irclog2html for #bzflag on 20070303

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00:54.48blast007what's the -advertise group that makes a server not show on the list for any users?
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03:13.02menotumewhy ?
03:13.19*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (
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03:13.33menotumeThe abthroom is down the hall on the right
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04:41.10cosmosmissing several days in your running regimen is not good, i was dying tonight
04:56.35brlcadi feel your pain.. i've been out off my regimen for almost two weeks now .. i'm going to be hating life sunday after tomorrow's workout
04:57.18*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (i=l4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r)
05:25.39cosmosyeah i just started back after 17 years of no running.  i was up to 4-4.5 miles at 8:30ish pace end of last week
05:25.55cosmostonight i just hit 3miles at 9:00 and that was it
05:26.05brlcadnot bad at all, way to go
05:26.31cosmosyeah well it smarts knowing the last time i was running i could knock out a 16 minute 5k heh
05:27.02cosmosi keep noticing im floating faster and faster and getting tired quick.  hard to pace right now
05:27.08brlcadyou probably had no gray hairs back then either
05:27.34cosmoswell if i shave i still have no gray hairs
05:27.48cosmosi have a patch near the bottom sideburns if i let it grow in
05:28.13cosmosim hoping do do a 5k sometime n march
05:28.19brlcadi relinquished to the beginning of an onset several years ago.. still not noticeable until up close at least
05:29.04cosmosget that "just for men" coloring
05:29.47brlcadi usually/used to color my hair a couple times a year.. but more vivid colors
05:29.53*** join/#bzflag Theme97 (n=Theme97@about/essy/phpwriter/Theme97)
05:29.57brlcadhaven't in almost two years though, hmm
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06:31.47Tanksnipeanybody here?
06:32.33Tanksnipeum can u tell me how i can make groups
06:32.42Tanksnipebeen searching with no success
06:33.06JeffM2501you make a group db file
06:33.25Tanksnipethat would be a local group rite
06:33.40JeffM2501that has the permisions for the group name
06:34.01Tanksnipedo i need a global group
06:34.09JeffM2501you use global login?
06:34.14Tanksnipeum idk
06:34.26JeffM2501then I don't know if you need a global group :)
06:34.45Tanksnipewell i just wanna be auto admin when i go on ym server
06:35.18JeffM2501then yes, you probably need a global group
06:35.48Tanksnipei need an admin to make it rite
06:35.49JeffM2501but you still set the perms local
06:36.05Tanksnipeguess il go to forums
06:36.33*** join/#bzflag Parkinson (
06:36.40Tanksnipehi park
06:36.43JeffM2501yes an admin makes them
06:37.00Tanksnipearent u parkison j. fox
06:37.13Tanksnipethe guy with a trmendous amout of lag
06:37.26JeffM2501it's not lag he has
06:37.28a_meteoriteTanksnipe: actually, parkinson j. fox is CRW - a known cheater
06:37.32ParkinsonYes, I have a lot of lag, unfortunately.
06:37.49Tanksnipeill have to agree with anything met says
06:39.23Tanksnipewhos on now that can make me a global group
06:39.45a_meteoriteJeff has the ability to do that :)
06:39.49JeffM2501there is a fourm to request it
06:40.05Tanksnipeyea ill go post..
06:40.31menotumewhat do you need ?
06:40.38Tanksnipei need name for group tho
06:40.43JeffM2501use the fourm
06:40.45brlcadI stopped watching CRW, is he back at it?
06:40.48JeffM2501we need to have a log for it
06:40.54menotumeya, ok
06:41.31*** join/#bzflag daniel_jackson (
06:41.37Tanksnipewat should i name the group
06:41.41daniel_jacksonhello everyone
06:41.43a_meteoritehello daniel_jackson
06:41.46JeffM2501your server name
06:41.48JeffM2501then .admin
06:41.59Tanksnipeehh but i change map everyso often
06:42.05Tanksnipei dotn really have a name
06:42.10JeffM2501not your map name, server name
06:42.13JeffM2501your DNS?
06:42.36JeffM2501it ain't exactly rocket science
06:42.49Tanksnipei know
06:43.00ParkinsonDo you have static IP, tanksnipe?
06:43.15Tanksnipeno to expensive for me atm
06:45.47JeffM2501you don't need one
06:46.30Tanksnipedont need a wat
06:46.36TanksnipeMt. Dew =p
06:46.40JeffM2501a static
06:46.57ParkinsonMy bad, then.
06:47.02Tanksnipei know
06:47.07Tanksnipei use no-ip
06:47.22Tanksnipecouldnt get dyndns to work
06:47.41Tanksnipeddclient confused and annoyed me
06:47.54a_meteoriteyou could use your name, tanksnipe
06:48.02a_meteoriteI used to use that before coming up with bzfx
06:48.06Tanksnipei thoguh of that
06:48.41Tanksnipeso u dont got know where to host bzfx i saw on forums
06:49.00a_meteoriteyeah, I need a server
06:49.02Tanksnipei like playing there havent in a while tho
06:49.16a_meteoriteI have several leads
06:52.04Tanksnipeok i guess ill just go with tanksnipe.admin
06:52.14Tanksnipeand tanksnipe.cop
06:52.29Tanksnipemet u think i need an onwer group
06:52.47daniel_jacksonyou should be the owner group
06:53.05a_meteoriteI only have an owner group for people who make decisions in how things run
06:53.22a_meteoriteit's mostly politically correct
06:54.35Tanksnipeill just d the admin and owner group
06:54.47Tanksnipeis owner higher than admin
06:54.50daniel_jacksonbasically you may only want owners playing with your linuxbox settings
06:54.57Tanksnipennvm that kinda stupid to ask
06:55.15daniel_jacksontheres never any stupid questions
06:55.28a_meteoriteit can be whatever you want it to be ;)
06:55.35Tanksnipebrb gonna request the groups on forums then wait...
06:56.39JeffM2501it'll be a while, I'm playing DDO
06:57.05Tanksnipei dont need anythime soon
06:57.10Tanksnipewats DDO
06:57.13daniel_jacksonso much for jeff only working! lol
06:57.22JeffM2501why would I do that?
06:57.28ParkinsonDungeons &Dragons
06:57.51daniel_jacksonsomething's wrong with your head? lol
06:58.05JeffM2501excuse me?
06:58.29daniel_jacksonits a joke, thats why you wouldn't work
06:58.42daniel_jacksonyou'd be crazy to work
06:58.44Tanksnipeare u sure DDO is Dungeons &Dragons i dont see no O
06:58.54ParkinsonD&D Online
06:58.57Tanksnipeo ok
06:59.01daniel_jacksonsry if I worded it badly
06:59.15a_meteoriteParkinson is particularly creepy in his knowledge of games and the desire to kill them.
06:59.29daniel_jacksonkill games?
06:59.32Tanksnipe30 dollars eh i think ill pass on DDO
06:59.35ParkinsonSorry for the lag, folks
06:59.42a_meteoritedaniel_jackson: He's CRW, the cheater.
06:59.45JeffM2501a_meteorite remember what we said about feeding trolls
06:59.55a_meteoriteJeffM2501: Oh, yeah.
06:59.57a_meteoriteJeffM2501: K.
07:00.02*** join/#bzflag Uchih4_Itach1 (i=3d5ec42f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
07:00.16daniel_jacksonwhose crw?
07:00.24JeffM2501an idiot
07:00.31JeffM2501leave it at that
07:00.38daniel_jacksonthe person not the description
07:00.45Tanksnipewhere can i get the source for bzflag admin 2.0.8
07:00.55JeffM2501same place you get all the source
07:01.08Tanksnipewont that give me the alpha one
07:01.18JeffM2501not if you get the 2.0.8 package
07:01.29Tanksnipei dont want bzflag jsut admin
07:01.39JeffM2501it's all together
07:01.42JeffM2501we don't seperate them
07:01.51a_meteoriteyou can disable the client
07:02.00a_meteorite--disable-client configure switch
07:02.04Tanksnipewell the fedora rpm doesnt seem to have admin
07:02.16Tanksnipenor maybe i cant find it
07:02.19a_meteoritewhen you say admin do you mean just bzfs and bzadmin?
07:02.26JeffM2501then build it
07:03.18daniel_jackson./configure; make; make install
07:03.33JeffM2501it comes with instructions
07:03.44daniel_jacksonthose are words to live by!
07:03.45Tanksnipei know how to compile...
07:03.52JeffM2501then there ya go
07:04.09ibot[n] the disease bzflag players get when they play too much. There is no cure.
07:04.20daniel_jacksonsry I've been chatting on the client too long
07:04.20Tanksnipeugh dont wanna go through all the trouble
07:04.30Tanksnipelol i have that
07:04.38JeffM2501that is your only choice
07:04.41JeffM2501so basicly suck it up
07:04.47Tanksnipethen ill just not use it
07:04.57daniel_jacksonI have the m disease
07:05.04ibotit has been said that m is a variant of the n disease, usually found among league and CTF players.
07:05.27ParkinsonnYou don't say
07:05.36daniel_jacksonI might be catching the z disease as well
07:05.47Tanksnipei onyl get n dieases when im on irc
07:05.57Tanksnipenot while iming
07:07.04daniel_jacksonhey you typed an "m" and an "n" in between the iig
07:07.26ibotwell, z is zaurus, or the disease bzflag admins get when they play too much
07:07.37a_meteoritethere you go, the whole family
07:07.55Tanksnipefamily reunion
07:08.22daniel_jacksonof course jeff is not commenting about his history of having the n,m, and z dieseases
07:09.49Tanksnipesince the server upgrade thingy bzflag has been sluggish with connecting to servers
07:10.01Tanksnipeand connecting to the list server
07:11.04daniel_jacksoncheck your video drivers and audio
07:11.26daniel_jacksonand also the network settings
07:11.49Tanksnipewell i know thats a big problem already....stupid i810 driver
07:12.06JeffM2501yeah... cus that will help the list server work beter....
07:12.23daniel_jacksonthen make sure you actually turned your computer
07:13.49Tanksnipehow would i been on irc with my computer off -.-
07:14.10JeffM2501he's just being stupid
07:14.16Tanksnipei know
07:14.24Tanksnipeand im being saracastic
07:14.39Tanksnipethis is one of the reason the internet is useless
07:14.48Tanksnipeu cant imply sarcasm
07:15.32Tanksnipebrb laster
07:15.55*** join/#bzflag bz79 (
07:16.23daniel_jacksonah you people need a sense of humor
07:16.43JeffM2501there is a time and place for all things
07:16.59daniel_jacksonyeah, sry if I went overboard
07:17.51Tanksnipe|afki think u went underboard
07:18.47daniel_jacksonI just don't want to hinder people
07:27.57daniel_jacksonwell I'm off to reek havoc on the players in missile war, sry jeff if caused any problems
07:27.59*** part/#bzflag daniel_jackson (
07:32.28Tanksnipe|afkbye jeff
07:32.31*** part/#bzflag Tanksnipe|afk (n=root@
07:36.21*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe303 (n=olivier@about/essy/MobileTarget/LePoulpe303)
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09:59.10CIA-1BZFlag: 03atupone 07v2_0_cs_branch * 10bzflag/ (8 files in 3 dirs): I see Tank^WBox moving now
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10:04.52ruskielol nice commit msg...
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10:56.41gsneddersruskie: if I could find it, I'd show you this whole list of commit msgs by me all about blowing the world up, and unexpected delays (read: bugs)
10:57.12gsneddersmine tend to be more serious now, though
10:58.14gsneddersruskie: "A 'recursive' loop!? What on earth is that!? Change that to 'infinite'." – that's probably the best one since I started being more serious :P
10:59.44gsneddersruskie: I was just tired when I wrote it, I didn't change anything else when I added that comment :P
11:05.54*** join/#bzflag Upsetter (n=Upsetter@
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12:18.04CIA-1BZFlag: 03atupone 07v2_0_cs_branch * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/ (MainWindow.cxx MainWindow.h playing.cxx): Mouse control is there!
12:23.44*** join/#bzflag ndim (
12:27.12ruskiedoes there exist an "IamAboutToPickupAFlag" event that one might check instead of checking after the flag has been picked up?
12:30.30ruskieor another way to prohibit flag pickup but first check if the person trying to pick it up is allowed to do so
12:31.02ruskiemaybe flag permissions or some such
12:34.00donny_bakeri am talking for what i remember others saying (Thumper mostly)
12:34.14donny_bakerand in his theif control plugin (in CVS)
12:34.45donny_bakerbut I beleive that the flag is picked up first and then dropped
12:35.08ruskieyeah that's how the fairCTF plugin does it as well
12:35.11donny_bakeror maybe i am totally wrong as i say
12:35.19ruskieI'd like to have that same setup but to do it before the pickup
12:35.29donny_bakeryeah, it would be cleaner
12:36.07ruskieeither if the plugin disallows the pickup or if bzflag has some flag permissions that can be enabled at that time
12:36.27ruskiei.e. uneven teams: blue flag: blue team only
15:10.07*** join/#bzflag A-Delusion (
15:12.27*** join/#bzflag UnderGround (
15:12.48UnderGroundhey guys
15:13.05UnderGroundyou there?
15:13.10UnderGroundguess not
15:13.19donny_bakeryeah, were here
15:50.42*** join/#bzflag KTL (
15:51.15KTLsome bright mind pointed to me that it would be interesting as server setting, to turn of team kills, so that team members can shoot through you or something ...
15:52.15ruskiethat takes all the fun out of it
15:53.08KTLi play rogue for the reason that i don't have to check what type of team my opponents are
15:53.30KTLand the /kick that is for ops :)
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16:33.03*** join/#bzflag Pommes (n=Pommes@about/essy/frenchy/Pommes)
16:34.02Pommesjust installed ubuntu on my new laptop and now got the same problem with sound as on my old laptop
16:34.26PommesBut I don't know anymore how I solved them on the old one :(
16:34.44Pommesin bzflag sound is played at double-speed which sounds awful
16:34.57Pommesanyone has experience with that?
16:35.33inchwormsounds like the driver is trying to play 22khz sound at 44khz ?
16:36.30UpsetterPommes, i think menotume had the same problem some days ago, iirc
16:36.52Pommessomehwere I read that rb2 had the same prob too ...
16:37.02Pommesseems to be common, but I can't find the solution
16:37.09*** join/#bzflag ep (n=mdr@about/essy/guynextdoor/ep)
16:46.13inchwormwrong sound driver some how?
16:46.42Pommeson my other laptop it's dsp
16:46.57Pommesbut bzflag it detects that itself
16:47.01inchwormare both laptop ubuntu?
16:47.17inchwormPommes: bzflag just uses what ever drivers the kernel provides
16:47.35Pommesbut I did a lot on the other laptop to make it work
16:47.47Pommesdon't know what it was though
17:08.56Pommeswhen I play the bzflag-wavs with aplay they sound totally normal
17:11.31*** join/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@2002:4cb1:b973:0:0:0:0:1)
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17:23.10Tanksnipethanks for groups jeff
17:24.10*** join/#bzflag dragon3700 (
17:24.54*** join/#bzflag Pommes (n=Pommes@about/essy/frenchy/Pommes)
17:25.08dragon3700ok, i fiddled with my configuration file for my serve, put in a correct ip address, and now it says that port 5154 is messed up, how do i fix that?
17:25.28braddefine "messed up"
17:25.28Tanksnipenwats the exact thing it says
17:25.32JeffM2501it says "messed up"?
17:25.37JeffM2501does it say " in use" ?
17:25.41dragon3700bad agument ":5154"
17:25.45dragon3700thats what it says
17:25.47JeffM2501where did you add that?
17:25.59Tanksnipedo -p5154 in config i think
17:26.12JeffM2501-p 5154
17:26.15JeffM2501it needs a space
17:26.18dragon3700ok, one sec
17:26.25Tanksnipeforgot space =)
17:26.31JeffM2501then add the :5154 as part of your -publicaddr
17:26.35JeffM2501INSIDE the qotes
17:26.39JeffM2501not as it's own argument
17:29.24Tanksnipejeff now that i got groups how do i set them up
17:29.32dragon3700thanks guys
17:29.52Tanksnipei added people to the groups form the forum interface
17:31.35dragon3700thatnks guys
17:36.07Pommesfixed my sound-problem
17:36.32PommesI set the bzflag-sounddriver to "alsa" and device to "plughw:0"
17:36.40Pommesnow it works fine.
17:36.55Pommesa miracle
17:37.51Tanksnipeanybody wanna help me with gruops
17:38.00Tanksnipeim stuck
17:38.42JeffM2501what else do you need to do?
17:38.51JeffM2501did you add permisions for them in your local groups file?
17:40.19Upsettercongratz Pommes :)
17:40.22Tanksnipei dont have one yet
17:40.36Tanksnipegoing to make it now
17:40.43Tanksnipewat goes in it
17:40.46JeffM2501with out local group defs, global groups are pointless
17:40.53JeffM2501the permisions you want each group to have
17:41.06Tanksnipewat goes in them
17:41.11JeffM2501permision names
17:41.20JeffM2501did you read the fourms on global login and groups at all?
17:41.46Tanksnipeso i put Tanksnipe.admin:
17:41.52Tanksnipethen followed by permission
17:42.01JeffM2501don't say you read them if you didn't
17:42.03*** join/#bzflag Shaihuld (
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17:42.18JeffM2501cus the post on it tells you EXACTLY what to put in tem
17:42.32JeffM2501if you didn't just say "No"
17:42.49Tanksnipei did just didnt pay attention =p
17:42.53JeffM2501that has a full listing of exactly what to do for global groups
17:42.55JeffM2501then you didn't read it
17:43.05JeffM2501don't play games with our time.
17:50.51*** join/#bzflag Quol (
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18:08.18*** join/#bzflag Tanksnipe (n=root@
18:09.15Tanksnipehey jeff i did wat it said on forums but its not working
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19:32.51*** part/#bzflag ts (
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19:34.46*** join/#bzflag Rune-boy8620 (n=root@
19:35.00TanksnipeJeff u here
19:36.01Tanksnipeumm i made the groups fiel and everythigf
19:36.17Tanksnipenbut now when i try to use the /setgroup cammoand it says disabled
19:36.28JeffM2501yeah cus you don't do that
19:36.31JeffM2501that's for local
19:36.37JeffM2501you add users to the group on the forums
19:36.46Tanksnipehmm well i did
19:36.55JeffM2501then that's al you have to do
19:36.58Tanksnipeumm is bzflag case sensative
19:37.06JeffM2501other then tell bzfs to use the group file
19:37.09JeffM2501with -groupdb
19:37.12JeffM2501depends on your OS
19:37.19Tanksnipedid that
19:37.33JeffM2501yes it is cas senstive
19:37.39Tanksnipeu put TankSnipe add group moderator
19:37.44Tanksnipenshoudlnit be tanksnipe
19:37.54Tanksnipeor Tanksnipe
19:38.08JeffM2501bb isn'
19:38.09JeffM2501t case
19:38.24Tanksnipethen idk wats wrong
19:38.39JeffM2501is your server public and listed?
19:39.27JeffM2501you get a + when you join it?
19:40.00JeffM2501what perms did you add to your groups?
19:40.10Tanksnipeum let me see
19:40.38GuuBugger all, I dunno.
19:40.39GuuWish I knew, Tanksnipe.
19:40.41GuuI don't know.
19:40.43GuuI don't know, Tanksnipe.
19:40.44GuuI don't have a clue, Tanksnipe.
19:40.46GuuNo idea.
19:40.48GuuNo idea.
19:40.49GuuWish I knew!
19:40.51GuuWish I knew, Tanksnipe.
19:40.57GuuBugger all, I dunno!
19:41.00GuuI don't know.
19:41.01GuuI don't have a clue.
19:41.03GuuI don't know!
19:41.05*** kick/#bzflag [Tanksnipe!n=jeffm@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501] by JeffM2501 (JeffM2501)
19:41.14*** join/#bzflag Tanksnipe (n=root@
19:41.19*** join/#bzflag Theme97 (n=Theme97@about/essy/phpwriter/Theme97)
19:41.20donny_bakercan you put your group file on pastebin ? and post a link back that will work better
19:41.21SportChickty JeffM2501
19:41.23JeffM2501don't spam dude
19:41.26JeffM2501not cool
19:41.28Tanksnipenok srry
19:42.45Tanksnipereal srry bout that
19:43.12JeffM2501then if it loads your files, it shuld be fine
19:44.06Tanksnipeyea it says using file "group.txt"
19:44.14Tanksnipein terminal
19:44.39JeffM2501and if you list your perms in game, what does it show?
19:45.14Tanksnipehow would i do that
19:45.26JeffM2501showperms or list perms
19:45.27JeffM2501I think
19:45.33donny_bakeruse /showperms
19:45.38JeffM2501don't remember the exact command
19:47.57Tanksnipeyea i got none of the admin perms
19:49.56JeffM2501and you added your name to the group membership?
19:50.51Tanksnipeim the moderator it wont elt me
19:51.28Tanksnipeit says user is alreayd member of this group
19:54.34donny_bakeryou are typing /showperms exactly?
19:54.37Tanksnipedoes the group type matter?
19:54.43Tanksnipenyea did that
19:54.52donny_bakerand the exact error message?
19:55.06JeffM2501try a simpler group def
19:55.13Tanksnipeno error
19:55.22Tanksnipejust regular perm
19:55.44Tanksnipewat u mean jeff?
19:56.10Tanksnipei tried a blank groups file....
19:56.26JeffM2501well that won't give you any perms
19:56.29JeffM2501just try one perm
19:56.31JeffM2501see if you get it
19:58.45*** join/#bzflag view (
20:00.21Tanksnipefinally a breakthrough i go it
20:00.21KTLmmm TEST
20:00.29KTL(is guu a bot?)
20:00.36Tanksnipeyes and a spammer
20:00.53KTLyou or guu :D
20:01.25JeffM2501no, YOU are a spamer, not the bot
20:01.34KTL2 m's
20:01.39Tanksnipenhe spammed too
20:01.44Tanksnipei can prove it =p
20:01.51JeffM2501don't go there
20:01.56JeffM2501it's cus you used her controll character
20:01.57Tanksnipei wont
20:02.07KTLso the moment you start doing long posts he replies with dunno :D
20:02.08Tanksnipeok i got the perm
20:02.16JeffM2501then your big groups file is wrong
20:02.23KTLah controll char
20:02.27JeffM2501add perms till it dosn'work
20:02.30Tanksnipeill add one by 1 i guess
20:02.39Tanksnipety for help
20:02.56Tanksnipehow do i make it show @ instead of +
20:02.57GuuI don't know, KTL.
20:03.31KTLpaste it in your fav text editor
20:03.39KTLand find-replace the +'es
20:04.19GuuKTL: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
20:05.08JeffM2501have ban and kick
20:09.41*** join/#bzflag menotume (n=menotume@pdpc/supporter/active/menotume)
20:09.41*** mode/#bzflag [+v menotume] by ChanServ
20:19.51*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
20:21.33*** part/#bzflag Parkinson (
20:21.41*** join/#bzflag Parkinson (
20:33.23*** join/#bzflag Pommes (n=Pommes@about/essy/frenchy/Pommes)
20:34.00Pommesmy newly compiled bzflag (on linux) keeps crashing when i join a server
20:34.12Pommesit only happens when I'm trying to join with a registered user
20:34.40Pommesany idea why that happens?
20:34.55KTLmaybe you took the cvs version
20:35.23PommesI compiled the regular 2.0.8 tarball that I also use on another computer
20:35.58Pommesand it works if I join as a non-registered user
20:36.46PommesChestal told me something about a libcurl-version with a but that could be responsible
20:36.59PommesDoes anybody know the version of this buggy libcurl?
20:38.22JeffM2501.15 was uggy IIRC
20:38.28JeffM2501they have newer and older ones that are not
20:39.16Pommes7.15 ?
20:39.39Pommesthat's mine
20:40.06catay7.15.4 I think
20:40.09UpsetterPommes, i am using ubuntu, i have libcurl3 7.15.4.-1ubuntu2
20:40.12Pommesyes - exactly
20:40.21Pommesnthat's my version
20:40.26Pommesalso on ubuntu
20:40.34Upsetterand i have this bug too, but a bit different
20:40.47PommesI try another version
20:41.03Upsetterit only crashes when i join a server without loading the serverlist before, even if i just want to rejoin
20:41.20PommesI didn't check carefully perhaps
20:41.49Pommesyes - you're right
20:41.58Pommesit works if I load the serverlist first
20:42.04JeffM2501that's the bug
20:42.12Upsetteryes, dirrty workaround :) but works
20:42.16*** join/#bzflag shorty114 (n=shorty11@unaffiliated/shorty114)
20:47.50tsJeffM2501: Is the bug in libCURL or inside bz?
20:48.01*** join/#bzflag dragon3700 (
20:49.03dragon3700ok, i used the command prompt to check my server earlier, nothing was wrong with it. I try to get on my server, but it says there is an error connecting to it! what do i do?
20:49.19blast007ts: it was a bug in libcurl
20:49.38tsblast007: Is it fixed in newer versions?
20:49.43blast007ts: yeah
20:49.48blast007or in older versions  ;)
20:49.48dragon3700so what do i do?
20:50.01blast007dragon3700: 1) make sure it's still running, 2) make sure the IP/address is the same
20:50.14dragon3700kk, one sec
20:51.15blast007ts: it was a bug specific to that version
20:51.18dragon3700it says that it is the same, and it is running
20:51.34cataydragon3700: maybe firewall ?
20:51.46dragon3700already checked it
20:51.54dragon3700once i found out how : )
20:52.26blast007so it was working earlier, then just stopped? what changed?
20:53.03dragon3700well,  i tried getting on it earlier, but it said "error connecting to server" on bzflag
20:53.16catayso it never worked ?
20:53.16dragon3700so it wasn't working earlier
20:53.35cataywhich OS?
20:53.43dragon3700windows xp
20:54.26cataydont have experience with running bzfs on xp
20:54.50dragon3700the command prompt says that my public address is  " :5154"
20:55.09dragon3700i typed that in when getting into a server on bzflag
20:55.09*** join/#bzflag Hairshorts (
20:56.01catayit's running on your local pc ?
20:58.02cataystop it and just start bzfs without any options
20:58.10catayand try to connect to localhost 5154
20:58.14cataysee if that works
21:00.16dragon3700it worked, and it came up with the map i made
21:00.48cataydragon3700: good :)
21:01.06dragon3700so how do i make it listen to my stuff?
21:01.09dragon3700not localhost?
21:02.50dragon3700do yo know
21:02.55catayread this :)
21:03.17dragon3700will it tell me how?
21:03.36cataywell, it tells you how to configure a server
21:04.23*** join/#bzflag spldart (
21:09.52dragon3700ok, i didnt see anything that i didnt do
21:10.33*** part/#bzflag Parkinson (
21:14.11*** join/#bzflag Rune-boy8620 (n=root@
21:14.49dragon3700and i just tried, and my server is still on localhost
21:17.52dragon3700so, what do i do now? i just read through the configuration section on the wiki.
21:20.27*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
21:20.35dragon3700plz help me
21:24.59Tanksnipewats ur problem
21:25.23Flashdragon3700: it all goes back to your relationship with your mother
21:25.39blast007dragon3700: configure your router
21:25.53blast007port 5154 isn't open/forwarded properly
21:26.11Tanksnipewat os u got
21:26.22blast007the OS is irrelevent for the router configuration
21:26.27Tanksnipenbut for firewall
21:26.30blast007he already has the server working
21:26.40blast007and he said he got the firewall open
21:27.23*** join/#bzflag Theme97 (n=Theme97@about/essy/phpwriter/Theme97)
21:27.24blast007dragon3700: is the server running right now?
21:27.37blast007if not, start it... if it is, fix your routing
21:34.17*** part/#bzflag Upsetter (n=Upsetter@
21:35.25*** join/#bzflag RatOmeter (
21:36.27RatOmeterping: eTangenT
21:39.14*** join/#bzflag codergeek42 (n=peter@fedora/codergeek42)
22:00.04*** join/#bzflag isyar (
22:00.27isyarhola brlcad
22:19.06*** join/#bzflag Joss (n=unknown@
22:19.17Josshay JeffM2501
22:19.56Jossyou there?
22:21.34Josswhat do you think of having normal maps and height maps for the bzflag textures?
22:21.55JeffM2501IIRC trepan did some work with shaders
22:22.02JeffM2501made it look pretty sweet
22:22.04Jossand have a option to turn them on?
22:22.09JeffM2501you'd have to
22:22.16JeffM2501as older cards would not support them
22:22.32JeffM2501we have to still run well on non shaders cards
22:22.40JeffM2501like the GeForce2 and early radeons
22:23.23Josshas trepan tryed normal maps and height maps?
22:23.31*** join/#bzflag linuxclub (
22:23.34JeffM2501IIRC yes that is what he had the saders use
22:23.43JeffM2501but it dosn't mater what he did as that code is gone
22:23.56JeffM2501so yes, it has been thought of and it looked pretty good
22:24.26JeffM2501see ;)
22:25.05Jossso are you thinking of doing it on the standard textures
22:25.09trepanplain normal maps are so 1990's  :)
22:34.24Josswell JeffM2501 if you do make it so you can turn on and off the texture nor $ hieght maping and do that i could make you some normal maps and height maps so that everything looks real good :-)
22:34.36JeffM2501if who makes it?
22:35.01JeffM2501as far as I know, no developer is activly working on graphic engine enhancements to our current codebase
22:35.17Jossif anyone dose
22:35.30Josssorry to here that
22:35.34JeffM2501big if
22:35.39JeffM2501we don't do code asignments
22:35.45JeffM2501so people do what they want to do
22:38.16Josswell sorry if i was using up your time to say about that idea
22:38.24JeffM2501oh no, not at all
22:38.31JeffM2501ideas are always good :)
22:38.47JeffM2501I hope somone does do engine enhancements, I think they are needed
22:39.09JeffM2501tho I'd like to see some server side fixes first if it came down to the 2
22:41.21JeffM2501now if tupone's CS work ends up with anything viable, we'll hopefully pick up a lot of nice features for "free" :)
22:43.53Josswhat are you meaning by CS
22:43.53JeffM2501crystal space
22:44.24Jossim playing around with crystal space
22:44.24JeffM2501it's a 3d engine
22:44.40Jossyes im using it
22:44.58Jossit works well with blender
22:46.45Jossso if CS works with BZflag then it would be very easy to make you art stuff
22:48.20Jossi hope it works
22:48.33JeffM2501I'm sure it can work
22:48.39JeffM2501it's just how much work will it be
22:54.21*** join/#bzflag Tanksnipe (n=root@
22:54.38Tanksnipehey jeff thanks for help groups are working perfectly now
23:38.07KTLgrrr, more and more i am getting people dedicated to killing me
23:38.26donny_bakermaybe it is just easy to do ;)
23:38.28KTLthey lower my score extremely
23:38.45KTLtoday i was just ... being slow
23:39.20KTLjust now i had to keep playing for allmost an hour to just shoot 1 blue *--*/-/-/- 4 times.
23:39.35KTLcould not let him go like that hu
23:40.19KTLand then that harmless logs in and asks - without playing - "strange, how come my enemies are never on this server?"
23:40.33KTLi distinctively remember killing him down every time !!!
23:41.49KTLin computer graphics
23:41.55KTLthere is the view vector
23:42.01KTLthe direction you look at
23:42.11KTLbut also the rotation of that direction,
23:42.31KTLas if you would look with your head rotated, or the screen on the side
23:42.40KTLanyway, that is not used in bzflag at all
23:43.24KTLi know tanks stay horizontal but ... guess it would make it a bit more alive if your view angle would rotate a bit like that
23:48.11ndimWhile cornering?
23:52.16*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
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23:54.34*** join/#bzflag Theme97_ (n=Theme97@about/essy/phpwriter/Theme97)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.