IRC log for #bzflag on 20071102

00:16.19*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
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00:28.16*** join/#bzflag Thumper_ (n=Thumper@about/essy/coffeeAddict/Thumper)
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00:52.46*** join/#bzflag Djpenguin (
01:06.09*** join/#bzflag tannerld (
01:13.52blast007just a note to moderators: I believe I've fixed the issue where approved images would go into the wrong directory.
01:19.16*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (n=Legoguy@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:71c9)
01:36.24*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (n=Legoguy@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:71c9)
01:56.42*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
02:21.39*** join/#bzflag Pommes (n=Pommes@about/essy/frenchy/Pommes)
02:26.08*** join/#bzflag whodaman-_ (
02:39.24*** join/#bzflag bier__ (
03:41.28*** join/#bzflag bier__ (
03:52.24*** join/#bzflag QuantumBeep (n=QuantumB@
03:57.50ibotmethinks bz20svn is and svn co
04:02.13*** join/#bzflag rob1n (n=emp@unaffiliated/rob1n)
04:19.12*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (
04:55.05*** join/#bzflag The_Vaxorcist (
06:15.20*** join/#bzflag CBG_ (
06:33.10*** join/#bzflag QBeep (n=QuantumB@
09:41.19*** join/#bzflag bier__ (
09:52.22ruskiequestion... got a player... he's idbanned yet he's still playing...
09:52.26ruskiewhat's wrong
10:24.33*** join/#bzflag Suspect (
10:28.09*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
10:41.12*** join/#bzflag Suspect (
10:48.11*** join/#bzflag mebigfatguy (n=dave@
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11:16.18*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
11:30.09*** part/#bzflag LongDon (
12:02.39*** join/#bzflag bz74 (
12:08.33rtfmruskie: did they not identify?
12:09.01ruskiethey did
12:09.06*** join/#bzflag _anomaly_ (
12:09.08ruskiehence why I was suprised...
12:47.49*** join/#bzflag na1pir (
12:49.12*** part/#bzflag superfly[slo] (
12:59.30*** join/#bzflag Tedius (n=Tedius@musictech.MUSC.CWRU.Edu)
13:16.07Thumper_ruskie: does the player have antiban perms?
13:25.53*** join/#bzflag mebigfatguy (n=dave@
13:40.20ruskieThumper_, nope I checked
13:41.15ruskiehe unregistered and reregistered
13:41.26Thumper_ah so wrong bzid
13:41.42ruskieand it seems localy this time
13:41.55Thumper_you should disable local registration
13:42.05Thumper_unless you really need it for something
13:42.14*** join/#bzflag Djpenguin (
13:42.34Thumper_you don't need a local passdb when you have global auth
13:42.40Thumper_having both global and local is just confusing
13:43.39iboti heard bz20svn is and svn co
13:43.43*** join/#bzflag zee767 (i=504c2644@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
13:46.21delusionaladd the callsign to your badwords list, ruskie
13:46.35ruskieThumper_, well local comes right when global goes belly up
13:47.04Thumper_ruskie: but you get conflicts when a locally register user is different from the same name globally
13:47.25Thumper_and I can't remember which one wins
13:47.30Thumper_(local probalby)
13:48.06*** join/#bzflag QuantumBeep (
13:48.21Thumper_ruskie: just change his password locally ;)
13:48.22*** join/#bzflag mebigfatguy (n=dave@
13:49.30ruskieyeah Manu will handle that :)
13:55.45*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (n=Legoguy@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:71c9)
14:38.32*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
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15:43.49*** join/#bzflag keith80403 (
16:10.07*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
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16:22.13Macrosoftlol, someone wrote in a review for thermal compound "i accidently ate fried chicken with this stuff all over my hands"
16:23.27Macrosoftsounds like he wasted a lot of it, its only a 3.5gram tube
16:26.02L4m3reven then, you should only use a tiny bit of it
16:28.03L4m3runless you're a mac user of course *wink*
16:28.11Macrosoftyeah, i read that it only takes a tiny dot in the center, and the weight of the heat sink will spread it out
16:29.07Macrosofti bought some because most of the people recommended re-doing the compound on all of the sinks on my board
16:29.27Macrosoftbecause the manufacturer did a horrible job
16:29.48L4m3rredoing all of them is probably overkill, and most of them are probably attached with a thermal adhesive, so removing them is "fun"
16:30.10L4m3rCPU, NB, and GPU are usually all you have to worry about
16:30.33MacrosoftL4m3r: the say i should do the mosfet's too
16:30.46Macrosoftthe ones for the memory controller
16:30.47L4m3roh brother
16:31.00L4m3rif you're not overclocking you don't have to worry about it
16:43.01JeffM2 SATA ports do not cut it
16:43.33ruskiethen you're doing something wrong :)
16:43.52JeffMone drive for windows boot
16:44.04JeffMone drive for data backup
16:44.10JeffMand one to boot linux
16:44.14*** join/#bzflag Erroneous (
16:44.23ruskiecan't you string more ? or is there some limit?
16:44.37JeffMit's SATA
16:44.40JeffMone drive per line
16:44.55JeffMnewtech, not old tech
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16:44.56Macrosoft6 ports, not drives, though
16:45.32JeffMthat and I'd like 4 dimm slots
16:45.44L4m3rmine has 8, but they're on two separate controllers
16:45.52L4m3rso I can't do RAID across all 8 :P
16:45.58JeffMthis was the freebe ECS mobo that came with the CPU
16:46.45L4m3rI'm still waiting for external SATA devices to become common
16:47.12L4m3roh well, time for class
16:47.28JeffMthey sell esata case
17:09.57*** join/#bzflag noyb (i=noyb@nat/sun/x-d856a65e6da52331)
17:51.08*** join/#bzflag delusional_ (
18:38.39*** join/#bzflag Suspect (
18:39.38*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (
19:01.36*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
19:22.35liberviscoIf BZFlag community wants to take part of the upcoming Freedomware Gamefest 2007 you need at least 10 players to come out and sign up, including one who knows bzflag well and will participate in carving up the appropriate guidelines for the BZFlag tourney
19:23.23liberviscoOtherwise, we're all FPS
19:26.11liberviscoGamefest homepage is here
19:26.32liberviscoso if anyone's interested.. give it a push.. otherwise we wont be able to have bzflag included
19:28.37Winny10 players have to come? haha, good luck
19:29.18liberviscowe already have some, but as said that's a bare minimum, for a small tourney, especially if they're good 10 players ;)
19:29.29liberviscoby all means, go with 20, 50, 100!
19:29.45liberviscoBottom line is.. if you want in, come in! :P
19:29.59Winnydo they have to drive somewhere, or is it all over the 'net?
19:30.07liberviscoover the net
19:30.42whodaman-shouldn't be a problem then, I was thinking they had to go meet somewhere
19:31.41liberviscoI was thinking.. response has been low for games other than FPS so far.. and thought this may be because they aren't popular (bzflag not popular?), but it's really up to these game's communities to make a move.. we organize a fest and send out an invitation, it's up to you go get in
19:31.59liberviscoWe have one official press release left before we close the doors, around November 10 to 15
19:32.22WinnyDo you guys have a server for running BZFS? (our server software), Or do we have to run it ourselves?
19:32.36liberviscoWe have a running server
19:32.46liberviscoof course, you can go with an existing server too
19:33.00liberviscothe more the merrier (as backup options, for resolving ping situations etc.)
19:35.50ruskiehmm a net event..
19:35.50ruskiesounds fun
19:36.31WinnyI'd be willing to participate
19:36.48WinnyNot sure if the developers would like to approve BZFlag participating(?)
19:37.04liberviscoWhy would it be dependable on them? :)
19:37.25ruskieI'd be interested as well
19:37.30WinnyJeffM: it wouldn't be a problem, correct?
19:37.47liberviscoAnyone interested you can sign up here and specify BZFlag as your favorite:
19:37.49whodaman-libervisco: i'm sure you'd be able to get a lot more than 10 players
19:38.20ruskielibervisco, when does it start/run/etc?
19:39.20liberviscoruskie, between November 10 and 15, after the last press release (basically a last call and a promo campaign)
19:39.50whodaman-what times?
19:40.19liberviscoIf we see there are enough players we will discuss the general guidelines of play, put them up on the site and then start scheduling matches in accordance to them
19:40.29liberviscowhodaman-, depends on players' availability
19:40.43liberviscoprobably weekends would see most matches, but they can be any time players are available
19:40.59whodaman-and it would be FFA or teams or what?
19:41.24liberviscowhatever you wish really, players who signed up can decide what they want to play
19:41.34liberviscoand then we can group them or put into teams, brackets etc..
19:42.02whodaman-OK, so it's nothing to formal
19:42.15liberviscoThe thing is this is a multi-games festival so the organizers don't necessarily know each game inside out, we rely on particular game community's feedback
19:42.24ruskiehmm wouldn't it be better to pick the best maps from the current servers for each type of gameplay?
19:42.40Winnyas long as its not bloodbath or boxywar, I'm good :p
19:42.51ruskieI was thinking two castles for ctf
19:42.59WinnyHiX, Overlord, babel or pillbox would probably be good
19:43.20liberviscoIf you wish I can start a topic on this now?
19:43.28liberviscoand let you invite more people to it?
19:43.44whodaman-ruskie: you need more of a selection than just viper
19:43.55*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
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19:43.59whodaman-Winny: I know him
19:44.06whodaman-for what?
19:44.13Blue89"festival"? did I miss something?
19:44.19ruskiewhodaman-, lol... show me any other ctf map that isn't a direct slaughter house...
19:44.23Winnyit was ages ago, I just don't play on principle
19:44.48whodaman-ruskie: you could use one of the older classics
19:45.02WinnyPillbox FTW
19:45.08ruskiesince so far all the other ctf's I tried all were a slaughter house
19:45.28whodaman-and for maybe a rouge FFA, badgers & mofo
19:45.49ruskieconsidering I don't even know what my time will be like in that period(hopefully getting a job and such)...
19:46.21Blue89libervisco, ty
19:46.42whodaman-Maybe I could play one or two matches, it's just not organized enough yet to say
19:47.00JeffMWinny: huh?
19:47.08JeffMpeople can use the software however they want
19:47.22liberviscoindeed :)
19:47.28WinnyK, I just wondered if there might be some weird lisencing issues.
19:47.44JeffMwhat, "some dude can't use this"?
19:47.59liberviscowhodaman-, well we can say this, if you're in you'll be counted as either a part of a team or a group in qualifications so a certain number of matches would basically be required, the better you do, more matches you play obviously :)
19:48.07WinnyI dunno, there is some weird stuff out there
19:48.08liberviscoif you keep losing you're out the soonest of course :P
19:48.31JeffMWinny: we have been LGPL for a very long time
19:48.43JeffMif you don't even KNOW our license why comment on it
19:49.03WinnySheese, I was just making sure
19:49.31liberviscoThing is, I wouldn't be talking here if BZFlag wasn't Free Software / Open Source ;)
19:49.42liberviscoThe whole point of the festival is to promote "Freedomware" games
19:59.02Epyonlibervisco, that site doesn't open -_-
19:59.30EpyonAaah, it does with www.
19:59.42liberviscooh you just pointed a bug :P
19:59.56libervisco(one I hate too, non-www must work) :)
19:59.57EpyonFIX IT NOW!
20:00.06liberviscoYes sir! :)
20:00.37EpyonToo bad it's only about multiplayer games.
20:00.56liberviscoit'd be kinda hard to do it with single player :)
20:01.03Epyonyeah I know :P
20:01.21EpyonBut I'd like to see a site promoting free single-player games.
20:04.18EpyonBTW, I searched the site and didn't find a definition of "freedomware" just some catchy slogans -_-
20:04.49liberviscoIt's linked from the top, to here:
20:05.09EpyonYep, but that still didn't answer my question :P
20:05.44EpyonDoes Freedomware have to be OS?
20:05.56liberviscoHmm, well we can put up a brief definition up there, but it's really just a brand for Free Software
20:05.58liberviscoso yes
20:06.24liberviscoFree Software as defined by the FSF :)
20:08.40EpyonToo bad then, I'm not a big fan of OS applied to art.
20:09.31liberviscoWe considered including games with art that isn't under "free" licenses and even had a poll on that
20:09.45liberviscomajority people so far chose for art too to be free under the same definition
20:09.50EpyonThat middle character is the hole in your nose where the 9mm bullet went through xP
20:09.55liberviscohowever RMS agrees it's ok if it isn't ;)
20:10.07liberviscoWe checked that too :)
20:10.23EpyonWell, most OS fans aren't artists, they're craftsmen :P
20:10.39WinnyEpyon: how's the world gen going? Still working on it? :p
20:10.41liberviscoI suppose :)
20:10.42EpyonIMHO, OS endangers the artistic integrity of artwork.
20:11.19EpyonAnd I do consider game design/dev as a form of art (not that there are many artistic games out there however -_-)
20:11.37EpyonWinny, I would if I'd had time :(
20:11.40liberviscoEveryone's entitled to an opinion :)
20:11.52EpyonCurrently all my time goes into running that 3ds course :/
20:12.15EpyonI never thought being an academic lecturer would eat up SOOO much time.
20:12.47EpyonBut I guess it's mainly because I'm running it for the first time.
20:13.20EpyonSo in order to make it good I spend a lot of time trying to figure out what topics to discuss, and what to leave out.
20:17.33Blue893D studio?
20:18.10Macrosoftdont ask me
20:18.31Blue89I am 90% sure that's it
20:19.04WinnyBlender FTW ;)
20:19.05Macrosofthmm, my mobo is being shipped from the other side of the country (california)
20:19.12WinnyMacrosoft: yeah..?
20:19.21Winnyyou should be surprised its not being shipped from china
20:20.52brlcadhowdy Epyon
20:21.23Macrosoftim waiting for newegg to give me a tracking number so i can see where it is
20:22.31brlcadlibervisco: festival?
20:23.09Macrosoftwhat does ups do if you arent home to receive a package? do they leave it at the door, or try again the next day?
20:23.11brlcadahh (reading log)
20:23.26liberviscoor (waiting for DNS to get the non-www accessible ;))
20:23.53JeffMMacrosoft: depends if it needs a sig
20:23.57JeffMif so, they leave a note
20:24.24Macrosoftdo newegg orders require a sig?
20:25.46liberviscoWell it is, sort of, but at least not of the same old kind
20:25.59Macrosoftlibervisco: how so?
20:26.17Macrosoftits first person view, and you shoot stuff
20:26.39liberviscoWell.. you're a tank, not some human or non-human beast holding a gun.. and there's lots more to it than just weapon types
20:26.45*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (n=Spazzy_M@unaffiliated/spazzymcgee)
20:26.59Macrosoftbah! details, smetails
20:27.19brlcadit's just usually a "slow motion FPS
20:27.46liberviscoSlow Person Shooter :D
20:27.56liberviscoas opposed to Fast Person Shooter ;)
20:28.18brlcadMacrosoft: if you're at a house, not likely to require a sig; if you're anywhere else with close neighbors (e.g. an apartment), then sig is pretty much obligatory policy now
20:28.20liberviscobetter yet.. fast paced..
20:28.37Macrosoftyeah, im down to 8-12fps with onbard video
20:28.48brlcadit can be fast paced too, just few like to play like that all the time
20:29.05Macrosoftmofo is always fast-paced
20:29.35brlcadI'd think out fo 248 people currently on-line that you could get 10 or 15 that would be willing/interested in playing
20:29.57brlcadwhat's the point of the tourney other than 'awareness'?
20:30.08brlcador is that pretty much it
20:31.14brlcadlibervisco: I am too a human! .. and a beast holding a gun :)
20:31.49liberviscoThe point is fun too :)
20:31.55liberviscoand the competitive spirit
20:32.03liberviscoand.. the prizes....
20:32.30brlcadshould post an announcement to our forums -- with more details -- that'll hit more eyes than in here
20:32.42Macrosoftprizes?! rewards for playing games?@!
20:32.43brlcadthis is pretty much the hub of operations, but not always of communications
20:32.45liberviscoI posted already a while ago
20:32.58brlcadto ?
20:33.01liberviscoI could post again with an update though
20:33.31brlcadbeing specific about what they need to do exactly to participate, when things are happening, etc
20:34.26liberviscoMacrosoft, prizes yes, although we're still not sure we'll have enough to really give much to all the game winners (since even with these 3 FPS games we're looking at 5 tournaments with 3 *teams*)
20:34.38liberviscoHowever, that's why we'll have one universal winner, best player overall
20:34.53liberviscoand (s)he will definitely get something substantial :)
20:35.02liberviscoand that can be anyone who participates
20:35.31libervisconot just cash
20:36.00brlcad"just"? :)
20:36.05Macrosoft*sigh* too bad im not good at this game
20:37.08Chestalplease someone with python skills fix
20:37.30brlcadlibervisco: the problem with a bzflag tournament (probably other games too) is that the best players can wipe the floor with pretty much anyone except a handful of others in their "league"
20:37.34Chestalbeen annoying me for years, just not enough to invest all the time to do it myself :-)
20:38.00brlcadChestal: what's the annoying part? :)
20:38.16*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
20:38.18liberviscobrlcad, well that's true.. it's a risk, but you never know..
20:38.26Chestalbrlcad: it fails half of the time for server with mor than a few players
20:38.46Chestalstruct.error: unpack str size does not match format exception
20:38.49liberviscoIt's hard for us to know each and every player.. and especially since this is the first time we're doing something like this (and especially since it involves multiple games at once)
20:38.57brlcadChestal: ah
20:39.55*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (i=l4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r)
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20:41.05*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
20:59.41*** join/#bzflag L4m3r_ (i=l4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r)
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21:02.28brlcadwuh oh ..
21:02.53Thumper_It wasn't me
21:03.48brlcadwhich reminds me that I should finish the .bz migration to the new hardware ASAP
21:04.27brlcadbigger disks, more memory, faster cpus, faster net ..
21:04.27JeffMnew hardware have more space?
21:04.41brlcad50% more
21:04.42JeffMgood times
21:05.12brlcadthough .. the reason /usr/ is full is more to do with loads of stale junk
21:05.56brlcadabout a good 20GB worth that can be removed
21:07.37brlcadthere we go, 1 GB on the spot without even trying
21:07.44JeffMI'm deleting too
21:08.32brlcadyour account was already pretty empty
21:08.40brlcadinsignificantly empty
21:08.48JeffMmakes me feel better
21:09.12*** join/#bzflag saturos (
21:09.32brlcadI can free up a GB just by deleting my last brl-cad compile
21:09.34*** join/#bzflag Ebert (
21:09.44brlcada bz compile is usually 200-400MB
21:09.46JeffMyou have a backup of the shellshock site right?
21:09.59brlcada full bzflag checkout is about 1.5GB
21:10.03brlcadkeep that one
21:10.09brlcadjust in case, not sure
21:10.13Ebertping ts, match on longdon?
21:10.14brlcadI think I do, but not 100%
21:10.22JeffMyou can delete bzflag in my dir, it's a BZ build
21:11.40JeffMwhy is there a copy of web in
21:11.40brlcadthere are about a dozen bzflag compiles across various users -- the chunk of space being taken up is mostly my home dir, logs, and the databases
21:12.28brlcad*shrug* 8mb
21:13.40brlcadokay to delete bb.old and bb_old?
21:13.55JeffMI don't see why not
21:14.24brlcadfun, there are 6500 bb uploads :)
21:14.31brlcadthat's pretty cool
21:17.52*** join/#bzflag HighKarateKitty (
21:21.12Macrosoftyay, got web server back up
21:23.38*** join/#bzflag liberfiasco (
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21:40.29*** join/#bzflag liberfiasco (
21:45.26*** join/#bzflag Djpenguin (
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22:25.50*** part/#bzflag LongDon (
22:26.38*** part/#bzflag Ebert (
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23:53.34*** join/#bzflag JeffM (

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