irclog2html for #bzflag on 20070204

00:01.13*** join/#bzflag Killer123 (
00:01.20*** part/#bzflag Rawk (n=unknown@
00:04.14inchwormspldart: too much tv, back to your room :P
00:07.42*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
00:07.42*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
00:08.13TD-LinuxBlue=Andorian from star trek?
00:10.42Killer123does requesting groups on the forum create them for you?
00:11.15bradno, you wait until an admin creates them for you
00:11.28bradthey will reply in that topic when they are created
00:11.46Killer123yeah but that will allow me to create cops and admins on my server?
00:12.01Killer123are the rights automatically assigned?
00:12.06bradyeah, if you have groups set up right
00:12.29bradcheck the -groupdb option in your bzfs config
00:13.04Killer123i dont yet have the groupdb as my groups haven't been created yet
00:13.19Killer123where do i get the file from?
00:13.20spldartgah.. 2 tanks is so lop sided it's absolutely no fun
00:13.37spldartandorian and orion from star trek
00:13.48bradKiller123: you have to make it
00:13.54bradjust get a blank file
00:14.09bradhmmmm there is a sample groupdb somewhere
00:14.10spldartoo.. red=Tholian
00:15.08Killer123okay so i add the rights in the groupdb file?
00:15.47inchwormruskie: spldart wonders about the racist rabbit games where you "shoot the white guy!"
00:16.18ruskie<sg-1>hunt for the ancients</sg-1>
00:16.25spldartWas on hix and some dude yelled it... twas funny
00:16.30ruskieascended that is :)
00:16.33spldartSG1 is teh funnnies too
00:16.53spldartAh... maybe I should do babylon V instead
00:16.56ruskieto bad they're ending it with s10 :(
00:17.08ruskiewell s10 and 2 dvd only movies...
00:17.55spldart"Here's to 10 versions of BZFLAG!"
00:18.47ruskieother than a tincy wincy bit enhanced grpahics and full-anti-cheating system
00:19.03spldartServer side gamestate.... fully
00:19.05ruskieand I like it that way :)
00:19.31ruskieit's playability that matters to me
00:19.46spldartI used to be... And those long winded story FP games
00:19.55spldartBut now... I like it simple and straight up
00:20.12ruskieand of course the game must not make my brain fall asleep
00:20.22ruskieand bzflag doesn't do that :)
00:20.34ruskieit has just enough strategy to not be a simple fps :)
00:21.33spldartAnd don't forget paying money for TANK tanks
00:21.37A-Delusiondefender mode
00:22.34ruskiemaybe have a mmorpg bzflag with team regions, upgrades etc ;)
00:25.27*** join/#bzflag deprecated (
00:28.40bradKiller123: apparently you've been spamming servers again
00:28.49braddon't, or people won't help you
00:28.57bradand you'll probably get banned from those servers
00:34.54Killer123who says ive been spamming servers?
00:35.21Killer123i used to advertise on them before i knew the rules
00:37.01Killer123bye everyone!
00:41.02*** join/#bzflag anti-spam (
00:41.20anti-spamcan someone help me with servers?
00:43.12*** join/#bzflag bz14 (
00:43.25bz14can someone help me with servers?
00:44.26TD-Linuxbz14: I think you need better tactics.
00:44.37bz14i get  "listening on"
00:44.57bradthat's normal unless you use the -i option
00:45.09bradit means it's listening on all available interfaces
00:45.26bz14then why cant i find my server?
00:45.38TD-Linuxerr, it won't appear on the list by default.
00:45.50TD-LinuxType in 'localhost' as the server name and enter 5401 as the port.
00:46.03bz14hang on
00:46.32TD-LinuxOh, yes it will (as or localhost), but you'll have a tough time finding it, and it will only appear for your computer and only if you don't have multicast packets blocked
00:47.48Tuponemulticast is not used anymore, maybe you intend broadcast
00:48.44TD-LinuxI guess I mean whatever BZFlag uses, then.
00:48.53Tuponeyep :)
00:50.23bz14im on it
00:50.30bz14now what? Its not on the public list
00:51.04A-Delusionopen the ports on your router, for both tcp and udp
00:51.36A-Delusionwhat kind of router do you have?
00:51.58bz14no, im confuessed
00:52.04Tuponebz14: -public <server-description> ?
00:52.38A-Delusionnobody can join except you, until you open a hole in your firewall on the selected ports
00:53.25bz14how do i get there?
00:53.45A-Delusionwhat model# and maker of router do you have.
00:54.03bz14model? you mean like win?
00:54.36A-Delusionthe device that connects your computer to the internet is called a router or modem.
00:55.33bz14its called: actiontec
00:55.47A-Delusionmodl number?
00:56.52bz14it says mac id: is that what you want?
00:57.03bz14i dont even have a mac
00:57.08A-Delusionusually on the bottom of the router
00:57.19bz14whats meh?
00:57.20spldartModel number is often near serial number
00:57.27bz14ill check
00:57.49A-Delusionit is very difficult to successfully open ports using windows OS
00:58.03A-Delusionfor newbs
00:58.27ibotextra, extra, read all about it, spldart is a n00b
00:58.34bz14ok, everything on it has a letter in it.........
00:58.41A-Delusiontell me them
00:58.43bz14im a newb!
00:58.57A-Delusionprobbly GT700- something
00:59.17A-Delusionor it starts with MI   or R
00:59.40bz14why didnt u tell me?
00:59.51*** join/#bzflag shorty114 (n=shorty11@unaffiliated/shorty114)
00:59.51bz14hang on *gets paper*
01:00.00*** join/#bzflag Tropican8 (
01:00.05spldartlook out.. the man page
01:00.26blast007you know, it's probably best to not help someone "make a server" unless they have a real client
01:00.34blast007cuz they won't have any of this logged
01:01.44bz14what? use it?
01:01.53A-Delusionyou probably want to read other sections of that website... like "what is port forwarding"  before you open the ports
01:01.55blast007click the link
01:02.04blast007that will tell you how to configure your router
01:02.19CBGbz14: if you don't know what a router is, you should really not be messing with it.
01:02.23blast007and that's assuming you know the router password
01:02.28blast007CBG: shh, no, let him!
01:03.46TuponeI feel like CBG is right this time
01:04.09CBGTupone: "this time"?!?! :P
01:04.23A-Delusionshould say "for once"
01:08.20spldartAre you goin - or + CBG?
01:08.54spldartNeither is a negative?
01:08.54CBGSince I reached the lowest ever, I don't particularly care either way.
01:09.20bz14i cant do it
01:09.38CBGdo what?
01:09.44*** part/#bzflag Tropican8 (
01:09.47bz14i barely know my ip
01:10.11bz14it says put your ip instead
01:10.31bz14of url
01:10.39blast007anti-spam, maybe stick to just playing then?
01:10.49A-Delusiondo you own the router? or is it you moms?  ...only half joking.
01:10.58bz14*sighs* fine
01:11.18A-Delusionseriously.. you could hurt your machine
01:11.23blast007bz14: cya
01:11.43spldart:-( but for best ....
01:12.11A-Delusionmaybe read.. "what is a router" first.
01:16.30*** join/#bzflag bz40 (
01:59.15*** part/#bzflag c2water (
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02:25.45*** join/#bzflag anti-spam (
02:27.30inchwormi've only seen anti-spam a few times, but I think he is bizarre
02:28.33inchwormand ADHD kid?
02:28.51inchwormcourse w/ my spelling who am i to point to someone else :)
02:29.02TD-LinuxI'm supposedly borderline
02:29.19TD-Linuxon the side of sanity ;)
02:29.33inchwormhehe, good to know
02:31.38*** part/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
02:33.59spldartI am insane... But that is a good thing... For the universe thinks like me. To bad the Earth does not
02:34.34TD-Linuxthough, being borderline, it tends to jump the gap sometimes
02:34.58inchwormjust a small derailing
02:35.01inchwormreally :
02:35.10spldartTherapy... Pop psychology is for losers ;-)
02:35.25inchwormhehe i'm with you there spldart
02:36.06*** join/#bzflag deprecated (
02:43.12*** join/#bzflag view (
02:47.08*** join/#bzflag tannerld (
02:49.19*** join/#bzflag Theme97 (n=437a882f@about/essy/phpwriter/Theme97)
02:56.11*** join/#bzflag PuMpErNiCkEl (n=pumperni@about/essy/bacon/PuMpErNiCkLe)
02:59.43*** join/#bzflag [NP]Tangent (n=[NP]
03:11.53spldartI love it
03:15.32spldartFast paced server... I'm getting pwnt with whateva superflag I grab... I get BU and get a strategy... and the whole world get's quiet and everybody is staying on blocks trying to pop down to get me... I dominated and made up alot of my defecit score :)
03:16.06spldartWhole world went from loud and lots of shots/explosions to quiet and jockeying to get behind me .. hehe
03:16.31inchwormnightmare's rabbit chase?
03:17.01spldartnah... had not played on that world yet
03:17.07spldartit's a ffa
03:30.33blast007spldart: heh
03:34.36*** join/#bzflag Ninja (
04:01.47*** join/#bzflag Quol (
04:03.26*** join/#bzflag ViciousMuffin (
04:06.24*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
04:10.46*** join/#bzflag orchid (
04:10.46*** mode/#bzflag [+v orchid] by ChanServ
04:11.14*** join/#bzflag AWOSLappy (n=awilcox@unaffiliated/awosdev)
04:11.24AWOSLappyHow do I disable fullscreen?
04:11.42viewtry F1
04:11.49*** join/#bzflag stylus (i=stylus@tapthru/operator/stylus)
04:11.57Quolhello all - just wondering if anyone knows why the -a flag is no longer relavent in the head version of CVS (comapred to 2.0.8) - is there some new functionality that replaces it/acceleration limit - or has it been dropped?
04:12.07Quolfor bzfs I mean
04:12.38viewI don't think it was really relevant in 2.0.8
04:13.19blast007view: actually it is
04:13.22Quolohh - really...the server wouldn't start unless you specified the -a flag in the config though?
04:14.09viewoh, well what do I know
04:14.50*** part/#bzflag AWOSLappy (n=awilcox@unaffiliated/awosdev)
04:16.56Quolpassdb dropped to? anything else?
04:25.48spldartThat map is interesting...
04:26.12ViciousMuffinhow so?
04:26.13blast007Quol: intertia was moved to bzdb it seems
04:26.17blast007in 2.1
04:26.39blast007but it should still work in v2_0branch
04:27.10spldartme? the way your driving away from the bases to cap and cross a base cuz of the's odd and counter intuitive
04:27.35blast007Quol: local auth was removed from 2.1
04:27.58Quolblast007: thanks...i was just trying to see how much will change between the two version - looks like another client upgrade also?
04:28.01spldartYour involved with that server?
04:28.09blast007oh definately
04:28.20ViciousMuffinnot me...
04:28.23blast007it's not protocol compatible
04:28.37blast007plugins will have to be modified as well afaik
04:28.54blast007haven't checked into the differences for that, but I think they have versioned names now
04:29.31Quolya - looks that way...the plugins built in CVS head don't load in 2.0 - thats how I started down this road :)
04:40.24*** join/#bzflag spldart (
05:08.26*** join/#bzflag ViciousMuffin (
05:10.44brlcadViciousMuffin: if you expect a response, it's generally best to actually say/ask something with substance worth responding to, not just a probing greeting -- someone is always here
05:28.47mbfgwow, you've stumped him
05:57.51*** join/#bzflag deprecated (
06:09.58*** join/#bzflag CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
06:39.19*** join/#bzflag bobandweave (i=mbrown@
06:43.31*** join/#bzflag a_temp_dist (
07:19.12*** join/#bzflag PuMpErNiCkLe (n=pumperni@about/essy/bacon/PuMpErNiCkLe)
07:29.28*** join/#bzflag fiberchunks (n=Mike@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Fiberchunks)
07:38.40*** join/#bzflag donny_baker (
08:16.07*** part/#bzflag A-Delusion (
08:51.37*** join/#bzflag deprecated (
08:57.52*** join/#bzflag inchworm (
09:35.18*** join/#bzflag Rawk (n=unknown@
09:37.54fiberchunks~seen brlcad
09:38.21ibotbrlcad is currently on #bzflag #brlcad. Has said a total of 670 messages. Is idling for 4h 27m 36s, last said: 'ViciousMuffin: if you expect a response, it's generally best to actually say/ask something with substance worth responding to, not just a probing greeting -- someone is always here'.
09:38.21fiberchunks!seen brlcad
09:38.21fiberchunksibot: hello
09:38.26ibotHowdy Bub
09:39.01*** part/#bzflag Rawk (n=unknown@
09:49.59*** join/#bzflag deprecated (
10:24.28*** join/#bzflag CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
10:25.12*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
10:25.12*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
10:30.12*** join/#bzflag KTL (
10:34.59*** join/#bzflag gsnedders (
10:50.34*** join/#bzflag TASAIRES (
10:53.47*** join/#bzflag Jos (
10:56.04JosHello to alls
10:56.39JosHow are here???
10:56.58JosToc Toc
10:57.13JosHola Manu
10:57.41JosHi ruskie
10:58.20JosHello to Admin to her Chat Bzflag channel
10:59.14KTLyou could also make a list of all the names and paste it here, then everybody will be alerted :)
10:59.14JosI am are an use Spanish
10:59.31KTLah bene
11:00.01Josthx ;)
11:00.40purple_cowKTL: that is not a good idea
11:00.41Manuhi Jos :)
11:00.59JosHola Manu - Soy TASAIRES
11:01.02Manuhi KTL :)
11:01.07KTLhi Manu :)
11:01.17ManuI guessed it because your english Jos ;)
11:01.59JosHi Manu i am ID TASAIRES
11:02.09Manuyes, I know
11:03.15JosI have banned by Lemon, (with another id "rosse")
11:03.24Manuyes I know it
11:03.40JosHe was put i  "kille team"
11:04.01JosToday i speak to aero
11:04.11Manuit looks like you decided to teamkill every player who take the enemy flag while uneven
11:04.19Joson viper2
11:04.39Manuand next time don't teamkill
11:05.14JosYes But If you remenber i lost the privilegy by another false, before
11:06.13JosI think to not can play fair, and i not go to enter more on none server to bzflag
11:06.51Josand not go play never more with bzflag by that motive
11:08.00Manubut don't get mad, remember this is only a game, just for fun
11:09.26Josmy goodbye. Then as a game say in single.
11:09.48Manuok, you know where to find me
11:10.02Manuand here
11:10.12Josand i enter to play, not to that they goad me.
11:10.34JosOK i enter to Here to Speak to you.
11:10.55JosTHx ;) good play
11:12.04JosThx to Admin and User to this chat - Bye KTL and special thx
11:12.32*** part/#bzflag Jos (
11:13.49ManuI can help you KTL ;)
11:14.10KTLare you spanish or what ?:D
11:15.27Manuyes, very strange ;)
11:17.25*** part/#bzflag fiberchunks (n=Mike@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Fiberchunks)
13:38.23*** join/#bzflag orchid (n=bzgirl@unaffiliated/orchid)
13:38.23*** mode/#bzflag [+v orchid] by ChanServ
14:00.27*** join/#bzflag a_temp_dist (
14:09.30*** join/#bzflag ViciousMuffin (
14:16.07*** join/#bzflag mbfg (n=dave@
14:28.15*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (
14:30.53SpazzyMcGee:\ In game i keep getting bad tokens. I have been informed that this is because my ISP is caching the webpage that the game uses, and i changed it to use port 80 instead of 80, which worked for a day. But now it's stopped working again. I assume my ISP has cached port 81 too?
14:31.13SpazzyMcGeeAre there any other workarounds?
14:34.39donny_bakerSpazzy, you on wireless?
14:35.18donny_bakerMFT has those issues when he is using his wireless network
14:35.31donny_bakerbut not when he is hard wired IIRC
14:35.49donny_bakerhe has been unable to figure it out
14:37.10SpazzyMcGeeno, i'm directly into the router
14:38.01SpazzyMcGeemy new ISP seems to be caching all over the shop
14:39.40*** join/#bzflag ViciousMuffin (
14:44.41spldartThat's so weird
14:45.35SpazzyMcGeeThe callcenter uncached port 81
14:51.54donny_bakerdoes MFT live in GB?
15:04.40CBGMFT ?
15:11.22SpazzyMcGeeyou just phone them and ask them
15:11.44bradthat seems too easy..
15:19.28spldartback... Had a vicious floater and bang my head on a wall until I shook it out of my vision :-p
15:19.38CBGo.O tmi.
15:20.38bradomg spldart
15:20.48spldartJ/K just had to lie down for a bit...
15:20.54*** join/#bzflag Killer123 (
15:21.16bradhi spammer
15:21.18CBGdont do /join #0.0
15:21.28CBG*/join #0,0
15:21.34spldartHe tasks me
15:22.03*** part/#bzflag KTL (
15:22.08*** part/#bzflag spldart (
15:22.11*** join/#bzflag KTL (
15:22.23*** join/#bzflag spldart (
15:22.26Killer123Got my server running - Box World
15:22.32blast007Killer123: ....
15:22.50CBGKTL, spldart, I said "dont". ;)
15:23.12blast007Killer123: did you see my reply to your server post on the forum?
15:23.14spldartYou should be banned for eleventybillion seconds for that! :-p
15:23.22*** join/#bzflag Mr_Molez (
15:23.36brad~burn Killer123
15:23.39ibotACTION pours gasoline all over Killer123, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze
15:23.39CBGMr_Molez: dont /join #0.0
15:23.44Mr_MolezCBG: ok
15:23.47bradCBG: at least do it right
15:23.47*** part/#bzflag spldart (
15:23.52bradit's #0,0
15:23.54*** join/#bzflag spldart (
15:23.57CBGbah... yeah.
15:24.00CBGspldart: again? lol
15:24.07spldartI'm trying variants
15:24.27spldartbetter than a head on a wall
15:24.35bradthat's worse than /server read messages
15:24.40CBGwhat variants?
15:24.47CBGthose messages are boring...
15:24.53*** part/#bzflag spldart (
15:25.00*** join/#bzflag spldart (
15:25.13CBGwhat was it that time*?
15:25.26spldartMy top secret research...
15:25.52*** part/#bzflag spldart (
15:25.58*** join/#bzflag spldart (
15:26.17bradspldart: have you worked out yet that doing that parts you from all channels? :D
15:26.30*** join/#bzflag Killer123 (
15:26.39spldartall you need is a 0
15:27.08a_temp_dist"All you need is love"
15:27.58CBGKiller123: I sent you a memo... type this:  /server read memo
15:28.08CBG(and then hit enter)
15:28.19spldartbut #0 has a sporctchic in it
15:28.24blast007CBG: enough with that
15:28.31blast007Killer123: don't do that
15:28.42Killer123what is it?
15:28.53blast007well, at least in a normal client, it will disconnect you
15:28.54CBGyeah, sorry, it is /server read all memos
15:28.57KTLchanging your server from freenode to "read"
15:29.03blast007CBG: really, enough
15:29.23brad~insult CBG
15:29.48*** part/#bzflag Mr_Molez (
15:29.59bradI wonder who comes up with all those
15:30.18Killer123btw my server is working right now i think - Box World
15:30.29blast007Killer123: thanks for letting us all know
15:30.30Killer123for once
15:30.31bradyeah you told us twice
15:30.46blast007that information will help us know which server to avoid
15:30.46bradand you also spammed just about every server with that
15:30.53Killer123oh sry my thing signed out earlier
15:30.56CBGThree times, including the size 30pt forum post.
15:31.01Killer123never thot it sent
15:31.04blast007CBG: only 18  ;)
15:31.12Killer123yes 18
15:31.16CBGThree hundred including all the servers that were spammed.
15:31.24Killer123and what is wrong with 18?
15:31.34CBGOnly 18? Gee, that just makes it worse. Either use size 10-12 or size 30.
15:32.06Killer123what is your point?
15:32.19CBGMy point is - we know about your server.
15:32.34Killer123okay then
15:32.36a_temp_distIt's not normal and you are scaring CBG
15:33.04CBGOooh a penny!
15:33.14spldartIs it shiny??
15:33.17Killer123u must b rich!
15:33.22CBGIt sure is!
15:33.24spldartDoes it have a #0 on it
15:34.35Killer123just 2 say im sorry for spamming on the servers, never knew it was aginst rules as i am kind of an amateur at this
15:34.55Killer123and i have not done it since
15:35.19Birdieisnt it logic that spamming is wrong?:)
15:35.42bradsome people have no common sense!
15:35.46Killer123well i am a beginner
15:35.54bradno excuses!
15:35.59Killer123it was more advertising than spamming
15:36.04a_temp_distespecially when you get banned for doing it, but change your IP to keep doing it
15:36.29spldartbeginner @ internet doesnt = beginner @ life
15:36.32bradI warned you more than once to stop it
15:36.41Killer123did u?
15:36.42bradyou continued even after a ban
15:36.46Killer123not that i recall
15:36.51bradwell you're stupid then
15:36.55Killer123my ip changes itself
15:37.14Killer123anyway i have apologised so why are you making a big fuss?
15:37.19bradat the same time you get banned? that's a coincidence
15:37.36Killer123actually i was banned for a couple of days
15:37.43CBGBecause you STILL come here and advertise your server TWICE in 5 minutes after we told you yesterday to NOT advertise here.
15:37.50a_temp_distpeople should be held accountable for their actions
15:38.22Killer123i wasnt advertising i was saying it was fixed as somebody asked me
15:38.55CBGNobody asked you, either time.
15:39.15Killer123oh it must have been private, sorry
15:39.33a_temp_distthis channel is primarily for the developers to talk about development, the BZBB is the provided forum for server owners to get help and communicate
15:40.19Killer123does anybody know how to log the activities of a server in a file rather than bzfs?
15:40.45*** join/#bzflag spldart (
15:40.55CBGWe told you how to log about 5 times.
15:41.13Killer123sry i don't really understand
15:41.24Killer123it works in bzfs though
15:45.14blast007a_temp_dist: he made a new topic too
15:45.21blast007and I just asked him a question there
15:45.32blast007Killer123: okay dude, now listen
15:45.39blast007how are you running your server?
15:45.45blast007via a shortcut, or using a .bat file?
15:46.37a_temp_distcute eh?
15:47.19blast007Killer123: are you there?
15:47.49Killer123blast007: im here
15:48.01Killer123sry i went away
15:50.30blast007okay, now answer my question
15:52.34blast007ah, you replied on the forum..
15:52.57blast007okay, open your batch file
15:53.11blast007at the end of the line that starts with "bzfs" put this
15:53.29blast007that's all you have to do!
15:54.54KTLeuhm ...
15:54.58KTLwhy not >>
15:55.03KTLis >> not better??
15:55.10KTLbecause now he will overwrite the log every time
15:55.17blast007yeah, I guess >>
15:55.20CBG>>> is the best.
15:55.29KTL... is there a >>> ?
15:55.31blast007I always pipe to tee, so I haven't used it in a while
15:56.05KTLno >>> in bash man
15:57.05Killer123blast007: it says bad argument when i run bzfs
15:57.38CBGWhat is the bad argument?
15:57.56KTL... or it is in a linux environment i hope?
15:58.40Killer123blast007: do i put log.txt on a new line in the batch file maybe?
15:59.43blast007no, you don't
15:59.43Killer123is it the same line as this: set BZFSPROGRAM="C:\Program Files\BZFlag2.0.8\bzfs.exe"
15:59.43Killer123that is in the batch file
15:59.43KTLTo redirect command output from the Command Prompt window to a file or device, use the > operator.
15:59.45blast007okay, how was I supposed to know you had a crazy batch file?  :)
15:59.46KTLok works in win
16:00.12KTLwhat did he do
16:00.31blast007probably hit backspace
16:00.48spldartsomebody added shutdown.exe to his batch
16:02.00*** join/#bzflag Killer123 (
16:02.10Killer123okay thanks for all your help
16:02.26KTLset BZFSPROGRAM="C:\Program Files\BZFlag2.0.8\bzfs.exe >> log.txt"
16:03.12blast007KTL: no, that's totally wrong
16:03.22blast007that isn't running anything yet
16:03.25blast007that's just a variable
16:03.43KTLoh wait indeed the parameters are still added
16:03.43blast007Killer123: Post the contents of your batch file on that forum post you made
16:03.44Killer123so what do i need to type?
16:03.57blast007inside [code] tags
16:04.40CBG[code] Paste Your File Contents Here [/code]
16:05.10blast007CBG: worst case, I'll fix it myself  ;)
16:05.14Killer123ill post them on the forum
16:05.22CBGblast007: :D
16:06.52Killer123rite it is posted
16:07.12Killer123i have posted it
16:07.27CBGdid u post it?
16:07.40CBGis it posted?
16:07.57blast007you edited the first message...
16:08.30blast007step 1, ignore the line that says "Don't change anything below this line!"  ;)
16:08.34blast007then change this:
16:08.37blast007%BZFSPROGRAM% -conf %CONFIGFILE%
16:08.39blast007to this
16:08.51blast007you know, I'm just going to reply on the forum
16:09.04*** join/#bzflag Killer123 (
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16:10.10Killer123im back
16:10.15CBGim front
16:10.48CBGI replied to your topic, Killer123.
16:10.49ViciousMuffinin back of what? your monitor? :P
16:11.02CBGViciousMuffin don't give up the day job.
16:11.42blast007Killer123: where is the batch file located on your computer?
16:12.06blast007cuz it will write that log.txt to the current directory
16:13.09blast007Killer123: also, go get a real IRC client if you want us to help you via the IRC channel anymore
16:18.44blast007heh, no wonder there isn't any players on Killer123's server
16:18.48blast007it's broken again
16:19.26*** join/#bzflag Killer123 (
16:19.38Killer123thank you everyone who has helped me
16:20.04CBGViciousMuffin: ?
16:20.42blast007Killer123: Go download X-Chat or mIRC
16:20.47Killer123CBG: thanks for the help it is working, one last thing: is there any way it can overwrite every time the server is started up?
16:21.00blast007use only one >
16:21.07Killer123CBG: the log file you helped me with
16:21.10blast007but the point of a log is to keep a record
16:21.20CBGuse just one ">" to make it overwrite each time.
16:21.28blast007CBG: beat you
16:21.52Killer123blast007: what of the chat clients is better?
16:22.18blast007both are shareware, unless you get the silverex version of X-Chat
16:22.38Killer123where do i download it from?
16:22.46blast007get this:
16:22.50KTLeuhm the windows xchat binaries were not free iirc
16:22.53KTLah lol
16:23.38Killer123this is free?
16:23.40blast007yeah, there's a whole dispute over that
16:23.42blast007Killer123: yes
16:24.13Killer123yeah that's what i meant
16:24.29blast007KTL: also, the shareware code was never released last I knew, which is a violation of the GPL license
16:26.52donny_bakerthe one i like is trillian. There is a free version ...
16:27.12blast007IM clients are NOT good IRC client
16:28.07donny_bakerthis one works pretty well.. have not found it lacking (so far) :p
16:29.18*** join/#bzflag Killer123 (
16:29.44Killer123blast007: i have downloaded x-chat, how do i conenct to this channel?
16:30.13blast007freenode should be in the list of servers
16:30.55Killer123got it
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16:37.13Killer123blast007: i am using xchat right now
16:37.19blast007I know
16:37.32Killer123it is much better
16:37.43blast007make sure you have logging turned on  :)
16:37.48Killer123thanks for recommending it
16:37.59Killer123logging turned on?
16:38.10CBGon xchat...
16:38.54Killer123does that just kog all of my conversations?
16:39.35blast007settings > preferences
16:39.40Killer123got it
16:40.58*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
16:41.29Killer123will that overwrite at all?
16:42.27KTLif you don't want it to overwrite but just append then use >>
16:43.08blast007Killer123: huh?
16:43.14blast007that will append to your logs
16:43.30blast007KTL: we're talking about X-Chat logging  ;)
16:45.27Killer123so where do i type the >> about?
16:48.34*** join/#bzflag Killer123 (
16:48.51CBGlogging on xchat is TOTALLY different to logging on bzfz.
16:49.05CBGto log on xchat, just set it in the preferences.
16:49.12CBGno >> or > or anything like that.
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18:13.49bradnice error
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18:17.25Quolgotta love those user-friendly error messages :)
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19:30.27Legoguy#BEARS vs Colts Get ready for SuperBowl XLI in #BEARS
19:33.41Legoguysupposed to do that on only one server
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20:25.03CBGYeah... as opposed to dirty and smelly...?
20:25.12CBGDo you own a dictionary?
20:25.39CBGOk, I guess not. Search for "define:clean" at
20:26.46ViciousMuffinClean:free from dirt or impurities; or having clean habits; "children with clean shining faces"; "clean white shirts"; "clean dishes"; "a spotlessly clean house"; "cats are clean animals"
20:27.53CBGEverybody else here has an IQ over 0.5, we don't need you to paste it.
20:28.22CBGebay, brlcad, where else?
20:29.43brlcadwell if it doesn't prance off, there's going to be some glue to be made
20:30.00brlcadno need to be insulting
20:30.35CleanChickhi brlcad
20:30.44brlcadhiya dirty gal
20:30.51CleanChickbrlcad: no, clean :)
20:31.06CleanChickand happy happy happy about it
20:31.24CleanChick~lart brlcad
20:31.38brlcadmm.. red ones I hope
20:36.58*** mode/#bzflag [+o CleanChick] by ChanServ
20:39.03CleanChickKTL: you need help?
20:39.31KTLeuhm ... help ... a massage yes :)
20:40.44CleanChickwhat did you need help with?
20:41.04KTLah to list the fantastic abundant list of bot commands of course :)
20:41.10KTLthe thing replied in private
20:41.54CleanChickthat was it doesn't spam the channel.  :)  this is the developer channel :)
20:42.15*** join/#bzflag shorty114 (n=shorty11@unaffiliated/shorty114)
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20:49.59ManuCleanChick :)
20:54.10SportChickManu: :)
20:54.59ManuMrs. Proper ;)
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21:18.11Kyle_anyone know how I can use a proxy with bzflag? (its win)
21:18.33Kyle_No, Im not planning anything evil.
21:18.33a_meteoritenot simply
21:18.43a_meteoritemost proxies won't allow udp
21:18.51a_meteoriteor any that I know of..
21:19.24KTLi euhm
21:19.28KTLused a ssh tunnel once
21:19.32KTLand it worked
21:19.37a_meteoriteyeah, you can do that
21:19.46KTLssh -L port:host:port remote_server
21:20.07a_meteoritebut that's not really anonymizing yourself if people know your server ip
21:20.10blast007SSH tunnel is TCP only as well
21:20.34blast007KTL: what do you mean using a proxy?
21:20.36KTLi had a huge udp packet loss without it, when i used it the loss was gone ...
21:20.37blast007just a web proxy?
21:21.12KTLa tunnel to route the communication of the bz client with a bzfs though
21:21.19blast007KTL: well, it wasn't losing any packets with TCP, cuz it was resending them
21:21.27blast007(just guessing on how bzfs calcs that)  ;)
21:22.29blast007er, guess I directed a question to the wrong tab complete  :P
21:22.36blast007Kyle_: what do you mean using a proxy?
21:23.52KTL(ah and putty allows tunneling with it's gui)
21:25.28a_meteoritewhich only worked sometimes for me...
21:27.19CBG`Kyle_: can I ask why?
21:27.22KTLthe only other tunnel i have set up working was openvpn
21:34.23blast007CBG: he doesn't need to anymore
21:34.27blast007issue has been resolved
21:35.00CBGYeah, figured that was the reason...
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23:17.03CBGbzz bzzzzz
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23:23.45HelpMeHow do you make cylinders and cone and circles in a map?
23:24.08SportChickhi HelpMe
23:24.28SportChickmost of the devs are away right now, but if you are patient, someone will answer your question when they see it
23:25.56HelpMeshould i look in bzfs.html?
23:26.03HelpMeit confuses me
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23:26.20blast007no, I would guess the bzw manual
23:26.32HelpMemy bad
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23:30.09HelpMeDoes iBZEdit know what weapons, zones, options ect. are?
23:30.18blast007ask it
23:30.33CBGBZEdit is for 1.x objects only, right?
23:30.36blast007wouldn't you just be able to try it?
23:30.42blast007CBG: iBZEdit, not BZEdit
23:30.42CBGBoxes, Pyras and Bases...
23:30.48CBGOh, my bad...
23:31.02HelpMeThe same as bzedit?
23:31.19CBGiBZEdit could support more, it woudln't surprise me.
23:31.41blast007it's been discontinued now though
23:31.45CBGIt's more recent. BZEdit was last updated months ago. iBZEdit wasn't first created until a couple months ago.
23:32.14HelpMeare there more map editors?
23:32.53CBGHmm, there's pyBZEdit...
23:33.05HelpMeWhats it for? Linux?
23:33.05CBGBut that doesn't do any more than BZEdit, iirc.
23:33.07blast007that one isn't so great
23:33.17blast007the interface is icky
23:33.33CBGIf you wanna do really advanced stuff, try Wings3D, or, if you're the adventurous type, Blender.
23:34.00HelpMeI hate wings (yes i have it) I dont even know how to use it
23:34.09CBGI would suggest adding zones and worldweapons in a text editor. I dont think there's any other way.
23:34.21CBGWings is pretty easy to use... as much so as iBZEdit, imho.
23:34.48HelpMeAnd whats the command line for?
23:34.58HelpMeI dont even know how to color it
23:35.15CBGEh? What command line?
23:35.17CBGColor what?
23:35.24spldartSuperbowl what?
23:35.31HelpMethe object (forget the command line)
23:35.44HelpMeyes the superbowl's on
23:35.51HelpMeim watching it =p
23:36.29HelpMeis there a web for help on wings? ?
23:37.08a_meteoriteGoogle knows all!
23:37.11a_meteoriteIt watches you!
23:37.17ibot[google] a search engine found at
23:37.22a_meteorite~wtf googl
23:37.22HelpMeim on there =p before u said
23:37.24a_meteorite~wtf google
23:37.51HelpMehang on
23:37.56a_meteoriteAll your base are belong to Google.
23:39.07spldartAll my google are belong to base?!?!
23:40.53HelpMei found something @
23:53.26*** join/#bzflag Goee (i=goee@unaffiliated/goee)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.