IRC log for #bzflag on 20080320

00:00.01rtfmalmost too close to thief  ;)
00:00.08rtfmjust get a theif and take their flag
00:00.53Erroneoustorghul: yeah, there are separate downloads for 7.1 and 8
00:01.33torghulErroneous: ok. thanks
00:02.32Erroneousit's very handy for people who have multiple projects with different indentation requirements
00:03.23Erroneoussupposes he should build it on 9 too
00:07.28Epyoncries in terror watching FFXIII versus trailer again.
00:07.58EpyonIt scares the hell out of me, how the hell could they do that in realtime D:
00:14.12EpyonBTW, JeffM, are there any plans for Illumination and Normal Map support for BZW?
00:14.27EpyonI guess that'll not happen before the graphics engine merge?
00:16.02JeffMEpyon, they would be low on the list even with an engine
00:17.06ConstitutionBZBB admins:
00:17.16Constitutionhe attached a badwords file
00:18.40JeffMretcons Constitution
00:20.25JeffMjavawizard2539, if you can convince me that you have your svn issues worked out (you can keep current code and not jack up the repo ) then you are on the road to getting commit access.
00:22.06JeffMand if you are a student, seriously .. ponder the Summer of Code
00:24.37JeffMbrlcad, when you want to talk to the man?
00:28.38pacman87patch is submitted for respawning after flag cap
00:28.44WinnyBZ Tax audit time? ;)
00:28.58JeffMpacman87, cool, thanks
00:29.03Constitutionpacman87: sshh, you'll wake JeffM
00:29.07JeffMWinny, of sorts
00:29.17pacman87Constitution: too late
00:29.19JeffMConstitution, if you want to apply it... go for it
00:29.26JeffMas long as 3.0 is cool
00:29.37JeffMbut then you have to fix a bug in 3.0 to make up for it
00:29.57JeffMand he thinks I'm joking
00:30.00Constitutionthe other day I fixed a spelling error!
00:30.18ConstitutionI'll work on the keyboard input issue we talked about the other day :)
00:30.36JeffMwow, nano sucks to edit wide files
00:30.51JeffMoh, you can drag the window
00:30.52rtfmJeffM: yes it does
00:30.58JeffMnano just sucks a lot less now
00:31.18rtfmdrag the window?
00:32.23oojahnano -w
00:32.29JeffMjust drag
00:33.01Constitutionpacman87: thanks for the patch... in the future, watch out for the tabs and spacing for parenthesis :)
00:33.29pacman87i need to read DEVINFO, too :)
00:34.16JeffMhow do you make something bold in HTML?
00:34.35Epyoner <strong></strong> :P
00:34.47JeffMb or strong?
00:34.54Winnyeither works
00:35.07JeffMwhat is more www standard?
00:35.09JeffMit's for the mainpage
00:35.17JeffMand we know how the man hates that to have errors
00:35.24Winnyoh, THAT man :)
00:35.31Epyonstrong is more "trendy" but anyone uses "b" anyway :P
00:35.40Epyoneveryone xP
00:35.45JeffMWinny, yes. but oddly it has something to with the other the man
00:36.05JeffMhad to add the store to the main page
00:36.37WinnyYay ->
00:36.40JeffMhmmm.... now for the part I hate
00:37.11CIA-16BZFlag: 03macsforme * r16749 10/branches/v2_0branch/bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfs.cxx: Accept SF patch #1920410 from pacman97: fix queued spawns after flag captures.
00:37.11rtfmJeffM: either works.  They have different uses though, but visually are usually the same.  I think one of them is *designed* for bold text, while the other one is more to stress text
00:37.23rtfmlike for a screen reader
00:37.36JeffMConstitution, when you can, please try to get realnames for patches
00:37.42JeffMso they can go into the changelog
00:37.51Constitutionin the commit messages?
00:38.09WinnyI forgot to ask: Do I need the "Opel GL", "", etc stuff on the main page? (The little icons)
00:38.09JeffMyeah, the changelog is built form the commit messages now IIRC
00:38.29JeffMWinny, sf yes, GL yes, the others, we can debate
00:38.41JeffMConstitution, it also helps if we have any leagal "issues" later
00:38.54JeffMlike if somone says that code is stolen, etc..
00:39.24JeffMtime to play "name that font"
00:40.33EpyonYeah, always be careful about the fonts O.o
00:40.40JeffMarial narrow it is not
00:41.16Winnypastes the photoshop font list
00:45.42Constitutionwould I be correct to attribute this to a driver bug?
00:46.26JeffMI'd say, "can't dupe, probably driver issue, if you get more info let us know"
00:46.33Erroneousyes, it is
00:46.42JeffMthen end it with "nVidia 4 life!"
00:46.46Erroneouscrashes inside fglrx are almost always bugs in fglrx
00:47.18JeffMoh and closing non dupe bugs dons't count as "fixing" ;)
00:52.00JeffMhates doing button updates to the bb template
00:52.09spldarthehe @ fglrx... tiz suckage
01:06.18JeffMthere we go, 2 new buttons at the top of the fourms :)
01:08.56Winny"FREE CAM!!" ?
01:09.14rtfmwow, those really suck  ;)
01:09.21WinnyJeffM: one is in a weird font
01:09.39whodamanlol! Winny
01:10.08rtfmthe 'free cam' thing
01:10.21whodamanWhich wasn't funny at all. ;)
01:10.34spldartI'm so raiding store.bzflag when my tax return gets in
01:10.49EpyonAngels deserve to die.
01:11.08Thumper_JeffM: really easy (I think) but then I'm comfortable with shell scripting and unix
01:11.11spldartMaybe angels think you des... N/M :)
01:11.51Thumper_JeffM: you can have a copy of the stuff I use if you like
01:17.55JeffMWinny, you mean the bold one?
01:18.04donny_bakerhmmm... what about a wiki button? :) (please)
01:18.11JeffMdonny_baker, make one
01:18.13JeffMput it in
01:18.15JeffMknow the JOY
01:18.23JeffMThumper_, maybe, thanks for the offer
01:18.28donny_bakerk, I will
01:18.34Thumper_JeffM: anytime :)
01:18.42JeffMyou have photoshop donny_baker ?
01:20.05JeffMthat has both the up and down layers
01:20.51blast007JeffM: hehe. it can't be that bad, can it?  ;)
01:21.01JeffMmake 2 images per button
01:21.03JeffMfind the file
01:21.11JeffMfind the INCREDEBLY long line
01:21.17JeffMdupe it
01:21.23JeffMedit it in like 8places
01:21.26JeffMthen find the preloader
01:21.33JeffMand add the on state to the preload
01:21.39JeffMit ain't trivial
01:21.46blast007sounds straight forward to me  :)
01:21.57blast007but I'm a webhead
01:22.05JeffMthe same word is duped in the long line, like 15 times
01:22.34JeffMshould have some sort of php function "add title button" :)
01:23.22blast007the text shouldn't be an image
01:23.34blast007that would make it easier to add new buttons ;)
01:23.35blast007and translate
01:23.57JeffMthen it woudln't have to be in the freaking template ether
01:24.22JeffMdonny_baker, overall_header is the file you want
01:24.44blast007ah, phpBB3's default template has a little icon, and raw text
01:24.54*** join/#bzflag jwir3 (
01:31.55jwir3hey everyone
01:32.05blast007hello jwir3
01:33.25usopacman87: was it broken in r16641?
01:34.21pacman87uso: r16641 added an additional (unnecessary) wait time before allowing spawns after your flag was capped
01:34.37pacman87if you were already dead at the time
01:35.25usoand what else is r16641 good for? the commit messages sounds as it describes the behaviour as it always was?
01:35.38JeffMfinds the entire death on cap unessisary ;)
01:36.23usowell, I do not see the sense in this changes, so I better back them out completely?
01:36.47JeffMthe wait is to minimise a cheat
01:37.01JeffMthe cap problem was a bug
01:37.23JeffMfor a normal death we want it to wait
01:37.35JeffMfor a cap death we should jsut let em respawn
01:37.50usoso you could join before the explode time has ended with a cheat client and this got fixed by r16641?
01:38.02JeffMsomewhere aroudn there
01:38.09JeffMbut yes that was the cheat
01:38.13JeffMinstnat rejoins
01:38.22JeffMthat combined with blind "I got killed"
01:38.31JeffMrespawn yeah
01:38.50JeffMI really gotta do the shot ID thing for trunk
01:38.59JeffMthen that will fix the blind I got killed message too
01:39.03usook, so it's a cheat fix (with a bug which got fixed now)
01:39.06usogood :)
01:39.19blast007yup :)
01:57.35*** join/#bzflag EmoNemo (n=Gigi@unaffiliated/emonemo)
02:05.57*** join/#bzflag bz52 (
02:10.11WinnyKTL: eh?
02:10.59Winnyyou pinged me yesterday, or earlier today
02:11.05WinnyI forget what it was
02:17.46*** join/#bzflag matt__ (
02:25.11*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
02:26.34*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
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02:52.56javawizard2539JeffM, getting back to your message at 18:20, I'm going to try checking out a new copy of the code and then diff it with my version to see if there's anything that's still out of date
02:53.13javawizard2539and if there is, I'll copy out the sections of code I modified and re-checkout
02:53.21javawizard2539Hopefully that will fix any SVN issues i'm having
02:56.31brlcadJeffM: hit a little snag, need a couple more days
02:57.07brlcadthe guys that looked like the best fit aren't comfortable accepting a game
02:57.28brlcadso still talking with them, and started talking to "the other guys" too
02:58.59JeffMahh ok
02:59.08JeffMand how hard is it it for us to do it ourself?
02:59.50brlcadit's a lot of work
03:00.09brlcadreally, a lot, and requires manual update effort a couple times a year
03:00.57brlcadespecially to get to tax-exempt, thats even more forms and renewal papers that have to be updated every year
03:01.29brlcadthe other group can work too
03:01.37brlcadtheir policies are actually even more explicit
03:01.51brlcadand they have some very familiar traits that someone(tm) might be even more happy with
03:02.06JeffMwill they be ok wiht a game tho?
03:02.13brlcadjust started with them
03:02.36brlcadhaven't gotten into it yet
03:02.59brlcadshame too, contacted half the current sfc orgs and they were all very happy with their relationship with them
03:03.26JeffMwonder why they care if it's a game or not
03:04.45brlcadthat's where our conversation left off, I'm inquiring
03:05.08brlcadmight be able to make a strong case for us like I did with google
03:05.36brlcadwow, we're up to more than 200+ web hits per minute sustained
03:06.05brlcadat least for the past two hours
03:07.47JeffMI'm mostly just curious why they care, I mean it's open source, and established ;)
03:08.08JeffMI think they may jus get too many kiddies asking
03:08.46Alesis-Novikgood night everyone
03:10.13L4m3rdo flag caps call playerKilled for dead players? oops
03:10.31L4m3rcould've sworn they just set respawnOnBase... oh well
03:11.43JeffML4m3r: IIRC we just kill them now from the server
03:11.58L4m3rthat's right
03:12.02L4m3rtrunk kills them
03:12.05JeffMcus a plugin can say "no don't kill them. spare them"
03:12.16L4m3rin 2.0 the clients kill themselves
03:12.47L4m3rhm... but you'd think that a dead client's death msg would still be ignored
03:14.26L4m3rat some point, someone tweaked 2.0 to set respawnOnBase for dead players on a cap, because people were dying before the cap, waiting, and getting a free random spawn after the cap
03:14.40L4m3rI thought that was the only difference
03:18.34*** join/#bzflag matt__ (
03:31.50EpyonThat's it for me tonight. G'night all!
03:36.55*** part/#bzflag javawizard2539 (
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04:47.32*** join/#bzflag Pimpi_ (
05:00.44*** join/#bzflag jude- (
05:00.49jude-hello all
05:04.47brlcadhey jude-
05:15.53*** join/#bzflag PrezzKennedy (i=Matthew@
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05:26.26*** join/#bzflag BZ_Win (n=KyleVE@unaffiliated/winny)
05:26.55Constitutionhi jude-
05:26.55jude-hey brlcad, Constitution
05:26.55Constitutionhow's Tucson? :)
05:27.05jude-warm :)
05:27.06jude-80 degrees
05:27.20jude-(it was snowing a couple days ago, however)
05:27.28jude-how's northern Arizona?
05:27.29Constitutionsnow in Tucson? wow
05:27.32Constitutionbeen nice
05:27.37Constitution~weather KPRC
05:28.01jude-still cold
05:28.35jude-yeah--it was snowing in Catalina, which is in the foothills of the mountains surrounding Tucson
05:28.35*** join/#bzflag MattP (
05:29.06jude-but technically it's part of the Tucson metropolis
05:29.11*** join/#bzflag javawizard2539 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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05:30.39*** join/#bzflag Winny (n=KyleVE@unaffiliated/winny)
05:30.46*** join/#bzflag Mets (
05:33.31*** join/#bzflag think_tank (
05:40.48Metsare there any known cases of plugins causing bzfs to segfault?
05:41.31JeffMMainthey if they seg, they kill bzfs with a seg
05:41.41Metsyeah, I'm experiencing that now
05:42.06MetsI compiled all of them from source with the latest version of 2.0.x from svn
05:42.26Metshalf won't load, and the other half segfault bzfs whenever they actually have to do something in game
05:42.43JeffMMainthat sucks
05:43.16MetsI'm sure it's a problem on my end, just wondering if it was a common thing with an easy fix
05:44.32Metsis there a crash log that is stored anywhere?
05:45.23JeffMMainbuild debug and run in a debuger
05:46.38jude-Mets: also, you could just run the server inside of valgrind and read those logs
05:46.51jude-that'll tell you exactly where SIGSEGV is triggered
05:47.11JeffMMainso will the debuger ;)
05:47.22JeffMMainand is probably a "bit" easier
05:47.32jude-but valgrind doesn't require a debug rebuild, does it?
05:47.46Metsah, thanks jude, I'll try that first since I don't have to rebuild
05:48.01jude-Mets: I'm not sure--JeffMMain may know
05:48.59JeffMMainvalgrind needs instrumentation in the build
05:49.09JeffMMainand is usualy a lot slower
05:49.22jude-indeed--valgrind emulates the CPU
05:49.46jude-so, I guess you're going to need to rebuild
05:49.47Metswould valgrind tell you any useful information when a plugin fails to load?
05:50.02jude-it will tell you where every single memory leak occurs
05:50.27jude-segmentation fault errors are caused by a process trying to access memory outside of its allocated pages
05:50.34jude-so valgrind picks them up
05:50.50Metsright, but it doesn't segfault when it can't load the plugin, it just doesn't load it
05:51.05*** join/#bzflag Wyk3d (
05:51.09Metsbut I should be able to make it segfault pretty easy anyway lol
05:51.47jude-has found a disturbingly high number of memory errors with the fglrx driver when running BZWB inside of Valgrind on his desktop...
05:53.10jude-if a plugin fails to load, it will just fail to load
05:53.33jude-if the bzfs process makes a memory error while trying to load a plugin, both valgrind and gdb will report them
05:54.13JeffMMainif it's more then one plug-in, it's probably some build issue
05:54.21JeffMMaindid you build with plug-in support
05:55.29MetsI built it with --enable-plugins and --enable-shared
05:55.52Metsjude-: it just crashed, i'm reading through the valgrind output
05:56.28MetsJeffMMain: I'm almost positive it's a problem with something I did, or something my server lacks, just not sure which yet.  It's not a problem with the code
05:56.28jude-the output from the crash should be less than 100 lines from the bottom
05:56.44Metsyes trying to not post 100 lines in here :)
05:56.57jude-use a pastebin :)
05:58.17Metstrue, one sec
06:00.37MetsI tried running the chathistory plugin
06:00.41Metsas soon as I typed /last it segfaulted
06:01.46jude-looks like we have a problem with the chatting system
06:02.24jude-look at lines 140-142
06:02.27L4m3ror the plugin dereferences a null pointer or something
06:02.33L4m3rmany of them do
06:02.43L4m3r...someone should make a debugger for idiots
06:02.57L4m3rI just wasted half an hour bug-hunting because I typed a filename wrong
06:03.12jude-been there before :)
06:03.52L4m3rseems to work now tho :)
06:04.46*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=Jeff@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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06:05.00Metsjude-: for what it's worth, other plugins have caused it to segfault
06:05.14pacman87L4m3r: would dereferencing a null pointer cause a bzfs crash, or a client crash?
06:05.27Metsthat require no chat action
06:05.32L4m3rbzfs crash
06:05.39pacman87because i think one of my plugins is causing clients to crash
06:05.41L4m3rin bzfs or a plugin, that is
06:05.47*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
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06:05.47L4m3rthere are ways to do that too, lol
06:05.54pacman87i think i found one
06:06.17L4m3rplays with his app and sends some lolcats to his lappy from his desktop via UDP
06:06.17pacman87but i haven't been able to find it / haven't gotten around to looking hard enough for it
06:06.49*** join/#bzflag jwir3_away (
06:07.21MetsI can recompile with --enable-debug if that will provide better info
06:08.00jude-does --enable-debug cause bzfs to actually print out stuff?
06:08.16MetsI've honestly never used the bzflag debugger
06:08.47jude-Mets: bzflag doesn't have a debugger.  I'm wondering (to anyone) whether or not the --enable-debug flag will cause bzfs to print out debugging information when it runs
06:11.04JeffM2501enable debug builds in symbols
06:11.12JeffM2501then you run in GDB and it'll show you where it is crashing
06:12.26jude-Mets: I think your build has debugging symbols--Valgrind was able to print out the source code line numbers where the errors occured
06:12.57Metsworth a shot, one sec
06:18.45Metsk easy output this time
06:19.05MetsProgram received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
06:19.05Mets0x40007f06 in do_lookup_x () from /lib/
06:20.06jude-that's within ld-linux, not bzfs
06:20.17jude-can you get a trace?
06:20.29Metsyeah I figured it was my setup
06:21.18jude-it's not
06:21.29jude-ld-linux is where the segfault error was trapped
06:21.36jude-but that's not the same as ld-linux *causing* it
06:21.54jude-no more than strcpy() is to blame if the program that calls it specifies a bad memory address for dest
06:22.47Metsok I just type "trace" in gdb?
06:22.48jude-if ld-linux had problems with it, you'd be seeing a LOT more segfaults
06:22.56jude-from a LOT of different programs
06:24.24jude-no, "trace" will not do it
06:24.37jude-you need to see the call hierarchy
06:25.08MetsI can give you what "where" outputs
06:26.44javawizard2539Is anyone on here an SF admin?
06:26.54javawizard2539I accidentally reposted a bug report
06:27.00Metsdo you want me to actually step through the program
06:27.05Metsand trace it out that way
06:28.15jude-Mets: do you know how to use gdb?
06:28.37Metsyeah but it's been awhile
06:31.22Metsit just says "single stepping through do_lookup_x" but it doesn't know it's line number
06:33.25Metsdo I need to rebuild?
06:34.09jude-no, you need to learn how to use gdb
06:34.56Metssorry I'm an engineer not a programmer
06:35.41Metscan you just tell me what you want me to type, I can make it work from there
06:35.54jude-first, specify which file you want to run
06:36.00Metsi know how to do that part
06:36.06jude-then run it
06:36.07Metsfile and args, got it
06:36.13jude-then it crashes
06:36.56jude-what's the output from "where"?
06:37.59*** join/#bzflag JeffMMain (
06:38.18jude-or "bt"?
06:38.42Metson the pastebin
06:38.48jude-you can trace through the crash using "up" and "down"
06:39.42jude-looks like gdb confirms what valgrind reported
06:40.10Metsok i'm tracing through it
06:40.54Metssays it can't access memory address from new_allocator.h:62
06:41.11Metsthat's at the top
06:41.13Metsof the trace
06:41.19jude-what function?
06:41.36Metsnew_allocator() throw()
06:42.34Mets#4  0x403c8265 in LastChatCommand::handle(int, bzApiString, bzApiString, bzAPIStringList*) (this=0x403cb530, playerID=0, _command=Cannot access memory at address 0xb08
06:42.34Mets) at new_allocator.h:62
06:42.34Mets62            new_allocator() throw() { }
06:42.58jude-is that function implemented by the plugin?
06:43.04jude-or is it part of the bzfs proper?
06:43.45jude-from the looks of the stack output, I'd say it was linked into bzfs from the plugin (given that there was a failure in symbol resolving in ld-linux)
06:43.55Metsnew_allocator? not sure; the segfault was caused by the /last command which is implemented by the plugin
06:44.05pacman87i believe handle() is implemented by the plugin for the bz_CustomSlashCommandHandler
06:44.14jude-new_allocator.h is the header file in which LastChatCommand::handle is defined
06:44.30Metsit could be the plugin, but lots plugins cause segfaults for me, I just picked this one
06:45.02jude-pacman87: thanks
06:45.22jude-Mets: are you sure the plugin is compiled for the correct version of bzfs?
06:45.43Metsyes, i compiled all of the plugins the other day when I built bzfs
06:45.55jude-which bzfs?
06:45.59jude-2.0.10, right?
06:46.05jude-2.0.10 is the stable version
06:46.11jude-2.0.11 is the development version
06:46.17Metsyes, same problem actually which is why I tried the devel version
06:46.17jude-i.e. not supposed to be stable
06:46.32Metsright, I thought maybe it was the source so I tried the latest
06:46.37pacman87i'm running 2.0.11 (on winXP, though)
06:46.52Metserr, maybe it was 2.0.10 source that was the problem, so I wanted to double check
06:47.08jude-are the plug-ins certified to work with 2.0.10?
06:47.24pacman87i wouldn
06:47.25Metsbut in general it's been the same; load a plugin and either it says "WARNING" and fails to load it, or it loads and immediately segfaults
06:47.44MetsI think so, I've tried plugins that ship with the code
06:47.48pacman87wouldn't think they'd break plugins from one 2.0 to the next
06:48.09jude-what's the message after the WARNING?
06:48.21Metsoh, it just says it can't load the plugin
06:49.07jude-does it give a reason why?
06:49.27Metsof course not :[
06:49.32jude-which plugin?
06:49.39Metshere's an example:
06:49.48Metssay I tell it to load oneOnOneRules
06:50.07MetsWARNING: unable to load the plugin; /afs/usr/mets/Private/bzflag-2-11/lib/oneOnOneRules
06:50.52MetsI've tried putting it in quotes, adding/removing .so, changing paths, etc.
06:51.09Metsbut if I told it to load chathistory for example, it will load it, then segfault when you try to use it
06:51.15Metslike we just went through
06:51.42jude-the reason I ask these questions is because I think that the ABI of your bzfs and the plugins are somehow incompatible
06:51.59jude-I can understand the failure of a couple of plugins, but if most of them fail, then it's probably an ABI problem
06:52.15jude-application binary interface
06:52.53jude-i.e. in Linux, for example, you can't load kernel modules from a different kernel than the one you're running, because each kernel has a unique ABI
06:53.18jude-just an example
06:53.42Metsyeah i've tried plugins compiled by others on different versions of Linux and it's been the same result
06:53.47jude-that's an interesting path to your plugins...which distro of Linux are you using?
06:53.54Metsthis is suse 9.3
06:54.05jude-which gcc version?
06:54.35jude-that's pretty old...
06:54.44jude-my Debian system runs 4.2.3
06:54.59Metsheh, I don't have root so I don't think I can change that
06:55.08jude-I see
06:55.16Metsactually it says gcc is hashed
06:55.21Metsthere might be a newer version
06:56.10Metseh nevermind that's 3.3.5
06:56.50jude-this is just a stab in the dark, but there's a big difference between gcc 3.x.x and 4.x.x...perhaps the binary format of bzfs is subtly different enough that when compiled with an older 3.x.x version of gcc, unforseen linking errors may be introduced
06:57.03jude-when trying to load plugins
06:57.07jude-I can't confirm this, however
06:57.14jude-unless someone in this chatroom has already tried it
06:57.15Metsshould I try using an older version of bzfs?
06:57.34jude-I dunno--it could work, but then some of your plugins will be too new to work
06:58.08Metsyeah true then you have a problem the other way
06:58.34Metsit isn't a bad guess, I'm sure the problem lies somewhere with the setup since plenty of servers work and run plugins
06:58.42jude-any chance of getting a pre-built binary of bzfs?
06:59.07Metswell I have tried compiling it locally and it doesn't like to run it once I upload it
06:59.18JeffMMainis your libtool current?
06:59.44Metslibtool is 1.5.14
06:59.47Metsso no
07:00.14JeffMMainthat is what handles the plugin stuff
07:01.32MetsI think it could use an update of about everything
07:01.50JeffMMainI woudl do so then
07:01.55jude-he's not root
07:02.03Metsbut the main suse repos don't carry a lot of newer versions
07:02.14MetsI would, and I wouldn't have installed suse :)
07:02.20JeffMMainthen have the server owner update
07:02.36MetsI could ask
07:04.01MetsI think that's all I can do at this point
07:04.29Metsthanks a lot for the help jude and jeff
07:05.50jude-no prob
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12:45.34Sadystais there a wiki page discussing the libgame concept in more detail?
12:45.47Sadystai mean... there is a dozen ways it could be done
12:46.08Sadystado you have a preferred one or should I describe all of them and give my recommendation
12:46.18Sadystaor just describe the one I think is most fit?
12:46.25Sadystai mean... in the GSoC application...
13:06.10ruskieSadysta, recommend you stick around until someone get's up and tries to explain :)
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13:14.24Sadystai have a pretty good idea what it's all about
13:14.37Sadystai've looked through bzflag code more than once ;)
13:15.09Sadystai'm really interested in making it the right way as it would make some heavy mods possible
13:15.31Sadystathat's the other thing i would like to code - a mod/plugin system
13:16.23donny_bakerSadysta: i would say that you will be told to determine the best method and why, with input from the developers
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13:16.48donny_bakerthe people you really probably need to get input from are JeffM and brlcad
13:17.13Sadystathanks, good to know :)
13:17.37donny_bakerbut they won't tell you how to do it, just hints and the way they would like to see it done
13:18.28Sadystayeah, I kinda know that :)
13:19.50Sadystai've added those two nicknames to my x-chat notification list so hopefully i will notice when they appear here
13:20.46spldartJeffM often shows between now and lunch.. Give it a couple hours :)
13:22.08Sadystano problem, I'm more or less stuck in front of my PC from now till evening ;)
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14:05.35brlcadSadysta: hello
14:05.53brlcadwhat exactly are you thinking of doing?  libgame and client-side plugins are fairly different tasks
14:06.53brlcadlibgame in bz is meant to be the generic view-independent logic required to run the game (client+server)
14:07.29brlcadbasically a major refactoring effort to separate the game from the game display
14:08.38brlcadclient-side plugins I've always seen as a front-end only thing that intentionally would NOT hook into libgame (we don't necessarily want them changing functionality, but sure they can change how things are presented and group meta-functionality)
14:09.40brlcadthere is already fairly extensive support for server-side plugins (which does change functionality), and could conceivably hook in as libgame mods as well
14:10.00Sadystathat's exactly what i was talking about
14:10.18Sadystalibgame makes mods easier both on client and server side
14:10.45Sadystawhat i would like to do is.. for example
14:10.48Sadystaanti-camp mod
14:11.15Sadystaon the server side if a user stays within a specified volume of space for a certain amount of time
14:11.24Sadystahe gets kicked
14:11.28Sadystaor stripped of the flag
14:11.36Sadystaon the client side
14:11.49Sadystathere should be a countdown timer
14:12.03Sadystaand a warning - YOU ARE CAMPING, stop that
14:12.09Sadystajust an example
14:13.02Sadystaserver messages don't do much good when it comes to notifying users about mod functionality
14:13.20Sadystait has to be more pronounced, better integrated with the client
14:14.10Sadystai mean... how cool would it be to have some extra HUD information available as a mod
14:14.36Sadystalots of cheaters do this sort of thing by modifying the game source
14:15.06Sadystabut there are also fair players who would like to see this kind of functionality (like flag colouring, or shock wave range indicator)
14:16.03Sadystabut that's front-end like you've already said
14:16.38Sadystahowever should somebody want to add a new weapon type
14:16.51Sadystamodifications in both client and server code are necessary
14:17.14Sadystalibgame could be callback-based
14:17.37Sadystathis way mods would simply register a new type of bullet and a handler routine for this kind of bullet
14:18.00Sadystalibgame would call the appropriate mod code when necessary
14:19.16Sadystaso the plugin system as I see it definietely requires separation of game logic and drawing
14:20.57Sadystahmm I think that's about it, I'm better with coding than with speeches ;)
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14:22.33Sadystaoh, not to mention that libgame would make moving the simulation part from client to server easier and thus prevent cheating
14:28.15brlcadwe can go into more detail later, but I do have to run (meeting)
14:30.02Sadystaok, I hope we will, thank you
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16:34.07KTL[A]sta  <- how did he - with those max and min losses, get a low strength index of -1296 ?
16:36.12donny_bakerby maximizing the effect of the algorythm?
16:36.47KTLi cant remember it but there was nothing eponential in the formula iirc
16:39.13donny_baker($score / $wins) * abs($score / 2)
16:41.20donny_bakerscore:-45, wins:1 works out to -1012.5
16:41.28KTLow it works out indeed
16:42.52donny_bakerwonder what it calculates if you have no kills? bet it just assumes at least one
16:43.10donny_bakerkills = $wins ... I'm guessing
16:43.50donny_bakerotherwise you end up with a div/0 error
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16:56.07donny_bakerhi Alesis-Novik welcome back :)
16:56.49Alesis-Novikhow are things? :)
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16:58.49Alesis-Noviki was reading on creating real time AI. Found an approach using neural networks :)
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17:08.24brlcadAlesis-Novik: real time AI would be fun, but our infrastructure needs to be in place before we can start talking techniques
17:09.05Alesis-Novikso what could I help with? :)
17:09.20brlcadusing NNs, GAs, spanning graphs, A*,  etc would all sit at a layer above what we currently have in place
17:09.39brlcadAlesis-Novik: are you familiar with what's currently in place with bzrobots?
17:10.44Alesis-Noviki read some on the wiki, but is there somewhere more i could look at?
17:10.59brlcadbzrobots has a basic text communication protocol on the 'backend', sitting on top of that on the 'frontend' is the robodoc-compatible layer (exposed via C++ and Python bindings currently)
17:11.44JeffMthe secret ingredient to bzrobots.... is love..
17:11.52JeffMand THAT is why it is not compatable with windows.
17:13.02brlcadthe biggest work remaining is 1) making it work on windows (requires some refactoring and code hiding), 2) making sure all the robocode bindings work as expected, then 3) running the various existing available robocode bots through it (to weed out any remaining bugs)
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17:13.37brlcadGilly went through and fixed many (maybe most) of #2, but there are undoubtedly a few others remaining
17:14.06brlcadleaving 1 and 3 as the hot-topics -- once those are done, we can push it out to users with some tutorials
17:16.09JeffMIt would be nice to have a libary of bots too, I think many will simply want to use. not write
17:16.12brlcadSadysta: with your idea -- you can do that already (today) as a server plugin and has little/nothing to do with libgame -- what you described to me really just sounds like providing a similar infrastructure in the client
17:16.21brlcadi still don't see that being in libgame myself though
17:16.33brlcadas information display is a client-specific task
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17:18.25brlcadit might require libgame mods to support clean client-specific plugins, but those plugins shouldn't tie tightly to libgame (imho) and certainly shouldn't actually provide any gameplay-related functionality other than data display
17:18.38JeffMwhat is the idea?
17:19.02brlcadhe was basically talking about doing client plugins
17:19.09JeffMI'd be against that
17:19.10brlcadbut that tie in with server plugins
17:19.39JeffMI'd rather have a message API that can just tell the client to do the things you need it to do
17:19.49JeffMthen you can ensure everyone has it
17:19.57brlcadI can see client plugins iff they are display only -- e.g. "put the radar over *here* and draw the tanks as little bunnies"
17:20.12JeffMyou don't need plugins for that
17:20.15JeffMyou can do that over the wire
17:20.27JeffMbasicly implemnet that API part as net messages
17:20.31brlcadsure you could
17:20.36JeffMthat overide default behavor
17:20.40brlcadif you wanted to enforce a look globally
17:20.43JeffMthen we do not have to send executable code
17:20.49brlcadi'm talking about client-specific theming abilities
17:20.57JeffMif you don't then the server does it per player based on a prefrence that is sent at startup
17:21.14JeffMfor that you just need a flexable UI def format
17:21.16JeffMlike XML
17:21.20JeffMnot plugins
17:21.37JeffMEQ2 does it all with XML
17:21.37brlcadmaybe they want a little round radar in the top-right, for example -- that would be a client "plugin" that someone could script/code up
17:22.14brlcadyou could do it with xml or plugins or some sort of protocol, they all get the same end result
17:22.25JeffMit'd have to be very generic, because if we change rendering systems we'd want it to go with it.
17:22.36brlcadthe client is still just responding to a set of server notifications and presenting that data in different ways
17:22.38JeffMbut yeah, if it's HUD stuff, that's not libGame
17:22.40JeffMthat's client
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17:23.07JeffMI'd like the server to be able to do more, such as say "use this for a radar image for this guy" to open up new game modes.
17:23.09brlcadyeah, it's mostly be a matter of sorting out "types" of data being send from the server (which it does kinda know via the Msg type
17:23.20JeffMas well as being able to have the server display arbitrary data
17:23.45JeffMprobalby should look into how quake did it, they did a LOT of mods only on the server, even those with UI elements.
17:23.53JeffMvery flexable
17:24.27brlcadthey were also closed when that came out so they could push code :)
17:24.28JeffMas for UI scripting, I'd look at the MMOs for insperation, as they have a lot in the way of user created UI content
17:24.39JeffMbrlcad, they do nto push code
17:24.49JeffMthe server has a rendering state for every client ;)
17:24.54JeffMthey push out commands
17:24.55brlcadah, yuck
17:25.26JeffMyeah I'd not go that far, but they did define a network based API to tell the client to draw things, like "Add this to the end of the score"
17:25.45brlcadyeah, that sounds really ugly to me
17:26.07JeffMI'm just saying look at it to see how they did it, and then work from there ;)
17:26.10JeffMnot to use it
17:26.25JeffMWoW has a very powerful UI system
17:26.32JeffMto the point where users can add new UI features
17:26.48JeffMsuch as party trackers and the like
17:26.55Erroneoussomething like that would be more appropriate for bzflag, I think
17:26.58JeffMwe'd of course have to limit what you can do, or it ets close to cheating
17:27.08brlcadthe stuff trepan did for spring was more what I was thinking
17:27.21JeffMyeah the wow model should be looked at as an example I think
17:27.22brlcadthe client already has the information, you just provide a simple API for writing your own widgets
17:29.13brlcadWow also has a very powerful/big team of developers ;-)
17:29.51donny_bakeras do we.. oh, wait ... at least powerful, not so big judging from shirt sizes
17:30.01JeffMbrlcad, and that is exactly why we shold try to leaverage there work by looking at what they have done ;)
17:30.34brlcaddonny_baker: heh
17:30.50JeffMyeah we are skewed to the skinny bastards ;)
17:31.04brlcadthrows the curve
17:31.14JeffMno, the 14 year olds do
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17:31.57JeffMany more word from the people that don't like games?
17:32.57brlcadnot yet
17:34.09Erroneousand people wonder why open-source gaming is not taken seriously...\
17:34.11JeffMI'm betting it's just cus they get a lot of kiddies
17:34.23JeffM"no we don't do quake mods"
17:37.28Erroneousmaybe there's room for a game-specific umbrella org
17:37.32JeffMConstitution, so what bug did you fix?
17:37.37JeffMErroneous, there could be
17:38.13JeffMthe problem woudl be getting somone to create one
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17:38.58JeffMI can understand why they would be leery given that compared to a more "regular" app, game projects tend to have higher precentages of less then relyable people.
17:39.09TheRedBaronErroneous: a game specific umbrella org?
17:39.26JeffMTheRedBaron, for stuff like NPO and copyright holdings
17:39.43brlcadErroneous: they did refer to such an existing org, looking into it
17:39.58brlcadi'll start cc'ing then I get a solid contact going
17:40.10JeffMbrlcad, is that "org" named "E.A." ?
17:40.15JeffMTheRedBaron, no profit org.
17:40.17TheRedBaronpardon my ignorance
17:40.29TheRedBarona 103c
17:40.33JeffMgetting us out of having to pay the man
17:40.39TheRedBaroner 5013
17:40.54JeffMaka "the bzflag foundation for tanks that don't shoot so good"
17:41.02TheRedBaronwhere do I apply?
17:41.29JeffMooo, we could get NPO status as being a church!
17:41.49brlcadat least "not-for-profit" .. the orgs can under the right conditions actually make a profit and distribute
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17:42.45brlcadwe certainly don't operate to make a profit regardless
17:43.02a_temp_workJeffM, there was only one day notice to pre-order the zipper hoodie?
17:43.08JeffMnot a profit that we don't want to turn back into the game
17:43.15JeffMa_temp_work, nope, the order is made and in production
17:43.30JeffMa_temp_work, the pre-order was up for ages
17:43.33JeffMlike a week
17:43.44a_temp_workI need to visit the forum more often :/
17:43.50JeffMor here
17:44.14a_temp_workwell I'll just get a couple shirts then
17:44.24JeffMI left the order open over the weekend too
17:44.31JeffMwhen I did the color post
17:44.34JeffMand closed it on the monday
17:44.46JeffMhoping that more people would check the site over a weekend
17:45.25JeffMa_temp_work, I think we'll be doing another printing soon
17:45.29JeffMso you can get one then :)
17:45.36Erroneouswe will most likely do another run, so you'll likely have another chance
17:45.42JeffMit'll be easier to do more pre-orders this time too
17:45.45Erroneoushm, JeffM done beat me to it
17:45.53Sadystahey guys, please notice that the plugin systems was just an additional idea. i'm perfectly aware what libgame is all about and I would like to do that - get rid of all that if (bullet->type==something) ...; in the radar drawing code and so on and so forth.
17:45.54JeffMour payment funds were "odd" this time
17:46.31Sadystait just happens that it would also let me implement plugins in the way I like but it's fine with me if the plugin system is not included in the official bzflag branch
17:46.32a_temp_workhalf in Marks - half in Yen?
17:46.39JeffMSadysta, well all the drawing should just be converted to mobile objects with a drawable and predition class
17:47.09JeffMa_temp_work, heh no, I had to pay it out of pocket, and get money from brlcad, and some from the paypal preorders
17:47.28JeffMthe next time it'll all come out of paypal so all the preorder money can go tward the actual order.
17:48.21Sadystapredition class?
17:48.38JeffMevery object has to know how to move inbetween updates
17:48.43JeffMit's not always a linear predtion
17:49.03JeffMflags fall, shots bounce, tanks drive, etc
17:49.08Sadystaoh, I see
17:49.26JeffMin the end the server should just say "hey, there is this thing tha draws like this, moves like this, and has this ID, track it"
17:49.39JeffMand the client just draws a big ol list of stuff
17:49.42Sadystathat's a reasonable separation - a FlagDrawable and FlagPrediction for example, right?
17:50.13JeffMyes but they should each be based off a base Draw and SIM base class
17:50.20JeffMso the drawing code dosn't care what it is
17:50.29JeffMit just ask each object to draw itself
17:50.32brlcaddifferent decorators
17:50.41JeffMthat way a headless client just dosn't have drawables
17:50.45JeffMyet still sims perfectly
17:50.49JeffMand we could mix and match
17:51.12brlcadwith that, many of the bzrobot problems on windows would (more easily) go away too
17:51.13JeffMif one of the dawawables is "just use this mesh" then we can make anything move around on the client ;)
17:51.19JeffMyes they would
17:51.21Sadystaand eventually the sim vode could be moved to server side
17:51.27brlcadstill have to rip out the dlopen stuff
17:51.29JeffMwell you do it on both
17:51.33JeffMbut y es
17:51.40JeffMthe real sim happens on the server
17:51.50JeffMthe cleint just does a parallel sim to keep drawing smooth
17:51.58JeffMbut always uses the state from the server on each update.
17:52.32JeffMthat makes the client just a "dumb" terminal in the end
17:52.36Sadystawell, yes... but I mean the whole logic is done on client side as far as I know
17:52.41brlcadone of the original ideas with libgame is that if it's effectively a sim of the game state, the clients could still retain their own view of the game -- just the official game state would be the server's game state
17:52.45SadystaI've seen flying guys shooting guided missles
17:52.58JeffMSadysta, much is done on the client now yes
17:52.59brlcadthen you could also decide whether to even turn off the client-side game-state entirely if you wanted (e.g. viewers)
17:53.05JeffMwe are slowly moving stuff to the server.
17:53.38JeffMyeah libgame would basicly have all the sim/predtion classes and the main object lists, etc..
17:53.52JeffMlibgame would be able to run a game as long as it had the input, anywhere
17:53.57Sadystaexactly the way it should be - client side simulation for smoothness only
17:54.10Sadystahowever that would not be 100% cheat proof
17:54.15JeffMnothing is
17:54.18JeffMyou can never be 100%
17:54.24TheRedBaroni've been out of the loop too long - why would bz need to pay the man?
17:54.28JeffMbut you can mimimise what the cheaters can do
17:54.29Sadystawell there's one thing that brings us close to 100%
17:54.35Sadystasening only a minimum of information
17:54.40JeffMto the point where it's minimal what they can do
17:54.50JeffMthat is our goal, to send minimal info
17:55.11JeffMwell a balalnce of it
17:55.13JeffMthere is a trade off
17:55.41JeffMTheRedBaron, cus it got money
17:55.47JeffMand is going to get more money
17:56.00TheRedBarondue to soc ?
17:56.10JeffMthat was the first part yeah
17:56.30JeffMwe are using some of that moeny to make shirts and sell them
17:56.36JeffMthat will make us some more
17:56.40JeffMand SoC this year, etc..
17:57.15Erroneousand we prefer to be able to roll all of that back into the project, rather than giving a fat slice to the man
17:57.27TheRedBaronThat i understand
17:57.30JeffMthe man dosn't want me to make more shirts
17:57.47TheRedBaronBut what does the project need $ wise? unless its booze for the devs? ;)
17:57.58JeffMtechincaly we could pay devs
17:58.01JeffMor have contests
17:58.03Erroneousprinting shirts, for instance
17:58.06JeffMor do feature bounties
17:58.10JeffMand yeah printing shirts and stuff
17:58.14JeffMthere are some things we can do
17:58.26Erroneousthere are a lot of things that require a certain amount of capital, even if most of it comes back
17:58.31a_temp_workbake sale
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18:00.11TheRedBaronthose are awesome things
18:00.12brlcadsees it mostly going to shirts and paying to send people to conferences
18:00.24brlcader, shirts and contests
18:01.07brlcadlike we could send TheRedBaron up to NY for a gaming presentation if we got accepted, etc
18:02.47brlcador out to LA for our semi-regular get-togethers, etc
18:02.58brlcador just to buy the devs booze works too
18:04.42Ebertdips a bzshirt in cold beer
18:06.53TheRedBaronbrlcad: so such orgs exists and 'we' (ie whoever) wouldn't have to create on ourselves
18:09.53JeffMthat would be the goal
18:10.07JeffMdoing it yourself is apperantly "not fun"
18:10.48TheRedBaronbut are there benefits for doing it yourself?
18:11.09JeffMtechincaly you have slightly more controll
18:11.09TheRedBaronor do they not outweigh the pitaness ?
18:11.20JeffMand you don't have to trust anyone else
18:12.31JeffMthere is probably also a shorter turn around time on getting stuff changed, cus you don't have that extra layer
18:14.38Erroneouscurses bad installers
18:14.57ErroneousKeyCreator decided to helpfully remove my Rainbow drivers when I uninstalled it...
18:15.12JeffM"no I need that to live!"
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18:37.58Sadystaok, Im back
18:39.03Sadystaso... I'm going to prepare an GSoC application as detailed as I manage to and send it to you when the registration period starts
18:39.44Sadystahow many applicants do you have already?
18:40.05Erroneoustechnically none, the application period has not started
18:41.40Sadystaand theoretically? ;)
18:42.00Erroneousa number of people have expressed interest
18:42.16Sadystathat's good
18:42.28Sadystabzf is my favourite game as of now
18:43.02Sadystaabsolutely addictive and it's so lovely watching newbies being like totally clumsy in their tanks :]
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18:48.18spldartthilthy newbie worm babies /zim
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19:24.54WinnyNever gonna give you up, never gonna let you down
19:25.12JeffMsadysta, last year we had over 40 applicants
19:26.31sadystaI suppose the more details I write in the application the better, right?
19:27.19sadystahowever writing a novel is not exactly what we all want to do ;)
19:27.25JeffMthe thing I find I look for, are "does the applicant know what they want to do." and "can they do what they want to do"
19:27.29sadystawould some code also do the job?
19:27.41JeffMI'd say no code in the app
19:28.47JeffMif you can't describe the idea to a layperson then it may not be a good idea is my moto
19:29.07JeffMthe propsal should mostly detail the major sections of work
19:29.21JeffMthat tells us that you do know what the impact and depth of the project is
19:29.40JeffMas well as that you have gone thru our code
19:30.11JeffMit's also good to give a detailed description of your experience in coding
19:30.27sadystaI was about to ask
19:30.39JeffMyou can also do changes and work on the project now, beffore SoC, fix some bugs etc.. to see how the dev system works
19:30.40sadystaI dont have a portfolio in english
19:30.47JeffMwhat language is it in ?
19:30.59sadystaPolish, I'm afraid ;|
19:31.06JeffMthat makes it harder for us
19:31.18sadystaa lot I guess
19:31.23Erroneousyou can give brief descriptions of what you did in english
19:31.34JeffMthe more the better, but we can get a trasnlator
19:31.38brlcadsadysta: feel free to share your proposal before the registration starts
19:31.48brlcadthen we can work on commenting/cleaning it up early
19:31.58sadystathat would be nice
19:32.00JeffMeveyrone we accepted last year had good comunciation with us before the project.
19:32.41sadystaI've added this channel to my permanent join-list so I'll  be here daily giving you feedback on my progress with the application
19:32.44Erroneousthere is time for that during the application period also, so don't feel rushed
19:32.56Erroneousstart early, but take your time
19:32.59brlcadsadysta: another thing that will probably be required is for all applicants to make a patch of some sort
19:33.06brlcaddoesn't have to be anything big, but has to be "something"
19:33.16JeffMjust to show that you know how our system works
19:33.36brlcadeven fixing a typo or a bug, something to show you've actually compiled, can compile, can make a patch, can post a tracker item, etc
19:33.41sadystagood idea, indeed :)
19:33.42Erroneousjust proves you know how to build bzflag and can affect the code positively
19:33.43brlcadgive us a feel for interacting with you too
19:33.59Erroneousand hopefully proves that you've read DEVINFO (you have, right? :) )
19:33.59JeffMI still say we should get am all together in a game in trunk ;)
19:34.08ErroneousJeffM: I support that idea :)
19:34.23Erroneoustimzoneage would be a challenge
19:34.24brlcadyou can show off if you like with the patch, but it should be something we can apply (e.g. fixing a bug or typo .. just not whitespace)
19:34.27sadystahehe, Im quite proficient with making things compile and run ;)
19:34.38sadystaI've read it I guess
19:34.38JeffMErroneous, perhaps, but it would show how they could cope with peple in various zones
19:34.57brlcadyeah, but if we schedule it, shouldn't be a problem
19:35.00JeffMsadysta, well that will be a big part of any project so you may want to start now
19:35.06brlcadthey can plan for it
19:35.22JeffMand we can see how well they cope with planed stuff ;)
19:35.23sadystaactually I've compiled bzflag twice, on Linux so not a big deal
19:35.28brlcadwe can hold multiple sessions too if needed
19:35.32Erroneousbrlcad: still, it's hard to find a time when people from india and poland and california can all actually be awake :)
19:35.51Erroneousyeah, that can be done
19:35.53JeffMErroneous, you go to sleep at like midnight
19:35.53sadystaI've prepared a version to play with my colleagues on LAN which had the modified HUD thing
19:36.10sadystahowever it's beyond the scope of libgame
19:36.31JeffMsadysta, just hit the bug list, or tracker on SF and make some change ;)
19:36.32brlcad2am EST / 11pm PST would probably work well
19:36.34JeffMand make a patch
19:36.45brlcadthat gets most of europe/india early in the day
19:36.48Erroneousas far as the patch, it does NOT need to be related to the code you're applying for
19:36.50sadystawill do
19:37.00Erroneouscan be, but doesn't need to be
19:37.08JeffMI'd actualy prefer it to not be ;)
19:37.22JeffMshows you can work in more then one place in the code if need be
19:37.51brlcadsadysta: yeah, not an actual bonefide feature change unless you want to go through the whole review/acceptance/reject process with the patch too
19:38.08brlcadmodified HUD would not be something likely applied right away
19:38.24brlcadunless you fixed a typo ;)
19:38.34JeffMand I make those ALL the time
19:38.35Erroneousbugfixes are good
19:38.41JeffMI make those too
19:38.43Erroneoustypo fixes are ok
19:38.57brlcadhard bug fixes are awesome
19:38.59Erroneousenhancements would be more of a challenge
19:39.11Erroneousyeah, fixing bugs is ideal
19:39.18Erroneouswe have PLENTY to go around ;)
19:39.41sadystathat's the exact thing I was planning to do when  you mentioned a patch ;)
19:40.43*** join/#bzflag ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
19:40.43*** topic/#bzflag is || || || logs at || || 2.0.10 is the latest public release || BZFlag is in GSoC 2008 , join #gsoc if you're interested in participating (students) mentor blog ->
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19:43.16JeffMTimRiker, taking the grand bot tour?
19:44.35Winnygives TimRiker a botsnack
19:45.33brlcadahh, that's the a*hole that was spamming leslie and others at google
19:45.48brlcadupset that their project wasn't accepted and that bz was as a "WAR" game
19:46.30brlcadhe apparently added an "idea"
19:46.39JeffMtroll here?
19:46.48JeffMor on the wiki?
19:47.21JeffMwonders if TimRiker is going to clean him out of small shirts
19:47.49Winnybrlcad: what did he add?
19:48.11JeffMWinny, you can check the history
19:48.24Winny2008 ideas?
19:48.46Erroneousbrlcad: there were several.  I just dropped them onto Ideas, they definitely didn't belong on the SoC page
19:48.57Erroneousfeel free to purge or clean as necessary
19:49.35JeffMhe put them on the SOC page first?
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19:50.12Erroneousseveral people, not just several ideas
19:50.27ErroneousI think some people took <INSERT YOUR  IDEA HERE> a little bit too literally
19:51.22JeffMchanged it to,  Suggest your own idea
19:51.54brlcadI protected the page
19:52.08brlcadthose users weren't registered
19:53.14JeffMheh, add global warming to bzflag... yeah....
19:53.27JeffMwhat was his project that didn't get accepted?
19:53.52brlcadI didn't ask
19:54.36brlcadshe panic'd early one morning as he'd apparently spammed one of their management-visible lists, but it apparently got filtered/moderated and others told her how absolutely absurd he was
19:54.45brlcadjust whining that he didn't get picked
19:55.13Erroneous'cause that's a sure way to get picked next year, uh-huh
19:55.14JeffMnot the best way to make it so you get picked next year
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21:32.22JeffMdonny_baker, did you get the wiki button made?
21:32.45JeffMhey Saturos_ how's it going?
21:36.48WinnyTotally OT but very cool:
21:38.59JeffMdid anyone ever test thief in trunk?
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21:49.40brlcadwow, that's nfg .. the org that sfc referred us to is not only non-existent but also not in line with us philosophically either, and seem to be rather inexperienced in what they're trying to undertake
21:49.59JeffMthose bastards
21:50.09JeffMwho did they send you too?
21:50.15brlcadthere's still two other leads to follow up on
21:51.10brlcadat least one of the pysoy engine guys (probably more than one) are "in the process" of setting up an umbrella/incubator org
21:51.52marzipan_is there a command ingame that prevents you from beeing idle kicked ?
21:51.54brlcadthey've actually picked a great name, but don't have really any of the paperwork done yet from what I could gather
21:52.28brlcadalmost a vaporware org at this point, might as well say I'll get logging implemented before they file their charter
21:52.52JeffMmarzipan_, you can pause
21:52.57brlcadmarzipan_: yeah, it's hooked to the mouse
21:52.59JeffMbrlcad, what name?
21:53.04brlcadyou keep moving it, and you don't get idle kicked ;)
21:53.09brlcadthe "Copyleft Games Group"
21:53.14JeffMnot bad
21:53.18brlcadyeah, I like it
21:53.37brlcadbut they're going the GNU-route of wanting to impose philosophy on their projects
21:53.45brlcadinstead of staying out of their business like sfc
21:53.46JeffMsuch as?
21:54.10brlcadwell they were going to be GPL-only before I'd talked to him
21:54.24brlcadno other OSI or FSF license
21:54.29JeffMthat's stupid
21:54.35brlcadit is
21:54.52brlcadthey're just trying to push an agenda more than actually doing anything that would benefit us I think
21:54.54JeffMkinda taking away the "freedom of choice" that they seem to want to say
21:55.00Erroneousm, that's too bad
21:55.00brlcadtells me their focus is amiss
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21:56.25brlcadthey would have potentially been okay with an LGPL game, but hadn't considered it yet
21:56.52JeffMprobably not good to get in bed with those people
21:56.52brlcad"guess we'd probobally not look at a LGPL engine but a game is another story, so long as it didn't depend on non-free dependencies"
21:56.58JeffMthe ori are not hallowed
21:57.01brlcadyeah, just smells that they've not thought things through yet
21:57.05brlcadooh, that reminds me
21:57.13brlcadto see if they've restocked stargate
21:58.31brlcadat their stage, going with them wouldn't really save us much work -- probably the opposite as we'd have to make sure our interests made it into the charter and bylaws .. at which point we're not saving much of any of the effort I was hoping to avoid
21:58.52brlcadstill, two more leads to follow-up on with SFC .. they said they would reconsider if we weren't a fit
21:59.06brlcadthey're just trying to encourage more orgs to establish
21:59.13brlcadas they are utterly swamped
21:59.19Erroneousit's also a bad sign when there are no hits on google for the org's name
21:59.36brlcadyeah, they have nothing done, hence the vapororg at this point
21:59.44brlcadthey've talked
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22:13.33sadystagtg, thanks for all the info, see you soon
22:16.38CIA-16BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r16750 10/trunk/bzflag/ (BUGS src/bzfs/WorldWeapons.cxx): support world weapon triggers for on death and on spawn
22:18.03brlcadkeeps reading that as sadist
22:19.31jftsangwith bz_eShotEndedEvent, could I get the location of the shot end and fire WWs there?
22:19.54JeffMnot till the server tracks the shots
22:21.17JeffMthe end message just has the shot and the reason
22:21.18jftsangis confused
22:21.25jftsangso BZFS knows when shots are fired and end
22:21.30jftsangbut don't get their positions?
22:21.41JeffMyeah basicly
22:21.45JeffMwe don't track them
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22:25.13CIA-16BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r16751 10/trunk/bzflag/BUGS: screw the riva 128...
22:25.50WinnyCan you add ""screw ATI", too? ;)
22:25.56Think_DifferentlATI ftl :P
22:26.12JeffMATI rage 128.. sure
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22:26.37Think_Differentlheh, what about the Rage XL?
22:27.20Erroneousthe XL is older than the 128
22:27.20JeffMI would not be realy want to fix any bug that is specific rage or riva
22:27.38JeffMGPU or nothin
22:29.09jftsangis there a problem with this? -loadplugin C:\BZFS\bzfscron.dll,C:\BZFS\crontab.txt
22:29.26JeffMare those valid paths?
22:29.37jftsangperfectly valid
22:29.50JeffMand the error you get?
22:30.16JeffMisn't cron nix specific
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22:30.30Erroneousshouldn't be, anyway
22:31.15jftsang*chord.wav* bzfs.exe - Entry Point Not Found : The procedure entry points ?c_str@bzApiString@@QAEPBDXZ could not be located in the dynamic link library bzfs.exe.
22:31.32JeffMyour plugin does not match your bzfs
22:31.46jftsangWin32 binary plugin. Requires 2.0.3b16 or newer.
22:31.57JeffMyou probably have a branch plugin with a trunk app, or vice versa
22:32.02jftsangI'm running bzfs 2.0.11
22:32.07JeffMbuild the plugin
22:32.10spldartSomeone mention testing thief in trunk? May I offer assistance?
22:32.14JeffMit was not built for your bzfs
22:32.28JeffMspldart, yeah go test it ;)
22:32.45spldartNeed a helper someone to steal from :squint:
22:32.59JeffMjftsang, the API has changed somewhat from that old beta
22:33.21JeffMcompile it
22:33.31JeffMIIRC it's in source
22:33.43jftsangbuilds bzfscron
22:33.52Erroneousjftsang: not to mention you need a newer version of it anyway, 0.1 had a ton of bugs
22:33.58Erroneoussearch that topic for "bzfscron 0.3.2 windows plugin"
22:34.13Erroneouswhich is probably built against 2.0.6
22:35.21Erroneousand if you want to build it, build that version not the old one
22:35.51Erroneousand note that it's completely unsupported.  the version in trunk (which requires 3.0) is the only one I care to fix.
22:37.06Erroneousand it's difficult to use and probably requires patches to build against current bzfs.  please read the entire thread.
22:38.55jftsangit's complaining about not having found bz_setPlayerAdmin
22:39.41jftsangwas that deprecated or something? I see that there is bz_grantPerm
22:39.44Erroneousquotes himself
22:39.46Erroneousplease read the entire thread.
22:41.57JeffMis this valid for a nix path? std::string globalPluginDir = "$(prefix)/lib/bzflag/";
22:42.09JeffMor will the $(prefix) part be taken literaly?
22:42.28Erroneousit will be, unless you pass it to a shell interpreter
22:42.30spldarthrm... can't find someone to try it on but it does 'LOOK' like TH is working
22:42.38Erroneousyou need to getenv and append it yourself
22:42.51JeffMwhat would the code for that be?
22:42.51jftsangspldart, I'll volunteer
22:43.10spldartWhen you ready we can use norang server
22:43.18spldartthe 'crash me' one
22:43.21jftsangI'm going on now
22:43.24ErroneousJeffM: depends what you're doing with it
22:43.35JeffMit's used to check for plugins
22:43.37JeffMto see if they exist
22:43.42JeffMit's the last path we check
22:43.43Erroneousyou need to be reading an environment variable that has been set
22:44.03Erroneousthen see the documentation for getenv
22:45.00Erroneousalternatively you can set it at compile time
22:45.14Erroneoussince make knows where it will be putting stuff
22:45.34JeffMhmmm I don't think I can do that part
22:46.14spldartWell.. it worked till we got kicked with communication error
22:46.25JeffMspldart, the flag worked?
22:46.25Erroneousmmm, comm errors are good :)
22:48.27JeffMErroneous, you, or any other nixie want to fix this one?
22:49.51Erroneouswould rather not
22:50.29JeffMas in, you just don't want to muck with make? or take out the dir as one place where they are searched for on a loadplugin ?
22:52.36JeffMnext fun question, should the API be able to iterate the bans?
22:53.05spldartTH took other tank flag
22:53.19JeffMcool, thanks
22:53.36TheRedBaronwhat about in the air?
22:53.43spldartI'm build 16748
22:53.50jftsangspldart, is the tank supposed to have green and blue ribbon-like stripes all over it?
22:53.51JeffMthe bug was on the server
22:53.52spldartIt was the norang server
22:53.59jftsangthat was when you had SH
22:54.23CIA-16BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r16752 10/trunk/bzflag/BUGS: Thief bug is fixed
22:54.42spldartI thought I got hit with a regular shot
22:54.45JeffMdid I stutter?
22:54.46tsI saw no thief while holding SH
22:54.47spldartand didn't blow up
22:55.04spldartWhat exactly is this bug?
22:55.08tsWithout SH I saw thief and it worked
22:55.11JeffMthe flag was not transfered
22:55.26spldartI stole a flag from JT?
22:55.26JeffMthe to and from were backwards
22:55.34tsWhere "working" is sadly kind of a joke
22:55.36JeffMwas there flag stealing?
22:55.47JeffMfrom the right person?
22:55.54tsWe could steal flags from owners that did not had SH
22:56.05JeffMok, good
22:56.13JeffMSH prevents the hit
22:56.22tsbut with SH we looked like cheaters
22:56.29*** join/#bzflag Paul_PL (
22:56.30JeffMthat's how the flag works IIRC
22:56.37JeffMshield prevents the hit
22:56.45JeffMso you were never stolen
22:56.56JeffMdid shield not drop after the hit?
22:57.18tsJeffM: By the way why is the code in bzfsPlayerStateVerify.cxx dublicated in another source file?
22:57.26spldartI thought it did... I had given myself a SH and asked someone to shoot me.. they got me with thief... Was that you ts?
22:57.30tsShield didn't saw the thief beam
22:57.43JeffMspldart, yeah that's the prolblem don't use SH ;)
22:57.43tsI think yes
22:57.46spldartI heard the flag click sound when I was shot
22:57.53tsPowerful shield :D
22:57.54JeffMuse a real flag
22:57.58spldartI stole a different flag no problem though
22:58.03spldartFrom JT
22:58.06JeffMwell the shield  will drop on the first hit
22:58.14JeffMafter that, TH is nonlethal
22:58.19JeffMcus you have no flag
22:58.33JeffMso yeah, TH vs. SH is a stupid matchup
22:58.53spldartIs there a very specific thing you would like to go back and test ts?
22:58.54tsIt's an exception
22:59.04spldartSo we are sure
22:59.10JeffMts, no it works exactly like it should, SH just trumps TH ;)
22:59.13tsspldart: Well, hard to say..there are so much bugs
22:59.29JeffMwell the point is to find and fix them
22:59.32spldartI'm just a lowly tester of code and bugs :)
22:59.35JeffMnot just moan about it
22:59.45JeffMts, now what code duped where?
22:59.48JeffMare they both called?
23:00.15tsJeffM: There are so many bugs..I can not identify which ones are "the same"
23:00.24JeffMI get that
23:00.28tsand my time is limited
23:00.34JeffMso sorry
23:00.49JeffMall I wanted to know was if the transfer worked, cus it used to not
23:00.49tsJeffM: The pause stuff is 2 times for example
23:00.52JeffMand it does
23:00.56JeffMts, in the same file?
23:01.04tsLet me search
23:02.48spldartis gonna hafta get a second rig setup with trunk build for future easy testing
23:03.03JeffMit makes it handy
23:03.08JeffMlaptop + desktop ;)
23:03.21JeffMthe only part that sucks is when I have to debug 2 clients and a server at the same time
23:03.45ErroneousJeffM: as in, I do not want to muck with out build system, especially with plugin stuff
23:03.51JeffMErroneous, ok
23:03.56JeffMIll leave it
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23:04.01tsJeffM: Hrm, I don't find it again :/
23:04.03JeffMI was goin thru the bug lists on sf
23:04.15JeffMts, ok, well if you do, I'll be glad to look at it.
23:05.36tsJeffM: I got one last question before going to sleep.
23:05.52tsJeffM: When I change windowing mode it'll freeze in 2.99
23:06.02JeffMin SDL?
23:06.06tsI don't come back to desktop..
23:06.11tsNo idea where
23:06.22JeffMbut you are using an SDL build right?
23:06.26tsgdb doesn't help, either..
23:06.47tsJeffM: Well, Mac OS X builds always using SDL
23:06.48JeffMyeah fullscreen debuging is hard, you need two displays, or remote debug
23:06.52JeffMok, OSX
23:07.02JeffMsame verison of SDL that you are using in branch?
23:07.18JeffMthat'd be one for the burlycad
23:07.19tsThat was the first thing I've checked
23:08.20JeffMnow you are going to windowed mode? or iconify?
23:08.42tsIconify doesn't work in fullscreen mode.
23:08.58JeffMjust trying to make sure we have the same language going on here :)
23:09.02tsOnly in window mode
23:09.29CIA-16BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r16753 10/trunk/bzflag/BUGS: reported lockup in OSX on swap from fullscreen to windowed mode (from TS)
23:09.42CIA-16BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r16754 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfsPlayerStateVerify.cxx: whitespace
23:09.49tsYeah, I admit I'm often not fully understanding what people say in english
23:10.06JeffMthats why I try to ask more then once to be sure I get the same answer ;)
23:10.18tsThe terms often sound soo strange
23:10.21JeffMthen that means it's probably correct in interpertation
23:10.42JeffMplays the compiling music
23:10.57tsgoes off to sleep
23:11.43JeffMnow, back to the question, should the API be able to iterate bans?
23:18.14*** join/#bzflag TheRedBaro1 (n=Kalen@
23:21.35blast007fun, bzadmin on 2.0.x locks up (inf. loop) when you try to use the F2 > Show Players when you're in rabbit chase mode, and there is no players.
23:22.08spldartthat's specifica
23:22.14spldartn c
23:23.08blast007I can run it through gdb, but I'm not sure how to break operation and see where it locks.  Guess it's time to find a manual for GDB.  ;)
23:23.47spldartcould uses some tutoring on GDB as well
23:28.05blast007I could probably just run bzadmin on Windows and do this with VC...
23:28.05spldartOk.. don't have a laptop since my toughbook died so powering the PC I hack wireless netw... I mean my extra pc and I'll build another trunk on it ;-)
23:28.35spldartand that reminds me...
23:30.33*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
23:30.37spldartmust.. get.. curses.. on.. windoze
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23:33.07short_circuitreally tripped ona network cable
23:33.13short_circuitI'm so ashamed
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23:41.05blast007spldart: curses is pretty easy to get going.  I could probably even give you my built copy of it.  I'm not 100% sure it would work, since I use VC7.1
23:42.48spldartCan you point me to a download of the source that I can easily build in vc8?
23:52.57blast007I can't recall, but you might have to build that from the command prompt.
23:53.20spldartthank you
23:53.59spldartstill getting second machine setup... must have dual trunk goodness!!!
23:54.02*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
23:54.26JeffMthat was not the resize handle :(
23:54.29blast007spldart: ah, second machine
23:54.31blast007JeffM: hehe
23:55.26spldartI'm figuring that when I'm in super help mode having one windows and one linux rig side by side ready to build can be of help and use to me for testing

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