IRC log for #bzflag on 20080115

00:09.14delusional_woop, wrong window
00:09.45Thumper_delusional_: no that's the right window. please clean up that mess
00:13.45*** join/#bzflag O-Neil (
00:21.43*** join/#bzflag jwir3 (
00:27.18*** join/#bzflag Doctor-Who (
00:28.02*** join/#bzflag tannerld (
00:33.09AHADoctor-Who: hi
00:33.19AHADoctor-Who, hi
00:35.48blast007hi ducktapebz
00:36.25ducktapebzhey blast
00:37.53*** join/#bzflag retro (
00:48.17Winnystupid OT question
00:48.39Winnyyou know on sites, you see the things, that when you click on a link to a picture, the flash window pops out, and shows the image?
00:49.00MacrosoftWinny: i thought that was javascript
00:49.03blast007flash window? or just DHTML?
00:49.11Winnyhmm, I could swear it was flash
00:49.18spldartOh... sry... that was wrong window.. meant that for the dodgeball channel
00:49.37Winnyblast007: aaah!
00:49.51blast007there's dozens of variants of that concept
00:52.02MacrosoftWinny: the secret behind those windows:
00:55.36*** join/#bzflag O-Neil (
01:07.20*** join/#bzflag sigonasr2 (
01:20.24CBGMacrosoft: those aren't "windows"...
01:22.43*** join/#bzflag Mets (
01:34.31*** join/#bzflag FusionDude (n=jwmelto@unaffiliated/flash)
01:41.10*** join/#bzflag lepoulpe304 (
02:06.36*** join/#bzflag nn-main (n=nn@
02:07.35nn-mainwhat are other bzflag related channels on freenode ?
02:07.54AHA/ns list *bzflag*
02:08.02AHA/cs list *bzflag*
02:08.06blast007there are some for specific servers as well, but those vary
02:08.15*** join/#bzflag whodaman-_ (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
02:09.31AHAnn-main: what are you looking for?
02:20.14*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (n=shedelj@unaffiliated/thinkdifferentl/x-838543)
02:43.52Macrosofthe would probably hug back, if it wasnt for everyone suffocating him with constant hugs :p
03:01.25*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
03:10.59*** join/#bzflag Quol (
03:37.17*** join/#bzflag bier_ (
05:37.31*** join/#bzflag delusional (
05:55.53*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
05:55.53*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
06:57.14*** join/#bzflag bier_ (
06:58.03*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (
07:28.32*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (n=l4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r)
07:28.32*** mode/#bzflag [+v L4m3r] by ChanServ
07:30.42*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
07:58.32*** join/#bzflag rob1n (n=rob1n@unaffiliated/rob1n)
08:17.59*** join/#bzflag CBG` (
08:42.20*** join/#bzflag brizben (
08:43.22brizbenhello I haven't played bzflag for a while and I forgot my bzflag name that i registered to my email address. How do I get it back?
08:46.02short_circuitYou lost your email addy too?
08:46.03brizbenhello is anyone there?
08:46.20brizbenshort_circuit,  no I still have my email addy I forgot my username
08:46.37short_circuithave you done a search on bzflag forums?
08:46.58brizbenYes the forums do not have my email address on them and I did not post on the forums
08:46.59short_circuitor you never posted?
08:47.10brizbenregistered user only
08:48.59short_circuitDid you delete your confirmation email?
08:49.25brizbenyeah my old computer died and I have done a totlaly new install
08:50.07short_circuitmeh... :-(
08:51.31short_circuitSry...@ the moment I can't think of a good way to procede :(
08:51.54brizbenoh well I also have a new email so I may just have to get a new profile going
08:52.06brizbena new work email
08:52.20brizbenthanks for the help bye
08:55.57*** join/#bzflag Chewie[] (
09:51.15*** join/#bzflag Winny (n=KyleVE@unaffiliated/winny)
10:27.40*** join/#bzflag O-Neil (
10:27.52*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
10:31.03*** join/#bzflag hachiya (n=nya@
10:32.25*** join/#bzflag BakaInu (n=c88209c7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
10:51.06*** join/#bzflag tannerld (
10:51.14*** join/#bzflag Doctor-Who (
10:53.00*** join/#bzflag Warinthestar (
10:54.55*** join/#bzflag Wits (
11:21.41*** join/#bzflag Suspect (
11:50.38*** join/#bzflag noyb (
11:51.46*** join/#bzflag AHA (n=aha@unaffiliated/aha)
12:07.33*** join/#bzflag triclops (
12:13.13*** join/#bzflag randomparticle (n=faber@about/essy/snick/randomparticle)
12:28.42*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
12:42.24*** join/#bzflag lepoulpe303 (n=LePoulpe@about/essy/MobileTarget/LePoulpe303)
12:59.15*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
13:00.45*** join/#bzflag F687s (
13:28.05*** join/#bzflag LongDo1 (
13:33.17*** part/#bzflag delusional (n=delusion@unaffiliated/delusional)
13:38.36*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
13:40.50*** join/#bzflag delusional (
14:02.09*** join/#bzflag ElectricElf (
14:06.35*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
14:08.52*** join/#bzflag QuantumBeep (n=QuantumB@
14:19.17*** join/#bzflag KTL (
14:40.00*** join/#bzflag Epyon (
14:41.09*** join/#bzflag zee608 (n=cdd51583@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
14:48.31*** part/#bzflag delusional (n=delusion@unaffiliated/delusional)
15:26.33*** join/#bzflag O-Neil (
15:45.06*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (n=timr@
15:45.06*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
16:00.55*** join/#bzflag ts (
16:35.01*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
16:46.44*** join/#bzflag Tedius (n=Tedius@musictech.MUSC.CWRU.Edu)
16:51.26*** join/#bzflag Saturos (
17:31.39*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (n=l4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r)
17:31.39*** mode/#bzflag [+v L4m3r] by ChanServ
17:39.58*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (n=l4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r)
17:39.58*** mode/#bzflag [+v L4m3r] by ChanServ
17:48.28*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
18:08.39*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
18:39.34JeffMstupid MCP.. supid signed short resource size counts.
18:47.15*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
18:58.38*** join/#bzflag delusional (
19:03.34donny_bakerthe ones for open combat?
19:05.07*** part/#bzflag LongDon (
19:07.33donny_bakerthey are cool looking
19:48.31*** join/#bzflag Epyon_ (
19:50.45*** join/#bzflag Suspect (
20:00.55*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (
20:01.02*** mode/#bzflag [+v L4m3r] by ChanServ
20:18.46*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
20:18.46*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
20:41.32*** join/#bzflag sigonasr2 (
20:48.19*** join/#bzflag _anomaly_ (
20:50.28*** join/#bzflag _anomaly_ (
20:52.30*** join/#bzflag _anomaly_ (
21:21.07*** join/#bzflag QuantumT1m (
21:26.27*** join/#bzflag AHA (n=aha@unaffiliated/aha)
21:45.24*** join/#bzflag zee613 (n=40cbb8dc@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
21:52.16*** join/#bzflag F687s (
22:01.57*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (i=l4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r)
22:01.57*** mode/#bzflag [+v L4m3r] by ChanServ
22:03.45*** join/#bzflag rtfm_ (
22:04.37ryanakcais there any way to see groupmembers ?
22:04.53AHAOf a global group?
22:04.59AHAor a local group?
22:05.37whodaman-Both ways, yes.
22:06.08JeffMare you a member of the group?
22:11.23ryanakcaand, local group
22:11.31ryanakcaglobal group I can see with the forums
22:14.06*** join/#bzflag QuantumBeep (n=QuantumB@
22:16.55*** join/#bzflag Warinthestar (
22:17.19whodaman-ryanakca, are you in the owner of the local group?
22:17.48ryanakcawhodaman-: yes
22:17.57ryanakcawhodaman-: I own the server itself :)
22:18.21whodaman-then, look at the group database you made for the local groups
22:39.47F687sis there any reason for the coloring of servers on the list server?
22:39.50*** join/#bzflag TJ13820 (
22:40.02whodaman-F687s, yeah
22:40.04whodaman-number of shots
22:40.25sigonasr20=purple 1=blue 2=green 3=yellow 4=orange 5=red and gets dark red around 7
22:42.51TJ13820does anyone know how to get a server through 2 nat routers?
22:46.13JeffMlots and lots of port forwarding
22:46.57JeffMyou'd forward the ports from the topmost nat to the internal IP of the inner nat, then on that inner nat forward the ports again to the final server
22:47.03JeffMthen watch the lag rool in
22:47.35JeffMwhy are you double nated?
22:52.04TJ13820i have a server on the first (Domain-BIND) and another mirrored behind the next (Domain and web sites)
22:52.29TJ13820i sell domains and that's all for security and keeping one alive all the time
22:52.31JeffMif youv'e set that up then you should be more then familiar with port forwarding.
22:52.50TJ13820well, access to the first router is quite restricted
22:53.04TJ13820it's a company router in my home and belongs to my mother
22:53.27JeffMwe'll you'll need access to them both to forward the ports
22:54.05TJ13820ok, how about a DMZ on the first and second to put it infront of both?  pheesable?
22:54.27JeffMup to you and your setup
22:54.33JeffMDMZ is just a blind port forward
22:54.38JeffMdon't care how you forward the ports
22:54.43JeffMas long as they are forwarded
22:56.38TJ13820alright, i'll try it
23:15.23*** join/#bzflag spldart (
23:28.06*** join/#bzflag Warinthestar (
23:28.10*** join/#bzflag Wits (
23:29.19*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
23:33.18*** join/#bzflag AHA (n=aha@unaffiliated/aha)
23:41.48*** join/#bzflag Erroneous (

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