IRC log for #bzflag on 20080406

00:00.41Wyk3d1the library/dll was compiled by mingw and i'm trying to link to MSVC if that's what you're asking
00:05.58JeffM_yeah that would be the issue
00:06.05JeffM_you can't mix/match usualy
00:06.11JeffM_build the DLL with VC
00:06.17Lukstr|LaptopThat's good to know
00:06.22Wyk3d1it doesn't build with VC
00:06.31Wyk3d1without huge changes
00:06.37JeffM_then change it ;)
00:06.44JeffM_it would pobalby load if you called loadlibrary
00:06.48JeffM_isntead of the static
00:07.01JeffM_but basicly they are not the same compilers and can have "issues"
00:07.42JeffM_calling load lib sucks tho cus you have to call  getProcAddr for every functions
00:09.02JeffM_I know that you can get mingw to load VC dlls with some work, but I've never heard of the other way
00:09.10Wyk3d1do you know any tool i could check if the import address table is damaged or something ? in the import lib
00:09.45JeffM_I'd just get it to build under VC
00:09.47JeffM_it's a LOT easier
00:09.58JeffM_then you can have that dll link the runtimes in dynamic
00:10.06JeffM_makes it simpler
00:10.11JeffM_what errors do you get in VC?
00:12.10Wyk3d1i don't have them right now, i have to create a project for it again
00:13.47DTRemenakif you want to mix and match, don't link it, use LoadLibrary and GetProcAddr
00:14.18JeffM_isn't that what I said ;)
00:14.27DTRemenakmeh, I didn't read anything you said
00:14.57DTRemenakand you can't use c++ across the boundary, the mangling routines are different
00:15.07DTRemenakso export everything as procedural methods
00:15.09Wyk3d1but does mingw simply not use the right format for that to work or is this a bug ?
00:15.43DTRemenaktreat them like two different languages.  like you'd written the library in pascal or something.
00:16.09Wyk3d1i can tream them like that .. but that's not the point of mingw .. or ?
00:17.05DTRemenakthe way they handle link libraries is very different.  their symbol mangling is different.  their calling procedures can be different (though they usually shouldn't be if your code is good)
00:17.42DTRemenakthe point of mingw is to provide a Free way to build native windows programs
00:17.49DTRemenaknot to interoperate with vc
00:18.04DTRemenakyou'd have the same problems trying to use openwatcom, or borland's compiler, or any others
00:18.29DTRemenakpossible exception of intel's, 'cause they put a LOT of work into interoperability
00:19.56DTRemenakcoincidentally it's not a windows-specific problem.  gcc and sunwpro have their own set of interoperability problems on solaris, for instance.
00:20.23JeffM_probably had similar issues with mpw and codewarrior on the mac too
00:22.04DTRemenakand it's worse on os/2, where there are two different (incompatible) variants of gcc in addition to ibm's and borland's compilers
00:22.20DTRemenakyeah, that makes things fun
00:22.43JeffM_Wyk3d1, I can help you get it building on VC if oyu want
00:22.55JeffM_what project is it?
00:23.36Wyk3d1first compile issue #include "portable.h"
00:23.47Wyk3d1there is no such file, it probably replaces that with something at compile time
00:24.29Wyk3d1and if you remove "portable"-ness from the code that can't be good news ;)
00:25.19DTRemenakportable.h is usually generated by configure (or something)
00:25.28JeffM_it can't be good "portable" then
00:25.46DTRemenakcheck their configure script or see if they ship a portable-win32.h or something that you can rename
00:25.47Wyk3d1it does build fine with both cygwin and mingw
00:27.20Wyk3d1wonders why there was no portable.h last time he searched ..
00:27.32Wyk3d1found it now actually ..
00:28.33Wyk3d1or yeah, maybe that's why i didn't find it .. if it's generated by configure
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00:28.50JeffM_and they didn't have a vc project?
00:29.05a_temp_distHiding flags on the HUD shouldn't hide the team flags
00:29.34DTRemenakthey had one years ago, but dropped it
00:30.25DTRemenakloading at runtime is probably the best way to go about it
00:31.04a_temp_distthe WG flag should be part of the same class of flags that makes the label white in the scoreboard
00:32.06L4m3rthere is no "class" iirc. it's just an if statement in the scoreboard renderer.
00:32.30a_temp_distprobably a pretty easy change
00:34.47JeffM_what other flags are white now?
00:34.58DTRemenakassigns to JeffM_
00:35.01a_temp_distGM, L, G I think
00:35.26JeffM_what does white mean?
00:35.48a_temp_distI always took it to mean a more dangerous superflag
00:35.52JeffM_DTRemenak, sounds fair nuf
00:36.13DTRemenakdescription looked good, didn't look much at the code though
00:36.26BulletCatchera_temp_dist: When I hide flags in the HUD it is to clear my view for sniping.  Not hiding the team flag could defeat that benefit.
00:36.27DTRemenakfigured you knew more of how things were supposed to work
00:36.34Flasha_temp_dist: should add SW if it isn't already
00:36.54a_temp_distBulletCatcher, good point
00:37.07a_temp_distFlash, just checked, SW is white as well
00:37.43JeffM_I'll have to get a clean dir
00:38.01FlashJeffM_: I know it's been hacked a bit since you wrote it, but I'm trying to understand the *intended* logic behind "reloading" fonts in FontManager
00:38.11DTRemenakah.  if you think it looks good I can check it in.
00:38.14FlashFirst, why would it ever be necessary
00:38.55JeffM_Flash, when the GL context becomes invalid
00:39.02JeffM_anytime you minimise BZ
00:39.14Flashso the fonts are intrinsically tied to the GL context?
00:39.15JeffM_that invlaidates the GL context and blows out the gextures
00:39.22JeffM_they use textures
00:39.28JeffM_and textures are tied to the context
00:39.51Flashsomething is still broken. If I start windowed and go full screen, everything works
00:40.01Flashbut from full-screen to windowed, the fonts are whacked
00:40.21FlashI'm pretty sure I didn't do it, but if I read it correctly, there's a lot of questionable logic there
00:41.01JeffM_such as?
00:41.44Flashthe rebuild() function calls clear() then preloadSize() for each size
00:41.54Flashbut clear deletes the memory and sets the pointer to 0
00:42.01Flashand preloadSize bails if the pointer is 0
00:42.07Flashso it looks kind of pointless
00:42.19JeffM_probalby a holdover
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00:42.44JeffM_it should bail if it's NOT zero
00:43.02Flashit doesn't load the font if it is 0
00:43.13JeffM_I think that should be ! 0
00:43.49FlashI was thinking it would make more sense to load the font after the clear...
00:45.24JeffM_we shodn't have to load it
00:45.26Flashthere's a higher-level clear that iterates over every face and deletes all sizes except 26. Not sure what that's about
00:45.30JeffM_cus we have the FTGL class
00:45.35JeffM_we just need to init again
00:45.55Wyk3d1libldap - 0 error(s), 402 warning(s) :)
00:46.04FlashOh... so th FTFont isn't actually invalidated, it just needs to be kicked in the pants
00:46.25JeffM_basicly the texture is invalid, but the rest of it is fine
00:46.45JeffM_the TTF info is fine, etc...
00:46.45Flashso back to where I was thinking originally.... I can't see any reason to ever delete an FTFont once it's been loaded
00:47.08FlashIs Advance() what jumpstarts the texture?
00:47.13JeffM_probably not
00:47.17JeffM_don't remember
00:48.31FlashIt looks like the calls made on the font are UseDisplayList(), FaceSize(), and Advance() [as part of initialization]
00:49.18JeffM_it's probably simpler to just kill  it and reload it
00:49.24JeffM_try it and see :)
00:49.56Flashwell, I think that's what the code is trying to do. At the end of FontManager::reload() is a call to load the fonts from files
00:50.26JeffM_use a debuger and step thru
00:50.48Flashtime to liberate the wife's laptop again, I guess
00:51.32JeffM_you need a laptop to debug?
00:51.37JeffM_oh mac
00:51.53FlashThe problem is demonstrated in full-screen to windowed
00:52.22FlashHey, if I had infinite resources, I'd have a solaris box too ;-)
00:52.57JeffM_my VC dosn't have that issue ;)
00:53.26Flashno, but you  HAVE  to use Windows. That's bad enough
00:53.36JeffM_at least it works ;)
00:53.51Flashdoes it? can you check for me?
00:54.11JeffM_I meant full screen debuging
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01:10.17JeffM_catay, what's your real name?
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01:11.22SpazzyMcGeeJeff, modeltool exports all materials on a different mesh?
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01:11.39SpazzyMcGeeIs there a way to stop this?
01:11.49JeffM_SpazzyMcGee, nope
01:11.59spldartSry.. tinkering with switch
01:12.33SpazzyMcGeeWhen I export it with the wings exporter, I get faces that the tank gets stuck moving onto.
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02:10.15spldartMy eyes! They bleed! No mas No mas!
02:26.44spldartgood one.. But I'm suffereing from applicationus evaluatus
02:27.12spldartthus far I'm just making tiny private notes though hehe
02:29.58FlashI did consider the possibility that you were playing with electricity and your eyes were actually bleeding, but freenode doesn't have 911
02:30.45AAA_awrightFlash: Awesome
02:32.53Lukstr|Laptophow many apps you guys got?
02:33.07spldartseveral ;-)
02:33.22spldartMore than a few and less than legion
02:41.10Flashis that question like "how many cows do you have?"
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02:44.19Lukstr|Laptophow many applicants that you've actually spoken too are there? :P
02:45.28Flashohhh... I thought you were asking about applications (programs)
02:45.54FlashI'm thinking, "enough, but I could always have a cron job to download random ones"
02:47.38Flashcan anyone point me to where screen resolution changes (F1)? I don't think the FontManager is getting notified
02:51.09spldartLukstr.. I'm not sure if I will even bother speaking to an applicants.. there are those that are far more qualified imho. I'm just goin to add my 2 cents and they can consider or dismiss as they see fit.
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03:04.32Metshey, I'm having a post-compile problem when I try to start the client in debian.  I'm getting this error: - can anybody take a look?
03:05.07Flashis clueless
03:05.13Flashvideo driver issue?
03:05.30Metswell, if I use apt and install bzflag that way it works
03:05.36Metsbut that's the baby way
03:06.00AAA_awrightCould someone critique this test website? The Wiki and Forum are totally functional, but not fully designed yet.
03:06.04FlashI can't help you, but I didn't want you to think no one cares
03:07.16FlashAAA_awright: the grass could stand mowing, but the web site looks nice to me
03:08.05Mets:) thanks flash
03:08.28Flashif I search, the results aren't too helpful
03:08.35Metslittle slow on the load time
03:08.46FlashA bunch of checkboxes don't tell me how to get to the page(s)
03:09.21Metsalways been partial to the search box being in the top-right corner myself
03:09.40FlashI don't see tabs for edit/discuss/(whatever else) on the wiki pages
03:09.52Metsalso on the search page, the white box doesn't go down to the bottom
03:10.30Metsso you have the grey Navigation, Search and Toolbox on the grey background, and the check boxes on the white background
03:10.41Metsgraphics look cool though, i think the general theme is nice
03:11.27Metsit's pretty intuitive to use and navigate, just needs a little tweaking
03:11.28Flashoh.. I found the wiki links, but they are too far to the left
03:11.40Flashthey should be lined up with the page they modify
03:11.58Flashsince you have that big navigation pane, it throws off the alignment
03:14.41AAA_awrightFlash: The website design is by Winny, I adapted it to MediaWiki and phpBB
03:15.15AAA_awrightHm, alright
03:18.03Metsis this to replace the current page AAA?
03:18.22Metserr, current homepage or current wiki?
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03:24.18Winnyom nom nom nom
03:26.35Flashobserves Winny speaks an odd dialect
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03:28.50AAA_awrightMets: I am testing different stuff that could end up replacing the website and list server
03:29.30Metsah i see, replacing the list server with?
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03:31.08AAA_awrightMets: A new better list server which still must be decided upon.
03:31.43Metscool, yeah listserv needs work
03:33.45FlashAAA_awright: are you working on the list server?
03:34.17AAA_awrightI am investigating different ways to do it at this point
03:34.21AAA_awrightNothing official
03:34.47Metswell, to start we could put it on a different box so it doesn't crash all the time
03:34.48FlashI've seen some of the discussion, and I was just curious if you had compiled a list of everything it is supposed to do
03:35.34AAA_awrightI need to investigate a distributed database server
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04:15.50AAA_awrightToo bad all the c++ gurus are already working for BZFlag
04:16.00Lukstr|Laptopbrlcad, other mentors: if there's any more details or specifics you'd like to see in the proposal let me know
04:16.13AAA_awrightI have this really neat project I took over:
04:26.20FlashAAA_awright: that sounds like a backhanded request for help
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04:52.57AAA_awrightFlash: Yes, it is
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05:15.03ibotPHP Wizard
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06:11.19CIA-32BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r16916 10/trunk/bzflag/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Add API methods to support the report channel. Patch 1935515. thanks Catay
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08:12.58brlcadLukstr|Laptop: will be commenting more tomorrow
08:14.03brlcader, later today
08:16.03Manugood morning brlcad :)
08:16.08Manuor night.. :)
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08:20.50brlcadtrue day
08:21.00brlcadand true dat
08:21.15brlcadreturns from a pleasant evening
08:23.01Manupleasant evening..! sounds good ;)
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08:51.07Lukstr|Laptopbrlcad, okey
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09:08.28SaturosL4m3r, donny_baker : nice photos :)
09:08.32Saturosis there a central place where we collect those?
09:08.39L4m3rno idea
09:10.29SaturosAre there more? I just saw your shots so far.
09:10.33L4m3renblend is bringing my desktop to its knees... poor thing must be thrashing like crazy
09:11.05L4m3rI don't think there are any more, other than jeff's photos
09:11.35L4m3rI'm thinking of cropping my picture and submitting it to that coppermine site
09:11.42L4m3rsince the one of me on there is ancient :P
09:11.47Saturosis enblend better than photoshop?
09:12.08L4m3rno idea
09:12.18L4m3rthey're not really the same thing
09:12.24L4m3renblend does not do stitching
09:12.33L4m3ronly blending :P
09:12.35Saturosah, ok
09:12.45Saturosphotomerge always worked quite well for me
09:13.03L4m3rI'm doing a 360 with... 19 photos?
09:13.15L4m3rand they're each 10MP
09:13.23SaturosI did a 160° with six, each 7 MP
09:13.36L4m3rI'm not sure if photomerge was designed for that
09:13.45L4m3rbut I have not tried it
09:13.51L4m3rI should get a CS3 demo or something
09:14.24L4m3rfor now hugin + enblend works well enough (and free to boot)
09:15.06L4m3rthis is a smaller test rendering of what the computer is grinding out now:
09:15.35Saturoslooks good
09:15.43L4m3rthx :)
09:15.45Saturos <- I once made this with photomerge
09:15.59L4m3rfull res will tell whether or not there are any serious stitching errors :P
09:16.10L4m3rnice shot
09:16.29Saturosif she just hadn't closed her eyes :D
09:16.57Saturosk, breakfast time
09:17.11Saturoscu later
09:35.54*** part/#bzflag Saturos (
09:43.14whodaman-Is it possible to limit a usergroup to only talk in observer?
09:43.53whodaman-So unregistered people could only talk in observer while on a match server?
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10:19.44cataywhodaman-: it would be possible with a plugin i think
10:19.56whodaman-Yeah, Constitution is testing something
10:20.09tsyep, someone(tm) would have to come up with a plugin for that
10:20.19tsand plugins can crash the server
10:21.46catayts didn't you implement server side pause in trunk ?
10:22.03tscatay: Yes, I did kind of
10:22.23tscatay: Could have been better done but I didn't had the time for it
10:22.54catayso , you can freeze all players at any time ?
10:23.32tscatay: ah, you mean that kind of pause..that is something I didn't do
10:23.52tscatay: I implemented a timer that checks that player doesn't pause too soon.
10:24.26catayah, i see
10:25.03whodaman-catay, ts, we want the unregistered people/ people not in the gu.league usergroup, to be able to only talk in teamchat
10:25.05catayWould be cool tho if the server could pause all players :)
10:25.27whodaman-BUt they shouldn't be able to spawn
10:25.30tswhodaman-: I know (and I think it's a stupid idea)
10:25.46whodaman-people in the gu.league group can spawn/talk eveywhere
10:25.49whodaman-ts, why's that?
10:26.17whodaman-it'd be quite practical.
10:26.50tswhodaman-: It can crash the server and it'll be the same questions over and over again. I prefer a good servermessage explaining. If people can't read, why should I waste my time for them?
10:27.23cataya good plugin rarely crashes the server
10:27.45catayI never had any crashes with my plugins when they are well tested
10:27.58whodaman-If all plugins would crash the server, nobody would use plugins :)
10:28.17cataythe 1vs1 plugin at 1vs1 league never caused any issues
10:28.28Manucatay: never? ;)
10:28.33catayand it's used for quite some time now :)
10:28.34whodaman-ts, what if a newb joins, and misses the server message? You expect him to do shift+F3 ?
10:28.38tscatay: The point is that they can crash. That particular kind of plugin suggest just doesn't offer much profit on the other side.
10:28.43catayManu: not that I recall :)
10:28.52whodaman-Direct communication has always been better than leaving some short directions
10:29.13catayts: the server without plugins can crash too :)
10:29.26Manucatay: true, but not due a plugin ;)
10:29.30tscatay: Hehe, yes but less high chance
10:29.32whodaman-ts, Of course it does, you can have them talk in observer, ask questions, without disturbing the game.
10:29.53whodaman-If you're not in the mood to waste you're time, don't.
10:30.52tsWhat kind of questions could they have?
10:31.06whodaman-"y can't I spawn on dis server"
10:31.10ts1st: How can I play
10:31.13whodaman-"how can I register"
10:31.23whodaman-"whats guleague?"
10:31.28tsThat's in the servermessage
10:31.34whodaman-Not really
10:31.50whodaman-and even so, what if you don't know what the servermessage is for, and you miss it?
10:31.59cataywell, I just said it's possible, not that it makes sense for GU to do it :)
10:32.19whodaman-Once again, _direct_ communication > leaving some directions
10:32.21Manuwhodaman-: every thing is possible if someone implements it :)
10:32.25cataysometimes it's a blessing some people can't talk :)
10:32.35whodaman-Manu, Constitution and I were just testing a beta.
10:32.49Manuwhodaman-: I don't feel the need of it ;)
10:32.50tsManu: Show me comparision based sorting faster than nlogn :)
10:33.00ManuI don't like those restrictives thingies
10:33.04whodaman-catay, if we don't want the GU league to end like pb or duc, then you have to talk
10:33.51Manuwhodaman-: I consider two important things, one is the freedom, and second is the education
10:34.02catayI doubt that's the reason why pb/duc are not really active
10:34.19whodaman-There's always a reason ;)
10:34.22catayactivity on ducati is not a recent problem
10:34.31catayit is there already for 2 years
10:35.03cataya lot of people tried to make the leagues more attractive but in the end it are the players that have to do it
10:35.24catayit has nothing to do with restrictions imho
10:36.04whodaman-meh, I'd like to give new people a chance to ask questions
10:36.07cataya lot of oldschool duc players stopped playing
10:36.25whodaman-But I guess others would just like to give them the good old -srvmsg
10:36.38Manucatay: it always happened, not only now
10:37.35tsgotta go, bye
10:37.37Manucatay: why did they stop playing? :)
10:37.41catayyup. I lost interest alos a b it in playying the game :)
10:37.43Manutshuess ts
10:37.55catayManu: they got babies , got married , got a gf , stuff like that :)
10:38.09cataythe real life :)
10:38.17Manucatay: I'm married, have kids and continue playing ;)
10:38.38catayhehe, there are always exceptions :)
10:39.09Manuyou know noobs killed the old good players ;)
10:39.16ManuI know a lot of them left because the noobs
10:39.23cataywell, I also don't play that much anymore as I used to do
10:39.23Manuthey got bored
10:40.08whodaman-So, you have to keep new people coming
10:40.11catayyeah, same here, i also got a bit bored with the game lately
10:40.25whodaman-meh, playing with taz rocks
10:40.45Manucatay: is not fun to kill vs noobs ;)
10:40.52Manuto play*
10:41.13catayand it's also no fun for noobs to play against skilled players
10:41.19cataythats why they easily drop out of leagues
10:41.27Manutrue.. that's why sometimes I play anon ;)
10:41.51Manuand let them to kill him ;)
10:41.55catayi remember my first GU match ... we lost 15-0
10:42.02whodaman-catay, I always thought it was exciting to play against the pros
10:42.15whodaman-Only way to get better.
10:42.18cataywell, i never bothered much about losing
10:42.23cataybut some people do
10:42.34catayand can't handle it and get upset
10:42.46Manuwhodaman-: yes, you are right, but some players get bored of being killed continuosly
10:43.06whodaman-Manu, it doesn't take too long until you can hold your own agains them
10:43.13Manuskilled players also were noobs ;)
10:43.14whodaman-no, orbit, skit and snick do not count
10:43.36Manuwell, it's fun to play vs mikkel, snick..
11:02.02Wyk3ddamnit .. VC is so lame .. warning C4013: 'strcasecmp' undefined; assuming extern returning int .. that is actually not declared at all but it shows up as link error instead of a compile error .. it must be some config option in the project gone wrong cause this normally works but .. still lame :-/
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11:03.37cataydoesn't windows use stricmp or something?
11:05.29Wyk3dwell it doesn't matter
11:05.33Wyk3di could replace that with asdfsad
11:05.46Wyk3dand it still compiles fine
11:05.53Wyk3ddamn link error
11:06.19Wyk3dopenldap uses strcasecmp ..
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14:14.51WinnyIs it possible to get the replay server to list the _last_ 20 replays, instead of the first 20 (or however many it does)?
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16:20.47KTLif you have a question then ask it
16:21.02KTLbzchitchat better goes to #bzchat
16:22.45R3laaXCan someone approve my images -
16:23.41Winnybasketballplayer: can we help you?
16:23.41KTLyou need to give a real url for those images, your url only works for you
16:24.02basketballplayerhelp with wut?
16:25.34catayplay basket ;)
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17:50.52spldartmeh.. now I"m rested up enough my freaking lagstats are sucking to bad.. 417ms last I checked.. all my neighbors must be downloading porn or something
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18:12.58Winnymm.. turkey sammich
18:13.17jwir3spldart: lol
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18:17.43spldarthad roast beef sammiches again Win
18:17.49spldartom nom nom nom
18:17.55spldartBut I'm still hungry
18:18.10spldartmust be cuz of the wrench turning on the wifes car
18:18.19spldartis currently reading more applications
18:19.49Lukstr|Laptopspldart, getting hammered over the weekend?
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18:21.16spldartNo.. I'm running myself up to buzzed but productive and then doin stuff like tinkering with code, tinkering with wife's car and looking over applications which I fell behind on.
18:21.56spldartWork has been very fast paced these last 3 weeks and so I've not been quite as on the ball as I'd like
18:23.34Lukstr|LaptopI meant
18:23.39Lukstr|Laptopgetting hammered <with applications>
18:23.41brlcadenjoys a massive greek salad
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18:24.04Lukstr|Laptopmy mind and my fingers often disagree on specifics.
18:24.04brlcadspldart: hopefully not playing with the break lines
18:24.07spldartOk.. hammered by apps.. and hammering on the car using a 'pickel fork' and yeah
18:24.34spldartbrl< no.. Why do you wonder? Did I do something wrong? :-x
18:25.14brlcadmore wondering if she did something wrong ;)
18:25.44spldartWife? With her car? YES! I'm not the most happy.
18:26.03spldartbut not breaks
18:26.07spldarterr brakes
18:26.23spldartI had to re-replace the passenger cv shaft
18:26.24brlcaduh huh -- tell that to the detective
18:27.00brlcadfiles away his irc logs as evidence
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18:53.33marzipan_i got a question to the koth plugin
18:53.55marzipan_is it possible to specifie how many players need to be in the koth area ?
18:54.17marzipan_and if so, can it be dynamic
18:54.34marzipan_let's say there are 6 playres on 3 on each team
18:55.08marzipan_and 2 of the team need to be in the koth area... is that possible ?
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19:13.30CIA-32BZFlag: 03blast007 * r16917 10/trunk/web/submitimages/templates/queue.tpl: Escape the filename and author name in a few areas.
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19:24.34Lukstr|Laptoppacks up to go back to school
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19:41.51donny_bakernever realized we already had a solution to the quantum mechanics flag, but you are right :P
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19:49.31Flashbrlcad: I was talking to JeffM and he said that when you resize the GL context is invalidated and all the fonts need to be reinitialized
19:49.43Flashbut I'm pretty sure that message isn't getting to the FontManager
19:50.37FlashI've noticed that if you go full screen (either at startup or F1) then go windowed, *all* the fonts render bogusly
19:50.50FlashI'm suspecting the GL context thingy as the culprit
19:51.14Flashbut I'm way over my head with the bowels of graphics programming
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19:52.40brlcadit was all working, last I checked fontmanager was getting notified -- so either it's no longer rebuilding (i.e. no longer getting a resize) or rebuilding is broken
19:52.54FlashI mean rebuilding isn't even called
19:53.42FlashI was wonderinging where that linkage is supposed to be established
19:54.01brlcadthere's several ways it can be wired up
19:54.12FlashDoes FontManager need to implement a resize callback like the visual elements do?
19:54.13brlcadit was direct at one point, it was set up as a callback at another
19:54.43brlcadthe resize callback may have been removed while investigating/isolating the destructor problem
19:55.21brlcadthere should be no reason for clear() to crash -- so long as it does, you can't reliably rebuild for resizing regardless
19:55.28FlashI'm curious what the nature of the dtor problem was; since this is a singleton, why was it ever destructed?
19:55.33*** part/#bzflag jftsang (
19:56.05brlcadit's destructed on application exit, just a matter of releasing all allocated resources
19:56.22brlcadit's cheating now just letting the OS take care of it, hence no crash
19:56.49Flashyes, it is "cheating", but it works, doesn't it?
19:56.56Flashavoids another pedantic argument
19:57.13brlcadit's just hiding some other bug
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19:58.42brlcadwhich is what I was more referring to earlier about the herring -- it's not clear that the problem is *actually* in FontManager -- my tests showed the stack was hosed before the font manager singleton was instantiated so it could very well be a bug elsewhere
19:59.03brlcadneeds some valgrind, efence, memory debugging love
19:59.05Flashsince I have your attention, can I persuade you to look at my latest patch? I'm trying to make incremental-sized changes
19:59.46brlcadi saw it, but i'm reviewing gsoc apps today -- deadline is approaching
20:00.36FlashI've almost got the first caller using BZFontFace instead of doing the lookups
20:00.53Flashjust need to fix some scoping issues with things currently in FontManager
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20:02.21Flashthings that belong to FontManager that need to be visible to BZFontFace
20:02.56FlashgetPulseColor, underlineColor, dimUnderlineColor, dimFactor, darkness
20:04.30Flashdo you happen to know why font size 26 is specially excluded from "clear"
20:09.27brlcadoh, that was test code
20:09.40spldartMeh.. the wind has left my sales
20:09.57Flashspldart: time to sell your sails
20:10.00CIA-32BZFlag: 03brlcad * r16918 10/trunk/bzflag/src/3D/FontManager.cxx: oops, remove test code
20:11.05spldartI can't spell either... geez
20:11.16spldartto many words! no mas!!
20:13.02brlcadFlash: so you know the 200 size limit was in-part just a simplification to help debug the rebuild/destructor bug, getting rid of the former stl-based containers
20:13.45brlcadi mean the O(1) access time is certainly nice, but it's not the intent to leave it that way once everything is working
20:14.03brlcad(but probably shouldn't change *until* it's all working)
20:14.19FlashI had thought of having a map because the arrays are VERY sparse, but the memory cost isn't relevant
20:14.28brlcadit was a map
20:14.56Flashalso, if I'm right, the lookup can be elided entirely
20:14.57brlcaddebugging random memory errors with stl containers is a royal PITA
20:15.18Flashyes, I've walked the rbtree quite a few times
20:15.20brlcadwith the array, it became clear the problem is elsewhere
20:17.47brlcadFlash: looking at your patch: Advance() loads and renders the font to texture, so you can save lots of time by preloading all characters
20:18.08FlashI don't think I changed that functionality
20:18.18Flashthe calls to advance are as they were
20:18.19brlcadyou didn't, just responding to your comment
20:18.29brlcadas it's in your patch
20:18.34Flashoh... yes, I've been digging a bit into the fonts since then ;-)
20:19.22brlcada lot of the "unrolling" you're doing is actually how things originally were
20:19.31brlcader, re-rolling/wrapping
20:19.43brlcadthey were unrolled as part of the debugging
20:19.50brlcadit really is all kinda moot until that bug is found
20:19.51FlashI promise, it will work when I'm done ;-)
20:20.22brlcadthe patch doesn't apply
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20:21.51Flashperhaps because of the change you just made?
20:22.21brlcadnope, it's a fairly big section
20:22.22FlashI moved the iteration over the sizes into BZFontFace_impl
20:22.25brlcadlooks like you're working out of sync
20:22.28Flashyou changed a line I deleted
20:22.43FlashI didn't think so; I reverted before making that patch
20:22.59brlcadrevert only restores to your local checkout, you have to svn up to latest
20:23.01Flashexcept for the change you just made
20:23.22FlashI svn up before the last patch
20:23.33brlcadtry svn revert src/3D && svn up src/3D then try applying your patch
20:24.14Flashblushes in shame
20:24.21Flashwhat's the apply patch command again?
20:24.48brlcadpatch -p0 < your patch
20:25.53Flashis it because my patch is against r16915 and you just created r16918?
20:25.54brlcadahh, svn revert -R
20:26.26brlcadperhaps, like I said, seems like you were a few revisions out of date
20:26.40Flashshould be just that one
20:26.55FlashI did an svn up after you committed and had to resolve that
20:27.01brlcadshould be doesn't change the fact that it doesn't apply :)
20:27.06brlcadso something isn't right :)
20:27.12Flashwell it DID
20:27.17brlcadtry applying it yourself
20:27.25spldartThis convo totally brings up a query.. How would I apply a patch I find to my current code in order to try it out?
20:27.26FlashI see that it's failing
20:27.41spldartNo commit just try it out
20:28.07brlcadspldart: almost always exactly what I just mentioned: patch -p0 < file.patch
20:28.28brlcadthe -p option is how many path levels it needs to prune
20:28.36spldartthanks... Sometimes I'd like to try out the patches on sourceforge just to test
20:28.39brlcadso you read file.patch and look at the paths
20:28.47spldartah ok
20:29.02*** join/#bzflag me1 (
20:29.08brlcadif they're "proper" they should refer to files like src/bzfs/bzfs.cxx (instead of bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfs.cxx or ./bzfs.cxx, etc)
20:29.30spldartooOOoo.. me makes mental note
20:29.37brlcadif it were bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfs.cxx, you'd use -p1 -- if it was just bzfs.cxx, you'd just apply a -p0 to the file directly
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20:30.13brlcadif it was /usr/home/username/bzflag-8.12.3/src/bzfs/bzfs.cxx, you'd use -p4
20:30.39jack|Argonhi, I'm building bzflag 2.0.10 under linux, and for some reason, it doesn't actually build the client (and configure tells me this), just bzadmin and bzfs
20:31.14jack|Argondoes anyone know why this happens?
20:31.20spldartYou should have some info from the ./configure
20:31.30cataysome things are probably not installed
20:31.43Flashmissing SDL or GL are obvious candidates
20:31.45spldartYou need 3d working
20:32.38jack|Argonhmm, it did report any errors. I have SDL I know, what would the GL package be?
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20:33.50spldartWhat was that gl.h file that always gives me problems when setting up a linux build platform hrmmm
20:34.53spldartis researching a bit
20:35.06spldartYou you have other 3d games working fully?
20:35.07Manujack|Argon: you probably need to install mesa devel, libsdl devel and your graphic card devel package
20:35.20spldartwhat distro?
20:46.04JeffMsdl-dev usualy gets most of what is needed
20:46.29spldarthas done a fresh checkout of 2.0.x and has his config.log open for troubleshooting purposes.. debian
20:46.47JeffMdid you install c++?
20:46.54jack|Argonspldart: srry, foresight linux 64 bit
20:47.06JeffMthat's the most common thing not installed
20:47.39jack|ArgonJeffM: it compiles and installs fine, but without the client, only bzfs and bzadmin
20:48.12JeffMbzfs wold not build without C++
20:48.20JeffMwhat video card?
20:48.48jack|ArgonJeffM: does it matter for building? 8600GT, nvidia driver 169.12
20:49.01JeffMjack|Argon, cus that determines what GL package you need ;)(
20:49.11JeffMnvidia has a dev package for the driver
20:49.14spldartwas that a non-free driver or one off nvidia website?
20:49.20jack|Argoncould it need mesa devel or freeglut?
20:49.20JeffMit has the nvidia extended gl headers
20:49.26jack|Argonoff nvidia's site
20:49.32JeffMglut no
20:49.45JeffMbut if your package manager dosn't have an nivida dev package
20:49.49JeffMthen yes, mesa dev
20:49.57Manusaid it earlier
20:50.10JeffMmanu is a smart man ;)
20:50.36Manunah, simply I have compiled bzflag in a lot of linux distros ;)
20:50.50spldartThat's it! Mesadev messed up my prepackaged nvidia dev pachage.. couple of times
20:51.00JeffMyeah if you have nvidia dev use that
20:51.04JeffMif not, then mesa dev
20:51.06spldartI think I've learned my lesson though
20:51.09JeffMbut only if you use an nvidia card
20:51.16JeffMif you are on ATI, then mesadev is fine
20:51.17jack|ArgonI already have mesa-dev
20:51.29JeffMthen it's probably a prefix thing
20:51.40JeffMthere should be a config log that tells you exactly what failed
20:51.50JeffMthe "gl.h header is missing" is a generic error
20:52.07JeffMwe throw that anytime one of the config samples fails to compile for any reason
20:52.10Manuhas installed libmesagl-dev and nvidia-dev :)
20:52.33jack|Argonyeah, it is that error
20:53.04jack|ArgonI do have gl.h though. It fails for both 2.0.8 and 2.0.10 for the same thing
20:53.12ManuJeffM: I got once an error about gl.h and the true problem was I haven't installed g++ ;)
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20:53.40JeffMyeah go and check the actual configure log, not just the terminal output it will have more detailed info
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20:53.47JeffMthe terminal output is rather generic
20:54.12JeffMManu, that's why I also said that not installing c++ is common
20:54.27JeffMbut if bzfs built then c++ is installed
20:54.40Manuyes, the error is very informative.. </irony > :)
20:55.04JeffMlike I say we throw that up for ANY problem compiling the samples
20:55.08JeffMhas to go home
20:55.49jack|Argonmy gl.h is at /usr/include/GL/gl.h, also /usr/include/FL/gl.h
20:55.59jack|Argonis that unusual/the cause of the problem?
20:56.13spldartI seem to recall a bug others have experienced where the mesa header replaces or interferes with the nvidia header for gl and bam! instant headache
20:56.56spldartMines @ /usr/include/GL/gl.h
20:57.17spldartdon't see how the other copy would hurt things
20:57.20jack|Argonand you built sucessfully or installed w/ package manager
20:58.06*** join/#bzflag Epyon (
20:58.09spldartI built and installed... package manager?
20:58.27Epyonre all :)
20:58.36Manuhi Epyon
20:58.55EpyonManu, had an occasion to look at my apps?
20:59.05Manuyes, but not in deep
20:59.11EpyonAny comments?
20:59.16Manunot yet
20:59.20spldartBTW on debian I grabbed autoconf automake libtool libncurses5-dev libsdl1.2-dev libcurl3-openssl-dev g++ make and of course the non-free nvidia drivers
21:00.55*** join/#bzflag Lukstr (
21:02.15Lukstris back
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21:21.54CIA-32BZFlag: 03brlcad * r16919 10/trunk/bzflag/ (include/FontManager.h src/3D/FontManager.cxx):
21:21.54CIA-32BZFlag: apply flash's sf patch 1935733 ( Continuing Encapsulation in FontManager ) with
21:21.54CIA-32BZFlag: ongoing hope retained that he'll get to an actual functionality enhancement/fix
21:21.55CIA-32BZFlag: at some point too :) patch makes strides towards using a class instead of an
21:21.55CIA-32BZFlag: integer identifier.
21:22.22*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
21:23.55Flashbrlcad: you are so kind
21:24.17JeffMwhat'd he do?
21:24.26spldartHe's one of the close nit crew of hard workers :)
21:24.29JeffMdid he send you some of his home made fudge?
21:24.30spldartAnd there's another one
21:24.30Flash15:21 < CIA-32> BZFlag: ongoing hope retained that he'll get to an actual functionality enhancement/fix
21:24.38JeffMhis fudge is awesome
21:24.52JeffMoh yeah.. fix a bug
21:24.55JeffMseriously ;)
21:26.29spldartdarnit.. now I'm craving brownies
21:26.32brlcadFlash: all in good fun :)
21:26.37spldartBut not brownie points
21:26.45FlashI know
21:27.00Flashit's hard to make substantive changes AND keep patch sizes small
21:27.37spldartooOOoo.. bacon cut up into tiny bits and put in a can of bushes baked beans with a bit of bold and spicy bbq sauce added
21:27.39JeffMmy sugestion to you is, cleanup the code as you fix bugs/add features. instead of just cleaning up for the sake of OO
21:27.42*** join/#bzflag Nemoish (n=Gigi@unaffiliated/emonemo)
21:27.47JeffMmakes it a lot easier
21:27.51brlcadFlash: yep, I know -- so just keep at it :)  commits should be succint like that regardless too
21:28.23FlashJeffM: I actually want to elminate the font lookup entirely (which OO will support)
21:28.38JeffMFlash: yes but that dosn't fix a bug for add a feature ;)
21:28.48Flashshould be faster
21:28.59JeffMso an optimisation
21:29.15Flashright now every single text rendering is multiple font lookups ;-)
21:29.20JeffMhonestly, I'd start with more important things
21:29.30JeffMhow much faster will it be in the overall scheeme of things?
21:29.41brlcaddubious claim, and even if faster -- whether it is actually measurably signficant is unknown
21:29.41FlashI'm easy. I started there because it was crashing my app
21:30.01spldart:-) And JeffM asks that question fairly across the board :~D
21:30.09brlcadthe crashes don't have anything to do with int id's :)
21:30.14spldartI'll shut up now
21:30.46JeffMFlash: what we are trying to judge is what your intenetions are. Are you just trying to apply your opinons on code design to the project, or are you actualy intrested in fixing bugs, adding features and making the project better?
21:31.06JeffMor at least that is what I am trying to judge
21:31.13JeffMcleaning up as you go.. that's fine
21:31.17JeffMeveryone SHOULD do that
21:31.32Flashmore the latter. Getting started is always a challenge
21:31.45JeffMbut changing sections of code just because the design dosnt "smell right" dosn't really fly
21:31.50JeffMwell we'll see
21:31.54Flashin my experience, you start somewhere and branch out from there
21:32.24brlcadhence my "ongoing hope retained" .. that you branch into a feature enhancement/fix ;)
21:32.54brlcadno problems with what you're doing so far, just waiting to see where you go with it :)
21:33.48AHAwhats the groupfile argument to have the say command not give the users name after?
21:34.02FlashJeffM: I fully understand that the core devs absolutely need to focus on features/bugs etc. But is there any harm in free labor doing code cleanup?
21:34.16JeffMFlash: never said there was harm
21:34.27WinnyAHA, that's a plugin
21:34.28JeffMas brlcad said, just trying to see where you go
21:34.45me1its a plugin
21:34.51JeffMFlash: but yes, there can be harm
21:34.56WinnyIf you're on our server, it's in /bzflag/builds/2.0.x/lib/
21:35.01JeffMif the code changes a lot and the other devs don't or can't follow it
21:35.13JeffMthat can cause devs who do real bugs to stop working on code they no longer understand.
21:35.25JeffMso it has to be balanaced
21:38.09JeffMman do I ever want 4 cores and a copy of incredidbuild :(
21:40.20Tuponewonders when he realized about balancing code changes :/
21:40.42JeffMright after I saw people leave because of them ;)
21:41.21JeffMmy balance point is probably not the same place as yours tho
21:41.52JeffMI would consider modularising code to be a feature
21:42.45CIA-32BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r16920 10/trunk/bzflag/ (13 files in 10 dirs): Patch 1936173: cleanups of spelling issues and inconsistencies int he API. Thanks Catay
21:44.58JeffMback to the joy of shots :/
21:46.44*** join/#bzflag DaRk_LoVe_[18f] (n=alew@
21:47.55spldartNow.. during the lull. Jeff does often seriously ask "What is the speed increase in the grand scheme of code" .. Just to clarify my comment cuz it has come to my attention several times lately that my intention hasn't been as clear as I mean for it to be.
21:48.00*** join/#bzflag t (i=tom@freenode/staff/tomaw)
21:49.38Flashspldart: you still aren't clear ;-)
21:49.51blast007but I am!
21:49.54blast007grabs CL
21:50.03spldartgrabs ST
21:50.20JeffMjust tells the server to kill everyone
21:51.19TD-Linuxstarts the trunk bzfs server, because it has a tendacy to do that automatically
21:51.21spldarthehe.. he SW's with a blast radius of invinity
21:51.33FlashJeffM: you are probably the best one to answer this. I don't think FontManager is getting notified of resize events. Can I put it in MainWindow:;resize()?
21:52.03JeffMit shoudl not need to be specificly notified on a resize should it?
21:52.15Flashit doesn't know that the resolution has changed
21:52.26JeffMwhy doe sit care?
21:52.29Flashdidn't you tell me the GL context is invalidated and all the fonts need to be recreated?
21:52.42JeffMyes, but that's via the global context init system
21:53.00JeffMif resizing invalidates the GL context then font manager isn't the only thing that needs to know
21:53.11Flashok. then I don't have a clue why the fonts go whacked when you go from full screen to windowed
21:53.45JeffMperhaps on your platform that invlaidates the context
21:54.02Flashcurrently, the rebuild() logic is not invoked anywhere
21:54.13FlashI was assuming it existed because it was needed
21:54.44JeffMI can dupe that it's not getting invalidated on a minimise here
21:54.51JeffMlet me look at it
21:57.48brlcadFlash: it used to work and have resize callback events registered -- read through the history of the FontManager.cxx file to see examples
21:58.16JeffMlook at how the texture manager handles it's invalidations, everyone should handle it via the same invalidation handler
21:58.50JeffMthe display list manager shoudl do that too
22:04.43Epyonbrlcad, JeffM, had a moment to look at my apps?
22:05.09JeffMI was going to read them after the deadline
22:05.18JeffMall of them
22:05.19brlcadpaatience :)
22:05.28JeffMget some popcorn, etc..
22:05.37brlcadhas been reading and commenting *all* day (6 hours non-stop now)
22:05.38JeffMwe can ask for comments and edits after
22:05.59EpyonOh, and btw, what about the patch?
22:05.59JeffMand yeah he's better at it then I
22:06.06JeffMwhat about it?
22:06.08JeffMyou make one?
22:06.15EpyonWell, any suggestions? xP
22:06.23brlcadyou know what is valued
22:06.26EpyonI tried the bug/rfe database
22:06.38JeffMyeah we shoudl not suggest, the point is to make you do it ;)
22:07.18EpyonBut most of the stuff is either completely beyond my specialization, or would require a lot time.
22:07.49Epyoni.e. time that does not neccessary lead to success (bug hunting)
22:08.11EpyonI had two ideas of my own, but neither of them is "normal"
22:08.30JeffMEpyon: that's also the point to get you out of your comfy zone
22:08.36JeffMjust fix a bug
22:08.56JeffMone of your applications is for a code re-org, that is totaly going to be all over the code
22:09.09JeffMso you should be able to show us that you can fix a bug prety much anywhere
22:09.10EpyonThe first one was to do some refactoring in a non-critical part of code (moving out Explosions into a singleton from playing.cxx came to mind)
22:09.16JeffMor at least a general fix
22:09.37Epyonand the second one is addition of a basic in-code profiler
22:11.14JeffMdid you read the bug list?
22:11.21JeffMthe BUGS file not the SF database?
22:11.31EpyonYes, both in the file and the sf database
22:11.52JeffMand there is not a single thing you want to do in there?
22:11.52brlcadfix the fontmanager bug *cough*
22:12.02brlcadif it is even a fontmanager bug
22:12.07brlcadi'm still not convinced it is
22:12.08JeffMI mean I see a bunch of butt simple ones
22:12.19JeffM- idbans do not respect the antiban permission
22:12.25JeffM- Observer movement controls seems to get locked-up in Hunt mode.
22:12.27Flashis still baffled by the reload logic
22:12.40EpyonJeffM, I don't even understand the first one :P
22:12.41JeffM- client side bots don't even show as tanks.
22:12.49JeffMEpyon: then you go learn
22:12.53JeffMain't hard
22:13.05brlcadFlash: just think of it as destroying all loaded fonts, and reloading them (all)
22:13.06JeffMor ask.. "what does an ID ban mean?"
22:13.23FlashI get that... I don't know what is supposed to trigger it
22:13.24brlcadthat's where that seemingly unused "rebuildFonts" function comes from
22:13.45FlashI looked at texture manager and can't find where it's reload is called (except from the /retexture command)
22:13.50Epyon*sigh* I have some free time now so I guess I'll take another look.
22:13.55brlcadtrack back through the commit history for fontmanager
22:14.09FlashI will
22:14.33brlcadprobably have to go back days/weeks/maybe months
22:15.46spldartIn windows how do you apply a patch for testing.. I just noticed it's different *embarrassed*
22:17.09brlcadspldart: you install cygwin and run patch? :-)
22:17.25brlcadthere are gui patchers
22:17.32spldartcygwin?! I've had a te3rrible experiences with that
22:17.45JeffMtort can apply a patch
22:17.46spldart;) I'll continue in linux the
22:17.47Wyk3drecommends tortoiseSVN
22:17.55spldartAh.. good.. tort it is
22:17.57JeffMyeah it does it very well
22:18.03JeffMjust put the patch in the root of the source tree
22:18.06JeffMright click on it
22:18.12EpyonOkay, I'll take a look at the font rendering issues then
22:18.13JeffMand hit "apply patch"
22:19.37Wyk3dhmm i never had to put the patch in the source ..
22:19.40brlcadEpyon: see the FIXME in the destructor
22:19.44Wyk3d*source tree
22:19.51brlcadthat's the crux of the issue right now
22:20.06spldartBTW... to unpatch do I do some sort of svn revert?
22:20.34JeffMsvn revert in the root will tell you what files are moded, and you can revert the specifc ones you want to
22:20.35spldartis thinking of testing some of the submitted patches
22:20.47JeffMif it works apply it ;)
22:20.48spldartJust for fun
22:21.05spldartOk... I may after touching base
22:21.06brlcadand isn't questionable :)
22:21.13JeffMyeah if it's a fix I mean
22:21.13EpyonOh my.... I just found a brilliant source for potential fixes :D
22:21.16brlcadthere are a few that are questionable, havne't weened in a while
22:21.23spldartI will be very VERY careful
22:21.31Epyongrep FIXME *.* :P
22:21.32brlcadsome are only still there because they are good ideas, but out-of-date patch-wise
22:23.19spldartis getting up to date and testing the build first
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22:31.36spldartI'lll assume the tort message Patch file doesn't match dir but tort has found a better match relates to the brlcad references to well written patches and the -p0 1 or whatever switch thingy hehe
22:32.44catayJeffM: I wonder if it would make sense if eventTime was moved to the bz_EventData baseclass?
22:33.02catayas every event as an eventTime in theory
22:42.12brlcadspldart: it's usually easy to see if you look at the paths in the patch file itself
22:44.18spldartI'm actually having an issue applying the first patch in the list already.. it either isn't applying or something else is goin on cuz VC8 isn't showing any work during the build process
22:45.06spldarttries another just incase
22:49.21spldart*grumble*... It seems like I'm applying but the build isn't acting like anything has changed
22:50.23spldartI'm cooking with gas now
22:50.38spldartwith gas
22:50.52spldartactually the wife is making lasagna tonight
22:50.57Wyk3dand very flammable
22:51.01brlcadyou say you have gas?
22:51.10spldartIn my Char-Broil
22:51.23Lukstr|Laptopchar-broiled lasagna?
22:51.40spldartis testing patches :~D
22:52.44Lukstr|LaptopSo wait, has anyone actually seen the new tank explosions yet?
22:52.47catayspldart: hmm lasagna ... are we invited? :)
22:53.11Flashenvisions a large orange cat diving into the pan
22:53.31Lukstr|LaptopFlash, seen garfield without garfield?
22:53.57Flashis that an Arthur Dent thing... tea and no tea?
22:54.47spldartOh snap.. I tested the first patch listed on sourceforge and crashed after attempting to relist servers by ping.. gotta reboot windows now cuz my vid card is humped LOL
22:55.18spldartfunny thing is vc8 is reporting all is fine
22:55.34spldartmaybe I should have clicked quit instead of ignore
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23:00.39spldartSo.. uhm... patch testing can be a dangerous thing ;-)
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23:01.09spldartbring on the next patch!
23:03.17KTLcompiles because of that new tank explosion rumor
23:04.00WinnyI bet it's actually a rickroll
23:05.27spldartNah.. but btw.. it does resort server by ping. Or so it seems to successfully.. but I got a crash in debug build after hitting ignore to a warning while running client
23:06.11WinnyHey.. where'd the VC9 project go?
23:06.49CBGi ate it
23:08.07spldartunder msvc?
23:08.15EpyonWinny, buggy, hene removed
23:08.33WinnyI guess I'll use the VC8 project
23:11.26KTLit all compiles on debian 64 bit
23:11.50Lukstr|LaptopKTL: it's not a very good new tank explosion.
23:12.01Lukstr|LaptopKTL: you might not notice the difference.
23:12.07KTLi cant see it since i'm single player, maybe with -solo
23:12.35KTLbots -> thrown out by server
23:13.23JeffMWinny: it went away
23:13.28WinnyKTL, gimmie a sec
23:13.29KTLi might have crashed spldarts server
23:13.31JeffMyeah just use th3e VC8
23:13.38JeffMVC9 wasn't updated
23:13.45JeffMand 8 should work just fine
23:13.53WinnyIt did :)
23:14.09JeffMcatay: that sounds fine
23:14.24JeffMyou can also init it from a timekeeper in the constructor
23:14.30KTLJeffM's server says: jumping allowed and in practice it is not
23:14.43WinnyKTL, which server?
23:14.56spldartI think you did hehehe
23:14.58KTLfor us to join? i will go to metropolis
23:15.03spldartI'm checking now
23:15.39Wyk3dJeffM: should I look for some bug to fix aswell or do those two crash fixes I submitted count ?
23:16.00spldartYep: Segmentation fault
23:16.03JeffMWyk3d: if you've submited a patch, that's probalby good
23:16.09Flashyay! Adding the GL context calls back in works
23:16.13JeffMwe just want to make sure you can like get SVN etc..
23:16.26JeffMFlash: who took them out?
23:16.43FlashI hate to say (glances at brlcad )
23:17.00JeffMeveryone makes mistakes
23:17.03JeffMhe probalby didn't intend to
23:17.08brlcadit wasn't a mistake
23:17.13brlcadit was intentional
23:17.25brlcadas was all of the rest of the unraveling
23:17.27JeffMcus of the crash? or you don't think we need them?
23:17.38brlcadtrying to isolate the crash
23:17.48JeffMcus we do need them :)
23:17.53brlcadsure do
23:17.54Winnyblast007: your server lags right now
23:18.33FlashOne change I did have to make was not to delete the font family, only the specific font (sizes)
23:18.49JeffMyeah, all you have to do is kill the FTLG classes
23:18.58JeffMso it reinits the textures and bitmaps
23:19.55WinnyIs this what you're currently trying to fix, or is it something different?
23:20.09brlcadthat (along with dozens of other variations) will still crash at least if you free everything allocated in the destructor
23:20.12JeffMdon't change resoultions or minimise
23:20.22WinnyJeffM: k :p
23:20.40JeffMbrlcad: want to go back to the old manager for now?
23:20.45brlcadnot really
23:21.07brlcadlike I said, I'm really not even convinced it is actually *anything* to do with the font manager
23:21.18brlcadi isolated it all the way down to a very simple bit of code
23:21.25brlcadafter removing just about everything
23:21.38JeffMvalgrinding helping at all?
23:21.41brlcadit still crashes on destruction and has a bad stack very early on
23:21.48brlcadhaven't valground it
23:21.53brlcadthat's the next step
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23:23.34Flashactually, I think the erase in clear() may very well have honked you up royally
23:24.19KTLin metropolis it bugs me that the radar does not show the street pattern while being street level
23:24.19KTLbut i see why it is and dont see an immediate solution
23:24.19brlcadFlash: that code has changed a dozen times over
23:24.24brlcadso looking at it as-is now doesn't really say much
23:25.11brlcadi traced the pointers through in the debugger, even with no erase() calls, there is pointer corruption -- there is stack corruption even before fontmanager exists
23:25.14spldartI'm not actually seeing the difference in operation after applying the  Locale character directories patch
23:25.21spldartbut operation is stable
23:25.34JeffMspldart: that is the one that adds the locale thing to main?
23:26.12spldartin relation to vc2k5
23:26.25brlcadthat was the whole point of stripping out all the stl containers, the callback, various other self-calls -- with a very simple test case, things aren't right
23:26.35JeffMit's a one line change from one of the SoC applicants right?
23:27.03JeffMspldart: yeah apply that
23:27.09JeffMyou won't see any diffs
23:27.16blast007Winny: which server? trunk?
23:27.16JeffMyou don't have a polish character in your username
23:27.25blast007that's not my server
23:27.25spldartOk will apply err commit
23:27.37Winnyoh :)
23:27.37blast007that's bzfs being buggy
23:27.37JeffMit's when there is an extended character in your config path
23:27.53JeffMyay.. down to 66 errors :)
23:27.54blast007I always get like 2 or 3 seconds lag on my server
23:28.01blast007but it's fine on 2.0.x
23:28.08blast007more like 50ms on 2.0  :)
23:28.10FlashFWIW, I put clear() back in the dtor and it doesn't crash
23:28.21blast007Flash: what OS?
23:29.40CIA-32BZFlag: 03bzspldart * r16921 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzflag/bzflag.cxx: Apply Patch by Paul_PL for local character directories.
23:29.46JeffMok, so for a GM, all the shots track to your current lock target right? what if you die?
23:30.18JeffMspldart: add his real name to the authors list too
23:30.24spldartme 2 blast007... and still with the server comm's
23:30.28spldartOk. JeffM
23:30.44blast007the server comm error is (I think) when the server kicks people off for lag
23:30.55blast007though I've had it other times as well, like after dropping a flag
23:30.57JeffMyeah the kick isn't clean
23:31.03JeffMI think there are issues with the lag comp
23:31.07JeffMlag calc
23:31.11JeffMI think the lag comp is working
23:31.44spldartUnder core contriubtors 2k8 right?
23:32.12spldartwhere at
23:32.36spldartoops... meant to say code contrib
23:32.43JeffMyeah code contrib
23:32.46JeffMyou were right :)
23:32.57JeffMno worries
23:33.03spldartDo we have his irc name?
23:33.32spldartAh.. should have went with my initial instinct ;-)
23:33.46JeffMit all should be in his application
23:34.20brlcadFlash: should know that the crash is intermittent and dependent on the amount of font/menu activity
23:35.08CIA-32BZFlag: 03bzspldart * r16922 10/trunk/bzflag/AUTHORS: Add Paul Blokus to the Authors for his contributed patch
23:35.13spldartI'll get better and faster @ this
23:36.19spldartI'm having problems with the "Sort Server List By Ping" patch so I'm goin to leave that one
23:36.41JeffMyou can bump your errors back to the student :)
23:37.05spldartAh.. good idea.. I'll do then when I get back.. must go on a beer run
23:37.34JeffMso seriously, what's suposed to happen to a guided GM after you die? does it stay on track to the last command? end? go rouge untill you come back? what if you relock?
23:38.25KTLeuhm nowadays it does not turn anymore after the owner died
23:38.26spldartIMHO it should loose lock and travel straight and true til it reaches it's range
23:38.28JeffMit's all moving to the server, so I don't want to code it to how we do it now, but how we think it SHOULD work
23:38.45JeffMKTL: what if they respawn, pick up GM and relock?
23:39.17spldartI follow the train of thought, possibly cuz of current game play, that it's a wire guide missle and if you get shot before your missle hits it goes 'dumb'
23:39.19JeffMsame goes for if they drop GM, then pick it up and relock
23:39.30spldartBut if you go fire and forget then it should continue...
23:39.36JeffMis it wire guide?
23:39.39JeffMyou don't steer it
23:39.46spldartgood point
23:39.48JeffMit's more of a IFF radition lock as I see it
23:39.58JeffMyou say "go for this signal"
23:40.10JeffMand you don't have to maintain lock do you?
23:40.10spldartThat being the case it should stay true till impact
23:40.18KTLif you died then you ... "lost connection" with the thing and cant steer it later, one interpretation
23:40.18spldartno you don't
23:40.38JeffMKTL: well who is steering it? your tank or the missile itself
23:40.51JeffMthe way I see it, the missile is dring, you just told who to go for
23:40.51KTLme because i usually lock on after firing
23:40.55KTLto shoot around buildings
23:41.03spldartYou can ignore as long as you don't relock.. seems smart not dumb wire guide
23:41.03JeffMso you sent it a signal after launch
23:41.30JeffMso is the 'lock code' to that missile tied to the flag? or just having GM?
23:41.50JeffMand you don't have to KEEP giving it lock info after you lock onece
23:42.00JeffMso why does it need you to be alive?
23:42.10KTLalso, when the last missile is fired, the flag is thrown away but the system allows you to still steer the missile
23:42.16spldartI'm leaning towards it doesn't
23:42.31JeffMKTL: yeah that is part of what I'm fixing
23:42.40spldartbrb beer
23:42.57KTLwell i like that last aspect otherwise i loose my last missile
23:43.00JeffMwe have a lot of problems wiht shot limits
23:43.06JeffMclient don't kow the shot limits
23:43.18JeffMso they can fire one or more shots intbetween the last shot and the drop message
23:43.21JeffMthat I'm fixing
23:43.54JeffMbut as part of this I'm basicly redoing GM tracking from the ground up
23:44.42JeffMso I'm trying to think of how it should work
23:44.53JeffMok, so adding or changing a lock after lauch is a big thing
23:44.55JeffMgotta have that
23:45.04KTLa player can guide multiple gm's ->  following that aspect: if you happen to loose the flag and get a gm again you should be able to control it again since they are still yours
23:45.14JeffMthat means somehow we can send a signal to the missles in flight to change targets
23:45.28JeffMand each of them tries to get to the target in there own way
23:46.05JeffMok, so then that means the GM flag is the ability not only to generate shots, but to update them
23:46.10JeffMthat sounds valid
23:46.20JeffMwell update the targert
23:46.26KTLi think ... in general one should be able to steer the missiles he spawned, the flag only allows him to spawn them
23:46.28JeffMso I don't see the tank "steering" each GM
23:46.34JeffMbut just setting the target tank
23:46.49JeffMKTL: you never steer them
23:46.53spldartpogovina says go twisted metal with it.. rf guided and continues on last lock till impact or range LOL.. now I'm really gone
23:46.57JeffMyou can not tell them arbitarialy "turn left"
23:47.02JeffMyou can just say "get this guy"
23:47.18JeffMspldart: that's what I'm thinking
23:47.21JeffMlast known lock frequency
23:47.36KTLsteering like "follow this specific trajectory" is indeed a bit too far, i meant "set this target"
23:47.49JeffMKTL: yes, you can just set a target
23:48.00JeffMso in that case the missles could fly on last known target when you don't have the flag
23:48.14JeffMyou would not be able to change the target
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23:48.23JeffMcus you lost the equipment :)
23:48.28JeffMbut they would still track
23:48.38JeffMso for that last GM, make sure it's locked before it leaves the barrel :)
23:49.00KTLthis might be getting ... a problem since this reasoning leads to a gm that keeps locked after the owner died, and that is scary
23:49.15JeffMKTL: perhaps
23:49.31JeffMif we want to say that they go free, then we have to say there is some sort of "heartbat"
23:49.34JeffMto the firing tank
23:49.36JeffMthat's fine
23:49.50JeffMbut is that heartbeat tied to the GM flag, or the tank :)
23:50.03JeffMI'm just trying to make sure that our logic is consitent in all cases
23:50.34JeffMif we say it's tied to the tank then the last GM can be guided, and they go unguided when you die
23:50.49KTLand the disadvantage is?
23:50.50JeffMbut that would also mean they could be guided again when you respawn if that is before they end
23:51.01KTLno problem with that
23:51.13KTLthat would be nice :D
23:51.18JeffMif we tie to them to the flag then they go unlocked anytime you don't have the flag
23:51.21JeffMnice or mean?
23:51.29KTLthat is a challenge more for a fast player :)
23:51.40JeffMI mean if the dude you shot at, kills you, he shoudl be rewarded
23:51.51JeffMby making the GMs go unguided
23:52.01JeffMthink about it from both sides
23:52.51KTLwell, they go unguided then the owner dies, go straight, the owner pops up again, gm still goes straight, respawned owner locks with it, gm goes to target
23:53.22KTLso in most cases the killed gm owner wont be fast and lucky enough to reguide his flying gm in time
23:53.53KTLbut if he happens to be lucky and fast, aware enough of the situation, he can still save it's missile's course
23:54.25KTLthat would be most evil no?
23:55.24KTL(i mean, challenging :D)
23:56.22KTLor am i dreaming somewhere?
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23:57.20KTLow my first "then" should be "when"
23:59.05KTLso the "destruction of the owner"- event should unguide his gm's, but the owner if he respawns can again set their target

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