IRC log for #bzflag on 20080422

00:00.07nn64which includes object list, object editing, and map saving
00:00.19Think_Differentlnn64, perhaps you should include some documentation ;)
00:01.21nn64well the program is much in-proved and almost self explanatory :)
00:01.38Winnyin-proved? improved?
00:01.47Think_Differentlnot matter how self explanatory it is, you should always include docs.
00:02.10JeffMnn64, almost only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and atomic wars.
00:02.32blast007and in bzflag lag
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00:22.21*** join/#bzflag Constitution (n=const@unaffiliated/macsforme)
00:27.34nn64Here it is !!!!!
00:28.24JeffMdude, clear out the temp files man
00:28.39JeffMand you HAVE to include the license
00:31.59nn64ok i will add that
00:32.18JeffMalso have you should make a script that packs up just the files you want to distribute
00:33.30*** join/#bzflag Constitution (n=const@unaffiliated/macsforme)
00:34.11nn64JeffM, I'm going to have to re make the release I forgot some important entry boxes
00:42.45JeffMnn64, did you get my PM?
00:43.35nn64no haven't checked since 2 days ago I will check soon.
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00:59.58kierra_awaybrlcad ping
01:01.26nn64Ok here's the proper fixed release
01:02.08JeffMhave you pondered version controll?
01:02.10nn64added entry's for teleport border ; from, to  (links ) and Base color
01:03.21nn64JeffM, yes I decided it's to complicated for me to understand at the moment :(
01:03.34JeffMyou still have all the crap files
01:03.38nn64I looked in to it and got confused
01:03.47nn64well how do you remove them ?
01:03.55JeffMselect them and delete them
01:04.18JeffMtell your tarball to ingnore them
01:04.26JeffMwrite a script to just compress the files you need
01:04.31JeffMinstall windows
01:04.34JeffMinstall linux
01:04.39JeffMuse version controll
01:06.12nn64JeffM, I tried to fix it so it would compile on windows can you try to compile it on windows please so I can release this version on the forum.
01:06.51JeffMwon't build
01:07.03nn64? whats the error ?
01:07.24JeffMone I fixed that you ignored
01:07.27JeffMthe bool stuff
01:07.39nn64oh oups
01:07.41JeffMthat and you need sentenels
01:08.29*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
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01:09.01JeffMdid you actualy make any of the changes I made?
01:09.35nn64? the transformXYZ and the rt XYZ
01:09.47JeffMthe basic ones
01:09.57JeffMclient_loop dosnt' take a void it takes a gpointer
01:10.04JeffMas defined in GtkFunction
01:10.16JeffMand none of that point stuff will compile
01:10.25JeffMwhat did you do "to try and make it compile on windows"?
01:12.23nn64ok i missed a lot more than i thought
01:12.30nn64im going to fix that now
01:12.43nn64that way its easiear on you
01:13.12JeffMI can't see how you don't get  o[g->n_obj]->size ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
01:14.00JeffMI mean the entire (point) thing is basicly faking an object in normal C
01:16.10JeffMI'm done with the fixes
01:17.55*** join/#bzflag fatass (n=fatass@unaffiliated/thinkdifferentl/x-838543)
01:18.01nn64where did you get set form
01:18.07JeffMI wrote it
01:18.09nn64set (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
01:18.24nn64where which file ?
01:18.25JeffMdo a search
01:18.31JeffMuse your tools
01:25.10nn64thanks :)
01:25.34nn64so do you like the additions ?
01:26.20nn64when the list window is selected and you type it will auto search for what you type in the list
01:37.31*** join/#bzflag ndim (
01:39.51blast007DTRemenak: is there some kind of dialog widget in the BZFlag menu system already?
01:40.22blast007or maybe you're logged in as Erroneous right now  ;)
01:43.26Erroneousdialog widget?
01:45.43Erroneousblast007: not sure what you're referring to
01:46.06*** part/#bzflag kierra (
01:51.26*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
01:59.17blast007Erroneous: doesn't the "New Version" thing for new Windows builds come up as an overlay?
01:59.25blast007or does that launch a new menu?
01:59.38blast007I've only seen it like once, so I can't remember ;)
02:01.18AAA_awrightTo give my completely biased and strong opinion, 3 out of the 6 summer of code applications are complete crap (nothing personal, I just don't see how it will work out in the end)
02:01.46AAA_awrightGuess which ones I am talking about? :p
02:02.39blast007Erroneous: nevermind, guess it fires a while different menu
02:02.48AAA_awrightEspecially the authentication daemon, OpenLDAP sucks to no end for the type of data we are storing.</rant>
02:02.52blast007I was thinking it made a dialog box over the menu you were currently on
02:04.04Erroneousblast007: no, but you can always just push a new HUDuiDialog onto the stack
02:04.07AAA_awrightA custom built C++ server isn't a bad idea, except for the fact the list server must work with the web services too. That complicates things.
02:04.18Erroneousif you want it to look cool you can use a HUDuiFrame
02:04.43blast007I was just thinking about how hard it would be to have in-game dialog boxes pop up  ;)
02:05.46Erroneousblast007: it should be practical to subclass the dialog with an automatic frame and so on
02:05.59Erroneousthat's what I have planned/partially implemented for server-side dialogs
02:06.21Erroneousjust haven't gotten the automatic font sizing stuff to work yet
02:09.38Erroneousblast007: if you want to work on it I can check in what I have... <evil grin>
02:12.02blast007I'll probably see if I can get a grasp of the current menu code first
02:12.14blast007but at some point I'd like to be able to help on that
02:12.21Erroneousit's not as nasty as it looks...just a little wierd :)
02:13.12Thumper_does this segfault for you guys right away too?  (on trunk) src/bzfs/bzfs -recbuf 16 -loadplugin plugins/logDetail/.libs/
02:13.50blast007yes Thumper_
02:14.06Thumper_blast007: thx. so it's not just my broken setup
02:14.32Thumper_works w/o -recbuf, works w/o logDetail plugin. wonderful.
02:15.02Thumper_so I have a replay server I can't make recordings for :)
02:15.10blast007what's the default recording directory?
02:15.20blast007#4  0x0821231f in sendMessage (playerIndex=253, dstPlayer=253 'ý', message=0x82fc640 "Could not open or create record directory:") at bzfs.cxx:1452
02:15.47Thumper_hmmm specifying the recording directory doesnt' help (I think)
02:15.58Thumper_not sure what the default is
02:16.26ErroneousI don't get that in my bt at all
02:16.34blast007Erroneous: hmm
02:16.36Thumper_me either
02:18.15blast007well, I created a directory called "recordings/" and set up the -recdir too, and I still crash
02:18.20Thumper_#3  0x08224c61 in sendMessage (playerIndex=253, dstPlayer=253 '
02:18.34Thumper_and it blows up in std::string::c_str
02:18.52Thumper_so something if fubared
02:19.24ErroneousThumper_: yeah, that's what I get too
02:19.59Erroneouscan't get full debug info from logDetail though
02:20.03Thumper_blast007: that pastebin looks very close to mine
02:20.25Thumper_are the plugins not build with --enable-debug maybe?
02:20.34Thumper_(not built with all the debug symbols etc)
02:21.03AAA_awrightJeffM: Did you see this yet? I know that someone was playing around with it, which is perfectly fine: No need to enter a callsign/token right now
02:21.19Erroneousthey should be
02:21.32JeffMAAA_awright, I have not looked at any of your projects or work
02:21.58Thumper_I can't seem to set a breakpoint on logDetail for some reason...
02:22.05Thumper_is gdb debugger challenged
02:22.21ErroneousThumper_: yeah, I don't think they're properly picking up --enable-debug
02:22.35blast007when are you trying to set the breakpoint?
02:22.43blast007before you run?
02:22.44AAA_awrightAlright. MasterBot you may have heard, is a project I picked up that was inactive for a couple years, it is going to start off as a service manager designed for bzfs
02:22.48Thumper_before running
02:22.53blast007the plugin wouldn't have been loaded anyway yet
02:23.03blast007so gdb wouldn't know about it
02:23.39blast007not sure if it will work even if bzfs loads it though
02:23.49AAA_awrightAny developers: Is there a method, besides plugin, or -d, to write messages, chats, ect, to a stream?
02:23.51blast007wouldn't GDB have to specifically load the symbols for the plugint oo?
02:24.09JeffMAAA_awright, no, not with out code mods
02:24.21Thumper_blast007: I think so
02:24.25AAA_awrightSo I have to integrate that part into the plugin then
02:24.50spldartecho doesnt?
02:24.50blast007how else would you do it?
02:24.50Thumper_load doesn't help :-P
02:24.50blast007and why wouldn't you want to?
02:24.50Erroneousblast007: no, it loads them automatically if they're there
02:24.50blast007Erroneous: oh
02:25.04AAA_awrightI am working on making MasterBot to record chats, other logs to an SQLite database
02:25.10ErroneousCFLAGS etc aren't being propagated to the plugins correctly
02:27.29Erroneousit dies on line 149 fyi
02:28.23AAA_awrightI need to learn more about the plugin compile process, is there a way to compile plugins outside of the plugins directory? e.g. in masterbot, run ./configure --bzfs-plugin-api=/usr/local/src/bzflag/
02:28.25CIA-32gtkbzedit: 03JeffM2501 * r2 10/trunk/COPYING: Don't need no credit card to ride this train, but you need a license.
02:29.06AAA_awrightgtkbzedit is on Google's SVN server?
02:29.18JeffMit is now
02:30.00Thumper_Erroneous: line 149 in logDetail.cpp ?
02:30.08Erroneousthe message data is no good
02:30.10Thumper_so it thinks it's a team message? that's not right
02:30.24Erroneousyeah, the whole eventData block looks corrupt to me
02:30.38Erroneouslike it's being cast to a type that it isn't
02:31.46CIA-32BZFlag: 03dtremenak * r17058 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/logDetail/logDetail.cpp: which, oddly enough, it IS...if this is a bz_eServerMsgEvent, don't try using chatData, use serverMsgData...
02:32.27Erroneousthat should do it for you
02:32.40Erroneousdunno if it's handling things right or not, but that's where the crash is coming from
02:33.56Erroneousteam is eNoTeam, for what it's worth
02:34.09Erroneousso there might be some funky logic that needs fixing
02:34.19Thumper_doh.  thx Erroneous
02:35.10Thumper_that same thing is in v2_0branch :-o
02:35.29Erroneousyou're welcome to fix it :)
02:35.37blast007see if that one crashes too ;)
02:35.40Erroneousdoesn't really give a hoot about v2_0branch
02:36.26blast007no crash on 2.0.x
02:36.42Erroneousthe types were probably similar enough in 2.0
02:36.45Thumper_I'm using those settings now in branch ...
02:37.00Thumper_I'll fix it anyway :)
02:40.38AAA_awrightWhy is git add broken in Ubuntu?
02:40.50CIA-32BZFlag: 03bthansen * r17059 10/branches/v2_0branch/bzflag/plugins/logDetail/logDetail.cpp: Fix cut-and-paste-o - use the right message data structure
02:42.07CIA-32gtkbzedit: 03JeffM2501 * r4 10/trunk/ (32 files in 4 dirs):
02:42.07CIA-32gtkbzedit: add a read me.
02:42.07CIA-32gtkbzedit: convert the build system to something that is normal and executable.
02:42.07CIA-32gtkbzedit: move the sources to /src
02:42.07CIA-32gtkbzedit: move the includes to /include
02:42.08CIA-32gtkbzedit: get crazy with the cheese whiz!
02:43.13AAA_awrightDebian only has Git :/
02:43.27Thumper_that would be why
02:43.36Thumper_use it to pull the current version
02:43.58AAA_awrightThat is their latest version.
02:44.11blast007use git to get git?
02:44.11Thumper_not git's latest - build it from source
02:44.15JeffMhe means use Git to git the latest version
02:44.25Thumper_right :)
02:44.26blast007I hate that name
02:44.33blast007it's open to way too many jokes
02:44.33JeffMI hate the tool ;)
02:44.36JeffMconcept isn't bad
02:44.40JeffMtool blows
02:44.41AAA_awrightIt is different.
02:44.53AAA_awrightAnd verbose. But works well.
02:45.04Thumper_it gives you tons of rope to hang yourself with
02:45.47AAA_awrightJeffM: I don't understand why you would not like it, it works wonderfully, it supports patch-based distribution almost natively, but it isn't needed if know how to use it
02:45.52Thumper_he's gone
02:46.09AAA_awrightPlus signed tags. And it is very compact.
02:46.51AAA_awrightI keep saying it is almost like it was designed for BZFlag, now you can have a whole class of developers who are not part of the project, but contribute code. It implements trust much more effectively.
02:47.51AAA_awrightI would experiment with git-svn, but I am afraid to pull 14000 revisions from
02:48.18AAA_awrightJust to access one of the dozen projects hosted on that one respiratory
02:48.21blast007AAA_awright: it would be nice it it worked well
02:48.48AAA_awrightIt works great I think, I have been using it for a project of my own I have been working with other people on
02:49.09Thumper_it works great on *nix machines.  it's CRLF challenged ATM
02:49.11blast007have any of the developers been on WIndows?
02:49.31AAA_awrightThat is it's weak point, that is being worked on right now though.
02:49.33blast007hugs his XP machine
02:49.51blast007AAA_awright: so let me know when it's as stable and functional as, say, SVN
02:50.01Thumper_blast007: ok :)
02:50.03AAA_awrightWe need a tortoiseGit or something
02:50.08AAA_awrightblast007: It already is
02:50.12blast007AAA_awright: on windows
02:50.32AAA_awrightAh. Cygwin, well, um, ... ... ...
02:50.39blast007I'm not going to do all my development over SSH
02:51.07Thumper_ok next test... does your bzflag client crash as soon as you do 'n/replay play' on ?
02:51.08AAA_awrightblast007: Use git-svn
02:51.18AAA_awrightYou can access git from an SVN client
02:51.27AAA_awrightor a CVS client
02:51.27blast007AAA_awright: on Windows?
02:51.41AAA_awrightAny operating system, I suuppose.
02:51.41Thumper_er that's backwards - access SVN from a git client
02:52.17AAA_awrightNo, iirc Linus was talking about companies that use git, but do not present it to the developers, they present devs with SVN instead
02:52.31Thumper_yeah but that's not git-svn
02:52.58AAA_awrightgit-svn - Bidirectional operation between a single Subversion branch and git
02:53.15*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
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02:53.24Thumper_right - you work in git to modify a SVN repo
02:53.58Thumper_points at #git :)
02:56.03AAA_awrightAlright, so what I am looking for is git-cvsserver
02:56.45AAA_awrightI'm gonna try that right now... If I had CVS installed
03:00.03*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
03:00.12Thumper_heads off to sleep and recharge...
03:00.20JeffMuse the 220 it helps
03:00.51nn64JeffM, Just posted the release in the forum.
03:00.57JeffMnn64, fun
03:01.26JeffMI'm fixing up some other things on it and commiting them
03:01.53*** join/#bzflag Joss (
03:01.56AAA_awrightJeffM: I don't understand why you would not like it, it works wonderfully, it supports patch-based distribution almost natively, but it isn't needed if know how to use it.
03:02.11AAA_awrightAs blast pointed out, no Windows support, but there is git-cvsserver
03:02.14JeffMAAA_awright, it dosn't work wonderfly
03:02.40AAA_awrightHow so? I have had far fewer problems then SVN, and even fewer then that then CVS
03:02.58AAA_awrightMostly with locking and network, that is. Still.
03:02.59JeffMAAA_awright, well I've never goten it to work
03:03.17JeffMlike I say, the concept is sound, there are jsut better tools
03:03.34AAA_awrightJeffM: What has not worked for you?
03:03.47JeffMAAA_awright, actualy getting code
03:03.57AAA_awrightgit clone?
03:04.04JeffMgit anything
03:04.27*** join/#bzflag mib_8fcm6p (i=7decb027@gateway/web/ajax/
03:04.39JeffMbut this isn't a place for the standard git zealotry that comes with git users
03:04.45JeffMI have no desire to use it
03:04.46JeffMit's a buggy
03:05.00JeffMmaybe in a couple more years, we'll see
03:06.13AAA_awrightWell, no problems here, at least with >1.5
03:06.25AAA_awrightI'll have to compile the latest version for my Debian install
03:06.26JeffMgood for you then
03:08.14mib_8fcm6pwhich part of the code is the -solo bot's equivalent of doAutopilot?
03:08.26JeffMkinda all over
03:08.30JeffMsearch for autopilot
03:08.31CIA-32gtkbzedit: 03JeffM2501 * r5 10/trunk/include/callback.h: sentinels.
03:08.40JeffMor Roger
03:10.06*** join/#bzflag bugQ (
03:10.24AAA_awrightI don't like the structure we use with SVN, throwing  all these unrelated repositories together into one
03:11.31JeffMthey are related
03:11.34JeffMbzflag owns them ;)
03:12.22bugQyes, that's a reason that distributed SCMs are used
03:12.23spldartmeh.... I just know I LOVE using svn over cvs
03:12.36JeffMcvs was bad
03:12.40JeffMsvn is a lot better
03:12.47bugQthat is certain, ya
03:12.52AAA_awrightI am starting to not see how that is so
03:12.53JeffMmaybe one day when SF offers git we'll look
03:13.01JeffMbut for now what we have works just fine
03:13.02AAA_awrightIn SVN, a tag is "svn copy"
03:13.09JeffMAAA_awright, yeah
03:13.13AAA_awrightMy first thought was "...?"
03:13.22JeffMbecause you think of it in a differnet way
03:13.30JeffMand you make the assumtion that your way is always "right"
03:13.35CIA-32gtkbzedit: 03JeffM2501 * r6 10/trunk/ (14 files in 3 dirs): vim line ending macros
03:13.49AAA_awrightIt is cloning the code without referring to where it came from.
03:14.14AAA_awrightI like the idea of virtual directories like that, but at least implement real tags while doing so.
03:14.31JeffMwhy do you care how it's done
03:14.35JeffMword up Lukstr
03:14.37*** join/#bzflag mib_qiczr8 (i=7decb027@gateway/web/ajax/
03:14.53LukstrJeffM: not too much, just unpacking
03:15.26JeffMbe sure to wipe
03:17.31CIA-32gtkbzedit: 03JeffM2501 * r7 10/trunk/ReadMe.txt: credit Nathaniel Nelson instead of "nn" or "nn64"
03:19.00AAA_awrightOnce you thing Git is stable, stable on windows, and once starts mirroring git, or we find somewhere to do it, there is no excuse to say it wouldn't be perfect. If anything, there is a learning curve.
03:19.16JeffMnothing is ever perfect
03:19.22JeffMand it'll need a shell system
03:19.38JeffMthe thing that will have to be proven is that it is signifigantly BETTER for our way of development
03:20.03AAA_awrightOnce it supports windows, and a real GUI
03:20.14JeffMneeds to work with the explorer shell
03:20.21JeffMbut by then, you'll have something else to rave about ;)
03:21.06JeffMbut we'll see
03:21.15JeffMI hear they are putting some distributed stuff in SSVN
03:21.19JeffMthat should be ineresting
03:21.33spldartNot much left.. Willl have 2 apaches, branch, trunk servers goin on two ip's soon..
03:21.55spldartwonders if he should set up a jailed ssh for loaning out for experiments by apprentice
03:22.22JeffMspldart, we can set up stuff on opencombat or .bz or .de if we need
03:22.32JeffMbetter to have it on the offical bz stuff if possible
03:22.47spldartI'm trying to cover my bases.. I have 3 accesses to internet set up so far
03:22.56spldarttwo cable and one dsl
03:23.03spldartOf course I have other motives
03:23.05JeffMworry much?
03:23.14spldartlots of bandwidth for downloading ;-)
03:23.47spldartYes.. I'm partially just jesting
03:25.00spldartremembers a script he ran across a while back for spanning bandwidth across connections for a single torrent file.. hrm...
03:25.50spldartFor some reason I'm fighting sleep.. sry... I think I'll go tanking
03:26.10JeffMhave fun
03:33.42mib_qiczr8what uses plan.cxx stuff?
03:35.28JeffMnn64, do you find your parser crashes a lot?
03:45.30spldarttanking is fun
03:46.38CIA-32gtkbzedit: 03JeffM2501 * r8 10/trunk/ (20 files in 4 dirs):
03:46.38CIA-32gtkbzedit: try and quell some warnings
03:46.38CIA-32gtkbzedit: make globals extern so they don't conflict
03:46.38CIA-32gtkbzedit: make all files compile in C++ compiler, but still be C style code.
03:46.38CIA-32gtkbzedit: add sentinels
03:46.39CIA-32gtkbzedit: fix cases where an uninited local was used instead of a global
03:46.41CIA-32gtkbzedit: remove some unused vars.
03:58.53*** join/#bzflag short_circuit (
03:59.03spldartOk.. I'm done.. nighty night
03:59.41*** join/#bzflag ViciousM (
04:09.42mcintyemgrumbles and glares around a bit.
04:09.47*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
04:09.50mcintyemI was robbed.
04:10.23mcintyemBut-- that's ok. You must have had some mighty ambitious projects.
04:10.40mcintyemWas that it? Was I not ambitious enough?
04:10.47mcintyemwas rejected for SoC.
04:11.32Lukstrmcintyem: see !swag in #gsoc
04:13.14JeffMmcintyem: we can discuss it in private if you would like more info
04:13.40*** join/#bzflag Chestal_ (
04:14.57mcintyemJeffM: Oh we can discuss it in public, unless you don't want to cause the traffic. I'm hardly ashamed-- but I woulda been good.
04:15.32JeffMyou have nothing to be ashamed about
04:15.33JeffMat all
04:15.49JeffMyou were very close to being in
04:15.52JeffMvery very close
04:16.03JeffMif had more slots we would have taken you as well
04:16.33mcintyem:) Hopefully that would not have required 28 slots.
04:16.41JeffMyou did apply for the most contested project of them all
04:16.41JeffMno not at all
04:16.44JeffMyou were far from the end
04:16.59JeffMwe were even trying to think of stuff to have 2 of you do because we had dupes
04:17.24JeffMhad you submited another proposal as well as yours it would have changed a number of things
04:17.31mcintyemI should have asked what was the least contested project last year, because I would have gladly done that.
04:17.55JeffMwe would VERY much like to see you hang around and apply next year
04:18.39mcintyemBut I don't really need the details; I'm glad to know it was close, so I won't hold it against BZFlag :), I'm sure there's enough of that.
04:18.56JeffMso far everyone has been cool
04:19.08Flashso how did brlcad skate without being an assigned mentor?
04:19.28JeffMFlash: he said "I dont' want to take one" and we said "ok"
04:19.37JeffMhe is also a mentor for brlCAD
04:19.44Flashbusy bee
04:19.58Flashspeaking of busy bees...
04:20.14Flashwatches JeffM crank the revisions on a gtkbzedit
04:22.06JeffMit was just cleanup stuff
04:22.26JeffMit's author will say "ewww cpp files and logical code"
04:22.51mcintyemJeffM: We'll see. Hopefully I'll have a job next year. I'm in the final year of my MS for Electrical and Computer Engineering-- I think I'll still be eligible, but I may be in a transition that will prevent me from really focusing on it. I'll figure that out as the time approaches. However, I'll still probably submit patches now that I'm all set up, and I'd like to play on the 2.9.xx version whenever there are games planned.
04:22.53JeffMdude didn't even have externs
04:23.22JeffMmcintyem: well job is good :)
04:23.26blast007mcintyem: cool
04:23.42mcintyemJeffM: It's been a good experience, and so thanks for the encouragement thus far.
04:24.19mcintyemblast007: It's pretty rough at the moment, what with finals and all about 10 days off, but it will be cool.
04:24.27JeffMI wish they had the interwebs when I was in collige so I coudl do SoC Stuff
04:25.28LukstrI think if there was no interwebs now, I'd probably study a lot harder than I do
04:25.54JeffMnn64: you should spell check your post
04:27.06blast007JeffM: it's probably possible to get gtkbzedit to run on my nokia
04:27.22JeffMblast007: it's butt simple gtk so sure
04:27.39blast007"Most GTK+ widgets and methods work unaltered in the Hildon environment, but to make applications fit in the maemo GUI environment, some source code changes for plain GTK+ applications are required."
04:27.42JeffMtho it uses modeless windows, and I don't know if the WM suports that
04:28.54blast007I've seen a couple windowing methods used on it
04:29.08JeffMwell it shold have a valid build script now :)
04:29.09JeffMgo for it
04:29.33blast007I will, after I get my scratchbox environment back up and running
04:30.03JeffMtho it has a ton (tun) of warnings it should be valid C++ code now
04:31.11JeffMif you want commit access let me know
04:32.00brlcadFlash: the assigned mentor is mostly just the "go to" person, technical support (for both brl-cad and bzflag) are via group mentoring
04:32.16brlcadi.e. the person that fills out the students eval and makes sure they're on track
04:33.18JeffMand if we work it right, we get 5 people at the mentor summit instead of 3 :)
04:34.12brlcadgiven the other things I have to deal with, reports, coordination, write-ups, announcements, I'm still looking to get unassigned from the BRL-CAD mentoring too
04:36.38brlcadit's been a bit more effort to get things kicked off on the cad evaluation/rankings .. a lot like bzflag last year :)
04:36.43Flashdo you have a real job too? or do you just do open-source all the time?
04:36.55JeffMhe's a profesional hobo
04:36.59Flashworries that didn't come out right
04:37.06JeffMhe runs the bum fights downtown
04:37.09Lukstrheh, mulligan
04:37.12brlcadheh, yes I have a real job too
04:37.25brlcadpoo flinger extraordinaire
04:38.10Flashis that a dev-monkey?
04:39.22brlcadit certainly involves a monkey
04:39.52JeffMis it on your back?
04:41.11brlcadwith snake surprise
04:41.35LukstrFlash: Internal Server Error/500
04:42.03mcintyemWhere did the applications that were selected get posted?
04:42.45FlashLukstr: I don't know.... I pasted it into a new browser and it worked fine
04:43.23*** topic/#bzflag by brlcad -> || || || logs at || || 2.0.10 is the latest public release || GSoC 2008, mentor blog at || Congratulations GSoC participants: || Students should add their projects to the wiki for review
04:43.24mcintyemfound it
04:43.29LukstrFlash: heh I just clicked it again and it worked just fine
04:43.51Lukstrbrlcad: add projects to the wiki?
04:44.00Lukstras in, design doc?
04:45.02brlcadreworking from the first person to being more project-descriptive
04:45.10brlcadand removing your personal details
04:45.45Lukstrso port the app to the wiki?
04:45.46brlcadyou can put that stuff on your user page if you like (along with the proposal if you want), but the design doc should be stand-alone
04:45.54Lukstrah okay
04:46.44CIA-32BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r17060 10/trunk/bzflag/AUTHORS: Add mention of the 2 years that we have done the SoC, and list the participants from 2007.
04:47.10JeffMok, SoC students, SVN test, each of you edit that file, and add your name to the SoC 2008 section and commit it
04:47.12JeffMwith a comment
04:47.16JeffMthis is not a drill
04:47.30Lukstrroger dodger
04:48.01JeffMthat way I can turn on the commit tracker for you all too :)
04:48.03bugQoh yes, does mine look OK, JeffM?
04:48.13DTRemenakbonus points for fixing JeffM's typos and spelling
04:48.27Lukstrwait, if we have commit access what's our password?
04:48.37JeffMLukstr: your sf password
04:48.42LukstrJeffM: d'oh :P
04:48.44JeffMbugQ: your what?
04:48.54bugQthat's the password. :P
04:49.06JeffMno does your what look ok?
04:49.27brlcad"my voice is my passport"
04:49.32bugQoh, right.
04:49.33JeffMverify me
04:49.39JeffMbugQ: havent' read it
04:49.45JeffMbrlcad: you know where that was filmed right?
04:50.01JeffMdown the street
04:50.09JeffMfriggin countrywide building
04:50.16JeffMthey closed the freeway for 3 days
04:50.34JeffMbugQ: it could use some wikification
04:50.52bugQi'll see what I can do
04:51.10JeffMI'm editing now :)
04:52.35brlcadlooks much better already
04:52.53bugQis he that fast!?
04:53.12brlcadwhen you're on his radar, hell yes
04:53.32bugQOh, no, hasn't changed yet.
04:54.40JeffMhave to login
04:54.44brlcadbugQ, i meant that YOUR rewrite (from 1st to 3rd) was better
04:55.16bugQI figured, but I try not to take too much notice of compliments.
04:55.49bugQthey go right to my head, you see.
04:57.00DTRemenakmakes a mental note to never complement bugQ again :)
04:57.03brlcadfyi, if you all set up blog feeds, there is a soc planet:
04:57.16brlcadadds the mentor feed
04:57.55Lukstrbrlcad: as I usually prefer the good ol' homebrew blogs, I doubt I'll get around to coding a feed :P
04:58.07DTRemenakaw, rss isn't THAT hard :P
04:58.27LukstrDTRemenak: I know I know! I just always avoid it
04:58.35bugQI'll set up a commit feed on my git repo.
04:58.45JeffMblogspot is cake
04:58.53JeffMbugQ: we dont' use git will probably be it
04:59.14Lukstronce I ressurect my server
04:59.20bugQyes, I've explained before that I'm going to use git privately.
04:59.27DTRemenakbugQ: if you choose to use git for yourself, that's ok, but you will be pushing to svn often enough that we won't need a separate feed
04:59.47DTRemenakcommit early, commit often
04:59.55JeffMindeed, prety much every time you add to git, you'd be commiting to svn
04:59.58JeffMno code dumps
05:00.02JeffMcode dumbs BAD
05:00.07JeffMdumps even
05:00.19DTRemenakdumb code BAD too :P
05:00.55brlcadbugQ: yeah, just be forewarned.. you'll be expected to commit to svn *very* frequently (more than daily, while you work)
05:01.05brlcadincremental commits
05:01.20brlcadnot big functional chunk updates
05:01.23bugQhmm, good point.  I just don't like being tied to the server in order to make commits.  I'll think about it
05:02.13brlcadso iff you happen to be offline, sure go for git .. but you're supposed to be online and available while working soc so others can interact with you
05:02.13JeffMbugQ: you going to be offline for long periods?
05:03.07brlcadand frequent commits is all part of the developer integration, activity visibility, and progress tracking
05:03.46bugQyes, I'm all for that.  without being able to commit locally, though, if svn goes down, work stops
05:03.58blast007SVN is on sourceforge
05:03.58bugQmight not be enough to worry about, though.
05:04.05blast007goes down very infrequently
05:04.06brlcadour svn really doesn't go down
05:04.17brlcadnot for any practical sense of down
05:04.24JeffMand even if you can't commit, you can still work
05:04.30JeffMit's not like your editor stops workuing
05:04.55bugQI just have to chop up my diffs into pieces then
05:04.55brlcadgit for git's sake isn't going to get you much here :)
05:05.10blast007JeffM: I think their point is that they can then commit those chunks to git, and then git can commit them back to SVN as separate commits
05:05.12CIA-32BZFlag: 03lukstr * r17061 10/trunk/bzflag/AUTHORS: Added myself to the authors file under SOC 2008
05:05.16blast007bugQ: right?
05:05.30bugQyes, but if that's not preferable, I won't use git
05:05.33JeffMI'm jsut letting him know how we expect him to work
05:05.44Lukstrand thus completes a days work! :P
05:05.45JeffMif git slows you down, we'll ask you to remove it from the process
05:06.34bugQglad to know we can come to terms :)
05:06.57JeffMit's all about production :)
05:07.15JeffMok, I've done a very basic wikification of your page
05:07.20brlcadso long as it doesn't really interfere .. we have a pattern that works very well for collaboration and integration, including social aspects
05:07.26JeffMand rewrote the top bit to be more in line with wiki style
05:07.42JeffMand I added some comments to the talk page as well
05:07.59JeffMso you can take it the rest of the ay
05:08.10bugQright then, thanks.
05:09.01Lukstris there a commit-mailer I can sign up to on SF?
05:09.19JeffMyeah a commits list
05:09.28Lukstrah found it
05:09.36Lukstrshould I subscribe to the rest of the mailing lists?
05:09.38JeffMI always just use CIA
05:09.43JeffMthey are NEVER used
05:09.46JeffMlike ever
05:09.58Lukstrcommits it is
05:10.07JeffMI meant the other ones
05:10.18brlcadLukstr: the dev mailing list was offline for nearly 6 months before someone noticed that it was offline :)
05:10.19JeffMI'm a projet admin, and I don't subsribe to any of em :)
05:10.30Lukstr(I used to be on a few other OSS mailing lists that hit my box with 20->50 emails a day :( )
05:10.41Lukstrbrlcad: that is incredible
05:10.44JeffMIRC is the place to be
05:10.47brlcadwe operate on irc
05:11.01JeffMit's all about the real time baby!
05:11.09brlcadso i'd recommend finding a client you like with good logging abilities
05:11.13Lukstryeah I'm using a cruddy client
05:11.15Lukstrthat likes to crash
05:11.15brlcadscreen+irssi ftw
05:11.23JeffMxchat FTW!
05:11.29Lukstrbrlcad: that's what I'm going to switch to in the next few weeks
05:11.30bugQlimechat ftw!
05:11.34Lukstrbut still run xchat on top
05:11.41brlcadbugQ: heh, seriously?
05:12.00*** join/#bzflag javawizard2539 (
05:12.14brlcadbugQ: have you tried ircle?
05:12.47bugQlimechat can be completely scripted, as it's written in ruby.
05:12.47JeffMblast007: maybe we shoudln't show 15 commits per user on the rss reader? ;)
05:13.12bugQbrlcad: yes, and it's a bit too bloated for my tastes
05:13.14brlcadLukstr: the only other main benefit to the dev mailing list is that it gets tracker updates
05:13.15blast007how many you want? 5?
05:13.22JeffMand take out the project
05:13.27brlcadbloated? o.O
05:13.27JeffMif it's just going to say bzflag
05:13.29blast007I can make a 6th one link to their CIA page too
05:13.34brlcadcompared to ... limechat ??
05:13.54JeffMblast007: oooooo. that'd be nice
05:14.02JeffMsee blast007.. always thinkn
05:14.03bugQwait, I'm thinking of something else. no, haven't tried ircle.
05:14.50bugQare we thinking of the same limechat?
05:15.00brlcadit's one of the best old-school mac gui clients
05:15.11bugQI don't know a slimmer gui client
05:17.33bugQnope, still bigger.
05:17.48JeffMshould work on ICPA some more one day
05:17.55brlcadircle is 1/3 the size of limechat (1mb vs 3mb)
05:18.04JeffMbrlcad: whoa... libIRC has a wikipedia page?
05:18.10Flashhow about zenirc in xemacs?
05:18.17bugQthe limechat I have here is 1.1 mb vs. 2 mb of ircle.
05:18.33brlcadstill.. dude.. that's just a couple megs, if you *really* care about that disk space, priorities are a big fscked up
05:18.48bugQI don't, it's the interface
05:18.56JeffMbugQ: are you on like a mac+? ;)
05:19.01bugQer, yes.
05:19.05brlcadlimechat requires cocoaruby, you can't just ignore that dependency
05:19.21brlcadit's 1.3mb
05:19.36brlcad(for ircle)
05:20.20bugQI thought I didn't care about disk space. ;)
05:20.50bugQI like limechat's interface, because it's not surprising in any way. that's all.
05:21.04JeffMthat's why I like xchat
05:21.11JeffMit's prety butt smiple
05:21.15JeffMsimple even
05:23.15LukstrMine's a bit buggy on windows though
05:23.56JeffMI rarely have any issues with it
05:24.01JeffMbut I never push it hard ether
05:24.08JeffMtype and log, that's all I need :)
05:24.33JeffMthe only things I'd change would be to add the feautres I wanted in ICPA
05:25.43L4m3rI love Konversation so much that I don't even connect to IRC when I'm using Windows
05:30.22brlcadbugQ: you already have folks watching you
05:31.36JeffMyou are mentioned in the post
05:31.45Lukstrwho is that guy?
05:31.47bugQyes.."Although our idea was to let people select server options using the webinterface, and then connect to the server, this project would be a good thing to keep an eye on."
05:31.59bugQI thought that was my plan. :)
05:32.26brlcadthen maybe your abstract needs to be better worded ;)
05:32.54JeffMtho I'd like to make a majority of the things be changeable at run time
05:33.01JeffMwith out killing the server
05:33.14JeffMthen you can host most of that stuff right in bzfs
05:33.18brlcadnow is the time to really polish up those abstracts given hundreds of mentors and students are wandering around visiting other projects to see what all got approved
05:37.55LukstrOh, just a quick question/opinion
05:38.10LukstrWould it be sane to do a branch for libbzw work?
05:38.30brlcadit would be sane, but not the plan :)
05:38.54blast007so the plan is to be insane?  ;)  yay!
05:39.00blast007I'll fit right in!
05:39.38bugQJeffM: I described an interface for sending server commands, but you're talking about setting options in fields etc. and updating the running server with them, right?
05:40.23JeffMbugQ: that depends on your design. is your app just going to start and stop servers? or is it going to allow you to manage them once they are running?
05:41.09bugQit would be neat to do that, so yes.
05:41.18JeffMglad you think so
05:41.27JeffMcus I thnk that is the thing most people are intersted in
05:41.42JeffMstarting and stoping them is cool, but we realy should be able to change anything with out restarting
05:41.53bugQok, so that's the difference with the django project
05:42.01LukstrSo how would I go about making the "switch" from current implementations to the lib in, say, bzfs?
05:42.20JeffMLukstr: chainsaw
05:42.41JeffMmostly find the parts where we read the world, send the world
05:42.45JeffMand use the world
05:42.54JeffMthen see how your interface to that would fit in
05:42.55blast007Lukstr: get the lib working with a small test app associated with it, then start ripping code?
05:43.10Lukstrblast007: that's the plan, but I'm talking about later stages
05:43.14bugQI wonder how I would start a stopped server if the interface is implemented as a plug-in for in-port HTTP...
05:43.24Lukstrassuming it's complete (the lib)
05:43.26brlcadLukstr: unless there's a really really strong need for a project to be isolated (and I don't see that for yours especially), the idea is to intentionally have everyone work together off trunk
05:43.28blast007bugQ: you wouldn't
05:43.28Lukstrswitching to using it
05:43.34blast007they'd probably use a daemon
05:43.41LukstrI just don't want to break builds for everyone :P
05:43.42brlcadso you intentionally have to interact and deal with on-going developments of others
05:43.55JeffMLukstr: then don't
05:43.56brlcadwe don't want you to break builds for everyone too ;)
05:44.01JeffMyou can build your lib in paralell
05:44.07JeffMbuidl it up copying code into it
05:44.12JeffMthen when it's ready, swapout
05:44.26JeffMnothing says we only have to have one world reader on the server at a time :0
05:44.31Lukstrright, but avoiding one-huge-mess commit?
05:44.38brlcadconstitution's project is probably the only that has some technical basis to be isolated, and even his will probably occur on trunk unless it becomes too problematic
05:44.39bugQmaybe the starting and stopping should be seperate from the config/admin
05:44.41JeffMsome commits are just big
05:44.48JeffMor you make a mini branch for that commit
05:44.51JeffMtest it
05:44.53JeffMthen merge it back in
05:44.58JeffMthere are ways
05:44.59LukstrJeffM: alright
05:45.02JeffMremember it's a team
05:45.04JeffMnot just you
05:45.05blast007bugQ: or just make it so that there isn't a need to start/stop the server  :)
05:45.09blast007bugQ: extend the API
05:45.20blast007and add features to bzfs itself
05:45.22JeffMLukstr: you could even tie it to a #def or switch
05:45.26brlcadLukstr: you almost always can restructure commits so that they're incremental and small
05:45.28LukstrJeffM: I like it
05:45.35blast007bugQ: we can apparently already load a new world file without restarting the server
05:45.42bugQwe'll see where it goes, then. :)
05:45.44Lukstrbrlcad: yeah I'm a commit fiend usually
05:46.15LukstrI usually commit almost as frequent as I save :S
05:46.24brlcadthat's good
05:46.47brlcadso long as it compiles every time you save too ;)
05:46.50LukstrAnyways, I have time to get my crap in order
05:46.52Lukstrbrlcad: hah!
05:47.07LukstrI like the #def idea for iffy things
05:47.18LukstrI do vow to avoid breaking things most often
05:47.26JeffMit can and will happen
05:47.32Lukstrno doubt
05:47.43JeffMthats why we do it as a team so you have lots of people testing
05:47.44LukstrI just don't want it to be a reoccuring theme
05:48.22Lukstranyways, it's wonderful to know we'll all be working together this summer, and hopefully post-summer.
05:48.42*** join/#bzflag Constitution (n=const@unaffiliated/macsforme)
05:48.43LukstrBut on that note, I am close to sleeping on my keyboard
05:48.47blast007hi Constitution
05:48.47Lukstrso I shall retire
05:49.11brlcadhowdy C
05:49.21Lukstrgoodnight all
05:49.22brlcadcya Lukstr
05:49.22blast007Lukstr: I always sleep next to my keyboard
05:49.42brlcadjust tries to avoid sleep as much as possible
05:49.46Lukstrblast007: heh, I used to... computer now in basement far from my bed.
05:49.51bugQhas laptop in bedroom
05:50.03Lukstrbrlcad: waking up means breakfast which means eggs :)
05:50.05blast007Lukstr: I even set up a scheduled task to hibernate the laptop if it's been idle after 1AM
05:50.32LukstrI'm more of a desktop person
05:50.41Lukstrthough laptop is current dev-box
05:50.52Lukstrgotta set up my cluster soon
05:51.12Lukstrand maybe a bzfs server if it's not too non-trivial
05:51.35Lukstrblah, sleeptime.
05:51.43bugQoh yeah, I need to get a bzfs on my vps.
05:51.50Lukstrcollapses into a puff of time (that's right)
05:52.13Constitutionhi blast007
05:53.59brlcadeats continuously, breakfast anytime ;)
05:57.29JeffMyay, finaly someone ordered a black shirt :)
05:58.12bugQdo sponsored students get free shirts? ^.^
05:58.21JeffMfrom google sure
05:58.25bugQoh fine.
05:58.39JeffMwe arn't printing that many
05:58.46bugQI'll buy one anyway.
05:59.11JeffMgoes to make the hoodies weight more
05:59.23JeffMcus we just took it in the shorts on a hoodie shipping
06:00.06*** join/#bzflag Gilly (n=btw@
06:00.42bugQ"remember it's not cool to tank naked!" nice.
06:01.50JeffMbets DTRemenak can't fit a hoodie and a shirt into the cardboard envelope :)
06:02.57L4m3rJeffM: what should I do if I want to get one of those nicer Haines hoodies?
06:03.23JeffML4m3r: what color?
06:03.54L4m3rXXL, I guess... let me compare the sizing charts
06:04.51JeffMruns the numbers
06:06.19L4m3rhm, the Haines is an inch larger all around for all sizes
06:06.53L4m3rbut I guess I'll stick with XXL :P
06:07.04JeffMHOLLY CRAP
06:07.07JeffMand it's not cheap!
06:07.13L4m3rhow much?
06:07.53L4m3rintends to order 2 or 3 shirts also, so he's gonna burn a small hole in his pocket regardless
06:07.59bugQholly crap...comes from deer?
06:08.26L4m3ronly a few bucks more than the other one, iirc
06:08.35JeffMwhere few == 10
06:08.47JeffM37$ is me like eating 50 cents.
06:09.38L4m3rI'll pay $40 and get a couple of shirts to smooth it over... fair? :P
06:09.51JeffMnaw, 37 is fine
06:09.57JeffMif that's what you want
06:09.58bugQthose half-dollars are a real doozie to choke down.
06:10.09JeffMwe make no profit on the hoodies anyway
06:10.26L4m3rwhich is why they are preorder, I would think
06:10.41JeffMthat and they'd sell for crap when in stock :)
06:10.51JeffMI'll build a page for it tomorow and you can order it.
06:11.02L4m3rmmk, thx
06:11.08JeffMand you want that in pink right?
06:11.11L4m3rstarts looking at size chargs for the tshirts
06:11.28L4m3rJeffM: chillin's already wearing the hoody I have now
06:11.49JeffMman hanes realy shorts you on the color choices too
06:11.55JeffMblack, blue, or gray
06:11.55L4m3ryeah, I know
06:12.18L4m3rblack is my preference, fortunately
06:12.46JeffMthinks L4m3r totaly needs one of the super custom developer shirts :)
06:13.01*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
06:13.01*** mode/#bzflag [+o JBdiGriz] by ChanServ
06:13.16brlcadJeffM: did that feed link work, or you used the feedburner?
06:13.27JeffMI submited mine with feedburner
06:13.35JeffMbut nothing seems to have shown up yet
06:13.39brlcadit's up
06:13.49L4m3roh my, so many colors!
06:13.49brlcadunder organizations
06:14.36JeffMhey look at us there :)
06:15.23JeffMwonders what patch he'd pick for L4m3r
06:15.51L4m3rThinkGeek already has a shirt that says "I never finish anyth"
06:15.52bugQbought one!
06:16.22Constitutionhaha, nice cutoff on "The envelope please"
06:16.36Constitutionthree projects! ;)
06:16.54JeffMit realy should say XXXX bytes more
06:16.55JeffMor something
06:17.41JeffMthinks L4m3r would need dice for his patch
06:17.58JeffMor given your IRC name,
06:18.51L4m3rfood run, brb :P
06:19.16JeffMall depends on if we go gas station or military
06:21.03PhaseIs there a command to revert all server variables back to default, and adding to that, are the variables changed using /set in-game written to a file, or is it just memory (so if the server restarted, it would go back to normal)?
06:23.01ConstitutionPhase: "/reset *" resets all variables to the default (or to what they were in the conf file); using /set in-game does not update the conf files
06:23.11PhaseGreat, thanks. :)
06:24.10blast007Phase: I would recommend turning off the pollSet permission as well, as it is quite often abused
06:25.21blast007I have 78 instances of /poll set in my server logs  ;)
06:25.27PhaseI've got that disabled I beleive.. but it's not a publically listed server (at least not right now) -- I'm dragging friends that have never played it into the game.
06:25.50blast007including some intersting ones like: /poll set pizza delivery to Tank52
06:26.18Phasejust playing around with the other side of bzflag
06:26.33Phasewrote a bash init script for it, that was interesting
06:28.09Phaseon a different network they have a server hosted from a home connection, and i've got mine on a datacentre hosted machine, with nice limits, figured I'd help them a bit too.
06:33.21bugQok, don't think
06:33.30bugQdon't think I can do any more.
06:33.44bugQthe speech nonsance becoming fast, neeb sleeping soon list
06:37.04*** join/#bzflag Epyon (
06:37.49Constitutionanyone up for a little shooting on a trunk server?
06:37.53brlcadmorning manu
06:38.16Manuhello brlcad :)
06:39.07blast007Constitution: sure
06:39.21brlcadblast007: is pollset in registered by default or something?
06:39.29blast007brlcad: yes
06:39.36brlcadthat's nfg
06:39.41blast007it's given to all registered users by default
06:39.46Constitutionblast007: cool, anywhere in particular?
06:39.58blast007Constitution: hmm, maybe my OpenFFA server?
06:39.59brlcadhas mixed feelings
06:40.04blast007I haven't tried that game mode yet
06:40.29brlcadbut yeah, easily abused .. just wait for everyone to leave, join with three clients and set to heart's content
06:40.49blast007or get all your n00b friends to help you set _tankSpeed to 100000
06:40.52brlcad(assuming server also uses default mins)
06:41.06blast007"everyone vote yes!"
06:41.25blast007I saw it being done on a server specifically set a certain way
06:41.35blast007some race track one that was set up to be hard
06:41.39ConstitutionLOL, the shot trails are backwards
06:41.55blast007shot trails on radar?
06:42.06Constitutioner, not trails
06:42.33ConstitutionI had them on lagging rather than leading
06:42.40blast007I'm joining quick
06:45.10L4m3rdon't forget the classic /poll set green team on fire
06:48.01L4m3rmm, kung pow chicken and beer
06:49.49PhaseWhoever coded the autopilot feature in the client did a nice job.
06:50.13brlcadthat would be mbfg
06:50.32brlcad~seen mbfg
06:50.34ibotmbfg <n=dave@> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 18d 4h 16m 4s ago, saying: 'i'd guess the hinting is off for performance'.
06:53.41PhaseIs the ability to join multiple auto-pilots (bots) built into the client, or does it need modded?
06:54.14PhaseI poked around the Help and settings, didn't really see anything ..
06:54.32L4m3rin 2.0 there are solo bots, which can join in multiples on a server
06:54.45PhaseHow would one do this?
06:54.47Constitutionbots are done in a totally different way in the latest version
06:54.48brlcad3.0 has it too, but they're busted atm
06:55.00L4m3rif you want more than one roger-bot, you need multiple clients
06:55.02Phasethe client is .10
06:55.04Constitutionyeah, what will become the latest version
06:55.07Constitutiontrunk code
06:56.03brlcadPhase: there are two kinds of bots, "roger" with is the autopilot and classic solo bots (invoked with the -solo option on the command line)
06:56.49brlcadroger will beat a single solo bot hands down, but you can swarm solo bots to arbitrary counts
06:58.23blast007roger jumps too much, so I'm not so sure he'd win against a solo bot
06:58.34blast007the solo bots aim better I believe
06:59.18PhaseI have 2 rogers on, one has GM.
06:59.24PhaseIt's not losing.
07:00.04blast007yeah, it has a slight advantage with GM, since it uses the "setTarget" code to pick who it wants to hunt, which is also used for GM locks
07:01.10blast007Constitution: well, that was interesting
07:02.26blast007strange, -offa works locally here
07:03.18Constitutionshould start a pillbox server or something... that would really show us how well the lag compensation works
07:03.38Flashbrlcad: I posted a bot-fix patch
07:04.05L4m3rdoes anyone know specifically which T-shirt the store is using?
07:04.25L4m3rI have a gildan shirt here but I don't know if it's the same model :P
07:04.28Phaseblast007: do you know if roger abides by flags it has and others? such as jamming, cloaking, stealth
07:04.40blast007something with my config is messing it up
07:04.43brlcadFlash: I get notifications of all posts :)
07:04.59blast007Phase: no idea
07:05.00Flashjust saying, since you mentioned they were broken ATM
07:05.03ConstitutionPhase: probably not
07:05.07blast007Phase: if not, it should ;)
07:05.13Phaseyeah it should lol
07:06.00blast007Constitution: I just tried with a basic config, and it's showing as Open FFA on the list now... so something is wrong with my config
07:06.03Phaseone of the rogers picked up, and instantly dropped a jamming flag
07:06.13blast007uh, they shouldn't do that
07:06.31blast007is your server using a -st setting?
07:06.51blast007(shake-time: how many seconds a bad flag is held)
07:07.16blast007or -sw (shake-wins: how many kills before a bad flag is dropped)
07:07.26Phaseit is, i think I might have just looked over at my laptop at a bad time, I just /flag give'd it a jamming and it didn't instantly drop.
07:07.52blast007it's also possible that an antidote flag spawned right on top of them (if you're using -sa)
07:08.05Phasenah not that either
07:08.16Phasei like you're stuck with the bad flags for a few seconds, lol
07:08.23Constitutionhmm, interesting:
07:08.56Constitution(sh is symlinked to dash on ubuntu, and it's not "shebang-ing" to /bin/bash inside the script)
07:11.10blast007heh, apparently if you supply a -world, then -offa gets canceled
07:13.38Phasewhats -offa?
07:14.23brlcadhum.. newplug isn't a bash script
07:14.34brlcadoh, maybe it's marked that way on branch
07:14.45brlcadit should be posix
07:15.08blast007Phase: Open FFA  (teamless)
07:15.30Phaseah yeah
07:16.14blast007we should almost move team selection to after the player has joined the server, since half of our game modes don't have teams (or the teams listed on the join game menu)
07:16.21blast007only CTF and Team FFA use those teams
07:16.44blast007Rabbit Chase uses hunters and a rabbit, and Open FFA doesn't have "teams", just those colors
07:17.58Phasethe only game mode I like is Teamless FFA
07:18.33PhaseI haven't tried rabbit chase, but I don't think I will any time soon -- maybe when I get bored ..
07:20.14CIA-32FTGL: 03brlcad * r923 10/trunk/ (7 files): drop all the main doc file suffixes to be consistent with more prevalent gnu conventions
07:23.19Constitutionbrlcad: so in other words, sh/dash should have no problem interpreting it?
07:23.57brlcadat least I don't recall there being bashisms, and trunk is /bin/sh
07:24.56Constitutionline 38 is:  mv $file ${file//$SAMPLE_PLUGIN/$1}
07:27.02brlcadthat's right.. slowly coming back to me
07:27.32brlcadI rewrote the script, hence why trunk is "better"
07:27.44brlcadit does those manual steps for you and is posix
07:29.06Constitutionstill, #!/bin/bash should force it to run through bash, no? yet running `sh` gives a different result than `bash`
07:29.17Constitutionmaybe an ubuntu or dash bug?
07:32.01CIA-32BZFlag: 03brlcad * r17062 10/branches/v2_0branch/bzflag/plugins/ merge in the better script foo from trunk sans modifying the build system. still make them do that step manually since it sucks on branch.
07:32.35brlcadrunning sh feeds it through `which sh`
07:32.53brlcadboth sh and bash method effectively ignore the shebang
07:33.18brlcadit's executable by the shell that handles the shebang
07:33.42brlcadeither way, that should work, give it a try
07:33.58brlcadcompletely untested of course :)
07:35.14Constitutionyep, seems to work
07:58.29CIA-32BZFlag: 03blast007 * r17063 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfs.cxx: Also set worldData.openFFA so that we don't revert back to Team FFA if -offa and -world are both used.
07:58.49blast007Constitution: there we go  ;)
08:01.50CIA-32FTGL: 03brlcad * r924 10/trunk/ (HISTORY NEWS): rename HISTORY to NEWS, reformat with distinct sections for each released version and consistent formatting
08:05.11blast007fixed the texture on the manhole covers too
08:06.56CIA-32FTGL: 03brlcad * r925 10/trunk/NEWS: annotate the recent changes from eric beets and sam hovecar for the layout managers and new inset/outset contour support
08:09.08CIA-32FTGL: 03brlcad * r926 10/trunk/NEWS: asterisk bullets
08:09.44BulletCatcherWhich flag provides asterisk bullets?
08:10.29brlcadwonders who updated the freshmeat listing
08:14.28samnot me
08:15.22blast007BulletCatcher: hehe, if you notice, that was for FTGL, not BZFlag  ;)
08:17.10donny_bakerblast007: no work today? :P
08:18.19*** join/#bzflag GoCnine (
08:18.46GoCninecan anyone help me with bzflag?
08:18.51GoCninegot a little issue
08:18.57donny_bakerwhat is it
08:19.44GoCninewell bzflag wont download all the textures for some maps
08:20.20GoCnineand i get maps with all white walls or all white maps
08:21.03blast007some servers might not use our image hosting service, and are blocked by default
08:21.27donny_bakerthere is a file called DownloadAccess.txt that controls that
08:21.40GoCninewhat would i do to get the right textures cause the other people in the maps have them
08:21.51GoCninelike it happens on mofo server
08:21.58GoCnineand thats a server used alot
08:22.45donny_bakerthe easy fix is to edit it to say "allow *" before the "deny *" line
08:22.53blast007that should be allowed for 2.0.x though
08:23.04blast007have you run a 2.99.x client?
08:23.05donny_bakerthat is wierd mofo usually hosts it's textures on an allowed server
08:23.30GoCnine2.0.10 is wat i got
08:23.44blast007are you on Windows?
08:23.53GoCnineya windows xp home
08:24.08blast007go into My Documents, then My BZFlag File, and delete the DownloadAccess.txt file and run the game again
08:24.13blast007then try connecting to mofo
08:24.44blast007if that still fails, just edit that file and remove the "deny *" line
08:25.00BulletCatcherAlso, after you start the client, Options -> Cache Settings, then make sure Automatic Downloads is "On"
08:29.45GoCnineTo authorize all servers, remove the last 3 lines
08:29.49GoCninedo it do that
08:29.52GoCnineor just deny
08:30.33blast007either way
08:30.44GoCnineok ima try that now
08:30.45blast007you can remove them all
08:32.47BulletCatcherFor what it's worth, I just connected to mofo with the default settings and had all of the textures.
08:33.07blast007it should work
08:33.39GoCnineit workd for mofo
08:33.47BulletCatcherOkay, good.
08:33.50GoCninebut wat do i do for the other servers :S
08:34.07blast007GoCnine: deleting the file worked for mofo?  or did you still have to edit it afterwards?
08:34.29GoCninedeleteing it worked for mofo
08:34.34BulletCatcherWithout the "deny *" line it should work on any server.
08:34.37GoCninebut other maps still white
08:34.54blast007in reality, those other maps should be fixed by their author
08:35.05BulletCatcherCould it be the Windows firewall?
08:35.12blast007in BZFlag 3.0.0, we're going to be even more restrictive
08:35.24blast007we're only going to allow
08:35.30blast007instead of *
08:35.40blast007mofo uses
08:35.52blast007so for 2.0.x, they work
08:35.56GoCninei remember back in the day
08:36.09blast007but for 3.0.0 they will have to host their images on the official image host for bzflag
08:36.09GoCninewhen this game was still open
08:36.18blast007still open?
08:36.30GoCninewhen the game first came out
08:36.35GoCninewell not first
08:36.43blast007we're still open-source
08:36.58BulletCatcherThe first game was the BattleZone arcade game :-)
08:37.23GoCninewell i dont me first but i mean when it was being um
08:37.25GoCninemade into this
08:37.33blast007GoCnine: and we've now been accepted for the second time to Google Summer of Code  ;)
08:37.51*** mode/#bzflag [+o Chestal] by ChanServ
08:37.52blast007when did you first play the game? back in the 1.7 days?  or was it back on SGI machines?
08:37.59blast007the game has been around for ages
08:38.12GoCnineum it was abt 5 years ago
08:38.20GoCninemaby 6
08:38.31GoCnineya 6 years
08:38.40GoCninewhen everyone was pulling cheats out there ass
08:38.46blast007I started playing back around June 2001
08:39.01GoCninei played for a year
08:39.12blast007you might find this page interesting:
08:39.14GoCnineand when i was playing RXD someone said bzflag
08:39.17brlcadBulletCatcher: technically, it was inspired by BattleZone, not derived from it
08:39.20GoCnineand i had to get it again
08:39.50GoCnineso what am i surpose to do for maps that are white still?
08:40.02GoCninejust play mofo?
08:41.31blast007which maps?
08:41.48blast007the majority of maps don't use custom textures
08:41.56GoCninelet me see wat map
08:42.08blast007like, for instance, try joining a ducati style map
08:42.18blast007that would be just a random map with the standard textures
08:43.34BulletCatcherbrlcad: Yes, I understand the distinction.  BattleZone was about the only arcade game I ever really enjoyed.  Then I played BZ on SGIs, and now here I am.
08:43.59CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r927 10/trunk/NEWS: * Fix my name in the NEWS file and change its encoding to UTF-8.
08:45.09GoCnineA*A bridge jumping can u make it?
08:45.15GoCnineis one of the maps
08:45.24GoCninebut i could swear that map should be whitet
08:45.34GoCnineok let me go un dacuti
08:46.19sambrlcad: the FTGL TODO mentions "Template methods", do you know what it refers to? because I may have fixed that in commit [914]
08:46.38brlcadsame, nope
08:47.12brlcadwould presume something to do with templatized class methods that take different object types
08:47.18blast007yeah, the bztank server running A*A bridges is using for the images
08:47.23blast007so that's why that one doesn't work
08:47.29GoCnineoh ok
08:47.40GoCnineis there a wat to get those
08:47.40GoCnineallow *
08:47.40GoCnineallow *
08:47.40GoCninedeny *
08:48.04GoCnineis there a way to get the images for that server?
08:49.01blast007edit your DownloadAccess.txt and remove those 3 lines
08:49.17blast007I've left a report on that server about it as well
08:49.19GoCninei did
08:49.24blast007so maybe they'll fix it
08:49.33blast007then if you did that, you should be getting textures
08:49.43blast007you saved the file?
08:49.47GoCnineim not
08:50.01GoCnineim just opend it up to check
08:50.14blast007it works here
08:50.27blast007does it says that they're being blocked in your client?
08:51.04blast007"local denial" or somesuch
08:51.08GoCnineit says its downloading them
08:51.25GoCnineit says it downloaded them all
08:52.43blast007delete the 'cache' directory in your My BZFlag Files directory and try again
08:53.18GoCnineu mean the whole folder
08:53.26blast007yeah, delete the folder
08:53.51GoCnineok im see now
08:53.57blast007the cache folder stores images that were downloaded
08:54.07blast007(as well as map files in binary format)
08:54.19blast007so hopefully that works
08:55.35GoCninei blame it all on one thing else
08:55.49GoCninei been on this damned dailup foor a week
08:56.11GoCnineand my laptop only likes fiber optics
08:56.30BulletCatcherLaptop has good taste!
08:56.42GoCninehaha ya
08:56.43blast007could be related.  maybe the dialup modem is crapping out and getting bad files.
08:56.51GoCnineya could be
08:57.05GoCnineim only getting 21kbps
08:57.11GoCninenot my 56kbps
08:57.24GoCnineso thats weird damn this dailup
08:57.31blast007I used to have dialup, and I'd get 50 or 53kbps typically
08:57.41blast007I was in town though
08:57.59*** join/#bzflag GrumpyGirl (
08:58.07blast007hello GrumpyGirl
08:58.23blast007anything we can do to cheer you up?  ;)
08:59.23GrumpyGirlHeya! :)
09:01.15blast007GoCnine: well, anyway, I'd give it another try.  If that still fails, blame the dialup connection.
09:03.06GoCnineok thanks
09:03.33GoCninei think i might just stick to mofo
09:14.13*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
09:23.05brlcadsam: oops :)
09:24.53samno problem :)
09:31.28CIA-32FTGL: 03brlcad * r928 10/trunk/NEWS: M-q column 70 formatting
09:32.30*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
09:42.50PhaseHow far into development/how close to completetion is that web interface for server administration I remember reading about on the Wiki?
09:43.46brlcadPhase: that's one of our GSoC projects to be worked on this summer
09:44.28Phasei'll just do a quick php page for starting/stopping/restarting it then
09:44.37Phasereally all i want atm
09:44.44brlcad is where things are presently at
09:45.21Phasegot it.
09:45.42brlcadbugq is the student that will be predominantly working it
09:46.31Phasethanks :)
09:48.01KingofCamelotWow, people still up in here? :)
09:52.15KingofCamelotGuess I scared them off :P
10:00.26*** join/#bzflag ViciousM (
10:13.53*** join/#bzflag Suspect (
10:18.02PhaseSuspect: Sup?
11:05.31*** join/#bzflag Upsetter (
11:53.22*** join/#bzflag Upsetter (
12:29.47nn64JeffM, I got your pm :: my most insecure map is map change and that is ok because I like it to be a little more changeable is there a way to fix map change plug-in to support some sortive pole or some system that allows for a change when 3 or 4 people want to change the map?
12:43.05*** join/#bzflag kierra (
12:50.07Manugood morning kierra :)
12:50.29kierrabuenos dias, Manu :)
12:57.34*** join/#bzflag whoda|iPod (n=whoda|
12:58.06*** join/#bzflag bugQ (
12:58.16brlcadmorning bugQ
13:10.44whodaman-morning :)
13:12.48Thumper_hi bugQ
13:13.57Thumper_morning brlcad - still up??!!?? or you had an early start today?
13:14.43whodaman-[11:53]  <brlcad> neva!
13:14.48whodaman-[14:58]  <brlcad> morning bugQ
13:14.52whodaman-Might have stayed up :P
13:14.58Thumper_whodaman-: we can read the backlog...
13:15.08Thumper_and that is what I was referring to...
13:15.27whodaman-Didn't know if you had timestamps
13:15.38brlcadThumper_: still ;)
13:15.52Thumper_sends brlcad some strong coffee
13:16.18brlcadi detoxed off caffeine just a couple days ago
13:16.37Thumper_ohwell. :) more for me!
13:18.00brlcadI do admit though that I needed a light tea to get by though
13:18.13brlcadlight iced tea
13:18.25whodaman-peach ;)
13:31.44brlcadis hungry
13:32.40TheRedBaronbrlcad: I finished detoxing from caffeine last week - but back on it now ;)
13:33.14Manubrlcad: then remove the 'h' ;)
13:33.47kierrafeeds brlcad her famous pancakes!
13:37.57bugQoo, haven't see xkcd in a while.  today's is very nice.
13:40.10TheRedBaronbugQ: my favorite:
14:13.31*** join/#bzflag tupone (n=atupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
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14:13.41brlcadManu: ungry?  :)
14:14.18Manubrlcad: doesn't it sound like angry? :/
14:15.18brlcadno not really :)
14:15.30Manubrlcad: heh, yes in spanish :/
14:16.02brlcadpues, tengo ambre :)
14:16.32PrezKennedyno hablas espanol!!
14:16.36*** join/#bzflag spldart (
14:16.40PrezKennedyor something like that
14:17.21*** join/#bzflag BaT_ (
14:19.16BaT_hy. Is there anyone here who have a working bzflag client with c-ares 1.5.x?
14:19.54ManuPrezKennedy: no hablas espanol or no hablas, espanol? ;)
14:20.11PrezKennedywhats the difference?
14:21.03BaT_I have c-ares 1.5.1 and if i want to connetc to a server, it writes that the server not found
14:21.26Manuone is asking if you speak a language, the second one (with the ',') asking if you don't speak and calling the other people spanish
14:22.07brlcadkierra: lo se, that's the joke :)
14:22.47kierraeso lo pense, pero como eres gringo no sabia por seguro
14:23.07tuponeBaT_, me !
14:23.56brlcadno me siento gringo :P
14:24.22BaT_tupone: the client is compiled by yourself, or you installed it from package?
14:24.23tuponeBaT_, in the channel please, if you wanna talk
14:24.43Manubrlcad: gringo? k
14:24.43BaT_I know, i pressed the wrong button... :)
14:24.44tuponecompiled by me. I made a patch and that patch is in svn now
14:24.57BaT_ahh, great
14:25.24BaT_i will try it!
14:25.24tuponeand maybe in gentoo soon, if we are going to release a 2.0.12
14:26.53BaT_when you will release 2.0.12? So is there a roadmap, or you release it when it's ready to release?
14:28.00Manubrlcad: nunca debiste cruzar el Mississipi river :-p
14:28.45tuponeno roadmap. When we are confident, we will do, if we do
14:29.13*** join/#bzflag bugQ (
14:29.20BaT_ok, thank you
14:33.37brlcadManu: I didn't :) .. maryland a florida a panama
14:34.22Manubrlcad: I forgot to add "gringo" to the sentence ;)
15:09.14*** join/#bzflag think_tank (n=think_ta@unaffiliated/thinktank/x-168245)
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15:32.16blast007BaT_: you'll want v2_0branch from SVN
15:32.31blast007the current trunk code is not compatible
15:33.20blast007  (directions there for trunk and v2_0branch)
15:36.51*** join/#bzflag bugQ_ (
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16:18.16CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r929 10/trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs):
16:18.16CIA-32FTGL: * Fix displaylist usage in FTOutlineGlyph and FTPolyGlyph. FTExtrdGlyph
16:18.16CIA-32FTGL:  still needs to be fixed, but that will be after pending Render() changes.
16:18.16CIA-32FTGL:  Partially addresses SourceForge ticket #1945392.
16:20.10*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
16:21.07CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r930 10/trunk/ (31 files in 3 dirs):
16:21.07CIA-32FTGL: * Allow to selectively display parts of the glyph/font/layout. This is
16:21.07CIA-32FTGL:  currently only used in FTExtrdGlyph: it lets the user render the front
16:21.07CIA-32FTGL:  surface in a different color than the extruded side surface. Code written
16:21.07CIA-32FTGL:  by Eric Beets.
16:21.40CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r931 10/trunk/ (include/FTExtrdGlyph.h src/FTExtrdGlyph.cpp): * Fix displaylist usage in FTExtrdGlyph. Closes SourceForge ticket #1945392.
16:24.18*** join/#bzflag KTL (
16:41.48JeffMright now.. hey there's no tomroow. right now..come on it's everything.. right now..catch your magic moment.. right now it means everything.
16:41.53think_tankDoes anyone know if there is a hierarchy of banning rules? e.g. can an opped admin ban a local.admin having antiban
16:42.39JeffMtehre is not
16:42.50JeffMthere is only the one perm for anti-ban
16:43.03JeffMbut the code would be the final thing
16:44.10think_tankhmm. with /ban i was unable to ban an opped admin unless i opped as well.
16:44.16CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r932 10/trunk/demo/FTGLDemo.cpp:
16:44.16CIA-32FTGL: * Slightly tune the demo to show the new FTGL::RENDER_FRONT and RENDER_SIDE
16:44.16CIA-32FTGL:  features.
16:44.31JeffMperhaps there is a special rule for /password admins
16:45.12JeffMtho with global groups I can't see why anyone would need /password in this day in age
16:45.42think_tankand yet, there have been too many password leaks recently
16:45.55JeffMnow that I rmember there was some code in there like that, it changed in 3.0 so, yeah 2.0.x has that
16:46.01JeffMthink_tank, all from one server owner ;)
16:46.26CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r933 10/trunk/demo/FTGLDemo.cpp: * Fix the demo program so that it uses the FTTextureFont class.
16:46.28think_tankso in 3.0, anyone with antiban perm cannot be banned...period?
16:46.35JeffMI'm not sure
16:46.40JeffMcatay cleaned it up
16:46.47JeffMbut that may have to do with how the API interacts
16:46.56JeffMhe's been redoing a lot of that ban code.
16:50.27*** join/#bzflag KingofCamelot (
16:51.56JeffMyay it's the sanders, he can do his commit :)
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16:53.59KingofCamelotHuh? :)
16:54.00think_tankWell I don't find any exceptions under the bzfsAPI but I don't know where else ban logic may lie
16:54.04*** join/#bzflag keith80403 (
16:55.21JeffMKingofCamelot, to make sure you alls can use SVN for commits, and so I can get the CIA tracker setup, I need you to commit a change to the authors file that adds your name to the SoC 2008 section
16:55.37JeffMmostly so I can get CIA setup to track your commits
16:55.54JeffMthink_tank, in the ban command
16:56.00KingofCamelotAlrighty...but I'll have to do that later, I have a physics midterm in an hour :P
16:56.08KingofCamelotI'll be back in a few hours
16:56.31JeffMno rush
16:56.42JeffMwe have a month :)
17:01.51think_tankJeffM, I meant in which file the ban logic handling would be. I found the API handler for /ban, but not the code that handles writing to the banfile, checking the command against user perms, etc
17:02.21JeffMthe API does not handle the /ban command
17:02.27JeffMyou found the API call that does a ban
17:02.33JeffMyou are in branch?
17:02.39think_tankright. and yes.
17:02.42JeffMSearch for BanCommand
17:02.48JeffMit'll have a () operator
17:02.53JeffMthat is what does the /ban
17:03.01JeffMthat checks perms
17:03.07JeffMAPI ban dosn't check perms
17:03.13JeffMplugins are always owners
17:03.26JeffMthe writing to the file is done in the banlist's class
17:08.46CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r934 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): * Fix FTTextureGlyph rendering offset so that it works with layouts.
17:11.17think_tankAh, ok found it. Thanks
17:15.43catayDTRemenak cleaned that up in rev 16931 i think
17:17.14catayaccording the commit message :
17:17.15catayoperators can no longer directly override antiban just by virtue of being an operator.  if you are really an op you can just pull the dude's antiban perm.
17:19.14cataydinner time :)
17:19.33Erroneousonly in trunk, catay...think_tank is working in branch
17:20.21think_tankWell, I was actually trying to find out for 2.x && 3.0
17:34.16JeffMhammer time!
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18:21.41JeffMbut now three.. three is the magic number.
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18:51.18TheRedBarondrains think_tank
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18:58.23Winnythink_tank, actually, there would be no water, so no swells, either :)
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19:08.27JeffML4m3r, you arround?
19:10.31donny_bakerGo with the funk, it is said... If you can't groove to this... then you probably are dead
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19:14.09WinnyNever gonna giv... /me runs
19:17.05JeffMwow..we got some money...
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19:22.00TheRedBaronJeffM: any updates on the potential parent orgs? or we down to creating bz's own org?
19:22.27JeffMTheRedBaron, brlcad has the info on the orgs, I don't belive he's had time to look thru all the info
19:22.33JeffMmaking our own is not easy
19:23.04JeffMwell now that brlcad has a month off :)
19:23.10JeffMbrlcad, read the org stuff :)
19:24.00TheRedBaronI wonder if SF would ever consider starting an org system for projects like us
19:24.10JeffMwell we've more then broken even with the shirts, we have 722$
19:24.20JeffMand preorders for like 100ish bucks in stuff.
19:24.57JeffMthat that will go up with L4m3r's monster hoodie
19:39.00catayErroneous: the --enable-ares-build now works after your latest ac change :)
19:39.08brlcada month off, yeah right :)
19:39.35Erroneouswoot :)
19:39.39catayErroneous: but on my old gentoo system it still uses the system ares, i submitted config.log on the bug trackker 1949096
19:40.35catayif you need more info or want me to test something, let me know :)
19:41.01cataynot sure it's worth fixing as i probably should better update my system :p
19:42.32Erroneousmight be pulling it in through curl.  does it work with --enable-curl-build?
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19:42.54catayi'll try
19:43.35brlcadthere is no try!
19:43.39Erroneousyeah, that's where it's coming from :(
19:43.40brlcadthere is only do and not do
19:43.43Erroneousdon't need to try
19:43.49ErroneousLIBCURL='-L/usr/lib64 -lcurl -L/usr/lib -lcares -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz'
19:44.05cataybrlcad: :P
19:44.20Erroneoushow can you control linking order for gcc?
19:44.56Erroneousi.e. can I tell it to prefer symbols from one library over those from a second library that defines the same symbols?
19:45.45brlcadlast one wins iirc?
19:47.15Erroneousand is that the right solution? :)
19:47.22Erroneoustries to think of problems that could cause
19:48.44JeffMyour a rocker.. you rock out
19:48.52JeffMactualy I foudn you'd have to set the image
19:48.54JeffMI can't do it for you
19:49.18Erroneoushm, actually it looks like they're already in that order
19:51.40brlcadwhat's the problem?
19:52.45Erroneouscatay has an old version of c-ares installed (too old for us).  configure correctly detects that we need to build ares.  however, he also has curl installed and working, so we link to his system ares library because of curl-config's output.
19:54.05Erroneoussee also
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19:56.26brlcadand that "working and installed" curl probably uses that old ares?
19:57.38brlcadthat's pretty whack ..
19:57.43brlcadcatay: link line for bzfs?
19:58.34cataybrlcad: an ldd on bzfs binary ?
19:58.39ErroneousI guess we could just require a newer curl.  seems kinda silly though since curl isn't really broken.
19:59.03catayjust make a distclean , --enable-curl-build also fails
19:59.42Erroneousthat's a little odd
20:00.11brlcaddistclean followed by I hope
20:00.47catayi always do 'make distclean && ./ && ./configure --enable-debug && make'
20:00.49brlcadcatay: no, not ldd on the binary, the actual compilation line
20:00.52cataythas ok ?
20:01.30cataybrlcad: where can i find that , in config.log output or make output ?
20:01.42brlcadmake output
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20:01.58Winnyhey it's brad
20:02.09brlcadafter you run make, run this: cd src/bzfs && rm bzfs && make
20:02.12brlcadthen pastebin that
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20:02.37brlcador for src/bzflag
20:02.39brlcadeither works
20:02.46brlcadjust don't need the whole build log
20:03.26blast007JeffM: Constitution and myself tested replayed yesterday  ;)
20:03.34blast007the rico stuff does not transfer over
20:03.50blast007and all except the first shot of each tank doesn't actually move.. it sits there like a mine
20:05.55JeffMwe'll have to see where it packs all that up
20:06.04brlcadwoot, add that to the news file then .. mines are implemented
20:06.27brlcadit's a feature
20:10.28catayJeffM: if you have time, can you have a look at the following patch : ?
20:11.13catayit replaces the current hostban eventtype with an hostban modify & notify eventtype
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20:11.36JeffMyou write it?
20:11.38cataybut works with the same eventdata class
20:11.44JeffMgo for it
20:11.54JeffMaint' picky :)
20:12.00JeffMand sharing data is fine
20:12.39catayi think making different baseclasses for notify & modify events is maybe overkill
20:12.51blast007hrm, I think replays are broke on 2.0.x now...
20:12.55blast007I can't save them
20:13.07JeffMcatay, yeah, if there is no need, it's pointless
20:13.13blast007I have -recbuf 16
20:13.19JeffMblast007, cool so we just rip it out then
20:13.34blast007it worked just recently...
20:13.38Winnyblast007: it only worked for me with no buffer
20:13.56JeffMwe could make it a plugin and implement it as server side players :)
20:14.04blast007Winny: it's changed in the last couple weeks
20:14.07catayit's probalby easier to just make a difference in the eventtype name
20:14.16blast007I should be able to do /record save whatever
20:14.16JeffMcatay, yah
20:14.30blast007I have a 16MB recording buffer set up
20:14.38blast007and there are players on the server
20:15.19Erroneousyou don't need to /record start?
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20:15.28blast007I have a buffer
20:15.36blast007it it's memory, constantly recording
20:15.53blast007and I can then save that buffer to a file (or it's supposed to)  :P
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20:23.33brlcadand ldd bzfs ?
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20:25.41SpazzyMcGeeJeffM, what's the shipping to the UK on shirts?
20:25.54JeffMSpazzyMcGee, one shirt, 11 bucks
20:25.54tuponereadelf -d bzfs | grep NEEDED
20:26.06JeffMone hoodie 36 bucks
20:27.07SpazzyMcGeeWait, no extra shipping cost?
20:27.52JeffMSpazzyMcGee, 11 bucks just in shipping
20:28.00JeffM12 for the shirt, 11 for shiping
20:28.07JeffM23$ usd total
20:28.11SpazzyMcGeeI thought there was something fishy there
20:28.16SpazzyMcGeeOK, thanks
20:28.30JeffMstill should be pretyy cheap for you with the exchange rate
20:28.38tuponecatay, probably you have to rebuild libcurl
20:28.52tuponewhat distribution you are on?
20:29.10cataya very old totally NOT uptodate gentoo system :P
20:29.20cataywell, it's one of my systems
20:29.35cataya test system
20:29.43tuponethen you can rebuild libcurl
20:30.19catayyes I can do that
20:30.21SpazzyMcGeethat'd be £11
20:30.44JeffMwhat does a shirt cost at the store?
20:30.49tuponeyou can do readelf -d /usr/lib/ | grep NEEDED to see if libcurl is including libssl
20:30.58tuponedo that before rebuilding
20:31.26catayyes it's include libssl
20:31.38brlcadcatay: harumph.. that really is a cunundrum -- are you looking for a quick fix or something else?
20:31.39tuponethe 0.9.7 ?
20:32.03brlcadbecuase the quick fix is pretty simple, just override the curl flabs
20:32.19Erroneouswe're bound to run into the same problem again
20:32.30cataytupone: yes
20:33.07cataywell, I mainly mentioned it because it maybe can occuer on other older distros too
20:33.28cataybut it's not a real problem for me
20:33.30tuponeit happens because you have to versions of libssl
20:33.36catayi should upgrade this system anyway
20:34.36brlcadit might/should work with just:  make LIBCURL="-L/usr/lib64 -lcurl -L/usr/lib -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz"
20:35.05cataylet me try erm do that :P
20:35.30brlcadprobably even just: make LIBCURL="-lcurl -lssl -lcrypto -ldl"
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20:36.29blast007restarting my bzfs fixed my "No buffer to save" issue..
20:36.35tuponeguesses it does not as curl use the full name
20:36.41tuponeof libssl
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20:42.07catayi think the easiest thing will be just bringing my system up to date
20:42.28blast007emerge magic
20:42.42blast007Please wait: Downloading magic
20:42.56cataywhich means = pain on a gentoo system that hasn't seen updates in almost 2 years :P
20:43.06F687s*watches compiler errors fly by*
20:43.18blast007catay: maybe just reinstall then  ;)
20:43.53catayblast007: yes, probably :)
20:46.34JeffMbut insn't gentoo suposed to be all awesome?
20:47.34catayIt is, as long as you update regulary :)
20:47.48catayand have enough time to waste :)
20:48.13JeffMhas no time to waste
20:48.13catayI'm thinking on just putting Ubuntu on it
20:48.48JeffMdebian and ubuntu where the 2 linxes that hated me the least
20:49.42catayI never was a real debian fan until i was forced to use it
20:49.58JeffMapt-get made sense to me
20:50.08catayi really like it now , far easier to install stuff on then rpm based distro's
20:50.12JeffMsince I rarely ever built any kind of system compoent from sources
20:51.15donny_bakeri've tried many and have settled on Debian, the other guys here prefer Ubuntu
20:51.31cataybuilding a system from source is a very good way to learn a lot about the inner workings
20:51.49blast007catay: I just don't have the time for that  ;)
20:51.55cataybut in the end you just stick a lot of time in maintaining it
20:52.46catayI also don't have time for it anymore nor the motivation :)
20:53.01*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (n=wheeeeee@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux)
20:53.39catayi'm on a ubuntu system right now and it's a cool thing when  everyting just works out of the box
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21:02.09CIA-32BZFlag: 03catay * r17064 10/trunk/bzflag/ (include/bzfsAPI.h src/bzfs/BanCommands.cxx):
21:02.09CIA-32BZFlag: Replacing the bz_eHostBanEvent type with two other types :
21:02.09CIA-32BZFlag: * bz_eHostBanModifyEvent
21:02.09CIA-32BZFlag:  Allows modifcations of the members before the hostban happens
21:02.09CIA-32BZFlag: * bz_eHostBanNotifyEvent
21:02.10CIA-32BZFlag:  Notifies when a hostban was executed
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21:03.52L4m3rJeffM: pong
21:04.18JeffMyour shirt is up
21:04.24L4m3rcool, thx
21:04.37L4m3rdo you know exactly which model of T-shirt you are using?
21:04.53JeffMgildan 2000
21:04.54donny_bakerModel T
21:05.22L4m3rwonders how consistent the sizing is for Gildan tees
21:07.00JeffMyou may have some already
21:07.03JeffMthe4y are VERY common
21:07.41L4m3rI'm wearing a gildan shirt right now :P
21:07.48L4m3rbut a different model, I think
21:08.07JeffMwhat is it?
21:08.11JeffM"heavy cotton"?
21:08.16JeffMor "ultra cotton"?
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21:08.42JeffMsame size, just thicker
21:08.57L4m3rI'll keep that in mind ;)
21:09.10L4m3rwee, my fingers smell like sulfur
21:09.24JeffMTMI Man
21:09.38L4m3r...I was at a shooting range
21:11.32WinnyThat could be a new comic
21:11.36Winny"TMI Man!"
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21:11.56L4m3rsounds like something you'd see on Cyanide and Happiness
21:12.40Winnyalrightee then
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21:24.40spldartmmMMmm shooting range
21:25.56JeffML4m3r, I have some of the heavy cotton and the ultra cotton ones and I don't notice any difference in them
21:26.09JeffMI notice a change when I wear the AA or anvil shirts
21:29.40L4m3rAA shirts are freaking tiny
21:29.47L4m3rthose are the only ones I have in XXL
21:30.19L4m3rthe women's shirts are even worse
21:30.30SpazzyMcGeejust ordered
21:30.46JeffMI picked the gildans cus I had so many and they seemed to fit nomral
21:30.51SpazzyMcGeehooray for oceana
21:31.05L4m3ryeah, the one
21:31.06JeffMcould have goten hanes or FoL for a similar price.
21:31.09L4m3rI have no is nice
21:31.30JeffMit'll just be a little thicker
21:31.39L4m3rsome of my XLs are too small... or more importantly, too short
21:31.44JeffMyou can't see thru em when you hold em upt hte light :)
21:31.52JeffMhold em up to the light
21:32.07L4m3rthrough one layer or two?
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21:32.24L4m3rI can see through this one, but it's old
21:32.45JeffMthe long selve shirts in the pictures, are heavy cotton long selve
21:32.50JeffMthey are a lot thiner
21:32.54JeffMthen the ultras
21:33.01JeffMhad em held up together
21:33.44L4m3rthis is actually a shirt that my dad gave me from a dealer he used to work at... "Real Volkswagens love Real Volkswagen Parts" :P
21:33.53L4m3rwith "get real" on the sleeve
21:35.21SpazzyMcGeewhen are they getting printed?
21:35.34JeffMI'll place the order on the 28th
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21:36.10JeffMthen 2-3 days for art, 5 for production, 5 to ship to me, then they go out.
21:36.24JeffMso aroudn the 12th of may I expect
21:36.25SpazzyMcGeeheh, then 6 to get to me
21:36.37JeffMprobalby 5
21:36.46JeffMit won't be in a box
21:36.50JeffMso that helps
21:36.55ErroneousL4m3r: heh, didn't realize the stealerships advertized like that...
21:37.06JeffMthe flat rate envelopes go a lot faster
21:37.26L4m3rErroneous: I think it was an employee thing
21:37.33L4m3rI can't see them actually selling any of those
21:37.55JeffMyeah that's like saying "you suck, J.C. Whitney!"
21:38.30JeffMI just need to get some art fixed up for the polo shirt and we'll be ready to order the next batch
21:38.37L4m3rand it's not like there are a ton of aftermarket parts for modern cars anyway
21:38.42JeffMand decide what we want to do for personalised devish sherts
21:38.55JeffML4m3r, ther are for bugs ;)
21:39.09JeffMyou could probalby build a bug and a jeep out of aftermarket parts :)
21:39.15L4m3r"modern" :P
21:39.32JeffMdepends on the scope of modern ;)
21:39.49JeffMdid I actualy type sherts
21:39.51TheRedBaronJeffM: on a bug you can
21:39.57TheRedBaronall you need is the main tube :)
21:40.08L4m3rI mean, my dad is a parts manager at another dealer, and they sell a lot of wholesale parts to small shops...
21:43.37TheRedBaroneverything else you can buy and put together :P
21:45.11CIA-32BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r17065 10/branches/v2_99_shot_branch/MSVC/VC8/bzflag.sln: add bzflag back into the build, we kinda need it.
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21:56.12CIA-32BZFlag: 03KingofCamelot * r17066 10/trunk/bzflag/AUTHORS: Added my name to the AUTHORS file for GSoC 2008
21:56.29KingofCamelotJeffM, looks like CIA is working for me :)
21:57.07blast007yay ;)
21:58.37KingofCamelotNow I'll work on that design doc wiki page when I have the time
22:00.17JeffMand now you are tracked on the blog...for all to see
22:00.41KingofCamelotI've got nothing to hide :P
22:00.43KingofCamelotSo far
22:01.02JeffMmostly it's so we can see all the students last 5 commits in one place
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22:03.45KingofCamelotThat's pretty nifty
22:04.00KingofCamelotMaybe a dumb question, but what does CIA stand for?
22:04.09L4m3rCommits In Action, iirc
22:05.44CIA-32BZFlag: 03macsforme * r17067 10/trunk/bzflag/AUTHORS: Add myself to the 2008 GSoC participants list.
22:14.08JeffML4m3r, where did you get that from?
22:14.40JeffMit's tagline is "the open source informant"
22:15.46JeffMKingofCamelot, is the site it all goes to
22:17.02KingofCamelotCool stuff
22:17.16nn64hi all
22:18.05*** join/#bzflag bugQ (
22:23.48nn64I should have the next release of gtkbzedit ready by around 9 tonight or early tomorrow morning; New in the new release:: 1. Fixes in the phrasing process 2. Added support of the fallowing objects: Zone, MeshBox, MeshPyr and  (possibly)Physics; 3. Along with the added objects will be visual aids: in other words, I'm adding more colors for the zone and other objects that will be added later.
22:24.04JeffMnn64, parsing
22:24.26JeffMand have you read the PM I sent you?
22:27.34nn64JeffM, yes i saw your pm
22:27.51JeffMdo you understand it?
22:31.10nn64i do
22:32.37nn64I'm wondering does anyone here have any idea what color I should make the flag zone :: looking at this  colors list:
22:33.23F687s#69B9BE FTW ;-)
22:35.02blast007Electric lime!
22:35.13nn64F687s, that is a little off color but thanks
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22:36.06nn64blast007, that is to similar to the teleport's current color
22:38.02nn64I think one of these to will work, Deep magenta or Deep lilac
22:38.42nn64dark tan looks good for physics driver
22:39.09Winnywhy not allow it to be user customizable?
22:39.50blast007Winny: that's waiting for version 2.0
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23:16.41JeffMnn64, perhaps you should make a develoment chanel for it
23:17.09Think_Differentlwait, whats the point of having physics in something that just displays maps?
23:17.28JeffMThink_Differentl, defningin the driver
23:17.37JeffMwow that's horible
23:17.42Winnythat gives me an idea
23:17.45JeffMdefining the faces that have the driver
23:17.51Think_Differentlah, I see.
23:18.00WinnyI should plop a few maps into blender and see what would actually happen if you applied physics to them
23:18.06JeffMI think you should be able to set a color per driver tho
23:18.10JeffMso you can see what is what
23:18.17JeffMthat would be the most useful.
23:18.29Think_Differentlas blast said, that'll be in v2.0 :P
23:18.40JeffMThink_Differentl, at his rate, 5.7
23:19.12nn64Think_Differentl, Look at the forum I have added editing and saveing to the last version this version is just a big inpruvment ... Im currently programming the saving of zones the name tag and will soon start working on the next step :: Mesh box and Mesh Pyr
23:19.55Think_Differentlperhaps you should set up a page on google code or sourceforge or even bzfmaps
23:20.59Winnyno offense, but why not work on BZWB?
23:22.08nn64Think_Differentl, eventually; right now I'm working as fast and as hard as I can on the editor for the next version. Which I hope to release in a hour or two
23:22.36Think_Differentlnn64, you should take time and look through your code, make sure things work right, and maybe then release another version
23:23.15nn64Winny, Because I have always wanted to make my own editor that was totally cross platform
23:23.26JeffMgtk runs on a mac?
23:23.32JeffMand on solaris?
23:23.47Think_DifferentlJeffM, *could* run it under X11
23:23.50Constitutionunder X11, it should
23:24.21JeffMbut does it? ;)
23:24.30JeffMshould are are, are not the same things
23:24.33nn64Think_Differentl, I am fully debugging each piece I program as I work on it that way I know it's fully functional when I release it.
23:24.46JeffMnn64, how many pages is it?
23:25.45nn64No idea I must have added at-least 5 today alone, Haven't counted.
23:26.11JeffMyou are on linux right?
23:26.45Think_Differentlcould anyone perhaps suggest a decent book to get me started on C++? I thought I had one, but apparently I don't.
23:26.52JeffMnn64, wanna test something for me?
23:26.52nn64I compile a lot
23:27.15JeffMgo to an empty dir and put this in the termnail, gtkbzedit-read-only
23:27.21WinnyThink_Differentl, this was nice:
23:27.26WinnyIt's not a book, but it works
23:27.28Think_DifferentlWinny, I mean a print book :P
23:27.29JeffMsorry, this svn checkout gtkbzedit-read-only
23:27.37JeffMthen see if it builds
23:28.12nn64can you hold that thought JeffM; I really need to finish this chunk of code in the saving source file then I will test it.
23:28.27JeffMnn64, it ain't going anywhere
23:29.14Think_DifferentlJeffM, via the script?
23:29.26JeffMThink_Differentl, yeah should be valid
23:29.30JeffMthat's what I wanted tested
23:29.36JeffMwhat error?
23:29.45Think_Differentlc++: srcmain.c: No such file or directory
23:29.53Think_Differentlall these no file or directory
23:29.56JeffMdid I do \ not /
23:30.03Think_Differentl\ ;P
23:30.15JeffMsilly me
23:31.22JeffMdo a svn up
23:31.26JeffMthat should be better
23:32.05CIA-32gtkbzedit: 03JeffM2501 * r9 10/trunk/ / ! \
23:32.27purple_cowwhat is this
23:32.41Think_DifferentlJeffM, same error :o
23:32.46JeffMpurple_cow, stupidity on a plate
23:33.12Think_Differentlneeds a cookie
23:33.42JeffMtho it's been interesting to poke at GTK
23:33.53JeffMthey seem to suck a lot less then I recall
23:36.40Think_Differentluh, JeffM, the problem is that the files in the script end in .c and in the dir they end with .cpp
23:36.59JeffMThink_Differentl, seriously?
23:37.11JeffMhmmm guess the rename didn't go
23:37.48Think_Differentlit builds.
23:37.53Think_Differentlwhen I renamed the files.
23:38.04JeffMhmmm they are cpp for e
23:39.04Think_Differentlseems as if I'm getting compile errors
23:40.39JeffMawww your c++ is not iso compliant :(
23:41.06Think_Differentlheh, I just grabbed whatever was in the ubuntu repository :P
23:41.09nn64Yay!! Just finished the save for my newest fields; Name, Drive through, Shoot through, and all zone fields :) now to test it. :-D
23:41.49JeffMThink_Differentl, yeah I'm not sure gcc has that, I'd have to do a #def for it
23:41.56JeffMthe C thing worries me tho
23:42.30JeffMThink_Differentl, cus if you look here,
23:42.34JeffMyou see that they are cpp files
23:43.19Think_Differentlbut they end in .c
23:43.34JeffMnot acording to that page
23:43.42JeffMI just got a clean repo and they end in .cpp
23:43.46Think_Differentlaccording to that page, they do
23:43.59Think_Differentlwe're looking at, correct?
23:44.18JeffMI think we are on difrent pages
23:44.20JeffMone sec
23:44.31JeffMyeah I was confused, sorry
23:44.39Think_Differentlyeah, the files themselves end in .cpp
23:44.41JeffMI thought you mant the files ended in c, you meant in the file
23:44.45JeffMyeah my bad :)
23:45.19Think_Differentljust rename the files in and you should be fine, I think
23:45.21JeffMtoo many thigns going on
23:45.29JeffMthey should be cpp files
23:45.33JeffMeven tho they are done c style
23:45.39JeffMthey have minor cisms
23:45.48JeffMlike "bool"
23:46.00CIA-32gtkbzedit: 03JeffM2501 * r10 10/trunk/ cpp ! c
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23:47.12Lukstr_JeffM: typedef enum Boolean_t { true = 1, false = 0 } bool;
23:47.26CIA-32FTGL: 03sammy * r936 10/trunk/ (8 files in 3 dirs): * C bindings for the FTLayout interface. Code by Eric Beets.
23:47.28JeffMLukstr_, use C++ ;)
23:47.33Lukstr_JeffM: rawr!
23:47.56JeffMI mean the code was trying to fake a struct constrcutor, it's screaming for bsaic C++
23:48.30JeffMloves his new fucntion name "handleDeathBySmite()"
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23:51.53tj13820does anyone know of a module for slax linux of bzflag?
23:51.56LukstrJeffM: C99 supports boolean
23:52.03JeffMLukstr, I know
23:52.11Think_Differentlis there a party when you get to C100?
23:52.15JeffMC99 wants to be C++ so bad it can taste it
23:52.21JeffMso just use C++
23:52.24LukstrJeffM: yes, that's why I never use C99 :D
23:52.33Lukstrit's to hax0r for me
23:52.55JeffMnothing wrong with having it BE C++ and doing it all C style
23:53.07JeffMthat's what C99 realy is, C style C++
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23:54.12tj13820is it even possible to run BZFlag under slax?
23:54.30Think_Differentltj13820, you could compile it?
23:54.30JeffMwhat is slax?
23:54.39tj13820slax linux
23:54.42Gnurduxslax is a livecd based on slackware
23:54.48JeffMif it's got the dependencies, sure
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23:55.09tj13820Think_different: i tried, but it failed... miserably. It wouldn't work properly
23:55.32JeffMprobalby missing SDL dev
23:55.48tj13820and some developer has previously made a "games" linux, with slax foundation. I was wondering if anyone had the specific .MO he used
23:59.20tj13820i'll be on later if anyone finds anything, let me know

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