irclog2html for #bzflag on 20060910

00:24.12AAA_awrightWho here has had a problem with tankzilla (a cheater). He has been vote-banned from 3 servers so far, on 5 occasions at least... (that I have seen)
00:34.35spldartReally... I've played on servers with him a few times and not had an issue
00:34.52spldartEven told him how his name reminds me of some stupid show
00:35.05spldartHe 'lol' 'd
00:36.49CBGAAA_awright, spldart, apparently the cheater is "tankzilla." - different to the usual non-chating (afaik) "tankzilla" (notice the "." in the first one).
00:37.23*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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00:37.25spldartah another name theif
00:43.31*** join/#bzflag A_Heart_Attack (
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00:50.18spldartWhat did that silly mac ever do to you? Throw up a bunch of errors during a build?
00:50.42JeffM2501not let me write files to a disk
00:52.06JeffM2501windows can write to it fine.. but the mac.. oh no.. it makes me format it.
00:54.46JeffM2501bet even 'nix could write to it
00:58.05JeffM2501I just hope it formated it NTFS, not fat32
00:58.51cosmostankzilla permabanned on hepcat
00:59.39spldarttankzilla or "tankzilla"
01:00.08A_Heart_Attackand why are you perma banning him?
01:00.15cosmosdont care they are banned.  flooding, hacking, threatening you name it
01:00.28*** join/#bzflag shorty114 (n=shorty11@unaffiliated/shorty114)
01:01.21A_Heart_Attackand was his name "tankzilla" or "tank zilla"
01:01.29spldartAsking cuz there is a tankzilla out there that seems friendly and I haven't seen cheat and one apparently cheating and being an arse
01:01.59cosmoshe was not registered
01:02.11cosmosso if there is a decent one he can register to play
01:02.24JeffM2501IIRC the decent one is reged
01:02.26A_Heart_Attacktheres one registered thats "tankzilla"
01:02.37A_Heart_Attackwhats that mean
01:02.42JeffM2501If I Recall Corectly
01:02.49A_Heart_Attackhes the good one
01:05.00JeffM2501IIRC is much easyer to spell correctly
01:05.27JeffM2501OSX aliases are the same as symlinks right? they will work in a terminal?
01:16.06cosmosthe real tankzilla had a different ip and was registered
01:19.23cosmoshe was kind enough to leave a message letting me know he would hack my servers if i didnt give him admin
01:20.22JeffM25011) what kind of hacker gives you advance notice. 2) does anyone expect that threat to give them admin?
01:20.51cosmosi guess so
01:21.10cosmosstrongarming by idiocy
01:25.08JeffM2501ahh there we go, 8 gigs free on the mac :)
01:25.48spldartParty on Jeff's drive
01:25.59JeffM2501well and a 200 gig external
01:47.06brlcadJeffM2501: we shouldn't have a problem making universal builds now, the critical protocol bug seems to have been fixed at least in head.  (think it's fixed on branch too) so it just requires recompiling with the right cflags in order to make the universal binary
01:47.21JeffM2501the float pack thing?
01:48.19brlcadand no, it won't run under rosetta (at least the last posted.. one built from cvs "should" work under rosetta)
01:48.47JeffM2501well if you got your new macbook, maybe you can build a uni :)
01:48.48brlcadyeah, the float pack thing seems to ahve been the critical bug
01:49.01brlcadyou can build a uni without the macbook..
01:49.09brlcadjust hard as heck to test whether it really workes ;)
01:54.04*** join/#bzflag [NP]Tangent (
01:56.35*** join/#bzflag ircleuser (
01:57.48ircleuserWin Xp: Are you here?
01:59.19*** join/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@2002:45a6:86ae:0:0:0:0:1)
01:59.20*** mode/#bzflag [+v bryjen] by ChanServ
02:03.06brlcadircleuser: do you see winxp's name in the list of people there in your ircle window?
02:03.23ircleuserBrlcad: Kind of.
02:04.35brlcadyou either see "Win Xp" or you don't
02:05.16ircleuserI can't tell whether or not I see it. I'm all like, I have Windows, but Win Xp is the guys name, so it's kinda weird, you know?
02:05.40brlcadno, i really don't
02:05.52ircleuserYou don't what?
02:06.13brlcadthere is a list of people in the channel that's presented to you in the ircle irc application
02:06.51ircleuserOh. Well, it's like this. So there's this dealio called Windows XP or something, and then there's like this dude named Win Xp so I'm all like, how the crap am I supposed to know if Win Xp's here, you know?
02:06.54brlcadwhether you use windows or not has nothing to do with so, so it's not really kinda wierd, you know?  it's a simple case of whether he's in the list or not.
02:07.18brlcadthere .. is .. a .. list
02:07.24brlcadmy name is in that list
02:07.31brlcadso is yours (ircleuser)
02:07.35brlcadso is a lot of others
02:07.43brlcad"Win Xp" is not in that list
02:07.53JeffM2501hence no gameshow
02:08.03ircleuserUm... maybe yours is diff or somethin' cause mines nothing like that. There's this white box dealio I'm typing in.
02:08.18brlcadi've used ircle, there is a list
02:08.30ircleuserOh, by the way, Ircle isn't my name.
02:08.40ircleuserThis Windows XP dealio just calls me ircle.
02:09.13brlcadyour irc username designation is currently "ircleuser" whatever you want to call yourself
02:09.36brlcadyou had the option of changing/selecting something different, regardless of your familiarity with how to do that
02:09.59ircleuserNo, no, no. I would have done something about it if I had an opshin.
02:10.20JeffM2501then perhaps you should use an IRC client that you can understand
02:10.20brlcadyou had the option, you're just apparently not aware how to
02:11.01ircleuserWell, then aware me away, cause I don't think it's possible, but whatev, ya know?
02:11.21JeffM2501what IRC program are you using?
02:11.26brlcadjust like how I have the option to end this conversation because it's apparently not providing a benefit to either of us, much to my attempts to the contrary.. ya know?
02:11.47JeffM2501brlcad, you feed the trolls the BESTEST
02:11.56brlcadi try
02:12.24ircleuserJeff: I think I'm using Ircle. I got it from this guy who I know in real life and he emaled it to me.
02:12.39JeffM2501then perahps you should read up oin how to use it
02:12.46JeffM2501or get a client you can use
02:12.55ircleuserNo, no, no. I don't need to read anything. I'm leet.
02:13.04brlcadokay, see you mr. leet
02:13.16JeffM2501the figure it out
02:13.31ircleuserYeah, I HTMLed many famous webs and I've HTMLed my own OS and stuff.
02:13.45JeffM2501yeah it's time for you to stop now
02:13.47*** kick/#bzflag [ircleuser!n=sean@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad] by brlcad (have fun leeting yourself)
02:13.56JeffM2501see :)
02:14.19brlcadya know
02:15.35blast007wow, I missed all the fun  :/
02:16.12JeffM2501what one?
02:16.17spldartThat was slightly entertaining
02:21.36brlcad(i.e. sleep)
02:26.39blast007JeffM2501: Excel Saga
02:26.46JeffM2501I'm sorry
02:27.05JeffM2501I couldn't finish that one
02:27.06JeffM2501too out there
02:27.12JeffM2501FLCL is the furthest I go
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02:47.16delusionalI've got someone trying to impersonate a known (registered) player TANKZILLA, and using a full blown cheat client,
02:48.07delusionalit looks like he's dynamic,but a ban of 209.19.209.*  just might remove him good
02:48.35spldarthe was being discussed earlier... he's banned on hepcat too
02:49.28SportChickping any irssi user
02:49.46SportChickhi PuMpErNiCkLe
02:50.04SportChicka friend is using irssi - and when he types it shows as white font on white background
02:50.10SportChickhow can he change that?
02:50.20PuMpErNiCkLeChange the terminal background color.
02:50.24delusionali'm pretty sure the name is an impersonator.. but until i get an IP on the real tankzilla, i cant be sure
02:50.45spldartI think it's confirmed it's a copycat
02:51.07SportChickthe impersonator often uses a . at the end of his name
02:51.14SportChickand it is a confirmed copycat
02:51.15spldartI'm goin ahead and doin a 209.19.209.* ban myself after this
02:51.35SportChickty PuMpErNiCkLe
03:03.16delusionalthis is so stupid i just have to mention it, the site he promoted..
03:06.42PuMpErNiCkLeI read three paragraphs of that, and already I think he's a douche.
03:07.09JeffM2501or that's the real zilla's webpage
03:07.16delusionalthis is very strange... on boxy war it looks like he's banning himself
03:07.47delusionalit says banned by
03:08.00delusionalgotta see meteors logs
03:10.43blast007could that just be a poll ban?
03:11.29delusionalseems logical
03:12.44delusionalnever been in meteors files before, and got better thngs to do right now than chase a cheater for hours
03:13.46delusionalBW... I fixed it, and can fix easily now
03:14.02delusionaljust keep sending them like they are..
03:14.40delusionalgah wrong channel, sorry
03:25.47*** join/#bzflag spldart (
03:33.50delusional206.148.200.1 new IP
03:38.24*** join/#bzflag codergeek42 (n=peter@gentoo/developer/codergeek42)
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04:05.28Laughing_JackaloCheater at planetmofo free for all is unkillable and spamming
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08:03.08stjepanhi Manu :)
08:03.23stjepanI have a question: why is keyboard so slower than mouse?
08:03.38stjepanmouse accelerates much faster than keyboard
08:03.43stjepanwhy is that?
08:06.20Manubecause you are slower pressing the keys than moving the board may be
08:06.40Manusome players using keyboard are also quick
08:07.13ManuI use the mouse because I can control my moves easy
08:08.23stjepanManu, you never use keyboard?
08:08.49Manuactually only to jump
08:09.11stjepanManu, how big is you mouse box?
08:09.42Manuit depends the map I'm playing
08:09.53stjepanManu, how big at two castles?
08:10.00stjepanhow big at pillbox, gu, duc?
08:10.04Manunot big.. not small ;)
08:10.13Manuducati.. small
08:10.32stjepanManu, btw, I taled with snick
08:10.43ManuI did it too.. no problems now
08:10.51stjepanhe isn't cheating
08:11.12stjepanManu, I tried using lil mouse box
08:11.29stjepanand when I use it, I am much faster turning than when I use keyboard
08:11.54stjepanManu, is it a bug or what?
08:11.56Manuyes but you can cake the flag at viper ;)
08:12.26stjepanis it true viper is a total keyboard user?
08:12.35Manuno :)
08:12.47stjepanhe uses keyboard all the time
08:12.49ManuI use the mouse at viper
08:13.03stjepanI am talking about "Viper Sniper"
08:13.10Manuwith the keyboard you must use slow motion some times
08:13.29stjepanthat's not a problem, is it?
08:13.50stjepanand keyboard is much more precise
08:14.06Manuyou must use what is better to you
08:14.23stjepanboth have pros and cons :(((((
08:14.39stjepanI find keyboard easier for dodging
08:14.48Manuthen use it
08:14.54stjepanbut hard to jump :)
08:15.02stjepansmall jumps for example
08:15.17stjepanManu, do you know the stairs at two castles?
08:15.24stjepanI hate jumping with keyboard there
08:15.46Manuyes, it's difficult that's why I use the mouse.. better control
08:16.17stjepanok tnx for chatting... now bye back to bzflag :))
08:27.15*** join/#bzflag benplaut (n=benplaut@unaffiliated/benplaut)
08:28.23benplautanyone know how to do anything about the fact that (linux) bzflag locks and doesn't accept input while waiting for a pong? occaisionally my router will fart and i have to go into a vt and kill bz, since it won't let me f12...
08:28.52benplaut(playing... if you have an answer, i'll thank you later)
08:33.58Manuit depends if you are using curl with ares or not, (blocking or nor blocking)
08:34.18Manubut without ares I haven't that such of problems
08:38.02benplauthow do i switch that?
08:42.12Manuyou must compile libcurl with ares suport
08:47.06benplautso you recommend with or without?
08:47.23benplaut(dunno what ares is)
08:48.59Manubetter is with ares
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09:24.24benplautthanks Manu ... working great :)
09:38.06*** join/#bzflag wizart (
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10:54.29trepanwhat's weird is seeing the On button sitting in the middle of a bunch of build icons; might as well fix that too
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12:34.21ircleuserIs Win Xp here?
13:07.50PuMpErNiCkLe~seen win_xp
13:07.52ibotwin_xp <n=WIN_XP@> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 249d 8h 34m 43s ago, saying: 'For anyone that wants cheats visit                     THEY FUCKIN RULE !!!!!'.
13:08.04PuMpErNiCkLeI think that's a no.
13:09.35*** join/#bzflag Bz_Win (
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14:06.11Bz_WinGlobal is down again :p
14:07.48*** join/#bzflag A_Heart_Attack (
14:17.04A_Heart_Attacklistserver down?
14:17.18Bz_Winno, I just said that becuase I felt like it
14:17.22Bz_Winof course it is.
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14:49.25A_Heart_Attackstupid listserver
14:52.33A_Heart_Attackok this sucks
14:55.28Bz_WinYes you do, stop telling us
14:55.32spldartSo.. it's still down :(
14:57.15Thumper_how long as it been down?
14:57.24Bz_Winmaybe, beter part of an hour?
14:57.28A_Heart_Attackits was up like 5 minutes ago
14:57.36A_Heart_Attackbut like 10 minutes ago it was down
14:57.49[dmp]it is not down, its just very slow
14:58.10spldartI really must write down all my favorite servers so as to manually pick them
14:58.18A_Heart_Attackafter a while i get the message "cant talk with list server"
14:58.39[dmp]A_Heart_Attack: yes, because it is too slow
14:58.42spldartSlow enought to cause timeouts with bzfs
14:58.45Thumper_so basically global auth is down...
15:00.38spldartOuttages seem to be occurring more often lately
15:02.02Bz_Winwell, time to go cut the lawn *sigh* laters
15:02.23A_Heart_Attackha ha
15:02.31Bz_Win_cuttingLayour a lol ahaha
15:02.48A_Heart_Attackstill down
15:03.08A_Heart_Attacknow its up
15:05.04spldartMOWER BOY!
15:07.09Thumper_nagware off... and now the listserver auth works... go figure.
15:55.27*** join/#bzflag A_Heart_Attack (
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16:30.05*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
16:36.15Bz_Winback / done
16:36.24Bz_Winall toes still intact
16:37.32A_Heart_Attackthat took u a while
16:38.29*** join/#bzflag shorty114 (
16:40.22spldartSome of us have a HUGE backyard
16:40.37*** join/#bzflag shorty114 (n=shorty11@unaffiliated/shorty114)
16:41.08spldartI live on the end of a Cul De Sac and my front yard is tiny and my back yard is HUGE!  8-D
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17:34.26spldartHe's not a playa he just pokes alot
17:55.37spldartummm... it's "we don't need no stinking bad flags" npt
17:55.59spldartNot "We don't need not stinking bad flags"
17:56.19spldartJust in case a owner/cop is in here
18:09.21spldartIt's been a giddy/goofy mood day here.... Elsewhere?
18:11.20*** join/#bzflag _sussi (
18:14.56spldartJust watching player 'stive' on Pimpi and it reminded me of my comment on running an astable multivibrator circuit in a joystick/mouse so as to set up machine-gun triggering of a specific button.. Would this 'Game resource' be considered a cheat or a unfair advantage?
18:15.20_sussivibrator is nice
18:15.47_sussithey using extremly sensitiv mouse inputs
18:15.59_sussilike for unix xset m 999
18:16.39_sussigive always the highest possibly acceleration, but still looks crazy
18:17.39spldartand the machine gun looking right click?
18:18.40_sussibzflag relays onto the acceleration
18:19.17_sussimeans if u can achieve always high values its looks like cheating but u dont
18:19.40spldartis that only for tank movement?
18:19.51_sussiacceleration- speed- place
18:20.22_sussibullets speeds are a result of the tankspeed as well
18:21.08_sussitry to shoot while drive forward and backward, distance is different
18:21.15spldartOh.. You misunderstand... I was watching a dude firing off 3 round bursts.. no flag or any flag.. at a blistering pace
18:21.48spldarthe picked up SW and fired and 3 Shockwaves went up so close together you couldn't hardly discern each one
18:21.52*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter (
18:22.34spldartI found it difficult to believe his finger was clicking at a pace of a 'rolling drumstick'
18:22.48_sussiu can define as many keys for any jobs u want, in the config file
18:23.10L4m3rand anyway, it's just a waste of shots
18:23.40L4m3ralso, linux will let you set an obscenely fast key repeat rate, heh
18:23.53spldartHe was maximizing the potential of it... 3 to 5 rounds fanned on a close target then move to the next without watching the kill
18:24.19_sussiits to make dodging impossible
18:24.38spldartAnd he was doin a decent job of it...
18:24.44Theme97He could've bound shooting to the wheel. Mine is bound to Wheel Down.
18:24.59spldartcan you take out the pause of a keystroke registering one or then repeating
18:25.14spldartI hadn't thought of that
18:25.23spldartroll the wheel causes each fire
18:26.10_sussiwe are in the situation that its possible to cheat without to cheat (i.e. to modify the source)
18:26.11Theme97With MG, you can fire forever without needing to click or use the wheel since the is no up event for the wheel.
18:27.29teatreeNoodleman long time my friend
18:27.37Noodlemanindeed it has been
18:27.53teatreeNoodleman still around in the bz world =)
18:28.05Noodlemansometimes :-)
18:28.26teatreeive been back for 4 days now
18:28.37teatreewe will see if a stay alive for longer then 1 week ;)
18:30.29spldartOMG LOL! I keymapped the fire to 'mouse wheel up' and GEEEEEZZ!!!!
18:31.03spldartIt seems unfair
18:32.21Theme97spldart: now pick up WG, scroll once, and let the forever-shooting begin!
18:32.27Theme97spldart: err, i mean MG
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18:35.30_sussiso u don't need to modify the source to run an advantage client
18:38.41t7JeffM2501 where did you put the entertaining poker topic? ;D;D;D
18:39.01JeffM2501take a guess
18:40.42JeffM2501it was filed in the proper fourm
18:44.46spldartOk.... that keymap change is a bid advantage on certain servers... no wonder I couldnt' get any better than average to slightly above average on some
18:45.31spldartIB I where out the photo-interupter on my mouse ;-D
18:45.43spldartgeez s/where/wear
18:46.23spldartDyslexic/ignorant is my first language... English is my second
18:49.35spldartHeh.. somebody wants me to turn gravity down on my 2.0.x server :-\
18:53.15blast007"I want to moon walk!"
19:08.00spldartMario Brothers Game Genie Moon Walk and Skywalker cheat's!!!
19:23.22*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
19:24.33Pimpispldart: i dunno if it would be considered a cheat, but i don?t think it?d be an advantage
19:25.30Pimpiyou can learn how to shoot very quikly, and if you practice a lil more you leanr how to shoot damn quickly and well aimed at once
19:26.01Pimpiyou won?t get that with a quick fire button...
19:26.30ruskiehmm would be nice if shots would kick back...
19:33.34CIA-6opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10PowerPainter/textures/ (default.png default.jpg): jpeg bad.. png good
19:34.50CIA-6opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10PowerPainter/ (7 files):
19:34.50CIA-6opencombat: change the texture list from a flat file list, to a directory type list, with subdirs,
19:34.50CIA-6opencombat:  and stuff
19:36.18JeffM2501and that texture list should be the start of a very nice list server list
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20:10.19CIA-6opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10PowerPainter/world.cpp: png for default texture not jpg
20:10.49CIA-6opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10PowerPainter/glUI.cpp: trim the text to fit the client size for text in lists
20:11.15ruskiehmm how is opencombat coming along?
20:12.02JeffM2501not realy, just using it as a place to keep stuff
20:16.34CIA-6opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10PowerPainter/PowerPainterView.cpp: only drag select when the controll key is down
20:22.06CIA-6opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10PowerPainter/glUI.cpp: subdirs don't return the right texture ID ( off by one )
20:27.24*** join/#bzflag shorty114 (n=shorty11@unaffiliated/shorty114)
20:41.42spldartTo Isengard, to Isengard, to Isengard....
20:43.05PuMpErNiCkLe*** Quits: Isengard (Excess flood)
20:44.16shorty114JeffM2501: ping
20:45.15shorty114i've got a quick question about the SDL libs for mac os x
20:45.22JeffM2501umm ok
20:45.45shorty114to compile bz, can i use the installers in the .dmg's or should i compile SDL from source?
20:46.03JeffM2501you can install the premade libSDL framework
20:46.10shorty114alright thanks
20:46.15JeffM2501it'll be the mac "dev" stuff
20:46.27JeffM2501but if you just install the "runtime" stuff, that won't be enough to build
20:46.28shorty114yeah i'll install runtime and dev
20:46.38JeffM2501IIRC dev includes runtime
20:46.45JeffM2501if anything do runtime then dev
20:47.01shorty114okay thanks
20:49.21shorty114hmm do i need the xcode stuff if i'm not going to use it to compile?
21:02.26t7menotume ;)
21:02.34t7frist time that i saw your pic @ ducati site
21:02.41teatreejust laughed ;D
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22:00.07InfernoI need help, in fireWorldWep it has a direction parameter, how do I make it shoot at a 90 degree angle to it's original
22:00.18Inferno...been experimenting and nothing seems to make sense
22:00.39InfernoI'd be very gratefull if someone could help me out here
22:00.57tannerhi inferno :P
22:01.10Infernowhatcha doing here?
22:01.20tanneridleing :P
22:01.31Infernono questions or anything?
22:01.49InfernoI'm currently working on makeing risk in bz
22:02.02Infernolike the board game
22:02.14Infernoit's be slitely modified ofcourse
22:02.17tannernever heard of a board game called risk.
22:02.29Infernogoogle it
22:03.10tannerhmm looks interesting
22:03.39Infernoit'll be like there are sectors, and you have so many tanks at each sector and you can attack different sectors and use up as many tanks as you want
22:03.52Infernountil either you win or loose
22:04.12Infernolasers will keep everyone in their sectors until ready to start
22:05.29Infernosound like a good idea?
22:07.23spldartLMAO... That 'ocmongoose' dude is a trip
22:07.43spldartcalling me every foul word in the book and when I match him insult for insult he finally LOL's me
22:10.51Infernogood for you spldart
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22:44.05InfernoGRRR, this direction thing isn't making anysense
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23:27.28spldartWere you born that way?
23:27.37Infernowhat way?
23:27.55Inferno'm sarcastic?
23:28.06Infernohow so?
23:28.17spldartYour response to my statment
23:28.32Infernoyeh, it was so random and...weird
23:28.55spldartSo is that a yes? Or a no.
23:29.13Infernoyes or no to what?
23:29.25spldartMy question
23:29.37Infernowas I born that way, lol, no
23:30.12Infernoppl are made the way they are from when they are born to when they are 2 or somethin
23:30.32Infernoand their genes ofcourse
23:30.41spldartWell... that's an old philosophical debate
23:31.05Infernoyeh...I guess
23:31.22spldartnature vs nurture
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