irclog2html for #bzflag on 20070304

00:04.34KTLmaybe while turning yes, or also when jumping
00:04.50KTLor maybe during every type of move
00:05.07KTLlike going forward make you look a bit lower
00:05.17KTLgoing backwards make you look a bit higher
00:05.27KTLdepending on the speed
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02:42.06a_meteoritePretty sure CRW has a new name: storm trooper
02:42.56a_meteoriteSame provider and same cheat.
02:43.35a_meteoriteSoon as I saw the familiar IP he got the nice "Hello CRW. No cheating." ban. :)
02:46.10*** join/#bzflag bz48 (
02:46.51bz48got my server working trying to set wingjumpcount in my conf
02:46.59bz48having a problem
02:47.15bz48anyone know anything about setting this
02:47.29JeffM2501add -set
02:47.43JeffM2501or a vars file
02:48.05bz48-set_wingsJumpCount 3????
02:48.30JeffM2501check the manpage
02:48.43JeffM2501I don't remember the exact syntax
02:48.58bz48i found it as follows
02:49.13bz48_wingsJumpCount 3
02:49.24JeffM2501that's the variable name
02:49.26JeffM2501you need to set it
02:49.29bz48then it said in conf -set
02:49.39JeffM2501let it fly
02:49.43JeffM2501tho there will be a space after set
02:49.46JeffM2501before the variable name
02:50.24bz48maybe as follows
02:50.32bz48-set jc 3
02:50.35JeffM2501read the info on /set
02:50.43bz48okay i will
02:50.49bz48thanks for your help
03:05.43*** join/#bzflag Rune-boy8620 (n=root@
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03:08.32Tanksnipehi mega boom
03:08.42Tanksnipewere u jsut at sniper country?
03:08.59Tanksnipeim owner
03:09.27Megaboomim halfway from completing a map
03:10.33Megaboomi just dont know how to use it =/
03:18.16Tanksnipewat u mean
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05:31.48a_meteorite~seen daniel_jackson
05:32.16ibotdaniel_jackson <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 22h 4m 19s ago, saying: 'well I'm off to reek havoc on the players in missile war, sry jeff if caused any problems'.
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07:01.07*** join/#bzflag Joss (n=unknown@
07:01.31Jossjust found a bug of sort
07:01.45Jossin bzflag
07:01.46a_meteoriteJoss: elaborate :)
07:02.13Josswhen you have narow
07:02.19Jossthe flag
07:02.52Jossif you got to a bilding smaller in any way
07:03.24Jossand go side on to it and drive abit
07:03.32a_meteoriteyou can see inside?
07:03.38Jossthen turn into the bilding
07:03.56Jossthen drive backwards
07:04.02Theme97Then you'll go through it.
07:04.08Jossyou go inside
07:04.08Theme97It's possible without Narrow.
07:04.15a_meteoritewhoa, ok
07:04.22a_meteoritenow I gotta try that out
07:04.28Jossi think so
07:04.35Jossbut wait
07:04.40Theme97a_meteorite: Easiest with mesh walls.
07:04.57Jossit might only work on mesh walls
07:05.18Jossbut i did it on my map
07:06.49a_meteoriteTheme97: can you demonstrate at boxy?
07:08.52Theme97gotta go
07:09.11Jossill try
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11:25.45daniel_jacksonanyone home?
11:27.24daniel_jacksonwhat would be the syntax I write to get the 2.0.9 cvs?
11:30.13daniel_jacksonwell I guess I'll just download the 2.0.8 for now
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13:43.50Pommesis there a limiting factor for the brightness-control?
13:45.21PommesOn my new computer I can only set it about to a third.
13:55.17Chestalhmm? what happens exactly?
13:57.26PommesI can move the brightness-slider to the right, but it doesn't change anything.
13:57.37PommesOnly on the first third it changes the brightness
13:57.39Chestalah, probably bug in your SDL version
13:57.55ChestalI had that bug in my unstable debian at one point
13:58.09Chestalsee if you can upgrade SDL
13:58.20Pommesok - thx for the info :)
13:59.35Chestalsomeone "optimized" the SDL code at one point
14:00.42Pommeshm - no newer sdl in ubuntu-repository
14:01.37UpsetterPommes, is it edgy?
14:02.20Pommesbtw ups: there is a newer libcurl in the repository which works
14:02.32PommesI don't have the "join-crash"-bug anymore
14:03.07Upsetterwhich version do u have now?
14:03.59Pommesit's called 7.15.4-1ubuntu2.1~proposed1
14:04.50Upsetterhmm, and where is it? i cant find? is it in a special repository?
14:05.16Pommesyou have to tell your package-manager to also check for "proposed" updates
14:05.19Pommesthat's not the default
14:05.23Upsetterah k
14:05.55Pommesin synaptic go to settings, repositories, internet-updates -> checkbox "proposed"
14:11.15Upsetterok, i see it. thx
14:11.59Upsetterit was not a critical bug, so lazy Ups didnt care much ;)
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14:32.04PommesUps: but the brightness drives me crazy
14:32.19PommesI don't want to accept that
14:33.41Upsetteryeah :/ , luckily i dont have that bug
14:34.11Pommesso which is your sdl-version?
14:38.18donny_baker~CBG --
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17:35.39CBGdonny_baker: what for? :)
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19:38.46Bluerwith the server on a lan, can connect but can't spawn. Already enabled in firewall.. (Vista). What could be causing this?
19:40.24donny_bakerbad config file on client... happens to me sometimes
19:40.47donny_bakerdelete or rename the config file in your 2.0 directory and try again
19:41.13JeffM2501naw it's probably just blocked UDP
19:41.21donny_bakeron a lan?
19:41.28JeffM2501on the local machine :)
19:42.16Bluerdeleted the config files several times
19:42.37donny_bakerok, then what Jeff said ;)
19:42.38BluerI asked some guys to join, and they successfuly spawned (over the internet)
19:42.49BluerI'm running Vista
19:42.55Blueranother PC on Lan is running XP
19:42.59Bluerboth cant spawn
19:43.04Bluerit must be the dlink router
19:43.06donny_bakerI use Vista too, had no issues
19:43.09Bluermy god dlinks are crappy
19:43.46Bluerthey have those hidden features that you cant controll. its there, like it or not
19:44.27Bluerbut within the same lan, how would a consumer router do this?
19:44.41blast007Bluer: also check your flags
19:44.45blast007might have too many
19:45.04JeffM2501I'm betting it's your local firewall
19:45.04Bluerblast007, two guys joined and spawned over the internet
19:45.05donny_bakerserver is running on solaris, isn't it?
19:45.10Bluerproblem is local
19:45.22Bluerdonny_baker, IRIX
19:45.26blast007tried connection to the local IP instead of the external?
19:45.43Bluerblast007, locally I always use local
19:46.09blast007wouldn't be the router then
19:46.23Bluerwhen I can connect and see, but cant spawn, what is it? UDP faliure?
19:46.27blast007cuz it would just be using the switch part
19:46.45Bluerno I cant see. just connect and read the message: "press I or hit ......"
19:46.53Pommes~seen Upsetter
19:46.58ibotupsetter <n=Upsetter@> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 5h 9m 42s ago, saying: ''.
19:47.45BluerI can see the map and everything, but no spawn :(
19:48.15donny_bakeris your config file on a local or network drive?
19:49.21blast007check your bzfs logs directly after you connect
19:49.25JeffM2501why are you stuck on the "config" thing dude?
19:49.46JeffM2501a client config won't make you not spawn, unless you remaped the key
19:49.54JeffM2501then it'd be for all servers not just the local one
19:50.26BluerJeffM2501, should I set verbose to a specific level?
19:50.53JeffM2501just make sure it allows both UDP and TCP
19:50.59donny_bakerjeff: I have had it happen to me numerous times on XP... delete the config and all comes back fine
19:51.12JeffM2501that means you don't know the problem ;)
19:51.16Bluerdonny_baker, I did delete the config twice. no use
19:51.19JeffM2501deleting the config isn't a generic solution
19:51.38JeffM2501and this isn't a client problem, looks like a server issue
19:51.43JeffM2501or a network issue
19:52.06JeffM2501I'm guessing the local firewall is blocking the atempts to connect to itslef
19:52.32BluerJeffM2501, I will disable the Vista firewall and see
19:53.25Bluerfirewall off, no use
19:53.50Bluerfirewall back on
19:53.53JeffM2501your computer lacks fung shue
19:54.12donny_bakerdid you hit i with your left or right hand?
19:54.24blast007Bluer: try connecting to the external IP
19:54.25BluerI started a local server on the machine itself, and it works
19:54.52JeffM2501then it's something on your lan
19:55.07donny_bakercan you connect to other services SSH, etc from your local machine to server?
19:55.13blast007maybe a firewall on the irix box
19:55.22Bluerbloody works! blast007 you earned the title I gave you once more!
19:55.35Bluerdonny_baker, yes
19:55.36BluerI can
19:55.48Bluerblast007, but now I go through the internet! my lag is high
19:55.52Bluerhow is this possible?
19:55.59blast007eh, shouldn't be
19:56.08blast007the router just fakes routering back
19:56.46Bluerindeed it does
19:56.47JeffM2501yeah the "internet" dosn't send it back
19:56.48Bluerits local
19:58.06BluerJeffM2501, blast007 and donny_baker. Thanks
19:58.46donny_bakernp, anytime you want useless help, I'm available :)
20:14.18CIA-1BZFlag: 03atupone 07v2_0_cs_branch * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/bzflag.cxx: Load the bugplug-in to have nice information such FPS and mesh names
20:29.50ruskiehmm it's kinda scary even with normalized score I come on top...
20:55.48*** join/#bzflag Blue89 (
20:56.13Blue89I am trying to build bzflag from source but something strange happens
20:56.42Tuponewhat? and what is you distro?
20:56.48Blue89when it comes to the final link command in building the server, it looks in the wrong directory for my
20:57.00Blue89I am on OpenZaurus
20:57.23Blue89and I am sick of waiting two hours for it to build and finding an error when I get back... lol
20:58.08ibotextra, extra, read all about it, bzpastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel, and it archives too. - try
20:58.48Blue89I can't pastebin it, I ran the command in the real terminal and I don't have a mouse there
20:59.08Blue89it says this, I will copy the problem line by hand
21:00.34Blue89libtook: link: cannot find library '/home/hrw/devel/build/3541-feed/tmp/cross/arm-linux/lib/'
21:01.29JeffM2501sounds like you don't have all the dev packages for yours system
21:01.40Tuponesome of your .la is looking at that. grep it on all that you have
21:01.42Blue89I have stdlib
21:01.52Blue89it is in /usr/lib, where it is supposed to be
21:03.01Blue89it is openzaurus, I wander if it is configured to be going into that directory for some wierd reason
21:03.08Tuponeyou mean  /usr/lib/ is looking at /home/hrw/devel/build/3541-feed/tmp/cross/arm-linux/lib/
21:03.27Blue89there is no such link, although I could try making one
21:03.46Tuponeno you don't need. Something is wrong is some of your *.la
21:04.16Blue89the la is there, libtool just looked in the wrong place is an ascii file
21:04.26Tuponeis not the only one
21:04.53Tuponea lot of .la's are needed. Someone, of them, is looking at that directory
21:05.38Tuponewell, at least is my gues
21:06.02Blue89maybe the guy that built this version of the lib (I got a binary) configured it that way by accident
21:06.26Tuponeyou got a binary of what? curl?, c-ares?
21:06.51TuponeI don't think bzflag, as you are building it
21:07.07Blue89binary version of libstdc++
21:07.14Tuponenope, is not that
21:07.23Tuponesomething else is looking for it
21:07.42Blue89is there a simple way to find out which one?
21:08.11Tuponefind / -name \*.la | xargs grep 3541-feed
21:09.13Tuponedunno if is simple, but it is one way to do it. Otherwise you have to check the libtool command that fails, and analyze all the *.la on it
21:09.35Tuponeadding all the one referenced recursively
21:11.26Blue89my terminal just got flooded with a boatload of messages
21:11.51Tuponefind / -name \*.la | xargs grep 3541-feed | grep
21:11.52brlcadBlue89: libtool only looks in paths it's told to look in or otherwise set up via system configuration
21:11.53Blue89I can only see the bottom two, both show
21:12.15brlcadwhy would it search down into a /home/hrw path?
21:12.22Blue89I don't know
21:12.38brlcadwhatever that is, is what's causing the problem
21:12.44Blue89I guess there is a setting that came with one of my packages asking it to do that
21:12.56brlcadit's not exactly libtools fault .. it's not magically thinking to look there ;)
21:13.00Tuponebrlcad: but if the depends on /home/hrw/devel/build/3541-feed/tmp/cross/arm-linux/lib/, it will try to open it
21:13.26Tuponeand hola brlcad :)
21:13.32brlcadciao tupone
21:14.01Blue89I think the guy that built the package that is causing trouble used his personal system settings to build something and did not use variables
21:14.04brlcadTupone: and that would be a problem with that .. we don't use that la afaik
21:14.20Blue89I beleive you do
21:14.38brlcadBlue89: just a sanity check, you don't have and LD_LIBRARY_PATH that points there or something I hope?
21:14.42Blue89ther ewere libraries missing the first time I tried to build, I think curl was one of them
21:15.03Blue89I don't do much with system variables here, I don't know how to check that
21:15.13brlcadecho $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
21:15.14Tuponebrlcad: if has been moved on a system place, and it still refer to local path?
21:15.21Blue89I'm guessing that means I didn't change anything :-)
21:15.48brlcadTupone: "possibly".. though then the fix could be as simple as delete
21:15.54brlcadthey're not necessary
21:15.58Tuponeor rebuild correctly
21:16.05Tuponenot libtool fault
21:16.06brlcador that
21:16.09Blue89that command returnsa blank line
21:16.11Tuponejust uncorrect fix
21:16.16Blue89must be unset
21:16.19brlcadyeah, libtool has lots of faults .. but this isn't one of them
21:16.32brlcadBlue89: that's good then, just a sanity check
21:16.56brlcadBlue89: try just: mv /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
21:17.12brlcadand maybe ldd /usr/lib/
21:17.28brlcadmake sure it's not linking to that deep path
21:17.40Blue89would setting that to /usr/lib help ld find the libraries?
21:18.02Blue89I know bzflag's server uses curl, because the make install showed it
21:18.31TuponeBlue89: we know, because we added :)
21:18.42Tuponecurl is mandatory
21:19.12JeffM2501curl is used to talk to our list server, so both client and server use it
21:19.43brlcadthat mv just moves the libtool library ( out of the way.. those are just text files with extra info about where the static and shared library files live, and any dependencies
21:20.12brlcadit's the dependencies that it has stored in there that would seem to be making it look deep to that (bad) link
21:20.29Blue89ok, I will try that
21:20.41brlcadthere's another libtool flag to make it not use the .la's iirc, but I forget .. it's still a wrong .la to have installed
21:20.52brlcadyou should check the ldd first
21:21.31brlcadif that actually has a dynamic link to that deep with a home path, it might still cause a problem (if that deep home path exists)
21:21.51Blue89that path does not exist
21:22.06Blue89my home ony contains a root and a Michael directory
21:23.16Blue89I ran that first command. do I need the second one or can I try the make install now? (which will take about 1:30 minutes to reach the point where it fails)
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21:26.39Blue89I guess I'll update you guys in an hour, thanks for the help :-)
21:28.50Blue89I was wrong about the hour wait, I guess make is smart enough not to start from the beginning when it fails and is restarted
21:29.01Blue89or should I say, retarded
21:29.17Blue89I see -L/home/hrw/..... again
21:29.50Blue89and it is complaining that it can't find curl
21:29.51Tuponefind / -name \*.la | xargs grep 3541-feed | grep
21:30.12Tuponeand put back curl where it was
21:30.43ibotcvs -d co -P -r v2_0branch bzflag
21:33.53Blue89I see a lot of stuff, what am I looking for?
21:34.20Blue89(this time I gave us a |less - so I won't miss so much)
21:37.03Blue89the first line shows that is asking for a dependancy search in two /home/hrw type dirs
21:37.43Blue89that is a really long line, actuall six -Ls are on it
21:38.53brlcadBlue89: did you do the ldd ?
21:39.25Blue89you said maybe I need it, I was not sure I had to, I will now if you want
21:39.45brlcadit just tells you the linkages
21:40.23Tuponebecause I want to be sure it is
21:40.34Tuponeand he can fix chaing the path inside
21:40.48brlcadwouldn't moving it out of the way also show that? :)
21:41.25Tuponehmm, I don't know if he need to autorecof everything in that case
21:41.28Blue89I am getting ldd: not found
21:41.45brlcadBlue89: really? interesting.. what OS is this?
21:41.54Blue89arm linux
21:42.16Blue89openzaurus to be specific
21:42.47ruskieand bzflag should run on an arm?
21:42.51brlcadBlue89: grep 3541-feed /usr/lib/*.la | wc
21:43.09Blue89ruskie: it has been done before in pdaxrom I beleive
21:43.19blast007ruskie: it might take an arm and a leg  *runs away before he gets larted*
21:43.31Blue89I have mesa, so it should work, even if I have to turn off texturing
21:44.04ruskiethis sholud be interesting...
21:45.04brlcadBlue89: the count?
21:46.20brlcadso two files are busted
21:46.25Blue89btw, I moved libcurl again before I tried the ldd, I will move it back
21:46.33brlcadnah,t hat's fine
21:46.36brlcadthat just makes it 3
21:46.53brlcador at least three instances, maybe only 1 other file
21:47.08Blue89I moved it back and re-ran that count, no change
21:47.53brlcader, that suggests that maybe you copied it instead of moved it?
21:48.08brlcadthe count shouldn't be identical unless you typo's copying it back
21:48.32brlcadgrep 3541-feed /usr/lib/*.la     without the | wc
21:50.14Blue89I see two huge lines: a libstdc++ one and a libsupc++ one
21:50.31brlcadooh, you have a ?
21:50.51brlcadahh.. "there's yer problem" ;)
21:50.55Blue89did you think it was missing?
21:51.11Blue89did I just typo
21:51.19brlcadno, .la is not at all the same as .so
21:51.38brlcadthe .la's aren't necessary -- it ultimately uses a .so or a .a
21:51.45Tuponebut I have too
21:51.54Tuponeso he can have it
21:52.10brlcadI'm not saying it's wrong to have it
21:52.21Tuponeahh ok :)
21:52.23brlcadbut in his case, he has it and it refers to a bogus path
21:52.27Blue89I will make sure I have the so, but it is the la that make wants to find
21:52.55TuponeBlue89: you should have the name of the 2 la failing
21:53.46brlcadyou have three options: 1) move/remove those three .la files, 2) fix those .la files so they don't point to that 3541 path, or 3) rebuild at least libcurl and libstdc++ correctly
21:54.30Blue89can't I just set something that will force make to look in /usr/lib first?
21:55.01brlcadBlue89: it is, and it's finding the .la .. which points it to look elsewhere
21:55.11Blue89make install -L/usr/lib?
21:56.34brlcadlibtool will read a .la if and only if it exists first, since it has more exact details
21:56.34TuponeI'd go with 2 :)
21:56.35*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
21:57.10LongDonIs there anyone who can helpme with compile probs of cvs 209 on debian sarge?
21:57.31LongDonI have the following error:
21:57.31LongDonconfigure: creating ./config.status
21:57.31LongDonconfig.status: creating
21:57.32LongDonconfig.status: creating BZFlag.xcode/Makefile
21:57.32LongDonconfig.status: creating Dev-C++/Makefile
21:57.32LongDonconfig.status: error: cannot find input file:
21:58.43brlcadLongDon: sounds like probably either need to cvs update -dP  or run/rerun ./
21:59.17LongDonIts a fresh cvs checkout
22:01.56Blue89there's my error: still looking for
22:03.12TuponeBlue89: what are the name of these files?
22:04.21*** join/#bzflag spldart (
22:04.27Tuponeedit  libcurl.a and see where you refer to your temp directory
22:05.17Tuponeyou can save a new copy and change the path from your local firectory to /usr/lib/
22:27.37*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
22:27.37*** mode/#bzflag [+o JBdiGriz] by ChanServ
22:39.45*** join/#bzflag bz63 (
22:40.09bz63Anyone here able to give me a bit of help with OSX and BZFlag?
22:42.14bz63got an older ibook, wanted to run it for my kids on here.  OSX 10.4.8.  When I start the game, the "join game" options are garbled and the system hangs.  
22:42.33LongDonbrlcad: did the cvs update -dP and rerun Error still exists
22:43.03bz63I'm trying bzflag 2.0.8 and had same problems with 20.4.
22:43.08bz63ooops 2.0.4
22:44.43*** join/#bzflag triclops (
22:45.27bz63guess i'm screwed huh?
22:45.36blast007bz63: did you select a server?
22:46.02blast007hmm, "Join Game" on the main menu?
22:46.06blast007is grayed?
22:46.08bz63Don't get that option. It hangs on the 'join game' screen.  can't select a server, and
22:46.34bz63It's not really greyed, it's more garbled.  LIke the vid is screwed.  can't escape out.
22:46.43bz63I have to power down.
22:47.10blast007maybe try running it at a lower resolution and see if that works
22:47.28blast007you can start it at the terminal, and pass it -window -geometry 640x480
22:48.04bz63you think 1024x768 is too high a res?
22:48.04blast007and if that works, you should be able to set the full screen resolution in the options menu
22:48.04blast007could be
22:48.16blast007I know some of the old ATI Rage cards had issues
22:48.26bz63OK.   I'll give it a shot.  
22:49.53LongDonin the config.log i find this:
22:49.54LongDon#define INSTALL_DATA_DIR "/usr/local/share/bzflag"
22:49.54LongDon#define NDEBUG 1
22:49.54LongDon#define PACKAGE "bzflag"
22:49.54LongDon#define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT ""
22:49.54LongDon#define PACKAGE_NAME ""
22:49.56LongDon#define PACKAGE_STRING ""
22:49.58LongDon#define PACKAGE_TARNAME ""
22:50.00LongDon#define PACKAGE_VERSION ""
22:50.02LongDon#define ROBOT 1
22:50.04LongDon#define SNAPPING 1
22:50.06LongDon#define STDC_HEADERS 1
22:50.08LongDon#define STDC_HEADERS 1
22:50.10LongDon#define VERSION "2.0.9"
22:50.12LongDon#define XF86VIDMODE_EXT 1
22:50.14LongDon#define _USE_BZ_API 1
22:50.18LongDon#ifdef __cplusplus
22:50.18blast007LongDon: pastebin
22:50.20LongDonextern "C" void std::exit (int) throw (); using std::exit;
22:50.22LongDonconfigure: exit 1
22:50.28ibot[pastebin] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or is usually painfully too slow and unresponsive to use, use one of the other pastebin sites, or is a very nice pastebin as well
22:50.56LongDonok. thx
22:53.27blast007I have that in my config.log too
22:53.58blast007did you run ./ ?
22:54.28blast007supposed you would have had to, in order to get this far
22:54.47*** join/#bzflag view (
23:04.42*** join/#bzflag PoinTbLanK (
23:05.13LongDonI did and it shows:
23:07.52LongDonThere is this line: Automatically preparing build ... Warning: autoreconf failed
23:07.53LongDonIs that the problem?
23:11.48LongDonDid i write thats the 2.0.9?
23:12.17*** join/#bzflag Bassline89 (
23:18.18brlcadLongDon: possibly part of the problem, try ./ --verbose and see why autoreconf failed
23:24.22LongDonrunning it
23:25.21LongDonmay i paste 3 lines? ;)
23:25.28LongDonUsing `AC_PROG_RANLIB' is rendered obsolete by `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL'
23:25.28LongDonPutting files in AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR, `misc'. require version 1.6, but have 1.4-p6
23:25.48LongDondo i need a newer automake?
23:31.37LongDonThe automake1.6 helped to resolve the problem. Ty for the hints brlcad!
23:40.41brlcadLongDon: interesting.. a lacking in the script .. it should have aborted even earlier on the 1.4-p6 -- i didn't notice that the first time
23:43.07LongDongreat ;) Glad that i could help you ;)
23:49.16*** join/#bzflag codergeek42 (n=peter@fedora/codergeek42)

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