IRC log for #bzflag on 20070609

04:05.20*** join/#bzflag ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
04:05.21*** topic/#bzflag is || || || || || || ||
04:05.21*** mode/#bzflag [+o ibot] by ChanServ
04:15.07*** join/#bzflag JeffMFishBone (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
04:24.11Macrosofti already found it... _shockInRadius sets the starting radius of a SW
04:24.25Macrosofti set it to 30
04:24.47Macrosoftnow you cant SW people if they get really close to you
04:31.41*** join/#bzflag rob1n (n=emp@unaffiliated/rob1n)
04:35.47Macrosofthey, how do i open chat logs
04:43.20*** part/#bzflag Macrosoft (
05:14.44*** join/#bzflag Macrosoft (
05:17.48*** join/#bzflag jude- (
05:17.55jude-hi guys
05:18.03jude-I have enough caffeine in me to wake Rip Van Winkle
05:18.08jude-so I'll be coding for a while tonight :)
05:25.32Macrosofta smiley picking his nose with his tongue:    :d
05:26.03Macrosoftignore the quot. marks
05:27.41*** join/#bzflag Deepa|Away (
05:33.53jude-in map material objects, is "addtexture" repeatable?
05:35.37Macrosoftyou working on that bzworkbench right now?
05:36.17Macrosoftnone of the people that would be able to help with those questions are here
05:36.52Macrosoftand the people that are logged on arent responding to anything here
05:38.55*** part/#bzflag Macrosoft ( never occured to me that Erroneous and DTRemenak are the same person
05:51.12*** join/#bzflag DavidHKMrPowers (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/davidhkmrpowers)
06:53.30jude-what'd I do?
07:13.41*** join/#bzflag tupone (n=atupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
07:13.41*** mode/#bzflag [+v tupone] by ChanServ
07:32.07eTangenT18 hours later
07:32.38eTangenTnot that much
07:32.49eTangenTno wait... almost
07:32.55eTangenTlong day
07:33.44jude-18 hours?
07:34.00jude-you must be exhausted
07:34.09eTangenTfrom 9 - 4, then other job from 6 - midnight
07:34.19eTangenTthen I gotta be at first job tomorrow at 7
07:34.24eTangenTit's 1:30 right now
07:34.38eTangenTI'm debating on whether or not to even bother sleeping.
07:35.02jude-if you don't sleep, you run the risk of getting a stress-induced cold
07:35.04eTangenTmayb eif I go now it will be okay
07:52.45*** join/#bzflag DavidHKMrPowers (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/davidhkmrpowers)
08:01.26*** join/#bzflag lan56 (
08:41.46*** join/#bzflag Gracey (
08:46.14*** join/#bzflag jh` (
09:41.37*** join/#bzflag CBG` (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
10:00.44CIA-3BZFlag: 03judecn * r14316 10/trunk/bzworkbench/ (15 files in 5 dirs):
10:00.45CIA-3BZFlag: Not much to see here; it's mostly behind the scenes. Made the BZW parser a bit
10:00.45CIA-3BZFlag: less moronic, added additional functionality to the BZW Object base class, added
10:00.45CIA-3BZFlag: support for "material", "group", and "physics" internally, misc fixes.
10:07.15*** join/#bzflag DavidHKMrPowers (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/davidhkmrpowers)
10:08.54*** join/#bzflag CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
10:35.13*** join/#bzflag TASAIRES (
10:42.57*** join/#bzflag gsnedders (
10:48.03brlcadawesome, my cousin was just drafted by the white sox
10:56.37ts~x en de drafted
11:44.10ruskiets, hmm don't you guys in de still serve some military time? that would techincaly be a draft though in his case I think he means voluntary
11:53.23TASAIRESruskie,  Hello ;) From Spain
11:53.46TASAIRESHello to the rest to BZpeoples
12:10.20*** join/#bzflag ruskie (i=ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
12:25.29*** join/#bzflag ruskie (i=ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
12:28.31*** join/#bzflag Suspect (
12:56.28*** join/#bzflag moriah (i=44d938ae@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
12:59.06*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
13:21.00daxxarEvening, people. :-)
13:21.23CBGAfternoon, daxxar :)
13:30.46daxxarOkay, posted a suggested milestone-list to
13:45.53*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (n=Spazzy_M@
13:53.34*** join/#bzflag Winny (
13:56.26*** join/#bzflag Macrosoft (
14:05.58*** join/#bzflag lupi (
14:10.48*** join/#bzflag Deepa (n=deepa@wrongplanet/deepa)
14:16.50*** join/#bzflag DavidHKMrPowers (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/davidhkmrpowers)
14:34.21*** join/#bzflag [fritz] (
14:40.16*** join/#bzflag Jefenry (
14:52.11*** join/#bzflag davemicc (
14:58.36daxxarAnyone know what timezone McNabb is in?
15:00.14*** join/#bzflag TASAIRES (
15:00.27*** part/#bzflag Macrosoft (
15:35.24*** join/#bzflag rob1n (n=emp@unaffiliated/rob1n)
16:05.30*** join/#bzflag tannerld (
16:18.17*** join/#bzflag Hannibal (n=aaronsal@unaffiliated/hannibal)
16:24.28DTRemenakdaxxar: he is in utah, so mdt (gmt-6)
16:44.56*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
16:54.42blast007bzflag doesn't support IPv6, correct?
17:02.05Flasha meteorite poser at
17:03.11*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
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17:17.31*** join/#bzflag davemicc (
17:31.18*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (n=TD-Linux@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux)
17:32.07*** join/#bzflag Deepa|Away (
17:36.28*** join/#bzflag jude- (
17:36.31jude-hello all
17:38.34*** join/#bzflag donny_baker (n=donny_b@about/essy/vvvvv/donnybaker)
17:41.33*** join/#bzflag tupone (n=atupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
17:41.33*** mode/#bzflag [+v tupone] by ChanServ
17:42.55tannerldhiya jude
17:44.30jude-does anyone know of addtexture in the material object in BZW is repeatable?
17:45.25WinnyAFKI don't think so...
17:45.34WinnyAFKit only makes sense to have one per material
17:46.07jude-then what's the difference between "texture" and "addtexture" ?
17:46.24WinnyAFKno idea
17:46.39donny_bakervery good questio
17:46.45JeffMyou should only have to worry about texture for right now
17:46.46WinnyAFKyou can do that? It always gave me errors when using both...?
17:46.59jude-JeffM: so it is repeatable?
17:47.03JeffMnever said multitexture WORKED, just that is what it's for
17:47.08JeffMdosn't work tho
17:47.11WinnyAFKah.. hehe
17:47.14JeffMso just do texture
17:48.22DTRemenakmaps may have addtexture specified
17:48.33JeffMthat is true
17:48.38JeffMbut you can turn it into texture
17:48.47JeffMthe first add texture works
17:49.01JeffMthere may even be a few cases where more then one works
17:49.04jude-can I have both texture and addtexture in a material?
17:49.09DTRemenakI'd recommend supporting both, on the chance that some future implementation of bzflag supports multitexture
17:49.29JeffMDTRemenak, at that point he can add multi texture tsupport to the editor :)
17:49.36JeffMI'd make it just use the first one it sees
17:49.41JeffMand use it like texutre
17:50.08jude-JeffM:  only the internal representation is complete...
17:50.14jude-haven't started the dialog for it
17:50.37DTRemenakyeah...just because there isn't one doesn't mean there isn't one.  or something. :P
17:50.43jude-also, can anyone tell me how resetmat works?
17:50.56JeffMit resets the matrix
17:51.00JeffMto the identitiy
17:51.10JeffMlets say you had a mesh that had a texture matrix
17:51.24JeffMand it's in a group
17:51.28JeffMthen you instance that group
17:51.39JeffMbut for this one instance of the group you want to replace the texture matrix
17:51.54JeffMso for the group instance, you reset the texture matrix, then add your new one
17:51.57jude-ahh.  I see
17:52.04jude-the wiki just says "restore default values"
17:52.13JeffMso when it goes to draw, it first goes and gets the group matrix, resets it, then adds the stuf in for this instance
17:52.20JeffMit'll set it to an identity
17:52.26JeffMaka the "default" for a matrix
17:52.30JeffM1 0 0
17:52.33JeffM0 1 0
17:52.36JeffM0 0 1
17:52.37jude-not repeatable, I take it?
17:52.42JeffMit could be
17:52.49jude-in the same material?
17:52.55JeffMbut there'd be no real poiint in the same material
17:53.18jude-should I just throw a syntax error at the user if it shows up multiple times?
17:53.32JeffMdo you have warnings?
17:53.34DTRemenakthe last one is the one that actually matters
17:53.52jude-but as you said, there's no point to having it appear more than once
17:54.09DTRemenakjust 'cause there's no point, doesn't mean nobody's done it :)
17:54.55JeffMI'd throw a warning
17:54.57DTRemenakI suppose on the philosophy of "be strict", yeah, you should throw a warning at them
17:54.59JeffMbut still just do it
17:55.13JeffMit would ditch all the transforms before it
17:56.09DTRemenakiirc, materials have a kind of inheritance, so you could pretty easily get reset multiple times, each from a different material, in the process of building the final one
17:56.34DTRemenak(i.e. matref is valid in material)
17:56.41JeffMthat's the entire POINT of having the reset
17:56.44jude-that's weird
17:56.50JeffMsince materials can stack
17:56.54JeffMusing refs, groups, etc..
17:57.08jude-how many matrefs are allowed per material?
17:57.11JeffMyou can ref an existing mat, and just change it's matrix for this one use of it
17:57.15JeffMN IIRC
17:57.30DTRemenakjust like any other object that takes a matref
17:57.31JeffMthey can each set specific values
17:57.42JeffMyou could make a red material that just sets the red diffuse color
17:57.52JeffMthen ref that in a material that sets the texture
17:58.06JeffMthen ref that texture material in a mat that moves the UVs with a matrix
17:58.15JeffMso in the end you'd get a moving red textured material
17:58.34JeffMthey are stacks
17:58.57jude-by stack, you mean it in the sense of a FIFO stack?
17:59.09jude-or LIFO stack?
17:59.35JeffMwhen it sees a material, it will process the commands in order
17:59.48JeffMif it hits a ref, it'll go and process all the commands for the reffed material
18:00.01JeffMand keep going untill it dosn't see anymore refs
18:00.09jude-ahh.  I see
18:00.17JeffMthen pop back to the command after the first ref
18:00.23JeffMand it'll do that recursively
18:00.44JeffMfun huh:)
18:00.52JeffMif all you get is basic materials for your first round, that'll be better then nothing
18:01.01JeffMget the big things in first
18:01.04*** join/#bzflag PrezKennedy (
18:01.15JeffMI think you'd be ok if you skiped refs for now
18:01.25DTRemenakgonna be REAL fun to implement in a way that you can spit it back out without destroying the original inheritance tree (not that such a thing would be required)
18:02.13jude-for now I'm just working on the model back-end, and putting the dialogs off until the thing can actually construct these objects without issues
18:02.34DTRemenakif your interface supports a matref from a material, you can store it internally just like the bzw file does
18:02.44DTRemenakbut for rendering, you have to go reprocess it all
18:03.07jude-DTRemenak: shouldn't be a problem the way I've set it up
18:03.20jude-the interface stores the materials in the order they come
18:03.40jude-and the render can query the model for them
18:03.45jude-and just process them in order
18:04.14jude-hang on....brb
18:08.38*** join/#bzflag rob1n (n=emp@unaffiliated/rob1n)
18:16.25*** join/#bzflag Quol (
18:19.29*** join/#bzflag KTL (
18:53.26*** join/#bzflag Tedius (
19:14.08*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
19:56.59*** join/#bzflag Saturos (
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20:25.40*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
20:57.41*** join/#bzflag tvon (
20:57.50tvonHow do you disable radar on the server side?
20:58.57tvonaha, nm
21:38.53*** part/#bzflag LongDon (
22:19.58*** join/#bzflag Rawk (n=unknown@
22:52.38*** join/#bzflag Suspect (
23:13.13*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
23:13.43*** join/#bzflag rob1n (n=emp@unaffiliated/rob1n)

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