
20:04.01awilcoxs/in the presence of/talking to/
20:04.28JBdiGrizI've made a fair number of changes to various kernels
20:04.29awilcoxand will people stop complaining that I anthropomorphise IRC into a face-to-face meeting!
20:04.53TheRedBaron~lart awilcox
20:04.53ibotnukes awilcox with a single large nuke
20:06.20awilcoxJBdiGriz: I've only hacked on AWOS, but one of the proudest moments of my FOSS career came when a ReactOS developer asked permission to refactor my floppy disk driver into ROS
20:08.00JBdiGrizIt's always nice when your work is actually used by others.
20:09.02awilcoxwell I don't know what ever happened to him, he seems to have disappeared, he didn't refactor it, and the floppy driver isn't even in the tree anymore -- but just being asked, it was exciting
20:11.02awilcoxJBdiGriz: the other proudest moment of my FOSS career came when I got a patch accepted into the bz tree :)
20:11.38JBdiGrizKeep at it, eventually we'll just give you access to make your own commits. :)
20:11.48awilcoxhehe :)
20:30.29*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (i=l4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r)
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20:31.03*** join/#bzflag whoda|iPod (n=whoda|
20:31.32awilcoxwhoda|iPod: you couldn't possibly have gotten on IRC... on an iPod...
20:31.46whoda|iPodlooks like it
20:31.59whoda|iPodIs that okay?
20:32.10awilcoxWell sure but how did you get an Internet connection?!
20:32.52nn64finally im extracting the tarball i made of the doxygen of bzflag on the server's http dir that will hold it. I will give you the link as soon as it's ready
20:33.22awilcoxnn64: just wondering, did you organise it by package/subsystem?
20:33.30*** join/#bzflag dcat (n=dirtycat@pdpc/supporter/active/dcat)
20:33.40whoda|iPodthis is an iytouch
20:33.52whoda|iPoditouch, even
20:34.01Lukstrwhoda|iPod: can you run Xterm? :P
20:34.25LukstrI am very attracted to said iPod now
20:34.44Lukstroh my
20:34.50Lukstrforward X? :P
20:34.57whoda|iPodOnce jail braked
20:35.11Lukstrcause, you know
20:35.12whoda|iPodor wait for the afk in june
20:35.14Lukstron the ipod
20:35.32Lukstrthe SDK is crap though
20:35.50whoda|iPodthen itlll even be legal
20:36.14whoda|iPodavoids a flam war :p
20:37.15WinnyLukstr: it runs a version of Open GL.. I think it might be possible to port
20:37.26Winnyopel GL ES or something
20:37.30LukstrWinny: I wouldn't want to do that, personally.
20:37.54awilcoxbzflag on iPod would PWN
20:38.07Lukstrstand in front of your wireless router and forward X :P
20:38.23awilcoxthen I could get fragged in the car, at work, and when I'm forced to go shopping against my will :p
20:39.16WinnyI doubt the wifi would go that far
20:39.29awilcoxWinny: downtown has free wifi across city limits
20:39.44awilcoxalso, Starbucks :)
20:39.56Winnyyou'd be constantly loosing a signal as you went from acces point to acces point
20:40.07awilcoxWinny: I could host a server and play with bzrobots :P
20:40.21awilcoxI miss bzflag so badly :(
20:40.29Winnythen play?
20:41.05awilcoxbetween work, school, and a retarded router, I can't
20:41.45awilcoxwonders if that fancy update he did to the router would let him play.
20:41.54*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (n=wheeeeee@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux)
20:48.15LukstrI'm going to ask a possibly stupid, but positively unrelated to this channel, question:
20:48.36LukstrIs there any way I can, from one ssh session, start a program in the other one?
20:49.02awilcoxLukstr: yes.
20:49.13Lukstrdo tell
20:49.17awilcoxLukstr: don't ask how because I haven't done it in almost a year, but it's possible.
20:49.30Lukstrdoes it involve hijacking the session with root priveledges?
20:49.34WinnyLukstr: use screen?
20:49.46LukstrWinny: this is less screen more X
20:49.55Winnyah, hm
20:50.05awilcoxLukstr: something like ssh -<something> name@server <name>
20:50.06Lukstri know you can use root powers to manipulate X over SSH sessions
20:50.19Lukstrawilcox: no no, you misunderstand
20:50.23LukstrI have two ssh sessions open
20:50.39Lukstrlet us call them session 1 and session 2
20:50.49LukstrI want to, from session 1, start xterm in session 2's display
20:51.12awilcoxthat sounds like something you'd do in RDP or VNC -- no idea in ssh
20:51.34Lukstrno worries
20:51.37LukstrI'm screwing around
20:53.24Lukstrmaking X flex its muscle
20:53.58*** join/#bzflag QuantumTim (
20:55.28TD-Linuxso you are running two X servers too?
20:55.48LukstrTD-Linux: I don't know
20:56.01LukstrI can break it down, if you like
20:56.14TD-Linuxbecause check out the DISPLAY environment variable
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20:56.26TD-Linuxtry setting it to :0 or :1 or maybe :2 before running a program
20:56.40awilcoxoh right!  DISPLAY=host:display
20:56.55Lukstrin session 1: localhost:10.0
20:56.56awilcoxall you need is X forwarding enabled (which I assume you have)
20:57.00Lukstrin session 2: localhost:11.0
20:57.16awilcoxLukstr: okay then try this on the command line
20:57.24awilcoxDISPLAY=localhost:11.0 xterm &
20:57.50Lukstrdo you mean: DISPLAY=localhost:11.0; xterm &
20:58.09awilcoxno, at least not in bash
20:58.36Lukstrawilcox: I love you
20:58.50TD-Linuxhey it was my idea! :P
20:58.53awilcoxyay!  I think that means I helped someone.
20:58.59LukstrTD-Linux: oh I love you too
20:59.02Lukstrshare the love
20:59.07awilcoxLukstr: you love me?  great, help me with my program design :P
20:59.08Lukstrcheck out this very confusing screenshot
20:59.09TD-Linuxfeels loved
21:02.04*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (n=shedelj@unaffiliated/thinkdifferentl/x-838543)
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21:04.06Lukstr :D:D:D:D
21:04.10LukstrI am very very happy
21:06.21nn64well there above is the link to the doxygen massive documentation of bzflag, bzfs, plugins, etc.
21:06.29Lukstrnot bad, but I think much of the bzflag source is lacking comments for documentation
21:06.41awilcoxnn64: looks ok, but I see no network code :p
21:06.57nn64lol look threw the classes
21:07.00WinnyI thought bzflag already had a doxygen page
21:07.59nn64Winny, I didn't ever see one
21:08.23awilcoxnn64: ah, found PingPacket.  not much of network code, maybe I just thought the netstack was bigger
21:09.19awilcoxLukstr: what OS are you running?
21:09.25Lukstrawilcox: hehehehe
21:09.28Lukstrconfusing much? :P
21:09.42awilcoxtheh left looks like XP, the taskbar looks like vista, and the right looks almost like Solaris and CDE
21:09.49nn64awilcox, well if you can click on the line of code and it will load the code file in html and bring you to that line.
21:09.51LukstrXP Pro
21:09.53Winnyawilcox, that's not the vista taskbar
21:10.09Lukstrrunning Xming to my workbox
21:10.22brlcadLukstr: nifty
21:10.30awilcoxWinny: it's black!  I never found black for Luna :(
21:10.39Winnyvista has an orb
21:10.50awilcoxhowever you are right, it's not shiny enough (or dark enough)...or the colours...or the start button
21:10.59awilcoxdidn't really look at the start button
21:11.34Lukstrbrlcad: I've been toiling
21:11.43brlcadtrolling? :)
21:11.49Lukstralmost ;)
21:12.04LukstrXming's showing Ubuntu w/Fluxbox
21:12.15Lukstrto complete the "What OS are you running?" question
21:12.24nn64I like the fact that doxygen can make maps of function calls
21:12.33Lukstrso now I can have native X windows in XP
21:12.53awilcoxyou lucky!
21:13.04awilcoxI want to be able to connect to my X11 in XP :/
21:13.07Think_Differentlugh, something is wrong with my net card :/
21:13.15Lukstrawilcox: get Xming
21:15.16Lukstrawilcox: If you can use putty, you can use xming
21:15.26awilcoxLukstr: I am using PuTTY right now :)
21:15.39Lukstrthough, be warned
21:15.52Lukstrforwarding X over !LAN (as in WAN) can be painfully slow
21:16.25nn64awilcox, there is a BzfNetwork class if that helps?
21:16.27awilcoxLukstr: eh.
21:16.38awilcoxLukstr: not with compression.  I've done it before
21:16.53awilcoxLukstr: now does Xming force you to run a DE and all that crap or can I just, for instance, run xterm?
21:17.03Lukstrno no
21:17.06Lukstryou can run xterm alone
21:17.08awilcoxdesktop environment.  kde/gnome/fvwm
21:17.13Lukstrlook at the right window in the screenshot
21:17.15Lukstrthat's on its own
21:17.32awilcoxI was thinking X-Chat was running, and that bar at the top.
21:17.34LukstrI sent it over from the left
21:18.25brlcadnn64: that is one of the best features of doxygen
21:18.26Lukstrbut since I'll be developing mostly on that machine I figured I'd just forward a WM too
21:18.34brlcadnn64: you working on doxygen for bzflag?
21:18.44nn64brlcad, i finished it
21:20.38Lukstrawilcox: xming has full clipboard support too
21:22.22Lukstrnow, I wonder what I could do with VMWare running a server and Xming....
21:23.37awilcoxthat'll teach me to run beta software on a production workstation
21:23.42nn64wow the class world page is massive
21:23.59nn64but not as massive as the playing.cxx page
21:26.42Lukstrawilcox: actually, xming does load the X de, if you want to even call it that, it just doesn't draw it. You can toggle it
21:26.49Lukstrwhich basically turns into full screen X
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21:32.51brlcadnn64: very nice, cool
21:33.08brlcadbut jeez that sure does beg for some cleanup/organizing/groups
21:33.39Lukstrever consider documentation comments?
21:34.24JBdiGrizThat's one of the benefits/drawbacks of doxygen. You look at the output and see how much more work is needed.
21:34.44brlcadyay, wordfilter ..
21:35.06brlcadthat's actually one that's fully doxygened iirc
21:35.11JBdiGriznn64:  Did you make any changes to the source/makefiles to generate that?
21:35.11brlcadlikes the graphs
21:35.20ErroneousLukstr: we do have some appropriate comments... for instance
21:35.40JBdiGrizErroneous: Watch out for the inappropriate comments
21:35.45Erroneousheh :)
21:35.50LukstrI guess I'll make a note to do the same with libbzw
21:36.01Erroneousyes, new code should be properly doxygenated
21:36.14Erroneousit's easy to do if you do it as you go
21:36.41Lukstrwhere I worked last summer we had to do those .NET or maybe just VS comments
21:37.24Erroneousxml doc comment stuff?
21:37.25nn64JBdiGriz, no
21:37.25awilcoxLukstr: you mean <param>...</param>  <summary>...</summary>   <moocow>...</moocow>, etc?
21:37.36Lukstrawilcox: yeah that sounds right
21:37.45Erroneousthose are rather annoying to put in
21:37.58Erroneousbut they do serve the same basic purpose
21:38.02LukstrI'm okay with javadocs-level commenting
21:38.04Erroneousand I believe doxygen can even be set up to read them
21:38.08Lukstrbeyond that it's a hassle
21:38.12Erroneousdoxygen is much more like javadocs
21:38.20Lukstrahh, then I'll adapt excellently
21:38.22*** join/#bzflag fatass (
21:38.24LukstrI comment like that anyways
21:38.26nn64well g2g have fun with it.
21:38.37brlcadhah, awesome ..
21:38.39JBdiGrizIt's nice having a short description of each of the parameters. It's also very easy to add in.
21:38.59brlcadthat's impressive
21:39.25Winnywould be interesting if there was something on sourceforge or MBO for that
21:40.07Erroneousbrlcad: the HUDui stuff gets pretty nice diagrams iirc.  might be useful to KingOfCamelot.
21:40.16brlcadanother good example fully commented:
21:41.46Erroneousnice collab diagram there :P
21:41.56brlcad"well there's your problem"
21:43.01brlcadwow, check out SpawnPolicy
21:43.23spldartWooHoo!! Graphics rendering place behind us through a bunch of P4 Dells in their dumpers... I went diving with another employee here ;-D
21:43.26brlcadgetPosition .. that interesting
21:43.53awilcoxspldart: nice!
21:44.07awilcoxspldart: I love it when companies through their computers in the garbage and let me have them free :D
21:44.28Think_Differentlyeah, my school did that. I wouldn't be here if they hadn't :/
21:44.51Think_Differentlexcept, of course, they were P3s :P
21:45.21awilcoxwell I mean a P3 is better than a P4.
21:45.38awilcoxeven the new quad-core chips are based on P3 :)
21:45.45*** join/#bzflag jftsang_ (
21:45.49spldartTo bad I'm on my kawasaki today so I can't tank them home till friday :(
21:46.02awilcoxtank them home!
21:46.05awilcoxwooooo you drive a tank?
21:46.24Think_Differentlspldart, tape them to the back of the bike?
21:46.36brlcadnn64: that's pretty cool, you going to keep working on it ?
21:46.37Erroneousbrlcad: looks like most of that mess is from record/replay
21:46.38Think_Differentlduct tape can solve any problem.
21:46.42spldartThat would be quite a sight
21:46.46awilcoxspldart: ping pogo for me :p
21:46.56spldartI will in a few... leavintg work now
21:47.11Erroneousthinks doxygen would be more useful on head than 2.0 anyway
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21:47.35JBdiGrizagrees and thinks we should have a standard place on the web site
21:47.36brlcadoh, that explains a few things
21:47.45Erroneoussee also ;)
21:47.53brlcadwow, ReplayCommand is a mess :)
21:48.04brlcadthat's how trepan's code felt .. but now I have a picture :)
21:49.06Erroneouswould like to see the new network stuff appropriately doc'ed and diagrammed
21:49.26awilcoxErroneous: that's my job!  you are outsourcing it to doxygen? :(
21:49.31awilcoxthat was gonna be my weekend fun thing to do
21:49.42brlcadawilcox: so you do it via doxygen ;)
21:49.48JeffMwen't you going to do that like 3 months ago?
21:49.50Erroneousawilcox: getting useful documentation from doxygen is still a big task :)
21:50.02Erroneousand it won't document the wire protocol
21:50.04awilcoxErroneous: heh.
21:50.05Erroneouswhich we also need
21:50.10brlcadit's not like it's freebie, even marking up the code via doxygen is a fair bit of work
21:50.10JBdiGrizFully document all of the parameters and the functions in doxygen
21:50.11awilcoxah, true
21:50.25JBdiGrizIf you need a function header, let me know and I'll cobble something up
21:50.52awilcoxJeffM: yes but my schedule got very full.  this will be the first weekend in a long time I'll actually _get_ to do fun things
21:51.26*** join/#bzflag fatass (
21:51.32awilcoxI was told that documenting the network stuff was going to help in like March, but that's when I got assigned to this new project that takes up a lot of time
21:52.05awilcoxwonders how hard it is to write an ethereal (wireshark?) plugin for bzflag proto, too
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21:58.10jftsangnn64, tj13820 and I have left some messages on #bzfmaps
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22:18.47Tuponeawilcox: IIRC someone wrote it
22:20.32awilcoxTupone: ah okay
22:21.30Tuponebut don't remember who. Maybe he is in the irc log of last year
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22:34.15Lukstrawilcox and TD-Linux: know any way to change the display of an X program once it's running? :P
22:34.28awilcoxLukstr: ah, never mastered that one.
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22:34.38TD-Linuxit sends initialization commands to X server
22:34.44TD-Linuxso the client would have to be aware of it
22:35.03TD-Linuxmaybe there is some sort of intermediate program that is a fake X server that could do it...
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23:04.42LukstrTD-Linux: X should be powerful enough to switch the display.
23:06.03*** part/#bzflag TJ13820 (
23:12.44Lukstraha! xmove
23:13.00Winnyhah you just highlighted AHA
23:13.15Winnythat must happen all the time
23:13.16AHAcries in the corner
23:13.16spldartwas thinking that too
23:13.21AHAWinny, it does
23:13.31AHAi am on like 5 channels with over 300 people
23:13.36AHAat least every 20 minutes
23:13.45spldartYou pwned yourself
23:13.47WinnyI'm actually surprised how many people say "Winny the pooh" at random
23:14.08JBdiGrizEspecially since it's Winnie the pooh
23:14.31Lukstrimpressive choice of user name
23:14.32spldartWhiney the poo POO!
23:14.36Winnypeepul spell fenetically :P
23:14.42LukstrI picked one that gets less highlighted than it should :P
23:14.53Lukstrdead on
23:15.06LukstrWinny gets all the points
23:15.20spldart~Winny ++
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23:15.33WinnyIt's bryjen run away
23:15.43LukstrYou're one of a handful of people to figure that one out right away :P
23:15.45spldarttrips an falls
23:16.01WinnyLukstr, figure what out?
23:16.03Lukstrinstead of "Luckster"
23:16.13Winnyah :p
23:16.18Lukstryou put the right vowels in
23:16.29spldartI admin.. I was presuming 1)luckster and 2)lukester
23:16.29JBdiGrizIrritable vowel syndrome
23:16.57bryjeneats spldart and his little typo too
23:17.38spldartdies laughing.. or of being consumed
23:18.04spldartis embarasssed causing such bad breath
23:18.39spldartHopefully my 'little typo' cleaned bryjen's teeth though
23:19.09bryjenretreats back into the shadows with the other grues
23:20.05Erroneousshines a lantern on bryjen
23:21.29LukstrTimRiker sure showed that term who's boss
23:22.04bryjenblows out the light and laughs ominously are darkness envelopes Erroneous
23:22.09spldartWhen in doubt.. kill sudo kill process#
23:22.50JBdiGrizshoots an arrow in the direction of the bad breath
23:22.57Lukstrx11 : xmove :: sh : screen
23:23.15bryjenthanks for the toothpick
23:23.35JBdiGrizYou should go back and check that game
23:23.39Lukstrisn't that how those american fellers show relations on their standardized testing?
23:28.09Lukstra : b :: 1 : 2
23:28.27LukstrI swear I saw that somewhere before, relating to SATs or something
23:28.42LukstrI could be horribly mistaken
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23:45.56Lukstranother handle that might get pinged a lot
23:46.38Winnyrtfm noob!
23:46.43nn64WOW, the diagrams in here are MASSIVE !!!!
23:47.28Winnyput it on a faster connection :P
23:47.59blast007gets tired of waiting for it to load
23:48.51Think_Differentlwatches the light blink on his NIC
23:50.27nn64well its worth waiting for it to load
23:50.38Winnynot really
23:51.32nn64these are the most crazy diagrams i have seen yet!
23:52.23nn64the page is slow because it is comprised of tuns of Big diagrams.
23:52.37blast007no, it's slow, because it's hosted on a cable modem
23:52.39Winnyno, it's slow because it's on a cable modem
23:52.44Winnybah blast007
23:52.46blast007I win
23:53.06blast007but only because my irssi client is running on a machine with a faster connection than NN  :P
23:54.32Think_Differentlwishes FiOS would come soon
23:55.19nn64blast007, well its complicated it would seem they stuck to much in that one file lol
23:56.16Winnyjust admit you need a real server :p
23:57.49Think_DifferentlWinny, more like a real connection
23:58.03Winnyit's hard to find consumer connections over 1-2mbit
23:58.12Winnyif you got a datacenter server you'd get 10mbit plus
23:58.13nn64Winny, Ya i need a real server in the way that some server compony needs to hire me lol
23:58.16spldartjah up
23:58.32Think_DifferentlFiOS can has 5mbps up
23:58.42nn64Think_Differentl, cool
23:58.44Winnybut it's not available in many places
23:58.48spldartNot avail here.. You Winny
23:58.53Think_Differentlnn64, your server has bigtime packetloss.
23:59.08nn64Think_Differentl, for http?
23:59.13blast007well, it's packetloss because it can't keep up with the required traffic
23:59.24blast007so basically it's just a flooded connection

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