IRC log for #bzflag on 20070608

00:00.16jude-and the .bzw file that gets uploaded could store the parameters to the plug-in
00:02.37thefirstdudeWinny, you are working on a random map maker?
00:02.56Winnydepends how you define working
00:05.01thefirstdudeis going to make meshes, and use textures?
00:05.13thefirstdudeor just pyramis and boxes/meshboxes?
00:05.57Winnywell, since it is random, I don't see the advantages of meshes myself, but it'll probably go in.
00:06.54thefirstdudeit could be rather complicated
00:07.45TD-Linuxooh, boolean operations >:-D
00:07.53TD-Linuxon meshes!
00:08.41Winnyooh, no!
00:09.37TD-Linuxkinda reminds me of megablocks, which I somehow stopped developing a long time ago
00:09.46TD-LinuxConstitution, didn't you try that already?
00:09.54ConstitutionTD-Linux: when?
00:10.02TD-Linuxmaybe that was someone else
00:10.06TD-Linuxwhile (1) fork();
00:10.46TD-Linuxbash? eww
00:10.54TD-Linuxit will take you quite a while that way :P
00:11.03ConstitutionI'm going to be running a server with guest ssh users, so I'm trying to lock it down thoroughly
00:11.21TD-Linuxcan I have an account? ;)
00:11.23Constitution"Out of memory: Killed process 4266"
00:11.38ConstitutionTD-Linux: if you have something useful to do with it, sure :-P
00:11.42TD-Linuxyou can set memory caps on users, I think
00:11.49TD-LinuxConstitution, botnet?
00:11.56Constitutionwhat's that?
00:13.12Constitutionoh, heh
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01:19.45*** join/#bzflag Tedius_ (n=Tedius@
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01:31.47brlcadhmm.. the cookie on the images approval interface really needs to last longer
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01:33.54*** join/#bzflag Macrosoft (
01:34.04davemiccbrlcad, plugins/m4/mkdirp.m4 needs to be changed as well
01:38.08brlcadwhatchutalkin'bout willis?
01:38.17brlcadI fixed that yesterday
01:38.49davemiccyou fixed m4/mkdirp.m4
01:39.04davemiccwhich fixed most of it  :-)
01:39.30davemiccthere seems to be some duplication
01:40.52brlcadoh, right.. plugins
01:41.14brlcadyeah, plugins actually builds stand-alone so it has to have it's own copy
01:42.59CIA-3BZFlag: 03brlcad * r14307 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/m4/mkdirp.m4: plugins builds isolated so it has its own copy of mkdirp.m4, so fix it too for the 1.10 uppercaseness. thx davemicc.
01:56.14brlcadthere we go, now cookies should last a bit longer
01:56.33purple_cowmmm cookies
01:57.33blast007brlcad: would it be worthwhile performance-wise to cache the results of the "LIST" action for the list server, for say, 5 seconds?
01:57.50blast007not sure how many hits it gets per second
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02:08.36WinnyAFKlater everyone
02:35.11*** join/#bzflag a_temp_dist (n=a_temp_d@about/essy/alarming/a-temp-dist)
02:36.23a_temp_dista meteorite imposter on
02:43.23davemicche was on AHOD yesterday....
03:18.44Macrosofthey, whats the command to show what groups a player is part of
03:19.20a_temp_distMacrosoft, /showgroup "playername"  - but most servers don't give reg'd players that permission
03:23.53*** join/#bzflag Sir_Pants (
03:24.42brlcadwoo hoo!  input controls now work!
03:25.22brlcadblast007: i'm sure it probably would
03:26.03brlcadit gets anywhere from just a couple to more than two dozen hits per second
03:28.36brlcadheck, you could probably cache for longer than 5 seconds for that matter, maybe every 20 seconds
03:30.30brlcadah, i take it back .. limiting to just LIST actions is less .. that seems to be > 1/sec at the moment
03:30.53brlcadprobably still worth-while, but I was thinking list updates, which are post events
03:42.08*** join/#bzflag flight (
03:49.50Macrosoftmecca lecca high, mecca hiney hiney ho!!!!
03:53.48Macrosoft...they mock me with their silence
03:56.04a_temp_distJambi needs to do something with his new hands
04:02.05*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
04:03.37DTRemenakplease stay roughly on topic in this channel, particularly if you're going to ramble in a monologue.
04:14.33Macrosoftsorry, this is off topic too, but its funny:
04:15.36a_temp_distMacrosoft join #bzchat for off topic stuff
04:15.36Macrosoftits just another example of people with too much free time
04:19.50blast007speaking of people with too much free time...
04:25.20brlcadMacrosoft: seriously, he asks that you stay on topic, and you continue well-knowing and stating the url is off-topic
04:25.24brlcadthat doesn't make it okay
04:25.26brlcadplease don't :)
04:26.36brlcadspeaking of topic material -- DTRemenak any insight as to why the font manager would be hosing up my window?
04:26.45brlcadnot hosing, but makes it go all blackie
04:27.09DTRemenakbrlcad: bad GL state?
04:27.20brlcadi draw a pretty little triangle, all is well with the world.. i tell font manager to draw a simple string at some coords and it goes all black down?
04:28.09a_meteoriteyeah, it's down a_temp_dist
04:28.24DTRemenakseems to me I had that problem at one point too...had to do with the state we were given.  There should be a commented-out full state reset somewhere, try uncommenting it and see what happens.
04:28.54brlcadany idea what aspect of state?
04:29.10brlcadi'm not using libGLKit or the openglgstate init
04:29.20brlcadcustom gl code, simple init
04:29.38brlcadhmm.. there is something up with mbo, looking into it
04:30.10DTRemenakehm, if you're not using glkit, things may be rather busted.  IIRC fontmanager had a pretty hard dependency on it.
04:30.36DTRemenakyou might try jeff's original fontmanager
04:30.53DTRemenakI'm sure he has it soemwhere
04:31.45DTRemenakalso check the debug output from it, see if it complained about anything
04:34.22*** join/#bzflag Hannibal (n=aaronsal@unaffiliated/hannibal)
04:34.26brlcadbut but
04:34.31brlcadit's so simple
04:34.41brlcadload fonts.. draw string *sniff*
04:34.58*** join/#bzflag Constitution (
04:44.09CIA-3BZFlag: 03brlcad * r14308 10/trunk/bzflag/ (5 files in 2 dirs): minor header cleanup
04:47.06*** join/#bzflag zee372 (i=ca53a5c3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
04:55.21eTangenTyo Consty
04:57.07Constitutionis it intentional that admins with +HIDEADMIN cannot see the player slots?
04:59.21*** join/#bzflag noyb (i=noyb@nat/sun/x-7068c608eef3df5e)
05:00.07a_temp_distI duno, but the slot numbers show up on /lagstats and /playerlist
05:13.25brlcadwell, now that's not very nice: "Scaling texture from 128x128 to 1x1"
05:21.33*** join/#bzflag Constitution (
05:24.12CIA-3BZFlag: 03brlcad * r14309 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzflag/bzflag.cxx: if we're testing whether opengl was initialized, why not do it before any opengl calls are made. the context should be bound and ready to go by this point anyways.
05:25.11blast007Constitution: the client itself doesn't know it's an admin, and thus, doesn't show those items on it's own UI
05:25.56Constitutionblast007: ah
05:26.21blast007could be done differently in 2.1
05:27.37brlcadDTRemenak: hrm, even using openglgstate init, it blacks out .. and (bizarrely) it also make my simple triangle draw a solid blue color (which isn't what I tell it to draw)
05:27.44brlcadseems something rather wonky with init()
05:34.20Constitutionibot, huh? comfort brlcad!
05:34.58ibotWelcome to ICQ.
05:39.10brlcadaha! OpenGLTexture is implicitly relying on some bzdb values ... booo hisss
05:39.26DTRemenakit's in common :P
05:39.39brlcadwell, I have it, but nothing is set of course
05:40.24brlcadmore poignantly.. it's checking for "maxTextureSize" which is defined by the client, not one of the default bzdb vars
05:40.36brlcadso, booo hissss
05:42.14brlcadnice... "maxTextureSize is -2147483648"
05:42.29SportChickbrlcad: need you do anything?
05:42.47SportChickbrlcad: and guess what we had for dinner :)
05:43.06brlcada little bit of bacteria hopefully
05:43.33Macrosofta fresh bowl of Hatred-O's
05:44.30*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
05:54.36brlcadnaw, nuthin but love for the sporty chick
05:55.18SportChickbrlcad: hehe :p
05:55.27SportChickbrlcad: we ate your fav homemade dish ;)
06:03.30*** join/#bzflag Macrosoft (
06:17.19SportChickbrlcad: hehe
06:30.35Macrosofthey constitution
06:33.26CIA-3BZFlag: 03brlcad * r14310 10/trunk/bzflag/src/ogl/OpenGLTexture.cxx:
06:33.27CIA-3BZFlag: boo hiss, maxTextureSize is provided by the client so if this library is going
06:33.27CIA-3BZFlag: to check for it, the check needs to be optional. if maxTextureSize is unset,
06:33.27CIA-3BZFlag: don't fall back to a texture size of 1 -- instead use whatever the texture size
06:33.27CIA-3BZFlag: was to begin with.
06:33.54brlcadwell, that fixed it blacking out the entire context
06:34.09brlcadwhich I still don't quite see how/why it did that .. should have just been drawing 1x1 pixel textures
06:34.28*** part/#bzflag a_temp_dist (n=a_temp_d@about/essy/alarming/a-temp-dist)
06:34.39DTRemenakprobably your card's min texture size is 4 or something
06:40.22brlcadhm, no minimums listed in the driver monitor
06:40.43brlcadcould have something to do with the quirky 4-byte aligned buffer it copies it into
06:52.25*** join/#bzflag Constitution (
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06:59.30brlcadhmm.. narrowed down the color mess to the section in FontManager that says "there has got to be a faster way to do this"
07:02.09*** join/#bzflag jude- (
07:02.16jude-hello all (to anyone still awake)
07:02.17Constitutionhi jude-
07:05.58Constitutionstaying quite busy on the GSOC project, I see :-)
07:09.11brlcadoops, just "TextureFont::drawString"
07:12.50brlcadthe gstate.setState() call in drawString hoses it
07:24.24brlcadyeah.. that eventually ends up calling glShadeModel(GL_FLAT);
07:24.30brlcadand leaves it at that
07:26.08CIA-3BZFlag: 03judecn * r14311 10/trunk/bzworkbench/ (8 files in 4 dirs):
07:26.08CIA-3BZFlag: Fixed up MasterConfigurationDialog a bit, so you don't get blank values for
07:26.08CIA-3BZFlag: transformation keys if you leave the field blank. Also, created base class
07:26.08CIA-3BZFlag: bz2object specifically for renderables, and created metadata class Transform to
07:26.08CIA-3BZFlag: store transformations numerically.
07:28.34brlcadg'damn this is horrible
07:29.19CIA-3BZFlag: 03judecn * r14312 10/trunk/bzworkbench/include/objects/bz2object.h: I should really remember to add files to SVN before committing them :) Here's bz2object.h
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07:41.24jude-question:  the physics object--the slide key has two values, right?  an acceleration and a time?
07:44.32brlcadsomething like that
07:44.47L4m3rI thought it was just a time value
07:45.00L4m3rafter all, acceleration and time would determine one another :)
07:45.17jude-time it is then
08:10.54*** join/#bzflag ruskie (i=ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
08:11.10Manuhola brlcad :)
08:11.47brlcadhola se?or manu
08:12.06Manuseñor... jej me haces mayor ;)
08:16.22brlcadpues si ;)
08:17.16Manuaw   el pasado lunes fue mi cumpleaños ;)  un año mas de experiena brlcad  ;)
08:17.34brlcadno lo sabia
08:17.40Manu42 y subiendo
08:17.46brlcadfeliz cumplean~os!
08:17.51Manugracias :)
08:18.18*** join/#bzflag ruskie (i=ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
08:18.31brlcadel 4 o el 28?
08:18.38Manuel 4
08:18.42ManuJun 4
08:18.54brlcadtan recien .. y no diciste nada :P
08:19.12Manuse me paso :/
08:19.13L4m3rfeliz cumpleanos, manu :)
08:19.20Manuthank you L4m3r
08:20.10ManuL4m3r: never say compleanos, if you can't write the 'ñ' write anyo for example ;)
08:20.27Manuanos has another mean ;)
08:21.01Manuhehe, np ;)
08:21.19L4m3rI very rarely use spanish in writing
08:21.31CIA-3BZFlag: 03brlcad * r14313 10/trunk/bzflag/src/3D/ (FontManager.cxx TextureFont.cxx): entirely non-optimal but at least enable shading so we don't zonk out the critical setting. the openglgstate stuff really sucks.
08:21.34L4m3ralmost always verbally with co-workers
08:21.42Manuthat's good :)
08:22.03Manuwe are bzflag co-workers ;)
08:22.10CIA-3BZFlag: 03brlcad * r14314 10/trunk/bzflag/src/ogl/OpenGLTexture.cxx: oops, remove debug code
08:23.03L4m3rthere's a new manager at work, temporarily... he's white, but married a Mexican woman and lived in Mexico for three years
08:23.19brlcadManu: just say "happy asschievement to you too!" back to them ;)
08:23.44L4m3rso I am no longer the only white boy who knows spanish (though to say that I "know" it is an overstatement)
08:23.59jude-you haven't been--I know spanish too
08:24.14L4m3rat my "real" job, that is :P
08:24.58L4m3rapparently someone has already managed to embarass themself by not knowing that about the manager, too- heh
08:25.12*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
08:26.17L4m3rFew things are as hilarious as the dumbfounded look on the face of a hispanic co-worker to whom you've just spoken to in Spanish for the first time :)
08:26.31L4m3ror even better, responded to something they've said in spanish
08:27.07L4m3rnot in a mean way, either, just funny. catches them way off guard. :P
08:31.56L4m3rI'm quite glad I don't have to be at work 'til 5 tomorrow
08:32.06L4m3rnight shifts rock when you've got nothing during the day :P
08:40.55Manubrlcad: Sole (mi esposa) me ha regalado un nuevo ordenador para mi cumpleaños. Un Asus pundit p1-ah2 con un and 64 x2 4600 :) ahora estoy funcionando en 64 bitys
09:27.50daxxarL4m3r: Hey, you here?
09:28.30daxxarDid you post anything yet? :-)
09:30.04L4m3rsome basic plans (which are in need of siginficant updates), yes, but no code :P
09:32.04L4m3r (will be moved in short order to
09:36.20daxxarNeato. Who do I talk to about getting subdomains pointed my way? :-)
09:37.09L4m3rTim Riker will do if you ask nicely; brlcad handles
09:37.31L4m3ron the same terms :)
09:38.36daxxarDo you know what TZ TimRiker is on? :-)
09:38.46L4m3rI do not
09:39.08L4m3rhe comes on in the afternoon (at least from my perspective on the west coast)
09:39.37L4m3rhe's usually AFK though. email is a better way to contact him
09:39.44daxxarI'm GMT+1, so we're kinda different there. ;-)
09:40.25L4m3rperhaps there should just be or some other collective website for us four :)
09:40.42daxxarHm, true. :-)
09:40.49L4m3rit'd certainly help from a sanity perspective
09:40.50daxxarD'ya know what the bzflag-cops ml is for?
09:41.07daxxarWhat email did you use to reach Riker?
09:41.10L4m3r(my subdomain will be used primarily for other stuff)
09:41.27daxxarTim at
09:42.01daxxarSmooth ;-P
09:42.28daxxarGuess I'll just leave it be for the moment, and set up my local stuff first. No rush.
09:42.37daxxarLet them figure out how they want to handle it
09:43.50L4m3rI had heard something about a planned "service"... some sort of blog iirc
09:44.14L4m3rI just tossed my stuff up on the webhost because it was convenient
09:47.22daxxarOk. :-)
09:49.21L4m3rwell, bedtime for L4m3r; it's fast approaching 3am
09:49.41L4m3rgood day daxxar... and good night to most of the rest :P
09:49.47daxxarHehe, it's 11:50 AM. Waiting for the gf to arrive with breakfast, then out to fry in the sun. ;-)
09:49.58daxxarGood night, sleep well. Catch you later =)
10:00.11daxxarEpyon: Hey. :-)
10:00.15daxxarDo you have a site yet?
10:02.31daxxarSome log-grepping says 'naw'
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