IRC log for #bzflag on 20070824

00:00.00tannerldEpyon: oh noez
00:00.15tannerldon a meshbox, can it have diff matref for each sid?
00:00.32EpyonMust I define my own PI const?
00:01.23JeffMEpyon, you have to define a thing before it
00:01.32JeffMlet me look
00:01.37JeffMthey arn't on by default in windows
00:01.43JeffMothers will ignore it
00:01.49JeffMsince they are defined for POSIX
00:02.03JeffMit's not on in windows by default cus older windows apps defined there own
00:02.24JeffMI had to do it in vector math in GPX
00:02.33JeffMthen you get M_PI and the like
00:03.38EpyonSo what's the define? the one you pasted doesn't work :?
00:03.52JeffMtake a look at my vectorMath file
00:03.54JeffMit'll be in there
00:04.20JeffMI had it open and I didn't realise :)
00:04.34JeffMyou have to do that BEFORE you include <math.h>
00:04.41JeffMthen make sure you use M_PI
00:05.40CIA-23BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r15386 10/trunk/bzwgen/ (inc/Mesh.h src/Mesh.cxx): createNGon added. Wonder if it works xP
00:10.38CIA-23BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r15387 10/trunk/bzwgen/inc/ (Face.h Output.h): output boolean added to Face - allows to create non-visual faces for reference.
00:12.32tannerldEpyon: does the -s argument not work or is it just me?
00:16.29EpyonYep, it should work
00:17.13EpyonBut remeber that if you change just the size, then the world will be "squished" or "expanded" -- size doesn't affect generation of geometry :)
00:17.48EpyonAlso remember that this is a "diameter" size, default is 800 equal to bzfs default 400
00:18.19EpyonTo create twice a smaller city you'd need to run bzfs -s 400 -g 21
00:18.34Epyonsorry, bzwgen -s 400 -g 21
00:19.34Epyonbut to make it the same style you'd also need to divide the subdiv and fullslice params by 2
00:19.55EpyonHmm by 4 actually.
00:33.37CIA-23BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r15388 10/trunk/bzwgen/ (7 files in 3 dirs): spawnngon and OperationSpawnNGon implemented. Not tested yet, and I bet a cookie that the buildings will be generated upside down.
00:38.54*** join/#bzflag afiestas (n=afiestas@
00:43.20EpyonHere goes nothin...
00:43.25Epyon(anyone here BTW?)
00:44.12spldartquestion... bots target by what? site or radar?
00:44.47Constitutionit's a bot... no difference
00:45.08Constitutionautopilot and -solo bots ignore CL and ST flags in 2.0 code anyway
00:45.21spldartUmm.... so those flags don't work on bots
00:45.48*** join/#bzflag rob1n (n=emp@unaffiliated/rob1n)
00:45.55KTLand it's a pain to let a bot play against stealths, he sees them what people don't like or he does not see them and he gets killed
00:46.23spldartI was just finding that out...
00:46.36spldartGrab a st flag and no players can find me... except bots
00:46.41spldartfind a cl flag and same
00:46.57spldartso those flags were useless on a map with 6 real and 4 bots
00:48.48EpyonYaaaaay it works :D
00:49.02EpyonIf anyone want's a screenie I can upload one :)
00:49.28ConstitutionEpyon: let's have a look :-)
00:50.10KTLwhat more could he have made now mmm
00:54.20EpyonThis is a WIP, the new ones wont be as often, and will be on square lots only. Or something else. This is more a proof of concept :)
00:54.37KTLscreenshot before i go sleep :)
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00:56.01*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
00:56.13ConstitutionEpyon:src/Operation.cxx: In member function 'virtual int OperationSpawnNGon::runMesh(Mesh*, int)':
00:56.14Constitutionsrc/Operation.cxx:26: error: 'min' was not declared in this scope
00:56.33Epyonwierd, I'll fix that right away.
00:58.42bryjenneeds std::
00:59.06Epyonbryjen, no includes?
01:00.56spldartCuz I should have earlier
01:01.10bryjenno.  that's what i did. don't know if that's correct. Works For Me*
01:02.25CIA-23BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r15389 10/trunk/bzwgen/ (inc/globals.h src/Operation.cxx): minh instead of min - minh defined in globals.
01:04.15CIA-23BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r15390 10/trunk/bzwgen/src/Mesh.cxx: Half a step reduction so that even sided quads get generated along the road axises
01:07.37CIA-23BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r15391 10/trunk/bzwgen/rules/ (ngon.set start.set): NGon buildings added. Due to their placement restrictions (base must be a square) they are quite rare (the more fun xP).
01:08.11CIA-23BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r15392 10/trunk/bzwgen/TODO: TODO item cleared :D
01:08.52*** join/#bzflag me1 (
01:09.07me1blast: are you there?
01:10.12me1blast: you mentioned a plugin that takes sounds from web sites and plays them, but it caused client to crash
01:10.24me1did it work with sounds in the data folder?
01:10.29blast007no idea
01:11.57*** join/#bzflag bier_ (
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01:35.19spldart2.4 liters so far ;-)
01:46.59redsoxfan90who is a mac pro in here?
01:47.15blast007redsoxfan90: just ask the question
01:47.51redsoxfan90i did right now.
01:48.16blast007no, you effectively asked if you could ask a question
01:48.58blast007MacWindow.cxx:108: error: cannot convert '_CGLPixelFormatObject*' to '_CGLPixelFormatObject**' for argument '2' to 'CGLError CGLChoosePixelFormat(const CGLPixelFormatAttribute*, _CGLPixelFormatObject**, GLint*)'
01:49.30blast007(that's the error that a friend of redsoxfan90 is getting when trying to build 2.0.8 on a PPC OSX machine)
01:49.51redsoxfan90thxs for typing for me :P
01:50.01redsoxfan90money is in the mail.
01:50.23blast007np, I charge $5 per character
01:52.22*** part/#bzflag me1 (
02:00.05*** join/#bzflag Flash (
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03:08.39*** part/#bzflag R3laX (
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03:31.33*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
03:34.50JeffMDTRemenak, you there?
04:43.17*** join/#bzflag Quol (
04:55.48*** join/#bzflag ATD_ (n=grondin@about/essy/alarming/a-temp-dist)
05:24.23*** join/#bzflag AWOSLappy (n=awilcox@unaffiliated/awosdev)
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05:26.34awilcoxw/in 7
05:28.23blast007l/oss 5
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06:00.45*** join/#bzflag AWOSLappy (n=awilcox@unaffiliated/awosdev)
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06:11.33Epyonblog updated :D
06:17.08*** join/#bzflag Constitution (
06:21.10EpyonConstitution, tried updating the server?
06:22.56ConstitutionEpyon: just did, should be running the latest code
06:23.09Constitutionwill you still be up for a while?
06:23.30EpyonWell it's 8:34 in the morning...
06:23.42EpyonBut I don't feel like sleepin' today.
06:24.21EpyonHow do I call an inherited destructor in C++? o.O
06:24.40EpyonOr are they called automatically?
06:25.59JeffMit's virtual?
06:26.33EpyonI have Multiface : public Face
06:26.41Epyonand a destructor for MultiFace
06:26.54EpyonWill the Face destructor be called automatically?
06:27.05Epyonthe Face destructor is virtual.
06:30.46JeffMif all the destructors are flaged as virtual yeah
06:30.50JeffMit'll call each one
06:31.02Epyonall need to have the virtual keyword?
06:31.28JeffMI sleep
06:32.26EpyonSleep has become obsolete xP
06:33.45*** part/#bzflag lepoulpe303 (n=LePoulpe@about/essy/MobileTarget/LePoulpe303)
06:38.37ConstitutionEpyon: I found a "vertex inf nan inf" lines in a map I generated...
06:45.32Constitutionalso, I patched bzwgen to include team flag safety zones, and I'd like to talk to you about it:
06:46.40*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
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07:02.45*** join/#bzflag AWOSLappy (n=awilcox@unaffiliated/awosdev)
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07:28.01EpyonConstitution, what's your real name? (for the AUTHORS)
07:28.27EpyonAnd does the inf nan inf happen often?
07:28.42ConstitutionEpyon: Joshua Bodine, but I think JeffM already added me
07:28.51EpyonYeah, found it on SF :)
07:28.58Constitutionnot often... maybe one time in five
07:29.27EpyonI need to track down in what type of buildings it happens :/
07:31.56EpyonConstitution, any idea how to apply a pacth?
07:32.12EpyonI have the patch program, but it has no help :/
07:32.27Constitutionhm, on *nix, patch -p0 < patchfile.diff
07:39.19*** part/#bzflag AWOSDev2100 (
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07:44.28CIA-23BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r15393 10/trunk/bzwgen/ (7 files in 4 dirs): flag safety zones for CTF maps - patch by Constitution (thanks)
07:44.49EpyonDuh, took some time to find a working patch command for W32 :)
07:46.19Constitutionwell cool
07:47.07AWOSLappyaw, no factoid?
07:47.10ibothmm... epyon is chaos-dev.  "Epyon" was taken.
07:47.21EpyonAWOSLappy, try chaos-dev :P
07:47.22ibotAWOSLappy is awilcox on his laptop
07:47.29ibothmm... chaos-dev is Epyon.  "chaos-dev" wasn't taken.
07:47.48EpyonYou gotta love recursive definitions :P
07:47.57ibotbzwgen is probably a random procedural world generator created by Epyon as a GSoC project, or
07:48.00Epyoncool :D
07:48.10Constitution~factinfo bzwgen
07:48.10ibotbzwgen -- created by Constitution <> at Fri Aug  3 00:49:24 2007 (21 days); it has been requested 4 times, last by Epyon, 13s ago.
07:48.22AWOSLappy~factinfo bzworkbench
07:48.22ibotbzworkbench -- created by Constitution <> at Tue Jul 17 21:28:30 2007 (37 days); it has been requested 4 times, last by AWOSLappy, 10h 14m 24s ago.
07:48.47AWOSLappyConstitution: were you a mentor?
07:49.10Constitutionno :-)
08:00.25*** part/#bzflag Constitution (
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10:09.45donny_bakerare the forums having issues? haven't been able to get to anything there for the past 20 minutes
10:10.20tannerldworks fine for me
10:10.20donny_bakeror is it just my connection?
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11:39.22tsTupone: ping
11:39.41tsTupone: Someone broke build system
11:39.41CIA-23BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r15394 10/trunk/bzwgen/inc/MultiFace.h: Initial import of the MultiFace class. Much work needs to be done here...
11:39.53TuponeSomeone could be me?
11:40.07tsTupone: I'll try to create a patch...but no time right now
11:40.23Tuponecan you post the error
11:40.26tsTupone: I can upload it this evening. Can you review it then?
11:40.37tsNo time now, sry
11:41.24tsgotta go now, bye
12:07.25CIA-23BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r15395 10/trunk/bzwgen/inc/globals.h: intersectZ - intersection between segments cast on the XY plane.
12:21.22CIA-23BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r15396 10/trunk/bzwgen/ (inc/MultiFace.h src/bzwgen.cxx): bool vertexInside (int) - checking if vertex is in polygon
12:21.47CIA-23BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r15397 10/trunk/bzwgen/src/bzwgen.cxx: darn, this should not be changed.
12:57.05*** join/#bzflag Deepa (n=deepa@wrongplanet/deepa)
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13:25.29EpyonDuh, this is harder than I thought o.O
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14:25.54blast007Epyon: if you have Tortoise SVN, it has a merge program that can also load patch files
14:26.09Winnydoes anyone in here have a guess when BZWB will be completly done?
14:26.26EpyonWinny, only jude- could give a guesstimate.
14:26.28WinnyI'd rather wait for the new editor then bumble around in a text editor :p
14:26.40blast007I don't think anyone does, Winny
14:27.17blast007iirc, jude- has less time available now (though they will continue working on it)
14:28.14Epyondaaaarn, this is probably the most complex algo I have written for GSoC...
14:28.54Winnymath? eek!
14:29.14donny_bakerWinny: jude- can get help now :) roll up them sleeves
14:32.24CIA-23BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r15398 10/trunk/bzwgen/ (inc/Face.h inc/MultiFace.h inc/globals.h src/bzwgen.cxx): Boolean polygon addition and refinement - in other words : a huge blob of math code, that I bet a cookie on that it wont work without a few hours of debugging...
14:40.28*** join/#bzflag Constitution (
14:44.04CIA-23BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r15399 10/trunk/bzwgen/ (6 files in 3 dirs):
14:44.04CIA-23BZFlag: OperationTest / test() command added to the grammar -- currently it does
14:44.04CIA-23BZFlag: nothing, I'll use it to test multifaces without implementing them fully into the
14:44.04CIA-23BZFlag: language yet, but even after that I'll leave it (empty again) to provide a quick
14:44.08CIA-23BZFlag: way to test new features
14:44.37*** join/#bzflag Suspect (
15:07.35CIA-23BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r15400 10/trunk/bzwgen/ (inc/Operation.h src/Operation.cxx): Test operation for testing multimeshes written. Now just to make it work :/
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15:36.25ryanakcaTimRiker: Hi, when you get a chance, could you apply bzflag_2.0.8.20060605-1.debdiff (from ) so that I can merge into Ubuntu?
15:37.29ryanakcaThe current Ubuntu Gutsy build only includes the source makefiles in /usr/shar/bzflag/ :
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15:56.19*** mode/#bzflag [-R] by JeffM2501
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16:05.22CIA-23BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r15401 10/trunk/bzwgen/inc/globals.h: added toString() to vertex.
16:07.17CIA-23BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r15402 10/trunk/bzwgen/inc/MultiFace.h: Buuuugfixes...
16:10.09EpyonAnd BTW, the non-convex roof was properly triangulated...
16:10.27EpyonAre you sure that BZF doesn't have a triangulation algorithm?
16:10.33JeffMit may
16:10.51JeffMfew understand the mesh code outside of trepan
16:11.31EpyonJeffM, could you chech that if you have a moment? Or ask someone who knows? It will take me a lot more time to do it myself, and I'd rather know if I don't have to implement triangulation myself :)
16:11.47JeffMif it did it, it does
16:12.36Epyonit did it, but it might have been my graphics card. Maybe the newer cards triangulate GL_POLYGON :/
16:12.52JeffMthat would not be GL compliant
16:14.06JeffMthere is a triangluate paramter on the addFace method
16:14.09JeffMand it is set to true
16:15.16EpyonThat makes my life so much easier :D
16:15.19JeffMI odn't know if it handles concave, but it's doing something
16:16.52EpyonWhy would anyone triangulate if not for handling concave?
16:17.16EpyonAnyway, I had that hunch after I saw how bzflag does texturing.
16:17.29EpyonIt textures per-triangle and not per quad.
16:17.49*** join/#bzflag a_temp_dist (n=temporal@about/essy/alarming/a-temp-dist)
16:18.21EpyonBTW, I got quite a funny map generated by accident, anyone want a screenshot? :)
16:19.08donny_bakeryeah I noticed
16:20.10EpyonI'd name the screenshot "Alien Breed : Tower Assault" xP
16:20.59JeffMor just st lewis
16:21.10JeffMEpyon, to ensure they are planar
16:21.12JeffMthats why\
16:21.30JeffMdoing your tri's before is faster as well
16:21.32EpyonJeffM, it handled my concave poly nicely.
16:21.55JeffMconvex poly's are easy
16:22.05Epyonconcave *
16:22.14EpyonI always mess those up -_-
16:22.23JeffMpacman is concave
16:22.37EpyonREPHRASING - it handled the _harder_ situation nicely :P
16:22.45JeffMgood for it
16:22.51Epyongood for me :D
16:23.04JeffMbut yeah you realy want to triangllate before GL, so it's done once, not every fame
16:23.23EpyonNow I can finally think about more complex geo :)
16:23.46trepanbesides concave polys, you also want to triangulate convex non-planar polys for consistency
16:28.52EpyonOkay, JeffM, extrude doesn't work with concave yet :)
16:29.19EpyonSo what was that you were trying to tell me before about that algo to check on which side is a point? :)
16:30.22JeffMthat the sample I made dosn't work
16:50.29EpyonJeffM, so any idea how to fix it?
16:51.42JeffMworkin on it
16:51.52JeffMtrepan, you there?
16:56.10JeffMcan you refresh my memory, in 2d, if I want to see if a point is on one side of a vector, I take the dot product of the normal vector of the line, and the vector from a point on the line to the point in question, and see if its' > 0, if so it's on the same side as the normal, right?
16:57.22trepan(same as in 3d for planes)
16:57.22JeffMthen I think I see the problem in my math :)
16:57.34*** join/#bzflag gsnedders (
16:57.35JeffMyeah I just wanted to express in the lowest order :)
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17:04.23JeffMEpyon, give me just a bit, I think I just need to modify some of my functions
17:08.37JeffMEpyon, but I don't think you can test to see if a point is in a concave polygon by walking the edges and checking to see if the point is on the same side of all the edges
17:08.42JeffMa U will screw you up
17:09.46EpyonJeff, considering that all my polygons are counterclockwise  :P
17:09.52JeffMdosn't mater
17:10.03JeffMdo you need me to show you an example?
17:10.09EpyonI take three consecutive points.
17:10.21EpyonI know that solid is on the left of them
17:10.32JeffMif you have a thick U, and a poin in one leg
17:10.37JeffMit'll be outside of the other leg
17:10.47EpyonSo I just test if the middle point is "left" compared to the others.
17:10.48JeffMso the point will be on the right of that other leg
17:11.21EpyonI don't care. Solid is always on the left, right?
17:11.32JeffMlet me make you an example
17:11.57EpyonIf you walk around a building, no matter how complex it is you have the wall always to your left :P
17:11.57JeffMunless you are going to cast a ray and count edge intersections
17:12.10EpyonI don't need to.
17:12.12trepanthere are a couple of ways to test for concaves
17:12.24JeffMlet me show you a picture of what I'm thinking
17:12.42trepanyou can use the angle volume approach, or line crossing way
17:13.07trepan(in 2d)
17:13.46EpyonBelieve me, all I need is to know if a point is left or right of a vector.
17:14.06JeffMlet me show you
17:14.09JeffMjust wait a sec
17:18.04TD-LinuxEpyon, is this going to be a complex solution to the polygon-on-ground problem?
17:18.22EpyonTD-Linux, no, for a new feature
17:19.43JeffMthe white point is to the RIGHT of the normal that is ciricled in magenta
17:19.49TD-LinuxEpyon, it sounds interesting though. Is this possibly to get rid of the big huge polygons on roofs and things that are mostly invisible?
17:19.59JeffMit's on the same side as all others
17:20.12EpyonOh you misunderstood me :)
17:20.36JeffMthat is why I wanted to illustrate
17:20.38EpyonI want just to detect the concave corners.
17:20.52EpyonThis is all I need for extrusion.
17:20.54JeffMahh so your going to break it into convect shapes
17:21.15EpyonNope, I'm just trying to fix extrusion :P
17:21.38EpyonAs for breaking up, the triangulation algo will do it for me.
17:21.53JeffMyou'll need inside and outside points
17:22.00JeffMfor collisions
17:22.08JeffMit's these concave shapes that need them the most
17:22.29EpyonThis is where my algo will show it rules :P
17:22.40JeffMshow what rules?
17:22.54JeffMyou have an automated way to add inside and outsie points?
17:23.07EpyonALL complex shapes in bzwgen will be made from basic shapes :)
17:23.24EpyonWhat means that your example would be 3 quads.
17:23.25JeffMare you going to extrude this into a single mesh object in BZFlag?
17:23.36EpyonEach quad will put one inside point :)
17:23.45JeffMso no, you break it into convexes
17:24.04JeffMfor extrusions you can do that simply
17:24.07EpyonI won't break it, they will be held internaly :)
17:24.08JeffMso that will work for you
17:24.19Epyonwhatever ^_^
17:24.26JeffMthe implementation dosn't matter
17:24.34EpyonAnyway, I need that left/right algo -_-
17:24.45JeffMyou know the logic, you can code it
17:24.58JeffMI doubt you'll be using my vector math classes
17:25.19JeffMcompute a normal that is ont he left
17:25.20EpyonBTW, I just did boolean addition on proper polygons (also concave :P)
17:25.43EpyonHow can I compute a normal that is on the left?
17:25.46JeffMthen dot prod that vector with a vector from the edge to the pint
17:25.50JeffMcross product
17:25.57JeffMwith a known nomal
17:26.00JeffMlike 0,0,1
17:26.15JeffMit's all XY polygons right?
17:26.16EpyonThat is not guaranteed to be on the left.
17:26.29JeffMif your wound the same way, it shoudl be
17:26.45EpyonI don't get it :/
17:27.31JeffMwell you can also just do a cheap ass axis swap if it's always 2d :)
17:27.41JeffMI think its X = Y, Y = -X :)
17:27.55JeffMor rotate it 90
17:28.05JeffMif you want to get realy ucky
17:28.09JeffMatan2 the vector
17:28.11JeffMadd 90
17:28.19JeffMthen sin cos it back :)
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17:32.29EpyonSigned angle : angle = atan2(perpdot(a,b), dot(a,b)); :P
17:33.11JeffMwhatever floats your boat skip
17:33.20JeffMyou just need the number
17:33.22JeffMthe normal
17:33.46JeffMthen dot product that normal and a vector from some point on the line to the point in question
17:34.04JeffMif its > 0 then it's on the same side as the normal
17:42.05tuponeTimRiker, just looking at the debian package, IMHO amd64 is still broken. I have to make a patch in gentoo to fix it, and no one reports anymore the problem. The bug is also fixed in the 2.0.x branch, from where I took the patch
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17:55.40orthoxcan anyone post pb matches?
17:59.32CIA-23opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10GPx01/GPLib/ (inc/vectorMath.h src/vectorMath.cpp): beter normal computations for correct results
18:00.01CIA-23opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10GPx01/GPLib/sample/dashboard.cpp:
18:00.01CIA-23opencombat: show the normals and vectors for the vector side test
18:00.01CIA-23opencombat: enable the point in polygon test since it works now
18:10.42TimRikertupone: nod. there's a bashism patch too that I've been meaning to apply.
18:11.16tuponewell, I think is not the bashism, I think is the strict-aliasing
18:11.39TimRikeryes, this is another issue.
18:12.24tuponeyou can add that option to the compiler flags or take the patch, or wait for an eventual release of 2.0.10
18:13.38tuponewell, I meant only the bug about "shot not seen"
18:15.09EpyonJeffM, here's my final : float sign = fsign( b.cross(a).dot(normal) );
18:15.31EpyonWhere normal is the polygons normal vector.
18:16.39CIA-23BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r15403 10/trunk/bzwgen/src/Mesh.cxx: Fixed expand concave detection. MultiFaces working :D
18:17.22CIA-23BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r15404 10/trunk/bzwgen/TODO: Triangulation not needed -- handled by BZF
18:17.35ryanakcaTimRiker: ping me when you get around to applying the debdiff, and I'll merge
18:20.43TimRikerk. headed out for a bit.
18:22.34JeffMEpyon, mine is PointOnLeftOfVector(SP,EP,Point);
18:24.15JeffMyay for 4 gigs of ram :)
18:25.31ryanakcaooh, cool :D
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18:57.12TD-Linuxthe only time I ever use my 1GB is when doing really stupid things in inkscape
18:58.18blast007the only time I even use my 1GB is when I run Windows Update in Vista
18:59.19bryjenhmm, not s/Windows Update in// ?
19:00.21AWOSLappywhat 1GB?
19:00.24blast007bryjen: no, that's only half of the gig then  ;)
19:01.06TD-Linuxdoing Trace Bitmap with 512 layers is fun >:-)
19:07.01CIA-23BZFlag: 03t-s * r15405 10/branches/v2_0branch/bzflag/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Automake 1.6 does not seem to like some options, taking those out for now :(
19:07.33*** join/#bzflag moonpix (n=username@ I changed COPYING :x
19:11.17CIA-23BZFlag: 03t-s * r15406 10/branches/v2_0branch/bzflag/COPYING: Ooops, did not intend to change that file. Reverting back to revision 11952
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19:44.20JeffMblast007, I use a gig booting :)
19:44.40AWOSLappyJeffM: you guys talkin about memory?  I use ~230M booting :D
19:44.42JeffMour app just lauching in debug mode takes about 300 megs
19:45.00AWOSLappywith firefox, adobe, and OOo writer, I use 310M :D
19:45.27L4m3rOOo? Do you hate yourself or something? :P
19:45.28JeffMwell when you run cad/cam software with the parasolid kernel, let me know;)
19:45.43AWOSLappyhehe okay :)
19:45.53AWOSLappyL4m3r: heh.  it works better than MS Word 2003 :/
19:46.02blast007AWOSLappy: negative
19:46.03L4m3rthen something is wrong :P
19:46.24JeffMI've been using word 2003 to write my book, and it's been nice.
19:46.29AWOSLappyI'm just saying, Word wouldn't do my formatting.
19:46.43AWOSLappyI have complex formatting (multiple headers, tables, pictures in same paragraph)
19:46.59blast007multiple headers? that's easy
19:47.25blast007Word even makes it easy to have different headers on even/odd pages, or on the first page
19:47.39AWOSLappyblast007: lemme get a screenshot.
19:47.51AWOSLappyI'd rather use MS Word
19:49.09AWOSLappyI formatted it in OOo and now it looks okay :/
19:49.11AWOSLappyin MS Word
19:49.38JeffMso that just says that you don't know how to use word, not that word can't do it :)
19:49.42JeffMcus word did it :)
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20:13.52Winnyis there some special trick to getting modeltool to export individual objects>
20:14.01Winnyevery time I use it, it exports one massive mesh
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20:27.50JeffMthat's all it's suposed to do
20:28.04WinnyJeffM: oh
20:28.05JeffMoh wait
20:28.07JeffMI may be wrong
20:28.16JeffMI think I had it do one mesh per grouped object in the obj
20:28.24JeffMlet me look as soon as I get this machine going on windows update
20:29.40Winnydon't worry about it, Ill just use wings
20:29.50JeffMI'm checking now
20:30.02Epyonnight all
20:30.25JeffMit adds a mesh per "g" line
20:31.30JeffMso if it's defined as sepeate mesh groups in the obj it'll do one mesh object for each one of those in the BZW
20:31.38JeffMsounds like your obj is all one big group
20:32.31Winnyhmm, shouldn;t be, but Ill check
20:32.37trepan-g ?
20:33.19JeffM-g is for the BZW group name
20:33.30JeffMg is the code in the obj file that starts a new named mesh
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20:44.39Constitutionhm, looks like the printHelpCommand() stuff for -ctfsafe got removed from bzwgen at rev. 15398
20:45.06JeffMwho did that?
20:45.26JeffMwhat does the commit message for that one say?
20:45.36Constitutionheh, "Boolean polygon addition and refinement - in other words : a huge blob of math code, that I bet a cookie on that it wont work without a few hours of debugging..."
20:45.46JeffMthe put it back
20:45.48ConstitutionI was wondering if he wants to make it the default behavior or something
20:45.50Erroneoussounds like someone didn't merge correctly :)
20:45.51JeffMand yell at him
20:46.23JeffMif he wanted it to be deault, then he should have made it so
20:46.35Constitutionyeah, it's just... gone
20:46.59TD-Linuxdoes the option still work?
20:47.05JeffMConstitution, what is your SF name?
20:49.07JeffMthat or they are all slackers :)
20:49.28JeffMcomeon ya slackers, one of you wake up :)
20:50.18JeffMConstitution, I'm going to ask one of them to give you commit access when they awake
20:50.37JeffMyou've done good so far, and seem carefull
20:50.40ConstitutionJeffM: sweet
20:50.51JeffMjust don't break anything :)
20:51.00JeffMor change huge thigns with out asking or discussing :)
20:51.00Constitutionyessir :-)
20:51.07Constitutionof course
20:51.21JeffMcomeon, there has to at least be a TimRiker
20:51.51ErroneousJeffM: just commit something controversial, then he'll show up :)
20:52.23blast007rotating turrets
20:52.30Erroneoustilting tanks
20:52.48Erroneoussomething on that order :)
20:52.51blast007ass cannon
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21:00.06JeffMone day I will.. I'll do it :)
21:01.36AWOSLappythat would be interesting.
21:02.38AWOSLappyit would need to be a fork.
21:02.52JeffMI'll get that into the mainline
21:04.01AWOSLappyI'm getting pwned on all the servers ;_;
21:04.22AWOSLappystupid weekend bringing veterans out of the woodwork.
21:06.09AWOSLappyI'm in the freaking AUTHORS file!
21:06.31AWOSLappyokay, JeffM, you have to admit that this _is_ something to be excited about :)
21:06.59tannerldfor what?
21:07.10AWOSLappytannerld: I'm in the AUTHORS file!!!!
21:07.32AWOSLappythis is actually the first time I've contributed actual source to a FOSS project.
21:07.49AWOSLappy(besides AWOS and my other projects)
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21:09.53WinnyI see "scale" hasn't been implemented in the new wiki.. is the old wiki still around?
21:10.02TimRikerFile transfer terminated with error from libcurl 7 : couldn't find my own IP address (0:0:2002:a646:87b4::)
21:10.19TimRikerhmm. we still have some ipv6 issues to get to sometime. :/
21:10.33AWOSLappyTimRiker: JeffM wants you.
21:10.44TimRikerooh. I'm wanted?
21:10.53AWOSLappySomething about adding SVN write perms or something.
21:11.58blast007Winny: was there anything about the map objects in the old wiki?
21:12.23WinnyI think so...
21:12.33JeffMTimRiker, can you give Constitution commit access?
21:12.50JeffMhe's a good guy and making good changes to epyon's project :)
21:12.59JeffMhis sf name is macsforme
21:13.01WinnyDon't do it! he'll kill us all!
21:13.19JeffMthat and I'm sick of applying his patches :)
21:14.53blast007AWOSLappy: that heavily depends
21:15.02Erroneousonly way to know is to do it :)
21:15.13blast007fixing a comment vs implementing a game engine
21:15.14TimRikermacsforme has been added.
21:15.26Constitutionthanks TimRiker :)
21:15.31AWOSLappyblast007: I've written systems software, I have experience with cross-platform programs, I'm _excellent_ with networking code.
21:15.35TimRikerConstitution: welcome. pm me your real name for confirmation.
21:15.49AWOSLappythe only thing I suck at is 3D math
21:16.38TimRikerJeffM: done. you are also an admin, yes?
21:17.02AWOSLappywooo, 137 open bugs
21:17.07JeffMTimRiker, I gave up the phenomical cosmic power
21:17.12AWOSLappymust be *one* I can work/hack on
21:17.16TimRikerJeffM: oh. you're not. I think that's cause you requested not to be. still in that frame of mind?
21:17.41blast007AWOSLappy: and there's plenty more ;)
21:18.39AWOSLappyI call "stale" -->
21:18.49JeffMI used to be admin, when I went behind your back and took it, but I'm not sure who removed it when I asked.
21:18.50AWOSLappy2.0 RC11?
21:18.51blast007a lot of them probably are
21:18.56blast007or aren't bugs at all
21:19.23WinnyTimRiker: can you check your email? I sent you something about a subdomain
21:19.48TimRikerWinny: most likely is was about a host entry in dns and not a subdomain.
21:20.05Winnysorry, yeah "[
21:20.21blast007I used the same terminology
21:22.54TimRikerWinny: done.
21:23.05WinnyTimRiker: thanks :)
21:23.08CIA-23BZFlag: 03macsforme * r15407 10/trunk/bzwgen/src/bzwgen.cxx: Restore printHelpCommand() line for -ctfsafe. My first commit! :)
21:24.49ibotsmacks blast007 upside the head with a subdomain
21:25.47JeffMTimRiker, actualy you can't remove yourself as admin
21:26.37AWOSLappyJeffM: yes you can.  it's the garbage can next to the project name
21:26.53JeffMwhen you are an admin, it is crossed out
21:27.00JeffMtrust me, I've been down this road ;)
21:27.19AWOSLappyoh, I see, "You cannot remove yourself from this project, because you are admin of it. You should ask other admin to reset your admin privilege first."
21:27.27AWOSLappyhehe :)
21:27.42JeffMthat way they make sure proejcts are not abandoned with out admins
21:27.57AWOSLappyJeffM: ah, that's why :)
21:28.19TimRikerso if I make everyone an admin then nobody can leave? heh. jk.
21:28.51JeffMyeah you'd think they do that test for the LAST admin only ;)
21:29.01JeffMbut it may be to ensure that people don't hit it by accedent
21:29.09TimRikernow you're just being silly.
21:32.39Constitutionis it appropriate for a new dev like me to take the initiative to keep up on the patches page (communicating with the other devs about what I'm doing, of course)? or is that a privilege reserved for the senior devs?
21:33.06JeffMwhat do you mean by "keep up"?
21:33.16JeffMif you find patches you want to apply, do it
21:33.23JeffMas long as they make sense
21:33.34Constitutionyeah, okay
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21:34.24JeffMjust note that new things shoudl go into trunk
21:34.43daxxarAlmost got getPlayers() working now
21:34.45JeffMyou can do branch as a bounis if you realy feel like it, and it dosn't change any gameplay
21:34.47daxxarIt hangs for some reason. :P
21:34.51daxxarBut I'll fix that tomorrow
21:35.04daxxarG'night fellas. :-)
21:35.20JeffMbut you just have to realise that is a dead end branch
21:43.44AWOSLappybug 987914 is fixed in 2.0.8
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21:50.35tannerldcan one apply different textures to different sides of a meshbox?
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21:56.33TimRikerConstitution: there is a mailing list to get all the commit messages. it can be overwhelming.
21:56.46CBGCan I get a little support with BZWB - gonna try to compile it.
21:56.48CBGI'm looking at the list of dependencies. I assume it really _depends_ on them and won't run without them.. right?
21:56.53CBGFLTK - How would I see if I have that or not (and what version if I have it at all)?
21:57.48ConstitutionTimRiker: thanks
21:57.56blast007tannerld: hmm, not sure
21:58.05blast007tannerld: but in 2.0.9, you can do that with regular boxes
21:58.11blast007(bzfs 2.0.9)
21:58.25ConstitutionCBG: if you're on Mac, and didn't install it, then you probably don't have it
21:58.29tannerldblast007: well, that'll work - like can I have the front be x.png, and then y.png?
21:58.45blast007tannerld: yeah
21:58.52CBGConstitution: I don't keep records of what I install and my memory sucks.. :)
21:59.01tannerldblast007: neat
21:59.11ConstitutionCBG: but you can try make, and it will complain about stuff you don't have
21:59.12CBGI tried "fltk -v" in terminal... "-bash: fltk: command not found"
21:59.20blast007tannerld:  and
21:59.31CBG"make", not "make all" as it says in the INSTALL file?
21:59.36blast007the wiki page still needs a little more updating based on that forum thread
21:59.42Constitutionerm, right, cd Debug, make all
22:00.27CBGConstitution: yeah. ok. i'll just go for it and see what happens
22:00.35blast007CBG: try building and see if it errors out
22:00.51ConstitutionCBG: be forewarned, I think you'll need to build GCC 4.1 too
22:00.52CBGI always hate doing that. I like things to work first time! :P
22:01.06Constitutionbut first things first
22:01.10CBGit bugged our but I dunno why
22:01.26Constitutionsomething about osg?
22:01.27CBGwhooooooooole load of errors
22:03.02bryjenosg has osx binaries
22:03.25CBG1444 lines... all errors. lol
22:03.28bryjenlooks like fltk is just souce though
22:03.59CBGOh boy... I didn't read past the dependencies earlier.
22:04.06CBGNow I see this: "To run BZWorkbench, you should either copy, move, or symlink the bzworkbench binary to the root of the source tree. "
22:04.16CBGI only downloaded BZWB, not any other source...
22:04.56Constitutionin other words copy ./src/bzworkbench to ./src, IIRC
22:04.59Constitutionerm, to ./
22:05.45brlcadAWOSLappy: excellent with networking eh... I'd be interested in hearing more about that claim :)
22:06.06brlcadWinny: welcome, congrats
22:06.33CBGConstitution: like I said.. I only have the source for bzwb, not for the rest of the bz trunk
22:07.02ConstitutionCBG: I think the bzworkbench binary builds in the src dir... just copy it to the root of the bzworkbench dir once it's built
22:07.05bryjenCBG: you probly need fltk and osg, not the rest of bz
22:07.21Constitutionor ln -s src/bzworkbench ./
22:07.32CBGoooh. ok. "To RUN...". gotcha.
22:07.53CBGso, back to those dependencies. I need to get FLTK and OSG then?
22:09.07brlcadConstitution: if you're going to reject a patch, it should be pretty darn clear as to why you're rejecting it until you've garnered some dev karma points or thoroughly discussed it
22:09.40brlcaddaxxar: cool, can't wait to test it :)
22:09.58AWOSLappybrlcad: I've written a multiplatform HTTP library for one
22:10.14AWOSLappybrlcad: I can read/write raw packets (the human tcpdump)
22:10.17brlcadWinny: oop, sorry, maybe I did
22:10.23brlcadConstitution: welcome, congrats :)
22:10.23Winnybrlcad: :P
22:10.27Constitutionhehe, thanks
22:10.44WinnyI mean, if you WANT TO add me, then go ahead :P
22:11.10brlcadConstitution: similarly, if the patch is massive and changes gameplay, it should be discussed some
22:11.18brlcad"most" of the patches require tweaking and rewriting
22:11.33brlcador otherwise need some cleanup else it'd just make things unmanageably messy
22:12.13brlcadlike several "big" mods are sitting in there because they are "good", but require rewrites to add them
22:12.41CBGIs there some simple way to check if I have openGL and if so, what version?
22:12.41brlcadJeffM: you got the cow to remove the bit because I wouldn't iirc :)
22:12.59JeffMas I thought
22:13.03brlcadCBG: there's such a check in playing.cxx iirc
22:13.12brlcador bzflag.cxx
22:13.21AWOSLappyCBG: erm...apt-cache search gl?
22:13.30AWOSLappystat /usr/include/GL.h ?
22:13.35brlcadoh, you mean tool, or code?
22:13.54CBGI think AWOSLappy understands what I want
22:13.59brlcadglxgears is a quick test, though doesn't return the version
22:14.11AWOSLappyCBG: line 171 in your paste.  no, you do not have it.
22:14.22CBGah. ok, thanks
22:14.28AWOSLappynp :)
22:14.42brlcadCBG: glxinfo will return the info
22:14.58CBG-bash: glxinfo: command not found
22:15.06CBGOS X here, not linux
22:15.43brlcadopen -a X11 && /usr/X11R6/bin/glxinfo
22:16.01CBG2007-08-24 23:15:52.282 open[2082] Couldn't launch application:  X11
22:16.11brlcadah, you don't have X11 installed
22:16.25CBGI did once... don't remember removing it
22:17.19brlcaddo you have the chud tools installed?
22:17.26brlcadrelated to the dev tools
22:17.40CBGnever heard of chud tools
22:17.51brlcadnever ran Shark?
22:17.59CBGnever heard of Shark
22:18.22CBGand... can't find a download of OpenGL 1.4 for Mac :/
22:19.00CBGI have "the dev tools" which is, afaik, basically just XCode
22:19.03brlcadof course not, that's a system library provided by apple
22:19.12brlcadit's updated when the OS is updated, when they decide too
22:19.23CBGso I should have it.?
22:19.39CBG[11:14pm] <AWOSLappy> CBG: line 171 in your paste.  no, you do not have it.
22:20.56AWOSLappythat's correct.  GL/gl.h isn't present on your system, you do not have GL dev libs.
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22:22.11brlcadnot quite true
22:22.23brlcadmacs use encapsulated frameworks
22:22.48brlcadas well as "standard" system libs that should be the same across the board if you're up to date
22:22.54brlcadopengl being one of them
22:23.11brlcadso just by saying mac, I know you have opengl, for example
22:23.19brlcadgrep GL_VERSION /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Headers/gl.h
22:24.01AWOSLappyah, okay
22:24.12AWOSLappyln -s /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework /usr/include/GL
22:24.20brlcadeek, don't do that
22:24.31AWOSLappyln -s /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Headers /usr/include/GL
22:24.31brlcadthat'll break more than it'll help
22:25.04AWOSLappyCBG: you have OpenGL 2.0
22:25.09brlcadthat's not how frameworks are used, the assumption sounds like code that is assuming GL/gl.h (which isn't necessarily true)
22:25.21brlcadmacs should be <OpenGL/gl.h>
22:25.33CBGso I can ignore that. compile FLTK and then "make all" bzwb and it _should_ (heh) work ?
22:26.18AWOSLappysed the code and do s/<GL\//<OpenGL\// ?
22:26.44brlcadat worst, you might have to edit a source file to change <GL/gl.h> to <OpenGL/gl.h> or add a cflag, but yeah, it should work
22:26.54CBGok. thanks
22:27.07CBGas long as I can stop searching the web for an opengl download...
22:27.14AWOSLappyCBG: Yep.
22:27.52AWOSLappybrlcad: now.  you were interested in my network programming?
22:28.00AWOSLappywhat do you need?
22:28.42AWOSLappyall I need is an RFC-style protocol spec and the target systems.
22:28.46brlcadi hear bzflag has some networking in it
22:29.21CBGit does? weird
22:29.32brlcadi know, pretty wierd
22:29.41AWOSLappyI don't notice any real networking in bzflag.
22:29.46AWOSLappy*networking problems
22:29.48brlcadi usually play against a bunch of annoying bots that seem to randomly come and go
22:29.54brlcadpretty good ai sometimes
22:30.09brlcadheh, then you don't look hard enough
22:30.12AWOSLappybrlcad: I know >_<  I hate the AI on that planet mofo botpark.
22:30.13CBGyou play bzflag?
22:30.15brlcadthere are networking issues to sort out
22:30.20CBGdamn. I thought it was just a chat room!
22:30.25JeffMok.. so what can I screw up now to get the admin bit off me :/
22:30.33AWOSLappyJeffM: remove flags!  XD
22:30.46CBGit's not like you need US to give YOU ideas, JeffM ;)
22:30.48JeffMIf I wasn't spending most of my time writing my book, I would
22:30.50CBGyou got enough as it is
22:30.57brlcadah, crap .. 6:30
22:31.05JeffMsend it monday
22:31.06CBGwow. you're the second person I heard mention they were writing a book today
22:31.11AWOSLappybrlcad: yep.  wow, someone on IRC actually has EDT?
22:31.14CBGblast007 is doing so too... right?
22:31.22WinnyJeffM: what book? :p
22:31.27JeffMa book
22:31.32AWOSLappyJeffM: book?!
22:31.36JeffMspace ninjas
22:31.57blast007CBG: writing a book?
22:32.08blast007I don't even have a blog, much less a book
22:32.09AWOSLappyPrivate message me a copy, I am quite knowledgable with the English language.
22:32.21AWOSLappyI can help you copyedit it.
22:32.24brlcadAWOSLappy: speaking of networking woes, you could help out on svn trunk to sort out the connection problems (joining server, list server, cancelling out connectsion, etc)
22:32.28CBGahh, no. that was Jeff also.
22:32.39AWOSLappybrlcad: ooh, okay
22:32.49JeffMAWOSLappy, thank you, but I have others I know better that are willing to do that for me :)
22:33.19AWOSLappyJeffM: hehe, that's fine.
22:33.22brlcadand to you
22:33.23AWOSLappyI still want to beta test it.
22:33.25CBGhe said it earlier, but you two have the same colour for your nicks, so I got confused :(
22:33.27CBGit doesn't take much to confuse little old CBG
22:33.36AWOSLappyCBG: hehe
22:33.48AWOSLappyCBG: you have the same color as JeffM here :P
22:33.51JeffMit may not be a book
22:33.55CBGJeffM: what's the book about?
22:33.56*** join/#bzflag Dessy (n=Dessy@
22:33.57JeffMmayhaps a short story
22:34.04JeffMCBG, space ninjas
22:34.13CBGJeffM and blast007 are both a yucky lime green colour
22:34.15brlcadfrom inner space
22:34.16Winnycan I be one of the space ninjas?
22:34.17CBGJeffM: really? :)
22:34.33AWOSLappybrlcad is yucky lime here.
22:34.34JeffMyou can read it when it's done
22:34.36Dessywinny duc fm?
22:34.42WinnyDessy: no
22:34.44AWOSLappyyou and JeffM are teal, CBG
22:34.49*** mode/#bzflag [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
22:34.53AWOSLappyduc fm?
22:34.53CBGbrlcad is teal
22:34.54JeffMit's only got like 25 pages
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22:34.55brlcadstill yucky? :)
22:35.04AWOSLappybrlcad: lol
22:35.06Dessyducati funmatch
22:35.13CBGteam ROCKS
22:35.58CBGDessy and AWOSLappy are the same purple colour.
22:36.10Winnywhat color is winny?
22:36.10CBGWinny's a nice pink... for a girl.
22:36.17Winnywinny is blue
22:36.45WinnyPink + Blue = Blink!
22:36.59Dessylol wnny
22:37.15CBGPink + Blue = Plue.
22:37.21AWOSLappyall of your nick colors.
22:37.30AWOSLappyexcept Dessy, he is light blue
22:37.33CBGewwwww xchat! :P
22:37.41AWOSLappyCBG: hehe.
22:38.00CBGok I take it back...
22:38.02AWOSLappyblast007: that's the server over there ^ :)
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22:38.04CBGWInny is not pink
22:38.10CBGhe's gold...
22:38.27JeffMbahh, no 64 bit verion of firefox :(
22:38.47AWOSLappyCBG: roflmao
22:40.51AWOSLappyCBG: me and Dessy share a color here, too
22:41.16CBGOkay. back to the real fun and games of compiling bzwb.
22:41.23CBGI compiled fltk fine. Installed OSG fine.
22:41.37CBGI run make all in bzwb/Debug/ and get a whole load of errors again
22:42.28AWOSLappydoes BZFlag need _any_ of these: atk, glib, gtk+, pango, libcurl, glew, sdl, WMP?
22:42.43JeffMit can't find where the headers are CBG
22:42.55JeffMAWOSLappy, libcurl, glew, and sdl
22:42.55blast007WMP? Windows Media Player?
22:43.11AWOSLappyJeffM: okay
22:43.18blast007it needs libcurl
22:43.22AWOSLappyblast007: yes.  I'm removing old SDKs I don't need anymore off my system
22:43.25CBGHow can I fix that...?
22:43.28blast007SDL and glew are recommended
22:43.30JeffMthe others are tehincaly optional
22:43.45JeffMif your on windows, it'll be built with curl and glew by default
22:43.47JeffMbut not SDL
22:43.53JeffMon nix, you want to add SDL
22:44.03AWOSLappyCBG: modify the Makefile, add a -I/path/to/FLTK
22:44.42JeffMor install them into the system's header dir
22:45.00CBGwhere do I add that in the makefile? anywhere?
22:45.12JeffMprobably int he CXFlags
22:45.48JeffMAWOSLappy, are you building BZ or jsut running a bin?
22:46.04CBGthis is the makefile atm:
22:46.25AWOSLappyJeffM: building.
22:46.26JeffMheh, simple
22:46.32JeffMCBG, add it to the g++ line
22:46.40AWOSLappyI'm going to {possibly} hack some networking code
22:46.43JeffMAWOSLappy, branch or trunk?
22:47.03JeffMVC 7.1 or 8.0?
22:47.17JeffMyou'll need glew
22:47.19JeffMthat's it
22:47.23JeffMand pdcurses
22:47.25AWOSLappyOkay.  Great.
22:47.44CBGJeffM: just tack -I~/fltk-1.1.7 on the end?
22:47.51*** join/#bzflag spldart (
22:48.15AWOSLappyspldart: ping
22:48.17AWOSLappyI want that mobo
22:48.35JeffMdo you plan on building bzadmin?
22:48.48AWOSLappyspldart: yes
22:48.53JeffMAWOSLappy, then you need curses
22:48.53AWOSLappyJeffM: yes
22:49.00JeffMI odn't remember the zip it's in
22:49.05spldartPM coming
22:49.07JeffMwhat do you want to do with networking?
22:49.09AWOSLappyright.  I'm asking which ZIP to get.
22:49.19AWOSLappyJeffM: I dunno.  brlcad said it was broke, I want to play with it.
22:49.21JeffMAWOSLappy, and I'm telling you, I don't know
22:49.34JeffMit's not realy broke
22:49.40JeffMit's just not all it could be
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22:50.02CBGstill getting a whole load of errors running make all :/
22:50.10JeffMmostly from a game movement/protocoll perspective
22:50.23JeffMsame errors CBG?
22:51.01AWOSLappyJeffM: it was pdc33dllw, I believe; curses.h, panel.h, pdcurses.dll, pdcurses.lib?
22:51.17CBGseems so, JeffM
22:51.22JeffMAWOSLappy, sure
22:51.31AWOSLappyyay!  thanks, JeffM
22:51.48JeffMCBG, the dir you used was the location of the .h files?
22:52.02JeffMor just the root of the entire project?
22:52.15CBGjust the root of fltk
22:52.28JeffMis there an include dir in that dir?
22:52.38JeffMor an inc dir?
22:52.48brlcadi didn't say it was broke, I said it could use some work
22:53.04brlcadto "help out on svn trunk to sort out the connection problems (joining server, list server, cancelling out connectsion, etc)"
22:53.07JeffMbrlcad, with him you ahve to be very specific :)
22:53.16JeffMbrlcad, I think we fixed that last week
22:53.22JeffMbryjen did a lot of work on it
22:53.23brlcadrobustness testing
22:53.27CBGbut a "FL" dir has loads of .h files
22:53.29CBG120+ of them
22:53.31brlcadand it's not everything
22:54.06brlcadthat was only the joining problems you were working on -- there are still issues where you say you want to join a server and cannot cancel out of the connection
22:54.19brlcador times where the server list will hang
22:54.35brlcadand times when global auth will fail for some reason
22:55.05brlcadall "net-related", so I was just suggesting he have a look at any/some/one of them ;)
22:56.12JeffMthe bot's networking code needs to be looked at specificly
22:56.39JeffMthat's be a good thing to look into
22:57.04*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright_ (
22:57.15brlcador ripped out
22:57.19JeffMCBG, in the BZWB code, does it call #include "someFILE.h" or #include "FL/someFile.h"
22:57.23CBGcan't get this -I/path/to/fltk thing to work at all
22:57.34CBGi'll try and see
22:57.36JeffMbrlcad, I'd not rip it out just yet, let the bots get some age
22:57.48brlcadyeah, i know .. was just kidding :)
22:57.57brlcadand you'd still probably want to keep autopilot
22:58.02JeffMI'd be carefull with kidding with him :)
22:58.03brlcadmore just the -solo bots
22:58.17brlcadbut even those still later
22:58.32brlcadslightly easier to revert svn :)
22:58.51CBGLOADS of .h files are included
22:59.18JeffMyeah but do they have FL/ infront of them int he code?
22:59.22JeffMor just the file?
22:59.34CBGnone have FL that I see
22:59.44AWOSLappyJeffM: you make me seem dumb.
22:59.54JeffMok then make the dir in the makefile be the full path to dir that has the files
23:00.06JeffMAWOSLappy, oh no, I'm sorry your not dumb, just excitable ;)
23:00.14JeffMand somewhat literal
23:00.22CBGI have this... " -I/Users/CBG/fltk-1.1.7/FL"
23:00.31JeffMtry a / at the end
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23:00.55CBGno change :(
23:01.02JeffMdunno then
23:01.11CBGjude-!! :(
23:01.26JeffMyou can try copying the files to your system's include dir
23:01.30AWOSLappyCBG: he isn't here right now, please leave a memo at MemoServ *beep*
23:01.39CBGAWOSLappy: :P
23:02.20CBGmy systems include dir?
23:02.40JeffMyour on OSX right?
23:02.51JeffMit has a system level include dir
23:03.01JeffMwhere libs install there header
23:03.14JeffMbasicly the deal is this, you build FLTK, but you did not "install" it
23:03.19JeffMso the compiler cant' find it
23:03.27CBGit's not "/include"
23:04.04brlcadsystem include dir is default
23:04.08brlcadincluded by default
23:04.17brlcadyou'd have to add cflags to not have them searched
23:04.27brlcadwhich most don't even know exist
23:04.40JeffMI don't know where it is on OSX
23:04.41CBGwhere is this system include dir?
23:04.45CBGaw :(
23:04.52brlcadwhat's your actual error
23:04.53JeffMI'd look at the instructions for FLTK and see what they say to do to install it
23:05.02JeffMbrlcad, it can't find the header files for FLTK
23:05.07CBGI followed their instructions, afaik
23:05.14brlcaddid you install?
23:05.19JeffMdid the instrucitons just tell you how to build?
23:05.22JeffMor how to install?
23:05.23Winnydumb question: who controls the DNS of my internet connection?
23:05.38JeffMWinny, dumb answer, your ISP
23:05.42CBGbzwb errors:
23:05.45Winnyhrm, darn
23:05.53JeffMassuming your using there DNS server
23:05.56JeffMyou can use others
23:05.59brlcadif it was an autotools build system, they probably had it set to install into /usr/local by default, so you'd need to add -I/usr/local/include to your cppflags/cflags
23:06.13CBGhmm, may have just built it
23:06.16CBGi'll look again
23:06.36CBGaw man. there are more instructions after a bunch of blank lines...
23:06.43CBGyeah. I need to just install it now
23:07.10JeffMthere ya go ;)
23:07.48CBGmy bad. that last little bit was separate and I had to scroll to see it. I didn't even think to because of the big gap...
23:08.15WinnyJeffM: is there a way to renew your DNS?
23:08.22brlcadthe dev probably had a big monitor
23:08.30CBGgah. Now I get some other error with bzwb
23:08.31JeffMWinny, depends on where the change is
23:08.42JeffMyou can often flush your local cache, but you can't force them to update
23:08.45CBGbrlcad: well, I probably should have made the window bigger. it is pretty small :(
23:09.33CBGnow this.... :(
23:09.51Winnyhmm../ I thnk my ISP has royally screwed up my DNS then
23:09.55Winnythanks for the info, JeffM
23:10.16JeffMCBG, it can't find openGL
23:10.20brlcadCBG: you have to edit the files -- this one was already mentioned to you :)
23:10.25CBGI guess that :(
23:10.31CBGbrlcad: ok. great
23:10.33JeffMbrlcad, it's not set up for appleGL?
23:10.40CBGif I just type "I suck" randomly in main.cpp, will that fix it?
23:10.48brlcadprobably not
23:10.51CBGif not, I guess I should just give up :(
23:11.05JeffMshoudl give it the openGL.h from GPx01, it handles all that
23:11.06brlcadCBG: do you remember what I said earlier about the include files?
23:11.51CBG[11:26pm] <brlcad> at worst, you might have to edit a source file to change <GL/gl.h> to <OpenGL/gl.h> or add a cflag, but yeah, it should work
23:13.25CBGI don't see any occurance of "GL" in main.cpp and have no idea how to add a cflag.
23:13.54brlcadlook at the error
23:14.08brlcadwhat file is it complaining about GL/gl.h for
23:14.34brlcadgo from there
23:19.55CBGstill didn't quite work :(
23:20.32brlcadit did to work, you just ran into a different problem
23:20.41JeffMyeah most of that is warnings
23:21.01CBGYes. but this makes me think _something_ didn't work: "make: *** [bzworkbench] Error 1"
23:21.09JeffMyeah it tells you what didn't work
23:21.13brlcadyes, look two lines before that
23:21.16brlcadthat's the error
23:21.18JeffM/usr/bin/ld: unknown flag: -obzworkbench
23:21.40brlcadi do not get why he keeps insisting on putting those damn quotes
23:21.44brlcadi took them out once already
23:22.00AWOSLappyI just scrolled through 800 lines of warnings...for a small linker error.
23:22.03CBGsure, I see that... but I don't understand it
23:22.16CBGheh AWOSLappy :P
23:22.16JeffMAWOSLappy, welcome to GCC ;)
23:22.25AWOSLappyJeffM: ;)
23:22.31brlcadedit Makefile, remove the stupid quotes around bzworkbench
23:22.32AWOSLappyhe needs to fix those, or take off -Wall
23:22.59brlcadhe needs to fix those, not take off -Wall
23:23.36brlcadfortunately, it's really not that many.. just a couple header files, repeated over and over
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23:27.12AWOSLappythat would be so amazing...code *I* wrote in the BZFlag SVN.  I mean, such a huge project.
23:28.30CBGshould it be ' -obzworkbench ' or ' -o bzworkbench ' ?
23:29.05brlcadtry em
23:29.17brlcador read the docs :) (man g++)
23:29.22AWOSLappyJeffM: yes.  hundreds of people at any given time are playing.
23:29.55brlcadAWOSLappy: well get started on some patches
23:30.00CBGbrlcad: I know you're trying to help me by making me learn... ut it really would be quicker for both of us for you to say either "the first" or "the second" :P
23:30.02AWOSLappybrlcad: okay \o/!
23:30.21CBGs/ ut/ but/
23:30.50brlcadyou'd think, wouldn't you
23:31.01brlcadbut it usually isn't faster for me that way
23:31.04AWOSLappyCBG: we are (at least I know I am) trying to make you learn.  To RTM.  then you will have knowledge, and you won't bug us about something in the manual. :P
23:31.52CBGI appreciate it, but with something so simple, it would even have been quicker to type "the second" than to say "read the docs"
23:32.00CBGas it happens, neither work.
23:32.02brlcadnot so much to RTM as to just give it a try, it should usually be quicker to just try for such a question :)
23:32.14CBGsure, assuming one works.
23:32.32CBGhmm, with a space I get a different error
23:32.44brlcadand that would be?
23:33.25CBGso I assume it was meant to be -o bz....... but now I get: /usr/bin/ld: can't locate file for: -losg
23:33.43brlcadyou need openscenegraph installed
23:33.48CBGit should be.
23:34.05CBGwherever it installed itself by default
23:34.05brlcadit's saying .. it "can't locate" it
23:34.10JeffMbrlcad, the bzwb makefile reminds me of the one I made for GPx01 :)
23:35.04brlcadJeffM: I modified it some, but yeah I added the same output pretty printing and overall structure :)
23:35.18JeffMit's all jsut "build these files"
23:35.44brlcadlooks like he or someone changed the build rule to put that extra fluff
23:35.47brlcadi didn't put that bit
23:36.32brlcadthat's someone seeing an example that it can be done for the linker and then taking it a step too far :)
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23:37.09CBGOSG is at /OpenSceneGraph
23:37.29JeffMand your compiler knows to find that how?
23:37.53JeffMthere is no magic
23:38.09CBGDo you sell Magic-Substitute?
23:38.39brlcadwhat did it install?
23:38.42JeffMknowlege is a magic substiute
23:39.02brlcadthat's really surprising/bizarre/unexpected that it'd really be installed at the top-level root
23:39.40CBGis that sarcasm?
23:39.48brlcadnot at all
23:39.54brlcadit shouldn't be there
23:40.02CBGit is.
23:41.08brlcadthen did it install a framework or a dylib?
23:41.55CBGbrlcad: I dunno how to tell.
23:42.09brlcadlook in the dir, see if you can find a framework or a file with a .dylib suffix
23:42.53brlcadi.e. a folder named OpenSceneGraph.framework or libOpenSceneGraph.dylib or something similar
23:43.18brlcador or libosg.something
23:43.25CBGIt has two dirs: Applications and Examples. 4 .apps in the Applications dir, 81 .apps in Examples
23:43.42CBGnope. all are .app
23:43.50brlcadsounds like you downloaded some sort of binary kit
23:43.57brlcadnot the dev/library stuff
23:45.20CBGI downloaded and installed "OpenSceneGraph 2.0.mpkg".
23:45.53brlcadthat's a multipackage, that means it probably had an "Options" button during install with checkboxes for other items
23:45.58CBGI downloaded the "OSX Universal binaries" from
23:46.07brlcador, there's a different download you need still
23:46.11CBGIirc, all options were checked.
23:47.02brlcaddamn that's a slow download
23:47.03CBGyeah. Applications, Frameworks, Plugins and Examples. All checked.
23:47.42brlcadah!, then it probably installed the framework correctly
23:47.58brlcadjust screwed up the apps and examples
23:48.23brlcadyou'll need to edit the makefile and change the -losg to -framework OpenSceneGraph
23:48.40brlcador whatever it's named in /Library/Frameworks
23:52.25CBGdon't see -losg in Debug/makefile
23:55.13ibot[cia] a CVS/Subversion commit notification bot run on #commits among other channels, originally by scanline,, or the Central Intelligence Agency, but the bot is more important. ;)
23:58.11*** join/#bzflag delusional (
23:59.14brlcadgrep osg *
23:59.38bryjenit's in
23:59.38CBGscanline! :O
23:59.47brlcadbryjen: grr ;)

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