irclog2html for #bzflag on 20060710

00:10.56*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (
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00:20.54Mr_Molezmeno-promiscuous ping
00:20.57Mr_Molezmenotume:  ping
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00:30.11spldartOK!... I'm ready to do a pre-release sneak peak at my new map. If you see something I should tweak please let me know 8-D... Don't expect to much it's only my second map evar! It's no -publicaddr yet so it will only be you guys.
00:32.49A_Heart_Attackim going on it now
00:34.25A_Heart_Attackvery nice
00:35.23spldartlet me know if you see something you think I should address
00:35.35A_Heart_Attackits a little open below the bases
00:35.45spldartsome superflags are grouped in zones
00:35.45A_Heart_Attackmaybe some pyramids and boxes in the air
00:35.48spldartothers are not
00:35.50A_Heart_Attackyes i know
00:35.55spldartgood idea
00:35.57A_Heart_Attackother than that its very good
00:36.28spldartmabye some mini towers of some sort around the base towers?
00:37.52spldartAnd... Thanks again :) Anyone else have any input :) I'm open to suggestions
00:39.46inchwormthe mirror floor is pretty, but a little distracting maybe?  Also give the map a dark feel
00:39.52A-Delusionyou need a disk the mac can boot from
00:40.19A-Delusionwoop, there's my once a week wrong channel..
00:40.47inchwormnot a bad map
00:41.12spldartmaybe I can turn off the reflection but keep the black?
00:41.26A_Heart_Attackset the sky color to black
00:41.28A_Heart_Attackand to
00:41.50A_Heart_Attackset _mirror "black 0"
00:41.56A_Heart_Attackwith a / infront of it
00:42.01inchwormif you want a dark map, it's fine and people like be can maybe turn off mirror on our clients
00:42.53A_Heart_Attackah yes inchsworm has a good point
00:44.37inchwormit's all good
00:46.15spldartI set sky to black out of curiousity ... it does help with the disorienting reflections
00:46.37A_Heart_Attackset _mirror "black 0"
00:46.48A_Heart_Attackoh, hey l4m3r
00:46.58L4m3rperfect mirror is the most disorienting
00:47.07A_Heart_Attacki like it
00:47.18L4m3ryeah, usually looks the best also
01:03.18wegstar_awayhow does the  bzflag server/client "pack"/"unpack" data and send it along?
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01:19.36JeffM2501with the net pack and unpack and send functions
01:24.08wegstar_awayhow do those functions work?
01:24.19JeffM2501depends what you want to do
01:24.27JeffM2501what are you trying to do?
01:24.43wegstar_awayget  a struct sent via sockets
01:24.56wegstar_awayI beliebe bz sends classes via sockets?
01:25.09JeffM2501no not at all
01:25.17JeffM2501you pack each variable
01:25.23JeffM2501in a specific order
01:25.26JeffM2501send that
01:25.31JeffM2501then unpack each one and set it in a struct
01:25.38JeffM2501sockets just sents data
01:25.41JeffM2501raw data
01:25.55wegstar_awayhow are the variables packed
01:26.06JeffM2501with the nbopack functions
01:26.09JeffM2501one for each type
01:26.17JeffM2501it will put them in network byte order
01:27.27JeffM2501they are all in pack.h
01:27.34wegstar_awayok.. thanks
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01:28.39JeffM2501now if you want to send it from server to client or client to server, you allso need to add a new message for that
01:28.44JeffM2501so they know what the data is
01:28.56wegstar_awayI got all that confused with struct because in python the functions to unpack and pack data are in the "struct" module..
01:29.07wegstar_awaya header
01:29.17JeffM2501in python your using a higher level thing
01:33.17JeffM2501what does the class do that you want to send?
01:33.32wegstar_awayjust to hold some data
01:33.56JeffM2501does the client need to know when it gets it?
01:34.12JeffM2501if it's just static data, or rarely chaning data, then just use bzdb vars
01:34.43wegstar_awayoh, this is for something else... I'm just trying to use the same network thingy bzflag uses ;)
01:34.51JeffM2501good god why?
01:34.57JeffM2501dude enet or raknet
01:35.00JeffM2501totaly better
01:35.04JeffM2501raknet can even send classes
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01:54.54I_Died_OnceI'm in love with a stripperrrrrrr
01:55.06I_Died_OnceShe ridin' she rollin;
01:55.16I_Died_OnceShe's climbin' that pole and....
01:55.38inchwormum...wrong window i think
01:55.44wegstar_awayJeffM2501: so raknet is basically UDP++, good for stuff that requires a large number of quick streaming packets?
01:56.30Gnurduxwegstar_away, bzflag DOESNT use a network thingy
01:56.31JeffM2501it'll do it's own relyable stuff if you need be
01:56.39JeffM2501Gnurdux, he's not talking about bzflag
01:56.52Gnurduxi know <wegstar_away> oh, this is for something else... I'm just trying to use the same network thingy bzflag uses ;)
01:57.07Gnurduxwegstar_away, whatcha making?  another python MUD?
01:57.13JeffM2501raknet also has high level pack/unpack stuff, as well are remote procedure calls and network class stuff
01:57.57wegstar_awayGnurdux: something with allegro.. a Scorched Earth thingy, call it a Gunbound clone if you want...
01:58.13inchwormsounds cool
01:58.29inchwormwegstar_away: are you aware of a full 3d scorched earth project already out?
01:58.48JeffM2501allegro is a 2d game lib ;)
01:59.31wegstar_awayinchworm: I know, played it
01:59.41JeffM2501not all things translate to 3d well
01:59.45wegstar_awayJeffm2501: there's allegrogl ;)
02:00.03wegstar_awayanyway, something gunbound-like
02:00.12wegstar_awaythat's 2d
02:00.28JeffM2501gl does 2d and 3d
02:00.43JeffM2501even 1d and 4d ;)
02:05.36JeffM2501they just use GL cus it's a nice way to pick up cross plat hardware acceleration
02:05.43JeffM2501gl is decent at compositing
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02:14.43flizzoyd83Could someone give me some insight as to what kind of a role the bzflag server plays in the game? Does it make any actual gameplay decisions such as detecting if a player is killed, if a player picked up a flag, etc...
02:15.24JeffM2501not yet
02:15.25cosmosthe source code will tell you....
02:15.37inchwormyoung padawan..let the source guide you
02:15.41JeffM2501the client does most of the gameplay
02:15.52JeffM2501we would like to have most of it moved to the server for 2.2
02:16.05redsoxfan90would that be better jeff?
02:16.10cosmosand spoil the fun for cheaters?!
02:16.12flizzoyd83Why do you plan on that? To prevent cheating?
02:16.17JeffM2501that is one reason
02:16.40cosmosthey just want to drive up cpu usage on the servers!  ;)
02:16.40JeffM2501once it's on the server it also opens up a lot more the plugins and mods can do with out requiring client mods
02:16.51JeffM2501it won't be that much
02:16.55cosmosi know
02:17.08cosmosthe gains against cheating are worth any increase
02:17.12cosmosand the plugins too
02:17.17JeffM2501if you even notice an increase
02:17.24flizzoyd83Oh, so you wouldn't do anything like movement validation.
02:17.32cosmoson my 50mhz sparc i will!
02:17.40JeffM2501we would like to validate all player input
02:17.58JeffM2501like any real internet game would
02:19.24flizzoyd83Have you started planning for a server with that big of a role?
02:19.45JeffM2501we have a good idea of what to do
02:19.48JeffM2501it's not THAT big
02:20.02JeffM2501it's what 99% of the other internet games out there do
02:20.07JeffM2501so it's not rocket science
02:20.15JeffM2501it's just not going to be a simple task, it's very invasive
02:21.00flizzoyd83I didnt think that many FPS type games did server validation
02:22.17JeffM2501are you kidding
02:22.19JeffM2501they all do :)
02:22.25JeffM2501started with quake 1
02:22.31JeffM2501the entire game state is on the server
02:22.42JeffM2501the client is just a dumb terminal that can do some lag comp and prediction
02:23.27flizzoyd83Well do they detect hits on the server too?
02:24.06JeffM2501the client dosnt' even know when it dies, it's just told "dude you died"
02:24.44JeffM2501any game that dosn't is just acking to be cheated all to hell
02:24.53JeffM2501first rule of internet game programing "never trust the client"
02:25.22flizzoyd83It just seems like a waste not to utilize the client.
02:25.32A-Delusionwhats the code for setting skycolor using numbers? /set _skyColor then three numbers?  I see a server that says it's skycolor is cadetblue4
02:25.34flizzoyd83Aside from the obvious cheating implications.
02:25.35JeffM2501oh the client does it too
02:25.39JeffM2501it has to
02:25.44JeffM2501to make the game seem laggy
02:25.47JeffM2501not seem laggy
02:25.50JeffM2501so everyone has a state
02:26.03JeffM2501just the server is the one that is right in case of a dispute
02:26.21flizzoyd83Would it detect the hit at the client, then validate at the server?
02:26.45JeffM2501both detect it, the client reacts, asuming it'll get verfication from the server
02:26.57JeffM2501if it dosn't it has to reconcile with the server state
02:27.18JeffM2501that way people that don't cheat get a clean game, those that go.well they get what the deserve
02:27.19flizzoyd83That seems sensible.
02:27.25JeffM2501there are many articles on it
02:27.36JeffM2501and many difrent ways to do it
02:28.04wegstar_away"the server should check everything that affects the game state, basically. Never trust a client. OR a Klingon" - gnolam
02:29.29flizzoyd83It seems like it would be easier to enforce anti-cheating in a game like WOW and Punkbuster where a player has an account they pay for.
02:29.31JeffM2501the problem with using client side resources to compute stuff is that clients have the longest path to other clients
02:29.42JeffM2501the server has the shortest
02:29.57JeffM2501people cheat in wow
02:30.01JeffM2501people cheat thru punkbuster
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02:30.38flizzoyd83Do you have any sites describing punkbuster cheats?
02:30.48JeffM2501we don't condone cheating in any game
02:31.02inchwormthey aren't apperently that hard to find...i've heard of more than on in America's Army
02:31.05wegstar_awaylan56: have you created bzfs.a? ;)
02:31.53JeffM2501punkbuster just checks for paterns
02:32.00JeffM2501to see if someone is "too good"
02:32.08JeffM2501it still works on TOP of an authortive server
02:32.14JeffM2501since it needs to know where somone is suposed to be
02:32.26JeffM2501punkbuster is not magic
02:32.55JeffM2501it's primary job is to find bots and other subtle cheats
02:33.23flizzoyd83like wall cheats?
02:33.25lan56wegstar_away, no I actually haven't even remembered it till now :(
02:33.39JeffM2501I don't know the term
02:33.42JeffM2501but whatever
02:33.50JeffM2501what is your big interest in cheating?
02:34.55wegstar_awaylan56: oh
02:35.02flizzoyd83I'm writing a paper right now on a MMOG architecture and in it we concede that current cheat detection mechanisms are not sufficient for it.
02:35.50JeffM2501MMOS are totaly server based
02:35.54JeffM2501they check every input
02:36.25flizzoyd83I'm not really nuts about the paper or the architecture, but I'm getting paid and a degree for it.
02:36.27JeffM2501most cheats are bug exploits or automation of valid inputs
02:36.41lan56you get paid to write assignments?
02:36.46JeffM2501how are you doing your research?
02:38.04flizzoyd83We're using game code for a simple MMO I found in a prima book.
02:38.25flizzoyd83I know how bad that sounds.
02:38.25JeffM2501a book engine
02:38.30JeffM2501yeah those are gonna suck
02:38.36JeffM2501you should look at neverax
02:38.41JeffM2501it's closer to a real engine
02:39.04JeffM2501and then read all the stuff on the subject at gamasurta
02:39.40flizzoyd83I've looked at most of the MMO stuff on gamasutra.
02:39.58JeffM2501start with the FPS stuff
02:40.03JeffM2501cus that is the core of all the games
02:40.04flizzoyd83We're working with some guys from bell labs, but they're mostly "no" men
02:40.13JeffM2501then move onto the mmo stuff
02:40.43JeffM2501bzflag was writen as a lan game
02:40.56JeffM2501so it's based on client trust
02:41.01JeffM2501hence why it's cheated so much
02:41.27flizzoyd83Yeah, that's why I moved them away from looking towards bzflag for all their research
02:41.52flizzoyd83The paper's pretty much already written. Ideally you'll be able to read (and bash) it in November on ACM.
02:44.07flizzoyd83Is neverax open source?
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02:45.16JeffM2501it's the system that was made for the game saga of ryzom
02:45.20JeffM2501a comerical MMO
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03:10.07spldart>those who helped check out my almost finished world... Does this help the 'barren region around the foot of the tower?
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03:26.12spldartOr this
03:32.13spldartCan anyone direct me to a reference for all the _set variables for a world?
03:32.39redsoxfan90i think there is something on
03:32.44redsoxfan90not 100% sure though.
03:33.20JeffM2501type in /set and look ;)
03:33.22spldartbeen looking.. I'll check wiki again
03:33.23JeffM2501it lists them all
03:33.35spldartYeah but I was hoping to get more details on each
03:33.50spldartwithout having to trial and error each and every one ;)
03:34.10spldartis there a set for laser range?
03:34.22spldartI need to shorten it without effecting regular shots
03:34.39JeffM2501it's a lazer mod IIRC
03:34.41JeffM2501gotta go
03:35.13redsoxfan90something like /set _laserAdLife
03:35.16redsoxfan90i think
03:35.25spldartOh... that's for range?
03:35.28spldartI'll try it
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03:41.08spldartoop... laserAdLife adds 'life' to the beam time :eek:
03:41.54spldartI'd hate to have to elinimate rico to reduce laser's ability cuz I'd like to keep shot ricoh
03:45.58A-Delusionpeople have had success with invisible, drivethrough, ricochet cages
03:46.09A-Delusionto bounce shots away
03:47.13spldartthough I think laser is just to dominate in this map... I'm goin to drop it for now but I like that idea.. thanks I'll consider it :)
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12:53.44BirdieManu: there?
12:53.54brlcadManu: here?
12:54.12Birdiewas a typo:)
12:54.37brlcadManu: where?
12:56.24gsneddersManu: anywhere?
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13:03.56Manugsnedders: no :)
13:04.30ManuBirdie: what?
13:04.51Manubrlcad: good morning :)
13:06.06BirdieManu: you are more or less responsible for viper so:  some guy named "romulus" came to me yesterday, he got banned on viper by...(the same guy that banned that guy from 8 years old yesterday)..and he said "cause he tk"d him twice on a long time by accident.
13:06.36Birdiedid you heard any more complaints about that cop/admin or not? (of course romulus can be lying to)
13:07.01Birdiei told him to send that admin a pm on bzbb, but as we heard yesterday that that admin aint that active on might take some time
13:07.16ManuBirdie: no complains
13:08.01Birdiei didnt want to unban him, with one side of the story..but ya
13:08.18Manudo you know romulus?
13:08.32ManuBirdie: you musn't unban other's bans
13:08.33brlcadManu: buenos dias
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13:08.46Birdiei havent unbanned him
13:08.55Birdielike i said, one side of the story..wouldnt be fair:)
13:09.09Manubut do you know/trust romulus?
13:09.17Birdiei dont know romulus, saw him once or twice..but dunno him
13:09.36Manuthen why did you remove a ban you didn't made?
13:09.49Birdiei haven"t removed it
13:09.50Manuinstead it.. as an admin first
13:10.01Manuah... I missunderstood :)
13:10.43ManuI know Moto Unit, he is making a good work at Viper
13:10.56Manubut I'll ask him too
13:11.00Birdiethats why i came to you, maybe you knew romulus, or Moto Unit, to make a better judge about it
13:11.36ManuI guess don't know him
13:13.59ManuBirdie: only left 435 minutes for the ban
13:16.28Birdieah, so it doesnt really mather
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14:02.36A_Heart_Attackha ha
14:02.57A_Heart_Attacki got 2 plain, un toasted bagels and an iced-tea
14:03.04A_Heart_Attackthats my breakfast
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15:15.02A-DelusionTook me awhile, but I found the link I was looking for.
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15:20.57spldartThat's a good link to have :-)
15:23.13A-Delusionyou can set colors using ANY of the names there, me thinks
15:23.45A-Delusionnot sure how it works in map files yet
15:26.25spldartI was thinking back to when I used to like to make web pages and would sometimes use a chart like that to get just the right hue
15:27.05A-DelusionLemon Chiffom?  Anyone? It's those names I was looking for.
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16:03.52menotumeA-Delusion, spldart: this is esaier ==>
16:05.23spldartooooooooooOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo 8-D
16:17.41A-Delusionmenotume, that is indeed nicer, but I  also enjoy having the color names. Easier to remember.
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17:24.56JeffM2501I built the damn TE off of a moded tree :(
17:27.48JeffM2501Tournament Edition
17:29.04ToughShooterheh, I think it's a bad idea to have a special tournament edition without huge mods in the source
17:29.52Mr_MolezToughShooter: what makes you think that ?
17:30.21ToughShooterWell, there is a way to look at the protocol etc
17:30.39Mr_Molezso ?
17:31.02JeffM2501if we make huge mods to the source, we don't need the TE :)
17:31.24JeffM2501and part of these mods are to change the proto
17:31.26JeffM2501so you can't see it
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17:31.52JeffM2501asuming I can get it to bloddy well work
17:32.43Mr_MolezJeffM2501: do u think its right to make the practice matches that have already been played official ?
17:32.53JeffM2501that's up to you guys
17:33.00JeffM2501do you all feel they were fair?
17:33.03JeffM2501if so, why not
17:33.08ToughShooterThere are tools which can be used for investigating the changes. It only makes sense if the binaries are given very late to the players
17:33.20Mr_Molezjust seems weird they want a special client , but they are willing to count these
17:33.27JeffM2501ToughShooter, yeah it's not crack proof, nothing is, the point is that it takes time
17:33.45JeffM2501Mr_Molez, then that means that not everyone felt it was a fair set of games
17:33.51trac_what league is it for?
17:34.50JeffM2501the eventual plan is to also do a lot of independent state verification
17:36.13ToughShootertrac_: planet **** versus the "open" league tournament
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17:43.54ATD_Mr_Molez: Planet MoFo is more than one person, we do not have a collective mind, (nor overpowering leader to make decisions)  If some of our members don't trust OL for some reason and other (who played the matches) want them to count - then that's just the way it is
17:44.40ATD_There was every indication during the games that they were official - including members of OL saying that they were official and no-one contering that isea
17:45.45JeffM2501also I don't have a hard date when I'll have my stuff done, we don't even know if I can build all the needed bins
17:46.10JeffM2501so if you want to keep going then there are probably going to be more games with out the new clients
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18:39.30uso_wis bzfsClientMessages.cxx used at all in the v2_0_branch?
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19:00.54I_Died_OnceIt would be one thing if one league or another was clearlty ahead, but we're tied - so either way, if we count the matches or not, it's still fair cause no one is in the lead
19:01.41I_Died_OnceOL won two matches, MoFo won two matches, and we tied on the HiX map....
19:01.59I_Died_OnceSo count them or not, I'm cool either way
19:02.14Mr_MolezI_Died_Once: do u remember the exact scores ?
19:02.17I_Died_Once*if* one team was clearly in the lead, it'd be another situation completely
19:02.22I_Died_Onceno I dontr
19:02.45Mr_MolezI_Died_Once: didn't you have any intention of putting the results on your match results ?
19:03.05I_Died_OnceRPG, meteorite, and sometimes Delusion handle the site
19:03.17I_Died_OnceI can post news and talk smack, but thats it as far as our site goes
19:03.27Mr_Molezyeh your good at that
19:03.33I_Died_Onceworld class
19:03.41CBGMr_Molez: did you ever intend to put them on your site?
19:03.46Mr_MolezCBG: yeh
19:03.48I_Died_Oncebzflag is by far my most tame venue
19:04.22Mr_Molezbut i thought these last matches were only practice
19:04.22Mr_Molezso i didn't enter or write down the scores
19:04.22CBGNOBODY said that on the night.
19:04.22Mr_Moleznobody said what ?
19:04.35Mr_Molezwell i thought it would go without sayign, seen as mofo asked for special clients
19:04.37CBGeveryone who played would have sworn they were official
19:04.54I_Died_OnceI'm of no opinion
19:04.54CBGonly IDO asked for those, I didn't know till the next day.
19:04.58I_Died_Oncecount them.. don't
19:05.14I_Died_OnceWe had a talk while you werent around, CBG
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19:05.45CBGsame here, I just find it funny that the OL people are now insisting those matches were practice when they said absolutely NOTHING of the sort on the day, or before hand.
19:05.58Mr_MolezCBG: who has insisted ?
19:05.58I_Died_Oncebut the thing is, and I don't mean to start a war or arguement with this.... when you start dabbling in cleat clients, it tarnishes your rep, and nominally those you associate with's rep
19:06.08Mr_Molezi know nobody on ol that says they shouldn't be official
19:06.11Mr_Molezget your facts right, LIAR !
19:06.40CBG[20:03:56] < Mr_Molez> i thought these last matches were only practice
19:07.00Mr_MolezCBG: how does that mean they should be nonofficial ?
19:07.07Mr_Molezit doesn't stop lieing
19:07.16CBGpractice matches ARE official matches? lol
19:07.21CBG~dict practice
19:07.31Mr_MolezCBG: what i said was i thought they were practice
19:07.44Mr_Moleztry and read what i say, not what you want to read
19:07.47JeffM2501how bout you all take it to your own channel
19:08.14I_Died_OnceYeah! What Jeff said!
19:08.21JeffM2501or at least #bzchat
19:08.31brlcador just realize it's not worth arguing over
19:08.45I_Died_OnceWhat learner said!
19:08.47JeffM2501pffft like that would happen ;)
19:08.50Mr_Molezyeh totally !
19:09.16I_Died_OnceLike I said before, it'd be a whole different ball of wax is one team or another was in the lead, but its tied, so it matters not
19:09.26I_Died_Oncehold a poll and be done with it
19:09.38JeffM2501and like I said, why don't you take it outa here ;)
19:09.43Mr_Molezyeh !
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19:21.29ToughShooterJeffM2501: Umm, how to make a diff file? Is cd into checkout dir and then cvs diff -u correct?
19:21.40JeffM2501I don't do command line cvs
19:21.42JeffM2501so I don't know
19:21.55JeffM2501I right click in the dir and say "make patch" and it just happens
19:22.04JeffM2501it's a beautiful thing
19:23.11ToughShootercvs diff -u is beatiful except it does not create patches that can be applied
19:23.26ToughShooterbut I can apply such patches from others
19:23.31JeffM2501then get a tool tht dosn't suck ;)
19:23.36JeffM2501honestly I don't know
19:23.56JeffM2501I have never done much with patches, brlcad, DTRemenak , or trepan would be the main people to try and ask
19:24.17DTRemenakyess, cvs diff -u
19:24.35DTRemenakthey can be applied.  use patch -p0 < this.diff
19:26.12ToughShooterIt says something like Hunk failed at ...
19:28.28DTRemenakToughShooter: you can't apply it to the same tree you diffed it doesn't remove the changes
19:30.25ToughShooterI tried to apply the patch to a fresh checkout
19:30.49DTRemenakyour checkouts are not the same branch, perhaps?
19:31.03ToughShooterboth are CVS HEAD
19:31.17DTRemenakand both are up to date?
19:31.48usothere seems something be broken: patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line
19:32.04ToughShooterUpdating old stuff, then cvs diff -u and then checking out a new copy 30 seconds later
19:32.08DTRemenakyup, something is not right
19:32.50ToughShooterdiff --version is 2.8.1
19:33.10ToughShooterpatch --version is 2.5.8
19:33.25ToughShooterDo you need to see the diff file?
19:33.36usoCBG: you got through your maths exams? ;)
19:33.46CBGyeah, not too bad :)
19:33.54CBGStats was easy, liked that one.
19:34.08usobecause of the ~37/3 ;)
19:34.15CBGFirst pure one was ok too. 2nd was harder, but I expected it. :)
19:34.22CBGhehe uso
19:34.32ToughShooterDTRemenak: Any idea what is wrong?
19:34.37DTRemenakToughShooter: nope
19:34.41CBGI meant ~37/13 anyway :P
19:34.54DTRemenakCBG: even worse :P
19:35.13DTRemenak2 and 11/13
19:35.15ToughShooterman I am finding all the problems
19:35.18CBGyeah, I knew that.
19:36.22ToughShooterDTRemenak: Will showing the diff help?
19:36.31brlcadToughShooter: if you apply a diff twice, hunks will fail
19:37.27ToughShooterbrlcad: I made a cvs diff -u on a modified checkout and tried to apply it to a fresh vanilla one
19:37.42JeffM2501just so you other bzbb admins know, I've removed "gyro man"'s ability to post, repeating spamings of old threads/dumb responces
19:38.57brlcadToughShooter: there's not much that can go wrong with cvs diff -u
19:39.03brlcadmore than likely, you're just using patch wrong
19:39.13brlcadit's not forgiving in the least
19:39.41ToughShooterThis is what I ran before cvs diff -u:
19:39.53brlcadregardless, review the patch visually.. if it has your changes, if it looks good, someone will likely be able to apply it
19:39.57DTRemenakToughShooter: how are you turning your diff into a file?  just do cvs diff -u > somefile if you're not doing that
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19:40.40ToughShooterI went to command line and copied it, then saved it into a file from within an editor where I pasted
19:40.47DTRemenakdon't do that :P
19:41.01DTRemenakeditors have line ending issues
19:41.36brlcadmy editor doesn't have line ending issues, it's multitalented in that regard
19:41.51brlcadit's also my therapist
19:42.09DTRemenakhave you set it as your login shell yet?
19:42.30brlcadjust for a little while
19:45.35ToughShooterHmm, I thought my editor would be line savy
19:47.03ToughShooterDTRemenak: Good hint
19:47.23DTRemenakno problem
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19:47.33ToughShooterIt works now after 3 days searching for the problem
19:49.45JeffM2501yay, TE dosnt' crash anymore :)
19:50.47DTRemenakJeffM2501: what tree did you build it on?
19:51.01JeffM2501some 1/2 ass one I had been puttering on
19:51.08JeffM2501for 2.0.x
19:51.17JeffM2501was the first start of flag atributes
19:51.22JeffM2501so none of the messages worked :)
19:51.27DTRemenakheh :)
19:51.32JeffM2501this one is on 2_0 branch
19:54.41JeffM2501now I just have to make my unpack be the same as my pack :)
19:55.28JeffM2501asuming the 2 team capitans don't kill themselves first ;)
19:56.48spldarthow do you do drivethrough and shoot though?
19:57.02spldartI forgot :(
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19:58.06A_Meteoritespldart: drivethrough and shootthrough "element"
19:58.16A_Meteoriteposition 0 0 0
19:58.20A_Meteoritesize 10 10 10
19:58.28A_Meteoriteyou get the idea ;)
19:58.32spldartsweet thanks
19:58.52spldartfor some reason I thought i had to be remembering wrong and it couldn't be that easy
20:00.54JeffM2501there is also "passable"
20:00.56JeffM2501that does both
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20:08.12spldartsure enough
20:08.37spldartWell... My map is done for now.. A few touch ups on the conf file and I'mma gonna release
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20:09.26spldart500kbs up and 5mbs down can support how many players?
20:09.32spldart3 shot
20:09.35spldarttwo team ctf
20:10.09JeffM2501it's the up that matters
20:10.26JeffM2501probalby 10-15
20:10.28spldartI've had 12 on at one time with no significant lag but not sure if I could squeeze a bit more or not
20:10.30JeffM2501maybe 20
20:10.39spldartwas thinking of shooting for 16
20:10.48JeffM2501asuming you use the line for other stuff too
20:10.49spldartso I guess that's possible
20:10.55JeffM2501try and see
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20:11.50spldartActually I'm going to kill the other use for tonight and tomorrow to really let the new map get most all.. I'll keep on irc and observer client will dial straight over the lan
20:12.47spldartI'm so tempted to buy more bandwidth but don't know who to call or how much I might be looking at for cost
20:14.19spldarthow would I give general registered tankers /veto and /ability to reset the flags that aren't carried?
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20:16.43DTRemenakbzfls.log has gotten awefully large :)
20:16.44JeffM2501DTRemenak, who is repsonsible for freeing the memory allocated for a network message? the caller or does it happen inside of the send func
20:16.55brlcadDTRemenak: since when?
20:16.58DTRemenakJeffM2501: freeing?  aw, who cares? :)
20:17.03brlcadi just cleared it out a few days ago
20:17.07DTRemenakbrlcad: it's 213mb, in the last 8 days
20:17.18DTRemenakJeffM2501: just kidding! :)
20:17.24brlcadit was about 2.5GB ..
20:17.25DTRemenakI don't remember
20:17.40JeffM2501time to dig then :)
20:17.42brlcadstill, 213mb is awefully large
20:17.45DTRemenakwell 213mb is enough that when vi tries to load it it exceeds the user memory limit :)
20:18.02DTRemenakand it's enough that it would take an hour to download
20:18.13brlcadit filled up /var.. presumably /var/tmp or somesuch
20:18.13DTRemenakso my conclusion is that tail is handy :)
20:18.38ATD_spldart: add "veto"  and "pollflagreset" to your "VERIFIED" group
20:18.42brlcadwhich only has like 200mb
20:19.16spldartthanks ATD_
20:19.31DTRemenakmaybe should put bzfls.log on a seven-day cycle or something.  keep for a week, one day per file
20:20.10DTRemenakthat'd be ~30mb/file, which is managable
20:21.14brlcadthe few times it's been useful to rummage through it, i've needed more than a week, but yeah.. log rotation is on the eventual todo list -- as disk space is more of a problem it'll be more pressing
20:22.13spldartooh wait
20:22.16I_Died_Onceno lie... about a month and a half's worth of logging at Planet MoFo's Free For All - 9.7 megs
20:22.21spldartI wanted to add /poll not /veto
20:22.46spldartI want to have registered users be able to vote a cheater or tk'er off
20:23.15spldartSo I need VERIFIED: poll pollflagreset ???
20:23.25spldartin my groupdb file
20:23.31DTRemenakbrlcad: only times I've had to use it were same-day
20:25.12Gnurduxhi A_Meteorite
20:25.17ATD_spldart: there's a post that lists most of the perms available
20:25.48spldartThanks... I didn't see that :)
20:26.10JeffM2501how hard would it be to have the client send the uname -a to the list server for linux systems?
20:26.22GnurduxJeffM2501, nor hard at all
20:26.33DTRemenakJeffM2501: not too hard.  it's on the TODO I think :)
20:26.44GnurduxJeffM2501, i can code it up
20:26.45DTRemenakneed to do something similar for all systems actually
20:26.50Gnurduxfor linux
20:26.52JeffM2501windows isn't hard
20:26.59DTRemenakI'm sure you can do windows
20:26.59JeffM2501don't know how the tosh does it
20:27.06JeffM2501what is there to ask about windows?
20:27.12GnurduxJeffM2501, would you like me to code up a linux patch?
20:27.15JeffM2501they all take the same binary
20:27.24DTRemenakJeffM2501: for statistics, iirc
20:27.31JeffM2501Gnurdux, wow man, calm down.
20:27.35DTRemenaknt flag, major and minor versions
20:27.35Gnurduxheh ok
20:27.45JeffM2501ahh, that's prety easy
20:27.51JeffM2501I'm wondering for the bins
20:27.53DTRemenakand architecture
20:28.00JeffM2501there is only 1 arch :)
20:28.05DTRemenakthere are two :)
20:28.21JeffM2501the other one will be a seperate build so we can code it :)
20:28.25DTRemenakactually there are three, but if anyone was running bzflag on 2k3 for IA64 I'd have to shoot htem :)
20:28.34JeffM2501this is true
20:28.37JeffM2501death to itanium
20:28.39DTRemenakJeffM2501: people may run the i386 binary on x86_64 systems
20:28.53JeffM2501DTRemenak, they should, it's hella faster
20:28.54DTRemenakif you're gonna use itanium, for god's sake don't run windows on it
20:29.04GnurduxJeffM2501, its FASTER?
20:29.05JeffM2501arch may be harder
20:29.07JeffM2501Gnurdux, yeah
20:29.13Gnurduxthis windows or linux?
20:29.19JeffM2501bzflag dosnt' do much 64 bit data stuff
20:29.27JeffM2501so on native 64 it wastes a lot of stuff
20:29.29DTRemenakJeffM2501: it's not, iirc...just have to retreive another structure from windows
20:29.42JeffM2501but I hate talking to windows ;)
20:29.52JeffM2501tho it's better then talking to the mac
20:29.56JeffM2501silly pascal strings
20:30.03DTRemenakleave arch off for windows then.  should include it for unix-like systems
20:30.30DTRemenakbtw, if you could have it write out that stuff into the debug log like it does for windows, that'd be good too
20:30.37JeffM2501oh I'm not DOING it
20:30.40JeffM2501I was just wondering :)
20:31.02JeffM2501I have enough stuff to do here
20:32.10JeffM2501like get this damned checksum to work
20:32.32DTRemenakJeffM2501: anyway, for unix-like systems, see "man 3 uname"
20:32.51JeffM2501probalby want to do the backend of storing the data first
20:33.08DTRemenakhaven't gotten around to that yet :)
20:33.18brlcadJeffM2501: you know I was thinking that you could take care of some of the problems by just doing this checksummage/checking/crypting/whatever as a secondary handshake on a join
20:33.36brlcadthat way, normal clients could still connect to your server and observe unaffected
20:34.00JeffM2501yeah dtr and I were talking about that kinda thing for a later version
20:34.02brlcadit would only be clients playing that'd need the leagified version
20:34.30Gnurduxso the idea is that eventually leagues will all be playing on closed-source clients?
20:34.35JeffM2501doing a 3 step handshake that ends in msgEnter
20:34.48DTRemenakGnurdux: certain tourneys will
20:34.49JeffM2501Gnurdux, I don't know what the leagues will be doing
20:34.50DTRemenakthat's it
20:34.54GnurduxDTRemenak, ok :P
20:35.01Gnurduxlike this ol vs mofo one
20:35.21brlcadthe clients won't be closed source -- they'll just use a lib that isn't published for what should be obvious reasons
20:35.39JeffM2501asuming I get it all to work :)
20:35.39Mr_Molezand that aint aginst the gpl ?
20:35.47JeffM2501not against the lgpl
20:35.49brlcadbz isn't gpl
20:35.50DTRemenakMr_Molez: we're lgpl, not gpl
20:35.50JeffM2501and bzflag is lgpl
20:35.51GnurduxMr_Molez, it is against gpl
20:35.56Gnurduxbut bzflag is lgpl
20:36.15JeffM2501gnardux needs to take a typing class
20:36.31GnurduxJeffM2501, umm?
20:36.31brlcadif you're the third one.. probably just shouldn't hit the enter key
20:36.38Gnurduxyou should talk
20:36.43Gnurduxbrlcad, i didn't notice
20:36.47JeffM2501typing isn't spelling ;)
20:37.02Gnurduxlol true
20:37.07JeffM2501typing is hiting keys with out looking at your hands.
20:37.07Mr_Molezsince when did it become lgpl ?
20:37.07DTRemenakGnurdux: he can type fine, just doesn't know WHAT to type :)
20:37.12GnurduxMr_Molez, since always
20:37.12JeffM2501Mr_Molez, since 2001
20:37.21Mr_Molezi could have sworn....
20:37.21JeffM2501Gnurdux, no, please don't speak if you don't know
20:37.34DTRemenakalways == 5 years now, eh Gnurdux? :)
20:37.34GnurduxMr_Molez, was it ever GPL?  you prolyl got em mixed up LGPL is Library GPL
20:37.38JeffM2501tim converted to the LGPL in january of 2001
20:37.40GnurduxDTRemenak, exactly
20:37.50JeffM2501Gnurdux, be quiet
20:38.03DTRemenakGnurdux: bzflag was never gpl'ed to the best of my knowledge
20:38.17DTRemenakwe used our own license before the lgpl
20:39.50brlcadand according to the higher-than-thou gnu monkies, lgpl no longer stands for Library .. it's the "Lesser" GPL
20:40.28JeffM2501I am sure it's comonly used for librarys tho
20:40.28brlcadi suppose that makes GPL v3 the Morer GPL
20:41.39brlcadis it, it's just not specific to libraries either -- that was always a misnomer
20:41.56JeffM2501the one I read used the term "library" a lot
20:43.21brlcadyeah, it talks about things from the perspectiv of coding things into a library, or hooking into libraries, or using 3rd party libraries etc.. but even that is admittedly vague (almost any code could be considered a library)
20:43.22JeffM2501it does mean that techincaly I could sell this mod :)
20:43.35Mr_Molezlike anyone would buy die ;)
20:43.39brlcadyou could
20:43.41Mr_Molezit *
20:43.45Mr_Molezdie ? hmmm ive lost it
20:43.48JeffM2501I could sell stock bzflag too
20:43.50JeffM2501if I wanted
20:43.54Mr_Molezstock bzflag ?
20:44.00brlcadyou can with gpl too .. just makes even less sense
20:44.02Mr_Molezhow ?
20:44.03JeffM2501I just have to provide the soruce
20:44.11JeffM2501I say "gimme 100$"
20:44.18JeffM2501and who ever does I give them a CD
20:44.18Mr_Molezah i see what you mean
20:44.20JeffM2501with the soruce ;)
20:44.28Mr_Molezlike people sell linux distros on ebay ;)
20:44.42JeffM2501as long as distribute source for a reasonable cost then I'm legal
20:44.54JeffM2501like the people selling gimp on e-bay
20:45.20JeffM2501or redhat selling boxed copies
20:45.34I_Died_Onceyou'll lose money is shipping
20:46.08JeffM2501but since this mod is only compatable with itself, it's slightly less stupid to sell it ;)
20:46.11Mr_Molezanyone wanna buy mapchange plugin :P
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20:46.21JeffM2501if I make the lib do a lot more then it becomes less and less stupid
20:47.25DTRemenak|RDPsweet, just had a surge supressor blow
20:47.27CBGMr_Molez: yeah!! :P
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20:47.46Mr_MolezCBG: heheeh
20:47.46brlcadDTRemenak: cool
20:48.05DTRemenakanyway, what I was going to say was that I was wrong - bzflag was gpl for about a year, between when we used our own license and the lgpl
20:48.58JeffM2501so a lot more then "never"
20:49.03JeffM2501and less the "for allways"
20:49.35JeffM2501wonder what the custom license was like
20:49.59DTRemenakand it was 2003, not 2001, when it switched to the lgpl
20:50.10JeffM2501well I was guessing
20:50.20JeffM2501I had looked it up a while ago, rmember 200something
20:50.21brlcadhence the graph boom
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20:51.05brlcad3/4 months later
20:51.09DTRemenakbrlcad: it was gpl before that, dunno why switching to L made a graph boom...otoh, 1.9 development I can see doing that :)
20:51.21DTRemenakMr_Molez: you can still use the old code under the old license
20:51.23brlcadMr_Molez: the copyright owner can do whatever they want with their copy
20:51.34DTRemenakMr_Molez: the copyright owner can change the current code to whatever license they want
20:51.35JeffM2501Mr_Molez, the copyright holder can grant any license they wish to
20:51.37JeffM2501they OWN it
20:51.49DTRemenakwe could sing in harmony you know :)
20:52.03CBGwhere did I leave those ear guards?
20:52.43brlcadDTRemenak: are you a beer lubbing citizen yet?
20:53.03JeffM2501heh, this 1.7 tree dosn't even have a license :)
20:53.09DTRemenakMr_Molez: many projects require the approval of everyone who's submitted code in order to change licences.  we have a single copyright holder instead of retaining the copyrights individually, so we have more flexibility
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20:53.29DTRemenakbrlcad: december :)
20:54.37JeffM2501the origonal license was this
20:55.03DTRemenakMr_Molez: theoretically, that also means Tim could "take his ball and go home."  what would actually happen in that case is that the rest of us would fork it from the last lgpl'ed version
20:55.15CBGWell, it's to the point :)
20:55.36brlcadbz's implicit assignment of copyright has always been on sketchy legal ground, but it is a rather innocuous game and voiced enough to probably be more than sufficient for this band of thieves
20:56.21JeffM2501hah, it was only 247 files then too
20:56.32CBGhow many now, approx.?
20:56.35DTRemenakah, but what was the average file size? :)
20:56.41JeffM2501don't know
20:56.59brlcadstill not done for that matter..
20:57.11DTRemenakbrlcad: seems to me you did some exploding on playing.cxx too
20:57.17DTRemenakand menus.cxx...
20:57.18JeffM2501it's old 1.7b3 code
20:57.18brlcadthat made it a heck of a lot easier to add new commands and crap.. and the crap sure did flow.. *ahem*
20:57.26JeffM2501I can't even compile it anymore
20:57.35JeffM2501vc5 stuff
20:57.41brlcadyeah, playing.cxx is a mess..
20:57.45DTRemenakJeffM2501: you don't have vc5 around? :)
20:57.49JeffM2501umm no
20:58.06JeffM2501your a sick sick man
20:58.24JeffM2501but I can not leagaly send you this code ;)
20:58.37DTRemenaktrue... :)
21:00.58DTRemenakheh, I plugged my old p-100 the other day, started it up, logged in as root ('cause that's the only password I have that hasn't changed since then...)..."Last login by root: Thu Oct 21 1999 11:58:56"
21:01.18Mr_Molezlol nice
21:02.43DTRemenakold suse 6.0 installation
21:20.34JeffM2501DTRemenak / brlcad  so how hard will it be to have bzflag build staticly?
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22:06.27Gnurduxis list server slow right now
22:06.39GnurduxTimRiker, if you trust JeffM2501 why not assign him to plan 2.2 :o
22:07.08blast007what's a plan?
22:07.39Gnurduxblast007, are you asking sarcastically, or meaning "what use is a plan"?
22:07.50blast007the first one
22:08.15blast007I'm always sarcastic
22:09.03Xe11mmh no global login
22:09.04spldartlist server and BZBB are in the dirt :eek:
22:09.41blast007it will pass
22:09.45Gnurduxspldart, yet they respond to pings
22:09.49Gnurduxonly http is down
22:09.54blast007it's not down
22:09.55blast007just slow
22:10.01spldartREAL slow hehehe
22:10.23spldartI time out over and over right now
22:10.41blast007well, just be patient  ;)
22:11.07spldartand that's saying alot... I had just released my new map and posted about it about an hour ago 8-0
22:11.12Gnurduxwhu would it be slow only in http?
22:11.54TimRikerGnurdux: JeffM2501 has been doing much of the planning and stuff on 2.1 lately. We have talked about doing a plan for larger changes, but it has not happened yet.
22:14.23*** part/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@
22:23.02*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
22:23.36*** join/#bzflag Mr_Molez (
22:23.50Gnurduxthat moron brad :(
22:23.58Gnurduxwell not moron
22:24.01Gnurduxjust evil one
22:24.08A_Meteoritewhat'd he do?
22:24.14Gnurduxhe told us to do /server
22:24.19Gnurduxto "read a memo"
22:24.34GnurduxA_Meteorite, did you notice us both rejoining?
22:25.17[NP]Tangenthey Gnurdux
22:25.19Gnurduxbtw A_Meteorite ask JeffM2501 for the global grouppy
22:25.28A_Meteoritehe made it already
22:25.34[NP]Tangentto read memos. you press Alt, and then type "fxfire"
22:25.36[NP]Tangentbut without quotes
22:26.25Gnurduxsweet A_Meteorite put me in it "{
22:26.42A_MeteoriteI will, but I'm doing scripts now :P
22:26.49Gnurduxok :D
22:27.00Gnurduxand im gonna fix edit match
22:27.36bradwhy don't you make a channel for your league to discuss whatever
22:27.48A_Meteoritebrad: I don't know how to make ops and all that
22:27.59bradGnurdux does!
22:28.03A_Meteoritebut otherwise I got one
22:28.08A_Meteoritejoin #plosileague
22:31.01*** join/#bzflag Thonolan (
22:31.36Mr_MolezThonolan: hey :)
22:31.43Thonolanhey :)
22:35.34*** join/#bzflag BzLynx (
22:43.09*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (
22:50.09*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
22:50.09*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
22:51.30*** join/#bzflag A_Heart_Attack (
22:57.58JeffM2501I have been?
22:58.44Gnurduxask TimRiker
22:59.09A_Heart_Attackam i missing something here?
22:59.10JeffM2501umm he quit genius ;)
22:59.15JeffM2501yes, yes you are
22:59.44JeffM2501ok so If I take his statement right.. I'm in charge;)
22:59.44A_Heart_Attackwho quit?
23:00.04A_Heart_AttackTim quit?
23:00.21A_Heart_Attackim lost
23:00.22Gnurdux* TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker) has joined #bzflag
23:00.22Gnurdux* ChanServ gives channel operator status to TimRiker
23:00.22Gnurdux* A_Heart_Attack ( has joined #b
23:00.28GnurduxJeffM2501, he came back on
23:00.36Mr_Molezjeff proved wrong :)
23:00.38Gnurduxhe quit and cmae back on, and is on at the moment
23:01.02A_Heart_Attackok im lost
23:01.12JeffM2501A_Heart_Attack, not all things concern you :)
23:01.35A_Heart_Attacki know
23:04.34JeffM2501it's part of the plan
23:05.39A_Heart_Attackwe dont care
23:05.50spldart:-p x2
23:06.28JeffM2501if you don't do it bzflag will fail
23:06.28JeffM2501and it'll be all your fault
23:15.08*** join/#bzflag Thonolan (
23:32.14*** join/#bzflag inchworm (
23:36.07JeffM2501see Gnurdux you didn't do the pushups, now tim is leaving the project
23:36.10JeffM2501look at what your doing
23:36.14Gnurduxaw too bad
23:36.16Gnurduxthat sucks
23:36.28JeffM2501so much for asignments working I guess
23:36.35A_Heart_Attackjeff, take a few deep breaths, hes gonna be ok
23:36.54GnurduxA_Heart_Attack, incase you missed it, he was kidding
23:37.01A_Heart_Attackno duh
23:37.04A_Heart_Attackso was i
23:37.08Gnurduxso then what did you mena
23:38.09inchwormhmm does anyone know the first 4 letters of Chestal's aim account ?
23:38.28inchwormi have a name here, but when i moved IM clients it isn't attached to a name
23:38.35inchworma real life name
23:38.41JeffM2501just look him up on bzbb
23:38.50inchwormahh sry, good idea
23:38.52JeffM2501he has all his contact info in his profile
23:44.07inchwormi could be unshy and just say "Who are you? " to this person...
23:44.19inchwormit doesn't appear to be chestal...
23:44.48inchwormanyway..this is bzflag not help inchworm hour..sorry
23:45.17*** join/#bzflag triclops (
23:46.10JeffM2501his aim name is similar to his callsign
23:47.32inchwormit appears that it isn't him....but I can't find him in my contact even though im sure i added him at some point
23:47.53inchwormso i IM'd the forgotten one...and no response yet
23:48.55*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (
23:51.30JeffM2501he's in germany man, he's probably asleep
23:51.56*** join/#bzflag Think_differentl (
23:52.32A_Heart_Attackhey TD
23:52.47Think_differentli met Gnurdy today
23:53.28A_Heart_Attacki know
23:53.29A_Heart_Attackhe told me

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.