IRC log for #bzflag on 20080425

00:00.43JeffMI'm guessing that still dosn't work right but it compiles now so we can start to test it :)
00:01.00JeffMGMs don't work tho
00:01.03JeffMthat's for sure
00:02.23*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
00:02.23*** mode/#bzflag [+o JBdiGriz] by ChanServ
00:04.18Ride-what does the -All mean there
00:04.38JeffMtakes away all permisions
00:04.54JeffMthen just adds back in the ones that are specified after it
00:04.57JeffM- means remove
00:05.39Ride-so if i wanted to have them have all perms just as example what would i put Ride.Admin: All
00:06.41Ride-and if i wanted to take out hideAdmin i would put -hideAdmin
00:06.55JeffMhideadmin is off by default with all IIRC
00:06.59JeffMit has to be added manualy
00:07.10JeffMit's special
00:07.16JeffMa couple perms are special
00:07.23Ride-can you list them
00:07.32JeffMnot off the top of my head
00:07.37blast007go read the wiki
00:07.39blast007we have it for a reason
00:07.40JeffMIIRC they are in the man page and wiki
00:07.48Ride-what do i search under wiki
00:07.51Ride-oh ok
00:07.56Ride-ill go find out
00:08.08Ride-actually i might be a while
00:08.18JeffMthere is no need to tell us
00:08.20JeffMthis isn't IM
00:08.22blast007that file wasn't really meant to be broadcast to the channel either.
00:08.25JeffMwe ain't waiting
00:09.05blast007Ride-: so hopefully you saved a copy of it, because I deleted it now
00:20.11Ride-is flagMaster included in All
00:25.17*** join/#bzflag Wits (
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00:51.28TimRikerJeffM: to my knowledge anyone that uses opengl has rights to use the logo to indicate it.
00:51.54TimRikerwe certainly have been using it for ages with the knowledge of a number of opengl folk.
01:04.44*** join/#bzflag fatass (n=fatass@unaffiliated/thinkdifferentl/x-838543)
01:19.09F687sexperiments with PZ and "-sl" mixed. (The results didn't turn out well...)
01:26.41pacman87F687s: permenantly zoned, or unable to shoot?
01:28.48*** join/#bzflag TheWonder (
01:37.40*** join/#bzflag JeffM_ (
01:46.24menotumew00t, a new (to me) php error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in ...
01:46.52F687spacman87: If you run out of shots while zoned, you go back to normal. When you pick up the next PZ flag, you're automagically zoned again. If you run out of shots while inside of a building, then you're stuck.
01:49.41*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
02:00.39blast007F687s: we should probably kill the tank if that happens  ;)
02:18.09*** join/#bzflag KingofCamelot (
02:22.43KingofCamelotHey guys
02:23.48spldartHi Dee Ho
02:40.11*** join/#bzflag Sargun (
02:51.06spldartDarn you PSP!
02:54.14*** join/#bzflag Astroman (
02:56.55*** join/#bzflag Evanejk (
03:13.19*** join/#bzflag Evanejk (
03:13.31Evanejkthis plugin stuff is killing me
03:13.51Flashprobably a hard place to jump in
03:15.44*** join/#bzflag spldart (
03:17.21Flashplus, your plugin idea requires something the client can't currently do
03:17.47Evanejkwhy not
03:18.03Evanejkit would be based an slash comands
03:18.25Flashuser A initiates a "give"... that succeeds or fails
03:18.31Flashno wait, user B has to accept
03:18.41Flashseems like a protocol problem to me
03:19.21FlashI'm not saying it can't be done (I don't know the code well enough), but it's a different interaction than anything else in the game
03:20.05Evanejkthe admin power /flag give thats similar right?
03:20.15Flashyou might be able to implement as an offer/accept if the server (your plugin) maintains the state of current offers
03:20.40Flashbut if a user has to type too much, it won't be playable
03:21.07Evanejkit could be abrevated /f a   or    /f r
03:21.17Evanejkflag axcept/reject
03:21.49Flash(I'm about to be shot, give my geno flag to Evanejk): /myflag give Eva...(oops, I'm dead)
03:22.00*** join/#bzflag Ebert (
03:22.07Flash~bzfrag Ebert
03:22.07ibotACTION destroys Ebert with a guided missile
03:22.25FlashI don't know about overloading the existing /flag commands.....
03:22.26short_circuitFlash.. that I agree with whole heartedly.. user can't have to type much or it wont be used
03:22.33Evanejkoh well
03:22.57Evanejki lose
03:23.06Flashkeep thinking though
03:24.24Flasha slightly similar concept is the "useless mine" plugin
03:24.55Flashwhen you get a "useless" flag, /mine <weapon type> lays a mine that goes off when an enemy is in proximity
03:25.08Flashpeople who are successful have the command bound to a hot-key
03:25.20Flashother users find the typing too hard
03:25.39Flashcntl-F2  /mine SW
03:26.19Flashand that doesn't involve specifying a target nickname ;-)
03:26.39Flashbut if you could tie in to say, right click.... that might help
03:26.47short_circuit:) ooOOoo
03:27.13short_circuitimagines duke nukem setting those laser trip mines
03:28.10FlashI've been bugging mofo to add the plugin; I think it would be fun ;-)
03:28.34blast007though keep in mind that the API docs in the wiki are targeted at trunk code, not 2.0.x
03:29.01blast007so you will have to read the API header file to see what functions are available, and what paramaters they have
03:29.21Evanejkthe only other idea i had was a bomb sw but thats rather imposible without editing the client
03:29.29blast007bomb sw?
03:30.01Evanejklike if you had wings you could bomb people under you
03:30.16blast007that'd be possible with a plugin
03:30.28blast007the API can fire world weapons
03:30.46blast007but I did hear some issues with having those weapons appear to come from actual players
03:30.51blast007like, it would crash clients  ;)
03:31.09Evanejkso it would shoot a bullet straight down and when it hits the ground a world weapon right on the spot would go off
03:31.25blast007well, not really
03:31.36blast007we don't track when bullets end
03:32.00Evanejkhow about how far they go
03:32.14blast007you could calculate how long it would take the bullet to reach the ground, and just fire off the SW at that point
03:32.17blast007sounds overly complicated
03:32.33blast007you'd have to do all the math yourself
03:32.52Evanejkhow do i add a header file in visuel c++?
03:33.17Evanejki couldn't copy and past this somewhere could i?
03:34.36Evanejkfound it
03:38.28blast007uh, you should *have* that file in your bzflag install...
03:38.29*** join/#bzflag hamburger (
03:38.50blast007Evanejk: why are you on that page?
03:39.05*** join/#bzflag javawizard2539_ (
03:39.17blast007hi hamburger
03:39.19Flashhears homer simpson.... mmmmm hambuger.....
03:40.04blast007Evanejk: C:\Program Files\BZFlag2.0.10\API
03:40.05Flashresolves to depend on tab-completion in the future...
03:40.17blast007those are the files you need to build plugins
03:40.21blast007for 2.0.10
03:40.33Evanejkthat makes it easyer
03:40.34blast007that API header file you linked to is ancient
03:40.40blast007and would not work
03:41.23*** join/#bzflag hamburger (
03:41.26Flashto the powers that be: is there a sensitivity to the contents of the masterban list?
03:41.33Evanejkhow do i get that to work in visual?
03:41.50blast007Flash: the masterban file is in SVN and on the website
03:41.57blast007Evanejk: that's the fun part
03:42.10Evanejkcome on
03:42.18blast007I would recommend you try to get the SAMPLE_PLUGIN to build first
03:42.30Evanejkvery well
03:42.34blast007do you have the 2.0.10 source ZIP?
03:42.50Evanejkno i had th .8
03:42.57Evanejkdownload time
03:43.07blast007well, what version of bzflag do you have?
03:43.30Evanejkand .8
03:43.34Evanejkand some others
03:43.37blast007k, get the 2.0.10 source
03:43.59ibotit has been said that bz20svn is and svn co
03:44.10blast007Flash: he doesn't want that :)
03:44.20blast007he wants 2.0.10, since he's not doing a full build of BZ
03:44.41javawizard2539That is 2.0.10
03:44.48blast007javawizard2539: no, that's 2.0.11
03:44.53javawizard2539Oh wait
03:44.56javawizard25392.0.10 is in tags
03:45.21blast007Evanejk: just get the 2.0.10 source zip
03:45.24Flashignore me (and the bot)
03:46.29EvanejkTim Riker must have no life
03:46.48blast007why's that?
03:46.58Evanejkerm bzflag
03:47.02Flashwe are all his minions
03:47.04blast007what about bzflag?
03:47.26blast007Evanejk: can you use complete sentences?
03:47.26Evanejklots of c++ fun for him
03:47.26Flashwe exist to serve the Tim
03:47.49Flashwonders who recognizes that Babylon 5 reference
03:48.04blast007Flash: I did..n't!
03:48.43short_circuitWoah.. Did someone say Bab5!!!
03:48.59hamburgerapparently they did
03:49.05short_circuitI loooooove bab5
03:49.08Flashyes, while I was recovering from surgery I slogged through the entire series
03:49.19FlashI still need the feature films
03:49.42short_circuitThe newest one was kinda eery cool
03:50.15FlashWho are you? What do you want? Why are you here?
03:50.16short_circuitThirdspace was fun
03:50.39short_circuitIt takes place during season 4
03:50.56Flashis that the bab4 one?
03:51.27short_circuitthirdspace movie is stand along but in the timeline it's mid 4
03:51.41Flashoh... like I said, I need the movies still
03:51.59Evanejkdownloaded, now extracting
03:52.18short_circuitevery year I watch all 5 seasons :)
03:52.27Evanejkpretty extracted
03:52.35short_circuitInstead of a trekkie I'm a babbie
03:52.42short_circuitalthough ST is still kew
03:52.52Evanejkblast007 extracted :D
03:52.52Flashlistens to short_circuit babble
03:53.03Flashwho extracted blast007 ?
03:53.11short_circuitBZFlag and bab5.. what more can a growing boy need
03:53.11EvanejkI DID
03:53.14TimRikerEvanejk: huh? life? what's that? some new bzfs module?
03:53.33Evanejkholy sh*t
03:53.43KingofCamelotThe man speaks :P
03:53.44short_circuitHey now
03:53.50short_circuitwatch the almost language
03:54.28Flashhow about "holy superheated tank barrels"?
03:54.32TimRikerI'm not nearly as active on bzflag as many others in here. I just get all the legal issues. fun fun.
03:54.48hamburgeryes all the copyrights ect..
03:55.48TimRikerfolks sharing modded binaries without source, 13 and unders signing up on the boards, mags that want to include the game on a cd and don't seem to grok the lgpl etc.
03:56.29TimRikeranother japanese rag headed out next month with the game on it. mac version with a pointer to the site for source. at least that's what they agreed to.
03:56.49Evanejkmy dad just got back from japan
03:57.09TimRiker~x en jp cool. did he have fun?
03:57.14short_circuitJapan is nice
03:57.31Evanejkhe was there for work but he gets a few days to have fun
03:57.43blast007TimRiker: heh, on this client, that looks really interesting  ;)
03:57.47TimRikerwonders if Think_Differentl didn't grok utf8
03:57.48short_circuitThe electronics markets near tokyo are a blast
03:58.17TimRikeryou are all running utf8 irc clients as the net gods intended, right? :)
03:58.20Flashdoesn't grok UTF-8, but doesn't grok kanji either
03:58.41Evanejkdoes firefox count?
03:58.56blast007TimRiker: hehe
03:58.57short_circuitdoes irssi count???
03:59.19blast007I've never got irssi+screen+PuTTY to work with UTF-8
03:59.23TimRiker(: ˙sıɥʇ ǝʞıl sƃuıɥʇ looɔ uo ʇno ssıɯ noʎ 8ɟʇn ʇnoɥʇıʍ
03:59.37short_circuitThat's a no! in caps!
03:59.54Evanejkwow thats actual text not picture
03:59.58short_circuitpasses out
03:59.59TimRikerirssi can handle utf8 if your terminal can iirc.
04:00.05TimRikerEvanejk: :)
04:00.16short_circuitmine can't
04:00.16blast007I know irssi can
04:00.24blast007just can't get the two other parts to cooperate
04:00.35TimRikerblast007: what terminal?
04:00.55blast007terminal? I'm using PuTTY  :)
04:01.09TimRikerah. that's your issue. afaik putty won't grok utf8
04:01.32TimRikerget thee a cygwin terminal and real ssh. :)
04:01.38FlashMacIrssi fails
04:01.44Evanejk&#654;&#592;&#653; &#592; puno&#607; &#305; &#654;&#592;&#654;
04:02.00blast007there's various modes for character sets in PuTTY, including UTF-8
04:02.12Evanejkthis didn't work
04:02.27TimRikerblast007: really? cool! didn't see that in the versions I've tried.
04:02.34Flashok, give me one more UTF-8 test...
04:03.13TimRikerʇsǝʇ ɐ sı sıɥʇ
04:03.22TimRikerthat's from that url you posted by the way.
04:03.35Flashpfft. My client claims to have a UTF-8 encoding, but I see no difference :-(
04:03.38TimRikermight just be that your copy and paste is not handling utf-8
04:03.43*** join/#bzflag Quol (
04:04.05Flashoh... that's for NEW channels
04:04.08TimRiker~x en gr it is all greek to me
04:04.29Evanejkin the text box it looks fine
04:05.03TimRikersomething is html encoding it.
04:05.16blast007he's on CGI:IRC
04:05.30Evanejki see... (head hurts)
04:05.33TimRikerah. not sure what cgi:irc does to it.
04:05.41blast007apparently it does that  ;)
04:06.29TimRikeriirc there is a setting in cgi:irc that might help. on the server side.
04:09.26blast007$dontDoThat = 1;
04:10.12Flashis -passwd now preferred to -password?
04:10.25Flashonly the former is in the code-generated help
04:10.33Flashbut both are valid
04:16.17*** join/#bzflag bz41 (
04:16.56bz41hi, Joe B here
04:18.54ibotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there, just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
04:19.38Evanejkwhy do header files have to be so hard to get to work?
04:19.51Flashyou are on a PC
04:19.58Flashthink different(ly)
04:20.21Flashslides in some Mac bias
04:20.43Flashsoftware development is a lot easier (for me) in Unix
04:21.23FlashJeffM isn't here to defend himself, but he likes PC development
04:22.24Evanejkim trying to copile smaple_plugin
04:22.47Flashdid you start with autoconfig?
04:22.52Flasher.. autogen
04:23.30Flashit might make your life ever so much more pleasant
04:23.42Evanejki think the problem is I don't understand how getting header files to work
04:24.39Evanejk*how to get them to work
04:25.02Flashit's more a "how do I compile" question
04:25.44Evanejki guess
04:33.36KingofCamelotI was taking a comp sci midterm earlier, and I got so caught up in writing code that when I had to write a short answer I found myself accidentally using a semi-colon instead of a period. :P
04:37.34Evanejkthe side window on visual is gone and i cant find out how to get it back
04:38.28blast007Flash: he doesn't run autogen
04:38.36blast007that's only for you *nix folks  ;)
04:38.44blast007we just double click an icon and hit F7
04:38.56Flashso he should have a valid project with the download?
04:39.14blast007but he'll have to modify the projects a bit
04:39.16Flashchecks out of this PC development discussion
04:39.37blast007since he's not building bzflag, he's just building a plugin, and uses the pre-built files included with our windows installer
04:40.06blast007Evanejk: what error do you get?
04:40.47Evanejkthe project outline on the side the window is gone
04:41.08Evanejki cant navigate arround
04:41.15FlashEvanejk: it appears that being able to compile is a bit of a rite of passage here. You are generally expected to be able to use your tools first. You get varying degrees of tolerance from folks until you do
04:41.49Evanejkgive me a minute
04:41.50Flashreally goes away now
04:42.12Evanejkfixed it
04:42.54Evanejkwhere can I get plugin_utils.h
04:42.55blast007Evanejk: did you open the .sln file?
04:43.15blast007let me rephrase that... what file *did* you open?
04:43.43blast007that's a directory
04:43.48blast007what file did you open?
04:43.52Evanejkthe project
04:44.10blast007close visual studio then
04:44.41blast007go into the VC71 directory, and open plugins.sln
04:44.59Evanejkgot it
04:44.59blast007and tell it to upgrade anything it prompts you on
04:45.18blast007now right click on the sample_plugin project on the side, and say "Build"
04:45.46Evanejk1>c:\documents and settings\evan\desktop\bzsource\bzflag-2.0.10\bzflag-2.0.10\plugins\sample_plugin\sample_plugin.cpp(5) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'plugin_utils.h': No such file or directory
04:46.12blast007hmm, let me try here  ;)
04:46.31Evanejkif you want me to give you a screenshot just tell me
04:46.34blast007wait, nvm, I'm not set up for 2.0.x building anyway
04:46.52blast007plugin_utils is in our source, under plugins/plugin_utils/
04:47.19blast007so add an include path for that project for ../plugin_utils/
04:47.42Evanejkok i added it to header files
04:47.50Evanejkbuild again?
04:48.22Evanejk1>c:\documents and settings\evan\desktop\bzsource\bzflag-2.0.10\bzflag-2.0.10\plugins\sample_plugin\sample_plugin.cpp(5) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'plugin_utils.h': No such file or directory
04:49.05blast007did you add that path I said to the include directorys for the sample_plugin project?
04:49.11Evanejkmaybe i should save first
04:50.02Evanejkill upload a screen shot one sec
04:54.03blast007okay, but the problem is, you haven't listened to a damn thing I said... that is still not the plugins.sln file I told you told open about 15 minutes ago
04:54.19blast007you're still just opening up that one project file
04:55.05blast007then were are the other projects?
04:55.12blast007I see only ONE in your solution explorer
04:55.15Evanejkdude im sorry
04:55.59Evanejkwhere is plugins.slv
04:56.36blast00723:44:10 <+blast007> close visual studio then
04:56.36blast00723:44:41 <+blast007> go into the VC71 directory, and open plugins.sln
04:56.46blast007you even said "ok" and "got it" after I said that
04:56.53Flashonly 12 mins.....
04:57.00blast007Flash: pfft  :P
04:57.10blast007time is relative!
04:57.11Flashhe has 3 mins to find it ;-)
04:57.17Evanejkfound it
04:57.58Evanejkok 17 projects are there now
04:58.28Flash22:56 <+blast007> 23:44:41 <+blast007> go into the VC71 directory, and open plugins.sln
04:58.35Flashtime is relative indeed
04:58.57blast007Evanejk: now right click on SAMPLE_PLUGIN and say "Build"
04:59.36Evanejksanple_plugin isn't there but all the other ones are
05:00.36Evanejkairspawn, chathistory, flagstay, hiddenadmin, killall, nagware, phoenix, playhistorytracker
05:01.10Flashyeah, it's not in the sln file at all
05:01.11blast007then try one of them
05:01.52Evanejk1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'bzfs.lib'
05:02.26Evanejki remember where that is
05:02.38Flashok, try plugins/SAMPLE_PLUGIN/SAMPLE_PLUGIN.sln if you want the sample
05:02.38blast007I think you want that in the root of the source directory
05:02.58blast007Flash: hehe... we just need one to build  ;)
05:02.59Flashcan't mind his own business
05:04.00Evanejkno not in source files
05:04.33blast007Evanejk: let me check where quick then
05:05.31blast007under src\bzfs\Debug\
05:05.36blast007make the debug directory
05:07.06Evanejklike c:\bzfs\debug\here
05:07.43blast007uh, no
05:07.57Evanejkin the bzflag source?
05:07.59blast007in your bzflag 2.0.10 source code that you extracted, there is a src directory
05:08.04blast007that contains a 'bzfs' directory
05:08.14blast007in there, make a 'Debug' directory, and copy the lib into there
05:09.04Evanejklets try building again
05:09.14blast007hmm, though we ship the one for release builds apparently
05:09.20Evanejkyay worked
05:09.58Evanejkit said it worked but still gave me this in the log
05:10.01Evanejk1>airspawn.def(2) : warning LNK4017: DESCRIPTION statement not supported for the target platform; ignored
05:10.12blast007just keep in mind that you can't distribute any builds you make with the express edition of Visual C++
05:10.17Evanejkis that ok?
05:10.17Flashignores ignored
05:10.19blast007but you can distribute the source for your plugin
05:10.27blast007yeah, you can ignore that line
05:10.54blast007did you understand what I mean about distribute?
05:11.06Evanejkya put it on the internet
05:11.10Evanejkgive it to friends
05:11.16blast007well, I mean the whole thing
05:11.19Evanejkshare it
05:11.21blast007the "builds" would be the .dll file
05:11.27Flashpoints out that he'll have to CREATE a VC project for his plugin first....
05:11.51blast007the source would be the .cpp and .h files (and a few others, like .vcproj,, etc)
05:13.08Evanejkdoes it save the build in the same directory asthe prodject?
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05:13.42blast007it might send the .dll into the root of your source directory
05:13.54blast007where bzfs.exe normally would get copied to
05:15.17Evanejkpeople must have a blast compileing the whole bzflag game
05:17.10*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
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05:18.33Evanejki think it put it in C:\Documents and Settings\Evan\Desktop\bzsource\bzflag-2.0.10\bzflag-2.0.10\plugins\airspawn\Debug
05:42.32*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
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05:42.42Evanejki think it put it in C:\Documents and Settings\Evan\Desktop\bzsource\bzflag-2.0.10\bzflag-2.0.10\plugins\airspawn\Debug
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09:59.13CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r946 10/trunk/ (5 files in 2 dirs): * Fix random bugs introduced in [941] and [943].
09:59.26CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r947 10/trunk/include/FTGL.h:
09:59.26CIA-32FTGL: * Somewhat hackish support for Solaris 10 x86 support. The problem is that
09:59.26CIA-32FTGL:  our public headers need the GL and GLU headers, which are in very different
09:59.26CIA-32FTGL:  locations depending the system. One solution would be to generate FTGL.h
09:59.27CIA-32FTGL:  at configure time. Patch by Kent Mein, taken from Blender commit r12796.
09:59.35samsorry, commit flood awaiting
09:59.36CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r948 10/trunk/src/FTVectoriser.cpp:
09:59.36CIA-32FTGL: * OS X Leopard build fix. Starting from this version, GLUTesselatorFunction
09:59.36CIA-32FTGL:  has a standard prototype again. Patch by Kent Mein, taken from Blender
09:59.36CIA-32FTGL:  commit r11864.
09:59.51CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r949 10/trunk/src/FTCharmap.cpp:
09:59.51CIA-32FTGL: * Synchronise FTCharmap::GlyphListIndex and FTCharmap::FontIndex prototypes
09:59.51CIA-32FTGL:  declarations with their definitions. Patch by Vladimir Marek, taken from
09:59.51CIA-32FTGL:  Blender commit r8915.
10:00.05*** join/#bzflag ViciousM (
10:00.23CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r950 10/trunk/src/FTGLTextureFont.cpp:
10:00.23CIA-32FTGL: * Turn off the color buffer bit in the TextureFont renderer to increase
10:00.23CIA-32FTGL:  performance. Patch by Ton Roosendaal, from Blender commit r5362.
10:00.49CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r951 10/trunk/src/ (FTGLPixmapFont.cpp FTGLTextureFont.cpp):
10:00.49CIA-32FTGL: * Disable the use of the font's internal bitmap in FTGLTextureFont and
10:00.49CIA-32FTGL:  FTGLPixmapFont. Patch by Shizu, from Blender commit r4569.
10:01.11CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r952 10/trunk/src/ (FTPixmapGlyph.cpp FTTextureGlyph.cpp):
10:01.11CIA-32FTGL: * Align FTPixmapGlyph and FTTextureGlyph objects at round pixel coordinates
10:01.11CIA-32FTGL:  to reduce bleeding. Patch by Ton Roosendaal, from Blender commit r4411.
10:01.32CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r953 10/trunk/ (6 files in 2 dirs): * Implement Render() for all Font types. Patch by Eric Beets.
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12:22.26CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r954 10/trunk/include/ (FTGL.h FTSimpleLayout.h):
12:22.27CIA-32FTGL: * Use macros instead of enums in the C bindings. Not the most elegant thing,
12:22.27CIA-32FTGL:  but it avoids naming conflicts when mixing C and C++ code. Patch by Eric
12:22.27CIA-32FTGL:  Beets.
12:24.54CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r955 10/trunk/src/FTExtrdGlyph.cpp: * *sigh*, another bug fix for a problem I introduced in [941].
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16:18.28EvanEJkWhat's it mean if my compiler is telling me             : error C2065: 'end1' : undeclared identifier
16:19.00blast007what line has end1?
16:19.28EvanEJkcout << "Hello people!" << end1;
16:19.37blast007that's endl, not end1
16:19.46blast007or it should be, at least
16:19.51blast007you probably typed it wrong
16:20.39EvanEJkok works now
16:23.00*** join/#bzflag evanejk_ (
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16:32.14evanejk_when I use include while compileing other people's plugins I have to type the whole file location like                    #include "C:\BZFlag2.0.10\API\bzfsAPI.h"
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16:37.27catayevanejk_: copy bzfsAPI.h into your plugin dir
16:37.38catayevanejk_: not sure that works on windows , never compiled bzflag on windows
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16:40.41JeffMyou can put it in the plugin dir
16:40.46JeffMor the system include dir
16:40.52JeffMor add the folder to the include paths
16:40.57JeffMether will work
16:46.33TheRedBaronevanejk_:  Although i was guilty of CGI:IRC overuse - if you're going to be in the channel idling and looking for coding help - I highly recommend a "real" IRC client.  For windows I recommend either or
16:47.18*** join/#bzflag Ebert (
16:48.38me1evanejk_, for windows, xchat is free for thirty days, then you have to buy it. There is a free version, although with slightly less features, at
16:49.10blast007less features?  what is it missing? the nagware screen?  ;)
16:49.17JeffMme1 that is not true
16:49.27JeffMit's just if you use the offiical build
16:49.38me1Thats what I ment
16:49.40JeffMthe non officials actualy can ship with more stuff
16:50.32me1I'm just reading what the site told me. :
16:51.13me1Never really bothered to check if it had any features I don'
16:51.18me1Never really bothered to check if it had any features I don't use or now
16:51.37me1can't type today :
16:51.44blast007me1: I can!
16:52.25blast007I think it's basically the same exact build as what's on the official site, but minus the shareware nagscreen
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16:52.41blast007since they didn't even release the code for that
16:52.52blast007which technically violates their license
16:54.05JeffMthe offical build is by the copyright holder, he can relicense it as he sees fit
16:55.06JeffMjust like tim could license a close source version of bzflag if he wanted to
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16:58.31evanejk_pidgin is installing...
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17:06.10blast007I'd actually not recommend pidgin for IRC
17:06.20blast007it's more of an IM client
17:06.27blast007XChat is designed for IRC
17:06.28JeffMit's rare for an IM client to do IRC well
17:06.38JeffMyeah xchat is very simple to use
17:08.14blast007I don't even think Pidgin supports auto-joining channels
17:08.27me1blast007, it does
17:08.35blast007me1: k, doesn't on my Nokia
17:09.09*** join/#bzflag kirun (
17:10.00me1If you add the chat to your buddy list, in the right-click menu it has auto-join.
17:10.52blast007that's not very intuitive :P
17:11.28blast007ah, wait, I do have "Add a chat" which does it
17:11.57blast007but I think I also installed some extra plugin
17:12.29me1an extra plugin that does what, add the "Add a chat" thing?
17:13.44TheRedBaronblast007: I'm using pidgin right now - granted i'm not an IRC addict.  But it does what i need to.  Lets me talk and log chats :)
17:13.58TheRedBaronand some of the plugins are quite nice
17:14.32TheRedBaronIE the history plugin is my favorite - automatically loads the history of a channel/IM when you open a tab
17:15.50TheRedBaronand seeing as my work uses IM - its nice to have an "all in one"
17:15.55blast007me1: does yours list that item?  I had installed a package called "Additional Pidgin Preferences"
17:15.59blast007not sure what all it added
17:16.16me1I don't have any extra plugins, and I have it
17:16.40blast007guess it's been there all along then :P
17:16.42TheRedBaronnow it just needs some extra nick-highlights like x-chat does :)
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18:07.29hagnacan I program my bzflag bot with lua?
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18:21.59blast007hagna: depends what bot you're talking about
18:22.24blast007the only one that supports scripting is the bzrobots project, and I think it's only set up for Python scripting at this point
18:22.57blast007you'd have to code up the C/C++ interface for a lua integration if you wanted that
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19:13.03nn64hi all
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19:42.49SpazzyMcGeecan you make a DrawInfo mesh not smooth?
19:48.27TheWonderI have no idea but I would think so
19:50.15SpazzyMcGeeI guess I'll have to fiddle with the normals by hand
20:04.19TJ13820has anyone seen a Slax BZFlag module around the internet?
20:04.47Winnywhy not compile your own?
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20:11.21JeffMSpazzyMcGee, your modeler should have smothing options
20:11.33JeffMusualy you define a smothing group and a smothing angle
20:11.48JeffMor can set various faces as flat shaded
20:12.31L4m3reek, I need to order my shirts
20:12.37SpazzyMcGeeyeah, but remember how crappy wings is?
20:12.58JeffML4m3r, you do :)
20:13.25L4m3rhas had a busy week
20:13.41JeffMwe have till monday
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20:19.39SpazzyMcGeeAh, wait, you _can_ do it wings.
20:19.51SpazzyMcGeeExcept it's in a really stupid place.
20:20.04SpazzyMcGeethey call it 'edge hardness'
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20:27.11JeffMno that makes sense
20:27.15JeffMit's an angle right?
20:27.34JeffMit's what angle do you blend the edge into a smooth shade
20:33.34JeffMhey look, it's bugQ :)
20:34.16JeffMbugQ, you need to get with spldart, blast007, and Thumper_ and go over your design document whenever you can get everyone together.
20:36.42Thumper_bugQ: I'd like to review the design doc before starting to talk about it - please send me a link to it when you're ready
20:36.55JeffMThumper_, it's on the wiki IIRC
20:37.00JeffMwebadmin or soemthing
20:37.04bugQyes, under BZFWeb
20:37.10Thumper_ok thx
20:37.26Thumper_I read it once... wasn't sure if you're still changing it or not
20:37.53bugQI haven't spent much time on it, because I am still rushing to finish this semester
20:38.18bugQis tomorrow OK to talk about it?
20:39.02Thumper_tomorrow is fine with me.  you should coordinate with spldart and I'll try to attend whenever it is
20:39.11Thumper_what TZ are you in?
20:40.47Thumper_bugQ: ^^ (timezone)
20:41.04bugQyes, it's MDT = UTC-6
20:41.27Thumper_thanks.  I'm EDT = UTC - 4
20:43.24JeffMahh good, some decent overlap them
20:44.22*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (n=wheeeeee@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux)
20:46.01spldarthas got a couple few minutes before he has to leave again
20:46.40spldartWhat time tomorrow?
20:47.23spldartI'm utc -6 central
20:49.30Thumper_spldart: anytime works for me
20:50.17spldartwas wondering when bugQ prefers.. I prefer tomorrow evening..
20:50.32bugQI have a study session that evening...
20:50.47bugQwait, no, that's monday.
20:50.59bugQevening might work
20:51.16spldarthas some big outdoor projects tomorrow Day.. My morning and evening are mostly open
20:51.32bugQmorning is better for me
20:52.00bugQbut it will be eariler for Thumper_
20:52.07spldartHrm.. I know :(
20:52.16Thumper_um later for me
20:52.19spldartI'd also like Jeff and blast there as well
20:52.24Thumper_6AM for you is 8AM for me
20:52.40bugQoh, right, pacific
20:53.09JeffMI'm least important ;)
20:53.21JeffMblast is closer to your TZ then I am
20:53.22Thumper_doesn't function well before 8AM unless he's still up from the night before... and then he doesn't function well at all :)
20:53.26spldartOk mr facilitator.. you got me into this :)
20:53.32JeffMThumper_, there is an 8AM?
20:54.01bugQI'm up at 6~7 nearly every day..
20:54.01Thumper_that's the mad scramble to feed my kid and get him to the school bus
20:54.10spldartI unfortunately have to be up @ 5:45 am central and will be cognicent by 6:20am  tomorrow
20:54.30JeffMwell I'm sure an amiable time can be reached
20:55.09bugQanytime before noon (1600 UTC) is good.
20:56.26spldartJust so I'm not gonna make a mistake and for confirmation I'ts almost 4PM here It's what time for you?
20:56.42spldartso just 1 hour
20:57.00Thumper_4:56 for me
20:58.05spldartSo your 7am is my 8am.. So.. blast007.. can you do me the honor of being able to attend this meeting here @ 8am central tomorrow morning? or is that to early for you?
20:58.09*** join/#bzflag hamburger (
20:59.18spldartOr perhaps meet here and switch to a private channel
20:59.44Thumper_that works
21:00.23bugQwill be t/here
21:00.50bugQwhere is blast007?
21:01.13spldartWe got a plan.. I didn't think we would have jeff that early but hopefully one of the senior mentor's can be present
21:02.21*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
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21:04.08spldartAgain.. BugQ's 7am, spldart's 8am, Thumper's 9am correct? I don't anticipate the meeting will take very long. and if I don't get a senior mentor in there it may not resolve all it needs to for startup but it's a start ;-p
21:04.32bugQbackward, I'd be 9
21:04.47Thumper_sounds right to me to me spldart
21:04.55Thumper_fun with timezones :)
21:05.24spldartLet's make sure bugq I got some plans for my day tomorrow.. wouln't wanna mix up times and miss the meeting
21:05.43bugQthat's right.
21:05.48spldartYour 3 and 4 T's 5 right now so
21:05.53spldartand 7 is ok for you?
21:05.59bugQit should be
21:06.06spldartmuch later for me and I'm not gonna have an easy time of it myself
21:06.21Thumper_and Jeff's 2 now IIRC so we won't see him tomorrow :)
21:06.30bugQlet's just all set our clocks to GMT!
21:06.51spldartIt would be JeffM's 6am so he will be snoozing
21:07.41bugQsets up a clock in sync with Accra, Ghana
21:07.42spldartwoohoo 45 minutes and I'm outta here
21:07.59JeffMyou don't need me
21:08.18spldartWatch me drown
21:08.21JeffMand yeah I'll be asleep
21:08.24JeffMyou'll be fine
21:08.37bugQisn't that scary, really.
21:08.38JeffMthe brlcad may even be awake then too
21:08.55spldartI've noticed.. you may be right
21:09.35bugQin fact, I quite suck at bzflag and all fps's.
21:10.30spldartI'm not very good either.. but I love it nonetheless
21:10.35JeffMit's not a test or anything you are just going to flesh out an idea
21:10.44bugQoh, I know
21:10.58JeffMthe only concnern/point i"d like to make is the one that I made yesterday, that I think it needs to be broken into 2 projcts
21:11.09JeffM1 for server start/stop/process management
21:11.15JeffMand one for in game bzadmin stuff
21:11.20bugQah right.
21:11.26TD-LinuxJeffM, I agree with that also
21:11.48bugQwell, we'll be sure to address that
21:11.49JeffMI think everyone agrees with that, so we just need to make sure the doc says that :)
21:12.05JeffMI can see making it easy for the server manager to link into the bzadmin stuff
21:12.07JeffMthat's for sure
21:12.11TD-LinuxI have a python script that you can pipe commands to and it will start/stop servers
21:12.14JeffMbut you need to be able to run one sans the other.
21:12.21TD-Linuxhaven't tinkered with it recently though :(
21:12.22JeffMTD-Linux, on linux ;)
21:12.42TD-Linuxit *should* work on windows too :) minus the piping, maybe sockets instead
21:12.47JeffMand yes, I think the webBZAdmin is a more important task then the starting and stoping of servers
21:13.05bugQis that your preferred name for it?
21:13.07TD-Linuxa simple bash script can take care of the server part
21:13.08JeffMTD-Linux, if it calls shell commands to do process management, I bet they dont' work on windows
21:13.20JeffMbugQ, I'd name one like WebServerManager
21:13.20TD-Linuxno, it uses python methods, popen and friends
21:13.28JeffMand one like WebBZadmin
21:13.34JeffMor WebAdmin or something
21:13.41JeffMand web admin should be done as a plug-in
21:13.46JeffMso it can just be thrown on any server
21:14.05JeffMso yeah seems everyone is on the same page, just need to bang out the details :)
21:14.07JeffMall is good
21:14.21brlcadbugQ: I'm awake most of the time, just ping me up ;)
21:14.52brlcadthough I'm more frequently about to go to bed at 6/7 than I am waking up, but it varies
21:15.28bugQput the two together, you can host a bzfs farm!
21:15.30*** mode/#bzflag [+o spldart] by ChanServ
21:15.53JeffMbugQ, yeah that could be one use of it, but I'd not want it to be the only use, that's my concern
21:16.07bugQof course not, just a very cool one
21:16.31JeffMfor some
21:16.41JeffMjust managing your server over a web page would be nice
21:16.50JeffMstarting /stoping servers is usualy not that hard
21:17.07JeffMand in the end we want to make it so you realy never have to restart them
21:17.17TD-Linuxmasterbot ( the later version ) took the route of splitting it up further, having a plugin that creates an admin interface not requiring a player to log in, and a web interface which ran on a standalone web server
21:17.21JeffMlimbo for everyon!
21:18.28think_tankthe list grows
21:19.04*** join/#bzflag LongDo1 (
21:19.20AHAbrlcad, you just noticed the channel you know
21:19.21JeffMit's cus SoC is important to us, if some try to disrupt imporant discussions mentors can take care of it, like go voice only, etc..
21:19.35JeffMhoefully noone will have to use those powers
21:19.47brlcadAHA, que?
21:20.05*** join/#bzflag KingofCamelot (
21:20.07AHA[05:17:25] -ChanServ:#bzflag- brlcad!n=sean@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad ACCESS [#BZFlag] ADD donny_baker 15
21:20.07AHA[05:18:09] -ChanServ:#bzflag- brlcad!n=sean@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad ACCESS [#BZFlag] ADD blast007 15
21:20.18brlcadAHA: yes, I know this
21:20.20AHAYou noticed the channel
21:20.21JeffMAHA, you just get that cus you are in the list
21:20.25AHAoh, did you mean to?
21:20.29JeffMye meant to
21:20.30brlcadit happens
21:20.35blast007AHA: the channel is probably set to verbose
21:20.37AHAJeffM, what list?
21:20.41JeffMthe list
21:20.45Winnythe user list
21:20.47blast007the naughty list
21:20.48brlcadanytime access permissions change on the channel
21:21.02AHAoh, probably a lack of a channel mode :)
21:21.03ruskiehmm... I'm in the list then as well O.o
21:21.11think_tanki've been waiting to see "larsl" push past 2 years since last use. only 9 more weeks to go
21:21.13JeffMI belive it just tells those who have an access level
21:21.21JeffMand a lot of people got set to autovoice
21:21.27JeffMwhen we had issues
21:21.43AHAI am not on the "list"
21:21.46WinnyJeffM, I think freenode messages everyone by default
21:21.52AHA/msg chanserv access #bzflag list
21:22.24JeffMthen yeah, it's just because we want the mentors to have some controll over disruptions during SoC discussions
21:22.40JeffMbeing a development channel and all :)
21:23.06JeffMshould be all good tho
21:23.16JeffMeveryone here is nice I'm sure ;)
21:23.38WinnyWell, until CBG arrives :p
21:23.51JeffMhe was nicer last time he was here
21:23.55Winnythen everything does down the shoot ;)
21:23.59JeffMbe nice
21:24.11JeffMshe has mood swings.
21:24.45brlcadahh, good ol larsl
21:26.11*** join/#bzflag noyb_ (n=noyb@nat/sun/x-fc115d1c68d25296)
21:26.41think_tankhmm, it added "donny" instead of "donny_baker"?
21:26.53brlcadhe's got linked nicks
21:26.53WinnyI see donny_baker
21:27.21*** join/#bzflag O-Neil (
21:39.43JeffMblast007, didn't you find a way to turn the winmain LPSTR lpCmdLine int argc and argv?
21:40.33blast007well, I just wrote better code to check for it
21:40.48JeffMI thought it was a lib or somethi8ng
21:41.15blast007I just check for quotes
21:41.23blast007doesn't support escaping stuff though
21:41.38JeffMI don't even need that
21:41.38blast007bzfs probably has better stuff for that, but I didn't take the time to check
21:41.41JeffMjust - stuff
21:54.04spldarttime to go home
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22:16.44JeffMremoves some respect for GTK
22:17.32JeffMwell gtkglext
22:18.20TD-Linuxnever had respect for GTK
22:35.55*** join/#bzflag jftsang (
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22:49.37bugQfails at EE :(
22:52.05bugQthere goes all my lab time.
22:52.42bugQeletrical eng.
22:53.41spldartI'm an Etech with some engineering under my belt.. I've tried to specialize in switchmode power supplies and audio power amps in class A A/B and D
22:54.31bugQI'm in computer eng. because it looked more interesting than CS.
22:54.56Constitutionwhat's the "Google swag on offer"?
22:55.15bugQwhat offer is this?
22:55.31Constitutionit's in the topic of #gsoc
22:56.09bugQoh yeah, students get T-shirts at the end.
22:57.57JeffMConstitution, if you did not get acepted, and still do your proejct for the org, the org can ask google to send the student some google stuff
22:58.00JeffMshirts, etc..
22:58.23*** join/#bzflag KingofCamelot (
22:58.31Constitutionah, cool
22:58.58spldartLink me to your bz wiki on your project please BugQ
22:59.30spldartThank you
22:59.36bugQyay it works, that was from memory
22:59.42Winnyif they enter the wrong password it should rickroll them
22:59.47blast007Winny: pffft
23:00.00JeffMWinny, seek profesional help....
23:00.13WinnyJeffM ;)
23:01.18bugQit looks pretty bad as it is...ew.  I have time now, let me fix it up
23:02.09blast007bugQ: we have lots of ideas to discuss tomorrow  :)
23:02.21bugQI mean typos, ofrmatting
23:02.31blast007speaking of typos
23:03.12bugQd'ont tipe gud
23:03.23JeffMme fail english.. that unpossible!
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23:04.10blast007is the average lag about 500ms?
23:04.17bryjenanyone know admins for there ?
23:04.36blast007that's NN's server, so, good luck
23:04.39spldartRight now I'm trying to collate my notes
23:04.56JeffMhis ethernet cable must be on fire
23:05.25blast007JeffM: I'm sure his comcast bisness connection can handle it
23:05.38JeffMhe dosn't even have a meg up does he?
23:05.49blast007I think he does now
23:05.56blast007and like 28 down
23:06.03blast007but I lose track
23:06.12spldartI got 2.2mbps up on a resedential
23:06.39blast007he's paying a buttload for... multiple static IPs  :P
23:06.47blast007whoopdy do
23:07.35spldartI've still got some set-up work to do on my multiple broadbands
23:07.39blast007I think he was paying over $100/month
23:07.46JeffMno his mom is
23:07.50blast007well, yeah :P
23:08.01spldartmust be nice
23:08.10JeffMnot really
23:08.28spldartWhen I was a punk kid I walked to school uphill in the snow both ways
23:08.29blast007he could get FIOS with more upstream for less
23:08.47blast007(assuming it's in the area for him)
23:09.13JeffMhe could get a colo for less
23:09.38blast007but then he won't get to configure a linksys router!
23:10.00blast007does he even have a cisco router?
23:10.11spldartYour gonna offend my two linksys's and Dlink
23:10.34JeffMspldart, yes but you don't try to run 200+ servers ;)
23:13.33blast007amazingly he only has 21 right now
23:15.02blast007he did mention that he was having troubles again with servers not wanting to start  ;)
23:15.26blast007file descriptors or sockets, whatever the issue was last time
23:15.50blast007his machines must have messed up operating systems
23:16.02blast007I've never had that problem on my system
23:16.19blast007and it's been up way longer than his systems :P
23:18.07JeffMyour nokia has more uptime ;)
23:19.03Constitutionnot sure his ausom hard where would fit in a server case
23:19.31blast007JeffM: heh
23:20.01blast007JeffM: 8 days and counting ;)
23:23.28*** join/#bzflag dcat (n=dirtycat@pdpc/supporter/active/dcat)
23:27.36*** join/#bzflag bugQ (
23:31.11bugQhmm, I kinda like that little PEMDAS quit message, but is it as good as "ahh, don't fix me!"?
23:33.52bugQgah, bad connection.  back tomorrow.
23:51.03Constitutionso, just waded through the student discussion list and saw the email about tax forms... is there anything else I need to do that I've missed?
23:51.31Constitutionkinda a chore to sort out the notifications from google from general questions from the others
23:51.32*** join/#bzflag O-Neil (
23:52.52spldartOh.. Bug left
23:53.02spldartanywho.. back to my notews

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