IRC log for #bzflag on 20070520

00:04.10*** join/#bzflag poolio (
00:07.38*** join/#bzflag Joss (n=unknown@
00:07.56Josshi all
00:08.10delusionalhello joss
00:10.15*** join/#bzflag Suspect (n=Suspect@
01:03.30*** join/#bzflag Empirical (
01:04.05*** join/#bzflag Empirical (
01:04.42*** join/#bzflag Empirical (
01:05.12*** join/#bzflag Empirical (
01:05.13Empirical: OKAY!
01:05.39*** join/#bzflag Empirical (
01:08.38Winny"okay?"; "okay?"; "okay."; "okay!"
01:08.58Winnyyay, I have made my brain not know what that word means.
01:13.27a_meteoriteWinny: are you feeling alright?
01:16.25*** join/#bzflag rob1n (n=rob1n@unaffiliated/rob1n)
01:27.09Winnya_meteorite: nope
01:27.21WinnyI am more insane then normal.
01:33.55*** join/#bzflag tuxd00d (n=tuxinato@
01:35.21*** part/#bzflag davemicc (
01:42.30*** join/#bzflag Jefenry (
01:50.07*** join/#bzflag tannerld (
02:11.23*** join/#bzflag delusional_ (
02:14.28*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (
02:30.32*** join/#bzflag delusional (
02:45.58*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
02:50.22*** join/#bzflag tuxinator_linux (n=tuxinato@
02:50.38*** join/#bzflag PrezKennedy (
03:24.46*** join/#bzflag Jefenry (
03:52.30*** join/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@2002:4cb1:a8ba:0:0:0:0:1)
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04:04.07*** join/#bzflag rob1n (n=rob1n@unaffiliated/rob1n)
04:36.07*** join/#bzflag ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
04:36.07*** topic/#bzflag is || || || || || || New WIKI! || Migrated from CVS to SVN: || GSoC 4 slots:
04:36.07*** mode/#bzflag [+o ibot] by ChanServ
05:16.58*** join/#bzflag jude- (
05:17.02jude-hello all
05:19.27durtchirp chirp
05:58.34*** join/#bzflag tuxinator_linux (n=tuxinato@
06:22.10*** join/#bzflag jude-_ (
06:28.37*** join/#bzflag noyb (i=noyb@nat/sun/x-3ef6d8482fe8b8ac)
07:26.25*** join/#bzflag tupone (n=atupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
07:26.25*** mode/#bzflag [+v tupone] by ChanServ
08:16.11*** join/#bzflag Deepa|AFK_ (
08:16.16*** part/#bzflag Joss (n=unknown@
09:08.47*** join/#bzflag Deepa|AFK (
09:13.27*** join/#bzflag CBG (
09:32.59*** join/#bzflag Deepa|AFK (
11:54.08*** part/#bzflag Rawk (n=unknown@
12:18.16*** join/#bzflag wanda (
12:41.18*** join/#bzflag menotume (n=menotume@pdpc/supporter/active/menotume)
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12:48.28*** join/#bzflag KTL (
12:55.25*** join/#bzflag Suspect (
13:02.05KTLcheater @badgerking el-lore
13:05.39Birdiebanned him
13:07.27Birdiehm that server is doing strange
13:07.32Birdieit gave the message i banned him
13:07.35Birdieits not in the banlist
13:07.42Birdieand when i look at the banlist every one goes nr
13:08.00KTLthe play just continued
13:08.19Birdieare you there now?
13:08.25Birdiedo you notice something strange?
13:08.32KTLi was there, will go back, saw nothing strange
13:09.40gsneddersBirdie: the banlist crashes the client if  it is too long, old regressed bug
13:11.16tsBirdie: If everybody goes nr then there is a queue problem
13:11.30tsBirdie: Use search battterns for banlist in this case
13:12.14Birdiehmm and when i look to the banlist now, now it works
13:12.22Birdiebut that banlist is way to long:s
13:12.38tsThe systemic bug is still there
13:13.15Birdiebut there are lot of ips that should be put together in ranges
13:13.25Birdiealthough that could be dangerous to get others
13:13.31Birdiecaught in the range
13:28.48*** join/#bzflag Winny (
13:56.33*** join/#bzflag menotume (n=menotume@pdpc/supporter/active/menotume)
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14:21.40*** join/#bzflag tannerld (
14:40.30*** join/#bzflag cymon_ (
14:43.07Winnygrrr! back off, get yur own sandwidth!
14:43.22*** join/#bzflag cymon_ (
14:46.23CBGNo growling, please.
14:47.06Winnysir yes sir!
14:57.49cymon_roger that
14:58.07cymon_I just can't stand people that don't understand the meaning of 'this nickname is registered'
14:59.42Suspectsomeone using your nick?
14:59.57Suspect/msg NickServ ghost cymon password
15:00.00Suspectmight work =p
15:00.20Suspect/msg NickServ set kill on
15:00.32Suspectwill make it so no one can use your nick if they don't identify within 30 seconds
15:01.13cymonthanks all
15:01.53*** join/#bzflag Manu (n=jujibo@about/essy/JujiboHunter/Manu)
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15:15.22*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (
15:16.43*** join/#bzflag essy (n=essy@freenode/staff/sportchick)
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15:45.15*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
15:47.46*** join/#bzflag Macint (
16:04.56*** join/#bzflag tannerld (
16:41.14tannerldis the player position info that is set to the client unpacked?
16:52.33*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
16:52.33*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
16:59.48*** join/#bzflag poolio (
17:02.20tannerldis the player position info that is set to the client unpacked?
17:05.44JeffM2501for remote players?
17:05.47JeffM2501or for yourself?
17:09.43*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
17:10.41DavemanHello BeeZee Flag :)
17:12.50tannerldremote players
17:14.10*** join/#bzflag davemicc (
17:14.55JeffM2501yeah they are unpacked
17:15.00JeffM2501in the sate unpack
17:15.11JeffM2501they have to be, or the client wont'k know where it's peers are
17:16.06tannerldwhere are they unpacked?
17:16.17JeffM25012.0 or 2.1?
17:17.29JeffM2501let me get a copy of that tree
17:17.36JeffM2501should be in playing.cxx
17:17.51JeffM2501off of the MsgPlayerUpdate case in the main message switch
17:20.18JeffM2501in handlePlayerMessage
17:20.27JeffM2501the part that says tank->unpack
17:23.25tannerldI only find one occurrence of that and its in handleMovementUpdate
17:23.51JeffM2501I'm looking at it right now
17:23.59JeffM2501you on the server or client?
17:24.31JeffM2501open playing.cxx
17:24.40JeffM2501find the handlePlayerMessage function
17:24.58JeffM2501like 2937 in current code
17:25.07JeffM2501gahh, line :)
17:25.33JeffM2501you see where it has the tank do the unpack?
17:25.44tannerldhmm no
17:25.59JeffM2501what version of the source are you looking at?
17:26.03JeffM2501where did you get it?
17:28.02*** join/#bzflag Epyon (
17:28.15tannerldI think I've got this one: svn co
17:28.26JeffM2501that's what I'm looking at right now
17:28.36JeffM2501ok open playing.cxx
17:28.41*** join/#bzflag smallfoot- (i=smallfoo@clamwin/translator/smallfoot)
17:28.47smallfoot-new release is nevre come
17:29.02JeffM2501sorry player.cxx
17:29.08JeffM2501line 1037
17:29.17JeffM2501do you see Player::unpack ?
17:29.36JeffM2501smallfoot-, pardon?
17:29.48JeffM2501tannerld, see where it does the state.unpack?
17:30.03JeffM2501tha'ts it
17:30.15JeffM2501the state has a the position, vector, etc...
17:30.24JeffM2501that's where we unpack the new postion
17:30.33tannerldah ok
17:30.34tannerldthanks :)
17:39.15*** join/#bzflag Macint (
17:42.33*** join/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@2002:4cb1:a8ba:0:0:0:0:1)
17:42.33*** mode/#bzflag [+v bryjen] by ChanServ
17:51.07*** join/#bzflag SC (
17:51.29*** mode/#bzflag [+v SportyGal] by ChanServ
17:51.38SportyGalDTRemenak: ping
18:00.01WinnyNew name, sportchick?
18:00.17Winnyor is that another person?
18:00.38bradit's an imposter !
18:01.15SportyGalWinny: alternate nick
18:01.19SportyGallook at the cloak
18:02.04JeffM2501smallfoot-, can we help you?
18:02.18smallfoot-i dont knows
18:02.27smallfoot-i think it doesnt come bzflag new release often
18:02.42JeffM2501you think correctly
18:02.46smallfoot-sucks, its boring slow release
18:02.51JeffM2501then help
18:02.52smallfoot-i want it come new release often
18:02.55smallfoot-i get impatient wait stuffs
18:02.57smallfoot-im not so smart
18:03.03JeffM2501then this is how it is
18:03.09JeffM2501we don't get paid for this, it's a free time thing
18:05.02JeffM2501interest is low for the core developers and the maintainer it seems
18:11.23SportChickbrlcad/dtremenak: unping
18:29.55*** join/#bzflag smallfoot- (i=smallfoo@clamwin/translator/smallfoot) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:29.55*** join/#bzflag davemicc ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:29.55*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
18:29.55*** join/#bzflag poolio ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:29.55*** join/#bzflag menotume (n=menotume@pdpc/supporter/active/menotume)
18:29.56*** join/#bzflag wanda ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:29.56*** join/#bzflag Noodleman ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:29.56*** join/#bzflag Thumper_ (n=Thumper@about/essy/coffeeAddict/Thumper)
18:29.56*** join/#bzflag scott ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:29.56*** join/#bzflag deprecated (
18:29.56*** mode/#bzflag [+v menotume] by
18:30.02*** join/#bzflag CBG (
18:31.12*** part/#bzflag Macint (
18:32.21*** join/#bzflag smallfoot- (i=smallfoo@clamwin/translator/smallfoot) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:32.21*** join/#bzflag davemicc ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:32.22*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
18:32.22*** join/#bzflag poolio ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:32.22*** join/#bzflag menotume (n=menotume@pdpc/supporter/active/menotume)
18:32.22*** join/#bzflag wanda ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:32.22*** join/#bzflag Noodleman ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:32.22*** join/#bzflag Thumper_ (n=Thumper@about/essy/coffeeAddict/Thumper)
18:32.22*** join/#bzflag scott ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:32.22*** join/#bzflag deprecated (
18:32.22*** mode/#bzflag [+v menotume] by
18:43.48JeffM2501just so everyone who cared knows, I'm abandoning the CAN, the info is still up for any that would like to use it
18:45.39smallfoot-what is?
18:46.11JeffM2501nothing of any consiqence anymore
18:47.26smallfoot-i dont understands anythings
18:47.49*** join/#bzflag Macint (
18:48.02JeffM2501it's ok, you don't have to understand
18:48.31CBGsmallfoot-: for what it's worth, I've been in this channel almost 24/7 for months and active on the bzbb for years... I don't know what CAN is either.
18:49.04JeffM2501one reason why it's dead ;)
18:49.40CBGheh ;)
18:54.12*** join/#bzflag Deepa|AFK_ (
19:01.10*** join/#bzflag tupone (n=atupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
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19:02.38JeffM2501it's not a viable idea unless global Id can be use
19:02.42JeffM2501maybe some other day
19:02.58JeffM2501and I'm realy loosing interest in the game/comunity
19:04.15CBGbz as a whole?
19:04.25CBGI didn't think you had any interest left to lose in it :P
19:04.40JeffM2501I'd not be here if I had 0 interest
19:05.03CBGfair point :)
19:05.34JeffM2501I'm sure I will always have some interest in the goings on of some of the people here, as they are quite cool
19:06.03CBG*blush* thanks JeffM2501 :D
19:07.38JeffM2501you are not one of them
19:07.56CBGI, er, was kidding.
19:08.21*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (
19:14.18JeffM2501whoa, did somone clean out the developers in the project or what?
19:15.59Thumper_JeffM2501: didn't you get the memo?  ;)
19:16.11JeffM2501bahh, it won't let me remove myself from project adminiship :(
19:17.23bradit's a sign, you should stay
19:18.49JeffM2501I stole project adminiship
19:18.55JeffM2501I should have never had it
19:20.58tuponeAdministrators may leave a project either by having another administrator drop their administrator status and remove them from the project, or by submitting a Support Request and having the team remove them from the project.
19:21.33tuponeI don't think other people will do that for you
19:21.42JeffM2501I can just tell tim I stole it, that'll do it ;)
19:27.49*** join/#bzflag Macint (
19:29.23*** join/#bzflag wanda (
19:39.08tuponeJeffM2501, IMHO that will not solve bzflag problems, maybe just yours. Planning & committment will
19:41.24*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (n=TD-Linux@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux)
19:42.22JeffM2501tupone, I know
19:42.35JeffM2501I've tried for a very long time to solve bzflag's problems
19:42.50JeffM2501after a while ya get tired....
19:43.07JeffM2501so yeah I am looking more at my personal needs then the good of the project
19:43.19tuponeas I did :)
19:46.25*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (
19:48.05*** join/#bzflag tuxd00d (n=tuxinato@
20:03.53*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
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20:38.13*** join/#bzflag delusional (
20:38.34*** part/#bzflag delusional (
20:40.15*** join/#bzflag delusional (
21:02.05*** join/#bzflag Deepa (n=deepa@wrongplanet/deepa)
21:03.37*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
21:03.39*** part/#bzflag wanda (
21:03.58*** join/#bzflag Deepa (n=deepa@wrongplanet/deepa)
21:12.30*** join/#bzflag wanda (
21:20.14*** join/#bzflag eTangenT (
21:32.51*** join/#bzflag eTangenT (
21:47.32*** join/#bzflag CBG (
21:50.23*** part/#bzflag LongDon (
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22:37.51*** join/#bzflag jwir3 (
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22:48.08*** join/#bzflag Deepa (n=deepa@wrongplanet/deepa)
22:51.00*** join/#bzflag davemicc (
22:56.36*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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23:15.03*** join/#bzflag delusional (
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23:40.08*** join/#bzflag KTL (
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23:52.39*** join/#bzflag eTangenT_ (
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23:55.34*** join/#bzflag delusional (
23:57.37*** join/#bzflag tannerld (

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.