IRC log for #bzflag on 20070620

00:01.37tannerldI can't get BZFlag 2.1.13, Build 2007-06-20 to build
00:07.42nn-gentoohow do i stick a texture on a box?
00:08.12delusionalwith a texture matrix
00:08.25delusionalhas to be a meshbox,not a box
00:09.12delusionalthis seems like a perfect time to advertise our new IRC channel, ##bzw,  could you join it, nn-gentoo
00:09.56nn-gentooum this is weard i ment stick a image texture on a box
00:11.01delusionallook at the bzw manpage, you'll see a definition of a texture matrix
00:11.53nn-gentoodelusional, i have been using that as a refrence then got stuck and decided to ask here
00:12.25delusionalah yes, the manpage is messed up in the material reference
00:12.59delusionalcheck this link, it's the OLD manpage
00:13.15delusionaland not messed up in the material
00:15.09delusionalah, I can send you a copy, i suppose.
00:15.30nn-gentoocbg gave me the corect thing
00:16.15delusionalheres the new bzw page, fixed
00:16.20Erroneoustannerld: what platform, what error?
00:16.28nn-gentoo? got error
00:16.31nn-gentoo/home/nn-gentoo/pillbox-random-objects: warning (line 7292): unknown object parameter "addtexture" - skipping
00:16.32CBGI always use the wiki now, the manpage has nothing the wiki doesn't and it's broke...
00:16.39CBGwiki has everything and it works. :)
00:16.43tannerldErroneous: Ubuntu, I don't see any errors
00:17.01tannerldErroneous: it does a lot of "Entering/Leaving diretory x" and then says "Done"
00:17.08Erroneousthen it's working fine
00:17.14Erroneouswhat makes you think it's not working?
00:18.10nn-gentoooups my falt
00:18.28tannerldheh - thought it would compile something :\ guess not. thanks thought :)
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00:26.24nn-gentooits not aplying the texture what is happening
00:32.31jzaunok, so I can compile the 2.0 SVN branch
00:32.39jzaunsrc/bzflag/bzflag -directory data/ works
00:33.14jzaunnow... how to make a OS X package/application "thing" out of this?
00:33.27JeffMthat's the part xcode does
00:33.28blast007xcode does that afaik
00:33.47JeffMtho you CAN just take an existing .app and throw in the bins and the data
00:33.49JeffMreplacing what is there
00:33.57delusionalnngentoo, go back to ##bzw please
00:34.18JeffMa .app is just a folder
00:34.20jzaunJeffM: is there a command line way to may the package?
00:34.28JeffMcus it's not a binary thing
00:34.29JeffMit's a folder
00:34.35JeffMright click it and you can open it
00:34.50JeffMit ain't like a debian package or anything
00:34.57jzaunso there is no command line utility, just xcode..
00:35.03JeffMor by hand
00:35.25JeffMthe process to make the downloadable mac version is by no means highly automated like linux builds are ;)
00:35.41JeffMwe do a step even AFTER making the .app
00:35.53JeffMwe pack it into a compressed disk image
00:36.06jzaunheh :-)
00:36.09JeffMwhat you download from SF is not just a .app, but a DMG
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00:36.39JeffMwhat is your goal? to make one you can just use? or replicate what we have on SF?
00:36.55jzaunreplicate what is on SF
00:37.10JeffMmost of that is done manualy by brlcad
00:37.22JeffMit's not comparable to what we do for nix packages
00:37.26delusionalumm.. doesnt "make install" make an application?  does for me,
00:37.47JeffMmaybe he set that up to build the .app
00:37.51JeffMbut SF has more then the .app
00:38.22JeffMas far as I knew make install just copied it to the usr/bin fir
00:38.28JeffMdir even :)
00:38.59JeffMis the dmg background image even in the source tree?
00:39.08JeffMthe layout isn't IIRC
00:40.06jzaunI'm just learning the process :-) I like to learn things
00:42.09*** join/#bzflag Tedius (n=Tedius@
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00:43.01JeffMwell the process isn't documented, and mostly is in one person's head ;)
00:43.11*** join/#bzflag Jefenry (
00:43.26jzaunJeffM: not that thats a bad thing but thats a "Bad Thing" I would think...
00:43.40tannerldJeffM: all hail wikis :P
00:43.41JeffMbad for a real project
00:43.47JeffMbzflag is not a real project
00:43.56JeffMit's allways been seat of the pants dev ;)
00:44.15jzaunJeffM: I suppose :-)
00:44.28JeffMheck I think that the 2.0.8 bins required the use of a mac with OS 10.2
00:44.49JeffMand you have to manualy tweak your libs so it dosn't link with X
00:45.18jzaunI run the binary package on 10.4
00:45.32JeffMyeah, that'd break it for older OSs
00:45.38JeffMyour probalby linked to X too
00:45.48jzaunI have no X installed that I know of
00:46.01JeffMIIRC dev environment installs its libs
00:46.12JeffMbehind the seceens and all
00:46.14jzaunchecking for X... no
00:46.26JeffMthere are also issues with using the right libCURL
00:46.37JeffMbasicly it's a huge mess
00:46.53JeffMbrlcad was suposed to check in scripts to do more of it for 2.1 I'm not sure if he did
00:48.05*** join/#bzflag ducatiwannabe (
00:50.41Winny~lart ducatiwannabe
00:50.41ibotpulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps ducatiwannabe
00:51.13jude-Winny: I suppose it's better than "ducatigroupie" :)
00:51.36Winnyyou have no idea what his name means :p
00:51.39JeffMjzaun, you'll also need to strip your exe
00:51.44JeffMso it's not masive
00:51.48jude-someone who wants to be a member of ducati league?
00:51.57Winnyah, so you do know of leagues
00:52.24jude-vaguely, at least :P
00:52.46jude-~karma tannerld
00:52.46ibottannerld has karma of 12
00:52.54jude-~karma bzflag
00:52.54ibotbzflag has karma of 3
00:53.03blast007I get karma for a smilie?
00:53.17tannerldblast007: amazing what a little happiness can do to a person
00:59.42*** join/#bzflag Tedius (
01:02.27CIA-3BZFlag: 03blast007 * r14366 10/trunk/db/bzfls2/bzfls.php: Add validate_callsign()
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01:30.27jzaunis there anyway to figure out what the datadir is for a compiled bzflag?
01:35.58delusionalpress control key and click on the application, choose "show contents"
01:36.26delusionali think that's what you mean.
01:37.30jzaunwhen it was ./configured what was the value of --datadir
01:37.58jzaunTD-Linux: thats the default, but not for the executable I'm loking at
01:39.03jzaunguess I just need to get ahold of brlcad
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02:06.55CIA-3BZFlag: 03blast007 * r14367 10/trunk/db/bzfls2/bzfls.php: s/validate/valid/ for validation functions, add input checks for registration, add valid_email, add valid_password
02:08.10*** join/#bzflag Pommes_ (n=Pommes@about/essy/frenchy/Pommes)
02:21.03*** join/#bzflag Pumpernickel (n=pumperni@about/essy/bacon/PuMpErNiCkLe)
02:24.28delusionalbanned the same cheater 3 times today, three different cheats, three different IP's, ... finally range banned his IP, from chile. 200.120.*.*
02:27.07*** join/#bzflag Pumpernickle (
02:27.17delusionalI'm getting logs now, used different ones
02:35.30delusionalnames... wallwalke (no R)..  qwertqeruy ....  dios (first ban)  ... YOU_CANT_KILL_ME! (second)  .. LALALALAL     thats  it from this log
02:38.49Macrosoftis there a log file of player chat from the game?
02:39.05delusionalwe log everything at mofo
02:39.13*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
02:39.34Macrosoftdo non-modded servers log chats?
02:40.14Macrosoftwhere would this log be?
02:40.14bradjust needs one -d for chat
02:40.21blast007Macrosoft: whereever you put it :P
02:40.33blast007it's not automatic
02:40.41blast007you have to redirect output to a file
02:40.50tannerldsince we're on the topic of logs, can I save a chat from the client somehow/
02:41.00blast007tannerld: yup
02:41.51blast007there is -echo and -echoAnsi for the client
02:42.11blast007-echoAnsi includes ANSI color codes
02:42.17blast007normally you'd just use -echo
02:43.16delusionaladd this to server startup, to save logs in a seperate file..   at least on debian.      | tee -a log.log
02:43.37blast007assuming you have tee installed
02:43.38delusionalwill create a new file log.log  in text format
02:43.38tannerldblast007: ahh, a command line, I should add that to my shorcut :P
02:43.54blast007tannerld: there's even a client-side swear list apparently
02:46.23tannerldheh cool
02:46.48blast007hmm, if only bzflag bans supported wildcard masks and/or CIDR's  ;)
02:47.14delusionalget to work, blast007
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02:51.43*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
02:54.37TD-LinuxI've seen qwertqeruy
02:55.01TD-Linuxsomeone thought he was acting funny, but he left before I could observe.
02:59.57brlcadJeffM: hm, that's an 'unfortunate' set of instructions to stickie
03:01.02delusionalThat IP doesnt show in any earlier logs, must be a newbie
03:01.39brlcadno offense to your efforts delusional :)
03:03.45brlcadI suppose the confusion predominantly comes from the fact that folks are trying to run the xcode project from a source checkout instead of from the source distribution (there is a (significant) difference)
03:04.34JeffMmake new ones, and I'll sticky those instead ;)
03:04.41brlcadfrom checkout, it's a matter of 1) installing sdl, 2) running ./, then 3) compile with xcode or ./configure ; make
03:05.01JeffMbrlcad, well most users want the "new" stuff. if it's from a tarball, they just use the bin
03:05.04brlcadi'm changing the xcode project to make the kiddies happy
03:05.58brlcadJeffM: I know -- the difference is starting from checkout versus from a "make dist" source tarball that someone (usually we) posts
03:06.02JeffMmac users love the click, that's why they got the mac ;)
03:06.07delusionalI only suggested the tarball to test the validity of their build environment after installing SDL, my post has waht you suggest for 2.1 compile
03:06.50brlcadthey've already "crossed the line" by checking out sources .. no click there and the readme is quite adament about that
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03:14.47delusionalpersonally, i can wait for 2.2.  But I'm going to get some SVN capability soon, i'm really interested in jude's work.
03:14.55jude-aww thanks :)
03:15.17delusionalvery nice that you're already starting the gui
03:15.56jude-heh--nothing useful is in place yet :)
03:16.21delusionallet me know when a good time occurs
03:16.26jude-will do
03:17.28*** join/#bzflag Suspect (
03:17.49*** join/#bzflag a_temp_dist (n=a_temp_d@about/essy/alarming/a-temp-dist)
03:25.11tannerldblast007: ooo -echoAnsi is purty
03:33.05*** join/#bzflag Theme97 (n=Theme97@about/essy/phpwriter/Theme97)
03:35.22CIA-3BZFlag: 03brlcad * r14368 10/trunk/bzflag/README.MacOSX: update the mac compilation instructions with more detail on building bzflag, both via terminal and via xcode, and the expectations for those that try.
03:39.56a_temp_dist"expectations" ?
03:54.35brlcadyes, there are expectations if folks are building from a checkout
03:55.29a_temp_distpretty funny, thx
03:55.43brlcadlots of folks that build (or at least try to build) from a checkout really should not be
03:55.56delusionalbasicly says "leave me alone!"
03:56.41brlcadno, it doesn't -- it just says that you really need to have a basic understanding of compilation to be compiling
03:57.06brlcadand simply to not _expect_ to be helped if things aren't working for them
03:57.58brlcadfolks may, but in general there are LOTS of folks that build from svn simply because "I want the latest!!!" .. without the foundation to do so without requiring a lot of support
03:58.25brlcadthat support slows down development, and historically gets excessive particularly the closer we get to a release
03:58.34tannerldSportChick: O.o
03:59.07jude-SportChick: what'd I do?
03:59.32jude-~sushi brlcad
03:59.33ibotACTION fishes madly all day long & brings the very best back, filets it carefully and serves brlcad the best, freshest sushi ever
04:00.27Thumper_SportChick: not fast enough... use a Blackbird
04:01.26WinnyAFKor superman :o
04:01.54CIA-3BZFlag: 03brlcad * r14369 10/trunk/bzflag/ (6 files in 3 dirs):
04:01.54CIA-3BZFlag: upgrade the xcode project to the latest xcode bundle format, fix the compilation
04:01.54CIA-3BZFlag: script so that it should now work from a checkout (which was never originally
04:01.54CIA-3BZFlag: intended -- originally only intended for make dist source distributions), and
04:01.54CIA-3BZFlag: include bzrobots in the app bundle
04:02.54delusionalsend superman around the world backwards, faster than the speed of light, so brlcad gets the sushi yesterday, and lois lane is saved roo.
04:03.10brlcadthe concord was decommissioned :(
04:04.10brlcadthat xcode project should (hopefully) work better straight-up if the SDL framework is installed
04:04.19tannerldbrlcad: you forgot about the delorean :P
04:04.36brlcad1.21 gigawatts?!
04:05.03tannerldgreat scott!
04:05.25pooliofscking flux capacitor.
04:06.30pooliohave to be more efficient.
04:06.32WinnyAFKjude-, stop being creative and go program :p
04:06.47WinnyAFKIRC is a production killer
04:06.49tannerldMacrosoft: nahh, thats too easy
04:06.59WinnyAFKno wonder bzflag development is slow ;)
04:07.10jude-WinnyAFK: I have to be on IRC while developing--it's a requirement
04:07.23WinnyAFK/mute jude- get to work
04:07.36brlcadargh, i have a (lack of) food headache
04:07.41poolioI don't even think I have to be online to work, brlcad ?
04:08.58pooliodo I have to be online while I work on my GA stuff?
04:09.11pooliocan I take my laptop and camp out in the woods and get back to you in a couple months?
04:09.41tannerlddepends on how much sun light you receive each day
04:09.54Macrosoftsolar panels?
04:10.05Macrosoftsolar powered laptop
04:10.32Macrosofti need to get a gravity powered laptop
04:10.44Macrosoftthat would solve my problems
04:10.57tannerldPerpetual energy is impossible ;)
04:11.09jude-but you can get near-perpetual energy :P
04:11.34Macrosoftor i could very inefficient energy
04:12.09Macrosoftbuy 2 get one for three times normal price! :)
04:12.13pooliojude-: But there is no universe, so how can we syphen energy from it?
04:12.14tannerldjude-: well, I'll be 80 in 2071
04:12.35jude-poolio: we're in one :)
04:13.24pooliojude-: We aren't in a universe, we don't even exist.
04:13.41jude-I wonder, then, who it is I'm talking to :)
04:13.43pooliojude-: Don't make me go existential on you
04:13.53jude-don't you mean nihlist?
04:14.22Macrosoftyou can determine your existence by taking the square root of a negative number :p
04:14.32WinnyAFKyay, finally completed registeeration
04:14.48jude-didn't a_meteorite want that domain
04:15.09WinnyAFKyeah :p
04:15.16WinnyAFKbut I came up with it
04:15.59Macrosoftbzflag development is slow... maybe we should plot the schedule on a mobius strip
04:16.38blast007Macrosoft: or you could quit complianing and do something to help  ;)
04:16.40WinnyAFKput pacthes welcome on oppisite sides
04:17.03Macrosofti have no way to help
04:17.13Macrosoftim useless
04:17.29WinnyAFKeven I found a way
04:17.33WinnyAFKsurely you can
04:17.36brlcadtannerld: you're about two decades younger than I thought you were.. :)
04:17.52tannerldbrlcad: I get that a whole lot. :P
04:17.59jude-heh--tannerld is as old as my younger brother :)
04:18.10tannerldjude-: does it just scare you :P
04:18.13WinnyAFKjude thought I was 20... :E
04:18.15brlcadtannerld: are you the same "tanner" on bzbb?
04:18.31jude-tannerld: yes; I thought you were twice your age :P
04:18.50Macrosoftinfinity Mbits/sec
04:19.11jude-heh--the devs get information before they know they've asked for it :)
04:19.19jude-....with that speed
04:19.31Macrosoftlike my computer...
04:19.34blast007"I wonder if -- oh, the page loaded.."
04:19.57tannerldone day we will have RFID chips in our head that link to Google :P
04:19.59jude-"the page appeared before I typed in the query!"
04:20.20Macrosoftthe page appeared a week before i needed that info!!
04:20.38jude-Macrosoft: that happens already :)  The trick is finding it again when you *really* need it
04:20.49Macrosoftthis makes thinking obsolete
04:20.51tannerldMacrosoft: nah, you'd be afraid of your own futuer then; then you would change it, and then the resuls would be useless
04:22.03Macrosoftwho needs to think when everything happens before you think of it
04:22.26brlcadtannerld: heh, it's the picture.. I just realized that is Grissom
04:22.35brlcadpresumably at least
04:22.37tannerldbrlcad: lol
04:22.42tannerldbrlcad: yep it is him
04:23.23tannerldyou're the second person to think that might be me :P
04:23.29brlcaddon't think i've seen him that young before, thought that was a picture of you
04:23.50brlcadi bet i'm more than the second.. probably just the second to say something
04:24.18tannerldi just googled that pic some time ago and its been my "default avatar" at places :P
04:25.41a_temp_distFYI for admins - the blogspot advertiser is on the servers now
04:26.07Macrosoftban him for all eternity
04:27.04delusional...and add blogspot to your badwords list
04:35.15*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
04:51.53*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
04:51.53*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
04:52.21WinnyAFKa_temp_dist, the usual name, I assume
04:53.15a_temp_distand another "god mode" cheat using the name "dont_kill_me"
04:54.00*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (n=timr@2002:a646:9ad1:2:201:6cff:fee9:c70f)
04:57.52*** join/#bzflag Constitution (
04:58.52WinnyAFKoh joy
04:58.57Macrosoft*sending cheaters to /dev/null
04:59.16jude-...since 1992 :)
04:59.52WinnyAFKthey just like to make jude- feel good
04:59.57jude-"sending cheaters to /dev/null since 1992"
05:00.18*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (i=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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05:00.27Macrosofterror: /dev/null is full
05:00.34jude-it better not be :)
05:00.46jude-how are we going to eliminate the rest of the cheaters?
05:01.04Macrosoft*sending to the abyss*
05:01.07WinnyAFKwhy, brlcad will eat them!
05:01.12jude-dd if=/dev/zero of=<cheater-name> bs=1k count=1
05:01.38TimRiker/dev/random would be better imho
05:01.54jude-heh.  that works just as well :)
05:01.59WinnyAFKoh, btw, if anyone cares, my map program is dead, someone stole my USb stick, which it was on.
05:02.09jude-I'm sorry to hear that
05:02.13a_temp_distno backup?
05:02.27Macrosoftno tracking device?
05:02.37WinnyAFKI have one, but it is old old old
05:03.15Macrosoftstep 1: attach beeper... step 2: make it beep until thief goes insane
05:04.05tannerldWinnyAFK: you should've put one of those USB tracker programs on it :P
05:04.25Macrosoftooh, i know a better place to send cheaters... to windows vista
05:04.29WinnyAFKtannerld, someone took it, and smashed it
05:04.42WinnyAFKI found it later on friday
05:04.46jude-step 1: attach remote detonator... step 2: configure cell phone to communicate with the detonator... step 3: attach small nitrous explosive to USB stick... step 4: if stolen, activate detonator to remind the thief who (s)he's messing with :P
05:04.52tannerldhave you tried asking the USB gods for forgiveness?
05:05.29WinnyAFKstop giving jude karma
05:05.38jude-~karma dial-up
05:05.38ibotdial-up has karma of -1
05:05.59Macrosoft~karma jude
05:05.59ibotjude has karma of 3
05:06.07ibotmacrosoft has karma of -1
05:06.13WinnyAFKwe shall karmalize you when we see program!
05:06.16WinnyAFKerr, karmaize
05:06.38Constitutiondidn't jude- have like +25 karma the other day?
05:06.50Constitutionguess he offended a lot of people in the last few days
05:06.51tannerlds/he does
05:06.55tannerld~karma jude-
05:06.55ibotjude- has karma of 41
05:06.59tannerldpeople just can't spell
05:07.01Macrosoftbeing caramelized wouldnt be that bad... actually pretty tasty
05:07.01Constitutionoh, oops
05:07.09ibotwinnyafk has neutral karma
05:07.17jude-~karma Winny
05:07.17ibotwinny has karma of 13
05:07.23tannerld~karma tannerld
05:07.23ibottannerld has karma of 12
05:07.25WinnyAFKwho gave me one more?
05:07.41Macrosoft~karma jesus
05:07.41ibotjesus has neutral karma
05:07.55Macrosoftthat cant be right
05:08.05Constitutionthis is a sacrelige
05:08.11Macrosoft~karma satan
05:08.11ibotsatan has neutral karma
05:08.11Constitutionor however that's spelled
05:08.15jude-~karma God
05:08.16ibotgod has neutral karma
05:08.49jude-WinnyAFK: aren't you away from your keyboard? ;)
05:09.01a_meteoriteuh hi Winny
05:09.07a_meteoriteyou regged ...
05:09.08Macrosoftso thats what afk means
05:09.12Winnyuh hi met
05:09.17WinnyI did
05:09.27Winnyyou can use it
05:09.35Winnyand it was my idea
05:10.02ibotYou don't say!
05:10.07Macrosoftrm /dev/null
05:10.17tannerldMacrosoft: sudo
05:10.40blast007a_meteorite: you snooze you loose
05:10.41Macrosoftsu root rm /dev/null
05:10.52a_meteoriteactually, the problem is cash, not snoozing
05:11.00a_meteoriteI would have registered it the second I heard it if I had money :P
05:11.16blast007so then it's not really a problem then, since you weren't going to buy it anyway
05:11.19Winnyit was myyy idea
05:11.43brlcadhuh, looks like I lost all my karma
05:11.56brlcadTimRiker: ibot db get corrupted?
05:11.58a_meteoriteblast007: uh, I didn't say that, I would have totally bought it if I had money
05:12.06Macrosoft~karma ibot
05:12.06ibotibot has karma of 22
05:12.10a_meteorite~karma a_meteorite
05:12.10ibota_meteorite has karma of 36
05:12.14a_meteoritei win
05:12.23Macrosoftno you dont
05:12.28Constitution~karma SportChick
05:12.28ibotsportchick has karma of 527
05:12.30Macrosoft~karma jude-
05:12.30ibotjude- has karma of 41
05:12.40blast007a_meteorite: right, but you don't
05:12.42delusional~karma a-delusion
05:12.42ibota-delusion has karma of 8
05:12.45Macrosoftjude beats meteor
05:12.54a_meteoriteblast007: that doesn't change the fact that I *want* to buy something
05:12.55delusional~karma cbg
05:12.55ibotcbg has karma of -436
05:13.14a_meteoriteMacrosoft: he LIKES negative karma
05:13.20Winny"sirs, there is only one xbox left"
05:13.25Macrosoftim still higher than satan
05:13.31Winny"I was here first, but I don't have any money"
05:13.37Winny"BUT I WS GUN BY IT"
05:13.38Macrosoft~karma stan
05:13.38ibotstan has neutral karma
05:13.51Macrosoft~karma satan
05:13.51ibotsatan has karma of -1
05:14.11Macrosoftok...never tied with satan
05:14.25blast007okay, I think the bot has gotten enough use for now...
05:14.45Macrosoft*ibot overheats*
05:14.51Constitutionyeah, the poor bot... needs to get its beauty sleep
05:15.08Macrosofthe/she/it doenst need sleep
05:16.08a_meteoriteMacrosoft: don't assume the unknown
05:16.13Macrosoftbut he has the 'i' in front of his name, and apple cant be trusted
05:16.33a_meteoriteyou can trust apple to do the unexpected
05:16.42a_meteoriteso, technically, you're wrong :D
05:16.56Macrosoftyeah, like crashing is unexpected
05:17.11a_meteoritemy mac doesn't crash
05:17.51Macrosoftit does most things without notifying a user, so it wouldnt tell you if it did
05:18.07jude-Macrosoft: windows is the same way :)
05:18.26Macrosoftthats why i dont use windows
05:18.27jude-bye Winny
05:18.47Macrosoftnor will i ever think of using vista
05:20.03Macrosoftyou have been cursed just by touching a computer running vista
05:20.28Macrosoftor should i say, trying to run vista
05:20.49jude-not on one of *my* machines... I was using a friend's
05:20.57Macrosoftvista will devour your system resources
05:21.04jude-so I've noticed :)
05:21.40Macrosoftthen it will crap out the blue screen of death
05:22.19jude-you sure it's not a smokey-tranlucent screen of death now :)
05:22.37*** join/#bzflag Constitution (
05:22.38Macrosofthmm.. why did they choose to make the screen of death blue instead of red?
05:22.48jude-blue is a soothing color...
05:22.51CIA-3BZFlag: 03blast007 * r14370 10/trunk/db/bzfls2/ (bzfls.php database.sql includes/datalayer.class.php): Set the 'username' field to unique in the 'players' table, add generate_random_string(), add code to add player account during registration, fix Player_Insert function
05:23.07Macrosoftso you dont beat your computer with a bat?
05:23.13jude-something like that :)\
05:23.32Macrosoft"give in to your anger"
05:23.48tannerldthe BSoD is blue because of all the bruses it gets from getting the SoD. :D
05:24.16jude-quite possibly :)
05:25.19Macrosofterror: unable to draw BSoD, will crash without warning instead
05:26.16tannerldthat was the warning
05:26.48Macrosoftno, it was never shown, just recorded in the log :)
05:34.45F376C9hrun that on your ti83p
05:39.29F376C9hhope no one tried it
05:39.42blast007tried what?
05:39.53F376C9hmy name
05:40.12blast007oh yes, we all went and grabbed our TI83, and typed that in
05:40.24F376C9hyou shouldnt
05:41.54F376C9h... it would lock the z80 in the halt state until you hard reset it (its still draining your battery)
05:42.32Constitutionwell then what am I waiting for... I'll have to do that right away :-P
06:42.37CIA-3BZFlag: 03blast007 * r14371 10/trunk/db/bzfls2/ (bzfls.php includes/datalayer.class.php): Add 'Server_Exists_ByIPAddressPort', 'Player_Fetch_ByUsername', and 'Player_Exists_ByUsername' to DataLayer, check if a player already exists during registration, generate contents of welcome email with activation link
06:50.28*** join/#bzflag EbErT (
06:50.34*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
06:51.52EbErTcan someone help me figure out how to install Slayer's mac iTunes plugin
06:52.41CIA-3BZFlag: 03blast007 * r14372 10/trunk/db/bzfls2/bzfls.php: Update the input for the 'CONFIRM' action
07:01.07*** join/#bzflag Constitution (
07:08.24CIA-3BZFlag: 03blast007 * r14373 10/trunk/db/bzfls2/bzfls.php: Add logic for confirming registration
07:09.07blast007EbErT: assuming you mean a patch, not a plugin
07:09.21EbErTright blast
07:09.34blast007you'll use the 'patch' command on the source code
07:09.41blast007then compile the binary
07:09.53blast007read up on how to use 'patch'
07:10.19EbErTok, thx
07:11.29*** join/#bzflag Rawk (n=unknown@
07:16.37L4m3rpythonian seeded his server with eight bots
07:21.22Constitutioneveryone join and /poll set _disableBots 1
07:21.43L4m3rI think he should just be kicked off the list, personally
07:30.29CIA-3BZFlag: 03judecn * r14374 10/trunk/bzworkbench/ (26 files in 15 dirs):
07:30.29CIA-3BZFlag: No GUI yet, but this will probably be the last commit without one if all goes well. Added support for "define", GREATLY improved the BZW parsering
07:30.29CIA-3BZFlag: API's ability to handle sub-objects, added initial code for an OpenGL window and a Console window, and miscellaneous fixes.
07:30.50ruskiejude-, so decided on a gui toolkit?
07:31.06jude-90% chance of FLTK
07:31.23jude-10% chance I'll chicken out and learn GTK+ so I can use OGRE
07:31.43jude-50% chance I'll end up writing my own 3D scene manager
08:22.11*** join/#bzflag NTH (
08:35.48CIA-3BZFlag: 03judecn * r14375 10/trunk/bzworkbench/ (5 files in 4 dirs):
08:35.48CIA-3BZFlag: The top-level file parser is now a near-perfect copy of BZWParser::getSections(), but it executes *much* faster (orders of magnitude faster) than
08:35.48CIA-3BZFlag: it's predecessor, which just loaded the contents of a .bzw file into RAM and invoked BZWParser::getSections() to parse out the object. Also, the
08:35.48CIA-3BZFlag: Model knows how to load, store, and recall "define" objects. Next major update should have some sort of GUI.
08:37.14jude-for those of you just reading that commit message, "orders of magnitude" means that the predecessor took about 30 seconds, and the current one takes half a second :P
08:38.17jude-(i.e. the code duplication is worth it)
08:43.52*** join/#bzflag KTL (
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09:53.33*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
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10:30.22*** part/#bzflag LongDon (
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10:39.38*** part/#bzflag Rawk (n=unknown@
11:07.08daxxarbrlcad: Yeah, I'll check if robocode has any version identifier :-)
11:09.09*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (n=Spazzy_M@
11:14.22ruskieManu, something wrong with the server?
11:15.18*** join/#bzflag quantumdot (n=jmlopez@about/essy/Charm/quantumdot)
12:04.08*** join/#bzflag qopi (
12:04.48*** join/#bzflag donny_baker (n=donny__@about/essy/vvvvv/donnybaker)
12:06.29qopiwhoops mischan :P
12:06.41qopiTimRiker, owner of purl, are you around?
12:14.24brlcadqopi: he's not around at the moment -- retry in few hours after he wakes up
12:14.36brlcad~seen TimRiker
12:14.37ibottimriker <i=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 7h 12m 59s ago, saying: '/dev/random would be better imho'.
12:14.50qopibrlcad: ok, thanks
12:15.32qopiapparently the people I arranged loads of nice bots for don't want their channel logged afterall!
12:15.34brlcadyeah, he's the only one that can help with that
12:15.45qopiok ta, I'll check back later on
12:30.31Manubuenos días brlcad :)
12:39.11*** join/#bzflag KTL (
12:55.46*** join/#bzflag Tedius (n=cmtadmin@cmtadmin.MUSC.CWRU.Edu)
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12:58.27*** join/#bzflag Tedius (n=cmtadmin@cmtadmin.MUSC.CWRU.Edu)
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12:59.26*** join/#bzflag Tedius (n=cmtadmin@cmtadmin.MUSC.CWRU.Edu)
13:01.12SpazzyMcGeeI got a mesh in a group, a couple of hundred faces. Whenever I shift it anywhere other than along the Z axis, a face stops drawing. Any Ideas?
13:02.56SpazzyMcGee"non-convex mesh face (0.000000): 34 87 95 86 12" How can a face be convex? Or am I thinking of a different sort of convex?
13:04.00Winnyare you using triangulated faces?
13:05.09SpazzyMcGeenope. I was just about to try re-exporting it. It's a bit of a b!tch, cause I made several exports.
13:05.24Winnycan't have a mesh with more then 4 faces
13:05.49Winnyvertices 34 87 95 86 12
13:06.05Winnya bit early in the morning for me :p
13:06.16SpazzyMcGeenot an issue. I can have as many verts as I want on a face ;P
13:06.36Winnyin your own lil word, yes. yes you can
13:07.08SpazzyMcGeeI'm sure I was once told BZFS triangulates meshes anyway....
13:07.43Winnyyeah, but methinks that it only likes 4 verted meshes to begin with
13:08.09SpazzyMcGeeLike I said, the face draws perfectly, untill I shift it away from the origin.
13:10.13*** join/#bzflag ducatiwannabe (
13:10.14Winnyjust  try it
13:10.21Winny~lart ducatiwannabe
13:10.21ibotjudo chops ducatiwannabe
13:10.27SpazzyMcGee'try it'?
13:10.40SpazzyMcGeeI'll try triangulating it.
13:10.46Winnythats what I meant
13:12.16Tediustry tri'ing it
13:13.05ducatiwannabe~lart Winny
13:13.05ibotpries Winny's back open with a screwdriver and flashes a new bootldr to Winny
13:13.23Winny~trout ducatiwannabe
13:13.23ibotACTION slaps ducatiwannabe around a bit with a large trout!
13:13.33ducatiwannabe~fart Winny
13:13.34ibotACTION farts in Winny's general direction
13:13.45Winnyok, lets stop the botabuse
13:13.49ducatiwannabe:) k
13:17.54SpazzyMcGeeIt worked. Gotta do loads of edits now though.
13:18.23Winnyyour welcome.
13:41.09*** join/#bzflag a_temp_dist (n=a_temp_d@about/essy/alarming/a-temp-dist)
14:24.42*** join/#bzflag Suspect (
14:30.26donny_bakernothing like stating the obvious :)
14:30.35tannerldyou spelled it wrong
14:30.57Winny~lart tomer
14:30.57ibotblasts tomer to oblivion with a kamehameha wave
14:33.14donny_bakerI wonder how many of the kiddies that have servers up have gaping security holes in their router/machine config
14:33.43TheRedBaronevil donny_baker
14:34.24blast007donny_baker: some of them probably don't even have routers  ;D
14:34.37donny_bakeri wouldn't do anything to probe them, but it just makes me shiver to think about it
14:34.59donny_bakerblast007: you are probably right
14:35.03blast007"wuts a firewal?! i have minsweeper! that a firewal right?!"
14:38.16Macrosoftonly 2 ports open here: 5156 and 8001
14:43.32*** join/#bzflag Suspect (
14:43.58quantumdotMacrosoft: are you running a server on  dial in connection?
14:48.13quantumdotso "here" does not really mean "here"
14:48.14quantumdotWinny: same question as before for you
14:48.18quantumdotare you running a server on a home connection?
14:49.05quantumdotMacrosoft: but it is a home connection? I did not mean dial, but home
14:49.18quantumdotin general, either cable, ADSL, ...
14:50.15quantumdothow many people can your home server support?
14:50.31Macrosofthmm... dobt know
14:50.50quantumdotwell, how many are you accepting
14:51.03quantumdotwithin config file
14:51.09Macrosoftthe most i remember having on at one time was 18 players
14:51.19quantumdotthat's a lot
14:51.29Macrosoftthe max is 20 red, 20 blue, and 20 observers
14:51.35quantumdoti doubt it can be playable
14:51.48donny_bakeryour connection will max out before you hit that
14:52.02quantumdotdonny_baker: that's another way to put it
14:52.06donny_baker18-20 is more likely
14:52.13quantumdotno more than 4 player should be ok
14:52.33quantumdot10 would already give lag i guess
14:52.57quantumdoti am surprised you can even use you internet form home while running a server
14:53.19donny_bakerThumper used to host norang on his cable, and we could get 18-20 before really noticing extra lag
14:53.23Macrosoftwith 18 people, the average lag was around 300ms
14:53.38WinnyMacrosoft, you;ve beeon on my server?
14:53.46Winnyquantumdot, I can hold 20 no problem
14:53.51Macrosofti can still use the net when i have the server on
14:53.53quantumdoton cable Winny?
14:53.54donny_bakerwith my T1 we can get up to a little over 30
14:54.34MacrosoftWinny: whats the name of yours
14:55.27Macrosoftyour server name?
14:55.48quantumdotmaybe others too
14:56.00quantumdotbut it is a private server Macrosoft
14:56.30Macrosoftit kicked me when i tried to spawn
14:58.05Macrosofti have one player on mine, lag is 107ms
14:58.15Macrosoftwhich is higher than norma
14:58.42TheRedBaronMacrosoft: where is he from?
14:58.58TheRedBaronand your server is located where?
14:59.10Macrosoftor atleast thats what his callsign says
15:00.17Macrosofthes not answering, i think hes away from his computer, he hasnt moved in a while
15:00.32bradwinny is matching
15:00.39brad5 mins left
15:01.14quantumdothehe, crossed dialog
15:02.16donny_bakerMacrosoft: where is your server?
15:03.16TheRedBaronthe problem with cable, is its shared bandwidth
15:03.47Macrosofti cant control what my neighbors do online
15:04.17Macrosoftor... not legally, that is
15:07.00Winnythx for telling him, brad
15:07.22Winnyare you saying im from texas?
15:08.34Winnyoh, the player on your server
15:12.20CIA-3BZFlag: 03blast007 * r14376 10/trunk/db/bzfls2/ (bzfls.php includes/datalayer.class.php): Add 'Player_Update_ByUsername' to DataLayer, fix usage of UNIX_TIMESTAMP, add account activation
15:17.10*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
15:17.10*** mode/#bzflag [+o JBdiGriz] by ChanServ
15:50.37*** join/#bzflag catay (
15:51.02*** join/#bzflag Erroneous (
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15:57.43*** join/#bzflag Suspect (
16:02.09*** join/#bzflag ducatiwannabe (
16:05.49donny_baker~lart tomer, again,
16:05.49ibotcrushes tomer, again, with a full height scsi disk
16:07.28Winny~lart tomer forever
16:07.28ibot--purges tomer forever
16:11.37Erroneousdonny_baker: I presume you sent him a pm asking him to follow the rules?
16:12.10donny_bakerErroneous: yes, you know me to well
16:12.18Erroneouscool, then I won't bother :)
16:12.46WinnyI sent him one as well
16:12.58Winnyinfact, I sent him two and just change the title on the other
16:13.10Winnythat seems to be what he does, to maybe he'll read it that way
16:13.22donny_bakeralso added that I'm not a board admin, but I was sure that theirs would follow and he wouldn't really like it if he didn't get his act together :)
16:13.44Winnyhe thinks im an admin... I wanna keep it that way :p
16:14.48*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
16:27.28*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
16:28.24donny_bakerhe acnowledged my PM and thanks me... we'll see what happens
16:30.19donny_bakerlets hope he got it with my PM.. you missed the beginning of the discussion here :)
16:30.47donny_bakerwell not really a discussion... more like a couple of lats
16:33.37JeffMI figured that's who it was abbout
16:33.41JeffMI have sent him PMs as well
16:33.47JeffMand he's obviously ignoring them
16:33.58JeffMso I doubt your PM will do much
16:34.09JeffMhe's getting one more from me then that's it
16:34.15donny_bakeri know, but least I can do is try
16:36.28Winnyyou obviously don't spend enough of your workday on IRC
16:37.54Winnyok, really going to start CSS for dummies now
16:38.10*** mode/#bzflag [+v Erroneous] by ChanServ
16:38.53JeffMif tomer does another post like that, let me know
16:40.36WinnyJeffM, it won't be long
16:42.14JeffMmaybe, maybe not
16:47.28*** join/#bzflag jftsang (
16:48.04jftsangwhere did the maelstrom server (and all of the other servers) go
16:52.05KTLmaelstrom ... ... starcraft ... arbiter ability!
17:03.44Winnydrupal is complex :p
17:08.44*** join/#bzflag x0qa2 (
17:13.20*** join/#bzflag jftsang (
17:13.40donny_bakeris that what you are using for that one site?
17:19.06*** join/#bzflag thefirstdude (
17:29.09*** join/#bzflag Hannibal (n=aaronsal@unaffiliated/hannibal)
17:30.23*** join/#bzflag Jwir3 (
17:31.28*** join/#bzflag EbErT (
17:34.29jftsangwhere do i get a map editor that WORKS
17:34.36jftsangand isnt wings 3d
17:34.48blast007depends what kind of map you want to make
17:35.07blast007in most cases, there will be some amount of hand-editing
17:35.28jftsangi need to make a ship object
17:35.35jftsangwhich i will define and include in maps
17:35.42jftsangthe ship is just a base and boxes
17:35.50blast007export it to an .obj, then convert it with modeltool
17:36.00Winnyuse blender
17:36.07tsYou can use any 3D modeller as long you can export to obj
17:36.42tsHeh, blender is the most unintuitive modeller, at least for me ;)
17:36.43JeffMblender does work
17:36.52jftsangblender? ill try it
17:36.54JeffMbut we don't have an app that is specific for edting all bzflag stuff yet
17:37.08Winnymake jude- work harder ;)
17:37.21JeffMwe will in q3 :)
17:37.31jftsangim using bzeditw32
17:37.59JeffMthat only suports a small subset of the current bzflag options
17:38.09JeffMit is old and unmaintained.
17:38.22JeffMand the guy who wrote it is an ass
17:39.35JeffMwhat kind of map objects are you trying to make?
17:39.47Winny"i need to make a ship object"
17:40.01WinnyJeff, tomer is effecting you ;)
17:40.08JeffMahh I see, thanks
17:40.16JeffMbut he says it's made of boxes
17:40.25JeffMso does he want a mesh? or a collection of old boxes?
17:40.40JeffMsee ^^^ informed question ;)
17:40.46Winnyahh, true
17:42.49*** join/#bzflag qopi (
17:43.33qopihmz still no TimRiker
17:43.41JeffMhe comes and goes
17:43.45JeffMwhat did you need him for?
17:43.46qopiare there any bots that I can use to pass on a message?
17:43.56JeffMIRC bots?
17:44.08JeffMdid you need him for a bzflag related thing?
17:44.22JeffMwe may be able to help you if that is the case
17:44.23qopiyeah, I got him to put a bot in a channel and the peeps don't want it there any more coz they don't want logs
17:44.34JeffMsend him an email
17:44.41qopigood idea
17:44.45JeffMtim at and he can pull it
17:44.56qopicool thanks JeffM
17:45.37Winnywhy don't they want logs? planning world domination?
17:45.44Winnyif so, I want in :)
17:46.15*** join/#bzflag tupone (n=atupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
17:46.15*** mode/#bzflag [+v tupone] by ChanServ
17:48.31qopiWinny: heh, think it had something to go with g8 stuff or something
17:54.12CIA-3BZFlag: 03blast007 * r14377 10/trunk/db/bzfls2/ (bzfls.php includes/datalayer.class.php): Define a variable with the current timestamp, consistency of die() message format, don't die inside the DataLayer constructor
18:08.18*** join/#bzflag Jefenry (
18:08.43*** join/#bzflag blast007_ (i=blast@pdpc/supporter/active/blast007)
18:08.43*** mode/#bzflag [+v blast007_] by ChanServ
18:14.10*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (n=TD-Linux@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux)
18:14.18TheRedBaronqopi: alternatively - /msg memoserv send timriker <memo>
18:15.02qopiTheRedBaron: aha, never actually done that before, so tempting, but e-mail alraedy sent, thanks anyway! :)
18:15.17JeffMhe gets e-mail faster
18:15.32JeffMyou can boot and ban the bot untill he makes the change tho
18:16.37*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (n=timr@
18:16.37*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
18:16.52findlaywhat do you know?  :)
18:17.18qopihi TimRiker get my e-mail?
18:28.03TimRikerqopi: yes. I get too many requests like that. if you want the bot out of the channel, I'm happy to do that.
18:28.10TimRikerI'm not planning on removing the logs.
18:28.44ruskielol you get asked to remove I get asked to provide stats :)
18:50.23*** join/#bzflag EbErT (
18:50.44EbErThelp! whats the keyboard shortcut for Logout on OSX?
18:51.16JBdiGrizShift Command Q from the Finder
18:51.18EbErTi tried 2.1.10 beta, it resized my resolution and got rid of the bars
18:51.24EbErTfunny brad
18:51.44EbErTno dock, no top bar
18:52.27JBdiGrizIt sounds like the finder died. Try Command Option Escape
18:53.56EbErTvery interesting, i relaunched it, only the bzflag icon is there
18:54.26JBdiGrizRestart the machine. I have noticed that bzflag will do odd things to the finder which can only be cleared by a restart.
18:54.29qopiTimRiker: hope you enjoyed your lunch :) yes, please remove the bot. as for the logs, isn't it just a matter of simply deleting the relevant directory? i'm a little confused as to why you wouldn't be willing to do that? /me wonders
18:54.53EbErTok JB, i'll try logging out first
18:55.41*** part/#bzflag EbErT (
18:55.49JBdiGrizI'll have to try bzflag on the new Leopard beta. I want to check out the openGL profiling tools as well as the process profiling tools.
18:57.41jftsangim back
19:07.49*** join/#bzflag [darek] (n=[darek]
19:09.13findlaywhat's wrong with logging the channel?
19:10.05Winnyevil things
19:12.54TheRedBaronhow many people her have their own personal logs?
19:13.22Winny20mb log folder :p
19:13.41TheRedBaronibot logs are hardly your concern
19:13.42ibot...but logs is already something else...
19:13.55TheRedBaronand you can avoid being logged
19:14.33Winny~ignore findlay
19:14.34ibotACTION sticks her fingers in her ears.  "La, la, la!  I can't hear you, findlay!"
19:15.04*** join/#bzflag EbErT (
19:15.08ibotlogs is, like,,  or stats
19:15.14ibotACTION dances around with a pineapple on her head, singing ~o pineapple pineapple pineapple ~o
19:18.34EbErThmph, atleast my ram install worked
19:19.08ibotfrom memory, free is stuff might take awhile to get done
19:19.40ibothmm... botabuse is fun
19:19.55findlay~make money
19:19.56ibotmake: *** No rule to make target `money'.  Stop.
19:19.57Macrosoftibots a girl now?
19:20.09Winnyit varies
19:20.19Winnydepends on who made the factiod
19:20.19Macrosoftread the pineapple thing above
19:20.51Winnyjbot and ibot share the same factiods, methinks
19:20.58JeffMthey are the same bot
19:27.14*** join/#bzflag Constitution (
19:27.35Winnyhiya Constitution
19:27.43Constitutionheya Winny
19:28.50TimRikerqopi: I regenerate the logs from time to time with minor bug fixes. each one of these exceptions is another step I need to remember to do.
19:29.29qopiTimRiker: heh, I'm just replying to your email reply :P
19:30.41qopiTimRiker: sent. basically we just want ALL the logs deleted, not an exception, shouldn't that be easy, just deleting a directory or something?
19:31.16TimRikerand if they come back next time I update?
19:31.40JeffMqopi, the log pages are made from raw bot logs
19:31.44TimRikerI removed the vot from the channel.
19:31.54TimRikerheh. bot.
19:32.03JeffMhe can delete the pages, but if he remakes the log pages from the main logs, it may remake the log pages.
19:32.23JeffMand realy what are you doing on freenode that is THAT secret?
19:32.25TimRikerand google and are going to keep them anyway.
19:32.37JeffMI'd think that woudl be against the network TOS
19:32.37findlayand I have logs too :)
19:32.39TimRikernothing you do on freenode is secret. deal with it.
19:33.03JeffModds are some of your users log anyway
19:33.18TimRikerso blame be as the Bad Guy. I said no.
19:33.19JeffMtell them "suck it up buttercup"
19:33.23TheRedBaronbots can't mis-use logs
19:33.50TheRedBaronpeople can abuse them.  bots that log are the least of their worries, if they are scared of something - people that log are another story.
19:34.01qopiand they were just total IRC newbies connecting via CGI:IRC and hence innocent and ignorant
19:34.14qopiTheRedBaron: heh, good point :P
19:34.36JeffMremember, they have no "rights", IRC is not a deomcracy, we are all only here cus of the nice people at freenode ;)
19:34.47TimRikerin any case... purl is out of the channel.
19:34.54JeffMtell them to invent a time machine and fix it, or shut it :)
19:35.11TimRikeryeah. at least join #timemachine and help out.
19:35.21JeffMtesters are always needed
19:35.25JeffMand donations
19:35.26TimRikerpatches welcome
19:35.52JeffMiut's his choice
19:36.00JeffMhe was kind enought to let you use his bot
19:36.08qopiindeed he was
19:36.26TimRikerer sorta... sheesh.
19:36.39ibotI'm on 81 channels: #debian/792, #kde/324, #asterisk/287, #wowace/278, #idlerpg/240, #openmoko/239, #maemo/198, #wowi-lounge/133, #oe/123, ##essy/89, #wowwiki/79, #bzflag/72, #handhelds/66, #tomcat/59, #utah/55, #slug/48, #uclibc/46, #htc-linux/44, #nslu2-linux/40, #openzaurus/35, #gllug/34, #elive/33, #edev/32, #openezx/32, #elinux/32, #norganna/28, #opie/27, ...
19:36.39iboti've cached 3961 users, 3048 unique users, distributed over 81 channels.
19:37.05TimRikerone less is still 81 channels.
19:37.28TimRikerqopi: sure, any time you want a logging bot, just holler. :)
19:37.57qopifunny thing is, it wasn't even the purl logs they were aware of!
19:38.41JeffMI'll bet most of the clients log too
19:38.49JeffMthe only way to be log free is to have an empty channel
19:38.58qopiTimRiker: and chance of whacking a robot.txt or whatever on the relevant log page, or is that hassle too?
19:39.49Winnyseriously, why do these logs matter so much? I Really don't see what is so top secrect.
19:40.00qopiJeffM: heh, yeah (although they were connecting via CGI:IRC so client not logging there)
19:40.11JeffMqopi, you don't know that
19:40.16JeffMthe server that runs that may log
19:40.37JeffMwhat channel is it? so I can go save and publish the logs
19:40.58qopiWinny: good point, and all the palava is just drawing attention to it :P
19:42.53JeffMwell we can just wait for the log day to roll over, and see what channel isn't in the list anymore :)
19:44.31qopiah well, great help I've been, now the whole world we seek out these mysterious logs and read them!
19:44.45JeffMI mean realy, what can you be chating about that is legal for the network?
19:44.58JeffMthat you need hidden so badly?
19:46.04WinnyJeffM: they're developing a new cheese
19:46.10qopiheh, yes
19:46.11Winnyan open source cheese
19:46.18JeffMstill what is the channel about that they don't want
19:46.20qopiit is a cross between cheddar and stilton
19:46.52JeffMthe ONLY thing I can think of is solving security exploits for some software
19:47.01JeffMand at that point, they should know that IRC is not secure.
19:47.31JeffMworrying about privacy, and using web IRC... that's just stupid,
19:47.36qopii think it was just chit chat between the people who did
19:47.46JeffMthe webserver can log every damn thing they do, even passwords.
19:48.17JeffMthey are an open source project?
19:49.21qopino, just indy reporting of g8 in germany
19:49.54JeffMso realy they have no biz being on freenode, since they arn't an open source project, or about an open source project
19:50.38JeffMand most of those logs are just join and parts..... looks like a dead channel
19:50.55TimRikergoogle for: irclog2html creativeforum wordpress
19:52.09TimRikeryep. mostly joins and parts.
19:52.17JeffMand totaly EMPTY days
19:52.25TimRikereek! now you can calculate when all those people were online.
19:52.36JeffMthe server tracks that anyway
19:53.09JeffMI wonder if freenodes costs would go down if they got hardball on channels not direclty tied to projects
19:54.46bradfreenode doesn't pay for the servers... sponsors do
19:54.59JeffMfreenode itself has costs
19:55.07findlayand then ChanServ would monitor everybody's speech to validate that it's freenode-approved :)
19:55.15JeffMand with less channels/users it would not need as many sponsored servers
19:55.21JeffMor could put those donated services to other uses
19:55.43JeffMfindlay, no just make chanser ask what project your attacked to, on sf or elsewhere
19:56.06JeffMyou could make it do more to promote the projectness of it
19:56.53findlayI think the idea is to be not restrictive, kind of like the intertubes itself
19:57.40JeffMthe internet is not free ;)
19:57.56JeffMand the sponsors donated the servers FOR a reason
19:58.21Chestalit's hard to decide which channel fits in and which doesn't, though
19:58.22findlayI didn't say free, I meant not restricted
19:58.45Chestala lot of channels ar enot tied to a spcific project, but are still usefull for the community
19:59.09JeffMthe internet is restricted, as each server on it determents wht it can and can not do :)
19:59.18JeffMChestal, yes for the general ones, you'd get admin aproval
19:59.31JeffMI don't mean a hard limit to SF or antyhing
19:59.40JeffMjust a crakdown on obvious ones.
19:59.56Winnywhat about ##essy? :o
20:00.13JeffMI've made my statements about that channel
20:00.31JeffMI don't feel it should be part of the network
20:01.02JeffMit's at the edge of an "About" channel
20:01.11JeffMtied to bzflag by the thinest threads.
20:01.24findlay#cars is a fun channel :)
20:01.31JeffMI know why it continues to exist, I don't agree with it. but I know why.
20:01.41findlaydefinitely *outside* freenode's ostensible prupose
20:01.57JeffMbut it's the admins choice to allow the general chats
20:02.11JeffMif they don't affect cost, or performance, or take up any resouces, sure why not leave them
20:02.12findlaybut I've gotten good help there
20:02.28Winnyas have I
20:02.36JeffMbut when there memebers start taking time out from real projects for incredebly trivial requrests.......
20:03.09JeffMessy probalby has 0 cost to the network
20:03.21JeffMso the impact of it's existance is minimal
20:14.36*** join/#bzflag jftsang (
20:15.04jftsangwhats wrong with this:
20:15.10jftsangname LowerDeckG
20:15.12jftsangposition -1000 0 220
20:15.14jftsangrotation 90
20:15.15jftsangsize 0.125 10 10
20:15.17jftsangborder 1
20:15.23jftsangname UpperDeckG
20:15.24jftsangposition -1000 0 250
20:15.26jftsangrotation 90
20:15.27jftsangsize 0.125 10 10
20:15.29jftsangborder 1
20:15.35jftsangfrom LowerDeckG:f
20:15.36jftsangto UpperDeckG:f
20:15.42jftsangfrom UpperDeckG:f
20:15.43ibotextra, extra, read all about it, bzpastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel, and it archives too. - try
20:15.44jftsangto LowerDeckG:f
20:15.48jftsangit wont let me teleport
20:15.57JeffMdon't paste that long
20:16.05JeffMput it in a pastebin file or something
20:16.29JeffMyour Z is off the ground
20:16.37jftsangi know
20:16.39jftsangits on a ship
20:16.43JeffMthere is an object up that high to drive on?
20:16.53JeffMwhat is the z of the surface under it?
20:16.56JeffMthe same number?
20:17.16JeffMmake them overlap a small bit
20:17.24jftsangand then?
20:17.28JeffMwell can you port if you jump thru?
20:17.49jftsangcant port whatsoever
20:19.07jftsangwheres louman when u need him?
20:19.20donny_bakerhiding :)
20:19.33Tediusisn't there something buggy about teleporting onto meshboxes?
20:19.40Tediusor meshes?
20:19.58bradthat's boxes to meshes I think
20:20.08jftsangboth of them should be boxes
20:20.13jftsangno meshes here :)
20:21.44JeffMif it was something with the thing it's on, you'd still port when you jump thru
20:22.00JeffMI've never done named links, so all I can think of is that the fomrat of the links is wrong
20:22.04JeffMtry it with numbered links
20:22.07JeffMin a simple test
20:22.31Tediuspm it to me jftsang, I'll look at it
20:37.39*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
20:37.39*** mode/#bzflag [+o JBdiGriz] by ChanServ
20:43.35*** join/#bzflag jude- (
20:43.41jude-hello all
20:43.48ibotHey, Jude-, go ahead and make it bad.
20:49.59*** join/#bzflag wanda (
20:56.25blast007hi jude-
21:03.42*** join/#bzflag poolio_ (
21:14.03*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
21:20.03*** join/#bzflag gsnedders (
21:32.46Winnyhmm, weird, can't see my chats in another channel
21:40.22*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
22:03.22*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (
22:12.12*** join/#bzflag Blue_Eyes (
22:28.36*** join/#bzflag TASAIRES (
22:37.14*** join/#bzflag Suspect (
22:45.56*** join/#bzflag TASAIRES (
22:48.50*** join/#bzflag TASAIRES (n=XChat_Li@
22:59.10*** join/#bzflag bier_ (
23:01.06*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
23:03.32*** join/#bzflag PrezKennedy (
23:12.49*** join/#bzflag nn-gentoo (n=nn-gento@
23:13.13nn-gentoohi all made the Advanced Tank pillbox better
23:14.49findlay~wiki whocares
23:23.44blast007Winny: I think you mean #nobodycares
23:24.20Winnynoone in #whocares ;)
23:26.25blast007Winny: that's because #nobodycares
23:41.17TASAIRESGood Bye, Good Night, i Leave
23:41.20TASAIRESBye Bye
23:41.24*** part/#bzflag TASAIRES (n=XChat_Li@
23:44.46*** part/#bzflag qopi (
23:46.39*** join/#bzflag triclops (
23:50.28Macrosofterror in main(): you_suck error in line 5
23:52.16JeffMummm.. wtf?
23:56.01Macrosofterror: "wtf" not defined (first use in this function)
23:56.14JeffMthis isn't a channel for babble
23:56.20JeffMwhy do you keep doing this?
23:57.22*** join/#bzflag a_temp_dist (n=a_temp_d@about/essy/alarming/a-temp-dist)

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