irclog2html for #bzflag on 20061002

00:19.03*** join/#bzflag shorty114 (n=shorty11@unaffiliated/shorty114)
00:19.14shorty114alright i'm pissed as hell
00:19.21a_meteoritethat's nice.
00:19.22shorty114that's the second time that jackass Moto Unit had banned me for no reasono
00:19.43JeffM2501then take it up with the server owner, no need to rant here
00:20.01shorty114yeah but i haven't seen viper in ages :o
00:20.05shorty114i'll look ont he forums
00:20.16JeffM2501send him a pm
00:20.50JeffM2501if he dosn't admin his server well enough, then pick another. it's not like there is a shortage ;)
00:21.23shorty114yeah but it's viper's server
00:21.35shorty114and somehow moto unit got admin from him
00:21.38JeffM2501that dosn't mean that viper picks good admins
00:21.43shorty114yeah you have a point
00:21.56shorty114i remember he gave everyone cop
00:22.34shorty114including me
00:22.43shorty114then i took a "hiatus" from bzflag and it died
00:22.47shorty114but anyways
00:24.11JeffM2501if he gave everyone cop, then that dosn't speak well of his admin picking ability ;)
00:24.41shorty114hmm i'll try pm and if he doesn't reply in a week or so i'll email him
00:41.00*** join/#bzflag RatOmeter__ (n=chatzill@
00:49.30*** join/#bzflag codergeek42 (n=peter@gentoo/developer/codergeek42)
00:51.31*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (
01:06.13*** part/#bzflag Mr_Molez (
01:16.15*** join/#bzflag [NP]Tangent (n=hyperdev@
01:46.40A-Delusionducktape going around with ten bots
01:58.04*** join/#bzflag [NP]Tangent (n=hyperdev@
01:58.39*** join/#bzflag blast007 (i=1000@pdpc/supporter/active/blast007)
02:00.47*** join/#bzflag blast007 (i=1000@pdpc/supporter/active/blast007)
02:05.02JeffM2501so ban him
02:10.11L4m3rWe don't own all the servers, jeff :P
02:12.04JeffM2501then not much else ya can do ;)
02:13.11L4m3rit'd be nice to be able to disable -solo bots by default
02:13.47JeffM2501make a plugin that kicks any player that is the name as a normal player, but has a number at the end :)
02:13.54L4m3ror at least disable them without killing autopilot
02:13.58A-Delusionwe do have our own masterban list. though most servers don't reload it often
02:14.14L4m3rand as for the plugin, I'm way ahead of you... by a few months :P
02:14.21JeffM2501then there ya go
02:14.30L4m3rsame IP and "00" at the end = kick
02:14.43L4m3rwhich then brings down any subsequent bots
02:14.46A-Delusioni think one server has been up for 146 days, groups stopped working 2 months ago,
02:14.53A-Delusionworld of pain
02:15.50A-Delusionquantum beep's server
02:16.31*** join/#bzflag [NP]Tangent (n=hyperdev@
02:16.40JeffM2501is it the botkicker2000?
02:16.58L4m3roh wow, never released it
02:17.04A-Delusionthree thousand
02:17.07L4m3r~lart me, quick and easy. don't even remember which server I originally scribbled it out for.
02:18.21JeffM2501botkicker XL denali eddition
02:18.38L4m3rInternet Exploder XLT
02:18.45A-DelusionBotkicker sie 13
02:18.57L4m3rbotKicker type-R
02:19.12A-Delusion13 EEEEEE
02:19.30a_meteorite~lart botKicker
02:57.27*** join/#bzflag shorty114 (n=shorty11@unaffiliated/shorty114)
04:22.55AAA_awrightI always post about my work on IRC first, so listen up bzflag server administrators...
04:24.13AAA_awrightI have created a 100% PHP solution that starts, stops, and resets your bzfs server. but wait! there is more...
04:24.24a_meteoriteBut, but, I was doing that.
04:24.33AAA_awrightDid you do it sucessfully?
04:24.46a_meteoriteNo. Continue.
04:24.53AAA_awrightAnyway, it also edits the configuration files and reads user /reports
04:24.57AAA_awrightas of now.
04:25.24a_meteoriteCool. I need that. You open-sourcing it?
04:26.21AAA_awrightIt is actually really cool. You can add multiple servers, and have them shar permissions automaticly,
04:26.53JeffM2501it have any security features?
04:27.10AAA_awrightI will open-source it when I add the ability for you to log in... (no, i dont have that yet)
04:27.26JeffM2501you have plans for any? or leave it up to the server?
04:27.28a_meteoriteImplement logging in and set security levels on global groups.
04:27.36a_meteoriteAt least, that's what I'd do.
04:29.27AAA_awrightIt (will) autolaticly run /reload when it changes the group files
04:29.58AAA_awrightIf all goes well, I could even implement a BZAdmin-like interface in the web browser.
04:30.05AAA_awrightThat is last, though
04:31.34AAA_awrightOnce I figured out that you had to redirect stdin AND sttdout AND output from the shell, AND run it with nohup, AND append the "&", all finally went well :)
04:31.54JeffM2501so it's nix only then?
04:32.18a_meteoriteJeffM2501: Should I add that 98% of "serious" servers use *nix? :)
04:32.20AAA_awrightIn theory, it could work in windows, but who runs big bzfs servers on windows, anyway?
04:32.23JeffM2501I know
04:32.47JeffM2501windows dosn't do the & thing, or nohup
04:33.03a_meteoriteAlthough, adapting it would be useful to someone... if it's even worth the time...
04:33.07JeffM2501I'm just sayin that if it's released, that quesion WILL come up
04:33.34a_meteoritePreferably I'd run a plugin of some sort that forwards info to the server and uses ajax to refresh.
04:33.54AAA_awrightFor what?
04:34.12a_meteoriteFor a bzadmin like interface online.
04:34.17a_meteoriteSorta like masterbot.
04:34.39JeffM2501he can just login
04:34.43AAA_awrightI could use my very own script, BZFlag_info. It can join as an observer, and so on.
04:34.47JeffM2501tho then he's dependent on protocoll
04:34.56JeffM2501both ways are valid
04:35.16AAA_awrightThat is how I shut down the server, have BZFlag_info login, run /password, and /shutdownserver
04:35.24JeffM2501the direct login dosn't have the API limits as well
04:36.23AAA_awrightIf I want to keep this PHP-only, i will run a PHP loop in the background, that updates a file every 1/2 second or so, and reads another file for input to run.
04:36.36a_meteoriteThat sounds hackish in a sense to me.
04:37.38a_meteoriteThat's always fun. :P
04:37.57a_meteoriteHomework time...
04:38.18AAA_awrightWill keep you updated, it is somthing you could use
04:39.22AAA_awright100% PHP, no plugins or C :)
04:40.03blast007so can BZFlag_info pull chat messages back?
04:40.26blast007similar so some code that I have laying around then
04:40.28AAA_awrightI can sho you an example... somewhere here
04:40.56blast007mine can track flag pickups, kills, chat, etc
04:41.21blast007was working player updates, but wasn't able to properly unpack the vectors
04:41.26blast007working on*
04:41.48AAA_awrightWhat would you need vectors for?
04:42.01*** join/#bzflag codergeek42 (n=peter@gentoo/developer/codergeek42)
04:42.17AAA_awrightUnless you were making another bzflag client...
04:42.50blast007making a 2D image every X seconds showing tank positions  :)
04:43.17blast007I had some code to turn a .bzw into a radar style image as well, using PHP/GD
04:43.32blast007that was before the new mesh objects though
04:43.34a_meteoriteblast007: Wow, I was thinking of something like that!
04:43.37a_meteoriteYou still got it?
04:43.43AAA_awrightDo you have it published? at least what it is so far?
04:43.59blast007a_meteorite: I think so
04:44.06blast007I'd have to locate it
04:44.25blast007it's probably on one of my hard drives...or maybe a USB stick
04:44.27AAA_awrightI am still strugling with how to download the worlds
04:44.37AAA_awrightworld files..
04:44.45blast007mine just parsed a local file
04:45.12blast007it also marked where world weapons were located
04:45.23AAA_awrightNeed to implement that, too...
04:46.00AAA_awrightMy script is just a clone of bzadmin,
04:46.20blast007ooo, found it
04:46.25AAA_awrightBZFlag_Loop, the extension of BZFlag_Connection, part of the BZFlag_info project
04:46.38blast007bzthumb  :)
04:48.09AAA_awrightCould I see?
04:49.32JeffM2501he requires payment.... in girlie giggles.
04:50.49AAA_awright This was my "somewhat-proof-of-concept".
04:51.05a_meteoriteJeffM2501: That's what I run from. EEK!
04:52.23JeffM2501real men can girlie giggle!
04:52.45a_meteoriteyou mean girlie man?
04:52.51L4m3rwith helium they can...
04:53.04JeffM2501hellz yeah
04:53.25JeffM2501you can not be a real man unless you are secure of yourself
04:54.03a_meteoriteUh oh, that I haven't done. Scratch the possible future GF.
04:54.27JeffM2501chicks dig the girlie giggles
04:54.33JeffM2501it's why they do it so much
04:54.59JeffM2501that and peeing in groups.. for some reason
04:55.14a_meteorite...peeing in public...?!
04:56.31a_meteoriteYou can pronounce me girlie man now. ;)
04:56.50JeffM2501not in public
04:56.54JeffM2501that's just silly
04:57.07JeffM2501put 2 of em at a dinner table, one has to go, the other will follow
04:57.14JeffM2501it's like wierd
04:57.27JeffM2501sportChick what do you all do in there?
04:57.41JeffM2501is there some sort of magic resort you can't tell the guys about?
04:58.31L4m3rthey're making fun of you behind your back, Jeff
04:58.34L4m3rkill them!
04:58.52JeffM2501why would they have to use the restroom for that? there are many better places
04:58.58SportChicklol JeffM2501
04:59.40SportChickJeffM2501: frankly, ~I~ never understood the going to the restroom in pairs and gaggles either.  The only reason might be if there is a long line - so you have someone to talk to while you waite :)
05:00.14JeffM2501why would there be a line to the restroom at anywhere but a sporting event?
05:01.41purple_cowJeffM2501: it's for conferences
05:02.33SportChickJeffM2501: obviously you haven't been to enough public places
05:02.43SportChickwomen's restrooms ALWAYS seem to have a line
05:02.50L4m3rJeffM2501: females take longer for obvious reasons, so their restrooms back up
05:02.51SportChickit's almost like a prerequisite or something
05:02.51JeffM2501ya all take too long
05:03.11JeffM2501maybe if they didn't go in groups, there would be a better trafic flow
05:03.14SportChickJeffM2501: don't generalize :)
05:03.23JeffM2501I'm just kiddin :)
05:03.23SportChickI'm not your "typical" gal :)
05:03.36SportChickyeah, but you're right in many cases :p
05:03.40JeffM2501guys go swift like the wind. no eye contact
05:03.49JeffM2501in out, done. like the night
05:04.15L4m3runless it's *into* the wind. then there are problems.
05:04.40JeffM2501we'd throw down a smokebomb and vanish like ninja's if it'd not set off the sprinkers
05:05.00blast007JeffM2501: some might do it anyway, just cuz it would be cool
05:10.01SportChickJeffM2501: btw, thanks for the help earlier
05:10.18SportChickI'll have a better idea on what she can look at after tuesd
05:10.28JeffM2501ohh sure
05:10.44JeffM2501if she's got a full grand, you can get some nice 17inch laptops for that
05:11.07JeffM2501450-500 is easy to do on a 14
05:11.34JeffM2501you can also try
05:11.40JeffM2501they can have deals as well
05:15.24SportChickwell, she'll have to pay for some s/w out of that money too
05:15.34SportChickbut as long as windows is on there, I think she's ok
05:15.49JeffM2501what else does she need? office?
05:15.51SportChickshe could do open office and then pull the other two programs off the other computer
05:16.00SportChickquick books and one other program I'm not familiar with
05:16.29JeffM2501the dell's can be configed with real office at a hefty discount IIRC, if she needs real office
05:17.45SportChickJeffM2501: she probably wouldn't notice the difference, but who knows
05:17.48SportChickshe has it on the old computer
05:18.00SportChickdunno if she has the actual s/w though or if it came pre-installed
05:18.04JeffM2501is she going to not use the old computer anymore?
05:18.17JeffM2501techicnaly all she needs is the license
05:18.20JeffM2501media is easy to find
05:18.44SportChickwell, it will be used by her kids (no 'net though)
05:18.46JeffM2501aka: hint hint, wink wink.
05:19.00JeffM2501then techincaly she'd have to get new licenses for the new machine
05:19.08JeffM2501of any software that is to be used on both machines
05:19.30SportChickJeffM2501: well, I think for the most part she could pull the s/w off the old
05:19.36SportChickand put open office on it instead
05:19.38SportChickor whatever
05:21.07blast007OO.o should be sufficient for home users
05:21.37JeffM2501yeah, unless she needs any MS specific stuff, OO is fine
05:21.44JeffM2501heck, she can make her kids use OO :)
05:21.45blast007I do prefer full Microsoft Office though... it's faster
05:21.57L4m3ryeah, seriously
05:22.25L4m3rwhen you try to outdo M$, bloatware shouldn't be one of your objectives
05:22.44JeffM2501OO will be realy cool in like 3 years
05:22.58L4m3r...if you notice a performance difference in a word processor, something is wrong! :(
05:23.10JeffM2501gimp was suposed to be realy cool this year, but they've been slacking off
05:23.17blast007L4m3r: notepad loads faster than wordpad!
05:23.27L4m3rimo gimp is already cool :)
05:23.50L4m3rcouple of interface greviances, but otherwise I find it very capable
05:23.53JeffM2501it has many cool features, but it's interface sill needs lots of work, for it to be considered for biz work
05:24.01JeffM2501yeah it's all interface
05:24.23JeffM2501it's software writen by people who care more about the low end features, then how to use it, cus hey, they KNOW how to use it :)
05:24.38JeffM2501they need to work that PS interface mod in, then it'll kick ass
05:25.23L4m3rI found PS's interface a bit on the clunky side as well
05:25.40L4m3rthe tool windows shouldn't float, it'd be nice if they docked into the side of the screen
05:25.49JeffM2501OO has the majority of the functionality, and the interface is OK, but they need to optimise the hell outa it
05:26.03SportChickJeffM2501: that was my point - let the kids use the OO
05:26.09blast007(and make VBScript's work)
05:26.09JeffM2501then they need something that MS dosn't do
05:26.30JeffM2501that is probably there hardest task
05:26.42L4m3rMS ditched the ribbons :P
05:26.50blast007Office 2007 looks pretty cool
05:27.00blast007but it will be a huge change for people
05:27.18L4m3rthat's a common complaint of most of their upcoming products
05:27.34L4m3rVista, Media Center...
05:27.42JeffM2501hey, masive dibilitating changes worked for apple!!!
05:27.42blast007L4m3r: no, the common complaint about vista is that it will suck completely  ;)
05:27.49L4m3rIE7 seems a tad... wonky
05:28.07L4m3rblast007: it doesn't seem THAT bad
05:28.11blast007IE7, now with 15% less evil
05:28.34L4m3rVista is a bit akward but seems to work well enough
05:28.49L4m3rinstallation is a pain though, it took forever
05:29.10blast007I installed the beta on a USB hard drive, and it blue screened on boot
05:29.15blast007so I had to run it in VMWare
05:30.12L4m3rran fine for me
05:30.19L4m3ron a PATA drive...
05:30.41blast007I was using my lappy, and didn't want to blow away XP ;)
05:30.50blast007only system that had a chance of running it
05:30.54L4m3rI just used a spare drive
05:31.06L4m3rnice thing about desktops... you can leave extra parts in there
05:32.24JeffM2501hah, maybe somone will buy this extra PC if I say it's "vista ready" :)
05:32.58blast007"vista ready" == "powers on"
05:33.12JeffM2501well and "dosn't use intel onboard video"
05:33.31blast007heh, seemed to work fine with a virtual graphics adapter  ;)
05:33.37JeffM2501it's not a bad machine, 2.8 gig celly, with a GF 6200
05:33.39blast007of course no fancy shiny gui
05:33.57L4m3rthe fancy shiny GUI feels duct-taped on
06:26.12*** join/#bzflag Blue_Eyes (
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12:08.27IcEhello all!
12:16.50*** join/#bzflag the_enemy (n=JL@
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12:34.27orangehi there mebigfatguy
12:46.43*** join/#bzflag [NP]Tangent (
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13:28.12mebigfatguyheya orange
13:28.19mebigfatguywelp, off to work :)
13:28.42Chestalwelcome, mebigfatguy
13:59.13*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
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14:26.52*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
14:40.56brlcadyou squeezed him offline!
14:43.45*** join/#bzflag tokimi (
14:57.04tsbrlcad: Global login seems to be down
14:59.56*** join/#bzflag essy (n=SportChi@pdpc/supporter/base/SportChick)
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15:05.10*** join/#bzflag a_temp_dist (
15:08.25tsNTH: It is down
15:08.39NTHops, just seen you already did that
15:12.24*** join/#bzflag Theme97 (
15:14.04tsNTH: It works again
15:14.18NTHts: thanks
15:14.31tsIt was not me who changed it
15:15.09*** join/#bzflag TheRedBaron (
15:15.22NTHts: -thanks
15:16.41NTHlistserver :-(
15:16.54tsNTH: Try in-game. It works for me
15:18.50NTHts: in game doesn't work for me
15:18.58NTHI will try later thanks
15:21.36tshmm :(
15:22.28*** join/#bzflag Pommes_ (
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16:18.24ibunnyno jeff and no sean :(
16:18.35ibunnyoh there is sean.
16:18.37brlcadno sean? :(
16:18.55ibunnysi si sean.
16:19.03ibunnymucho rico sean ;)
16:19.52*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (
16:20.17blast007233 server, and 172 players  ;)
16:20.48Manuhola ibunny :)
16:20.57Manuhola brlcad
16:21.07brlcadhola Manu, que tal?
16:21.16Manubien, abaco de reconectar :)
16:21.31brlcadaha :)
16:21.56brlcadi think there was a switch reset, there was packet loss preceeding it
16:22.01ibunnymanu manu
16:23.20ibunny## should be clickable
16:24.43*** mode/#bzflag [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
16:25.08Manubrlcad: close to 50% of packets loss :/
16:25.28brlcadManu: you're still seeing loss?
16:25.45Manu10 packets transmitted, 8 received, 20% packet loss, time 8998ms
16:26.10Manuis a hell to type here :/
16:26.10blast007working fine here
16:26.38blast007all responses around 60ms
16:26.38Manuearlier it was 40% of packets loss
16:27.10brlcadmaybe a switch on your end is causing the problems ;)
16:27.10blast007ah, I do have some loss
16:27.17blast00773 packets transmitted, 69 received, 5% packet loss, time 72697ms
16:27.28Manubrlcad: yes, sure ;)
16:27.42orangeno loss for me
16:28.01brlcadthey're probably still working on it
16:28.18*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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16:28.22brlcadresetting a switch rarely fixes the real problem, but is often the first thing to try :)
16:28.54Manuand saves bandwidth for a few seconds :)
16:29.23*** join/#bzflag NTH (
16:29.37*** join/#bzflag stjepan (
16:29.39blast00712% loss from my work connection  ;)
16:29.45blast007stjepan: hello
16:29.47Manuhi stjepan
16:29.52stjepanis anyone here a cop/admin at two castles?
16:29.58Manuno :)
16:30.05stjepanManu, you, right?
16:30.22stjepanI've got a problem: I got banned :(
16:30.23Manuare you asking it really?ç
16:30.43stjepanruskie is hating me too much :(
16:31.01stjepanit was very uneven
16:31.10stjepanruskie carried their flag so I killed him
16:31.12Manuand why got you banned?
16:31.14stjepanthen he banned me
16:31.21stjepanManu, what do you think of this?
16:31.36stjepankilled = tked
16:31.48Manuyes, I guessed it
16:31.58stjepanManu, pls can you do anything about this?
16:32.00Manuwell he is a cop, you don't need to kill h im
16:32.16stjepanhuh... I just killed him :(
16:32.19Manulet me see
16:32.25stjepanhe could at least warn me or something
16:32.36L4m3rI hear more and more complaining about uneven capping on the two castles...
16:32.48stjepanL4m3r, yes, that's true
16:33.04L4m3rit's either the cops doing it, or the cops being overzealous about enforcing the courtesy of not doing it
16:33.11stjepannaah, cops are ok
16:33.16stjepanbut they are sleepign
16:34.11Manustjepan: he was taking the red flag to the red team when 7vs2
16:34.52Manuit's 1 week ban, next time you must talk at first
16:35.19stjepanManu, pls can you unban him?
16:35.21stjepanI'll excuse
16:35.31stjepans/unban him/unban me
16:35.34ManuI must not, just pm him
16:35.43stjepantwo weeks is too much :(
16:35.48stjepanor 1 week
16:36.16stjepanManu, please?
16:36.40Manuthis chat os not to dead about bans, just send him a message
16:36.40L4m3rit's just a game... one game, of over 200. who knows, you may find a new server that you like.
16:37.33blast007like my server, that shares bandwidth with bittorrent
16:37.55L4m3rPerhaps there should be a plugin that randomly kills members of the larger team with increasing frequency as the teams get more and more uneven
16:37.56stjepanManu, how?
16:38.07stjepanManu, I can't join, I'm banned
16:38.14L4m3rPM via BZBB
16:38.21Birdieor irc
16:38.26L4m3rthat too
16:38.27stjepanruskie, ?
16:38.38Manustjepan: wait..
16:38.46Birdie(after you registered your nick or he wont be able to see your messages in pm)
16:38.50Manustjepan: join now
16:38.51stjepanoh I'm unbanned
16:39.02stjepanI'll excuse
16:39.13Manuand next time talk him
16:39.19stjepank, cu
16:39.28ibunnymanu q mediador eres ahora?
16:39.28L4m3rso, at 7v2, it'd be killing someone from the bigger team about every 15 seconds... enough of a nuisance to get people to switch
16:39.47Manuibunny: jeje, sí.. también tengo que hacer eso
16:39.50orangeI like the plugin that prevents the stronger team from carrying the weaker team's flag, myself
16:40.01ibunnymanu dile a sean q porfavor me hable q es muy guapo :P please manu manu haha
16:40.04orangepeople get sick of it and rebalance
16:40.15L4m3ryeah, I do too ( ;) ) but it needs work, when I get around to it
16:40.29L4m3rI should just add the roulette handicap to it
16:40.34orangeone modification to it has made it good
16:40.39orangeit prevents only the stronger team
16:40.49orangeand people can always carry their own
16:40.51L4m3rone of many options that will be worked in...
16:41.03L4m3rit needs a rewrite, basically
16:41.05Manuibunny: qué le has hecho para que no te hable? :)
16:41.22ibunnyno nada, si no q se demora mucho :P
16:41.46L4m3rI'd also like to add a "free run" option, so you can run the flag once you pick it up, even if teams get uneven while you have it the team can't just bail en masse before a capture to get their flag dropped
16:43.03orangethe activation delay helps with that
16:43.27ibunnyoh look another orange
16:43.38L4m3rthe activation delay was for a completely different problem, believe it or not ;)
16:43.46the_enemyi've definitely played a server that has killed people if they flag carry with uneven teams
16:43.51the_enemyit does warn you first
16:44.27L4m3rwithout the delay the plugin gets spastic for some reason... it'd switch back and forth contsantly
16:44.29*** part/#bzflag ibunny (n=alex@pdpc/supporter/active/jolie)
16:44.42L4m3rthe delay forces it to wait 5 seconds and make sure it hasn't changed back again
16:45.33orangeL4m3r: different math for determining unfair versus even again? ;-)
16:46.06L4m3rthe math is pretty straightforward, just a straight ratio
16:46.10Manubrlcad: 40% now o_P
16:46.11L4m3r...with some special rules
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17:17.02brlcadManu: jeje ta un poco loca esa, pero dulce
17:17.39brlcaddon't know about the packet loss other than to just wait a little and see if it clears up, I get zero here so I suspect it's some downstream router
17:22.50ManuI can wait :)
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17:37.16L4m3rtypedef int foo;
17:37.50L4m3rsounds great if you're trying to confuse the hell out of someone XD
17:38.08L4m3rfortunately, the bzwtransform thingy doesn't seem to use it anywhere
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18:23.22Erroneousif we didn't uncover any bugs, we would not be very useful :)
18:23.33randomparticlewhat is the bug?
18:23.34JeffM2501and you guys are doing a good job at ait
18:23.45JeffM2501all the drill CP stuff is jacked
18:23.49JeffM2501and jacked BAD
18:24.08*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
18:24.13JeffM2501basicly I don't think you can realy post with .14
18:24.21Erroneousnot holes anyway :)
18:24.41JeffM2501not when it'll double scale
18:25.35JeffM2501I realy wish Bill had thought the feature thru before he had us implement it
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20:25.27JeffM2501hah.. add more stuff to a pdf.. and it odly gets smaller
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20:27.35tsWhat is "stuff"?
20:27.45tsIt can depend on how you embed it
20:27.55JeffM2501ohh I did pull 2 images
20:27.56JeffM2501that must be it
20:28.22tsIt can be the images or embedding of fonts
20:30.49JeffM2501I'm sure it was the images
20:30.59JeffM2501forgot I yanked them
20:34.18*** join/#bzflag Nebukadneza (
20:34.39Nebukadnezai got some probs with bzflag on gnu/linux xorg 7.1 with 'nv' as driver (on one of my 2 heads)
20:34.49Nebukadnezawhen i start bzflag i get a Could not set Video Mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual.
20:35.10JeffM2501the nv driver does not supply hardware accelerated open GL
20:35.17JeffM2501you want the "nvidia" one
20:35.30Nebukadnezasure - which isnt free and doesnt work with xorg 7.1
20:35.43Nebukadnezabut is there no way to run bzflag without glx? i mean - i even ran it on vesa already
20:35.51JeffM2501install mesa
20:35.57JeffM2501but it'll be slow as hell
20:36.08JeffM2501it's sofware GLX
20:36.10Nebukadnezano big problem
20:36.50Nebukadnezarebuilding sdl or bzflag after that?
20:37.06JeffM2501gl is a dynamic library
20:37.09JeffM2501it's not compiled in
20:37.16Nebukadnezathanks alot - i'll try it
20:37.24JeffM2501it'll be REALY slow
20:37.41Nebukadnezaeven on a athlon 2125? i mean - there _is_ enough cpu to emulate
20:37.50Nebukadnezaand bzflag is not the big graphics explosion
20:38.14JeffM2501if you keep it to low res you'll probalby be ok
20:38.29JeffM2501like 15ish frames
20:38.42JeffM2501you can turn stuff off to help
20:38.45RatOmeterI'd be interested to know if it was usable like that... might be useful to others later
20:39.05JeffM2501I'm sure at 640x480 at medium it'll be ok
20:39.16JeffM2501the biger the frame buffer, the slower it'll go tho
20:39.24JeffM2501as you have to shuck around a lot more data
20:39.34Nebukadnezajust found out nv supports a bit of glx
20:39.44JeffM2501sending the entire frame image from the cpu over the bus to the video card
20:39.55JeffM2501with hardware, the card does it all, so the image never hits the bus
20:40.22JeffM2501nv does have some sofware support, but it's iffy at best from what I've seen
20:41.54JeffM2501says 7.1 support was added in version 8774 of the real nvidia drivers
20:46.23Nebukadnezai missed that one - thanks though
20:46.27Nebukadnezai'll try to get it running
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20:55.29Nebukadnezayaay works
20:55.30Nebukadnezathanks JeffM2501
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22:05.14ibotcvs -d co -P -r v2_0branch bzflag
22:05.19ibotcvs -d co -P bzflag   (this is for HEAD ie: 2.1 see also bz20cvs)
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23:01.11JeffM2501what's a good name for a short range, in system cargo transport spaceship?
23:04.33Erroneous"short range intrasystem cargo transport"
23:04.58JeffM2501no, like the idividual ship name
23:05.05JeffM2501like "titanic"
23:05.17Erroneous"short range intrasystem cargo transport #1153"
23:05.28JeffM2501bahh.. where is the fun in that :)
23:10.13Erroneouswhat kind of attitude does it have?  if it's a snobby cargo hauler, it might be named after somebody famous.  if it's a garbage truck, it might be a bit more earthy...
23:10.46JeffM2501space trucker!
23:11.11JeffM2501that's willing to smugle in some alliance operatives, for the right price
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23:27.22JeffM2501Erroneous, your right, my grammar is horible
23:28.54Erroneousgrammar can be fixed though
23:29.01Erroneousa broken story is harder to fix
23:29.20JeffM2501I'm changing a couple small parts to make it flow better
23:29.39a_meteoritej00 411 5uckkk @ grammer ;)
23:30.58JeffM2501some of the sentances just don't flow right
23:31.10Theme97Why does BZFlag seem to lag more when the quality is low/medium on some computers?
23:31.32JeffM2501many cards don't do the stuff that low does well
23:31.46JeffM2501they are optimised for the stuff modern games do
23:31.56JeffM2501like z buffers, and textures.
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23:50.59SportChickJeffM2501: pm pls

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.