IRC log for #bzflag on 20070728

00:04.52*** join/#bzflag A_Heart_Attack (n=mattfp48@unaffiliated/aheartattack/x-000001)
00:27.23*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
00:40.17AAA_awrightIs anyone going to set the vhost to /bb/?
00:43.06L4m3rAAA_awright: iirc that subdomain is a throwback to when and m.b.o were hosted on differen servers
00:43.15L4m3rthough I could be wrong
00:43.42AAA_awrightI thought was a different serve4r
00:44.18AAA_awrighton being a dedicated server... or why, then, is the wiki on
00:45.26L4m3rwe used to have two servers
00:45.45L4m3rone was kindly hosted by nidhoggr (the one with bzbb and the list, iirc)
00:46.07L4m3rbut one of his servers died, and he needed the one he was hosting us with to replace it
00:46.10*** join/#bzflag bz93 (
00:53.52brlcadit's just a throwback to when that subdomain was being used, now it's simply no longer being used
00:54.01brlcadeven though the vhost still points to m.b.o
00:55.05brlcadAAA_awright: and I can't think of a better reason to do it (ssh over https) :)
00:55.41brlcadas I really need a terminal on my iphone, and was going to write one as well until I ran across that guy's progress, now I'm happy to help :)
00:56.53AAA_awrightTry figuring out if it can detect what browser is using it, and adjust the screen size as such?
00:56.54donny_bakerheh... one of my guys was asking me why you would want to do something like that when I was telling him (ssh over https)
00:57.04donny_bakerand thats all I could come up with too
00:57.22donny_baker"I can check my IRC on my phone easier :P
00:57.46AAA_awright!. Hmmmm....
00:59.37AAA_awrightBTW, someone bother cleaning up the ideas here: . " Disable jump key while chatting" has been in for years.
00:59.53Macrosofthmm...where are patches submitted?
01:00.09AAA_awrightAs a feature. That one user who submitted it seemed fixed on submitting several useless ones.
01:01.42AAA_awrightThat is an interesting idea for a bzflag fork... driver/gunner co-op.
01:02.21L4m3rnot necessarily a fork
01:02.23brlcadAAA_awright: in good time, it still doesn't work 100% on safari yet which is of course my priority :)
01:02.28L4m3rit was one of the gsoc options
01:02.33Macrosoft...i still haven't submitted the patch for anonymous /say messages
01:03.06donny_bakerMacrosoft: sourceforge project page
01:03.12L4m3rMacrosoft: the patch has existed forever. it's only three lines...
01:03.21AAA_awrightI was admin'ing on a server that had anonymous /say on the global channel, but listed the user on the admin channel.
01:03.23brlcaddonny_baker: the reason why.. many reasons.. it's the answer to why I would ever want ssh at all
01:03.41AAA_awrightWas that the patch?
01:03.58L4m3rnot to mention that there were no shartage of plug-ins and other workarounds
01:04.01brlcadthat gives me access to just about everything I need, all my servers, my home machines, data, local and remote, logs, server status, irc
01:04.17L4m3rAAA_awright: I think Thumper did that patch
01:04.42MacrosoftAAA_awright: yeah, thats what it does
01:04.54donny_bakerbrlcad: yeah but putty is easy enough to carry on a stick, especially if you use the one that keeps your configs in a file
01:05.15brlcaddonny_baker: that presumes port 22 is available/working/not blocked
01:05.20donny_bakerthe only place i lack access is on my phone
01:05.23brlcadand that you can plug in that stick to something
01:05.29brlcadwhich of course I can't on my phone
01:05.33MacrosoftL4m3r: did thumper already submit it?
01:05.36L4m3ror you can get a *real* smartphone that has real PuTTY support :P
01:05.48pooliobrlcad: people got ssh running on the iPhone :)
01:06.03brlcadyeah, but it's a pretty big hack
01:06.07L4m3rMacrosoft: I have no idea
01:06.10*** part/#bzflag LongDon (
01:06.14AAA_awrightI can't find any patch with "say"
01:06.29MacrosoftAAA_awright: where are you looking?
01:06.35AAA_awrightsf tracker
01:06.40donny_bakeri like the idea of ssh over https... it does lend itself to accessability
01:06.55L4m3rwait a sec... does thump have commit access, brlcad?
01:07.07donny_bakerL4m3r: yep
01:07.16L4m3rah, then probably not
01:07.27AAA_awrighthas this been merged yet?
01:07.32L4m3rthumper tends to just commit his patches... this is not really applicable, obviously
01:07.48AAA_awrightI want the FrienD flag:
01:08.45Macrosoftoops, typo.
01:09.04AAA_awrightIs anyone going to merge my file in ever?
01:10.24blast007I was checking it out, but there was so many changes made it was hard to determine what you changed
01:10.49AAA_awrightI listed most all of them
01:10.59blast007right, that's not what I meant
01:11.05blast007I was using a merge/diff tool
01:11.22blast007I'm not going to blindly apply a change
01:11.24brlcadthe friend flag patch is one of about a dozen that could be accepted fairly easily with review
01:11.43AAA_awrightThat is why jeff said submit the file, the patch I made was t times larger then the new file.
01:11.50AAA_awright*about two
01:12.26blast007AAA_awright: was there a reason you removed cache control headers?
01:12.50*** join/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@2002:4cb1:b40f:0:0:0:0:1)
01:12.50*** mode/#bzflag [+v bryjen] by ChanServ
01:13.14AAA_awrightDid I?
01:13.25AAA_awrightWait, weblogin.php needs to be cached?
01:13.28Macrosoftwhat's the friend patch do?
01:13.37AAA_awrightMacrosoft: can't TK
01:13.54AAA_awrightthink about admins saying "/flag give MajorTKER FD"
01:14.07AAA_awrightThat would be interesting.
01:14.27Macrosoftit's a flag? it changes server and client?
01:16.04AAA_awrightYah. You could probably implement it in a plug in using the Useless flag or something though. Make your bullets appear to be zoned to other teammates...
01:19.01AAA_awrightCould someone merge this one in?
01:19.04Macrosoftso... how do i submit a patch to sf?
01:19.58AAA_awrightdo you have an account there?
01:20.46AAA_awrightYou may want to create one. I guess you could get someone to submit on your behalf, but...
01:21.40donny_bakerMacrosoft: an account on sf is free
01:21.58Macrosoft*goes to make one*
01:22.38AAA_awrightOh, well yah, it's free. Comes with an email alias and unix account (which you can't do anything on) too.
01:24.14*** join/#bzflag HighKarateKitty (
01:25.55Macrosoftbah! someone is already using my name
01:26.31AAA_awrightThat could be a problem:
01:27.18AAA_awrightWhen you switch from Hunter to Rabbit, it thinks you started a new session.
01:27.36Macrosoftthere we go, used my new callsign and my old one put together
01:29.48AAA_awrightWhat username?
01:38.20Macrosoftpatch submitted
01:39.28Macrosoftusername: macrosoft00
01:51.51*** join/#bzflag tannerld (
01:54.03*** join/#bzflag CBG` (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
02:08.48Macrosoftdo patches dissappear from the list on sf if they are merged into the source?
02:13.29bryjenthey'd be changed to "closed" status
02:14.44*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
02:15.46AAA_awright This is an interesting idea, could we design the protocol so multiple stats could be sent to clients?
02:16.27AAA_awrightE.x. we could rank by a floating-point which is calculated independently of wins and losses.
02:16.27a_meteoritegot back from work
02:16.34tannerldheh at Electric Light Orchestra
02:16.55AAA_awrightNot an acrynom!
02:17.09a_meteoritegimme a min
02:19.07a_meteoriteAAA_awright: I already suggested "calculating independently of wins and losses" to you. Remember? :P
02:19.31a_meteoriteHow long the person was playing, kills, what skill level of other players they could kill, CTFs...
02:19.44a_meteoriteFactoring flag at the time of kill
02:19.48*** join/#bzflag HighKarateKitty (
02:20.45AAA_awrightI mean so that a plugin can send a number for every player.
02:21.08AAA_awrightYou could probably do HP this way.
02:21.29a_meteoriteModifying their score in 2.1 is possible, but not to a float.
02:21.39a_meteorite(with a plugin at least)
02:21.49AAA_awrightI am talking about sending more numbers then their score.
02:21.56a_meteoriteI don't know how hit points works in.
02:22.12AAA_awrightsend an entire battery of stats if you want. Create a whole BZ-RPG.
02:22.17a_meteoriteAAA_awright: Yeah, I've already thought how cool sending arbitrary columns to clients would be.
02:22.27a_meteoriteSo you could add to the scoreborad.
02:22.51a_meteoriteIt wouldn't be exactly hard. Just someone's got to do it.
02:23.16a_meteoriteThere should be no problem on building a new column on the fly when it gets a packet for it. :)
02:23.35AAA_awrightDesign the packet you mean. What is sent when a plugin creates a new column?
02:24.30AAA_awrightMsgColumnDefinition { int number; loop{ string_60 name} }
02:25.10a_meteoriteWhy assign the column a number?
02:25.12a_meteoriteYou should be able to reference each row by the player's ID/name
02:25.18*** join/#bzflag CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
02:25.22AAA_awrightMsgColumnUpdate { int number;{int colid {chr slot; chr value;}}}
02:25.34a_meteoritethat's good to me
02:25.58a_meteoriteBut would the devs go for it? I really think not.
02:26.04AAA_awrightit loops through all the columns then loops through the value each player has.
02:26.42AAA_awrightYou probably could replace this with the MsgUpdateScore packet.
02:26.59AAA_awrightwon would have a default ID of 00, lost 01, tk 02
02:27.18a_meteoritedev's comments much appreciated right about now
02:29.20Macrosoftthe "easy button"?
02:29.49a_meteoritethe easy button would code it up for us
02:29.51AAA_awrightMacosoft: ~bigredbutton
02:30.05a_meteoritewe don't want to waste easy button's powers on summoning a dev
02:30.56AAA_awrightMacrosoft: /msg ibot bigredbutton
02:31.02a_meteoriterofl at ~bigredbutton !!
02:32.47Macrosoftim tempted to see what ibot will say
02:32.59a_meteoriteplug your ears
02:33.26Macrosoftthat was odd
02:34.27Macrosoftlamer is the only one who would hear it
02:36.00*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
02:36.43Macrosoftpythonian has an a-load of bots on right now
02:37.44a_meteoritethat's cause he hates everyone
02:38.20Macrosoftcant he be banned from the list server for "extreme douche-baggery" or something like that
02:38.21tannerldheh - no kidding - he has about 10 or so
02:38.29tannerldor did
02:38.31tannerldnow 2
02:38.36a_meteoriteMacrosoft: not officially
02:38.52Macrosofttannerld: he must have caught on
02:39.16Macrosoftnope, they're back again
02:39.16AAA_awrightI will contribute!
02:39.21a_meteoriteAAA_awright: ?
02:39.28AAA_awrightjoin with -colo 30
02:39.37a_meteoriteyou'll get banned
02:39.37AAA_awrightyou want to too?
02:39.53Macrosoft-solo 200
02:39.54AAA_awrightFrom some random persons server, I don't care
02:39.57a_meteoritehe invited me and some others to /poll ban the bots if we didn't want to play with bots
02:40.01a_meteoritehe then banned us for it
02:40.29Macrosoftim gonna try it (solo 30)
02:41.04AAA_awrightMacrosoft: No
02:41.08AAA_awrightMacrosoft: just 10
02:41.10Macrosofthere goes >:)
02:41.14AAA_awright30 is way too much data
02:41.31Macrosoftbot DOS'ing?
02:42.04Macrosoftattack my bot minions! eat his bandwidth!
02:42.15AAA_awrightHa, this is awesome
02:42.30AAA_awrightAAA and AAA00-AAA14
02:42.54Macrosofteveryone, join in
02:43.44Macrosoftheh, we filled hi server
02:44.16Macrosoftnow, we make all the bots go [nr]
02:44.48a_meteoritehey, if we all do it and get banned no one will be able to play at his server! ;D
02:45.04Macrosoftoh no! what ever will we do then :p
02:46.54MacrosoftAAA_awright: where'd you go?
02:47.12AAA_awrightKicked for tking :p
02:47.28AAA_awrightmeteorite: there are 6 slots open
02:47.32Macrosoftoh. thats why i joined as obsercer
02:48.11Macrosoft6 slots? sounds like more bandwidth for the bots
02:48.26*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
02:49.16Macrosoftoops, i ghosted myself
02:50.33Macrosoftim anti-bot-man and Macrosoft
02:51.44Macrosoftyes! we've managed to make the server's jitter skyrocket
02:53.45Macrosofthe's gonna have a conniption when he finds out about all of it, but it was worth it
02:55.05Macrosoftyes! everyone went [nr]!
02:56.27Macrosofthe's not doing anything
02:56.42AAA_awrightHe joined though
02:57.11Macrosofttoo bad we cant tell the bots to hunt him and ignore everyone else
02:57.25AAA_awrighta_meteorite: we need 4 registered players
02:57.33Macrosoft...(sounds like a cool feature to add)
02:58.02Macrosoftit would be like /bothunt "hamburger ham"
02:58.22Macrosofti bet he cant take on all those bots
02:58.34a_meteoritehe's probably ban em :)
02:59.05Macrosofti think i should add a /bothunt feature to my client wouldnt be cheating or anything, just influencing who the bots target
03:00.24JeffMwhy are you bot flooding servers in the first place?
03:00.34Macrosoftbryjen: we're getting back at him for scamming list server all the time
03:00.53JeffMMacrosoft that is a private vengance thing
03:01.06JeffMthe project does NOT condone any sort of flooding/attack actions
03:01.24JeffMif it's not your server your just as bad as any abbuser
03:01.26bryjen"scamming" would be having the server report 30 players all the time even with 0 actual
03:01.31a_meteoriteJeffM: he likes bots, so we're helping him
03:01.39a_meteoriteif he changes his mind he can ban us :)
03:01.42JeffMyour abbusing the system
03:01.46JeffMtake it away from here
03:01.53JeffMwhat you do is your thing
03:01.56Macrosoftalready did
03:01.58AAA_awright We get nice graphs from it.
03:02.29JeffMit is wrong to impose your will and your rules on a server you don't own
03:02.56jafmAAA_awright: ricochet*
03:02.56a_meteoritethe admins aren't having a problem with it, JeffM
03:03.03a_meteoritethere are two and they seem to like our bots
03:03.08a_meteoriteso, what's the problem?
03:03.33AAA_awright(met: nix it)
03:03.42JeffMwhy does the server admin's just not take care of it then?
03:04.00a_meteoriteJeffM: cause maybe they LIKE the bots? they're keeping us around
03:04.17JeffMthen that is between you guys and them
03:04.25JeffMjust please don't discuss attack type things here
03:04.26a_meteoritethat's fine
03:04.29JeffMmaking everyone go NR, etcc.
03:18.46AWOSLappyDoes bzflag run on NetBSD?  I mean, new bzflag.  only thing they have in pkgsrc is 2.0.2
03:19.28a_meteoritedoes netbsd have the libs bzflag needs?
03:19.34a_meteoriteif so, sure, why not?
03:19.43AWOSLappyI dunno.  It has SDL.
03:21.12JeffMit should
03:21.28JeffMthere may be small build system things that have to be tweaked
03:21.36JeffMfor 2.2
03:21.41a_meteoritecause of ftgl?
03:22.12JeffMor just stuff we changed
03:22.26JeffMand was never updated to compile on bsd
03:22.35JeffMsome stuff is difrent then nix, compile flags, libs, etc..
03:23.09JeffMbut 2.0.x IIRC has been build on BSD
03:23.09a_meteoriteyeah, of course runs BSD
03:23.54a_meteoriteas long as it doesn't start using platform-dependent libs or code, I don't see a big problem, but I am not an expert at *BSD
03:24.44AWOSLappyJeffM: 2.0.2 is in the repos.
03:24.59AWOSLappyI meant 2.0.8
03:25.05JeffMall that means is that's the last time somone updated it ;)
03:31.04AAA_awrightNow, is anyone ever going to go through the sf tracker? There are some really simple and useful patches in there:
03:31.36JeffMit is checked before a release
03:31.49AAA_awrightThis is "before a release"
03:32.11JeffMI mean right before
03:32.32AAA_awright... You are serious, aren't you?
03:32.50JeffMpatches get applied 2 ways
03:33.12JeffM1) some dev scans them before a release and looks to see what would be good to add
03:33.28JeffMor 2) the patch author bugs the heck out of a dev to apply it
03:33.32JeffMso yes, it IS used
03:33.41JeffMit's just not constant activity
03:34.03JeffMyou bug A dev
03:34.06JeffMfor A specific patch
03:36.44AAA_awrightWe can't even go through the list and say "this one won't be added" "this one is for 2.0.10" "this one is for 2.2"
03:36.53bryjenthe "Feature Request" items don't even necessarily have a patch attached.  they're just requests.  somebody'd have to be motivated to code 'em up.
03:37.17JeffMthose are all just ideas
03:37.36JeffMand they are not all "approved"
03:37.44JeffManyone can add them
03:37.57AAA_awright"this one won't be added"
03:38.15JeffMnoone checks those and updates the statuses
03:38.15DTRemenakAAA_awright: someone could, sure.  nobody does, generally.  some of us go through it occasionally and cherry-pick the ones we like best, and reject the ones that are ridiculous.
03:38.31AAA_awrightLets do that now.
03:38.53JeffMthat's not how we work
03:38.55bryjeniirc, purple_cow went or someone through the actual Patches tracker a while back and moved the rejects to Rejected Mods
03:39.02AAA_awrightUm... that isn't how open source works
03:39.12JeffMthere are many ways to run an open source project
03:39.22JeffMthis is one
03:39.43a_meteoritedisorganization hurts projects
03:39.49JeffMnever said it was a good way, but it's what we generaly do
03:39.53AAA_awright(sigh) All of the really great projects work that way.
03:39.57a_meteoriteplus if you do it "right before a release" the chances of it getting in that release is more slip
03:40.04JeffMyou think bzflag is ORGANISED? and HOW long have you been here?
03:40.11a_meteoritejust suggesting it should be
03:40.14DTRemenakfor better or for worse, bzflag is a project completely devoid of "responsibilities."  nobody "has" to do anything, ever.  people will if they want to, and won't if they don't.
03:40.16AAA_awrightSince 1.5
03:40.33JeffM1.5 of bzflag?
03:40.57JeffMthat would be pre-open source
03:41.02AAA_awrightabout half a year before the protocol break that was the protocol break before 2.0.
03:41.23JeffMbzflag is generaly decentralised
03:41.26JeffMdevs do what they want
03:41.29JeffMno assignments
03:41.33JeffMno policy
03:41.36JeffMnothing like that
03:41.43JeffMit's prety free form
03:41.57JeffMfirefox it ain't
03:42.15AAA_awrightAnd that is why we have had no releases since 2006.
03:42.16JeffMif it was like you say you want it to be, it'd have a roadmap, and a plan, and a lot more things
03:42.23JeffMyeah, bzflag is dead
03:42.27JeffMit just dosn't know it yet
03:42.47bryjenhush, you.  it's just sleeping
03:42.51AAA_awrightBecause active developers don't take code in while the patches will still merge.
03:42.52bryjenvery soundly. ;)
03:43.02JeffMAAA_awright, cus it's maintainer dosn't manage ;)
03:43.43JeffMTim's a good guy, he's just not the type of manager a game needs
03:43.54JeffMOSS games rarely work like other OSS projects
03:47.14JeffMsadly the problem with "just doing it now" like you say, is you'd not get everyone to agree on all the features
03:47.27AAA_awrightThat is what IRC is for.
03:47.32JeffMeven with IRC
03:47.34AAA_awrightEspecially freenode.
03:47.39JeffMyou won't get agreement
03:47.45JeffMit's NOT a techicnal issue, it's a person issue ;)
03:48.15JeffMrotating turrets is a good example
03:48.18JeffMmany want it
03:48.20JeffMmany don't
03:48.29JeffMyou'll never get agreement
03:48.37JeffMsince there is no doc or plan for what bzflag "is"
03:48.38DTRemenakAAA_awright: you have the right idea, trying to get people to look at patches.  the problem is you can't just say "oh let's look at all the patches now plz."  you'd have better luck picking a specific developer and bugging him or her about a specific patch that is the one you would check in first if you were in charge (and ideally not too controversial).
03:49.16AAA_awrightThat. Is. Why. I. Create. Them.
03:49.16JeffMyeah, or if you want to see a feature request done, do it, make a patch, and bug somone to get it in
03:49.31DTRemenakand you'll have the best luck if it's someone who works on that area.
03:49.44Macrosoft~bug devs
03:49.51DTRemenakI've seen exactly one patch from you, and I hate php, so I ain't gonna look at that one.
03:49.52JeffMjust don't assume that all the patches are reviewed on a regular basis
03:50.17JeffMand yeah if you do generic "bug" stuff like little mr. macrosoft there says, most will ignore it
03:50.44JeffMwas that the fancy list server with ajax?
03:51.30DTRemenakno, a replacement for/revision of the weblogin page
03:51.40JeffMdifrent then what blast commited?
03:51.57blast007he modified weblogin.php
03:51.59JeffMbetter? worse? dif?
03:52.06JeffMwhat does it change?
03:52.06blast007can't tell yet
03:52.26blast007I was having to manually go through to see what was changed
03:52.40JeffMI mean all that did was make the token right?
03:52.46JeffMwhat other features does it need?
03:52.46blast007over half the file had changes
03:52.59blast007so it was hard to pinpoint what he truely changed
03:53.16JeffMif it would use the bzbb cookie, that'd be a good feature
03:53.33AAA_awrightSecurity problem.
03:53.48blast007AAA_awright: I would have rather it fixed JUST that
03:53.54JeffMand a security problem needed over half the file changed?
03:54.09blast007instead of taking out the functions and changing half the whitespace in the file
03:54.14AAA_awrightSorry, cookies don't work cross-domain
03:54.25blast007AAA_awright: same domain....
03:54.29blast007it's all on m.b.o
03:54.30JeffMthe page is hosted on the same doming
03:54.41blast007forum, wiki, list, stats
03:54.41JeffMother sites DON'T use weblogin
03:54.47JeffMthey use checktoken
03:54.56JeffMand forward the browser to webloging
03:55.02JeffMso they don't get a password
03:55.31JeffMso since it's done on, you can use the bzbb cookie
03:56.09JeffMdid you add/change any other features other then the security fix?
03:56.13AAA_awrightI'm not changing how internal logins work?
03:56.29JeffMwe don't know what you did, few of us know php
03:56.36JeffMso we are asking you to explain
03:56.38AAA_awrightI have a full change list
03:56.46AAA_awrightPosted right there with the patch like you said
03:56.49AAA_awrighta while back.
03:57.00JeffMok, so your unwilling to just explain it to us here?
03:57.10JeffMlike summary
03:58.10AAA_awrightIt changes the default login scheme to POST so logins don't become cached, has an example form like what you see on,
03:58.34blast007but that's a one word change
03:58.35JeffMwhat was wrong with the old form?
03:58.59JeffMcus db isn't exactly the best interface in the world
03:59.01AAA_awright called with no paramaters posts an eerror.
03:59.13AAA_awrightI just added an error+form
03:59.16JeffMok so some error cehcsks
03:59.29JeffMtho if there are no params, we should not have any form
03:59.34JeffMcus that's invalid use
03:59.41JeffMit's not meant to be a DB client
03:59.49JeffMit just happens to use DB to do it's job
03:59.52AAA_awrightIt's an example.
03:59.57JeffMwhat was wrong with the old form?
04:00.05JeffMdid you leave the form?
04:00.14blast007he changed the form to use POST
04:00.21JeffMbut does it look the same?
04:00.25AAA_awrightThe login form when you pass a URL only replaces username with callsign
04:00.27blast007this prevents the password from being saved in the history
04:00.30AAA_awrightotherwise it looks the same
04:01.25JeffMok so change get to post
04:01.32JeffMand make a better error check
04:01.37JeffMthose sound like small changes
04:01.45AAA_awrightAh, let me see...
04:02.02blast007it's not worth my time to sort through the new file
04:02.06blast007I can make those changes on my own
04:04.54AAA_awrightOh, and you don't want users to be posting their callsign and password from another site. I didn't break that, but it isn't a good thing in general.
04:06.10JeffMwhat do you mean posting from another site?
04:06.19JeffMruning there own weblogin?
04:06.48brlcadyeah, someone providing their own form and then presumably redirecting to bzbb
04:06.57JeffMwe can't prevent that
04:07.08JeffMsince db takes raw connections
04:07.09brlcadsome do a direct post
04:07.16brlcadthat can be prevented
04:07.27blast007brlcad: nope
04:07.37JeffMbut we can't prevent them from hosting there own form that looks the same
04:07.53brlcadno, we can't prevent them from hosting the form of coruse
04:08.17blast007brlcad: so what can be prevented?
04:09.11blast007my site has a form that posts directly to the weblogin page
04:09.20brlcadbest we can do is make sure the referrer matches (not full proof of course, but better than nothing)
04:09.21AAA_awrightDitto here.
04:10.05blast007that helps how?
04:10.19blast007not sure what you're trying to "prevent"
04:10.38AAA_awrightSo people don't get into the habit of filling their password on random forms on random sites!
04:11.06AAA_awrightIt has its (Very limited) uses, even I use it, but even I would prefer it be totally banned.
04:11.08brlcadit's not that it prevents a whole lot, folks can still make the forms
04:11.14brlcadthe point would be that the form wouldn't work
04:11.37blast007that would break strayer's site and my site :)
04:11.42*** join/#bzflag SimonFlavelle (
04:11.49blast007with minimal benefit
04:11.58brlcadblast007: which in the big scheme would probably be a good thing :)
04:12.04JeffMit's a social benifit more then anything
04:12.16brlcadwe're just luck that that hasn't been abused to all heck so far
04:12.33brlcadyou could still get that working, doing effectively what paypal does
04:12.41brlcadyou just wouldn't host the form
04:12.44JeffMwe should tie it to a certificate :)
04:12.56CIA-3BZFlag: 03blast007 * r14696 10/trunk/db/weblogin.php: Use POST instead of GET
04:13.30AAA_awrightblast007: you changed the variables to $_REQUEST or $_POST right?
04:13.35blast007AAA_awright: nope
04:13.51blast007I already did
04:14.10blast007my website has been using post all along to submit to the weblogin
04:14.27AAA_awrightOh, okay. That's good.
04:14.35brlcadAAA_awright: continuing from the talk earlier, the best someone in your position can/should do is just stay involved, keep making patches
04:14.43blast007AAA_awright: and I would hope it WOULD work, since YOU still used $_REQUEST in your weblogin.php  ;)
04:15.27brlcadafter "enough" interaction, an existing dev will eventually sponsor the new dev, but that only happens usually after a good bit of interaction or a fairly safe feeling that the person isn't going to cause more trouble then they're worth
04:16.01brlcadonce you get dev access, you have a lot more weight as actions speak more than anything
04:16.41brlcadif it feels like you'll be a pain in the arse, though, causing arguments or otherwise, then .. yeah, it'd be tough
04:17.14JeffMit helps if your willing to explain your changes as well
04:17.36AAA_awrightif(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] && parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],1)!='') die('Invalid referer! Please try the form at <a href=""></a>');
04:18.03brlcadand for the record, JeffM, I don't think bzflag's any more dead than it's ever been, not that saying it's "dead" or not really means much of anything at all -- open source is as open source does
04:18.07AAA_awrightSomething to that effect?
04:18.15brlcadAAA_awright: yeah, something like that
04:18.26JeffMI know you don't think that ;)
04:18.32brlcadcept it really does need some way to pass a token back
04:20.28brlcadI certainly don't spend much less time on BZ on the whole than I did a few years ago, the time is just spread out on more things
04:20.48brlcadit was a lot more evident when it was 100% to code
04:21.26brlcadadministration and communication are pretty darn thankless jobs :)
04:21.58L4m3rtry working in foodservice...
04:22.22JeffMAAA_awright, he runs the actual SERVER and
04:22.47JeffMthat does take SOME time
04:23.01brlcadAAA_awright: exactly my point, you know very little what I do behind the scenes
04:23.18brlcadnot just sysadmin, but other stuff too
04:23.29AAA_awrightbrlcad: Happy sysadmins day
04:23.36brlcadit's all good
04:23.50L4m3rbrlcad: I'd give you karma, but, well...
04:24.49brlcadI don't do it for kudos, it's generally a thankless job :)
04:25.02brlcadI work on bz because I enjoy it, even the mind numbing stuff :)
04:28.03brlcadone of the biggest differences compared to other "big" projects is that many of them have paid-for staff involved or passionate leadership .. neither of which does bz have, hence why it's more freeform
04:28.04AAA_awrightbrlcad: Just announce new features on IRC. I got half my karma from jude- when I announced my player-league-finder on
04:28.55brlcadAAA_awright: what are you talking about??
04:29.42AAA_awrightI announce what I am working on (no matter if it gets flamed or not) and people enjoy that. I enjoy that.
04:29.45brlcadif you've been around here long enough, you should know that I do as do the other devs, that's one of the things expected -- collaborating and being visible
04:30.39AAA_awrightI never see you announcing a new phpbb plugin or does CIA do that for you.
04:31.05JeffMphpbb plugin?
04:31.15brlcadI think you misunderstood
04:31.16AAA_awrightNot like any have ever been added.
04:31.21brlcadthere is a lot of maintenance work
04:31.29brlcadthere's nothing to announce with maintenance work
04:31.46AAA_awrightYah there is. I know there is.
04:32.02brlcadyou think that jeff should have "announced" the hundreds of posts he made to bzbb to support users, keep operatings running smoothly?
04:32.15L4m3raside from "Sorry bzbb is slow today, there's a botnet attacking it again"
04:32.21AAA_awright"Yeay, kept MySQL from imploding"... I will stop talking righr about now...
04:32.33JeffMwhat the HELL are you talkinga bout?
04:33.37brlcadyeah, so I spent four hours reviewing various log files because of player network attacks.. woo hoo.. you have now been informed ...  whoopty do
04:33.46JeffMhey... this is what that google video warned about isn't it?
04:34.01brlcada little bit :)
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04:34.19brlcadbut then that would make you a contributor to the poisonous persona too a little bit :P
04:34.29JeffMnever said I wasn't
04:34.39brlcadso that's the new plan? :)
04:34.50JeffMI've always had the die->fork plan
04:35.01JeffMDTRemenak, did an SGI show up at work?
04:35.05blast007JeffM: I'd go with that :)
04:35.09DTRemenaknot that I am aware of
04:35.13JeffMmaybe monday
04:35.27AAA_awrightbrlcad: Yah, I like to know what troubled httpd today. So what if the botnet is coming from China/India/countryYouHaveNeverHeardOf? That is interesting.
04:35.58blast007Solar flares. That is all.
04:35.59brlcadAAA_awright: then keep contributing and become a trusted dev, then you'd get to do deal with loads of that stuff
04:36.10*** join/#bzflag AWOSLappy (n=awilcox@unaffiliated/awosdev)
04:36.18brlcadotherwise, it doesn't benefit ME at all to spend even more time belaboring the maintenance issues
04:36.55brlcadas there is constant development to make maintenace be reduced, to actually work on someting more interesting and useful like game development
04:39.33brlcadotherwise, I could spend all day just spinning wheels keeping everyone neatly informed and then the project really would be dead .. I see that overhead planning/dissemination/communication bloat way too much in other places to see it happen here without direct need
04:40.27JeffMbettter to just wait till some dev that wants to help make it better comes up and then engage in a constructive convesation
04:40.44JeffMnot every bit of info has to be served to everyone on a silver platter
04:40.49brlcadquite true
04:41.01JeffMif a dev is intersted in the backend stuff and the problems it has, they should do some freaking research
04:41.41brlcadif there were 10 actively engaged devs all wanting to work on feature X, then that would beg for better planning, forethought, and coordination
04:42.12brlcadas it is, there's about five guys that put in changes when they can in areas that interest them the most
04:42.50JeffMthat many?
04:43.06brlcadbecoming one of those guys isn't hard at all, you just have to be someone that will mesh well and understands the foundations/philosophy for better or worse
04:44.22brlcadoverall, yeah .. just looking at last two months' activity
04:44.33JeffMyou can have my slot if that will help my plan go faster :)
04:45.48brlcadyou're still contributing majorly even if you don't want to :)
04:46.09JeffMall my code is boobytraped
04:46.13brlcade.g. new fonts, code written how long ago?  there's probably a couple dozens enhancements like that I could pull/integrate :)
04:46.36JeffMI'm a master obfuscator, didn't you know ;)
04:46.40brlcadI found a few of those boobies in gdb :)
04:46.45brlcadmm.. boobies
04:48.53AAA_awrightOh, no! The BZFlag player count is going down! It will be 0 in just a few hours!
04:49.44JeffMwhat's that? a day?
04:50.09blast007281 servers.... hehe
04:50.17JeffMthat is so freaking sad
04:50.31JeffMmore servers then players
04:50.34blast007I filter my list :P
04:51.04JeffMthe 100ish to 200ish daily cycle is comon
04:51.05blast007I only hae 161 servers
04:51.14JeffMusualy stays at 200ish longer on weekends.
04:51.17AAA_awright10 active servers.
04:51.51DTRemenakfunny, I only have 11 servers on my list...2.0?  what's that? :)
04:51.54JeffMthe stats I'd like to know is unique players per day
04:52.00AAA_awrightIt was 215 about 8 hours ago.
04:52.08JeffMand unique server hosts
04:52.13AAA_awrightJeffM: I can give you unique callsigns
04:52.20JeffMthat's not the same
04:52.27JeffMI want by IP, at the list server level
04:53.25JeffMI;d also like to know how many people list, then don't join
04:53.38JeffMand the % of users who list, then just join one of the top 10's
04:53.40brlcadeast coast u.s. went to bed
04:53.53JeffMand how many players always go to the same server
04:54.03JeffMreal play style data
04:55.11AAA_awrightThere have been 8238 player sessions in the past 24 hours, and 2388 unique callsigns. I can run my list server load script again if you want more details...
04:55.59JeffMyou can't collect the info I need
04:56.09JeffMwe'd need changes at the list server and game server level
04:56.12JeffMwell not need
04:56.14JeffMwould like :)
04:56.16AAA_awrightI blame that on the protocol
04:56.28JeffMthere is nothing to "blame"
04:56.35JeffMit's just not something that is tracked or exposed
04:56.43JeffMso we'd ahve to add features to do it
04:56.44AAA_awrightI could collect that IF i put a bot on every server with more then two tanks. And I have done that before.
04:56.58AAA_awrightI still have the data I collected...
04:57.00JeffMno, that STILL dosn't get you the list server info
04:57.15JeffMumm great you have data, it's not what I want
04:57.49JeffMno ammount of "collection" will get any data about how many users get a list
04:58.04JeffMthat has to be collected at the list server level
04:58.09brlcadputting a bot on every server is also a nasty implementation approach -- there are better ways if we were to really want/need to get that data
04:58.14AAA_awrightThe list server can log data like that. blast007: can you set it to do that right now?
04:58.22JeffMyes I KNOW IT can
04:58.28JeffMthat is why I said we'd have to mod it
04:58.43AAA_awrightI know you know
04:58.53JeffMwe'd also have to send the connecting player's IP to the list
04:58.58JeffMto match up lists to joins
04:59.12JeffMa flat fixed poll won't cut it
04:59.27*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
04:59.40JeffMclient IDs would be nice too
04:59.51JeffMbut that's a lot harder/borderline privacy invasion
05:00.17AAA_awrightThe EFF says anonymous data collection is okay if you cant track people
05:00.38AAA_awrightWhich a unique ID would be tracking...
05:00.41JeffMhence why I say borderline
05:00.49JeffMyeah we'd be tracking people
05:00.58JeffMas soon as we tie that to bzbb
05:01.01AAA_awrightGenerate a seperate ID for listing and logging in?
05:01.10JeffMor just use IP ;)
05:01.11AAA_awrightno, we need to know the funnel rate
05:01.15JeffMit's good enogh for a silly game
05:02.17JeffMIPs change less often then callsigns
05:03.18JeffMit's known that some users change callsigns often
05:03.36AAA_awrightrandom server network admin: how hard it is to ban people on a dynamic IP?
05:03.42JeffMIP's are usualy changed on leas update changes ( for "normal" users )
05:03.54JeffMdepends on the range of the ISP
05:04.29blast007AAA_awright: it's easy: /hostban
05:04.54AAA_awrightI thought that was an IP ban.
05:05.17blast007no, it's based on the hostmask
05:05.29blast007you can ban an ISP or a part of an ISP quite easily  ;)
05:07.13AAA_awrightI don't see any difference between ban and hostban on bzfx or tedius's's'server
05:07.44JeffMhostban takes a dns based hostmask
05:07.49JeffMlike *
05:07.58JeffMban takes an IP or range
05:08.34AAA_awrightAh. I see hostban being used with ip addresses too... hm. Tell the other admins perhaps?
05:28.56*** join/#bzflag A_Heart_Attack (
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07:05.57brlcaddonny_baker: .htaccess files should be (re)enabled on the web server now
07:17.59donny_bakerbrlcad: k
07:18.32donny_bakerI'm leaving on a jet plane in 3 hrs... cya in 3 weeks
07:23.05*** join/#bzflag jude- (
07:23.15jude-hello all
07:23.34donny_bakerhi jude-
07:23.53jude-what'd I do?
07:23.54donny_bakerjust getting ahead ;)
07:24.23jude-not work, as in, on BZWB.  I mean work, as in, as a deli clerk
07:24.28donny_bakergoing on vacation for 3 weeks, so I'm going to miss getting in when some really good stuff happens
07:24.58donny_bakerah the deli... I worked in a deli for 3 years
07:24.59jude-have fun on your vacation :)
07:25.08brlcadcya donny_baker .. nice vacation :)
07:25.14jude-ya--you told me once
07:25.37brlcadi hear they have good sandwiches
07:27.24donny_bakerok.. i just got the last of my work done (22 hour marathon) and have to go pack
07:27.35jude-22 hour marathon?
07:27.52donny_bakeryep, i've been working for 22 hrs straight
07:28.01jude-get some rest :)
07:28.26donny_bakeryeah, ill sleep on the plane.. 4 1/2 r flight to San Diego
07:30.24L4m3rdonny_baker: if you're up in the LA area let me know ;)
07:31.23donny_bakerL4m3r: nope heading south east up into the mountains in Mexico for 6 days... then flying to Italy
07:31.45jude-fun stuff :)
07:31.46*** join/#bzflag Pommes (n=Pommes@about/essy/frenchy/Pommes)
07:31.48L4m3rhave fun, don't drink the water >_<
07:31.59*** join/#bzflag bier_ (
07:32.18jude-or boil it first :)
07:32.19donny_bakerheh, it doesn;t bother me, have been going for 15 years
07:32.42donny_bakerof course, I'm careful about it
07:33.35donny_bakerand there is no running water where I'm going, you have to truck in bottled water and have resivours on the roofs of the cabin
07:34.21donny_bakerkind of rustic, just my family, scorpions, tarantulas and rattlesnakes :)
07:34.30jude-ruffin' it, I take it :)
07:34.54donny_bakerwell there is a cabin, so it's not to rough
07:35.04donny_bakerbut it is peacful
07:35.44donny_bakerk, im off... cya on the 17th
07:35.44jude-try cooking tastes like extra-chewy chicken :)
07:35.57jude-have fun :)
07:36.05L4m3rDon't smoke the salvia
07:36.23L4m3r...take it home and use it. it's still legal in most states iirc :P
07:36.26jude-nah--sell it to narcs for extra cash :)
07:36.49L4m3rjude-: if you're looking to profit, just hoard it and wait for it to get banned
07:36.54L4m3rinstant price hike :P
07:37.09jude-or go somewhere where it's already banned :)
09:53.06CIA-3BZFlag: 03judecn * r14697 10/trunk/bzworkbench/ (15 files in 10 dirs):
09:53.06CIA-3BZFlag: Added preliminary support for teleporters. They can be translated, rotated, and scaled at this time; teleporter-specific
09:53.06CIA-3BZFlag: dialogs controlling linkage and border size are on their way. The mesh itself is a bit inconsistant with BZFlag's, but that
09:53.06CIA-3BZFlag: will change soon. Also, fixed a bug in the way boxes are rendered, and fixed a critical flaw in one of the box::update() methods.
11:02.22*** join/#bzflag Pimpi_ (
11:18.44daxxarbrlcad: you here?
11:20.50CIA-3BZFlag: 03daxxar * r14698 10/trunk/bzflag/ (8 files in 4 dirs):
11:20.50CIA-3BZFlag: Updated TODO.
11:20.50CIA-3BZFlag: Portable use of __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, i, j))); in bzfs api, textutils/pluginutils and rclink.
11:20.50CIA-3BZFlag: This allows us to get warnings if format string / argument-count (type?) mismatches, under gcc.
11:21.45daxxarI'd appreciate if anyone on another platform or compiler could test that change. (i.e. compile bzfs)
11:22.36daxxarbrlcad: Btw, I did a (cd other/freetype/builds/unix/ && svn revert * && ./configure) && make, and it seems to build a bit further.
11:23.23daxxarbrlcad: Now it fails with: g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../../include  -I../../../src/other/ftgl/inc -I../../../src/other/freetype/include   -g -O2 -MT FTGlyphContainer.lo -MD -MP -MF ".deps/FTGlyphContainer.Tpo" -c -o FTGlyphContainer.lo `test -f 'src/FTGlyphContainer.cpp' || echo './'`src/FTGlyphContainer.cpp;
11:23.28daxxar../../../src/other/ftgl/inc/FTTextureGlyph.h:55: error: extra qualification 'FTTextureGlyph::' on member 'ResetActiveTexture'
11:24.39daxxarRemoving "FTTextureGlyph::" from it makes it compile. I'm curious why it's class FTTextureGlyph { /* .. snip .. */ void FTTextureGlyph::ResetActiveTexture() { /* .. snip .. */ } };
11:24.42daxxarWas it moved?
11:33.08daxxarCommitting a few fixes in a sec or two
11:35.24daxxarThis atleast builds cleanly on my end:
11:35.31CIA-3BZFlag: 03daxxar * r14699 10/trunk/bzflag/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
11:35.31CIA-3BZFlag: Removed useless & invalid usage of classname:: before a method name inside a class declaration.
11:35.31CIA-3BZFlag: Added another __attribute__ __format___ __printf__, fixed one I added earlier.
11:35.41daxxar(Assuming I do svn revert on everything in src/other/ftgl/unix/ and reconfigure only ftgl)
11:37.47CIA-3BZFlag: 03daxxar * r14700 10/trunk/bzflag/src/other/ (freetype/builds/unix/ ftgl/): updated svn:ignore
11:40.29daxxarAre font-sizes hard-coded?
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14:13.31Tuponehola Sean
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16:01.54brlcadciao Tupone
16:02.28Tuponehow is working ftgl? Is that good?
16:03.03brlcadyeah, there are some configure/build issues to fix, but it seems to be working very nicely
16:03.11brlcadat least for all those that have tested so far
16:03.35brlcadit's about 2-4% slower, but that seems to scale all the way down to low framerates and high ones, so it's pretty constant
16:04.13brlcadabout a half-dozen folks have tested so far, I spent some time profiling and optimizing
16:04.40TuponeI wonder if is that easy to backport it, and test accurately
16:06.02brlcadoof, that'd be tricky
16:06.41brlcadalong with the new font manager was a bunch of other changes throughout all of the menus and HUD since the font metrics were different
16:07.12brlcadthe game contexts should now scale appropriately to just about any reasonable aspect ratio or display size smoothly
16:08.27TuponeI'm still very doubtfull on it being even 2% slower. It should not be, maybe only at startup
16:09.41brlcadit's not just startup, it's pretty constant/consistent and repeatable
16:10.07Tuponewell, then I don't get why
16:10.22brlcadwhy it's slower or why it's not even more slower?
16:10.38Tuponewhy it is slower
16:11.10brlcadah, well profiling seemed to indicate that it was just the additional calling overhead through ftgl and freetype
16:11.35brlcadno particular routine was expensive, but there are like 10 levels of abstraction
16:11.46Tuponefreetype is only called for each new character not in the cache I got
16:12.09brlcadyes, but for every character, it has to look up the glyph
16:12.37brlcadthat glyph lookup is about 10 calls deep in itself, as well as the lookup being a mildly expensive hash function
16:13.07brlcadI accounted for some of that by auto-indexing characters 0->127 so it's O(1) lookup time, but there's still the 10 layer callstack
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16:13.31brlcadwhich (hopefully) optimized build will take care of through inlining
16:13.40brlcadi did not test optimized, only debug unoptimized
16:13.42Tuponehmm, glyph lookup to find what? if that character is in the texture it does not need. Or, more possible, I lost something in the reading
16:14.41Tuponewell, I definitely need more reading
16:14.51brlcadit looks up what the character is, like 'a', which it doesn't just directly store -- to just find the glyph, it does a hash table lookup using the character set along with some hashing function
16:15.19brlcadfreetype does quite a bit more than just character->texture
16:15.33Tuponeahh, yeah
16:15.36brlcadpresumably needed in order to support other languages
16:15.41brlcadand kerning
16:15.50brlcadthe kerning function was also a little expensive
16:16.13brlcadbut then I also optimized that, made it precompute all kerning combinations for ascii for each face
16:16.33Tuponeso if we use a fixed size font it should go faster
16:16.38brlcad(which ends up using about 2MB of main memory, but it goes faster)
16:17.26brlcadi'm saying, I already accounted for that as well, it's a O(1) lookup table for every ascii char to every other ascii char for kerning
16:18.03brlcadit's still got the call stack (on every single string) to traverse, though, and ends up being ever so slightly slower
16:18.25brlcadno matter how you cut it, that's work that it was not doing before
16:18.39Tuponewell, that mean tha we cannot convert it in kana or whatever is called
16:18.42brlcadoptimized "should" take care of it, but like I said I haven't tested optimized
16:19.31brlcadwe could do kana now -- it just will do the calls that freetype usually makes
16:20.09Tuponeso the look up table will not be used, or it will become a very very huge table?
16:20.18brlcadif the character code is less than 128, it uses the glyph index table and the kerning lookup table, if not, it computes them directly like it always used to
16:20.27Tuponeqhh great
16:20.36Tuponethat was an ahh :)
16:20.52brlcadyeah, it was just a lil hack for ascii since that's presently 100% of what we display
16:20.58brlcadand just lower ascii
16:21.05CIA-3BZFlag: 03dtremenak * r14701 10/trunk/bzflag/src/3D/FontManager.cxx: quell warning
16:21.45Tuponewhy then not use a perfect hast table for them? (I never used it)
16:22.08brlcadwhat do you mean?
16:22.40Tuponegperf , maybe is not a table
16:22.46brlcada lookup into an index table is a perfect hash :)
16:23.14Tuponeahh not an hash then, I thought I read hash
16:23.30brlcadfreetype uses a hash that they compute
16:23.49brlcadI avoided that by precomputing the hash values, and just using an index table
16:24.23*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
16:24.43brlcadeven with all those optimizations, we're talking about less than 3% or so of the run-time
16:24.46TuponeI wonder if the benefit of having it precomputed goes against the effective use of a cache for the modern CPU
16:25.00Tuponewell, the oldest modern
16:25.06Tuponethe one with low cache
16:26.56brlcadeh, it's less work knowing 42->17263 vs computing hash(42)->17263 every single time ...
16:27.14brlcadit can cache the lookup table for that matter too
16:27.49brlcadregardless, feel free to profile, I'm sure there's more that can be squeezed out of it :)
16:28.27brlcadi spent several days though and got it to a "good enough" state, I feel .. especially given the enhancement of how much more crisp it looks now
16:29.10TuponeI need a backport before :/
16:29.20brlcadthat'd take weeks
16:29.22TuponeI just come home today
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18:12.56brlcadnuthun, just testing something :)
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18:44.20tsHmm, for me the new text looks all "unsharp" and the individual chars have a different height
18:53.07blast007ts: screenie?
18:55.21tsgetting repeatedly disconnected..hard to upload
19:02.22tsCompare bzfi0383.png in my home dir to bzfi0348.png
19:05.36blast007ts: ...your home directory?
19:06.28tsyes, at
19:09.52blast007hmm, fun
19:12.21tsDo you see it?
19:19.38*** join/#bzflag FarkSimmons (
19:20.02FarkSimmonshow is the summer of love coming along?
19:21.50FarkSimmonslove, code, whatever
19:21.52FarkSimmonsheh heh
19:21.58FarkSimmonsanyone watching the sci-fi channel?
19:22.06Macrosoftsummer of whatever?
19:22.14blast007sounds like my summer
19:23.08FarkSimmonsyeah my summer has been pretty mjuch the summer of hate
19:23.17FarkSimmonshate hate and more hate
19:23.19Macrosoftthere's been no love in my summer for the last 5 years
19:23.29FarkSimmonsthe haters cant seem to  leave me alone and just love
19:23.40Macrosoft...its the summer of loners
19:23.45FarkSimmonssci-fi channel anyo9ne?
19:23.50FarkSimmonspretty cool stuff today
19:23.56FarkSimmonsor weird depends on how you look at it
19:23.59FarkSimmonsheh hhe
19:24.11FarkSimmonschanged my perl program to python today
19:24.16Macrosoftno, doctor who already came on yesterday, twas awesome
19:24.23FarkSimmonsit does a lot of things that are going to be mind-blowing
19:24.45MacrosoftFarkSimmons: what does? doctor who or python?
19:24.52FarkSimmonsdid you watch dr. strange?
19:24.59FarkSimmonsyeah cant beat that
19:25.05FarkSimmonsanyone says they can has never seen it
19:25.27FarkSimmonsthose shows are magnificent making me float upward
19:25.31FarkSimmonsand all that rot
19:25.43FarkSimmonsdont think i'll ever write in perl again
19:25.50FarkSimmonsnot me not one more time
19:25.52Macrosoftbuoyancy problems, eh?
19:25.53FarkSimmonswaste of tme
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19:26.16FarkSimmonssoraya has left the stinking building
19:26.20FarkSimmonshah hah
19:26.25FarkSimmonskinda like elvis i guess
19:26.56MacrosoftFarkSimmons:  jeff must not be here, otherwise we would have been told off already
19:27.16FarkSimmonswho would tell you guys off?
19:27.28Macrosofti meant you and me
19:27.38Macrosoft...for being off topic and such
19:27.48FarkSimmonsoh sorry
19:27.54FarkSimmonswont do that anymore
19:27.59FarkSimmonsjust had a lot of stuff happen in the last few days
19:28.09FarkSimmonssucks to have it all happen at once
19:28.14FarkSimmonsbut i'lll get off of it
19:28.33Macrosoftit doesnt bother me, say what you ant
19:28.59FarkSimmonsnah but i dont want to get the other fellas upset
19:29.11FarkSimmonsthey have come to my rescue time and again
19:29.20Macrosoftyou wont. jeff's the one with a short temper
19:29.57FarkSimmonswell Jeff is a good guy
19:30.14FarkSimmonsdude has helped me out tremendously
19:30.23FarkSimmonsso... any way this game is going to branch?
19:30.28FarkSimmonsand get off the LGPL?
19:30.41Macrosoftbranch to what?
19:30.49FarkSimmonsmaybe a bsd license
19:31.02FarkSimmonswe are going to do some very magnificent things very soon
19:31.12FarkSimmonsfor the pythonian server
19:31.16FarkSimmonsinsane stuff
19:31.41Macrosoftisnt that a swear word :p
19:32.00FarkSimmonsgood heavens no
19:32.03FarkSimmonsit's a name of blessing
19:32.32FarkSimmonswe're going to start opening up for free servers
19:32.33Macrosofti'll believe that when i see it
19:32.47FarkSimmonsfree hardware and network connections for anyone who wants to register
19:32.58FarkSimmonsfree servers basically
19:33.01Macrosoftwhat about bots?
19:33.05FarkSimmonsfinally going to make it open
19:33.26FarkSimmonsthat'll be up to the server owners
19:33.31FarkSimmonsif they want bots they can do that
19:34.04blast007even if the game branched, you can't necessarily change the license
19:34.11FarkSimmonsyeah true
19:34.20FarkSimmonsit would be nice if it was bsd though
19:34.24FarkSimmonsdont you think so?
19:34.24blast007why? :)
19:34.44FarkSimmonsthat way anyone can do with their copy of it whatever they wanted to
19:34.54FarkSimmonsmake it propietary.. do it
19:35.01FarkSimmonsmake it public domain... do it
19:35.11Macrosofti already do what i want with it
19:35.21Constitutionprepare for a lawsuit, then
19:35.26blast007can a BSD licensed app be linked to LGPL libraries?
19:35.27FarkSimmonsbut not from a license standpoint you cannot
19:35.30Macrosofti make changes to the server
19:35.39FarkSimmonsblast007: no you cant do that
19:35.48blast007then you'd have to rip bzflag a new one  ;)
19:36.08FarkSimmonsfor it to be bsd, you'd have to have its dependent libraries be bsd too
19:36.22FarkSimmonsi think there's only one library it's dependent on
19:36.34FarkSimmonsim sure that one is LGPL
19:36.47Macrosoftcurl, sdl
19:38.02FarkSimmonsa lot of those things can be reversed engineered though
19:38.37FarkSimmonsand the resulting libraries be made BSD
19:38.51FarkSimmonssdl will be tough heh heh
19:39.06blast007yeah, because the admins want to waste time making their own SDL
19:39.18MacrosoftFarkSimmons: *</rant>
19:41.40TD-LinuxI was working on a free server thingy, but I got kinda sidetracked.
19:42.37FarkSimmonsas far as the bots go... why are people so hostile to them?
19:43.06Macrosoftbecause bots suck at playing
19:43.20Macrosoft... they arent good opponents
19:43.20blast007FTGL is LGPL too
19:43.45FarkSimmonsoh... why dont people get upset at the developers?
19:43.51FarkSimmonssince theyre the ones who made them
19:44.11Macrosoftthe developers arent the ones putting them on the servers, its the owners
19:44.49Macrosoft...and because bot servers scam the list
19:44.54TD-Linuxwhen you have real players, why would you want bots?
19:45.11TD-Linuxthey are mostly intended for playing a single-player game on a private server, but they aren't really good enough for that
19:45.28blast007thus the term "-solo"
19:48.13CBGFarkSimmons: people get pissed because YOU place your server higher than most of the other 200 hundred servers by adding bots.
19:48.20CBGIt's a cheap way of getting more players on your server, even though it happens to be one of the worst servers out there.
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20:24.51FarkSimmonsyou guys are just a few of many who have an opinion
20:25.57FarkSimmons<Macrosoft>.attitude = immature
20:26.26FarkSimmonsive said once... i'll say it again... there is no brilliance to be found on IRC
20:26.54JeffMwho was that?
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