IRC log for #bzflag on 20070426

00:00.13ruskieis crystalspace the only thing needed for the cs branch? or is there anything else needed? i.e. built with something specific? or some other depends?
00:00.35JeffM2501fary dust
00:00.57ruskielol yeah besides that... I prefer to offer a sacrifice to quoth for that :)
00:01.07JeffM2501it should only need CS
00:01.39ruskiedoes cs need to be built with anything specific? i.e. sdl? or some such?
00:01.56JeffM2501whatever it's normal dependecies are
00:03.51The_Vaxorcistinstall them all? that always works :)
00:04.12The_Vaxorcistthat's my distro's philosophy
00:04.16ruskieI'm the games maintainer for source mage and was just modifiying the spell to provide an option to it :)
00:04.32The_Vaxorcistworks pretty well
00:04.35ruskieso it's nice to have all the dependencies sorted
00:04.51ruskieyeah for those that don't care about having a ton of useless junk installed
00:05.12The_Vaxorcistnot at all
00:06.13ruskieand still have it all managed by the package manager
00:21.12ruskiemy fav configure message is still theone about AI for robots ;)
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01:09.11lodxcolis there a permission to prevent getting idlekicked?
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03:33.09inchwormJeffM2501: can I pm you on a non bzflag issue?
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04:23.28a_meteoritedon't wanna make the man upset :)
04:23.52JeffM2501anyone who gets upset over a PM is too unstanble to go outside
04:24.19a_meteoriteI've gotten some REALLY nasty PMs
04:24.27a_meteoriteto the trash bin they go
04:28.16rob1nJeffM2501, some people don't like the surprise
04:28.26JeffM2501they should calm down :)
04:28.42rob1ne.g. i prefer to be asked if i can be pm'd, first, and i extend that courtesy to others too
04:29.20rob1nwell, most of the people who don't ask and then PM me have nothing but idiotic things to say
04:29.20JeffM2501to me it's a waste of my time having to answer yes to the request in a plublic place :)
04:29.36rob1nit's like saying, in real life, "hey, can i talk to you in private for a sec?"
04:29.47a_meteoriterob1n: "can i be admin, plz? u know how much i luv ur server"
04:30.15JeffM2501in real life you have to pull people out of the way and they can't do private and public convos at the same time
04:30.19JeffM2501here we can
04:30.21JeffM2501embace it
04:30.24JeffM2501this is real life
04:30.28*** join/#bzflag jude- (
04:30.32JeffM2501just with automated tools :)
04:30.32jude-hello all
04:30.34JeffM2501sup g
04:30.39rob1na_meteorite, nah, i don't do anything bzflag-related anymore... it's more "hey d00d i have wordpress problem can you help me plz??? ITS IMPORTANT OMG!!"
04:30.49a_meteoriterob1n: that's even worse..
04:31.03JeffM2501then you can type the same "no" in private
04:31.09JeffM2501that you'd type in public :)
04:31.16JeffM2501saves time :)
04:31.22rob1ni just close the window
04:31.27JeffM2501even better
04:31.30JeffM2501same actions
04:31.37JeffM2501AND it dosn't clutter a public space
04:31.38rob1nif they keep going, then i /ignore them
04:31.53rob1nyes, but it's a courtesy to ask first :)
04:32.08JeffM2501I call it a waste
04:32.09rob1nand most people would rather be asked first, so i go with the percentages
04:32.13JeffM2501a discourtesy to others
04:32.29JeffM2501why should I Have to see you giving somone else permision to talk to you
04:32.32rob1ntell me, how much time does typing "yes" then hitting enter takes your day up?
04:32.46JeffM2501A LOT :)
04:32.52rob1nsame thing as a lot of other channels
04:33.00rob1nwhy do i have to see others' irrelevent conversation?
04:33.21rob1ni mean, it's not like you read *everything* said in #bzflag and then note it, and possibly comment it
04:33.24JeffM2501you don't that's why you ignore them in the pm WINDOW :)
04:33.27rob1ni ignore xchat for the pmost part
04:33.43rob1nexcept when i'm debating with you ;)
04:33.45JeffM2501cept when talking about PMs it seems :)
04:33.56JeffM2501I do read a lot more of the channel then you probably
04:34.06rob1nit probably pertains to you more, too
04:34.07JeffM2501it's the @, it compells me
04:34.16rob1ni have pretty much nothing to do with bzflag anymore :)
04:34.25rob1ni usually use IRC if i have a need myself
04:34.28rob1na support question, etc.
04:34.28DTRemenakso why do you hang out here (if I may ask)? :)
04:34.42rob1nDTRemenak, nostalgia, i dunno
04:34.47DTRemenakheh :)
04:34.54rob1ni stopped playing when WG came
04:35.05DTRemenakplenty of places don't use wg
04:35.18rob1nyeah but the only map i was decent at was viper's two towers
04:35.24rob1nand that server has WG
04:35.33JeffM2501so start one sans WG
04:35.34rob1ni suck at ducati
04:36.10rob1ni might, now that i have a VPS
04:51.13jude-I apologize for the fact that I have not been around as much lately--it's the last week of classes, and I have all midterms and finals the next two weeks :(
04:58.01jude-but I'll be fully available toward the end of May :)
04:59.12jude-(regarding GSoC)
05:08.45DTRemenakjude-: that's why SoC doesn't start yet :)  focus on your schoolwork
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05:20.44L4m3rfinals now? sheesh, I'm only halfway through spring quarter
05:22.31jude-heh--last day of class is May 2
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09:13.03ruskiejoy... cs is still broken like crap...
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16:04.32biggeruniverse_lI hope no one tried to talk to me lately...
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16:45.25biggeruniverse_lthat's a very tenacious client I have...
16:45.49biggeruniverse_loh well
16:47.13*** join/#bzflag Deepa (n=deepa@wrongplanet/deepa)
16:47.39biggeruniverse_lAt any rate, wouldn't it just be better to have "other" clients use a different port? Rather than trying to catch header identifiers?
16:51.00donny_bakeryou can use "/msg nickserv ghost biggeruniverse <yourpassword>" to kick that nick off :)
16:51.52biggeruniverse_lthat's what I did...
16:52.51biggeruniverse_lLike maybe 5180 for http traffic or something like that?
16:53.17ruskiethat requires 2 ports to be open...
16:54.12blast007biggeruniverse_l: it was a request from the maintainer of the project
16:54.29blast007you're free to open another port with a plugin if you wish
16:56.25biggeruniverse_lruskie: but this way requires the server to go out of it's way to check messages against a string until it sees it
16:56.41biggeruniverse_lwhat if it never comes and the client is just DOSing?
16:56.46ruskieonly the initial message the way I look at it
16:58.43blast007I don't see why it's a big deal
16:58.51Erroneousbiggeruniverse_l: the connection times out fairly quickly
16:59.13biggeruniverse_lErroneous: even if lots of bogus packets get sent?
16:59.16Erroneousand a rogue client could do the same thing with current code (worse actually)
16:59.37Erroneousbiggeruniverse_l: if bogus packets are sent, the connection is dropped immediately
17:00.11Erroneouswe check the first string we recieve, if it doesn't match one of our installed handlers, we kill the connection
17:00.15DeepaThere's going to be a webinterface?
17:00.28biggeruniverse_lErroneous: ok. It seemed like it was just checking for the string if the connection wasn't a player yet
17:01.12Erroneousit does.  it waits for a string (times out if it doesn't get one soon), then checks the string for validity (and drops if it's not valid).
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17:01.39biggeruniverse_lwell, then what is the aim?
17:02.01biggeruniverse_lWhat's the goal of getting a header string from the client?
17:02.12Erroneousto allow multiple protocols which use the same style of handshaking
17:02.14Erroneousi.e. http
17:02.40biggeruniverse_lisn't that what port 80 is for?
17:03.00Erroneousport 80 is a privileged port
17:03.09biggeruniverse_lok, use 8080
17:03.10Erroneousand usually reserved for real web services
17:03.27Erroneouswhy  not use the same port, and save some firewall configuation?
17:03.48biggeruniverse_ldoes someone plan to write the client and server code to wrap HTTP request/response packets inside bzflag packets?
17:03.48DeepaWhy not make it optional and use a second port?
17:03.56Erroneousbesides, what will you do when your machine is running 30 copies of bzfs?  use ports 8080-8110?
17:04.05biggeruniverse_lwhy not?
17:04.30DeepaMore versatile for those who only run one or two servers?
17:05.05biggeruniverse_lBut what seems to have been proposed is to make BZFS a kind of web service host
17:05.18Erroneousmost of those who run only one or two servers have trouble configuring their firewalls, Deepa
17:05.46DeepaWhy not start by making one server which can handle several servers at the same time?
17:05.46Erroneousbiggeruniverse_l: not really, no...more like "administer from your browser"
17:05.48TimRiker5154 is the registered bzflag port. it's the default. you can run a bzflag server on 80 or 8080 if you like. works just fine.
17:06.28TimRikernote that running on port 80 on a real OS means you need to run as root. A Bad Idea with the amount of auditing bzfs has gotten.
17:06.30biggeruniverse_lright, but even, say, weblogic, uses a different port for admin functions...
17:06.49biggeruniverse_land it *is* a web service provider
17:06.53ErroneousDeepa: that loses process independence (i.e. bzfs can crash)
17:07.16DeepaReminds me I gotta make a crontab
17:07.30ErroneousDeepa: not to mention screwing up our listserver stuff
17:12.12biggeruniverse_lErroneous: so the way you put (administer from your browser) implies that bzfs must not only function as a bzflag server, but a functional web server- on the same port? Am I right?
17:12.41Erroneousnot a full webserver, just capable of sending html over http
17:12.52Erroneousif that makes it a webserver, then yes
17:13.08biggeruniverse_lok, so why not just make bzfs a plugin for apache2?
17:13.19Erroneous'cause apache's a PITA to set up :)
17:13.25Erroneousespecially on windows
17:13.28ruskiecause not everyone runs crapache
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17:14.11TimRikeryes, but weblogic is not setup often by the average particularly skilled bzflag user. one port makes things easy for us to explain. as it is our protocol anyway, and there is no performance hit, running on one port is the better option.
17:14.20TimRikerthat's why we run our udp and tcp on the same port too. on both client and server.
17:14.33TimRiker(in case those got lost in my network droppage)
17:14.43biggeruniverse_lthey did
17:16.49biggeruniverse_lIt's not my call, at any rate, but I can't help but put in my 2c where it's not required ;) Indeed, I'm not worried some much about ease of explanation, as ease of implementation.
17:17.00Erroneousimplementation is done :)
17:17.07biggeruniverse_lbut still fails...
17:17.21biggeruniverse_land only supports "bzflag"
17:17.40Erroneousno, it supports others too...plugins can install protocol handlers
17:17.42ruskie <-- why crystalspace sucks...
17:17.48Erroneousthere's a test plugin for http even, iirc
17:18.04ruskiebut of course the cs devs blame it on the graphics driver...
17:18.09Erroneousand it works for most people (ok, so it's a bit buggy too) :)
17:18.41biggeruniverse_land for every packet that comes it, bzfs now has to decide- did this come from a player?
17:19.10biggeruniverse_lrather than- it came in on the dedicated game port- process it as such
17:19.36TimRikerbiggeruniverse: not so.
17:19.51biggeruniverse_lthen I have misread some code...
17:19.58ruskieit only needs to decide on the initial message... all the others would then have their own connection(atleast that's my reasoning...)
17:20.19Erroneousyes, bzflag uses persistent connections
17:20.36TimRikerbiggeruniverse_l: that evaluation ONLY happens for the first data send in a tcp pipe. once a player is connected, there is no opportunity to send http requests. just game traffic.
17:20.45Erroneoushttp does not, but they're just handled as new connections so no big deal
17:21.18biggeruniverse_lwhat does the code starting at line bzfs.cxx:4775 do then?
17:21.21TimRikerErroneous: well, unless someone implements http 1.1 persistant connections in bzflag... :) let's hope not.
17:22.35biggeruniverse_ldoesn't it check every time data comes whether it's a player or not?
17:22.50biggeruniverse_lIf I'm mistaken, please right me.
17:23.25TimRikerit's a comment in my checked out version. updating...
17:23.36biggeruniverse_lor maybe I should...
17:24.58Erroneousbiggeruniverse: yes, it does... it checks "does this packet belong to a player connection"
17:24.58biggeruniverse_l*4772 then
17:24.59biggeruniverse_lthat was my point
17:24.59biggeruniverse_lit does that with every single packet
17:24.59biggeruniverse_leven if it should know already
17:24.59Erroneousit does a heck of a lot more than that with every single packet :)
17:25.05biggeruniverse_lbut that one isn't necessary
17:25.40Erroneoussure it is
17:26.17Erroneouswe did it before to, in a different place, to determine whether it was a real player (that needed a slot) or a new connection
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17:26.39biggeruniverse_lthe old code just gave every new connection a slot, IIRC
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17:27.01Erroneousold old code may have done that.  that's how all the good dos scripts worked :)
17:27.11biggeruniverse_lI know
17:27.13Erroneoussince we only have like 200 slots
17:27.29Erroneouschanging that is not a problem, it's a solution :)
17:27.45biggeruniverse_lAnyway, my whole point is that protocol stacking can become complex.
17:28.00biggeruniverse_lBut there are many solutions
17:28.16Erroneoussure, it can be.  we believe that the benefits outweigh the costs
17:28.44biggeruniverse_lwell, then I hope it turns out thus
17:29.23TimRikerso do we.
17:31.52JeffM2501has anyone else had connection issues since?
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17:35.51CIA-18BZFlag: 03timriker * r14123 10/trunk/bzflag/ (80 files in 18 dirs): argh.. ws
17:36.05TimRikerJeffM2501: since what?
17:36.35JeffM2501the last set of changes
17:36.49JeffM2501probably was what tuesday?
17:37.33*** join/#bzflag RatOmeter (n=chatzill@
17:37.34JeffM2501longest runing open critical bug I've seen in a while
17:38.42ruskietupone, <-- my issue with v2_0_cs_branch...
17:39.09blast007JeffM2501: I had one time where it failed to connect to a server, but then when I tried again it worked
17:39.20JeffM2501how long did it wait?
17:39.25blast007few seconds
17:39.53blast007I was running over VNC to the Mac, so a little hard to tell exactly
17:40.00JeffM2501I'm woried that the dead connect culling may be geting them too early
17:41.16blast007does anyone besides ts have connection issues?
17:41.28Erroneousnot as far as we know
17:41.31ruskiewhat kind of issues?
17:41.37JeffM2501since the last set of changes, I have heard none
17:41.40JeffM2501ruskie, can't conenct
17:41.43Erroneousruskie: 'can't connect
17:41.44JeffM2501to remote servers
17:41.44blast007his client wasn't totally up to date either
17:41.48blast007think it was from teh 17th
17:41.51ruskienope... no such issue
17:41.51JeffM2501ohhh it wasn't?
17:41.58JeffM2501he said it was
17:42.09JeffM2501then that can make some sense
17:43.14JeffM2501ok so you sent, but never got back
17:43.37JeffM2501I'd like someone else to review the net connected peer stuff
17:43.41JeffM2501and the dead connect culling
17:44.46tuponeruskie, do you have some non default setting related to font?
17:45.42ruskietupone, no it's the same issue I have with planeshift
17:45.54ruskiethe CS devs blame it on the graphics driver
17:46.36blast007what driver?
17:46.57tuponehmm, is that happening even for the walktest demo application?
17:48.55tuponewhen you press ctrl-D ?
17:49.10ruskiedriver is mesalib 6.5.2 r200 dri capable with 2.3.0 libdrm and drm from git installed end of january
17:49.40tuponeyeah, even the FPS counter is messed up
17:50.41*** join/#bzflag delusional_ (
17:51.13ruskieI highly doubt the issue is the graphics driver...
17:51.52ruskiethough apparently ppl running the proprietary drivers of any kind have no issues
17:52.06ruskiewhich is a no-op for me... I don't run non-Free stuff...
17:52.21tuponemaybe I can write a simple program that draw characters, then maybe you can debug it
17:52.26JeffM2501they probalby do something that dri is buggy on
17:52.33ruskieI'm willing to help...
17:52.34JeffM2501we've had that happen before
17:52.52ruskieJeffM2501, well if it is they haven't filed any bugs that I know of with dri stuff..
17:52.55JeffM2501techincaly the driver is "busted" cus it's not doing GL compliance, so that's an easy out for some devs.
17:53.01JeffM2501the may not care
17:53.06JeffM2501or assume it's up to the users of the driver
17:53.13JeffM2501THEY are not using the driver, so they should not report it
17:53.18JeffM2501it's a laszy out for a dev
17:53.29JeffM2501they should help track it down, and work with DRI as you say
17:53.31Erroneousyay lazy
17:53.32ruskieand the user knows exatcly what's happening...
17:54.19JeffM2501the devs of CS should tell the user what is wrong and help them fromulate the bug, and offer to give DRI detailed info if they need it
17:54.27JeffM2501in a perfect world
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17:55.27Erroneousyay for imperfect worlds
17:55.34ruskiehmm maybe I'll give the git version o mesalib a try...
17:55.40ruskieheard that it might acctually be stable...
17:58.41biggeruniverse_lI'm going back to my hermit cave now
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18:22.43JeffM2501exporting the levels from Everquest 1 as OBJ files into an irrlicht viewer
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18:39.28ruskiewell seems the git version of mesalib resolves it... and good news is also that it doesn't crash any GL apps(yet...)
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18:51.27CIA-18BZFlag: 03timriker * r14124 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfs.cxx: ws
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19:35.13lodxcolhi, about the -tkkr option.. is the player kicked quicker when a higher number, or lower number is set?
19:37.06Erroneousthe player is kicked when their kill ratio (tk/normal kills) exceeds the value specified by tkkr
19:37.33Erroneousso lower values are stricter
19:37.45lodxcoloh... I've been doing it wrong then
19:37.52lodxcolheh thanks
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20:39.09donny_bakerby the time you bought all the stuff required for a DS to connect and play (not to mention coding if it were possible) you could buy a cheap laptop
20:40.04JeffM2501I just want to know what he means by "standard video" and gl is "implemented by the driver"
20:40.12JeffM2501or how the thing is going to run in 4 megs of ram
20:40.21JeffM2501you'd have to rebuild the entire thing from scratch
20:40.36JeffM2501the design work done by the origonal author is great work
20:40.46JeffM2501but that would be one hard project
20:41.09donny_bakerhe definately put a lot of thought into it
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21:03.13ruskiehmm interesting... the cs branch is segfaulting now...
21:04.10*** join/#bzflag Links2004[Links] (
21:05.25ruskietupone, <-- maybe you can make some sense from this...
21:06.26tuponewhat OS is that? linux?
21:06.57Links2004[Links]i have a problem whit my plugin
21:07.12tuponewell, I'm trying to prepare a small program to just display characters. So one things at time
21:07.23Links2004[Links]the server crash wen the server kcik a user
21:08.01ruskietupone, don't bother with that
21:08.06ruskietupone, you probably missed it
21:08.14tuponewith that what?
21:08.20ruskiewell seems the git version of mesalib resolves it... and good news is also that it doesn't crash any GL apps(yet...)
21:08.28tuponeahhh ok
21:08.31ruskienow I don't get crappy chars
21:08.34ruskieI posted that earlier
21:08.41ruskielike 2 hours or so ago
21:08.51Links2004[Links]hello ??
21:09.06tuponeyeah. Seeing now :)
21:09.14ruskieLinks2004[Links], someone will be with you when they have the time/want to look at the code/whatever other reason
21:10.05JeffM2501Links2004[Links], what line does it crash on?
21:10.30Links2004[Links]kp the server dont write in the log
21:10.51JeffM2501have you run it in a debuger and see where it crashes?
21:11.00ruskietupone, also: #7 was the issue as well with a workaround :)
21:11.03Links2004[Links]on a linux server how ?
21:11.10JeffM2501or some other debuger
21:11.24JeffM2501you have to build bzfs and the plugin with debug info tho
21:11.49*** join/#bzflag Blue_Eyes (
21:12.12JeffM2501does ite ven output the "kick::Process" message?
21:12.35JeffM2501odd that your passing in the debug level from the function
21:12.45JeffM2501just calling it with 1 or 0 didn't work?
21:12.58JeffM2501I see
21:13.02JeffM2501yeah you have a name confilct
21:13.11JeffM2501your class name can't be the same as the object instance of it
21:13.12tuponeruskie, maybe you have some setting on the config that I don't have. however try to comment-out line 626 in SDLDisplay.cxx
21:13.15JeffM2501kick    kick;
21:13.26JeffM2501make the class kick be Kick
21:13.33JeffM2501then the line Kick kick;
21:13.43ruskiehmm I do have the 2.0.9 stuff to display extra playir info in observer mode
21:14.02Links2004[Links]class Kick
21:14.06Links2004[Links]Kick kick;
21:14.08*** part/#bzflag LongDon (
21:14.12JeffM2501yes do that
21:14.16JeffM2501then that will be valid C++
21:14.49JeffM2501and seriously, maybe try some of the C++ tutorials and learn the language a little mroe?
21:14.50tuponeI think you have non default setting for resolution. Remove the line I said
21:15.49ruskiemy res setting is set resolution "2560x1024    "
21:15.57ruskiein case that helps... I'll be romeving that line shortly...
21:16.34ruskiethe odd thing is that it worked before
21:17.04ruskieIjust copied my old config away...
21:17.22ruskieand now it seems to be starting...
21:21.48Links2004[Links]mm now i have no crash but i become message
21:24.19JeffM2501I don't understand the last part of that sentance
21:25.31biggeruniverse_lwhat message have you become?
21:26.01ruskiehmm ok doesn't start with a fresh config... just takes like 90% of my mem(768mb total) and starts swapping now... rebuilding with that line commented out...
21:39.23Links2004[Links]i become no mesage wenn the server kcik a player bot he dont crash
21:40.30Links2004[Links]لل kick    ... but
21:41.05Links2004[Links]if the server kick call he  bz_eKickEvent ???
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21:49.36JeffM2501Links2004[Links], your on 2.0.9?
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21:50.26JeffM2501let me check and make sure it's called, I think it is
21:51.01*** part/#bzflag donny_baker (n=donny_ba@about/essy/vvvvv/donnybaker)
21:52.01JeffM2501yeah it's called before the actual kick
21:52.13JeffM2501assuming your doing a /kick
21:52.50Links2004[Links]i mean the auto kick   lag jitter tank speed etc
21:54.06Links2004[Links]the /kick function message work allredy
21:54.25JeffM2501oh I don't think the event is called for the autos
21:55.18JeffM2501probably want to make new events for those that pass in the lag and jitter, etc.
21:55.43Links2004[Links]o thet was the idee of my plugin thet the user on 1vs1 see what going on
21:56.05JeffM2501that's not part of the API at this time
21:56.51Links2004[Links]then i must edit the bzfs thet they send te measge to all not only te admins
22:00.36Links2004[Links]dont work
22:01.35JeffM2501what is message?
22:02.34ruskiehmm the cs branch runs nicely
22:07.25Links2004[Links]no message
22:07.32Links2004[Links]in bz
22:20.32JeffM2501what is message defiend as?
22:23.08blast007JeffM2501: his problem he was trying to use an API #define inside bzfs.cxx  ;)
22:23.24JeffM2501yeah that would not work
22:23.30JeffM2501unless he calls the API send
22:24.02blast007he was modifying the lagKick function in bzfs.cxx
22:24.25blast007so no need to use the API for that
22:24.56JeffM2501or just make it call the event on lag kick
22:24.57blast007as you said, he needs to learn a little more about C++
22:24.58JeffM2501that's EASY
22:25.07JeffM2501more then a little :)
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23:21.37blast007hi again
23:22.05bz25how did you know i was him?
23:22.15*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (
23:22.25blast007I can read minds
23:22.42blast007and I heard silence
23:22.51bz25me 2
23:23.11JeffM2501will this be interesting blast007 ?
23:24.34bz25wuts the time?
23:24.34blast007JeffM2501: no, it will probably just be mind numbing
23:24.39blast007but hard to say
23:24.50bz25wellllllllll i gota go
23:24.52JeffM2501bz25, your comptuer has a cllock use it
23:25.15*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (
23:25.53SpazzyMcGeeIs there such a group permission as 'antilagkick' ?
23:26.07I_Died_Oncemet, how come you never answered my last private message
23:26.15a_meteoriteI_Died_Once: hmm?
23:26.44I_Died_Oncethe one asking about the thing that auto bans people for repeeted TK's
23:26.46ErroneousSpazzyMcGee: antikick should protect against lagkicks too
23:27.00SpazzyMcGeeIt doesn't.
23:27.10Erroneousthen that is a bug
23:27.11SpazzyMcGeeIt protects against idlekicks.
23:27.12blast007Erroneous: hmm, didn't think it did, but I haven't checked
23:27.18a_meteoriteI_Died_Once: oh
23:27.30Erroneousblast007: operative word "should" :)
23:27.34a_meteoritecause right now I don't have much incentive to help mofo
23:27.53a_meteoritegot booted off mofo.cop like two weeks before you sent that pm or something
23:28.24JeffM2501a man does have the right to ignore a PM :)
23:28.52JeffM2501we nee done common kick fucntion
23:28.59JeffM2501so all the kicks can do the same checks
23:29.13JeffM2501there are a couple plcaes that do there own kick and just call removePlayer
23:29.38SpazzyMcGeeA specific antilagkick permission would be very useful.
23:29.55JeffM2501you want to be able to realy kick someone and NOT lag kick them?
23:30.37SpazzyMcGeeWell, I was thinking an 'anti-lag' group.
23:30.52SpazzyMcGeeWell, perhaps not 'very' useful ;)
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23:51.01CIA-18opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10PowerPainter/ (8 files):
23:51.01CIA-18opencombat: support obj's with incremental verts.
23:51.01CIA-18opencombat: features to help select connected faces
23:51.32a_meteoriteopencombat.. that's the first commit I've seen in awhile :)
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23:58.39Erroneousheh, powerpainter
23:58.52ErroneousJeffM2501 must be bored :)
23:59.07JeffM2501virtual didn't like reading in 12k faces

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