IRC log for #bzflag on 20070503

00:23.34*** join/#bzflag trovao (n=trovao@
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01:05.39*** part/#bzflag me1 (n=mkumykov@
01:07.38*** join/#bzflag spankiez (
01:32.50lodxcolhmm, in Windows, is there a way to specify a different directory for BZFlag to keep all related files? (config.cfg, DownloadAccess.txt, etc.)
01:39.02JeffM2501as a param
01:42.07lodxcolah, so I'd have to re-build it?
01:42.14lodxcoloh, you've left :P
01:42.35blast007lodxcol: no
01:42.54blast007that's passed to bzflag.exe
01:43.11blast007and it's with recent 2.0.9 builds (not sure of the exact date it was added)
01:43.15blast007so you just modify the shortcut of 2.0.9
01:43.32*** join/#bzflag rob1n_ (n=rob1n@unaffiliated/rob1n)
01:43.37lodxcolso I'd have to build 2.0.9?
01:43.56blast007or download a build
02:20.43*** join/#bzflag Jefenry (
02:25.18*** join/#bzflag poolio (
03:15.19*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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04:27.12*** join/#bzflag jude- (
04:27.15jude-hello all
04:27.20blast007hi jude-
04:27.25jude-sorry for not being around the last three days
04:27.31SportChickhiya jude-
04:27.40jude-hello blast007, SportChick
04:28.43blast007sounds like a blast :)
04:28.52jude-it was fun :)
04:28.55jude-Star Wars Risk
04:29.07jude-...using JOGL
04:35.24jude-so, regarding GSoC, when should I provide a list of milestones?
04:36.12JeffM2501probalby DTRemenak and brlcad
04:38.31JeffM2501umm whenver probalby
04:44.21*** join/#bzflag Flash (n=jwmelto@unaffiliated/flash)
04:51.49JeffM2501yeah figured that would be better
04:52.02SportChickit's much better
05:03.16JeffM2501we have enough admins to do the minimal moderation we need
05:09.07SportChickJeffM2501: yep
05:09.53DTRemenakjude-: anytime before may 28 is fine
05:10.46DTRemenakmost of the moderators didn't anyway
05:11.31DTRemenaksome aren't even around any more (/me always felt a little sad when he saw MrApathyCream's moderator tag)
05:16.26SportChickDTRemenak: heh true
05:23.09jude-DTRemenak, gotcha
05:33.59*** join/#bzflag A-Delusion (
05:56.14*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
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06:22.37*** join/#bzflag stylus_ (
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07:44.18*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak|RDP (i=DTRemena@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
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08:59.03*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
09:08.36*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
09:20.05*** part/#bzflag LongDon (
09:55.31*** join/#bzflag Dessy (n=Dessy@
10:35.07*** join/#bzflag CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
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11:52.16*** join/#bzflag donny_baker (
12:17.42*** join/#bzflag TheRedBaron (n=Baronado@
12:23.07*** join/#bzflag KTL (
12:54.15*** join/#bzflag Deepa (n=deepa@wrongplanet/deepa)
13:27.56*** join/#bzflag Quol (n=Ian@
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15:30.47KTL~x en nl account
15:39.24*** join/#bzflag CBG (
15:42.49ts(the obvious move)
15:43.05ruskiewant some help ;)
15:43.20tsnot really
15:50.11*** join/#bzflag BWD (n=bdotson@pdpc/supporter/student/bdotson)
16:00.24*** join/#bzflag delusional (
16:10.08*** join/#bzflag Erroneous (
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16:15.07*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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16:31.39*** join/#bzflag Pommes_ (n=Pommes@about/essy/frenchy/Pommes)
17:14.12*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
17:30.02*** join/#bzflag amcnabb (
17:32.06amcnabbOn the latest dev versino (14178), the client is hanging when it tries to connect to the server.  Are there any known bugs with connecting right now?
17:32.42JeffM2501how long does it hang?
17:32.48JeffM2501the connect is now blocking
17:32.50JeffM2501where it wasn't before
17:33.29amcnabbIt's for quite a while--I've canceled it at about 20 seconds.
17:33.40Erroneousamcnabb: is not working correctly last I heard
17:34.06amcnabbWith strace, it shows that it's doing a loop with select, recv, gettimeofday, nanosleep, all repeated over and over.
17:34.22amcnabbErroneous, sorry; what's
17:34.24JeffM2501yeah it's waiting for the server to send back data
17:34.28JeffM2501amcnabb, a server
17:34.35JeffM2501what server were you sending out to?
17:34.40Erroneousthe public server at the top of the list in 2.1
17:34.45amcnabbRight now I'm just connecting to a server on localhost.
17:34.46JeffM2501amcnabb, it'll wait 30 seconds in that loop then end
17:34.48Erroneousah, ok
17:35.03JeffM2501that should not do that
17:35.27JeffM2501did your server get anything from the client?
17:35.56amcnabbAt least, it didn't print anything out with -d.
17:36.04JeffM2501you have to dig deeper
17:36.14JeffM25013 Ds at least
17:37.13KTLthere is a errorlevel integer in the code somewhere? represented by the amount of d's ?
17:37.54JeffM2501or maybe "loglevel" now
17:37.56*** join/#bzflag TheRedBaron (
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17:39.19amcnabbWith 3 Ds, I got:
17:39.25amcnabbSubmitted reverse resolve query for
17:39.25amcnabbAddress resolved to cyanide
17:39.53*** join/#bzflag Blue_Eyes (
17:47.35amcnabbThis is a really weird.
17:48.01amcnabbEvery once in a while it actually connects.
17:49.31amcnabbThis is even weirder: if I run the server on a different host than the client, it works fine.
17:49.43amcnabbEven though the hosts are installed identically.
17:52.57tsDo you have the latest checkout?
17:53.24amcnabbts, yes.
17:53.28tsah, lol. I can not read
17:53.38amcnabbI do that all the time. :)
17:53.57tsI noticed it didn't work for me at all until I did a full rebuild
17:54.32amcnabbA full rebuild didn't make any difference for us.
17:54.37tsThere were plenty of networking changes, got problems a long time but now it works
17:55.11amcnabbSince it looks like it works for connecting to other machines, and since it usually can't connect to localhost, it looks like a race condition to me.
17:55.50amcnabbThose are always fun to track down.
17:55.56tsMaybe it doesn't show off when you put a breakpoint in
17:56.40JeffM2501so your server didn't connect
17:56.45JeffM2501well didn't get the header
17:56.53JeffM2501cus it will tell you when they accep
18:09.44JeffM2501amcnabb, that's why we made the connect blocking, to prevent the race thing
18:10.59*** join/#bzflag ndim (
18:11.01brlcadhmm.. some flurry attack from
18:19.59*** join/#bzflag Twilyth (
18:21.55*** join/#bzflag the (n=the@
18:22.08*** part/#bzflag Twilyth (
18:23.53thehi all
18:24.42*** join/#bzflag Deepa|AFK (
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19:14.49*** join/#bzflag Blue-Eyes (
19:16.04*** join/#bzflag patlkli (n=patlkli@unixboard/users/patlkli)
19:16.19patlklihi :)
19:46.28*** join/#bzflag delusional_ (
20:17.04*** join/#bzflag TheRedBaron (
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20:32.12*** join/#bzflag Tedius (n=cmtadmin@cmtadmin.MUSC.CWRU.Edu)
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20:45.46*** join/#bzflag Tedius (n=Tedius@smokermacbook.MUSC.CWRU.Edu)
20:50.51*** join/#bzflag DragonLady (i=40debe41@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
20:57.20*** part/#bzflag Severielle (i=40debe41@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
21:25.51*** part/#bzflag donny_baker (n=donny_ba@about/essy/vvvvv/donnybaker)
21:28.43JeffM2501what is the plural of Economy
21:29.47*** join/#bzflag Tedius (n=Tedius@smokermacbook.MUSC.CWRU.Edu)
21:35.13JeffM2501writing up all the ideas I've had on MMOs, the author of a commic strip has inspired me to write it up :)
22:13.46*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
22:43.09*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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22:49.23*** join/#bzflag Theme97 (n=Theme97@about/essy/phpwriter/Theme97)
23:27.24DeepaIs BZFlag available in Latin?
23:37.07*** join/#bzflag AndyCap (n=aoy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/AndyCap)
23:40.38*** join/#bzflag Tannerld (
23:49.10TD-Linux... Latin? To help people learn Latin?
23:49.18TD-Linuxyou could translate it
23:49.31Flashthe internationalization is by no means complete
23:49.34TD-Linuxlook in the l10n directory for sample translating files
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23:50.04DeepaLatin is pretty more universal then other languages tbh
23:50.51Flashreally? who speaks latin?
23:51.00DeepaPeople who live in the Vatican State?
23:51.42DeepaBut still to pick a real-world example
23:51.47DeepaI saw a child's book in a store today
23:51.51DeepaIt was about "Castor the Beaver"
23:51.55DeepaBeaver in latin? Castor Fiber
23:52.16*** join/#bzflag Tannerld (
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23:52.59FlashI see the (current) internationalization as more of a gimmick; it needs to be pervasively implemented

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.