irclog2html for #bzflag on 20070226

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00:33.46bz08have a router problem lynksys
00:34.02a_meteoriteyeah, I saw your post ;)
00:34.13bz08cannot run server from command line through router
00:34.43bz08have port forward 5154 but still no luck
00:34.57a_meteoritedid you port forward 5154 udp and tcp?
00:35.44bz08ip setting for ip adress is set to automatic
00:36.02a_meteoritedid you set your internal lan ip correctly?
00:36.29bz08is that done through router setup
00:36.52a_meteoritealso you need to set -publicaddr and -public for bzfs
00:37.20bz08is there something on the internet that would help me do this
00:37.34bz08i am not that familiar with setup of router
00:38.21bz08tried portforward but you have to buy to get version that will change router settings
00:39.18vieware you by any chance foreign, or just a lazy typer?
00:39.28a_meteoriteyou don't need to buy anything
00:39.35bz08no born and bread in the usa
00:39.36a_meteoriteuse their manuals for your model
00:39.44bz08just not a good typist or speller
00:41.29bz08by their manuals do you mean linksis
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00:44.45bz08meteorite are you still there
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00:46.08bz08thank you for your help
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01:56.17wegstarwin 4
01:56.27wegstararrghh.. forgot the slash
01:57.07bryjen~slash wegstar
01:57.08ibotACTION slices wegstar in two with a samurai sword.
01:57.31wegstar~lart bryjen
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02:34.45halo3anyone seen gnurdux?
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04:16.00FlashI just updated 2.0 from CVS and autogen failed
04:16.10FlashPreparing build ... plugins/SAMPLE_PLUGIN/ invalid unused variable name: `serverControl_la_LIBADD'
04:23.40viewI think that's a new plugin
04:26.53Flashall I know is that my autogen is now broke
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04:36.53brlcadFlash: it sounds like you didn't do an update -dP
04:37.04Flashyes, I did
04:37.09FlashI even did a fresh check out
04:37.16Flashsame result
04:37.24Flashoop... too fast on the keys
04:37.43FlashI did a fresh check out, I don't know about update -dP.... stand by
04:37.44brlcadahh, it was copied in
04:38.00brlcadthe error is valid, the .am has a line that doesn't belong
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04:38.37Flashcvs -d co -P -r v2_0branch bzflag
04:39.41brlcadyes yes.. I just said the error is valid
04:40.10Flashjust need to be doing something while I'm waiting for someone(tm) to fix it ....
04:41.06brlcadthat's actually a pretty good example automake error that you should be able to recognize and fix
04:41.18brlcadexactly what the error says is true
04:41.25Flashoh.... I need to learn automake now? ;-)
04:42.35brlcadnot really, but recognizing common typo/name errors in a is a good skill for any autotools project
04:42.36Flashso just remove line 6? I remember some discussion about libplutin_utils
04:42.53Flashor change to SAMPLE_PLUGIN
04:43.07brlcadeither one of those will fix it
04:44.08CIA-1BZFlag: 03brlcad 07v2_0branch * 10bzflag/plugins/SAMPLE_PLUGIN/ copy typo, should say SAMPLE_PLUGIN
04:46.12Thumper_brlcad: oops thanks
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05:14.42CIA-1BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/
05:14.42CIA-1BZFlag: updates from cad. major modification, now supporting projects that don't use
05:14.42CIA-1BZFlag: one or more of the various autotools (e.g. not using automake, libtool,
05:14.42CIA-1BZFlag: autoheader, libtool). also now supports projects that have recursive configures
05:14.42CIA-1BZFlag: that go more than one level deep.
05:15.24CIA-1BZFlag: 03brlcad 07v2_0branch * 10bzflag/ merge from head, updates supporting recursive configures and optional autotools
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05:49.38Flash2.0 must be nearing final death.....
05:49.46Flashconfigure: error: cannot find install-sh or in misc ./misc
06:06.46Flashhow can I explicitly checkout a previous version of from cvs?
06:11.19Thumper_cvs up -r
06:11.23Thumper_I think
06:20.16Flashbrlcad: 22:15 < CIA-1> BZFlag: brlcad v2_0branch * bzflag/ merge from head, updates supporting recursive configures and optional autotools
06:20.21FlashI think this is broken
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07:51.29brlcadFlash: I need more information than that
07:51.39brlcadmaybe pastebin a verbose run
07:54.39FlashI'm looking back for the specific, but I did a fresh bz20cvs;; ./configure <--fails immediately
07:56.39Flashnot verbose, but
07:56.51Flashis --verbose an option to
08:03.05Flashok, verbose output is a little more revealing....
08:03.14Flashbut only a little
08:03.31Flashit looks like the warning about libtoolize is more than a warning
08:10.38*** part/#bzflag Parkinson (
08:27.48brlcadwow, several things going wrong there
08:28.09brlcadwhat OS is that?
08:28.31Flashmac os 10.3
08:28.37brlcadcuriously, the project name detection code hasn't changed one bit
08:29.45FlashI thought the project name was explict in the new version?
08:29.55Flashor are those the wrong versions?
08:29.57CIA-1BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10admin/master-bans.txt: new CRW ip
08:31.17brlcadthose aren't consecutive versions
08:31.30brlcadmaybe on the branch they are, but there's several revisions there
08:31.46Flashok, the web interface was a bit daunting
08:32.22Manubrlcad: doesn't CRW uses dynamic ip?
08:32.22brlcadi presume you're working off of 2.0 branch?
08:32.28brlcadManu: yes
08:32.41Flash23:11 < Thumper_> cvs up -r
08:32.46Flashthat version worked
08:33.09brlcadthat's good to know, though that's jumping back a couple months
08:33.27Manubrlcad: but you are banning only an IP not a range, right?
08:33.37FlashI have to sleep now. Thanks for your help
08:33.40brlcadManu: yes
08:33.51brlcadFlash: thx for the report, I'll look into it
08:34.18Manuand do you think is it useful? I can see how he changes his ip everytime is banned
08:35.07brlcadit basically fails to detect that you need libtool for some reason, and since it falls back to manual steps because of apple's bogus libtool install, it skips libtool which leaves you in a bad state
08:35.16brlcadnot the best wording, but the details are a bit tedious
08:35.22brlcadManu: yep, it's useful
08:35.30Manubrlcad: at the end you'll ban 255*255*255 IP :)
08:35.45brlcadnot necessarily
08:36.03brlcadhe can't get an ip on any subnet, he's been somewhat limited to a handful
08:36.13brlcadand they seem to take him longer each time
08:36.45brlcadand I'm betting it takes me less effort to ban him than it takes him to acquire a new one
08:37.09Manuhis isp provider has this: SBC Internet Services SBCIS-SIS80 (NET-69-148-0-0-1) -
08:37.23ManuI have banned him and in a few seconds he was in again with a new ip
08:37.38Manuso I guess is harder for us to ban thim
08:38.02Manuwhat I do now is to kill him with educative messages so he leaves :)
08:38.04brlcadi've been watching the logs for days
08:38.17Manubut you know it :)
08:38.58brlcadhe doesn't change that frequently all the time
08:39.21Manulet's see what happens then :)
08:39.23brlcadi mean, if I really have to -- I can automate his bannings
08:40.10brlcadi already have it auto-report to me whenever he has a new IP
08:40.43brlcadright now, it's down to a copy-paste, save buffer, cvs commit .. takes all of 15 seconds at most
08:40.44Manuthe last times I saw him, his lag was really high so I think he is using some dial up :)
08:41.20brlcadhe didn't start changing IPs until I started adding the global bans
08:41.36brlcadat least they were much less frequent
08:41.37Manuyes, it's true
08:41.53brlcadand if he got banned from one server, he'd just go to another
08:42.14brlcadnow it kicks him off, and he has to get a new IP to do anything
08:42.55Manuwho is this guy, DB?
08:42.57brlcadand he's still independently blocked from the list server no matter what the ip so he has no in-game server list most of the time
08:43.27brlcadi don't really know or care
08:43.56Manuhe was very active when Molez and DB
08:44.14ManuI see :)
08:45.39brlcadahhh, I see..
08:45.54brlcadold used AC_INIT from 2.13 autoconf days
08:46.07brlcadinstead of newer AC_INIT(...)
08:47.10brlcadhrmph.. there actually is no embedded project name to key off of other than AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE's decl
08:56.31CIA-1BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/ support projects that use the older/deprecated arg-less AC_INIT and instead search for an AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE declaration hopefully instead. also fix a couple missing 'no' typos during manual processing.
08:59.10CIA-1BZFlag: 03brlcad 07v2_0branch * 10bzflag/ merge from HEAD, this branch actually uses the old AC_INIT syntax
08:59.43brlcadFlash: when you get a chance, see if that helps
09:00.30brlcadoh yeah, I was going to put in another check for his different libtool error too..
09:05.34CIA-1BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/ some versions of automake report apple's dumb libtoolize problem differently, so try to be more general.
09:07.02CIA-1BZFlag: 03brlcad 07v2_0branch * 10bzflag/ minor update from head
09:14.28*** join/#bzflag Pommes_ (
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12:55.13ruskiehmm is there something wrong with global auth?
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14:03.59KTLvirtual earthquake
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18:00.09Bz_WinHoray... 22" monitor :D
18:05.09JeffM2501what res?
18:18.17JBdiGriz1024x760 ;-)
18:18.38JeffM2501for a TV that'd be prety tood :)
18:19.04JBdiGrizNobody told him it was actually an LCD TV.
18:19.24JeffM2501I know a couple people with weak eyesight that want some displays like that
18:19.28JeffM2501large, but lower reses
18:19.37JBdiGrizBig Pixels
18:19.43*** join/#bzflag Constitution (
18:20.41JeffM2501I want to convince work to get a 42 inch LCD TV and put it into the confrence room table
18:21.02JeffM2501then put a small shuttle PC under the table, and use the nvidia display rotator to spin it however is needed.
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18:27.33Bz_Winjeff: 1050x1680
18:27.47Bz_Winonly 60hz, tho :(
18:30.36Bz_WinIt wouldn't fit on my desk if it was  a CRT
18:32.36JeffM2501dvi or vga?
18:32.53Bz_Winhate that question :p
18:33.04Bz_WinVGA... silly video card only displays up to 1600 wide
18:33.09Bz_Winon DVI
18:33.25JeffM2501then the refresh dosn't realy mean much
18:34.29Bz_WinNo, I am using VGA
18:34.44JeffM2501I know
18:35.10JeffM2501the LCD still dosn't have a normal refresh cycle
18:36.12Tuponebut the things are refreshing at <= 60 Hz if using VGA at 60 H
18:36.42Tuponeis a kind of bottleneck
18:37.00Bz_WinMaybe I should get a new video card..
18:37.34Tuponereal refresh, if that could be defined at all, is the speed of video, but things cannot be updated more fastly then 60 times x sec
18:38.31Tuponeor maybe 60 is enough for you
18:39.10Bz_WinBZFlag ends up being..uhh...squishy almost
18:39.16Bz_WinNo real sharp lines
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19:13.32JeffM2501Bz_Win, make sure that BZ is set to run at the pannels native res
19:13.41JeffM2501if it runs any other res, it'll interp and look blurry
19:13.52JeffM2501that is generaly not a refresh issue, but a resolution issue.
19:14.12JeffM2501your BZ is probalby still set at the old res you used to run on your old display
19:14.26Bz_Winjeff: Fixed it a few min ago, thats why :p
19:14.33Bz_Winthx for your help
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19:45.23Bz_Win"cause its the song that never ends..."
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20:35.08Bz_Winhello quol
20:36.03Quolhey Bz_Win - what's up?
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22:05.25Tuponedunno why I have to revert the Y axis :/
22:07.26JeffM2501is there default orientation the same as openGL
22:07.32JeffM2501GL does not have Z as "up" in a default 3d context
22:08.13JeffM2501we do what ammounts to a 90 deg rotation around X to get the Z to be up and Y to go "into" the screen
22:08.23TuponeI put 0, 0, 1 as up
22:08.44JeffM2501oh, you using there camera?
22:09.17JeffM2501that should be similar to what we do then
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22:13.10philbrick34hmmm  where tdlinuxxxxxxx
22:13.13philbrick34i needhim
22:13.34brad+seen td-linux
22:13.35Guubrad: td-linux was last seen in #bzflag 1 day, 3 hours, 40 minutes, and 53 seconds ago: <TD-Linux> server back up..
22:13.55philbrick34wel done thanks
22:14.12CBGpm him on the bzbb ?
22:17.48TuponeIf I don't revert one of the axis, I go left, and seems going right
22:18.23JeffM2501maybe they use a lefthanded system
22:20.35TuponeI'm going to commit my code, so you can see
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22:21.18Tuponemaybe I just reverted the joystick. Maybe I try with keyboard
22:25.15JeffM2501brlcad, many cnc machines use a left handed system
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22:28.52Tuponewith keyboard I have the same problem.
22:29.03Tuponeok. I'm going to commit my result
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22:35.49brlcadJeffM2501: yeah, just more insanity
22:36.06brlcad90% of the industry went right-handed a long time ago
22:36.35JeffM2501manual machine -> CNC upgrade ;)
22:36.42brlcadthe only place there's still disagreement of sorts, or at least a 50/50ish split is whether z or y is up  ;)
22:36.59CIA-1BZFlag: 03atupone 07v2_0_cs_branch * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/ (bzflag.cxx playing.cxx playing.h): Moving the camera in an empty box, like is the tank
22:37.43Tuponewell, if anybody want to try ... running a localserver and ./bzflag -solo=10 localhost
22:37.44JeffM2501aperantly you don't do much in the multi-spindle/multi-turret lathe world :)
22:38.03JeffM2501I've seen machiens where one turret is RHR, the other is LHR, as all they did was flip Y
22:38.24JeffM2501or just flip Z, that's the common thing
22:38.53Tuponemaybe I can try to change the up?
22:39.10JeffM2501no, we do Z up
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22:39.32Tuponeye, otherwise I get the terrain above :)
22:42.35brlcadJeffM2501: i don't have to do much with them.. industry-wide, they're still in that 10%
22:43.13Tuponenot for today, but is there a model of the tank, enough similar to the current one, done with blender or some standard format I can feed to CS? Integration could be my next couple weeks jobs
22:44.14Tuponesame/near number of triangle possibly
22:47.51JeffM2501Tupone, I have it as an OBJ file
22:47.56JeffM2501it is our exact tank model
22:47.59JeffM2501sans treads
22:48.01JeffM2501if you want it
22:48.39Tuponeobj is for blender?
22:48.49JeffM2501blender can read OBJ
22:48.55JeffM2501it's somewhat of a standardised format
22:48.57JeffM2501most apps read it
22:49.31JeffM2501I can email if DCC dosn't work
22:49.53TuponeI see the offer, but no way to accept :/
22:50.16JeffM2501want me to send it to the e-mail in your bzbb account?
22:50.52JeffM2501on it's way
22:51.07JeffM2501it's the exact tank, I wrote an app that dumps the GL calls out to a mesh
22:51.32TuponeI will see what I can do with it :) At least trying to fill my empty world
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23:30.16TD-Linuxthat's great :)
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23:53.09ConstitutionWhat's all of the "V1" stuff about in the bzfsAPI.h for CVS HEAD?
23:55.01JeffM2501the event classes are versioned
23:55.10JeffM2501it's so older plugins can be run in newer servers
23:55.26JeffM2501if we add data, we derive off a new V2 interface with the new data
23:55.37JeffM2501your old code uses the V1 version, and all works well

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