IRC log for #bzflag on 20070925

00:01.50a_meteoriteI submitted mine at the last second D
00:13.44*** join/#bzflag rob1n (n=emp@unaffiliated/rob1n)
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01:28.04a_meteoritehmm, bzflag 2.0.x keeps crashing on me...
01:28.10a_meteorite2007-09-24 18:27:26.830 bzflag[20048] Exception raised during posting of notification.  Ignored.  exception: *** -[NSLayoutManager glyphRangeForTextContainer:]: given container does not appear in the list of containers for this NSLayoutManager.
01:29.17JeffMbrlcad wanted to know what version of curl you had
01:30.00a_meteoritebzflag's configure recognizes curl 7.13.1
01:31.06JeffMthat what apple shiped with you? or did you ever update it?
01:31.15JeffMand what version of OSX?
01:31.44a_meteoritethat's apple's, yeah, I have 10.4.10
01:32.16JeffMwelll he's going to build a universal for the RC2
01:32.18a_meteoriteI installed macport's newer curl 7.16.4, though bzflag didn't seem to recognize it even when I used the curl configure switches
01:32.22JeffMmaybe try that build
01:32.35JeffMyeah that may do it
01:33.04JeffMconfigure may only show the headers it found, not the lib that the runtime is using
01:33.37a_meteoriteit's not reproducable, I can go a few minutes and crash in-game, in a menu, or for more than a half hour
01:33.44*** join/#bzflag bier_ (
01:34.25a_meteoritejust uninstalled macport's curl... I'll see :)
01:34.34JeffMand what sources did you use?
01:34.49a_meteorite2.0.x branch
01:34.54JeffMfrom svn?
01:34.56a_meteoriteit's a day old now, I'm updating
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03:36.30JeffMDTRemenak: did you get your invite?
03:37.48JeffMflight prices ain't geting any cheaper
03:38.08*** topic/#bzflag by JeffM -> || || || || || || 2.0.10rc2 is posted, please test.
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04:15.38delusionalwe've been thru this before, i know
04:25.07JeffMis the wiki page correct?
04:31.28brlcadi should buy my ticket soon..
04:31.59JeffMI was looking at geting in on friday about 3ish
04:32.07JeffMand leaving at 10 is on sunday
04:32.13JeffMhow many rooms did you want to get?
04:32.25JeffMthey are 90$ a night if we stay saturday night
04:35.01delusionalthe wiki refers to
04:35.34delusionalI attempted to upload my corrected bzw manpage to the wiki, but now it needs converted to wiki format.
04:35.58JeffMthe wiki shoudl have had all the the info allready
04:36.35delusionalit only refers to the manpages in Getting_help least my search showed no other manpage references
04:37.04JeffMI meant the wiki pages on the BZW format
04:37.12JeffMnot the silly man pages
04:37.17delusionalit does say that the man2hrml is wrong
04:38.17JeffMthe only 2 objects I don't see being defined are dynamic color and texture matrix
04:38.29JeffMit shoudl be simple to add the items from the man page to those articles
04:44.10delusionalstill noce to have it all in one file
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05:30.53*** join/#bzflag Constitution (n=const@unaffiliated/macsforme)
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06:24.44CIA-24BZFlag: 03macsforme * r15962 10/trunk/bzflag/man/ Add modcount slash command entry to the man page.
06:31.14*** join/#bzflag max (n=sss@
06:31.31maxhow to add good flags in server thro command?
06:32.46maxi have added new map thro commans
06:32.53maxnow i want to gets flags also in it
06:32.58maxhow it will b possible?
06:33.19maxthis command i am using "bzfs -world /home/sss/Desktop/ContestCTF.bzw -j -ms 5 +r"
06:33.25maxi want to use flags also in it
06:42.04*** join/#bzflag lepoulpe303 (
06:50.07CIA-24BZFlag: 03macsforme * r15963 10/branches/v2_0branch/bzflag/src/platform/MacOSX/ Backport changes from atupone at r12090 so make distcheck will work on Mac.
07:11.34*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
07:11.40Constitutionjust noticed the new stuff in the todo
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15:20.04delusional_what's the deal with plugins in 2.0.10,  are they enabled in the download package?  are there pre-built .so's?  
15:21.29blast007which download package?
15:22.37blast007the only pre-built package for RC2 is for Windows
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15:24.29delusional_are plugins enabled in it?
15:25.11delusional_what's the filetype in windows   .la  ?
15:25.19blast007but we always do that for Windows
15:25.22delusional_does it have any?
15:25.49delusional_will the same thing be true in other builds?
15:26.05blast00716 of them in the Windows one
15:26.24blast007as I said, the Windows build we do, we include the plugins
15:26.31blast007and have ever since they were added afaik
15:27.11delusional_but there weren't any .so's in my 2.0.8 package
15:27.24blast007that's not Windows
15:29.03brlcadwoot, our ohloh enlistment updated!
15:29.58delusional_i noticed that wasn't working for awhile.
15:31.53brlcadthere was a problem in our root
15:31.58brlcadhad to be manually fixed
15:32.15brlcadnow it's fixed, and all the stats seem to be back on-line
15:33.53Chestalwe are special
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15:34.12brlcadmust be commits prior to
15:35.23Chestalhmm, I can't remember a pre-sf time
15:37.58DTRemenaklooks like pre- and post-svn
15:38.32brlcadah, maybe cvs was sensitive and svn isn't or vice-versa
15:38.53DTRemenakswitched around March 07 (from lower to upper)
15:39.30brlcadyeah, sounds like svn preserves, cvs probably clamped to lowercase
15:40.12DTRemenakand I did get the invitation, thanks
15:40.32brlcadhuh.. i'm apparently about to pass up riker
15:40.42brlcadi sent it to like three e-mails
15:40.52brlcaddidn't have the gmail
15:41.03DTRemenakhuh.  only got it at one.
15:41.12DTRemenakyahoo, oddly enough
15:41.26DTRemenak<- at gmail
15:41.35brlcadgot it
15:41.48brlcadjust never received anything so you're not in my address book
15:41.53brlcadthe others were
15:42.04DTRemenakcould have gotten it from the soc mentor's page accounts and all ;0
15:42.45brlcadthat's too much work
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15:43.41brlcadheh, your bell curve dip looks a lot like mine, but shifted a year forward
15:44.40brlcadand lacking of those massive spurts every four months
15:44.41DTRemenakyou're a bit more spikey
15:45.05brlcadi guess that's about how often I got a breather or needed a break
15:45.47wert613What did we ever do without google...
15:46.11brlcadwe found pr0n
16:17.03*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
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16:32.37JeffMany more info on that mac build problem?
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17:04.02JeffMErroneous, you get your invite?
17:04.22JeffMbrlcad, you there?
17:04.38JeffMlooks like it's gonna be like 119 each way
17:05.20JeffMthey have one that gets there about 3:30 friday, and leaves there at 10:30ish sunday
17:05.26JeffMthat's what I was lookin at
17:05.42JeffMunless you wanted to get home earlier?
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17:15.43Constitutiondelusional: 2.0.8 did include plugins I believe... they should have been in a directory called "Plugins" within the application bundle.
17:16.36Constitutionthe mac .dmg, that is
17:17.07ConstitutionJeffM: what was the mac build problem?
17:17.28brlcadJeffM: I generally like to arrive early and leave late so I can explore some or code or work out or whatever
17:17.54brlcadbut at this point, it'll probably depend heavily on the ticket availability .. have yet to book
17:21.07JeffMbrlcad, I'm renting a car, so I figured we should all try to get and leave at the same time
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17:23.03Win_Schooldarn, can't read anything on web IRC... bbl.
17:24.58JeffMConstitution, on an intel mac, crashing durning running with some wiered text system error
17:25.21JeffMbrlcad, you want to get there friday, an go back sunday tho right?
17:26.10JeffMit's 90$ a night per room for staying the extra day
17:28.56JeffMcus I mean we can get there prety much any time on friday
17:29.03JeffMthey run flights every hour
17:29.12JeffMwe just need to book soon
17:43.22brlcadsaturday is the important one, you can do whatever for Sun/Fri :)
17:43.38brlcadI suspect that'll just be more coding and mingling days
17:44.44brlcadjust finished testing branch (again) .. didn't run into any problems/crashes here
17:48.53Constitutionjust to throw something out, this happened to me the other day... any ideas for the cause come to mind?
17:49.24JeffMwell they pay for the hotell on saturday
17:49.32JeffMwell firday night/ saturday morning
17:49.32Constitutionit was right after I left a server, then I had gone to the Find Server menu, and returned to the main screen
17:49.47JeffMthen we'ld have to pay for it on sat night
17:50.02JeffMthen leave on sunday
17:50.12JeffMwhen it's all over
17:50.18JeffMcus IIRC it ends sunday night
17:50.25JeffMsaturday night
17:50.26JeffMmy bad
17:51.12brlcadyeah, ends sat night
17:51.25JeffMthat's why I figured we'd just fly out sunday morning
17:51.30JeffMso no rush to leave
17:57.53jorgenptYay, I'm finally doing electronics-stuff.
17:58.04jorgenptWrote soft-PWM, if anyone knows what PWM is. ;)
17:58.45iboti guess pwm is a VERY lightweight (really. I'm serious.) window manager that has the cool feature of being able to put multiple windows into one "frame"., or now in stable, or see also 'literal ion'
17:59.03jorgenptPulse-width modulation ;-)
18:00.18JeffMErroneous, what time would you like to be home on sunday?
18:00.19jorgenptIt's a technique in digital electronics of delivering less power than what would've been delivered if the pin was constantly 'high' ('on')
18:01.33jorgenpt(In the base scenario, you either push 5V or 0V. PWM allows you to "emulate" having 2.5V by switching (fast) between 5V and 0V, 5V being on 50% of the time)
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18:20.24brlcadJeffM: which airport are you flying into?
18:23.58JeffMthat's the clossest one I belive'
18:24.01brlcaddo you have tickets yet?  I see arrival times of 11:20 or 12:50 that would work well
18:24.05brlcadyeah, it is
18:24.10brlcadthe others are 40 and 50 miles out
18:24.16JeffMI have the list of times
18:24.54JeffMwe can get in at 11:20 or 12:40
18:26.23JeffMI'd be fine with ether
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18:28.20JeffMwant to leave in the afternoon on sunday
18:28.26JeffMnoon/one ish?
18:28.40JeffMleaves time for breakfast, etc. :)
18:29.13brlcadnoon/afternoon works for me
18:29.37JeffMand did you want to use part if the 1500 we get to pay for the room/s for the extra day?
18:31.03brlcadno comprendo
18:31.13JeffMgoogle only pays for one night
18:31.22brlcadright, across the board
18:31.28JeffMwe'll be staying 2 nights
18:32.06brlcad1500 was for international flight reimbursement
18:32.14JeffMno I mean for the mentor money
18:32.38brlcadsure, that works
18:32.45JeffMtell you waht, I'll take care of the car, you want to take care of the rooms? cus you'll be geting the google money.
18:32.52brlcadthey haven't sent it yet, but it's comp-able
18:32.53JeffMthe car just makes sense
18:33.27JeffM88$ for the car as oposed to 30$ cab rides *3 people * 2 trips
18:33.33JeffMand we'll be able to drive around.
18:33.55JeffMmaybe they'll give it out when we get there
18:34.03JeffMbag o' cash :)
18:34.10brlcadbig ol' bag of pennies
18:34.20brlcadyeah, that's cool
18:34.36JeffMlooks like our fares will only come to 258 round trip
18:35.04JeffMso I got us ariving at 11:20 friday, and leaving at 1:45 sunday
18:35.18brlcaddid you book a room yet?  I've got one for myself already, just the one bed atm -- dunno if you two want your own rooms as well
18:35.30JeffMI have not booked rooms at all
18:35.49JeffMthey said they only have 200 rooms
18:35.57brlcadI think we can swing it either way easily since it's just 100 a night or something
18:36.10brlcadplus tax ;)
18:36.28JeffMok, I'm booking that flight
18:39.09brlcadwhat's your arrival?
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18:47.52brlcadaiight, arriving at about 11:50 now .. leaving in the afternoon on sunday (2pm)
18:48.19brlcadby the way, ohloh stats are indeed back on-line now .. good stuff
18:50.14JeffMcool that should mesh nicely
18:50.21JeffMwe get the car at noon
18:50.26JeffMI just sent my rembursal
18:50.28JeffMgota go feed
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19:12.49ErroneousJeffM: sounds good to me
19:13.59brlcadErroneous: have you already booked a room?
19:15.02brlcadand regardless, preference on getting your own room or doubling up?
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19:31.50Erroneousno, and no particular preference
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20:14.12JeffMErroneous, I sent my itinerary to your work mail
20:15.32JeffMand aperantly we're geting our own rooms, so don't forget to book that one.
20:16.19JeffMwhat I'm not sure is how google comps the hotell
20:16.56JeffMI guess they bundle that up in the rembursement
20:18.50JeffMbrlcad, when you booked your room did you use a credit card?
20:19.03JeffMor use the 'pay by company" thing
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20:25.01Erroneousk, got the flights
20:25.26JeffMI got the car setup too
20:25.43brlcadJeffM: pay by company
20:26.04JeffMthen I guess we pay for the extra day when we get there?
20:26.13brlcadlikely at checkin we present the card, can put the rooms all on mine
20:26.39Erroneouswe need to send a copy of our itinerary to tiffany, right?
20:26.55brlcadbe sure to say bzflag
20:27.03JeffMwith your address as well
20:28.26JeffMthen I did my hotell room too
20:29.02JeffMI got us an intermediate car too, so should be a good 4door
20:29.11JeffMI may have a cupon for a free upgrade too :)
20:30.18JeffMErroneous, oh and I had told Isy that you would probably be not here that friday, when I told him I wouldn't be :)
20:30.49JeffMso I guess once you do your room, we are set to go :)
20:32.27*** join/#bzflag iWinny (n=kylevane@unaffiliated/winny)
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20:42.29Erroneousheh.  "If you agree to the Terms and Conditions & Cancellation Policy listed above, Please click 'Continue'"...but the only button is 'Submit'! :)
20:43.12ErroneousJeffM: k, got room
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20:48.28a_meteoriteJeffM: probably considered a weapon since it's hard ;)
20:50.21JeffMmehh I'll just drive
20:51.10JeffMwell 2 there, 2 back
20:51.19JeffMgoing to sacramento saturday
20:51.22brlcadlooks like 2/3rds of those that can attend still haven't registered
20:51.46JeffMjust means more free beer
20:52.12EpyonRather more free speech xP
20:52.27JeffMno, with less people that's less speach
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20:52.41JeffMif you give that heas person gives off a constant amount of free speach
20:52.48JeffMbut if there is a fixed total amount of beer
20:52.51JeffMand less people
20:52.55JeffMmore beer per unit
20:53.24brlcadmeans we get rooms and they might not :)
20:53.26JeffMand since the beer input port is shared with the free speech output port on humans.
20:53.34JeffMthat means less speach actualy
20:53.47JeffMsince more port bandwith is allocated to beer
20:54.12JeffMI just got my room confirmation.
20:54.51ryanakcaElectric2lf: ping?
20:56.16Tuponebrlcad: still httpless?
20:58.31brlcadTupone: nope
21:02.40JeffMbrlcad, the intersting thing would be to see if we could find purple_cow and scanlime for a lunch or something that weekend
21:03.45brlcadthat would be cool
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21:14.23brlcadit'd have to be either friday in the evening or sunday in the early morning
21:14.23delusional_anybody got a copy of a recent BZWGen  map?
21:14.41brlcadwonder if there's anyone else in the area that might want to meet up..
21:34.15JeffMI told the cow and he indicated it was a find idea
21:34.47JeffMmayhaps we could have a big dinner friday or breakfast sunday
21:35.26JeffMahh I see that you've posted
21:36.29JeffMwill the open sceene graph people be there?
21:36.46JeffMcus if so I'll bring a nerf bat to show them how much I love thier build system ;)
21:43.48JeffMnow all we have to do is prod Erroneous into geting  a laptop with nix on it, then we can do the 2.0.10 release from the confirence :)
21:44.07Erroneousmeh, could do that remotely :)
21:44.28JeffMyeah but that's not nearly as cool
21:44.44Tuponewhat about Winny bug?
21:45.02JeffMI looked thru that code, for what coudl crash it
21:45.03blast007JeffM: it would be cool if you were using a VNC server built into a bzfs plugin
21:45.14JeffMand haven't heard any one else with the issue
21:45.26JeffMblast007, heh
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21:45.51JeffMTupone, maybe I can build a version that logs out where it is int he connect loop and we can get some more info on it
21:46.25Tuponewithout commiting it, I hope
21:46.31JeffMyes of course
21:46.38JeffMI mean a special build for him to run
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21:46.54JeffMhas anyone else had the problem that you know of?
21:46.57TuponeThere is no debugger he canuse?
21:47.12JeffMhe dosn't not have one
21:47.13Tuponeonly Legolas that I cannot found,
21:47.29JeffMIIRC a_meteorite had the same issue as legolas
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21:47.45JeffMI'd like to see if they can try the build that brlcad has made
21:47.46Tuponeno non-fee debugger ?
21:47.54JeffMhe's been trying to duplicate it
21:48.01JeffMTupone, it's windows, not really
21:48.07JeffMnot that woudl not involve lots of installs
21:48.29JeffMhe could put VC8 EE on there, download a couple gigs of stuff and then do his own build
21:48.40JeffMour releases arn't debug builds
21:48.46JeffMso just having a debuger won't help
21:48.55JeffMhe'd have to build a full debug build, with symbols
21:49.08JeffMit's a lot simpler for me to dump out state logs
21:49.10Tuponeahh, you could do one for him
21:49.24JeffMyes but it'd be useless to him
21:49.37JeffMthe debuger for VC is built INTO the ide for the compiler
21:49.45JeffMhe'd have to install it all anyway
21:49.51WinnyJeffM: from what I am guessing, the client is only recieving some of the information it is suppost to get while connecting to a server, and then it just sticks at "Trying..."
21:50.06JeffMWinny, yeah but it shoudl not crash
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21:50.09JeffMthat's what bugs me
21:50.22JeffMsure if it locked and timed out, that'd be understanble
21:50.22delusionalobj to drawinfo.bzw converter, written in php by tedius.
21:50.25Winnyis there a timeout built into the client for connecting to a server?
21:50.25Tuponeno way to have a backtrace without a debugger? Just line of crash maybe
21:50.26JeffMbut your crashing
21:50.31JeffMTupone, nope
21:50.37JeffMit works totaly difrent then nix
21:50.49JeffMthe only way to get "lines" is with debug symbols
21:51.02JeffMand to read that you need the full compiler/ide/debuger, etc..
21:51.46JeffMwhat about it Winny ?
21:52.14WinnyI don't get what he is saying, is he saying its a copy of, or it forwards to
21:52.17JeffMI'll do what I can to build a loging version tongiht so we can at least see where it's crasching
21:52.42JeffMWinny, he purchased and is offering sub domains to who ever wants them
21:53.04JeffMand for some reason he made a copy of the main site.
21:53.31JeffMhopefully with a redirect
21:53.58JeffMor some sort of dynamic content pull, but I dunoo
21:54.05brlcadit's a cname like the .net and .com
21:54.05JeffMhis domain, he can do what he wants with it :)
21:54.22JeffMahh he pointed it to the sf site?
21:54.32brlcadhe didn't copy the site, just points to the same IP
21:54.40JeffMfair nuf
21:54.56brlcadhis "gift", one more tld in the conglomerate
21:55.09JeffMWinny, does it do it on local serves too?
21:55.14JeffMor just remote ones?
21:55.18TuponeJeffM: I remember some output form at crash with line of code where it stopped, long time ago :/ Without a debugger. Maybe a catch-all routine with possibility to print a useful line of code :/
21:55.31Tuponewith some program, not bzflag
21:55.39Tuponebut I'm not so sure
21:55.51JeffMTupone, yes there are libs and tools that apps can use to do runtime debuging, numega and the like
21:55.57JeffMwe don't use any of those
21:55.59brlcadalbeit didn't write the windows portions yet .. pita :)
21:56.09JeffMyeah it is a pita on windows
21:56.17JeffMhence why people charge lots of money for them ;)
21:56.55brlcadthe interface isn't really that complicated, just a chunk of code
21:56.56JeffMit's STILL faster for me to add log lines
21:57.01JeffMfor this one issue.
21:57.39JeffMI'd like to find it, but honestly if it was a huge issue I'd think others would be reporting it as well.
21:57.53JeffMI cant' belive that winny is the only person using the windows client.
21:59.33Tuponemaybe the only person using 2.0.10rc2 windows
21:59.41JeffMthat is what I doubt
21:59.48JeffMhe had the prolblem with RC1 as well
21:59.56JeffMand I KNOW more then him used it
22:00.14JeffMWinny, you have a C drive right?
22:06.44JeffMand when will you have time to work on figuring out what the problem is?
22:11.25JeffMI have an exe for you to try when you have time to work on it
22:13.26WinnyJeffM: I imagine I'm the only one, because my ISP is having horrible packet-dropping problems.
22:13.47JeffMposibly, but we still should not crash
22:13.53*** join/#bzflag zee563 (i=4894dc3d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
22:13.54JeffMwe can error, but we should never crash
22:14.00JeffMyou have time to try some stuff?
22:14.04WinnyWhat is the timeout on server connections>
22:14.13JeffM30 seconds IIRC
22:14.32JeffMbut even then we should NOT crash
22:14.44JeffMdo you have a C drive?
22:15.02*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite_ (
22:15.11Winnyof course
22:15.19JeffMyou don't have to have one, that's why I ask
22:15.24JeffMwindows can go on any drive letter
22:15.26JeffMsince NT
22:15.41JeffMok, then you want to see if we can work out what the issue is?
22:15.47JeffMI have a special EXE for you to run
22:15.55JeffMok, make a copy of your RC2 bzflag.exe
22:16.18JeffMthen grab this
22:16.26JeffMand extrat the exe from that
22:16.32JeffMand put it in your RC2 dir
22:16.37JeffMand run it
22:16.39JeffMget it to crash
22:17.07JeffMit will make a log file on your c drive called bzflog.txt
22:17.11JeffMlets see what's in there
22:18.05Winnyok, this might take a while
22:18.09JeffMthis will tell us if you make it to the join internet game
22:18.19JeffMit's not a full install, just the exe, 300k
22:18.33JeffMbut whenever you have the time
22:19.34WinnyI love how it only crashes when I don't want it to
22:21.06*** join/#bzflag Chiliblue (
22:21.08JeffMdoes it give you a module name when it crashes? bzflag.exe? or some dll name?
22:21.16MacrosoftWinny: train your mind to _want_ it ti crash, and all your problems are solved
22:21.20JeffMI don't remember if that only happens if you have VC installed or not
22:21.26WinnyI need to Ctrl Alt Del it
22:21.42JeffMso it just locks up
22:21.46JeffMit dosn't actualy crash?
22:22.02ChiliblueI just got banned for cheating...but I only just installed the game...are there cheats in the game? how do I turn them off?
22:22.08Winnyit locks up
22:22.09JeffMit dosnt' give you the "bzflag.exe has performend an illeagl operation"
22:22.14JeffMohh.. that's not a crash
22:22.17MacrosoftWinny: have you tried waiting it out to see if it starts responding again?
22:22.20JeffMwell run that, lets see what happens.
22:22.38JeffMChiliblue, the game has no cheats built in
22:22.56JeffMtalk to the admin that banned you, there probably just mistaken, or you were very laggy
22:23.04MacrosoftWinny: are you runnung in windowed mode?
22:23.12WinnyMacrosoft: nope
22:23.29WinnyI found a temp fix, sorta for now (just lower the brightness so it doesn't mess with gamma)
22:23.32ChiliblueI got accused of running fast movement and rapid reload, would lag cause that, I know the controls are all over the place
22:23.35delusionalchiliblue, go to another server
22:24.03MacrosoftWinny: oh, mine stalls for about 30 sec. at random times if i run it windowed
22:24.08awilcoxWinny: omg
22:24.09Chiliblueyes delusional I could do that, I just don't want to get banned from every where out of ignorance
22:24.13JeffMChiliblue, it coudl make it appear to be, if you had high lag or packet loss, but most likely it was just a bad admin, there are many servers, they are not reltated.
22:24.20awilcoxmy bzf rc freezes at random as well
22:24.36JeffMChiliblue, from a defualt install, there is nothign you can do that woudl be consisered cheating
22:24.44JeffMawilcox, dosnt' your COMPUTER do that?
22:24.51Chiliblueok, then I shouldn't sweat it
22:24.54awilcoxlol.  no.
22:25.06JeffMMacrosoft, that would just be your system
22:25.11Macrosoft...turning on energy saver solved the problem, but i turned that off because 25fps sucks
22:25.12awilcoxit happens on multiple computers, at random, when I'm playing
22:25.17delusionalchiliblue, its not a giant problem, no.
22:25.30JeffMawilcox, with my bin or dod you build yourself?
22:25.32awilcoxall Winders machines.
22:25.33a_meteoriteChiliblue: which server?
22:25.42awilcoxJeffM: your RC1 bin.
22:25.57JeffMdid you ever get set up to build on your windows machine?
22:26.13Chiliblueare there any reasons for packet loss I can sort out, or is it just a matter of a poor isp or bad choice of server for me
22:26.15Macrosoftbtw, is there a way to change what fps energy saver caps at?
22:26.25awilcoxJeffM: Yeah, I did, I forgot about it
22:26.28a_meteoriteMacrosoft: /localset fpsLimit xx
22:26.30JeffMChiliblue, generaly not on your end, it's an ISP thing
22:26.40awilcoxChiliblue: ISP, and distant servers
22:26.46awilcoxdepends on where you are located
22:26.49JeffMawilcox, can you try to build your own and see if it dupes
22:27.06Winnygod dangit, you've made it un-crashable I think.
22:27.10WinnyI can't do it :P
22:27.16JeffMmaybe building 32 bit bins on 64 bit windows is no bueno
22:27.20a_meteoritedon't test the devs, Winny :P
22:27.28delusionalchiliblue,  don't download or torrent, don't share your connection,  or wire yourself directly to the router, dont use wireless
22:27.30JeffMa_meteorite, actualy yes he sould
22:27.39JeffMWinny, well play with it, keep trying and let me know if it does.
22:27.42a_meteoriteJeffM: sarcasm... notice the :P
22:27.45JeffMI'll try a build when I get home
22:27.55JeffMmaybe it's something with this system for builds.
22:27.58awilcoxJeffM: Can I take the ZIP?
22:28.06WinnyJeffM: did you change *anything* in that build besides adding logging?
22:28.07Chilibluedelusional, ironically, I have no torrents running and am hardwired to the router
22:28.09JeffMawilcox, sure if you want
22:28.11a_meteoritemine still crashes randomly, JeffM
22:28.13JeffMWinny, nope
22:28.14a_meteoriteas of last night's svn
22:28.24JeffMjust loged out to a file the parts as we log into a server.
22:28.34delusionalchili, go to other servers.
22:28.37awilcoxoh, that isn't where mine is crashing
22:28.46JeffMa_meteorite, for you I don't know what to do, you need to work with brlcad, get his binary build and try that
22:29.29JeffMhe has one, a universal and has been trying to dupe your problem but has been unable to do so
22:30.10JeffMChiliblue, what server was it?
22:30.46JeffMand did they not warn you before doing the ban?
22:31.10a_meteoriteJeffM: does he have the build posted?
22:31.24JeffMno, that's why I said "get" it from him
22:31.28JeffMtalk to him
22:31.42JeffMif it was posted, I'd have given you the URL
22:32.29JeffMChiliblue, did they warn you first?
22:32.31a_meteoriteyeah.. I don't even know who runs that, and I'm not an admin there
22:32.39WinnySomething has to be different in this EXE. Usually this happens once every ~20 joins. It hasn't happened in about 80 so far.
22:32.55JeffMwell, it coudl be that it just compiled it difrent
22:33.04JeffMthat's why I worry that it's something to do with my setup
22:33.13JeffMawilcox, can you try the zip too?
22:33.30awilcoxsmeh, I don't think I want to screw around with 2.0, you guys need anything specific with 2.2?
22:33.32JeffMI'll build a version at home tongiht on my 32 bit windows and see if that helps
22:33.36ChiliblueJeffM, they said I was cheating, I asked them what I was doing wrong...before I could work out or what I had done I was banned
22:33.37awilcoxJeffM: Ah, sure, I can try
22:33.50JeffMawilcox, actualy we need testing of 2.0.10
22:34.03awilcoxmust warn you, I have RC1, can I still use it?
22:34.05JeffMChiliblue, then it was just a jerk admin, don't worry
22:34.09JeffMawilcox, get RC2
22:34.12WinnyJeffM: where was 2.0.9, 2.0.10rc2, etc compiled?
22:34.26JeffMRC1 and 2 were done here
22:34.32awilcoxthing is, to be honest, JeffM, it mainly just freezes on Mum's computer on the rare times she's playing
22:34.37JeffMthe older .9 ones were on my old machine here
22:34.43JeffMbefore I went to 64 bit windows
22:34.45awilcoxso I suppose I can go there
22:34.52JeffMbut I'm using the 32 bit compiler, so it "should" be the same
22:34.55JeffMbut I have doubts
22:35.05Winnyhmm, I wonder, 'cause I don't think this every happened on the p4 (on a core2duo right now)
22:35.18JeffMthats why I want to build one at home
22:35.24JeffMa nubmer of the older .9's were done at home
22:35.48JeffMthe RCs were the first one that I also built my own curl using ares.
22:36.11ChiliblueJeffM, its fine, I wasn't all that worried, just having pressed every button on the keyboard to clear the players list I wasn't 100% I hadn't done something wrong
22:36.14*** join/#bzflag AWOSDev (n=awilcox@unaffiliated/awosdev)
22:36.33AWOSDevnow JeffM, do I download just plain RC2 or the ZIP file?
22:36.44JeffMfirst just the rc
22:36.46JeffMtry that
22:36.51JeffMsee if it still has the same problem
22:36.59WinnyJeffM: yup, can't make this hang.
22:36.59JeffMif it does, then get the zip and replace the exe
22:37.03JeffMWinny, hmm
22:37.26JeffMwell let me check the logs, see if anything was added/changed since RC2
22:37.36AWOSDevthisun --> ?
22:37.59WinnyI guess Ill leave that in my BZFlag dir for now then
22:38.41JeffMthe only changes were a man page and an API spelling change.
22:38.47AWOSDevoh, btw, Mum thought this was a good game, but she cried when she accidentally TKed me.
22:39.31AWOSDevokay, this sucker is installed, I will test now
22:39.33AWOSDevwish me luck!
22:41.00a_meteoriteJeffM: Chiliblue has a dual-core machine, isn't there timing issues in bzflag with dual-core?
22:41.10a_meteoritewhere your tank can appear fast?
22:41.18AWOSDevit just froze.
22:41.18ChiliblueAMD 64 X2
22:41.23AWOSDevthat didn't take long at all.
22:41.27JeffMChiliblue, what version of bzflag do you use, on what OS?
22:41.36ChiliblueXP, and it is the latest
22:41.37AWOSDev(raw RC2 without ZIP.)
22:41.37JeffMAWOSDev, ok try the zip exe
22:41.44AWOSDevJeffM: can you link me to the ZIP, please?
22:41.49JeffMChiliblue, tell me the exact verison number
22:41.55JeffMAWOSDev, scroll up
22:42.07AWOSDevJeffM: I just joined, that is why I am asking for it again.
22:42.15AWOSDevthis is a different machine, much easier to lock
22:42.35Chilibluebefore we go too far, I should poitn out XP is the 32bit version
22:42.42JeffMthen like bzbug or something
22:42.48a_meteoritesee this post:
22:42.53JeffMChiliblue, dosnt' matter, we don't have a 64 bit version
22:43.02JeffMand yes please use the RC2
22:43.08JeffMit has changes for dual core timing
22:43.57AWOSDevokay testing with ZIp
22:44.13*** part/#bzflag LongDon (
22:44.39*** join/#bzflag macsforme (i=c63c7901@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
22:46.51AWOSDevOkay, JeffM, I locked it
22:46.55AWOSDevwith the ZIP
22:47.08JeffMthat was just a longshot guess anyway
22:47.20JeffMis there any other common software on those machines?
22:47.21AWOSDevthe question is, what do I do now?
22:47.26AWOSDevJeffM: Windows.
22:47.37JeffMhah hah
22:47.38AWOSDevhmm, 2.0.8 is installed on both
22:47.43JeffMdoes that lock too?
22:47.51AWOSDevthat one locks on both
22:48.04AWOSDevI've been unsuccessful to get 2.0.10 to lock on my laptop though
22:48.06JeffMthen it's nothing new
22:48.29AWOSDevno, but the strange thing (that may make it hardware) is the fact that it didn't _used_ to lock on my laptop
22:48.43AWOSDevand actually, I don't remember if 2.0.8 locks on this or not, I guess I'd better go test
22:48.52JeffMthat would be a good test
22:49.12WinnyAWOSDev: does the new exe that jeff made lock on your moms comp
22:49.22AWOSDevWinny: yes
22:49.35AWOSDevthis is my mums computer and yes it locked
22:49.51JeffMok, then I'm sorry, we know .8 works on MANY computers
22:49.59JeffMit must be something on those systems
22:50.15JeffMperhaps drivers?
22:50.21JeffMhave you updated them recently?
22:50.28JeffMinstalled any common utilities?
22:50.36JeffMgot any new software udpates?
22:50.49AWOSDev2.0.8 just locked
22:51.14AWOSDevno, this (mums) machine is Windows 98SE, and my machine is a Windows XP laptop
22:51.20AWOSDevthere is nothing common about them
22:51.21WinnyJeffM: wow
22:51.30WinnyI fired up 2.0.9, FIRST try it locked
22:51.41JeffMI think I can get a client exe to build on the laptop
22:51.43JeffMwith out the loging
22:51.46JeffMso we can try that
22:52.11AWOSDevJeffM: they have no common hardware, aside for possibly the ICH
22:52.18JeffMthe what?
22:52.27AWOSDevI/O Controller Hub, the 82810
22:52.51JeffMthey both using 810 onboard video?
22:52.53AWOSDevwhat makes an i810 mobo an i810 mobo, the laptop is a P4 but I believe it has a similar one (possibly an i815)
22:53.06AWOSDevJeffM: No, the laptop has a sucky RADEON 7K
22:53.10AWOSDevthis is an 810 onboard
22:53.12JeffMdunno then man
22:53.24JeffMbut you've proven it's not something to do with this new release
22:53.26AWOSDevI suppose I can get rdb going and use the EXE I built
22:53.35WinnyJeffM: I tried 2.0.8, and .9, they both locked up within 5 tries.
22:53.37JeffMand i have to spend the time to track down the new things, not old systems that have never worked
22:53.39JeffMWinny, ok
22:53.46JeffMwell that's geting us somewhere
22:53.48WinnyIIRC, it was 2.0.9s7
22:53.50JeffMlet me make a new build
22:53.58Winnyerr, s9
22:54.15JeffMhmm, that's old
22:54.22JeffMbut that may have been on this machine
22:54.27JeffMlet me make one for you now
22:54.41Winnywhere did you compile the EXE in the zip file?
22:54.50JeffMon this machine
22:54.55JeffMsame place as RC2
22:55.08JeffMthat's why I'm trying another machine
22:55.21JeffMcus now I question this setup ( 32bit builds on a 64bit OS)
22:55.28JeffMmaybe one of the system libs is difrent
22:55.49JeffMand maybe just adding asome code aroudnt he problem area simply moved the issue elsewhere
22:55.54ChiliblueJeffM rc2 made it a bit better
22:56.12JeffMChiliblue, cool
22:56.13Chilibluecertainly stopped the whizzing around thing
22:56.22Chilibluethanks for your help
22:56.29JeffMyeah dual cores can have wiered timinng issues
22:56.38JeffMthe other option is to set the game to use a single core
22:56.54JeffMbut that's why we put the code in there
22:57.00Winnyjust got 2.0.9s9 to hang on the 4th try again
22:57.17awilcox(just asking) If I take the time to do remote debugging, and find a bug that only occurs on two archaic machines, will you devs even care?
22:57.18JeffMno need to do any more till this is done
22:57.19ChiliblueI think I just need to fine tune the settings now and get used to it,
22:57.32JeffMawilcox, depends on what the bug is
22:57.35JeffMif it's a good geneal fix, yes
22:57.43JeffMif the fix is a hack, for 2 machines, no
22:57.50awilcoxheh, okay.
22:58.18JeffMif it's a hack for a signifigant number of machines, maybe
22:58.25Winnyhmm, I probably should install a build environment on here... bleh.
22:58.27*** part/#bzflag Chiliblue (
22:58.42awilcoxWinny: I believe MinGW32 is supported.
22:58.52JeffMvc8 EE
22:58.59Winnyawilcox: I went with VC last time
22:59.15WinnyI just... uh, reformatting 4 times and got a new computer, so I kind of need to do it again
22:59.17JeffMyeah doing your own debug build coudl be intersting
22:59.24awilcoxew, then you have to d/l the Platform SDK, or Windows Base Servies SDK, or whatever the 7734 they call it now
22:59.32JeffMbut actualy I'd like it if you didn't do that just yet
22:59.44JeffMwait untill we try this other exe I'm making now.
23:00.08awilcoxJeffM: I'm thinking, there is one thing common with these machines
23:00.17awilcoxthey are both running some form of the Gecko engine when it freezes
23:00.18JeffMawilcox, virus stuff?
23:00.22JeffMwhat is that?
23:00.34awilcoxthis laptop is running Firefox, and the desktop is running Netscape 7
23:00.43awilcoxJeffM: the Mozilla HTML engine
23:00.47Erroneousmingw+msys is supported, yes.  you will need either the directx sdk, or sdl and take a 10-15% performance hit
23:00.50JeffMI'm sure you must have other common utils
23:01.03JeffMand no rumble in the trunk
23:01.03WinnyI am as well running FF
23:01.14awilcoxno, this laptop has no anti-virus (I don't use it that much)
23:01.40JeffMok, so your ramant virus infections are causing your issue there, that's easy to write off ;)
23:01.46JeffMrampant even
23:01.50awilcoxokay, yes, they both have QuickTime and Chessmaster installed
23:02.03JeffMtime to start narowing it down ;)
23:02.04awilcoxJeffM: That wouldn't cause the desktop with brand new DAT files to crash :D
23:02.21awilcoxDefinition something-or-other
23:02.26awilcoxvirus definition files.
23:02.37JeffMmaybe, it ddpeends if your laptiop infected it with a rootkit first or not ;)
23:02.43awilcoxJeffM lol
23:02.49Winnydid someone say sony?
23:02.52JeffMor if it got an admin password of your laptop then disabled it
23:02.59JeffMyou run a big risk there
23:03.42awilcoxwould it calm everyone's (including newly found mine) nerves if I installed some anti-virus stuff on here and do a full scan?
23:04.09Winnyawilcox: you didn't set an admin pass? :O
23:04.17awilcoxWinny: >_>  I set an admin pass
23:04.21JeffMit's your system, do what you want
23:04.26JeffMWinny, I'm uploading the exe now
23:04.33*** join/#bzflag Quol (
23:05.27Winnythis still has the logging stuff, correct?
23:05.55JeffMit's a totaly clean build from svn
23:06.00JeffMbut done on a 32bit windows
23:06.18JeffMthis will tell me if it's the loging stuff that made it work, or if it's the build system
23:07.00Winny3rd try
23:07.26Winnyconnecting to, if that matters
23:07.28awilcoxHeh, who knew, I get McAfee 2007 free with my subscription.
23:08.22Winnyso it appears to be the logging stuff.
23:08.35JeffMthat, is not good
23:08.43JeffMthat means it's a timing thing
23:08.48awilcox>_>  "You must be using Firefox 1.5"  I hate them.
23:09.14awilcoxJeffM: ahh, yes, the common thread with every freeze is, it occurs when I press the shoot button
23:09.26JeffMawilcox, umm great
23:09.30Winnyjust did it a 2nd time, 5th try this time
23:09.40JeffMbut like I said, I need to work on the NEW bugs, not old ones.
23:10.01Erroneousawilcox: turn off sound, see if you can still dupe it
23:10.03JeffMWinny, ok, I'm going to look at the code and try some stuff, will you be around to test things if need be?
23:10.11Winnyshould be here for an hour or so
23:10.12awilcoxErroneous: mmkay
23:11.21JeffMWinny, does it crash on a local server?
23:11.24JeffMor just network ones?
23:11.38Winnyit only crashes while connecting to american servers. Not european servers
23:11.50JeffMand you are in europe?
23:11.52Winnysince american servers are the only place I have loss (12% - UDP)
23:12.17Winnyno, thats the queer thing, I live in ottawa, canada, and I lag less at a server in germany then I do a server in montreal (2 hours away)
23:12.38Winnybut thats a whole other bag of worms :p
23:14.04AWOSDevErroneous: I couldn't figure out how to turn sound off, but um, there are no tanks at the server I was testing on and now all of a sudden I can't make it freeze
23:14.21AWOSDevand I remember when I was trying to make it freeze the last time I couldn't, and I was playing alone on the BZOlympic map
23:14.29macsformeAWOSDev: turn sound volume down to zero in audio preferences
23:14.31Erroneousthe first notch on the volume slider is sound off
23:14.45AWOSDevahh, I thought that was only volume control
23:14.52AWOSDevdidn't realise it would turn off, thanks to both of you
23:14.56Erroneousall our audio routines do an early bailout if volume is 0
23:15.20AWOSDevanyways, is that strange that it only happens when there is more than just me?  I will test on a more full server to see if this is true
23:15.53WinnyJeffM: the amount of times it crashes seems to be directly corresponding to my UDP packetloss... (about 1/4-8 times) or 25-12.5% (average loss)
23:16.28JeffMI'm guessing that you ALSO have TCP packet loss too
23:16.45JeffMand we don't give the OS enough time to do resends
23:17.04JeffMbut at least I now know it's in one of 2 functions
23:17.19JeffMso maybe we can put a little sleep or a wait there and see what gos Froze.
23:17.36*** join/#bzflag ElectricElf (
23:17.42AWOSDevMofo make it go boom.
23:19.01Erroneoussound on or off?
23:19.07awilcoxurgh, now I have to remember how to set up remote debugging.
23:19.09Macrosoftit would seem that the "shininess" parameter does nothing.
23:19.16awilcoxsound on.
23:23.25ErroneousMacrosoft: what makes you say that?
23:23.47*** join/#bzflag Electric1lf (
23:24.10JeffMwinny, can you try this one please?
23:24.21JeffMand add set doJoinWaits 1 to your config
23:25.28JeffMI replaced each call to the log function wtih a wait of 1/8th of a second
23:25.32JeffMto see if it just needs more time
23:25.44JeffMif that works, we can narrow it down to where we need to wait.
23:25.55TuponeWhat version of c-ares we have in the tree?
23:26.14*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
23:26.22JeffMI used whatever we had
23:26.33JeffMbut I did build my own curl WITH ares this time :)
23:26.40Tuponemaybe is old, lemme check. I don't use it
23:26.51JeffMbe a good thing to check :)
23:27.02Tuponeahh you build with one not in the tree?
23:27.05ErroneousCVS from April in trunk iirc.
23:27.12JeffMno I bult from what we have in our tree
23:27.15JeffMour curl, our ares
23:27.23WinnyJeffM: it hung on the 6th try
23:27.36JeffMWinny, did you add the line to your config?
23:27.37Erroneousso 1.3.3 or some such
23:27.39Tuponecurl is not in the tree (branch)
23:27.48JeffMTupone, I built my own curl from the one in trunk
23:27.52Erroneoushe probably built curl on trunk
23:27.56JeffMsince you know I had the code there ;)
23:28.03TuponeI wonder what bzflag uses on windows
23:28.11JeffMfor what?
23:28.15Erroneoussince I fixed all the vc projects there, so he actually could without great pain and suffering
23:28.17Tuponeit's own or system one (ares)
23:28.29JeffMinside curl? or inside BZ?
23:28.32Erroneousbzflag is self-contained on windows
23:28.35WinnyJeffM: yes
23:28.36Tuponeinside BZ
23:28.46Erroneoususes its own curl, and its own ares.  and its curl uses its ares also.
23:28.47JeffMwe build ares for bz to use on windows
23:28.48JeffMin branch
23:28.55JeffMbranch uses an external curl
23:29.12JeffMfor this round I built my own curl that also used ares ( the one from trunk)
23:29.22JeffMand used the trunk one in branch for curl.
23:29.30Tuponeso ares in the bztree (branch) could be the one used
23:29.32Erroneousbranch's internal ares is 1.2.1
23:29.34Erroneousso old
23:29.40Erroneous3 years or so
23:29.41JeffMthat is waht BZ uses
23:29.53JeffMperhaps it needs updating
23:29.59Erroneousprobably should be updated
23:30.05JeffMcould that be the issue?
23:30.09Tuponeso maybe is time to update it? That problem smell c-ares
23:30.31JeffMwell how hard will it be to update?
23:30.42WinnyI switched back to the logging EXE, and it doesn't hang. :E
23:30.54ErroneousMacrosoft: so...gonna answer my question, or do you just like saying random stuff is broken without providing any additional information?
23:30.56TuponeI cannot say, as I don't use. Maybe just a copy of the trunk ?
23:30.56JeffMthat is totaly bizare
23:30.58brlcadhead has updated curl and cares iirc, branch still uses an older (*think*)
23:31.31JeffMErroneous, he wont' answer, he just shies away when people ask him about his comments, cus I think he thinks we'll frorget that he's anoying.
23:31.39Winnysuppose Ill just use that exe for now
23:31.52ErroneousJeffM: meh, never hurts to try
23:32.14JeffMok, well, should I make my own little tree here that uses the ares from trunk and see if that helps?
23:32.26JeffMTupone or Erroneous can you verify that trunk has a good ares?
23:32.36Erroneousgood?  no, can't verify that :)
23:32.42Erroneouswfm though
23:32.42JeffMwell newish?
23:32.50JeffMof this year?
23:32.56Erroneouscvs, not release
23:33.03JeffMwell it can't hurt to try it I guess
23:33.42JeffMgetting a new tree
23:34.12TuponeApril 16 2007 c-ares is
23:34.23JeffMand that's a better one you think right?
23:34.34WinnyJeffM: the logging version just crashed... Ill see what it says
23:34.34Erroneous1.3 fixed a number of windows issues iirc
23:34.39TuponeI remember issue fixed for windows
23:34.47JeffMthen good enough reason to try it :)
23:34.48Erroneousincluding some pretty major ones
23:35.02JeffMI'll try a build with the one from trunk and we can have him test it
23:35.08WinnyJeffM: it just gets to "START joinInternetGame"
23:35.11JeffMif that's better we can backport the update
23:35.22JeffMwell that's something
23:35.24TuponeI have to sleep, cu
23:35.29JeffMhave a good night Tupone
23:35.38JeffMWinny, I'm going to try something
23:35.47JeffMupdate the lib we do DNS lookups with
23:35.53JeffMcus thats one thing we do right then :)
23:36.02JeffMand is totaly UDP
23:36.22Winnywriting to a file shouldn't effect DNS?
23:36.33JeffMwriting a file takes time
23:36.54JeffMso it gives more time for the OS to process networkness
23:39.32Erroneousheh, that's the fix I was thinking of: "1.3.0 [...] * Alfredo Tupone provided a fix for the Windows code in get_iphlpapi_dns_info() when getting the DNS server etc."
23:40.51WinnyJeffM: as the number of players on the server increases, the numbers of hangs increases too
23:51.16AWOSDevWinny: :o  The number of players increasing causes my number of locks to rise, too
23:51.34AWOSDevCould it be (unlikely but possible) that our bugs are related?
23:51.36WinnyAWOSDev: but this occurs before the join even happens.
23:51.45AWOSDevWinny: I know...but still
23:52.55WinnyThanks for the help, JeffM
23:55.34*** join/#bzflag Winny (n=KyleVE@unaffiliated/winny)

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