IRC log for #bzflag on 20070411

00:00.27JBdiGrizIt's a little more than that, and Oceanside is about an equivalent distance south. :D
00:01.27SportChickJBdiGriz: not really
00:01.57JBdiGrizI'm not going in the ocean by the warm water outflow from the nuke plant.
00:01.59SportChickJBdiGriz: the southern most San Clemente exit is just a couple of miles north of baselone
00:02.07SportChickchicken :p
00:02.20SportChickso surf Old Man's instead of Dog Patch :p
00:02.43JBdiGrizHave you seen the size of those crabs?
00:04.12Davemanso are you all socal losers? ;p
00:04.25SportChickJBdiGriz: I used to surf there every weekend (and a lot of weekdays)
00:04.30SportChickI still don't glow in the dark :p
00:04.32JBdiGrizNo, we're all living in the best place in the world.
00:04.37brlcadmm.. surfing
00:04.54SportChickbrlcad: hehe, I made something the other night cuz of you :p
00:04.54brlcadyet another chance to kill myself and be happy while trying
00:04.59SportChickbrlcad: hehe
00:05.21SportChickJBdiGriz: trust me, I don't glow :p
00:05.36purple_cowthe food is better here
00:05.40SportChickpurple_cow: hehe, you used to be a Colo one though :p
00:05.45SportChickpurple_cow: where are you up there?
00:05.56purple_cowI'm living in mountain view now
00:06.05JBdiGrizpurple_cow: take the train for a couple of days.
00:06.07SportChickever get over to Berkeley?
00:06.17SportChicksome of my favorite restaurants are near Berkeley
00:06.28SportChickpurple_cow: you want some truly truly authentic Thai food, go to Cha'am
00:06.49SportChickthere's a really fantastic Ethiopian restaurant over that way too
00:08.44purple_cowwell, one of the reasons I moved here is that almost anywhere in the area you can locate an ethnic restaurant and it'll be "really fantastic"
00:09.11brlcadbeautiful ride.. 3 days non-stop
00:09.44DavemanBay Area \o/
00:10.25Davemanbrlcad, I went on a 45min plane ride :P
00:10.49purple_cow45 minutes from CA to MD?
00:10.51purple_cowfast plane
00:11.07Davemanpurple_cow, no, silly, to san juan ;p
00:11.18Davemanpurple_cow, you're in mv? :o
00:11.39DavemanMaybe I'll stop by and say hi :P
00:12.46Davemanpurple_cow, yeah castro's the greatest :)
00:12.57DavemanI meet with clients/friends there for lunch all the time :D
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00:54.12blast007Winny: pong
00:54.50Hannibaltad late there, eh blast?
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00:56.34blast007Hannibal: just a bit
00:56.48blast007only an hour  ;)
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01:00.27EpyonG'evening all any GSOC news?
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01:24.12brlcadEpyon: yep, we're down to one slot
01:24.43brlcadj/k, cept s/to //
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01:27.16Epyonbrlcad, no jokes please :P
01:30.46CBGok. seriously, we only got 2 slots now.
01:31.08CBGno jokes. only 2 slots.
01:31.12Epyon*sigh* :(
01:31.14CBGsorry ya'll.
01:31.20CBGwe gonna have to pick the 2 best now.
01:31.50EpyonI was more asking about dates etc y'know ;]
01:31.53purple_cowthat stone IRS looks awesome
01:32.42a_meteoriteyou guys realize CBG isn't a dev..?
01:33.01*** join/#bzflag BZ_Win (
01:33.11a_meteoriteBZ_Win is a better than than Winny.
01:33.28a_meteoriteWinny sounds like a girl's nick.
01:33.51a_meteoritewait. I just totally messed yp that sentence
01:34.00a_meteoriteit must mean I'm getting hungry and tried
01:34.20a_meteoriteand fed up with darwinports
01:34.39a_meteoritebut then again modifying portfiles for alpha builds of software was never designed fr
01:44.58delusionalwinny sounds like a horse to me
01:45.27a_meteoritelol yeah
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03:56.26spldartI am \_O_/ invincable!!!!
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05:02.15a_meteoritestupid question someone might know...
05:02.41a_meteoriteI accidentally created a file with a dash as the first character (-PIDFILE)
05:02.43a_meteoriteand rm won't let me remove it.
05:02.45a_meteoriteI've tried to put it in quotes and stuff
05:02.47a_meteoriterm: illegal option -- I
05:02.56a_meteoriteit thinks the dash is an option..
05:03.29purple_cowrm -- -PIDFILE
05:03.42a_meteoriteahh, thank you
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15:37.46tsTimRiker: ping
15:40.35donny_bakerbrlcad: ping
15:43.15TimRikeribot: ping
15:43.44tsTimRiker: I did this as a start:
15:44.15tsTimRiker: Do you think the kick is acceptable with that entry in server logs?
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15:54.14tsJeffM2501: Hi
15:54.23JeffM2501yes I saw your message
15:54.30JeffM2501not much of a page
15:54.53tsI'll add more step by step
15:55.05JeffM2501I'm not sure the wiki is the best place for it, as there are many versions to document.
15:55.07tsbut I have concerns about the kick
15:55.27tsRead..last section in wiki pag
15:55.57JeffM2501oh, if you send the new connect to old servers?
15:56.13JeffM2501scripts should not do that
15:56.28JeffM2501if they are scaning the list server, the know the protocoll
15:56.39JeffM2501so that stats site shoudl never send that out to an old server.
15:56.52JeffM2501the only one that dosn't know is the ibot type one off
15:57.00JeffM2501and it can try the old way first, then the new
15:57.18tsThe old way first is not good
15:57.20JeffM2501I'll rework your page today
15:57.31tsYou will have timeouts then
15:57.32JeffM2501sure it is, if it's a new server, it'll just sit for a bit
15:57.47tsand timeouts are not good
15:57.54JeffM2501but there is nothing esle you can do unless you know the protocoll
15:58.05JeffM2501the ibot type one off, dosn't need to be super fast
15:58.36JeffM2501the case where the timeout is important is when you are doing a lot of them
15:58.41JeffM2501like scaning the list server
15:58.51JeffM2501and when you scan the list server, you know the protocoll
15:58.57JeffM2501so you can just do the right one off the bat
15:59.06tsLook at for example. It's also similar to ibot. People query it a lot and want real time results
15:59.25JeffM2501where does it get it's list from?
15:59.30JeffM2501the list?
15:59.41JeffM2501then they can hardcode what type to use.
15:59.46JeffM2501for speed
15:59.48JeffM2501it's not that hard
15:59.55JeffM2501it's just diferent
15:59.59TimRikerts: what happened to the old network protocol page?
16:00.02tsyou can also add user entered servers
16:00.14tsTimRiker: What old network protocol page?
16:00.24JeffM2501ts, then he should have an inteface to ether set what one it is, or try both, as that can be a slow option
16:00.31tsin old wiki? Old wiki is gone and no longer accessable
16:00.34JeffM2501Ts it was on the old wiki, and should have been ported
16:00.42JeffM2501all the pages on the old wiki were moved over.
16:00.59tsI have not found network protocol being moved
16:01.07JeffM2501then that is bad
16:01.09JeffM2501and we should move it
16:01.21JeffM2501IIRC there were also hard docs in the source tree
16:01.35TimRikerthe old wiki it gone?
16:01.43JeffM2501not gone
16:01.51JeffM2501the data is still very much intact
16:01.54JeffM2501it is just disabled
16:01.57JeffM2501and not linked to
16:02.00ts4. Error type: 404
16:02.14JeffM2501that dosnt' mean it's gone, just means it's not where you are looking ;)
16:02.21JeffM2501we'd never throw data away
16:02.43tsmaybe the data but I can't look at it through web interface
16:02.57JeffM2501no, you can't
16:02.59JeffM2501it is disabled
16:03.11JeffM2501any developer can turn it back on
16:04.28TimRikerts: I don't have an issue with getting those kick messages in the old server logs. if an admin has an issue with it, then fix it in the old branch or better yet upgrade your server to the new version. :)
16:04.45JeffM2501ts, I have enabled the wiki so you can find the old docs.
16:05.02JeffM2501yeah the message shoudn't be an issue for the few systems that don't know the protocoll
16:05.14JeffM2501it's going to be a change, but change isn't bad
16:05.18JeffM2501don't fear the change ;)
16:05.19TimRikerJeffM2501: you could move it to /someothernamethanwiki/
16:05.38JeffM2501I disabled it cus it was geting spam filled
16:05.43TimRikerthre should be a ScriptAlias someplace.
16:05.49TimRikerI'll look...
16:05.56JeffM2501cool, thanks
16:06.11JeffM2501I was told all the pages were moved over
16:06.21JeffM2501if they were not, we need to do a recheck
16:06.48TimRikerJeffM2501: how did you remove it before?
16:06.55TimRikerrename moin.cgi ?
16:07.00JeffM2501yeah :)
16:07.05JeffM2501simple, and didn't loose data
16:08.28TimRikerit's on it's way to /oldwiki/
16:08.52JeffM2501nothing should link to it anymore
16:10.37JeffM2501ts, just so you know, it's best to write wiki articles in thrid person so they are descriptive. but if need be I'll clean yours up for you
16:10.46JeffM2501tho I think a hard doc in the tree would be best for it
16:10.49TimRikerk. oldwiki should work now.
16:10.53JeffM2501so we can have the docs with each version
16:11.13JeffM2501a single flat file will be a mess trying to document each proto version.
16:11.17TimRikerrenamed the wiki dir, updated .htaccess rules, changes the template.
16:11.42JeffM2501yeah I can get to it
16:11.56JeffM2501links still point to wiki tho :(
16:12.09TimRikerthat's fixable too if desired.
16:12.26JeffM2501makes searching it harder, but may not be needed
16:13.45TimRikerhow's that?
16:14.07JeffM2501can't click on a link to antoehr page with out typing it in manualy :)
16:14.12JeffM2501so digin thru it is harder
16:14.35TimRikerlinks in the pages should still be internal. just the sideboard is external.
16:14.44JeffM2501I mean like links to pages
16:14.51JeffM2501in the contents of the main
16:15.02JeffM2501click the download page that is shown on the main
16:15.09JeffM2501tries to go to
16:16.05TimRikerahh. hmm.
16:16.27*** part/#bzflag LongDon (
16:16.49JeffM2501ts, honestly I don't tink we should worry too much about the other scripts. There developers are capable people and can come up with solutions. If we provide the examples in the default scripts for the current protocoll, they will figure out the best way for there needs.
16:17.05JeffM2501by "other script's I mean "other sites"
16:17.28JeffM2501we don't need to hand hold everyone
16:21.27*** topic/#bzflag by JeffM2501 -> || || || || || || New WIKI! || Migrated from CVS to SVN: || GSoC final slot results are now in: four
16:26.06TimRikerJeffM2501: hmm. not sure where it's getting that. I've updated the url_prefix, but it still puts wiki instead of old wiki.
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16:50.26tsJeffM2501: Heh, 3rd person..I'm happy if it doesn't have too much spelling errors
16:50.40JeffM2501we can fix your spelling
16:50.44JeffM2501people fix my spelling :)
16:51.25tsJeffM2501: I'll update the default script to be always quick, even though it leaves that message down there in the log
16:51.34TimRikerJBdiGriz: found it. hardcoded deep in moinmoin for some reason.
16:51.44JeffM2501the current script should do what the current prototocoll does
16:51.53JeffM2501so that's fine
16:54.24donny_bakers/prototocoll/protocol/ ;)
16:54.43JeffM2501see, spelling
16:55.06JeffM2501wasn't there a proto doc in the source?
16:57.41donny_bakerBZFlag\doc\guide\NetworkProtocol.xml .... this it?
16:59.09CIA-17BZFlag: 03t-s * r14017 10/trunk/bzflag/ (misc/bzfquery.php src/bzflag/playing.cxx): Update bzfquery.php sample script to work with protocol 0048, use backup mode when getting older protocol version
16:59.42tsbleh...not playing.cxx :x
16:59.59tsdonny_baker: but it's terribly outdated
17:00.32donny_bakerI have no doubt, but I think that is the one Jeff is thinking about
17:01.56JeffM2501ts, yes we know it's outdated, but better to update that then make a new one ;)
17:02.04JeffM2501all the docs we have are outdated
17:02.15TimRikerthere are a few of them. merging them and discarding the old versions would be a Good Thing.
17:02.32JeffM2501I think they shoudl be kept with the source
17:02.44JeffM2501as they are tied to the versions of the source they are with
17:02.49TimRikeras JeffM2501 points out, svn is the place it should live so it can change as the source does.
17:03.31TimRikerwould be nice to have a version on the web site that is checked out automagically, but a link to the page in SVN would be eaiser.
17:04.26JeffM2501that is one nice thing about SVN is that it's all a web URL :)
17:04.36tsJeffM2501: Hrm, I can not revert the change on playing.cxx
17:04.49JeffM2501what change?
17:05.02tsAll I get is ">" as reply and a blinking cursor
17:05.34tsa std::cout<< "reached\n"; I have put in when it didn't connect properly..
17:05.48JeffM2501and you want to take it out?
17:05.58tsyes..but svn doesn't let me
17:06.07JeffM2501because I think it got taken out already
17:06.09tsman, I'm so dumb :x
17:06.12JeffM2501do an upate before you revert ;)
17:06.17tsI did
17:06.19tsstill in
17:07.46JeffM2501that the only change made?
17:07.59tsThe only unintentional one :/
17:08.07JeffM2501I mean in that file
17:08.18JeffM2501so I can revert the entire file
17:10.29CIA-17BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r14018 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzflag/playing.cxx: revert over the logging that was added accidentally.
17:11.31JeffM2501there ya go
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17:14.01JeffM2501Erroneous, we should write down our notes on group management somewhere
17:14.34JeffM2501cus if you liked it then that means my idea didnt suck :)
17:15.44JeffM2501a link in the todo to the wiki maybe?
17:17.50tsI wonder about why we don't use a tool like doxygen
17:18.40JeffM2501IIRC it's mostly based on comnents in the code right?
17:18.58JeffM2501not realy code when your doing a design
17:19.03JeffM2501and have no code
17:19.23JeffM2501brlcad was working on seting it up but it never got finished
17:20.48JeffM2501I think it's a lot easier to set up for a new proejct then an older one.
17:23.45brlcadi was?
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17:24.35brlcadbz has doxygen comments sprinkled throughout, it's up to devs to add the markers as they come across them
17:24.40Manubuonasera tupone
17:24.43brlcadthere's otherwise not really any "setting up"
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17:25.02brlcadamounts to mostly adding an extra * here and there
17:25.04tuponeTimRiker, did you read my message? ibot is not logging since 2 days
17:25.09tuponehola Manu
17:27.18JeffM2501you added the dirs right?
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17:33.06brlcadJeffM2501: what dirs?
17:33.50JeffM2501thedoxygen ones
17:33.59JeffM2501back when you started loging :)
17:34.15brlcadi'm not aware of any doxygen dirs
17:34.20brlcador what that means
17:34.29brlcaddoxygen is just comments in the code
17:34.40brlcadand a doxygen processing file
17:34.47JeffM2501what's allthe XML stuff in the doc dir then?
17:34.53brlcadahh, that's docbook
17:34.54JeffM2501I thought that had to do with doxygen
17:34.58JeffM2501my bad
17:35.03brlcadnothing to do with doxygen
17:35.06JeffM2501they both start with do
17:36.10JBdiGrizDo Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do
17:36.59brlcadas for the old docbook stuff.. that content could/should probably mostly get merged with the wiki now
17:37.52brlcadthere's a way to dump wikimedia data as an export for a given site, could readily automate stashing it into the source tree autogenerate other formats for distribution
17:39.13TimRikertupone: nope, missed that...
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17:50.41JeffM2501brlcad, we have to have our finals set by 5?
17:51.55EpyonIn 7 minutes afaik...
17:52.14EpyonJeffM2501, BTW, do I have a mentor assigned?
17:52.23JeffM2501I thought it was 5 PST
17:52.30JeffM2501yes, you ahve had one for AGES ;)
17:52.36EpyonWhom? :)
17:53.08JeffM2501some jerk, I think you'll hate him ;)
17:53.22EpyonJeffM2501, I heard it was 7 AM GMT, but sources unreliable.
17:53.29EpyonJeffM2501, you :P?
17:53.33JeffM2501not me
17:53.35JeffM2501I have none
17:53.44EpyonThen I won't hate him probably :P
17:53.53JeffM2501I've not seen them do anything in GMT
17:54.08EpyonApril 11: List of accepted student applications published on by 5:00 PM Pacific time (00:00 UTC April 12, 2007)
17:54.12EpyonYou were right.
17:54.16JeffM2501there ya go :)
17:54.31JeffM2501we may have one swap out in our list
17:54.38JeffM2501so we aren't totaly final
17:54.39EpyonHmm, what time is it in PT now? :|
17:54.46JeffM2501I like the list as it sits now
17:54.53JBdiGrizalmost 11
17:54.53JeffM2501close to 11
17:55.05EpyonSo 6 hours left.
17:55.16EpyonI'll still be here then ;]
17:55.20ManuJeffM2501: I prefer to switch 4th and 5th :)
17:55.26JeffM2501yeah I know
17:55.32JeffM2501it's a tough call between those 2
17:55.43JeffM2501I can understand going ether way
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17:56.03JeffM2501I thik we'll get better work out of 4, but the task for #5 is good to have.
17:56.39JeffM2501one more slot would make it so much easier :)
17:56.46Manuhehe, true
17:57.28EpyonYou lost one slot recently?
17:57.32JeffM2501I think the comunity will like and use the task for #4
17:57.49ManuEpyon: yes
17:57.53JeffM2501#5 can be nice, but it may end up only being the hooks for somethign nice, not something useable off the bat
17:58.04JeffM2501we went from 5 to 4 yesterday
17:58.51JeffM2501it happens
17:58.59ManuI hope they stop in 4
17:59.02JeffM2501I think we did ok for a first time org
17:59.09JeffM2501the slot reorg is done
17:59.10JeffM2501we have 4
17:59.19JeffM2501the meeting for that was yesterday
17:59.31Manuah, that's good
17:59.42Manutoday was the timeline, right?
17:59.43JeffM2501we are first time, and a game, so it's understandable that others would get more then us
17:59.51JeffM2501today we have to have our finals in
18:00.03JeffM2501blrcad is debating between 4 and 5
18:00.14Manuyeah, I know
18:00.43ManuEpyon: be patient ;)
18:00.43JeffM2501Epyon you don't have to worry
18:00.44EpyonPatience is a virtue that I don't have :P
18:00.56JeffM2501DTRemenak and myself will be doing #10
18:02.34JeffM2501for a project I'd rather have #8 over 4 or 5
18:02.46JeffM2501to do the things that #3 isn't going to do
18:03.05a_meteoriteso only 4 GCoS programmers?
18:03.12JeffM25014 slots
18:03.15Manua_meteorite: students
18:03.19a_meteoritethat seems about right, but it'd be nice to have more..
18:03.24a_meteoriteManu: :)
18:03.32JeffM25016 would have been a sweet spot
18:03.49JeffM2501next year we will do better if we do ok this year
18:04.14a_meteoriteDoes Google accept more projects every year or can only so many get in?
18:04.15Manunext year.. who knows :)
18:04.27JeffM2501they have a limt each time they do it
18:04.30a_meteoriteI'm sure they have to have a set limit.
18:04.35JeffM2501this year they accepted more projects
18:04.46JeffM2501we got more then a number of other projects
18:04.50JeffM2501more then GCC :)
18:05.01JeffM2501we asked for a lot tho
18:05.08JeffM2501others may not have goten what they asked for
18:05.14JeffM2501or not asked for many
18:05.25JeffM2501the other game asked for 4 and got 4 IIRC
18:05.32Manuif you don't ask, don't receive ;)
18:05.40JeffM2501we asked for 10
18:06.06JeffM25014 shoudl be very manageable for a first shot
18:06.17a_meteoriteIs the project pages available by now?
18:06.26JeffM2501at 5
18:06.42JeffM2501that is when they announce
18:07.01JeffM2501I'll be happy if #1 and #2 get done
18:07.15JeffM2501#3 may not result in anything other then a list of thigns that don't work for us
18:07.32JeffM2501usefull info to have but not to the end users.
18:07.44a_meteoriteQuite a few proposal ideas. Any been decided on or is that to be announced?
18:08.07JeffM2501we have our list as it sits now
18:08.27JeffM2501we have to decide on who gets slot 4
18:08.42JeffM2501as our #4 and 5 person are ranked the same
18:08.53Manuwe can throw a coin, head #5 wins, tail #4 loses ;)
18:09.00JeffM2501actualy 4,5, and 6 are all ranked the same
18:09.07JeffM2501it may come down to that
18:09.08a_meteoriteBut have the proposal ideas to be worked on been decided yet? ( )
18:09.15a_meteoriteOr will any of the end users ever know?
18:09.26JeffM2501a_meteorite, yes every student has submited a proposal
18:09.29JeffM2501that's what we are discussing
18:09.34JeffM2501the list of proposals
18:09.39JeffM2501we have them all ranked
18:09.41a_meteoriteI thought you meant the list of applicants :)
18:09.50JeffM2501they go together
18:10.18a_meteoritePersonally, I'd love to see better DR and Networking
18:10.31JeffM2501there were proposals for those
18:10.31a_meteoriteBut I guess that's up to what the applicants decide :)
18:10.37a_meteoritethat's good
18:10.50JeffM2501that's one that may be hard to do
18:11.01JeffM2501tupone, we lost him to the python project
18:11.03a_meteoriteI could see an auth daemon having it's uses..
18:11.09JeffM2501he was in our top list
18:11.17JeffM2501he was #3
18:12.03Manuyes, the italian guy
18:12.16JeffM2501I mean we can have #4 work on auth deamon as part of his thing
18:12.27JeffM2501I am "prety sure" he'd be ok with it
18:12.45*** join/#bzflag big_daddy2 (
18:12.50JeffM2501those are options
18:13.10JeffM2501thats why I think we'd get better work out of #4
18:13.31KTL(do they have names?)
18:13.50a_meteoriteI don't think they will until they're decided on :)
18:13.57brlcadJeffM2501: no, not finalized yet .. tis a decision to be made real soon ...
18:14.22JeffM2501they do have names, but I'm using numbers so the other mentors know and we don't give stuff away too soon before that last shuffle
18:15.31Epyona_meteorite, my proposal isn't even on that list :|
18:15.46a_meteoriteEpyon: What was yours? Can you reveal it?
18:16.20Epyona_meteorite, no secret I guess, I've been talking about it a lot here... random map generators
18:16.33ManuEpyon: random level you said ;)
18:16.43a_meteoriteRandom with patterns would be interesting
18:17.06EpyonManu, after some thinking I came up with the conclusion that "random map" is more accurate :P
18:17.18ManuEpyon: we have random map actually ;)
18:17.27EpyonManu, uh yeah :P
18:18.10Epyona_meteorite, there will be various generators to be tweaked by taste.
18:18.51a_meteoriteEpyon: This might be of interest to you, have you seen Thumper's Python script for generating BZ Olympics?
18:19.30ManuKTL: is not so easy :)
18:19.55EpyonKTL, no worries ;]
18:19.55Manufirst you need to be a good player to understand the tricks ;)
18:20.08KTLpyramids for example, if these things are placed randomly then tanks get stuck in them before they know it
18:20.28JeffM2501probalby best not to discuss SoC things till it's announced.
18:20.31KTLdriving backwards bullets incoming must jump must jump help jump does not work stuck pyramid bullet impact BANG
18:21.20EpyonKTL, Diablo had it's random dungeons accessible, didn't it? And in my view their random dungeon algo was realy primitive :P
18:22.03EpyonKTL, a little more optimism please ^_^
18:22.26KTLwell i tried to make something too long ago, it is difficult
18:23.05KTLif the walls are rotated randomly for example, then you easely get too much randomly fliing shots
18:23.21*** part/#bzflag big_daddy2 (
18:23.36JeffM2501wow that boy needs to learn how to share
18:23.47JeffM2501he wants admin perms on all servers that use his maps
18:23.58Epyonwho? :|
18:24.04JeffM2501big daddy
18:24.17KTL(thought he got kicked banned raped )
18:24.18*** join/#bzflag sussi (
18:24.29JeffM2501language please
18:24.42JeffM2501he was for a bit untill he decided to talk like a human again
18:24.47ruskiedid he acctually make any maps?
18:24.50CBGHah. Someone was demanding full perms on a server running a map made entirely by two utterly different people because he helped come up with the original idea.
18:25.01JeffM2501and he's pissed blast won't give him admin
18:25.11JeffM2501I tried to epxplain that they are seperate issues.
18:25.17CBGlanguage please
18:25.17sussihi i'm looking for someone (possibly natural english) who could look through a new website
18:25.27ruskieI wouldn't give such a person any access on even a testing server
18:25.30ManuCBG: I have a special group for those guys.. I just add them to the LOCAL.SPECIALCOP group
18:25.39CBGlol Manu ;)
18:25.46ruskiewe're evil ;)
18:25.50CBGI just told him "hell no." :)
18:25.50JeffM2501I am adding a post to the map releases stating what acceptable licenses are for releasing maps on bzbb
18:26.15KTLsussi, how large is it? i am not a native speaker but can see some mistakes
18:26.18ruskiehere's the basic one... general copyright
18:26.53ruskieyou can copy and use it as-is without modification or any local modifiaction as long as you don't distribute it etc...
18:26.57ruskiesorta like qmail and stuff
18:27.34JeffM2501I want to say that if you release it on bzbb, it needs to have an open source compatable license
18:27.39JeffM2501as that is what we are abbout
18:28.31ruskieI guess some of the creative commons licenses might work as well
18:28.39ruskieif not all
18:28.55CBGHow would one enforce such a thing? Say a map is downloaded directly from the server, by a client, and re-hosted without permission... What can the map creator do?
18:29.18ManuCBG: he can cry
18:29.32CBGother than that?
18:29.50ruskiecall riaa or mpaa
18:29.55ManuCBG: remember all your family too ;)
18:30.01ruskieand claim the server is hosting an teh evil filesharing network
18:30.25ManuCBG: in the way of.. you son of.. and such things
18:30.39CBGaha ;)
18:30.51ManuCBG: he also can press F12 ;)
18:31.14Manuand F5 to take a probe
18:31.16ruskiemaybe add a general disputes forum on the bb so that ppl can dispute such claims
18:31.46Manuevidence I mean
18:32.01ruskiegrab it from the cache since you had to get it :)
18:33.28KTLsussi, I'm rewriting a bit
18:33.55sussigood, you could get a account
18:34.28KTLi just send you my texts, you can put it there if you want
18:34.38sussiah okay
18:35.58brlcadJBdiGriz: pingo
18:36.23*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
18:37.14a_meteoriteyeah, the thing I didn't like about map downloading is it doesn't preserve comments
18:38.35JeffM2501there is no a clarificaiton post in the map releases section
18:41.50a_meteoriteJeffM2501: putting the license in a map file won't work for people downloading it from a server
18:41.57a_meteoritethe comments are stripped
18:42.14a_meteorite"It is highly recommended that you indicate your license in your map file, as that offers you the most protection of your work."
18:42.30ruskiewell then that needs fixing to the server... not to strip that
18:42.40JeffM2501a_meteorite, yes
18:42.49JeffM2501but a user can also remove the license
18:42.56JeffM2501it's not that it dosnt' "WORK"
18:43.07a_meteoritethey could, but it'd be a good idea to have it at least there
18:43.20a_meteoritejust to make it all legal
18:43.49JeffM2501its still legal
18:44.02JeffM2501having the license in your posted map, helps you enforce your license
18:44.05a_meteoriteif someone doesn't know the license, it's kinda hard to prove it ;)
18:44.22a_meteoritenot everyone gets maps via the bzbb or is even signed up there
18:44.22JeffM2501it's YOUR job to protect your stuff, not theres
18:44.33JeffM2501excatly we are not the guardians of your IP
18:44.46JeffM2501put your license in the server message
18:44.46a_meteoritethat's why bzflag shouldn't strip the comments.
18:44.54JeffM2501it would be nice it it didn't
18:44.59JeffM2501but it's not a requirement
18:45.08JeffM2501there are other ways to show your licnese
18:45.13a_meteoritetrue, that
18:45.21JeffM2501it's somethign we shuld look into
18:45.26JeffM2501but it dosn't make it "not work"
18:45.33ruskieor add a bit of a texture like a plaque from st that has you license in it and patch it on a wall someplace for ppl :)
18:46.52JeffM2501it all depends on how much you want to protect your work
18:47.11*** join/#bzflag CBG` (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
18:47.12JeffM2501the more documentation you have on it, the more tools you have to protect yourself
18:47.18a_meteoriteI like to fully protect mine
18:47.21KTLsussi, do you see the private channel I opened?
18:47.35a_meteoritebut I won't be able to release them on the bzbb now... I don't want GPL on my maps
18:47.35JeffM2501a_meteorite, then don't release your maps
18:47.36ruskiewell off for some patroling...
18:47.43JeffM2501thats the only way to fully protect them
18:47.57a_meteoritewhat about maps that have already been posted on the bzbb?
18:47.58JeffM2501a_meteorite, gpl is not the only license
18:48.04JeffM2501a_meteorite, read all the words
18:48.14a_meteoriteI read your post
18:48.21JeffM2501and it mentions maps on the boards then
18:48.35JeffM2501what do you not like about the GPL?
18:48.44JeffM2501you wish to restrict who can use them?
18:48.46a_meteoriteit's not restrictive enough
18:48.56JeffM2501to who?
18:49.04sussisKTL: sorry no
18:49.14JeffM2501why post it if you don't want eveyrone to use it?
18:49.20a_meteoriteto idiots who like to claim it's theirs, who modify it and claim it's theirs
18:49.28a_meteoriteit's happened many times to me
18:49.31JeffM2501the GPL protects you against that
18:49.48a_meteoriteheh, I don't want to sue ;)
18:49.59a_meteoritethough I sent a cease and desist letter once. it worked.
18:50.04JeffM2501there ya go
18:50.17JeffM2501any license that allows free unrestricuted use and distrobution is fine
18:50.23JeffM2501it can have a modification clause
18:50.33JeffM2501but you can not say "you can not use this" to anyone
18:50.56JeffM2501or "you can only use it if you do XXXX"
18:51.04*** join/#bzflag herzel (i=ariel@gateway/tor/x-5615ffa4436a3d26)
18:51.06a_meteoriteI re-read your post and I don't see where it addresses maps that have already been posted at the bzbb
18:51.13a_meteoritecause I have a few posted on the bzbb
18:51.31JeffM2501"If there are any maps hosted by authors that do not agree to these terms, then the authors should remove the maps. "
18:51.36JeffM2501read harder
18:51.40a_meteoriteoh k
18:52.05a_meteoritewasn't scanning for the right term
18:52.35a_meteoriteoi, finding those topics is gonna be a pain
18:53.26JeffM2501you want to restrict use?
18:53.49JeffM2501if your ok with leting anyone use, but no mod, then leave em, as that is compatable
18:53.50a_meteoriteI don't know yet, I haven't made up my mind
18:54.07JeffM2501if you want to be shelfish, then yeah, get em off our server
18:54.26a_meteoritemmm, I only have one map posted, I'll leave it. it wasn't one of my best works.
18:54.44JeffM2501we just want to promote sharing of content
18:54.51JeffM2501just like we do with the soruce code
18:54.57a_meteoriteI get that
18:55.01JeffM2501with respect to that author's copyright of course
18:55.14JeffM2501just as we expect others to respect our copyright
18:55.17a_meteoriteI've seen a lot of people be idiotic with it though
18:55.29JeffM2501there will allways be those people
18:55.41a_meteoriteand being a game, suing is something I really don't want to do
18:55.50a_meteoriteyou aren't left with many options
18:55.53JeffM2501and as I say, the more info you publish the better you can enfoce.
18:56.41JeffM2501you know what others can do with your stuff the moment you host it on the net
18:56.44JeffM2501same for web pages
18:57.11JeffM2501an image can be downloaded and saved, and not have the license text next to it on the page saved with it
18:57.19JeffM2501downloading from the client is the same deal
18:57.57JeffM2501sure it'd be nice if we sent the comments, but there are so many ways that you can get the content with out the license, you can't relly on techicnal means to protect you
18:58.18JeffM2501I mean we coudl render the scene on the server and send out pictures, then we'd not even send the binary map
18:58.37a_meteoritethat's a tad over-the-top for me
18:58.57JeffM2501exactly, there are lines to be drawn
18:59.08JeffM2501sure if somone makes a patch that gets comments to the client, that's great
18:59.15JeffM2501I'm sure it'd be accepted
19:02.49KTLsussi, your email does not work :D
19:03.32sussiskype me : rak640
19:04.13KTLand does skype allow transferring text files?
19:05.15a_meteoriteyou can transfer any files with skype
19:15.38JBdiGrizbrlcad: pongo
19:16.54*** join/#bzflag restorer (n=endolus@about/cooking/nakedchef/chili/restorer)
19:20.14donny_bakerKTL: now all I need is skill ;)
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19:57.38battousai1373Hello again. This is Ted (GSoC)...just checking in to make sure I didn't miss any questions from the devs yesterday and see what's up while I'm here. I'll be around the apt and checking in periodically 'til around 3:00. Then, I'll be gone 'til midnight coding with my game team (we go gold next Friday.).
20:00.29brlcadbattousai1373: ahh, hello
20:02.04battousai1373hey brlcad
20:03.14CBGhola battousai1373 :)
20:03.15battousai1373what's up, CBG?
20:03.18CBGnot much :)
20:03.31CBGwhat's your 'project' for GSoC?
20:04.09battousai1373Server-side DR, packet culling, predictive synch w/ cubic splines
20:04.54*** join/#bzflag restorer (n=endolus@about/cooking/nakedchef/chili/restorer)
20:05.01CBGah, probably one of the more beneficial, albeit less crowd-pleasing projects :)
20:05.31a_meteoritebattousai1373: That's great
20:05.35*** join/#bzflag QuantumBeep (
20:05.41battousai1373predictive synch w/ cubic splines is pretty though.
20:05.45a_meteoriteBZFlag could really use more anti-cheat capabilities.
20:05.50battousai1373(if done correctly)
20:06.45battousai1373yeah, I hope to add some :)
20:07.15battousai1373Speaking of which, I hear we lost a slot, huh?
20:07.34donny_bakeryep, down to 4
20:08.09battousai1373That's unfortunate...It does make my day more interesting though.
20:10.49L4m3rspeaking of which, tomorrow they will have some :P
20:11.05Manuhi L4m3r
20:11.14L4m3revening, Manu
20:12.02SportChickhiya L4m3r
20:13.08gsneddersbut says evenin' anyway :)
20:14.13Manulong time no see gsnedders :)
20:14.24gsneddersI've been here almost everyday, silently :)
20:14.56gsnedderslots of emails on the HTML WG mailing list
20:15.07donny_baker~tacklehug SportChick
20:15.17ibotACTION gets a running start and tacklehugs SportChick
20:15.17KTLbig hugparty
20:15.39*** join/#bzflag Winny (
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20:44.36brlcadSportChick: I had sushi today too :P
20:44.45brlcadahh, L4m3r arrives at last
20:45.02JeffM2501donny_baker, thanks for the spelling fixes
20:45.02L4m3rgood afternoon
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21:18.35Birdiewhat was the link to the builds from bzflag? (like 2.0.9c8 for example)
21:18.58*** part/#bzflag LongDon (
21:22.04JeffM2501Winny,  you know the rules
21:22.25WinnyI know :)
21:23.14TD-LinuxI never had much easter candy. hmm.
21:23.32Winnyerr, warns.
21:23.32TD-Linuxnow I'm in the mood for bzflag!
21:23.42JBdiGrizKick him now, the adrenaline will knock off some of that sugar rush.
21:25.39*** join/#bzflag Tanner_ (
21:25.40*** topic/#bzflag by JeffM2501 -> || || || || || || New WIKI! || Migrated from CVS to SVN: || GSoC 4 slots: final placement TBA 5PM PST
21:33.28RatOmeteris there any unavoidable reason that only a single instance of bzfs can be running?
21:34.12RatOmetera single instance on a single computer
21:34.34Winnyas in, it errors?
21:34.54WinnyIve been able to run ~3 servers at the same time fine...
21:35.02RatOmeterunder windows?
21:35.22WinnyDid you chage the port? :p
21:36.05RatOmeteryeah, one at 5154 and the next at 5155... try to run the second one and it complains that it couldn't start "perhaps there's another instance already running?"
21:36.21RatOmeteror some very similar message
21:37.21WinnyI only got that error when more then one server was trying to access one port
21:38.13*** join/#bzflag CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
21:38.57RatOmeterverbatim: "ERROR: Unable to start the server, perhaps one is already running?" That was from a test I did just now... one on port 5155 and the 2nd on port 5156
21:40.30RatOmeternevermind. dreaded brainfart again. I was changing the port in the wrong conf file for the 2nd instance :)
21:41.01RatOmeterright file, wrong directory
21:42.24*** part/#bzflag Tedius (n=Tedius@cmtadmin.MUSC.CWRU.Edu)
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22:12.22Winnyooh, I needed one of those
22:13.50CBGHeh, I made something similar in photoshop before.
22:14.05CBGI've also used a spreadsheet to do a the same job.
22:14.46CBGs/ a / /
22:15.07JeffM2501is there a standard for spreadsheet type data?
22:15.44TD-Linuxcomma-separated list?
22:16.01TD-Linuxa newline at the end of each row?
22:16.18JeffM2501tho probably just just move it all to the SF task tracker
22:16.47TD-Linuxbrlcad: I printed off several of those sheets and doodled them during the state/federal tests last year in school :)
22:18.10*** join/#bzflag rob1n (n=rob1n@unaffiliated/rob1n)
22:22.12KTLsussi, i discovered that private chat does not work
22:22.18KTLfor unregistered users
22:22.32KTLso i thought you had nothing of me
22:22.46KTLi think i saw some of my sentences on the website
22:22.54brlcadit works, but the person you're talking to has to turn their filtering off
22:23.04brlcadby default it filters unidentified
22:23.29brlcadeveryone should /msg nickserv set filtered off  imho
22:23.30KTLhow do i turn of filtering?
22:24.05KTLmmm my nick is taken by somebody else who is less worthy to carry my nick.
22:24.13brlcader, bah .. /msg nickserv set unfiltered on
22:24.32sussiI used what i found under
22:24.49KTL(i don't have the password for that butttt it is allready of i think)
22:27.38Winnyteapot fetish? :p
22:28.43purple_cowteapots are cool, because then you have tea
22:32.29*** join/#bzflag herzel (i=ariel@gateway/tor/x-35b486a0906fd703)
22:32.36brlcad~dict obsolence
22:32.42brlcad~spell obsolence
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22:35.07JeffM2501can anyone help me with some super grep guru?
22:36.04WinnyI would if I knew what you were talking about :p
22:36.31JeffM2501I need to get rid of all the newlines in a text file that are on lines that have other text
22:37.09poolioJeffM2501: sed would make it easier
22:37.14Davemantrailing or leading?
22:37.25JeffM2501oh and I'm on windows :)
22:37.30Davemanoh blah
22:37.41JeffM2501needs to be done once, so I can send somone the file
22:38.39JeffM2501Erroneous, can VC do fancy grepitude?
22:38.54Erroneous"fancy grepitude"?
22:39.14JeffM2501I want to delete the newline if there is a real character before it.
22:39.17Erroneousit can do regex search and replace
22:39.19Erroneousso yeah
22:39.20Davemans/^(.+)\n$/$1/g ?
22:39.28JeffM2501got a sec?
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23:01.51JeffM2501anone got OpenOffice?
23:01.51CIA-17BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r14019 10/trunk/bzflag/TODO.html: todo as an HTML table.
23:02.15Winny/ish/maybe/me checks
23:02.51*** join/#bzflag The_Vaxorcist (
23:03.16WinnyUgh, no, my USB drive with portable OO isn't here right now
23:04.04WinnyIll try to find it, brb
23:07.24CIA-17BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r14020 10/trunk/bzflag/TODO.html: cleanups and rewording.
23:07.51JeffM2501is that a better format for the todo then the flat text one?
23:08.24JeffM2501is there any other format better then the text one?
23:08.54Erroneousprolly not :)
23:09.03Erroneousbut that's just my opinion
23:09.09JeffM2501what don't you like about it?
23:09.46CBGI can't see why this format would be unpopular. Does someone dev on a system with no browser?
23:10.03JeffM2501API docs are HTML as well :)
23:10.35Erroneoushtml is not the be-all end-all
23:10.40JeffM2501no it's not
23:10.41The_VaxorcistSeems fine to me
23:10.46CBGneither is txt :P
23:10.53Erroneousespecially office's mutilated html
23:11.12JeffM2501well yeah, I know the guts is nasty, I just mean in general
23:11.13Erroneousseriously our todo should not be 106kb
23:11.22JeffM2501it's 75k on mine
23:11.40JeffM2501that's why I wanted to see it in OO
23:11.50ErroneousI just checked it out
23:11.57Erroneoushaven't looked in oo
23:11.57JeffM2501wonder how much I can pull and still have excell edit it
23:12.03CBG108KB here!!! OMG
23:12.15JeffM250176,367 bytes
23:12.26Erroneousit's this crap:   <td height=51 class=xl37 style='height:38.25pt;border-top:none' x:num>3</td>
23:12.38Erroneousall that to say 3.
23:12.41JeffM2501ok, if the HTML was cleaned up
23:12.47JeffM2501what about that fomrat
23:12.49JBdiGrizJeffM2501: I like /** @todo <Item>
23:12.55CBGErroneous: that's a whole table cell
23:12.58Erroneouswhat exactly is wrong with text anyway?
23:13.07CBGwith size, colour, etc.
23:13.15JeffM2501harder to sort and add other items to it
23:13.15Erroneousit's simple, small, universal
23:13.16JeffM2501like name
23:13.24JeffM2501let me work with it then
23:13.28Erroneousdoesn't have all those unnecessary other items :)
23:13.36Erroneousif we're gonna add all that junk, keep it in a database
23:13.45Erroneouslike, oh, I dunno, the sf tracker system
23:13.48JeffM2501that is my other option
23:13.56JBdiGrizThat one also allows you to put the todos and the information next to the likely place for the changes. It's known as doxygen.
23:13.57JeffM2501and hence why this was a test
23:14.02Erroneoustodo is there because it's easy and fast to update
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23:14.10Erroneousopen a text file and add a line
23:14.35JeffM2501you'll notice I didn't delete the old todo
23:14.47Erroneousright, so then they get out of sync
23:14.58CIA-17BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r14021 10/trunk/bzflag/TODO.html: go away html todo, it's not you time.
23:15.05JeffM2501well if you liked it, I'd have removed the text
23:15.26JeffM2501wonder if we can do a mass import/export to the SF stuff
23:16.10JeffM2501mostly I am looking for a place to put down where somone has said "yah I'll try to get to that"
23:16.46Erroneoustracker is the right place for that, assign it to the dev who said that
23:17.20JeffM2501should we keep them all in tracker then too?
23:17.29JeffM2501or just ones that are accepted?
23:17.37Erroneousthat would be ok with me
23:17.43JeffM2501keeping them all in there
23:17.56JeffM2501to me accepted is somone said they'd do it
23:18.06Erroneouslike assigned, but not
23:18.06JeffM2501cus it's not assigned
23:18.29JeffM2501I'm tryin to get nice words for it here that won't freak people out :)
23:18.50JeffM2501tryin to make the most of our current planing kick ya know
23:19.21JeffM2501if they were all in SF, would you want a local todo? or just say "go to this URL"?
23:20.13Erroneouspersonally I would have no problem with killing the local todo if everything was entered correctly as a bug or rfe.  some people (like, oh, Fearless) would probably have a prolem with that though.
23:20.52JeffM2501TimRiker, do you prefer a flat file todo? or having it all on SF in a tracker?
23:21.16Erroneousyes, things can be retrackerized (woohoo, new word)
23:21.47JeffM2501hmm, may be nice then to have a bug tracker and a RFE tracker, then move them to a todo tracker when we look at them and say "yeah lets do that"
23:21.55JeffM2501then devs can pull from the todo one
23:22.28Erroneouscould use priority tags for that
23:22.57Erroneousand, of course, the closed/rejected status :)
23:23.14JeffM2501can we add statuses?
23:23.19TimRikerJeffM2501: don't care. one or the other but not both. I guess I tend to put real TODO's in the file and let users add wish list things to the tracker.
23:23.46JeffM2501TimRiker, so do you like there being a seperate User entry section for stuff, then one that is more "approved"?
23:24.37TimRikerdon't care much. need to be able to mark them somehow. but a priority or whatever it offers would work.
23:25.05JeffM2501if they dont' have an import method it's suck to have to enter 111 items by hand
23:26.25TimRikerso is there an approved list for gsoc? I still see the unlikely bar on the web, but not a "approved" bit.
23:26.52JeffM2501that happens in 34 min
23:27.04JeffM2501we have till 5 to shuffle
23:27.08JeffM2501we are done shuffling
23:27.17JeffM2501there is a small small posibility we'll get another slot
23:28.41Winnyjeff, if you still care, I found it :p
23:28.48JeffM2501it's ok Winny
23:28.53JeffM2501thanks for trying tho
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23:29.53TimRikerso the "likely" line has 4 above it.
23:30.02JeffM2501we lost a slot yesterday
23:30.07TimRikerdoes that mean we're really only getting 4 approved?
23:30.17JeffM2501as it sits not
23:30.23JeffM2501we got more then GCC :)
23:30.33TimRikerclearly google does not put the focus on gaming that they need too.
23:30.55JeffM2501actualy, they specificly say NO GAMES
23:31.03JeffM2501we got in due to our achedemic use
23:31.21JeffM2501and we are a first year project
23:31.28JeffM2501so we are lower priority
23:31.39TimRikerah. cool! didn't know that part.
23:31.56JeffM2501if we do well this year, then we'll be able to get more next year
23:31.56TimRikerso we are a "AI development laboratory environment" ? :)
23:32.02JeffM2501yeah kinda
23:33.09JeffM2501mostly I tink they don't want to deal with every kiddie quake mod out there
23:33.41TimRikerhow do you know how many gcc got?
23:34.46JeffM2501last list I saw
23:35.03TimRikerwhere was the list?
23:35.15JeffM2501on the mailing list
23:35.19JeffM2501brlcad sent me a copy
23:35.51JeffM2501they do skew tward web apps
23:35.59JeffM2501drupal got like 25
23:36.04JeffM2501it is there money tho
23:36.58purple_cowthat doesn't really surprise me
23:37.04Erroneousyeah, it makes sense for them to support things that help them more
23:37.08purple_cowSoC is a big recruiting venture for them :P
23:38.40JeffM25014 will be a nice number for us to ensure we manage
23:38.58JeffM2501if we can do that realy good, then we can do more next year, that's how I see it
23:39.48JeffM2501we are 1 of only 2 games to get in
23:39.49TimRikeranyone that pays for bzflag development at any scale gets my thanx.
23:40.08TimRiker2? you counting crystal space? or is there another actual game?
23:40.10JeffM2501and it's made us evaluate what we need done, another good thing for us
23:40.20JeffM2501there is another game system that has a smaple game
23:40.26JeffM2501CS is used for non game stuff too
23:41.05JeffM2501ogre got some slots too
23:44.26JeffM2501hmm, can't add a new status on SF
23:44.35JeffM2501type may be the best thing to do
23:45.31JeffM2501cus I don't want to change the group, or the category
23:48.52JeffM2501hmm they don't have a tracker permision to let it be viewable by anyone, but only let project members post to it :(
23:49.10JeffM2501purple_cow, does google's systems suck less?
23:49.25purple_cowit sucks marginally less than SF
23:49.33purple_cowthe thing that I like most about it is the labels system
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23:52.20randomparticlesomeone has just been on the pillbox server advertising a cheat site
23:52.20JeffM2501if I could add a status, that'd do it, or if I could make a tracker that is dev only to edit.
23:52.39JeffM2501the admin there take care of em?
23:52.51randomparticlebut that blog thing.. sounds familiar
23:52.55JeffM2501it is
23:53.05randomparticlealmost like an incident from a year ago
23:53.16JeffM2501it is
23:53.22JeffM2501probably not
23:53.39JeffM2501probably just someone trying to be "cute"
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23:54.52brlcadwoo, interesting dev mail
23:56.04brlcadTimRiker: gcc only asked for four, some issue with mentors -- they could have gotten more according to comments made on google channel
23:56.40CBGrandomparticle: what pillbox server? hepcat?
23:56.57randomparticle"Lickler" was the callsign
23:57.12CBGk, just checking it wasn't MY pillbox server :)
23:57.16purple_cow@*&$#^!(@*&% linux distributions
23:58.07JeffM2501guess I'll just add a todo tracker, then auto asign new items to somethign we can track so we can keep it clean manaual
23:59.22brlcadfour or two .. whatever they had
23:59.46JeffM2501I assume we didn't get that 1% chance?
23:59.47brlcadJeffM2501: technically, that's what the tasker is for

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