irclog2html for #bzflag on 20060909

00:12.38*** join/#bzflag Legoguy_ (
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00:49.18Gnurduxa_temp_dist, did you get a chance to try the plugin?
00:50.29a_temp_distmeteor has been too busy - and the other person with root on that server just got a job... I guess we'll wait till they have tim
01:09.25*** join/#bzflag A-Delusion (
01:30.41*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
02:04.20*** part/#bzflag sgk284 (
02:15.37*** join/#bzflag supertanker (
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02:20.07supertankerwhy can't someone make an easy to use linux modem driver? :( I am so sick of slmodem
02:20.18meno_hidingMODEM !?!?
02:20.48DTRemenaksupertanker: get a hardware modem
02:20.51DTRemenakwinmodems suck
02:20.56supertankerI have a hardware modem.
02:21.03DTRemenakthen you don't need any driver at all
02:21.04supertankerI think.
02:21.18spldarthardware modem, OUTSIDE, the compy
02:21.19DTRemenakyou can just use /dev/ttyS0, or whatever port it's on
02:21.22spldartthen router
02:21.24supertankerwhy can't all the modem manufactures agree on one thing that works on all OSs?
02:21.28supertankerthere are dialup routers?
02:21.32DTRemenakthey do
02:22.04DTRemenakevery OS worth anything can interface with a serial port and establish a ppp connection
02:22.13DTRemenakthat's what a hardware modem will let you do
02:22.20supertankerassuming I have a hardware modem
02:22.28supertankerDoes my new computer even have one?
02:22.30DTRemenakthe hayes commandset is virtually universal
02:22.49DTRemenakif you didn't make darn sure you were buying a hardware modem, you probably have a winmodem
02:22.52spldartfor a cat5 jack computer doesn't have a serial port
02:22.53DTRemenakthus the need for drivers
02:23.09DTRemenakthen get a usb->serial adapter
02:23.47DTRemenakor get a true hardware usb modem, that will actually take AT commands over the usb connection (there are a vanishingly small number that will actually do this)
02:23.48supertankerIt was working when I had FC4, dangit.
02:24.06supertankerI'm going to get mad if I cannot find a better driver
02:24.13DTRemenakor get a hardware pci modem that will actually map itself onto a serial port
02:24.31supertankerlets pretend I have no idea what you are talking about
02:25.04DTRemenakyou don't need a physical 25-pin or 9-pin serial port to have the os recognize a device as a serial device
02:25.21supertankernow where can I GET one?
02:25.36DTRemenaka pci board can choose to use the correct hardware i/o address to map onto where a serial port would normally be
02:25.45DTRemenakany reasonable computer store, or online
02:25.59DTRemenakyou usually can tell the hardware modems because they cost twice as much
02:26.13supertankeryou lost me at the "i/o" part
02:26.14DTRemenakbut it always pays to check the box
02:26.18supertankerhah. Lol
02:27.01supertankerMine says "56K USB software modem"
02:27.08supertankerI wonder what that could be
02:27.11DTRemenaksoftware means not hardware ;)
02:27.35spldartmmMMmm virtual device... methinks
02:29.02DTRemenakwhat you actually paid for was one chip that does almost nothing (probably just usb protocol stuff), and a few wires.  your computer has to actually do all the work...thus creating cpu load, and requiring sophisticated and proprietary drivers
02:29.15supertankerfor the cpu load part
02:29.17supertankerI don't really care
02:29.22supertankerbut for the drivers....
02:29.25spldartit is a small load
02:29.32supertankeron a big processor
02:29.55spldartthe drivers are a leash though :(
02:30.00DTRemenakcpu load created by a freaking modem is almost nothing compared to modern computing capabilities.  that, coupled with the price, is why winmodems are popular
02:30.04supertankerwhen they don't compile
02:32.39supertankerI think I'll go punch a hole in the wall out of anger or something
02:37.07supertankeri've got to find something better to do with my life than to idle on IRC
02:37.13supertankermaybe i'll take up drawing.
02:37.16supertankeror become a guitarist
02:39.32*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (
02:39.35blast007or learn to use a katana and become a ninja, and kill thousands of warriors, then retire as a peacful monk
02:40.10supertankersounds great
02:40.24supertankerSo...where can I find thousands of warriors?
02:41.07a_meteoritebe the hero and kill all the guerrillas
02:41.26*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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02:41.40supertankerum no
02:41.50blast007you have to kill other ninjas
02:41.55blast007it's the only way
02:41.56supertankerthere is already enough going on over there without me helping
02:42.17a_meteoritedoes the mafia count as ninjas? ;)
02:42.24supertankerokay, i'll just go into town, ask where all the ninjas are.
02:43.14supertankerseriously though...I need something better to do
02:43.30supertankerI still think being an artist/guitarist would be fun
02:44.23supertankerthen I could annoy the heck out of my neighbors, who I REALLY don't like
02:44.36a_meteoritekill them with your ninja skills!
02:44.45PuMpErNiCkLeGet a double-neck electric guitar and a big amp.
02:44.49spldartA running man may cut a thousand throats in a night
02:45.01blast007get a guitar with a built-in katana
02:45.09supertankeris it just me or is there the ninja fever going around?
02:45.10spldartHow desperado
02:45.19Gnurduxa_meteorite: a_temp_dist wants you to compile mapcahnge
02:45.32a_meteoriteand I don't have mapchange
02:45.48a_meteoritenice, eh?
02:46.34CIA-6opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10PowerPainter/ (9 files in 2 dirs): UV modification dialog
02:50.51CIA-6opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10PowerPainter/samples/waldoworld.structure: sample file ( frog blast the vent core! )
02:51.14PuMpErNiCkLe...frog blast...
02:51.45supertankersomeone plays Halo I think
02:52.07JeffM2501learn your history supertanker
02:52.14supertankerabout what.
02:52.28supertankerI know who Frogblast is
02:52.39JeffM2501who.... riiiggghhhhtttt
02:52.53JeffM2501like I said, learn your history
02:52.53supertankerif you mean mr. I can go anywhere in any map at any time
02:53.06JeffM2501no no.
02:53.17JeffM2501learn where halo came from
02:54.56JeffM2501it wasn't exactly bungie's first game ya know
02:55.01supertankerI really need to find something to do better than sitting around on IRC
02:55.17supertankerYes I know it wasn't bungie's first game. I've been thinking about finding some of their older ones
02:55.19JeffM2501bet you don't even know Bob
02:55.40supertankerIf you mean a bob releated to bungie
02:55.41supertankerthen no
02:55.56JeffM2501many bobs
02:56.20*** join/#bzflag Legoguy_ (
02:56.37supertankerI think i'll go learn to draw
02:56.46supertankeror do something productive with my life
02:57.00JeffM2501have fun
02:57.03a_meteoritesupertanker: O, help me with my drawing skills!
02:57.22supertankerI said learn to draw
02:57.23a_meteoritethey're really bad. I'm the slowest and worst in art class
02:57.24supertankeras in:L
02:57.25a_meteoriteoh :(
02:57.31supertankerI cannot draw worth crap
02:59.17supertankeranyone know any good sites to learn to draw, or books?
02:59.20supertankertoo lazy to google it
02:59.32JeffM2501then you are too lazy to draw
03:00.10supertankeri'm drawing right now
03:00.19JeffM2501then there ya go
03:00.25supertankernot that the whateveritis on the paper looks like the mug on the table
03:00.31PuMpErNiCkLeIt's a drawing of a stickman.
03:01.30Gnurduxa_meteorite, then why take art?
03:01.36JeffM2501art is best done in person, just take an art class
03:01.46a_meteoritecause I need two electives and colleges want to see a creative art
03:02.02a_meteoritejust cause I do bad in it doesn't mean it's the end of the world :)
03:02.08a_meteoriteas long as I get at least a B+ I'm happy
03:02.10supertankerthat's hard when you're homeschooled and live 20 miles from town
03:02.21a_meteoriteactually I live 2 miles away from the HS
03:02.36a_meteoriteand I'm not homeschooled anymore..
03:02.42JeffM2501the figure it out.
03:02.56a_meteoriteI used to be in a "real school", just not lately
03:03.15supertankermaybe HIS has an art class
03:03.26supertankeroh well
03:03.31supertankeri'm off to do something productive
03:03.55a_meteoritegood-luck :)
03:04.16Gnurduxwhich unfortuanately means i have 8 periods :(
03:04.27Gnurduxso school is 7:25 to 3:00
03:04.38Gnurduxnow that would be fine if the extra period was a decent class
03:04.38a_meteoriteI'm crying about 6 periods.. good luck to you too
03:04.41Gnurduxbut its R&E
03:04.56Gnurdux"Research and Experimentation"
03:05.09Gnurduxit even has a BS name, and its a totally BS class
03:05.12JeffM2501well when you have a real job, it'll be 8 to 5, sow hat's the big deal?
03:05.21Gnurduxon monday we're gonna start building towers out of popsicle sticks
03:05.52GnurduxJeffM2501, i have 50 minutes more of school than "normal" high school students in my county
03:06.21JeffM2501if you didn't want it, then why choose it?
03:06.36Gnurduxits not a good enough reason not to do it
03:06.40Gnurduxjust annoying
03:06.44JeffM2501then shuddap ;)
03:06.55JeffM2501you made your bed.. sleep in it
03:07.01Gnurduxalso, the 8th period somehow makes the bus schedules work
03:07.15a_meteoriteJeffM2501: my mom forced me :P
03:07.33Gnurduxa_meteorite: what state are you in?
03:07.36Gnurduxor region
03:07.44Gnurduxdo they have good schools?
03:07.54a_meteoriteyeah, but the kids aren't
03:08.09a_meteoriteI so don't fit in
03:08.20Gnurduxin what way?
03:08.27a_meteoriteevery way
03:08.37a_meteoritecause I don't have "the look" or "the talk" etc etc
03:08.45a_meteoritewhich I just want to be myself
03:09.29Gnurduxcause your religious and all that, but still seem sort of nerdy
03:09.51a_meteoriteoh, the kids would make fun of me for sure if I talked about religion
03:09.54Gnurduxsomeone i know is sort of like that, but he can be really stupid sometimes
03:09.57a_meteoriteI haven't even mentioned it
03:10.02Gnurduxthats a good choice
03:10.04a_meteoritejust no one talks to me
03:10.11a_meteoriteno hi. nothing. just stuck up kids.
03:10.15JeffM2501do you talk to them?
03:10.23a_meteoriteno.. cause they aren't normal
03:10.31Gnurduxor not what you're used to
03:10.34JeffM2501so it's circular logic
03:10.39a_meteoriteif anything, I would rather have friends with someone who isn't trying to be someone they're not
03:10.44spldartWhat is normal anywho
03:10.51a_meteoritetrying to be what you're not, spldart
03:10.55Gnurduxa_meteorite: a lot of people do that
03:10.58a_meteoriteor trying to make yourself seem better than you really are
03:11.02spldartI'm everything... and nothing
03:11.05Gnurduxbesides, if you don't talk to anyone, you cant really tell
03:11.14Gnurduxi talk to everyone... and piss a lot of people off
03:11.20a_meteoriteI haven't had the courage to talk to most people
03:11.27a_meteoritereally afraid to say anything to the girls
03:11.27JeffM2501a_meteorite, everyone does that to some extent, so that is what is 'normal';)
03:11.39JeffM2501in school everyone is still trying to figure out who they are
03:11.47spldart@%^ I seem to piss people off without even talking to them ;)
03:11.48Gnurduxlol girls in high school are scary
03:11.51a_meteoriteI guess it's part my problem, but the upper majority are not who I would want to be friends with
03:12.01Gnurduxnever say anything to a girl if they don't say something to you first
03:12.11JeffM2501a_meteorite, and if you prejudge them like that, they will never be
03:12.23a_meteoriteGnurdux: yeah, well try sitting by yourself during break
03:12.33a_meteoriteand any other time during school
03:12.41Gnurduxa_meteorite: the best strategy: look around for somkeone else sitting by themself
03:12.46*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
03:12.49a_meteoriteI've spotted one :)
03:12.55Gnurduxhehe "themself" is a new english word
03:12.56a_meteoriteI haven't got the courage yet
03:13.00Gnurduxthen, you can say hi
03:13.10Gnurduxpeople who sit by themselves are often cool people
03:13.40spldartbut not always :eek:
03:13.41Gnurduxwell it depends WHY they are sitting by themself
03:13.47Gnurduxfor example, if its because they are an evil sociopath, thats not good
03:13.59spldartSometimes they are sharpening their knives under that folder
03:14.11a_meteoriteI saw one in a tie and a briefcas
03:14.21Gnurduxalso: you can tell a LOT about someone from their facial expression
03:14.37spldartMy facial expresion says sociopath
03:14.48spldartWho can't spell\
03:15.24JeffM2501mine says "he has gas"
03:15.47spldartMy second wife has always said... 'Women are evil... Pass the beer nuts"
03:16.28spldartLOL @ cholicy Jeff
03:17.33a_temp_distGnurdux, a_meteorite - mapchange is working now, thx
03:17.50Gnurduxthe script works?
03:18.26Gnurduxa_temp_dist: any ideas of plugins mofo might want?  i havent coded anything for awhile
03:19.05*** join/#bzflag Legoguy_ (
03:19.10Gnurduxwell except for a thing related to what i'm doing in computer science class (but which isn't an assignment, just did it to show off to the teacher)
03:19.23a_temp_distI've been looking for a plug that will limit WG - turn the shots from WG into zoned shots under X altitude
03:19.39a_temp_distso WG can only kill other WG in the air
03:19.53a_meteoritenorang has a similar bzfs mod (but different purpose) on the olympics server
03:20.11Gnurduxyea that should be really easy
03:20.15a_temp_distL4m3r has sort of been working on an idea for that - but he's been away from his production compy for a while
03:20.24Gnurduxill do just that now if you want
03:20.37a_temp_distsure that'd be great
03:20.41a_meteoriteGnurdux: any ideas how to introduce yourself to a girl? :P
03:20.50JeffM2501say hi
03:20.55a_temp_distjust say Hi - then RUN AWAY!
03:20.59Gnurduxa_meteorite: well see there are some girls who i've semi-known since middle school
03:21.06Gnurduxbut basically: dont really
03:21.13Gnurduxgirls can pick up on who you are
03:21.31Gnurduxsomeone who you htink you've never seen before turns out to know stuff you dont remember telling anyone
03:22.22Gnurduxa_meteorite, you tell someone, and somehow they remember it about you
03:22.29Gnurduxgirls have amazing social skills
03:22.37a_meteoriteI know, it's amazing
03:22.41Gnurduxlike the opposite of me
03:23.02spldartgirls have amazing gossip skillaz
03:24.12Gnurduxthat too
03:25.37spldartpoop... why understate.. they have mad 7331 go55!p ski11@2
03:26.09spldartI've seen more fights derive from girl talk in the last 10 years than guy talk 8-0
03:26.40spldartMy neighbors are perfect examples :)
03:27.01a_meteoritebut wouldn't it be really weird to say hi to someone who has never said a word to you..? or is that normal?
03:27.20spldartEverything is akward when your young
03:27.43JeffM2501it's how people meet, just get over it :)
03:27.54a_meteoriteyeah, you're right
03:28.00JeffM2501just don't say "you shure got a purdy mouth"
03:28.13JeffM2501dosn't go over so well
03:28.14a_meteoritethat wouldn't be good ;)
03:28.38spldart'you look finer than a new set of snow tires'
03:28.55a_temp_distGnurdux: is there a server that I can look at a sample "changemap help file" ?
03:29.17Gnurduxyou mean on how to set it up or how to use?
03:29.24a_temp_distuse it
03:29.28Gnurduxthats easy
03:29.30a_temp_disthelp in game
03:29.46Gnurduxcheck out the open league site/servers
03:29.52a_temp_distright, I just want to see the wording, if it exists already
03:29.55Gnurduxbut using it is like: /maplist
03:29.56a_temp_distOK will do
03:30.01Gnurdux/mapchange <entry>
03:30.06Gnurduxi thinnk thats it
03:31.11a_temp_distcan it be polled?  ie /poll mapchange hunt
03:32.51GnurduxAPIs fault not mine
03:33.04Gnurduxa generic poll would be really cool to implement
03:33.04a_meteoriteyou could make an artificial poll, Gnurdux
03:33.05a_temp_disti blame the API then
03:33.12a_meteoriteas in, your own
03:33.14Gnurduxfor 2.1
03:33.23Gnurduxbut i couldn't use /poll
03:33.33a_meteoritebut you could do /mapchange poll blah
03:33.39Gnurduxanyways im making wgLimit
03:33.41a_meteoriteand /mapchange vote yes|no
03:34.51Gnurduxis the up direction pos[1] or pos[2] JeffM2501 ?
03:34.53a_temp_distyou'd need two level of perms to so that then right?
03:35.03JeffM2501z is up
03:35.22CIA-6opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10PowerPainter/ (6 files):
03:35.22CIA-6opencombat: add the last polygon of each cell to the cell before we add it to the world, don't
03:35.22CIA-6opencombat:  want to go losing faces
03:35.22CIA-6opencombat: add OBJ export
03:37.36Gnurduxa_temp_dist, :P
03:37.40Gnurduxtry it out, i havent tested it
03:37.48Gnurduxit takes 1 argument, max altitude
03:37.49a_temp_distwhat took you so long? :)
03:37.50Gnurduxactually, wait
03:38.00Gnurduxlemme change 1 thing
03:38.13Gnurduxok try now
03:38.51a_temp_distabove the max alt, the shots are normal, below they are zoned?
03:40.42Gnurduxthats what is supposed to happen :)
03:40.46Gnurduxnow will it?
03:40.47Gnurduxi doubt it
03:41.11a_temp_distheh - well what did you make then>
03:42.23Gnurduxjust try it
03:42.31Gnurduxthe code i wrote SHOULKD do that
03:42.35Gnurduxbut i havent tested it
03:42.37Gnurduxim letting you do that
03:42.42a_temp_disti'll try it now
03:45.47Gnurduxtell me if it seems to work
03:45.57Gnurduxand/or test server address
03:47.01a_temp_distbzfscron: stage 2 connection to server failed
03:47.07a_temp_distwait not found, error cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
03:47.45Gnurduxtry: ./
03:47.48a_temp_disti cannot build the plugin on that server, so I just tried to load the .so you provided
03:48.05Gnurduxremember, if its in the current directory you have to do ./
03:48.34Gnurduxand why cant you build it?  im sure you have access to a compiler
03:50.21Gnurduxdid you get it to load?
03:52.09a_temp_distnot yet - no response to /loadplugin ./
03:52.24a_temp_distI'm going to restart it with more debugging
03:52.59Gnurduxa_temp_dist: also remember it needs an argument
03:53.10Gnurduxbzfs -loadplugin ./,50
03:55.23a_temp_distworking on it - sry i'm slow
04:00.25Gnurduxits down
04:01.32*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
04:01.33a_temp_disthuh-that's really weird
04:02.13a_temp_distwell I'll keep trying it
04:03.49Gnurduxcan you connect?
04:04.08a_temp_distyes, but it gets really laggy - lemme try somthing else quick
04:06.25*** join/#bzflag spldart (
04:12.45Gnurduxa_temp_dist, got it workin
04:14.02*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
04:15.28a_temp_distpretty sure I have it loaded on
04:20.34a_temp_distyea - it works great
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04:42.35a_meteoriteJeffM2501: ping
04:43.14a_meteoritehow would one find out what xfree86 is using as a driver for onboard? I set it to a sis module, but bzflag says it's using mesa glx...
04:43.24a_meteoriteand xfree86 does load. :\
04:43.45JeffM2501open GL and the X driver are not always the same thing
04:43.48a_meteoriteI see
04:44.02a_meteoriteso I would need SiS's driver?
04:44.04JeffM2501just cus your using a SiS driver dosn't mean that driver has a GLX component that does hardware GL
04:44.11JeffM2501you would need a SiS GLX driver
04:44.15JeffM2501if one even exists
04:44.22a_meteoriteI doubt it :)
04:44.27JeffM2501X11 is just 2d
04:44.42a_meteoritek, thanks
04:44.43JeffM2501is it the unichrome stuff?
04:44.52a_meteoritesis 620. it's really old.
04:45.01JeffM2501then DRI may support it
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05:00.04Shaba1Hello anyone here?
05:05.36Shaba1Hey JeffM2501 do you know if there is anywhere I can get a pdf that had the bzflag keybord mappings and a radar legend.
05:05.49JeffM2501none exists that I am aware of
05:05.53Shaba1I finally got it to work on my own machine thanks to the help of the people here
05:06.02JeffM2501they key map are in the software ( most of them )
05:06.37Shaba1I know. I meant something I could print out and lay alongside my keyboard until I get familiar.
05:06.47JeffM2501I know what oyu meant, none exists
05:07.01JeffM2501the only thing we have is the inteface for seting the keys up in game
05:07.12Shaba1Oh well. then this looks like a job for......
05:07.14JeffM2501and that isn't realy a document that we can print
05:09.26a_temp_distShaba1: here's a pretty good Keys and Commands page from SportChick
05:09.53a_temp_distit may be a little out of date - but it has the basics
05:09.56SportChickactually, it's from mozul
05:10.00SportChickand it's very out of date :)
05:10.17a_temp_distthe other half :)
05:11.37a_meteoritearrrgh.. I want to stay OUT of Xorg to do this
05:11.38a_temp_distIt looks like this one is a little more up to date
05:14.43Shaba1thanks a_temp_dist
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12:56.05trac_Does the "bz_fireWorldWep - API call" already work for plugins?
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13:33.03trac_What is the difference between MsgWShotBegin and MsgShotBegin? And why do clients in 2.1.X ignore MsgWShotBegin? Is it not implemented yet?
13:38.39ToughShootertrac_: Hallole
13:38.56ToughShooterDu solltest wirklich mal abwarten ;)
13:40.27trac_hehe hey TS :)
13:40.57trac_habe die letzten Tage mit den Plugins gespielt und mich zu tode geärgert, dass "bz_fireWorldWep" nicht gehen will.
13:41.14trac_nun sieht es so aus, als ob in 2.1.X eine Nachricht ignoriert wird ;)
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13:41.27trac_weil der Server sie sendet, abe der Klient ignoriert ;))
13:41.50ToughShooterDa ist nichts stabil, 2.1 ist weit von 2.2 entfernt
13:42.07ToughShooterWirklich..vieles ist einfach kaputt
13:42.30trac_ich weis. Aber man hätte ja wenigstens sagen im TODO schreiben können, dass MsgWShotBegin noch nicht funktioniert und damit keine einzige Weltwaffe
13:42.53trac_weil der Klient noch gar nichts von dem neuen MsgType weis ;)
13:43.22ToughShooterÄhm, das gehört nicht in TODO rein, besser ein Eintrag auf sourceforge, so bekommt man die Projektaktivität auch hoch
13:43.26trac_und nun wollte ich mal fragen, wofür dieser neue aber sich noch nicht von MsgShotBegin unterscheidende Type sein soll
13:43.42trac_und wo auf sf?
13:44.07ToughShooterBei "bugs" vielleicht? :y
13:45.23trac_mal sehen, ob es drin ist... ;)
13:46.08trac_ne ist nicht drin ;(
13:46.41trac_aber man kann es dazu tun, wenn man geklärt hat, was eigentlich so neu sein soll an MsgWShotBegin?
13:47.34ToughShooterNaja, man fragt mal nach, wenn man es weiß steckt man es zu den Fehlern und behebt es dann
13:50.18ToughShooterNebenbei: Ich wäre ja für ein dokumentiertes Protokoll ;)
13:51.09spldartWow.... That's alot of german 8-0 ;~)
13:51.28trac_hey spldart
13:52.19trac_yeah, thats because the rest is written wrong ;)
13:53.33ToughShooterspldart: I thought everyone is sleeping anyway and we're the only people talking about project-specifiy things
13:53.34spldartIt's alright cuz I mispell most of my home language as well :) Not quite the same thing but heh
13:54.00spldartGo right ahead TS I'm just being silly
13:54.47spldartI was having fun trying to read it :)
13:54.59ToughShooterErr, I'm thinking about probably taking the conversation private :p
13:55.18spldart:( sry
13:55.35ToughShooterIt's not because of you
13:56.07spldartBut your 'On Topic'
13:58.41ToughShooterspldart: I've partly prepared a new nice present for CRW: A new speed check ;)
13:59.26ToughShooterBTW: Did you saw anyone else getting kicked by the height check?
13:59.57spldartI haven't
14:00.25spldartBut I've had some odd names on my HEAD server... 'LongDon, TROLLLLL' etc
14:00.41ToughShooterspldart: LongDon is a GU admin
14:00.54spldartHaven't seen him heh
14:01.08spldartthanks for telling me that
14:01.14Birdiewhat are your servers?
14:01.32spldartMine birdie?
14:02.00Birdiethats what we are talking about:)
14:02.25spldartbzfs: one 1.10.8, 2.0.9, 2.1.8
14:03.31Birdieoh, never saw that in the serverlist:)
14:03.35Birdiesee it now..
14:04.15spldartUsually a ways down... occasionally my 2.0.9 get's to the first page :-D
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14:08.00spldartThe speed check.... Is it committed to HEAD TS?
14:09.11ToughShooterNo, on my usual 55-60 degree disk ;)
14:09.53ToughShooterThe computer is now being repaired
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14:41.59ircleuserWin Xp: Are you here?
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15:10.22SportChickJeffM2501: are you going to tell him?
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17:00.20CIA-6opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10PowerPainter/ (8 files):
17:00.20CIA-6opencombat: more uv tools (rotate, consolodate, etc )
17:00.20CIA-6opencombat: hide/show/delete
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17:19.52gsnedders6-1. Not bad when you've barely played since April.
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17:23.27stjepanwhat do you guys think of lil mouse box?
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17:23.32stjepan(smallest mousebox possible)
17:24.20gsneddersan unfair advantage.
17:24.46blast007is it a built-in option?
17:25.59stjepangsnedders, unfair?
17:26.11gsneddersstjepan: all the input options should be equal.
17:27.49stjepangsnedders, who says?
17:27.57stjepangsnedders, why?
17:28.18gsneddersstjepan: because then players who choose to use a certain input option have an advantage
17:28.20CBGgsnedders: so editing the config file is cheating?
17:28.38gsneddersCBG: no.
17:28.39CBGfor example, you cannot change the font in-game, but you can if you edit the config file - that's cheating?
17:29.00blast007CBG: cheater! you changed the font!
17:29.10gsneddersCBG: there's a difference between cheating and an unfair advantage
17:29.26gsneddersan unfair advantage can be caused by the game itself.
17:29.29gsneddersa cheat cannot.
17:30.02stjepangsnedders, no
17:30.07CBGwhat counts as an unfair advantage ?
17:30.09stjepangsnedders, everybod can have lil mouse box
17:30.12blast007gsnedders: so if I adjust the joystick deadzone in a multiplayer game, I'm cheating?
17:30.24blast007not cheating
17:30.33blast007"obtaining an unfair advantage"
17:30.33stjepanCBG, if you set mouse box to smallest possible it is an unfair advantage for gsnedders
17:30.41gsneddersstjepan: it doesn't effect people who don't use the mouse.
17:30.52stjepanso what?
17:31.00stjepanpeople can use mouse
17:31.06stjepanthat doesn't matter
17:31.14gsneddersstjepan: it gives the people who use the mouse an advantage that people who don't can't have.
17:31.22stjepanso what?
17:31.31stjepanit is ok and fair
17:31.31CBGkeyboard users already the equivalent of a mousebox that is 0.000000001mm square. ;)
17:31.35stjepanbad configuration bad play
17:31.47CBGso if a mouse user set their box that small, it would be fair.
17:31.48stjepanthey don't want to use mouse
17:31.50stjepanso who cares
17:31.53stjepantheir bad
17:32.01gsneddersstjepan: that's a big thing to say.
17:32.23gsneddersthere are plenty of people who use the keyboard, or a gamepad, or something else, by choice.
17:32.45stjepanmouse is faster and more reponsive than keyboard. If I use mouse, I have an "unfaird advantage" over keyboard users???
17:32.48CBGso if a mouse user wants the same 'acceleration' as them, where is the problem?
17:33.21stjepanis anybody here (except me) using lil mouse box?
17:34.00ToughShooterI do, depending on whether the server is jumpy or not
17:34.09gsneddersIMO all players should be equal, therefore everyone using the mouse should have the same responsiveness.
17:34.36gsneddersstjepan: listen to what was said. the keyboard has the equiv of a VERY TINY mouse box
17:34.59CBGpractically NON EXISTANT mosue box ;)
17:35.18ToughShooterWell, they have to push the keys
17:35.24ToughShooterThat can add some delay
17:35.40blast007gsnedders: except you initially said that him having a small mouse box is an unfair advantage, which is what threw off the whole conversation
17:36.06gsneddersblast007: it's an unfair advantage over those who use the mouse with the default settings.
17:36.23blast007I really don't think so  :)
17:36.39ToughShooterIt would rather say they keyboard is equiv to a mouse box, that has a big "non-moving space" in the midle
17:38.42CBGMy point is, if you set the mouse box VERY small, you have the same as a keyboard user - so it's NOT an advantage.
17:39.07ToughShooterand that is wrong
17:39.35ToughShooteryou need a huge "non-moving space" inside the mousebox
17:40.02ToughShooterand outside the space that creates no moving it needs instant top speed
17:40.11ToughShooterso it would be pretty different
17:41.47CBGkeyboard == instant acceleration. infinitely small mouse box == instant acceleration too.
17:42.17blast007it's still different, because the mouse is an analog control
17:42.46CBGyes, but my point is that a tiny mouse box is hardly an advantage over keyboard
17:42.58CBGand already you can have it pretty small in-game options
17:43.02blast007it's hardly an advantage at all
17:43.23CBGstjepan just wants it even smaller which anyone can do if they edit the config - which is very easy
17:43.28CBGrelative to editing source
17:45.47ToughShooterit's always at some boarder
17:46.21ToughShootererr, border
17:46.58ToughShootersome stuff is not above the border, other things are slightly above it and the worst things are totally above
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17:48.20ToughShooterwhere the point between slightly cheatint and almost cheating lies is something based on personal opinion
17:50.48spldartNeed a 'letter of the law' in that case I imagine
17:51.20spldartbtw, imo, that is not cheating
17:51.38AdmirarchHow about editing textures?
17:51.54spldartAnd I would be hard pressed to consider it an 'unfair advantage'
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18:27.03a_meteoriteanyone know who made chathistory plugin?
18:28.00CBGyour mom
18:28.10a_meteoritebut I thought it was JeffM2501 :(
18:28.44a_meteoriteis JeffM2501 my mom?
18:28.50a_meteoriteis he, CBG?
18:29.38CBGyou tell me.
18:29.53a_meteoritethat would explain why he only lives like a 100 miles away...
18:29.58JeffM2501yeah I think I did that one
18:30.07a_meteoritehow do I retreive chats?
18:30.13a_meteoriteit says last and list are not commands
18:30.13JeffM2501don't remember
18:30.17a_meteoritebut /flushchat works
18:30.25JeffM2501read what it reges
18:30.36a_meteoritebut, /last tells me it's not a command
18:30.46JeffM2501umm ok
18:30.57a_meteoriteand /flushchat works..
18:31.03JeffM2501so debug it
18:31.34JeffM2501that was done like a year ago, I don't remeber the specifics about it
18:32.12JeffM2501didn't last take a value?
18:32.15JeffM2501for how many to look back?
18:32.24a_meteoriteyes, /last <num of lines> <callsign>
18:32.28a_meteoriteI tried it that way too
18:32.32shorty114are the official os x builds universal?
18:32.40JeffM2501shorty114, no
18:32.51JeffM2501we are not universal compatable yet
18:32.57JeffM2501it's planed for 2.2
18:33.04a_meteorite"Unknown command [last 1 eMachines]"
18:33.13shorty114how hard would it be to make a universal binary yourself?
18:33.24JeffM2501a_meteorite, looks like its' busted then
18:33.34JeffM2501shorty114, we probably have to mod the sources
18:33.39shorty114i see but "shots are not visible on radar" is a rather tough one
18:33.46JeffM2501to make the build check the CPU type on the mac builds.
18:34.31JeffM2501you can do an intel only build, or a PPC only build, but the game isn't smart enough to pack up the network data based on the current RUNNING cpu, just what it was built on.
18:34.44JeffM2501brlcad now has a macbook and was going to look into it when he had time.
18:34.54shorty114ok cool
18:35.04shorty114does bz run fine in emulation?
18:35.09shorty114the rosetta stuff?
18:35.10JeffM2501a_meteorite, it registeres the command, I don't know why it wouldnt work
18:35.16JeffM2501shorty114, no it does not run at all
18:35.27a_meteoriteah, I got /last to work
18:35.33JeffM2501we do NOT have an offical build solution for intel macs
18:35.38a_meteoriteit checks the command value in the command handler
18:35.43JeffM2501it is planed for 2.0
18:35.52JeffM2501sorry 2.2
18:35.53a_meteoritebut now it complains about arguments :)
18:36.45JeffM2501it won't like callsigns with spaces
18:36.56a_meteoriteI tried it without spaces
18:37.06shorty114you said 2.2 is planned to be universal, so i was just wondering if emulation worked...
18:37.12shorty114apparently not, though.
18:37.18JeffM2501crash and burn
18:37.33a_meteorite"Usage: /last <NUMBER OF LINES> <CALLSIGN>"
18:37.35JeffM2501there are a couple intel builds posted on the fourms
18:37.44a_meteoriteI'll keep looking, JeffM2501
18:37.59shorty114yeah the one linked to on the downloads page has a few bugs and crashes on the MBP occasionally
18:38.09shorty114i'll look around the forums though
18:38.11JeffM2501then build your own
18:39.00shorty114hmm i can't connect to m.b.o :\
18:39.13JeffM2501it happens
18:40.29JeffM2501it's flooded out again
18:40.32JeffM2501it happens
18:40.37shorty114k i'll try again later
18:41.12a_meteoriteJeffM2501: I don't know how the tokenize function works, but does this look normal?
18:41.37JeffM2501make the 1 a 0
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18:44.00a_meteoritewell, I got even further :)
18:44.18a_meteoriteyou just fixed yourself, but now it has a problem searching the std::vector
18:44.51a_meteoriteor the std::map ... *keeps looking around*
18:45.22JeffM2501it dosn't find the name?
18:45.30JeffM2501or is params[1] the number?
18:45.39a_meteorite"that player has no chat history", but I know different
18:45.51JeffM2501change the params[1] to params[2]
18:46.13JeffM2501I see also
18:46.26JeffM2501oh no, the save is good
18:46.32JeffM2501try params[2]
18:46.58JeffM2501I'm betting message includes the /last and it's geting parsed out
18:49.20a_meteoriteall params[1] that are used in searching for the name?
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18:51.31JeffM2501hmm , tho in the API it looks like message is just the stuff after the /  part
18:51.54a_meteoriteparams[2] is definitely not good. it crashed.
18:52.58JeffM2501what is your history limit set to?
18:53.19JeffM2501also it dosn't log out to a file or anything
18:53.28JeffM2501it only tracks what it sees while it runs
18:54.23a_meteoriteit was set to 1 line. it caused bzfs to do a core dump though
18:54.30a_meteoritewhich is utterly useless :)
18:54.38JeffM2501why set it to 1?
18:54.45JeffM2501the default is 1000 lines per person
18:54.48a_meteoriteto get one line of history
18:54.53JeffM2501no no, the LIMIT
18:55.05JeffM2501not the requested lines
18:55.12JeffM2501yeah params[2] will puke
18:55.26JeffM2501but you said you KNEW he had chat
18:55.31JeffM2501but you had to rebuild the plugin
18:55.40JeffM2501and that means relaunch bzfs
18:55.41a_meteoriteyeah, then I unloaded and reloaded plugin
18:55.52a_meteoriteooh. I have to load it up when bzfs starts?
18:55.53JeffM2501blowing out any saved chat the old plugin had
18:56.02JeffM2501the plugin only saves chat it sees
18:56.15JeffM2501so when you unloaded, all the chat that plugin had, was wiped
18:56.15a_meteoriteyeah, I made sure someone said something before I did /last
18:56.40JeffM2501reloading the plugin dosn't send the chat one instance saved to the new instance
18:56.44JeffM2501and bzfs dosn't keep it
18:56.47a_meteoriteI know
18:56.59JeffM2501did he say something after you did the reload?
18:57.15JeffM2501when it was set to [1] ?
18:57.20a_meteoriteno, just [2]
18:57.26JeffM2501then [1] was working
18:57.34JeffM2501he realy did not have any saved chat lines
18:57.40JeffM2501because you reloaded
18:57.48a_meteoritebut I saw with my own eyes him say something after it loaded...
18:58.00JeffM2501after with [2] or after with [1] ?
18:58.08a_meteoriteafter [1]
18:58.24a_meteoritesame with [2], but it crashed it
18:58.25JeffM2501if he has any wacky characters or spaces after his name, it won't work ether
18:58.53JeffM2501[2] will crash
18:59.59a_meteoritenope, it doesn't work
19:00.11a_meteoriteI loaded it, asked player "AAA" to say something. did /last 1 AAA
19:00.16a_meteoriteit tells me he has no chat history
19:00.23JeffM2501it was just a sample
19:00.32CIA-6BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/plugins/chathistory/chathistory.cpp: when parsing the params for /list use all the fields, and let callsigns be in quotes.
19:01.08a_meteoritewill that revision work? :)
19:01.21JeffM2501all it does is fix the first thing I told you to fix
19:01.40JeffM2501slap some breakpoints in and see if it gets the chat message
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19:03.12a_meteoriteyou mean gdb breakpoints?
19:03.25JeffM2501or whatever debuger you prefer
19:03.30a_meteoriteeek, ok
19:03.47JeffM2501asuming you want to use it
19:04.00a_meteoriteno, it just means I have to learn how to use it
19:04.30JeffM2501I can debug it here, but it'll be a bit for me to setup a server and all that
19:05.13a_meteoriteno rush :)
19:06.19JeffM2501did you start it with any paramaters?
19:06.37a_meteoriteno, do I need too?
19:06.41JeffM2501no, but you can
19:06.51JeffM2501you can tell it how many lines to save per person
19:10.27CIA-6BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 07v2_0branch * 10bzflag/plugins/chathistory/chathistory.cpp: use all the params for /list and accept quotes for nams
19:20.51JeffM2501I can't even get plugins to load
19:21.34JeffM2501so I can
19:21.41JeffM2501't debug it
19:21.49a_meteoritewhat about at home?
19:21.54JeffM2501I'm not at home
19:22.00a_meteoritewhen you get home :)
19:22.07JeffM2501if I remember
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19:46.40CIA-6opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10PowerPainter/UI/ (imageFolder.png upFolder.png): images for folder traversal
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20:12.32dryhdhglobal is down
20:12.45JeffM2501not down, just very slow
20:12.57dryhdhhow come
20:13.13JeffM2501flood atacks again it looks like
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20:19.41meno_hidingrun away httpd task - will fix in a minute
20:24.43JeffM2501that would splain the very small netstat
20:25.50meno_hidingk, should be go to go
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21:09.53cosmosping: dmp or meno
21:11.05cosmoshave an issue where some guy is registered and impersonating me on the ducati league website
21:11.19cosmosbirdie verified this, i permabanned him on hepcat hes at 24.200.x
21:11.36meno_hidingheh, you mean you don't play ducati ?
21:11.53cosmosi would if i had more time :)
21:12.10cosmosbut when people start finding me on pillbox and asking about ducati matches or why i said this or that
21:12.20JeffM2501would you call him a "prick"?
21:12.32meno_hidingk, i'll take car of it
21:12.41cosmosi would call him banned.
21:12.44cosmosat least on hepcat
21:13.00JeffM2501twas a joke ;)
21:13.03cosmosi know
21:13.15cosmosive been up all night power outage at datacenter
21:13.21JeffM2501that sucks
21:14.06cosmosyes it sure does.  some building maint guy decided to bring a super big gulp in while doing power work
21:14.10cosmosyou can guess the rest
21:14.25JeffM2501ahh the smell of ozone
21:14.43meno_hidingBZ Crusaders, heh, figures
21:15.04cosmosare they a problem meno?  
21:15.31meno_hidingnot really, just a huge team that doesn't play
21:16.14cosmoswell one of them tried to get me to play this morning thats how i found out
21:16.14meno_hidingand a few other players with 'fake' names, like sataros
21:19.18Birdiesaturas is a player
21:19.28Birdiebrother from some one
21:19.48CBGone of those kids who changes name each week
21:19.49[dmp]janis probably. He got alot of them
21:20.16Birdieat least cbg is always cbg:)
21:20.20CBGI have seen him with Saturos, playing together, I guess Saturos would have expressed any concerns he had...
21:20.59ToughShooter[dmp]: it is not janis
21:21.06ToughShooterjanis can't speak german
21:21.09cosmosi just registered as myself
21:21.11ToughShootersaturas can
21:21.14cosmosto prevent imposters
21:21.26Birdiesaturas is the brother from destructionboy
21:21.44ToughShooteryupp, and not so experienced in playing
21:38.34CIA-6opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10PowerPainter/ (glUI.cpp glUI.h):
21:38.34CIA-6opencombat: make a generic verison of the openGL listbox
21:38.34CIA-6opencombat: derive off a texture folder version so we don't have to see all the textures in one big list
21:52.07AAA_awright has player usage statistics now. Yeay! see what servers are your favorite :)
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21:56.42AAA_awrightHas there ever been anything in that you have ever wanted in?
22:28.55meno_hidingBirdie: i meant that saturos is a well known player, saturas is a 'fake'
22:30.01meno_hidingcosmos: duc match?  
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22:34.59cosmosim not on any team at the moment in ducati league
22:35.30cosmosbut i am at least the right cosmos
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.