irclog2html for #bzflag on 20070209

00:02.30*** join/#bzflag RatOmeter_ (n=chatzill@
00:04.30*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
00:06.19CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/include/bzfsAPI.h:
00:06.19CIA-3BZFlag: add pause state to the paused event.
00:06.19CIA-3BZFlag: API call to get the player pause state.
00:06.39CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/src/bzfs/ (bzfs.cxx bzfsAPI.cxx):
00:06.39CIA-3BZFlag: add pause state to the paused event.
00:06.39CIA-3BZFlag: API call to get the player pause state.
00:07.21CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 07v2_0branch * 10bzflag/include/bzfsAPI.h:
00:07.21CIA-3BZFlag: add pause state to the paused event.
00:07.21CIA-3BZFlag: API call to get the player pause state.
00:07.44CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 07v2_0branch * 10bzflag/src/bzfs/ (bzfs.cxx bzfsAPI.cxx):
00:07.45CIA-3BZFlag: add pause state to the paused event.
00:07.45CIA-3BZFlag: API call to get the player pause state.
00:15.47bradeither I'm stupid (probably) or currentFlag in bz_PlayerRecord isn't showing any flags at all
00:16.22bradI just updated to latest 2.0 cvs and I get the same problem
00:17.06JeffM2501call the get flag function
00:17.13JeffM2501see what that does
00:17.34JeffM2501IIRC there was some problem with the record in2 .0.x
00:17.36bradahh didnt know about that ;)
00:18.12JeffM2501I think the record usus the description
00:18.18JeffM2501and the function uses the abreviation
00:18.28JeffM2501and I fixed that when I redid it for head
00:20.24bradbz_getPlayerFlag.. does that return a bzApiString?
00:20.42JeffM2501what's the prototype say?
00:21.46JeffM2501it's a char*
00:21.53JeffM2501so you can copy it into a std::string if you want
00:21.56bradah, thx
00:22.32JeffM2501tho it probably should return a copy
00:22.42JeffM2501cus the string coudl change in 2.1
00:24.49bradhmm that's odd
00:25.09bradjust tried loading the plugin with the bz_getPlayerFlag stuf
00:25.12bradand it won't load
00:25.25JeffM2501how old is your bzfs?
00:25.26bradPlugin:./ not found, error ./ undefined symbol: _Z16bz_getPlayerFlagi
00:25.35JeffM2501that was added after 2.0.8
00:25.52bradok I'll use a newer one
00:26.00JeffM2501I added that for the flag stay zones
00:26.23bradyep it loads now, thanks yet again :)
00:27.24bradbz_getPlayerFlag works fine
00:28.07JeffM2501and easier then geting and freeing a full record just for that
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01:06.11bradJeffM2501: could you also remove the brackets around the flags to avoid confusion?
01:06.23bradthey come out as "(SE)"
01:06.37JeffM2501with the function?
01:06.41JeffM2501or the record?
01:07.00bradi'll double check, 1 min :)
01:07.12JeffM2501the function should just be raw "GM"
01:07.25JeffM2501better be at least, flag zone and stuff requires that
01:08.52bradah you're right
01:09.00bradfunction is just "GM"
01:12.44bradShould this return true if a player has Seer? if (bz_getPlayerFlag(playerID) == "SE") { ... }
01:13.25Erroneousit returns char*... you're trying to compare pointers, not the text
01:13.39Erroneoususe strcmp
01:13.58Erroneousor make a std::string out of it first
01:16.22bradit works :)
01:16.39bradthanks for the help JeffM2501 and Erroneous
01:26.39*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
01:48.37*** join/#bzflag philbrick0340 (
01:48.58philbrick0340hey is there anyone here who can watch a person to possibly masterban
01:49.11philbrick0340nhis callsign is LINUX_._GOD!
01:49.25philbrick0340hes been cheating on multiple servers
01:49.38JeffM2501have those servers banned them?
01:50.00philbrick0340i justed kicked him out of theme 97's server
01:50.12philbrick0340and hes been banned from in-league and others too
01:50.20JeffM2501static or dynamic?
01:50.26JeffM2501are those bans keeping him at bay?
01:50.37philbrick0340what do you mea
01:50.45shorty114are the bans working?
01:50.47braddynamic IP
01:50.49JeffM2501is he hiting other servers still
01:50.54JeffM2501can't masterban dynamics
01:51.12philbrick0340yeah im pretty sure hes been going to other servers too
01:51.21philbrick0340ive seen him getted banned at 3 servers
01:51.21JeffM2501dosn't matter, can't masterban dynamics
01:51.23JeffM2501can't do ranges.
01:52.00philbrick0340so you cant masterban him?
01:52.10shorty114masterban list can't do dynamics?
01:52.18JeffM2501if there is a posibility of geting someone else in the ban range, we won't masterban
01:52.22JeffM2501it can, we don't
01:52.27JeffM2501it's policy
01:53.00JeffM2501tho it dosn't sound like you've had time to let the real bans sto him
01:53.03JeffM2501he'll get bored.
01:53.25a_meteoriteI've noticed cheaters don't get bored, they just come back to haunt you.
01:53.31blast007or his mom will tell him to get off the computer and eat his peas
01:53.34JeffM2501only if you feed them
01:53.37JeffM2501and you LOVE to feed them.
01:53.40CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/include/bzfsAPI.h: API calls to reset bzdb variables.
01:53.42a_meteoritewhy me?
01:53.50a_meteoritewhat'd I do now?
01:53.51JeffM2501your not the only one, I've just seen how you act
01:53.59CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfsAPI.cxx: API calls to reset bzdb variables.
01:53.59JeffM2501you react to them with great furvor
01:53.59a_meteoriteI haven't fed one in months
01:54.00JeffM2501many do
01:54.06JeffM2501good :)
01:54.26a_meteoritedoesn't make me feel much better :\
01:54.46CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 07v2_0branch * 10bzflag/include/bzfsAPI.h: API calls to reset bzdb variables.
01:54.48JeffM2501if you haven't in months, then it means your geting better, that is a good thing to feel better about.
01:55.09CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 07v2_0branch * 10bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfsAPI.cxx: API calls to reset bzdb variables.
01:55.11a_meteoriteyou saying I feed them when I haven't in a long time doesn't make me feel better ;)
01:55.25a_meteoriteJeffM2501: does that api call include all and whatever vars you want?
01:55.35JeffM2501read the docs
01:56.05a_meteoriteposted it before I could even reload m.b.o. :P
01:59.33*** join/#bzflag Electric1lf (
02:07.21*** join/#bzflag tehbrandon (n=tehbrand@unaffiliated/tehbrandon)
02:09.33*** join/#bzflag Bobert (
02:10.16Bobertwho here plays bzstocks
02:11.07a_meteoriteyou play bzstocks yet complain what bzflag doesn't have?
02:11.26a_meteoritelook at the player list on bzstocks
02:11.53Bobertlisten i dont complain
02:12.22a_meteoriteyou made a post on it and came trolling in here cause bzflag wasn't "updated"
02:12.31a_meteoriteand that no one listens to you
02:12.54a_meteoritethank you, you just made my night with such a funny lie
02:14.09Boberture just defensive
02:14.19Bobertover old software
02:14.23a_meteoriteno, I'm being logical and using my long term memory
02:14.44a_meteoriteeveryone likes it how it is, if they didn't they would start a fork and change it
02:14.57a_meteoriteif you don't like it and must complain about it, start a fork and change it
02:15.04Bobertthers nothjing wrong with an
02:15.14a_meteoriteif people like it how it is, then you have no right to come in and troll about it
02:15.20a_meteoriteyes there is
02:15.33BobertWTF do u mean by troll
02:15.39a_meteoritethere are people who have been playing over 10 years, and even people who have been playing 6 months who do not want it changed
02:15.42Bobertot liking ure one sided ideas
02:15.43a_meteoritegoogle it
02:15.48Bobertcuz thats what it seems like
02:15.57a_meteoriteno, I like the ideas backed by a 98% majority
02:16.03Bobertjust because the current version is like it is
02:16.14Bobertoesnt mean it cant get updated
02:16.31inchwormsuppose we tone it down a bit, some of us are trying to sleep
02:16.32a_meteoritedo you know how software works?
02:16.34a_meteoriteyou do not update things to something no one wants
02:16.51a_meteoritelet's say you wanted this and that, but 98.8% doesn't want it
02:17.02a_meteoritedoes that mean we should conform to 1.2% do want?
02:17.05Bobertwheres ure proof
02:17.32a_meteoritelook on the boards, over 10,000 registered users and you're the only one who wants bzflag to change like you do
02:17.40a_meteoriteif that's not proof, I'm Micky Mouse
02:18.21inchwormumm, met, that isn't proof of much in and of itself
02:18.21TheRedBaronWell I'm float man for rudolph the red nosed reindeer
02:18.36a_meteoriteinchworm: how many people want turning turrets? :P
02:18.47a_meteoriteTheRedBaron: Can I be in the parade with you? PLEASE!
02:18.54purple_cowlots of people have asked for it
02:18.54a_meteoriteI can be... Santy Clause!
02:19.00inchwormme? it would make two people on one computer a blast
02:19.00TheRedBaronyou got a beard?
02:19.14a_meteoriteI'm getting one...
02:19.17TheRedBaronthats ok, wigs are the new rage
02:19.40a_meteoritepurple_cow: lots does not mean the majority would want it so that the devs should implement it :)
02:19.46inchwormbut in bzflag in the near future, maybe not... and i'm not sure how it would effect the gameplay for everyone else
02:19.56a_meteoriteI think the devs strive for what the majority wants... not what a select few people want
02:20.54a_meteoriteI really need to shave for the first time... man
02:21.04Bobertdid u take a poll
02:21.04Bobertr survey
02:21.04Bobertust cuz ppl play doesnt mean they hate updates
02:21.04Boberti still play and i push for updates
02:21.04Bobertwell maybe its cuz most pll dont care about the forum
02:21.04Boberti only visit like once a month for patch updates
02:21.08Bobertre a retard
02:21.10Bobertdo u guys have like stunted brain development
02:21.12Bobertu guys r facinated with old software and picture imaginary parades
02:21.16Bobertthe problem here is that all the developers have no ideas and the ppl with ideas cant develop
02:21.25Bobertthen the devs ridicule evryone cuz they cant develop
02:21.40TheRedBaronrobert: not true, not true
02:21.47a_meteoriteok, first thing's first: learn English
02:21.49TheRedBaronyes there is friction between those who can dev, and those who have ideas
02:21.52Boberteven though the ones who can deveop dont
02:22.28Bobertthe devs and veterans think there gods gift to gaming
02:22.38blast007Bobert: people actually get rather defensive over "how things work" when we change stuff  ;)
02:22.40purple_cowI don't think any of the real developers of bzflag ridicule people
02:22.51TheRedBaronBobert: there are two active leagues, that don't want major game-play changes.  Http:// and
02:23.02purple_cowhowever, one of the basic aspects of open-source development is that nothing happens unless someone is willing to do the work
02:23.10TheRedBaronadding things like turrets, would ruin the league play for them
02:23.16Boberthow so
02:23.21TheRedBaronBobert: ~pw
02:23.25iboti heard patches welcome is a common response by maintainers of Open Source products. It's roughly means "We don't have much time on our hands, so if you write that feature and send it to us we will likely roll it in. If you don't have the time to write it, we don't either. Stop asking for it."
02:23.30Bobertit would enable the servers to have a choice
02:23.49TheRedBaronBobert: there is a lack of player base for that
02:24.01TheRedBarononce you start incorporating the request of every single player, as an option...
02:24.09blast007Bobert: it's not a matter of us coding that feature, we were told we CAN'T do that, by the head guy
02:24.36TheRedBaronpardon me but
02:24.42a_meteoritenot to mention the head guy doesn't want it... the *majority* don't want it
02:24.43TheRedBaronnvm, too flammatory
02:24.47Bobertthis just proves the stereotype that gamers have too much time on their hands and dont do anything useful with it
02:24.55a_meteoriteif the *majority* wanted it, we have plenty of homegrown devs to fork bzflag
02:25.20a_meteoritethat hasn't happened because we like what there is currently and don't want things like that to be changed
02:25.26a_meteoriteand I'm done. dinner.
02:25.43blast007a fork is the only way for that feature to be put in
02:25.55blast007(at this point)
02:25.56Bobertno, nothing is happening in the past kagillion versions because gamers r lazy
02:26.19Bobertand the devs only do as little as possible fixing bugs
02:26.43blast007Bobert: there is only so much we can change between major versions
02:26.46Bobertand not actually 'updating'
02:26.51blast007the whole 2.0.x branch had to be compatible
02:27.41BobertFor once u guys should actually just here my point
02:27.49blast007I'm willing to hear it
02:27.51Bobertinstead of creating a war over it
02:28.16blast007It just gets lost in the shuffle when a_meteorite bashes everything
02:28.27Boberti just want there to be a patch that would enable a server to enable or disable rotating and tilting turrets
02:28.32a_meteoriteI don't bash everything
02:28.41a_meteoriteI just bash trolls
02:28.55blast007Bobert: okay, is that it?
02:29.01blast007because we can't do that
02:29.17blast007not in the main bzflag
02:29.19TheRedBaron~seen timriker
02:29.44ibottimriker <n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker> was last seen on IRC in channel #openmoko, 1h 12m 25s ago, saying: 'oh. net issues. I'm off anyway...'.
02:29.44purple_cowBobert: I can answer that
02:29.44a_meteoriteif you can bribe Tim with lots of money, maybe
02:29.54purple_cowshort answer: because nobody has done it
02:29.55a_meteoritethen we'd just fork and keep it the old way :)
02:30.11Bobertthen i might as well higher devs for my own dream game
02:30.25TheRedBaronBobert: if you build it, they will come
02:30.32purple_cowlong answer: doing anything in an open-source project requires someone willing to do it.  such a patch would be a lot of work (*especially* in a large, 12-year old codebase)
02:30.58blast007plus the fact that it would never be accepted into the mainline bzflag  ;)
02:31.13a_meteoriteyeah, there's no doubt it *could* be done
02:31.14purple_cownever is a strong word
02:31.17purple_cowit's unlikely
02:31.20blast007TimRiker has give the "no" on that one
02:31.25Thumper_well that was fun. :D
02:31.25blast007well, true  :)
02:31.58inchworm~unwind a_meteorite
02:32.23a_meteoriteI only get upset in limited circumstances... :P
02:32.24purple_cowTim is not an autocrat
02:32.30Thumper_is there a good way to get file access time that plays well on all the platforms bzflag supports?
02:32.32purple_cowif demand is high enough, it will happen
02:32.43a_meteoritepurple_cow: the demand is missing though :)
02:32.56purple_cowprobably partly because it doesn't exist
02:32.58a_meteoriteactually, it's more like anti-demand
02:33.10a_meteoritethere's a lot of people who wouldn't want it
02:33.18Thumper_can I just use sys/stat.h and stat() for the atime?
02:33.24purple_cowI have a lot of "anti-demand" for the wings flag, but it's there
02:33.24a_meteoritevery few who do want it
02:33.32a_meteoriteand then some who haven't thought about it
02:33.32TheRedBaron~lart wings
02:33.38blast007purple_cow: I second that  :)
02:33.56TheRedBaronwings is overtly abused
02:33.58a_meteoriteyeah, but Tim OK'ed it... :P
02:34.06TheRedBaronunlimited flaps....
02:34.54purple_cowurg.  tim tim tim.  when was the last time he committed code? :P
02:35.23purple_cowofficially he may be "maintainer", but he's not very involved in the direction of the project anymore
02:36.13blast007purple_cow: heh, but he'd probably notice "Add turrent rotation" in the CVS log  ;)
02:39.31*** join/#bzflag Davy (
02:40.38purple_cowI'm just saying that just because "Tim said so" a few years ago doesn't mean it's impossible forever
02:41.12*** join/#bzflag view (
02:41.13TheRedBaronpurple_cow: how would you implement the controls?
02:41.26TheRedBaronjust add WASD for the turrent?
02:41.38purple_cowI don't know
02:41.45purple_cowI'm not interested in working on it
02:42.02inchwormmaybe wasd for the tank and mouse for the turret?
02:42.08TheRedBaron~lart inchworm
02:42.14TheRedBaron~dog inchworm
02:42.24ibotACTION stares at inchworm until inchworm whimpers and pees all over himself.
02:42.25inchworm~trout TheRedBaron
02:42.28ibotACTION slaps TheRedBaron around a bit with a large trout!
02:42.55TheRedBaroninchworm: what about the plethora of mouse players you will force to convert?
02:43.31inchwormTheRedBaron: none as it won't be implemented in bzflag in our lifetimes :P
02:43.51a_meteoritedon't worry, we'll only hypnotize them for the new way...
02:44.24inchwormi think the concept is cool (turrets) but I don't think bzflag is the engine for it
02:45.10inchwormbut i'm uneducated so i can be wrong
02:45.32TheRedBaronthere are a few other games, more modern, that have tanks with movable turrents
02:45.35TheRedBaronwhy change bz?
02:45.49a_meteoriteif you want a moveable turret.. play another tank game
02:45.49inchwormTheRedBaron: I'm not aware of any of them
02:45.58TheRedBarongoogle is your friend :)
02:46.02inchwormi'm not much of a game player
02:46.16inchwormheh, i think i want to write my own some day
02:46.27inchwormjust for fun
02:46.30TheRedBaronpardon my seeming harshness - if you're not a gamer, then why would we tailor a game to you?
02:46.34inchwormi think i could get a very basic one in a few months
02:47.16inchwormTheRedBaron: you aren't tailoring bflag for me, I don't care if it gets impemented or not
02:47.33inchwormthat was bobart
02:48.59blast007we should tell him to go play MechWarrior
02:49.04a_meteoritefood time... finally mom finished moving the TV
02:49.34Thumper_your food is under the TV?
02:50.40inchwormheh played a demo for mecwarrior, was pretty cool
02:52.05inchwormmaybe the food comes out of the tv? lieka tv dinner?
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03:00.18*** join/#bzflag Davy (
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03:14.17TheRedBaronJeffM2501's title scares me...
03:14.38a_meteoriteMini Jeff!
03:15.02TheRedBaronno, the hellawack shiznit in  my brizzle?
03:15.11a_meteoriteoh, that
03:15.27TheRedBaronfirst, whats is the hellawack, and what is it doing in my brizzle?!?
03:20.13blast007TheRedBaron: heh
03:20.23blast007I think thing explains everything:
03:21.49TheRedBaronoh, freaky blue man group
03:22.22blast007think this*
03:28.06*** join/#bzflag Flash (n=jwmelto@unaffiliated/flash)
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04:16.50JeffM2501my what?
04:16.59JeffM2501you'd have to go to vegas to get it
04:17.02JeffM2501or youtube
04:17.10JeffM2501yeah blue man
04:17.36a_meteoriteoh, I thought vegas was in reference to something else as it did fit one of the urbandict's...
04:17.36JeffM2501saw them live over xmass
04:17.56JeffM2501blue man plays in vegas and does rods and cones
04:18.07viewyou saw blue man group live?
04:18.37JeffM2501and the venician
04:18.42JeffM2501however its' spelled
04:19.27JeffM2501my mom, neice, sister, brother-in-law, my ladyfriend and myself, went
04:20.19JeffM2501I would highly recomend that everyone who can see them
04:20.31JeffM2501the show can only be described as 'awesome'
04:20.37JeffM2501and not the new use of awesome
04:20.43JeffM2501the old school version :)
04:21.40a_meteoritefull house?
04:21.54a_meteoriteheh, brought nearly your whole family :)
04:22.15JeffM2501my dad and his friend John didn't go
04:22.57JeffM2501we were 3rd row behind the wet seats, so it was prety good
04:22.59a_meteoriteaw, missed your extended family ;)
04:23.04a_meteoritewet seats?
04:23.16JeffM2501where you get wet
04:23.19JeffM2501and splashed
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04:37.56a_meteorite~seen brlcad
04:38.19ibotbrlcad is currently on #bzflag #brlcad. Has said a total of 279 messages. Is idling for 3h 26m 28s, last said: 'couldn't get mged tk interface to come up due to some tk run-time problems (wrong compilation flags), but it compiles and classic runs fine'.
04:39.18*** join/#bzflag yosefk (
04:48.26FlashJeffM2501: I saw Blue Man in Vegas.... excellent show
04:48.41Flashsome things just have to be seen in person
04:49.07FlashI was one row behind the splash zone, but my friend got a "lap dance"
04:49.41a_meteoritehehe, wouldn't that be something if you two were both there the same show
04:49.54FlashI was there in 2002.... don't think it was the same show ;-)
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04:52.32JeffM2501was that at the mirage?
04:52.54FlashI don't remember... all the casinos seem the same to me
04:53.09Flashbut I think it might have been Luxor
04:53.17JeffM2501yeah that's where they were before
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10:51.34brlcadsomeone e-mailed saying they were having trouble registering.. they kept getting rejected on the "enter the name of this game" prompt..
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10:52.27brlcadthey eventually figured it out.. they kept putting in "hepcat" and variations thereof.. until it dawned on them :)
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11:23.39*** part/#bzflag Rawk (n=unknown@
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11:25.53Deepatho art spamming!
11:26.03Deepatypo demon kills me
11:26.48RawkDeepa: I hope I'm not spamming on here
11:27.31RawkDeepa: I was typing random stuff in on nickserv
11:27.48Deepayou quitted alot of times
11:28.00RawkDeepa: yes
11:28.05Deepa5 times under a timespan of 19 minutes
11:28.41RawkDeepa: sorry I'll stop now
11:32.32*** part/#bzflag Rawk (n=unknown@
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13:14.52CIA-3BZFlag: 03t-s * 10bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfsAPI.cxx: Fix bz_isPlayerPaused: It should always return a bool
13:16.08*** join/#bzflag donny_baker (
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14:47.44*** join/#bzflag brad` (
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16:10.50*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
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16:56.21*** part/#bzflag A-Delusion (
17:01.04*** join/#bzflag cosmol (n=dave@
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17:16.19*** part/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=jeffm@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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18:09.28*** join/#bzflag randomparticle (n=randompa@about/essy/snick/randomparticle)
18:09.38randomparticletrying to compile latest 2.0.x cvs
18:09.44randomparticlei get this: bzfsAPI.cxx:865: error: 'FALSE' was not declared in this scope
18:10.32*** part/#bzflag Calamarain (
18:10.36randomparticlethe context in question:
18:10.49JeffM2501what function?
18:10.57randomparticleBZF_API bool bz_isPlayerPaused( int playerID )
18:11.32randomparticlea missing include?
18:11.42JeffM2501make it a small false;
18:11.46JeffM2501not FALSE
18:12.04JeffM2501holdover from work
18:12.08randomparticleok, that goes through now
18:13.50*** part/#bzflag randomparticle (n=randompa@about/essy/snick/randomparticle)
18:18.44CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 07v2_0branch * 10bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfsAPI.cxx: false ! FALSE, this aint' a big BOOL.
18:23.18*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (
18:26.34JeffM2501ahh looks like somone fixed head
18:37.58*** join/#bzflag Erroneous (
18:43.49tsJeffM2501: Yeah, I am someone :)
18:44.38tsregarding v2_0branch: I don't care about, is not for new commits anyway
18:51.07JeffM2501cool, thanks for fixint it
18:52.09JeffM2501I'd not say new commits, but new features
18:52.22JeffM2501if your ok with it never being released as a build, and it helps somone, sure.
18:52.53JeffM2501but it is a fine fine line
19:05.05*** join/#bzflag Calamarain (
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19:11.28*** part/#bzflag Calamarain (
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20:25.26TheRedBaron~lart Erroneous
20:25.32Erroneous~lart TheRedBaron
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21:28.52JeffM2501slow day
21:30.20CBGSeems like the regular 24 hours so far. :P
21:30.33CBGCold, Wet, Snowy day for us Brits thoug.
21:34.36*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
21:35.29JBdiGrizThere's not enough silliness for a Friday. Where's brlcad?
21:45.20TheRedBaron~pitchfork CBG
21:45.24ibotACTION charges full speed, chasing down CBG and impales CBG in the bottom
21:46.34*** part/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (
21:47.52*** join/#bzflag gsnedders (
22:09.03*** join/#bzflag CorTeX_at (n=Cortex@
22:31.30*** part/#bzflag donny_baker (
22:34.06TheRedBaronhrm, ssh keys
22:41.26brlcadJBdiGriz: hehe
22:43.51*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (
22:51.36*** join/#bzflag Cortex (n=Cortex@
23:10.55brad~seen gnurdux
23:11.24ibotgnurdux <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 4d 21h 29m 11s ago, saying: 'it depends'.
23:11.26brad+seen gnurdux
23:11.26Guu`brad: gnurdux was last seen in #bzflag 4 days, 21 hours, 28 minutes, and 56 seconds ago: <Gnurdux> it depends
23:11.26JeffM2501he pops in and out, but I haven't seen him say anything in a long while.
23:11.26bradah ok
23:11.31bradI just wanted to get a plugin from him ;)
23:12.28JeffM2501I'd like to see if he'd like to redo his mapchange plugin to not have to do scripts.
23:13.00bradthat would certainly make it easier to setup
23:13.39JeffM2501mostly I want to know if I missed anything
23:44.33*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
23:44.57*** join/#bzflag nick125_lappy (n=nick@atarack/staff/nick125)
23:45.13nick125_lappymmm, it's been so long since I've played
23:48.04*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.