irclog2html for #bzflag on 20060929

00:29.07*** join/#bzflag delusional (
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01:39.08a_meteoritemenotume: ping
03:00.26a_meteoriteall your notices are making me go wild
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15:40.39ibunnycbg cbg :(
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16:18.13SportChickDTRemenak: pingy :)
16:18.19SportChickaka, Erroneous pingy
16:19.00ErroneousSportChick: pong
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20:23.10L4m3rso, now that the patent is gone, will we see GIF animation support for 2.2? :D
20:25.53JeffM2501code it up
20:26.09JeffM2501tho why you'd only want 8 bit is beyond me
20:26.32brlcadanigif logos in 255 color glory!
20:27.03JeffM2501I could have giff reading support hooked up in like an hour
20:27.04CBGadd support for swf while you're at it, L4m3r
20:27.13JeffM2501just use DevIL
20:31.29*** join/#bzflag Birdie_ (
20:38.38L4m3rit'd be nice to have something to do half-decent animation other than drawinfos
20:39.59brlcadyay, animation
20:43.20brlcadi mean without them, it'd be like
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21:48.26JeffM2501blast007, you around?
21:50.29JeffM2501or any other phpbb knowledgeable person
21:51.32JeffM2501Erroneous, you awake?
21:51.44JeffM2501png, png, png.
21:51.47JeffM2501that should get him :)
21:52.23L4m3rI adminned a phpBB board a long time ago, so if it's not a coding question I might know
21:52.39JeffM2501I need to copy the members of one group to another
21:52.46JeffM2501probably via SQL
21:53.04L4m3ryeah, that'd probably be the easiest way
21:53.10JeffM2501yeah but how :)
21:53.40JeffM2501and the good old blast007 and DTRemenak / Erroneous  have access to yon database IIRC
21:53.43L4m3rI dunno... look at the table structure. if it's simple, go for it- use phpmyadmin :P
21:53.58JeffM2501he's probably workin :(
21:54.07JeffM2501guess I shoudln't have made that many bugs
21:56.48JeffM2501ether that or he's tesitng on the craptop
22:04.44CBGL4m3r: remember that map you made based on a mathematical equation, via php ?
22:04.56CBGWhat was it called?
22:05.00L4m3rthe curve
22:05.34CBGeh, figures ;)
22:06.05CBGI'm making my own...
22:06.19CBGDon't really know what I'm doing, just doing random equations.. :P
22:06.20L4m3rI can dig up the script if you like
22:06.25CBGI have it. ;)
22:06.30L4m3roh yeah
22:07.17CBGcan I like, 'include' the php page in the bzw file ?
22:07.30L4m3ruh, not really
22:07.31CBGcopying and pasting takes like, a minute... :|
22:07.56L4m3riirc the curve was only 15x15 blocks
22:08.04L4m3rand THAT caused lag for some people
22:08.11CBGyeah... :|
22:08.19L4m3rso don't go crazy on it... lol
22:08.23CBGI'm getting 2FPS on some of my results.
22:09.03L4m3ryou could tweak the script to write out to a file
22:09.24CBGI could, but I would have to look that up. :P
22:13.14CBGI should say, I've not really had any result as good as yours. :)
22:13.58L4m3rand mine sucked :|
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22:38.17JeffM2501png png png
22:38.30JeffM2501so got a sec?
22:38.47Erroneouswas in the classroom
22:38.58JeffM2501need to see if there is a way to copy all the users from one group into another group
22:39.03JeffM2501ob bzbb
22:39.05JeffM2501yeah figured you were
22:39.21JeffM2501I'm trying to help birdie get some of the GU groups cleaned up
22:39.35JeffM2501I'm wonderin if we can just copy the table data
22:40.03Erroneousso you want two identical groups?
22:40.11JeffM2501for now yes
22:40.17Erroneousor you want A=A+B?
22:40.25JeffM2501new is empty
22:40.37JeffM2501basicly so that we can do a name change, but keep the old group un till everyone updates
22:40.52JeffM2501then we'll kill the old group
22:41.18Erroneousah, ok
22:41.20Erroneoustemp thing
22:41.21JeffM2501and you are sql master!
22:41.32Erroneousno, but I have the manual :)
22:41.36Erroneousand I am stubborn :)
22:41.36JeffM2501or at least an apretice
22:42.14Erroneousshow tables;
22:42.15JeffM2501mostly I don't want to mess it up, and your more precise then I am :)
22:42.19ibotTee hee .. idiot.
22:45.12*** join/#bzflag ep (
22:47.13CBGWould bzfs show as 'bzfs' with top, on os x ?
22:47.40JeffM2501should IIRC, as that is the executable's name
22:47.50CBGok, thanks
22:48.19CBGI just 'quit' terminal with bzfs running, but my client that was on the bzfs server didn't get kicked off...
22:48.28CBGbut top didn't show an 'bzfs' so :/
22:48.46epNo curses No SDL on configure which debian (ubutu) packages should to install?
22:49.41JeffM2501the sdl dev package, and the curses dev package :)
22:50.45epyeah thats what i figured...i'm jus finding pages of  libsdl* in the package manager
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23:09.33Birdiety so much DTR!
23:10.11Erroneousnp :)
23:11.09Birdiewas it hard?
23:11.10*** mode/#bzflag [+v Erroneous] by ChanServ
23:11.42Erroneousone command
23:11.57Erroneouscourse I had to figure that out :)
23:20.36Birdiemostly those are the problems:)
23:20.36Erroneoushehe.  next time it will be easy ;)
23:20.36Birdieno one will be so stupid to ask what i asked:)
23:20.37*** join/#bzflag kyelewis[2] (
23:20.38ErroneousBirdie: only stupid thing was not asking me to do admin group at the same time, would have taken me all of 20 seconds :)
23:20.39Birdiewere only few names so i did them myself manually an hour ago:)
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23:23.20JeffM2501ibot DTRemenak++
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.