irclog2html for #bzflag on 20061206

00:02.25*** join/#bzflag Chestal ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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00:04.28*** join/#bzflag CIA-2 (
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00:10.30*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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00:14.41*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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00:15.03*** join/#bzflag PuMpErNiCkLe (n=pumperni@about/essy/bacon/PuMpErNiCkLe)
00:17.56JeffM2501Erroneous, this computer dosn't suck does it?
00:18.09*** join/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@2002:45a6:86ae:0:0:0:0:1)
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00:18.10ErroneousI was quite happy working with it
00:18.18Erroneousit's pretty fast
00:18.31Erroneousand it didn't do any crazy stuff
00:18.33Erroneousand it's quiet
00:18.34JeffM2501bahh, jer set IE as the default browser
00:18.45Erroneousactually I think windows update did that
00:18.54JeffM2501that bastard
00:19.38*** join/#bzflag A-Delusion (
00:20.38bryjenthat would warrent stronger profanity
00:20.57Erroneousnot on this channel
00:20.59JeffM2501I never use it, but it was put on by update
00:21.28JeffM2501I personaly don't care if it's there, as long as it stays out of my way
00:21.31Erroneousit is here too.  wonder why that didn't take on that box
00:21.53Erroneousunless jer allowed it again
00:22.14Erroneousbut I think my machine would have picked it up in that case
00:22.16JeffM2501I did my own updates when I installed clean
00:22.23JeffM2501didn't do the domain updates
00:22.35blast007JeffM2501: how crazy we talking? like "rig the mobo up to a direct 120V" kind of crazy?  ;)
00:22.54bryjen60Hz would suck ;)
00:23.03JeffM2501compile 2 projects while office is updating
00:23.14blast007that's not that crazy
00:23.26JeffM2501old machine would have choked on it
00:23.40blast007I usually run windows updates while installing java/flash/etc
00:23.44JeffM2501I often have to debug 2 -3 projects at a time
00:23.52Erroneousmulticore is cool
00:24.09blast007very much so
00:24.18JeffM2501got used to it at home, it sucked to come to work
00:24.35Thumper_GCC 4.1.2 compiler warnings with ./configure --enable-debug
00:24.35JeffM2501tho I can't build BZ now, no libs :(
00:25.01Thumper_the order of stuff initialized in Player.cxx doesn't match the definition in Player.h
00:25.20Thumper_so do I rearrange the initialization list in Player.cxx or the items in Player.h so they match?
00:25.58JeffM2501it matters?
00:25.59Thumper_ie pauseMessageState(false) should be immediately following lastObstacle(NULL)
00:26.05Erroneousinitialization, Thumper_
00:26.10Erroneousleave the header
00:26.20Erroneousotherwise everyone has to rebuild just about everything
00:26.23JeffM2501I didn't know it matterd
00:26.28Erroneousgcc cares
00:26.32Erroneouswhy?  beats me
00:26.37Erroneousbut it cares
00:26.42JeffM2501I'll try to remember that
00:26.53JeffM2501or just put them inside the constructor
00:32.33JeffM2501Erroneous, think the API should be told of all calls to DEBUGX or just the ones over the current level?
00:32.55Erroneoustho the macros may not allow that
00:33.12JeffM2501they are going to be inline functions now :)
00:33.25Erroneousyay overhead :)
00:36.04*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
00:36.04*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
00:44.08JeffM2501wow this is wierd, the first time I've had the API have to call itself :)
01:06.29JeffM2501oh this is gonna suck
01:06.31Erroneousyay recursion
01:06.42JeffM2501not the same API function
01:06.47JeffM2501just the API calling an event
01:07.19JeffM2501since it's not a #def aymore, I can't leave the code for em in common
01:07.24JeffM2501cus common dosn't include bzfio :)
01:07.49Erroneousleave the function definition in common
01:08.01Erroneousbzfio.cxx is built in libcommon
01:08.01usoyou are going to kill all the servers on cheap datacenter accounts, JeffM2501? ;)
01:08.02Erroneousshould work
01:08.14JeffM2501uso, huh?
01:08.35usoputting more load on the server :)
01:09.01usocalling the api for every network package ..
01:09.21JeffM2501Erroneous, I can just move em to bzfio.h cus anyone who used the macro had to have that included anyway
01:09.31JeffM2501if there are no handlers it bails out fast
01:09.43Erroneousmacro was in common.h
01:09.49JeffM2501the macro just repaced it with formatdebug
01:09.59Erroneousgood point
01:10.01JeffM2501and format debug was in bzfio
01:10.09Erroneousyeah, I remember now
01:10.18Erroneousbzfio is weird anyway
01:18.38*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (
01:24.22Thumper_bah GCC is so picky... new newlines at end of file... :-P
01:35.54*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (n=gnurdux@
01:51.41*** join/#bzflag dewdave (
01:54.32Thumper_CIA is dead?
01:58.16*** join/#bzflag Theme97_ (n=Theme97@about/essy/phpwriter/Theme97)
01:58.57blast007yeah, it's dead
02:00.00trepanblast007: maybe it simply doesn't love you anymore
02:27.13*** join/#bzflag delusional (
02:44.25*** join/#bzflag shorty114 (n=shorty11@unaffiliated/shorty114)
02:49.57*** join/#bzflag PuMpErNiCkLe (n=pumperni@about/essy/bacon/PuMpErNiCkLe)
02:54.16*** join/#bzflag Doppelgamer (
02:56.10*** join/#bzflag Doppelgamer (
02:58.44*** join/#bzflag [shorty114] (n=shorty11@unaffiliated/shorty114)
03:03.11*** join/#bzflag turnerb (
04:12.48*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (
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04:21.24*** join/#bzflag jacques (n=jacques@nslu2-linux/jacques)
05:08.29*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (i=DTRemena@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
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05:10.27*** join/#bzflag shorty114 (n=shorty11@unaffiliated/shorty114)
05:12.57*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (
05:42.51JeffM2501oh now THIS is gonna be fun :)
05:45.06JeffM2501awww no CIA :(
05:46.00JeffM2501DTRemenak I did the callback idea you sugested.
05:46.19DTRemenakdid it work?
05:46.23JeffM2501seems so
05:46.34JeffM2501and replaced all the DEBUGX with just calls to the function
05:47.01JeffM2501only changed 59 files :)
05:47.18DTRemenakaw, and no cia :)
05:47.31JeffM2501it may take time
05:47.35JeffM2501it did it in taco
05:47.42JeffM2501just not here
06:03.36JeffM2501poor CIA, didn't even pick up the second
06:04.03blast007cia has been dead a while
06:05.12*** kick/#bzflag [CIA-2!n=jeffm@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501] by JeffM2501 (JeffM2501)
06:05.25JeffM2501it's workin in others
06:06.48blast007same bot? or different number?
06:07.01JeffM2501difrent number
06:18.11[NP]Tangentmy servers are back up as normal
06:39.17*** join/#bzflag jacques (n=jacques@nslu2-linux/jacques)
06:53.02*** part/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=jeffm@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
07:43.32*** join/#bzflag Pommes (n=Pommes@about/essy/frenchy/Pommes)
08:20.07*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe303 (
08:20.50LePoulpe303hi all
08:22.13PommesSalut Poulpe
08:22.53PommesYou mean big shipeating monster
08:30.47LePoulpe303salut Pommes
08:30.59LePoulpe303naaah rather midsize octopus
08:32.02*** join/#bzflag delusional (
08:33.57*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe403 (
08:41.51*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe403 (
08:47.05Manubonjour LePoulpe_303 :)
08:53.29LePoulpe303hola Manu !
08:54.09LePoulpe303Manu: for me ,bzbot project is completed till new features request appears
08:54.18Manugood :)
08:55.02LePoulpe303(or bugs , of course ;) )
08:56.01LePoulpe303i planned to start a map editor with teppic but he seems quite busy actually
08:56.17LePoulpe303i didn't see him here for weeks
09:11.01*** join/#bzflag Pommes_ (
09:59.17*** join/#bzflag mikl (n=mikl@pdpc/supporter/active/mikl)
10:49.23*** join/#bzflag Bluer2 (n=user@
12:45.42*** join/#bzflag donny_baker (
13:48.37*** join/#bzflag delusional (
14:12.13*** join/#bzflag mikl_ (
15:03.57SportChickspam: and
15:10.29*** join/#bzflag biggeruniverse (
15:18.22*** join/#bzflag blast007 (i=1000@pdpc/supporter/active/blast007)
16:01.14*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
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16:19.21*** part/#bzflag schlechterpanzer (n=SportChi@unaffiliated/schlechterpanzer)
16:24.53*** join/#bzflag ts (
16:29.53biggeruniversets: i still have problems
16:34.41tsheh, I have problems, too
16:34.46tsWant mine? ;)
16:35.39biggeruniverseno, I have enough- believe me
16:35.50biggeruniversebut I will take some coffee
16:38.01biggeruniversedon't bite your tongue man, that hurts
16:40.21KaniazYeah, I realised that
16:40.27KaniazBut only when the blood was cascading down my shirt
16:40.59KaniazHey, it's an easy mistake to make!
16:41.15*** join/#bzflag Doppelgamer (
16:48.27biggeruniverseit's right there by your teeth and all
16:48.48biggeruniverse~seen L4m3r
16:49.17ibotl4m3r <> was last seen on IRC in channel ##essy, 15h 18m 54s ago, saying: 'quite what?'.
16:49.17biggeruniversewake up ibot!
16:49.58KaniazHaha, biggeruniverse, exactly
16:50.15KaniazI mean, it's such a bad place to put your tounge
16:51.13biggeruniversequite what?
16:51.22KaniazQuite what.
16:51.57biggeruniversequite what?
16:52.05biggeruniversequite a bit of llamas
16:52.18biggeruniverseI'm sure that was the exact conversation
16:52.56inchwormo noesss windows!
16:53.07KaniazI have Linux
16:53.35KaniazExcept I use winfantastic (that's the marketing name, btw)
16:55.36biggeruniversets: I still get the height-kick sometimes
16:55.50*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
16:55.50*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
16:56.01tsbiggeruniverse: I haven't changed the height check
16:56.23biggeruniversets: I know, but I told you the other day it wasn't happening anymore, and it just wasn'
16:56.31biggeruniverset happening then
16:56.34tsCan you really play at that framerate?
16:56.45biggeruniverseI can
16:56.59biggeruniverseI'm the low frame rate master!
16:57.05ts_I_ couldn't :/
16:57.12KaniazWhat framerate?
16:57.17biggeruniverse~5 fps
16:57.30KaniazOh, yeah
16:57.39inchwormlike being at the disco with the strobes going, right?
16:57.43KaniazMine runs at about 5FPS because it's smokin' hot
16:57.59KaniazSort of
16:58.03KaniazExcept less cool
16:58.20biggeruniversets: it's true, that shouldn't happen to anyone, but it's a little weird that it does
16:58.41KaniazDoesn't really matter though
16:58.47KaniazI can't win against ye olde bzflag bot
17:00.09tsbiggeruniverse: The only alternative would be repositioning a tank when it doesn't fit the movement scheme
17:01.23tsI've tested and I was even able to jump up to 38 units high instead of 18
17:01.50tsThat's more than the double height of what I usually can jump
17:02.00biggeruniversethen what is the deal?
17:02.14tswhich would mean a huge tolerance is needed
17:02.15biggeruniversedead-reckoning? but the server doesn't do any of that
17:02.20tsno idea what the deal is
17:03.05biggeruniversehow does player position get updated on the server? is it strictly from message data?
17:04.04biggeruniverseok, and no other calculations?
17:04.38tsnot that I know of
17:07.41biggeruniverseI need to run the server in gdb again and try to break it
17:08.06tsWhy do you want to do that?
17:08.12*** join/#bzflag AHgpoH (i=c1292d03@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
17:08.27biggeruniverseso I can see what the server thinks my height is when it kicks me
17:08.55tsYou don't need gdb for that
17:09.20tsYou can see it with -d as command line option
17:09.39*** join/#bzflag CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
17:09.42tsPlease note that the server can kick you before you reach your max height
17:10.00biggeruniverseI know
17:10.19biggeruniverseI like doing everything in gdb tho ;)
17:10.54biggeruniverseit's just CBG
17:11.00tsOn that poor box?
17:12.04CBGhola biggeruniverse
17:12.51biggeruniversewe had a party while you were gone. :P
17:14.33biggeruniversets: yes
17:14.51biggeruniverseI know, it's probably not nice of me to ask it to do so much
17:15.05tsI thought I'm crazy because of the stuff I do but you're worse ;)
17:15.42*** join/#bzflag mozul (n=KBC18135@about/essy/LoveofEssy/mozul)
17:15.47KaniazIt might be faster by carrier pigeon, but I'm all outta carrier pigeons
17:16.06brlcadthem's good eat'n
17:17.09biggeruniverseSeems like they'd be gamy
17:17.58*** part/#bzflag mozul (n=KBC18135@about/essy/LoveofEssy/mozul)
17:47.06KaniazGood eat'n carrier pigeons
17:47.14KaniazWith free fortune cookies (aka whatever paper they were carrying)
17:47.40*** join/#bzflag Baritus (
17:48.09JeffM2501damn, where is DTRemenak today?
17:51.25CBGWell, #AWOS, ##essy and #bzflag.
17:52.02JeffM2501no I mean him personaly
17:52.05JeffM2501he's not here yet
17:52.16CBGI was kidding. :)
17:52.20JeffM2501and I'm ordering drive enclosures today, and need to know if he wants one :)
17:52.37CBGMaybe he's ill... or has some kinda of doctor/dental appointment.
17:52.47JeffM2501he would have called
17:52.52JeffM2501I checked with his manager
17:53.02JeffM2501protbably just slept in
17:53.14CBGIt's 10am now?
17:53.20JeffM2501close to it
17:53.27CBGyeah, and he starts at 9?
17:53.38JeffM2501I don' tknow what time he starts
17:53.42JeffM2501I start at 9
17:53.52CBGyeah, could be that he overslept
17:54.02CBGcall him, wake him up
17:54.19JeffM2501mehh, I'll just order an extra
17:54.22JeffM2501if he wants it he can have it
17:54.27JeffM2501if not I'll sell it to work
17:54.37CBGI gather that enclosures are that sort of thing...
17:54.48JeffM2501they are only 15$ each
17:54.49CBGdoesn't hurt to have a spare lieing around
17:54.58CBGUSB only?
18:08.31*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
18:27.33JeffM2501if you want REALY bad code, look at the code for bzedit
18:28.07KaniazNah, I'm good
18:28.12KaniazI understand C++ syntax (almost)
18:28.16KaniazBut I've got no idea what's going on here
18:28.18KaniazSo, that's great!
18:30.06JeffM2501bzedit is C++ infused with pure concentrated evil
18:30.57KaniazYes, well
18:31.07KaniazI kind of didn't know bzedit really existeduntil a few days ago
18:31.17JeffM2501there are 4 of them
18:31.19KaniazSo I'll just stay away from it.
18:31.21JeffM2501no wait 6
18:31.50JeffM2501bzedit for windows, the origonal linux one, the modified linux one, the origonal mac one, the new mac one, and the python one
18:32.09JeffM2501and the oft ignored bastard one
18:32.37KaniazThat sounds like a lot of manpower and effort
18:32.42KaniazTo make six things do, you know, one thing
18:32.53JeffM2501difrent people want to do difren things
18:33.01JeffM2501the windows and linux one do share some code
18:33.10JeffM2501the map parsting and drawing code
18:33.19KaniazAre any of them well good?
18:33.31JeffM2501the windows one is still in use today
18:33.44JeffM2501the new mac one shows promice, assuming it's author can finish it
18:33.46JeffM2501but it's mac only
18:34.32KaniazThat is quite scary.
18:34.38JeffM2501not realy
18:34.42JeffM2501just the way things evolve
18:34.46KaniazNatural selection.
18:34.50KaniazIt takes a long time.
18:34.51JeffM2501blender is the most complete editing solution at this time
18:35.02JeffM2501bzfag ain't exactly young :)
18:35.05JeffM2501flag even
18:35.37KaniazI last played this about four years ago - but it's older than that judging from the copyright on the source code header, huh
18:36.02JeffM2501some of the code is probably from before that
18:36.09JeffM2501quite a bit
18:36.16JeffM2501it's never goten a major rewrite
18:36.18KaniazWell that's either a testament to how good the code is
18:36.23JeffM2501not realy
18:36.23KaniazOr how scared everyone is of it.
18:36.32JeffM2501how poorly managed it is
18:36.41JeffM2501most of the old code is the reason it's so easy to cheat
18:36.42KaniazI shouldn't say anything though
18:36.46KaniazI couldn't code my way out of a paper bag
18:37.23KaniazI never thought it would be too easy to cheat
18:37.29JeffM2501it is
18:37.31KaniazI mean, the server can pick out the most boneheaded cheats I figured
18:37.38Kaniaz"This guy just moved across the map at the speed of light! Something is wrong!"
18:37.40JeffM2501the game trusts the client
18:37.41KaniazBut maybe not.
18:37.47JeffM2501it was made as a lan game
18:37.54JeffM2501so it trusts the client for most things
18:37.57JeffM2501like when you die
18:38.02KaniazIt still trusts you for that?
18:38.12KaniazGee wow.
18:38.21JeffM2501we've put some checks in the server, but it dosn't know all things
18:38.27KaniazSo why doesn't it check, just code oldness
18:38.37KaniazOr because it would be too much power to calculate all these hits and stuff, taking into account lag, blah blah blah
18:38.40JeffM2501it's one of the big things that has to get done or the game will become a joke
18:38.47JeffM2501no, just noone has writen it
18:38.50JeffM2501that's the simple answer
18:39.04KaniazYeah I guess cheating would be pretty easy then.
18:39.08KaniazIf it doesn't check for your death, geez
18:39.13KaniazEven I can download the source code and comment out some lines.
18:39.24JeffM2501it's a tedious task, so noone has donated the time and effor to do it
18:39.29KaniazCan't blame them
18:39.32KaniazIt's not exactly a barrel of laughs
18:39.36JeffM2501god mode takes 1 character to implement
18:39.41JeffM2501a !
18:39.47KaniazHaha, oh yeah.
18:40.01KaniazI see your point about that being a bit of a joke.
18:40.36JeffM2501it'd be nice if the maintainer pushed for better changes, but that's not how he works
18:41.05JeffM2501we don't raly have any
18:41.07KaniazEven so I thought this was just open source. Stuff happens, it gets added.
18:41.25JeffM2501code dosn't apear by magic :)
18:41.36KaniazOh well
18:42.44KaniazNah I'm on Winfantastic
18:42.49JeffM2501what compiler?
18:43.22KaniazWhatever weirdo thing Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition (express makes it cooler, right?!) has
18:43.36JeffM2501that is the compiler :)
18:43.41JeffM2501shouldn't be too slow
18:43.45JeffM2501what speed is the PC?
18:43.54JeffM2501that can take a bit
18:44.00KaniazWell 1.6ghz
18:44.01KaniazBut whatever
18:44.09JeffM2501you get all your 3rd party libs setup?
18:44.27KaniazNope, ha-ha!
18:44.36KaniazI just clicked compile and wishfully hoped it worked.
18:44.44KaniazEither way it was doing okay until c:\users\admin\projects\bzflag\bzflag\include\curlmanager.h(22) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'curl/curl.h': No such file or directory at which point I'm beginning to wonder.
18:45.32KaniazI don't even remember what it does
18:45.34KaniazURL stuff
18:49.06JeffM2501yeah you need curl
18:49.07JeffM2501it does all our downloading from websites
18:49.11JeffM2501and the listserver stuff
18:49.14KaniazI used "PHP Curl" with, uh, PHP
18:49.18JeffM2501you also need the windows platform SDK
18:49.22JeffM2501and directX
18:49.23KaniazI have that
18:49.30KaniazAlthough I come close, it's true
18:49.32JeffM2501and GLEW
18:49.39JeffM2501and pdcurses
18:49.52KaniazRight so just the entire world's set of external libraries then
18:50.04JeffM2501you COULD need SDL, but ya don't ;)
18:50.19KaniazAnd by a few things, I mean
18:50.25Kaniaz"Made one of those 3D triangles without using a tutorial!"
18:50.38JeffM2501for a full install of VC, all you need is curl, curses, and glew
18:50.48JeffM2501the rest is included by default
18:50.53JeffM2501EE just strips out a lot of that
18:50.56KaniazYeah, I have the Windows PDSK from other stuff I've fooled about with, and the DirectX SDk so that's good
18:51.13JeffM2501we don't actualy use directX for drawing
18:51.17KaniazYeah, what's up with that
18:51.18KaniazI thought you used OpenGL?
18:51.20JeffM2501just window setup and sound
18:51.22JeffM2501and input
18:51.27JeffM2501directX is more then direct3d
18:51.35KaniazOh yeah
18:51.42KaniazDirectInput and DirectAllThoseStupidNames
18:51.52JeffM2501directInput isn't bad
18:51.58JeffM2501gives us force feedback
18:52.01KaniazI wouldn't know
18:52.18JeffM2501directPlay is the worst of the directX APIs
18:52.24KaniazIsn't that networking that one
18:52.42KaniazI saw WSACleanup() so I was guessing Winsock (dur).
18:53.03KaniazBetter try and get this right then
18:53.16JeffM2501you doing CVS head? or 2.0.x?
18:53.21KaniazI've got CVS head
18:53.35JeffM2501the docs should have a list of what EE needs
18:53.45JeffM2501there is a curl for MSVC, that's the one you want
18:53.47JeffM2501with no SSL
18:53.55KaniazMakes sense yeah
18:53.58KaniazI see that one link right there then
18:54.10JeffM2501should be the windows readme file in the root
18:54.24KaniazGot it
18:55.27KaniazSome people say I'm weird for using gvim
18:55.29KaniazI say I'm enlightened
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18:57.54JeffM2501what ever floats your boat
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18:58.30JeffM2501there he is
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18:59.20Erroneousforgot to start cz
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19:00.50JeffM2501if I get USB external drive enclosures you want me to pick you up one?
19:01.14Erroneoushow much?
19:02.34JeffM2501looks to be like 15$
19:02.55JeffM2501maybe as much as 17$ if I get the ones with a fan :)
19:04.06JeffM2501hard drive
19:04.10JeffM2501box you put one in
19:04.15JeffM2501and plug in via USB
19:04.51KaniazThat could be handy
19:05.15KaniazAnd by often, I mean, my last keyboard died in a watery pepsi grave
19:05.42JeffM2501thats why they make fluid proof ones
19:05.51KaniazI remember when I did it
19:06.02KaniazThe first thing I thought was typing /amsg i spilt pepsi on my keyboard omg!
19:06.27JeffM2501I do not think your god had anything to do with it
19:06.40KaniazI don't have a god
19:06.50KaniazIf he did
19:06.54KaniazHe would be above pepsi related incidents
19:06.56JeffM2501Erroneous, you care about a fan?
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19:09.47ErroneousI don't care, no
19:10.05JeffM2501I'm tempted to spend 20$ on one cus it's just SO very japanese :)
19:10.23KaniazThat link almost had my eye out
19:10.26KaniazBut yeah, the Japanese love their fans
19:10.31JeffM2501it's labeld "metal gear box sustinance II"
19:10.42JeffM2501substance, pardon me
19:11.35JeffM2501so the cheapie for you?
19:11.45JeffM2501I've used the 14.99 one before, it works fine
19:12.11CBGcan't you guys just shout at each other...?
19:12.15ErroneousI'm just putting an oldish 120JB drive in it
19:12.18CBGor, different dept.s?
19:12.24JeffM2501this room is suposed to be kept quiet
19:12.28Erroneousit would disrupt people
19:12.33KaniazRules are made to be broken
19:12.44ErroneousI'm not exactly right next to him
19:12.44CBGErroneous: what's a JB?
19:12.46Kaniaz...Well, the Japanese would say that
19:12.50JeffM2501"library condtions"
19:13.12ErroneousCBG: western digital's drive designator: AB, BB, JB, KB, YB
19:13.19KaniazIt all makes sense now!
19:13.28ErroneousJB is 7200/8mb cache
19:13.38CBGI see.
19:14.06Erroneousit'a a 120gb drive, JB 120JB is the model number
19:14.11JeffM2501CBG, it's also hard to verbalise a URL :)
19:14.26Erroneousespecially one as heavily escaped as that
19:14.41CBG[7:10pm] <Erroneous> heh
19:14.49CBGThat ^ would have been easily verbalised.
19:15.00Erroneousheh is hard to shout
19:15.09CBGIt is not...
19:15.11Erroneousand I'm too lazy to get up
19:15.14Erroneousit is
19:15.20CBGI just did it.
19:15.22ErroneousH is a hard letter to project
19:15.35Erroneous'cause it's not voiced
19:15.47JeffM2501yeah you need zlib dlltoo
19:15.58JeffM2501just grab the one from the 2.0.8 binary distro
19:15.59KaniazIs that something to do with PNGs
19:16.03CBGErroneous: you can't make a "heh" sound?
19:16.05JeffM2501no it's what curl uses
19:16.11CBGYou got a speech impediment?
19:16.12JeffM2501the premade curls link to an external zlib
19:16.22Erroneousno, we build png zlib into bz
19:16.35Erroneousand I build my curls with zlib internal too
19:16.38Erroneousjust to avoid this
19:16.41KaniazSo it is something to do with PNGs
19:16.47KaniazExcept right now it's just ruining all my stuff
19:17.07Erroneousno, it's a we don't use it for pngs
19:17.20Erroneouswe build our zlib into the executable
19:17.44JeffM2501techincaly bzflag has 2 copys of zlib
19:17.44KaniazI follow
19:17.44JeffM2501if you use the premade libcurl
19:17.48JeffM2501I sould just hook it up to use DevIL :)
19:18.03JeffM2501Erroneous, orderd,
19:18.19JeffM2501bahh, I have no printers :)
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19:22.26KaniazGood news everyone! zlib1.dll was not found! More importantly, I can't find it in the 2.0.8 binary distrubution either
19:22.32KaniazAnd it's probably for some obvious reason that I'm just missing
19:25.11JeffM2501I can send you one, hang on
19:26.20JeffM2501oh it wants, zlib1
19:26.26JeffM2501not zlibwapi?
19:26.28KaniazI probably did something wrong
19:26.31KaniazNope, it doesn't
19:26.36KaniazThat's what I expected...but it was zlib1
19:26.37JeffM2501no they may have changed something since I did it last
19:28.21KaniazFair enough
19:29.14JeffM2501that should get ya
19:29.23ErroneousJeffM2501: you want me to just build a curl and send it to you for your builds?
19:29.38JeffM2501my curl works
19:29.52JeffM2501I have a setup that's good to go
19:30.06Erroneousbe sure to build ares into it
19:30.13KaniazYeah guys what's ares
19:30.17KaniazI saw it in the solution
19:30.17JeffM2501a DNS thing
19:30.28Erroneousasynchronous dns resolver
19:30.37JeffM2501Erroneous, part of me wants to change it to use the IE resolver :)
19:30.43JeffM2501bzflagMFC :)
19:30.48JeffM2501it works
19:31.25JeffM2501so that the game dosn't pause while it looks up the URLS it needs
19:31.26JeffM2501food time
19:31.39KaniazFair enough.
19:31.43KaniazIs that on the main menu or something?
19:32.06tupone_laptoptexture loading for instance
19:32.43KaniazYeah, but I thought that was before you started playing
19:32.47KaniazHence the blocking there wasn't too bad
19:35.19KaniazYeah I've definitely screwed this up somehow
19:35.34Kaniaz"The ordinal 55 could not be located in the DLL zlib1.dll"
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19:48.38Doppelgamerchilling in #bzflag, pretty self explanatory
19:49.07everbladesame here
19:50.40everbladeanyways... think we could have a match if we can find some more ppl
19:51.03Doppelgamerheh i'llneed to  DL the client back onto my laptop
19:51.03CBGWhat league..?
19:51.35CBGEach league has it's own channel, afaik. This channel is more for talk about development of the game.
19:51.47CBGFor the ducati ctf league, try: ##ducleague
19:51.57Doppelgamerexcellent, i was not aware of that
19:52.06KaniazDeveloping being something I'm failing to do, what with strange DLLS
19:52.14everbladethats weerd
19:52.34everbladei think its irc but im not sure
19:52.55Doppelgamercome again?
19:53.06CBGThis isn't IRC. This is AIM!
19:53.11KaniazBut of course!
19:53.20CBGCrouch, Take AIM, Fire!
19:53.52Doppelgamerhey everblade, did you hear the one about the giraffe?
19:54.17Doppelgamernvm, it's probably over your head
19:54.33everbladewhat girafe?
19:54.45Doppelgamerthis is getting'd now.
19:54.50everbladewow... scary
19:55.01everbladeyet cool
19:56.37everbladehoo are you
19:56.55KaniazThe voice of God?
19:57.10KaniazYeah, a lot of people say that.
19:57.23everbladea little to many
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19:58.36everbladeim boerd
19:59.29everbladeany body there
20:00.00everbladehey im talking to you
20:01.13everbladeany body there
20:01.51everbladeim leaving
20:02.14KaniazSo anyway.
20:02.21Doppelgamerthank gyad
20:02.34Doppelgameri was about to change my nick to "your_mom" just so I could say "i'm here"
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20:03.44NewNickum... wrong window?
20:04.23Doppelgamerpor ques
20:05.09Doppelgamerwell, gtg, bye all
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20:48.37GlomboolIs there doc on compiling under winXP?
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21:09.43JeffM2501just a lot of text for a lunch break :)
21:09.50JeffM2501you get your stuff to compile?
21:10.00KaniazYeah it compiles
21:10.07KaniazCompiles like a sweet dream o'malley
21:10.08JeffM2501it run ok?
21:10.08KaniazBut here's the deal
21:10.15KaniazI go to run it, and I use that zlib1.dll that you sent
21:10.20KaniazAnd I get a DLL no-ordinal error.
21:10.37KaniazAll, "Ordinal 53 <or some number I'll have to check> was not found in zlib1.dll."
21:10.39JeffM2501you on 64 bit windows or something?
21:10.48KaniazOh crap, I am on Vista. I wonder if that matters.
21:10.57JeffM250164 bit vista? ;)
21:11.04Kaniaz32-bit Vista
21:11.11JeffM2501never tried vista
21:11.19JeffM2501libcurl does have a problem on 64bit XP
21:11.31JeffM2501well I could zip up the libcurl that I use and send it to you
21:11.36KaniazHow big would it be?
21:11.43JeffM2501not big
21:11.45KaniazWell sure.
21:11.48KaniazIf you want.
21:12.49KaniazDon't worry about it.
21:12.53KaniazWhat am I talking about anyway.
21:12.54KaniazIt compiles.
21:12.56KaniazIt just doesn't run.
21:13.53JeffM2501I'm packing it up now, one sec
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21:14.07KaniazThis will be fun
21:14.28JeffM2501please don't cheat
21:14.41KaniazI wanted to do it for my own knowledge, really
21:14.47KaniazThis would be one hell of an elaborate scheme to cheat
21:14.50JeffM2501tht's fine, but please don't cheat
21:14.52JeffM2501at all
21:15.03JeffM2501learning the code is one thing, but cheating for advantage is another
21:15.17KaniazI would probably suck even if I did cheat
21:15.23KaniazBesides, I was going to test it on a localhost server
21:15.42JeffM2501that's fine, jsut please don't cheat on a public server, or give out cheat binarys
21:15.49KaniazDon't worry :P
21:15.54KaniazI'm not pathetic
21:15.55JeffM2501fair nuf :)
21:16.02KaniazActually that's a good point.
21:16.08KaniazHave you had people hand out binaries like that before.
21:16.13JeffM2501relink with that lib and use that set of DLLs
21:16.15JeffM2501ohh yeah
21:16.22JeffM2501most cheaters arn't coders
21:16.29KaniazNo I didn't think as much
21:16.56findlayfind bzflag_src_dir -type f | xargs grep -niI "oh dear"
21:16.59JeffM2501hopefully 2.2 will be better for that
21:19.02findlayactually, you don't need that -i to grep
21:19.07JeffM2501depends what your trying to do
21:19.16JeffM2501for some stuff it's rather easy
21:19.17KaniazDon't go sassing me Vista
21:19.23findlaysorry to deceive the impressionable new coders
21:19.41KaniazTelling me I can't delete a folder I made
21:19.42JeffM2501for others it's a pain
21:19.50Kaniaz"You require permission from Admin to make changes to this folder"
21:19.52KaniazYes, well, I am Admin, you see
21:20.00findlayKaniaz: I had win98 do that to me once.  Never could get it do delete
21:20.01JeffM2501why do you want to run vista anyway?
21:20.09KaniazJeffM2501: free betas, hooray!
21:20.09JeffM2501you like apps to run slow?
21:20.15KaniazActually nothing's run slow
21:20.33JeffM2501in general games run 20-30% slower on vista
21:20.41KaniazAlright now you're all freaking me out
21:20.52findlayat home and work
21:21.00findlaynot school, though, not yet
21:21.01JeffM2501moreso if your drivers do the openGL -> directX abstraction
21:21.12JeffM2501vista just isn't ready on the driver front yet
21:21.13findlayunless I sneak in a knoppix or ubuntu livecd
21:21.19JeffM2501what video card do you have?
21:22.56KaniazMy video card is a nvidia geforce god knwos what
21:22.56JeffM2501the DLLs I sent you are the ones I use for the offiicial builds
21:22.57JeffM2501you running the drivers from nvidia? or the ones vista shiped with?
21:23.03KaniazNvidia drivers if I recall
21:23.05KaniazWhich coincidentally like to crash
21:23.13JeffM2501welcome to beta land :)
21:23.19KaniazIt's good
21:23.41JeffM2501well if you have a new enough version you'll have the openGL ICD and performance won't go to the craper
21:23.57JeffM2501but still the OS overhead seems to take a lot out of games
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21:24.38JeffM2501we also haven't tested doing release builds on VC8 yet
21:24.46JeffM2501so I don't know if that will do anything to your build
21:24.57JeffM2501it "should(TM)" work tho
21:24.57KaniazWho knows?
21:25.04KaniazI'll just stamp on it until it does
21:25.08Kaniaz...Sort of
21:25.29KaniazOr threaten to play Marilyn Manson to it
21:25.39JeffM2501ummm.. ok....
21:26.15KaniazIt's normal strategy, don't worry
21:27.13KaniazThe only reason I'm doing this, really
21:27.15KaniazIs to perhaps learn something
21:27.26JeffM2501never a bad reason
21:27.34KaniazThat and it could be possibly more fun
21:28.48JeffM2501it's got most of the core client logic into it
21:28.56KaniazThat's what I kinda guessed
21:37.02JeffM2501I figured there'd be some
21:37.05brlcadnamely that it introduced a cyclic dependency, aside from making every low level library dependent upon high-level code
21:37.08JeffM2501and I figured you'd tell me :)
21:37.35brlcadit's like libC being dependent upon GTK or something
21:37.38JeffM2501well the macro before just woudl replace the word with a call to formatDebug
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21:37.51JeffM2501so I just made it call what is now formatDebug
21:37.57JeffM2501so I don't see how that added a dependency
21:38.00brlcadformatDebug is generic libCommon function
21:38.07JeffM2501and everyone used it
21:38.07brlcadthe API call isn't
21:38.30JeffM2501the API call is handled thru an installed callback that bzfs only installs
21:38.33brlcadi'm not arguing the end result .. just the linkage
21:38.42JeffM2501I did that to try to make it not need any more links
21:38.46JeffM2501is there a better way?
21:38.51JeffM2501I don't want to add more links
21:39.07JeffM2501that's why I figured I'd install that callack, so libcommon didn't need to link to anything
21:39.42JeffM2501DTRemenak sugested it and it sounded like a good idea
21:39.51JeffM2501we acutaly had a "design meeting" on it ;)
21:40.07JeffM2501tho much of the words were "eww"
21:40.15brlcadit's still more the overall nature of having the low level libs making calls from functions not in a low level lib
21:40.38JeffM2501yeah I can see that
21:40.45JeffM2501it's going outside it's lib
21:41.10JeffM2501I figured abstraction would make it less eww
21:41.11brlcadit sort of begs putting the API into a lib of it's own
21:41.28JeffM2501then the API lib woudl be calling bzfs all over the place
21:41.28brlcadit's more whether that can even happen without being dependent upon bzfs symbols
21:41.33JeffM2501so you just moved the eww :)
21:42.06brlcadright, which is what I meant.. about whether that could happen without being dependent
21:42.07JeffM2501is there any functional problem with it? or just more eww?
21:42.28JeffM2501I can't see how the API could be made independent of bzfs
21:42.34KaniazThe new quit dialog looks funky
21:42.38KaniazIt works now :D
21:42.44brlcadi think there's actually a variety of functional problems as well as lots of eww .. but tbd, have to look into it more
21:42.45JeffM2501unless bzfs went and registered stuff at runtime
21:42.59brlcadright, that's what I was thinking actually
21:43.13brlcadit could hook in something like slots and signals
21:43.14JeffM2501well if it can't be done, I'm ok with it being pulled, I just have some nice things I can do if the API can get the debug messages
21:43.31brlcadI think it can still be done, but the other way around
21:43.43JeffM2501and work on windows too?
21:43.51Erroneousthat's kinda what I was suggesting with the callback; register the api at runtime to recieve a copy of the debug output
21:43.53brlcadlet the api effectively register a callback that the log message would invoke
21:44.01JeffM2501Erroneous, that's what I did
21:44.02ErroneousI haven't looked at the code yet
21:44.10JeffM2501brlcad, that's what it DOES
21:44.37JeffM2501that way the client can ignore it
21:44.41JeffM2501the pointer is just null
21:44.48brlcadperhaps I misunderstood the comment, and read the commit too quickly, but it looked like the other way around
21:45.11JeffM2501there is a pointer to a callback in bzfio
21:45.30JeffM2501the API installs a callback in there that calls the API messages and all that
21:45.38JeffM2501that code takes place outside of libCommon
21:45.48JeffM2501libCommon just calls the callback with the string
21:45.54*** part/#bzflag a_temp_dist (
21:46.07JeffM2501so libCommon dosn't need bzfs
21:46.22brlcadokay, then I undo the last ten minutes :)
21:46.36brlcadsounds like that's perhaps what I meant
21:46.57JeffM2501yeah Erroneous sugested that when I was doing it the first time and it started to get wierd
21:47.10JeffM2501so I just remimplemented it at home with the callback, and that make it nicer
21:47.36JeffM2501the only eww part I think shoud be that it changed 55 files, so that's a big rebuild
21:48.28Erroneouswhat changed in all those files?
21:48.50JeffM2501DEBUG0 is now logDebugMessage(0
21:49.03JeffM2501like you sugested
21:49.13Erroneousthat's too friggin long if you ask me :)
21:49.49ErroneousI'm surprised only 55 files used DEBUGn though
21:50.17JeffM2501change it if you ant
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21:51.39ErroneousI might
22:02.52brlcadreason you didn't just leave the DEBUG's and make them call logDebugMessage?
22:03.21JeffM2501didn't know how to make it pass in the level :)
22:03.26JeffM2501as a macro
22:03.35JeffM2501if you can make it do it, put it back
22:03.38Erroneoushas to do with args and macros
22:03.56Erroneousand parens :)
22:04.31JeffM2501I defer to somone with skill greater then my own
22:06.07brlcadalso conflicted my entire logging change, but that's not your problem :)
22:06.19Erroneousheh, logging :)
22:06.32JeffM2501from 2005?
22:06.46brlcadheh, no
22:07.09brlcadI worked on it from time to time, even still
22:07.26brlcadbut one of the things it did change was all the debug# statements
22:07.36JeffM2501merge hell
22:07.36brlcadno matter
22:08.19JeffM2501well if you want to do it difrent, that's cool, I just need a way for the plugins to get the calls
22:08.29JeffM2501you can even change the API methods for 2.2 if ya want
22:08.47brlcadnow that I'm not so confused, it's less disconcerting
22:08.58Erroneousfunny how that works ;)
22:09.02JeffM2501basicly a plugin that can dump out to a database, so web pages can view the logs
22:09.41JeffM2501and as Erroneous indicated, we can do better tracking, count IPs that got speed kicked, etc..
22:09.43brlcadmight redo the DEBUG's just for brevity
22:09.53JeffM2501what ever floats your boat
22:10.00Erroneousbrevity is good
22:10.05JeffM2501I jsut coudn't get it to work as a macro
22:10.09JeffM2501so I went with what worked
22:10.15Erroneousseriously, logDebugMessage?  that's like 11 characters longer :)
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22:10.33JeffM2501how bout that
22:10.37JeffM2501or just d1
22:10.43Erroneousdbg :)
22:10.52Erroneoushm, d1, d2...sounds ok :)
22:10.57JeffM2501tho it's not realy a "debug" message anymore
22:11.05Erroneousyeah, I was thinking about that
22:11.06brlcadit never really was
22:11.10brlcadsome of them are
22:11.11JeffM2501as it's used to track in game events, not just problems
22:11.21brlcadthat is part of the logging change actually
22:11.22JeffM2501my first go just had "logMessage"
22:11.26brlcadseparates them into categories
22:11.33Erroneousyay logging
22:11.39JeffM2501from 2005 ;)
22:11.42brlcadso you can have debug messages, or error messages, or warnings, etc
22:11.48brlcadyea yeah :)
22:11.59brlcadI think I've put all of 10 hours into it
22:12.06brlcadmaybe more.. hmm.
22:12.28JeffM2501Erroneous, do I REALY have to restart for keydrivers?
22:12.43Erroneousnot for the usb version
22:12.50JeffM2501that's what I just installed
22:12.52Erroneousas long as you didn't have the key plugged in during installation
22:12.55JeffM2501cus I had the LPT ones
22:13.02JeffM2501umm I did
22:13.08Erroneousit gives you a big warning about that during the install
22:13.12Erroneousdon't you read it? :)
22:13.21JeffM2501see, I had it installed for LPT
22:13.23JeffM2501put the key in
22:13.27JeffM2501OS says it's cool
22:13.31JeffM2501virtual says No
22:13.35JeffM2501so I reran the the installer
22:13.39JeffM2501and it did a repair
22:13.45JeffM2501so no it didn't say "unplug the key"
22:13.53Erroneousvirtual is really picky
22:14.13JeffM2501so pull the key and uninstall the drivers?
22:14.14Erroneousyou shouldn't have to restart though
22:14.21Erroneousit should work
22:14.32JeffM2501the repair said I had to restart
22:14.37JeffM2501and virtual is still NFG
22:14.54Erroneousrunning anything else?
22:15.02JeffM2501not that uses the key
22:15.04Erroneousvmware in particular tends to kill the key
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22:17.40Erroneousrestarting work?
22:17.53JeffM2501IDE still starting
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22:32.41JeffM2501you may get them in 2.2
22:33.00KaniazWould be nice
22:33.12JeffM2501it is being worked on by somone
22:35.21Erroneousyay someone
22:35.37JeffM2501amamacamb or something like that
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22:39.32KaniazI wish I had a clue what was going on here
22:40.17Kaniaz"Debug information not found."
22:42.26JeffM2501that's the default for VC usualy
22:43.10JeffM2501don't forget to set your debug executable and working dir
22:43.22JeffM2501they need to be set to local paths
22:43.26KaniazIt's all good
22:43.59JeffM2501you set it to debug the copy in the root dir? not the target dir?
22:44.31KaniazI don't know what I did, really
22:44.39KaniazBut what I do know is that it works, and that I just spilt coke everywhere
22:45.53JeffM2501if you wern't in debug it'd have to do a full rebuild to run debug, and you indicated that took a long while
22:47.01KaniazIt does, yes
22:47.26JeffM2501then I don't see how you could have done a debug build in such a short time ;)
22:47.43KaniazI harnessed the power of several supernovas
22:48.04[NP]Tangentalright, I'm gonna try something new and I'm going to... put a texture in my map!
22:48.05KaniazI just evasively said "it's all good" in the hope you wouldn't rain upon my parade in the sense that it does compile
22:48.24KaniazIt is churning through compiling now
22:48.26KaniazAnd when it breaks
22:48.27JeffM2501that's what I figured you mean :)
22:48.33KaniazI will understand what you meant by target dir etc
22:48.37JeffM2501my parade takes it's own awnings with it :)
22:49.01KaniazI must look like a twelve year old
22:49.10Kaniaz"Excuse me, but can I have a tutorial on where to put that line of code to stop me from dying? kthx"
22:49.10JeffM2501VC can be wierd
22:49.22JeffM2501I can tell you how to set your debug setup it's not hard
22:49.29KaniazIt's alright
22:49.29JeffM2501Kaniaz, it's been asked many times before
22:49.38KaniazI'll let it compile, pretend to know what I'm doing
22:49.43KaniazLet it break, try and fix it, then come running and crying to you
22:49.56tannerldKaniaz: simply, its one character add :P
22:50.02KaniazSo I'm told
22:50.04KaniazNow this is the hard part for me
22:50.09KaniazFinding the correct line
22:50.16KaniazI thought I had it at "handleMyTankShot" or whatever, but nooo!
22:50.28KaniazEither way I'm just looking around
22:50.34KaniazAnd screaming at things I don't understand and heavily petting that which I do
22:50.52KaniazI've already learned one thing from this whole experience
22:50.59KaniazAnd that is that some variables have the ugliest names ever
22:51.15JeffM2501yeah like "i" and "x"
22:51.19KaniazOh, and that VC likes to crash
22:51.24KaniazWell i and x are fine if they're iterators
22:51.26KaniazI've seen code like
22:51.28JeffM2501that's probably vista doing it to you
22:51.37KaniazAnd I'm just like who wrote this did they have a WPM of 300 or what.
22:51.51JeffM2501no single person did it all
22:52.00KaniazNot in BZFlag
22:52.01KaniazI meant in general
22:52.40tannerldjust pick a file, open it, and scroll down reading the comments... :D
22:52.52KaniazIt reminds me of stuff I've had to do
22:53.02KaniazWhere you have to end up compromising for all these situations
22:53.28Kaniaz"We're not dead, but we're going to be, so set this, and hope that sticks, and then we have to die, if we die later on a round trip then it'll confuse the player, but the server has to know quickly else it looks weird there, blah, blah, and we have to ignore our own die message or we'd die twice!"
22:53.36KaniazIt's truly beautiful
22:53.55JeffM2501a lot of that kinda crap is to be compatable with older clients
22:54.07JeffM25012.0.0 to 2.0.9 are comptable
22:54.20JeffM2501we don't have to do that with 2.1
22:54.25KaniazThe holy 2.1 huh
22:54.34JeffM2501it's the next proto brak
22:54.48JeffM2501same thing happend when we went from 1.10 to 2.0
22:55.44JeffM2501but I think with 2.1 everyone has decided that it's better to fix it RIGHT this time :0
22:55.57Kaniazi hate AOL
22:55.59Kaniazwith a passion
22:56.07Kaniazi cannot get rid of it, and i wish i could
22:56.08JeffM2501then don't use it
22:56.18Kaniazbut it taking up 40% of my CPU while it's in the background doing nothing? that's just not fair
22:56.25JeffM2501I'm sure there are many other ISPs willing to selll you service
22:56.35KaniazLook at this
22:56.55KaniazWho, in their right mind, would use an ISP with A) a crap client B) a client C) a client that's about 80% average CPU
22:57.06JeffM2501you aperantly;)
22:57.11KaniazI'm not in my right mind
22:57.22KaniazBut no, it's not my choice
22:57.35JeffM2501then convince the person who's choice it is
22:57.55KaniazA problem for another day
22:58.06Kaniaz"No fonts found", yes, I had this error before when I ran the executable in the wrong place
22:58.08KaniazGuess you were right huh!
22:58.19ErroneousJeffM2501 is usually right
22:58.24JeffM2501I should be, I set up that project ;)
22:58.39JeffM2501change your debug executable from (targetdir) to the one in the root
22:58.47JeffM2501the debug script copies one to the root
22:58.51KaniazI noticed
22:58.56JeffM2501then set the root as your working dir
22:59.01JeffM2501that will let you debug properly
23:00.04JeffM2501anything to heat this room up
23:00.19Erroneousso I'm not the only one who's cold?
23:00.26KaniazWhere do I set my debug executable.
23:00.30JeffM2501you didn't notice me wearing my jacket
23:00.42JeffM2501Kaniaz, the root of the bzflag dir, the bflag.exe that is there
23:00.48KaniazYeah sorry I phrased that wrong
23:00.52JeffM2501the one it copied
23:00.52KaniazI know that part
23:00.56KaniazIt's just telling VC where the hell it is
23:01.02JeffM2501yeah just pick that exe
23:01.02KaniazOr whatever.
23:01.12Erroneousit's right above the working directory
23:01.17JeffM2501it'll be in the deub section of the bzflag project properties
23:01.22JeffM2501debug even
23:01.32KaniazSo I guess it's "command".
23:01.34JeffM2501yeah, debug exe, command line, working dir
23:01.41JeffM2501that's the command it runs
23:01.43KaniazAnd right now it's $(TargetPath).
23:01.46JeffM2501so the exe
23:01.46KaniazSo I will now just butcher it.
23:02.54Kaniazit works
23:03.25Kaniazwhen i quit there's an access violation
23:03.26Kaniazbut who cares?
23:03.39JeffM2501in libcurl?
23:03.40blast007it does that when you run it from MSVC
23:03.47KaniazIn xtree
23:03.48KaniazWhatever that is
23:03.57JeffM2501blast007, it does?
23:04.07JeffM2501I've never seen that in VC71
23:04.09blast007it at least has, for me
23:04.10KaniazIt does here
23:04.18JeffM2501I haven't tried head in a while, but branch dosn't
23:04.20blast007not sure if it was a debug vs release issue
23:04.21KaniazThen again a lot of things happen here that "so shouldn't(TM)"
23:04.26JeffM2501I always run debug
23:04.53JeffM2501I'll chekc it out after I find this crash
23:05.01Kaniazright, now for the moment of truth
23:05.04Kaniazdoes my breakpoint go?
23:05.21Erroneoushm, doesn't crash on exit for me either
23:05.56Kaniazby jove, it doesn't!
23:06.12JeffM2501did it turn the breakpoint into a empty circle?
23:06.21KaniazIt didn't.
23:06.30JeffM2501then it's still valdi, it just didn't hit it
23:06.33JeffM2501where did you put one?
23:06.33KaniazI probably just set it in the wrong place
23:06.45KaniazWell that was stupid
23:08.11Kaniazthere goes that theory
23:08.31KaniazAnd it hits!
23:08.33Kaniazin doMessages.
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23:19.12[NP]Tangentsearch is not helping me today
23:19.25[NP]Tangentyes, on bzbb
23:19.35[NP]TangentI need to find the link to where we can upload textures again
23:19.36KaniazIsn't it phpBB or something?
23:19.40KaniazSearch on phpBB is never good
23:20.00[NP]Tangentfound it
23:20.05[NP]Tangenttook a few different tries
23:21.56blast007hmm, yeah, when I run my debug bzflag from inside VC7.1, and then hit F12 in-game, I get this:
23:21.59blast007Unhandled exception at 0x7c901230 in bzflag.exe: User breakpoint.
23:22.16KaniazYeah that's miine
23:22.24KaniazIf I remember that address correctly
23:22.33[NP]Tangentk, I uploaded an image
23:22.33blast007when I do a break, it gives "There is no source code available for the current location."
23:22.37KaniazWait, no, it wasn't user breakpoint, it was access violation but poop
23:22.40[NP]Tangentso I can put textures on my new map
23:22.42KaniazAnd I got xtree or something
23:23.00blast007Kaniaz: yours is VC8-based though
23:23.18blast007but yeah, get the exact message
23:23.52JeffM2501too bad my e-mail thinks [NP]Tangent's message is spam
23:23.56Kaniaz"Debug information not found or doesn't match!" - hey, I told you to rebuild
23:24.04Kaniaz[23:23:12] -SportChick- I'm sorry, but I'm away (Away: Screen is detached, but messages are logged)
23:24.16blast007Kaniaz: you can ignore that
23:24.17JeffM2501you said a word she tracks
23:24.28blast007you probably typed "sc" somewhere
23:24.31KaniazI wonder what's so interesting about that sentence
23:25.09KaniazThat might be interesting to look at.
23:25.12JeffM2501[NP]Tangent, your good to go.
23:25.37KaniazOh, I forgot to ask
23:25.43KaniazI saw a bit of KRB5 looking things around
23:25.51JeffM2501that's unused
23:26.01KaniazAnd I saw a commit message about it, like, "bye krb5, we barely know you, but you were kind of ugly, so get out"
23:26.16JeffM2501it was not well understood by the maintainer
23:26.28KaniazI got the gist of some sort of login system
23:26.31KaniazBut I'm probably miles off
23:26.35JeffM2501it was
23:26.42JeffM2501instead of the web based one we have now
23:27.18KaniazEh, I thought so
23:27.21KaniazKRB reminds me of Kerberos
23:27.26JeffM2501that's what it was
23:27.27KaniazGod only knows why, really
23:27.29KaniazIt was?
23:27.37KaniazWell then bonus points for psychic abilities!
23:27.51Kaniaz...Sort of.
23:28.01KaniazWhy is VC doing this to me
23:28.02KaniazI was debugging
23:28.11KaniazAnd I decided to add a new line of code, just a return false; in a function
23:28.18KaniazAnd so I rebuild it - it looks like it's rebuilding the one file
23:28.20KaniazI go to run the debug
23:28.27Kaniaz"Debug information out of date or not matching"
23:28.32KaniazAnd I was building debug too.
23:28.40JeffM2501cus you tried edit and continue and it sucks
23:28.49JeffM2501stop debuging before you edit
23:29.16KaniazGotta love all these idiosyncracies
23:29.26JeffM2501edit can continue can work on some apps
23:29.28KaniazCan I have an award for being the person that took the longest to get BZFlag compiling
23:29.30JeffM2501bzflag is not one of those apps
23:29.32KaniazYeah, I know, and its quite good there
23:29.37JeffM2501your not
23:29.40KaniazI didn't think it'd bug it out so much though
23:29.45JeffM2501you've done it in a day :)
23:29.46CBGIn response to Sport-Chick messaging Kaniaz, he said "match". ;)
23:30.17JeffM2501she realy needs to change that
23:30.29CBGShe's obsessed.. :P
23:30.30JeffM2501some it takes weeks
23:30.33KaniazAn evening where I have been distracted by other things
23:30.37KaniazYou're kidding, right?
23:30.50KaniazI mean I'm a 56k sucker here
23:31.09SportChickJeffM2501: I already did
23:32.02JeffM2501the game uses your fourm login for it's login
23:32.08KaniazYeah, I know
23:32.13JeffM2501many servers require registration
23:32.17KaniazI never really play the actual game, since I suck
23:32.26KaniazAlthough occasionally I do on private servers with some buddies (suckers)
23:32.30CBGThat's a great reason to play more.
23:32.41KaniazI figure I'm a lost cause
23:32.45KaniazI can get to -27 in about three minutes
23:32.53KaniazAnd they're probably all nine year olds playing
23:32.53CBGWe all felt like that when we started...
23:32.57blast007Kaniaz: I win the award for the longest compile time though
23:32.58KaniazI'm too old and decreipt
23:33.02Kaniazblast007: how long does it take you?
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23:33.07KaniazI bet I can give you a run for your money
23:33.09blast007like 12 hours on my linux box, cuz it only has 32MB of RAM
23:33.11Kaniaz12 hours?!
23:33.14blast007maybe more like 18
23:33.14Kaniazokay, okay maybe not
23:33.15blast007I forget
23:33.22KaniazWhy do you even try that.
23:33.28blast007I think I let it run overnight, and it was still not done
23:33.45KaniazAlthough I did happen to stop for a few months here and there
23:33.49blast007cuz it was my only linux box, thus one that was going to run bzfs  :)
23:33.54KaniazThe fact I'm 56k also means that I'm lag city
23:34.00blast007then I got smart and used VMWare to run linux on my laptop
23:34.02[NP]Tangentquick question about textures for arcs and cones
23:34.20[NP]Tangenthow do I make the texture only on the sides, I don't want it on the top or bottom
23:34.32JeffM2501[NP]Tangent, do it as a mesh
23:34.41JeffM2501that lets you pic the texture for each face
23:34.45KaniazWoah, this isn't good
23:35.34[NP]TangentJeff, easier said than done when you hand-code your maps
23:35.35KaniazIt all goes okay, then that
23:35.41KaniazThat's never happened before.
23:35.45JeffM2501never said it was easy
23:35.47KaniazTangent you hand code? Geez.
23:35.49JeffM2501but that's what ya gotta do
23:35.56[NP]TangentI'll try it first without meshes, see if it looks alright
23:35.59JeffM2501the primitives dont' support all options
23:36.09JeffM2501as they are.. well.. primitive
23:36.13[NP]Tangentthose wacky primitives... :D
23:36.23JeffM2501blender is your friend :)
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23:37.22trepanyou can set materials by top/bottom/inside/outside/etc...
23:37.35JeffM2501trepan, your not helping ;)
23:38.01[NP]Tangenttrepan, that's what I was wondering!
23:38.05[NP]Tangentcuz I see that in meshbox
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23:54.11KaniazCompile's done
23:54.16KaniazTook about hm 20 minutes

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