IRC log for #bzflag on 20080501

00:23.41*** join/#bzflag TheRedBaro1 (n=kemhof@
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00:35.12bz87how do you play a bzw file
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00:58.50tofureturns with mass quantities of sushi
00:59.16Winnybrlcad: drupal
01:00.11brlcadthat is a great commercial
01:02.42JeffMit still makes me laugh
01:02.43brlcadWinny: you don't yet have an account do you?
01:03.10JeffMI am pretty sure that they could hav just faked Steven Hawking, but went and had him do it anyway, just on principle :)
01:03.48brlcadmebbie .. they really could have faked a huge portion of it these days
01:04.12JeffMI just like to think that Hawking has one hell of a sense of humor :)
01:04.26brlcadi was just wondering what he's done on discovery
01:04.44JeffMhe's just the patron saint of science
01:04.48Winnybrlcad: an account where?
01:04.51brlcadthe earth series is someone else
01:04.54brlcadWinny: on .bz
01:06.05JeffMbrlcad, the planet earth series was discovery
01:06.16WinnyJeffM: I thought it was BBC
01:06.35JeffMit may have been produced by them and discovery, but the DVDs have the discovery logo
01:06.42JeffMdiscovery and BBC work together a LOT
01:06.43brlcadJeffM: yeah, but I mean the narrator was someone else
01:06.50WinnyJeffM: ah
01:06.52brlcadi'm just thinking what he might have actually spoken on
01:07.14JeffMIMDB him :)
01:09.58JeffMbuy's a Tivo
01:12.51*** join/#bzflag Chestal (i=thilo@pdpc/supporter/active/Chestal)
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01:13.30JeffMno not on woot ;)
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01:25.52JeffMI wish woot had a bunch of series 2 TiVos to dump
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01:50.09AAA_awrightI see, nvm
01:52.47AAA_awrightAnyone know how to scan for bzfs in $PATH?
01:52.51AAA_awrightfrom C?
01:52.58*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (n=wheeeeee@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux)
01:56.03purple_cowwhy would you want to do that?
01:57.23AAA_awrightTo search for a default bzfs binary to run in MasterBot
01:58.41AAA_awrightActually, I need to find out how do you direct the output of a known program into a variable. It sounds like fork(), cout.rdbuf(), exec(), but that doesn't seem to work
02:01.00*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
02:09.17blast007AAA_awright: read the value, split the directories in there, and run a check to see if 'bzfs' exists in each one
02:09.24blast007not that complicated
02:09.42blast007in PHP, you could use file_exists()
02:10.05AAA_awrightThis is C. Also, I am checking the output of bzfs -v for the version number.
02:10.59AAA_awrightLater I will need to be streaming the output of a running server into a stringstream, or at least a log file.
02:11.44*** join/#bzflag lol_u (
02:11.49lol_uhey guys
02:11.53lol_uone queston
02:12.12AAA_awrightlol_u: Hey, yeah?
02:12.14lol_uIm trying to add someone to the admin group and i used /setgroup
02:12.23lol_uwhat else do i type?
02:12.25AAA_awrightblast007: C++ I mean, C function API, so no difference
02:12.43JeffMlol_u, is it a global group you had setup on bzbb?
02:12.55JeffMAAA_awright, it'll be a unix specfic thing if there is one
02:13.05JeffMgoogle on getting environ variables.
02:13.06lol_uso its
02:13.16lol_unow wat
02:13.26JeffMlol_u, but is that setup on the fourms?
02:13.32JeffMdid you request it?
02:13.38lol_ucobra fast did
02:13.44JeffMthen you don't add people in game
02:13.44blast007AAA_awright: maybe the stat() function?
02:13.46JeffMyou add them on bzbb
02:13.59JeffMwith the usergroups item at the top of every page.
02:14.09lol_uwhere do i go exactly
02:14.31JeffMlol_u, if cobra fast is the group moderator, you can't add people
02:14.34AAA_awrightblast007: For? I need to check the output of a command
02:14.41lol_uOh ok
02:14.43AAA_awrightAt the beginning during startup
02:14.44blast007AAA_awright: to see if a file exists
02:14.51lol_uthen whats the /setgroup for
02:14.59JeffMlol_u, local users and groups
02:15.02JeffMnot global ones
02:15.03AAA_awrightlol_u: Local groups from a file
02:15.05blast007you asked for a way to scan for bzfs in the path. that's a way.
02:15.11JeffMit's what we had before we had global users
02:15.31lol_uoh if I need to tell cobra to add right?
02:15.32AAA_awrightJeffM: Hm, I could see people getting confused about local vs. global groups more. Should we put more thought into the UI?
02:15.44JeffMAAA_awright, local users have been removed from 3.0
02:15.50JeffMso there will be no more confusion
02:16.24JeffMif we want to do local users it should use a system like the global system and not do /identify in plain text
02:16.25lol_uis there a way that i have the group moderator for cobras map?
02:16.48lol_ui can have*
02:16.54JeffMlol_u, groups arn't tied to maps. We set the group moderator to the user that requests it
02:17.05JeffMif that moderator wants to give over moderation to another user they can do it
02:17.15JeffMbut we can not give you access to his groups
02:17.33JeffMwhen the group manager is finished it will allow for more then one moderator
02:17.38JeffMbut right now there is only one
02:17.47*** join/#bzflag AHA|Laptop (n=aha@unaffiliated/aha)
02:17.55AAA_awrightJeffM: Ah, I remember you saying that, I just realized though, bzfs isn't only an Internet thing, I have used it offline with people too. I need local groups, is there an easy way to enable those when you need them?
02:17.56lol_uoh ok
02:18.08JeffMAAA_awright, nope
02:18.18JeffMthat would be a new feature someone would have to write up
02:18.23lol_uthanks alot JeffM you were a big help ;)
02:18.28JeffMthe old local users was a huge security hole
02:18.44JeffMI know there are lan users
02:18.46AAA_awrightNot as much as the global db in my opinion...
02:18.59JeffMdude plaintext passwords STORE in the server logs
02:19.03lol_uOh i found a bug on my 2 macs
02:19.09JeffMthat's prety bad
02:19.19lol_uwhy does it take 3 mins to open bzflag?
02:19.21JeffMright now it's plaintext to at least a web server
02:19.24blast007AAA_awright: you can always run your own list server if you want auth on a LAN  ;)
02:19.25AAA_awrightI realize that much, but it isn't like there is sensitive data there
02:19.35AAA_awrightUnlike the global db
02:19.39blast007yes it is
02:19.41JeffMAAA_awright, it was used by server owners to harvest passwords
02:19.41AAA_awrightblast007: True
02:19.56JeffMso yes the current system is not perfect, but it's harder to exploiit
02:20.02JeffMlol_u, it dosnt' take that long for most people
02:20.03blast007what's to say that people don't use the same one locally that they use online? :P
02:20.20AAA_awrightblast007: That is an interesting idea. Someone could make a simple, non threaded, http server that serves authentication data for LANs.
02:20.34blast007AAA_awright: or just install XAMPP
02:20.47blast007you need PHP and MySQL at this point
02:20.47AAA_awrightWay too complex for something small
02:20.48JeffMAAA_awright, I understand that we could use a LAN auth system, and I"ll fully support someone who wants to write one that uses the in game password/token system. I just won't write it.
02:20.54AAA_awrightI meant a tiny httpd
02:21.00blast007they have those
02:21.14blast007if you want a self contained one, just mod one that already exists
02:21.14JeffMalso lan play is honestly a lower priority
02:21.24blast007or, do it as a plugin for 3.0.0  :)
02:21.31blast0073.0.0 can do HTTP plugins
02:21.57AAA_awrightblast007: Implement a httpd on port 80 from a plugin? O.o
02:22.00JeffMif we sent the password to the game server we should ask the user first if that's cool
02:22.06blast007on port 5154
02:22.09JeffMAAA_awright, nope on the in game port
02:22.19JeffMtho you could do it on 80 too if you wanted
02:22.20blast007it's for a LAN. you don't need it on port 80
02:23.04JeffMI'd like to see where the server says "hey I'm lan, use this list URL" and the client say "hey the server wants to use this list URL, is that cool?"
02:23.11JeffMand you accept it like a certificate
02:23.21JeffMan could enter a differnet password or something
02:23.28JeffMjust so at least you KNOW what is up
02:23.39AAA_awrightHm. All of a sudden I like the idea of a C list server. Of course, it would not be scalable.But that doesn't matter.
02:23.40JeffMthen everything works like global but to some plugin or deamon or whatever
02:24.01JeffMthe existing local users implemenation was just horribly flawed
02:24.03iboti heard ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
02:24.09AAA_awrightJeffM: I got another idea when on a server, if you need to reconnect to the same server, could the /quit command get a token from the server to reconnect with? An idea.
02:24.19JeffMif you HAD to you could go and reimplment it with a plugin and cusomt / commands
02:24.41AAA_awrightOf course it wouldn't be of any use on a seperate server, but it would make for fast reconnections.
02:24.42JeffMAAA_awright, why? the list can just reauth you.
02:24.50JeffMwherever that list is
02:24.56JeffMwhy make it more complex
02:24.59AAA_awrightIt would speed up a reconnection by a few seconds.
02:25.22JeffMand for a rare case
02:25.28JeffMusers arn't suposed to reconnect
02:25.37JeffMthey have to wait to respawn anyway
02:25.43AAA_awrightSwitching teams. I was on a 1vs1 server, you have to do that often.
02:25.50JeffMthe game can swap your teams now
02:25.53JeffMLIVE ;)
02:26.04AAA_awrightNice feature, but when the user wants to?
02:26.06JeffMI want it all to be dynamicly swapable
02:26.20JeffMAAA_awright, it would not be hard to add an interface to request a team change
02:26.23AAA_awrightWould the user be able to switch teams without disconnecting?
02:26.24JeffMthe proto supports it tho
02:26.27JeffMthat's the plan
02:26.36JeffMswap teams, or go to observer
02:26.40JeffMwith out disconencting
02:26.47AAA_awrightOr send MsgEnter again?
02:26.49JeffMthere is a MsgTeam
02:26.55JeffMswaps the player's team
02:26.57AAA_awrightThat is to the client, not from?
02:27.11JeffMyou would do it wiht a / command or something
02:27.19JeffMit would not be hard to do
02:27.25AAA_awrightToo complex, UI perspective.
02:27.37JeffMthen write a UI that does it and sends the / command ;)
02:28.03JeffMblast actualy wants to move the team choice till after connect anyway
02:28.08JeffMthat way you see what is available
02:28.11AAA_awrightIf(oldserverport==newserverport && oldcallsign==newcallsign){MsgTeam}else{legacy behavior}
02:28.46JeffMI'd rather it have a dedicated UI, not shoved into an exsting UI
02:28.50AAA_awrightSomething like that? The server would have to accept it from the client too
02:28.56JeffMwe should make things better, not hack crap together
02:29.06AAA_awrightThat would make it better
02:29.17JeffMwhy force them to use the rejoin?
02:29.27JeffMwhy not add a "CHANGE TEAM" item to the menu when you are connected?
02:29.28AAA_awrightThe server would do all the same stuff as a reconnect, but without needing to reauth or establish a connection, or negotiate other things.
02:29.30JeffMthat'd be better
02:29.48JeffMdoing a reconnect to change teams dosn't make sense to a new player
02:29.57JeffMold players only know it cus that's what you have to do now
02:30.04JeffMa change team menu item would work for everyone
02:30.10JeffMand be... intutive.
02:30.32AAA_awrightHow about change the Connect menu item depending on the status?
02:30.56JeffMno cus you may want to conenct to another server
02:30.57AAA_awrightIt would alternate between Connect and Change Team depending on the current status of the server, port, team, and callsign field.
02:31.07JeffMI'd just add a new one
02:31.11JeffMthere is plenty of room
02:31.34AAA_awrightIt doesn't matter, if you need to disconnect and reconnect, there is the "Leave Server" option on the main menu
02:31.45AAA_awrightIf all of those are the same, display "Change Team", else "Connect"
02:31.47JeffMwhy force people to disconenct first
02:31.55JeffMwhat is wrong with just adding another menu?
02:32.09AAA_awrightThat is very bad from a UI perspective, "just another menu"
02:32.27JeffMnot if they all make sense and have VALID uses for some people
02:32.36JeffMit's bad design to assume that everyone does things one way
02:33.50AAA_awright90-95% of the time, when someone only changes the team field and hits connect, they only want to change teams, and don't want to re-negotiate the flags, map, authentication, UDP, etc.
02:34.07JeffMI can't understand why you keep trying to find fault in an idea that solves your needs, and allows others to do things that you don't do.
02:34.16AAA_awrightSo change the Connect button to Change Team in that case. If they must disconnect, there is that option on the main menu,
02:34.19JeffMAAA_awright, so they hit the change team item
02:34.37AAA_awrightThat leaves a menu item not used 90% of the time
02:34.45JeffMFOR YOU
02:34.48AAA_awrightAnd that functionality is there anyways with "Leave Server"
02:35.05JeffMthere are a nubmer of things that people MAY want to do
02:35.11JeffM1) leave and look at the server list
02:35.22JeffM2) instantly swap to another favorite server
02:35.25JeffM3) change teams
02:35.29AAA_awrightName a reason people will only change the team field and hit Connect.
02:35.29JeffMyou disallow #2
02:35.38AAA_awrightAnd want to re-negotiate everything.
02:35.47JeffMAAA_awright, they change servers too
02:35.56JeffMfrom there list of favorites
02:36.04JeffMbut they DON'T want to have to discoonect
02:36.07JeffMsince that is an extra step
02:36.35AAA_awrightI am saying, If the server field is the same, the callsign field is the same, port is the same, and team is changed, change the "Connect" field to "Change Team". Simple, easy, doesn't introduce a new menu item, and doesn't loose any functionality.
02:36.41JeffMI'd like the server name to have a history of servers, someone may want to bump back to the last server.
02:36.50JeffMAAA_awright, too complex
02:36.59AAA_awrightFrom what perspective?
02:37.10JeffMfrom a menu item poping in and out whle you change things
02:37.35JeffMbut you arn't going to write it anyway, so it's bikeshed
02:37.42JeffMwe'll see what happens when someone does write that feature.
02:38.11AAA_awrightJeffM: If someone writes a Client-to-server MsgTeam for bzfs, I will write the UI for the client
02:38.24JeffMthe UI is the easy part
02:38.32JeffMwhoever does the message work will do the UI
02:38.39JeffMsince they WILL have to test it
02:39.19JeffMI just don't like the concept of menu item names changing as you change other fields
02:39.26JeffMI feel that is bad design
02:39.39JeffMand I don't think that we can change them in realtime even.
02:39.52JeffMI'd rather have an extra menu when you are connected. that's it
02:40.04JeffMthen it appears and dissapears when you go to or from that menu
02:40.21blast007wouldn't be hard to do that at all
02:40.28JeffMdo add the menu, no
02:40.34JeffMand it would be a good static UI
02:40.37blast007we already have the menu entry for leaving a game on the main menu when you are joined
02:40.46blast007so the code is there to detect when you're in a game
02:40.51JeffMso it'd be consistent with the current way
02:40.59AAA_awrightI don't believe so
02:41.01JeffMwe'd just add 2 items insted of one
02:41.09*** join/#bzflag Archangel_13 (
02:41.11JeffMAAA_awright, ok your opinion is noted.
02:41.30AAA_awright"Change Team" would be functionally the same as "Connect", the text is changing for clarity
02:41.47JeffMAAA_awright,  I know exactly what you are saying you want
02:41.53JeffMso describing it again dosn't change anything
02:41.57AAA_awrightAnd put it this way: What situation would a user need to re-negotiate UDP, authentication, map data, etc, AND only change the team, not password or callsign, and hit Connect?
02:42.06blast007it would not be the same as rejoining
02:42.08JeffMAAA_awright, to reauth ;)
02:42.14blast007it would be the same connection...
02:42.20JeffMlist server was down
02:42.25JeffMserver crashed
02:42.30JeffMserver changed maps
02:42.34JeffMI coudl go on
02:42.46AAA_awrightIf the server crashed, you wouldn't be connected, and so Change Team couldn't show anyways
02:42.58JeffMit may take time for the client to fully discoonect
02:43.04JeffMso the client woudl think it's conencted
02:43.22AAA_awrightAnd that is what Leave Server is for. I see the point though.
02:43.25JeffMit can happen and there are cases, so I would NOT remove that ability
02:43.30JeffMjust to save one menu item
02:43.34JeffMit's not worth it.
02:43.56AAA_awrightSo you have redundant menu items, Leave Server and [Re]Connect?
02:44.01JeffMyeah so?
02:44.07JeffMtho they don't do the same things
02:44.11JeffMleave server leaves
02:44.15JeffMbut does NOT reconnect you
02:44.35JeffMI would not mind making connect say reconnect
02:44.45JeffMtho you'd have to ch ange that if you changed server
02:44.48JeffMso maybe not
02:45.15AAA_awrightIn your case, you still need to navigate menus to change teams. In my case, you need to navigate server menus to disconnect. It's a matter of which happens more often.
02:45.42JeffMin both our cases the team change is the same number of ations
02:45.55AAA_awrighter, not server menus. Plain menus.
02:45.57JeffMjust a different item on the same menu
02:46.16JeffMso your system has no advantage over mine in a team change case
02:46.27JeffMyour system requires one extra action in a reconnect case
02:47.16JeffMhell, I could even do it with out a menu, just change the team field and hit escape ;)
02:47.32JeffMthat'd be even more easy ;)
02:47.38Archangel_1320:45 < JeffM> I would not mind making connect say reconnect
02:47.40JeffMno items to hit at all
02:47.58JeffMArchangel_13, read the rest of what I said after that
02:49.05JeffMI do still like blasts pick after join
02:49.19JeffMthen just have a "prefered team" somewhere in a player setup menu
02:49.19AAA_awrightJeffM: It is a UI issue above all else. Too many menus are bad. Evil.
02:49.22Archangel_13JeffM: Oops, acciental cut and paste.
02:49.31JeffMAAA_awright, yeah.. evil sure
02:49.46blast007our game modes don't always have teams, or not all the teams, so it does make sense
02:49.47JeffMAAA_awright, how about we just make a single item that says "win"?
02:49.51AAA_awrightI don't like the fact "Save Settings" is on the main menu, it should be under settings, because how many times do you need to save settings?
02:49.57blast007like rabbit chase. having the team selection there is confusing
02:50.00JeffMAAA_awright, it is
02:50.03JeffMin 3.0
02:50.20AAA_awrightHm, I just pulled it up yesterday, didn't notice
02:50.41blast007and it would prevent people from trying to join Red if the team is full, since everyone would join as an observer or somesuch, and it could show the limits right there for each team
02:51.12AAA_awrightblast007: Interesting idea.
02:51.14blast007I like how Team Fortress 2 does it
02:51.31AAA_awrightYou would know this based on the list server, what if you are entering a server in the fields?
02:51.32blast007which is the most recent game I've played that had team selection after joins
02:51.41AAA_awrightShow everything? Pre-connect and get the data?
02:51.55blast007AAA_awright: uh, I am talking about after you are connected to the server
02:51.59blast007for team selection
02:52.11JeffMAAA_awright, so I Guess that it wasn't so much of an evil menu at all? if you didn't notice that it had gone;)
02:52.21blast007you are *connected*, so you have *live* details of team count
02:52.37AAA_awrightIf you like showing team selection after connecting to the server, I would prefer it connects when you enter the server name, quickly in the background, and get that data
02:52.48JeffMthen a teamswap could just limbo you and take you to that menu again
02:53.06blast007AAA_awright: server name and port... it's not just one thing
02:53.23JeffMthere is no way to know they are done entering in data
02:53.28JeffMsince it can be all done manualy
02:53.28blast007we could have adifferent system for the list
02:53.46blast007like a screen that has a username and password, and then a list of servers below that
02:53.56AAA_awrightblast007: I implied port (though guess I didn't), I know the difference though.
02:53.58blast007so they enter their username and password, and pick a server, and it connects
02:54.08JeffMthere are many ways that we could do the connecton menu
02:54.18blast007or they can enter a custom server and hit "Connect to custom" or something of that nature
02:54.34JeffMblast007, that's just combining our 2 menus now, I don't mind it
02:54.44JeffMI'd have to see how it looks
02:54.47blast007and then pushing teams until after the join
02:54.56JeffMor we ask for a wow login on the start page
02:55.04JeffMthen show the games after that
02:55.07blast007we'd have to do some work in our UI elements, since I'm not sure if we could combine that as it stands now
02:55.13JeffMand have a "guest" option for nonreg
02:55.45JeffMit would make a number of things simpler
02:55.56JeffMthen we could do pofiles based on the user name at start
02:56.00blast007the client could request a username/password at the startup of the client, and then keep that in memory for when it's joining maps
02:56.13JeffMit'd get a token on startup
02:56.18blast007add a "Change Identity"
02:56.25JeffMlogout, login ;)
02:56.27blast007and then we could have it throw them into a lobby system  ;)
02:56.40blast007lots of fun stuff we could do to improve our UI
02:56.42JeffMthere is something to be said about the MMO way
02:57.01AAA_awrightAre the menu items fonts now?
02:57.14JeffMthey have always been
02:57.15blast007"now" ?
02:57.30AAA_awrightIt was added 2.0.10 yes?
02:57.39JeffMit's always been text
02:57.46JeffMrendered in the font system
02:57.58blast007even 1.7 had a font texture
02:57.59AAA_awrightI mean as opposed to bitmaps
02:58.05blast007that's still a font
02:58.08JeffMit's NEVER been bitmaps
02:58.21JeffMthe fonts used to be scaled bitmaps
02:58.22blast007JeffM: well, it was flat images rendered out
02:58.24AAA_awrightThe fonts? I thought I saw a .png somewhere of a bunch of hetters
02:58.33blast007AAA_awright: and before that, it was .rgb files
02:58.34JeffMAAA_awright, that is a font
02:58.39JeffMour own font
02:58.53JeffMwe never had an image that said "join" or anything
02:58.55blast007I even had a font loader for those written in PHP/GD  :P
02:59.00AAA_awrightWell anyways, the console font looks a but blurry and hard to make out
02:59.11JeffMAAA_awright, in what version
02:59.16JeffMthe font system was replaced in 3.0
02:59.21AAA_awrightIn 2.1/2.99/3.0 whatever you are calling it now
02:59.24JeffMit now loads TTF fonts instead of our current system
02:59.32JeffMinsted of our old fonts I mean
02:59.36JeffMAAA_awright, ATI?
03:00.10blast007might depend on the resolution of the client too
03:00.15JeffMtho dosn't matter, font system is still under dev too
03:00.25JeffMit has known issues
03:00.38JeffMlike min size detection and stuff
03:00.52JeffMAA on small fonts dosn't look good, it needs to swap to pixmaps
03:00.56JeffMrealy foods
03:03.24AAA_awrightblast007: Back to the origional origional topic at hand, Any way to read the output of a program?
03:03.30AAA_awrightYou know of?
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03:13.14JeffMmmmmm cowsheep
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04:01.25FlashAAA_awright: I'm still catching up, but did you get your question(s) answered?
04:02.25Flashok, which one do you want first?
04:02.55AAA_awrightStreaming input to and reading output from bzfs
04:03.09Flashcheck popen
04:03.10AAA_awrightGoogle fails me in this case *shock*
04:03.25Flashman popen
04:03.45FlashThat's a C API (not C++) but it's quick and dirty
04:03.45AAA_awright:/ Not installed on debian
04:03.59Flashwell, you can write your own, but it's ugly
04:04.00AAA_awrightthe spec works
04:04.37Flashyou have to play with file descriptors between the fork() and the exec()
04:05.04AAA_awrightOf course, open it as a file
04:05.21Flashfirst call pipe() to get a pipeline
04:05.26Flashthen call fork()
04:05.56Flashon the child (pid == 0), close stdout (fd 1) then dup one end of the pipe
04:06.01Flashclose the other end
04:06.16Flashon the parent (pid != 0) close the end you gave to the child
04:06.33Flashthen the parent can read from the pipe and get stdout from the child
04:14.33Flashblast007: would you help me test the server crash bug that I found?
04:16.48AAA_awrightFlash: cout.rdbuf() should work right?
04:17.31Flashcout is an ostream wrapped around stdout (fd 1)
04:17.51Flashrdbuf provides access to the streambuf, which is a bufferend abstraction over the file
04:17.59Flashyou have to work with the files
04:18.21Flashhowever, there ARE nonstandard ways to attach files to the iostream interface
04:24.31AAA_awrightFlash: Isn't there an error pipe too?
04:24.45AAA_awrightbzfs uses the error pipe I know
04:25.06FlashEvery process has 3 file descriptors (0,1,2) -> (stdin, stdout, stderr)
04:25.23Flashyou can set them to whatever you want after you fork() but before you exec
04:25.38Flashyou can even use the same descriptor for stdout and stderr
04:27.57Flashhowever, I'm fairly certain this is all unix-specific. I don't know how windows interfaces with the C standard library
04:30.03*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
04:31.16AAA_awrightThis has always been Unix-specific
04:31.33AAA_awright*nix specific
04:31.41JeffMremember... live every week.. like it was shark week!
04:32.00AAA_awrightJeffM: Hm?
04:32.08JeffMdo it!
04:35.26FlashJeffM: did you happen to catch my diatribe about the server bug? you were gone at the time, but I don't know if you read logs
04:35.43JeffMlogs arn't posted till a day later
04:35.56Flashit's been a couple of days
04:36.11JeffMI do not make a habbit of readingg them
04:36.36Flashshort version: server deletes NetHandler when a player leaves, but it appears that the NetHandler is part of other Player structures
04:36.46Flashusing freed memory leads to unhappiness
04:37.05JeffMyeah didn't I say you should add a flush and a purge?
04:37.31Flashwhat will that do?
04:37.32blast007catay added a flush command
04:37.38JeffMahh good
04:37.42JeffMFlash, flush it
04:37.47blast007last night or earlier today, he did
04:37.49JeffMthen mark it as pending delettion
04:37.56JeffMwhen it's done flusing
04:37.59JeffMkill it
04:38.11JeffMand treat it as deleted if it's marked for deletion
04:38.12Flashbut the same pointer is shared in other player structures
04:38.20JeffMyeah delete the player when it's all done
04:38.27JeffMmark the PLAYER as pending
04:38.33Flashshared in other ACTIVE player structures
04:38.47JeffMthat's why you need a FLAG that says it's pending deletinon
04:39.49Flashok, I'll accept that, but what I see right now is that the first player to leave triggers a 'delete' of the memory
04:40.07JeffMyeah, so?
04:40.14JeffMwe know how to fix it, fit it ;)
04:40.16FlashI'm pretty sure that isn't healthy, but I don't understand the intended scope of the NetHandler object
04:40.33JeffMnethandlers go with players
04:40.36JeffMfor the life of the player
04:40.40JeffMand vice versa
04:40.52Flashso it is an error for a nethandler to be shared among several players?
04:41.09JeffMtechincaly no
04:41.14JeffMcus of stupid bots
04:41.36Flashwell trunk is still broken wrt bots ;-)
04:41.48JeffMthat dosn't man you should break them MORE
04:42.04JeffMok, here's how I'd do it, have the net handler be able to buffer up messages
04:42.11JeffMthen in the player delete, don't delete the net handler
04:42.20JeffMbut tell the handler that it's orphaned
04:42.38JeffMthen have it flush that stuff and delete  itself when it's done if noone else has i t
04:42.47JeffMkind like our own variant of refrence counting
04:43.05FlashI wondered about going down that path a few weeks ago
04:43.07JeffMbut not the same since it's based on messages pendking too
04:43.20JeffMyou wanted to use smart pointers and they wont' do by themselves
04:43.36Flashno, I found a reference counting template that I wanted to suggest
04:43.39JeffMwe can take a hint from smart pointers, and do a ref count type thing.
04:43.44Flashbut I wasn't sure the license was compatible
04:43.50JeffMit's MORE then ref counting
04:43.54JeffMand ref coutning players is easy
04:44.19Flashthe challenge is always deciding who owns what
04:44.29JeffMthats why you write your own
04:44.33JeffMit's NOT that hard
04:44.37Flashif the player(s) own the nethandler, then bzfs shouldn't delete it
04:44.47Flash(I meant resource management, not code ;-)
04:44.49JeffMnoone owns nethandlers other the the nethandler statics
04:45.02JeffMyou add a "gimme a net handelrr" method instead of new
04:45.05JeffMit's static
04:45.08Flashthen noone should delete them
04:45.15JeffMno, then nethandler deletes them
04:45.26Flashthat is doable
04:45.26JeffMyou need to abstract them
04:45.44FlashI run into the problem of making abstraction fit into applyable patches
04:45.47JeffMif I was doing it I'd make a NetHandlerManager singleton that doles them out
04:45.57JeffMand everyone just asks for them
04:46.05Flashthat works for me
04:46.10blast007in the long run, is it better for us to keep tweaking our own system, or move to something like RakNet?
04:46.15JeffMthen when noone has them anymore, and they have no more messages they get poofed
04:46.23JeffMblast007, relyable UDP?
04:46.28JeffMi'd just use raknet ;)
04:47.02Flashnot free?
04:47.04blast007hmm, not sure if the license for RakNet is LGPL compatible now though...
04:47.22JeffMhaving a singeton or static class that handles the networking stuff helps also makeit easier to thread the networking
04:47.48blast007CC Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 Generic, or a few others ones for commercial stuff
04:48.15JeffMif we link to it dynamicly I don't see us having a huge issue
04:48.26JeffMtho debian may throw us in non free
04:48.28JeffMor something like that
04:48.37JeffMbut I don't hink we NEED rakenet right now
04:48.40JeffMout have other issues first
04:48.48blast007the other issue might be if we sell the CD on our store  ;)
04:49.10JeffMthere are a number of networking libs that to stuff
04:49.23JeffMI'd fix our existing stuff first
04:49.30JeffMso we at least know what our needs are
04:49.53JeffMso much other stuff has to go in around networking that just swaping to another lib dosn't buy us anything
04:50.02JeffMsince we arn't threaded and stuff
04:50.05Flashso if I do this, will you promise not to scream at how big the patch is?
04:50.24JeffMFlash, why would anyone scream about patch size
04:50.46FlashI've been given grief about patch size in the past
04:50.54Flashmostly because it's hard to review large patches
04:50.59Flashwhich I fully understand
04:51.12Flashsince I do that at work most of the day
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04:52.15JeffM_what was the last thing I aid?
04:52.21FlashJeffM meet JeffM_
04:52.29Flash22:50 < JeffM> Flash, why would anyone scream about patch size
04:52.50JeffM_the problem we have is when you put more then one feature or change into a patch
04:52.54JeffM_not it's physical size
04:53.01Flashis learning restraint
04:53.17JeffM_it's a management issue mostly
04:53.27Flashbut the second half of the FontManager refactoring is still waiting application
04:53.31JeffM_when we can't say  "this patch does JUST this" it becomes harder to apply it
04:54.22JeffM_so if your patch just refactored the nethandler to solve this problem, then yes it'll be large, but we can follow it and just look at how it does that one task
04:54.36JeffM_instead of trying to figure out what each change is intending to do.
04:55.24FlashI love abstracting/refactoring work, so I'm happy to do it
04:55.32JeffM_I know
04:55.37JeffM_just make sure that is ALL you change
04:55.43JeffM_you also love to go overboard
04:56.10Flashhasn't gone overboard in a long while
05:09.38AAA_awrightFlash: I would have to have two pipes from the bzfs process to capture out and err independently?
05:09.50AAA_awrightI'll just open one for now, but alright
05:10.03AAA_awrightI think I understand this all now
05:10.34FlashI was trying to find how you can attach the file descriptors to the filebuf, but as I said, it's non-standard, so it varies by vendor
05:11.26AAA_awrightclose(1) then dup(...) will attach the given stream to the output stream, even though it is completely different.
05:11.42AAA_awrightRather, what bzfs considers to be the output stream
05:11.44Flashgiven FILE DESCRIPTOR, not stream
05:11.56AAA_awrightdescriptor, it's a...
05:12.07Flashbut, from the point of view of the child process (bzfs) it is attached to the output stream cout
05:12.46AAA_awrightI'll get the vocab straight, I was referring to the output pipe/connection/stream/descriptor
05:13.11AAA_awrightAll very different but related things (sigh)
05:13.37AAA_awrightAlright, thanks for the pointer :)
05:16.07FlashJeffM: looks like someone else is already mucking with this
05:18.10Flashr 17101 removed the direct allocation/deletion of NetHandler objects from bzfs to NetListener
05:18.15JeffMsee they are living every week like it's shark week, They get things done!
05:18.22JeffMwho did it?
05:18.27Flashof course, it looks like the memory is leaked....
05:18.48JeffMthen get with him and help him out
05:19.19Flashhmmm. the svn diff doesn't support what I see
05:19.22Flashis confused
05:43.15*** part/#bzflag professorl_eiden (n=delusion@
05:49.47JeffMI am the pretty prince of parties, you're a taisty peice of paistry. you're so light a flighty flakey, I go where the party takes me!
06:11.54AAA_awrightFlash: dup2(fd, 1); works, where fd is a file descriptor for a file. On the filesystem.
06:12.22AAA_awrightWell, later everyone.
06:29.23Flashany idea why there is a separation between GameKeeper::Player::close() and GameKeeper::Player::clean() ??
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07:38.00CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r992 10/trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs):
07:38.00CIA-32FTGL: * Generate the Doxygen configuration file at configure time so that we
07:38.00CIA-32FTGL:  don't need to hardcode the package version in it.
07:38.00CIA-32FTGL: * Only generate documentation for the public classes.
07:47.26CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r993 10/trunk/docs/
07:47.26CIA-32FTGL: * Predefine __cplusplus in the Doxygen config file so that the whole
07:47.26CIA-32FTGL:  headers are parsed.
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07:53.42DontkillmeimabegNo im not a beginner
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08:17.36donny_bakerDontkillmeimabeg: realy?!?!? wow, you had us all fooled... for the first 30 seconds
08:33.26Dontkillmeimabeghi donny
08:34.00Dontkillmeimabeghi donny
08:34.13Dontkillmeimabeghi donny
08:34.22Dontkillmeimabeghi donny
08:34.36Dontkillmeimabeghi donny
08:35.05bradare you quite done?
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08:47.17ruskiehe's just being annoying it seems
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09:31.33CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r994 10/trunk/src/ (48 files in 4 dirs):
09:31.33CIA-32FTGL: * Mass consistency renaming: the fonts' "FTGL" prefix is dropped in favour
09:31.33CIA-32FTGL:  of "FT" because all other types use only the latter.
09:31.33CIA-32FTGL: * Rename "Extrd" types to "Extrude" because the former doesn't really make
09:31.33CIA-32FTGL:  much sense.
09:31.34CIA-32FTGL: * Added appropriate #defines so that legacy applications still build.
09:34.33Dontkillmeimabegcome to TO by Tanner
09:45.17CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r995 10/trunk/ (22 files in 2 dirs): * Update demos and unit tests so that they use the newly named types.
10:04.27CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r996 10/trunk/ (14 files in 4 dirs):
10:04.27CIA-32FTGL: * Moved C constructor bindings to FTFont.h and FTLayout.h so that
10:04.27CIA-32FTGL:  they appear in the same file in the generated documentation.
10:04.27CIA-32FTGL: * Various minor documentation updates.
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10:54.34CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r997 10/trunk/src/ (FTGL/FTPoint.h FTGlyph/FTExtrudeGlyph.cpp FTPoint.cpp):
10:54.34CIA-32FTGL: * Inline most FTPoint methods and operators. This will probably make the
10:54.34CIA-32FTGL:  code smaller instead of bigger, because most of what they do will be
10:54.34CIA-32FTGL:  optimised out by the compiler.
10:54.34CIA-32FTGL: * Get rid of the weird GetNormal() method and reimplement it using the ^
10:54.37CIA-32FTGL:  operator (vector product) and Normalise() method instead.
11:02.42*** join/#bzflag Saturos (
11:33.00catayFlash: i'm afraid my change wasn't that complicated as the stuff you guys talked about earlier :P
11:33.47catayFlash: all I did was making sure the last pending messages were send to a player before it gets removed
11:34.31catayFlash: and it solves the issue I had, but it's probably not the best way to do it
11:35.38catayI just wanted to add remaning bantime to a banmessage and i stumbled upon that bug :)
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12:05.51CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r998 10/trunk/docs/ ( images/metrics.png images/metrics.svg): * Remade metrics.png using Inkscape.
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13:18.18Flashcatay: yeah, I confused myself. I made the NetHandler ctor/dtor private to see who would complain and found the code in bzfs that used it.
13:18.28Flashthen I svn up'd and I thought it went away
13:18.32Flashbut I was wrong
13:20.03Flashby the way, there's a patch out there for the client that is similar; the exit message is lost when the client quits because it needs a flush
13:21.37catayFlash: i'll have a look at it
13:22.47catayFlash: i think there are still pretty fishy things with the messaging
13:23.23cataybut my knowledge of the code is far too limited to see it at this moment :)
13:31.04*** join/#bzflag hobbsc (
13:42.53CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r999 10/trunk/ (6 files in 5 dirs):
13:42.53CIA-32FTGL: * Store FTPoints in the BBox object instead of floats. This was a todo
13:42.53CIA-32FTGL:  from Henry.
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13:57.16Donti need help
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14:19.44CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r1000 10/trunk/ (AUTHORS src/FTFont/FTTextureFont.cpp):
14:19.44CIA-32FTGL: * Patches by Sean Morrison, from BzFlag commits r15755 and r14843:
14:19.44CIA-32FTGL:  + Only delete textures if there is at least one of them.
14:19.44CIA-32FTGL:  + Ensure that the FTTextureFont data members get set for all cases.
14:19.44CIA-32FTGL: * Added Sean to the AUTHORS file.
14:27.57*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
14:36.41sambrlcad: can I merge your bzflag changes into upstream ftgl?
14:38.18samwell I already started but I just noticed the old "ftgl" branch that has plenty of interesting stuff
14:43.07samalso, I didn't put your e-mail address in AUTHORS because I don't know your personal policy about publishing it, so please add it if you want it there
14:49.04brlcadsam: of course you can merge, thanks
14:50.18brlcadyeah, I did a few mods to ftgl both on the branch and to trunk .. iirc, it was some sanity checks and a few optimizations (one of them mildly hacked, but it worked very well wrt performance)
14:50.38brlcadI don't care about the e-mail addr, you're welcome to add it
14:50.46brlcadthanks for asking
14:50.48samwhich one should that be?
14:51.44brlcadsame as in the bz authors file should work  learner
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16:04.28CIA-32BZFlag: 03catay * r17102 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/ (ListServerConnection.cxx bzfsChatVerify.cxx):
16:04.28CIA-32BZFlag: Accepted patch 1954900 from Bullet Catcher
16:04.28CIA-32BZFlag: * Add missing newlines to some log messages.
16:05.27*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright___ (
16:08.20cataydo we also still commit cleanup patches to branch if someon provides them ?
16:09.08catayFlash: your flush() thingie is probably the right thing to do , but it causes other issues :)
16:10.57BulletCatcherIs that the flush() in SF patch 1948438?  That one seems okay to me.
16:11.57catayBulletCatcher: did you ran bzfs in gdb after applying it?
16:12.30BulletCatcherNot in gdb, but I did run both client and server.
16:12.58BulletCatcherWhat problem do you see?
16:13.29catayafter the player is removed in removePlayer(), at the end the server broadcasts a teamupdate msg
16:13.49catayand it also still does to the just removed player
16:14.13catayand it results in a broken pipe when i run it in gdb
16:14.41BulletCatcherDoes it do that when you don't use gdb?
16:15.00catayno, it runs fine then
16:15.15catayso i'm not sure if a problem or not
16:15.25BulletCatcherlet me try it with gdb...
16:15.34catayi had something similar before and it crashed my bzfs
16:16.03catayBulletCatcher: run it in gdb and rejoin a few times with your client
16:16.25cataydon't exit the client, join the game agian
16:16.46catayBulletCatcher: did you see my pm ? :)
16:17.21BulletCatcherI see your pm now.
16:24.03BulletCatcherNo problems with 5 join/leave cycles.
16:25.50BulletCatcherand I do have the flush() in my code
16:26.32sambrlcad: in bzflag's FTFace.cpp, method FTFace::KernAdvance, I think index1 and index2 can overflow precomputedKerning
16:26.59sambrlcad: I'll fix that in FTGL upstream but you may want to do it in bzflag, too
16:27.08catayBulletCatcher: once sec, i'll apply it again and pastebin it
16:29.44catayBulletCatcher:  , line 04
16:30.01catayBulletCatcher: I join / escape / join , i don't use 'leave'
16:30.18cataydinnertime, bbl
16:30.48BulletCatcherokay, I'll just rejoin too
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16:35.58BulletCatcherMy bzfs in gb is happy even after a dozen escape->join cycles.
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17:19.10BulletCatchercatay: It just occurred to me that I am currently running r17099, and you probably have r17101 applied.  I blame your new flushMessages method for the SIGPIPE. :p
17:19.34JeffMso fix it
17:23.30BulletCatcherJeffM: You missed the earlier discussion, where I couldn't reproduce catay's problem.  I think it is his to fix.
17:24.29JeffMBulletCatcher, then get his code and help him fix it :)
17:32.47brlcadsam: oh, they certainly can .. iirc that hack was only based on the assumptions we could go with for bz
17:52.29catayBulletCatcher: ya, the problem is a bit more complicated i am afraid
17:53.22catayBulletCatcher: the main problem is , a player gets removed, but there are still messages in the outgoing buffer after the removal
17:53.37cataythen , update() gets called and tries to send these to the removed player
17:54.30catayi'm still trying to grasp the whole flow :)
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18:22.10catayBulletCatcher: i even get the SIGPIPE when i revert my change :)
18:23.27catayBulletCatcher: do you build with -enable-debug ?
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18:26.09kierradonde esta mi brlcad????
18:26.23cataykierra !
18:26.34kierrahi catay
18:27.07kierrachestal....1vs1 groups are out
18:27.28cataywould be good to change the motd :)
18:27.39catayto announce the groups are online
18:27.47kierrayes, learner did it for me earlier
18:27.58kierraanyone else can do it?
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18:31.03CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r1001 10/trunk/src/FTFont/FTTextureFont.cpp:
18:31.03CIA-32FTGL: * Avoid crashing when the texture size is so small that its integer size
18:31.03CIA-32FTGL:  becomes zero. At the same time, round many floats instead of simply
18:31.03CIA-32FTGL:  flooring them to int. First part by Sean Morrison from bzflag commit
18:31.03CIA-32FTGL:  r14590.
18:32.37CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r1002 10/trunk/src/ (FTCharmap.cpp FTCharmap.h):
18:32.37CIA-32FTGL: * Optimize FTCharmap::FontIndex() so that font indices < 128 are precomputed
18:32.37CIA-32FTGL:  during FTCharmap() instantiation to avoid repeated tt_cmap4_char_index()
18:32.37CIA-32FTGL:  calls. Performance patch by Sean Morrison, taken from bzflag commit r14644.
18:35.07CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r1003 10/trunk/src/ (FTCharmap.cpp FTCharmap.h FTFace.cpp FTFace.h):
18:35.08CIA-32FTGL: * Optimise FTFace::KernAdvance() so that kerning for font indices < 128 is
18:35.08CIA-32FTGL:  precomputed during FTFace() instantiation to avoid calling FT_Get_Kerning()
18:35.08CIA-32FTGL:  too often. Patch by Sean Morrison, taken from bzflag commit r14652,
18:35.09CIA-32FTGL:  reworked for safety and performance by me.
18:37.38brlcadhola kierra
18:42.50Manuhola kierra :)
18:46.24*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (n=SpazzyMc@unaffiliated/spazzymcgee)
18:46.33CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r1004 10/trunk/src/FTFace.cpp: * Proper FTFace member initialisation to prevent destructor-time crashes.
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18:47.48kierrayou're hiding , brlcad.....
18:47.56kierrai didnt look down the list :)
18:50.08kierrahola Manu
18:57.56*** part/#bzflag kierra (
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19:31.15CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r1005 10/trunk/src/FTGL/ (FTFont.h FTGlyph.h FTLayout.h):
19:31.15CIA-32FTGL: * Make our base classes' destructors public. We want to prevent accidental
19:31.15CIA-32FTGL:  instantiation, but direct destruction is perfectly legal.
19:41.30brlcadsam: that's awesome, if you're done merging I can update and see how things look like for bz's use (which is pretty simple)
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20:47.30JeffMspends boat loads of bzflag money :)
20:47.52JeffMt-shirt order of the beast $666
20:51.42Winny666 eh
20:51.57JeffM$666.13 to be exact
20:52.00JeffMdemon order
20:53.00ruskieJeffM, went that well?
20:53.06JeffMit didn't
20:53.12JeffMour new rep is less then brillant
20:53.34JeffMbut I can't beat there prices
20:53.39ruskiedid the first run of the shirts and stuff already finish?
20:53.51JeffMI'm out of some sizes
20:53.55JeffMand low on the rest
20:54.15JeffMI am betting that this run will take a lot longer to sell
20:58.02ruskiewhy not wait like a few months?
21:00.39donny_bakerruskie: there are quite a few people who were waiting for the blue shirts... and another chance to order a hoodie
21:01.54ruskieI guess that's true
21:02.35donny_bakerand I wanted my polo shirt ;)
21:02.55donny_bakerso I have some bzflag swag I can wear to work
21:04.59ruskie<-- wears the tshirt :)
21:05.30donny_bakeri can't wear a tshort to work most days :(
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21:16.46sambrlcad: yes, I'm done
21:18.41brlcadcool, thanks
21:23.37*** join/#bzflag invalidsyntax (
21:24.08invalidsyntaxbzflag worked but now at start up it crashes i tried ~/.bzf/2.0/config.cfg  but says not found
21:25.39invalidsyntaxX Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
21:25.50invalidsyntaxany helpers on
21:31.43catayit suddenly stopped working?
21:32.25invalidsyntaxX Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
21:32.36invalidsyntaxright at start
21:32.48cataydid it work before ?
21:33.08catayso, what did you change on your system ?
21:33.27invalidsyntaxi did this Linux and unix platforms
21:33.37invalidsyntaxbut not a file
21:34.10invalidsyntaxf your client crashes on startup or some key mappings don't work you might try removing your configuration file and restarting BZFlag.
21:34.28invalidsyntaxi am running ubuntu 7.10
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21:36.07invalidsyntaxi tried to uninstall bu no go
21:36.36catayI have no idea to be honest what it could be
21:37.17invalidsyntaxdo you know where the config file is located
21:38.52cataywell in your homedir under .bzf/2.0/config.cfg
21:38.56cataythe place you mention
21:39.33cataybut, if there never was one, how could it work before?
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21:59.21invalidsyntaxi created the config.cfg still crashes i found it its a bug in ubuntu no fix i guess
22:00.01cataywhich version of bzflag you have?
22:00.10catay2.0.8 ?
22:00.44invalidsyntaxcant start it lol
22:00.46catayis it the one that comes witn 7.10?
22:01.06invalidsyntaxi installed it within 7.10
22:01.12catayyou installed it with apt-get  ?
22:01.20invalidsyntaxi have the latest but have no clue how to compile it
22:02.23cataybzflag -v
22:03.07invalidsyntaxBZFlag client (protocol 0026)
22:03.57cataythat's the one shipped with ubuntu
22:04.33cataydo you run it as root?
22:05.06cataywhat kind of videocard you have?
22:05.40invalidsyntaxits wierd it worked great before... nvidea
22:06.41cataydid you try to remove the whole .bzf dir?
22:06.44invalidsyntaxubuntu is updating at this moment so maybe it will fix
22:06.57catayor mv it
22:07.16cataymv .bzf .bzf.back
22:07.24cataymv .bzf .bzf.bak
22:07.35catayand try to start it again
22:08.45invalidsyntaxrecreates the dir then crashes lol
22:08.57cataywith the same error?
22:10.45invalidsyntaxX Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
22:11.01JeffMwhat video card do you have?
22:11.17JeffMwhat driver do you have?
22:11.22invalidsyntaxnot sure
22:11.51JeffMif you run bzflag -window -geometry 800x600 does it start?
22:12.34invalidsyntaxit started
22:12.37JeffMone of 2 issues
22:12.44JeffM1) your driver is not good
22:12.56JeffMor 2) X doesn't know what res your display can do
22:13.09*** join/#bzflag noyb (n=noyb@nat/sun/x-0ea10839587d44af)
22:13.15JeffMbest to go to and get the current driver they have
22:13.21invalidsyntaxnumber 2 sounds easier
22:13.23JeffMthat should auto detect your display
22:13.28JeffMand fix both
22:13.43JeffMif not then you have to see if you need a mode line for the display
22:13.47invalidsyntaxhow do i know proper driver
22:14.03JeffMwhat exact card is it?
22:14.11invalidsyntaxumm dunno
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22:14.18JeffMfind out
22:14.21JeffMis it modern?
22:14.24JeffMor a laptop?
22:14.40invalidsyntaxits a few years old
22:14.48JeffMthen find out what it is
22:14.58catayinvalidsyntax: check the output of 'lspci'
22:15.08catayinvalidsyntax: it should mention your videacard
22:15.31invalidsyntaxnVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX 4000]
22:15.40JeffMyou have my condolences
22:15.59JeffMcus it's a Mx ;)
22:16.08JeffMyou run 32 bit or 64 bit linux
22:16.50JeffMfollow the instructions
22:16.58JeffMyou may have to get kernel headers for your distro
22:17.03JeffMbut it's prety straight forward
22:18.04JeffMthe error you got was basicly X windows saying that it was unable to change to the size requested that happens when the driver dosn't tell X about the display.
22:19.54invalidsyntaxwont work
22:20.03invalidsyntaxsh: Can't open
22:20.37catayinvalidsyntax: you might have to chmod it : do 'chmod +x'
22:20.44catayand try again
22:21.11invalidsyntaxno such file although its on my desktop
22:22.23invalidsyntaxno such file or directory
22:22.50invalidsyntaxcant i just click on the dang file lol
22:23.38cataywon't work, read the instructions at the url jeffm mentioned first
22:24.11invalidsyntaxSTEP 3: Install
22:24.11invalidsyntaxType "sh did it
22:25.31invalidsyntaxgosh this is impossible
22:26.05invalidsyntaxi will just play it in 800x600 lol
22:26.48Think_Differentlinvalidsyntax, you might need to run it as a superuser
22:27.09invalidsyntaxdid sudo
22:27.33catayhmmm, there are also nvidia drivers provided with ubuntu
22:27.38cataybinary ones
22:28.32Think_DifferentlI'm running 8.04 with the nVidia drivers. I had to go into runlevel 3 and run it with sudo.
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22:29.54invalidsyntaxi will wait till update finishes
22:30.04invalidsyntaxthanks goota run
22:30.50JeffMif he wants clicky stuff, he installed the WRONG os
22:32.07Lukstrthe clickiest seems to be osx
22:32.25WinnyLukstr: I've had to to more terminal stuff in OS X then Windows
22:32.50Lukstrcurse you!
22:33.21JeffMWinny, only cus you asked for it
22:33.33JeffMon OSX he'd not have to ever install a driver
22:33.39JeffMcus they happen by "magic"
22:33.47Lukstrby far the most user friendly OS
22:33.56JeffMthey install them at night
22:35.03*** part/#bzflag whodaman- (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
22:37.09Winnygoes to play with his D40
22:38.14Lukstrwarms up his D50
22:38.59Winnytacks a 0 on the end of his
22:39.08LukstrI was going to suggest combining them
22:39.22JeffMas long as winny can form the head
22:39.38LukstrDouble D 2000
22:40.02Think_Differentlfires up his 400D
22:40.56Lukstryay, firefox has succesfully eaten over a gigabyte of ram :(
22:41.10JeffMgood thing you have 3 more right?
22:41.26pacman87no, the other two are for vista...
22:41.45Lukstrthe other almost-three are for pong
22:41.56Lukstrsill 32-bit address space and 512mb video card
22:42.07JeffMgo 64
22:42.14Think_Differentlff3 only eats up ~300MB for me :)
22:42.28LukstrDoes 64XP at least have a 32 bit emulation for programs?
22:42.36pacman87has a 256MB stick on my wall, along with a pci modem and ethernet card
22:42.37Lukstr*real* 32 bit emulation?
22:42.40Lukstror half-assed
22:42.42JeffMWindows on Windows
22:42.50JeffMI'm using 64bit XP right now
22:43.05Lukstrperhaps one day
22:43.07JeffMthe only thing that dosn't work that's 32 bit is shell extensions
22:43.09Lukstrshould I happen across a copy
22:43.12*** join/#bzflag O-Neil (
22:43.28JeffMbut prety much everyone has 64 bit shell DLLs these days
22:43.55Lukstrhopefully the next windows release kills microsoft so I'll have little to worry about
22:44.16JeffMyou can't run your OS of choice on your personal computer?
22:44.33LukstrI might throw out the money for Parallels
22:44.35LukstrWell, I can
22:44.49Lukstrbut the rest of the world uses too much windows
22:44.59JeffMVMware :)
22:45.10JeffMbut really 64bit XP is fine
22:45.16JeffMI've used it here for over a year
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22:45.38JeffMthe only thing it can't do is load a 32bit DLL from a 64 bit app, or vice versa
22:45.52JeffMand that only happens with the shell DLLs
22:48.47LukstrI suppose vendor support for 64 bit has improved in the last few years
22:52.20Lukstrnote to self: do not tap computer case with feet while burning Ubuntu discs :(
22:52.40Lukstrtertiary note to self: move computer case away from feet.
23:09.22JeffMLukstr, I have drivers for my video card, sound card, and printer.
23:10.05JeffMyou should be able to check your hardware
23:10.40JeffMwhat other hardware do you have?
23:10.46JeffManything wacky?
23:11.09Lukstron my modern boxen, no
23:11.17Lukstrprobably not
23:11.21Lukstrlaptop's a toss up
23:11.31Lukstrbut I don't even care about it much
23:11.32JeffMit only makes sense for stuff with 4 gigs of ram
23:12.00LukstrI'd have to check my software list against XP
23:12.04Lukstrhang on a sec I'll PM you
23:12.21JeffMsoftware is fine
23:12.23JeffMit's just drivers
23:12.29JeffM32 bit stuff runs fine
23:12.50JeffMthe only app problem I have is itunes
23:12.53JeffMit won't rip CDs
23:13.13Lukstrdo you know if the sysinternals suite runs?
23:13.24JeffMI do not know
23:13.52LukstrI couldn't survive without it
23:14.18JeffMif they are normal apps, then probalby
23:17.00Lukstrthere are a handful of bizarre apps
23:17.05Lukstrthat I doubt I could live without
23:17.19JeffMas I said, apps work fine
23:17.25JeffMit's just drivers
23:17.47JeffMeven apps that install 32bit DLLs are fine
23:17.57Lukstryou just can't mix 'em
23:18.00JeffMit just has to match up 64 to 64 and 32 to 32
23:18.12Lukstrperhaps I'll give it a run then
23:18.32Lukstronce a copy magically appears in my cd drive
23:18.35JeffMoh and no service pack 3
23:18.52WinnyJeffM: x64 XP gets the Server 2003 service packs
23:19.13JeffMand they ain't gonna do a SP3 for it
23:19.21JeffMjust the SP2 and the hotfixes
23:19.24LukstrMS abandoned x64 I thought
23:19.47JeffMnot vista64 and W764
23:20.32LukstrI pretend vista doesn't exist
23:20.42JeffMso does most of the userbase ;)
23:21.16JeffMbut still cus of 64bit vista and server OSs, vendors had to get on the 64 bit clean bandwagon
23:21.44LukstrI wonder if Ubuntu 64 bit isn't the crap it used to be
23:22.25Lukstrthey should have just made XP33 bit, would have satisfied me :P
23:22.34JeffMI know hearty herron won't conenct to a wireless network on my laptop to save it's life
23:22.56Lukstrhah, you don't say
23:23.05LukstrI had 32 bit installed on my laptop, no problems
23:23.08Lukstrthrew 64 bit on
23:23.14Lukstrno wireless immediately
23:24.05JeffMI don't even know what it installed, 32 or 64
23:24.21Lukstrwhat's your kernel?
23:24.54JeffMI put the CD in and it did "stuff"
23:25.03JeffMthen booted
23:27.17JeffMlooks like it installed i686 smp kernel
23:29.00Lukstrso you have a dual core?
23:29.11Lukstrgood stuffs
23:29.11JeffMDell 1520
23:29.38JeffMI think the only single core computer I own is the SGI 02
23:29.43JeffMand my phone
23:30.00Lukstris that a 64 bit processor?
23:30.12JeffMit's a core 2 duo, so yeah ;)
23:30.32JeffMit's faster then this desktop machine
23:30.38Lukstrintel had some bizarre naming schemes for a while
23:30.51JeffMI got it like 5 months ago
23:31.09JeffMC2D, 4 gigs of ram, GF 8600, etc..
23:32.59Lukstrphysical dimensions?
23:34.35JeffMit's a normal 15.4
23:34.47JeffMstandard dell laptop
23:34.59Lukstrbetter than my crap Acer
23:35.43JeffMI had a gateway, but the screen res was too small
23:35.45JeffMso I sold it
23:38.49JeffMit was fine, just 1280x800 don't cut it
23:39.17LukstrI'm fine with 1280x800
23:39.32JeffM1680x1050 baby :)
23:40.10JeffMnot when you are used to 1920x1200 on your desktop machine
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23:42.41LukstrI run 2560x1024 across two 19" monitors
23:42.59LukstrI want to add two wide screen monitors to that collection though :P
23:43.01JeffM24 and a 19 at home,. 22 and a 19 here
23:43.50spldartruns a 32" and a 14' projector :)
23:43.57spldart*/big monitor syndrome
23:44.07Winnyclearly compensating for something ;)
23:44.17spldartI got a tiny motorcyle
23:51.10Lukstrmy set up should make most of you cry
23:51.11LukstrI hope
23:51.53LukstrI'm using my laptop as the workhorse, to do all my compiling/testing on
23:57.48*** join/#bzflag keith80403 (

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