irclog2html for #bzflag on 20070218

00:00.00Tuponethere are 2 </body></body> :) not that this is related to your problem
00:01.32viewmy IP didn't change, but I updated it in the no-ip updater, and still no help
00:02.07viewwoops, I think I may have found the issue.
00:02.54viewduh, I forgot to update the port the server is on.
00:03.24viewthe router cleared the list of ports forwarded,
00:11.08*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
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00:23.49spldartIs the new bot logic I'm seeing real??? BZRobots???
00:27.56*** join/#bzflag Mr_Molez (
00:33.43*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
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00:43.09Theme97spldart: BZRobots?
00:43.20*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
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00:53.15brlcadspldart: hum?
00:53.26brlcadspldart: hum?
01:06.01viewchrist, my monitor wire is stuck in place, I can't unscrew it
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01:48.31CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone 07v2_0_cs_branch * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/ (6 files): Adding joystick support from CS
02:03.23*** join/#bzflag menotume (n=George@pdpc/supporter/active/menotume)
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02:03.42menotumehellos zoo members !
02:03.58*** part/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=jeffm@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
02:12.32menotumewhat? where ?
02:12.34spldartAnd one of the guys who could appreciate it most just left.....
02:12.40spldartI had an epiphany
02:12.49menotumeis it contagious ?
02:12.50a_meteoritea what?
02:13.49spldartThe measure of an individual's intelligence is based primarily on 'Seed Control'! This universal truth explains the declination of intelligence generation to generation!!!!
02:14.05spldartAnd yes.... this user.... tanker.... is drunk.
02:26.43*** join/#bzflag bz45 (
02:28.00bz45does anybody know how to load a world file into the bzflag game
02:29.54bz45does anybody know how to load a world file into bzflag
02:31.33*** join/#bzflag bz27 (
02:31.47Esinewow, just wow
02:32.04Esinehe's connecting from host but doesn't know how to check settings?
02:32.42*** join/#bzflag bz39 (
02:32.44Esine(well ok, I came here because I didn't see something in the settings too.. but it was actually that it required a restart)
02:33.37bz39does anybody know how to load a bzflag world into bzflag?
02:33.48Esinebz39, check the menus
02:34.07bz39I'm new
02:34.21Esineuse your Brazilian-English-Brazilian dictionary
02:34.43bz39what the.. what's that?
02:35.44Esinebz39, it should say "Load world" there
02:35.49Esinein the game
02:36.01Esineif you can't find it, there are guides and tutorials on Google
02:36.07Esinefor editing config files, etc.
02:38.00bz39listen, in the game when you start the server it tells you what world file you can load, the default is "random map"
02:38.17Esineyou can change that there in the same plae
02:38.54EsineI think
02:39.06bz39but when I try to to load it it won't do anything
02:39.50bz39it just stays on "random map"
02:41.47bz39esine, are you there
02:41.52*** join/#bzflag brad (
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02:41.57Esinesorry I cannot help you
02:43.22bz39okay, i'll try to figure it out myself
02:59.57*** join/#bzflag view (
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03:38.35spldartOh wow.... locked deb up so bad couldn't even shutdown reboot or pull a prompt after that 8-0
03:44.57*** part/#bzflag EbErT (
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06:21.50*** part/#bzflag A-Delusion (
06:27.56viewwhat argument to I use to set a shot limit on a flag?
06:28.37a_meteorite-sl flagid #
06:28.43a_meteoriteso.. to limit laser to 10
06:28.48a_meteorite-sl L 10
06:29.30viewok thanks
07:55.27*** join/#bzflag Bisque (
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09:41.10*** part/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=jeffm@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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12:12.19*** part/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
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12:29.26short_circuit~karma a_meteorite++
12:29.26ibota_meteorite++ has neutral karma
12:30.09ibota_meteorite does many cool things, including maintaining BZFX and haunting the BZBB. He also does C++ and PHP on the side.
12:30.25short_circuitgot it
13:36.40*** join/#bzflag A-Delusion (
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15:50.26ManuDTRemenak: someome is asking for your project ;)
15:56.09CBGWhat is with people who load up a web page, don't read anything on it, then have to ask what it is about on the forum? :/
16:08.50*** join/#bzflag Steve14 (
16:17.33spldartSymptom of the modern pushbutton societies?
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16:20.02tsManu: I think such posts should be instantly deleted
16:36.11*** part/#bzflag Steve14 (
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18:44.45donny_bakerthe "new" wiki is available to be edited...
18:44.57donny_bakerthe site is
18:45.19CBGCan I create a Munchkin article citing a variety of example munchkins? :)
18:45.49inchwormonly if you put your sources
18:45.54donny_bakeryou can always create it.... ;)
18:46.51donny_bakerthe site is mostly empty... ok completely empty only 8 articles
18:47.22donny_bakerworking on adding some pages today
18:47.49JeffM2501I'll have to find my bzedit tutorials and move them in
18:48.04donny_bakerit has a spam filter so hopefully that will allow us to keep it open to anonymous editing
18:48.33donny_bakerlogo is ugly ... for now... but i'm working on that
18:48.38inchwormcan you tie the spam filter to remove people from the master ban list?
18:48.55JeffM2501talk to saturos, he can make you a nice logo
18:48.59donny_bakerhmmm... probably with a little work
18:49.00inchwormor would that even be a usefull idea
18:49.05JeffM2501inchworm what?
18:49.25donny_bakeryeah... saturos and winxp have both been contacted
18:49.28inchwormhave the wiki disable posts from ip's that have been banned on the masterban
18:49.35donny_bakerjust waiting, they are both pretty busy
18:49.40DTRemenakmasterban is game only, not web services
18:49.42JeffM2501ok, that makes sense :)
18:49.51DTRemenakbetter would be to read from the bzbb banlist
18:49.53JeffM2501web has it's own larger ban list :)
18:50.06inchwormhehe, nvm then
18:50.17spldartoooOOOooo very nice
18:50.31donny_bakeri'll look at that ban list and see if I can make it work
18:50.43JeffM2501I'm gonna start a map making article for ya :)
18:52.17donny_bakerjeffm2501: :) thanks... I tried... it satrted get blender... open blander... use blender tuts...
18:52.36JeffM2501I'm going to make an overview page for "map editing"
18:52.46JeffM2501then have it point to pages about all the difrent ways to edit maps
18:52.53JeffM2501so all options are covered
18:53.07JeffM2501and a page that has the bzw man stuff for format docs
18:56.23donny_bakergreat.. good luck
19:06.34JeffM2501what sounds better? map making? or just maping?
19:07.57DTRemenakmap making (imo)
19:08.10DTRemenakbut if you go for the other, it's "mapping" :)
19:09.03JeffM2501I did the former
19:11.47donny_bakerim working on server permissions and client command pages right now
19:13.48DTRemenakis there any size limit on protocol messages?
19:16.44DTRemenakah, MaxPacketLen
19:20.29tsHrm, it stumbles my username :/
19:20.57tsdonny_baker: Can we see the old wiki somewhere?
19:21.05*** join/#bzflag Theme97 (n=Theme97@about/essy/phpwriter/Theme97)
19:21.18JeffM2501old wiki should be on SF
19:21.22JeffM2501and the main page
19:22.52donny_bakerold wiki should be at
19:23.19brlcadshould migrate the old wiki data over so it can be eventually replaced
19:25.49brlcadgdamn the old one is painful in comparison..
19:25.59donny_bakeryeah, that is on my list of things to do
19:26.08brlcadtook me 5 minutes to get to the freaking edit panel
19:26.27JeffM2501anyone got a screenshot of linux bzedit ?
19:26.28donny_bakerand the syntax is ugly on it too
19:27.24donny_bakerts: yeah... i hate that it makes everything have an initial cap ;)
19:27.36blast007the old one got hit by spam a few days ago
19:27.54donny_bakerit didn't like the _ in my username very much either
19:28.22A-Delusionfunny..  I go to the login page, info auto-completes.. but there's no user by that name
19:28.28JeffM2501ibot spell orignaly
19:28.45tsAre we doing groups in wiki?
19:29.21brlcadbzfs groups?  no..
19:29.57tsPutting wiki user registrations into special groups, like a member of one group can do more than the other registered users
19:31.24JeffM2501how do you do the "this is a stub" and "citation needed" stuff?
19:31.44brlcadeverything is a "stub" by default
19:32.06*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
19:32.30brlcadwhat's pretty cool though, is that it seems to work well brining in the moinmoin wiki syntax cleanly
19:33.27brlcaddidn't modify a single line
19:33.59donny_bakeri think I added a stub {{stub}} if not ill add it
19:35.22JeffM2501there dosn't seem to be a citation needed one ether
19:35.28tspyBZEdit supports 2.0 features?
19:35.34tsIs that really true?
19:35.43JeffM2501it does some
19:35.46JeffM2501well one
19:35.49JeffM2501IIRC it did groups
19:36.06JeffM2501or maybe the world object
19:36.19donny_bakerstub is there add {{stub}}  to your page... to edit what {{stub}} says or looks like got to Template:Stub
19:36.54donny_bakerediting Template:Stub changes all instances of {{stub}} on every page
19:37.04donny_bakerkind of like an include
19:37.32donny_bakerwhen you istall mediawiki... it is truley empty
19:37.58donny_bakeri have been working on getting and making sure all of the help pages worked correctly
19:38.09donny_bakerand adding templates as i needed them
19:38.11JeffM2501anyone remember when purple_cow started bzedit?
19:38.20DTRemenaklong, long ago
19:38.25donny_bakerso any templates you think we need feel free
19:38.54tsohloh maybe knows..I'm searching
19:39.17JeffM2501it wasn't in cvs
19:39.20JeffM2501when he started it
19:40.50DTRemenakMay 2000?
19:41.07tsWhere does the flag list belong to? I don't know where to put it
19:41.22brlcaddonny_baker: are there any default templates?
19:41.40DTRemenakwasn't in cvs until June 2001
19:41.59JeffM2501ahh 2k, thanks
19:42.56*** join/#bzflag Cortex (n=Cortex@
19:43.25donny_baker[[Category:Server]] and [[Category:Client]]  call the page Flags
19:43.45donny_bakerjust the ones i added... nothing is default
19:45.28donny_bakerim looking for the page that lists them
19:45.41tsJeffM2501, How about new a category "Gameplay"?
19:45.43JeffM2501good lord, that actualy looks good
19:45.51JeffM2501ts, whatever floats your boat :)
19:52.44brlcadahh, so none of the citation and verfication templates..
19:52.56tsEeek, no more pure HTML
19:53.26tsFlag list is busted
19:53.34brlcadJeffM2501: typing on the fly? :)  "Capitan Proton"
19:54.38JeffM2501too late :)
19:54.55brlcadmaybe for you.. i'm done :)
19:55.17JeffM2501it got my version :)
19:55.22JeffM2501I took out the space
19:55.38brlcadhrm, it was supposed to conflict
19:55.53brlcadunless what you opened was already my fixed version
20:00.13donny_bakerbrlcad: i will go out and get them
20:00.42brlcadyou can convert them ;)
20:01.22brlcaddonny_baker: I started to.. but then noticed that wikipedia has a ton of subcategories for citatsion that we probably don't need
20:01.30tsbrlcad, yes, I'm already doing it (but I had to cry at least once)
20:01.52brlcadprobably just need a simplified {{cite}} from the Template:Fact
20:02.29brlcadmy guess is we'll just need something to say stuff isn't verified yet where some claim is made
20:04.54brlcadts: although wikimedia help page seems to indicate that <table> elements are actually supported
20:05.48tsbrlcad, they are supported but not all possible HTML-constructs inside
20:05.56tsOr the preview is completly wrong
20:25.12donny_bakerbrlcad: {{cite}} added... need to test it depended n 5 or 6 others and I think I have them all
20:32.12brlcaddonny_baker: that's what I was referring to.. as to whether we actually *need* all the others for our purposes
20:32.36Manuhola brlcad :)
20:32.40brlcadciao Manu
20:32.52*** join/#bzflag spldart (
20:34.18donny_bakeryeah... i only imported cite and it's dependencies... the others start to get pretty specialized
20:34.35donny_bakerwe probably don't need them at this time
20:37.23tsHmm, there are really a lot of flag suggestions :&
20:38.13brlcaddonny_baker: sushi!
20:38.27brlcadts: yes.. and plenty of good ones
20:38.43brlcadthat's why hearing new flag ideas aren't usually top of the priority list ;)
20:40.57tsyeah, I like the oil slick thingy for example :D
20:43.34*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
20:43.45tsspldart, What?
20:43.56JeffM2501didn't some page rehost my bzedit tutorials?
20:44.19spldartthe whole new flag ideas being down the priority list... I can understand though.. but thought I had some good ones :)... I'm done :)
20:45.33DTRemenakJeffM2501: ?
20:46.05JeffM2501cool, thanks
20:50.52tsI feel like I should write a bot for the transformation rather than doing it by hand :(
20:51.10*** join/#bzflag Bz_Win (n=Kyle@
20:51.39JeffM2501donny_baker if I want to upload images to be in the articles, how do I do that?
20:51.47JeffM2501is there a place to put them?
20:51.54JeffM2501or does the wiki do the upload?
20:53.49brlcadJeffM2501:   replace Somefile.jpg with your image name
20:54.04brlcadthen it gives you the option of uploading it
20:56.14L4m3rarg, can we move the -solo bots completely to the server side for 2.2? abuse is getting annoying
20:56.53ibotpatches welcome is, like, a common response by maintainers of Open Source products. It's roughly means "We don't have much time on our hands, so if you write that feature and send it to us we will likely roll it in. If you don't have the time to write it, we don't either. Stop asking for it."
20:56.53JeffM2501L4m3r no
20:56.53JeffM2501not yet
20:56.53JeffM2501at least
20:57.04JeffM2501the server side bot stuff isn't meant as a replacement for -solo
20:57.18L4m3rpr at least put a hard coded limit for -solo bots
20:58.05L4m3rwe had 92 players on a server a few minutes ago because some moron brought in an asston of bots
20:58.07DTRemenakif they want players to have the ability to run bots on their servers, they can set the permissions such that players can spawn SSBs at will.
20:58.21JeffM2501don't you have a nobot setting?
20:58.55L4m3rit's generally not used because we like to have autopilot
20:59.12L4m3rand apparently whoever ran the server was not aware of the bot kicker plugin
20:59.15DTRemenakI have yet to hear a convincing argument for why the -solo bots should remain in the client after equivalent bots are available from the server
20:59.45JeffM2501if they are equivelant, AND built by default, then no, there is no reason
20:59.53L4m3rwouldn't that also save bandwidth?
20:59.56DTRemenakI believe that should be a goal
21:00.03DTRemenakL4m3r: no, not really
21:00.03JeffM2501it's good to have goals :)
21:00.16L4m3rI mean, with a lot of them
21:00.18DTRemenakbots share the player connection now
21:00.43DTRemenakoutbound traffic is the same for one player as it is for one player + many bots
21:00.46L4m3ryes, but it's still more tanks to keep track of on the other end
21:00.55L4m3rso it would be more inbound traffic, yes?
21:01.09DTRemenakinbound is not a problem for the vast majority of server setups
21:01.15DTRemenakinbound traffic is tiny
21:01.39L4m3rwell then, time for brunch.
21:01.48DTRemenakbots lag servers up because the server has to send the relayed packets out to all the other human players
21:01.54DTRemenakand SSBs will do the same thing
21:10.25brlcadDTRemenak: if you're already decided, then pretty much any argument would fail to be a convincing argument
21:10.47DTRemenakit's not impossible to change my mind :)
21:11.02DTRemenakthere exists a possibility that I have not heard the convincing argument
21:11.41DTRemenakif you have one, let me know :)
21:11.42brlcadhm, connection is "mostly" shared, iirc .. there's a tiny overhead, but certainly not linear
21:12.26brlcadnah, I'm not for or against, it's mildly moot point other than where the logic is actually running from
21:12.37DTRemenakin most cases it is entirely linear.  playerupdates are only sent once, msgmessages should never be sent to bots, etc
21:13.07brlcadone thing for the server to say "you're allowed to only run # bots" versus client asking server to run # bots for it
21:13.20brlcadi meant linear in the sense that 4 bots would mean 4+1 net usage over just 1
21:13.30DTRemenaksure, it's possible to keep it client-side.  it just seems like additional complexity.
21:13.59brlcadthe alternative is hardware limited
21:14.56brlcadrunning X bots on the server for Y players, example .. if the bots are doing anything intensive (which ideally they will be some day), you wouldn't be able to run that many on a server
21:15.23brlcadI could see having a bot that consumes all of my local machine's resources (cpu-wise) with just mild AI concepts put to practice
21:15.35ts~spell powerfull would never be able to handle what I have in mind at least for even one bot
21:16.23spldart~spell super_saiyan
21:16.39JeffM2501there we go BZEditWin32 is decently fleshed out
21:16.40brlcadnot to mention the benefits of network testing stand-alone bots connecting to a server
21:17.19DTRemenakbrlcad: none of that applies to -solo bots
21:17.52DTRemenakthey don't simulate network activity accurately
21:18.07DTRemenakthey don't consume many resources, and they run on the client, which DOES consume many resources, just for rendering
21:20.13brlcadwhy wouldn't it apply to solo bots?
21:20.23DTRemenakas I just said
21:20.24brlcadif I want to mod the client with some nifty ai approach
21:20.47brlcad-solo is the immediate/easy way to do it right now
21:20.53DTRemenakthen you can just as easily mod the server.  or you can still mod the client, via autopilot framework or bzrobots.
21:21.04brlcadI can mod your server?
21:21.16DTRemenakyou should not be running bots on my server without my permission
21:21.34brlcadsure, but then tha'ts just a server access/configuration issue
21:21.38DTRemenakand yes, you may mod my server if you would like to test some AI stuff :)
21:22.14brlcadwe don't do any real ai stuff at the moment, though the kids in columbia were dabbling a little
21:22.29brlcadif we did, the resources would be considerably more intenst
21:23.50brlcadI mean, both make sense.. it makes sense to have "server-provided" enemies, like any game might provide for filler enemies or storyboarding, etc
21:24.50brlcadbut if I want to test out "real" approaches and experiment on the public servers (that are configured as such saying they don't care or what have you), then I'm making my own client-side modifications
21:25.14DTRemenakthat is all done through bzrobots, not the client, correct?  I don't see the point in supporting both bots and interactive graphical gameplay from the same executable.
21:25.24brlcadbzrobots is a client :)
21:25.31DTRemenakit is not the client :)
21:26.16brlcadwell, to an extent I do agree with that -- though bzrobots aren't working yet afaik
21:26.26DTRemenakthen that should be an additional goal :)
21:26.26brlcadso to remove -solo would remove the capability at this point
21:26.28*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
21:27.31brlcadotherwise, the main/only benefit of -solo is a simple interface for invoking N ai players
21:27.45brlcadand that shared net connection (which you don't get with bzrobots)
21:29.53DTRemenakthe first is a good reason to remove it, once we have the ability to do that server-side.  the second is certainly a valid point, but I'm not sure it's worth it.  a shared net connection on cpu-intensive bots doesn't get you much, you'll want to run them one per machine anyway.
21:31.05DTRemenakor at least one per cpu, which I suppose is not quite the same
21:33.09JeffM2501how's this for the layout for a map object?
21:34.31L4m3rmy only recommendation would be to separate the params into a list
21:35.01JeffM2501fair enough
21:35.04L4m3rit would improve readability, especially for more complex objects
21:35.10brlcadone per machine may or may not be a limitation of the AI approach being tested/used .. if you could get away with more (which is certainly likely with some algorithms), then you'd likely want more
21:36.17CIA-3BZFlag: 03bthansen * 10bzflag/plugins/ (logDetail/logDetail.cpp thiefControl/thiefControl.cpp): Fix class names so they follow the naming convention
21:36.31brlcadthe first isn't a good reason to remove it.. having a simple interface at least isn't a good reason -- now limiting that or controlling that becomes an issue, and I would agree that the server should dictate what the limits are
21:36.42JeffM2501reload it L4m3r, that better?
21:37.50tsJeffM2501, I have done some work on
21:38.00DTRemenakbrlcad: correct, I would be in favor of "a simple interface for invoking N ai players", but I would prefer it not be up to the client.
21:38.04tsHowever I'm getting too sleepy now
21:38.31CIA-3BZFlag: 03bthansen 07v2_0branch * 10bzflag/plugins/logDetail/logDetail.cpp: Fix class names to follow the naming convention
21:38.43tsDo I need to do all flags from original wiki?
21:39.46tsI mean there are _a lot of flags_ and the whole table needs to be converted by hand..
21:40.06*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
21:40.48brlcadDTRemenak: i'd go with that too .. but I wouldn't go about it the reverse route of removing functionality first is all
21:41.07brlcadts: what exactly didn't convert
21:41.12brlcadthe table wasn't *that* complex
21:42.02tsThe attributes in the table tag and all bgcolors in the td's, IIRC
21:44.17brlcadsee, that's where it's twisted.. I wouldn't say SSBs are equivalent if only because of the resource utilization and networking
21:45.10brlcadhaving SSBs are good, but not a full feature replacement
21:45.38DTRemenakbot networking as it is now is a liability, not a feature
21:46.38brlcadit's both
21:46.38DTRemenakand resource consumption just moves from one machine to the other
21:46.38DTRemenak-solo bots don't consume many resources at all
21:46.40brlcadi've used it for network testing on many occasions
21:46.54DTRemenakyes, but you can't do that anymore because they share the net connection
21:46.54brlcadthe feature is modability
21:47.11brlcadI can modify the client and run on public servers, I can't modify those public servers
21:47.17DTRemenakSSB's are more modifiable.  you just have to run your own server.
21:47.28brlcadwhich is part what makes them more useless
21:47.45DTRemenakby running to bots on a public server, you ARE modifying someone else's server
21:47.58brlcader, howso?
21:48.25DTRemenakif they wanted bots, they would have added them
21:48.39DTRemenakyou're changing the play environment dramatically
21:48.41brlcadthe same converse can be said
21:48.47DTRemenakwhich is why so many people are opposed to them
21:48.49brlcadif they didn't want bots, they would have prevented them
21:49.03DTRemenakwe can't really prevent them as it is now
21:49.10brlcadsure we could
21:49.15DTRemenakthe -norobots is an informational thing
21:49.38DTRemenaksnip one line from the client and you can connect all the bots you want
21:49.52brlcadnot guaranteed, but for those that would go around the bot flag can do that regardless and no server-side mandate is going to prevent a bot client that looks/acts like a real client
21:50.35DTRemenakif it acts like a real client, then more power to them.  at that point it's just another player
21:50.37brlcadfor the framework we have, there could be a server option that would limit the number of bots or outright deny all bots
21:51.26Thumper_Hi guys - I have a new utility class for plugins to use to parse configuration files (called PluginConfig) defined in PluginUtils.cxx/.h
21:51.39Thumper_I'd like to know where in the source tree this should live and what I have to do to make it
21:51.45Thumper_available to any plugin that chooses to use it
21:52.55L4m3rbut why bother? SSBs would be easier, cleaner, more useful for solo or network play (they can stay after you leave)
21:53.21L4m3rmore workable for automated bot joining/parting , too
21:53.25brlcadL4m3r: it's not a bother, it's what we have now -- moving it to SS-only is where problems occur
21:53.53L4m3rbut what are the problems, exactly?
21:53.56DTRemenakbrlcad: here's what I'm seeing: we have a number of possible purposes for bots.  1. keeping a server occupied and interesting.  SSBs are superior.  2. testing AI.  bzrobots is superior.  3. testing network.  bzrobots is superior.  4. asshattery.  -solo bots are superior.
21:54.10L4m3rand how are they WORSE than the client-side problems?
21:54.54brlcadDTRemenak: I'd agree with those save for the detail that bzrobots don't really exist yet
21:55.06DTRemenakbrlcad: pw? :)
21:55.32ibothmm... patches welcome is a common response by maintainers of Open Source products. It's roughly means "We don't have much time on our hands, so if you write that feature and send it to us we will likely roll it in. If you don't have the time to write it, we don't either. Stop asking for it."
21:55.40DTRemenakshould we remove -solo before SSBs and bzrobots are complete?  no.
21:56.00blast007DTRemenak: do it! do it!
21:56.01brlcadi agree with you there ;)
21:56.03DTRemenakshould we attempt to complete them and remove -solo?  I think that would be appropriate.
21:56.12brlcadand with that
21:56.35brlcadhaving bzrobots be "complete" or functional is what was missing from your first claim of once SSBs were done :)
21:56.42DTRemenakI was under the impression that bzrobots was usable if not complete
21:57.00brlcadit is elsewhere, but not in CVS afaik
21:57.16brlcadmaybe i'm wrong, but last peek it wasn't
21:57.24DTRemenakso someone needs to pester whoever it was about that? :)
21:58.31brlcadwho was that.. hmm
21:58.45brlcadnot flash..
21:58.51DTRemenakone of the a's
21:58.58DTRemenakamcnabb or aawright?
21:59.10brlcad~seen amcnabb
21:59.35ibotamcnabb <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 80d 3h 20m 59s ago, saying: 'I hate to run in and out, but I've got to go get some other stuff done.  I'll be back on later today.'.
21:59.57brlcadthat must have been a lot of other stuff
22:00.02DTRemenaklong day :)
22:00.26tsI saw him weeks later in this channel
22:00.44tsWanted to ask him something but right when I started to type he left
22:00.54brlcadhmm.. could tie in -solo to a pop-up that prompts them with a captcha for each bot and a riddle ;)
22:01.48brlcadyeah, amcnabb's been on since iirc, just under a different name i think
22:02.09brlcadcould probably call him out on the mailing list
22:02.25tsIf you find out more please tell me, I'm going to sleep now
22:31.18*** join/#bzflag Blue_Eyes (
22:32.35JeffM2501yay, bzfs command line options are done :)
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22:40.32brlcadnot any more!
22:40.35randomparticleI've written a few lines to remove the dependence of keyboard turn dampening on frame rate. Seems to work quite well, but would need a keyboard player to test it fully.
22:40.44randomparticleThe code is here:
22:40.50CIA-3BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/ (5 files in 3 dirs): (log message trimmed)
22:40.50CIA-3BZFlag: add a new -botsPerIP option to bzfs to allow server ops to limit the number of
22:40.50CIA-3BZFlag: bot connections that are allowed to connnect from the same IP address. this
22:40.50CIA-3BZFlag: should reduce -solo client abuse (especially intrusively accidental/experimental
22:40.50CIA-3BZFlag: use) as well as any other custom bots that behave by correctly identifying
22:40.52CIA-3BZFlag: themselves as a bot. this probably won't fully appease the dtr, but it should
22:40.54CIA-3BZFlag: help reduce abuse to at least modified clients. initial default value is to
22:42.28randomparticleThe amount of dampening can be adjusted by setting different values of 'fps' (to mimic old behaviour at fixed framerate of fps) and 'k' (rate of convergence)
22:42.38brlcadheh, a powf right smack in the middle
22:42.56brlcaddo you really need to compute a floating point power? :)
22:43.23randomparticleYes, if you want behaviour similar to what happened before
22:43.37randomparticlebut without framerate dependence, of course
22:43.49*** join/#bzflag eTangenT (
22:44.34randomparticlethere may be other functions that can be used here that are less costly
22:44.37JeffM2501good lord, it seems I'm a wiki editing fool :(
22:44.53randomparticlebut that would mean that keyboard players would have to adjust their playing style
22:45.49brlcadi was merely referring to the cost
22:46.05brlcadshouldn't be a big deal here, hopefully
22:47.15randomparticlei was thinking the fps and k values could be config settable
22:48.00randomparticleat the moment people are at the mercy of their gfx cards. if they have a weak one, they may get more dampening than the really want
22:48.27randomparticleor if they play on different machines at different times, they end up getting different tank responses
22:49.27randomparticlethe difference is tank feel between 50fps and 230fps, say, is absolutely huge if you use keyboard. I'm sure you know all this, btw :)
22:50.05brlcadyou mean currently
22:50.10brlcadthe feel is different
22:50.18brlcadbecause of the flat-rated 20% dampening
22:50.22brlcadper frame
22:50.48brlcadshould add some bounds/minimum checks to your change and it should be good to add
22:51.19randomparticlegreat. if you like i can search for a keyboard player or two to try this
22:51.36brlcadso if there's a framerate of 2 for example, or 0 for that matter..
22:51.40randomparticlei'm not the best judge here as i'm 100% mouse
22:52.22randomparticleor zero.. hmm :)
22:52.34*** join/#bzflag Theme97_ (n=Theme97@about/essy/phpwriter/Theme97)
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23:02.55CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/plugins/ (7 files in 2 dirs): add torBlock
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23:34.28JeffM2501must... stop.. writing.. articles....
23:35.59Bz_WinI won't ask
23:36.06JeffM2501wiki stuff
23:36.25JeffM2501it's too damned adictive
23:36.36a_meteoritewikipedia or the bzflag wiki?
23:36.41JeffM2501the BZ one
23:37.03a_meteoriteit'd be quite nice to have it updated
23:37.24JeffM2501the new one
23:37.26JeffM2501not the old one
23:37.34JeffM2501old one go byebye soon
23:37.35a_meteoriteit's not live?
23:38.03a_meteoriteahh, very nice
23:38.22Bz_WinIs that the one donny_baker is working on
23:38.43Bz_WinI should probably do that logo for him
23:38.52a_meteoriteI should probably contribute pages ;)
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23:51.10randomparticleis powf really very expensive?
23:51.17JeffM2501it can be
23:51.37inchwormis it a for loop someswhere?
23:51.44Tuponeit is normally based on logarithm
23:52.04JeffM2501how may times per frame is it called?
23:52.21JeffM2501that's fine
23:52.56randomparticleif desired ang vel very close to current then one might just skip it and set current = desired
23:53.17JeffM2501that would be a very minor optimisation
23:53.20JeffM2501very minor
23:53.43Tuponerandomparticle: how much cpu percentage you mean to save?
23:54.19randomparticleoh, i don't know. i don't have any idea how much it costs yet
23:54.21Tuponeif that is bigger then 0.01 % could be good
23:54.39randomparticlethe other thing is, there is another kind of turn dampening already in bzflag - that is, in the code for the -a settings
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23:56.09randomparticlethe keyboard code could go in there if linear convergence is good enough
23:56.10randomparticlesomething like, if you are a kbd user, then use a default -a setting of this.. if not overriden by the server setting
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23:58.41randomparticlei wrote something else for kbd users. atm, if you are pressing the left arrow key, and you press the right arrow key, the tank doesn't turn to the right until the first key is released
23:59.21randomparticlethat makes quick direction changes a little more cumbersome than they might be
23:59.58randomparticleso, what you can do is have a rule for when both keys are held down at the same time: the most recently pressed key has priority

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.