IRC log for #bzflag on 20071223

00:05.58*** join/#bzflag blast007_nokia (
00:25.28*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
00:29.26*** join/#bzflag Winny (n=KyleVE@unaffiliated/winny)
00:32.29*** join/#bzflag O-Neil (
00:37.38*** part/#bzflag blast007_nokia (
00:50.25*** join/#bzflag O-Neil (
00:57.36WinnyI'm a VM noob. What Virtual emulation software runs on windows?
00:59.08Winnywait.. nvm.. VMWare, duh
01:00.40blast007and Virtual PC
01:01.26Winnydoes it support linux?
01:03.07blast007if you're wanting to run linux in the VM, use VMWare Server
01:11.59JeffMVMware > all others
01:12.00Macrosofthow does one use virtualization in linux?
01:12.09JeffMone runs VMware
01:12.15Macrosoft...or is it windows only?
01:12.16JeffMVMware is an app
01:12.24JeffMit runs on may OSs
01:13.04JeffMif your CPU and host OS support hardware virtualisation then it uses it
01:13.08JeffMit won't be a package
01:13.11JeffMit's not open source.
01:13.33Macrosoftis it expensive?
01:17.06Macrosoftnvm, theres xen
01:19.59Macrosoftanyone played "wii play" yet?
01:20.23WinnyI have it
01:20.53MacrosoftWinny: i just played it today. the tank game is awesome
01:21.15Winnyoh. Perhaps I'm thinking of wii sports
01:24.09[dmp]Macrosoft: Tank is too fast - the matches is quickly over. Too bad they didnt work more on it
01:25.42Macrosoft[dmp]: its still a good game.
01:30.40JeffMportions of VM ware are free
01:30.45JeffMVMware Server IIRC
01:30.49JeffMit'll do all you want
01:53.34*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (i=DTRemena@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
01:53.34*** mode/#bzflag [+v DTRemenak] by ChanServ
01:53.39Cybo-mdownload the server for free (register to get a lincense key)
01:54.04Cybo-mruns on lin and win, you can run win on lin and vise versa IF you have virtualiztion in your cpu
01:55.04Cybo-mmany howtos to run vmserver on lin.  get .targz or rpm.  if deb, run alien --with-scripts to make a .deb from the rpm. works flawlessly
01:55.35blast007you don't *need* virtualization on your CPU
01:55.43blast007it just makes it faster
01:55.50Cybo-myou do to run win on top of linux
01:56.31blast007not sure if I ever tried it that direction
01:57.45Cybo-mplus virt. hardware give you much faster (near hardware speed) speed
01:59.23blast007Cybo-m: that's what I just said  ;)
02:03.45*** join/#bzflag Palomides (
02:24.43*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
02:30.08*** join/#bzflag bier_ (
02:31.28*** part/#bzflag F687s_ (
02:34.35*** join/#bzflag tannerld (
03:13.57*** join/#bzflag QuantumBeep (n=QuantumB@
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03:50.58KTLthe code is so mixed with ... anonymous functions, programmer defined syntax, type/subtype relation ships, special scala-only constructs
03:52.18*** join/#bzflag whodaman-_ (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
03:53.53mbfgthe nice thing tho is that java classes can be used as is in scala
03:54.53KTLyes scala can call existing java and with expertise (dont look at me) the opposite works too
03:55.07KTLin theory it looks great but i have a hard start :D
03:55.30mbfgwell, this is normal for new languages, as the documentation usually sucks at this point
03:59.00JeffMhe lives, how goes it mbfg ?
03:59.55mbfghows life under the mistletoe
04:00.35JeffMno mistletoe here
04:25.35*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (i=DTRemena@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
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04:26.12*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
04:26.12*** mode/#bzflag [+v bryjen] by ChanServ
05:01.28*** join/#bzflag Winny (n=KyleVE@unaffiliated/winny)
05:01.35*** join/#bzflag Flash (n=jwmelto@unaffiliated/flash)
05:01.50Flashhow do I unban someone?
05:03.12JeffMsee /unban
05:03.35Winnythere's an ID unban too
05:03.36FlashI tried that, but it says "no pattern removed"
05:03.50JeffMthen the patern you added wasn't in the banlist
05:03.56JeffMhas to be the same as what was added
05:04.12Flashthat would seem obvious.... I'm pretty sure I double/triple checked though
05:04.41JeffMdunno man
05:04.51JeffMit's not like it just wont' work sometimes :)
05:06.06Flashlooking back through the list, it looks like I managed to ban him for 1 minute and it expired before I figured out the right syntax
05:06.31blast007Flash: verify the ban still exist with /banlist, /idbanlist, and/or /hostbanlist
05:06.33JeffMthen there ya go :)
05:07.02FlashI probably botched the IP address the first time I tried it
05:11.03*** join/#bzflag prae (
06:59.44*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
07:34.33*** join/#bzflag Sir_Pants (
08:28.57*** join/#bzflag stylus (i=stylus@freenode/helper/stylus)
10:59.19*** join/#bzflag Warinthestar (
11:23.57*** join/#bzflag delusional (
11:34.40*** join/#bzflag donny_baker (n=joevano@about/essy/vvvvv/donnybaker)
12:11.58*** join/#bzflag stylus (i=stylus@freenode/helper/stylus)
12:57.25*** join/#bzflag gsnedders (
14:05.23*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (n=Spazzy_M@unaffiliated/spazzymcgee)
14:23.27*** join/#bzflag stylus (i=stylus@freenode/helper/stylus)
15:02.44*** join/#bzflag KTL (
15:02.47*** part/#bzflag KTL (
15:05.32*** join/#bzflag spldart (
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15:42.30*** join/#bzflag Wits (
16:07.07*** join/#bzflag jftsang (
16:07.42*** join/#bzflag Suspect (
16:47.05*** join/#bzflag giggsey (
16:47.15*** join/#bzflag Wits_ (
16:51.34*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
16:54.07*** join/#bzflag orange_ (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
16:59.57*** join/#bzflag Spazzy_McGee (n=Spazzy_M@unaffiliated/spazzymcgee)
17:01.58*** join/#bzflag short_circuit (
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17:17.46*** part/#bzflag spldart2 (
17:18.07*** join/#bzflag spldart (
17:18.33*** join/#bzflag jftsang_ (
17:19.02*** part/#bzflag ghost (
17:19.34*** join/#bzflag spldart (
17:30.27*** join/#bzflag Flash (n=jwmelto@unaffiliated/flash)
17:44.42*** join/#bzflag gsnedders (
17:49.45*** join/#bzflag blast007_nokia (
18:05.15giggseybzflag time
18:13.59*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
18:21.58*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
18:45.40*** join/#bzflag ViciousM (
18:51.52giggseyhmm, that Bridge map is cool
18:52.04giggseyAlmost identical to the America's Army Bridge Crossing
18:55.48Winnygiggsey: it was based on that map :p
18:56.00giggseyI thought it was
18:56.02giggseygood fun
19:04.06*** join/#bzflag Joss (n=josiah@
19:05.00*** join/#bzflag jftsang (
19:05.10jftsang~seen nn-main
19:05.14ibotnn-main <n=nn@> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 1d 17h 45m 31s ago, saying: 'shure brb'.
19:05.50Joss"shure"? isn't it "sure"?
19:06.42Winnyyeah, he can't spell to save his life
19:06.57Winny"hardware" = "hard where" for him
19:08.42Jossyeah, well thats understanable, after all, "Winny" = "iWinny"
19:09.12WinnyJoss: ?
19:09.25whodaman-I didn't get that ?
19:09.34WinnyiWinny = colloquy on my mac
19:10.59Joss"iWinny" and "Winny" are the same people under a different name ;)
19:11.21whodaman-I think you misunderstood Winny
19:11.25Joss"people" = "person" in the last message
19:11.58WinnyJoss: excuse my french, but what the heck are you talking about?
19:15.42jftsangnn-main should learn that "brb" = "be right back", not "be back in several days"
19:16.42Winnysomething probably came up
19:16.45Winnyor his crapcast broke
19:19.30whodaman-jftsang, he's online right now
19:19.42whodaman-on bzbb
19:19.49JossTell him to say "bbsd"
19:20.08jftsangwhodaman-: kay
19:20.16whodaman-be back some day?
19:20.16jftsanghow about bbojd
19:20.32Josssounds about right whodaman-
19:20.42jftsanghow about be back on judgement day
19:21.03Jossthat would be no fun though... because we wouldnt see him again...
19:23.37jftsangJoss: he would probably be trying to figure out how to spell "Linux" as he falls into the depths of Hell
19:23.43whodaman- - yay!
19:31.56*** join/#bzflag Sir_Pants (
19:38.10*** join/#bzflag Muffinguy (
19:40.39*** join/#bzflag Muffinguy (
19:42.21Winnyhow many people in here use vista
19:43.40WinnyI guess my little app would only be used by me :(
19:44.28pacman87my brother
19:44.49pacman87and my roommate
19:46.24*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (i=l4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r)
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19:55.08*** part/#bzflag LongDon (
19:55.14*** join/#bzflag Deepa (i=lisa@wrongplanet/deepa)
19:55.27Deepabrlcad, are you affilated with brl-cad :)?
20:01.51*** join/#bzflag AAA_Awright (
20:04.50*** join/#bzflag Sbgodin (
20:14.23*** part/#bzflag Sbgodin (
20:36.10*** join/#bzflag spldart (
20:54.37*** join/#bzflag brad (
21:06.34Winnylook it's brad!
21:08.32*** join/#bzflag a_temp_dist (n=temporal@about/essy/alarming/a-temp-dist)
21:09.00a_temp_distis there a way to tell the fog effect to start and stop at a certain altitude?
21:09.13Winnydon't think so
21:09.59*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
21:10.09Winnya_temp_dist: here. you can have a laugh and learn at the same time
21:12.02JeffMvolumetric fog is not easy
21:12.05JeffMeven with shaders
21:12.30a_temp_disti might just try a big mesh box and see what kind of hit on the FPS we get
21:12.49a_temp_distFPS hit*
21:12.51JeffMproblem will be when you go into it
21:17.19L4m3rholy crap Winny
21:22.11Winnyholy crap L4m3r
21:22.13Winnywhat? :p
21:23.30L4m3ryou were such a noob :P
21:23.41*** part/#bzflag a_temp_dist (n=temporal@about/essy/alarming/a-temp-dist)
21:23.58*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
21:28.34WinnyL4m3r :p
21:30.46WinnyJeffM: do you think something like this (windows-only) would be worth working on?:
21:31.26JeffMwhat am I looking at?
21:31.33JeffManother bzadmin interface?
21:31.50Winnywell, whole new bzadmin (concept)
21:32.06JeffMit would need a new backend?
21:32.11*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
21:32.25Winnyprobably, since I would be writing it in VB
21:32.40*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (n=Legoguy@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:71c9)
21:34.07spldartIs there a property that hard sets the max fps on bzflag? I've noticed that whether complicated or simple map and wether many or just me I stick almost perfectly to 60fps
21:34.22JeffMa beter graphical interface for bzadmin is a good project
21:34.31spldartMy old card used to get into the 200-'s at time
21:34.34L4m3rin Windows the framerate is capped at the screen refresh rate, iirc
21:34.41JeffMredoing it in a ratehr useless langguage, isn't
21:34.41bradspldart: /localset fpsLimit xxx
21:34.49L4m3ror you might be limiting it with the energy saver
21:34.51spldartMaybe that is set...
21:35.03spldartwindows before and after L4m3r
21:35.08JeffMVBL is up to the driver an all OSs
21:35.34JeffMWinny: do it in C# and make bindings to call the existing bzadmin backend.
21:36.29*** join/#bzflag Palomides (
21:36.37spldartpoop... that's not it brad :(... it's very curious... previous card was ati and this one is comparable nvidia
21:37.06*** join/#bzflag Warinthestar (
21:37.33bradis energy saver even on?
21:38.19spldartenergy saver? Not thought of that... checking
21:38.38spldartsaveenergy set 0
21:39.24JeffMand you checked the that the driver is set to "off"
21:39.30JeffMfor Vertical Sync?
21:42.37spldartchecking now
21:44.05WinnyJeffM: hmm, ok
21:44.17JeffMyou can do what you want of course
21:44.35JeffMI just don't see something done in VB going into the mainline codebase
21:44.50JeffMor you geting a lot of support/help on it
21:44.58Winnyhmm, I do suppose it would be more useful if it was cross platform
21:45.32JeffMI'm not entirely sure why you neeed a popup window for each player
21:45.39JeffMa simple right click menu would work
21:46.51spldartI'm thinking it has to do with the fancy nvidia control panel settings and the fact I'm running both rgb/dvi/ and svideo monitors... it probably is capping my fps to sync/refresh... whateva... thanks
21:47.20JeffMspldart: what is the controll pannel seetting set to
21:48.56spldartI'm not goin to fight with the details of the settings right now.. I think Cuz I'm running s-video too.. that it's auto syncing to 30/60.. I'm running to much of a fever @ this time to get involved in detailed setup... Stupid flu
21:49.19JeffMit's all due to the setting
21:49.28JeffMI run multiple displays and it works if I set it to "OFF"
21:49.32spldart103 F isn't condusive to bz play either hehe
21:49.58spldartWas the setting in the nv control panel or windoze settings?
21:50.14JeffMnvidia controll panel
21:50.39JeffM3d settings -> manage 3d settings -> scroll down -> vertical sync
21:52.16spldartvertical sync is set to 'use 3d application setting
21:52.24JeffMset it to off
21:53.38spldartThanks for walking me through that :) I'm really not all here right now hehe
22:01.53*** join/#bzflag spldart (
22:02.30spldartSry... hard locked when i played bzflag with that setting... but for a second my fps was very high
22:02.47JeffMprobably overheaded the card
22:03.40spldartProbably not... probably driver or setup issues... You'd have to see my ridiculous cooling hehe
22:04.09spldartI've had alot of issues with recent nv drivers in xp
22:04.20*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (n=Spazzy_M@unaffiliated/spazzymcgee)
22:04.35spldartproblems common to alot of others 2
22:04.58Winnyspldart: same here
22:05.12spldartI think it's recent drivers + 6000-8000 cards on some mobo's
22:05.28WinnyIve had issues with PCI-E 6600 and XP
22:05.30spldartI've had DirectDraw, refresh and multiple monitor issues for a while now
22:06.07spldartOf course, not long ago it was ATI that had all the driver problems ;)
22:06.46spldartThanks again all.
22:09.49WinnyI think I might go back to 78.01 or whatever I was using before.
22:13.12spldartI'm using old's now... but of course I don't get good support for new games if at all.. but the new drivers fail to directdraw at all.
22:14.33*** join/#bzflag Winny (n=KyleVE@unaffiliated/winny)
22:16.32Winnythere we gi
22:22.19*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
22:33.20*** join/#bzflag kick52 (n=kick52-i@
22:33.40kick52i have some sortof "request" thin
22:34.00Winnywhat kind of request?
22:34.12kick52basically, is there a way you can get a team to spawn in one place?
22:34.18kick52instead of random spaces?
22:34.19Winnyof course
22:34.22Winnyuse joinez
22:34.26Winnyerr, zones.
22:35.06kick52it is to do with one of the maps (pillbox.) i think that is 1st party.
22:35.18kick52anyway, sometimes you spawn in the enemy quadrant.
22:35.25kick52which is extremely annoying
22:35.25Winnyspawnzones are part of the BZW file
22:37.53*** part/#bzflag jftsang (
22:38.33kick52spawning in the enemy quadrant is annoying as you can grab their flag more easily, and if you want to defend you are screwed because you won't be able to make it back to your base
22:40.14*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
22:40.14*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
22:40.18Winnythe map doesn't use spawnzones
22:40.25Winnyit's just random generated BZFS
22:40.34Winnyand since it's random for BOTH teams, it balances out
22:40.59kick52hmm. it is balanced, though it is still annoying :(
22:41.18Winnythen talk to the server owner about adding zones
22:41.26Winnybut I doubt they'd really be inclined to
22:43.33kick52it just lessens my experience of the game really, since that is the only map i'm confident playing on
22:43.47*** join/#bzflag ViciousM (
22:46.08kick52i think i suck to much to enjoy this game anyway
22:46.34Palomidespractice makes perfect
22:46.38Palomidesperfect makes fun
22:49.39kick52practice isn't fun :p
22:49.58Palomidesbzflag is fun for me
22:50.09PalomidesI'm fairly good
22:51.33kick52i always get negative scores :|
22:51.59Palomideswell, it took me four years before I could hold my own on the internet
23:11.25*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
23:17.56WinnyJeffM: how hard is it to make a program compile under a different UI depending on OS?
23:18.24JeffMusing what UI framework?
23:19.10Winnyis it not possible to make it use the native window system of the OS? I'm planning out a UI, and I don't know if I should bother planning for more then one OS
23:19.38Winnyerr, "if I should bother planning for more then one window layout"*
23:19.52JeffMevery OS has native API for HI
23:20.18JeffMbut they are all difrent
23:20.34JeffMso if you write native windows UI code, it won't compile on a mac
23:20.45JeffMon the mac you'd need Apple windows code.
23:21.02JeffMunless you use a cros platform API
23:21.15WinnyI didn't word my question correctly
23:21.39Winnyas in, if I made a sepeate section in the code, each part specifying a native UI for the OS
23:22.17JeffMdepends how well your code is writen
23:22.22JeffMbut yeah it can be done that way
23:22.51JeffMclasses are better
23:23.03JeffMthat's what I did for the new bzedit
23:23.13JeffMview and app classes
23:27.17JeffMor just pick a GUI API
23:27.22JeffMlike GTK or WX
23:28.19Winnyyeah, I do suppose that would be better
23:29.19JeffMsimpler to code, yes
23:29.28JeffM"better" I cant' say yes to that
23:33.04*** part/#bzflag kick52 (n=kick52-i@
23:42.49WinnyI wonder what a vista-ish app would look like on OS X
23:43.27JeffMwhat do you mean by "vistaish?"
23:43.39JeffMall the fista stuff is done by vista
23:43.42JeffMnot the app
23:43.52WinnyI know, as in, the icons, etc..
23:44.08Winnysince 10.5 has a more matte look to it, and vista is shiny
23:44.14JeffMif you used the samae art, it'd have the same art
23:46.46JeffMtho in general icons are only used to lauch the app
23:46.50JeffMunless your toolbar heavy

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