irclog2html for #bzflag on 20060703

00:03.53*** join/#bzflag AlexandrTheGreat (n=Alexande@
00:04.33harlincompiled and installed from source... i start bzflag and get a fullscreen black background and a mouse cursor... nothing else
00:04.42harlinanyone know how to fix that?
00:06.10blast007harlin: do other OpenGL games work?
00:11.42spldartsorry brad and cosmol.. been playing for quite a while and everybody seems up and up ... before I couldn't go this long with no incident
00:11.47harlinnot sure
00:11.54harlinthis is pretty much the only one i play
00:12.58blast007harlin: what video card?
00:37.38A_Meteoritelol, I just learned it's impossible to ban *.*.*.*
00:37.47A_Meteoriteit goes to 255.*.*.*
00:58.30*** join/#bzflag Waistless (
01:00.36WaistlessI'm bored, so i just think i'll use this place to bug report :)
01:01.35WaistlessUsing 2.1.x (which i compiled) if you quickly join as rogue while you were in the same server as observer, bzflag will crash
01:01.43Waistlessor, it will join you to rogue team but you'll still be observer
01:01.54Waistless(happend to me once :O)
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03:48.10spldartnighty night
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06:17.48SportChickanyone awake AND an admin at
06:18.14SportChickthere's a rather inappropriate name on that server right now...
06:35.21*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (
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07:01.45L4m3rtrepan, would you happen to be awake?
07:09.16L4m3rhi. :)
07:09.26L4m3rI got your message, now I have a question or two
07:10.09L4m3rnow, you said improved grouping can help speed up my map... in what manner should I set up grouping to improve speed?
07:10.37trepanspatial grouping, using mesh groups, as previously discussed
07:10.40L4m3rfewer, larger groups? more smaller ones? less nesting? less grouping and more repeated objects?
07:10.50trepanyup, fewer/larger groups
07:11.18L4m3rand instead of nesting little groups into larger ones, I should just make copies of the actual meshes?
07:11.42trepanyup, not talking about bzflag's define/group grouping
07:12.08trepanalthough I did that too, to reduce D/L size
07:12.13L4m3ryou mean, then, clumping the meshes into one mesh?
07:12.42trepanyup, clumps, clusteres, groups, sets, whatever you app calls 'em
07:12.57L4m3rI'm talking about the bzw code level :)
07:13.21trepanthen everything between "mesh" and associated "end"
07:13.42trepanex: your base blocking tripods
07:14.01trepanfor each corners, merge the lot of them into 1 mesh object
07:14.33trepanas opposed to having to do a hundred+ visibility tests
07:14.33L4m3rand, those shaft towers are in about three pieces- merge them into one?
07:15.09trepani merged everyting on pillars into 4 groups, 1 for each corner
07:15.27L4m3rdespite its appearance, the map really is built like a 1.x map. all the objects are relatively simple shapes.
07:15.30trepanthen used a bz group (with base conversion) to save size
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07:15.49L4m3rthe whole map does that, basically
07:16.02L4m3rthere are four sets of four groups
07:16.19L4m3rbases, outside, colored base parts, and glass base parts
07:16.48L4m3rso condensing all that shouldn't be too hard
07:17.12L4m3rI can re-use verts, even. hm....
07:17.22L4m3rcut down on polys too
07:18.03L4m3rwell, thanks. I'll play with it when I get off work tomorrow. :)
07:19.16trepanp.s. "much faster" is relative to how I think slow machines would perform on it  ;)
07:19.49trepanmy client has its gfx modded to the hilt, so it isn't a good yardstick
07:20.25L4m3rmy PC isn't really, either, but if there is a significant improvement I should notice it
07:20.57L4m3rI'm actually quite surprised there haven't been more lag issues or complaints
07:20.58trepanfor real comparsion, pick a spot on the map and measure FPS (without vsync)
07:21.56L4m3ryeah, I turn on FPS when I play the map, and I know of a few locations that drop it by 20 or so
07:22.21trepanand, everything is a tradeoff, culling time vs rendering time, group sizes vs. group count, etc...
07:22.50L4m3rI should fire up a modeler and get a poly count at least
07:23.06trepannewer clients will report it, hit 't' and 'y'
07:23.31trepan(note that tanks/shots/flags will also count if visible)
07:23.47L4m3rfunny thing, it gives a "tris" display only says anything when jumping, shooting, or looking at moving tanks
07:24.52L4m3rugh, I have to go pick up my sister. I'll be back in a few minutes.
07:24.56trepanah, have to have your client compiled with DEBUG_RENDERING enabled, iirc
07:25.05L4m3roh, ok
07:25.16L4m3rlinux box then :)
07:25.30trepanwindows too, if config'ed as such
07:26.11L4m3ryeah, but I don't have windoze set up to compile clients yet, nor do I plan to :P
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07:27.34trepanL4m3r: shouldn't stick your tongue out, someone might chop it off
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09:28.28ToughShooterDTRemenak: ping
09:29.10ToughShooterI have a question regarding time. How can I check if a certain amount of time has passed?
09:29.18DTRemenakuse TimeKeeper
09:29.31DTRemenakTimeKeeper then = TimeKeeper::now();
09:29.40ToughShooterIt's about pausing
09:29.42DTRemenakelapsedTime = then - TimeKeeper::now();
09:30.10ToughShooterOk, tnx. I'll try if I can make it work. :)
09:30.19DTRemenakyeah, check how much time has passed every time through the main loop.
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14:52.19*** join/#bzflag Gilly (
14:52.41GillyHello, any developers around ?
14:53.29Gilly*g* just found this weird bug (dunno where it is but it appears with 2.0.6 and 2.0.8 at least, 2.0.4 doesn't have it...
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14:53.40Gillyit's just that my screen jumps (kind of local lagging)
14:54.09Gillybigger or smaller jumps, and the whole screen jumps at the same time
14:55.01blast007what operating system?
14:55.08Gillylinux (gentoo)
14:55.24Gillyhave tried with lowest quality etc. as well as shutting down all the servers and so on
14:55.37Gillyati card, using fglrx
14:56.09blast007any idea of what FPS you get?
14:56.14blast007't' for FPS in-game
14:56.23Gillyyeah, could check but i'd say 150-200
14:56.28Gillyjust a moment...
14:57.16Gillywell, 140-150 with this buggy version
14:58.06Gilly120-130 with 2.0.4 (not-buggy)
14:58.25brlcadusually vsync or external cpu activity
14:58.44Gillyi've tried to run it under nice but no difference
14:58.59brlcadheh, that's just likely make it worse
14:59.14brlcaddo you know your vsync rate?
14:59.16Gillywell, still a try :)
14:59.24Gillyno, a way to check it ?
14:59.37brlcadin your x11 config
14:59.44Gillyxrandr says this: *0   1600 x 1200   ( 363mm x 272mm )  *75   60  
15:00.23Gilly50-160 in xorg.conf
15:00.52brlcadtry turning on energy saver on the options menu in bz, and setting the _fpsLimit limit variable to 75
15:01.24brlcader, just fpsLimit, no underscore
15:03.16Gillyhmm i guess it works :P
15:03.50Gillyany other way to get around this than restricting the fps ?
15:04.17Gillyand what does the energy saver do ?
15:05.24brlcadit limits the frame rate :)
15:05.27blast007adds in sleeps to limit the CPU/FPS, typically to reduce battery consumption on laptops
15:06.02brlcadtheoretically, other things could be done when energy saver is turned on, but for now it's just framerate
15:06.14Gillywas something changed in 2.0.6 to have the fps jump (which caused the jumping?)
15:06.22brlcadit's a dynamic throttle so you see less impact from cpu-intensive tasks which might cause a jump
15:07.02brlcaddoesn't impact your ability to play the game really, there's no disadvantage
15:07.09brlcadno practical one at least
15:07.15Gillyin restricting the fps ?
15:07.22brlcadthe monitor can't really display any faster
15:07.30Gilly*grin* true :P
15:07.42Gillywell thanks
15:07.58brlcadas for the cause, who knows.. could be probably several dozen things
15:08.21Gillyalready got a bit frustrated trying to make a good ducati dodge with that jumping :D
15:12.52*** join/#bzflag Constitution (
15:14.12ConstitutionFYI, for those of you who use L4m3r's excellent plugin fairCTF, I made a patch that changes it's functionality somewhat.
15:19.43brlcad~seen L4m3r
15:19.46ibotl4m3r <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 7h 53m 35s ago, saying: 'yeah, but I don't have windoze set up to compile clients yet, nor do I plan to :P'.
15:20.52A-Delusionhe usually shows up around noon western time
15:21.05ConstitutionOkay, cool.
15:21.28ConstitutionI probably won't be on here, but I'm sure he'll see it sometime.
15:25.57*** join/#bzflag spldart (
15:26.43spldartIs HEAD client broken at this time?
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15:36.39Mr_Molezspldart: i believe so
15:38.29spldartkew... just wanted to be sure I wasn't having a problem on my end
15:39.07blast007HEAD can and will be broken at's bleeding edge, thus you might get cut by it  ;)
15:39.36spldartI understand... Seen it before heh
15:41.03spldartOh crap... was just looking through head I just got from cvs... the logs etc... it's broke good 8-0
15:41.33spldartI wish I knew how to code and help
15:43.58brlcadI wish more knew how to code and help too :)
15:44.16brlcaddon't have to be a coder to be a helper, though
15:45.03brlcaddocumentation, testing, website ... all can use attention
15:46.21brlcadand by testing, I don't mean playing the game and reporting stuff (though that is sometimes useful) -- I mean creating/running test suites, static code analysis tools, defect analysis tools, stand-alone regression testing, automatic compilation testing, etc
15:47.38*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (
15:47.42orangeyes, those non-coders will be jumping all over the stand-alone regression testing ;-)
15:48.03orangebut I know what you mean, I'm just being a pain :-)
15:50.23*** join/#bzflag JBGood25 (
15:51.30purple_cowwriting unit tests is a good way to start out learning about code
15:52.15spldartI've been slowly teaching myself c+ but without alot of spare time and no real teacher it's to slow going :(
15:52.32purple_cowpff.  the best way to learn how to program is just to do it
15:52.43purple_cowreading books and having "teachers" is silly
15:52.48spldartKinda what I've been doin....
15:53.26spldartsearching the web for how to this and how to that code with a little experiment scrap of code to copy modify and explanation of how it works
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16:37.16ConstitutionHey L4m3r, did you see my new patch for fairCTF?
16:37.54ConstitutionWhat do you think?
16:42.26L4m3rI haven't played with it yet
16:42.40brlcadhowdy L4m3r
16:43.35brlcadyour patch seems rather popular, thought of putting it into cvs?
16:44.32ConstitutionThe patch isn't a complex modification... perhaps you'll want to include a "mode" argument (with X:Y:Z) for the plugin in a future release.
16:44.50Constitutionbrlcad, were you talking to me, or L4m3r?
16:45.14ConstitutionOkay, I see. :-)
16:45.18brlcadhaven't seen the patch other than read the summary
16:45.21L4m3rthe planned "future release" will just use a config file
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20:51.44trepanmy OT of the month: anyone here switch from qwerty to dvorak?
21:07.59Gnurduxanyone know who cosmol is?
21:08.59Birdieanyone who cares?
21:09.14Gnurduxprobably not, except for me
21:11.20Mr_MolezBirdie: thats not nice
21:11.36GnurduxMr_Molez, who cares lol
21:11.37Birdiefunny hearing you saying that:)
21:11.58Mr_MolezBirdie: im only not nice to people who aint nice to me
21:12.06Birdieno comment:)
21:12.11Mr_Moleztruth !
21:12.19Birdiewas always like that?
21:12.32Birdiewith the hand on the heart!
21:14.05Mr_Molezuhhh, hehehe ;)
21:14.21Mr_Molezlub u ;)
21:15.20Mr_Molezoh yeh like u didn't grope me when u hugged ;)
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.