irclog2html for #bzflag on 20060907

00:08.17*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (
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01:04.21Gnurduxa_meteorite: any plugins you need? :P
01:04.42a_meteoritenot now
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04:01.24DTRemenakwoot, internet
04:03.34*** join/#bzflag sgk284 (
04:07.31sgk284hey hey!
04:07.37sgk284wasn't expecting anyone to be on
04:07.38DTRemenaklong time, no see :)
04:07.44sgk284how have you been?
04:07.48DTRemenakI have been well
04:07.53sgk284good to hear
04:07.59DTRemenaknew job, new place, just got internet set up tonight
04:08.08DTRemenakbut doing well :)
04:08.14sgk284life has unfortunately gotten in the way of more fun things :)
04:08.18sgk284that is great
04:08.22sgk284move anywhere good?
04:08.33DTRemenakback down to southern california
04:08.40sgk284oh nice
04:08.40DTRemenakweather's good at least
04:09.07sgk284how's things with bzflag?
04:09.35DTRemenakheh, I've been out of things for a bit.  no internet does that :)
04:10.40sgk284anyway, i'm off to bed, but i expect to be around here more often, so i'll cya :)
04:11.07DTRemenakgood to hear, good to hear :)
04:18.19*** part/#bzflag Teppic (
04:42.33*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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04:42.54JeffM2501dtRemenak. the modem worked?
04:43.07DTRemenakpower supply was inadequate though
04:43.07JeffM2501cool beans
04:43.12DTRemenakso I built a replacement
04:43.14JeffM2501you have another?
04:43.23JeffM2501of course you did
04:43.34DTRemenakhad to cut the cord from that one, I can solder it back together when I return it
04:43.50DTRemenakI had the parts :)
04:44.05DTRemenakthe little radio shack one only put out 300mA, and the modem draws 700mA
04:44.06JeffM2501mehh, keep it
04:44.15DTRemenakworked if I put it in the freezer for a while beforehand
04:44.16JeffM2501it's not like it was in use
04:44.26DTRemenakbut not for very long :)
04:44.35JeffM2501well at least your on
04:45.04DTRemenakyup!  and I have the replacement power supply spread out all over one side of my room :)  looks kinda geeky
04:45.44JeffM2501we have a huge pile of old wall warts downstairs
04:46.00JeffM2501can probably find one that will work for ya tomorow
04:46.28DTRemenakI'm actually quite satisfied with this one :)  it's stable, I tested it up to about 2A, keeps voltage steady all the way up
04:47.43JeffM2501router doing pppoe?
04:47.57DTRemenakI was just happy I brought my electronics parts with me :)  didn't bring any other transformers or anything
04:50.06DTRemenakno, I have it hooked up directly to my computer
04:50.30JeffM2501raw internet... eppp
04:50.42DTRemenakhad this machine in a dmz before, not much change
04:51.16DTRemenakI take good care of it filthy...
04:51.36DTRemenakyes it is
04:54.19purple_cowand hurray for that
04:54.44purple_cowhow would i spend my evenings if it weren't for the filth on the internet?
04:55.30JeffM2501making a cure for cancer
04:55.32JeffM2501cheap fusion
04:55.37JeffM2501time travel
04:55.41purple_cowwho needs that
04:55.50JeffM2501yay for filth
04:56.12*** join/#bzflag Teppic (
04:56.24JeffM2501star trek has shown us no good can come of time travel
05:24.13AAA_awright My stats site now has an AJAX player search (think Google Suggest). Really cool, and I did it on 2 hours :)
05:28.46a_temp_distthe space in my game login messes with it a bit " a temporal distraction" - I see me with just "a" tho
05:36.25AAA_awrightWill check that
05:36.50AAA_awrightyup bug fix coming soon
05:38.42AAA_awrighta_temp_dist: fixed
05:39.20a_temp_distsweet - nice work
05:39.48AAA_awrightIs there any features on you have ever wanted?
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09:34.19Birdiei'm afraid to say this but..its 5.30 for you?:(
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14:09.36brlcadBirdie: yes, and? :)
14:16.02Manuhola brlcad :)
14:26.46*** join/#bzflag compiler_success (n=compiler@
14:27.58compiler_successI have a small question (again), I played BZFlag on another computer today, and the radar showed higher places (stuff not on the ground) a bit transparent.. it was nice
14:28.11compiler_successthat was a PC with integrated intel graphics
14:28.41compiler_successmy pc has an nvidia geforce2 card. I tried looking in the gui options, but can't seem to find the option
14:29.03compiler_successso my question is, is this an option I can turn on? or is it hardware related?
14:29.53TheBarronit's an option
14:30.20compiler_successa pointer wouid be appreciated
14:30.28TheBarronGUI options
14:30.39TheBarronRadar Style, first option
14:30.51Mr_Molezenhanced radar
14:31.02compiler_successthanks !
14:31.12compiler_successMr_Molez, TheBarron
14:31.23Mr_Molezdo ~Mr_Molez++ ;)
14:32.44spldart~karma Mr_Molez
14:32.44ibotmr_molez has karma of 42
14:33.16TheBarron~karma TheBarron
14:33.16ibotthebarron has neutral karma
14:34.40spldart~karma spldart
14:34.40ibotspldart has neutral karma
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16:08.35compiler_successhey Pommes
16:08.48compiler_successyour map is still up!
16:09.07compiler_successvarious people came and praised it.. but of course, can't stay due to lag
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18:00.18compiler_successsaying the name is a greet where I come from
18:00.29CBGhi ;)
18:01.57spldartOh... Hi Grim Reaper! How are you :~)
18:08.15*** mode/#bzflag [+v DTRemenak] by ChanServ
18:10.13compiler_successis it possible to introduce objects built with 3D apps (polys) into bzflag (on the server side) ? with the objects being viewable from normal clients
18:10.54TimRikeryes. but they need to get converted, and only static objects work (ie: buildings)
18:11.03*** join/#bzflag amcnabb (
18:11.14JeffM2501yeah, there is an obj to bzw converter
18:11.19JeffM2501the map format has full mesh support
18:11.26TimRikeramcnabb:  your patch is for 2.0? or 2.1? or both?
18:11.41JeffM2501you can even use blender as a full bzflag editor
18:12.24compiler_successI actually had maya/3ds max in mind
18:12.32JeffM2501just dump as obj then
18:12.36compiler_successbut obj>bzw should do any package
18:12.38JeffM2501and use model tool
18:12.51JeffM2501it's in the tools dir of the source package
18:13.07compiler_successok. thanks
18:13.08JeffM2501it'll convert obj and quake 3 map
18:14.47compiler_successI see
18:16.30amcnabbTimRiker, just 2.1
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18:18.51amcnabbI think that most of the patches are ready to go in.
18:19.09amcnabbI'd like a little review on the bzrobots one, though.
18:19.22amcnabb(bzrc, I mean)
18:24.38amcnabbThank you.
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19:58.43SportyGalDTRemenak or JeffM2501: ping
20:00.30SportyGalDTRemenak: ping still :)
20:03.01DTRemenakSportyGal: pong
20:03.28SportyGalDTRemenak: pm for you too :)
20:03.43DTRemenakok :)
20:10.30*** join/#bzflag fiveofo1 (
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20:20.23ruskiedear bzflag diary: today I was called a cheater
20:21.21CBGruskie: you don't play me enough
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20:21.31CBGif you did you could enter that in your diary each week
20:22.05ruskieacctually for me to get called a cheater(ona server where I have cop rights) that's amazing
20:22.16orangehappens all the time
20:22.37ruskieeven when I player CS I was only called a cheater once :)
20:23.04ruskieto bad that guy has dynamic ip...
20:23.10ruskieelse I'd request a perm ban...
20:23.17gsnedders/ban ruskie 0 cheating
20:23.18ruskienot for calling me a cheat
20:23.23ruskieI don't care for that...
20:23.48CBGI've been called all sorts of things one servers where I am cop/admin.
20:24.04ruskiepersonal insults wash over me like a pile of nothing
20:24.09gsneddersI once got called a cheater on America's Army, when I played that
20:24.30gsneddersI was _very_ good at that, when I was at my best.
20:24.36gsneddersrarely missed a headshot.
20:24.52gsneddersso I must have a aimbot :P
20:24.53ruskieI did hs with an mp5 in cs :)
20:25.25ruskieacross half the map... and the guy had a sniper rifle
20:25.46gsneddershow theā€¦
20:25.59ruskiehe couldn't hit me... kept shotting around me all the time :)
20:26.12ruskieand I was still and crouched
20:26.59ruskiebasicaly the rest of my team was dead so I had to rescue the hostages myself :)
20:27.37gsneddersthe idea isn't to run out and kill everyone
20:27.42gsneddersthe idea is to defend targets.
20:27.43DTRemenakruskie: I've been called a cheater too (and I suck)
20:28.05ruskieI suck as well
20:28.26ruskiethe only reason I get such high score is cause ppl insist on hunting me all the time
20:28.30ruskieso I have to defend myself
20:28.31gsneddersI suck at most games when I'm out of practice
20:28.53ruskielol with bzflag it helps me acctually if I'm a bit out of practice(a few months)
20:29.15ruskieeither that or the game play of the others became worse
20:29.19gsneddersI'm normally always good at racing games, though :P
20:29.21Birdiei always die, at least i'm constantly in my moves
20:29.53ruskieI know I play to much when I'm not predictable by myself...
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20:52.02JeffM2501hah. I looked at bzedit, it has the functions to convert radian maps into degree maps... man that's old
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21:19.42*** join/#bzflag Skeeve (
21:20.17Skeeve~wake everyone
21:20.25ibotACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on everyone and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
21:20.25SkeeveHi Milka
21:20.30*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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21:21.04SkeeveHi Jeff & DT! Is DT's internet at home now working?
21:21.11purple_cowJeffM2501: when was the degree thing done?  it doesn't seem that long ago :P
21:21.37purple_cowalthough....thinking back...
21:21.43purple_cowi might have been in high school :)
21:21.59JeffM2501you were
21:22.04JeffM2501it had just changed when I started it
21:22.35purple_cowmy how time flies
21:24.13blast007the change was in late 1.7 iirc
21:24.27blast007for the way bzfs handled it
21:25.10blast007or was it done during 1.9?
21:25.18JeffM2501it was done in 1.7
21:25.18blast007that's too long ago  :)
21:25.34JeffM2501IIRC it was during the change to "E"
21:25.49blast007I was thinking it was to 'g'
21:26.05blast007because I started in 1.7e2, and I thought it changed after that point
21:26.26purple_cowwhat a wacky versioning scheme
21:27.09blast007ah, it was changed for 1.7e4
21:29.20blast007those were the days  ;)
21:30.14Birdieis pausing while coming down possible in any way?
21:30.15blast007back when I could play for 10 hours straight and rack up 600 points, only to have my dialup modem disconnect on me...
21:30.45blast007Birdie: pausing while in the air should not be allowed
21:34.00CBGblast007: wow, 10 hours? I don't get that with cable.
21:34.15JeffM2501oh how I would have done bzedit if I knew what I know now
21:34.22CBGI musta lost (and "found") my connection about 20 times this evening...
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21:36.58DTRemenakJeffM2501: you probably wouldn't have done it, if you knew what you know now
21:37.04JeffM2501exactly :)
21:37.15JeffM2501naw, I would have done it
21:37.18JeffM2501just difrently
21:37.23JeffM2501way difrently
21:37.40DTRemenakcould always do it again :)
21:37.46JeffM2501now there is no point
21:37.48JeffM2501not with blender
21:37.57CBGblender wasn't around back then?
21:38.02DTRemenaksee, you wouldn't have done it ;)
21:38.03JeffM2501it wasn't free
21:38.17JeffM2501oh it woudl have been fine till we had meshes
21:38.36JeffM2501I'd have done with non distructive read/write, and plugin type objects
21:38.40DTRemenakyup.  but would you have done it, knowing it would be obsolete in three years?
21:38.44JeffM2501so when whe had meshes, it would have been easyer to adopt
21:38.52JeffM25013 years, yeah
21:39.10JeffM2501that's a decent enough software run
21:39.19DTRemenakyeah, I suppose
21:39.20JeffM2501also blender hasn't taken off like it should
21:39.26JeffM2501so it'd still be in use
21:39.33JeffM2501hell the old one is STILL in use
21:39.36CBGlooooots of mappers still use bzedit, probably like, 80%...  pretty much all windows-using-map-makers do, I believe.
21:39.39DTRemenakblender is hard, JeffM2501
21:39.46JeffM2501math is hard ;)
21:39.50DTRemenakexactly ;)
21:39.54*** join/#bzflag Deepa (
21:40.02DTRemenaksome people have an easier time than others
21:40.05JeffM2501so yeah I'd have still done it, just done it in a totaly modular way
21:40.08CBGwings is easier and you can export from windows to blender...
21:40.14DTRemenakbut it's not considered to be widely accessible, for that reason
21:40.15Deepamy life is harsh
21:40.23JeffM2501I now know how to do MFC, and leave it open for another OSs interface
21:40.23CBGhi Deepa..
21:40.42JeffM2501I can wrap the MFC up in something that somone else can abstract too
21:40.52DTRemenak(neither is math, for that matter)
21:41.22JeffM2501the bigest thing would have been plugin style object handlers
21:41.28JeffM2501so they are easy to update
21:41.38JeffM2501maybe even have python or somethign do thre logic
21:42.27DTRemenakthat woulda been cool
21:42.49JeffM2501and probably not that hard
21:43.56DTRemenakcould still do it ;)
21:43.57JeffM2501the mapedit in gpx is all crossplatformy and non distuctive IIRC.
21:44.09JeffM2501naw, it's easyer to just convince people to learn blender
21:44.46DTRemenakI don't think that's as easy as you think it is ;)
21:45.14JeffM2501I know it's not
21:45.20JeffM2501but it does it all
21:45.35JeffM2501and maybe it's a good thing it's hard :)
21:46.46JeffM2501if I was to redo an editor now, it'd be for a new map format
21:46.54JeffM2501something like mesh only
21:47.03JeffM2501with prefabs for base objects
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21:48.33JeffM2501and portals
21:48.48CBGas opposed to teleporters?
21:49.10JeffM2501portals are a visability thing, not a gameplay thing
21:49.25JeffM2501tho with portals you could make some cool TPs
21:49.36CBGthings you SEE through, not travel through?
21:50.07JeffM2501they help you determine what is visable from your current view
21:50.22JeffM2501but sure you could go thru them and use them to help you know what cell you move to and from
21:50.33JeffM2501let you do nice extra dimensonal spaces :)
21:50.40JeffM2501rooms that are bigger on the inside then the outside
21:52.05CBGoh, cool
21:52.27CBGthough that defies physics. It's timelord science, surely.
21:52.47JeffM2501just normal portalspace
21:52.57*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (n=timr@
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21:53.07CBGHow can anything be bigger inside, than out?
21:55.36*** join/#bzflag fiveofoh (
21:57.02JeffM2501if there isn't a portal that links to the ouside geometry, you don't see it
21:57.22CBGSo then it's infinitely big...?
21:57.33JeffM2501and if it insn't in your current cell, you don't interact with it
21:57.37DTRemenakCBG: that's a cramped perspecitve.  it's not inside and outside, it's thisside and thatside :)
21:57.50JeffM2501it's just geometry
21:57.59DTRemenakit's arbitrary
21:58.01JeffM2501the geometry of the "inside" of a room can big as big as you make it
21:58.29JeffM250125 tanks in an outhouse :)
21:58.31CBGahh, like Wonko's Asylum?
21:58.40JeffM2501what is that?
21:58.56DTRemenakit's not inside, it's in a completely different spacetime continuum :)
21:59.05CBGHe built an inside-out house and lived 'outside' it.
21:59.13JeffM2501I see
21:59.19CBGHe was sane, his house was an asylum for the rest of the world which was insane.
21:59.24JeffM2501this is just overlaping spaces
21:59.31CBGIt's in the hitchhikers guide, book 3 or 4.
21:59.40JeffM2501it's been a while
22:00.19DTRemenakJeffM2501: nothing saying you can't have time behave differently if you're in a different cell :)
22:00.37JeffM2501transitioning could be wierd
22:00.50JeffM2501but yes you could have difrent physcics in each one too
22:01.10DTRemenakthat's assuming that you don't have real-world interactions on both sides.  human players on two sides with time moving differently would be pretty messed up
22:01.11CBGah, he's in "So Long and Thanks for All the Fish" - #4
22:01.40DTRemenakJeffM2501: did you play anachronox?
22:02.11JeffM2501can't say I've heard of it
22:02.38DTRemenak'twas an rpg on the q2 engine, long ago
22:03.21DTRemenakphysics changed as you moved to different sections, and they were on the same you'd find yourself on the ceiling of a place that you had previously been on the floor of
22:03.32DTRemenakit was rather disconcerting
22:04.30DTRemenakthe premise was that the planet was held together artifically anyway.  it shifted as time went on, too...the path that used to go to one place might not go there the next time you showed up
22:04.51DTRemenakhad some other neat features too
22:06.02DTRemenakbut it was a single-player game in a multiplayer world, and it was by Ion Storm, who went bankrupt shortly thereafter (because of the failure that was Daikatana)
22:08.54JeffM2501Q2 had some portal like boundry stuff, but it just for the pvs
22:09.18DTRemenak'twas a heavily modified q2 engine.  did some other interesting stuff too.
22:09.19JeffM2501hah, Ion storm
22:09.36JeffM2501yeah, but it was probaly still bsp based.
22:09.40JeffM2501even HL is BSP based.
22:10.18JeffM2501BSPs had there place in the sun, when overdraw was a problem
22:10.30DTRemenak'twas the way to go
22:11.19trepanstill useful wrt translucency
22:11.41JeffM2501yeah, they are
22:11.49JeffM2501they are good for sorting
22:12.22JeffM2501it's often nice to make each cell be stored as a bsp for portal systems
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23:12.54Gnurduxhi t
23:13.00Gnurdux* Theme97
23:13.51Theme97Hello, Gnurdux.
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23:35.30[dmp]menotume: works until the dns is fixed
23:43.35Skeevestrayer moved?
23:45.06[dmp]Skeeve: well, he hoped to do that this weekend. He dosnt know why dns isnt working. Eventually the old URLs will work again
23:45.58[dmp]Skeeve: so, is still the official URL, however works :-)
23:50.16*** join/#bzflag SportChick (
23:50.17*** mode/#bzflag [+v SportChick] by ChanServ

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.