irclog2html for #bzflag on 20060911

00:01.40*** join/#bzflag Theme97 (
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00:49.02Gnurduxa_temp_dist, like teh limitwg?
02:02.26*** join/#bzflag Inferno (
02:03.27Infernois there a playerID for the server?
02:04.12Infernoor...can I run SetCommand in bzfs with using the server player?
02:04.58Theme97Inferno: Server is player -2, I think.
02:05.22Infernook, I'll try it
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08:24.46zaphod_42arenahi guys ....!
08:25.35zaphod_42arenai need a little advise .... tankzilla is cheating (makes even some fun about it in the report file)
08:25.55zaphod_42arenachanging IP's
08:26.13zaphod_42arenaany idea to nail him on the banfile????
08:28.40PommesSkeeve: I love me too ;-)
08:32.17*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter (
08:50.17SkeeveWhere is he, zaphod?
08:50.29SkeeveWhich server, I mean
08:56.46SkeeveJust wanted to see a cheater in action. Chris Reeves didn't show up for quite some time now and I wanted to test my anti-cheater cheat
08:57.06zaphod_42arenalook for tankzilla
08:57.35SkeeveBut on which server?
08:57.54zaphod_42arenaon many .....!!!
08:58.10SkeeveSo currently on none
08:58.36zaphod_42arenaright! he is in california ... taking a nap i guess ;-)
08:59.12SkeeveI see... Last seen 4:5 in the night my time
09:05.03zaphod_42arenaseen as well on the GU league servers.......
09:10.45zaphod_42arenatell me about your anti-cheater cheat!!!!
09:11.41SkeeveIt's pretty simple: I added a function that compares the "killer's name" with a name I set of being a cheater
09:11.55SkeeveThe shot is simply ignored then
09:12.10SkeeveNot just ignored but also terminated
09:12.25zaphod_42arenacool .... and how do you run it?
09:12.38SkeeveIt's in my client
09:12.48SkeeveI compiled it myself
09:12.57zaphod_42arenaon what system?
09:13.11SkeeveMac OS... But that doesn't matter
09:13.47zaphod_42arenai run macosx too! could you mail me your anti-cheater cheat!!!!
09:14.13SkeeveI could... But I'm not sure I will
09:14.21SkeeveThere are enough cheats around
09:14.44SkeeveAnd I already got some harsh response here when I posted it.
09:15.12zaphod_42arenai would use it on my server against this tankzilla guy!
09:16.09SkeeveI don't like the idea of giving it away...
09:17.48zaphod_42arenaso why mentioning then ...
09:18.07SkeeveBecause I want to use it against cheaters...
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11:22.31spldartI still need to try the Skeeve client in my server against a cheat hehe]
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14:24.40teatreenearly made a week wih bz
14:24.47teatreemaybe i get addicted agaiN ;D
14:28.20spldartThere are certainly worse things to be addicted to. heh
14:29.36PuMpErNiCkLeCS, for example.
14:37.14Manubrlcad: buenos dias
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14:59.29teatree[dmp] got news for me?
15:00.25[dmp]teatree: news? should i have news for you?
15:01.00[dmp]teatree: only news i can think of, is that our team played the 1000th and 1001st match early this morning :)
15:01.15SportChickhi teatree `
15:02.16teatreehello SportChick
15:02.36SportChickwie gehts?
15:03.22teatreeSportChick: prima danke selber? ;)
15:03.50SportChickgut, danke
15:04.34SportChickmein deutsch ist sehr schlecht ;)
15:04.45teatreehab schon schlimmeres gehört
15:05.12SportChickhehe, danke
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15:47.37CIA-6opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10PowerPainter/ (5 files): texture tools to fix bad faces
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17:36.30teatreehow do torrent sites actually earn there money from :D
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18:23.24CIA-6opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10PowerPainter/ (6 files):
18:23.24CIA-6opencombat: select all function
18:23.24CIA-6opencombat: UV remap function.
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19:53.08ruskieI went NR but my client didn't report that fact
19:53.16ruskieso I was able to keep playing and recive updates etc...
19:53.26ruskiejust couldn't hit anyone or pickup flags
19:53.57ATD_did the others look NR?
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19:55.13Manubad luck ruskie
19:55.41ruskieATD_, no
19:55.49ruskieas said I kept getting regular player updates
19:55.54ruskieno NR or anything
19:56.10ruskieand when I mentioned I couldn't pickup flags someone said that I went NR
19:56.13dryhdhcant login at it says "login must be wiki formatted" ?
19:58.12Manuruskie: you lost udp packets
19:58.47*** join/#bzflag spldart (
20:01.32CBGruskie: yeah, it happens.
20:01.51ruskieit's mostly annoying
20:02.25ruskiebut it's fun as well.. I wish there would be a "ghost tank" observer mode though...
20:02.45ruskieget a white semi-transparent tank and ride it around
20:02.58ruskieand when you shot you haunt the current target :)
20:04.18*** join/#bzflag Shaba1 (
20:04.23Shaba1Hello all.
20:04.50Shaba1Hey is there a graphical legend type of thing that shows you what all the symbols in the radar screen are online?
20:05.28CBGwhat symbols?
20:05.56Shaba1I finally got bzflag running on my computer with me playing against the computer. Now I just need to understand the keyboard commands and the symbols(blocks) colores in the radar screen.
20:06.04ruskiewhite + - flags, BIG white + tank with BU flag, BIG blue and red and yellow and green dots tanks normal dots/lines bullets
20:06.13Shaba1Like whats a power up,whats a building,whats a enemy tank e.t.c
20:06.36ruskieI think that sums it up
20:06.50ruskieeverything else is a building/or some other element of the map
20:07.04Shaba1Yeah that type of thing ruskie. But I was wondering if there was a jpg or png online anywhere that I could download and printout
20:07.18*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (
20:07.27CBGShaba1: there are like, flags and tanks.
20:07.30CBGThat't it.
20:09.00CBGflags are white crosses, tanks are colored squares.
20:09.02CBGA colored square with a white cross is a tank with a flag.
20:09.16CBGA big, moving white cross is a tank with the burrow flag.
20:09.51ATD_You are always in the center of the radar
20:10.11CBGThe lines going out from your tank show your field of view.
20:14.56Shaba1Thanks CBG and ATD_ I was just wondering if that all was online somewhere so I coudl print it ou.
20:15.24CBG'Print Screen'. :)
20:16.08*** join/#bzflag leviathan (
20:16.10Shaba1Hey that is a Dos function as far as I know.
20:16.30CBGI should think most OSs can do it.
20:16.38Shaba1I have enought trouble getting bzflag to run on my machine much less chancing trying to use a DOS interrupt
20:16.50CBGI know all half-decent OSs can copy and paste.
20:17.01CBGShaba1: What OS do you use..?
20:17.04CBG~hide menotume
20:17.14ibotACTION gets a huge black sheet and covers menotume with it so that nobody can see what menotume is doing!
20:17.29CBGShaba1: and you don't know how to print screen...?
20:17.32Shaba1but I think its more the video chip that I have in my laptop that causes problems
20:17.47CBGI know windows users that can print screen but can't copy and paste. :/
20:18.09Shaba1Oh I know how to use print screen CBG. I have been around since the old CP/M days.
20:18.39Shaba1For those of you that do not know that was a popular microcomputer OS in teh 70s
20:19.36CBGIf you want to print out the stuff I said, what's the problem?
20:20.01CBGIf you've "been around since the 70s" I should think you could cope with that.
20:20.18SpazzyMcGeecough.... in-game help menu
20:21.44Shaba1CBG I know how to do a print screen.
20:22.17Shaba1My point was that with the vidchip on my machine it would probably be problematic to do so.
20:22.50SpazzyMcGeedoes it really matter? there are ample ways you could save any information in this window.
20:23.21Shaba1I am not on that machine right now.
20:23.31Shaba1and why is this causing a dispute?
20:23.40CBGYou tell us.
20:23.48JeffM2501man it's gonna take a long time to watch 7 seasons of X files
20:24.07ATD_it's your winter project
20:24.28SpazzyMcGeeHow many hours is that?
20:24.40JeffM250144 min each episode, 22 per season
20:24.46JeffM2501and a total of 9 seasons
20:24.59SpazzyMcGeei found a use for dahboard!
20:25.08ATD_hehe - calculator?
20:25.26SpazzyMcGee8712 hours
20:25.36JeffM250112 days
20:25.40Shaba1I did not think it should or was. But you were the one that sarcastically said"<CBG> Shaba1: and you don't know how to print screen...?"<CBG> Shaba1: and you don't know how to print screen...?"
20:25.45*** join/#bzflag Skeeve (
20:25.50orange8712 minutes
20:25.51SpazzyMcGee363 days
20:26.12ATD_got your units wrong spazzy
20:26.33SpazzyMcGee51.857 weeks...
20:26.52SpazzyMcGeeput it in the dashboard converter
20:27.02CBG22... less than an hour each, so about 20 hours per season, 9 seasons
20:27.12CBGthat has to be 9*20 = 180 hours
20:27.27SpazzyMcGeeoh crap
20:27.39SpazzyMcGee8712 mins not hours!
20:27.59SpazzyMcGee145 hours
20:28.10SpazzyMcGee6.05 days
20:28.19SpazzyMcGeenearly a week
20:28.50JeffM2501dude your calculator seems busted,
20:29.00CBGa lot less than 363 days. :)
20:29.02CBG145 hours is right.
20:29.05SpazzyMcGeetell that to steve jobs
20:29.31SpazzyMcGeei had it on convert hours instead of mins
20:29.31CBGI'm using purl, getting the same 6.05 days.
20:29.50JeffM2501yeah but you cant' watch TV 24/7 :)
20:30.01JeffM2501I figured it as 12 hours a day
20:30.01SpazzyMcGeewell, you can
20:30.05CBGWhy ever not?
20:30.16JeffM2501those silly bilogicals, like sleep
20:30.16SpazzyMcGeejust not if  you want to stay sane
20:30.24CBGsleep? huh?
20:30.33JeffM2501I'll probably get thru it by the end of the year
20:31.13CBGThat'll be about 2 episodes a night, so 90 mins.
20:31.45JeffM2501well I'm already in the middle of season 2
20:31.58SpazzyMcGeethe proper marathon is watch '24' all through non stop
20:32.12CBGwell, that's kinda easy
20:32.15CBGnot even 24 hours.
20:32.20SpazzyMcGeenot as easy as it looks
20:32.55SpazzyMcGeei know several people that have almost done it
20:33.06*** part/#bzflag leviathanvbz (
20:33.12CBGonly 'almost' ?
20:33.22SpazzyMcGeeyeah they fall asleep
20:33.57CBGEach episode is only 45 mins, right?
20:34.16spldartHrm.. My star treks and babylon 5's are only 42 :(
20:34.24JeffM2501it's jsut an 18 hour day
20:34.32CBGso they can't stay awake 17 hours a day? LOL
20:34.32JeffM2501that should be tooable
20:34.45JeffM2501sleep in the next day
20:34.59CBGget a decent night sleep before, say, 10 hours...
20:35.03CBGthen 18 hours is nothing.
20:35.09SpazzyMcGeei suppose so
20:35.34CBGMy mother usually gets less than 7 hours sleep during the week.
20:35.46SpazzyMcGeefor the whole week?
20:36.09SpazzyMcGeewhat does she do for a living?
20:36.16CBGDuring the week, yes.
20:36.33CBGShe works part time as a school secretary, but she wakes everyone else up in the morning.
20:37.02SpazzyMcGeeam i mis-reading this? 7 hours in 5 days.
20:37.05CBGShe gets up between 6 and 6:30, doesn't get to bed till at least 10:30 and she reads in bed too.
20:37.14CBGSpazzyMcGee: 7 hours per night...
20:37.14SpazzyMcGeenot 7 per day
20:37.19SpazzyMcGeeoh right
20:37.50CBGMy point was, if she has a really good night sleep one night, the next day, satying up for 18 hours would be nothing.
20:38.26SpazzyMcGeeok you win
20:39.03CBG24 sucks anyway.
20:39.38SpazzyMcGeenot as much as lost
20:48.34Shaba1Thanks ATD_
20:48.46Shaba1did you just make that or did you fine id somewhere?>
20:49.25SpazzyMcGeeafaict he just made it
20:49.32ATD_just made it
20:50.46ATD_youbetcha - there's a bunch that isn't reflected on that image - like different types of shots look different on radar, etc
20:51.12Shaba1thanks for even that ATD
20:51.25Shaba1brb I need to go get the printout
20:56.31CIA-6opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10PowerPainter/world.cpp: more robust world reader that can deal with models that are missing normals and UVs
20:56.37CIA-6opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10PowerPainter/UVModDialog.cpp: add UVs if we find that we don't have them when generating new UVs
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22:58.17Theme97Is bz_revokePerm() broken in 2.0.8? :(
23:09.48JeffM2501what perm are you trying to revoke?
23:09.53JeffM2501a custom or a built in?
23:10.50Theme97I tried revoking SAY, which doesn't seem to have much effect, but SPAWN can be revoked. Why can't I revoke SAY?
23:10.56JeffM2501or a perm from a group the person is in?
23:11.15JeffM2501is say in the everone?
23:11.44JeffM2501is spawn in everyone?
23:12.31Theme97Yes, it is. I think I want to revoke "TALK"?
23:12.48JeffM2501say seems to be only used by /say
23:13.05Theme97Yeah... whoopsies. Thanks.
23:13.45JeffM2501talk is checked during chat message filtering
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.