IRC log for #bzflag on 20080401

00:00.16BulletCatcherIn the SourceForge tracker, is there an easy way to link a patch to the corresponding bug?
00:00.51brlcadonly via comments
00:01.33BulletCatcherOkay.  It's not quite Bugzilla, but I can deal with it.
00:02.40spldartis looking for a little bit of work to do on the wiki
00:03.56CIA-27BZFlag: 03macsforme * r16888 10/trunk/bzflag/AUTHORS: Credit BulletCatcher for miscellaneous fixes contributed.
00:06.43JeffMWHOHOO.. tracking numbers
00:07.57JeffMestimated delivery is the 3rd
00:09.33JeffM45.9 lbs of shirts
00:09.35Winnydebates chaning the link in his sig to rickroll
00:09.47JeffMdebates banning Winny
00:10.00Winnyhey, you know, so don't click :)
00:10.10WinnyOnly till tommorow at 12am :)
00:10.14JeffMread the rules/faq
00:10.21Erroneouslinks should say explicitly what they are linking to
00:11.16Winny"<Erroneous> links should say explicitly what they are linking to"
00:11.17WinnyThere ya go
00:11.21Erroneous number 8
00:11.25Erroneousthat good enough for you?
00:11.40JeffMthe shirts left Charlotte North Carolia satuday morning at 7:54
00:11.45AAA_awrightAh, right. Ahm. Uh. I knew that.
00:11.46Winnyaww, party poopers ;)
00:12.17spldartOk... Should I consider further detailing of the Windows section of ? Possibly including a linux build section.. which might be a little biased towards the debian distro without intention?
00:12.17Erroneousand honestly, being told by an admin should be citation enough.  if it wasn't in the rules, I'd have added it ;)
00:12.38JeffMadded a clarification :)
00:13.54Erroneous'cause undocumented rules suck
00:17.29Winnyundocuments Erroneous
00:22.25Think_Differentlaw darn, no rickrolls?!
00:26.14Winnywonders why the BZContest forum isn't in the attic
00:28.18JeffMcus you can't put a full fourm in the attic
00:28.21JeffMno nesting
00:28.36JeffMbut yeah it should go somewhere hidden
00:29.07Erroneousthere's not gonna be another one this year?
00:29.24JeffMthere wasnn't one last year
00:29.53JeffMI just hid it
00:30.32Erroneousbtw, I got valgrind-fbsd running on mirkwood
00:31.05Erroneousit's not nearly so stable as the linux version, but it works
00:31.16Erroneoussome of my commits saturday were from that
00:31.46*** join/#bzflag me1 (
00:31.48Erroneousjust wanted to let you know in case you wanted to play with it
00:40.36spldartAny thoughts on my above query?  Or possibly revamping the idea to adding links to that page to a specific step by step windows page and linux page that reflect my XP and debian etch experience in getting compiles. Possibly including screenshots, if possible of details in the Windows build. Or is that going to lead to problems?
00:43.41*** join/#bzflag Nemoish (n=Gigi@unaffiliated/emonemo)
00:45.42BulletCatcherspldart: The Linux build section is conspicuously absent from that wiki page.  I can provide the Fedora perspective if necessary.
00:46.21*** join/#bzflag Flash (n=jwmelto@unaffiliated/flash)
00:48.54*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
00:52.18*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
00:54.16*** join/#bzflag bz37 (
00:54.29bz37help pls
00:54.43KTLwhat is the problem
00:55.04bz37i tried signing up on bzflag and it said it sent a message to my mail for conformation
00:55.13bz37and it dont show i got any msg's
00:55.21bz37i check all folders
00:56.06KTLmaybe if you logout and login to your webmail again? /me has no other clue
00:56.28bz37how do i get them to resend the validation?
00:56.37Constitutionuse the "forgotten password" feature
00:56.38bz37because i tried re registering
00:56.40bz37and it wont
00:56.42bz37wont work
00:56.53bz37because it says it is not activated for that to work
00:57.46donny_bakerbz37: i can help
00:58.03bz37please do
00:58.22donny_bakerwhat is the callsign you registered?
00:58.37donny_bakerone moment
01:00.26donny_bakerbz37... the e-mail address is invalid
01:00.38spldartis back from playing.. I dunno.. No response makes me reluctant to add anything on builds.. perhaps for a very important reason I just thought of.. I'm goin to leave it alone for now
01:01.02donny_bakerthat isn't what is in the registration
01:01.11spldartPerhaps AFTER the application process is completed for GSoC
01:01.14bz37whats in registration
01:01.22bz37im sure i put that
01:01.30donny_bakeroh.. wait, i looked in the wrong field..
01:01.37bz37lol k
01:01.57donny_bakerthere is an e-mail in the MSN Messenger field that is incorrect
01:02.35bz37its right?
01:03.43donny_bakeryeah, just sent a message to your "correct" account... reply to it for me
01:04.14donny_bakerwhen I sent a message to blbl
01:04.15bz37umm k
01:04.28donny_bakerwhen I sent a message to it bounced
01:05.09*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
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01:05.12donny_bakerbz37: just verifying it is you is all
01:05.25bz37and i mainly use bleach4141 for msn
01:05.51*** join/#bzflag me1 (
01:06.09donny_bakerthat is fine, it just confused me when the message bounced is all
01:06.20donny_bakeryour good now, it should work
01:06.30bz37im going to try
01:06.46bz37thank you alot
01:07.07bz37i'll come back later :P
01:09.19BulletCatcherdonny_baker: good job solving the problem while making sure there was no social engineering
01:19.34donny_bakeri'm always worried about that.. you never can tell
01:21.22KTL~karma for donny_baker
01:21.22ibotfor donny_baker has neutral karma
01:21.42KTLshouldn't it give an integer?
01:21.45donny_bakerhehe... ibot forgot
01:21.58donny_baker~karma donny_baker
01:21.58ibotdonny_baker has karma of 4
01:22.11donny_baker~karma CBG
01:22.11ibotcbg has karma of -439
01:22.57*** join/#bzflag whodaman (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
01:23.32donny_baker~karma winny
01:23.32ibotwinny has karma of 50
01:24.05donny_bakersomeone must have not liked me... a lot :P
01:24.29ibotthink_differentl has neutral karma
01:25.57*** join/#bzflag QuantumBeep (
01:29.21AAA_awrightFor the server list, the idea is to keep data in a InnoDB table, and read it from a MEMORY table. Every time a new request to modify data comes in, merge the InnoDB row with the new row, and export it back to the InnoDB and the MEMORY cache. There would be a plain text file to serve for unregistered users too.
01:30.13AAA_awrightMEMORY is about as fast as it gets though,  it may be faster then a local disk cache, I have to check
01:36.10*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (
01:40.13donny_bakerAAA_awright: is an InnoDB MEMORY table guarenteed to stay in RAM or can/will it be swapped?
01:40.44donny_bakerand what affect will that have on performance?
01:41.49AAA_awrightWell, MEMORY and InnoDB are two seperate storage engines. I don't know, I imagine after your table grows past the RAM in the computer it has to go somewhere.
01:42.45AAA_awrightThat is a very good thought
01:44.14spldartSo... wink is not a good way to capture bzflag game play.... :~(
01:44.54donny_bakerAAA_awright: yeah, i don't know the answer... im just good at asking the questions :P
01:46.20blast007AAA_awright: I actually ran some benchmarks on it in the past.  For some things, the disk is faster... can't recall which exactly, but I can probably find my benchmark results somewhere
01:46.30blast007not that my benchmark was perfect either :P
01:46.35AAA_awrightYou turned caching off, correct?
01:46.39blast007I have no idea
01:46.43blast007I was just doing it in PHP
01:46.59AAA_awrightMySQL is very intelligent about caching common queries
01:47.11blast007well, I was using MySQL for both things :P
01:47.21blast007so would it not be equally smart?
01:48.16*** join/#bzflag mbfg (n=dave@
01:50.07AAA_awrightRight now I am just working on getting real server data imported to MySQL so I can play around with it
01:50.51blast007AAA_awright: does the server list need to be in an InnoDB at all?
01:50.58Monobi2*cough* behold:
01:51.08blast007I mean, if we restart MySQL, we'll have a blank list, which isn't that big of a deal
01:51.57AAA_awrightI was considering keeping records on the servers for the past few days, too
01:53.16*** join/#bzflag Flash (n=jwmelto@unaffiliated/flash)
01:53.30AAA_awrightSo analyzing trends would be easy, perhaps a statistics service (like s.b.o or Redjacket Stats) could import the data daily and use it for cool stuff
02:01.57*** join/#bzflag jude- (
02:02.02jude-hello all
02:02.12blast007hi jude-
02:02.31KTL~karma jude-
02:02.31ibotjude- has karma of 1
02:02.33blast007AAA_awright: I'd rather see s.b.o go away for the most part
02:02.37ibotaha has karma of 6
02:02.37KTL~karma blast007
02:02.38ibotblast007 has karma of 9
02:02.58AAA_awrightblast007: Good :)
02:03.00blast007KTL: my karma went so high, it looped around!
02:03.05jude-wasn't it closer to 129-ish at one point?
02:03.12blast007jude-: yeah :(
02:03.19jude-did ibot crash?
02:03.19blast007I had it at 160 last my logs show
02:03.22AAA_awrightYou can replace the entire website with header('Location:');
02:03.26jude-'cause yours should be higher
02:03.28blast007AAA_awright  :P
02:03.47*** join/#bzflag AHA (n=aha@unaffiliated/aha)
02:03.49blast007the s.b.o site is horrible
02:03.51AAA_awright...Except it is down until BZFX gets a server *cough*whereisa_meteorite*cough*
02:04.05jude-~seen a_meteroite
02:04.07ibota_meteroite <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 823d 3h 45m 45s ago, saying: 'the fact that it even bothers you is the issue :)'.
02:04.17jude-~seen a_meteorite
02:04.18ibota_meteorite <n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 1d 2h 32m 11s ago, saying: 'ah'.
02:04.48AAA_awrightfrom(*SeenServ*) I last saw a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001) 20h 18m 23s ago, quiting: Remote closed the connection
02:05.27blast007brlcad: that must have been an interesting conversation with a_met.  :)  now I'm wanting to go read my logs from back then
02:05.50brlcadthat was a long time ago
02:06.02brlcadtook me a while to remember, did a touble-take
02:06.27blast007I probably still have then, unless that was even before my hard drive went nuts on my linux box
02:06.42brlcadhowdy mbfg
02:07.10brlcadyeah, I'm sure I have it somewhere .. almost every irc discussive I've ever had is archived away :)
02:07.38blast007I should set my up for log rotation
02:07.48blast007I just keep them all in single files...
02:07.59brlcadnothing wrong with that ;)
02:08.06brlcadlot easier to search that way
02:08.58blast007it was more of an issue on my P133 system.. greping through a 50MB log took a while on that  ;)
02:09.16blast00732MB of RAM ftl
02:09.29jude-brlcad: did you see that the student application deadline for GSoC 2008 had been extended to April 7th?
02:09.48brlcadjude-: yes, I announced it within seconds
02:10.13spldart50mg log!?!?
02:10.20blast007spldart: sure
02:10.29blast007I have 29MB of logs for #bzflag on my dedi
02:10.43spldartgoes to run free -m on his 200mmx
02:11.03blast00762MB for #css ;)
02:11.32spldart-/+ buffers/cache:         50         73
02:11.47spldart128 meg total
02:12.18blast007I'll have a 200MMX soonish. Just waiting for the word from the boss so I can take it ;)
02:12.25blast00780MB of RAM, iirc
02:12.34CIA-27BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r16889 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzflag/ (ShotList.cxx ShotList.h): singletons FTW!
02:12.36spldartMine is a tiny little pavilion
02:12.48blast007then I'll install Windows 98, and I'll be all set!
02:13.32*** join/#bzflag jwir3 (
02:14.06nn-mainhi all
02:14.12brlcadmy current #bzflag log is just shy of 50MB, going back to the beginning of 2005 (archived elsewhere for earlier years)
02:14.30spldartick.. @ 98
02:14.37spldartyou funnny
02:14.44brlcadspldart: is that suprise about log files in general or irc log files? :)
02:15.20*** join/#bzflag Ride (
02:15.34blast007spldart: but I'm serious :)
02:15.42blast007I want it to play my old games
02:15.57blast007and I have a gamepad that *only* works with Windows 9x/Me
02:16.15blast007hi nn-main
02:17.10brlcadlast I checked .bz rolls over about 2MB of logging per hour for the web services
02:17.31jude-blast007: you could run it in a VM on a more powerful box
02:17.54spldartooOooo.. I've been meaning to do an install of 98se on a pIII 450 just for duke nukem now that you mention it :)
02:17.58jude-still plays his favorite DOS games with dosbox :)
02:18.05blast007jude-: nah, tried that
02:18.08spldartBut yeah.. Logs that long are very unwieldy
02:18.14blast007the mouse just isn't the same
02:18.21jude-I see
02:18.26spldartDosbox isn't doin dukenukem no matter what I try
02:18.26blast007not responsive enough
02:18.41blast007on a real DOS machine, I actually had to turn *down* the mouse sensitivity in the game
02:18.50spldartIt's like BZFlag on a Rage fury or tnt or something
02:19.04jude-depends on how fast your host machine is, I guess
02:19.18blast007jude-: 1.6GHz Pentium M
02:19.21spldartLast test was Sempron 3000+ or something close
02:19.28blast007also had probably tried on the C2D at some point
02:19.32jude-blast007: Intel Q6600 (1066MHz FSB)
02:19.51blast007though I do have a port of Descent 2 for my nokia  ;)  400MHz ARM chip
02:20.07jude-hugs his CPU
02:20.14Think_Differentlbelive it or not they've started putting ARM chips in calculators
02:20.16blast007watches jude- burn
02:20.25Think_Differentlhugs his CPU
02:20.32jude-only 55 degrees C on the hottest core right now :)
02:20.39spldarthugs his ancient dually
02:20.49Think_Differentljude-, my cpu is sort of the sister of yours, except a bit cheaper :P
02:21.09jude-Core 2 architecture?
02:21.20blast007hugs is 486 75MHz laptop with no sound card
02:21.27blast007it can play Descent 2 though :)
02:21.36blast007just kinda boring with no sound
02:21.41spldartooOoo.. I remember descent.. stilll have that cd too
02:21.44blast007I should try the 133MHz lappy
02:21.44jude-sometimes plays Doom on his 416 MHz AR
02:22.00Think_Differentlplays doom on his ipod
02:22.05blast007spldart: I used to play it over Kahn, which was an IPX-to-TCP gateway
02:22.07jude-ipod linux?
02:22.22Think_Differentlrockbox, got a 5th gen.
02:22.35jude-~wiki rockbox
02:23.36jude-reads the whole article
02:24.50Think_Differentlapparently it runs nicely on those Sansa players :D
02:27.38jude-if I ever get a media player, I'll make sure rockbox supports it first :)
02:27.43jude-or Linux
02:27.50jude-(something non-proprietary)
02:28.25jude-blast007: you mean to say there are laptops with 486's in them?
02:28.57jude-do they have lead acid batteries?
02:29.20jude-(e.g. car batteries)?
02:30.42spldartnicad was popular before lithium
02:30.55spldartie old school rechargable
02:31.12jude-yeah, but the first portable computers needed more electricity than NiCD
02:31.44spldartlead acid didn't become near portable till the gell cells that came out way more recently
02:32.00jude-that's what I mean :)  Ever seen a Kaypro?
02:32.41spldartbut mega old laptops? lead acid? I remember the trs-80 notebook taking ni-cad and heavy duty carbon's ;-)
02:32.54*** join/#bzflag Ride- (
02:33.58jude-reads the Wikipedia entry on the TRS-80 (his knowledge on early portable computers is limited)
02:34.16Ride-did blast just leave
02:35.02spldartI think they called them something odd
02:35.04spldartseems he did
02:35.15Ride-darn just missed him
02:35.20spldarttries to remembrer the model number of that fat portagble
02:36.02*** join/#bzflag AHA (n=aha@unaffiliated/aha)
02:36.38jude-heh--the TRS-80 Model 100 reminds me of today's TI graphing calculators :)
02:37.31spldartI owned a model 1 and 2 model III's :)
02:38.11spldartI even worked @ an authorized service center for Commodore during vic20 and 64 era + did alot of service on apple II
02:38.52AAA_awrightRight now the list server transfers data in a row store, we could (if we choose) better compress data in a column store. Just a thought.
02:40.09*** join/#bzflag Flash (
02:40.10*** join/#bzflag Nemoish (n=Gigi@unaffiliated/emonemo)
02:41.04spldartis goin to short_circuit
02:41.08*** join/#bzflag short_circuit (
02:45.09awilcoxjude-: ello, remember me?  I'm the guy who got bzwb working on win32 (and committed a one-liner patch to make it do so).
02:46.02jude-awilcox!  of course I remember
02:46.16jude-you were also working on your custom OS
02:46.20jude-AWOS, right?
02:46.22awilcoxjude-: yup yup, still am
02:46.27jude-how is that going?
02:46.55awilcoxit has a nicely rewritten memory allocator, basic VESA VBE info, Mode 13 support, and the beginnings of a driver model
02:47.18awilcoxyeah :D
02:47.36jude-it can run directly on the silicon
02:48.04awilcoxer, you mean can AWOS run on a real computer?
02:48.23awilcoxyes, in fact it displays beautiful(?) 640x480x16-color on my Intel386
02:48.36awilcoxer wait, 320x240..excuse me
02:48.40AAA_awrightWhen is BZFlag gonna be supported ;)
02:48.41awilcoxwhatever mode 13 is
02:48.53jude-wishes that the OS he's working on in his OS design class could do that :/
02:48.58awilcoxAAA_awright: uhm, a bit after "never" or whenever the net stack gets implement
02:49.19AAA_awright;) Good luck with the project
02:49.26awilcoxthanks :)
02:49.27AAA_awrightI heard about it a while back
02:49.43jude-awilcox: maybe you could get Linux drivers to be source-compatible?  Then you'd have a TON of hardware support :)
02:49.59Think_Differentlhmm, why can't you find DDS 4 tapes in stores?
02:50.00awilcoxjude-: there's another project I was working on...kinda secret atm...maybe pm?
02:50.14awilcoxjude-: Linux driver model is kinda crap imo
02:50.19awilcoxmy driver model does C++ :p
02:51.45AAA_awrightGet a program natively load Linux drivers, same way there is a project to get Windows wireless drivers working for Linux.
02:51.54jude-the Linux driver model definitely has room for improvement, but if you coudl support it, you wouldn't have to worry about hardware support
03:01.56*** join/#bzflag bier_ (
03:02.02*** join/#bzflag ocmongoose (
03:02.50ocmongooseHow can I stop someone from verbal abuse via PM on the forums?
03:04.52Winnytime  for my half @$$ed april fools thread
03:06.45ocmongoosecan anyone tell me?
03:13.36*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
03:17.39AAA_awrightLoads the server list from the database in <=0.2 seconds. Nice and snappy ^_^
03:17.49AAA_awrightThough, that is local network.
03:18.15JeffMnow do that 250 times a second ;)
03:19.02AAA_awrightloads up ab
03:19.38JeffMDTRemenak and JeffM were bad today...
03:19.43brlcadwe frequently sustain 20 lookups/sec on a busy day
03:20.09brlcadheh, nice
03:20.18WinnyJeffM: haha
03:20.44Winnyset up a hidden camera for the reaction :)
03:20.58AHAi dont get what it is :p
03:21.29AAA_awrightHandling 5 requests at a time, 50% of the requests were served within 133ms, 95% of requests were served within 6 seconds.
03:21.44AAA_awrightIt goes down when you handle only 1 at a time
03:22.30AAA_awrightI'm gonna try my MEMORY table tomorrow, today was the backwards-compatibility tests
03:23.12AAA_awrightHopefully I can start publishing code sometime soon
03:26.02JeffMyes memory table will speed it up
03:26.03JeffMa lot
03:27.53JeffMtho I don't know if that means we'd also have to have the entire phpbb table as a memory table too
03:38.36*** join/#bzflag bz05 (
03:41.34*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
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03:42.59JeffMthinks winny will like the featured videos on youtube
03:52.16*** join/#bzflag mib_fwije8 (i=7dec8669@gateway/web/ajax/
03:53.21jude-awilcox: ping
03:53.27blast007JeffM: heh, in those pics, I assume that the whole office isn't filled, and that it's just a layer on the windows?
03:53.47jude-JeffM: lol, I'm going to try that
03:53.51JeffMUPS box taped to the inside frame
03:53.52blast007that'd be a whole lotta stryofoam otherwise  ;D
03:54.49*** join/#bzflag KingofCamelot (
03:56.29bz26Can someone help me: which features of MS directX april07 SDK do i need
03:56.44JeffMsimplest to install em all
03:57.09bz26but it's a lot of MB
03:57.20JeffMwelcome to development
03:57.29blast007buy a bigger drive if that's an issue
03:57.42bz26its more about dl speed...
03:57.49JeffMif you are that close to being full, you won't be able to compile
03:57.53bz26just want to know if ALL of them are really necessary
03:58.01JeffMthere are crosslinks
03:58.08JeffMso no, techincaly they are not ALL needed
03:58.22JeffMbut can we tell you what ones to not install and ensure it works, no
03:58.59blast007uh, and it is a web-installer?
03:59.07*** join/#bzflag ViciousM (
03:59.07blast007the one linked in the README is the 441MB file
03:59.17blast007if that's the one you have, you already have all of it downloaded
03:59.37JeffMbz26: are you using visual studio 2008, or 2005 ?
03:59.49bz2605 EE
04:00.02bz26i think wiki said 08 incompatible
04:00.17JeffM2005 works a lot better
04:00.22JeffMare you building trunk or branch?
04:00.36bz26don't know what that means
04:00.44bz26wait, --branch
04:00.45JeffMwhat version of bzflag are you building?
04:00.46blast0072.0.10, or 2.99.x?
04:01.00JeffMdo you have all the other dependencies then?
04:01.07JeffMlibcurl, curses, and glew?
04:01.49bz26i have libcurl, but not curses or glew
04:01.53bz26haven't heard of those
04:01.57JeffMyou'll proalby need them
04:02.02JeffMwell you may
04:02.17JeffMI don't remember if branch tries to use them with VC8
04:02.20bz26for once i want to trust the wiki ;)
04:02.37*** join/#bzflag Flash (n=jwmelto@unaffiliated/flash)
04:02.39blast007the wiki is probably targeted at the latest SVN
04:02.40JeffMgood luck on that
04:03.02JeffMthe only accurate info I know of is the for trunk
04:03.21bz26blast: whenever someone says something like that, the wiki has specifically mentioned the details
04:03.47JeffMwhat wiki page are you reading?
04:04.55blast007wow, that a really minimal page
04:05.02blast007the README.WINDOWS has a lot more detail
04:05.13blast007that's a*
04:05.24JeffMyeah, a lot is missing
04:05.35blast007plus, that's not a "category" page
04:05.36bz26oops sry caps
04:05.40blast007bz26: in your source diretory
04:05.44JeffMin the root dir
04:06.19JeffMyeah whoever added that did a poor job
04:06.23JeffMit should not go there
04:07.19JeffMjftang did it
04:07.21blast007yeah, it's a category page, so it should link to articles
04:07.23blast007and Flash
04:07.28blast007he added the OSX one
04:07.48Flashdon't blame me....
04:07.49bz26is it README.WIN32
04:07.58JeffMahh yeah on branch
04:08.01JeffMit changed in trunk
04:08.02*** join/#bzflag PrezKennedy (i=Matthew@
04:08.05JeffMwe mostly deal with trunk now
04:08.10JeffM2.0.10 is dead
04:08.12blast007Flash: heh..
04:08.28blast007Flash: you were just enhancing the page  ;)
04:10.50bz26i think the wiki mentioned everything i need
04:11.00bz26i probably don't need bzadmin, cos i'm not changing that
04:11.16JeffMbz26: it hinted, but dosn't give you all the info you need
04:12.57bz26so i just need libCurl and zlib dll
04:13.23JeffMyou only need zlib if you are using a premade libCurl from the curl site
04:13.23bz26zlib dll if its a binary version of libCurl
04:13.33bz26you mean if i don't change it?
04:13.42JeffMI mean if you use the premade ones
04:13.51JeffMif you build it yourself, you can have it use our zlib
04:13.59JeffMor if you use a libcurl from trunk
04:14.10JeffMthe ones made by the libCUrl people need it
04:14.16JeffMwe never distribute those, we build our own
04:15.07bz26devs have made their own libCURL which is available?
04:15.34JeffM2.99.x builds it automaticly
04:15.37JeffMit's part of the tree
04:15.53JeffMif you have built 2.99.x you can just reuse it
04:15.59JeffMbut for you, yeah you need zlib
04:16.28blast007when I build libcurl on my own (not part of the BZ project), it doesn't need the zlib DLL
04:16.43blast007so I'm not sure how the ones who make their packages get it like that :/
04:16.53JeffMthey have options, bins are set to support compression
04:17.57blast007so I guess mine doesn't have compression or SSL  ;)
04:18.46bz26is that what i want?
04:19.36JeffMI guess
04:19.39JeffMwe don't use it
04:19.42JeffMso you are on your own for that one
04:20.48blast007man, I'm gonna have so many memory leaks in my query application...
04:20.56blast007valgrind is going to cry
04:23.36blast007AAA_awright: also a note: right now, when a client wants to get a token, it calls the 'LIST' action... even if we're not going to "Find Servers"
04:23.55blast007this is true for at least the full client. BZAdmin might be different, but I haven't looked.
04:25.44JeffMwill finish later...
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04:43.12scgtrpwhen i start a server via the game menus what is the password set to?
04:44.01blast007there isn't one
04:44.23blast007the in-game menu is not designed for running anything more than a quick LAN game
04:45.51scgtrpyeah, that's what i was trying to do. any way to set options or anything in it?
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04:59.38JeffMscgtrp: not really, anything more advanced then that you do with the command line
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08:31.45KingofCamelotIt gets far too quiet on here at night :)
08:35.39EpyonIt's morning :P
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09:30.15KingofCamelotDepends on your timezone Epyon ;)
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12:39.16Flashwhat trickery do the bzflag gurus have in store for us today?
12:39.41ruskieconsidering the output of fools on el-reg....
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12:49.00spldartpeeped around the forums a couple hours ago bub didn't see anything... Maybe they forgot :)
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14:31.49brlcadhugs kierra
14:32.16kierrahey sweetness!!!!!
14:32.23kierralong time no see
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14:32.40kierrahow are you doing
14:32.46deviltankdoesnt work obviously
14:32.47kierrano blank, deviltank
14:32.48brlcadup all night, but peachy
14:32.50deviltankdoesnt work obviouslyops
14:33.06kierrano space in front, deviltank
14:34.28Chestalhi k!
14:34.46kierrahowdy stranger
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14:37.18whodamanhey deviltank :)
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14:53.13AAA_awrightblast007: Alright, I remember you saying that a while back. Doesn't it also store the token it gets when you call LIST, to make it faster?
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14:57.35AAA_awrightI assume we want to implement localization in the list server too, print("NOTICE: You have $pms private messages... doesn't work then
14:58.41JeffMwe don't support localisaton of server messages now
14:59.06JeffMso I'd not worry about that untill we have a system for doing it to every service
14:59.09JeffMMOTD, etc...
15:01.12AAA_awrightJust client-side for pre defined messages, replace a simple English phrase with the client language message
15:01.29JeffMyes, but I don't belive that is used for network messages
15:01.49JeffMdtr and I were talking about it yesterday
15:02.03JeffMsomeone needs to take a total pass thru all our localisation things
15:02.12JeffMand make the client do it from anything
15:02.48AAA_awrightWe could implement server side translation with the Accept-Language header too
15:04.27JeffMwhy bother if we have to have ta client side translator too?
15:05.09AAA_awrightThere may be a need to use different sayings in the future (not really). I like the client side translation.
15:05.39JeffMagain, I'd worry about the big picture first and leave smaller things to later refactorings
15:06.16JeffMdo you have a solution for making the system redudant and distributed?
15:07.07AAA_awrightI'm gonna research MySQL and OpenLDAP distributed systems, I know for a fact they both support them, but how easy it is being another question
15:07.17JeffMand now efficent
15:07.32JeffMI'd concentrate on that aspect before you look at flufl like localistions
15:07.39JeffMfluff can be added later
15:11.14Wyk3dis it something i misunderstood or is sending the group access list and group advertise list on every ADD message to the list server unnecessary ?
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15:11.55JeffMthere are ways that it could change
15:12.10JeffMtho what is the "access list"?
15:12.22JeffMadvertise could change for sure
15:12.29JeffMthere is an API method t muck with that
15:12.40JeffMalso you don't know if your last add was valid or not
15:12.44Wyk3dthe &groups= tag
15:12.56JeffMthat's for auth
15:13.21JeffMthat is for "is this user in this group" and that only has to be sent when the add also has a user
15:13.26JeffMfor token verification
15:13.31JeffMwe do both at the same time
15:13.45JeffMsince we have to update the list with our new player count, and verify the token
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15:19.02Wyk3dit seems to be sending the names of all the groups in the accessList
15:20.15Wyk3dso those are the names groups that are allowed to access the server or ?
15:20.49Wyk3d*groupAccess not accessList, which is a PlayerAccessMap
15:22.16AAA_awrightAck! MEMORY doesn't support BLOBs
15:23.18Wyk3di wouldn't use MEMORY tables anyway
15:23.27Wyk3dif you want the added speed cache the info yourself
15:23.52AAA_awrightOn disk? And run a seek every time?
15:23.56JeffMWyk3d, then I'm not sure what that group list is used for
15:24.14JeffMAAA_awright, he means code the caching, not just blindly use sqls
15:24.14Wyk3dcache it in memory i mean
15:24.40Wyk3dcode it yourself yes, you can probably do it a lot better than mysql can, you can tailor it to your specific needs
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15:25.09JeffMsince we don't need to cache the ENTIRE database
15:25.46Wyk3dyes and either way, if the entire database doesn't fit into memory then MEMORY tables won't work either
15:26.02JeffMand I belive we are somewhat memory limited too
15:26.16JeffMand since we combine databases with phpbb.. that could be BAD fast
15:26.47JeffMlet me get the list server and see what that group thing does
15:27.20JeffMI mean on the list server
15:28.33AAA_awrightIf we are serving the data in a variety of formats, we need a fairly flexible data store. Otherwise, we cache each format in a different file in, say /tmp.
15:29.14JeffMWyk3d, it's used in checktokens
15:29.38Wyk3di figured that myself but for what ? :)
15:29.48JeffMit's gotta be the groups the server cares about, and wants to know if the user is in any of them
15:29.51JeffMwe have global groups
15:30.11JeffMso we way "hey is this token valid, and his he in any of THESE groups"
15:30.36JeffMthen the list server says "yes they are valid, and in THIS, THIS, and THIS" group
15:30.48Wyk3dyes, and if so, it would be enough to just send the group list once
15:30.48JeffMthen the server may asign different permisons for them
15:31.01JeffMWyk3d, the group list can change at run time
15:31.04Wyk3dhave the list server remember it, maybe update it when it changes
15:31.12JeffMand we don't know if the last add was still valid
15:31.19JeffMthe list could have gone down inbwetween adds
15:31.33JeffMit's a possibility, but you'd have to address those issues
15:32.36JeffMif you can accurately know if the state on the list server is valid or not, then sure you can only send it when it changes.
15:33.38Wyk3dright, i suppose the only way would be to have the list server tell the server if he needs the list again
15:34.01JeffMand right now we don't realy do any kind of bidirectional comunication
15:34.06JeffMsince it's HTTP
15:34.14Wyk3dthat wouldn't be a problem with a C++ daemon ;)
15:35.31Wyk3dwhich reminds me to get back to writing the application, only 500 words so far
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15:37.26JeffMtrue it would not
15:37.41JeffMbut then nether would be just sending the group list
15:37.46JeffMcus you don't have http overhead
15:37.52JeffMlike I say we arn't bandwith limited at all
15:45.48Wyk3dless stuff to send/process means less work for the processor as well
15:45.57Wyk3dalthough the gain is not substantial
15:45.57JeffMbut there can be a ballance
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16:41.40jwir3hi everyone
16:44.19ruskieJeffM, how are the shirts and gear?
16:45.55JeffMruskie, got tracking info, they are suposed to arive on the 3rd
16:46.11JeffMso could be anytime in the next 3 days
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16:53.47JeffMI love removing huge bits of duplicated code :)
16:54.08Winnyremoves bits of JeffM
16:54.28JeffMthankfully there is no duplicate JeffM
16:54.33JeffMbut a distributed system
16:54.47JeffMhow do you like the featured videos on youtube today Winny ?
16:54.56WinnyOh I love them very much :)
16:55.37JeffMI love the fact that they went and did that
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16:58.48JeffMtho so far, the people that get the cudos for the most effort, IGN with the legend of zelda trailer
16:59.06EpyonI'd vote for blizzard
16:59.14JeffMthey get second for me
16:59.17JeffMgo watch the IGN one
16:59.26JeffMI mean actors and stuff... that's impressive
16:59.30EpyonMolten core or the Starcraft one? :P
17:00.01JeffMwatch that trailer
17:00.16JeffMand tell me that didn't take a boatload of time
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17:03.36WinnyWow, that looks like it's for a real movie
17:04.13JeffMI mean somewhere on an accounting spreadsheet, there is a line items that says "april fools budget, 2008"
17:04.49jwir3dammit it's April Fools day
17:05.09jwir3I was all jacked up for a Zelda movie
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17:05.38Winnyhm, 1pm
17:05.51WinnyI guess I should say that it was a joke for the one person that fell for it
17:06.27TheRedBaronthe featured youtube vids work on igoogle
17:07.16Winnyoi.. engadget is pink
17:08.29JeffMjust hit the wikipedia page and you can get a list of them all
17:08.47EpyonI still dig the Molten Core trailer, especially for it's sense of humor :P
17:08.54JeffMyeah that was prety funn
17:09.05JeffM"eight uniqune directions!"
17:09.11EpyonFeatures Sound!
17:09.28EpyonNot to mention the bear skinning xP
17:09.43JeffMbut still, when your april fools joke requires hiring a GAFFER... you win
17:10.12jwir3where is the molten core one?
17:11.37TheRedBaronrequiem of a dream
17:11.43JeffMwtf.... only 53 errors......
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17:27.52Winnyprobably a crappy connection to the server
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17:30.27blast007JeffM: we can mix memory tables with other types in a single database, afaik, so sharing a db with phpbb shouldn't be an issue
17:31.11blast007though what all would be in the memiry table? just the server list?
17:31.34JeffMdunno exactly what they are talking about
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17:32.06redfoxjoeanybody home
17:32.17blast007when mysql shuts down, data in a memory table goes away
17:32.20blast007hi redfoxjoe
17:32.29redfoxjoehi there
17:33.32blast007what can we help you with, redfoxjoe?
17:33.48redfoxjoewell,i'm a starter
17:34.00redfoxjoei'm looking to join a team
17:34.06JeffMblast007, yeah that's why I prefer the idea from Wyk3d of just doing your own memory caching system
17:34.12whodamanredfoxjoe, what league?
17:34.19whodamanGU, pillbox, ducati, soccer?
17:34.36whodamanYou said you wanted to join a team?
17:34.39whodamanteams are for leagues
17:35.00whodamanso I ask again, what league
17:35.00blast007JeffM: and even php has stuff for shared memory, though we'd probobly go c/c++
17:35.03whodamanGU, pillbox, ducati, soccer?
17:35.35JeffMblast007, yeah, there are may other ways to do it
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17:36.09whodamanredfoxjoe, are you registered?
17:36.10kierramaybe it would be better if redfoxjoe came to #bzchat
17:36.17whodamanyeah, sure
17:36.19redfoxjoeya..i just did
17:36.29whodamanredfoxjoe, /join #bzchat
17:36.40kierrahi dt
17:36.51kierracome to ##kierra  @ dt
17:36.59JeffMblooddy hell is RadarRenderer::render big....
17:37.15redfoxjoety who
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17:49.55JeffMhmmm we always draw our own shots in white don't we/
17:54.42TheRedBaronJeffM: yes
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17:55.01JeffMthen I must sort them :(
17:55.48JeffMor do I.... they are ether all white, or we color them on depth right?
17:56.21TheRedBaronJeffM: also - with colored shots off, there is no altitude distinction like there is with colored shots :(
17:59.33TheRedBaronJeffM: would be nice if that could be fixed in 3.0
17:59.55JeffMI'm rewriting the shot portion of radar right now
18:00.20JeffMso you want them to be depth cued all the time?
18:00.33TheRedBaronwould be nice.
18:00.46TheRedBaronwith the radar set to sorted/fast it colors the buildings
18:01.26TheRedBaronhowever - colored shots are a bit difficult to see on the colored buildings.  White shows up just fine - but without altitude distinction - you don't know if the shots are on your level
18:01.36JeffMI'm not changing the building stuff
18:01.43JeffMjust where it gets its shots from
18:01.47JeffMno more shots per player :)
18:02.09JeffMright now we store a fixed list of shots per player
18:02.24JeffMit is being moved to one grand shot list
18:02.25TheRedBaronfor shot stats?
18:02.31JeffMfor shot tracking
18:02.58JeffMyour client won't realy know how many "shots" the other players have left, etc..
18:03.01TheRedBaronso the client doesn't know what bullet is from who? it just sees a bullet - and the server tells it what bullet belongs to who?
18:03.42TheRedBaronJeffM: well - while your in the shot area - can you set altitude distinction for non-colored shots?
18:03.44JeffMin the end, the client dosn't even care who that shot belongs too, just what color to draw it in
18:03.50JeffMTheRedBaron, yeah I can
18:04.01JeffMit looks like we do it for your own shots..
18:04.28JeffMwhat also seems odd is, if you turn off colored shots, all shots are white right?
18:04.39TheRedBaroncorrect - its a bug
18:04.49TheRedBaronbeen around since colored shots
18:04.49JeffMyet if you have colored shots on, and are color blind, your shots are white and everyone elses is red
18:05.26JeffMshould it not just make all  shots white (and depth shaded )  if you are color bind?
18:05.42JeffMwhy still let you see your shots vs other player shots when CB
18:05.57JeffMinstead of making them all mush
18:06.07JeffMbasicly CB = force colored shots to be off.
18:06.18TheRedBaronsounds good
18:06.30JeffManyone else have a problem with that?
18:06.35JeffMbrlcad, blast007?
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18:14.16JeffMhmmm also world weapons arn't being drawn in the proper team color
18:15.46BulletCatcherAs a player I think it would be least confusing if shot coloring were the same on radar and out the window, both normally and colorblind.
18:15.52BulletCatcherIs there a need to disable shot coloring only on radar?
18:16.07TheRedBaronJeffM: I thought world weapons were rouge - and therefore yellow
18:16.08JeffMit's a prefrence
18:16.25JeffMTheRedBaron, no, they have a team associated with the shot now
18:16.34TheRedBaronwhat color is their team?
18:16.43JeffMwhatever team its set to
18:16.49JeffMthe shot stores a team with it
18:16.53JeffMindependent of the player
18:17.06JeffMit's all changed and like good and generic now :)
18:17.12TheRedBaronso teams can invoke a world weapon by following the necessary rite?
18:17.25JeffMthe server can assign a team color to any shot
18:17.43JeffMshots are no longer tied to palyer IDs
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18:19.55JeffMBulletCatcher, we don't normal show your shots in the radar in your team color, so that is a case where they are not the same as out the window
18:20.05JeffMyour shots are always a shade of white
18:20.11BulletCatchergood point
18:20.38JeffMwith shot colloring off, all radar shots will be a shade of white
18:21.02JeffMwith shot coloring on, right now your shots are white, others are team colros
18:21.18JeffMunless you have CB, then all others are yellow
18:21.24JeffMand yours are white
18:21.33JeffMI'm thinking of makign all shots white when you have CB
18:21.52TheRedBaroni'd turn off altitude distinction for CB
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18:23.49BulletCatcherTheRedBaron: I think of CB as a failure in the "identification: friend or foe" (IFF) system.  It shouldn't affect altitude detection.
18:24.56BulletCatcherJeffM: In that context, one should still be able to distinguish one's own shots.
18:25.55JeffMCB is a bad flag, perhaps that is it's disadvantage ;)
18:26.23*** part/#bzflag Mets (n=Mets@CMU-242830.WV.CC.CMU.EDU)
18:26.25JeffMif it's a failure in detection, it should also fail on your own shots
18:26.58JeffMwell the code can be set up to do it ether way, it's a small mod
18:27.12JeffMthe entire rason for this is just that now we have one big unsorted list of shots to go thru
18:27.19JeffMnot per player
18:27.25JeffMso I have to draw all the shots at the same time
18:27.54JeffMI was going to bucket sort tem by team for speed, but that is pointless since every shot has a different color anyway
18:29.39BulletCatcherIt ought to simplify coding if CB and non-color radar are exactly the same.
18:29.58JeffMI mean it's like just an else in an iff
18:30.04JeffMso it's not too bad
18:31.01JeffMand it's just a one line thing, const TeamColor team = colorblind ? RogueTeam : player->getTeam();
18:31.10BulletCatcherIt would also be simpler from the player's point of view.
18:31.12JeffMthat would force them all to rogue
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18:35.59JeffMI mean, I got the drawing code for any shot down to this,
18:36.02JeffMit's not too long
18:36.58BulletCatcherYup.  That is concise. :-)
18:37.25BulletCatcherSince it is easy to code either way, my preference is to avoid unnecessary changes to the player's experience.
18:38.36JeffMI have to check for IB there tho
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18:46.40JeffMI still can't belive I only have 42 errors....
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19:37.17Lukstrhello al
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19:45.22JeffMConstitution, what is different about 3.0 that makes it work in a "non standard" location?
19:46.10JeffMis it love?
19:46.46Constitutionsomething about the -config (or whatever the flag is) not working in 2.0
19:46.57JeffMconfigdir should workf ine
19:46.59JeffMwork fine
19:47.00Constitutionnot that it will work in 3.0 unless someone verifies it and fixes it
19:47.13JeffMas long as it's not a remote path
19:47.13Constitutiondunno... blast007 apparently tested it
19:47.30JeffMit may not work as a relitive path
19:47.39JeffMbut it should work
19:47.42Constitutiona USB flash drive will also have a variable drive letter depending on the machine
19:47.58JeffMwhat we'd need would just be -localconf or someting
19:48.17JeffMor a linux boot CD
19:48.46JeffMthere are programs out there that can 'virtualise" apps to a flash drive
19:48.47donny_bakerJeffM: i also was unable to get it to work
19:48.50JeffMI'll be you could do that
19:48.54JeffMdonny_baker, you use a full path?
19:49.17donny_bakeryes, even on my desktop, but tried on flash also... drive letter correct
19:49.45JeffMwell no mater what, the option dosn't have anything to do with where the app is installed
19:50.01JeffMbz will always find it's data dir wherever you install the game
19:50.17donny_bakerright, it runs off the flash
19:50.31donny_bakerjust can't specify the directory
19:50.52JeffMcould also do a build target that dosn't actaly try to save anything
19:51.01JeffMa "flash" version
19:52.04JeffMnow what the heck am I going to do about shot reloads :(
19:52.53Constitutionperhaps if the conf stuff was moved to Local Settings or something people wouldn't worry about it
19:52.57Constitutionit's kinda obvious in My Documents
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19:53.32JeffMit's not that they see it, it's that they don't have perms to write to the profile
19:53.34JeffMor anywhere
19:53.39JeffMguest access
19:54.03JeffMConstitution, my docs is often more open to write then the rest of the profile
19:54.08Guest003i should have logged on as tank_001 - was too lazy to type
19:54.21JeffMsome public systems just wipe the dir when you logout
19:54.22Lukstrtype `/nick tank_001`
19:54.26Guest003Just create a mental hashmap
19:54.42ConstitutionJeffM: oh
19:54.48tank_001destroy hashmap
19:55.21JeffMConstitution, the main reason for -confdir was for users who had UNC paths for there profile
19:55.27JeffMthat has been fixed
19:55.31JeffMso we can pull the -confdir
19:55.38JeffMand add somethign new for a nonwrite system
19:55.42ConstitutionI see
19:55.47tank_001great to be able to talk to other bzflaggers
19:56.10JeffMa command line option is proalby not the best
19:56.15JeffMcus you'd have to have a shortcut to it
19:56.20JeffMand the shortcut would want a drive letter
19:56.28JeffMso that would break the entire point
19:56.37JeffMI could see a build target for it and a seperate download
19:56.59JeffMor maybe if we detect that we can't write to the profile go into read-only mode
19:57.17JeffMauto detect would be cleanest
19:57.36JeffMperhaps when we try to write the gamma dump file
19:58.19JeffMthat would also work well on any OS, and boot CDs
20:01.25JeffMis ShotSlot a stupid class name?
20:03.48Lukstrin context?
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20:05.20JeffMits the reload list for the client
20:05.36JeffMI need it indpendent of the actual shots
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20:05.57LukstrI guess it's decent
20:06.08Lukstrwary of the word "Slot"
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20:11.46tank_001a shell is that thingy you type silly commands in
20:12.11tank_001this then makes your comp do silly things
20:12.16Lukstrof course
20:12.29Lukstrbut does JeffM imply the name ShotShell?
20:12.53tank_001Oopsidaisy - dunno about that
20:13.05tank_001mmaybe you could ask him?
20:15.03tank_001a slot - that rings a QT toolkit bell. They use a signal-slot design for their UI toolkit.
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20:16.14tank_001got to go now - cu later
20:16.34tank_001do i have to type any command to log out from here?
20:16.44tank_001or do i simply close my web client?
20:16.45Lukstrnah, I imagine closing your client will do the trick
20:16.50tank_001ok thanks!
20:16.54Lukstrno problem
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20:17.06JeffMLukstr, yeah
20:17.17spldartuhhh... ok
20:17.20JeffMbasicly we used to use the shot list per player
20:17.28Lukstrin the client?
20:17.48Lukstrso.. keeping track of all the shots?
20:18.00JeffMso each player had a fixed list of shots
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20:18.04JeffMif the server was -ms 10
20:18.08JeffMyou got a list of 10 shots
20:18.17JeffMshoot one, it gets flaged as active and is drawn
20:18.20JeffMthe other 9 hang out
20:18.22Lukstrright right
20:18.26JeffMwe used that for reloads
20:18.35Lukstrso ShotSlot is an element in the ShotList ?
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20:18.48JeffMthat's how i it used to work
20:18.51JeffMnow it's all diffrent
20:18.57JeffMthere is one big ass shot list
20:19.00JeffMfor all shots
20:19.07JeffMfrom everywhere
20:19.14JeffMand the server fills it up
20:19.14Lukstrand shots are assigned to players themselves
20:19.24LukstrI see
20:19.36JeffMclient dosn't care who owns the shot
20:19.39JeffMit just draws em
20:19.44Lukstroh right, of course
20:19.50LukstrI get it
20:19.52JeffMthat way we can add as many shots from any source that we want
20:19.55JeffMlot more flexable
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20:20.03JeffMbut that screws up the reload logic
20:20.15JeffMsince shots that arn't "live" are culled from the list
20:20.23JeffMso I need a list that is stuck with the player
20:20.33JeffMthat just reppresents the "shots you can fire and how often they reload"
20:20.38JeffMlike the chambers in a revolver
20:20.48LukstrI see
20:20.58JeffMso I need a name for the items in that list
20:21.01LukstrDoes the server not keep track of this too?
20:21.17JeffMthe server will have to keep track of it as well at some point
20:21.20JeffMright now it does not
20:21.29JeffMthats next on my list ;)
20:21.50Lukstrit seems like it'd make sense if the player just sends a "shoot" signal to the server, which then checks to see if the player can actually shoot or not, and if he can, fires a projectile
20:22.00Lukstrlikewise when the player can reload, the server would inform them
20:22.00JeffMyeah that happens
20:22.04JeffMthat happens now
20:22.18JeffMbut we display on the client when you can shoot using the reload timers
20:22.31JeffMso I need to track that on the client now to display it
20:22.38JeffMindpendent of the live shot list
20:22.50Lukstrokay I get it
20:22.54JeffMwe used to piggyback that calc on the live shot code
20:22.57JeffMbut I can't do that anymore
20:23.03Lukstrso ShotSlot... hmm
20:23.05JeffMso I have to replicate just the reload info per player
20:23.08JeffMso shotslot ;)
20:24.20LukstrSo what kind of class is ShotSlot? A list, an element?
20:24.27JeffMan element in a vector
20:24.44Lukstrso each shotslot is either loaded or empty, or something similar
20:24.57JeffMand it has some times
20:25.05spldartIs there a block diagram for the game logic anywhere? Kinda assist newcomers in the code.
20:25.12JeffMpfffff no
20:25.23Lukstrspldart: could make one with bouml pretty quick
20:25.32spldartMan.. something like that would be great for the students hehe
20:25.45LukstrI actually made a very quick rough one
20:25.47Lukstrjust to get an idea
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20:26.57spldartwas thinking a page on the wiki could have a course block diagram and then people could edit in additions until we have a relatively complete diagram
20:27.13Lukstrspldart: of classes and such?
20:27.27JeffMspldart you are welcome to make one, but they are notoriously hard to maintain
20:27.57JeffMremember, bzflag isn't meant to be a learning tool :)
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20:28.19JeffMlots of things woudl be "nice" but if they take a way from development they could do more harm
20:28.34JeffMnow if oyu can find a way to do it and have it be mostly automatic, then it'd be a help to devs too
20:28.53JeffMwrong documentation can be a lot worse then no documentation
20:29.00LukstrJeffM: from wikipedia: "Revolvers have a number of firing chambers or 'charge holes' in a revolving cylinder"
20:29.20spldartJust thinking as I'm watching you layout how the code works in a particular area for the umpteenth time that perhaps for new dev's that are getting brought onto the team it could speed up the dev process.. but I could be totally wrong ;-)
20:29.46JeffMyeah I'm not making a class called "chargeHole" ;)
20:31.39LukstrI guess ShotSlot is fairly good
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20:31.45Lukstrcan't think of much that's more descriptive
20:37.09JeffMit's not the state of the shot
20:37.13JeffMthat's in the shot list
20:37.15JeffMwith the shot path
20:37.19marzipanhi jeff ^^
20:37.29JeffMonce fired it has nothing to do with the round that left
20:37.32JeffMmarzipan, hello
20:38.27donny_bakeror ShitCensus
20:38.27JeffMit's not a list of differnt shots
20:38.39JeffMslot is best
20:38.41JeffMfor now
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21:03.00JeffMawww yeah 229 errors, THAT is more like it :)
21:07.10Monobi2Can I link to a game in progress here, or is that discouraged ;) ?
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21:07.37TheRedBaroni'd like to know how you'd do that , default port :)
21:07.44Monobi2like so :)
21:08.19TheRedBaronMeh - i don't see anything wrong with that. as long as you don't spam the channel with invites to the game :)
21:08.26JeffMthat is more fore #bzchat
21:08.33JeffMthis is the help and development channel
21:08.37TheRedBaronbut i ain't the boss ;)
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21:13.04donny_baker~lart whodaman-'s internet connection
21:13.04ibotgrabs a large, mis-shapened log, with squirrels, and beats whodaman-'s internet connection until only the nuts remain ... which the squirrels run off with
21:13.22whodaman-more, ~lart whodaman- for testing new IRC apps
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21:25.27Constitutionis there more tank state stuff in the client that we want moved to the server? the server must have some idea of tank positions, since there are API calls for them
21:26.02Constitutionas far as making collision detection on the server possible
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21:28.09CBG`Re: "You should replace this page with your own web pages as soon as possible." lol
21:28.50Constitutionew lighttpd :P
21:32.06JeffMman is he a putz
21:39.27Wyk3dwould accepted students be working on their own branches or in trunk ?
21:39.36JeffMdepends on the project
21:39.43JeffMwe'd like to have as many in trunk as possible
21:40.10JeffMthat way it's real development, and easier/better for others to work with them
21:40.26JeffMfor the auth thing, that woudl probalby have components in a new sub project in trunk
21:41.05JeffMand for the changes to the client/server you'd build that all into a new class/lib or something and we could just have trunk use ether for right now
21:41.12Wyk3dit would need to have quite a bit of changes for client/server integration in bzflag and bzfs
21:41.23JeffMdepends on how you write it
21:41.32JeffMyou can integrate it into the client and server
21:41.39JeffMand just have it not called by default untill it's done
21:41.45JeffMthen pull out the old code at the end
21:41.46Wyk3dyes .. actually i was thinking of writing it in a way that you can choose between the normal auth or the new auth
21:41.55JeffMthen i'd be fine
21:42.02Wyk3dso hopefully it wouldn't bother the trunk too much
21:42.10JeffMif it does, we branch
21:42.13JeffMit's a fluid thing :)
21:42.29Wyk3dthe initial phase would be the most disruptive, moving serverlink/nethandler to a lib
21:42.43Wyk3dafter that no conflicts with the rest of the code
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21:44.26JeffMI belive a majority of the current list stuff is decently wraped
21:44.34JeffMor in only a few places
21:44.45JeffMit'd be prety easy to consolodate
21:44.59Wyk3d"list stuff" ?
21:45.06JeffMlist/auth stuff
21:45.10JeffMit's all together right now
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21:45.32JeffMahh you meant the net stuff
21:45.37JeffMyeah that'd be "fun"
21:45.41JeffMtho it's wraped ok too
21:45.49JeffMyou'd just have to change how it got a new class
21:45.58JeffMafter that the uses of the class would be mostly the same
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22:31.29KingofCamelotSo even though the gsoc application deadline got extended, are the mentors currently reviewing the submitted applications, or will they wait until the new deadline has passed?
22:36.04JeffMwe have looked and commented on some
22:36.17JeffMbut I know i Perosnaly haven't done a big read of em all
22:36.40JeffMif you want it to be reviewed just ask
22:36.46Constitutionif we get 40 applications like jude-'s, I pity you all
22:36.58JeffMConstitution, others are just as long
22:37.07JeffMI'm glad we have time
22:37.31Wyk3dis it considered a bonus if we bore you with thousands of lines of text ? :)
22:37.47JeffMonly if they are good words :)
22:37.54JeffMand are usefull later
22:38.01JeffMif you tell me about your cat.... not so much ;)
22:38.20KingofCamelot@Constiution, is jude's long?
22:38.47Wyk3dnot too long, just 7.5k words..
22:38.59KingofCamelot@JeffM, well, i guess I'm asking for mine too be reviewed :)
22:40.16JeffMwhat one is it?
22:41.04KingofCamelotEnhanced Server Listing
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22:41.31JeffMmayur or jason?
22:41.51KingofCamelotI sent you a link to it on the wiki the other day, but here's the link again
22:41.58KingofCamelot@JeffM, uh, neither? :P
22:42.12JeffMor is it not submited yet?
22:42.38ConstitutionKingofCamelot: yeah like 4,500 characters, 10 pages
22:42.40KingofCamelotDavid, ya
22:42.51Constitutionthe one he posted to the wiki, anyway
22:42.55JeffMdamn that's big
22:43.07JeffMI'll have to read that when I get home
22:43.14KingofCamelotMine is like 3,500 characters, heh
22:43.15JeffMwonder if I can print it.
22:44.31Constitutioner, yeah, words
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22:50.41a_meteoritehey, guys, I just finished my new map...
22:51.22a_meteoriteshould be hosted once we get the server
22:52.18KingofCamelotIs it just me or are there only 2 recent patches on the SourceForge project?
22:52.40whodaman-a_meteorite: copyright!
22:52.51a_meteoritewhodaman-: yes, you must get permission from me to host it
22:52.57a_meteoritethat's the way I roll
22:53.06Think_Differentlthat is, rickroll
22:53.12a_meteoriteapril fools ;)
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