irclog2html for #bzflag on 20060908

00:12.03menotumety [dmp]
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00:22.29AAA_awrightI'm back with my AJAX player search ( ). Is there any cool features you have ever wanted on
00:27.39*** join/#bzflag spldart (
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04:56.46*** join/#bzflag blast007 (i=1000@pdpc/supporter/active/blast007)
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07:14.03Skeeveany developer around? Want to discuss something about SceneRenderer::setTimeOfDay
08:05.19*** join/#bzflag gsnedders (
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17:24.09*** join/#bzflag Chestal_ (
17:31.40JeffM2501man this new interface is totaly how I should have done bzedit
17:33.49PuMpErNiCkLeThere's a new mapmaking program?
17:34.06JeffM2501not realy, just dreaming :)
17:34.20JeffM2501I'm doing a texture editor thing for somethign else, and it's coming out quite nice
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17:34.56JeffM2501real drag based movement, multiple selections, etc...
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17:43.17PuMpErNiCkLeSounds spiffy.
17:46.44JeffM2501mostly it's funny cus for some of it I looked at the old bzedit code, and thought "who wrote this crap?"
17:46.50JeffM2501and it was me
17:50.53menotumedon't ya just hate that :)
17:51.23JeffM2501but then I feel better knowing that I'm improving
17:51.47menotumenah, you just THINK you're improving :)
17:52.00JeffM2501well my newer code does more :)
17:56.06*** join/#bzflag trepan_ (
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18:19.57JeffM2501trepan, you around?
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18:58.31trepanJeffM2501: for a short while
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19:30.50amcnabbbrlcad, are you still pretty busy?
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19:40.23amcnabbOr is there anyone around who's in the mood to merge some patches? :)
19:41.57trepanamcnabb: or to grant you dev access  ;)
19:43.40*** join/#bzflag teatree (
19:45.05teatreehow much would specific tcp changes affect bzflag gameplay
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19:55.21JeffM2501trepan, if your still here, got a seccond to help me out with polygonOffset?
20:00.07CBGcan I use get a semi-transparent color with glColor3f() ?
20:01.23CBGs/use / /
20:01.51JeffM2501CBG, no, you use glColor4f
20:01.56JeffM2501and the 4th param is the alpha
20:01.59CBGahhh, ok :)
20:02.05CBGlogical :)
20:07.03amcnabbChestal, you're the one to ask about bot-related questions, right?
20:10.50blast007teatree: what kind of change? a TCP change wouldn't necessarily affect gameplay at all, but it could make protocol incompatible
20:11.25*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
20:12.02ToughShooterMost packets are using UDP in the BZFlag protocol case
20:20.05TimRikerteatree: you mean changes in the app packets? or changes in the os tcp settings? timings are fairly flexible so it should work in most conditions, but performance may be effected.
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20:57.22teatreeTimRiker blast007 : tcp settings changed with Dr. TCP for example
21:00.05*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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21:11.08TimRikerif it's not in /proc/sys/net/... I have not tried it. :)
21:14.58*** part/#bzflag LePoulpe303 (
21:21.36blast007teatree: if you do go playing around with that, make sure to write down the original settings first
21:22.36blast007TimRiker: it's a little tool to modify TCP settings on Windows
21:23.31blast007teatree: is there a need to tweak these settings?
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21:27.02blast007since much of the critical data like player updates is over UDP, it probably won't help at all
21:27.09blast007s/critical/time critical/
21:27.38DTRemenaksending really critical data over udp wouldn't be very smart :)
21:27.43blast007yeah ;)
21:28.14blast007really critical data should be stored on floppies
21:29.19blast007and then someone accidently overwrites payroll with the DOS boot files
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21:40.58TimRiker~x en jp This is translated text.
21:41.09TimRiker~x en kr This is translated text.
21:41.18TimRiker~x en gr This is translated text.
21:41.25blast007if only I could see unicode  ;)
21:41.27TimRiker~x en zh This is translated text.
21:41.47TimRikerutf8 rox
21:42.13blast007yeah, I just haven't figured out how to make it work with PuTTY + screen + irssi
21:55.22catayblast007: you can change your charset in putty under translations i think
21:55.45catayblast007: not sure it will display correct that way tho
21:58.52teatreeblast007 noway a need
21:58.58teatreeblast007 just fooling around
21:59.01blast007teatree: k
21:59.21blast007catay: yeah, I've tried a couple times, and it didn't work
21:59.31blast007so far
22:26.13*** join/#bzflag spldart (
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22:54.54spldartMake no assumptions as to my question but has anyone else had problems shooting through a tanker named "BBgun" ?
22:55.10spldartLagtimes: Me mid 50's him mid 80's
22:56.05CBGspldart: he was doing particularly well on hepcat earlier, but I put it down to lag like everyone else there
22:56.50spldart3 different days on 2 different servers it seemed like I was shooting through him alot.. esp with the low lag rates
22:57.33spldartI don't know.. It's just feels a little off... Not like somebody who is just real good and ducks your shots well but like his 'hit' area seems smaller
22:58.22spldartI could be way off base though... I didn't say anything in the server... Just thought it would be best to ask around here and see if anyone else has noticed anything on their threshold of thinking something is wrong
23:00.48CIA-6opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10PowerPainter/ (45 files in 4 dirs):
23:01.14DTRemenakthat is an odd name indeed
23:01.14JeffM2501I coudln't think of a better name
23:02.05JeffM2501it sets the textures on faces, what other name could I come up with?
23:02.46DTRemenakit strikes me as an odd blend of MacOS8 and MS Paint, neither of which I am terribly fond of :)
23:03.01JeffM2501I was thinking of the wagner power painter spary gun
23:05.09trepanJeffM2501: you taken a look at sharpconstruct?  (not the same thing as yours, more of an OSS zbrush wannabe)
23:06.26JeffM2501I'm hoping mostly to just find a better way to make structures for torque
23:06.35JeffM2501using normal modelers, then convert to there format
23:18.06*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
23:24.15*** part/#bzflag Skeeve (
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23:42.55*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.