irclog2html for #bzflag on 20061004

00:01.40*** join/#bzflag triclops (
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01:32.16*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
01:44.04SportChickJeffM2501: do you know of an open source application for windows that will do videoconferencing?
01:44.51brlcadthere's a version of gaim that was working on adding video/voice capability
01:47.45*** join/#bzflag kyelewis` (
01:49.19SportChickbrlcad: yes, I did know that actually - but don't want to install gaim just for that - I use trillian
01:49.37blast007does it need to be open-source?
01:50.06brlcadheh, "install gaim just for that"?
01:50.08blast007cuz NetMeeting does video conferencing
01:50.20brlcadyet you're going to install .. "something" .. just for that
01:51.07blast007brlcad: but gaim is more that just video conferencing  ;)
01:51.15blast007then it netmeeting..
01:52.14brlcadand a pencil is more than a kenling for starting a fire, but it still burns and if one needed dry wood to burn.. ;)
01:53.11brlcadthat said, netmeeting probably is the easiest choice on that platform that's going to mostly work without headache
02:08.41JeffM2501there are a number of free vid conf apps
02:08.43JeffM2501not all open
02:18.57*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (
02:25.46JeffM25013 hours and 2 people to build a cabinet.. my shiny blue butt
02:36.01*** join/#bzflag kyelewis` (n=kyelewis@freematrix/staff/kyelewis) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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03:01.36*** join/#bzflag razer (i=4b0789b3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
03:02.03razerhey any1 in duc league wit teamates online now say hi!!
03:03.39razer# #ducati league
03:04.08razerHEEEEEEEEEY PPL
03:04.40razer# #BZLEAGUE
03:04.47razeropps again
03:04.55razer# #bzleague
03:05.03razerwhat is ti??
03:05.23razer# #league
03:05.51razercan u help me plz?
03:06.02a_meteoriteyes, if I can
03:06.10a_meteorite... nvm
03:06.17*** join/#bzflag razer (i=4b0789b3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
03:06.20razersry bout that
03:06.24a_meteoriterazer: if it only takes 2mins
03:06.30razerok good
03:06.30a_meteoritecause I would rather be watching a TV show
03:06.40razertv is retaded
03:06.48a_meteoriteThe Unit isn't.
03:06.54a_meteoriteanyways, matter of opinion
03:07.30razerwell i need to get a match 4 the duc league but i tink im in the rong ch am i right?
03:07.36a_meteoriteyes, you are
03:07.44razerwhere to go?
03:08.08a_meteoritethat's the ducati league
03:08.13a_meteoritehave fun
03:08.15razerit wont let me
03:08.32a_meteorite#bzleague redirects me
03:08.52a_meteoritealrighty, TV time. have fun.
03:09.01a_meteoriterazer: /join ##ducleague
03:09.04*** join/#bzflag mbfg (n=dave@
03:09.33razergot thaat jus remembered lol
03:09.33a_meteoritetype that and you're good to go, or find more about your IRC client
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03:59.51essybrlcad: did .bz go down?
03:59.58essyhi jujibo
04:00.32essyjujibo: can you connect to brlcad's box?
04:09.17essybrlcad: odd - I time out everytime I try to log in - was disconnected during an active session
04:11.14essymust have been something on my end.  thanks
04:16.23PrezKennedyi had to change my password on bz cuz i kept forgetting the old one and i figured one of these days id get locked out if i forgot for too long ;-)
04:18.00brlcadsurprisingly has only happened to one user so far
04:20.40PrezKennedytook me about 3 or 4 tries to get it right
04:20.47PrezKennedydidnt wanna find out what the limit was
04:28.52*** join/#bzflag gsnedders (
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08:34.05ruskiehmmm nobody on viper to play with :(
08:41.53Manuplayers are at school or sleeping :)
08:46.27L4m3rin about half an hour I'll be doing both :P
08:52.01*** part/#bzflag A-Delusion (
08:53.49*** join/#bzflag ts (
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14:45.31*** join/#bzflag ibunny (n=alex@pdpc/supporter/active/jolie)
14:48.49*** join/#bzflag JonathanD (n=Jonathan@
14:49.21ibunnyhello jd
14:49.28JonathanDwould it be painfully impossible to get mouse movement to work in a constant movement mode, instead of distance-from-center?
14:49.57DTRemenakit would be painful to play that way :)
14:50.05JonathanDDTRemenak: not on a trackpoint.
14:50.15DTRemenakmmm, true
14:50.30JonathanDat that point, it becomes a very small joystick
14:50.33DTRemenakno, wouldn't be too hard
14:50.41JonathanDit's used that way in MS combat flight sim
14:50.50JonathanDor most FPS's
14:50.56JonathanDand it works WELL with a trackpoing
14:50.58DTRemenakyou could tie it into our joystick code at some point
14:51.02JonathanDand like garbage with any other mouse :p
14:51.11DTRemenakhehe, yeah, that's what I was thinking :)
14:51.27JonathanDDTRemenak: this is why I really like trackpoint for FPS
14:51.31DTRemenakpatches welcome :)
14:51.32JonathanDtheres no mouse-lifting
14:51.45JonathanDDTRemenak: I'll explore the idea, I don't know the code well (read, at all)
14:52.18JonathanDcourse, CFS does it by moving the pointer back to center all the time.
14:52.39JonathanDso it is "distance from center" but a constantly resetting distance from center.
14:52.52DTRemenakthat's probably the easiest high-level way to do it
14:52.54JonathanDthat might be amazingly easy to implement, actually
14:53.06*** part/#bzflag ibunny (n=alex@pdpc/supporter/active/jolie)
14:53.07JonathanDsay every 50 ms, move it back
14:53.22JonathanDso you have to "pull" against it as hard as you need to to turn.
14:53.38JonathanDto make it a tad easier, only do this on the x axis.
14:53.39DTRemenakcleaner would be if we could read the position of the trackpoint itself
14:53.46DTRemenakthen just use it like a joystick
14:53.54JonathanDthat would be nice. is it possible though?
14:54.12DTRemenakdunno.  on windows maybe...have to look at their drivers
14:54.13JonathanDand I'm thinking in windows terms, I don't know how to reset cursor position on linux.
14:54.32JonathanDit has to work internally more or less like a joystick
14:54.41JonathanDso it's already working in a distance from center mode
14:54.56JonathanDwe would be turning the "real" value into a properly scaled value for BZ
14:54.59JonathanDand then your done.
14:55.23JonathanDI admit it has limited application :p
14:55.23DTRemenakhm, resetting the cursor position might have a few side effects in bz...the minimum granularity is one frame
14:55.29JonathanDbut I love my trackpoint.
14:55.45DTRemenakcan probably still do it
14:55.45JonathanDDTRemenak: is that why the game grinds to a halt when I change my volume? :P
14:55.51DTRemenakactually it is :)
14:56.00JonathanDcause it slows the screen updates
14:56.05JonathanDthus slowing hte network updates
14:56.13DTRemenakone big thread
14:56.14JonathanDthus making the durn server think I have a ping of 50,000 ms
14:56.31JonathanDI have been kicked MORE times for changing my volume...
14:56.50DTRemenakyou need a keyboard with a volume control on it :)
14:57.00JonathanDfor my laptop?
14:57.06JonathanDit has one
14:57.12JonathanDthe OSD slows screen updates though
14:57.29DTRemenakturn the osd off :)
14:57.35JonathanDyeah, but I like it :P
14:57.39JonathanDand it only affects BZ
14:58.48DTRemenakc'ya in a few minutes, need to go to work
15:06.55*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
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15:33.14*** join/#bzflag CBG (
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16:06.11ruskieargh... my isp is again causing me grief with bzflag...
16:08.15ruskieyup definately the isp... I get same loss on all boxen... even the firewall
16:09.01tsruskie: to where?
16:10.01brlcadruskie: tried resetting your router?  could be on your end
16:11.54ruskiethe router is a box running pfsense
16:12.04ruskiets, to viper
16:13.57ruskienot to mention the ISP routes me: across slovenia -> austria -> nethrelands -> germany -> server
16:14.08ruskieand in the austrian node it registers 70% loss
16:15.29tsruskie: I have loss to de-cix, too
16:15.37tsmany players have these days
16:18.05*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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16:21.22tsruskie: Hmm, I have 2.5% at telia in the way from me to the server. The way back goes totally different and no loss there..
16:21.50ruskiewell I'll request an ISP switch
16:21.56ruskieit can't get any worse...
16:22.19ruskieI'm waiting till they lay the fiber around here... should be 6-9 months or so... then I'll get FTTH
16:22.38*** mode/#bzflag [+v Erroneous] by ChanServ
16:24.48*** join/#bzflag tokimi (
16:25.08tsruskie: When FTTH gets availble for the masses providers will apply the same routing chaos to it
16:25.31ruskieno doubt
16:25.32*** part/#bzflag tokimi (
16:25.41ruskiethe diff in who one will be able to prod about it
16:25.53ruskieatm my isp connects through another isp and then onward
16:25.54tsaync routing is something I would put people in jail for..
16:26.09ruskiethe ftth isp is laying it's own connections to everywhere
16:26.24ruskieeven it's own international
16:26.43tsI don't even understand why I don't get my old ping times back
16:27.20ruskiethe odd thing is it was ok for a while now it started again
16:27.20tsused to be 16ms in lagstats..nowadays I get 25-35ms while traceroute is at 15ms
16:27.37ruskiethe first time it happened I complained to the ISP and they tried to do something about it
16:27.49ruskienow I'm fed up...
16:28.00ruskieI'm guessing it's the ussual ISP warfare around here
16:28.11ruskieso I'm going to the non-profit one...
16:28.22ruskiesince I can...
16:28.24tsI fear I can't they are likely to tell me it's already rather low compared to the average players
16:28.56tsbut still, it was better in the past
16:28.56ruskieI think 25-35 is quite ok
16:29.16tsruskie: With the loss from me to server people don't see all my bullets
16:29.32tsbut as the backway is unaffected I see all from them
16:30.00tsthat is how explain it to me that I shoot through a lot of players
16:30.31ruskiewell try with 1-9% loss and 60-100ms lag
16:30.50tsI had that for 6months at
16:34.46*** join/#bzflag GvzEvxre (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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18:01.28*** join/#bzflag Blue_Eyes (
18:50.34TeppicWas someone looking for me?
18:51.19TeppicCBG: Don't do it, haning is a terrible way to die.
18:52.11CBGhaning? :|
18:53.42TeppicHanging, I have a errat N key
18:53.48Teppicor G
18:54.27CBGYeah, G.
18:57.08CBGAn N as well. errat..?
19:07.54TeppicHow do I check the last time someone was here?
19:13.04JBdiGriz~seen Teppic
19:14.02ibotteppic is currently on #bzflag (19h 31m 27s). Has said a total of 6 messages. Is idling for 6m 8s, last said: 'How do I check the last time someone was here?'.
19:14.04JBdiGrizIt only works if ibot responds
19:14.04Teppic~seen JBdiGriz
19:14.15ibotjbdigriz is currently on #bzflag (4h 7m 20s) #silvercat (4h 7m 20s). Has said a total of 2 messages. Is idling for 11s, last said: 'It only works if ibot responds'.
19:14.17TeppicLazt bot
19:14.48JBdiGrizCommands work well in a private chat with ibot as well. Not everyone has to see that you're checking.
19:15.01Teppicso /msg ibot?
19:15.15tsyes and leave out the ~
19:31.17tsJeffM2501: ping
19:53.38tsJeffM2501: Is that utility for the stripped LODs available anywhere?
19:53.48JeffM2501what utility?
19:54.37tsThe thing for trepan's mod regarding faster displaying
19:55.03JeffM2501I don't beleive he added any utilitys to the source tree for it
19:55.57tsthat's why I ask
19:56.13JeffM2501I don't beleive he released, or plans to release anything for it
19:56.18JeffM2501from my recolection
19:59.12tshmm, IIRC those speed enhancements needed mods in the worlds
19:59.57JeffM2501that they do
19:59.59JeffM2501drawinfo stuff
20:00.16tsThe higher polygon counts require the use of a drawInfo
20:00.16tsobject within a mesh. The utility to facilitate the generation of
20:00.16tsstripified LODs has not yet been released."
20:00.25JeffM2501he never released it
20:00.28JeffM2501nor plans to
20:00.34tsgah :(
20:02.52tsDo these mods make any sense without an utility for it?
20:05.03*** join/#bzflag A_Heart_Attack (
20:09.29JeffM2501not realy
20:09.44JeffM2501someone shuld build the features into model tool
20:10.11*** join/#bzflag Blue-Eyes (
20:10.59JeffM2501he may have started doing it in model tool, I don't remembe tho.
20:19.06*** join/#bzflag tannerld (
20:42.35*** join/#bzflag A_Heart_Attack (
20:57.41*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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21:02.47*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
21:03.30JeffM2501what's the gu leauge site?
21:03.57JeffM2501or does anyone know "skaterchick20"?
21:04.06A_Heart_Attacki do
21:04.24JeffM2501she emailed me asking why she wasn't registered anymore
21:04.38JeffM2501but said I should not email her back because "it wont comethrough for some reason"
21:04.55CBGGU League site is
21:04.58JeffM2501her account was deleted for coppa reasons, she posted that she was 10
21:05.06A_Heart_Attackshe is
21:05.13JeffM2501then she ain't getin no bzbb
21:05.15A_Heart_Attackand YD's acount was deleted to
21:05.26JeffM2501yes it was, multiple times
21:05.30JeffM2501and will continue to be
21:05.37A_Heart_Attackhis YOUR DEAD, BzBum, and shizzle one
21:05.38JeffM2501untill he gets a leter sent in
21:05.52JeffM2501no "LOL" about it
21:05.53A_Heart_Attackor when he turns 13 in a few months
21:06.11CBGThat kid will never be 13.
21:06.24A_Heart_Attackhe is anoying
21:06.34CBGHe's not the only one..
21:06.41A_Heart_Attacki know
21:06.52A_Heart_Attackthe others include CBG...
21:07.04JeffM2501well if you see her, tell her why. as I can't take the time to root around to try and tell her
21:07.10CBGI was hinting at you, but whatever.
21:07.13JeffM2501we sent her an e-mail when we pulled the account
21:07.18A_Heart_AttackCBG: lol
21:07.37A_Heart_AttackJeffM2501: is i see her anytime soon ill tell her
21:08.10CBGI was wondering, was there always a Password field on the Join Game screen?
21:08.26JeffM2501it was added for 2.0 with global reg
21:08.31CBGAhha, ok.
21:08.35A_Heart_Attackeven though i wasnt around then
21:08.37A_Heart_Attacki knew that
21:08.45CBGI thought before that, didn't notice it new at 2.0.
21:08.59A_Heart_Attackyou had to do /identify <password>
21:09.06CBGYes, I know.
21:09.19CBGYou might still do at some servers.
21:09.25A_Heart_Attackyou do
21:09.26CBGI was around prior to 2.0
21:09.40CBGA_Heart_Attack: I said YOU might, since I don't know if you do or not.
21:10.01A_Heart_Attacki read it quick
21:10.02CBGI just didn't remember thinking "Wow, what's this password thing for?" when I first got 2.0.
21:10.13JeffM2501there were a lot of changes in 2.0
21:11.02CBGYeah, was probably more interested in WG.
21:11.02A_Heart_AttackJeffM2501: is 2.1.* planning to be released any time soon
21:11.02JeffM2501there is no plan
21:11.03JeffM2501we never have a plan
21:11.03CBGPlan? haha.
21:11.06JeffM2501and 2.1.x will never be released
21:11.08JeffM2501it would be done as 2.2
21:11.10A_Heart_Attackis it close to being compleated
21:11.14CBGI'm not expecting 2.2 this year.
21:11.22A_Heart_Attackthats what i ment
21:11.39JeffM2501at it's current rate of development, it is not likely to have enough features to warrant a release, this year, yes
21:11.46CBGA_Heart_Attack: try hitting SPACE instead of RETURN all the time. Like this. And this. See?
21:12.11JeffM2501some how I don't think the account "High Karate Kitty fascist" is a real player
21:12.16Erroneoustraditionally, it would have ended up in december/january.  we are looking at very few changes so far though, so it'll probably be longer
21:12.18CBGJeffM2501: I was just going on the "normal" sort of period of time between releases..
21:12.53JeffM2501CBG, normaly we have one around xmas/new years as my estute coworker mentioned.
21:13.18CBGBetter get working then.. :)
21:13.35Erroneouscome back next year ;)
21:13.36CBGI started reading my twelve billion page C++ Book last week. :|
21:14.13CBGFirst chapter is enough to put anyone to sleep.
21:14.18A_Heart_Attackhow far have you got?
21:14.30CBGI doubt any actual code creeps in until atleast the 7th chapter.
21:15.14JeffM2501ahh cool, I'm popular again, found the account "JEFF_IS_LAME"
21:15.23CBGho ho ho.
21:15.31Erroneousbeen a while since you had one of those
21:15.41Erroneousthe last was a bit more...vulgar, iirc
21:15.57CBGOh, I can do vulgar, if you like the attention, JeffM2501.. :P
21:16.13ErroneousCBG: if you like being banned... ;)
21:16.22CBGBy IP?
21:16.34Erroneousby anything and everything
21:16.41CBGAww, shucks.
21:16.53JeffM2501I've taken to baning subnets
21:16.53A_Heart_AttackErroneous: what does iirc mean?
21:17.09ibotwell, iirc is "if I recall correctly"
21:17.12CBGI sometimes envy dial-up users. Then I work out how many weeks it would take for them to download Halo and laugh.
21:17.18Erroneous~wtf iirc
21:17.28CBG~wtf wtf
21:17.39CBGOi, language, ibot!
21:17.57Erroneouswhat'd you THINK it would say?!
21:18.15CBGfudge? freak? feck?
21:18.30CBGor maybe just f***.
21:19.13JeffM2501ibot is a tool, you asked for it knowing what it may say
21:20.03JeffM2501bzbb meaintance would be so nice if we could just ban yahoo and hotmail
21:20.26CBGYou can't? I bet VBulletin can.
21:20.33ErroneousI've thought about it.  I think it'd end up banning me though, so I figured I shouldn't :)
21:20.40tsMS is evil, just ban hotmail ;)
21:20.45JeffM2501CBG, it's not a techincal limitaiton
21:20.45CBGErroneous: get a gmail.. ;)
21:20.51ErroneousCBG: I have one
21:20.59tseek, gmail is also evil
21:21.18CBGBut not included in JeffM2501's ban list..
21:21.32ErroneousI have accounts with many domains.  But I do believe I registered at bzbb with a yahoo account
21:21.37JeffM2501don't see that many spam accounts come from gmail
21:21.59JeffM2501yeah and so did "adult video 256"
21:21.59tsbut google is evil, too :p
21:22.35CBGI wonder how many people did the same as me; "Saw adverts for 1 GB mailbox and thought "Wow, that'll be great for my spam email...".
21:22.38JeffM2501bunch of new names get added to the disallowed names list today
21:22.58Erroneousts: I would feel worse about google if they hadn't paid me for doing something I would have done anyway :P
21:23.14A_Heart_Attackdoing what?
21:24.11*** join/#bzflag razer (i=4b0789b3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
21:24.43Erroneousworking on wine
21:49.52SportChickJeffM2501: skaterchick is severely underage
21:51.17JeffM2501well for a 10 year old she formulates decent emails
21:51.28A_Heart_Attack~define relurks
21:51.29ibotUse ~dict for definitions.
21:51.39A_Heart_Attack~dict relurks
21:51.45A_Heart_Attack~dict relurk
21:51.51JeffM2501lurk again
21:51.57A_Heart_Attack~dict lurk
21:52.03ts~seen deprecated
21:52.14ibotdeprecated is currently on #bzflag #pillbox ##ducleague ##essy, last said: 'game:stop'.
21:52.15JeffM2501~dict /msg
21:52.28tsdeprecated = definition of lurk
22:03.33*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (
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22:27.54*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
22:45.43*** join/#bzflag Theme97 (
22:47.50*** join/#bzflag A_Heart_Attack (
23:09.58*** join/#bzflag CBG (
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23:17.45A_Heart_Attackhow do people post as guests anyway?
23:18.31tannerldthey don't login...?
23:19.02A_Heart_Attackthen it says you need to login to post
23:19.53Theme97Depends on the forum you're posting in.
23:22.25CBGDepends on the forum you're posting in.
23:31.22JeffM2501all the fourms on bzbb require login
23:31.29JeffM2501the guest spam is something else
23:32.14JeffM2501Erroneous, ban there subnet, it's what I'v been doing and it's helping
23:32.31JeffM2501somone needs to check the logs and see how they keep posting it
23:32.48Erroneoussomeone does
23:32.51JeffM2501I've saved a couple, and informed the brlcad
23:33.00tannerldguest spam is something else?
23:33.11JeffM2501yeah, it's not a normal reg -> spam
23:33.21JeffM2501as we just don't allow guests
23:33.41JeffM2501so somehow they are bypassing the login stuff
23:33.50tannerldthe registering stuff or login stuff?
23:33.57JeffM2501same thing
23:34.44tannerldthere are some mods for phpbb to help kill the spam, but they will always try to get past
23:34.59JeffM2501well we need an upgrade anway
23:35.15tannerldisn't upgrading phpbb just so much fun? :E
23:35.22Erroneoussure is
23:35.28JeffM2501well we also need sometihng that isn't phpbb :)
23:35.33JeffM2501but that's a larger task
23:36.16JeffM2501at some point I'll probably just get so angry at at it, that I swap it to something else
23:36.32Erroneousooh, that should be fun to watch
23:36.39JeffM2501i'll be messy
23:36.46JeffM2501oh she needs to fix that
23:36.56Erroneousbust out a new list server in a day or something :)
23:37.08JeffM2501actualy I'd keep the list server, and mod the fourm
23:37.25JeffM2501simpler change
23:37.37Erroneousour list server has its own limitations
23:37.43JeffM2501geting a new fourm to use the exiting auth can't be that hard
23:37.49JeffM2501yes it does
23:37.59Erroneousmay as well write new auth though, if we're gonna mod it anyway
23:38.17JeffM2501there has to be a fourm system that is designed with modular auth
23:38.32Erroneousmy point is that we don't HAVE a modular auth :)
23:38.34Erroneousit'd be a hack
23:38.52JeffM2501but can fix the fourm. then fix the list
23:38.56JeffM2501and not have to do it all at once
23:39.05JeffM2501all at once makes it harder, and more prone to error
23:39.43Erroneousyou're proposing an incremental change instead of a total rewrite? :)
23:39.53JeffM2501cus I'm lazy
23:39.59JeffM2501I can learn things!
23:40.21JeffM2501does that mean tupone will come back now? :)
23:40.28ErroneousI hope so :(
23:42.02JeffM2501I fear that any new fourm system may not support groups like we use
23:42.24Erroneousneed something that can deal with that too
23:42.33JeffM2501or split them out of the fourm system
23:42.35Erroneousmight need to write something
23:42.38JeffM2501and give them there own managementm
23:43.13JeffM2501wonder how cool phpbb 3 is?
23:43.22ErroneousI dunno
23:43.22tannerldvery cool
23:43.36CBGvery uncool is my bet.
23:43.37JeffM2501when is it suposed to be done?
23:43.40CBGit's still phpBB.
23:43.56Erroneousthink they'd accept patches for a modular user/group system? :)
23:43.57tannerlduh not sure when it supposed to be done...
23:51.01tannerldi haven't heard anything new though...
23:51.01JeffM2501bahh, they don't even have upgrade tools
23:51.01tannerldyeah, phpbb3 is much more advaned than 2.0.x is
23:51.01JeffM2501we can't change to anything if we loose data
23:51.01Erroneouswe can always keep data
23:51.02Erroneousmight require a few extra chickens
23:51.02tannerldthere could always be unsupported updaters, but I don't know :P
23:51.02JeffM2501the feature list for 3 does look neat
23:51.02tannerldquite nice, you see the demo?
23:51.02JeffM2501# Display forum rules on forum page
23:51.02JeffM2501# Prune inactive users
23:51.03JeffM2501demo is pointless if I can't get our current data
23:51.03Erroneouslike I said...might require a few extra chickens, but it's always doable
23:51.03JeffM2501but is it worth the effort just for an eval
23:51.03Erroneousis it necessary just for an eval?
23:51.03JeffM2501not for the features, but to eval an upgrade
23:51.03JeffM2501can do it in 2 steps
23:51.03Erroneousfind out if we want to upgrade.  if we do, we can make it happen.
23:51.03JeffM2501I'd not want to do it while they are beta tho, we don't do good upgrades
23:51.04Erroneousno, not while in beta...might mean migrating more than once!
23:51.04JeffM2501or just let it all collapes till noone cares, then we don't have to keep data :)
23:51.05Erroneoussomeone will always care
23:51.05JeffM2501ok till noone I care about cares.
23:52.35JeffM2501for me to do it, my anger at the fourms will have to be greater then my hatred of php/html, but not so much hatred that I quit :)
23:52.54Erroneousthat's a rather fine line :P
23:53.14Erroneous'cause you hate php a lot
23:53.15JeffM2501and less then replacing the entire system for 2.2 and just make everyone rereg :)
23:53.24JeffM2501I don't hate it THAT much
23:53.29JeffM2501I did buy a book on it
23:53.49JeffM2501it is what it is
23:53.58JeffM2501for many things it is the right choice
23:54.05JeffM2501and it's enough like C that I can deal
23:54.14JeffM2501now SQL commands, thats the stuff I have no clue on
23:54.29ErroneousSQL is cool.  PHP is a mess.
23:54.33JeffM2501oooo I could just go and write C fourms :)
23:54.42CBGWhat else would you use for, say, an internet forum, JeffM2501, if not php?
23:54.42JeffM2501one big CGI :)
23:54.53Erroneousperl :)
23:55.03JeffM2501CBG, ASP, I have heard of that "ruby on rails" thing
23:55.09JeffM2501yeah perl
23:55.13JeffM2501there are a number of choices
23:55.18CBGASP is Microsoft crap..
23:55.23CBGRoR, yeah, ok.
23:55.32CBGBut nobody had heard of that 6 months ago.
23:55.34Erroneousperl's not such a good choice on big projects, sadly
23:55.36JeffM2501ASP is what it is. i does work for many people
23:55.40ErroneousRuby is ancient, CBG
23:55.52JeffM2501CBG, just cus it's not on a /. frontpage dosn't make it crap :)
23:56.08CBGEwwww, slashdot... ewww.
23:56.20*** join/#bzflag triclops (
23:56.23ErroneousCBG: do you actually like anything, or do you just hate it all? :)
23:56.41JeffM2501he lets his emotions guide all his desciions
23:56.59CBGI just hate ASP since it's spawn of the devil...
23:57.05JeffM2501yeah whatever
23:57.12CBGJeffM2501: hah, as if I have any knowledge to guide me... :)
23:57.16JeffM2501using with C# is prety sweet
23:57.21Erroneous"emotions guide..." "spawn of the devil..." yup, sounds about right
23:57.29JeffM2501but it has limited server suport
23:57.33ErroneousC# is a neat language
23:57.37CBGPHP Does everything I need it to do, with less hassle.
23:57.45JeffM2501for you, I'm sure that's true
23:58.04Erroneouscan't say I'm a big fan of ASP though
23:58.09CBGYeah, so I have no reason to go near ASP.
23:58.32CBGAs for RoR, I didn't say I hated it, I'm very interested in it, but it's only just becoming popular.
23:59.08JeffM2501ooo MFC fourms
23:59.11JeffM2501that would rock
23:59.11Erroneousjust because something's not popular doesn't make it not useful :)
23:59.21CBGErroneous: again, I did not say that.
23:59.29JeffM2501I still got that MFC IRC bot :)
23:59.58JeffM2501php is probably the best choice for our fourms, don't know if it is for our registration system

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