IRC log for #bzflag on 20080424

00:32.00WinnyJeffM, you spelled Lukstr's name wrong on the blog
00:32.33Lukstrooh ooh where
00:32.37Lukstrhaha sweet!
00:32.38Winnyan e slipped in :)
00:32.57LukstrIt's not a good handle if it's easily spelt or remembered ;)
00:33.19Winnyis now known as Luckster
00:33.38Lukstrdon't make me register and then ghost you
00:35.20Lukstrand in the CIA feed too
00:36.53LukstrRewega (Lukster) under CIA feeds
00:38.00CIA-32BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r17085 10/branches/v2_99_shot_branch/src/ (9 files in 2 dirs): error and warning fixes after moving most of the deaths to the server.
00:38.28JeffMthere we go
00:38.36*** join/#bzflag Joss (i=cbade489@gateway/web/ajax/
00:39.02*** part/#bzflag Joss (i=cbade489@gateway/web/ajax/
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01:03.10*** join/#bzflag bugQ (
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01:32.29*** join/#bzflag Ride- (
02:01.22*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
02:29.55*** join/#bzflag TylerM (n=TylerM@osgeo/member/TylerM)
02:30.11TylerMping donny_baker
02:30.28*** join/#bzflag spldart (
02:31.09spatialguruheya .. i recognise a few names here still...
02:31.14spatialgurueven after several months off :)
02:31.51spatialguruI need some admin help for a map on
02:31.58spatialguruNot sure if I need more help than that.
02:32.11spatialguruAnother player that uses my router got kick/banned.. now I can't join :(
02:32.41spldartYour router?
02:32.48Winnywell you should avoid letting people use it then
02:32.50spatialgurudonny_baker: you banned klkl from missile war :)
02:33.01spldartThis belongs elsewhere
02:33.17spatialguruokay... any pointers?
02:33.40spldartPerhaps a single polite request on bzbb or try to contact the server operator
02:34.01blast007a PM at the least, either on the forum, or on IRC
02:34.28blast007if the server has an IRC channel, then there too
02:34.53spatialguruOKay.. fair enough...
02:35.14spatialgurufrom here it wasn't clear
02:36.10spatialguruI guess I'm struggling with contacting the right person...
02:36.20spatialguruso thought I'd ask here.
02:37.04blast007is missile war on bzflagr?
02:37.20Winnybelieve so :p
02:37.32blast007##bzflagr (Support channel for the servers.)
02:37.45blast007from that wiki page :)
02:37.53spatialgurucool thanks a million for the helpful response..
02:38.08*** join/#bzflag KingofCamelot (
02:38.09spatialguruconfesses to going crosseyed looking at that list ;)
02:38.57spatialguruI just assume my odds of knowing anyone there will be smaller... but off I go :)
02:44.44spatialguruthx - winny patched me up
02:44.54*** join/#bzflag Evanejk (
02:45.17*** part/#bzflag spatialguru (n=TylerM@osgeo/member/spatialguru)
02:45.33nn64Evanejk, hi
02:46.16Evanejkyour name is orange.... whats that mean?
02:46.42blast007it means he said your name
02:46.51blast007it highlighted that line
02:47.00blast007Evanejk: it's magic
02:47.16Evanejkblast007 dark magic?
02:47.46blast007just the regular kind
02:48.05Evanejkobama was on the daily show and i put it on youtube.... its already taken down for copyrite material
02:48.34Evanejktoday i also put on a mad tv episode
02:50.55Evanejkidk if i can hadle the magic blast007
02:51.33*** join/#bzflag mayB (
02:52.10EvanejkmayB do you have the orange magic in you?
02:52.35LukstrEvanejk: we all have the orange magic!
02:52.37blast007how's it going mayB?
02:52.54Evanejki got this idea for a bzfs plugin today and now i really wish i knew c++
02:52.55mayBi didnt get in for Bzflags ...
02:53.08mayBbut i got in gsoc
02:53.16blast007which project?
02:54.00Evanejkits a plug in that makes is so a person can send a flag to another team mate
02:54.13JBdiGrizmayB: Congratulations!
02:54.22blast007Evanejk: you'd have to modify the API for that
02:54.27mayBthanks guys ....
02:54.47EvanejkAPI sound like something important
02:54.50blast007and I'm not 100% sure you could do it in 2.0.x.  I'm not familar with the thief code.
02:54.53mayBit wuld have been fun to work on bzflags.... neways
02:55.02blast007Evanejk: well, the API is how the plugins work, so yes  ;)
02:55.32Evanejkhow about the admin's flag give and flag take thing it could be based on the same princibal
02:55.45Evanejkexcept you would have to be carrying the  flag
02:56.20Evanejkand the player would have to have an option accept it
02:56.38Evanejkor reject it
02:57.54*** join/#bzflag Ride288 (
02:59.20blast007Evanejk: so now you're going to build Vista into BZFlag?  "Evanejk wants to give you a flag. Allow or Deny?"
03:04.57KingofCamelotHow goes it guys?
03:05.31blast007going good
03:05.43blast007I should probably go home, but meh, I have SSH at work too
03:29.59*** join/#bzflag Evanejk (
03:30.11*** part/#bzflag mayB (
03:59.06*** join/#bzflag ViciousM (
04:03.48*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
04:18.21JeffMexit night
04:18.23JeffMenter light
04:21.47spldartbtw... pogo says you rock :~)
04:25.46Constitutiondoes gtkbzedit or whatever it's called have a logo?
04:27.47JeffMgod no
04:28.26JeffMshort_circuit: I do? why?
04:41.27*** join/#bzflag PrezzKennedy (i=Matthew@
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04:55.40CIA-32gtkbzedit: 03JeffM2501 * r14 10/trunk/ (9 files in 2 dirs): cleaner names
04:59.41CIA-32gtkbzedit: 03JeffM2501 * r15 10/trunk/ (10 files in 2 dirs): if you arn't going to cast then may as well store everything as a double
04:59.45ruskieJeffM, <-- here's that pic(the next one is also related) of me+shirt ;)
05:22.55*** join/#bzflag Evanejk (
05:37.43CIA-32gtkbzedit: 03JeffM2501 * r16 10/trunk/ (11 files in 2 dirs): the whitespace... oh god the whitespace!
05:39.24*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
05:47.27*** join/#bzflag javawizard2539 (
06:05.46*** join/#bzflag Evanejk (
06:05.59Evanejkanybody home?
06:06.34Evanejknn gave me a ssh account for his domain
06:06.47blast007I'm sorry to hear that
06:06.49Evanejktrying to find out how to get my server on it
06:06.59blast007ask him
06:07.08Evanejkhe's not on
06:07.15blast007then ask him tomorrow
06:07.25Evanejkdont want to wait lol
06:07.29blast007too bad
06:07.32blast007we don't run his server
06:10.42*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (n=l4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r)
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06:56.07*** join/#bzflag KingofCamelot (
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08:52.27KingofCamelotyou still around donny_baker?
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09:46.18*** join/#bzflag bier_ (
09:47.16donny_bakerKingofCamelot: i am
09:47.28donny_bakerfor a few minutes
09:47.51KingofCamelotHey, just thought I'd introduce myself
09:47.57KingofCamelotSince you're my mentor :)
09:48.10donny_bakeryeah, we haven't really been on a lot at the same time
09:48.19KingofCamelotWhere do you live?
09:48.49KingofCamelotThat means it's like almost 6 AM your time?
09:48.57donny_bakersouth bend specifically...
09:49.25donny_bakeryeah... i get up at 4 everyday
09:49.36KingofCamelotWhoa. Work-related?
09:49.45donny_bakeryeah deliver newspapers
09:49.51*** join/#bzflag MPS_ (n=c1c405fd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
09:49.55donny_bakerits a good 4th job ;P
09:50.02KingofCamelotAh, that makes sense
09:50.37KingofCamelotWell, I've got to go to bed because I've got a midterm at 9:30 (it's 2:50 AM here), but hopefully we'll be on at the same time more during the next couple days :)
09:51.02donny_bakerk.. night and good luck science midterm :P
09:51.45donny_bakeri'm sure you'll do fine then :)
09:51.57KingofCamelotI'm hoping so. :) Goodnight.
10:01.43*** join/#bzflag ViciousM (
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12:30.21patlklihi :)
13:11.51*** join/#bzflag RedBaron3 (n=d8ada652@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
13:20.22CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r944 10/trunk/ (14 files in 6 dirs):
13:20.22CIA-32FTGL: * Updated Visual Studio build, by Eric Beets. We decided to switch the
13:20.23CIA-32FTGL:  solution file to Visual Studio 2005 because no one was able to get an
13:20.23CIA-32FTGL:  older version. Sorry.
13:23.02*** join/#bzflag hobbsc (
13:30.49brlcadsam: heh, it's more important that it works for the people activing using and maintaining it, no? :)
13:35.36sambrlcad: sure, but we don't care much about Win32 TBH
13:41.26CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r945 10/trunk/ (14 files in 3 dirs):
13:41.26CIA-32FTGL: * Rename "win32_vcpp" to "msvc" and move all Visual Studio build files out
13:41.26CIA-32FTGL:  of their subdirectory.
13:41.26CIA-32FTGL: * Add the msvc subdirectory to "make dist" so that it gets distributed.
13:41.40samI wouldn't object if a Win32 maintainer suddenly popped out of nowhere :)
13:42.40brlcadour bz win32 devs could probably help with some of that load, whenever we/I get around to updating our bundled copy to the updated sources
13:43.42brlcadI gutted the build system when it was integrated since it was far more simple to maintain than what ftgl had
13:43.53brlcadnow, though, it can probably be a proper subconfigure
13:44.51*** join/#bzflag Dont (
13:46.09Manuhaving fun Dont ? :)
13:48.35*** join/#bzflag bugQ (
13:49.30brlcadhello bugQ
13:49.35bugQbrlcad, do you just live here?
13:50.04bugQand hi
13:50.06Manubrlcad is a 5th generation bot
13:52.49brlcad*bleep* that does not compute!
13:55.58brlcadWyk3d: ping
14:07.43*** join/#bzflag me1 (n=me1@unaffiliated/me1)
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14:27.20nn64hi all
14:42.28*** join/#bzflag hamburger (
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15:42.59Wyk3dbrlcad: pong
15:43.19brlcadWyk3d: there's something you haven't done yet :)
15:43.29Wyk3dwiki page ?
15:43.35brlcadwell, maybe
15:43.39brlcadbut not what I'm thinking of
15:44.39Wyk3dhmm .. can't remember anything else i was asked to do on short notice
15:45.12brlcadauthors file
15:45.21brlcadmaybe didn't get the memo (yet) :)
15:45.39brlcadit was part of validating your commit access
15:45.50Wyk3dhmm i was wondering why Lukstr did that ..
15:46.06brlcadeveryone is supposed to, that's why there's a special section
15:46.26Wyk3dwiki/forum ?
15:47.02Wyk3dwhat do you mean special section ?
15:48.11brlcaddude, authors file
15:48.12*** join/#bzflag think_tank (n=think_ta@unaffiliated/thinktank/x-168245)
15:48.24Wyk3doh, a section in the file .. gotcha
15:53.20CIA-32BZFlag: 03wyk3d * r17086 10/trunk/bzflag/AUTHORS: * Added myself to the GSoC list in the AUTHORS file.
15:53.25Wyk3ddone :)
15:54.28Wyk3dhas a lot of reading up to do :(
16:00.46brlcadthat just leaves one straggler
16:08.29*** part/#bzflag RedBaron3 (n=d8ada652@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
16:49.31*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
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17:43.28*** join/#bzflag Evanejk (
17:45.28EvanejkThere should be a plugin where it lets people send flags to a teammate, and then the teamate gets to chose rather to accept it or not
17:45.41Evanejkrather send their flag
17:46.03Evanejkto a teammate
17:46.43ManuI guess no
17:47.10JeffMEvanejk, a plug-in can't change the client
17:47.18JeffMso it can't ask if they want to accept it.
17:48.01ManuJeffM: probably it can be implemented using server commands in the plugin :)
17:48.23Evanejkthats what i meant Manu
17:48.36JeffMwrite it up then
17:48.50JeffMwhy is that funny?
17:48.55Manubut AFAIK it doesn't exists right now :)
17:49.12JeffMyeah plugins don't just spring into being
17:49.17JeffMso if you want it, write it up
17:49.35Evanejktime to try to learn c++ again
17:50.40Evanejklets hope I can get a compiler to work other than bloodshed
17:52.06JeffMvisual C++
17:52.15JeffMbulds plugins just fine
17:52.23JeffMyou don't even have to build bz
17:52.37Evanejkok ill find a download link
17:52.51JeffMvc 2005 express edition
17:53.12JeffMjust get that, and then throw the header and lib from the binary installer into to it
17:53.14JeffMand you are good
17:53.59Evanejkill look over some other open source plugins if i can find them...
17:54.15Evanejki wonder if this will take a while to download
17:54.18JeffMwe ship plugins in our source tree
17:54.28JeffMthey are inteneded as examples
17:57.22Evanejkdo you have to pay for visual c++?
17:57.52JeffMnot the express edition
17:57.55*** join/#bzflag AHA (n=aha@unaffiliated/aha)
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18:20.18*** join/#bzflag Constitution (n=const@unaffiliated/macsforme)
18:20.46blast007JeffM: hmm, would you only need the PSDK if you're just wanting to build plugins?
18:20.57*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (n=SpazzyMc@unaffiliated/spazzymcgee)
18:21.00JeffMthey don't call any windows specific stuff
18:21.09Erroneousdepends which plugins
18:21.12JeffMjust normal C++ and stuff in our export lib
18:21.24JeffMbut generaly not
18:21.46blast007so you might not need the PSDK either? nice
18:21.58JeffMyeah you may not
18:22.50blast007might be interesting to do a plugin contest sometime  ;)
18:25.35*** join/#bzflag Wits (
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18:37.04Evanejkwhere can i find some open source plugins?
18:39.46JeffMEvanejk, in our sourece zip
18:39.58JeffMbut you also need the header and lib from our binary install
18:40.10JeffMand you have to add them to the proper include and lib dirs
18:44.34Evanejkthis looks head-aceing
18:45.49Constitutions/aceing/aching/ ?
18:49.34*** join/#bzflag bugQ (
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18:52.13Lukstrhey mentors, what sort of hours should I stick to for being available on irc/at work
18:54.01brlcadLukstr: info on the way
18:54.26*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
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18:54.33catayfive nines :)
18:55.30donny_bakerLukstr: 24hrs a day would be ideal, no sleeping ;)
18:56.20Lukstrdonny_baker: this has little to do with sleep, more to do with when I should leave my house :P
18:58.17Lukstryes, hardy heron is out just in time to hit my servers
19:17.53*** join/#bzflag donny (n=joevano@about/essy/vvvvv/donnybaker)
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19:41.41*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (n=shedelj@unaffiliated/thinkdifferentl/x-838543)
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20:00.47JeffMLukstr, what time zone are you in?
20:01.12Lukstrthough I'm quite happy to switch if need be
20:01.20JeffMshould be fine
20:01.23JeffMbrlcad is on that
20:01.41Lukstrhe's probably awake during sane hours
20:01.50LukstrI woke up at 2:30 and will probably go to bed around 5
20:02.40Think_Differentlattempts to find an ubuntu server that isn't under stress
20:02.50WinnyIE: none
20:03.00Think_Differentlyeah, seems so.
20:05.17Erroneousheh, switching time zones.  I don't know *anyone* who would do that...
20:05.21Erroneouswhistles innocently
20:06.27WinnyLukstr, the other solution is to not sleep
20:06.43donny_bakerWinny: that was my suggestion :)
20:06.48JeffMLukstr, what times would work good for you?
20:07.53donny_bakerLukstr: I am on EST also, but i act like I am 2 timezones further east (middle of the atlantic time zone)
20:25.05brlcadLukstr: sane what? :)
20:26.02nn64ack its a lot of work changing everything over to mapchange :(
20:28.06whodaman-nn64, wouldn't be if you had done it when we had suggested it..
20:29.40*** join/#bzflag javawizard2539 (
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20:42.06nn64whodaman-, until the current security crassness I had little reason to.
20:42.57Constitutionnn64: several people offered to help, as I recall. I imagine those offers still stand.
20:43.08Constitutionif you need help
20:43.35JeffMcrass is not the word to describe what happened
20:44.04nn64well I Have to finish working on physics drivers for my map editor and throw in some features that haven't got in yet like new map duplicate object and click to place.
20:46.13nn64Constitution, shore I still could use some help :) I need lots of maps for some 10 + map-change's 1 map change for each user/ map maker. that dosn't use ssh on my server lol
20:46.41JeffMsure, not shore.
20:46.50nn64I'm going to make an announcement about it in the forums soon.
20:47.15nn64any way time for me to work on my editor
20:47.30Constitutionnn64: I think you have plenty of maps
20:49.38nn64Constitution, I may but they are all in the main mapchange; And the ones asked for by users are who Know where ! back in the day i was not Orginized about where maps wen't. :( I can find them it just takes a bit of poaking around
20:50.34nn64I have gotten bettor at organizing maps since then it comes with maturing and growing up.
20:50.41LukstrJeffM: I'd rather conform to whatever times you guys see fit
20:50.42JeffMnot betor
20:50.59JeffMLukstr, we are mostly use, and somewhat flexable
20:51.06JeffMmostly us
20:51.08JeffMnot use :)
20:51.42Lukstrdo you generally work outside of 9 to 5?
20:52.06donny_bakeri would venture to guess that we have pretty close to 24 hr/day mentor coverage
20:52.07JeffM9 ish to 7ish
20:52.18JeffMErroneous works similar hours
20:52.23JeffMVERY similar hours
20:52.31JeffMI usualy have to tell him to go home
20:52.38JeffMor I lock his ass inside
20:52.39LukstrI'd figure most devs would be after hours
20:53.12JeffMhe shows up later then I do
20:53.20JeffMbut takes a shorter lunch
20:54.06donny_bakeryou are nice, he gets a lunch
20:54.36JeffMwell I get paid the same if I take the lunch or not :)
20:55.42Erroneousprefers the extra time at the beginning of the day instead of the middle
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21:06.42TheRedBaronBuy me a trip to the moon - So I can laugh at my mistakes. I can see the end from here and from this perspective it looks rather silly
21:08.08TD-Linuxdid you make a moon map?
21:09.23TheRedBaronhas no artistic capabilities :
21:10.09donny_bakerhmmm... I doubt that ;)
21:10.40donny_bakermaybe in map making, but...
21:14.49*** join/#bzflag Ride- (
21:18.46TheRedBarondonny_baker: are you psychic? ;)
21:18.52*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
21:19.01*** part/#bzflag LongDon (
21:19.13donny_bakeri've just heard creativity runs in the family ;)
21:19.53donny_bakerTheRedBaron: ^^
21:23.06TheRedBaronheh - I think i got skipped ;)
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21:45.21F687s3.0 question: If you define a custom flag with the TH shot type, does the tank itself keep normal size/speed?
21:50.38*** join/#bzflag brad (
21:50.49JeffMthe size comes from the flag not the shot
21:50.58JeffMit will just have the th beam
21:51.12JeffMand tell the server "I got hit by this shotID"
21:51.17JeffMafter that its up to you
21:54.14*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (n=l4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r)
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21:59.15*** join/#bzflag brad (
22:32.31CIA-32BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r17087 10/branches/v2_99_shot_branch/ (12 files in 3 dirs):
22:32.31CIA-32BZFlag: We like our shots unsalted thank you very much, better for the heart.
22:32.31CIA-32BZFlag: Use Shot Lists on the client.
22:32.31CIA-32BZFlag: Send proper shot IDs from the server.
22:32.31CIA-32BZFlag: Have the API death event have subclasses for each death type.
22:32.34CIA-32BZFlag: Convert kills with no shots into smites.
22:33.24Winnyshot branch? Constitution's stuff?
22:34.36JeffMMy stuff
22:35.03JeffMConstitution will have to build on it
22:35.05JeffMthat's for sure
22:43.00JeffMgood news is.. it compiles
22:43.05*** join/#bzflag Zaa (
22:43.12JeffMbad news is shots don't end untill they hit something :)
22:49.34TheRedBaronhits JeffM with a shot
22:53.17Lukstrpours TheRedBaron a shot :)
22:54.42Lukstr:D well, I have to go see my cousin's art show or something...
22:54.48Lukstrmutters something about a chair and martinis
22:54.52LukstrI'll be back.
22:58.49*** join/#bzflag think_tank (n=think_ta@unaffiliated/thinktank/x-168245)
23:02.46CIA-32BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r17088 10/branches/v2_99_shot_branch/ (4 files in 2 dirs):
23:02.46CIA-32BZFlag: track shot lifetimes on the server and end them when it is time.
23:02.46CIA-32BZFlag: only end shots that end on the server.
23:04.38*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
23:04.38*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
23:09.13*** join/#bzflag spldart (
23:34.01*** join/#bzflag Astroman (
23:34.57Ride-how do i allow private messages from nonregistered users
23:35.57Ride-anyone know what the command for that is
23:36.12Ride-Astroman: hold on one second brb
23:36.24Ride-imgoing to go GOOGLE IT
23:36.33TheRedBaronRide-: /msg nickserv help
23:36.49Astromank i gotta rince some dishes, brb (1-2 min)
23:37.10TheRedBaronRide-: /msg nickserv help set unfiltered
23:37.22Astromannvr mind
23:38.05TheRedBaronRide-: np
23:38.48Ride-Astroman: click on my name on the right side of the screen and type
23:39.18TheRedBaronRide-:  or /msg Astroman
23:39.30Ride-he has it
23:44.40*** join/#bzflag Ebert (
23:45.42*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
23:45.42*** mode/#bzflag [+v bryjen] by ChanServ
23:45.57Ride-can anyone tell me how i can add groups to a map on PuTTY (what is the - command
23:47.20JeffMRide-, you edit the groupdb file
23:47.30JeffMwith the group name and the permisions it gets
23:47.39JeffMyou edit the file
23:47.46JeffMit's text
23:47.50Ride-and where do i "edit it" on the bzw file
23:47.51JeffMit's not part of bzfs
23:47.54Ride-in notepad
23:47.57JeffMwherever you want
23:48.02JeffMit's a file
23:48.10Ride-does it go in options
23:48.11Constitutionit's not part of the bzw file
23:48.13JeffMdid you specifiy a groupdb
23:48.18Constitutionyou need a seperate groupdb file
23:48.19JeffMin the config?
23:48.28Ride-where is config
23:48.34JeffMwho is your host?
23:48.37Ride-i have to make config
23:48.42JeffMwho is your host?
23:48.49JeffMis it nn?
23:48.59JeffMwho owns that machine?
23:49.11JeffMask them to show you how they setup the config
23:53.15JeffMTimRiker, do we have any sort of licese to use the openGL logo on our web page?
23:53.55*** join/#bzflag think_tank (n=think_ta@unaffiliated/thinktank/x-168245)
23:53.58blast007the license to kill.  no wait, wrong one.
23:55.12*** join/#bzflag Astroman (
23:58.17*** join/#bzflag Astroman (
23:58.36Astromansry, spazzed out
23:58.58CIA-32BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r17089 10/branches/v2_99_shot_branch/src/date/buildDate.cxx: use proto 9000 to ensure that we don't conflict with incompatible servers.

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.