irclog2html for #bzflag on 20061008

00:19.01*** join/#bzflag the_enemy (n=JL@
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03:10.28*** join/#bzflag blast007 (i=1000@pdpc/supporter/active/blast007)
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05:11.12awayManu: ping
05:12.51L4m3r~seen manu
05:13.05ibotmanu is currently on #bzflag (13h 54m 54s) #kierra (13h 54m 54s) ##essy (13h 54m 54s), last said: 'yep'.
05:22.36*** join/#bzflag gsnedders (
05:38.15*** join/#bzflag Noodleman (n=tuckerm@
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06:54.05*** join/#bzflag SilverFox (
06:54.22SilverFoxhow does one go about compiling a plugin that only has a cpp (no make file) ?
06:57.23L4m3rtake a plugin and modify its makefile to match the cpp
06:57.42L4m3ractually, you could just use that script
06:57.53SilverFoxwhere is that?
06:57.57L4m3rit should be in the source distribution somewhere
06:58.11L4m3rin the plugins dir? I think? let me check
06:59.09L4m3ryeah, in the plugins dir- it'll generate a new set of plugin files and you can drop the cpp right in
07:05.21*** join/#bzflag Rawk (n=unknown@
07:05.40*** part/#bzflag Rawk (n=unknown@
07:08.21SilverFoxthe script says to "Edit plugins/ and add a line for your plugin to the SUBDIRS list
07:08.28SilverFox" however, there is no
07:09.05SilverFoxoh, yes there is.
07:11.26*** join/#bzflag Tazz_NB (n=Tazz@
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07:17.10L4m3rthe edit should be trivial
07:17.41L4m3rand the SUBDIRS bit just makes your plugin compile with a full build, I think
07:21.36ManuL4m3r: here again
07:21.46*** join/#bzflag Admirarc1 (
07:24.25L4m3rOh, uh...
07:33.28*** join/#bzflag razeryan (i=4b05e907@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
08:11.38SilverFoxwhen I compiled the cpp after using, it generated a .a and a .la file.
08:11.51SilverFoxI was expecting a .so file.
08:13.59L4m3rdid you compile just the plugin or do a full build?
08:18.07blast007SilverFox: the .so will be in a hidden folder called .lib or .libs inside the plugin directory
08:24.27*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
08:25.34L4m3rah, a hidden directory... tricky
08:34.42SilverFoxblast007, make install installs the .a and .la files into /usr/local/lib
08:35.18SilverFoxthere is a .libs, however, the .la, .a, and .lai files are in it.  No .so
08:50.10*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe303 (
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11:16.38*** join/#bzflag gsnedders (
11:34.12*** join/#bzflag mbfg (n=dave@
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13:39.29Birdieerror: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no wmpns in java.library.path
13:41.28ManuBirdie: bzflag for java? ;)
13:41.43Birdieehm no, thats when i go to a internetradio:)
13:42.38Manuis wmpns windows media player?
13:43.52Birdieno idea
13:43.58Birdieand i never use wmediaplayer
13:44.29Manuit is
13:47.23Manuit means simply java can't find it in his path
13:48.29Manuthe file is Wmpns.dll I guess
13:48.41Birdiehow strange i dont have it
13:49.01Manuare you using mozilla or firefox under windows?
13:49.02Birdieand i cant remove java and reinstall it:( it doesnt want to do it
13:50.00Manuit needs windows madia player to run the plugin
13:50.40Birdiei have it on my pc
13:50.44Birdiei just dont use it
13:51.06Manulook if you jave that dll into windows/system32
13:52.34Manuit's the micro$ windows media player applet
13:53.22Manuyou can use google to search for it
13:53.42ManuI only use windows emulated ;)
13:53.55Birdiei dont see it, so i'll search it:)
14:35.42*** join/#bzflag Admirarch (
15:07.27*** part/#bzflag LePoulpe303 (
15:25.54*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
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15:41.30*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
15:42.18*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
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19:45.47*** part/#bzflag tokimi (n=tokimi@unaffiliated/tokimi)
19:52.57*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (
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20:45.26*** join/#bzflag SilverFox (
20:46.03SilverFoxque paso?
21:00.27ManuSilverFox: ?
21:42.41*** join/#bzflag SilverFox (
21:56.59*** join/#bzflag Sharpshooter ( website seems a bit sluggish for me today.
22:02.17SilverFoxreally sluggish in fact.
22:02.30*** join/#bzflag Blue_Eyes (
22:02.48a_meteoritemy whole internet feels sluggish
22:04.11SilverFoxoften at work I hear "the internet is down".  Maybe the whole thing has finally decided to up and die.
22:04.26SilverFoxunreliable thing "the internet".
22:05.07L4m3rbut I still live there, so be nice :x
22:10.40*** join/#bzflag Sharpshooter (
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22:16.28SilverFoxThere is a broken link to from
22:19.56CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10web/getin/index.php: busted link
22:35.51*** join/#bzflag Sharpsh00ter (
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22:47.21*** part/#bzflag Sharpsh00ter (
22:47.54*** join/#bzflag codergeek42 (n=peter@gentoo/developer/codergeek42)
22:48.27codergeek42AAhh. BZFX was so much fun earlier...
22:48.48a_meteoriteAnd it's not fun now? :)
22:48.50a_meteorite* :(
22:49.03codergeek42Er...well it is
22:49.09codergeek42but I need to get some actual work done ;)
22:49.13L4m3rnot for several mon- oh, nevermind
22:49.33a_meteoritemon-.. what? :)
22:49.36L4m3rmonths :P
22:49.51a_meteoriteHow long has Boxy War been in play now?
22:49.58a_meteoriteI can't keep track of my own server! Wow.
22:53.08a_meteorite2.21GB. Eek.
22:53.15a_meteoriteWhoops, wrong channel.
23:02.43*** join/#bzflag Sharpsh00ter (
23:08.19*** join/#bzflag PrezKennedy (
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23:56.08*** join/#bzflag away (
23:59.30*** join/#bzflag compiler_success (n=user@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.