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02:17.47A_Meteoriteuh oh
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03:57.33Sponkany idea what i need to install to solve this error..this is on an ubuntu install with nvidia drivers already on board
03:57.36SponkX Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
03:59.25*** join/#bzflag redsoxfan90 (
04:00.08redsoxfan90"is using a scroll wheel cheating"?
04:00.34PuMpErNiCkLeDepends on how you use it.
04:00.36A-Delusionthe other thing is, you gotta set tankspeed to 35 on a mofo map, my timing was way off
04:00.37redsoxfan90to shopt.
04:00.50redsoxfan90pumpernickle i was using it to fire.
04:01.00redsoxfan90devs made it allowed i think in 2.0.6
04:01.02redsoxfan90i forget.
04:02.07PuMpErNiCkLeI wouldn't think so.  It responds faster than a keyboard, but not so much that it would be an issue.
04:02.45menotumeit responds way quicker, but that makes it hard to use on a low-shot server (2-3 shots)
04:03.13redsoxfan90meno,i was on mofo server
04:03.18redsoxfan90and delusion said it was a cheat :)
04:03.24redsoxfan90they have like 10 bullets.
04:03.37menotumeah yes, creates quite a spray :)
04:03.46menotumebut, hard to hold a shot :P
04:03.52redsoxfan90but not a cheat :)
04:03.58menotumeno, not a cheat
04:04.21redsoxfan90lol,delusion was saying it was a cheat since he didn't have it :)
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04:04.29redsoxfan90just double checking ty.
04:04.36menotumewell, he CAN have it
04:04.45menotumecan set it up in the menus even
04:04.47A_Meteoritethe older mac mouses don't got it
04:04.57redsoxfan90buy a usb
04:05.03redsoxfan90im using a microsoft 3000
04:05.04A_Meteoritebut it's soo pretty...
04:05.13A_Meteoriteclear plastic on white
04:05.42A_MeteoriteI'll probably have to break down and buy the "mighty mouse"
04:06.07PuMpErNiCkLeThe scroll nub on those is insane.
04:06.30A_Meteoritescroll nub? what's that?
04:06.39PuMpErNiCkLeIt's a tiny little thing, but it's crazy responsive.
04:06.50A_Meteoriteyeah, too sensitive
04:07.00A_MeteoriteI tried one out in our mac store :D
04:07.40A-DelusionHe invites me to a 1 on 1 match, changes the speed, the brings out a weapon I've never seen before, and expects me to stay for the whole match... Gt Outta here...
04:07.41A_MeteoriteI'd rather have a mighty mouse that does "increments" or "bumps" however you want to put it
04:08.09A_Meteoritefor those without a scroll wheel, it would be unfair, but I wouldn't call it cheating
04:08.17A_Meteoritesince you can buy those mouses
04:08.22redsoxfan90you did :)
04:08.25Sponkany idea what i need to install to solve this error..this is on an ubuntu install with nvidia drivers already on board
04:08.31SponkX Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
04:08.31orangethere are other ways to get tight shots
04:08.45A_MeteoriteSponk: pastebin
04:08.55ibothmm... pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or, or for #oe use, or
04:09.04Sponkokies got it
04:09.10A_Meteoriteor is those two lines it?
04:09.22Sponka few more but thats ok
04:09.49Sponkany ideas at all
04:09.53Sponki have mesa installed
04:09.54A_Meteoritestart it with -window
04:10.01A_Meteoriteit's a resolution problem I think
04:10.26redsoxfan90dellusion:ol channel
04:10.27Sponklordy your smart
04:10.31Sponkthank yo A
04:12.07[NP]Tangentyou all remember my ideas about CTF scoring, right?
04:12.15[NP]TangentI think they should be added as a server flag option
04:12.53[NP]Tangentlike, there's -c... well, why not have another flag like that for CTF-emphasizing scoring
04:13.10[NP]Tangentso that kills and deaths don't affect score, but flag caps do
04:13.54[NP]Tangenta flag cap makes the victorious team members get a point each except for the player who capped... that player will get a number of points equal to the number of enemy team players
04:14.16[NP]Tangentand the team who was defeated has each player losing a point
04:14.36[NP]Tangentand you get a point for killing an opponent who is stealing your team flag
04:15.01[NP]Tangentand you lose a point for teamkilling (your shot-down teammate does not, however)
04:15.12[NP]TangentI just think CTF should be scored this way
04:15.25[NP]Tangentas it is it's just FFA with pretty flags
04:16.14PuMpErNiCkLeAnd a teamscore that's been negative since last week.
04:27.00cosmos_as usual, "code welcome"
04:27.02*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
04:27.07cosmos_would be an interesting plugin
04:27.29[NP]Tangentcosmos, I'd like to do it
04:27.32[NP]Tangentbut there are two problem
04:27.35[NP]TangentI don't know C++
04:27.45cosmostake it as an opportunity to learn!
04:27.45[NP]Tangentand the functions needed right now are unavailable
04:27.52[NP]Tangentthey should be available in 2.1
04:27.56[NP]Tangentaccording to Jeff, anyways
04:28.03cosmosbah, make yours 2.Tangent
04:29.39cosmoshey wow these health club fees are $385 per month what a deal
04:30.12[NP]Tangenthealth club?
04:30.14[NP]TangentI'm in shape
04:30.22[NP]Tangentall I do is eat Carl's Jr. and ride my bike to work
04:30.29[NP]Tangentand incidentally enough,m I work at Carl's Jr.
04:32.15cosmosthis is a gym in LA with valet parking and personal assistant while there
04:32.20cosmosthe usual glam crapola
04:32.28cosmosdo you get free food at carls?
04:34.25cosmoswhat a rip
04:34.34[NP]Tangent20% off, except for 30 minutes within shift hours
04:34.39[NP]Tangentthen I get 50%
04:34.59cosmosshould be free its not like they pay stellar wages
04:35.41[NP]Tangentstarts at $6.50 an hour
04:35.46[NP]Tangentwe do get free stuff on occasion
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04:35.57[NP]Tangentcuz I usually work with a cool shift leader who hates throwing crap out
04:36.11[NP]Tangentso when someone says "screw it" to an order, we'll eat it
04:38.29cosmosmany years ago when i was about 20 i worked in a convenience store in PA.  law said sandwiches and perishables had to go after one day.  employees could claim expired food, so you just make a big kick butt sandwich 15 mins before end of shift, backdate it and take it home
04:38.40cosmoshey they only paid $3.85/hr
04:39.20[NP]Tangentwe occasionally have stuff like that
04:39.27[NP]Tangentlike "accidentally" make an extra order
04:39.35[NP]Tangentnever do it when the GM or DM is in
04:40.11orangeand that's why most places have a policy where employees can't have the leftover food, no matter what
04:41.42[NP]Tangentthere are times when we can
04:42.06[NP]Tangentif it's slow and there's extra stuff that's still fresh, and it's about employee break time anyways, we can have it
04:42.14cosmosheh i worked alone from 12am-8am
04:42.39cosmoscould basically do what i want as long as the place was running and customers taken care of
04:44.45cosmosi also rode a bike to work.  was real fun in the snow
04:44.46cosmosor rain
04:44.50[NP]TangentI do that
04:45.04[NP]TangentI know a backroute that goes down a big hill
04:45.06[NP]Tangentjust for wintertime
04:45.46cosmosnow im a slave to the business world
04:46.04cosmosi may make over $100K/year but things are not as fun
04:47.06Mr_Molezhmm... i want to run a replay server in a chroot
04:47.10PuMpErNiCkLeIf it would help make things fun, I could do something about that 100k/yr... ^^
04:47.33Mr_Molezbut the directory its looking at is /chroot/./home/user instead of /home/user. anyway to fix that
04:47.38cosmosi swear i dont know where it all goes pump
04:47.50orangecosmos: you live in California, right?
04:48.13orangeso I know where a lot of it goes... housing
04:48.25cosmosi dont have a house, cant afford it
04:48.43redsoxfan90with 100k?
04:48.43cosmosthey want $200,000 cash down
04:48.57cosmosredsox, its not like you get a big fat 100k check
04:49.04redsoxfan90true :)
04:49.15redsoxfan90house out here have been going for 450,000.
04:49.19redsoxfan90what about cali?
04:49.39cosmosyou can find those kind of prices here
04:49.46cosmosbut then i will have a 2 hour commute one way
04:49.59orangegeez, you have to go 10 miles away to get those prices?
04:50.44cosmosyeah exactly orange
04:50.51redsoxfan90i live in a small town,but not no 1.5 mill houses :)
04:51.02cosmosi should have bought when i get here, the prices were not as crazy
04:51.20orangehindsight is always 20/20
04:51.46orangesomebody is going to buy that $1.5million house
04:51.51orangeand then the bubble is going to burst
04:51.59orangeand they're going to get the shaft
04:52.03cosmosim praying for an 8+ earthquake
04:52.08cosmosto cave the market
04:53.07orangeI can't believe banks will lend on that nonsense
04:53.11redsoxfan90prices these days.
05:08.38menotumeheh, my parents paid $18k for their house. would sell for about $350K today
05:08.55menotumebought in 1959
05:10.00A-Delusionsmae here menotume, 27k, 1957
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07:34.53debian64hey all I'm on a amd64 running debian64, I'm getting segmentation faults when I use client (2.0.8), my client was compiled with "-m64" assigned to CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, and CXXFLAGS
07:35.44debian64sry darn brain fart my segmentation errors occur with global logins
07:39.59debian64everyone idling?
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07:48.28daniel_jacksonhey all I'm on a amd64 running debian64, I'm getting segmentation faults with global logins, my client is version 2.0.8 compiled with "-m64" assigned to CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, and CXXFLAGS. any advise is appreciated
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11:29.07{janis}hi all
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12:32.27_sussi~dict bug
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12:33.50_sussi~dict bug ME recognition
12:37.47Mr_Moleznothing wrong with a little ME :P
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13:50.26TheRedBaron~seen l4m3r
13:50.37ibotl4m3r <> was last seen on IRC in channel ##essy, 6h 39m 22s ago, saying: 'stupid family... college, meh'.
14:03.59I_Died_Once~seen TheRedBaron
14:04.07ibottheredbaron is currently on ##ducleague #bzflag #kierra. Has said a total of 28 messages. Is idling for 3m 49s, last said: '~blue_eyes++'.
14:04.27I_Died_Once~seen I_Died_Once
14:04.29iboti_died_once is currently on #bzflag (10h 15m 45s). Has said a total of 2 messages. Is idling for 2s, last said: '~seen I_Died_Once'.
14:04.33TheRedBaron~seen myself
14:04.34ibotmyself <n=wguru@> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 69d 5h 35m 35s ago, saying: 'omg yay'.
14:05.34I_Died_Once~seen Peace
14:05.36ibotI_Died_Once: i haven't seen 'peace'
14:05.36I_Died_Once~seen Peacer
14:05.38ibotpeacer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 43d 20h 15m 16s ago, saying: '\o'.
14:35.28brlcadI_Died_Once: ibot will respond in private if ou have that many to ask
14:58.49spldart~seen ibot_
14:58.52ibotibot_ is currently on #openzaurus (17h 48m 55s) #gpe (17h 48m 55s) #silvercat (17h 48m 55s) #opie (17h 48m 55s) #bzflag (17h 48m 55s) #familiar (17h 48m 55s) #kierra (17h 48m 55s) #brlcad (17h 48m 55s) #uclibc (17h 48m 55s) (17h 48m 55s) #utah (17h 48m 55s) #oe (17h 48m 55s) ...
15:00.51_sussioff to Fussball (soccer)
15:25.03*** part/#bzflag A-Delusion (
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18:48.51[NP]Tangenthi lou
18:49.10E-Athletes|louyo tang
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20:01.23[NP]Tangentsomeone please get on my server
20:01.26[NP]TangentI'm bored out of my mind
20:01.48spldartafter I'm done with my chips and dip
20:02.07[NP] 5154
20:02.10*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
20:02.16spldartit's public I assume?
20:02.49[NP]Tangentusually once I get me and another person on, people start joining a little bit
20:02.55GnurduxJeffM2501, is the list server getting DDOSes?
20:02.59bradis someone doing something to the list server?
20:03.02spldartI know how it goes :)
20:03.04JeffM2501I dono
20:03.04Gnurduxbrad: lol
20:03.06bradah Gnurdux , not just me
20:03.07spldartbe warned I suck
20:03.10Gnurduxits being slow
20:03.15JeffM2501umm ok
20:03.22spldartNot that kinda suck
20:03.30spldartget your mind out of the gutter
20:03.40[NP]Tangentsilly jeffm
20:06.53Gnurduxits back up
20:07.09Gnurduxor not
20:09.32blast007Gnurdux: seems to be working fine for me right now
20:10.25blast007hmm..slower now
20:10.34blast007load time went from 800ms to almost 5 seconds
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20:18.59[NP]Tangentthat was fun, eh, spldart?
20:19.57spldartsorry.. my youngest was crying after he was skying in the kitchen... yeah.. that's kinda cool map
20:20.05spldartespecialy the orb of death
20:20.11spldartbut you outta do something with it
20:20.12[NP]Tangentthe doomball
20:20.18[NP]Tangentwhat should I do?
20:20.23[NP]TangentI need to rotate the lasers a bit
20:20.30[NP]Tangentthe first laser shot always fires at blue tower
20:20.53[NP]Tangentbut I'll work on my PHP script
20:20.55spldartMake a cheazy clone of the star wars torture orb bot with a 3d editor and lay some texture on it... It woiuld be way cool
20:21.13[NP]TangentI wanted to make it a black mirror
20:21.15[NP]Tangentlike the floor
20:21.51redsoxfan90global login is dead
20:22.47spldart closest image I can find
20:23.43spldartor do an orb with the mirror finish you like but some wicked looking protrusions
20:24.09[NP]Tangentneat idea
20:24.11spldartsorry my gameplay sux real bad... I'm starting early on the beer... I took today off cuz work was slow :)
20:24.25[NP]Tangentwhere do you work?
20:24.44spldartElectronics shop in Houston Tx
20:24.50spldartConsumer and Commercial electronics service
20:29.01spldartLOL the guy who popped in after we left 'soul' isn't as good as you.. :)
20:29.37spldartBTW... when GM locks and shoots at thief it constantly strikes just to the right of thief.. at least from my perspective at the time...
20:32.16spldartHow much of the advanced map stuff that say LouMan and others have been playing with does the last major release of bzflag support? ie bzflag 1.10.8 in my case as appossed to 2.0.x
20:40.18[NP]Tangentsoul is such an idiot
20:40.20[NP]Tangenthe's my neighbor
20:40.25spldartAh Heh
20:40.28*** join/#bzflag Ballard (
20:40.29[NP]TangentI know him from school
20:40.52[NP]Tangentso you can change the color of world weapons?
20:40.53spldartwell... he's a terrible player...even worse than my sorry A....
20:41.11spldartDon't know
20:41.47spldartThe only world weapon I've ever done is fire burn you dead
20:42.12trepanspldart: 1.10.8 has no "advanced map stuff"
20:42.42spldartI assume... not even meshboxes
20:45.06trepan1.10.8 is long dead, just let it go
20:45.21JeffM2501the major featue of 2.0 was all the new map stuff
20:45.31JeffM2501the only thing 1.10 has is like the world size object
20:45.45JeffM2501and then just boxes and pyramids
20:45.54spldart>trepan NOOOOOOOOOOOO >JeffM Ah IC
20:46.08JeffM2501spldart, consider it unsuported
20:46.43JeffM2501realy it is dead
20:47.11spldartWas more a curiousity question. No support.. got it
20:47.33trepancurrent 2.0.x CVS bzfs doesn't need meshboxes anymore ...
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20:49.06[NP]Tangentoh by the way
20:49.10[NP]TangentNull Productions CTF playground now has wordfilters on
20:49.12[NP]Tangentthat is all
20:49.15trepanie: the irony is that 'meshbox' is deprecated  :)
20:50.47spldartI never liked meshbox cuz back in the day I could never figure out why I got lockups when using them
20:51.43trepanmeshes vs. older physics model; also, bzflag's entire physics model sucks
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20:53.06[NP]Tangenthey spldart, I just angled the lasers down a bit, and now they fire in opposite directions at once
20:53.13[NP]Tangentand don't start out facing the bases
20:53.19spldartI'll check it out
20:53.29[NP]Tangentone sec
20:53.34[NP]Tangentgotta restart server again
20:53.55spldartcouldn't get a list from list server anyway :confused:
20:54.39spldartlist server is toast
20:54.45spldartat least temp
20:54.47Gnurduxspldart, its being ddoses
20:54.57Gnurduxi think
20:54.57spldartwho now :(
20:55.03Gnurduxprobably same as before
20:55.06Gnurduxwho was it before
20:55.15[NP]Tangentalright, spldart, you can check the lasers now
20:55.21JeffM2501Gnurdux, what makes you say that?
20:55.40GnurduxJeffM2501, cause its the same symptoms as when it was ddosed right after the switch
20:55.50Gnurduxits up now'
20:56.27JeffM2501and that's the same "symptoms" as your ISP just not being able to get there ;)
20:56.32JeffM2501so don't make rash judgement
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20:56.56GnurduxJeffM2501, but others were experiencing it
20:57.00Gnurduxand it was going up and down
20:57.01JeffM2501if it was a DDOS it would not stop that fast
20:57.04JeffM2501it never went down
20:57.09JeffM2501probalby some disconect on the net
20:57.12JeffM2501that threw a group off
20:57.20JeffM2501it happens
20:57.29JeffM2501you all just could not get to it
20:57.44JeffM2501if it realy went down it would not be full of servers ;)
20:57.55GnurduxJeffM2501, why would it be slow then?
20:58.12JeffM2501probably cus a pipe between you and it is flooded
20:58.17JeffM2501as ISPs try to reroute
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20:58.37JeffM2501it's been find and fast for me
20:59.04JeffM2501a DDOS would kill the fourms too
20:59.07JeffM2501and they have been fine
20:59.25JeffM2501so again, don't make rash judgements
20:59.29JeffM2501wait till you have REAL info
20:59.55GnurduxJeffM2501, no they havent
21:00.07Gnurduxi wasn't able to connect to when it was down
21:00.08JeffM2501probalby not for you
21:00.10JeffM2501cus same pipe :0
21:00.19JeffM2501I'll bet there was a split somewhere
21:00.24JeffM2501it can and will happen
21:00.45Gnurduxthat sucks
21:00.45JeffM2501yeah wellcome to the internet and the real world
21:04.14SportChickJeffM2501: just for reference, I've been having trouble getting global reg all day
21:04.26JeffM2501umm ok
21:04.35JeffM2501it's been fine for me
21:04.47JeffM2501are you at home or traveling?
21:04.55SportChickalso for reference, the servers I've been accessing have all been exclusively european.  We are at home
21:04.59Chestallist sevrer is almost dead for me since 30 minutes or so
21:05.04spldartwell... it net split me but good for a while there
21:05.07brlcadsome responses will be slow, but it should not be dead
21:05.48spldartYeah... I didn't have slow.. I had no response for a while... I wonder what happened to the web :(
21:06.04JeffM2501it's the end of the world as we know it
21:06.08JeffM2501and I feel fine
21:06.16spldartI didn't spill a beer in my node.. did you?
21:06.29JeffM2501or Blizzard released another WoW Patch
21:06.48brlcadthe server is overloaded at the moment processing some tasks, it has a little bit more to process
21:07.07SportChickahhh, so it's brlcad's fault :)
21:07.31Gnurduxeverything is the bz devs fault
21:07.37SportChick~sushi brlcad :)
21:07.40ibotACTION fishes madly all day long & brings the very best back, filets it carefully and serves brlcad :) the best, freshest sushi ever
21:07.44Gnurduxalways.  if you fall down and break your leg, you know JeffM2501 did it
21:07.44brlcadit's been fine most of the day, it's only been overloaded very recently
21:07.58brlcadwe're hitting peak time
21:08.05spldartoh wait
21:08.17JeffM2501Gnurdux, we have devs?
21:08.20JeffM2501since when?
21:08.34GnurduxJeffM2501, hmm i thought you were considered a dev
21:08.44JeffM2501naw, just figments
21:08.49Gnurduxoh your implying that you guys don't get any work done ever?
21:08.51JeffM2501devs write code
21:09.00spldartFigNewtons of your immigration?
21:09.04Gnurduxyou write some
21:09.06JeffM2501Gnurdux, I don't have to imply, cia shows it as fact
21:09.14brlcade.g. it's no longer overloaded right now, it just depends how many instantly hit it
21:09.25Gnurduxyea, true
21:09.34Gnurduxbrlcad, is someone flooding it?
21:09.41brlcadGnurdux: yes you
21:09.49JeffM2501Gnurdux, it's just geting used a lot
21:09.49brlcadyeah, hilarious
21:09.53JeffM2501it's not a DDOS
21:10.15JeffM2501I'd be nicer to the guy who is paying for that list server out of pocket
21:10.38spldartwhat kinda bandwidth does the list server consume brl?
21:10.57spldartJust curiousity getting the better of me ;)
21:10.59JeffM2501realy does show how weak that one point of failure is tho :(
21:11.18brlcadthe weakest aspect of the server is the cpu at this point
21:11.38JeffM2501all that sql killin it?
21:11.44JeffM2501or just php/apache overhead
21:11.46brlcadspldart: about an eighth of a mbit sustained
21:12.17spldartcpu speed?
21:12.20JeffM2501oh just FYI as well, no groups from my after today till wednesday
21:12.30JeffM2501or realy any bb admin :)
21:12.36trepanheck, ./ sends it spinning for quite some time  :)
21:13.00brlcadJeffM2501: unrelated.. it's working on processing a LOT of data so the cpu load it'll be a little over taxed until it's done (in about an hour or so)
21:13.21brlcadtrepan: hehe
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21:16.21brlcadspldart: not enough :)
21:16.51brlcadas soon as I can get another deal in place as good as the one I have, I'll be getting another server to double-up
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21:18.35[NP]Tangentspldart, I made it a shorter laser show, with more time between them
21:18.37spldartSorry about the questions... I've always wondered what it took... like how much a connection for such and endeavor much cost and all that
21:18.43[NP]Tangentand added more CL flags
21:19.32[NP]Tangentnow putting in the spawn zones
21:19.48[NP]Tangentnow, if I just do zones on the towers... does it still let anyone spawn everywhere else?
21:20.53spldartlol... you can't touch doomball eh
21:21.14spldartyou have autoteam on right?
21:21.29spldartI like the laser change..
21:22.30[NP]Tangentautoteam is on
21:22.30spldartThere is something it needs.... but I can't place my finger on it
21:22.34[NP]Tangentthe orb?
21:22.45spldartorb death touch
21:22.59[NP]Tangentwhat do you mean?
21:23.06[NP]Tangentit already kills you if you touch it
21:24.06spldartSomething like a walkway above.. but it's dangerous cuz the orb of death regularly lasers it or something... or maybe I'm way off.. it feels like it needs some little addition toe the world
21:24.53[NP]TangentI could make a circular walkway thing around the orb
21:25.08[NP]Tangentand then there are SW shots from the orb
21:25.16spldartor mabye just above it.. a dangerous way to shortcut a flag capture perhaps
21:25.31[NP]Tangentfire geno shots through it
21:25.40[NP]Tangentand shots from players can go through it as well
21:25.40spldartsomething an average player would only have a 50 50 chance of pulling off
21:26.01spldartbut a great player would still be risking to do too
21:26.24[NP]Tangentfire geno shots through
21:26.33spldartthere is to quite a bit of time between grabbing and capturing right now.. cuz of the climb
21:26.34[NP]Tangentcuz it's CTF... the team should be the first concern
21:26.49[NP]Tangentso if there's genos to take out your team... that's bad
21:26.55[NP]Tangentand so you'd want to avoid it
21:27.02spldartBut it could still pay off
21:27.19spldartand possibly save the team from an oppossing capture the long way
21:27.38spldartI dunno... just a thought
21:28.32[NP]Tangentmy spawn zones work
21:28.48[NP]Tangentthat's another nifty thing
21:28.51spldartno more death spawns from world weapons
21:28.52[NP]Tangentsomeone's going up to take your flag
21:29.02[NP]Tangentand then you always spawn on your fortress
21:29.29spldartsome may take advantage and tk themselves to defend their flag
21:29.39spldartit may kill the ctf ability...
21:30.01spldartk :)
21:30.05[NP]Tangentbecause you don't spawn on the enemy base
21:30.23[NP]TangentWG flag gives a HUGE advantage to getting up
21:30.42[NP]Tangenti'll work on it more later
21:30.46[NP]Tangentgotta start getting ready for work now
21:47.46[NP]TangentI have a lot of time before I need to leave
21:48.03[NP]Tangentfor that shortcut thing
21:48.05spldartthinking of 'what next' on your map?
21:48.12[NP]Tangentshould I make it a couple of arcs?
21:48.19spldartnewter wings a touch btw
21:48.26spldartthat would be kinda cool
21:48.39spldarthave each arc reach around opposite
21:48.39[NP]Tangentnewter wings a touch?
21:48.44[NP]Tangentthey will
21:49.09spldartdon't allow wings to reach your bases during a single group of 'thrusts'
21:49.19[NP]Tangentthey don't
21:49.20spldartit would make wings dominate your world to much
21:49.22spldartoh ok
21:49.26[NP]Tangentonly three jumps
21:49.32[NP]Tangentit takes about 3 groups to get up
21:49.36[NP]Tangentonly two from one side
21:49.55[NP]Tangentyou can jump from tower to tower with one group
21:50.02[NP]Tangentif you time it right
21:53.01[NP]TangentI bet you doubted how useful those height meters were, didn't you?
22:02.16[NP]TangentI'm just going to make a circle with this walkway
22:02.27[NP]Tangentwith lots of nonsense going through the floor
22:04.02spldartvery indiana jones
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22:24.41Gnurduxyou know JeffM2501 pages are still inconsistent
22:25.32JeffM2501Gnurdux, OH NO!!!!!
22:25.53JeffM2501it'll be the end of western civilsation!
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