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02:23.56A-Delusionyeah, christopher seems to be making his rounds again. 68.105....
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04:17.41menotumeorchid !
04:18.03menotumeme looks at a pic of orchid's foot and scratches it for her
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04:31.08tokimimenotume: letcherous old man...
04:35.14feldblast been around lately?
04:49.28menotumetokimi: I prefer "Sexy Senior Citizen"
04:49.41A-DelusionI saw blast007 awhile ago
05:00.17pyr016:55 |  blast007> hehehe
05:00.31pyr0so a while back
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06:21.36a_meteoriteJeffM2501: you there?
06:22.10a_meteoriteah, today boxy war crashed twice today. I have two core dumps
06:22.20JeffM2501umm ok
06:22.24a_meteoriteI think someone might be fooling with my server, it's never crashed in a month
06:22.27JeffM2501what good are those?
06:22.30a_meteoritehow do I read a core dump?
06:22.39a_meteoritewell, I got logs too. but I just want to know :)
06:22.43JeffM2501I dono
06:22.45a_meteoriteI've yet to look at them
06:22.52JeffM2501do they have backtraces?
06:23.21a_meteoriteI'm not sure, all I see is two files "core.19084" and "core.26095"
06:23.29JeffM2501then it's just memory stuff
06:23.31a_meteoriteopening in nano is a lot of garbled text
06:23.37a_meteoriteI see some familiar stuff though
06:23.39JeffM2501it's not good for anything other then that state at that time
06:23.42JeffM2501build with debug
06:23.47JeffM2501and let it run in GDB
06:23.56JeffM2501then you can see where it died
06:24.06JeffM2501there are suposed to be ways to get backtraces with out gdb IIRC as well
06:24.07a_meteoriteI just found it VERY unusual
06:24.10a_meteoritenothing has changed, and was stable for a month then crashes twice today
06:24.17JeffM2501something changed
06:24.20JeffM2501you just have to find it
06:24.32a_meteoritein this case something == nothing :)
06:24.43a_meteoriteheh: t^@^@_ZTS29bz_GetPlayerSpawnPosEventData^@.t^@^@_ZTS23bz_AllowPlayerEventD$
06:25.01JeffM2501probably a plugin crashing then
06:25.18JeffM2501probably a plugin not checking for a NULL user record
06:25.31a_meteoritehmmm... someone must of loaded a bad plugin...
06:25.37a_meteoriteI'll need to check my logs out, thanks
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06:38.39a_meteoritehmmm... nothing in my logs for a loadplugin
06:38.58JeffM2501then one of your existing ones has a bug
06:39.03JeffM2501how many deal with spawns?
06:39.28a_meteoritenone actually
06:39.38JeffM2501what do you load?
06:39.51a_meteoritehold on a sec
06:40.29a_meteoritenagware, logDetail, and flagReset (by l4m3r)
06:41.40a_meteoriteI've had these same plugins loaded for over a month straight without crash
06:42.02a_meteoriteso it seemed very unusual too crash twice today when I've never had a problem
06:42.04JeffM2501dosn't mean they don't have bugs
06:42.23JeffM2501unless somone is now connecting with state data that triggers the bugs
06:42.36a_meteoritewell, I do have people that don't like me very much ;)
06:43.04JeffM2501may mot be on pouiurpose
06:43.34a_meteoriteI'll compile it with --enable-debug from now on and launch inside gdb incase it happens again
06:43.43a_meteoritewould be nice to get some useful output
06:44.20a_meteoritedoes bzfs log first or load a plugin first? (or would that all depend on bzfs' api with logDetail?)
06:44.34a_meteoritecause if someone tried loading a bad plugin, maybe it never got logged?
06:44.48a_meteoriteor there's a rare bug in one of my existing plugins
06:45.46JeffM2501your "log" is just the console output
06:45.48JeffM2501that's always on
06:46.09a_meteoriteyes, I know, but does bzfs print stdout before or after attempting to load a plugin?
06:46.30a_meteoriteeither that it's one of my existing plugins *sighs*
06:46.30JeffM2501it prints std out as it gets them
06:46.44JeffM2501it dosnt' even print it, the OS does
06:47.00JeffM2501it's sent to the OS on every call to the DEBUGn Code
06:47.14JeffM2501so it can dump stuff out, load a plugin.. dump more stuff out
06:47.19JeffM2501basicly line by line
06:47.34a_meteoriteis it affected by --enable-debug?
06:47.45JeffM2501that just builds with symbols gdb can use
06:48.06a_meteoritehmmm... I wonder if I can run it without gdb but still get useful crash info I would need
06:48.16JeffM2501you'd need a backtrace
06:50.11a_meteoriteok, I'll look into thta
06:50.17a_meteoritethanks for your help so far :D
06:54.17a_meteoritewow, two of these core dumps are 9 megabytes :o
06:54.38JeffM2501they usualy dump all the ram your using at the time
06:54.44a_meteoriteoh, I see
06:54.52a_meteoriteI've never dealt with core dumps before
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09:14.36Mr_Molezcosmos: whats wrong with ur server :p
09:17.21menotumenothing, just 40-50% lost packets, no biggie
09:17.30menotumeand my lag 400 i/o 100
09:17.33Mr_Molezand 800ms lag :)
09:17.40Birdiegee adjust to that
09:17.59Mr_Molezlol i had to wait about 20 seconds for a message i typed to appear
09:18.05menotumewe should add a bot to sc, to get people there :)
09:18.27Birdieyea better say sc = silvercat=)
09:18.48Mr_Molezewww silvercat is american, all americans asleep now :P get a eu server active
09:19.04menotumeyes, all normal Americans asleep now
09:19.09menotumethere is one
09:19.23Birdieif the baronmum would hear that your still up!
09:19.47Birdieshe will propably ping you when you just get in bed
09:20.16menotumelike i'd hear it
09:21.56Birdieyou should install a doorbell on your pc, every time some one pings you it rings
09:22.03Birdieyou would have a busy day:)
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13:16.22TheRedBaronany desperate bzbb admins? :D
13:16.29TheRedBaronits your lucky day :)
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13:33.59Mr_Molezwhere do these people keep finding the bzflag forum jeez
13:52.04Birdieshe sounds desperated
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14:16.53SportChickat least "she" was smart enough to come to a male-dominated online tank game to look for companionship :D
14:16.54Manuwell it isn't for you SportChick ;)
14:17.03SportChickManu: you noticed?  hehe
14:17.24tokiminot my type;)
14:18.32Manutokimi: and how do you know it? :)
14:18.56Birdiei would consider checking that posts ip and tokimi"s ip:)
14:18.56TheRedBaronmanu: she's not a redhead, thats why ;)
14:19.18ManuTheRedBaron: lol
14:19.31tokimiTheRedBaron: righto
14:21.35SportChickif there are any mac users here, got a got on ##essy with a question
14:24.12Birdiegot a got?
14:26.40SportChickeven ~I~ typo things :p
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15:08.06Mr_Molezi got a got too ! :)
15:09.06Mr_Molezbut i got more of a got than you, so ner ! :P
15:19.04SportChick~sue Mr_Molez
15:19.05ibotACTION acting on orders from an unspecified client, drags Mr_Molez into court suing for $200 million
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15:40.09usois adding a ban supposed to flush the masterban list?
15:40.57usocould someone please try to reproduce this: checking banlist with /banlist, adding a ban with /ban and check the banlist again?
15:42.25uso*someone using masterbanlist
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16:34.24cosmosDoS possibility, this better not be beaverhausen
16:36.04CBGuso: what happens?
16:38.17CBGI did /banlist, added a ban, redid /banlist and still see all the old bans (masterbans) and the new test one.
16:39.11usoCBG: 2.0.8?
16:39.35CBGWell, actually, I'll check.
16:40.03CBGyes, 2.0.8
16:40.08usofor me the masterban entries disappear after using the ban command
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16:50.54usosame happens if i reload bans
16:51.16JeffM2501masterban == worst feature I ever did
16:54.38usothe feature isn't bad, maybe the implementation :)
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16:59.05JeffM2501oh the implementaiton is as good as it can be for the current ban system
16:59.13JeffM2501it's the feature that is flawed
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16:59.23JeffM2501what people want is a global cop system
16:59.26JeffM2501not a simple ban list
16:59.48JeffM2501a shared ban list may be part of a global cop system, but that is not the only part of it
17:00.59JeffM2501it realy shoudl be implemented as part of the authentication system
17:00.59JeffM2501cus if you want us to do your bans, then we should do the whole hog.
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18:31.33TheRedBaron~sane JeffM2501
18:31.34ibotJeffM2501 is 70% sane!
18:45.35blast007_web~literal cmd: sane (.*?)
18:45.37ibot"cmd: sane (.*?)" is "($1): <reply> $1 is (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9)(0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9)% sane!"
18:51.07usothe ban command reloads the ban list before it makes the new entry, AccessControlList::load clears the (complete?) banlist before it reloads the list from banfile
18:51.48usobut i don't see where the clean either protects the masterban entries or the load regets them
18:54.41usoCBG: do you have valid entries in your local banfile?
18:55.39CBGNo, only the test ban I entered.
18:55.48CBGOther than that I just have the masterbans.
18:56.10usothats probably the reason your masterban do not disappear
18:56.19CBGcould be...
18:56.27CBGI can try more extensive testing ;)
18:57.51CBGok, so I added 3 test bans to my banlist ontop of masterbans
18:58.17usotry to reload the local banlist with /reload bans
18:58.54CBGstll got my bans AND masterbans
19:00.35usocan you try to manually add a ban to your local banfile (with an editor), reload the bans and check if your new entry is added and the masterbans are still there?
19:01.20CBGThat's a pain, uso, the server is not local and I'm busy atm.
19:01.31usook, np :)
19:01.36usothanks anyway
20:09.21*** join/#bzflag raf256 (n=raf256@unaffiliated/raf256)
20:09.26raf256bzflag sucks
20:09.48raf256the bzflag linux version is so more error prone then IE
20:09.49TheRedBaronand what brings you to this euphoria?
20:09.51a_meteoriteraf256: thank you for your constructive criticism
20:10.01raf2561. sound is totally screwed up
20:10.06TheRedBaronand pressing need to come here?
20:10.08a_meteoriteget a better sound system
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20:10.13raf2562. game crashes when connecting with password (libcurl issue?)
20:10.19raf256a_meteorite: all other programs work fine
20:10.28a_meteoritedowndate libcurl, it's a curl problem. not bzflag's
20:10.52raf256and the sound?
20:10.57a_meteoriteraf256: I've never experienced sound on Linux as I'm speakerless, but it does matter what has control of sound
20:11.02raf256I checked both debian-stable and debian-testing versions of bzflag
20:11.13a_meteoriteare you using alsa or sdl sound?
20:11.18a_meteoriteor another variant?
20:11.22a_meteoritecause those really do matter :P
20:11.23raf256on two totally different boxes (laptop with ac97 from Intel, and box with ac97 from NVidia)
20:11.28raf256both have identical issue
20:11.37raf256a_meteorite: well, how do I select it?
20:11.38a_meteoritebecause linux has different sound set-ups
20:11.48a_meteoriteit's also got to be installed
20:12.07raf256well, it seems like some quite stupid wrote that part
20:12.13a_meteoriteI don't know anything about sound in Linux except that there are problems
20:12.21raf256Sound system: [.......]
20:12.21JeffM2501raf256, your on a debian based linux distro?
20:12.23raf256what in the hell I am supposed to entere there O_o
20:12.26a_meteoriteit's the way Linux does sound, that's all I know
20:12.28raf256JeffM2501: yes, debian
20:12.42raf256a_meteorite: all other apps use Alsa and are fine
20:12.44JeffM2501the curl issue is a bug with curl, if you downdate, it will be fixed
20:12.58JeffM2501raf256, check your sdl package, make sure it's the alsa SDL package
20:13.08JeffM2501yeah sadly they don't have a fix in debian stable yet
20:13.13raf256JeffM2501: I see just one option "bzflag"
20:13.15JeffM2501we reported the bug to curl and they did fix it
20:13.21JeffM2501raf256, no not bzflag, your SDL
20:13.28JeffM2501the problem is not with bzflag, but with SDL
20:13.32JeffM2501we just pass all sound to SDL
20:13.40JeffM2501there is an ESD and an ALSA sd
20:13.54JeffM2501acutaly it's the debian package makers
20:14.02JeffM2501they default the wrong sdl build sometimes
20:14.08JeffM2501why use debian if you don't like it?
20:14.21raf256well it works quite fine
20:14.24raf256what ould I use instead
20:14.31raf256debian > fedora/red hat
20:14.48raf256I do use sdl-alsa
20:14.53raf256yet, the sound is fucked up
20:15.16JeffM2501please watch your language
20:16.04JeffM2501well then if sdl is set to use alsa, and we don't show a sound card at startup thats cus SDL told us you didn't have one
20:16.09JeffM2501it's possible it may be blocked
20:16.26raf256well the sound works
20:16.29raf256but it is broken
20:16.36raf256sometimes, other times it works fine
20:16.38JeffM2501I need you to define "broken"
20:16.54JeffM2501sounds like something else is using the sound system
20:17.02JeffM2501do you have a sound system on your window manager?
20:17.05raf256instead "buuum" it is like "bz bz bz bz bz bz bz"
20:17.14raf256all other ALSA applications are really working fine
20:17.20JeffM2501don't know
20:17.27JeffM2501like I say it's all done by SDL
20:17.30raf256it is on two totally differen boxes O_o
20:17.44raf256why not write it also in OpenAL?
20:17.44JeffM2501then it's probalby something common to both of them
20:17.55raf256debian is the only common thing
20:18.01JeffM2501openAL has been discussed, but noone has steped up write the code for it
20:18.12JeffM2501we'd swap in a heartbeat if somone were to write it.
20:18.13raf256otherwise they are totally differen (intell celeron laptop -vs- amd 64 bit)
20:18.27raf256what if I would?
20:18.41JeffM2501then submit it as a patch and we'd look at incorporating it
20:18.43raf256I do have the source code actually of bzflag
20:18.52raf256and what do I get in return btw? :P
20:19.01JeffM2501it's an open source project
20:19.07raf256yeah, so?
20:19.11raf256like... "a hug"
20:19.20raf256"every time you donate to OS, Stallman spawns a horny goat"
20:19.24raf256or something
20:19.32JeffM2501umm again please watch your language
20:19.35raf256or god kills a kitten
20:19.45JeffM2501it's open source for the sake of betterment of the project
20:19.56JeffM2501if you want to do it to make the game better, then fine
20:20.05JeffM2501if you expect some compensation, then we don't work that way
20:20.28raf256btw, what is up with the pollitical correcness?
20:20.37JeffM2501it's the way we work
20:20.43JeffM2501there are a number of kids here
20:20.44raf256there are no such problems in other games nor other freenod channels O_o
20:20.54JeffM2501then that is there perogitive, as this is ours
20:21.38raf256well it always amused me like some strange people are hidding things like OMG boobies or sex or drugs from kids
20:21.43raf256(the informations about them)
20:21.55raf256*about the fact that they exist (not info where to buy) ;)
20:21.59JeffM2501none of that has anything to do with the project, so we don't want it here
20:21.59TheRedBarondo you really believe kids are so niave about that?
20:22.07JeffM2501what you do in your private life is your life
20:22.16JeffM2501just don't do it here
20:22.16raf256TheRedBaron: I think not, therefore I am amused by that "omg lets not say B###BIES!"
20:22.29JeffM2501but that is not the point of you being here is it?
20:22.43JeffM2501if you wish to help and write up an OpenAL sound system then please be my guest
20:22.53raf25612 yo kids are pregnant, 15 yo take drugs, and we are all "omg, he said A**, lets ban him!"
20:23.02JeffM2501raf256, are you done?
20:23.12raf256for now, yeah
20:23.50TheRedBaronthere's none of that paranoria here
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20:24.17JeffM2501bzflag is actualy a rather old game/codebase
20:24.19TheRedBaronraf256: everywhere else you go, you run into that, whats wrong with getting a lil peace and quiet from that crap here?
20:24.21JeffM2501it dosn't use many of the newer libs
20:24.41CBGraf256: so all 15 years olds take drugs? get a life.
20:24.43JeffM2501TheRedBaron, if your gonna preach to him then do it in private, lets keep this topical
20:24.48JeffM2501all of you
20:25.14JeffM2501why do you all always insist on feeding the trolls?
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20:25.45TheRedBaronI was simply asking a few questions
20:25.48TheRedBaronnot trying to convert him
20:25.56CBGI was simply setting him straight.
20:26.03JeffM2501then do it in private
20:26.04TheRedBaronthats converting :)
20:26.04JeffM2501both of you
20:26.38SC-phonehey jeff
20:27.27SC-phonejeff do u have any suggestions on a good/easy way to clone a drive?  (I think clone is the right word)
20:27.57Mr_Molezghost it !!
20:27.57SC-phoneI'm getting a new HD & want to transfer everything over exactly
20:27.58TheRedBaronnorton ghost
20:28.05JeffM2501if you mean copy, yeah the software that came with the new drive should be able to ghost it
20:28.17JeffM2501it's a common feature
20:29.08SC-phonewe have to take the old one out to put the new one in...lappy
20:29.13JeffM2501oh lappy
20:29.26JeffM2501back it up to CD and restore
20:29.36JeffM2501you can't clone a drive unless you have both in a machine at the same time
20:29.40JeffM2501so it can copy
20:29.47SC-phoneI can't - CD drive is broken
20:29.58CBGexternal HD.
20:30.14CBGclone to an external, swap drives, clone back to new internal.
20:30.26JeffM2501if she has an external
20:30.30SC-phonecan I clone it to mozul's comeputer & then restore?
20:30.32JeffM2501do you have any other form of external
20:30.39JeffM2501not realy "clone"
20:30.44JeffM2501you can copy the files to his machine sure
20:30.44SC-phoneonly mozul's
20:30.51JeffM2501but that won't keep the OS or anything
20:31.02JeffM2501and if your CD is busted that kinda limits your options
20:31.05Mr_MolezJeffM2501: i have a ghost on a cd maybe she can do that
20:31.13CBGExternal HDs are pretty cheap these days, and most people have one.  Maybe you can borrow a friend's or relative's?
20:31.14JeffM2501Mr_Molez, her cd drive is bsted
20:31.15Mr_Molezor a dvd
20:31.17Mr_Molezoh lol
20:31.20JeffM2501read all the words :)
20:31.41SC-phonecan u ghost to another computer?
20:31.43JeffM2501SC-phone, what I would do if I was you would be to get 2 laptop to regular drive adapters
20:31.45JeffM2501SC-phone, no
20:31.48JeffM2501no you can't
20:31.58JeffM2501then put the 2 drives in a working machine
20:32.01JeffM2501copy one to the other
20:32.12JeffM2501then put the new drive back in your laptop
20:32.28JeffM2501SC-phone, basicly you can't ghost or "clone" a drive when its' OS is running
20:32.30SC-phone& that will boot right up?
20:32.33JeffM2501cus it has to copy files that are in use
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20:32.47JeffM2501if you do a full drive copy using the right software yes
20:33.00JeffM2501like norton ghost, or the software that comes with the new drive
20:33.02SC-phoneare those adapters easy to find?
20:33.15JeffM2501fry's should have them, and they should be cheap ( 20$)
20:33.25SC-phoneokies ty
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20:36.35SC-phonemozul says he has ghost already
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20:37.12JeffM2501ok, then you just need to get both drives into a machine that can run ghost
20:37.41JeffM2501and you realy should get your cdrom fixed :)
20:37.50SC-phoneI know
20:38.07SC-phoneit sort of works if I reseat it about 10 times
20:38.09JeffM2501it's underwaranty right?
20:38.20JeffM2501I warned you about alienwares didn't i :)
20:38.30SC-phonebut their tech service sucks
20:38.40SC-phoneu call costa rica
20:38.49JeffM2501welcome tot he 21st centry
20:39.00JeffM2501if you have any more questions on it just PM me, I'll be here all day
20:39.20SC-phonethe new drive is en route
20:39.35SC-phoneI'm getting more memory too :)
20:40.35SC-phonebut I'll let mozul know he can pm u if he has questions
20:40.48SC-phonethanks for indulging me here everyone
21:10.03tokimiare there any special diferences between gdb and idb?
21:16.18JeffM2501what is idb?
21:16.23JeffM2501intels debuger?
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22:39.04raf256yeah that sound is totally broken
22:39.12raf256at least on my debian, using sdl-alsa
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22:50.12TheBarronok.. a complaint
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22:50.36TheBarronwhy does it say "CTF disabled for strong team" instead of just telling you what team(s) it's disabled for?
22:51.56a_meteoriteTheBarron: that sounds like the fairCTF plugin
22:52.10a_meteoriteask l4m3r about it :)
22:52.13TheBarronah.. so I should complain to whoever wrote that, eh?
22:52.31a_meteoriteprobably ;)
22:55.00Chestalhmm, I guess my bzflag uses oss, if I understand the debian SDL packages. (have libsdl1.2debian, libsdl1.2debian-oss, but not libsdl1.2debian-alsa)
23:03.02JeffM2501debian has 2 sdl packages, an alsa one and an OSS one
23:03.31JeffM2501tho I think it gets the sample rate wrong a couple times
23:03.43Chestalfor some reason, OSS has always worked better for me, even as alsa OSS emulation. An dnot only in bzflag
23:04.11JeffM2501probably depends on the quality of the alsa support for your card
23:06.32Chestalheh, I just noticed than even my music player uses oss (emulation)
23:06.41Chestalwell, as long as it works like a charm...
23:07.14usofor me too, alsa has more features, but a lot of flaws, oss works better and more stable
23:07.42trepanage before beauty
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23:10.27usomore uglyness in the case of alsa ;)
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23:12.45silverfoxIs there a howto anywhere on compiling for win32?
23:12.58JeffM2501the readme has info
23:13.03JeffM2501depends on what compiler your using
23:13.20silverfoxJeffM2501, I don't have a compiler.  I seem to remember there is a free one available?
23:13.26JeffM2501there are 3
23:13.35JeffM2501nether of them are simple to set up
23:14.01silverfoxI'd like to take a crack at it.  Which do you recommend?
23:14.08JeffM2501visual C++
23:14.23JeffM2501it's what I use
23:14.34silverfoxAnd is there any changes I must make to compile with the free compiler?
23:14.56JeffM2501just geting all the libs and headers needed is "fun"
23:15.09silverfoxthis one?
23:15.17JeffM2501but you need more then that
23:15.27JeffM2501you need also the windows SDK, and the direct X SDK
23:15.31JeffM2501and libcurl
23:15.34JeffM2501and pdcurses
23:16.07JeffM2501the readme should have some info on where to get the vaious libs and SDK
23:16.26JeffM2501you'll probably have to manualy move the sdk files after they install into the VC EE dirs
23:16.44JeffM2501as VCEE dosn't let you add more dirs to it's include system
23:16.48JeffM2501that's the fun part
23:17.39JeffM2501but after that just use the VC8 projects in the source and you'll be building the same way we build the release binarys
23:17.48JeffM2501what do you need to build for?
23:18.25JeffM2501ahh yeah the so called "cheat checkers"
23:18.33JeffM2501or "lag checkers" as I like to call them
23:18.49silverfoxlag or jitter?
23:18.57JeffM2501jitter is lag
23:19.00JeffM2501or change in lag
23:19.12silverfoxIt seems that out of order packets would cause erroneous speed behavior.
23:19.15JBdiGrizjitter is a transient condition, lag may not be.
23:19.17JeffM2501the client dosn't know the diff betwen lag and real cheating
23:19.20JeffM2501yeah they do
23:19.27JeffM2501there is always some lag
23:19.50JeffM2501and yes out of order is a problem too
23:19.57JeffM2501hence why I don't put any failth in those clients
23:20.15silverfoxI'm interested in comparing one tank to another.  Look at trends.
23:20.18silverfoxMore for fun than anything.
23:20.26JeffM2501whatever floats your boat
23:20.36JBdiGrizThe clients don't verify intent, but they do give an idea of what is happening. Black box testing is useful.
23:20.48JeffM2501it can be helpfull to see trends
23:21.01JeffM2501and be one component of a cheat/lag descision
23:21.21JeffM2501but some seem to think they are magical detectors that instantly show somone is cheating
23:21.26JeffM2501when they are not
23:21.29JBdiGrizI kicked a player whose lag always increased when he picked up the enemy team flag.
23:21.53JBdiGrizI couldn't verify intent, but it stopped happening shortly thereafter.
23:22.02JeffM2501maybe the additional faces of the flag on his tank slowed down his frame rate :)
23:22.30JeffM2501stranger things have happend
23:22.30JBdiGrizThat could be, but going from 80ms to 300ms seemed like quite a delta to me. ;)
23:22.39JeffM2501that is a bit of a big one
23:22.52JeffM2501I've seen people be called of cheating cus there lag increased when they had GM
23:23.12JeffM2501and it realy was dude to the video driver geeking on the GM trails
23:23.13JBdiGrizHow much did it increase by, and was it fairly constant?
23:23.33JeffM2501yeah it was, and it was a big jump, like 150ms increase
23:23.46JeffM2501the frame rate would bog down to the 10's when it drew the blended GM trails
23:24.12JBdiGrizHe probably should have changed his display options. It would have helped his gameplay as well.
23:24.24JeffM2501she did, and it helped ;)
23:24.33JeffM2501I also added an option to remove the trails
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23:25.08JeffM2501it is one good sample of how lag can look like cheating
23:25.08JBdiGrizIt's useful to check for cheats, but it's not the first thing to suspect when there is aberrant behavior.
23:25.29JeffM2501sadly many admins are not as wise as you JBdiGriz :)
23:25.45JBdiGrizThere was a guy yesterday who couldn't be hit. People were accusing him of cheating. I kicked him for 930ms jitter.
23:26.06JeffM2501that's like calling from the moon
23:26.08JBdiGrizI'm not wise, I just harass other admins to help me check when there is suspicious behavior.
23:26.27JeffM2501I've seen satalite players be accused of cheating too
23:26.33JeffM25011500ms lag and stuff
23:26.50JBdiGrizwireless players are sometimes rather noticable as well.
23:27.00JeffM2501yeah, they seem to have high packetloss
23:27.03TheBarronI connect from my cell phone sometimes
23:27.05TheBarronpeople LOVE that
23:27.07silverfoxyeah, we kick for lag, not cheating.  ;)
23:27.11JeffM2501UDP is not there friend
23:27.38SC-phoneI see a lot of jitter in a lot of wireless players
23:28.14JeffM2501yeah with high packet loss it can seem like your lag goes up and down a lot
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23:29.34JeffM2501looks like 2.1 has an order field now
23:29.42JeffM2501so that should help a bit
23:29.58JeffM2501cvs head
23:30.01JeffM2501current dev version
23:30.12JeffM2501current release is 2.0.8
23:30.12silverfoxbreaking proto eh?
23:30.16JeffM2501long ago
23:30.23JeffM2501and yeah, 2.0.x is done with
23:30.41JBdiGrizSupposedly someone is moving state from the client to the server as well.
23:31.06JeffM2501we just havent meet that somone yet :)
23:31.24JBdiGrizI'm sure we have met them, but they don't know it yet. :D
23:31.34trepanJeffM2501: 2.0 has PlayerState::order, it's old
23:31.42JeffM2501it used?
23:32.09JeffM2501yes it is
23:32.19JeffM2501so why would out of order screw up 2.0
23:32.27JeffM2501well other then seeming just like packetloss
23:34.13silverfoxI need the C++ binding of libcurl?
23:34.26JeffM2501the MSVC one
23:34.35JeffM2501it'll have a lib, header, and DLL
23:34.42silverfoxthis one just says c++
23:34.46silverfoxdoesn't mention ms
23:34.50JeffM2501where are you looking?
23:35.01silverfoxnvmd.  it does.
23:35.07JeffM2501it's a big list ;)
23:35.12silverfoxit is.
23:35.28JeffM2501I don't usualy get it from there
23:35.30JBdiGrizGenerations will hail and remember your name if you document all of this and put it into the forums/wiki.
23:35.32JeffM2501I get it from
23:35.33blast007 is where I go
23:35.40JeffM2501curlpp is not libcurl
23:35.40silverfoxwhich links to the url I mentioned.
23:35.43JeffM2501but a curl variant
23:36.04silverfoxas a "binding"
23:36.10JeffM2501tha'ts not what you want
23:36.17JeffM2501that's a C++ wraper for libcurl
23:36.20JeffM2501we use the normal one
23:36.27JeffM2501just hit the download page
23:36.36JeffM2501the very last one is a non SSL version of libcurl
23:36.44JeffM2501the "devel" one
23:37.33JeffM2501generaly "bindings" refer to making a link for a lib from it's origonal language to a new one
23:37.45JeffM2501"C++ bindings" is kinda a wiered term
23:37.53JeffM2501since C++ can use C libs just fine
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