irclog2html for #bzflag on 20061212

00:11.13*** join/#bzflag Theme97_ (n=Theme97@about/essy/phpwriter/Theme97)
00:17.36*** join/#bzflag Theme97_ (n=Theme97@about/essy/phpwriter/Theme97)
00:22.56*** join/#bzflag Theme97_ (n=Theme97@about/essy/phpwriter/Theme97)
00:31.28*** join/#bzflag Theme97_ (n=Theme97@about/essy/phpwriter/Theme97)
00:31.47*** join/#bzflag Bluer2 (n=user@
00:36.11*** join/#bzflag orchid_ (n=bzgirl@unaffiliated/orchid)
00:36.11*** mode/#bzflag [+v orchid_] by ChanServ
00:40.11*** join/#bzflag A-Delusion (
00:48.03*** join/#bzflag Theme97_ (n=Theme97@about/essy/phpwriter/Theme97)
00:51.07[NP]Tangentk, my hands are all torn up now
00:51.21[NP]TangentI hope I put these jumpers on right
00:51.49[NP]Tangenta P2 mobo and a Celeron mobo look the same with jumpers, but the P4 mobo has the jumpers different
00:51.59[NP]Tangentthank god for labels
01:16.15*** join/#bzflag Bluer (n=user@about/essy/terimahkSC/Bluer)
01:23.10*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (
01:38.24*** join/#bzflag zee096 (i=d48a40ad@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
02:06.43[NP]Tangentthe computer is almost together
02:06.48[NP]Tangentjust need to put the case back together
02:12.30*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (
02:12.30*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
02:25.09*** join/#bzflag michael223 (i=d48a40ad@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
02:36.45*** join/#bzflag biggeruniverse (
02:47.44*** join/#bzflag spldart (
02:49.04spldartnew server is bot Ho_ing to the top just to kill a million and get crazy mad score.. noone can play cuz only observer positions are open. Do we still have nothing we can do about people who get on first page of servers with this tactic?
02:51.47blast007was it just a player though brought them in?
02:52.37blast007one would think that if someone wanted to bring the server onto the first page that they would leave some slots free so people can play  ;)
02:54.28spldartthen the problem might be that someone can come in with enough boughts that the remaining players cannot vote off the bots or original player
02:54.47spldartwe tried :(
02:55.45spldartdo bots count to poll ratio?
02:56.04spldartit seemed like they do
02:58.13blast007spldart: no, seems it was him
02:58.34blast007but he wasn't trying to wh*re up the list
02:58.37blast007just being silly
02:58.55blast007he had the bots spawn inside a box  ;)  then had lots of SR
02:59.38spldartI figured he was score wh'ing... he was in the 500+ range when I left 8-0
03:00.28spldartmeh.... I'm not bugged.. but it would be nice when one of the alternative server list interfaces is instituted
03:00.52blast007I just run the list through a local filter
03:01.03blast007I can remove any server I don't like from showing on my list  :)
03:01.04spldartooOOoo... do tell
03:01.19blast007it's just a PHP script that runs locally
03:01.37blast007I direct my client at the local webserver instead of the main list
03:05.56spldartI need to learn.... must learn more
03:06.05biggeruniverseshould servers have karma like players will?
03:06.16*** join/#bzflag the_enemy (n=JL@pdpc/supporter/active/jifl)
03:06.24blast007biggeruniverse: oh yeah, cuz karma will solve everything
03:06.48biggeruniverseapparently not self-love
03:06.57spldart~karma spldart
03:06.57ibotspldart has karma of 4
03:07.17biggeruniverse~karma biggeruniverse
03:07.17ibotbiggeruniverse has neutral karma
03:07.24biggeruniverseI like it that way
03:07.28biggeruniverseI'm a big fat zero
03:07.29spldartI've been at like neutral karma from early last year to a month or two ago 8-0
03:08.39biggeruniverse~karma spldart
03:08.39ibotspldart has karma of 5
03:08.46spldartnighty night and thanks
03:08.59biggeruniverse~karma ibot
03:08.59ibotibot has karma of 17
03:09.08biggeruniverseyou're so much cooler than me
03:09.54biggeruniversecan you karma someone more than once?
03:11.39biggeruniverseblast007: ratings systems are essential on the internet. too many geeks without social (group-interaction) capabilities
03:12.22*** join/#bzflag orchid_ (n=bzgirl@unaffiliated/orchid)
03:12.22*** mode/#bzflag [+v orchid_] by ChanServ
03:15.22*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
03:26.52*** join/#bzflag Flash (
03:47.28[NP]Tangentum yeah. so has a motherboard ever been known to fry Power supplies?
03:47.55PuMpErNiCkElMaybe if the grounding was a bit off.
03:49.10[NP]Tangentcuz this would be twice that I've had a power supply mysteriously not work after coming in contact with this motherboard
03:49.11L4m3rmore often it's the other way around
03:49.24[NP]Tangentnever use something originally distributed by HP :-\
03:49.37L4m3rbut if the mobo has a short someplace it could very well be killing the PSU
03:49.53[NP]Tangentwell, that might be it
03:49.58[NP]Tangentthe mobo used to be very dirty
03:50.04[NP]Tangentcame out of parents' computer
03:50.16[NP]Tangentand HP computers have a nice habit of getting a lot of dust inside
03:50.33*** join/#bzflag the_enemy (n=JL@pdpc/supporter/active/jifl)
03:51.11[NP]Tangentoh well
03:51.16[NP]Tangentit's not that important
03:51.18[NP]TangentI've got a P2 box
03:51.32[NP]TangentI just wanted a WinXP machine running so that I could VNC to it to use FL
03:51.35[NP]Tangentbut I can live without it
03:51.49[NP]Tangentbecause for the money I'd spend on a new computer, I could just buy a Roland Fantom Xa
03:51.56[NP]Tangentwhich I'd rather have than the computer
03:52.37purple_cowit could be the motherboard is trying to draw more power than the PS can source
03:52.47[NP]Tangentpurple_cow, nothing happens
03:52.56[NP]TangentI plug it in to turn it on, and the fan doesn't even start spinning
03:53.22PuMpErNiCkElDo you get beep codes or LED signals from the mobo?
03:54.27[NP]Tangentnothing at all
03:55.11*** join/#bzflag zee055 (i=8e44b2b0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
03:55.51*** join/#bzflag tadd (
04:06.55biggeruniversedoes it click?
04:07.03biggeruniversetick tick tick tick tick
04:07.10biggeruniversethat's a short
04:07.45biggeruniverselike the mobo touching the case
04:10.57biggeruniverseand is there anyone around with a 2.1 client to test a patch with me?
04:11.29Flashhere I am (but I have no mouse so I suck
04:12.07biggeruniversethat's ok, I need that
04:12.31biggeruniverseok, I'm not too familiar with server, so I need a little help first
04:12.44biggeruniversehow do I set shot count for geno?
04:14.21biggeruniversewho says you have to reward the people who know everything?
04:14.32PuMpErNiCkElThe people who know everything say that.
04:14.40PuMpErNiCkElAnd since they know everything, I assume they're right about that.
04:14.46biggeruniversesounds like a conspiracy
04:14.55biggeruniverseI think not
04:15.26biggeruniverseIf I knew everything, I should know that I don't know everything.
04:15.48*** join/#bzflag master_tux (n=will@
04:16.01biggeruniversewe had a party while you were gone
04:16.06master_tuxyea sure
04:16.15biggeruniverseyou'll never know
04:16.25blast007I seem to miss all the parties
04:16.29blast007and I'm always here
04:16.44biggeruniverseif you were gone, we'd have a party
04:17.28master_tuxDeath comes unexpectedly.
04:17.39biggeruniverseto those who don't expect it
04:17.57blast007well, you usually expect it when you're in the train tunnel, and there's a bright light all of a sudden
04:18.13biggeruniversewhy? nothing says it's a train
04:18.36blast007the whistle does
04:18.41blast007w000t w00000t
04:18.46biggeruniverseyou didn't mention it before
04:18.47master_tuxit could be a dude
04:18.50master_tuxwho whistles
04:19.01biggeruniverseI say w00t a lot
04:19.08master_tuxbut then you find the dude has an uzi
04:19.12master_tuxand BAM
04:19.15Flashbiggeruniverse: +f g count
04:19.21biggeruniverseah, thx
04:19.36biggeruniversethat's not just how many G flags?
04:19.45Flashisn't that what you asked for?
04:19.52biggeruniverseno, how many shots it has
04:19.56Flashoh. doh
04:20.10biggeruniversepoints for trying
04:20.28ibothmm... death is what happens when you don't /msg, or the opposite of life
04:20.41biggeruniverse~karma ibot
04:20.41ibotibot has karma of 17
04:20.48biggeruniversesee? ibot must know everything
04:20.52master_tux~i dont like you
04:20.54ibotYou dont like you?
04:21.02master_tuxits retarted
04:21.09biggeruniverseseems precient
04:21.31ibota spot with a g in it
04:21.55blast007yeah, I would recommend against doing stuff like that
04:22.08ibotibot is probably a blootbot written in perl run by TimRiker on his server. logs on<chan>/ , ibot, jbot, apt are all the same process. It uses sqlite, but mysql or other SQL storage is also supported.
04:22.09biggeruniversethe problem with bzchat is that there is no one there
04:22.21blast007master_tux: take it to #botpark
04:25.23*** join/#bzflag Matt123 (
04:25.52biggeruniverse~seen ts
04:26.13ibotts <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 11h 51m 14s ago, saying: 'I think bzrobots is this thing they use on that unversity for teaching but I'm not sure'.
04:26.14biggeruniversewake up!
04:26.52master_tux~seen Think_Differentl
04:27.01ibotthink_differentl <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 16d 1h 31m 56s ago, saying: '::P'.
04:27.53biggeruniversethere's a jitter/timekeeper problem with amd64
04:27.58master_tuxfuck amd
04:28.03master_tuxintel chipset <
04:28.04blast007master_tux: watch the language
04:28.10master_tuxexcuse me :(
04:28.10biggeruniversedude, be serious
04:28.28biggeruniversego tell the bots about your mother
04:28.33blast007biggeruniverse: is it an issue with pre-build packages?
04:28.41biggeruniverseno, I compile
04:28.51blast007what kind of problem is it exactly?
04:29.19biggeruniversewhen compiled with -)2
04:29.31a_meteoritemake sure it's not -02
04:29.35blast007that itself might be the problem
04:29.47a_meteoriteI made that mistake once
04:30.02biggeruniversenope, it's doing it now too
04:30.09biggeruniverseI recompiled without it
04:30.11a_meteoriteblast007: I compile -O3
04:30.22a_meteoriteI'm an optimization freak
04:30.24blast007I just compile whatever the default is
04:30.28a_meteoritewho needs to get larted
04:30.39blast007I don't need an extra 2% performance
04:30.58Flashbiggeruniverse: -sl
04:30.58a_meteorite"Now with 2% more performance and 200% more crashes!"
04:32.34Flash-sl G 99 ;-)
04:37.14biggeruniverseseg fault on deleting explosions...
04:37.23biggeruniverseI think I put that there...
04:37.43Flashbiggeruniverse: you got my hopes up for nothing...
04:39.43Flashyou wanted a 2.1 client to test...
04:42.06biggeruniversecan you?
04:42.17biggeruniversegive me a sec
04:42.33biggeruniversedo you see in the list?
04:42.59blast007it's not on the list
04:43.10biggeruniverseit was yesterday!
04:43.18biggeruniverseor maybe spldart just typed it...
04:43.32FlashI'm not seeing any list :-(
04:43.51blast007biggeruniverse: you can get the whole list here:
04:43.54blast007that will show all versions
04:44.59blast007I think -dddd will show listserver errors
04:45.28biggeruniversemy lag stats look like this:
04:45.37biggeruniverse7 +- 20ms
04:45.38FlashI can connect to (the last one I was at) but I see nothing in the list
04:45.40biggeruniversethat's bad
04:46.07blast00720ms of jitter is pretty high
04:46.39Flashbiggeruniverse: what port?
04:47.11FlashI got disconnected
04:47.31biggeruniverseblast007: yeah, it randomly jitters the screen forward quite a lot, like it's compensating for time not lost
04:47.41biggeruniverse(forward in "time")
04:47.56biggeruniverseFlash: I restarted it
04:54.41taddbiggeruniverse, are you still looking for a 2.10 user?
04:54.54biggeruniversejoin as purple
04:56.35*** join/#bzflag Ck_asdf (
04:56.40Ck_asdfhey all
04:58.04biggeruniverseseg fault
04:58.13Ck_asdfI've gotten that a few times ... what's it mean?
04:58.36Flashthat was impressive... NONE of the (2) flags worked!
04:59.02biggeruniverseseg fault? it means you tried to access a memory address that was out of bounds
04:59.24biggeruniverseFlash: the geno one is a known bug
04:59.48Ck_asdfah ... like one time, it seemed no matter what, I'd get that error if I ran bzflag in observer mode
05:00.51taddhello CK
05:01.14Ck_asdfhow weird ... my pda's screen flashed on, and then turned off again
05:01.43biggeruniversethat was me
05:01.48Ck_asdfoh, okay
05:01.52biggeruniversenot really
05:01.53Ck_asdfwhat were you looking for? ;)
05:02.06Ck_asdfoh, that's it
05:02.16Ck_asdfwell, use the light all ya want - just don't use ALL the battery, if ya can.
05:02.29Ck_asdfI might need it for something later.
05:03.47biggeruniverseoops. I caused the seg fault
05:03.57Ck_asdfwhat are ya all doing?
05:04.11biggeruniversetesting the last-shot patch I wrote
05:04.24Ck_asdfcool, can I help?
05:04.32biggeruniversedo you have 2.1 client?
05:04.42Ck_asdfwhere might I find one (for Linux)?
05:04.54biggeruniverseyou'll have to get it from CVS and compile it
05:05.34Ck_asdfah ... I'm not all that knowledgeable about using CVS & compiling stuff ... I'm still learning about Linux (been using Windows for so many years)
05:05.59biggeruniversewell, all the same, let me know when you figure it out ;)
05:06.07Ck_asdfI shall ... perhaps some day.  hehe
05:06.34Ck_asdfI saw some screenshots on some web site ... from Jeff's point of view.
05:06.40Ck_asdfThe new stuff looks neat.
05:06.50Ck_asdf'Specially the round focus thing.
05:07.28brlcadif you're on linux, getting the sources and compiling is actually not that hard at all -- there's a guide on bzbb that takes you step by step
05:08.06Ck_asdfcould I set it up separate from my stable version?
05:08.28biggeruniversejust keep it in a separate directory
05:08.36Ck_asdfmight you have a quick link to the thread, brlcad?
05:09.09*** join/#bzflag amcnabb (
05:09.11brlcadit's one of the static annoncement threads at the top
05:09.13brlcadforget which forum
05:09.15FlashI have 3 BZflags on my machine: release, 2.0.9 and 2.1
05:09.19Ck_asdfk, cool
05:09.35Ck_asdfI'll look around when I  get some time.
05:10.11brlcadyou probably won't get much out of the 2.1 cvs version as that's pretty much developer-only -- it's not compatible with existing servers
05:10.39brlcadso all the nifty stuff is just that.. nifty to see but overall not much use to players until the official release is made
05:10.45brlcadand servers are upgraded
05:11.03Ck_asdfdoes it have any new features to try out locally, until release?
05:11.25biggeruniversethere are servers, but no one is ever on
05:11.51a_meteoriteI'm on if I'm available and asked
05:12.45Ck_asdfanyway, I suppose it's time for bed anyway.  exams this week, and all that "fun" stuff.  peace out, have a good evening, and thanks for the info
05:12.51a_meteoriteyay.. exams
05:12.56Ck_asdfI'll check out the bzbb later, to check out the fun stuff.
05:13.06Ck_asdfyeah, DC/AC exam's gonna kill me. :(
05:13.53Ck_asdfthe other two (trig & digital) will most likely also be difficult, but I think I can get by those without MUCH trouble.
05:14.08biggeruniversestudy hard
05:14.12Ck_asdfanywho ... peace and stuff.  I shall try.
05:14.26Ck_asdfI've been making note pages, and stuff, so I cna more effectively study. :P
05:14.57a_meteoriteat least we have open note tests
05:15.14a_meteoritescored the highest in the class cause my note taking skills are good... mind you this isn't college though
05:15.14Ck_asdfyeah, two pages of notes for dc/ac
05:15.20Ck_asdfbut ... that's not much for a whole semester of stuff
05:16.01Ck_asdfhey, meteorite ... care to review my text book (which is online), and make some wicked awesome notes for me? ;)
05:17.19a_meteoriteI wouldn't understand it to be able to make decent notes
05:17.43Ck_asdfheh, yeah ... but you might make better notes than me, knowing my note-taking skills (or lack thereof)
05:18.15biggeruniverseok. the seg fault was my meddling
05:18.22Ck_asdfwhat'd you do to it?
05:18.25a_meteoritebiggeruniverse: happens all the time
05:18.28Ck_asdfthrow a wrench in the mix?
05:18.34Ck_asdf*in the gears?
05:20.29Ck_asdfhm ... wonders about http serving...
05:20.50a_meteoritehow come all the good libraries have a lack of documentation?
05:21.01biggeruniversethat's how you know they're good
05:21.05Ck_asdfbecause those who are good at what they do are lazy in everythign else they do ;)
05:21.11Flasheverything is going on-line anyway
05:21.25a_meteoritelike libdbi and mysql++
05:21.40Flashoh.... not that kind of library?
05:21.41a_meteoriteI gave up on libdbi cause I don't got a degree in programming to understand it
05:22.03biggeruniversewhy would you need it?
05:22.04a_meteoritefor a plugin
05:22.06Flasha_meteorite: if you think you need a degree, it must be badly written
05:22.23biggeruniverseuse python?
05:22.27Flashwell written code should be straightforward to comprehend
05:22.34a_meteoriteFlash: it's really powerful, but I don't understand a lot of the higher C things (such as pointers) and not so good at OOP stuff in C++
05:22.41a_meteoriteI'm sure anyone else could
05:22.53Ck_asdf*waves as he rides off into the sunset*
05:22.57*** part/#bzflag Ck_asdf (
05:23.02a_meteoritebiggeruniverse: the python plugin isn't maintained, so no I don't want to use it
05:23.03Flashok; pointers aren't really "higher C" stuff, so I see where you are coming from
05:23.12a_meteoriteFlash: for me it is :)
05:23.17Flashgot it
05:23.22Flashwhat do you want?
05:23.52a_meteoritea database implementation in a plugin for something that I don
05:23.54a_meteoritea database implementation in a plugin for something that I don't want everyone to know about.. ;)
05:24.20a_meteoritehey, conspiracies are cool
05:24.21*** join/#bzflag CIA-3 (
05:24.29biggeruniversethe CIA is here <.<
05:24.30blast007a_meteorite: I had the start of some MySQL plugin that used the MySQL C library
05:24.39biggeruniversethat one's better
05:24.52a_meteoriteblah, I almost killed MySQL's C API
05:25.04a_meteoritea lot of shortcomings...
05:25.06blast007why?  :)
05:25.13biggeruniverseI wrote an entire add-on to mysql that hooked into the replication code and made it services-enabled
05:25.27blast007well, it's to communicate with MySQL, not be a fully featured abstraction layer
05:25.29biggeruniverseI should have submitted it to mysql dev team...
05:25.59a_meteoriteblast007: true, but it definitely needs to be easy to maintain in the future
05:25.59biggeruniverseBut I wrote it on company time, so can't do that.
05:26.21a_meteoritebiggeruniverse: licensing issues, eh?
05:26.31biggeruniversegot to be careful with those
05:26.45a_meteoritereplicate it in your personal time ;)
05:26.55biggeruniversetoo much time
05:28.02biggeruniverseyou should see my bz4j project
05:28.12biggeruniversethat's a time sink
05:28.17biggeruniverseI rewrote bzflag in java
05:28.30a_meteoriteyou're a crazy dude :P
05:28.47biggeruniverseit used to be able to talk with the servers, before the last breakage
05:29.04a_meteoriteif only I had a real education in programming... too all-around general guy
05:29.11a_meteoriteheh, 1.x?
05:29.13biggeruniverseanyway, it used different physics, so the dead reckoning was shot
05:29.29a_meteoritehow'd it play?
05:29.34biggeruniverseit plays nice
05:29.43biggeruniverseit's based on a game engine I'm working on
05:29.57a_meteoriteit wasn't slow in java?
05:29.57biggeruniverseI might submit the tank model to the bzflag project
05:30.11biggeruniversego look at lwjgl
05:36.07*** join/#bzflag CIA-3 (
05:45.37Flashif a bot hugs you back, is it sincere?
05:46.38biggeruniverseif it hugs you first, that's different
05:50.53*** join/#bzflag lan56 (
05:51.11a_meteoriteI want a bot that hugs me first
05:51.29biggeruniverseI don't like the mountains
05:58.57biggeruniverseuh oh
06:00.09*** join/#bzflag Theme97 (n=Theme97@about/essy/phpwriter/Theme97)
06:03.17biggeruniversecan StateDatabase only have one callback per variable?
06:03.44biggeruniverseok bood
06:11.45*** join/#bzflag CIA-3 (
06:12.05biggeruniverseI'm appalled
06:12.12biggeruniverseok then
06:30.45ibotWell, it seems to me that devs are folks that sit around trying to see how they can break something (especially if someone ELSE made it)
06:30.58biggeruniverseI'm a dev!
06:39.12*** join/#bzflag CIA-3 (
06:53.30*** join/#bzflag kiksen (
06:55.03kikseni'm having bug #1347673 (can't shoot others on amd64). The workaround mentioned doesn't work for me. Any clues?
07:01.41L4m3rCompiling without SDL did the trick for me
07:01.50L4m3ror without optimization, one of the two
07:02.03kiksenok, will try. thanks.
07:04.07biggeruniversew/o opt works
07:04.27biggeruniverseeven with optimization in the 2.1 seems to work for me
07:04.45biggeruniversekinda nice that
07:15.34*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
07:59.51*** join/#bzflag CIA-3 (
08:53.51kiksenyeah - without opt it works (well - O1, almost no opts :)
09:05.27*** join/#bzflag Rawk (n=unknown@
09:05.40*** part/#bzflag Rawk (n=unknown@
09:06.54*** join/#bzflag daniel_jackson (
09:07.15daniel_jacksonhey manu you there? the list server needs to be reset
09:07.58daniel_jacksonanyone here?
09:08.18daniel_jacksonplease reset the listserver!
09:08.31daniel_jacksonits down
09:10.50Manuyes I'm here
09:11.25daniel_jacksonok thanks
09:11.31Manuit's working
09:12.08daniel_jacksonwell no one on boxywar can get a list server
09:12.27daniel_jacksonthat's already been logged in
09:12.37Manuthey must rejoin
09:13.49daniel_jacksonok I'll tell them
09:14.37daniel_jacksonI rejoined, but I'm still not getting a list server
09:15.11daniel_jacksondo we need to restart our clients?
09:16.12Manuyes, probably
09:16.44daniel_jacksonyeah that worked
09:16.49daniel_jacksonthank you manu
09:17.01daniel_jacksoncu later
09:43.45*** part/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=jeffm@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
10:15.38*** join/#bzflag CIA-3 (
10:21.19*** join/#bzflag Rawk (n=unknown@
10:21.26*** part/#bzflag Rawk (n=unknown@
10:48.46*** join/#bzflag president (i=505de13c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
10:50.28*** part/#bzflag president (i=505de13c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
10:56.03*** join/#bzflag zeebrothers (i=5841e807@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
11:14.08*** join/#bzflag A-Delusion (
12:06.46*** join/#bzflag ts (
12:14.43*** join/#bzflag [NP]Tangent (
12:19.53ts¡Buenas dias Manu!
12:20.04Manuhallo ts :)
12:20.31tsA lot of spam at bzbb..I think the upgrade was useless
12:21.21Manuwho knows
12:23.13ManuJefffM told me it was going to change
12:23.34Manuyou can't post untill you have played at last once :)
12:24.14tsHeh, one of the typical questions is: Where do I put my username and password to log in? :)
12:24.39Manuyou register then you go to play
12:24.53Manuafter it you can log in bzbb as usual
12:24.58ManuI don't see any problem
12:25.29tsIt will prevent some newbies from playing ;)
12:25.46Manufrom playing? no
12:25.50ts'cause they have no idea of what they are doing ;)
12:26.08Manunewbies can join as they do it actually
12:26.35tsNot if they want to play on server that require registration :p
12:27.10Manua newbie, register in bzbb at first so he gets his username and password
12:27.27Manuthen he login a server and use his username and password, what's the problem
12:27.41Manusimply they can post in the forum untill they play the first time
12:27.48Manuthey can't I mean
12:27.48tsThey don't know where to put username and password in client
12:27.59Manuwell it's like actually
12:28.05tsIt has happened several times in the past ;)
12:28.22Manubut this has nothing to do with the spam and posts :/
12:33.12ManuJava 6 is out
12:33.24tsNot entirely
12:33.50ManuSun emailed me and said it
12:34.02tsIt's not correct like this
12:34.22Manujre and jdk is released:
12:34.24*** join/#bzflag Teppic (
12:34.31tsThe new version of JRE is available for some platforms
12:35.12ts10% of the pc market is not covered
12:35.23Manuwindows,linux and solaris is out
12:35.31Manustill left freebsd
12:35.32TeppicIf there are any mods around, there is a bit of a spam outbreak on the forums.
12:35.47Manuhi Teppic
12:35.53TeppicHey Manu
12:36.02ts~wake blast007
12:36.06ibotACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on blast007 and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
12:36.19tsLet's see whether he'll react now ;)
12:36.53Manuwhere is the spam ts?
12:36.59Manumay be I'm blind :/
12:37.07tsWhere I can't delete it
12:38.42tsI think it is still automated spam
12:39.25Manubots probably
12:40.02tsmaybe the captcha isn't required to fill out ;)
12:42.28Teppic3 bots at the same time by looks of it.
12:42.35tsor the forum software is that widespread that spammers wrote a fill out script already
12:43.41tsWe're having luck..imagine 300 bots instead of 3
12:44.10Teppichmm, /etc/init.d/mysqld stop?
12:46.05TeppicI haven't really done any sql stuff since I stopped using access about 5 years ago, bu ti'm intrigued to see if I can format a 'one liner' to remove all of one persons posts....
12:53.22Teppicdelete from phpbb_posts_text where post_id=(select post_id from phpbb_posts where poster_id=(select user_id from phpbb_users where username="Teppic"));delete from phpbb_posts where poster_id=(select user_id from phpbb_users where username="Teppic"); yay
12:56.43ManuTeppic: delete from phpbb_posts_test;
12:57.06TeppicNo, text.
12:58.06TeppicHmm, it doesn't like more than one result from the second query though, maybe it will work with delete, I don't fancy testing it on my DB tho....
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13:12.18TeppicYay, i have my own forum spam, time to test....
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13:20.20[NP]Tangentheads up, admins...
13:20.52Manubzbb admins are sleeping ;)
13:21.16[NP]Tangentjust letting someone know
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16:14.33KaniazI wonder why bzbb gets spammed so much
16:20.36blast007Kaniaz: cuz it's a forum
16:20.59KaniazI just know a lot of forums that don't get spam anywhere near as much as bzbb seems to
16:21.00blast007spammers post links, which then get indexed by search engines, which boosts their page's rankings
16:21.26KaniazAnd they're vaugely high pagerank, so, who knows?
16:21.31blast007Kaniaz: they running phpBB?
16:21.46KaniazYeah, this one forum was until quite recently, they switched to the horrors of IPB
16:21.54KaniazAnd they never got spam, ever
16:22.50blast007right now, I'm working on cleaning out all the old spam registrations
16:22.58blast007there's tons of them
16:23.30blast007already removed close to 80 of them
16:23.33KaniazUgh great
16:23.39KaniazI've had to do those before; tons of fun
16:23.41blast007and this is just looking at *.info email domains
16:24.01blast007I wrote a script though  :)
16:24.11blast007shows me their name, post count, email, and website
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16:25.17KaniazHow long has the forum software used the visual conformation for?
16:26.04KaniazSince forever or did it just get added recently.
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16:27.49blast007Kaniaz: since last Friday  ;)
16:27.59KaniazHeh, made much difference?
16:28.03blast007not really
16:28.09KaniazIt's not the world's best captcha though
16:28.12blast007spammers are still registering
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20:33.53CBGthe bots can read the text in the image ?
20:35.43Manuusually not
20:36.23Chestalif I were a bot I would delegate this task to unsuspecting humans
20:36.56Manubuts are usually scripts with no OCR capabilities
20:37.59Manujust curious, with the new version there are more spam posts :/
20:39.27CBGManu: so I thought myself, but blast007 says "spammers are still registering". I would suspect that at least some of those are bots. :/
20:39.39tsManu: The new version is more used in total
20:40.24Erroneousit's not terribly difficult to write a bot that can read the captchas
20:40.39Erroneousjust have to train it for the specific kind
20:40.49tsFrom looking at the picture it seems fairly easy to write a bot for that task
20:40.51Erroneousand phpbb is common, so there are probably plenty of trained bots
20:41.19tsCome up with a captcha written in the old German fonts..
20:41.31Chestalor they really do use the delegation trick
20:41.50tsI bet even 90% of the humans would fail >:)
20:42.13ChestalI had captchas where I failed
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20:42.45tsWe could tranform the captcha to a colour vision test ;)
20:43.08CBGlike "What colour is the left portion of this image?" ?
20:43.14blast007I still like the idea if the "Enter your IQ" box
20:43.17blast007of the*
20:45.02tsCBG: I want something like this:
20:46.12CBGand the bots couldn't read that? it's not a totally different idea to the current thing.
20:48.18CBGshow something like this and ask how many stripes?
20:49.26Chestalif the phpBB spambots can indeed read the captcha, I am pretty sure they are very specialized
20:50.26Chestalof course the delegate-to-human approach can solve all those captchas you can throw at it
20:51.06JeffM2501Chestal, my gut says it's humans
20:51.37Chestalall those effort (and some wit, too) wasted on the dark side
20:51.42JeffM2501I know
20:52.24JeffM2501blast007, any more progress/ides on the make them play first system?
20:52.24Chestalit's fascinating :-)
20:52.24JeffM2501I know there are groups that pay people to do it
20:52.30JeffM2501I mean how does that biz model even WORK
20:52.34blast007JeffM2501: I'll probably look into that more on friday
20:52.58JeffM2501I'll poke blrcad and tim when I see them to make sure they are ok, with it. I can't see how they would not be
20:53.15Chestalsounds like an interesting idea
20:53.48JeffM2501it's not realy any more limiting for real users
20:54.03JeffM2501and it's not something that a bot, or slave net would even do
20:54.06JeffM2501just for one board
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21:10.19brlcadKaniaz: in part because our forum is rather popular and active .. has a rather high google index ranking making it a frequent target
21:10.43L4m3rAlso because it's very old ;)
21:10.49KaniazThat's what I figured
21:11.10brlcadthere are also some plugins we could add that would make it harder too, but it's still an only mildly hardened target that gets hit a lot
21:12.08brlcadblast007: spam registrations may be about the same, but the server attacks have definitely decreased
21:13.20brlcadthe web server was having to reset about once an hour due to some botnet relay somehow attaching
21:13.34brlcadnow it's down to about once a day..
21:14.59brlcadmod_security seems to be detecting fewer attempts overall too, so just announcing as an upgraded version seems to have stopped some of them
21:18.47tupone_laptophola brlcad. how is going there?
21:21.30L4m3rOk, now I'm pissed:
21:22.38Erroneousyou didn't want your identity anyway, right? :)
21:22.56L4m3rI've recieved an email confirming that yes, my name is in the db
21:23.26L4m3rI'm sick of this BS. UCLA's IT department is run by monkeys, I swear
21:23.38tsI find it funny :)
21:23.45L4m3rthis is the same school who posts your email address in a public directory on its website
21:24.21Erroneoussame principle as a phonebook
21:24.30L4m3rthe same school who charges $45 for a NIC
21:28.04L4m3rthis is great. Now I have to go tell my parents that the college they can't afford to send me to has given away my (and probably their) identity...
21:34.15brlcadonly $45 ??
21:34.36brlcadI think I had to pay more than double back in the day :P
21:34.51brlcadand had to walk uphill through the snow both ways
21:38.09CBGdragging a 100 year oak behind you too?
21:38.36brlcadonly on tuesdays
21:38.46CBGpff, lucky...
21:41.41L4m3rwell, considering nowadays you can get a 10/100 NIC for like $7...
21:43.17Erroneousor for free
21:43.32Erroneous$10 with a $10 instant rebate is always a good price
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23:16.30Birdieis JeffM2501 allive?
23:17.17JeffM2501one sec
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.