IRC log for #bzflag on 20070815

00:01.01CBGI'm thinking, have a mesh facing out of the base. Have it drivethrough at first so tanks can drive in and out. Once the team collect some flags, their base is "upgraded" and the mesh faces change so they are not drivethrough anymore. They can still drive out of their base, because the mesh face is facing out... but the enemy now can't drive into the base. :)
00:01.58JeffMI could get tricky and add team params to drive thru and shoot thru ;)
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00:04.52CBGThat'd be even better! :D
00:04.54CBGJeffM: you da man. :)
00:05.12JeffMhave to turn it into a bitmask, but tha'ts not too bad
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01:44.18Macrosoft|AFKindividual team object params?
01:44.54CBGHeck yeah.
01:44.59AAA_awrightAnother useless addition for the bwc format, brought to you by (Sorry, I am just joking)
01:45.40AAA_awrightOh, come on
01:46.32Macrosoft|AFKi sense a wave of awesome maps coming out when the next release is done
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01:48.42AAA_awrightI am inclined to say physics is the best thing that has happened to bzw, I don't know how much conditional physics will affect
01:49.25A_Heart_Attackhas anyone every heard of a player who used to play about 3 years ago called "checkme"
01:50.45Macrosoft|AFKit would be nice to have physics that could be set to pull toward or push away from a certain (x, y, z) point in the map
01:51.13CBGAlready possible...
01:51.39Macrosoft|AFKin 2.0.9?
01:51.49Macrosoft|AFKor 2.1?
01:52.13L4m3rin 2.0.9 with clever mapping
01:52.24L4m3rwell, in two dimensions, anyway. Z is a bit tricky.
01:52.47L4m3ruse your brain
01:53.08L4m3rit's not very difficult to change linear physics into radial physics ;)
01:54.37Macrosoft|AFKthe phys always moves the tank in the same direction
01:55.45Macrosoft|AFKit direction of the force is always the same
01:55.54Macrosoft|AFK*the direction
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01:57.35Macrosoft|AFKthat means i cant have a phys driver that pulls the tank towards one point in the map independent of which side of the phys the tank is on
01:58.11Macrosoft|AFKi would have to make phys drivers for different sides
02:02.08L4m3rnow get to work :P
02:02.11CBGBut the end result you want is achievable.
02:03.05Macrosoft|AFKso theres no chance of there being a pull x, y, z parameter for phys anytime soon?
02:03.28ibotextra, extra, read all about it, patches welcome is a common response by maintainers of Open Source products. It's roughly means "We don't have much time on our hands, so if you write that feature and send it to us we will likely roll it in. If you don't have the time to write it, we don't either. Stop asking for it."
02:03.41L4m3r2.2 isn't "anytime soon", so no
02:04.05Macrosoft|AFK~i gots no skilz
02:04.06ibotYou gots no skilz?
02:04.18L4m3rAdding a radial value to the rotational physics attribute doesn't sound like a terrible idea, but it breaks protocol
02:05.05Macrosoft|AFKrotation? i was talking more like gravity
02:05.44L4m3roh, 3D will probably not happen, ever
02:05.48AAA_awrightI recall some maps having rotation, It was probably just lots of directional pie slices
02:05.51Macrosoft|AFKexample make box at point 0, 0, 0. make phys drvr with pull 0, 0, 0.
02:06.09Macrosoft|AFK...tanks get sucked toward box
02:06.17AAA_awrightFriction would have to be set non-zero
02:06.19L4m3rAAA_awright: rotation is possible
02:06.20Macrosoft|AFKfrom any side of it
02:06.49AAA_awrightEven when jumping, it accelerates to the point?
02:06.51L4m3rthere's just no radial dimension to it... you can go around in circles, but not any closer or further from the center
02:07.04CBGMacrosoft|AFK: we know. It can be done now, with existing objects...
02:07.26L4m3rMacrosoft|AFK: physics currently work on surfaces only. Volumetric physics have been shot down, iirc.
02:07.28Macrosoft|AFKCBG: but not with just ONE phys drvr
02:07.59L4m3rthe only way you get vertical physics is by bouncing the tank, or launching it downward off something (yes, this is possible)
02:08.39L4m3rgravitating tanks toward a point isn't gonna happen unless the tank is sitting on some surface
02:09.29L4m3rand in that case, you can slice up the surface and use linear physics, at least for the time being
02:10.10Macrosoft|AFKdoes linear phys work on drivethrough objects?
02:10.41L4m3rphysics works on surfaces, not in space. if you can't land on the surface, no physics. :P
02:11.04L4m3rthough, iirc, death physics work on drivethrough objects, when you hit the surface
02:11.06Macrosoft|AFKso no BZAsteroids map anytime soon :p
02:11.19Macrosoft|AFK...tanks in space
02:11.28L4m3rtanks in space has been done
02:11.38Macrosoft|AFKis it still hosted?
02:11.55Macrosoft|AFK...or available on forums?
02:11.57L4m3rLouman has two maps, iirc, both should be on norang somewhere
02:12.43Macrosoft|AFKhe has lotsa maps, you remember the names of the two? for Gamma Quadrant for Babylon IV
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03:20.27Macrosoft|AFK? what do x and y coord.s do in angular phys?
03:28.09AAA_awrightMacrosoft|AFK: Sorry
03:47.12Macrosoft|AFKok, ive tried: angular 0.1 0 0  angular 0.1 5 0   and    angular 0.1 0 5
03:47.29Macrosoft|AFKand i dont notice any difference
03:48.04Macrosoft|AFKwhat do the other two params do?
03:53.21Macrosoft|AFKoh... its they're the coords for the axis of rotation.
03:55.38Macrosoft|AFKnobody talks back, it must be "join irc but dont say anything" day
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04:48.05Constitutionbrlcad or JeffM: ping?
04:48.30Constitutionhi... I have a question about the font manager
04:49.40ConstitutionFontManager::getFaceID() seems to be called by FontManager::load() with the full path to the font in question at times, but at other times called with the raw font name
04:50.04Constitutionand somehow this generates debug output that I can't quite tell whether it's intentional or not
04:50.40Constitutionthat's a bunch of junk from my debugger... hope you can decipher it
04:50.51Constitutionyou can see that "font" is sometimes the full path, and other times is the raw font name
04:51.05Constitutionand there's weird output in between... I have 3x -d
04:51.47Constitutionso my question is... is the "Requested font %s not found, using first font loaded" normal output, or does it signify problematic code?
04:52.00JeffMnot sure
04:52.37Constitutionit appears to be brlcad's code
04:52.55JeffMyeah it's his new stuff
04:54.28JeffMI'm trying to see how it is geting the full path
04:54.38JeffMit's suposed to just use the shortname
04:54.55Constitutionbzflag.cxx around line 1007
04:56.00JeffMthe bzdb isn't suposed to have the full path
04:56.14JeffMit will call load all with the path
04:56.29JeffMbut getFaceID is called with the bzdb var
04:56.33JeffMand that is the short name
04:57.10ConstitutionI backtraced it... the "Requested font %s not found" stuff is on the fm.loadAll() line
04:57.10JeffMahh I see what your saying
05:00.00Constitutionit just looks so intentional that if the font in question is not in faceNames (even during the load process), that it spits out the error... that's what I'm stuck on
05:00.15JeffMyeah it's wrong
05:00.52CIA-23BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r14891 10/trunk/bzflag/src/3D/FontManager.cxx: when checking to see if the font is loaded use the font NAME, not the font path.
05:01.07JeffMthat should prevent double loads of some fonts
05:01.57JeffMactualy I need to change it again
05:03.20CIA-23BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r14892 10/trunk/bzflag/src/3D/FontManager.cxx: don't call getFaceID when checking to see if a font is loaded, since we can't deal with the first font.
05:03.32JeffMthere, THAT is the correct thing to do
05:03.52Constitutionah, that makes sense
05:05.11JeffMthat should also NOT load a font till it's used :)
05:10.26JeffMthat still from load?
05:10.44Constitutiondunno... that was straight output... I'll run it through the debugger again
05:13.53JeffMI think I know what it is
05:16.27Constitutionit's at bzflag.cxx:1009, fm.getFaceID(BZDB.get("consoleFont"))
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05:19.00JeffMthat should not do it
05:19.04JeffMbut the reload may
05:19.21JeffMI need to redo what was done, it's not going to do it right :(
05:20.47Constitutionfull debugger output:
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05:27.44Constitutionalso for what it's worth, the font in the client appears to be have changed to LuxiMono
05:30.49JeffMyeah that's what I'm fixing now
05:30.58JeffMmaking it use the correct fonts
05:31.48ruskiehmm thanks for reminding me... need to switch the font for the console to the one I like more...
05:36.07CIA-23BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r14893 10/trunk/bzflag/ (include/FontManager.h src/3D/FontManager.cxx):
05:36.07CIA-23BZFlag: fix the font system to do a sane, non wastefull context reset.
05:36.07CIA-23BZFlag: don't load dupe fonts.
05:36.08CIA-23BZFlag: don't return the default font when we are just checking for fonts
05:36.08CIA-23BZFlag: only load a GL font when it's first drawn
05:36.08CIA-23BZFlag: use case-sensitive font names.
05:36.27JeffMthat should do a lot of good things
05:39.07ruskiehmm but of course I can't generate a font with TextTool as that seems to be w32 only... :(
05:39.25JeffMruskie, you don't have to for 2.1
05:39.29JeffMit uses ttf files
05:39.36ruskiebut I need to for 2.0
05:39.53JeffMyour prety much screwed if you can't get windows then
05:42.15Constitutionthanks a lot
05:43.16ruskieMaybe someone else could generate the required files for me then? --> AerialMono from here
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06:23.12CIA-23BZFlag: 03l4m3rthanyou * r14894 10/branches/gsoc_irc/bzflag/src/bzfs/ircControl.cxx: Assorted fixes and tweaks... trying to get BZFS to connect to IRC. Currently in the process of debugging.
06:49.43*** part/#bzflag Macrosoft|AFK (
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10:24.44CIA-23BZFlag: 03daxxar * r14895 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzrobots/ (8 files):
10:24.44CIA-23BZFlag: Added DeathEvent / onDeath
10:24.44CIA-23BZFlag: Added list of to-be-implemented events (?)
10:24.44CIA-23BZFlag: Fixed a format-bug ({1} instead of %s)
10:24.44CIA-23BZFlag: Now link with python-config's flags.
10:24.44CIA-23BZFlag: Added files that will house the PythonLoader.
10:47.12*** part/#bzflag DavidHKMrPowers (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/davidhkmrpowers)
11:01.09daxxarCross-language polymorphism is supported by SWIG/Python
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13:04.28CIA-23BZFlag: 03daxxar * r14896 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzrobots/ (6 files):
13:04.28CIA-23BZFlag: Implemented Python interpreter, loads the script and calls "create" when we try to instanciate. Ignores retval atm.
13:04.28CIA-23BZFlag: svn:ignore *.pyc (compiled python modules)
13:04.29CIA-23BZFlag: Added (simple "hello world" for .py's)
13:04.29CIA-23BZFlag: Register PythonLoader as a ScriptLoader for py
13:04.30CIA-23BZFlag: (This has some warnings when compiling, because python-config --cflags outputs C-specific flags. Don't know how to work around atm.)
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13:44.39Winnysomeone wanna delete this?
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14:07.57wandahi ... JeffM ... thanks for your advice yesterday .. i upgraded xorg, mesa etc. and the fonts are readable now ......
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15:07.18CIA-23BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r14897 10/trunk/bzwgen/ (lexer.l parser.y): Preliminary import of flex and bison files for the ruleset parser.
15:10.51EpyonIs there a pragma in VC to turn off _all_ warnings?
15:11.11TD-Linuxthat sounds evil.
15:11.57EpyonTD-Linux, I get a lot of warnings in flex and bison generated files, and I'd like to turn them off :P
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15:33.22JeffMbrlcad, you arround?
15:35.51A_Heart_Attackmenotume, ping
15:36.57JeffMand did anyone try the font changes I made last night?
15:44.31EpyonJeffM, is there a pragma for VC to ignore all warning in a given file?
15:44.43JeffMall warnings, not that I know of
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15:45.50JeffMlet me check something
15:48.31JeffMyou should be able to set the warning level per file
15:48.38JeffMright click on the file, go to properties
15:48.43JeffMhit the C++ item
15:48.44JeffMthen general
15:48.51JeffMthen change the warning level
16:00.30EpyonThanks JeffM, it worked :)
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16:11.30CIA-23BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r14898 10/trunk/bzwgen/ (bzlgen.vcproj lexer.l): Fix to the lexer and inclusion in project. Makefile anyone? :P
16:12.02daxxarHey Epyon :-)
16:12.17daxxarHmkay, time to add my SWIG-stuff to the project.
16:12.31EpyonHey daxxar :)
16:12.47EpyonI just survived a decimating blow to my work :/
16:13.41JeffMhey, there's the guy with the attribute stuff that made the API break :)
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16:14.47daxxarHi JeffM ;-
16:14.57daxxarAs far as I knew, it should've worked on all platforms.
16:15.12daxxarIt used preprocessor conditionals to check for support :-S
16:16.32JeffMit does not work INSIDE the plug-ins
16:16.53JeffMplug-ins don't use config.h
16:17.10JeffMdoes it need any additional headers or defines or whatnot?
16:17.49daxxarcommon.h, only
16:17.59JeffManything done in bzAPI.h has to be self contained
16:18.28JeffMyou'll notice that API.h does not include any other BZ headers
16:18.40daxxarI can copy the stuff from common.h
16:18.42daxxarIt's pretty small
16:18.56JeffMit's just to get a warning right?
16:19.02JeffMis it realy needed that much?
16:19.06JeffMsounds minor
16:19.09daxxarNah, it's just handy.
16:19.21JeffMit made the header hella ugly
16:19.25daxxarFound a bug in botplaying.cxx thanks to it, though ;-)
16:19.28JeffMI threw it into a some #defs
16:19.44JeffMand just didn't define them for windows
16:21.03daxxarIf I commit something now, can you test compiling it on win32?
16:21.08daxxarSo we'll catch it rapidly if it fails
16:21.40CIA-23BZFlag: 03daxxar * r14899 10/trunk/bzflag/include/bzfsAPI.h: bit more compatible __atribute__ printf-format-stuff
16:23.48EpyonaTTribute? :P
16:26.00JeffMis it a gcc only thing?
16:26.46JeffMand just FYI, in general we don't put dev names in comments
16:27.34daxxarEpyon: It's kinda hard to correct typoes in commitmesssages. ;-P
16:27.37daxxarJeffM: Oh, okay.
16:27.44daxxarJeffM: Yes, AFAIK it's a GCC extension. :-)
16:28.00EpyonATribute to SpellChecking :D
16:28.36daxxarHurr Hurr
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16:45.44JeffMdaxxar, I'll test it in a sec, I have PC issues and must do a couple reboots
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17:21.36JeffMdaxxar, I'm testing now
17:23.05JeffMI have made some changes to the API myself and have to get them to compile :)
17:24.51JeffMyeah that last change looks good
17:26.18a_meteoriteJeffM: Is there a way to keep the score board font from being anti-aliased in the latest BZ that uses ftgl and freetype (I love ProType)?
17:26.32a_meteoriteOr maybe it's not using ProType like I specify...
17:26.40a_meteoriteWhatever it's doing is making it look blurry.
17:27.18JeffMhow old is your code?
17:27.27a_meteoritesince yesterday afternoon
17:27.32JeffMget latest
17:27.44JeffMI made changes to the font system as of last night
17:28.17JeffMbut we always generate aliased fonts at screen res
17:28.22JeffMwhat res do you run?
17:28.40a_meteorite1440x900, native
17:28.53JeffMand what font size are you set to?
17:29.03a_meteoritelemme check
17:29.46daxxarMeeh, is a pain to update ;Åå
17:31.00a_meteoriteJeffM: config.cfg says 24, GUI settings says it's the same as cpanelfontsize which is 2.
17:31.16a_meteoriteset consoleFontSize 24, set cpanelfontsize 2
17:31.25JeffMwell try current stuff
17:31.35JeffMI'll add a min size for texture fonts
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17:39.23A_Heart_Attacka_meteorite, may i pm you?
17:39.36a_meteoriteA_Heart_Attack: Yes, you don't have to ask...
17:39.43A_Heart_Attackok :)
17:45.23CIA-23BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r14900 10/trunk/bzflag/src/3D/FontManager.cxx: add support for the BZDB var "MinAliasedFontSize" to swap to a bitmap font if the requested real size is under some limit
17:45.39JeffMget that code, and try doing a set MinAliasedFontSize 10 and see if that helps out
17:45.55JeffMthat will convert any font under 10 points final size to a bitmap font
17:46.04JeffMand those should not be smoothed.
17:46.33JeffMyou can play with the number to change what sizes it converts
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17:57.42a_meteorite"FontManager.cxx:89: warning: deleting 'void*' is undefined" That sounds particularly dangerous. :)
18:04.06KTLi got a coding problem: my prog hangs sometimes without using cpu and without any sleep calls.
18:04.42KTLnot sure where even, after some seconds it just continues
18:05.28KTLi simply don't know how to handle this kind of problem
18:07.44JeffMdoes it do it in the same place?
18:07.54JeffMand do you have ANY sleep calls anywhere?
18:08.02KTLi disabled all sleep calls
18:08.02JeffMthe OS could be ganking your cycles
18:08.08JeffMthat's not good :)
18:08.17JeffMyou have to play nice with the OS
18:08.30KTLin a part of the loop it calls opengl/sdl
18:08.47JeffMdoes it always lock in the same place?
18:09.00KTLi have no clue on how to know the place where it hangs :)
18:09.02JeffMyou should do some loging/debugin and see
18:09.13JeffMyou may have a call that blocks and takes some time
18:09.24KTLi should output the current time and see where it makes jumps
18:10.10KTLstill ... it are all calls to boost or to opengl
18:10.27JeffMwelll depending on the call to GL it can take some time
18:10.47JeffMbut I'm guessing it's probably just the OS grabing back time, cus your too greedy
18:12.40KTLmmm it is multitasking ... holding it for 4/5 seconds is a bit radical
18:12.58JeffMdepends on the OS
18:13.01JeffMif your app isn't kind
18:13.23JeffMand takes 100% of the CPU for a  while, the OS grabs back some and has a LOT to do
18:13.31JeffMso it dosn't return to you after a while
18:13.43KTLit is dual core, the other cpu was as good as idle
18:14.20JeffMit's still the OS
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18:15.59JeffMit's not used to processes taking up it all
18:16.12JeffMif it's a game like app that does a frame loop, you want to call some sleep every frame
18:16.19JeffMjust to keep the OS happy
18:16.31JeffMether that your you have dualcore timer issues
18:17.19KTL21 seconds in between, not in the opengl part
18:17.19KTLok thanks, maybe it could help if i give it a higher priority
18:17.27KTLnot too high or i get into trouble
18:17.29JeffMyou should not have to
18:17.34JeffMBZ dosn't
18:17.42JeffMbut we do call a small sleep every frame
18:18.02KTLhow can i do a shorter sleep then 1 second?
18:18.03JeffMI mean geting more FPS then the update of your display is pointless, so may as well sleep :)
18:18.19JeffMI usualy do 0.001 or something
18:18.20KTLSleep(int miliseconds)  aha
18:18.25JeffMI think you can even put in 0
18:18.33JeffMand that does an os defined "quick" check
18:22.29KTLthe Sleep milliseconds is from a windows api
18:22.45wandaJeffM: upgrading xorg  and MESA finally fixed my font problems ... but i got other problems now ... glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP) does not draw all lines ..
18:22.47KTLtime to grep bz :)
18:23.07JeffMwanda, still using DRI?
18:23.12daxxarIs worldEventManager a server-side class?
18:23.36JeffMare real ATI drivers available for your chipset?
18:23.45wandano ..
18:24.54JeffMI mean there isn't much we can do for drives that arn't glCompliant.
18:25.38wandathat is ok ... i dont want you to fix my problems :-)   ...
18:26.29CIA-23BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r14901 10/trunk/bzflag/ (include/FontManager.h src/3D/FontManager.cxx):
18:26.29CIA-23BZFlag: make sure we always use the correct FTGL font class when destructing.
18:26.29CIA-23BZFlag: cast FTGL font void pointer to the FTFont base class when calling it's methods.
18:26.34JeffMit's the driver that is broken
18:26.59JeffMtho mesa is suposed to be a prety good GL implemenation, even if it is slow
18:27.18JeffMa_meteorite, that commit should fix that warning ( and prevent badness )
18:27.29wandawhen substituting GL_LINE_LOOP with subsequent GL_LINES, i get all lines.. should i look for another libGL or do you thinks that it is still the driver?
18:27.55JeffMwanda, it's most likley the driver
18:27.59daxxarLinking with libGame gives me an unresolved symbol for ../bzflag/defaultBZDB.cxx\
18:28.03daxxareep, mispaste
18:28.06JeffMDRI atempts to do SOme hardware accelrations
18:28.19daxxarLinking with libGame gives me an unresolved symbol for worldEventManager, which seems to be defined by bzfs.
18:28.20JeffMso it's proably using mesa for the stuff it dosn't handle
18:28.28daxxarImportError: ./ undefined symbol: worldEventManager
18:28.30JeffMin this case it's trying to handle it and failing.
18:28.50daxxarIsn't libGame both for server and client? How does the client get around the worldEventManager reference?
18:28.52JeffMgame is calling world events?
18:28.57JeffMyeah it should not do that
18:29.07daxxarWell, bzflag and bzrobots compiles.
18:29.10JeffMwhat file has the call to it?
18:29.15daxxar(and runs)
18:29.28daxxarThis is for a new shared lib I'm making, which is the SWIG API-stuff
18:29.48JeffMahh it's the net handler stuff
18:30.15JeffMhmm that's not good
18:30.22JeffMI must ponder
18:30.34daxxarI think it's because I'm dynamically (and not statically) linking in my own .so
18:30.36JeffMI'll have to install another callback, one sec
18:30.47JeffMyeah, no es bueno
18:30.59JeffM#def it out for now
18:31.02daxxar"that's no good"?
18:31.04JeffMI'll fix it when I get back
18:31.15JeffMI need to do it difrently
18:31.23JeffMlike I did for log messages
18:31.29JeffMI have to go feed tho
18:31.33JeffMso be back in an hour
18:31.52daxxarWhat def should I check for? Does bzfs-compiling def something I can trigger on?
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18:32.30JeffMoh just comment it out for now :)
18:35.26KTLsorry but i just got another issue : *** glibc detected *** ./mas: double free or corruption (out): 0x0000000000826130 ***  and beneath it some sort of backtrace
18:35.46KTLnever seen this before
18:38.20KTLafter removing the only delete in my program i doubled that same error :D
18:39.27daxxarHrrm. libGame depends on libObstacle which depends on some 3d-stuff? :-S
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18:41.29daxxarOr, perhaps not.
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18:50.32KTLis it really common that while running valgrind the tool reports about a small set of recurring problems in popular libs? lib/ld libc libGLcore ... ?
19:01.03KTLthat error list is just growing while nothing else changes ah panic
19:01.19KTLdon't blame me
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19:53.29TD-LinuxI made a python script that starts a bunch of bzfs servers.
19:53.36TD-Linuxwith boring options.
19:54.28CIA-23BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r14902 10/trunk/bzflag/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
19:54.28CIA-23BZFlag: take out calls to world event manager from net handler
19:54.28CIA-23BZFlag: add a virtualised callback system for network data loging
19:54.28CIA-23BZFlag: install a network data logger in BZFS that makes a copy of the data and call the API events
19:54.28CIA-23BZFlag: this prevents game from needing the API.
19:54.57JeffMdaxxar, that should fix your problems with the world event manager
19:55.04JeffMand yes game needs obstacle for spawns
19:55.12JeffMand yes it it needs GL
19:55.16JeffMthe server links to GL :(
19:55.30JeffMit never calls any GL so you don't need a context but it needs the lib
19:57.29CIA-23BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r14903 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfs.cxx: fix some bad typos from a bad paste right before the last commit
20:02.52*** join/#bzflag Erroneous (
20:06.35CIA-23BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r14904 10/trunk/bzflag/ (include/FontManager.h src/3D/FontManager.cxx): make sure everyone can and will call the deleteGLFont that is in the class
20:09.10JeffMfor what?
20:09.17Constitutionfor the work
20:10.59CIA-23BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r14905 10/branches/v2_0branch/bzflag/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
20:10.59CIA-23BZFlag: take out calls to world event manager from net handler
20:10.59CIA-23BZFlag: add a virtual callback system for network data logging
20:10.59CIA-23BZFlag: install a network data logger in BZFS that makes a copy of the data and call the API events
20:12.12Winny :P
20:14.23tannerldlove that
20:22.26JeffMno, you must remember THIS one
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21:11.38gsneddersManu: do we still have jitterkick? what's the max?
21:13.06*** join/#bzflag SimonFlavelle (
21:15.20Manugsnedders:25 ms. 2 warns
21:15.40gsneddersManu: thanks. that's just about the only part of the new rules draft that's outdated after 1.5 years
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21:45.13JeffMthink that it's an acceptable limit to only allow 62768  objects of each type?
21:46.21CBGOMFG!! Only 62768?! That'll limit my maps way too much!
21:46.28JeffMper object
21:46.32CBG</sarcasm> It seems fine, JeffM. :)
21:46.48JeffMcus if this work, I may be able to do your drive thru thing
21:56.44JeffMthe wiki has it
21:57.08delusional_thanks jeff
21:58.15CBGThe wiki is coming along real nice now. I don't think I've looked and not found something there in ages.
21:59.16*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
22:00.41CIA-23BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r14906 10/trunk/bzflag/ (26 files in 3 dirs):
22:00.41CIA-23BZFlag: store a type id, name, and list id with each world object.
22:00.41CIA-23BZFlag: make the API access world objects using a GUID system
22:00.41CIA-23BZFlag: make API functions to find world objects by name, and by collision
22:00.41CIA-23BZFlag: fill out info on solid world objects returned from the API.
22:00.41*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (
22:00.47JeffMhope that works
22:01.21JeffM"techincaly" that now allows for server side players to see if they would hit anything if they drove around too
22:02.10delusional_ooh, nice.. then you keep the names with world save too.   How many times would I have found that helpful? about a thousand
22:02.37JeffMit has nothing to do with the client
22:02.51JeffMtho we can pack them up now if we wanted
22:02.56JeffMso it would be the first part of that
22:03.03JeffMI didn't change the packing
22:08.38delusional_cbg. yeah the wiki might even deserve an "awesome" adjective at this time. You can send a newb there for just about anything.
22:08.52delusional_I still forget to use it sometimes though
22:09.12JeffMthe API and world docs are weak
22:10.28CIA-23BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r14907 10/trunk/bzflag/ (include/bzfsAPI.h src/bzfs/bzfsAPI.cxx):
22:10.28CIA-23BZFlag: compute the correct count for the world objects in the API
22:10.28CIA-23BZFlag: fully fill out world object lists for the API with all solid objects
22:10.28CIA-23BZFlag: todo: Add in teleporters to the list as solids.
22:11.19JeffMsadly you can only get the AABBox of each object :(
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22:35.16A_Heart_AttackTimRiker, may i pm you?
22:41.58A_Heart_Attackis there anyway to resend a validation email?
22:42.05JeffMnot really
22:42.14JeffMwe can manualy activate an account tho
22:42.23A_Heart_Attackthats why i need tim
22:42.28A_Heart_Attackare you still able to do it?
22:42.29JeffMumm I can do it
22:42.32JeffMmany can
22:42.33A_Heart_Attackoh :P
22:42.49JeffMblast, L4m3r , DTRemenak / Erroneous ,  a bunch of people
22:43.17L4m3rdon't forget donny :)
22:44.19*** mode/#bzflag [+v Erroneous] by ChanServ
22:46.34CIA-23BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r14908 10/trunk/bzflag/ (19 files in 3 dirs): start using a byte for drive and shoot thru so we can get ready for team masks
22:47.40CIA-23BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r14909 10/trunk/bzflag/ (4 files in 2 dirs): setup server side management of overridden Intangibility
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22:47.49JeffMbest manager file name EVER.
22:49.12JeffMServerIntangibilityManager::instance().isWorldObjectTangable(id);  for some reason I find that hilarious
22:50.42*** join/#bzflag jude- (
22:50.50jude-hello all
22:51.59jude-JeffM: I need your advice
22:52.19jude-last time you tried BZWB, you didn't like it's UI
22:52.23jude-what do you recommend I change?
22:52.30JeffMgive it real menus
22:52.38JeffMstuff with icons
22:52.40JeffMthat is intutive
22:52.48jude-how do you define "real"?
22:52.56JeffMthat show up all the time
22:53.05JeffMand arn't tied to middle click
22:53.15JeffMpeople expect apps to have some basic features
22:53.20JeffMmenu bars are one of them
22:53.27jude-already have one
22:53.35jude-also added buttons
22:53.42JeffMthen all the stuff that is int he middle click menu should be in them
22:54.01JeffMclick menus should be just the stuff that is context senstive on the thing you click on
22:54.13jude-I guess that makes more sense
22:54.20JeffMpeople don't think to click to SEE
22:54.31JeffMthey click to know MORE, but not click to see
22:54.44JeffMso it's click to know more about or do more to what you can see
22:54.48JeffMeven the main menus follow that
22:54.57JeffMyou can see the top level items, and you click to open them and get MORE stuff
22:59.55jude-JeffM: have you seen the dialogs?
23:00.07JeffMI wasn unable to make it not crash
23:00.17jude-which OS?
23:00.57Erroneoushe had trouble getting osg-ish stuff to work right iirc
23:01.28Erroneousworked for me, after sufficient beatings.  I can build binaries tonight if you'd like.
23:01.41Erroneouserr...s/build/try to build/ :)
23:01.41jude-that'd be cool
23:02.26jude-the Windows version will probably ship as binary
23:02.48Erroneous"probably"? :)
23:03.00jude-...unless the OSG developers can get their act together :)
23:03.30Erroneousyou have to ship a binary anyway.  windows users will not compile stuff.
23:03.44Erroneoussame on the mac
23:04.10JeffMyou said you had to build an OSG, I was unable to do so
23:04.18JeffMI belive cus I had VC6
23:04.34JeffMyeah you'll HAVE to ship as a binary
23:04.41JeffMwell not you, but it will have to
23:04.47jude-doesn't VC6 have issues with STL?
23:04.57JeffMI was not using VC6
23:05.05JeffMI was using 7.1
23:05.53JeffMbut I have 6 installed
23:05.58jude-IIRC, Erroneous used VC8
23:06.06JeffMand OSG decided to use the most wacky build system
23:06.15JeffMand it kept trying to use parts of VC6 and 7.1
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23:07.48Erroneousthe osg build system is totally whacked
23:08.44Winnyanyone know of good software to make an image of a harddrive
23:09.31L4m3ryeah, dd rocks
23:09.51jude-it can take a while if you have a BIG hard drive, but it's a bit-for-bit image
23:10.22EpyonHmm anyone here familiar with VC's build process?
23:10.39EpyonOr with Bison?
23:10.48Erroneousdd was much faster (drive-to-drive) than partition magic was (for me at least)
23:11.03EpyonI have trouble making the bison generated file standalone :/
23:11.08Erroneousthe first, yes, the second, no
23:11.32Erroneouswhy is that?
23:11.41EpyonIt produces a .c file, but no .h file (actually it does but only with constants)
23:12.05EpyonUsualy one makes the program around that bison generated file (the main () is in that file)
23:12.15EpyonBut I want to use it as a "module"
23:12.31EpyonBut I can't get the linker to find yyparse() from it :/
23:13.12EpyonTried adding the prototype to the .h file, but the linker still doesn't find it. I know that it compiles the file, because it shows warnings in it.
23:13.45orthoxWinny: try g4u, proabbly as slow as dd but can send disks and partitions to a remote ftp server
23:14.29EpyonIs there some secret on how VC distinguishes executable .c files from "module" files? (except for a main() func that is)
23:16.57Epyon"bzwgen.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl yyparse(void)" (?yyparse@@YAHXZ) referenced in function _main"
23:18.13EpyonNo ideas? :/
23:20.17JeffMwhat is an executable C file?
23:20.34JeffMare you mixin c and c++ files?
23:20.51Epyonbison generates c files :/
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23:20.59JeffMyou can't mix em
23:21.11JeffMall C or all Cpp, or cxx
23:21.12EpyonBut they compile o.O
23:21.18JeffMyeah but they won't link
23:21.26JeffMdon't mix em
23:21.45JeffMand what is "bison"?
23:21.48Epyonyou mean just change the extensions?
23:21.57Epyonbison = yacc
23:22.00JeffMit uses the extension to tell what compiler to send it thru
23:22.14JeffMand it can't link stuff made with difrent compilers
23:22.26JeffMso it treats them seperately
23:22.37Epyonwell that must be the problem then :)
23:23.35JeffMare you linking with a static lib that includes it's own main?
23:23.50JeffMcus it's looking for a function called "yyparse"
23:24.03EpyonI try to access that func
23:24.10JeffMwhere is that function?
23:24.17EpyonI think renaming will solve the problem.
23:24.21EpyonIn a .c file :P
23:24.27JeffMand that file is in the project?
23:24.38JeffMis the main in a c or cpp file?
23:24.49JeffMthen yeah, that is your issue
23:25.21CIA-23BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r14910 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/ (bzfsMessages.cxx bzfsMessages.h): message subs for tangibility
23:25.57CIA-23BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r14911 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/ (ServerIntangibilityManager.cxx ServerIntangibilityManager.h): call the message stubs for updates to players
23:26.12Erroneousthat's a kick-ass name
23:26.53Erroneouss/tangable/tangible/g :)
23:27.26Erroneousyou got tangibility right though :)
23:27.33JeffMyeah I spellecheckd that one
23:28.29CIA-23BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r14912 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/ (ServerIntangibilityManager.cxx ServerIntangibilityManager.h): tangIble
23:29.44Erroneoushm, cool.  I just had a collision between sourcesafe and visual studio...sourcesafe crashed :S
23:30.04JeffMVC > VS
23:30.11tannerldErroneous: heh
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23:33.37EpyonHmm any idea what <unistd.h> is? o.O
23:36.06jude-threads, timing, etc
23:36.45JeffMposix/unix std headers
23:36.50EpyonNow the funny question -- as I changed it to cxx the compiler cries he doesn't know what's free and malloc o.O
23:37.09JeffMdo you include stdio?
23:37.19jude-and memory?
23:37.38Epyonseems as bison doesn't work out of the box -_-
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23:44.04EpyonIs it portable?
23:44.10KTLit's java
23:44.25EpyonWell that settles it, it's useless here ;]
23:53.03EpyonAny idea where this comes from : unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl isatty(int)" ?
23:54.42blast007JeffM: are you sure bzfs still needs GL on trunk?
23:54.56JeffMsomone did the work to remove the drawing code?
23:55.08blast007I don't see a GL.h or gl.h (not sure which is the right casing) on my system, and I was finally able to build trunk
23:55.08JeffMEpyon, it can't find that function
23:55.18blast007I know it didn't work at one point, failing at a missing gl.h
23:55.27JeffMblast007, mayhaps
23:55.35jude-Epyon: you're probably missing a lib or something
23:58.18EpyonJeffM, i know that, I was wondering what lib :/ ctype maybe?

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