irclog2html for #bzflag on 20061018

00:04.31*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (
00:09.58*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
00:09.58*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
00:36.00*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
00:47.15*** join/#bzflag cods_ (
01:22.04*** join/#bzflag findlay (n=justin@
01:22.34findlayso I want to play bzflag, but I don't want to install the NVIDIA driver
01:22.51findlayand nv crashes X ):
01:22.57*** join/#bzflag PoiNTBLaNK (
01:28.30*** join/#bzflag plasma_kaz (n=Evan@about/essy/MeanieBeanie/plasmakaz)
01:28.39spldartWhy don't you want to install the Nvidia drv?
01:28.54findlaybecause I'm lazy
01:29.03findlayI want somebody else to fix my problem
01:29.13findlayso I came here to complain (-:
01:29.45nick125_lappyfindlay: you lazy person!
01:29.48spldartWell... I can't help you... I installed appropriate Nvidia and Ati drivers so I could play BZ on all my machines
01:29.57findlay~lart nick125_lappy
01:30.49findlayas soon as I get my OGP board I'm playing bzflag on that
01:45.21findlay~bzfrag binary drivers
01:45.25ibotACTION destroys binary drivers with a guided missile
01:45.46spldart~bzfrag work
01:45.48ibotACTION skewers work with a super bullet
02:13.25*** join/#bzflag Theme97_ (
02:13.36*** join/#bzflag Theme97 (
02:18.43*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
02:18.43*** mode/#bzflag [+o JBdiGriz] by ChanServ
02:22.02*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
02:22.02*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
02:22.46*** join/#bzflag wegstar_away (
02:23.21*** join/#bzflag wegstar_1way (
02:28.18*** join/#bzflag GMMan (
02:31.17*** join/#bzflag delusional (
02:45.20orchid~seen menotume
02:45.39ibotmenotume <n=George@pdpc/supporter/active/menotume> was last seen on IRC in channel ##essy, 7d 13h 52m 23s ago, saying: 'blasphomy !'.
02:45.40GMManIs Jeff here?
02:45.58a_meteoriteGMMan: Of course, not. JeffM2501 is an imposter. ;)
02:46.00orchidGMMan: yes, JeffM2501
02:46.19orchid~seen trepam
02:46.21ibotorchid: i haven't seen 'trepam'
02:46.22orchid~seen trepan
02:46.24ibottrepan <n=trepan@unaffiliated/trepan> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 10d 5h 18m 11s ago, saying: '6?'.
02:46.47GMMan~seen JeffM2501
02:46.48ibotjeffm2501 is currently on #bzflag (24m 46s), last said: 'not the might and glory that is SF'.
02:46.59findlay~seen me
02:47.01ibotme <> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 61d 15h 40m 59s ago, saying: ';)'.
02:47.10findlay~seen you
02:47.13ibotfindlay: i haven't seen 'you'
02:47.19shorty114heh having fun?
02:47.25spldart~seen short_circuit
02:47.26ibotshort_circuit <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 28d 8h 59m 11s ago, saying: 'Pirate day?'.
02:47.36findlay-!- you Erroneous Nickname
02:47.50*** join/#bzflag Flash (
02:48.12findlay~nickometer you
02:48.36GMManHmm... Jeff was talking about 30 minutes ago.
02:48.46a_meteorite~nickometer a_meteorite
02:49.07short_circuit~nickometer spldart
02:49.13GMMan~nickometer JeffM2501
02:49.27a_meteoriteWoot, I'm not as lame!
02:49.39findlay~nickometer findlay
02:49.41a_meteorite~nickometer L4m4r
02:49.50a_meteorite~nickometer L4m3r
02:49.51GMMan~nickometer GMMan
02:50.29GMManI'm really desparate to talk with Jeff.
02:51.08GMManGot banned from posting anything because of the server's security software or something.
02:51.29brlcadGMMan: just ask whatever it is you intended to ask him
02:51.33brlcadhe'll answer
02:51.53brlcador there's probably several others that might be able to answer your question as well
02:52.02GMManbrclad: It'll take like another hour or so
02:52.16brlcadwhat will take another hour?
02:53.33brlcadbasic irc ettiquite, you don't ask if people are "here".. you just ask.  they'll answer when they can if you're still around (and you should hang around instead of jumping in just to ask a question, or at least hanging around long enough to get your answer)
02:54.21*** join/#bzflag GMMan_ (
02:54.33brlcadregardless, as I said.. there are probably others that might be able to help you as well unless you're somehow involved in .. "personal" favors with JeffM2501  :)
02:55.19findlaybasically you go into a new channel and flame as many people as possible
02:55.25findlayall other tenets stem from that
02:57.06findlay~flame findlay
02:57.10ibotfindlay sux0rz d00d!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@!!!!!!!11
02:58.32GMMan_What the heck was that?
02:58.50a_meteoriteVery bad 1337.
02:59.12brlcadfindlay's just trying to get himself kicked apparently ;)
02:59.16GMMan_Someone tell me more about ibot
02:59.36a_meteoritebrlcad: Let's all kick ourselves! ;)
02:59.49a_meteoriteYou can trust us with ops. :P
02:59.56*** kick/#bzflag [a_meteorite!n=sean@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad] by brlcad (how about just you? :))
02:59.56*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
03:00.29brlcad~hug a_meteorite
03:00.32ibotACTION jumps into a_meteorite's lap and huggles and *hugs*!
03:00.44a_meteoriteyay :D
03:01.28GMManAnd I'm about to explode like a bomb.
03:01.34GMManStupid ISP!
03:01.47a_meteoriteGMMan: Wait one second while I get my glasses...
03:01.54a_meteoriteDon't want to poke an eye out.
03:02.23GMManIs there such a command as "I'm about to explode!" ?
03:02.31a_meteorite~explode GMMan
03:02.32ibotACTION blows up GMMan with bombs
03:02.52GMManErr.. Wrone way.
03:17.35shorty114Noodleman, uh, is supposed to be expired?
03:19.09Noodlemanit's expired, yeah
03:19.14Noodlemandon't have money to renew it
03:19.19Noodlemanotherwise i would
03:19.53Noodlemanthat's how poor i am right now, don't have $10 to register a freaking domain name
03:21.18shorty1147 a year at godaddy
03:21.19shorty114for a transfer
03:21.29Noodlemani have *no* money
03:21.36Noodlemanthat's what i'm getting at :-P
03:23.49*** join/#bzflag delusional_ (
03:31.13Noodlemanyou would
03:33.14*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (
03:35.43brlcadmight help get my brains back
03:35.51Noodlemanbwahahaham nevar
03:38.51*** join/#bzflag GMMan (
03:41.04GMManTell me more about ibot, anyone
03:41.19ibotaw, gee, Noodleman
03:41.25Noodlemanshe likes me
03:43.57GMManNice help page they've got.
03:44.19GMManWhere can I find JeffM2501?
03:44.33GMManIt doesn't reply.
03:45.20NoodlemanGMMan: /msg her with ~help
03:45.36Noodlemanrather, drop the tilde
03:46.49brlcadGMMan: are you banned from m.b.o. or something?
03:47.44GMManWhere's that?
03:48.54GMManYeah. Weird
03:49.50brlcadwell since you won't just state your question like was put forth, then the others that *could* have helped you with the problem problably won't..
03:50.20brlcadwait wait wait your boat, gently up the bitstream ;)
03:50.27GMManI got on that DSBL or something without me knowing.
03:51.08L4m3ron a side note, someone with +1 BZBB divinity should probably delete the user "dildo 644"
03:55.08Erroneous644 is an interesting permissions mask for a dildo though
03:57.16Erroneousthere's also a dildo 611
03:57.21Erroneousalso an interesting permissions mask
03:57.55Erroneousand a dildo 165
03:59.58*** join/#bzflag Blue_Eyes (
04:00.17L4m3ra bot maybe?
04:00.51Erroneouscould be
04:01.01Erroneousa bot with a penchant for sextoys and unix...
04:06.36*** join/#bzflag beanpole (
04:12.03shorty114should start a cheating bzflag league
04:13.27Erroneoustwo words: god mode
04:14.07shorty114well, i guess within reason
04:17.18shorty114uh... what happened to
04:19.48Erroneousit's down
04:20.35*** join/#bzflag [NP]Tangent (
04:20.45SportChickbrlcad: thanks :)
04:25.32*** join/#bzflag dcat_ (i=dcat@pdpc/supporter/active/dcat)
04:26.46shorty114Erroneous, obviously ;)
04:31.13JeffM2501what did gmman need?
04:31.55shorty114he got banned from m.b.o apparently
04:32.01shorty114by some security software
04:32.10JeffM2501must be some good software :)
04:37.47*** join/#bzflag L4m3r_ (
05:57.46*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
06:03.36*** join/#bzflag ruskie (n=ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
06:13.56*** join/#bzflag daniel_jackson (
06:14.23daniel_jacksonsomebody please restart the list server its down again
06:14.51daniel_jacksonI had to tell manu last time it went down to restart it
06:16.51daniel_jacksonok know the list is back up again
06:17.14*** part/#bzflag daniel_jackson (
06:48.09hardwireI will animate it thursday
06:52.55*** join/#bzflag HP_Besitzer (
07:00.46*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (
07:04.54*** join/#bzflag wegstar_away (
07:04.55*** join/#bzflag wegstar (
07:17.56*** join/#bzflag Steve14 (
07:20.57Steve14good morning
08:15.08*** join/#bzflag L4m3r_ (
08:32.58*** join/#bzflag ibunny (n=alex@pdpc/supporter/active/jolie)
08:33.02ibunnymanu manu
08:34.23Manuibunny ibunny
08:34.39ibunnyporq sean esta confundido?
08:36.56Manuno sabia que estuviese confundido
08:38.17ibunnyen su away... dice q lo esta
08:38.24ibunnymi amor lo tiene confundido??
08:38.38ibunnysolo amor te confunde.
08:39.15Manudebe ser que no sabe donde esconderse ;)
08:39.43ibunnypero no de mi!
08:39.56ibunnyel no sabe mi amor cibernetico
08:40.48ibunnytu crees q sea ota mujer???
08:40.54Manutu insiste.. que el que sigue la consigue ;)
08:41.24ibunnyeso.. la verdad... termina en restriccion de no estar a 50mt de distancia
08:41.54Manuciberneticamente hablando estas a un suspiro de distancia
08:42.38ibunnyme caes muy bien manu manu :)
08:42.57Manupues ten cuidado a ver si te aplasto ;)
08:43.07Manual caer encima de una conejita ;)
08:43.30ibunnyhm.. encima??? tengo puesto un helmet de aguja. eh .. cuidado.
08:46.46*** part/#bzflag Steve14 (
09:22.17*** part/#bzflag ibunny (n=alex@pdpc/supporter/active/jolie)
09:38.01*** join/#bzflag ts (
09:42.56*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe303 (n=olivier@about/essy/MobileTarget/LePoulpe303)
09:45.53LePoulpe303hi bzworld
10:13.29LePoulpe303who masters server plugin development ?
10:13.58*** join/#bzflag tannerld (
10:17.12LePoulpe303i have something in idea, i dunno if it's possible or not
10:17.27tsHe'll be online in 8 hours, most likely
10:18.05LePoulpe303hmmm will be the evening for me ; i'll try to be there , thanks :)
10:19.03LePoulpe303or catay maybe ?
10:19.10LePoulpe303i see he has created plugins
10:19.40tsdepends on what you want
10:20.01LePoulpe303bzflag plug in in python language
10:20.42tsumm, that would be a lot of work to do
10:21.11LePoulpe303really ; but putting me on C++ would be more i think :D
10:21.46tsbasically you need someone who knows the internals of the game, meaning a developer
10:26.05*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe303 (n=olivier@about/essy/MobileTarget/LePoulpe303)
10:26.15ChestalLegoguy: there is a python plugin, I assume it allows you to write plugins in python. But I don't know much about plugins
10:26.42tsChestal: no..
10:26.50tsit is not current
10:27.17tssomeone(tm) would have to update it
10:27.40Chestalok. still, might be a good starting point
10:27.44LePoulpe303sry i missed legoguy answer :S
10:27.56Chestalah :-)
10:28.29LePoulpe303(gaim BETA  <== :S )
10:30.34LePoulpe303is this channel logged somewhere ?
10:34.53ibotfrom memory, logs is,  or stats
10:47.41LePoulpe303ty chestal ;)
10:51.07*** join/#bzflag gsnedders (
11:10.57*** join/#bzflag Fenchel (
12:37.43*** join/#bzflag ruskie_ (n=ruskie@
12:58.32*** topic/#bzflag by brlcad -> ( is DOWN for 'maintenance', VHOST problems) || || || paste to || CVS HEAD is 2.1 and for all new commits || Condolences to lilo's friends, family, the PDPC, and the Freenode network at large for his passing. Rest in peace, lilo, during your final /part.
13:07.36*** join/#bzflag |zongo| (n=zongo@about/essy/1vs1Master/Zongo)
13:16.11brlcadfor anyone that didn't catch the update, yes dumps a blank page -- you have to use in the meantime.  sourceforge had some vhost problem come up last night that affects a lot of sites, not just ours and they know about the problem.  probably get fixed in a couple hours when someone gets in to their desk over in that timezone..
13:50.03*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe303 (n=olivier@about/essy/MobileTarget/LePoulpe303)
13:50.12*** join/#bzflag ruskie (n=ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
13:58.00*** join/#bzflag spldart (
14:02.11*** join/#bzflag ruskie (n=ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
14:08.29*** join/#bzflag RatOmeter (n=chatzill@
14:12.20*** join/#bzflag Pimpi_ (
14:17.54*** join/#bzflag GMMan (
14:18.48GMManHi, everyone.
14:19.18PuMpErNiCkLehi you
14:22.17GMManMy stocks went down, bad. down $1
14:24.31spldartThat's nice.
14:27.44PuMpErNiCkLeYou should've sold.  Now you'll die alone, friendless, hopeless, and in extreme poverty.
14:28.22spldartDon't forget.... And without a computer with a high speed connection in which to play BZFlag
14:47.04RatOmeterYou're right. He already lost his connection to the net
14:54.34|zongo|~seen trepan
14:54.47ibottrepan <n=trepan@unaffiliated/trepan> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 10d 17h 26m 34s ago, saying: '6?'.
14:55.44|zongo|anyone here with map and coding skills interested in an idea i have?
14:56.48*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
14:56.49*** mode/#bzflag [+o JBdiGriz] by ChanServ
14:57.01RatOmeterI'm not sure I have the requisit skills, but I might be interested in hearing about it?
14:58.20spldartI'm the oppossite of 'mad skillz' I'm pissed off that I'm so skill-less :-p
15:00.31|zongo|spldart, i dont think mad skillz are required for this :p
15:00.42spldarttwas a jest
15:02.11|zongo|RatOmeter, dunno u ;-) I'd prefer to wait a bit if someone i know shows up :) sry
15:02.59|zongo|my idea was to ask trepan first but he seems to be away
15:03.31RatOmeterI don't know me very well either and I tell myself stuff all the time, but that's fine.
15:20.50*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
15:20.51*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
15:36.12*** join/#bzflag zee504 (i=4229252c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
15:38.47zee504looks like the lights are out here
15:47.58zee504bye bye trash gordan is on
15:56.55LePoulpe303anyone can lighten me about the bzflag ELO rating ?
15:57.30LePoulpe303enlighten sry
15:57.32TimRikerElectric Light Orchestra luvs BZFlag.
15:58.45LePoulpe303and what about lynryd skynyrd ?
15:59.25*** join/#bzflag Erroneous (
16:01.00LePoulpe303Chestal: ping ?
16:01.26*** mode/#bzflag [+v Erroneous] by ChanServ
16:03.13LePoulpe303qd told me to ask u about bzELO
16:03.45Chestalyes, what do you want to know?
16:04.51LePoulpe303is the difference calculated in the formula the same for 2 teams or is it a different calculation for each ?
16:05.15Chestalit's symmetrical, winner get's +n, loser get's -n
16:05.58LePoulpe303because in faq is said :   score is 1 if team A wons, 0.5 if draw and 0 if B wons
16:06.41LePoulpe303i think i miss something
16:07.24*** join/#bzflag CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
16:09.01Chestalthe calculation is done from A's point of view
16:09.24Chestalso, 1= A won, 0= A lost
16:10.03*** join/#bzflag gsnedders (
16:10.21Chestaltogether with the win probability which has been calculated before, this gives the delta points (after weighting)
16:11.00Chestalyou can also exchange A and B everywhere in the calc and will just get -result
16:11.17Chestalso it's sufficient to calculate it for A
16:12.18LePoulpe303ok ; something goes wrong in my implementation ; i must review that in detail
16:12.29LePoulpe303thanks , Chestal
16:12.45LePoulpe303for vector space problems, i can ask u too ??? :)
16:12.51Chestallet's do an example. Let's say A and B match. ELOs before match are:  A=1400, B=1200
16:12.57*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (
16:13.36Chestalwin probability for A is calcluated as 1 / ( 1 + 10^(1200-1400))
16:13.52Chestalwhich eh
16:13.59Chestal1 / ( 1 + 10^(1200-1400)/400)
16:14.01LePoulpe303divide by 400
16:14.06LePoulpe303ok :)
16:14.09Chestalthe 400 is arbitrary, just a scaling
16:14.28Chestalthis gives about 0.76
16:14.48Chestalso A should win 3 out of 4 matches against B
16:15.21Chestaland ELOs would stay constant
16:15.55Chestalwhen considering a single match, there can only be a victory or loss (ok, and draw, but we ignor ethat for now)
16:16.10Chestalso 0.76 is not a valid result, only 1 (victorey) or 0 (loss)
16:16.52Chestalif A wins, ELO(A) must increase slightly, ELO(b) decrease slightly
16:17.01Chestalbut if B wins, ELO(B) must increase stronger
16:17.17Chestalbecause B was not supposed to win
16:17.32LePoulpe303ok !!!! i think i get it !
16:17.34Chestalcalc is then simply 1-0.76  or 0-0.76
16:17.40Chestalthen some scaling
16:18.07ChestalCTF league uses 50 as scaling factor. Higher factor  adjusts rating faster, lower factor will give mor estable ratings
16:18.33Chestalif the ELOs differ a lot, the probability will approach 1 (or 0) quickly
16:18.49LePoulpe303for a single player evaluation, lower factor should be better then
16:19.06Chestalif there are a lot of 'matches', a lower factor is better
16:19.17Chestalif you plan do do kill=match, yes, use a much lower factor
16:19.52*** join/#bzflag t2m (i=cf3d0aa2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
16:19.53Chestalthe factor is the max change
16:20.04Chestalwhich happens when newbie shoots expert
16:20.16Chestalfor peopel with same elo, you get half the change
16:20.43Chestaland if expert shoots newbie, change will be very low
16:20.55LePoulpe303that is what i want
16:21.08Chestalyou might want to do some rounding, maybe always change at least 1, except when you are using floating points anyway
16:21.29LePoulpe303i'm not fixed on that
16:21.55LePoulpe303just evaluating if a (plugin/program) for rating players is something realistic or not
16:23.00LePoulpe303ok i must go now
16:23.06LePoulpe303thanks a lot for explanation
16:23.26LePoulpe303i hope i will succeed in makeing that work
16:23.35LePoulpe303bye all
16:23.38Chestalcu LePoulpe303
16:25.38*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
16:25.38*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
16:28.48*** join/#bzflag hardwire (
16:29.37Erroneousmoin moin
16:33.39CBGmoin moin moin
16:34.37hardwire <- any thoughts on neat/stupid for bzflag tank?
16:36.48*** join/#bzflag Steve14 (
16:37.07spldartmoin x 4 ?!
16:37.09JeffM2501is that the entire tank?
16:37.28hardwireits different for sure
16:37.51spldartA yoyo with a gun
16:38.00hardwirescore 1 for stupid
16:38.06spldartInteresting concept
16:38.16*** part/#bzflag Steve14 (
16:38.52hardwireminus .5 on stupid for interesting
16:39.12spldartexcuse me?
16:39.12JeffM2501it's good modeling and not a bad design
16:39.16JeffM2501but for part of a tank
16:39.21JeffM2501not the full tank
16:39.26JeffM2501it dosnt' say "vehicle" to me
16:39.38JeffM2501it says "gun that pops up out of the tank"
16:40.03JeffM2501you were going for the segway of tanks?
16:40.40spldartCareful... He may score and label you too
16:41.48hardwireJeffM2501: I am going to animate it thursday night
16:41.54JeffM2501umm ok
16:42.06hardwiregive you a view of what happens when the wheels are moving and how it reacts to slowing down and stopping
16:42.16JeffM2501oh I can see how it'll move
16:42.28JeffM2501I just don't think it looks like a tank
16:42.30hardwireand a view of how it handles when it turns
16:42.43hardwirewell.. thats the surprise :)
16:42.50hardwirehey that don't look like a tank.. BOOM!
16:43.10JeffM2501I mean I can put a gun on a banna and make it wobble when it turns, that dosn't make it a good fit for a tank game
16:43.14hardwiremaybe I should put the bzflag model peside it for size comparison :)
16:43.27spldartShould I say more accurately the idea instead of the person... I think it could be interesting for a game but doesn't seem to hold true to the game
16:43.34JeffM2501you probably fit in the bbox decently
16:43.38hardwirewell thank heaven I have lots of different ideas
16:44.05JeffM2501this was my last bzflag tank model
16:44.10JeffM2501just enhancments to the first
16:44.32hardwireits cool
16:44.35hardwireand.. it looks like a tank
16:44.51spldartGot it.. It looks like it would fit Tron better :)
16:45.13JeffM2501it'd be a perfect popup gun
16:45.17hardwireyou know.. the floaty tron sentinals would be a better foit for the wings flag
16:45.46L4m3rhardwire: I could see your tank in a game that's more speed-based than bzflag
16:46.29L4m3rlike, combat racing, almost
16:47.06hardwireL4m3r: yeh.. I dunno
16:47.19hardwireI think it would make a good tank still.. you just have to see it in action I believe
16:47.34hardwirecause that could be speedy.. or at a large scale.. like say the size of a tank.. it could be slow like bzflag tanks
16:49.14hardwireand it would adjust where the wheels are positioned on turns
16:49.26hardwireand lurch a bit
16:49.39JeffM2501I get that
16:49.46hardwireI guess if I had all that in mind vs little zippy banana on oreo wheels I had a different perception
16:49.54JeffM2501I'm sure it'll be better animated then the current tank
16:50.01JeffM2501it just dosn't look like a tank to me
16:50.04hardwirenot if I'm programming
16:50.25JeffM2501and with the current imputus on maps that are more then boxes on a plane, it'll seem out of place
16:50.30hardwireI guess when I am playing bzflag I hardly ever see the tank anyway..
16:50.32hardwireI just die a lot
16:50.35JeffM2501but it's your project, so more power to you
16:50.56Erroneouslooks about fragile enough and with a big enough gun to make bzflag's one-shot kills practical
16:51.17JeffM2501I like the look of the wheels, but it should have a body of some sort
16:51.47hardwirewell.. it brought me back into blender
16:51.49hardwireits changed a ton
16:51.51Erroneousit does need some kind of counterweight I looks like it'd be stumbling around drunk with that barrel sticking out the front :)
16:52.06hardwireErroneous: the view doesn't show the counterweight
16:52.08JeffM2501it looks like it'll move like a segway
16:52.20Erroneousmhm :)
16:52.43ErroneousI like it.  not sure it's quite "right" for bzflag, but I've always thought we should have alternate skins :)
16:52.50JeffM2501while segways are interesting, they arn't exactly what I'd call a "stable batlefield platform" :)
16:53.03hardwireJeffM2501: neither is one shot one kill
16:53.10ErroneousJeffM2501: but doesn't that think look like it can dodge like a ducati player? :)(
16:53.13hardwirebut it is more practical than 100 shot per kill
16:53.34JeffM2501it looks like it'll pole vualt at any moment
16:53.39hardwireErroneous: I would hate faster tanks
16:53.51hardwireJeffM2501: like the axle vault myth?
16:53.57Erroneouswho said anything about faster?
16:54.07hardwireyou said ducati
16:54.12hardwirethat implies faster than an abrams
16:54.30Erroneousducati-style opposed to pillbox-style, etc
16:54.41Erroneousnamed after the old server :)
16:54.52Erroneousnot directly after the motorcycle :)
16:55.00JeffM2501tho the server was
16:55.06hardwireJeffM2501: just think.. it could lean on one wheel and jump for joy at every kill
16:55.12Erroneoustherefore indirectly
16:55.12L4m3rif this was armagetron it would be another story, however
16:55.17hardwireyeh.. i'm gonna have to animate that
16:55.26JeffM2501hardwire, sure, that's just animation, you can do that animation with ANY model you do
16:55.29hardwireL4m3r: but they don't need canons :0
16:55.37JeffM2501it dosn't need to be a segway to be animated
16:55.41hardwireL4m3r: a neat looking rolling ball would work well for armagetron
16:55.47JeffM2501I'd like tos ee those animations with a bonaparte
16:55.52L4m3rI was talking about the "ducati" bit :P
16:56.16JeffM2501flex the legs on a jump and land, screech to a stop
16:56.19JeffM2501stuff like that
16:56.26hardwireJeffM2501: how did you visualize a hard coded tank?
16:56.39hardwireyeh.. I used povray from source too.. but I have to ask
16:57.08hardwiredid you recompile bzflag every time just to test the model and geometry manager while coding it in?
16:57.27*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
16:57.29Erroneousit's all about the math
16:57.32JeffM2501no, I wote an obj reader the 3 times' I've replaced the tank
16:57.42Erroneousdo your math right and you don't need to visualize anything :)
16:57.43JeffM2501well 1 of them used the bzg
16:57.53Erroneousheh, 1.8
16:58.07Erroneousever get it to build?
16:58.18JeffM2501the XML stuff would have to be fixed
16:58.28JeffM2501and that would need brlcad magic
16:58.34Erroneousor rip it out and use a lib
16:58.41JeffM2501but there is a biger problem
16:58.53JeffM2501CRS's last commits were never complete
16:59.00JeffM2501so the code is just plain busted
16:59.01hardwireJeffM2501: it has no front bumper.. so thats a minus
17:00.01JeffM2501hardwire, the other time's I've modified the tank that have been commited, I made a data structure that could draw from pasted in vert indexes.
17:00.05hardwirethat stupid thing took way too long to make in blender :)
17:00.13JeffM2501but that was just to add a couple faces to the parts
17:00.18hardwireyou would think it wouldn't.. but I kept moving the blender window around with alt-click !
17:00.22JeffM2501it didn't have to modify the explosion centers
17:00.46Erroneousah, explosions
17:00.54Erroneousfun stuff
17:01.07JeffM2501that and the scale stuff is the main reason I haven't added obj reading yet
17:01.13JeffM2501it's kinda a pain
17:01.14hardwiredo the explosions work per triangle?
17:01.22JeffM2501per "part"
17:01.26hardwireoh yeh
17:01.38JeffM2501I just have to buckle down and do it one day
17:01.43JeffM2501it can't take more then a coupel days
17:01.44hardwirenow they just go foof with a bitmap.. right?
17:02.06JeffM2501each part is thrown on an arching path
17:02.18JeffM2501spinging around it's explosion rotatioin point
17:02.21hardwireah.. I guess the explosion is bright :)
17:02.24hardwirei didn't see the parts
17:02.37JeffM2501how can you not see the parts flying
17:02.38hardwireah.. the goold ol ERP
17:02.50hardwireJeffM2501: bad attention to detail probably
17:02.57JeffM2501they are huge
17:03.13hardwireI'm pretty unobservant when running for my life
17:03.26JeffM2501my plan was to pull in each obj group as  a part, compute the center of it's bbox as it's ERP and let if fly
17:03.37hardwiresounds reasonable
17:03.55JeffM2501have to replace the scaling mechanism tho
17:03.56hardwirein the yoyo tank that would be the midsection.. tank wheels.. and the team color hubs
17:04.04JeffM2501with a real scale, not the fixed crap we have now
17:04.27JeffM2501brlcad, feel like looking at template code? ;)
17:04.50hardwirebzflag for the PSP would be a hoot
17:05.03JeffM2501get ya a nice windows install with VC7.1 in a VM for that nice new lapy ya got
17:05.50hardwiremeh.. did you read that only certain products of vista are allowed to be virtualized?
17:06.04hardwiremakes me insane.
17:06.28hardwireit would be illegitimate to virtualize it even if you own it you can't run it on a crusoe? :)
17:07.02hardwirenow thats wit
17:07.07hardwireand I doub't it
17:07.11hardwiremy crusoe can barely run anything
17:07.18Erroneousprobably doesn't meet the min req anyway
17:07.18hardwirelegally or not
17:07.39hardwireanybody wanna buy a slightly misused Fujitsu P2120?
17:08.08brlcadJeffM2501: how templatey? :)
17:08.28Erroneouspretty darn templatey
17:10.32brlcadwhat's the prob?
17:10.53Erroneoushe wants to fix 1.8
17:10.54brlcadheh, and when Erroneous says it's pretty bad...
17:11.24*** join/#bzflag ts (
17:12.15brlcadwhy fix 1.8?  probably 1/3 of the best ideas merged already or are obsoleted by something
17:12.15Erroneousright now he's having a nice lil shouting match with his boss and my boss...I'm sure he'll be happy to explain when he's done there
17:12.37Erroneousand I dunno why...probably for the other 2/3?
17:12.38brlcadi mean, it'd be nice to snatch the xml parser out of it, but that's about it..
17:12.46Erroneousthat's the part that's busted, iirc
17:29.48*** join/#bzflag PrezKennedy (
17:30.23Noodlemanbut i know i can't do that in here, don't worry :-P
17:31.50Erroneousad-hominen, of course
17:32.16Noodlemaneveryone probably would
17:32.37Erroneouseverybody can be attacked
17:32.47spldartI'd promise to disagree but don't wanna get booted outta here for being REALLY OT
17:33.02ErroneousI won't boot you, spldart :)
17:34.12L4m3rif you keep the flames down you may get away with it in #bzchat
17:34.44Erroneousspldart: brlcad's the only one you need to be scared of at the moment, I do believe
17:36.34SportChickhi Noodleman
17:36.42Noodlemanhey SportChick
17:40.41JeffM2501brlcad, curiosity
17:40.51JeffM2501and it had the entire bzg rendering thing
17:40.57JeffM2501were everything was a model
17:41.15JeffM2501and yes I'm done yelling at Erroneous's boss for the worst bug description EVER
17:41.38Erroneouswhich bug?
17:42.14JeffM2501I mean all the words are english... but
17:42.14JeffM2501and no post
17:42.16JeffM2501no output
17:42.25JeffM2501turns out it's a TP gen problem
17:44.04Erroneousyou don't do tp do you?
17:44.10JeffM2501Erroneous, I got tree.h to build by upgrading it to the current version
17:44.19JeffM2501I have done some TP, and can and will do this one
17:44.28JeffM2501but it's not what I do the most of
17:44.29Erroneousah, ok
17:44.43JeffM2501I'm more familiar with interops then I am with real toolpath
17:44.57JeffM2501libo and James are Gary's overlaps on op toolpaths
17:45.13JeffM2501UI is where I am useless
17:46.41JeffM2501I think the other reason I wanted to get 1.8 to build was to look and see what CRS had redone with networking
17:46.56JeffM2501if he'd done any more server side stuff
17:47.05ErroneousJBdiGriz: this is the bzflag channel, not the write channel...try #windows for write :)
17:47.07JeffM2501yes, I was off topic, sorry bout that
17:47.26JBdiGrizIt looks like it is the write channel. Is anyone reading this stuff?
17:47.34JeffM2501I mean he had prety much redone most of rendering
17:47.49JeffM2501and did bzdb was a server side thing, so did he do any other server side stuff?
17:47.50spldartChannel looks normal to me :)
17:48.21ErroneousI don't think he'd done any net stuff
17:48.28Erroneousmaybe world transmission
17:48.46Erroneousbut I don't think so, otherwise mac and I would have looked at that when we were starting our thing
17:50.32JeffM2501your thing?
17:51.03hardwireso I have always liked the addition of the JATO tot he tanks :)
17:51.14hardwirebravo.. bzflag doers
17:51.28JeffM2501that was trepan
17:51.47hardwireit makes me laugh when a tank lifts off next to me
17:51.57Erroneousbut it turned out pretty good
17:52.14hardwiredo you guys remember the tank in Sceptre
17:52.50Erroneousno, but I remember the sceptre in Tank
17:52.51hardwirehaha.. is that like "much love"
17:54.01JeffM2501IIRC you didn't like the dust cloud on landing ether
17:54.24Erroneousturned that off for "own tank" though
17:54.26Erroneousso it's all good
17:54.35spldartDrop any tank outta the sky and I do believe it's gonna kick up some dust
17:54.37hardwireErroneous: hah.. did it could the screen?
17:54.38JeffM2501it's more see thru in 2.1
17:54.52Erroneoushardwire: yeah, it did
17:54.54JeffM2501and not so flat
17:55.17hardwireJeffM2501: I guess.. what is the vision for bzflag... is it a tank game where you are constantly adding pseudo realistic graphical widgets too?
17:55.29Erroneoushahahaha vision
17:55.31JeffM2501there is no vision
17:55.36JeffM2501people add what they want
17:55.46JeffM2501I wanted random graphical widgets :)
17:55.53Erroneoussmorgasbord time :)
17:55.54JeffM2501mostly cus rain looked cool
17:56.00Erroneousrain was cool
17:56.00hardwireI saw a snow patch
17:56.03hardwireanybody test that?
17:56.09JeffM2501you can do snow now
17:56.13Erroneouswe have snow
17:56.23JeffM2501/set _rainType snow
17:56.30Erroneousif there's an outstanding patch it should be closed obsolete
17:56.33JeffM2501/set _rainType frog
17:56.50JeffM2501tho my favorate is the bubbles
17:56.53hardwireyou added the one of the 7 plauges?
17:56.54JeffM2501gotta love the bubbles
17:56.57Erroneousbubbles is awesome
17:57.07JeffM2501"tiny bubbles... in the sea....."
17:57.18L4m3ruse whatever the heck you want :)
17:57.27hardwireso I could make it rain fire from the sky
17:57.31JeffM2501I did blood rain that ploped up from the ground once too
17:57.33JeffM2501it was creepy
17:57.48L4m3rwe've gotten downloaded textures even
17:57.59Erroneousraining fire would be cool...even have the jumpjet texture for it
17:58.04L4m3rjust add the material to the map to ensure it's cached
17:58.22JeffM2501did I let you set the puddle texture too?
17:58.24hardwireErroneous: whats your server name just sooos I knows
17:58.37Erroneousruns 2.1
17:58.39hardwireand I had a thought the other day.. how often do you guys.. play?
17:58.45Erroneouscurrently borg cube
17:58.50ErroneousI play rarely
17:58.57hardwireErroneous: nice.. does the bzflag server discovery filter out types of servers I can't join?
17:58.58ErroneousJeffM2501 plays even more rarely
17:59.05JeffM2501I play?
17:59.20hardwireyou should have a poll on bzflag for the developers
17:59.23hardwirehow often do you play
17:59.29JeffM2501polls are lame
17:59.41JeffM2501and my.b.o shows how often they play ;)
17:59.42ErroneousJeffM2501: I saw you play once
17:59.44hardwireyeh.. I don't know what I was thinking.. stupid polls :)
17:59.55Erroneousmaybe twice
17:59.57JeffM2501during the decks?
18:00.04Erroneouson the decks, yeah
18:00.09JeffM2501cus I don't count testing as playing
18:00.16Erroneousbah, I count it :)
18:00.19JeffM2501that's probalby one of the few times I have
18:00.22hardwirethats actually really cool
18:01.07JeffM2501well and not been a cheater named Hu63_P33n1ZZZZ58
18:01.40hardwireis there a most active players query?
18:02.06hardwireyou know for a while I had a machine doing a burnin by observing an active server
18:02.15hardwireit made my co-workers jealous that Ihad something TV like
18:02.32hardwireand just like I suspected.. the video ram was wonky
18:02.49Erroneoushm, apparently July 27 was the last time I played on a public 2.0 server
18:02.49spldartThey don't let you watch tv all day at your work?
18:05.01JeffM2501hah, there's me and like 12 bots :)
18:05.24JeffM2501Erroneous, wow I've been seen more recently then you then :)
18:05.40JeffM2501gotta love my high score tho
18:06.02gsneddersmy high score is > 0, I think…
18:06.24hardwireinterface bzflag to that
18:07.53JeffM2501somone had it working with a CAVE at one point
18:08.06JeffM2501freelook isn't to hard to code in ether
18:08.36JeffM2501I did 3rd person cam in 2.1 prety easy
18:08.38hardwire ?
18:08.57hardwireanybody get photos of it running?
18:09.03hardwirefound it
18:09.15hardwireerr.. some photos atleast
18:09.32JeffM2501yeah that kinda deal
18:10.17findlayI heard TimRiker talk about some Disney(R)World deal like that
18:10.32findlayfor bzflag I mean
18:11.48hardwirelike.. make an epcot bzflag projector?
18:12.25findlay"epcot destroyed by giant bztank"
18:15.59ErroneousJeffM2501: I don't test on 2.0 :)
18:16.23JeffM2501I only test public when I'm doing 2.0.x
18:16.42JeffM2501and mybo dosn't track 2.1's does it?
18:16.56hardwireI think hot pink should be a team color
18:17.10hardwireI can't tell the difference on red/green CTF
18:19.27*** join/#bzflag Pommes (
18:45.29ibotcvs -d co -P -r v2_0branch bzflag
18:56.55ErroneousJeffM2501: no, it does not
18:59.34tsJeffM2501: Do you have an idea of what happened with the bzflag commits mailing list?
19:11.25*** join/#bzflag Pommes_ (
19:13.20tssomeone has eaten the mailing list..
19:19.13L4m3rmaybe it bought too many prescription drugs and fell into a coma
19:21.39hardwirespeaking of eating
19:21.42hardwireI brought taco fixins
19:29.10spldartSubway is pwning taco's right now :)
19:30.03L4m3rI worked at a subway the last two summers
19:30.34L4m3rit's not as fresh as they say >_>
19:37.53spldartI'm sure if I knew what when on in every restraunt, grocere and kitchen I would never eat again 8-0
19:38.14L4m3rit's not bad
19:38.31L4m3rjust... a lot of the stuff is pre-prepared, delivered in bags
19:39.03L4m3rnot shocking or anything, just kind of amusing from a company whose slogan is "eat fresh"
19:39.03spldartOk... I don't have to hook the dingleberry at the back of my throat and barf now. whew
19:45.45*** join/#bzflag ibunny (n=alex@pdpc/supporter/active/jolie)
19:46.07brlcadJeffM2501: ahh
19:46.09ibunnyoooooh my MEN are here <3<3
19:46.14brlcadwhere everything is a model as in what?
19:46.34brlcadi'm not sure that buys you much of anything useful that we don't do :)
19:46.42brlcadas neat as it may be to be consistent :)
19:47.08brlcadat least until we allow players to shoot holes into buildings and shoot holes through flags, etc :)
19:47.42ibunnyhola sean tas bueno :)
19:49.16brlcadsoy malo
19:49.40ibunnya veces, cuando te haces el que no me ve.
19:50.42ibunnybuaj. tofu yukyuk
19:51.28Manuibunny ibunny
19:51.49ibunnymanu manu
19:52.00ibunnysean se hizo fuchi
19:52.10Manuya veo
19:54.02ibunnytofu es fuchi
19:54.31ibunnysean es reeeco
19:56.34spldartMaybe I should reconsider that dingleberry idea 8-/
19:57.14Manuibunny: queso de soja :)
20:00.30ibunnytengo q usar esa palabrita mas often
20:01.04CBGahahahah ibunny :D
20:01.10ibunnyoh u r here...
20:02.19*** part/#bzflag ibunny (n=alex@pdpc/supporter/active/jolie)
20:03.00spldartDown the rabbit hole
20:19.11JeffM2501why did ts say the commits list was gone? I see it on the SF site? is it not sending out stuff?
20:22.32*** join/#bzflag tannerld (
20:32.08ChestalI got commit mails yesterday
20:38.02JeffM2501the web site seems to have them all
20:56.38hardwireany different tank ideas anybody else has been too sheepish to bring forward?
20:56.41hardwireI know you are out there
20:56.45hardwireI demand change damnit!!
20:57.08hardwireI could always put the tron tanks in :)
20:57.17hardwirethey blows up real nice
21:01.23hardwirespldart: now thats not nice.. I love worms
21:01.41hardwireJeffM2501: haha.. I thought you meant napoleon bonapart
21:01.53hardwiredoing a little touchdown dance with a tank
21:02.00hardwireyeh.. the bonapart is neat
21:02.11hardwirethat would be pretty easy to remodel
21:02.15JeffM2501I need to find the scorpion too
21:02.25hardwirebut it looks just like the tank game from garage games
21:02.39JeffM2501yeah they did a couple like that
21:03.05hardwireso I think there is more to the tank theme than I percieved
21:04.59hardwiremetalslug always had cool tanks
21:05.22JeffM2501then make the engine sound be a chainsaw
21:06.15hardwireI thought a tachikoma from GIT SAC would be neat
21:06.25JeffM2501looks like the scorp is at home :(
21:07.37JeffM2501I am well aware of tatikomas and fugikomas
21:08.04hardwireShirow rocks
21:10.06JeffM2501I wish i could find the scorpion from assult suits valken 2
21:12.06hardwireeverything is halo' now
21:12.16JeffM2501no, I have images of it
21:12.18JeffM2501just not here
21:12.23JeffM2501tho i SHOULD have images here
21:13.22hardwireI searched de google.. and it was all halo :)
21:13.22JeffM2501it's got legs, you'd like it
21:13.22hardwirethats all I mean
21:13.22hardwireI do like legs
21:13.23hardwirewe could make a scamper tank
21:13.23hardwirethat actually extends legs and flutters its upper armor to fly
21:13.33hardwireor maybe every time a tank jumps a little fairy comes down and picks it up first
21:13.46hardwireI'm happy lunch is kicking into my system :)
21:14.08CBGor maybe the cannon is a penis and each time you shoot some sperm shoots out..?
21:14.52hardwiresee we were on one side of the fence
21:15.00hardwireI was sorta tralalumping along the tip top a little
21:15.12hardwirebut you are three houses over sipping margaritas with the heffners
21:16.41*** part/#bzflag |zongo| (n=zongo@about/essy/1vs1Master/Zongo)
21:20.39*** join/#bzflag EbErT (
21:24.54spldartOh jeez
21:25.10spldartIB a profalactic flag [sp]
21:25.22JeffM2501you can stop going there
21:25.56*** join/#bzflag tapo (
21:26.19*** part/#bzflag tapo (
21:28.33*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
21:32.01findlay~language CBG
21:32.03ibotACTION grabs CBG by the ear and washes CBG's mouth out with soap
21:32.05spldartA certain Dave Cheppelle skit is alot funnier @ this moment for some reason
21:32.20CBGfindlay: what?
21:39.47*** join/#bzflag Soccerfreak (i=41bcf4b9@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
21:40.49Soccerfreakhey guys,or whos there...
21:41.07Soccerfreakhey cbg
21:41.21Soccerfreakwho knows me as rydon2k2 :D
21:42.29Soccerfreakis tht spam?
21:42.42Soccerfreakjust checkin
21:43.02Soccerfreakhey i need an opinion
21:43.31Soccerfreakits for gu league teams
21:43.43Soccerfreakso this 4 u cbg
21:44.07Soccerfreakis a good team one tht teaches or one that has fun?
21:44.34Soccerfreakwell which more important
21:44.49JeffM2501depends what you need/want
21:45.14hardwireI'm ok with what you said Soccerfreak
21:45.14Soccerfreakbecause i noticed on fusion i learned more than my whle year on forestforce
21:45.40Soccerfreakdw was a great leader
21:45.53Erroneoushardwire: it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt :)
21:45.56Soccerfreakstum didnt teach anyting
21:45.56*** join/#bzflag EbErT (
21:46.15Soccerfreakyet he gave me a great mood
21:46.23JeffM2501the concept of a "good" team depends on each player
21:46.25hardwireErroneous: I can't troll.. I just can't.. I have to be in on everything..
21:46.34hardwireeven if I am an idiot while doing it.
21:46.44Erroneoustrolls speak, that's part of the definition
21:46.47Soccerfreakforestforce has a fun outgoing team
21:46.49Erroneousyou're probably thinking of lurking
21:46.50hardwirelurker :)
21:46.58hardwireok well maybe I am a troll then
21:47.06ibotextra, extra, read all about it, troll is a race on some muds; a guy under a bridge: an annoying robot; a port scanner, or somebody faking being clueless to be shown the One Linux Way so he can argue against it for his psychology thesis on linux advocates, or an employee of trolltech, or at or ...
21:47.37JeffM2501what is the default shoot key on the keyboard?
21:47.50findlayspace iirc
21:48.19Erroneousis drop flag
21:48.25Erroneousenter is shoot
21:48.41findlayheh, shows how long since I've played
21:48.47Erroneousheh :)
21:49.26JeffM2501trying to see if I can mock up a simple tutorial
21:49.35JeffM2501for the plugin
21:52.23JeffM2501I just hope it dosn't end up like compost :)
21:52.41Erroneousthere's a compost tutorial?
21:52.48JeffM2501no, the language
21:53.11Erroneousnow I am confused.  what are you comparing to compost?
21:53.18Erroneousthe plugin?
21:53.25JeffM2501the tutorial is read by the plugin from an external file
21:53.34Erroneouswhat fun
21:53.35JeffM2501so it has a couple simple logic thingys
21:53.59Erroneousyay for more custom scripting languages
21:54.23JeffM2501it's more of a data descriptor then a scripting language
21:54.37JeffM2501or a list of events
21:56.43Soccerfreakhey jeff you still makin that game?
21:56.58JeffM2501tecincaly.. yes
21:57.00Soccerfreakcause im very interested
21:57.25Soccerfreakhows it comin?
21:57.47hardwireI should learn to translate rot13 on demand in my mind
21:57.54hardwiretht'll show em
21:58.20JeffM2501Erroneous, is what I'm thinkin of
21:58.23JeffM2501maybe it's overkill
22:00.05Erroneousmmm, oggstreams
22:00.35JeffM2501I at least want some way to get the strings and URLs from an external source
22:00.39JeffM2501so they are easy to edit
22:01.15Erroneousshould probably have a keybinding lookup mechanism
22:01.24Erroneousso you can tell them which keys to press with certainty
22:01.30Erroneousand you probably shouldn't call them bastards
22:01.40JeffM2501it's edgy and ireverent
22:01.51JeffM2501and makes sure somone replaces it with a real one later :)
22:02.28CBGYeah, I agree with the bastard point.
22:03.00CBGCall them a-holes, sure, but not bastards.
22:03.16CBGThe actual likelihood of it being an accurate statement is quite low.
22:03.34CBGNot all that many rednecks would play any tutorial.
22:03.45Erroneousnow I suppose you want a method to actually display dialogs :P
22:04.34ErroneousCBG: actually more people these days are bastards than anytime previous
22:04.54Erroneouspeople don't consider getting married a prerequisite to having children
22:05.39CBGErroneous: I wasn't actually basing my statements on any particular statistics, just having a joke. :)
22:05.51Erroneousat least make your jokes not wrong :)
22:06.33CBGI still think the percentage of people playing a bz tutorial being bastards is quite low.
22:06.40CBGErroneous is a redneck? :P
22:06.48Erroneouswell, yeah, but that's irrelevant :P
22:07.00Erroneousand I guess I live in a city now
22:10.35JeffM2501you even have a mayor
22:10.55CBGErroneous lern't t' readin' huh?
22:11.11JeffM2501he's got a better job then you do :)
22:11.11ErroneousJeffM2501: we do?
22:11.15JeffM2501you do
22:11.20JeffM2501I don't live in your town anymore
22:11.33Erroneousby "we" I meant "residents of simi valley"
22:11.35CBGJeffM2501: everyone has a better job than me.
22:11.37JeffM2501I live in an incorporation IIRC
22:11.47CBG_everyone_. I don't work.
22:12.01Erroneoussome people would consider that a damn good job, CBG :)
22:12.18CBGwell, it's not very demanding, true
22:12.20CBGbut the pay SUCKS
22:12.29Erroneouslow hours
22:17.31JeffM2501so no nerf sniper rifles for you then
22:18.38CBGI gotsa BB gun.
22:19.01CBGGonna put it to use if that perv in the house behind ours keeps staring through his window.
22:19.09CBGHopefully it has the range..
22:19.34hardwirewatch out kittahs!
22:19.35JeffM2501the best use of one I've seen yet :)
22:20.48hardwirewhat is "the plugin" you speak of
22:20.55JeffM2501tutorial plugin
22:21.08JeffM2501to help people learn how to play
22:21.14tofuJeffM2501: that is wicked..
22:21.26JeffM2501I almost bought one last night
22:21.35tofu(the screenshot)
22:22.01tofui'm guessing that's what that new blocking thing that was installed yesterday outputs
22:22.05hardwireJeffM2501: this is a local server script
22:22.11JeffM2501a plugin
22:22.13tofubad juju or whatever
22:22.15tofubad behavior
22:22.24JeffM2501to run on a server
22:22.31JeffM2501that we designate as a tutorial server
22:22.36CBGthis nerf sniper rifle, what does it fire?
22:22.44hardwireso this would be an option in the menu.. that spawns a local server.. that loads this plugin..
22:22.45JeffM2501nerf darts
22:22.50JeffM2501hardwire, no
22:23.10JeffM2501when you list the servers there will be a tutorials tab, and have it listed
22:23.13JeffM2501one for each game type
22:23.24hardwire.. weird
22:23.31JeffM2501also if you've not ever played a game type it'll ask you if you want to tutorial
22:23.44JeffM2501the end of the tutorial dumps you into a freeplay game against real players
22:23.52hardwirenow thats just weird
22:24.00JeffM2501how so?
22:24.00hardwireI would have thought you wouldn't do that
22:24.12JeffM2501the game is ONLY an online game, why do local stuff
22:24.16hardwireits just weird that the server can handle multiple different sessions
22:24.23JeffM2501it has no single player "game"
22:24.25hardwireone for the gameplay and one per tutorial user
22:24.37JeffM2501well it'll bump each tutorial person into a channel
22:24.44hardwireJeffM2501: yeh.. but I just assumed you would d/l maps what not and make a local server do it
22:24.45JeffM2501and you only get messags for people in your channel
22:24.57JeffM2501the map will come to you when you hit the server
22:25.05JeffM2501that way we can update the maps
22:25.16hardwirenow I am totally confused.. you can stop talking to me.. I'm being a nut
22:25.35JeffM2501every time you connect to a server the server sends you the map if you don't have it
22:25.39JeffM2501in your cache
22:26.00JeffM2501so if you join the tutorial server, you'll get the current map and tutorial
22:26.06hardwireyou mean this all happens before it dumps you into gameplay.. and you have no tank to drive?
22:26.12JeffM2501instead of us having to tell everyone to dowload a new map and script
22:26.32JeffM2501the map is pulled down at conenct
22:26.38hardwireI know that
22:26.42hardwirewhen does the tutorial start?
22:26.44JeffM2501on your first spawn, your assigned a new channel
22:26.49JeffM2501and the tutorial starts
22:27.09*** part/#bzflag Teppic (n=Teppic@
22:27.14hardwireI play the game I think
22:27.18hardwiremaybe I'm not playing bzflag at all
22:27.20hardwirebut something else
22:27.21JeffM2501net messages are only sent to users in your channel
22:27.27JeffM2501this is all for 2.2
22:27.30JeffM2501not current code
22:27.31hardwireand therefore I don't understand you
22:27.35hardwireI should quit
22:27.37hardwirejust for that
22:27.38JeffM2501channels are a new concept
22:27.40hardwireyou mean spirited freak
22:28.49JeffM2501do you just not know that we have plugins?
22:29.04JeffM2501we have plugins
22:29.12JeffM2501have had em since 2.0.4
22:29.16JeffM2501or maybe it was 6
22:29.17hardwireBZFlag client (protocol 0026)
22:29.20JeffM2501I don't remember
22:29.26JeffM2501plugins are server side, not client
22:29.43JeffM2501but that source distro has a plugins dir
22:29.53hardwirewell nobody wants to play with me so I never have servers running :)
22:29.58*** join/#bzflag Teppic (
22:30.08hardwireJeffM2501: Guess I didn't read it :)
22:30.26Erroneousit has a readme
22:30.28Erroneousand documentation
22:30.30JeffM2501they are dynamic librarys that the server loads, that can overide default behavors and provide hooks into the running game
22:30.46hardwireooh python
22:30.56JeffM2501yes there is a half finished python one
22:31.00hardwireI was wondering
22:31.11*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (
22:31.11hardwireI joined a crazy channel the other day where bullets were doing things they shouldn't
22:31.24hardwirewhatever :)
22:31.36JeffM2501no server has channels yet
22:31.37hardwireso you can modify the bullets eh?
22:31.39L4m3rbzflag isn't TV
22:31.39JeffM2501and few will use them
22:31.49JeffM2501yeah there is a way to change the shot type, but it's a hack
22:31.55hardwireif so.. time to implement the hunter-seeker weapon plugin
22:32.07JeffM2501plugins are somewhat limited in what they can do
22:32.26JeffM2501Realy need to add the shot descriptor thing to the client and the API
22:32.27hardwireJeffM2501: I assume they have to be to help the game stay somewhat true to form
22:32.57JeffM2501no, we just can only mod so much on the server with the protocoll
22:33.08JeffM2501and not all functions are exposed via the API
22:33.23hardwireshockwave.. death?
22:33.26L4m3rReally need to implement a lot of things, Jeff. ;)
22:33.36L4m3rshoots a SW every time someone dies
22:33.43hardwirea live one or just the graphic?
22:33.55L4m3rno, a world weapon. real and deadly.
22:33.59hardwire... wicked ...
22:34.18hardwireso you could have a shockwave like pacman running around the channel via server side
22:34.20L4m3rgets annoying in practice
22:34.46L4m3rsure, but you can do that with normal timed world weapons
22:35.05hardwirehas anybody created a flagtype and weapon type with plugins?
22:35.09hardwirefor player weapons
22:35.14L4m3rnope, that's a client side thing
22:35.23JeffM2501the server can't tell the client "you shoot this now"
22:35.30L4m3ralthough they can be used to modify some flags
22:35.33JeffM2501that's is the shot descriptor thing I mentioned
22:35.36hardwireJeffM2501: thats so weird
22:35.40JeffM2501not realy
22:35.45JeffM2501the client is prety much hardcoded
22:35.47L4m3rlike on one of my servers, I've got ST and IB combined into one flag
22:35.57L4m3rbut that's using the shot type "hack"
22:36.08hardwireJeffM2501: its just odd that there isn't a weapons loader for weapon plugins from the server
22:36.20hardwirebut it makes sense
22:36.27L4m3rplugins are very new still
22:36.29hardwireI don't want the server sending a billion draw requests down the pipe at me
22:36.39hardwireevery time I shoot a screwball
22:37.00hardwirebut.. there is world weapons
22:37.12L4m3ryeah, they're sent just like any other shot
22:37.15hardwirewhich still makes it feasable
22:37.32L4m3rnot really, they're the same types as normal weapons
22:37.33JeffM2501the game is a LAN game
22:37.34hardwireeverybody that joins gets 20+ hunter seeker destroyers "timed weapons"
22:37.39JeffM2501it has always trustd the cleint
22:37.50hardwireand they /msg the server.. who deploys a world weapon from your current trajectory
22:37.52JeffM2501the shot loader you speak is what I have to finish
22:38.29hardwireshot loader eh
22:38.38hardwirecan you call it the hopper?
22:39.00hardwireI see
22:39.01*** join/#bzflag Theme97 (
22:39.44JeffM2501I have this big structure the server fills out and sends to the client saying "you shoot like this"
22:39.52JeffM2501and it has all the options
22:40.00hardwirethat would be handy
22:40.11hardwireso I could implement said weapon
22:40.13hardwiremwa ha ha
22:40.15hardwireI can't wait
22:40.23JeffM2501it's just not simple
22:40.32hardwireit probably isn't
22:41.29JeffM2501I mean the server dosn't even compute the kills
22:41.38JeffM2501it trusts the client to say "I'm dead"
22:41.53hardwireJeffM2501: that can get a bit spotty can't it?
22:41.57hardwirelag wize
22:42.09JeffM2501cheating wize
22:42.19hardwirethose jerks
22:42.28hardwireso they mod the client to just not report it?
22:42.40hardwireJeffM2501: you would think that would be a more effecient protocol actually
22:42.42JeffM2501one line change
22:43.05JeffM2501same number of messages get sent
22:43.06hardwirehaving the client do it makes it a heck of a lot easier to not always stay in sync
22:43.09JeffM2501just from difrent sources
22:43.16hardwireI mean you aren't going for sniper precision with this game
22:43.19JeffM2501it still has to send it to everyone else
22:43.28JeffM2501actualy with one shot per kill, we are
22:43.38JeffM2501the game is very lag senstive for that reason
22:43.53hardwireit sounds like less overhead than I imagined initially
22:43.58JeffM2501not realy
22:44.01JeffM2501same bandwith
22:44.28hardwireno.. I mean not having the server do all the computations and just having do everything
22:45.01JeffM2501those computations are minimal
22:45.03hardwireso you are implementing a method to introduce new shot methods where your weapon responds like this with either laser/shockwave/bullet/contact
22:45.18hardwirethis being however you want the bullet to fly
22:45.20hardwireand how many
22:45.23hardwireand how often
22:45.29JeffM2501the shot has a graphic type, and then one or more atributes on how it behaves
22:45.41JeffM2501but the server can't tell the client how to draw new shots
22:45.53JeffM2501or new shot movement logics
22:46.01JeffM2501we can't send code down the line
22:46.07hardwirecan the server steal shots?
22:46.18JeffM2501right now it can not pass them along
22:46.20hardwireclient a fires.. it goes nowhere cause the server caught it and threw it away to be mean
22:46.22JeffM2501then only the person shooting sees it
22:46.43JeffM2501I want to be able to tell the client "you can't shoot"
22:46.49JeffM2501so that they don't see the shot ether
22:47.05hardwireso new weapons need to be client/server patches
22:47.07JeffM2501that's the problem with the shot type hack now, it dosn't change on the shoting client
22:47.17JeffM2501depends what you mean by "new"
22:47.26hardwireyou remember dune?
22:47.31JeffM2501if it's a compinatioin of exsting effects, then no
22:47.41hardwirethe hunter-seeker.. it would make minute adjustments until it found a target then kablewie!
22:47.53*** join/#bzflag spldart (
22:47.54hardwireI made a mod for Quake back in the day
22:48.03JeffM2501if you used an existing graphical efffect, you could send out GM update messages
22:48.09JeffM2501and have it do the same
22:48.17hardwireit was neat.. a rocket would make an annoying noise with a new model.. and when you got into proximity it reaimed and went after you a little too quick
22:48.23JeffM2501but then your plugin would need to be able to navigate the map
22:48.53JeffM2501the server only has limited map knowledge at this time
22:49.12JeffM2501just enough to compute spawns
22:49.25spldartSometimes I feel like I'm the only one that sometimes thinks... If my team, esp if I'm one of them, holds on to these specific superflags that the other team will become demorilized and leave the world... then Our team members will get bored and leave and then this world will drop off the top page and this is where I want to play right now :(
22:49.38hardwirebut that would be hella difficult to have synced with every client out there
22:50.03JeffM2501once the server has a better gamestate it'd not be that hard
22:50.08spldartpardon the run on sentence :(
22:50.12JeffM2501despawn the shot and fire a world weapon
22:50.33JeffM2501geting the server a better gamestate... that's the fun part
22:50.47hardwireJeffM2501: so the server doesn't tracks shots
22:50.50hardwirethats up to the client
22:51.09hardwireI mean it passes them along
22:51.09JeffM2501it has some indication of where they are, but can't say "where is this shot RIGHT now"
22:51.15hardwirebut it doesn't query where they are
22:51.20hardwirewhy should it.
22:51.26hardwireif all clients are the same.. there is no reason to
22:51.28JeffM2501so that it can compute spawns :)
22:51.36JeffM2501no client has the same game state
22:51.39JeffM2501they are all off by there lag
22:51.49JeffM2501it needs it so somone has the "true" state
22:51.52*** join/#bzflag A-Delusion (
22:51.52hardwirewell if you could make a server plugin to make a new weapon for a game using your shot .. loader?
22:51.57hardwireand make it really really slow
22:52.11hardwirethen the server could spend a few cycles noticing if there is a tank near it
22:52.11JeffM2501as long as it can be fit into an existing paramater
22:52.15hardwirethen despawn that shot
22:52.28hardwireand spawn a world weapon
22:52.36hardwirehowever.. the original shooter won't get credit :)
22:52.40JeffM2501have to get rid of shot slots too.. that's not fun
22:52.53JeffM2501server can set the score
22:53.00JeffM2501and the 'owner' o the shot
22:53.15hardwirethat have a loop the height of a standard jump
22:53.28JeffM2501you can do that with a moded client now
22:53.30hardwireas if knowing you were going to land on a bullet wasn't enough
22:53.30JeffM2501with a GM
22:53.47hardwireJeffM2501: !!
22:54.03JeffM2501noting says your client has to guide the shots in the same manner as the rest of the shots
22:54.03hardwireI want a weapon that bounces other tanks w/ no damage :)
22:54.15hardwirethat would be great for CTF
22:54.18JeffM2501bouncing of tanks is realy hard
22:54.18hardwirejust bounce them back a bit
22:54.25hardwiremuch like exploding a tanks guts?
22:54.27JeffM2501for that you must have a server side state
22:54.53hardwireyou could cheat.. and just warp the bounced tank
22:55.02hardwirecall it the magic wand weapon
22:55.18JeffM2501you can't warp another player
22:55.19hardwirewoop.. you are 100 feet over the enemy and closing fast..
22:55.59JeffM2501server will also boot you if you move too fast
22:56.04hardwireits a shame that distributing binary 3rd party plugins isn't hip in this viral age
22:56.28JeffM2501we have a number
22:56.34JeffM2501many plugins are released binary
22:56.43hardwirekinda creepy
22:57.00hardwirebut if its distributed via a means people respect its not so bad
22:57.04JeffM2501they only go on the server, so there is a trust issue
22:57.13JeffM2501yeah, usualy the fourms, or us
22:57.42hardwiredon't people try to solve this by developing a scripting language for client side?
22:57.52hardwirewhere it can't do evil things :)
22:57.56hardwireyeh.. thats not hard or anything
22:58.13JeffM2501that is why we don't do client side scripting
22:58.19hardwireJeffM2501: you can warp players.. can the server create geometry?
22:58.32JeffM2501the final goal will be to have the client be a very dumb terminal and the server do as much as it can
22:58.34JeffM2501like quake
22:58.39JeffM2501hardwire, no
22:58.47JeffM2501map is fixed at startup
22:58.55hardwireso a client hack could work.. as long as to the server it felt like going through a portal
22:59.48hardwirebig wall of transportation
22:59.53JeffM2501ahh teleporter
23:00.03JeffM2501don't think the speed cheat checks for porters
23:00.14hardwirewell then
23:00.32spldartI can't use the forum... what does mean?
23:00.46JeffM2501it means your a spamer
23:00.48JeffM2501and were banned
23:00.55spldartuh huh
23:01.10spldartAnd the real reason?
23:01.19JeffM2501let brlcad know
23:01.25JeffM2501he installed security software
23:01.28JeffM2501it's not working well
23:01.46spldartPoop.. hope he's in later
23:02.06hardwireyou could greylist the BB to a degree
23:02.24JeffM2501or use software that dosn't ban everyone in the world
23:02.26hardwireregistered + must respond to email to gain karma
23:02.35blast007karma, heh
23:03.06hardwireor must respond to even have it posted
23:03.19hardwireif oyu don't respond w/in a days time you get banned
23:03.24spldartPing Mr brl_tofu_with cheese
23:03.34blast007hardwire: they have to respond to the email to post already
23:03.39JeffM2501none of the fourms do guest account
23:03.48JeffM2501you have to hit the e-mail to reg
23:04.02JeffM2501then you can play with + and post
23:04.13JeffM2501dunno what you mean by karma tho
23:04.20blast007technically, we could just make the website URL, signature, location, etc not show up in accounts until they have either activated, or posted X number of posts
23:04.27*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
23:04.43blast007another phpBB forum I was on did that
23:04.43JeffM2501the spamers that don't activate get culled
23:04.50JeffM2501I'm not realy woried about those
23:05.22blast007I don't like that they use the forum to spread their URLs though
23:05.31hardwireJeffM2501: forget karma
23:05.32hardwireits stupid
23:05.37JeffM2501a simple capacha would help
23:05.39CBGThese nerf guns seem to be for kids who can't take the "pain" of a bb.
23:05.56hardwireJeffM2501: but right now when you post to the BB it sends you an email saying "really? you want me to post this? if you say no I am gonna ban you after this email expires"
23:06.10hardwirethats what it should do IMHO
23:06.16JeffM2501good lord that's stupid
23:06.19hardwirehow many spammers check their fake messages?
23:06.31hardwireJeffM2501: its greylisting!
23:06.36hardwireits.. effective
23:06.38blast007yeah, let's send 500 emails an hour
23:06.39CBGI don't want an email for every post I make.
23:06.39JeffM2501for a fourm that would be stupid
23:06.41JeffM2501for e-mail sure
23:06.49hardwireblast007: you whitelist after they do it a few times
23:06.57hardwireand then don't send messages to those whitelisted members
23:07.03blast007hardwire: you don't get it
23:07.04JeffM2501its' easy for fourm bots to reply to e-mails
23:07.07JeffM2501that's how they post now
23:07.13blast007they HAVE to read the first email before they can post anyway
23:07.17JeffM2501they have to reply to an e-mail BEFORE they post the first time
23:07.37JeffM2501you can't post with out checking your mail
23:07.40JeffM2501at least once
23:07.43hardwireI get it :)
23:07.46hardwiretrust me
23:08.02spldartTiz teh suckage
23:08.04hardwireits easier for spammers to get into email than it is forum bots..
23:08.04JeffM2501so if they can get around that, they can send as many replys as you ask them
23:08.15hardwirethey do the exact same thing as a forum bot does
23:08.27hardwireyet greylisting is effective even in adaptable situations.
23:08.37JeffM2501I don't see how it's difrent then what we have now
23:08.40JeffM2501just more e-mails
23:08.52hardwireJeffM2501: you mean register once with one email and thats it?
23:09.03a_meteoriteat least they'd have to adapt their spam bots ;)
23:09.12blast007a_meteorite: a code where?
23:09.15blast007in email?
23:09.23blast007cuz there is an activation code in the email
23:09.27JeffM2501yeah you reg, we send you an e-mail, your not active till you read that mail and hit a link wiht a CODE in it.
23:09.28a_meteoritejust not a reply, a reply with a code
23:09.37JeffM2501after that you can post
23:09.43blast007a_meteorite: ding ding ding, it already does
23:09.44spldartWas it not possible to have security measures auto trust accounts of good standing for a predetermined time period?
23:09.50a_meteoritewell, they would have to adapt their software for a non standard phpbb2 activation
23:09.53JeffM2501your way just means we send them another e-mail when they post
23:10.05hardwireuntil they are trusted
23:10.11JeffM2501whopty do, they are dealing with the first mail, then they can deal with the second and third, and whatnot
23:10.12a_meteoritecause it would be formatted differently and couldn't be automatically done like activation is
23:10.20a_meteoritejust a thought
23:10.20hardwirejust send em a link if they really want to post.. they follow it and prove humanity by entering the generated code
23:10.22hardwiretime after time
23:10.25hardwire3 times
23:10.27hardwireand then boom..
23:10.32hardwireyou can even give them a little countdown
23:10.34JeffM2501hardwire, they DO THAT NOW
23:10.43JeffM2501on registration
23:10.45JeffM2501it's no difrent
23:10.48JeffM2501they can fake it
23:10.58hardwire#1.. they have to adapt to it
23:11.12JeffM2501that would be the ONLY thing
23:11.21JeffM2501it woudl take somone the 5 min to update the script
23:11.23hardwire#2.. its faily effective in situations where yes.. THEY CAN DO THAT NOT.. like w/ e-mail
23:11.49hardwirehow are the humanity validation check images generated now?
23:11.57hardwireI found lots of BB's are doing that per post
23:12.00JeffM2501it makes sense for e-mail because you accept all emails, and there is no registration process
23:12.17JeffM2501the board generates them
23:12.27hardwireper post eh?
23:12.50spldartmeh.. back to playing the game
23:12.51JeffM2501but if they can repply to the reg one, they can reply to the per post one too
23:13.00hardwiretrue that
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23:13.06JeffM2501computers are good at repeattive tasks ;)
23:13.13hardwireyeh.. they really are
23:13.36hardwireI will be back with a retort at some point
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23:13.44JeffM2501hell, we could vary up the URL and acitiation method and that would "make them adapt"
23:14.08blast007randomly change the name of the username field on the registration form  ;)
23:14.08JeffM2501a simple field on that page with them typing in a code would make all the existing scripts fail
23:14.26JeffM2501I'd just make them login on the activation page
23:14.30JeffM2501that'd do it
23:14.35blast007but spammers adapt, even to a single incident
23:14.47blast007I had made a guestbook for brad
23:14.48JeffM2501if they care enough about our little board
23:14.55blast007a custom one, and it was getting spammed
23:15.11blast007so we changed the name of the field, and it helped for about a week, they they fixed their scrips
23:15.18JeffM2501you sure it just wasn't some asshat who didn't like brad? ;)
23:15.23blast007who knows  ;)
23:15.43hardwireJeffM2501: my apologies.. for some reason I just assumed it work inversely for a bulliten board
23:16.01hardwirebut you are right.. a bot could check the email and just respond to it
23:16.03JeffM2501email allows anything
23:16.08JeffM2501that's why it works for e-mail
23:16.19hardwireits a broadcast.. not targeted w/ response
23:16.19JeffM2501if we had guest postings, then it would be good there
23:20.12hardwireget retinal samples voa postal mail before you allow them.. and offer discounted retinal scanning systems
23:20.39hardwirebtw.. how many botz speak java?
23:21.24hardwirewell if you could do human validation based on a java applet compiled by the server with a code it sends back once you complete the human validation check..
23:21.26hardwireyoua re golden
23:21.41hardwiredo that using the greylisting via email 3x rule.. and you should filter everything
23:21.53blast007ewww, no
23:22.15blast007I'd rather have a little spam
23:22.36hardwirethems my solution
23:22.42hardwirei think its icky too
23:22.46hardwiregoing home
23:25.56spldarthrm.. musta been gone a bit... bzrobots binary eh
23:28.16spldartping brlcad
23:33.24*** join/#bzflag EbErT (
23:34.18findlay40 oz of bzflag?
23:34.27spldartYeah.. 40oz of bzflag
23:35.00spldartI've had enough silvercat brand .. I'm drinking hepcat brand now... :-p cyah
23:36.48JeffM2501we only get a few spam postings a day if that, it's not that big a deal
23:38.50*** join/#bzflag EbErT_ (
23:41.26tofuspldart: pong
23:41.56*** join/#bzflag GMMan (
23:44.16*** join/#bzflag triclops (
23:46.07spldartqueary... I'm getting a when I post or try to vote a poll on bb
23:46.14spldartCan you help me?
23:46.24*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (
23:46.46tofunot right this moment actually :/
23:46.51tofuabout to run out to dinner
23:47.06spldartWill you need further info later when you can?
23:47.38tofudo you have cookies enabled?
23:48.00tofutried restarting your browser and clearing out your cache (not in that order)
23:48.04spldartmedium XP win settings when this started.. I could try mozilla on machine next to me
23:48.17tofuyeah, try diff browser, see what you get
23:48.32tofui suspect it's just something stale and you need to reset your browser/cache settings
23:48.42tofuokies, gotta run
23:50.15spldartlinux machine with mozilla next to me same thing
23:50.45spldartEnjoy dinner... I catch you later on this ;)
23:51.27ibot|    .
23:56.45*** join/#bzflag GMMan_ (

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