IRC log for #bzflag on 20071013

00:01.54JeffM2501but anyway, you should not get that error anymore in the list
00:05.57JeffM2501Erroneous, they have the picture online from the mentor summit
00:06.22Erroneousalso saw that someone already filled in our names
00:07.58JeffM2501sean do that?
00:10.32JeffM2501yeah he did
00:10.36JeffM2501on the 9th
00:11.13JeffM2501panorama shot up?
00:11.20Erroneousnot yet
00:11.27Erroneousyuv says "soon"
00:12.17JeffM2501heh, look at us being bored off to the side,
00:12.30Erroneousyup :)
00:12.44Erroneousthere wre a couple good shots of the "always vegetarian" meat too :)
00:13.46JeffM2501yeah that was funny
00:15.34JeffM2501not tofu
00:16.06AAA_awrightThat is some good looking Tofu
00:16.48Winnydoes the picture really need "Oh the irony of placing the meat under the "always vegetarian" sign! " under it? :P
00:17.20AAA_awrightAlt text, you need to know what is in the picture
00:21.08Constitutiondoes anyone know what this means?
00:22.25JeffM2501what's on line 67 of your plug-in?
00:22.56ConstitutionDeathLoggerHandler handler;
00:23.11ConstitutionI'll pastebin the plugin too
00:23.27JeffM2501what do you do in your constuctor?
00:23.41ConstitutionI don't define a constructor
00:23.50JeffM2501what's on line 12?
00:24.05Constitutionclass declaration
00:24.52JeffM2501it's dieing in stdio
00:25.08Constitutionso maybe my system libs?
00:25.29JeffM2501well yeah that's why the last bit is /usr/lib/
00:25.35JeffM2501but it should not die
00:25.40JeffM2501it's just a constructor
00:49.36Macrosoft...who deleted kumquat's post about leaving bzflag?
00:50.11Winnywhy do we need to know if he leaves>
00:56.19Macrosoftjust thought it was weird that it was deleted, is all
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01:56.50AAA_awrightThe list server problem started around six hours ago
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02:03.25Constitutionhmm, seems that server crash earlier only happens when torblock is loaded... and that's easily reproducible
02:04.06JeffMyou have problems with tor users doing a full login?
02:05.20JeffMthen you don't really need torblock
02:05.42Constitutionyeah, guess not... weird that it would affect my other plugin, though
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03:09.19jude-hello all
03:10.31tannerldlong time no see :)
03:11.15jude-heh--with school and all, weekends are the only free-time I have left :/
03:18.29eTangenTjude-: I won't even have that next semester
03:18.32eTangenT18 credits :-\
03:19.10jude-eTangenT: why subject yourself to that?
03:19.21jude-I'm doing 17 units, plus I'm a TA
03:19.27eTangenTjude-: Because I only ended up with 12 this semester
03:19.33jude-and I'm growing grey hair
03:19.40jude-(at least, it feels like it)
03:20.12jude-eTangenT: what's the minimum number of units per semester?
03:20.18eTangenTjude-: 12
03:20.45eTangenTTechnically, I'm in 13 credits... but only 12 count.
03:20.53jude-which one doesn't count?
03:20.59eTangenTa trig class I take online
03:21.18jude-are you paying tuition to take it?
03:21.29eTangenTjude-: I believe so.
03:21.51eTangenTIt's a pre-req for Calc, though, unless you passed through it on the Math Placement Exam
03:21.57eTangenTwhich I apparently didn't
03:22.02eTangenTfortunately I only had to take 1 math mod
03:22.10eTangenTthere are plenty of kids taking between 3 and 5 of them
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03:22.25jude-what are the math pre-reqs for CS majors at your uni?
03:22.42eTangenTWe need two semesters of Calc for Natural Science majors
03:22.54eTangenTMatrices for Nat. Sci., and Stat
03:23.56jude-"matrices" ?
03:24.02jude-like Linear Algebra?
03:24.11jude-I remember that class
03:24.13jude-it was painful
03:24.23eTangenTapparently calc is terrible
03:24.32eTangenTthey just had a midterm for Calc classes yesterday
03:24.35jude-calc I and II are terrible in general
03:24.38eTangenTin Calc II, the highest grade was a 65
03:24.43eTangenTand there was no curve
03:25.06jude-that's why I took calc I in high school and calc II co-enrolled in a local community college (while in hs)
03:25.48jude-calc I and II are designed to weed out weaklings in college
03:25.54eTangenTidunno, I might end up switching from a CJ major to an ACT
03:26.01eTangenTapplied computing technology
03:26.17eTangenTless scientific with programming and such, but you get basics, plus it's mixed in with business stuff
03:26.20eTangenTI'm just not sure
03:26.35jude-once you get past calculus, the only math-related courses you'll probably take will be discrete math coursses
03:26.43jude-they're pretty interesting
03:26.51eTangenTI'm in Foundations of Programming, which has discrete math in it
03:26.58jude-how much?
03:27.16eTangenTdunno entirely, but it's the only discrete math class they have for CS majors that I'm aware of
03:27.22eTangenTthere is another higher level one, I believe
03:27.38eTangenTI think it's a grad-student class though
03:27.44jude-before you can even enter the major at my uni, you have to get a B or better in Introduction to Discrete Structures
03:27.53jude-(which I'm TA-ing :D)
03:28.56jude-it starts with logical proposition and predicates, truth tables, and deduction, and moves on to proofs, sets, relations, functions, probability, and then a bit of algorithm studies
03:29.54jude-after that, you have to take Analysis of Discrete Structures, which involves graph theory, sorting theory, asymptotic algorithm analysis, recurrence relations, and more (that we haven't gotten to yet)
03:30.25jude-you sure you're not supposed to take a discrete math class?
03:31.31eTangenTjude-: Yeah. From what you're saying, I guess our comparison is that we have that stuff mixed in to the computer classes.
03:31.51eTangenTThere's an algorithms and data structures class
03:32.21eTangenTthere's more, I just can't remember right now
03:32.43jude-what other classes are you taking?
03:33.36eTangenTFreshman Seminar for CS Majors, Foundations of Programming, UNIX/C Programming I/C Programming II, and Social Problems
03:33.45eTangenTthen the math mod one
03:33.57jude-Seminar classes are really interesting
03:34.02eTangenTI wasn't trying to be lazy with my schedule
03:34.08eTangenTeverything was full
03:34.08jude-I took one my first semester--we got to meet all the research staff :)
03:34.31jude-"lazy with your schedule" ?  It looks pretty full to me
03:34.50eTangenTOh no, this is nothing.
03:34.54eTangenTNext semester's gonna be fun
03:34.56jude-12 units is plenty for your 1st semester
03:35.06eTangenTgotta take Calc I, AND Composition, AND some other stuff
03:35.15eTangenTjust one CS class, and that's Object Oriented Problem Solving
03:35.45jude-OO programming class is fun--lots and lots of coding
03:36.05jude-agile design, test-driven development, UML, concurrent development, design patterns, etc
03:37.41jude-hopefully only one semester of composition?
03:38.09eTangenTjude-: They recommend two
03:38.26eTangenTI've planned one of comp, one of professional writing and communication
03:40.04jude-you're lucky--I had to wait two semesters before taking the UNIX class
03:42.05jude-how is Social Problems?
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03:47.22eTangenTjude-: Social problems isn't bad
03:47.26eTangenT350-person lecture
03:47.35eTangenTgot an essay due on Thursday, but I finished it a week ago
03:47.37eTangenTso heh
03:48.00jude-sounds like my Middle Eastern Humanities class
04:16.32JeffM*sigh* why do people think that deleting their accounts solves all problems.
04:18.02jude-because they are sheeple
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04:33.42jude-I wonder if there's a better word
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10:31.06Birdiewhat a crazy thing, i join a server and i get like 100kills in a row in one min:s, every one there had big ratios outside that one guy who was giving kills:s
10:31.29Birdiedoesnt take time to respawn, doesnt need a bullet to kill him
10:31.40ruskieI think that's an annoying cheat
10:32.00Birdiei thought so  to
10:32.03Birdieand i banned him
10:32.15ruskiebanned once one such on viper
10:33.29tsBirdie: Did he have the SH flag?
10:33.48Birdieno he "got killed" was gone, respawn, kill, and that all in one second
10:34.13tsAh, ok.
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14:56.11Winnyaww, you deleted it :p
14:58.58JeffMwell yeah cus your post wasn't that helpfull in the thread
15:00.33WinnyYeah it was, I stated exactly what he was doing
15:03.11JeffMyou were mocking him and you know it
15:04.28WinnyAnd you wouldn't have? He basically posted on a forum (a place for public discussion), saying he didn't care about our opinions...
15:04.30WinnyWhy post then?
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15:04.52JeffMand you did the same thing ;)
15:05.02JeffMso that's just as bad as his first post
15:05.58WinnyHow did I not care about opinion? I never implied that. I said that I wasn't following along with his "plz support mee" plot.
15:06.17JeffMI mean the thread was pointless
15:06.19JeffMin toto
15:06.25JeffMon all sides
15:06.43JeffM2 off topic posts in a thread don't make it on topic
15:07.18WinnyUh, neither post was OT, both me and Zaa were responding directly to what Defman said
15:07.44JeffMyeah, I know. and do we know where to post responces DIRECTLY to a person?.. maybe a private message.
15:08.28WinnyThen what is the point of any threads? All threads are in direct response to the original post topic.
15:08.47JeffMIf they are ALSO of interest to others
15:09.09JeffMa comunal discussion that has interest in more the one party
15:09.31JeffMsuch as the answer to a question, that another user may also have
15:09.59JeffMor a discussion on the flaws or merrits of a map, that others may also wish to add comment on.
15:11.29Winnyhm, ok
15:11.52JeffMif the first post is off topic, no ammount of public discussion will ever make it on topic
15:30.35tannerld(in other words inflammatory)
15:30.56JeffMinflamaion is only one way to be off topic
15:31.47tannerldyeah, but that thread was basically that
15:41.30Winnybut posting that did make me feel better :P
15:55.04JeffMgee just like his did...
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16:30.25Djpenguin786hi all
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17:11.56JeffMseems defman is on the harmless bandwagon
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17:18.58JeffMjust testing to see if you can say a first name? ;)
17:19.18whodaman-no he's in bzflag now
17:19.25whodaman-he's looking for a_met
17:19.37JeffMhooooooookkaaaay then
17:19.58tannerlda_met hasn't been seen for a while
17:20.08whodaman-i know
17:20.08JeffMcan and will happen
17:20.15JeffMsend him a PM, he'll get it
17:20.17JeffMand respond
17:20.24JeffMor an email
17:33.41Djpenguin786talkin about me whodaman?
17:44.08Djpenguin786Is it possible, for kb, to set multiple keys assigned to different speeds?
17:44.23Djpenguin786Other than the common "a"
17:51.20JeffMit is if you mod the code
17:51.50Djpenguin786Which part?
17:52.03blast007the part that does that
17:52.06Djpenguin786Not in the conf
17:52.15JeffMthe part that turns the key press into 100% movement
17:52.15blast007the code, as in, C++
17:52.21JeffMas in, do a mod
17:52.57Djpenguin786il look through it with Xcode
17:53.58JeffMdo you know any C++?
17:54.21tannerlddo groups mess up teleporters?
17:55.01Djpenguin786Not much, but a lil Jeff
17:56.31KTLah how is defman ? :)
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18:21.06JeffMaperantly angry
18:22.21JeffMmad that I won't go thru and manualy delete and clean up 165 posts to delete his account because he dosn't want to play anymore
18:23.33tannerldon a community I'm with, we just change his username to something gernal (userxxxx) and clear out all his information
18:26.46JeffMI disabled his account
18:26.55JeffMbut I mean realy, all he HAD to do was not log in
18:27.18Djpenguin786Not logging in disables account?
18:27.34JeffMbut it's the same thing
18:27.42JeffMit dosn't get used
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18:27.55JeffMif he dosn't want his acocunt noone is forcing him to use it
18:28.07Djpenguin786there is no manual account delete
18:28.12tannerldlol - true
18:28.23tannerldDjpenguin786: not without a mod
18:28.43JeffMif the account has posts, I don't like to delete
18:29.14tannerldthats why we just change the name and clear the info, no hundreds of guest posts
18:30.00Djpenguin786So if you delete the account you delete the posts?
18:30.17tannerldDjpenguin786: no the user gets deleted and the post say they are from a guest
18:30.34Djpenguin786tanner1d: ohh i c
18:31.11JeffMfor him I just unchecked "user is active"
18:31.27JeffMblocks out the name so people can't impersonate them as well
18:32.01JeffMwell he also seems to be buddy buddy with harmless
18:32.13JeffMand indicated that he'd be forwading out new messages from him
18:32.23JeffMI told him that this was unacceptable
18:33.08KTLseems i got to read the forum
18:35.18KTLbecause i shoot all these people
18:35.33KTLbut i dont know what else they do
18:35.43JeffMthen perhaps you can introduce them to the concept of a "blog"
18:35.55KTLany urls ? :)
18:35.59JeffMthey are free these days, and would help them say what they want to say
18:36.18KTLah there are no blogs yet ok no urls to them too then.
18:36.42JeffMdo you know what a blog is?
18:36.56JeffMthey need to GET some, and not try to use bzbb as a blog
18:36.59KTLsome wiki like structure where 1 person can put all his mind creations
18:37.01JeffMthat is the core problem
18:37.08JeffMit's usualy not a wiki
18:37.26KTLi mean, they dont have to change the source code, it is automated
18:37.44JeffMI mean blogspot.. its' free
18:37.59JeffMand a lot easier then seting up a script to spam PMs to people
18:38.07KTLbut they also want attention :) someone to read it :) bzflag forum users!
18:38.08JeffMjust when you want to rag on somone who shot you.
18:38.21KTLthose 2 are spamming with scripts???
18:38.28JeffMharmless was
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19:24.17Djpenguin786anyone here know there way around C++ and interested in making a patch?
19:24.28Djpenguin786A multiple speed key patch
19:24.58WinnyIIRC, you can press d (or is it a..), to slow down
19:25.22Winnythe mouse really is better suited for variable speed(s).
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19:34.01ruskiesomething odd happened on viper earlier... a few clients jsut suddenly died at the same time
19:34.23tupone2.0.10rc2 ?
19:35.29ruskiewas one of them
19:35.36tuponeno core dump?
19:36.09tuponeor is just a disconnection without a crash?
19:36.18ruskieI think it was disconnect
19:36.26ruskiebut it happened on a few at the same time
19:36.37tuponeso a server things it could be
19:36.55ruskieyeah I did lodge a report so hopefully Manu will be able to check the logs if there's anything in there
19:37.22tuponehave you already contacted Manu?
19:37.42ruskiewell he has access to server logs :)
19:37.48ruskieand he did get the server report :)
19:43.23Djpenguin786Winny, i was interested in making a patch, to make it so u can set different keys for different speeds, and adjust those speeds too
19:44.20Manuruskie: ??
19:44.23Djpenguin786so maybe for example, :one for climbing steep pyramids, one for exact jump between two blocks on a certain map
19:44.50WinnyDjpenguin786: onc again, the mouse really is betteer suited for that stuff
19:44.52Manuruskie: it happens since I remember ;)
19:45.13Manuruskie: dunno why sometimes a few clients get crashed :(
19:45.22Manuall at the same time
19:45.24Djpenguin786Winny: I have been using keyboard for as long as i can remember, and its hard once playing keyboard for so long to go back and do all that practice again
19:45.54Djpenguin786I feel kb should get a lil more of the mouse experience without having to switch
19:46.41brlcadDjpenguin786: that could be potentially useful, but care would have to be taken on how you bind those keys
19:46.55brlcadthe accel key sort of does this already
19:47.22Djpenguin786well, yes, i was thinking something like "bind A up tankSpeed10"
19:47.42Djpenguin786i want it to be like the "a" key but with different variables of speed that can be set
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