IRC log for #bzflag on 20071101

00:28.39*** join/#bzflag The_Vaxorcist (
00:33.02Constitutionthat would be
00:33.56whodaman-thanks Constitution
00:42.41a_meteoritemay I ask ... why?
00:42.56a_meteoriteIt is a secret?
00:43.13a_meteorite~dict MYOB
00:43.47a_meteorite4 extra karmas in 15 minutes, must have been something big?
00:44.02*** join/#bzflag tannerld_ (
00:44.10spldartWouldn't you like to know? ;-D
00:44.34Constitutiona_meteorite: BZFlag has a new maintainer
00:44.36spldartMr. Pandora
00:44.57spldart~dict Pandora
00:45.03a_meteoriteI hope this is a joke.
00:46.33donny_bakerwhat is a joke a_meteorite ?
00:47.03a_meteoritedonny_baker: You're BZFlag's new maintainer?
00:47.21a_meteoriteNothing on the board.
00:47.48spldart"Nothing up my sleeve"
00:48.41donny_bakera_meteorite: I am?
00:48.59a_meteorite<Constitution> a_meteorite: BZFlag has a new maintainer
00:49.16donny_bakeroh, maybe
00:49.38a_meteoriteThat's not particularly insightful.
00:49.58spldartIn-sight is Over-rated
00:51.32spldart--sorry roger. You tiger now.--
00:52.43Winnycongrats, donny_baker
00:56.01a_meteoriteWhere can this be confirmed?
00:56.15a_meteoriteOr is this some sick Halloween joke?
01:01.57CBGhow did everyone find out?
01:02.55CBGwho let the cat out?
01:03.02Winnythe dog
01:03.09CBGdamn that dog.
01:03.17CBGalways spoiling the best surprises
01:07.05*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
01:07.05*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
01:07.17a_meteoriteI'm confused.
01:07.27a_meteoritea_temp_dist: Because it's not announced.
01:07.32CBGMr Riker'll set ya straight.
01:07.46CBGa_meteorite: maybe it's not 100% official yet.
01:07.54Winnya_meteorite: jesus himself came and danced on my desk and told me
01:08.10CBGYou call that a dance?!
01:08.17a_temp_distit's hard to dance in sandals
01:08.23a_meteoriteWinny: You serious?
01:08.25whodaman-and robs
01:08.33CBGrobs suck.
01:09.03whodaman-err *robes
01:09.03whodaman-but it's jesus, comeon everything goes
01:10.12*** join/#bzflag tannerld__ (
01:10.12*** join/#bzflag tannerld1 (
01:12.42spldartYoU wOnT bAn Me!
01:12.49spldartI wonder.... does it irritate people if a player comes in.. makes a capture with a little support from their team but mostly single handed then jumps out of the map.. Obviously moslty does it irritate the oppossite team
01:12.55spldartsince I didnt'
01:13.04spldartget an answer in bzchat
01:13.21CBGbzchat ftl
01:14.13*** join/#bzflag delusional_ (
01:14.16*** join/#bzflag Docto815 (
01:14.19spldartI wont give the real meaning to that last bit of literation since I don't want a ban
01:14.27spldartOr at least a kick
01:18.13JeffMyay for dell cupons
01:18.58donny_bakergettin you a new machine Jeff?
01:19.06JeffMordered a new laptop
01:19.19JeffMended up geting 475$ off
01:19.25whodaman-wow, nice
01:19.30donny_baker:D I have a new dell laptop, i love it
01:19.39JeffMand if I can get somone to buy my current lapy for 400ish, then I'll be golden :)
01:19.55spldartI would be in the market... a few months ago
01:20.00spldartthanks ron white
01:20.06donny_bakerwhat is your current lappy?
01:20.36JeffMended up geting a 2.2 gig core 2, 120 gig drive, GeFroce 8600(256) with the high res display, and 2 9 cell bateries freo 955$
01:20.46JeffMmy current laptop is a gateway 15 incher
01:21.00JeffMAMD TL 50, gig of ram, 120 gig drive
01:21.13JeffMATI X1150 chipset with 128 megs of ram
01:21.28JeffMand a DVD burner
01:21.41spldartPoop... I woulda snapped that up a few months ago
01:22.21JeffMI'm taking the 2 gigs of ram out of the gateway and puting it in the dell when it gets here, so the gateway will have a gig of new ram
01:22.43JeffMand Vista home permium
01:23.22spldartYou happy with the vista variable?
01:23.23JeffMit's a gateway MT6451
01:23.35JeffMoh god no, I replaced it with XP the moment I got it
01:23.47JeffMthankfully the new dell comes with XP
01:23.56spldartAh.. IC
01:24.19JeffMbut I'll put the OEM vista back on the old one before I sell it
01:24.38JeffMsince it's tied to the hardware
01:24.57JeffMI figure 400$ is a decent price for a machine that's been used for 6 months
01:25.05JeffMgot it for 699$
01:25.22spldartit's a good price.. don't haggle down for nobody
01:25.59spldartI wish I had the 4C laying around still... You wouldn't even have to reinstall vista ;)
01:27.20donny_bakerthat is a pretty nice machine for $400.. even being a Gateway :P
01:27.31JeffMit's run fine for me
01:27.37JeffMI just need more screen res
01:27.47JeffMits' 1280x800
01:28.17spldartsafe trip
01:41.14Blue89do you guys know anything about getting mesaGL to run faster? I want to play BZFlag on my Zaurus but I'm only getting <10fps...
01:45.06spldartThat's not alot of power to run 3d
01:45.31spldartbut sry.. No idea to get mesaGL optimized from me :(
01:45.43Blue89well I'm not expecting it to run 1280x960 with full lighting and bump mapping ;-)
01:46.15*** join/#bzflag The_Vaxorcist (
01:46.30spldartDidn't think you were... was thinking along the line of 640 or 800
01:46.42Blue89I'm running bzflag at 320x240 with all options off. if I knew how to get it into wireframe mode I think I could get 20fps out of it.
01:47.11spldartdoes that run X?
01:47.15Blue89that's not very fast, but great for killing time. bzflag in your pocket ;-)
01:47.18Blue89yes it does
01:47.18spldartcolor depth?
01:47.38Blue89640x480 device, but I am stepping it down to 320x240 so BZFlag can run faster
01:47.51Blue89full color, 24bit I think
01:47.56Blue89same as the desktop
01:49.01spldartDont' know where your bottleneck is worst but have you tried dropping colordepth... just outta curiousity... Thinking mesa optimization ideas still
01:49.47Blue89it's an xscale device, I can step it up from 416mhz to 624mhz, but then it starts acting strange
01:50.13Blue89X crashes, no programs load, sockets die I think
01:50.59spldartit's alittle alien to me so I wont be the most helpful... but hopefully the conversation will get others interested in throwing in their 2 bits
01:51.21Blue89the #zaurus people are no help
01:51.56spldartHrm.. Where have I heard that problem before recently... Oh Yeah! Nvidia :mad:
01:52.16Blue89I begged for answers to my wifi issues occasionally over 6 months and got maybe 2 responses from people who didn't know how ot fix it
01:53.06spldartNeat boxen though dude :)
01:53.25Blue89I have the SL-C3200 model
01:53.35Blue89last in the series :-/
01:54.02spldartthey are changing to windoze right?
01:54.25Blue89they _used_ to run windows CE I beleive
01:54.50Blue89I think there was a rumor before that the next smartphone released by sharp would be CE also
01:55.28Blue89I thin the problem with Mesa is that it uses floating point math
01:55.45Blue89(which is incredibly slow on this device)
01:56.04spldartUnconfirmed is Windows Mobile 5.0 for future models
01:56.47Blue89Mesa accepts plugins for gfx card drivers, doesn't it?
01:57.25Blue89maybe one of these days I can hack a tiny raycast engine into a "driver" and use that on my Zaurus
01:59.15Blue89if I could just hack mesa into using integers only I bet it would get at least 15fps
01:59.49spldartback.. sry phone
02:00.26spldartAh.. Your getting past my tinkering with openGL and getting to little to be just enough :)
02:00.45spldartdo you have any accell?
02:01.21spldartoOOoo new south park!
02:06.13*** join/#bzflag rob1n (n=emp@unaffiliated/rob1n)
02:09.48Blue89the device isn't THAT slow, I am surprised bzflag doesn't work well
02:10.04Blue89I can play doom on it in 320x240 at 30-40 fps
02:11.39rob1n320x240? what is this? the 1980's?
02:12.05rob1nor by "device" do you not mean computer? :\
02:12.27Blue89true, it's puny, but it's detailed enough to be interesting, and small enough to render on a 416mhz device
02:14.15spldartDoom is WAY less demanding than bzflag... surprisingly
02:18.10*** join/#bzflag Blue89 (
02:26.14*** join/#bzflag Pommes_ (n=Pommes@about/essy/frenchy/Pommes)
02:27.23*** join/#bzflag whodaman-_ (
03:14.04*** join/#bzflag bier_ (
03:18.27blast007Blue89: by "doom" are you referring to "Doom 3" or the original "Doom" ?
03:20.03blast007ah, a Zaurus
03:20.08Blue89I guess that would be the original doom
03:20.23Blue89I play freedoom on it
03:20.43blast007yeah, that would be the original doom
03:20.58blast007I mean, heck, I can run Doom on my Sansa media player  ;)
03:21.17blast007and that's just a 100MHz dual processor/core chip thingy
03:27.57rob1nyou can play doom on an ipod too
03:36.15blast007rob1n: Rockbox supports iPods as well, so that would enable running Doom as well
03:37.14blast007plus a good number of the plugins:
04:14.14*** join/#bzflag QuantumBeep (n=QuantumB@
04:31.02*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
05:15.00*** join/#bzflag delusional (
05:25.14*** join/#bzflag noyb (
05:49.23*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (n=Legoguy@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:71c9)
06:37.30*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
06:44.51*** part/#bzflag LongDon (
09:29.52*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
09:43.20*** part/#bzflag LongDon (
10:33.59*** join/#bzflag Suspect (
10:36.50*** join/#bzflag Winny (n=KyleVE@unaffiliated/winny)
11:36.30*** join/#bzflag _anomaly_ (
12:10.19*** join/#bzflag rtfm (n=rtfm@pdpc/supporter/active/blast007)
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12:52.50*** join/#bzflag Tedius (n=Tedius@musictech.MUSC.CWRU.Edu)
13:30.36*** join/#bzflag delusional (n=delusion@
13:31.55*** join/#bzflag PrezKennedy (i=Matt@
13:52.46*** join/#bzflag Djpenguin (
14:21.36*** join/#bzflag noyb (
14:24.30*** join/#bzflag bartleb1 (
14:26.08*** part/#bzflag bartleb1 (
14:40.55*** join/#bzflag blah__ (i=noyb@nat/sun/x-c73227bacaa93c23)
14:43.43*** join/#bzflag BenUrban_ (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
14:44.31*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (
14:45.50*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (
15:31.27*** join/#bzflag CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
16:00.09*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (
16:11.00*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (
16:11.15*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (
16:13.10*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
16:15.02*** join/#bzflag bier_ (
16:20.26*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (n=timr@
16:20.26*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
16:45.27*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (
17:42.49*** join/#bzflag CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
17:53.09*** join/#bzflag Erroneous (
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17:54.16*** join/#bzflag Dessy (n=Dessy@
17:57.39*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (
18:06.55*** join/#bzflag Blue89 (
18:09.59Blue89I love this game
18:13.01Blue89is it possible to build a bzflag map that has bump-mapped surfaces? (so, the brick walls would have little bricks sticking out, etc.)
18:13.25JeffMwe only do basic texturing
18:14.40Blue89oh well. that would look cool, but it is still fun without. :-)
18:17.15JeffMthe rendering code is prety much the same as it's been since 1992
18:24.05*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
18:24.05*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
18:28.53*** join/#bzflag mbfg (n=dave@
18:36.54*** join/#bzflag Epyon (i=Epyon@
18:46.42*** join/#bzflag Suspect (
19:01.52*** join/#bzflag peter_bz (
19:02.10*** join/#bzflag Winny (n=KyleVE@unaffiliated/winny)
19:02.16peter_bzThe registered amount of players hit 15,000 today :)
19:02.56whodaman-We have 15015 registered users
19:03.28peter_bz:) More newbies to kill
19:04.08*** join/#bzflag Winny (n=KyleVE@unaffiliated/winny)
19:06.52peter_bzI wonder what the average amount of players online at any one time is now
19:07.44Winnysomeone has a graph, somewhere
19:08.08WinnyAAA_awright: ^
19:08.29whodaman-Yeah, he might.
19:08.49peter_bz159 on now
19:09.16peter_bzha, and the number of maps is 290
19:09.30Winnyits no secrect we have far too many servers
19:10.25*** part/#bzflag peter_bz (
19:14.33CBGIn theory, 10 servers could easily host 159 (even 200) players, but if there were only 10 servers, chances are you would only like 1. Would you play bz nearly as much? Wha about everyone else? You think there would still be 159 active players? I doubt it.
19:16.00WinnyIMO, we could probably get rid of 100 servers, and replace them with rotatations, or something.
19:16.50CBG_Right, rotations would work differently.
19:18.20whodaman-MapChange would be really good for the smaller places that don't get played very much
19:25.45Blue89I don't see why you need to register anyway, but I did back when I couldn't get on viper2 without it
19:25.46whodaman-Blue89: on the forums?
19:25.54Blue89for the game itself
19:26.16whodaman-yeah, so on bzbb
19:26.17CBGSame thing.
19:27.08whodaman-try that blue and click on 'I forgot my password'
19:28.16*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (n=Spazzy_M@unaffiliated/spazzymcgee)
19:28.29whodaman-Blue89: does that work for you?
19:32.47*** join/#bzflag _anomaly_ (
19:37.21Erroneousalso but that's not as interesting anymore ;)
19:38.02Blue89it worked, I have a new password :-)
19:38.18whodaman-Blue89: your welcome :)
19:45.02*** join/#bzflag QuantumBeep (n=QuantumB@
20:24.25awilcoxbrlcad: what does that mean?
20:24.27brlcadundoubtedly because we've not released a new version (nor fixed several core issues)
20:54.52*** join/#bzflag a_meteor (
20:59.27*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
21:06.30*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (n=wheeeeee@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux)
21:12.14*** join/#bzflag spldart (
21:13.29*** join/#bzflag dra9on (
21:15.35*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (n=Spazzy_M@unaffiliated/spazzymcgee)
21:29.48*** join/#bzflag The_Vaxorcist (n=phillip@
21:40.03*** join/#bzflag libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco)
21:52.36*** join/#bzflag keith80403 (
21:58.29*** join/#bzflag Suspect_1 (
21:58.48*** join/#bzflag Soraya_ (i=439e755b@about/essy/Saphira/Soraya)
21:58.51*** part/#bzflag Soraya_ (i=439e755b@about/essy/Saphira/Soraya)
22:10.44*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
22:13.36*** join/#bzflag bier__ (
22:49.10*** part/#bzflag LongDon (
22:57.39*** join/#bzflag hsrgeorge (
22:58.48*** join/#bzflag a_temp_dist_ (n=temporal@about/essy/alarming/a-temp-dist)
23:01.35*** join/#bzflag CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
23:02.32*** part/#bzflag dra9on (
23:04.54*** join/#bzflag libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco)
23:10.32*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
23:14.08*** join/#bzflag Pimpi_ (
23:28.14*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (
23:29.36*** join/#bzflag Tedius (
23:37.09delusionall4mer had a wonderful idea of a tank that materializes out of parts, as a LOD effect....   what file in source contains the flying tank parts?
23:38.23*** join/#bzflag hsrgeorge (
23:39.12brlcadsearch on explode

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