IRC log for #bzflag on 20070909

00:06.58*** join/#bzflag nick125 (n=nick@pdpc/supporter/student/nick125)
00:08.57nick125evening everyone (or whatever it is in your part of the world ;-))
00:18.38*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (
00:20.39nick125Is there a cheatsheet of all of the shapes/options/etc for a bzflag map?
00:21.15Winnyits has a map making section, which might be close
00:22.15Winnynick125: has a bunch of objects at the bottom of the page
00:23.38whodaman-sup Winny
00:23.43Winnythe sky
00:24.20*** part/#bzflag whodaman- (
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00:30.30*** join/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@2002:4cb1:bee3:0:0:0:0:1)
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01:07.42*** join/#bzflag jude- (
01:07.47jude-hello all
01:08.16blast007hi jude-
01:09.40brlcadhowdy jude-
01:14.23*** join/#bzflag Tedius (n=Tedius@
01:21.11*** join/#bzflag bier_ (
01:28.48*** join/#bzflag macsforme (
02:14.50EpyonTwo screenies for people who think that no work has been done since the last update :
02:16.02nick125Epyon: Is that a map or something?
02:16.17Epyonnick125, what does it look like? :P
02:16.25jude-nick125: created with his bzwgen project :)
02:16.33nick125Epyon: Nice :p
02:17.01Epyonnick125, it's procedural and random -- generated anew each time you run bzwgen xP
02:17.26Epyonnick125, you can see it live -- find server and use the word Epyon to filter.
02:18.09tannerldEpyon: pretty radar :P
02:18.20tannerldEpyon: you should add images from google street view :P
02:19.16delusionalnick125   epyn has been working on the project for a very long time
02:19.49nick125Wow, that's pretty cool.
02:21.21EpyonBLOG UPDATED :D
02:21.33Epyon"BZFlag at the University"
02:22.13EpyonHell, I'm quite proud of the blog in retrospective :)
02:23.14*** join/#bzflag tuxd00d (
02:23.30delusionalIs there anything like a "town square"?  it needs a fountain or something
02:23.50Epyonnot yet. Maybe it'll make it in before the Thesis deadline.
02:24.09EpyonThis week will see a spur in bzwgen "enprettying"
02:24.46EpyonI want to make it at least "almost" as pretty as the SIGGRAPH ones.
02:27.16delusionalhow does it do with shadows, at dawn and dusk?  does it get too dark or get wonky in any way?
02:27.32Epyondelusional, I'd love to be able to add lightmaps :P
02:27.51delusionalSave the champagne for when you get your grade.
02:27.54Epyondelusional, it looks good apart from the lack of lights in the windows.
02:29.13Epyondelusional, I managed to set up ssh-tunneling for using a svn server on a shared hosting account that barely gives shell access, being a total linux-noob. I deserve a wine xP.
02:30.13jude-|dinnerEpyon: get a LiveCD and work with that :)
02:31.44Epyonjude-|dinner, I have a VMWare based linux open even now, so that's not the problem :P
02:33.01nick125Anyone here know anything about writing plugins for the bzflag client?
02:33.35delusionalwhat is the plugin you want?
02:33.58nick125I'm thinking of writing a plugin to display information on the G15's LCD screen
02:34.10Epyonnick125, start here
02:34.20Epyondelusional Logitech Keyboard :)
02:34.22blast007delusional: a keyboard from logitech with an LCD screen
02:34.24nick125delusional: Logitech keyboard
02:34.28blast007I have one  ;)  pretty cool
02:34.47nick125I wish g15macro wasn't such a piece of junk...:(
02:34.51EpyonI prefer the Mouse and Keyboard MX1000/MX50000 combo.
02:34.52delusionalOH.. RPG did that awhile ago
02:35.42blast007Epyon: I like the backlight of mine
02:36.48nick125Yeah, i guess after I got through the bad keyboards, it's pretty nice.
02:37.55Epyonblast007, yeah, I considered it, but decided that I prefer wireless
02:39.07delusionalwireless keyboards rock.   gotta have the rechargable batteries though
02:39.13Epyonjude-|dinner, sorry, bluetooth :)
02:39.32jude-same flaw
02:39.39Epyondelusional, I have two sets of batteries, and I change them like every month only.
02:39.55EpyonSo I could easily go with normal batteries.
02:40.05delusionalplaying bzflag using the keys wears mine down a lot faster.
02:40.42Epyonjude-, same flaw? The data is encrypted via the common passphrase for the keyboard.
02:40.54jude-if I collect enough data, I can break the key
02:41.24EpyonNot to mention that somebody would have to be so enclined that with that amount of resources he could do a lot more evil stuff :P
02:41.25nick125I hate wireless for keyboards. It's okay for mice though.
02:41.27jude-it's not like you're using 4,096 bit hardware-accelerated encryption on your keyboard :)
02:41.51Epyondelusional, that's surprisingly different between vendors.
02:41.53jude-Epyon: all it would take is for someone with a bluetooth receiver sitting outside your room for a few hours
02:42.10Epyonjude-, he'd have to be in my home then :>
02:42.36EpyonAnd considering that I don't screensaver lock my computer that would be a really stupid thing to do xP
02:42.49jude-how far inside your home is your keyboard?
02:43.02delusionalthere are radio-telescopes. with sensitive enough equipment, you could pick up signals from pretty  far away
02:43.24Epyondelusional, you think someone with that tech would care to read my keyboard? :P
02:43.28jude-but if your keyboard is within 10 meters of a wall, it wouldn't be that hard to pick up
02:43.31delusionalnot at all
02:44.01Epyonyep, the first rule of cryptography and security is -- check if you're not getting paranoical xP
02:44.23jude-you can't be too careful
02:44.34jude-~spell paranoical
02:44.51jude-that's a cool word :)
02:45.01nick125I swear that I'm oging to write a new map this weekend.
02:45.02Epyonjude-, oh come one, don't pick on my spelling, I'm not a native english speaker xP
02:45.14jude-I know
02:45.20jude-I mean you no offense
02:45.42blast007Epyon: you make less spelling errors than I do :P
02:46.12jude-I'm just saying paranoical is a cool word that I'm going to start saying out loud :)
02:46.18Epyonblast007, O.o
02:47.30jude-Epyon, I'm not *that* paranoid...I'm not using OpenBSD :)
02:48.14EpyonAnyway, someone tracking wireless transmissions in the next room would know my keystrokes, mice moves, what I draw, what I listen to, my skype conversation, my gameplaying (joystick) so I really don't care :P
02:49.14EpyonI'm a person who only uses "secure" passwords for his bank and paypal account, the rest uses simple to remember passwords :P
02:49.40EpyonI don't have anything to hide, and anything of value, so why should I care?
02:49.57jude-it's the principle of the thing :)
02:50.02EpyonThat someone reads my love letters, or PM conversations? xP
02:50.38Epyonjude-, the basic rule is "don't waste time and comfort on irrevelant things" xP
02:51.02jude-my unique ID isn't irrelevant
02:51.44Epyoneven my projects aren't worth protecting -- they'll all be GPLed some day anyway.
02:53.06jude-I'm not worried about my code...yet (for the same reasons)
02:53.56jude-I'm mostly worried about bank balance statements, previous transactions, protecting access to my machines and remote personal data, etc.
02:54.58jude-i.e. keeping archives in tact without introducing the possibility of tampering
02:55.11EpyonMy bank account is insured against an hacking attempt :P
02:55.20jude-same here
02:55.31jude-but why wait for a hacker to get access?
02:56.50Epyonjude-, yeah, but to be really protected, I suggest you take out all the money from the bank (banks are insecure too!) buy gold with it, put it into a sock, and put it under your pillow, right beside the 9mm Beretta.
02:57.34jude-banks are insecure, yes, but my funds are federally insured regardless of the bank's problems
02:57.38jude-transparent to me
02:57.49jude-so it's to my advantage to leave the money in the bank and collect interest :)
02:57.49EpyonThere are many ways to keep protected. But there's always a border. People have different bariers.
02:58.10Epyonjude-, there is no 100% secure institution nor system :P
02:58.41jude-but there are enough INsecure systems around to keep the hackers busy while my data and resources stay safe :)
02:58.44EpyonSomeone may hack into it, and cover all the tracks so it looks as it was you who took the money :P
02:59.20Epyonjude-, there are many people that click on scam links in spam mail, so I feel secure xP
02:59.57*** join/#bzflag Constitution (
03:00.16jude-the real trick to security is not to have PERFECT security, but to be more secure than everyone else so it's not worth the thief's time to hack me
03:00.31EpyonAlso, I don't give a big value to money. The most valuable thing I have is my (as yet small) collected experience. I won't die as long as I have it. And I try to put all money into increasing it anyway.
03:01.04EpyonThat'd take time and effort that I'd rather spend on something more constructive :)
03:01.05jude-same here, but unfortunately money is a necessary to survival in 1st world nations
03:01.39jude-so it's worth a bit of time to secure
03:02.08jude-besides, money isn't as important as one's ID
03:02.14Epyonjude-, well yeah, I understand in the case of the US. In Poland I know I could get back to a reasonable lifestyle, even if I would suddenly find myself on the street without no money nor anyone to support me.
03:02.59jude-it's getting harder and harder to do that in the US
03:03.11Epyon~spell neccesseties
03:03.39EpyonTwo basic necessities here -- Education and Health Care, are free in Poland.
03:03.58jude-is college free?
03:04.04EpyonYep :)
03:04.57jude-how are taxes?
03:05.38EpyonAnd you *can* live on the edge here for 300$ a month. So I basically could do a living being a eternal student and doing GSoC's :P
03:06.15EpyonAFAIK there is no age limit on GSoC students :P
03:07.26EpyonBTW, are PhD studies in the US paid?
03:07.45Epyonthat is - do you pay to do PhD studies?
03:07.50jude-oh, yes
03:07.55Hannibalyou pay the school
03:08.11EpyonAs much as you pay for college? O.O
03:08.17nick125Yeah, you pay the school. Usually a ton of money.
03:08.26jude-although if you're a PhD student, you're probably also part of a fellowship or a research assistant or a TA or something
03:08.36EpyonOMG, funny difference - in Poland you get PAID for doing PhD :P
03:08.45nick125Epyon: Haha.
03:08.48jude-Epyon: I pay about $2500 per semester to go to college
03:08.52Winnycya'all tommorow
03:08.57EpyonAs a part of a almost granted fellowship.
03:09.03jude-...and that's considered to be a relatively good deal
03:09.24Epyonjude-, I know, I looked at the possibilities while I was finishing HS there.
03:09.46jude-(although I'm an exception--I'm on a full-ride scholarship, so I actually get some money back after the tuition waiver :D)
03:09.51EpyonAnd the only reasonable deal was presented to me by the US army :P
03:10.06jude-that's usually the case
03:10.36jude-good night Winny
03:10.43jude-Epyon: what's the tax rate in Poland?
03:10.56Epyonjude-, dependable on the income.
03:11.18jude-I mean, what's the percentage?
03:12.08Epyonthat is 19% up to a certain amount, then the rest 30% up to another amount, and 40% of the rest.
03:12.33Epyonwith a reasonable income as for polish standards you barely cross the 30% barrier.
03:13.22jude-that explains a lot
03:13.29jude-US tax rates are about half of that
03:13.43jude-...but we don't get free benefits, so I guess we pay the same per capita
03:14.05EpyonIf you are below the "life-need" amount, you are not taxed at all.
03:14.12jude-same here
03:14.38Epyonjude-, but now consider that we don't pay any life insurance, nor education costs at all :P
03:14.52jude-but you are taxed more
03:15.20Epyonjude-, not exactly. Because there a LOT things you can deduct from taxes.
03:15.27jude-same here
03:15.38EpyonMy father all things added in pays around 5%
03:16.04jude-okay, you win
03:16.18jude-my family is about 10% after all deductables
03:16.20Epyondeducting the "costs of gaining income", "half-reduction for creative work", "bonus for educating" etc, etc...
03:16.34EpyonAnd the fact that my mother doesn't work at all.
03:17.10EpyonStill, the wage of a math professor here is ridiculously low :(
03:17.22jude-that's the same pretty much everywhere
03:17.36jude-teachers really aren't payed enough for it to be worth their time
03:17.44Epyonjude-, in Germany my father had 8 times the wage :P
03:17.52Epyonin the US 12 times.
03:18.06jude-is that factoring in the different costs of living?
03:18.27Epyoncost of living in germany would be 3-4 times bigger.
03:19.02Epyonabout the same in the US (disregarding insurance and healthcare).
03:20.07EpyonThe general truth is that the wages in poland are a lot lower even considering the costs of living, but we have two big advantages.
03:20.36EpyonThe first one is that no matter how poor you are, if your children are bright, they'll all get free higher education.
03:20.56jude-same in the US
03:21.40EpyonThe other one is, that if I get sick, even just a common cold, I make a phone call, and have a professional visit at the doctor next day without waiting in any lines, for free.
03:22.13EpyonSame goes for dentists and other specialists.
03:22.28jude-...and that's a guaranteed right as a citizen?
03:22.46EpyonActually not only a citizen.
03:23.12EpyonIf you're visiting, you actually can take advantage of that without ay formalities.
03:24.10jude-it makes me wonder why people still immigrate to the US
03:24.38EpyonWell job opportunites are better for unskilled workers.
03:25.04EpyonMost of the emigration out of poland are unskilled workers.
03:25.09jude-that's starting to change
03:26.08jude-it used to be the case before 1980 that US citizens could make a decent life without a college degree...that has been declining sharply since supply-side economics became more favorable
03:26.12EpyonAt least for a computer scientists Poland is a very good country. The wages are better than elswhere (after taking into account the costs of living).
03:26.51jude-heh--most computer science jobs in the US are being outsourced xP
03:26.52EpyonIn the industry that is.
03:27.49EpyonOn the universities they are still underpaid... that can be seen by looking at my lecturers -- they're almost all "dedicated to the cause" and not for the money :P
03:28.16jude-that is the case for most teachers everywhere
03:28.50Epyonjude-, well there's an up-side to that -- dedicated teachers usually teach better :P
03:29.11jude-dedicated ones, yes
03:29.15jude-but not all are even dedicated
03:29.30EpyonThe fun thing I discovered :
03:29.35jude-there are some that teach because the couldn't find a better job to which to apply their education
03:30.16EpyonThe perfect way is to stay in Poland but do an international CS job -- you get paid by US standards, but you live by Polish costs :D
03:30.33jude-that's what I'll probably do in the end
03:30.54jude-if not Poland, then somewhere in Europe
03:30.55EpyonFor me, the GSoC money for example is like 3 times the value as for people in the US :)
03:32.02EpyonOh, and there is no fee for entering discos here, and the beer is 1$ for a big glass at the disco or in the pub, and 0.50$ in the shops xP
03:32.22jude-"discos" ?
03:32.49EpyonDancing, partying .... hmm :>
03:36.26EpyonWell, the tendency is straight opposite.
03:36.56EpyonIn poland the more "liberal" parties try to agitate for the US model of healthcare and education.
03:37.39nick125jude-: The US will probably never get free health care - the insurance companies would go out of business.
03:37.39jude-Epyon: it seems that your country's "liberal" parties would get along with the Republican Party (the conservative party) in the US :)
03:37.54EpyonThe funny thing is the word "US model" used in the propaganda that suggests "better and more modern".
03:38.02jude-it's backwards
03:38.14jude-the US model as it is today needs to be discontinued
03:38.29jude-and made more like the EU's
03:38.33nick125jude-: But it never will be, sadly.
03:38.37Epyonjude-, well poland still doesn't have a normal political situation unfortunately.
03:38.44jude-define "normal"
03:38.54nick125If we went for universal healthcare, what's next? WE'RE GOING TO TURN INTO COMMUNISTS!!
03:39.07nick125And we can't allow that.
03:39.12jude-nick125: I dunno...the US is due for a liberal swing
03:39.24EpyonWell, the fact that a party exists that's made up from people from the former communist goverment is "not normal".
03:39.37jude-the Bush admin probably doomed the Republicans to the sidelines for the next 40 years
03:39.41nick125I've never understood why the US hates socialism and communism.
03:39.45nick125jude-: I wouldn't doubt that.
03:40.10EpyonThe funny thing is that the former communists are the ones most for the US model of healthcare and education xP
03:40.15jude-the US dislikes the oppressive political entities that formed under the premise of Communism
03:40.22jude-unfortuantely, they're synonymous
03:40.35jude-Epyon: LOL
03:40.38nick125Why don't we privatize *EVERYTHING*?
03:40.43nick125That'll fix the problem.
03:40.47nick125Yup, definitely fix it.
03:41.13nick125jude-: No, I'm speaking like just forgot that person's name who was talking about privatizing everything.
03:41.25nick125Privatizing every square inch of the earth, the air, etc.
03:41.26jude-yeah--privitize the whole US government.  It's far better to live under an aristocratic fasciest state :)
03:41.31EpyonThe communists are the left wing. The more rightwing party wants to keep the model of the country with strong support for the citizens.
03:41.41nick125jude-: What do you think the government is already?
03:41.49Epyonjude-, oligarchic xP
03:41.57nick125I mean, just bribe someone, and you'll get your way.
03:42.35nick125That's probably why socialized medicine will never happen in the US. Insurance companies will bribe the Government to not pass it.
03:42.57nick125I personally think political "contributions" by corporations should be illegal.
03:43.41jude-nick125: definitely
03:44.02jude-politicians that take bribes should be deported from the US and shot on sight if they try to come back
03:44.11nick125I also believe that we should FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTION and listen to what our founding fathers said in the past.
03:44.19nick125jude-: Maybe the other way around.
03:44.31jude-sure--deport the bribing party as well
03:44.41jude-just maroon them on a remote protectorate
03:44.45nick125jude-: No. I meant shoot them then send them out.
03:44.47jude-like Guam
03:45.00jude-nah--shoot them off of US soil
03:45.24nick125jude-: The bush administration would take them to Iraq and shoot them, and claim that Iraq is attacking U.S. citizens.
03:45.39jude-they certainly aren't above that
03:45.49EpyonWell, IMHO the US democracy is weak mainly because it became a duocracy. There's no way anything could break the duopoly of the Republicans and Democrats... mainly because of... money :(
03:46.15jude-Epyon: actually, having a 2-party system is to our advantage in that it prevents the formation of a coalition government
03:46.17EpyonIn Poland new parties emerge and fade almost every voting cycle.
03:46.29jude-...which is difficult to maintain
03:46.38jude-(although I wouldn't be against a 3rd party)
03:46.48Epyonjude-, well, but isn't a 2-party system basically a oligarchy?
03:46.55jude-not really
03:47.00jude-the party ideology changes every 50 years or so
03:47.23jude-actually, it changes slightly every election cycle
03:47.27EpyonThe same people rule all the time. And the only ones admitted are sons and daughters of the people already there, or poeple with a lot of money,
03:47.27jude-there's always a new platform
03:48.13jude-Epyon: the difficulty is that the barrier-to-entry for candidates is so high that only a few well-off citizens can have a hope of winning an election
03:48.52jude-while there are a few powerful political families, it still boils down to each party choosing political candidiates that have strong citizen support
03:48.52EpyonAnd TBH, for me the Republicans and the Democrats are just one bunch of oligarchs that play ping-pong with the USA :/
03:49.08jude-that also goes in cycles
03:49.18Epyonjude-, you can't get support without a lot of money, can you :/
03:49.28jude-not realy
03:49.32jude-the party often fronts the money
03:49.33nick125I forgot where I read this, but, it was once said that the government shall serve the people and their interests, and, if the government shall fail to do that, it is the people's right to dismantle the government and create a new one. I think we really should look into that.
03:49.54jude-Declaration of Independence :)
03:50.13EpyonAnd that's the point. It's a system now, that only allows rich people to rule. And who would count on the rich people to take care of the poor>
03:50.21nick125jude-: I forgot where it was. I had a feeling it was the Declaration of Independence.
03:50.26nick125Epyon: The rich don't give a crap
03:50.41nick125As long as their happy in their 50 billion dollar houses away from the real world.
03:50.45EpyonThat's why there wont be free education and free healthcare. Because that would only benefit the poor.
03:50.49jude-Epyon: that's why total campaign costs should be capped and subsidized
03:51.07jude-I'll vote for politicians that will do that
03:51.23nick125Corporations should not be allowed to donate to campaigns (or, if they are allowed, they must be severly restricted).
03:51.28Epyonjude-, sure, but the rich will never make a move to allow the poor to have any political meaning will they? :P
03:51.46jude-political campaign presentations should list their corporate sponsors at least
03:52.10nick125Also, any politician that has corporate ties should be forced to sever those ties as well. Or something to that meaning.
03:52.15Epyonjude-, those are all good ideas but who will pass them in the parlament? :P
03:52.33jude-Epyon: what *can* happen is that the individual states can pre-empt the national legislative branch and amend the Constitution
03:52.35nick125I mean, look at Dick Cheney and Haliburton.
03:52.46EpyonAND THAT'S why there's a problem with the US democracy :(
03:53.18nick125Anyone that says Cheney and Haliburton and Iraq aren't connected in some way really needs to wake up and smell the roses.
03:53.44nick125Isn't it kind of funny that Haliburton is the biggest private contractor in Iraq, usually getting jobs with little or no bidding?
03:53.44EpyonI'll give you a fun fact -- the current Polish president, before becoming president earned less than the US minimal wage :P
03:54.11EpyonSimilarily to the leader of the current ruling party :)
03:54.18EpyonCan you imagine that in the US? :P
03:54.23jude-Epyon: it was once that way
03:54.34jude-it changed after WWII
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03:54.45Epyonjude-, before the corporate era maybe :P
03:55.01Epyonnow it would be virtually impossible.
03:55.09nick125I wish we could go back to the times when politicians cared about the citizens of the land they ruled.
03:55.09jude-actually, before 1900, the US's current political system wasn't too different from what it was today
03:55.14jude-these things are cyclic
03:55.28nick125And less about their corporate and political interests
03:55.38EpyonOkay, one last glass of wine, and I'm going to sleep.
03:56.50nick125I also think that politicians should not be allowed to take or give contributions from companies that have a direct impact on voting - such as Diebold.
03:57.21jude-nick125: because the barrier-to-entry into state governments is much lower than that of the national government, I'd focus on petitioning individual states to amend the Constitution such that corporate contributions be capped to a finite voter-determined limit and that any independent advertizing by corporations be clearly marked as such
03:57.40jude-nick125: the Diebold execs should be locked away for life
03:57.56Epyonjude-, that'll never happen. Because politics now is to much binded to money.
03:58.10nick125jude-: Well, besides the fact that diebold should be dismantled and locked up for treason.
03:58.22jude-that too
03:58.55nick125I personally see their actions as a crime against the United States.
03:58.56jude-seriously--they used a *Microsoft Access Server* to store the data, which *synchronized wirelessly over a weak WEP encryption* with other machines xP
03:59.07jude-they're IDIOTS
03:59.27jude-and stupidity isn't excusable
03:59.34nick125jude-: Not to mention that there is evidence that they put holes in their code to "switch" votes from democrat to republican.
03:59.59jude-one of the guys at the local LUG is actually working with the Democratic party on prosecuting Diebold
04:00.18jude-here's a fun fact I gleaned from him:
04:00.28jude-the Diebold software logo is a fist clutching the globe x
04:00.34*** join/#bzflag nick125_treo (n=upirc@pdpc/supporter/student/nick125)
04:00.54jude-a meritocracy would be the best solution
04:01.10jude-everyone starts life on equal footing, and only the best are allowed succes
04:01.25jude-sort of like OSS development :)
04:02.07Epyonlol :D
04:02.09jude-if these next few electoral cycles don't go well, I'm seriously moving to another continent
04:02.46jude-the US is slowly turning into a 3rd world country, where a small, powerful elite virtually owns the vast, uneducated, downtrodden prolotariot
04:03.04jude-the middle class is shrinking
04:04.03jude-I don't think it's completely hopeless, however
04:04.19jude-the general political affiliation as a function of age goes like this:
04:04.23jude-(in the US)
04:04.27Epyonunfortunately it'll take at least a couple of generations to understand democracies downsides...
04:04.58jude-0-30: liberal; 30-40: neutral; 40-70: conservative; 70 and on: liberal
04:05.07EpyonAnd unfortunately at the current cultural and technological level there is no better political system.
04:05.28jude-heh--"Democracy sucks, but it's a hell of a lot better than other political systems"
04:06.08Epyonjude-, Churchill's words were "Democracy is the worst political system, but up to date no better one was created" xP
04:06.12jude-anyway, I think there's still hope because once the Baby Boomers retire in full, there'll be a LOT more liberal voters out there :)
04:06.22jude-Epyon: correct
04:07.08jude-one other thing the US could do is make election day a federal holiday and a day of rest, where EVERYONE can take a payed leave to vote
04:07.15nick125I also believe that the current Bush administration should be tried for warcrimes. Send them to Guantanamo bay, see how they like it.
04:07.36purple_cowjude-: um, they can
04:07.51jude-purple_cow: but it's not a federal holidy
04:07.54purple_cowemployers are required to give people time off to vote
04:08.01jude-but not payed vote
04:08.04jude-*payed to vote
04:08.17Epyonjude-, that would only make matters worse.
04:08.37jude-Epyon: the #1 reason US citizens cited when asked why they didn't vote was because of work
04:08.38EpyonYou'd have people who have no idea what they are voting for vote.
04:09.21EpyonWorse even, you'd have people vote for the pepole that cry the most demagogue lines in the media.
04:09.51jude-but there are a LOT of people who know who'd they vote for who *can't* vote because they *can't* afford to take time off to do so
04:10.45jude-Epyon: voter literacy tests were once used in the US to prevent african-americans from voting
04:10.52jude-that'd NEVER be brought back
04:11.22Epyonelections in Poland are usualy held on Sundays.
04:11.32jude-they're held on the 1st Tuesday of November here
04:11.57jude-which is a working day
04:12.11Epyonjude-, yeah, I see the problem, especially in a country without free education :(
04:12.29jude-although moving the election day to Sunday would be a good idea
04:12.43purple_cowheh.  there's no chance of that ;)
04:12.52jude-why not?
04:12.54EpyonWell in poland if you're illiterate it's only your fault.
04:13.10jude-Epyon: how do you mean *illiterate*?
04:13.30jude-i.e. unable to read, or uninformed of current events, or lacking a higher education?
04:13.43EpyonThere are many goverment programs that strive on supporting everyone to at least finish a afterhighschool semi-college.
04:14.03Epyonjude-, lacking general knowledge.
04:14.13purple_cowway too much religiosity in this country to do anything official on a sunday
04:14.39jude-purple_cow: I haven't heard of anyone objecting to Independence day falling on a Sunday
04:14.59jude-in fact, why not make election day on 4th July?
04:15.08jude-it's already a holiday :)
04:15.10Epyonpurple_cow, in Poland catholism is almost considered state-religion, and still everyone favours sunday as the day to vote :P
04:15.33purple_cowmaybe associating it with july 4 would get past that problem
04:15.34Epyoncatholicism* ?
04:16.01Epyonpurple_cow, and that would be really nicely symbolic too xP
04:16.02jude-Epyon: lots of people in the US are fundomentalist protestant
04:16.17EpyonBTW, my brother was born on the 4th of July :D
04:16.25jude-i.e. Sunday is too important for anything else besides religion :(
04:16.26purple_cowbut remember that they used to deliver mail on sundays, and there was a concerted lobbying effort to stop that =P
04:16.35jude-that's idiotic
04:16.49jude-we really should bring that back
04:17.27EpyonHeh, mail does come on sunday here :>
04:18.32EpyonStill except for foreign supermarkets and the neccessary public service it's a day off here.
04:18.43purple_cowI wouldn't say that there's a majority of fundamentalist protestantism, but they sure are loud =P
04:19.03jude-purple_cow: actually, there is a majority
04:19.12Epyonpurple_cow, the religious situation of the US always stroke me as funny :P
04:19.14jude-it's just over half
04:19.23Epyonjude-, the majority are catholic :P
04:19.34jude-in the US, I mean
04:19.40EpyonIn the US :P
04:19.42jude-no, protestant
04:19.46jude-catholics are a minority
04:20.02jude-the dominant plurality religion in the US is Southern Baptist
04:20.11purple_cowjude-: half might call themselves evangelicals, but I don't think half would be willing to actively lobby for blue laws
04:20.31jude-purple_cow: I dunno...45% of americans believe in creationism
04:20.45jude-that's usually an indication that religion has blocked their reasoning
04:21.09Epyonjude-, catholics are the single biggest religion in the US, do you call that minority? :P
04:21.52EpyonIt's just that the media and politics ignore them totaly.
04:21.56jude-Epyon, no--southern baptists make up the largest religious group in the US
04:22.19Epyonjude-, 25% US citizens are Catholic.
04:22.26EpyonBabtista are 17%
04:23.26EpyonProtestant here includes all the Babtists, Methodists, Luteran and other ines
04:24.33EpyonAnd believe me, that there *are* big differences between Baptists and Methodists.
04:25.15EpyonAnd yes, I'm also basing on that wikipedia article :)
04:25.35jude-hmm...I guess I misread
04:26.06Epyonjude-, understandable, especially that you DON'T hear about catholics at ALL in the media :)
04:26.21EpyonThis also struck me as a Catholic-brought-up person.
04:26.47jude-Epyon: I was still right about there being more protestants than anyone else in the US
04:27.38Epyonjude-, doesn't it wonder you the lack of Catholicism in media and politics? :P
04:28.12jude-because there is an irrational fear that if a Catholic is elected to public office, the bad, mean, evil Pope effectively has control of the nation
04:28.26Epyonlol :D
04:28.28jude-it's true
04:28.49jude-President Kennedy was VERY controversial for that reason
04:28.56EpyonI would be laughing even more if John Paul II was still pope :/
04:29.10jude-I laughed all the way to his death about it
04:29.17Epyonjude- :)
04:29.37jude-Benedict XVI...I can see how he could come across as scary
04:29.45jude-but not for any rational reason
04:30.01Epyonjude-, well he has a really scary job ahead of him.
04:30.17Epyonjude-, considering the achievements of his precedessor.
04:30.21jude-mostly because the ever-popular book The Da Vinci Code portrays Opus Dei as some twisted sect of Catholicism, and Benedict was once the head of it
04:30.27jude-heh, indeed
04:30.28EpyonSo I somehow feel for him.
04:31.32Epyonjude-, he was also a dedicated follower of John Paul II however.
04:31.38jude-I know
04:31.55jude-I'm talking about the general, illiterate perception from most protestant americans
04:32.11jude-i.e. people that can't tell the difference from fact and fiction
04:32.32Epyonjude-, the general, illiterate perception is always merciless unfortunately :(
04:32.46jude-and it's usually the majority perception :(
04:32.52jude-(here, at least)
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04:33.35jude-Epyon: ever been to
04:34.00jude-there are some really funny political satires there :)
04:34.23jude-see "This Land" under "Originals"
04:34.29EpyonFrom our (polish) side one can be said however, that he went great lengths to try to help the polish people with their grief of the loss of JP II, without trying to pretend he's a good substitute. The polish people generally recieved him being pope well.
04:35.15jude-he undoubtably was one of the best
04:35.53Epyonjude-, I've seen that one :P
04:37.50jude-Epyon: have you seen "What We Call the News" ?
04:38.23Epyonjude-, watching now :)
04:39.41jude-that pretty much sums up US media xP
04:40.57Epyonheh, great :D. Although it would be mostly inunderstandable for someone that didn't live in the US and didn't watch TV there :P
04:41.37jude-trust me, it's pretty darn close
04:41.48EpyonI know :)
04:42.04jude-catering to the illiterate
04:43.10EpyonOkay, 6:41 in the morning, time for bed for me :D
04:43.24jude-good night Epyon
04:45.44Epyong'night jude-, and thanks for the nice discussion :)
04:46.30jude-anytime :)
04:46.40jude-always a pleasure
04:52.20nick125Anyone here know if there is a list of freely-usable textures for bzflag?
04:54.43jude-you could snarf bzwgen's textures...IIRC they're LGPL-ed
04:54.51jude-(ask Epyon first, however)
04:55.00EpyonLGPL :P
04:55.14nick125Epyon: Do you have a chain-link texture?
04:56.03Epyonbut if you ask me tommorow I can find/create/make one for you.
04:56.09EpyonNow however...
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05:44.23nick125Quick server-related question: How do I start a game with only red and blue teams?
05:47.42delusionalfor the textures, look here
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07:28.06brlcadEpyon: nice new screenshot!
07:28.19brlcadcustom textures there really add some polish
07:28.30brlcadas did the doorways
07:28.35brlcadand antennae
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11:12.25Dessyhello anyone here?
11:13.04Dessyneed help
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12:57.58delusionalforestv is a cheater
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15:22.02delusional-set _endShotDetection -1       that turns it off, right?    might just be anything less than 1
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17:02.43CBGdelusional: typically, 0 = false or off, 1 = true or on... but yes, as far as I remember, anything other than 1 will be off/false.
17:06.52JeffMnon zero is true
17:07.25CBGoh, so I have it backwards? "-1" =s true?
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17:08.23JeffM0,False,false,FALSE,no,No,NO,disable all == false
17:08.27JeffManything else is true
17:08.47CBGThanks JeffM. There you go delusional ^
17:09.32delusionalhmm ok
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17:11.14JeffMthat's assuming the thing that checks the var in bzflag uses the method "isTrue"
17:11.29EpyonJeffMm so FAlse is true :P
17:11.45JeffMI'd guess so
17:12.03JeffMthose are the constants pulled form the code, and it dosn't do an toupper to tolower
17:13.07delusionalso the only way to shut it off is   -set _endShotDetection 0
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17:13.33JeffMor no
17:13.35JeffMor NO
17:13.44JeffMprobalby should add "off" to the list
17:15.52JeffMendshot dosn't use istrue
17:15.57JeffMcus it uses the value as a limit
17:16.14JeffMso yes, 0 is the best way
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17:24.09CIA-25BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r15824 10/branches/v2_0branch/bzflag/src/common/StateDatabase.cxx: make the isTrue system be case insensitive and accept "off" as a valid false
17:24.30*** join/#bzflag ddubs (
17:24.45CIA-25BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r15825 10/branches/v2_0branch/bzflag/src/ (bzflag/playing.cxx bzfs/bzfs.cxx): make endShotDetecton check isTrue as well as if the value is not zero
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17:27.35JeffMthat should help you
17:27.50JeffMset the variable to off, and it won't do the endshot checks
17:34.56JeffMis there any API stuff that anyone wants back ported for .10?
17:38.31CIA-25BZFlag: 03bryjen * r15826 10/branches/v2_0branch/bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfs.cxx: short a couple lines and correct parens
17:43.51delusional-set _endShotDetection off    jeffm2501, is there a corresponding "on"?
17:45.52AAA_awrightA number?
17:47.01JeffMdelusional, y eah a number
17:47.13JeffMit needs some number to use when on
17:47.26JeffMthe default is 5
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17:48.03JeffMTupone, you should get the copyright updated to 2007 for branch
17:48.37Tuponeyeah, probably. I will if nobody will do
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18:11.49blast007JeffM: if there was a seperate radar update message, would that need velocity? or just position?
18:17.58JeffMthe res is so low, I figured just postion
18:18.13JeffMrepresents the pos when the radar did it's 'ping' more like real radar
18:18.45JeffMbut you could do a low res vec too
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18:21.11yoyoxHi all
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18:26.20tsJeffM: Radar has huge size for some players..
18:27.19JeffMts, not that big
18:27.32tsHalf of screen
18:27.45JeffMand that's what 1 unit per pixel for most maps?
18:27.52JeffMmaybe 2 pixels per unit
18:27.57tsI have 20"...
18:28.08JeffMmaps are 100's of units wide
18:28.19JeffMtanks are 2-4 units large
18:28.36JeffMif your display is 1200 pixels high, on an 800 unit high map...
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18:28.47tsHmm, my tank in zoom is roughly about 20 pixels
18:29.06JeffMthe res is still a lot lower then on screen
18:29.17JeffMspliting up a short will make it plenty smooth
18:30.08tsHmm, I'm not so sure
18:30.18JeffMon a standard map that still gives you 1/80th of a unit granularity
18:30.37JeffMthat's more then you can display
18:31.02JeffMand slap the vector down to 2 chars, and that'll be fine for what radar shows
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18:31.50JeffMand if you realy want to go overboard you make the radar send out updates relitive to your tank
18:31.58JeffMso its' distance based, not map size
18:32.28JeffMso radar always shows you +- 800 units or smething
18:33.25JeffMat that res, the minimum move would be 0.0125 world units
18:33.51JeffMso you'd not see a dif between 0.0125 and 0.024
18:34.02JeffMI don't even think you can see that in the 3d view
18:35.39JeffMsorry at +-800, that's be 0.25 to 0.049 would be the same.
18:35.55JeffMand that would show a map 2x larger then the current default
18:36.15JeffMbahh 0.025 and 0.049
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18:45.33nick125Anyone here have a tiny bit of free time that would like to give some criticism of my WIP map?
18:46.29AAA_awrightnick125: What server?
18:54.13CIA-25BZFlag: 03t-s * r15827 10/branches/v2_0branch/bzflag/ChangeLog: Correct list of my changes
19:02.50CIA-25BZFlag: 03t-s * r15828 10/branches/v2_0branch/bzflag/src/game/LagInfo.cxx: Hopefully lagannounce now ok, list -adminlagannounce and -lagannounce in ChangeLog
19:04.06CIA-25BZFlag: 03t-s * r15829 10/branches/v2_0branch/bzflag/ChangeLog: Oops, didn't save ChangeLog before commiting
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20:01.43CIA-25BZFlag: 03t-s * r15830 10/trunk/bzflag/BUGS: Mountains look ok now but jumping is broken
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20:27.33CIA-25BZFlag: 03atupone * r15831 10/branches/v2_0branch/bzflag/src/bzflag/bzflag.cxx: Don't go full screen so early with SDL.
20:27.51TuponeDTRemenak: I hope I did not break it for you
20:27.58bryjents: how is jumping broken?
20:29.49delusionalwhat's the word to describe drawinfo ?things? like tristrips, trifans, quads, points?
20:31.59delusionaldlist elements?
21:10.06*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
21:25.03tsbryjen: Well, angular velocity and jumping heigth wrong
21:25.41tsbryjen: Hold down tab and jump around in one direction. You'll see.
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21:28.22bryjeni don't know about angular velocity.  holding down tab was affected by the change to additive Z velocity. that could probably be tweaked to affect only Wings, since that's really what is was intended for.
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21:29.32tserr, angular velocity maybe the wrong translation
21:30.24tsbryjen: Jumping and instant rejump in different directions will lead to different direction, based on FPS
21:30.59tsbryjen: It's caused by limiting acceleration
21:31.11tsimplementation is wrong (design)
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21:33.20Tuponewe should design in a way that the time you are in contact with the ground/object/... is indipendent from FPS, probably fixed
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21:42.18CIA-25BZFlag: 03bryjen * r15832 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzflag/LocalPlayer.cxx: make this explicitly for wings
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21:52.09a_temp_distcan I whitelist an IP to get through a broad HOSTban?
21:55.07Constitutiona_temp_dist: I don't think so
21:55.21a_temp_disthmm, ok thx
21:55.21Constitutionthe banlist itself doesn't have any concept of a whitelist
21:55.53a_temp_distwe have a whitelist usergroup - I'll add the player to that and see if that gets him past the hostban
22:09.13TD-LinuxANTIBAN in that group?
22:12.14*** join/#bzflag Flash (n=jwmelto@unaffiliated/flash)
22:13.19a_temp_distTD-Linux, yep
22:32.19nick125Hmm, is there a way to "tint" a texture (I want blue brick as a material) with a texture?
22:33.26Epyonyou just add diffuse to the color.
22:33.26Winnycolor 0 0 0 1
22:33.33Winnycolor Red Blue Green Alpha
22:33.52EpyonWinny, not RGB? o.O
22:33.56nick125And, what's the filename for the standard brick pattern?
22:34.07Epyonwall.png afaik
22:36.09nick125Yay blue brick!
22:36.28Epyonnick125, was it RGB or RBG?
22:37.01Epyonhah, kudos for me ^_^
22:39.11nick125Hopefully only a few more hours and my map will actually be interesting!
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22:59.53nick125Is there a way to rotate a box on the X axis?
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23:02.57AAA_awrightA Mesh
23:03.35Winnynick125: why would you WANT to?
23:03.53Winnydo get the side texture on the top?
23:04.07nick125Winny: To add some decorations to the bridges in my map
23:04.25WinnyI suppose you could use the "spin" funtion
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23:04.32Winnybut I always liked meshes better.
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23:45.07delusional~karma cbg
23:45.07ibotcbg has karma of -435
23:50.22Epyon~karma Epyon
23:50.22ibotepyon has karma of 60
23:50.42Epyonwhen did I get so high? o.O
23:51.05donny_bakerEpyon: it's just a contact high
23:51.39donny_baker~karma donny_baker
23:51.39ibotdonny_baker has karma of 41
23:53.31Winny~karma Winny
23:53.31ibotwinny has karma of 19
23:53.44Constitution~karma BZ_Win
23:53.44ibotbz_win has neutral karma
23:54.05WinnyConstitution: only used that nick for a month or so.
23:54.43Winnybut you hate me for not getting textures
23:55.07EpyonYou still deserve more than 19 :P
23:55.15EpyonAnyway, I do not "hate" you.
23:55.18EpyonI STALK you xP
23:56.25Winnyerr, shuts.
23:56.54CBGdon't shit the window...
23:57.02donny_bakerty Winny DTRemenak CBG
23:57.03CBGit smells bad enough anyway. geez
23:57.26CBGlet the room aerate a little...
23:58.35SpazzyMcGeeI never knew that was the correct spelling of aerate.
23:59.17Winnydoesn't that usually involve punching holes in the object?
23:59.24WinnyIE: aerating the ground.
23:59.40Winny* SpazzyMcGee is now known as Swiss_Cheese
23:59.48SpazzyMcGeeFrom which dictionary are you looking winny?

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