IRC log for #bzflag on 20070531

00:01.00rob1nslashnet seems kind of dead
00:01.41brlcadit's been long discussed of why the hell they picked slashnet over freenode
00:02.08brlcadpost to their bulletin board if you want to see it different next year (and explain why, reasons why it matters)
00:03.07CBGbrlcad: just blurt out "I appreciate you allowing bzflag to participate in GSoC..." ?
00:03.32WinnyCBG: gotta use puppy dog eyes too
00:03.37brlcadmaybe a little more tactually than that -- or perhaps message lh in private
00:04.16brlcadand/or include reasons "why" you appreciate it .. bzflag specifically
00:04.42CBGheh, then maybe I'm not the guy to do this
00:04.43brlcadwhy should google effectively "give us money" over one of the other 200,000 projects on sourceforge, for example
00:05.10Winnybrlcad: sorry if I missed it, but why did they pick BZ?
00:05.29TimRikerWinny: best you ask them to get the real answer.
00:05.41brlcador just a gentle message that you appreciate them allowing bz to participate in itself would probably be appreciated, just don't annoy the @'s ;)
00:05.46WinnyTimRiker, ok.
00:06.00TimRikerBZFlag is used by a some university programs as a teaching tool. I expect that has something to do with it.
00:06.11CBGbrlcad: Pfft! Would I _EVER_ do such a thing?!? :)
00:07.54brlcadI talked and interacted one-on-one with the gsoc admins for several weeks before putting in the official application
00:08.41brlcadthey'd never really considered a game applying or being approved before then, and the educational/academic reasons were a major factor
00:09.54brlcadbz's ability to show significant impact in the area of AI in particular was long-discussed
00:11.57brlcadbz's ability to show impact from sheer popularity and visibility in itself was another major factor (the fact that everyone knows bzflag, posterchild of open source gaming, extensive sustained popularity, large user base, etc)
00:12.45Winnyah, ok.
00:12.47brlcadyou'll notice 90% of the "organizations" approved are exceptionally well-known
00:13.51Winnythanks for zee information, once again.
00:16.46tannerldgoogle selects the projects that are in GSOC?
00:17.06rob1ntannerld, of course
00:17.51Hannibalwell, yeah, right?
00:19.37CBG"thought programs applied to it and google selected them" == "google selects the projects that are in GSOC"
00:19.49CBGselected == selects if you ignore tense
00:26.54JeffMyou didn't tell it how many to stop at?
00:27.23brlcadheh, it aint that good an interface
00:27.34*** join/#bzflag jwir3 (
00:27.46JeffMah, non tivo
00:28.19brlcadall in this time slot or all at any time
00:28.35brlcadit's not that it didn't stop -- even if it did have that option, i'd probably have let it go...
00:28.48JeffMewwww. timeslot..
00:28.50JeffMnot even show name
00:29.17brlcadit's just knowing that there's almost a solid week of non-stop CSI-viewing ... a blessing/curse
00:29.38brlcadoh, it does show name .. show name in a given time slot or show name any time of day
00:30.17brlcadi finished watching all of voyager that way just a week or so ago, so was "shopping" for a new show to catch all of
00:31.08brlcadspike tv had a special "best of CSI" over the weekend, so it was a lot of shows
00:31.27brlcadoh, dresden's already on my list .. but that's only like 6 shows so far and I've seen them all
00:31.45brlcadi fear they may cancel that one for some reason
00:31.50Winnyis the best show ever*
00:32.45brlcadnever got into 24, even after seeing much of the first season
00:33.43KTLwhat is going to happen with lost?
00:33.44WinnyIMHO, last season what much better then this one
00:33.46brlcadwas often too predictable for my taste .. too many "why the hell are you [whatever it is he's doing]" questions that were there just to fill the plot line
00:34.36WinnyI think season 5 jst finsihed... watch 4, it wasn't that predictable
00:34.58Winnyor maybe it was
00:35.47brlcadit's a careful balance -- it can be too predictably "random" (i.e. absurdly implausible) too
00:37.04brlcadi also generally like shows that stand on their own feet, instead of soap opera dramas (Heroes being an exception)
00:37.33Winnywhat about house?
00:38.21*** join/#bzflag Suspect (
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00:47.45*** join/#bzflag poolio (
00:54.10*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
01:05.55*** join/#bzflag jwir3_ (
01:11.24*** join/#bzflag retro (
01:15.36*** join/#bzflag Jefenry (
01:33.08*** join/#bzflag ViciousMuffin (
01:44.55rob1nhouse is just a doctor being an ass to everybody
01:48.54*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
02:02.00Winny_AFKrob1n, which is awesome
02:07.21CBGHouse is alright. The american show I _REALLY_ dig is Prison Break
02:07.25CBGzomg. luvit.
02:09.05*** join/#bzflag RatOmeter_ (n=chatzill@
02:27.15*** part/#bzflag Jefenry (
03:01.45*** join/#bzflag Flash (n=jwmelto@unaffiliated/flash)
03:03.25*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
04:04.42*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (i=DTRemena@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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04:59.37*** join/#bzflag jude- (
04:59.40jude-hello all
05:00.23jude-two more hours till the start of GSoC!!!  Woohoo!
05:00.46Hannibaljust hit midnight here
05:01.03jude-don't rub it in
05:01.54Hannibalyou out west?
05:02.13Hannibaleh, west enought.
05:21.30*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
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05:56.07*** join/#bzflag hydan (
06:05.45*** join/#bzflag jude-_ (
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06:39.38*** join/#bzflag jude-_ (
06:54.23jude-WOOHOO!!! TIME TO START CODING!!!
07:00.17*** join/#bzflag jude-_ (
07:02.17purple_cowjude-: go get 'em
07:04.14jude-already started
07:04.22jude-global menu is done
07:04.26jude-world options dialog is done
07:04.36jude-working on database-like data modeling scheme now
07:05.10jude-purple_cow:  thanks for your feedback on my specs
07:16.04*** join/#bzflag jude-_ (
07:21.43brlcadjude-: I don't think most would disagree about it being a hack
07:22.22brlcadthat is .. some aspects of the current/new .bzw format being a bit of a crutch because it was easier to first add them directly/manually than have the client do anything automatic intelligently
07:23.13brlcadyou could, of course, make those intelligent mods, but it's a bit secondary to the more pressing need for a portable/maintainable editor in itself that is easy enough to use ;)
07:24.18brlcadoh, and I should have the basic administrativia sorted out later today hopefully (regardinging the task breakdown and progress checkups)
07:24.36*** part/#bzflag hydan (
07:28.43jude-I've already set up a development blog at
07:28.50jude-at purple_cow's recommendation
07:29.42jude-it contains the project specs, including task priorities
07:29.52jude-as you will see, intelligent mods are priority 2
07:32.11jude-the only real complaint I have about bzw 2.0 (I'm not in a position to complain about its format, as I have put forth zero effort to improving it) is that it's very difficult to find out what each keyword does
07:34.11purple_cowjude-: man bzw
07:34.26jude-purple_cow:  been there.  Not enough info
07:34.35jude-I've been reading the map loading source code for my info these days
07:34.50jude-DTRemenak, also been there
07:34.58DTRemenakif there's something useful that's not documented there...well, it's a wiki... ;)
07:34.59jude-not everything's covered, unfortunately :(
07:35.15jude-I'll make sure to add all the documentation I can in my project
07:35.22jude-I'll move it to the wiki if there's time
07:35.26brlcadhis point, I think .. is that if you figure it out .. "it's a wiki" ;)
07:36.06DTRemenakand if some particular part of the format itself is utter crap (in your opinion), or a change would make your life Much Easier (tm), feel free to bug one of us to fix it
07:36.26brlcadyeah, there's nothing about 2.0 that is "set in stone" to say the least
07:36.38DTRemenakparticularly with 2.2 coming around
07:36.44purple_cowwell, at least you're brave
07:36.48jude-DTRemenak, I was actually considering ignoring some of the keywords in BZWorkbench because they seem to have little purpose
07:37.06DTRemenakmost everything has a purpose :)
07:37.17brlcadhell, trepan shoved about 20 new symbols and a half-dozen new object types in there rather .. quickly .. some that probably have little purpose/utility
07:37.47DTRemenaksome of them had the purpose of "make trepan's life easier", not that that's a terrible thing in and of itself either ;)
07:38.10brlcadyeah, he was all about getting some end result as quick as possible, regardless of the implementation
07:38.15jude-brlcad, the unfortunate part is that they're barely documented
07:38.22brlcadsometimes a great approach, sometimes not so great
07:38.23jude-not even the code comments are all that detailed
07:38.26DTRemenakyou're lucky if they're even barely documented ;)
07:38.58DTRemenakif you can find some of his example maps, they might be better docs than anything else
07:39.08jude-DTRemenak, that's true
07:39.09brlcadyeah, trepan was good and dumping in 5k line commits at a time with 5 lines of comments
07:39.25brlcadnot that anyone else is much better at times :)
07:39.40brlcadtrepan was just .. consistent
07:39.53jude-haven't seen him around lately...
07:39.54DTRemenakand we loved him anyway
07:40.22purple_cownot very many times
07:40.54jude-purple_cow:  some of my previous experiences including helping the port effort of the Linux kernel to the Palm T|E2, and all the glories of kernel debugging and tracing.  Source code diving doesn't scare me :)
07:41.14brlcadyours or trepans?
07:41.20purple_cowkernel code is generally pretty clean and straightforward
07:41.26brlcadthe menu one was pretty big
07:41.38jude-purple_cow, not this code :)
07:41.46DTRemenakyeah....looks like 4.3kloc
07:42.06jude-purple_cow--the driver I was debugging was pretty hacked up
07:42.10DTRemenak'course I had an essay for a commit message too :)
07:43.04jude-your code is easier to read than Linux device driver code
07:45.17brlcadI have a nice commit waiting, but haven't figured out what to do for windows yet
07:45.31DTRemenakcheck it in and let windows "fix itself"? :)
07:45.49jude-check it in and have the users move to *real* operating systems? :)
07:45.51brlcadif I commit now, it will break windows build outright with no simple fix other than a few #ifdef _WIN32's
07:46.42DTRemenakwhat sort of changes need to be made?
07:46.55brlcadi have an approach to get the same functionality going on windows, but my right eye twitches uncontrollably when I boot up windows in the vm
07:47.51brlcadmebbie .. it's kinda fun code (at least it was to me)
07:48.11brlcadpurple_cow: heh, you already know (and don't like the answer)
07:48.26jude-need IRIX testers?
07:48.30brlcad"Coherence" is sweet
07:49.15brlcaddid vmw release a non-debug version yet?
07:50.07purple_cowno "non-debug version", but the beta versions let you turn off the debug monitor now
07:50.14brlcadthe fact that it was multithreaded alone would make it win cept that it was dog slow in comparison
07:50.19DTRemenakjude-: irix is generally undertested during development
07:51.21DTRemenakbrlcad has, in the past, gone through and made sure it builds on mipspro (with much weeping and gnashing of teeth) near the end of the dev cycle
07:51.49brlcadyou can tell when it's being compile-tested when the commit messages have explatives related to compilation and constness warnings
07:51.50*** join/#bzflag jude- (
07:51.58DTRemenakjude-: irix is generally undertested during development
07:52.00DTRemenakbrlcad has, in the past, gone through and made sure it builds on mipspro (with much weeping and gnashing of teeth) near the end of the dev cycle
07:52.20purple_cownot that we have any irix users anymore
07:52.20DTRemenakall over again :)
07:52.24jude-...'cause I'm about to get an IRIX machine
07:52.27brlcadthe matrix reset
07:53.06purple_cowirix used to be totally awesome (and in some areas, like cpu/memory scaling, still is)
07:53.14purple_cowbut for general workstation use it's pretty outdated
07:53.21DTRemenakyeah, irix itself is dying out (especially as platform on which someone might play a game)
07:53.38jude-actually, it's nearing EOL--SGI announced it's replacing it with Linux
07:54.13DTRemenakbut there are still a few people who do play on irix, last I looked
07:54.14jude-I was just curious--it has been said that BZFlag supports IRIX
07:54.40DTRemenakand the odd one on solaris also (though I'd be willing to bet that doesn't work anymore either)
07:54.58purple_cowwell, I'm sure that there are some irix systems which sgi will support until the machines are either thrown out or sgi goes out of business
07:55.22purple_cowat the DOE and NSA, especially
07:55.31jude-how did BZFlag start out supporting IRIX, anyway?
07:55.32brlcadjude-: well it can/does/should work .. it just gets little/minimal attention and generally only around release time
07:55.32DTRemenak...either of which event might happen sooner than otherwise expected... ;)
07:55.36purple_cow(which are really the only customers sgi has left)
07:55.52purple_cowjude-: IRIX was the platform it was initially written on
07:55.53DTRemenakjude-: irix is bzflag's "mother platform"
07:56.06jude-that makes sense
07:56.20DTRemenakwhich is also one reason it hasn't been desupported
07:56.34brlcadin fact, the machine you're getting probably has bzflag already installed on it if irix is installed
07:56.41brlcadit's one of the buttonbox demo apps
07:56.42jude-I'm hoping so
07:56.53jude-it's a first-generation Octane
07:56.58brlcadit's an old version 1.0c or something iirc?
07:57.19jude-so it has more than enough horsepower to support it
07:57.21brlcadpre consistent versioning -- i think I had to hunt down bzfs to get a version
07:57.22DTRemenakjude-: is recommended reading
07:57.40*** join/#bzflag Joss (n=unknown@
07:58.03DTRemenakit stops short of the open-sourcing though, which was itself a long time ago
07:58.11*** part/#bzflag Joss (n=unknown@
07:59.05purple_cowor, rather
08:00.05purple_cownone of the bands posting in the "musicians" section looking for players want what I have to offer
08:00.19jude-what do you offer?
08:01.19jude-that's what I offer as well
08:01.23purple_cowelectric cello
08:01.36purple_cowmaybe I shouldn't be surprised
08:01.50brlcadi bet you'd get more takers if you posted it as electric jello (shots)
08:04.36jude-try just offerring "bass"
08:06.22brlcadhe who hath not tasted sushi cannot appreciate the goodness that is unagi and sake
08:06.52brlcadyou must spread the word, share to the unwashed masses, cleanse their vocal palletes
08:06.56purple_cowfatty tuna has taken the lead spot for me
08:07.26jude-fried shrimp tempura roll is my fave
08:07.50brlcadmmm.. toro
08:11.33*** join/#bzflag jude-_ (
08:12.32jude-sorry about that--my ISP drops service once every 20 minutes
08:12.39jude-for unknown reasons
08:20.18purple_cowjude-: just curious, where are you doing your development for this?
08:20.55jude-at home
08:21.35purple_cowWell, I mean as far as the code.  Are you using any version control locally?
08:22.00jude-probably not...should I
08:23.09purple_cowbrlcad: should we just give jude- a module in bzflag svn?
08:24.46jude-I can set up a local svn repository if needed
08:25.19purple_cowwell, if we can host it that makes it easier for everyone
08:25.25purple_cowdo you have a sourceforge account?
08:26.51purple_cowunix username?
08:27.05jude-on my pc, or on sourceforge?
08:27.10purple_cowon sourceforge
08:27.16jude-lemme check--it's been a while :)
08:29.34jude-it's "judecn"
08:34.02*** join/#bzflag jude-_ (
08:35.36*** join/#bzflag Rawk (n=unknown@
08:36.57CIA-3BZFlag: 03davidtrowbridge * r14245 10/trunk/bzworkbench/: Create a module for Jude to work in.
08:37.06purple_cowjude-: you should have developer access now
08:46.27ibotsomebody said subversion was version control software. see it aims to be a better CVS than CVS.
08:47.05tsjude-: Searching for this: ?
08:47.11jude-already there
08:48.37jude-so, to commit, the command would be "svn commit" from the root directory of my project?
08:50.01tsHmm, I just make the changes, then do 'svn commit -m "message"'
08:50.27tssvn add is to add files that are supposed to be checked in next commit
08:50.55purple_cowjude-: you'll want to "svn co", put your stuff in there, "svn add" each thing, then "svn commit"
08:51.10jude-right then
08:51.45tsIs the URL really required? /me wonders
08:52.19purple_cowyou need the URL to check out the directory the first time
08:52.19jude-says the url doesn't exist
08:53.33tssvn co bzworkbench
08:55.17CIA-3BZFlag: 03judecn * r14246 10/trunk/bzworkbench/ (43 files in 12 dirs): first upload; don't expect miracles :)
08:55.33jude-there we go
08:56.02purple_cowand with that, it's bedtime for me
08:56.09jude-g'night purple_cow
09:00.37CIA-3BZFlag: 03judecn * r14247 10/trunk/bzworkbench/ (6 files in 2 dirs): ...and here are all the necessary Eclipse-specific files
09:04.44*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
09:18.11*** part/#bzflag Rawk (n=unknown@
09:21.29*** join/#bzflag deprecated (
10:14.58daxxarStephen Lynch - Voices In My Head
10:23.16*** join/#bzflag Suspect (
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14:56.47*** mode/#bzflag [+o JBdiGriz] by ChanServ
15:23.38bradthat "macrosoft" guy is flooding servers with bots again
15:24.09tshe's also posting in dead threads at bzbb
15:27.55*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (n=timr@
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15:31.43*** join/#bzflag Constitution (
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16:17.45tsbrad: I killed statsbot with !time
16:19.24*** join/#bzflag jwir3 (
16:19.32tsbrad: Can you bring it back online at 5158?
16:31.58Constitutionif memory is of the essence (128MB systemwide), are there compile and/or runtime options to bzfs that significantly affect memory usage?
16:34.56Constitutionoh, lol
16:35.23Constitution-worldsize 100 -density 0? :-)
16:39.29*** join/#bzflag Tedius (n=cmtadmin@cmtadmin.MUSC.CWRU.Edu)
16:50.32*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
17:00.46bradts, hehe, it's ack
17:12.47*** join/#bzflag delusional (
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17:42.55*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (n=timr@
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17:45.20TimRiker~karma SportChick
17:45.21ibotsportchick has karma of 524
17:45.32TimRiker~karma SportChick
17:45.32ibotsportchick has karma of 525
17:45.56L4m3rTim, any particular reason ibot/jbot has been a bit laggy lately?
17:46.11TimRikerL4m3r: server they are on is very overloaded.
17:47.09TimRiker(note: that's * 100 as listed on the top, not actual system load)
17:47.21L4m3r(the karma)
17:47.45CBG[6:43pm] » L4m3r posted a note on the BZBB about signatures
17:47.45L4m3rI'm not SportChick :)
17:47.45TimRikerno, the load graph I posted.
17:47.45L4m3roh, that
17:48.14L4m3ryeah, I see it, tim... ouch. >_<
17:48.31JeffMtime to gets a new machine :)
17:48.41TimRikerI've got another machine in the queue. just not up yet.
17:48.42L4m3rif not for the fact that my server is dead atm (and under my desk) I'd offer to host the bot :P
17:49.35TimRikergoing from a k6 300mhz 256M to a dual p3 450mhz 1G
17:49.59JeffMyou didn't pay for that did ya?
17:50.13TimRikershould keep it happy for a while. I'm adding raid to it atm. the current system gets backed up every now and then, but does not run raid.
17:50.36TimRikerJeffM: well, I paid for the 1G ram ($35)
17:50.45JeffMwell that's reasonable :)
17:51.21L4m3rIt's kinda funny to think that my dad paid 2 or 3 grand for his 700MHz p3 box that he still uses at home
17:51.46JeffMprety sure I got a P3 one gig at home
17:51.55JeffMand proably a couple 2 gigers here
17:52.01L4m3rit even runs ok. p3s were a good run from Intel
17:52.33L4m3rand the celly was utter crap at that time, too.
17:52.35TimRikerI'm still looking for a rack mount box for
17:52.45ibotI'm on 83 channels: #debian/770, #kde/342, #asterisk/287, #openmoko/243, #wowace/238, #idlerpg/235, #maemo/187, #oe/124, #wowi-lounge/117, ##essy/80, #wowwiki/73, #handhelds/61, #bzflag/60, #utah/60, #tomcat/58, #slug/45, #openzaurus/44, #uclibc/44, #nslu2-linux/43, #htc-linux/42, #gllug/38, #norganna/33, #elinux/33, #edev/31, #openezx/29, #elive/27, ...
17:52.45iboti've cached 3844 users, 2955 unique users, distributed over 83 channels.
17:52.53JeffMthat's goinng to be the hard one for you
17:53.01JeffM1RU stuff ain't cheap
17:53.21TimRikeryeah. I've got quite a few leads, just not pulled one through yet.
17:54.09JeffM83 channels? that includes ibot, jbot and apt?
17:54.14L4m3rI should've said something about it earlier, apparently :)
17:54.24TimRikerapt/ibot/infobot/jbot/purl. yeah.
17:54.35donny_bakerexcellent post... and you didn't come off looking like a nit picker
17:54.43JeffMsounds like you don't need that many bots, isn't the limit 60 per nick
17:54.45CBGJeffM: and purl, I assume
17:54.47CBGdonny_baker: agreed\
17:54.47JeffMor did they lower it
17:55.02TimRikerJeffM: 20 per nick unless they raised it.
17:55.10CBG20 chans per nick by default.
17:55.17JeffMIIRC they had raised it to 60 for ibot and CIA
17:55.19CBGbut that can be raised if you ask nicely.
17:55.30JeffMbut maybe they put it back when CIA went multi
17:55.57TimRikerJeffM: they wanted to give the bot ops access to get the limit higher. I thought that was a Bad Idea.
17:56.07JeffMahh yeah that would be
17:56.21JeffMbut then you could be lord-god Tim ;)
17:56.41TimRikerCBG: at the time, getting ops was the only want to change the limit. I think that's still true.
17:56.55JeffMCIA was in more then 20, and not ops I know that
17:56.56TimRikerJeffM: start a new bot called lilobot?
17:57.08CBGNot as far as I know, TimRiker. I can join more than 20 channels since I spoke nicely to a staffer about it.
17:57.12L4m3rthat's rather creepy, tim >_<
17:57.30TimRikerL4m3r: yeah. over the top. I withdraw the suggestion.
17:57.41ErroneousL4m3r: did I read something wrong, or did you really suggest that people animate parts of their signatures!?
17:57.44JeffMgodbot :)
17:57.47CBGI dunno what you mean by "getting ops" but I think I _would_ know, if it had happened to me. :)
17:57.53TimRikerCBG: yeah? neato. who/where did you ask?
17:58.01L4m3rErroneous: better that than having to see eight userbars...
17:58.03Erroneousother than that, great post :)
17:58.13JeffMTimRiker, the sportchick can probably help you out with that :)
17:58.19CBGI just pmd a staffer, can't remember which, I'm afraid. I bet SportChick could help you if you asked nicely. :)
17:58.37Erroneoususerbars are lame anyway, L4m3r :)
17:58.44CBGErroneous: he said that :)
17:58.48L4m3ryes, I mentioned that.
17:58.50ErroneousCBG: I know
18:00.25JeffMwonder if brlcad would set up svn :)
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18:00.50TimRikersf has svn. just post it there. :)
18:01.03JeffMI have reasons for not doing SF
18:01.17JeffMit may not contain fully open source stuff untill the very end
18:01.31donny_bakerJeffM: don't know why not... not a huge load
18:01.45JeffMmaybe do it on the german server :)
18:01.48JeffMso it has a use :)
18:01.54SportChickTimRiker: hrm?
18:05.16JeffMdonny_baker, the bigest reason may be if it confilcts with existing stuff
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19:00.03FarkSimmonshi Guys! was wondering a question...
19:00.23FarkSimmonsis there a possible way to run the bzflag client without a window?
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19:00.53FarkSimmonsim wanting to try out the robots for BZRC
19:01.28bradno, you can't
19:01.40brlcadyes, you can -- that's what bzrc does
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19:01.59FarkSimmonsi thought so
19:02.03FarkSimmonsbut just didnt know :-)
19:02.08brlcadyou'll have to compile bzrobots or use byu's bot kit though
19:02.18FarkSimmonsis it difficult to do?
19:02.25FarkSimmonsi am not a programmer
19:02.32FarkSimmonswish i knew how though
19:03.11braddoes that work yet brlcad?
19:03.29bradI thought it was still being made
19:03.48FarkSimmonsyes supposedly it does according to their website
19:03.58brlcadFarkSimmons: then you're probably better off starting with BYU's materials and their instructions
19:04.15FarkSimmonssure... i'll try that... just wasnt sure about the compile thingies
19:04.19brlcador waiting until daxxar makes things nice and slick after this summer ;)
19:04.29FarkSimmonsthat sounds scary to me ;-)
19:04.36FarkSimmonswho is daxxar?
19:04.53brlcadwell, then programming your own bots is going to be a feat in itself ;)
19:06.15brlcaddaxxar is a superbly gifted and talented programmer that is going to make BZFlag's AI interface one of the best available ever this summer ;)
19:07.49FarkSimmonsgee the BYU page doesnt tell you where the source code is
19:07.55FarkSimmonsonly gives a .diff file
19:08.29FarkSimmonsdoes anyone know how to apply that to source you might get from sourceforge for regular bzflag src?
19:08.59scottuse the patch command
19:09.11JeffMyou jsut want the base source code?
19:09.45FarkSimmonsyes and wanted to apply the hoverbot.diff file to it
19:10.07JeffMyou can get the source files from our soureforge downloads page
19:10.12JeffMor from our SVN system.
19:10.22FarkSimmonsi believe i'll need the 2.1 v
19:10.27FarkSimmonsso it must be in the svn
19:10.33FarkSimmonsi dont think that's out yet is it?
19:10.43JeffMno it is not released
19:10.53JeffMthat page has the info on how to get the code from subversion
19:12.13FarkSimmonsok i see
19:12.18FarkSimmonsim using tortoise
19:12.25FarkSimmonsdang if i know how to use it though
19:21.44FarkSimmonsquestion about install bzflag from source... if i install via source (make install) on Fedora or any other rpm based server, how would i uninstall it if i wanted to take it off later?
19:21.47FarkSimmonsmake uninstall?
19:22.23FarkSimmonswill that work with bzflag if not installed with funky options?
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20:06.59FarkSimmonsgetting a weird ./configure error... what inthe world??
20:07.00FarkSimmons.infig.status: error: cannot find input file:
20:07.26FarkSimmonswonder if this is some sort of /r /n error/mis-recognition
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20:49.23SaturosIs jude around?
20:49.32SaturosThe guy making BZWorkbench.
20:56.17JeffMhe usualy comes on in the evenings
20:56.24JeffM5-6 hours from now
20:58.56SaturosOh, okay.. the last thing that will happen is that I''' be on the lappy at that time.
20:59.24JeffMhe's in my time zone, and goes to school
20:59.53SaturosI see
21:00.09SaturosI made a header image for his blog... being curious if he likes it.
21:00.22JeffMhe should be on more during our regualr day when he finishes his finals
21:00.25JeffMohh cool
21:00.28JeffMcan I see it?
21:00.56SaturosJust a preview
21:01.29SaturosTrying to symbolize the process from a rough draft to a complete map.
21:01.35JeffMvery nice
21:01.51JeffMvery double plus nice
21:02.05brlcadthat is freaking sweet
21:02.12JeffMif only the real world rendering looked like that :)
21:02.17SaturosThanks. :)
21:02.25SaturosIs it developement or development?
21:02.31SaturosI should just put dev blog.
21:02.36brlcad~spell development
21:02.41JeffMif he dosn't like that, I'll talk to his mentor :)
21:02.46JeffMeven purple_cow should like that one
21:02.54brlcadif he doesn't like it, he's fired
21:02.59Saturoshehe, thanks  guys :)
21:03.26JeffMtho I'd maybe have gone witht he blue base, if nits want to be picked
21:03.45SaturosYeah, purple is probably the worst choice.
21:03.54SaturosDidnt notice before but now that you say it..
21:04.02JeffMthe concept and layout are great tho
21:04.17JeffMblue or red would probably fit best I think
21:04.22brlcadactually think it has a nice feminine appeal
21:04.22JeffMred may contrast too much
21:04.37JeffMI like bue as it'll balance the pyramid
21:04.45SaturosGood point.
21:04.58brlcada guy that likes blue .. who would have guessed :)
21:05.04SaturosI'll try red and blue tomorrow. First waiting what jude says.
21:05.05JeffMgood design is gender nutral
21:05.11brlcad(i'd like blue too, but there is an inherint bias)
21:05.13JeffMred is a very intense color
21:05.47JeffMand off to the side it'd be rather unbalancing
21:06.22purple_cowJeffM: what do I like?
21:06.26brlcadi've been to many, and read many books on the matter actually
21:06.40JeffMit'd also be interesting to see how it'd look with the paint splotch at like 75% opaciity
21:06.44brlcadcolor and design theory, human interface design, part of my studies
21:06.55JeffMsaturos was working on some art for jude's blog
21:07.05purple_cowah, yes, I like
21:07.19brlcadnot saying the pink or any red is great, but it's a nice contrast to the often guy-biased color selections abound
21:07.21JeffMit's artys and origonal :)
21:07.43brlcadyes, I like sex
21:07.44JeffMthe aplication of gender to color
21:08.59brlcadthe guy behind the css zen garden has a good book out that includes a lot of color/culture/gender information that he's encountered over the years
21:09.00JeffMcontrast is good when you want to bring attention to soemthing
21:09.09JeffMI'm not sure you want to bring attention to the side of the image
21:09.22brlcadsome things I'd not heard like white being offensive in some cultures
21:09.32JeffMVery nice Saturos
21:09.36Saturosnotice the splotches
21:09.47JeffMlightens it up and balances it out I think
21:09.49JeffMI like it
21:10.08SaturosI like 75%, I found the left side too heavy as well.
21:10.23JeffMyeah you had a high contrast barrier there
21:10.25SaturosI think some red might not be bad though.
21:10.28JeffMlight -> dark ->light
21:10.35JeffMtry a red base
21:11.20JeffMor maybe put red wireframes around the boxes
21:11.21Saturoshere we go:
21:11.28JeffMand leave the green grid on the bottom
21:11.34purple_cowso I know jude's already rocking out
21:11.42purple_cowwhat about the rest of the soc students?
21:11.54JeffMhavent' seen others realy
21:12.07JeffMl43mr is finishing up his schoolin and making food for punks
21:12.23Saturosblue makes it a bit boring but fits the color scheme better, red doesnt fit that well but makes it more vibrant
21:12.33JeffMyeah it's contrasty
21:12.49SaturosI think I prefer red
21:14.02SaturosAlright, gotta go to bed now.. maybe show jude the two new images. :)
21:14.21JeffMhe's on bzbb, you can PM him
21:14.44Saturosyep, thats an idea
21:14.50brlcadthe plan has been tomorrow for our internal kickoff all along, although not so publicly announced because of the holiday
21:16.22brlcadshould have some starting points written up here in a couple hours, though purple_cow already squished the plans for commit access so I'm reworking some details
21:16.53brlcadstomped ;)
21:17.32brlcadthere was going to be some basic steps to get commit access, but no matter, it wasn't that important
21:17.46Saturos'night guys, thanks for the input! I'll probably be back tomorrow. :)
21:19.14JeffMyour not going to give them commit?
21:19.35brlcadof course they are
21:19.43purple_cowbrlcad: well, for jude it's a little different since he's in a completely separate module
21:20.03brlcadjust basic steps like all other devs have to take
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21:20.26brlcadnot even "submit a patch" steps, more just things like read this -- show something, etc
21:21.15JeffMso, brlcad want to set up a SVN repository on .bz :)
21:22.09brlcadpurple_cow: true, though he could also have been integrated or separate or branch, etc
21:22.43purple_cowwell, it's all just directories
21:22.51purple_cowmodule seemed most appropriate, and it can be changed later
21:22.55brlcadJeffM: sure
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21:23.40brlcadpurple_cow: it wasn't the technical detail -- it was that he did pretty much "nothing" to get access .. still, no big deal
21:23.59purple_cowhe was starting to write code, and I'm paranoid
21:24.00brlcadjust removing/changing some steps for the rest
21:49.03*** part/#bzflag LongDo1 (
22:03.13blast007Erroneous: my userbars are cool
22:03.59blast007mainly because one of them says "Userbar Hater" and the one one says "<your browser/OS> sucks"
22:08.38brlcadpwm ftw
22:12.42blast007heh, I was getting results for "Pulse Width Modulation", and then I scrolled down and found the window manager  ;)
22:25.02JeffMbrlcad, how hard is it to set up svn?
22:25.06brlcadpwm took over for my minimalist preferences though (from black/flux/whatever_the_hell_it's_called_now_box)
22:25.12ruskiefvwm for me :)
22:25.14brlcadJeffM: it's like one command
22:26.08brlcadat least to set it up for local access
22:26.08JeffMI'm thinking for the subspace thingy
22:26.08brlcadfor remote distributed, a little more involved
22:26.08JeffMI'm thinking remote
22:26.11JeffMI can just use google I guess, and put the non gpl stuff in the data patcher
22:26.49brlcadi don't mind setting it up, just say the word and it'll be on the queue for tomorrow
22:26.53JeffMor I should figure out what my motivatonal mental problems are
22:27.45JeffMI do
22:27.52JeffMI have an idea in my head
22:27.52brlcadjust those *other* mental problems I have :)
22:28.12JeffMI'm having problems focusing it into a project plan/layout tho
22:28.16*** join/#bzflag sgk284 (i=krenzel@nat/google/x-dc4bd7f787570d4d)
22:28.39JeffMevery time I start I get this feeling that it's just WRONG
22:28.56JeffMnot as in logicaly incorrect, but like moraly dirty/wrong
22:29.27purple_cowthat's just your conscience talking
22:29.31purple_cowand he's a total prude
22:29.46JeffMI can't think of why tho
22:30.10JeffMit bugs me
22:30.35JeffMit's like I'm stealing sometihng, part of my brain says "you should not be doing this!!!"
22:31.00brlcadhm, that is odd
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22:31.04brlcadspecially for ss
22:31.39JeffMmaybe it's telling me the players will just be asses :)
22:31.41brlcadI mean a blatent ripoff clone would be one thing
22:31.53JeffMbut it's not going to be that
22:32.00brlcadi mean down to the graphics and such too
22:32.01JeffMhell subspace has had 3 rips allready
22:32.16ErroneousI could tell you the players will just be asses
22:32.46ErroneousI mean...the players will just be asses.  it's the way things go
22:32.46JeffMwhat will the ass/non-ass ratio be?
22:32.46Erroneousyou have to do it for you, not for them
22:33.06JeffMwell it's multiplayer, to play it well I need non ass players :)
22:33.18Erroneousbest of luck with that :)
22:34.03JeffMbase assfactor
22:34.23JeffMprolly just the other crap I have to worry about now too, posibility of moving, etc..
22:34.25Erroneousthe true value might be far below that, but most non-asses are effectively invisible
22:34.27L4m3rErroneous: I guess that explaines the horrid typing skills of most of them
22:34.36L4m3rhooves aren't great for that
22:34.40JeffMtho Don't tell Will I said that
22:46.14JeffMhah, Erroneous the guy that want's 3d called your bluff
22:47.29*** join/#bzflag jude- (
22:47.35jude-hello all
22:47.39JeffMthere he is
22:47.49jude-sorry about the delay
22:47.55brlcadhowdy jude
22:47.57jude-my parents had other plans in store for me this morning
22:48.12jude-but I'm free until whenever I can't keep my eyes open :)
22:48.23JeffMsaturos did some art for ya
22:48.33jude-so I've seen
22:48.36jude-I've put his artwork on the blog
22:48.38ErroneousJeffM: did he really?  crap
22:48.47JeffMErroneous, yup
22:49.02jude-I'll probably make it into a splash screen once GSoC ends (and it will be legal to accept outside contributions)
22:50.32JeffMnoone will ding ya for using that artwork :)
22:50.49JeffMheck have a dev include it in subversion somewhere, then it becomes project art
22:50.56JeffMand bam, you can use it just like you'r using textures
22:51.08jude-heh--never thought of it that way :)
22:52.11JeffMand it's not the google summer of art ;)
22:52.57jude-this is true
22:53.23JeffMnow not wasting time on a splash screen till the end.. .good idea ;)
23:04.24jude-aww thanks guys :)
23:04.45tannerld~karma jude-
23:04.45ibotjude- has karma of 15
23:07.51brlcadSportChick: pingo
23:08.08CBG15? pfft
23:08.32iboti guess cbg is An annoying 12 year old kid who lives in a bin with lots of sheep. a peach, round and fuzzy  The Dude with the Lowest Karma!
23:08.36CBG~karma jude-
23:08.36ibotjude- has karma of 21
23:08.59jude-~karma CBG
23:08.59ibotcbg has karma of -441
23:09.13CBGit was under -450 at one point
23:09.18jude-how badly did you piss everyone off?
23:09.36CBGbut at that point, I told people to just gimme whatever karma they felt like
23:09.49CBGjude-: lol. I told everyone I was going for the lowest karma ever... people were more than willing to help out.
23:09.58jude-can I help
23:10.07CBGwell, one chap actually used a bot to bring it back up :/
23:10.17jude-or do you want more positive karma?
23:10.20tannerlda bit :P
23:10.30CBGwell, either way is usless now
23:10.41CBGsince whatever you do will have such little impact
23:11.06CBGI was intending to cheat my way back to 0 and then have people do what they like with it - hopefully push it up :)
23:11.19jude-where's that bot? :)
23:11.31CBGmy bot is dead, sadly.
23:11.51CBGI think I actually even LOST the source and database now...
23:12.00CBGsince my iBook HD broke... AGAIN...
23:12.13CBGpicking it back up tomorrow, I am assuming they had to replace it
23:12.19jude-keep the old one
23:12.27jude-in case it's just a bad sector
23:12.33jude-then you can re-map it
23:12.51CBGI doubt they will give me that option
23:13.00jude-how badly was it broken?
23:13.12CBGthey've probably already either binned it... or are doing something else with it
23:13.25CBGno clue. I just know the ibook didnt want to start at all.
23:13.54CBGat the shop, the dude booted on their tiger cd... then he couldn't eject the cd because the machine wouldn't boot from the HD
23:14.04jude-ask for it back.  it may have just been a dirty block or some sort of data corruption.  You can recover your data if so; you'll just need to mount it separately
23:14.11SportChickbrlcad: pongo (if it's fast)
23:14.30CBGSaying that, I seem to have the source code here
23:14.39CBGi'll look for the DB too
23:15.14CBGok.. dont seem to have the database... but that's not a big problem
23:15.26CBGheck. I could rewrite the code if I really wanted to anyway
23:18.47Erroneousjude-: I'd say, don't worry about accepting external contributions, even codewise.  if they're useful, take them.  your mentor should give you a yea or nay at the end based on what work you actually DO, not that other stuff.  getting feedback, suggestions, and, yes, patches, is part of the open-source projects
23:19.26jude-Erroneous, I know, but I don't want to breach the contract
23:19.35jude-otherwise no google money :(
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23:20.16purple_cowdo you have a link to the policy?
23:20.22*** part/#bzflag poolio (
23:20.43ErroneousI was just looking for it, and couldn't find it
23:21.03Erroneousbut I'm pretty sure it's not as restrictive as some people think
23:21.28Erroneousbasically, the work you do between the beginning and end of the time is what you're evaluated based on
23:21.35Erroneousnothing else counts
23:21.46Erroneousi.e. you don't get "credit" for accepting patches
23:21.52Erroneousbut accepting patches doesn't disqualify you
23:21.57brlcadI think I have a link somewhere, it does speak to not accepting others work -- but there is a spirit to the statement that is basically meant to limit weasels that don't do their work, not to limit collaboration
23:22.14jude-that's it
23:22.17JeffMmostly I think it's so you don't get credit for somethign you did last year
23:22.20JeffMor code you ganked
23:22.22brlcadalso any patches worked in would have to not be something that you "relied upon" ..
23:22.45jude-I see
23:23.09JeffMIf I was your mentor I'd force you to make your editor work on a sufrace computer
23:23.38brlcadso that if, for example, someone made a "fix" to your code and it was some obscure major design flaw that crippled your ability to complete your goals, that "could" be a problem -- though it still comes down to what we as your mentoring org feel about your work
23:24.19jude-JeffM, you mean a "surface" computer?
23:24.24JeffMyeah that
23:24.30jude-like, say, a tablet?
23:24.35JeffMthe big ones
23:24.37jude-brlcad: got it; thanks!
23:24.44brlcadif you're working hard the whole time, which generally is really obvious, I personally wouldn't care a whole lot if you were stuck with only half your critical "deliverables" achieved shouldn't expect or rely on other people's work.  but if it comes up, there's no reason to refuse to use it just because you didn't write it.  NIH syndrome sucks.
23:25.00brlcadit's more a matter of wheter it was discussed and understood, etc .. communication being key
23:25.17jude-right then
23:25.33jude-JeffM:  I've seen those
23:25.37jude-pretty neat
23:25.44jude-willing to ship me one so I can test it?
23:25.58JeffMthat is totaly calling to me for a tableTop DnD system :)
23:26.06L4m3rJeffM: I don't even want to know what people would do with that
23:26.25L4m3rfirst we'd see handprint shaped platforms
23:26.46JeffMI dig the fact that it's NOT a touchscreen
23:26.46L4m3rthen we'd see... other kinds of prints... >_<
23:27.13jude-think "Minority Report" or similar
23:27.33jude-or maybe "Final Fantasy move"-style holograms
23:27.39brlcadjude-: if you want, I can be sure to clarify this with google, I don't mind either way
23:27.49brlcadit does basically come down to good faith work efforts
23:28.09jude-I'll be putting at least 40 hours per week into this project
23:28.24jude-so you can count on a lot of code :)
23:28.39jude-I was just worried that I'd accidently breach the contract on a technicality
23:29.53Erroneousespecially with a really large project like yours, you can be working the whole time and not be "really done," regardless of whether you utilize other contributions or not :)
23:29.53jude-Erroneous, I'll probably continue the project long after GSoC for that very reason
23:29.53Erroneousand that should not affect your ability to recieve a positive reward
23:29.56jude-hopefully :)
23:29.56CBGit's a never ending project! may as well give up now !! :P
23:30.07jude-good CV content
23:30.11jude-good karma as well
23:30.18CBG(joke! this editor is really needed! please do it :D )
23:30.35CBGErroneous: what was your project?
23:30.58jude-CBG, the only way it can stop is if i die
23:31.02purple_cowjude-: I'm reasonably confident that google will not be disqualifying anyone unless their mentors say so
23:31.03jude-and everyone interested dies
23:31.08CBGjude-: heh
23:31.11jude-purple_cow: thanks for that
23:31.45jude-CBG:  thus is the nature of OSS :)  The only way to kill a project is through disinterest (or incapacitation)
23:32.02purple_cowbooting 3 VMs and doing a build at the same time is apparently a bad idea
23:32.04JeffMor gross suckage
23:32.17jude-I hope you have lots of RAM and swap space :)
23:32.28purple_cowRAM isn't the issue
23:32.38purple_cowI think this machine has 2G
23:32.57JeffMthem cores can only do so much
23:33.10purple_cowyup.  these are even kinda old cores
23:33.18purple_cowxeon 2.8 HT, no core 2 love for me =(
23:33.18JeffMhow many you got?
23:33.21CBGjude-: well, there is a lot of interest in bz... but if, say, 5 particular guys were to leave, for whatever reason, I'd be surprised to see the development continue...
23:33.26CBGas sad as that seems...
23:33.28JeffMooo one real core
23:33.30JeffMI'm sorry
23:33.38purple_cowwell, two
23:33.47jude-two hardware threads
23:34.02purple_cowstill, bad idea
23:34.11brlcadCBG: heh
23:34.48CBGErroneous: oh, cool
23:34.58CBGbrlcad: you don't disagree, I take it? :)
23:35.07purple_cowcoffee break!
23:37.13brlcadCBG: actually, I think it would probably wallow for a few months but it would eventually be picked up again by a new/different generation of devs
23:37.59brlcadtoo large a user community to cease that easily, imho
23:38.27CBGbrlcad: I'm not sure there _is_ a new generation of devs... the average bz player doesn't know what "source code" is. :|
23:38.34jude-heh--that's why Microsoft is so scared of Linux :P
23:38.48a_meteoriteI see a few prospective devs that hang on the board
23:39.04brlcadthe "average bz player" has never known what source code is since it was a dorm code at college
23:39.30brlcadwhen the average was out of a population of about 10
23:39.50CBGA couple, yes, a_meteorite, that's a fair point.
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23:40.40brlcadthere's almost always less than 1% of devs in any given general public community
23:40.54CBGwhatchya playing that silly old thing for, a_meteorite ? :P
23:41.07jude-to the devs:  how do you guys feel about nested C++ classes?  it's the only way I can get this thing to build
23:41.30a_meteoritejude-: isn't that called inheritance?
23:41.42jude-no, I mean declaring a class within another class
23:41.43a_meteoriteCBG: nothing else to do :)
23:41.46brlcadjude-: heh, implies something screwy in your class relationships or declarations/dependencies, but not inherintly evil
23:41.56brlcaddon't think vc6 will eat them, possibly
23:41.59jude-it makes some sense for the data model
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23:42.45brlcadeverything makes sense with the right context and reasoning :)
23:42.49jude-this way, the model class can publicly define how it stores its data so other classes can use the interfaces
23:43.11jude-and it makes the dependency heirarchy much easier :)
23:43.14brlcadwhat's nested?
23:44.08jude-the model class contains an abstract DataEntry class that defines virtual methods to be implented specifically by other classes designed to be stored as entries to the model
23:44.10brlcadif it's really just data that is part of it's external declaration, there's really not any practical difference between just declaring that class
23:44.43jude-I thought so too, but then I can't get the thing to build :(
23:44.59purple_cowwhat error do you get?
23:45.17jude-because each class that extends DataEntry needs to include Model.h, and Model.h needs to include the headers of each subclass of DataEntry
23:45.39jude-so gcc thinks that some classes haven't been declared
23:45.43purple_cowModel.h probalby doesn't need those headers, just a forward declaration of the classes
23:46.00brlcadyeah, sounds like you're missing forward decls for how you've layed out the header
23:46.14purple_cowfor example "class Foo;" before Model.h, and then "clas Foo { ... }" inside the thing that includes Model.h
23:46.21jude-but Model needs to include references to instances of each of DataEntry's extended classes
23:46.39purple_cowis this code somewhere we can look at it?
23:46.44jude-hang on...
23:50.15jude-I had to rebuild my svn tree.
23:52.00jude-by that, I mean I've destroyed the svn data
23:52.07jude-because I really rearranged the heirarchy
23:52.10jude-and it wouldn't commit
23:52.22jude-so, how do I get it to commit again?
23:53.03purple_cowif you want to move things around in svn, do "svn mv"
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23:53.09purple_cowthen you can commit those rearrangements
23:53.24jude-what I mean is I've started the tree over
23:53.32purple_cowsvn rm things, then svn add again
23:53.55jude-no, you misunderstand--svn's configuration for this project no longer exists.  I wiped it out
23:54.14purple_cowit's still on the server
23:54.31purple_cowcheck out another copy of the directory, make your changes in that, then svn commit
23:54.37purple_cowthen put your new stuff in, svn add, svn commit
23:59.14jude-can I get svn to remove directories?
23:59.24jude-I completely rearranged the directory structure
23:59.36purple_cowsvn rm will do all you need
23:59.47purple_cowin fact, I think you can remove entire tree structures by just rm'ing the directory

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