irclog2html for #bzflag on 20060621

00:04.02*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
00:11.54Mr_Molezdid CBG GET banned >??
00:12.07L4m3rhe's been unbanned already
00:12.24Mr_Molezwhat happened
00:12.36L4m3rsomeone was using an exploit to punt him
00:12.44L4m3rhis client reconnects automatically
00:12.46Mr_Molezhe is ok now ?
00:12.58L4m3rbrlcad (or someone else) got sick of the constant join and parting
00:13.04L4m3ryeah, he's fixed now
00:13.42Mr_Molezyeh he deserves a ban for that
00:13.50Mr_Molezi saw about 20 before i left
00:13.58Mr_Molezhow many since i come back >?
00:14.11L4m3rhe wasn't there, he was just banned until DTR helped him fix it
00:14.40Mr_Molezhe should have been bannned for life
00:14.44Mr_Molezhe only talks shit anyway ;)
00:15.11L4m3rwell, so does Harmless, but he's still around (sadly)
00:15.17Mr_Molezlanguage ?? english
00:15.38trepanmind your ...
00:15.39Mr_Molezi have never seen harmless talk i dotn think
00:15.49Mr_Molezsorry but i wont mind my language no
00:16.00Mr_Molezif i feel something needs saying i will say it
00:16.14bradlast time I saw him talk was "f**k you" in pm
00:16.19bradhe's a nice guy
00:16.27L4m3rhe was nice enough to accuse me of cheating before running away from a server
00:16.27Mr_Molezpm to you ?
00:17.06L4m3r"admin cheating, typical" "How am I cheating?" *leaves*
00:17.20L4m3rnot the first time either
00:17.37Mr_MolezL4m3r: have u ever talked to radeon,,, or even cbg for that matter
00:17.49L4m3rI talk to CBG all the time
00:18.06Mr_Molez(a shot goes from the right side of the map (even though the person they are aim ing at are on the left side of the map)
00:18.16Mr_Molezand they still say shots went through them lol
00:18.24Mr_Molezthey ahve something to hide ;)
00:19.27Mr_MolezL4m3r: when i match cbg i get accusation of shots going trough,, lucky spawns.. lucky shots... lucky ricos... shots not hitting where he aimed.. every possibly reasons u can think of
00:19.55Mr_Molezits actuall quite funny what new reasons he comes up with
00:20.10L4m3r"lucky" anything is just complaining, he's smart enough to know you can't cheat like that
00:20.21Mr_Molezbut he isnt
00:20.26Mr_Molezhe still says every 2 mins
00:20.29Mr_MolezLUCKY SPAWN
00:20.32Mr_Molezand ofcourse
00:20.37Mr_Molezthe sarcastic
00:20.41Mr_Molezohh nice spawn
00:20.45Mr_Molezlike you can cheat spawn
00:20.55Mr_Molezhe is rediculous
00:21.05Mr_Molezim sure he does it to wind ppl up like a little dick :P
00:21.15*** kick/#bzflag [Mr_Molez!n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501] by JeffM2501 (JeffM2501)
00:21.19JeffM2501enough of that then
00:21.21*** join/#bzflag Mr_Molez (
00:21.23Mr_Molezaww comeon
00:21.39JeffM2501enough of that
00:21.43JeffM2501be nice
00:21.49Mr_Molezgrow up JeffM2501
00:21.59JeffM2501heed your own advice
00:22.23L4m3rI wish there was a way to ask server owners about certain players
00:22.29Mr_MolezJeffM2501: your problem is you put you nose into other peoples business too much ;)
00:22.39Mr_MolezL4m3r: there is, e-mail ;)
00:22.45JeffM2501and your problem is you don't know where to talk about stuff
00:22.51L4m3rI mean, collectively
00:23.05Mr_MolezJeffM2501: nah, my problem is I dont mind if people see what i say ;)
00:23.12JeffM2501we do
00:23.15JeffM2501you know the rules
00:23.20JeffM2501you just like to not heed them
00:23.30Mr_Molezyou make the rules as you go along
00:23.35JeffM2501sometimes yes
00:23.42Mr_Molezsee you admit to it
00:23.44JeffM2501noone said life was fair
00:23.47JeffM2501so you do you
00:23.48Mr_Molezthats why u suck cock
00:23.54*** mode/#bzflag [+b *!*] by JeffM2501
00:23.54*** kick/#bzflag [Mr_Molez!n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501] by JeffM2501 (JeffM2501)
00:23.59JeffM2501and he's done
00:31.35L4m3rjoin a server as observer, it's four against two, and the admin on the larger team is carrying the other team's flag home. Nice.
00:36.47*** join/#bzflag A-Delusion (
00:37.06*** mode/#bzflag [-b *!*] by JeffM2501
00:38.29GnurduxL4m3r, what sevrer
00:40.19Gnurduxserver cant control rico
00:40.29Gnurduxyou CAN do cheat spawns
00:40.49A_MeteoriteJeffM2501: wow... I thought he grew up... O_o
00:41.13Gnurduxwho, molez?
00:41.20*** join/#bzflag Mr_Molez (
00:41.26A_Meteoriteyes, Gnurdux
00:41.41JeffM2501don't worry bout it guys
00:42.57JeffM2501L4m3r, what data would you want from server owners?
00:42.59Mr_MolezJeffM2501: ohhh and that calms thing down
00:43.01JeffM2501how good somone is?
00:43.20L4m3rno, I'd want to be able to bitch about certain people
00:43.35GnurduxMr_Molez, but it IS possible to do cheat spawns, cause one of my stupid "immortality" attempts did instant respawn in the same place
00:43.48JeffM2501Gnurdux, pelase don't talk about cheating here
00:43.50Mr_MolezGnurdux: oh thats eay
00:43.56L4m3rsometimes it's hard to tell if someone's just a jerk everywhere, or just on your server
00:44.09Mr_Molezbut im sayinh.. to spawn where u want.. thats what the server desides isnt it
00:44.09purple_cowJeffM2501: how dare you stifle communication?!
00:44.11JeffM2501yeah it would be nice to have contact info for server ows
00:44.20JeffM2501purple_cow, you know me
00:44.54Mr_Molezyes how dare you not allow me freedom of speech !
00:45.15Mr_Molezwords can be twisted in any way you want purple_cow ;)
00:45.16JeffM2501if this was a free country, and not an internet IRC channel, sure ;)
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00:46.01JeffM2501L4m3r, I did have a list server that required servers to reg to list, so you'd know they at least had a bzbb account tied to them.
00:46.18JeffM2501be cool if you could then forward PM notifiactions to report
00:46.40L4m3rit'd be nice if there was a server owners' forum that one could subscribe to :P
00:46.46JeffM2501some have it
00:46.48JeffM2501some don't
00:46.50Mr_Molezwhen i find games i find i have to sign up for, i just give up on them ;)
00:47.06Mr_Molezbut im sure im wrong and everyone else is right
00:47.18JeffM2501was pondering doing somethign where each server/network coudl get it's own complete forum set, using the main user db
00:47.18A_MeteoriteMr_Molez: you're wrong
00:47.26Mr_Molezyeh , it rigures
00:47.32A_MeteoriteJeffM2501: I'd go for it, I like it
00:47.38L4m3rI think one forum is fine for one server "ring"
00:47.42A_MeteoriteI, for one, could use it. I know some other servers could
00:47.44JeffM2501it would take some fancy php to get it setup
00:47.47spldartSweet apathy
00:48.01L4m3rbut it would be nice to have a communal forum for all server owners
00:48.06JeffM2501I'd like to have the user system know about server rings or networks
00:48.09JeffM2501like the mofos
00:48.13JeffM2501know they are linked somehow
00:48.16L4m3rshare info about cheaters, etc
00:48.20A_MeteoriteMr_Molez: only kidding if you didn't already know that ;)
00:48.28JeffM2501well that is what your mofo fourm is for
00:48.32JeffM2501same goes for the others
00:48.35Mr_MolezA_Meteorite: all i can say is A_Meteorbite
00:48.41L4m3rwell, Jeff, if you're gonna go into that much depth, make it its own system :P
00:48.42A-Delusionit sure worked for us
00:48.53JeffM2501Mr_Molez, please be nice
00:48.55L4m3ryou wanna pull stuff out of bzbb anyway
00:49.05JeffM2501yeah I do want to pull it
00:49.09Mr_MolezJeffM2501: you have got to be kidding me, what did i say wrong now
00:49.12JeffM2501it shoudl be able to be hung off ther eg
00:49.18A_Meteoriteit would be nice to just have something not on phpBB
00:49.21A_Meteoritesomething custom
00:49.28JeffM2501Mr_Molez, it's not nice to inuslt people
00:49.33Mr_MolezJeffM2501: how !
00:49.37L4m3reww custom, no. something like IPB, or just anything better
00:49.45JeffM2501making his name into metoribite
00:49.46A_MeteoriteVanilla boards!
00:49.53L4m3rhandmade forums are ghetto
00:49.59A_MeteoriteL4m3r: I agree there :)
00:50.00JeffM2501is IPB what GU uses?
00:50.07Mr_MolezJeffM2501: ive been saying that to him for months now, if he aint got a problem with it YOU SHOULD HAVE. that sounds right
00:50.11blast007L4m3r: I'd rather see the forum tied into global reg, not global reg tied into the forum
00:50.13L4m3rI'm not even sure if IPB is free or not
00:50.17purple_cowgrass is always greener ;)
00:50.23L4m3rlast007: agreed
00:50.29JeffM2501if it's what GU uses it is not
00:50.31blast007the last 007 agent
00:50.39JeffM2501runs about 200$ a year IIRC last time I checked
00:50.43L4m3rlol oops
00:50.56L4m3reek, that's even more than vBulletin
00:50.57blast007yeah, vB or IPB is nice
00:51.07A_Meteorite*sigh* they're moving:
00:51.09JeffM2501sportchick was asking if we could have some ofit's features
00:51.17JeffM2501so I checked the prices
00:51.24JeffM2501what does it have over phpbb?
00:51.35blast007it's coded better for one thing
00:51.42JeffM2501what about end user features?
00:51.44JeffM2501that we'd use
00:51.45A_Meteoriteeasier to extend functionality
00:51.47L4m3rnewest version has plugins
00:51.53JeffM2501that do?
00:51.57A_Meteoritewhatever you want
00:52.03L4m3rall kinds of stuff
00:52.03A_Meteorite:)), new stuff added constantly
00:52.13JeffM2501like could make a plugin for group and server management?
00:52.14blast007so no more hacking code to add stuff?
00:52.21JeffM2501how much?
00:52.30L4m3rI paid $85/year
00:52.33A_MeteoriteL4m3r: what forum software are we talking about?
00:52.45L4m3rI think for about twice that you can get an "owned license" that does not need renewal
00:52.56JeffM2501but do you get updates for that onetime fee?
00:52.58A_Meteoriteoh, I was talking about something different, hehe
00:53.20L4m3rJeffM2501: good question
00:53.30JeffM2501cus we are hozed on updates now
00:53.31L4m3ryou can update whenever you want via the "members area"
00:53.36A_Meteoriteone free year of updates
00:53.54L4m3rhow much to keep getting updates?
00:54.03A_Meteoriteno idea
00:54.33A_Meteoritesomething about closed source makes me "errr..."
00:54.39JeffM2501with out a set income stream it woudl be hard to justify that
00:54.43L4m3rit's not closed source, it's PHP
00:54.50JeffM2501specialy since bzflag is about so much open source
00:54.56JeffM2501then what do you pay for?
00:54.59L4m3rI know
00:55.01A_Meteoritesomething about paying for forums makes me go "errr..."
00:55.06L4m3ryou pay for a license to use it :P
00:55.17L4m3rand the features, and the modding community.
00:55.39A_MeteoriteI would say Vanilla if it wasn't for the fact I
00:55.51A_MeteoriteI would say Vanilla if it wasn't for the fact I've never used it in a "profession" envoronment or it's in beta
00:56.08JeffM2501what does that one have over phpbb?
00:56.08L4m3rthat $30/year member's area subscription is bogus, though
00:56.19A_MeteoriteJeffM2501: I only took a peek, but I liked what I saw
00:56.44L4m3rbetter marking of posts, more sophisticated searching, better admin controls
00:56.55A_MeteoriteI deleted it off my webserver since I had no use for it... as soon as it comes back I'll download it again
00:57.00L4m3rmuch more intuitive permissions and access system
00:57.30A_Meteoritewait, I still got it
00:57.42JeffM2501dont' realy care about stuff you have a vauge idea about then met
00:57.50blast007we could technically write our own...but that would be quite a task  :)
00:58.23L4m3rJeffM2501: I can let you play with a demo if you promise not to touch anything or tell anyone :P
00:58.34L4m3rI happen to have admin access at a random forum
00:58.41JeffM2501personaly I'm not intereteted in the guts of it
00:58.54JeffM2501I hate web work
00:59.09L4m3roh, forums are dynamic
00:59.19L4m3rforums can have child forums
00:59.34JeffM2501that is a nice thing
00:59.47L4m3rwell, most of it works that way
00:59.59L4m3rit's not concrete like phpBB, it's more flexible
01:00.22L4m3rcategories are forums too
01:00.30L4m3ryou just set an option to act like a category
01:01.14L4m3rthe forum can allow users to email other users without giving their emails away
01:01.28L4m3rjust a lot of nice touches like that
01:01.30JeffM2501for any change to happen somone would have to take ownerhip of the login/web system and do the conversion
01:01.59L4m3rdealing with auth would be the hardest part
01:02.17L4m3rseparating the user DB and making the forum run on it will be a chore, regardless of the software used
01:02.39JeffM2501could you make a plugin that does the lookups that the list could call?
01:03.09L4m3rI don't know. most of the plugins are end-user stuff.
01:03.11*** join/#bzflag spldart (
01:03.27L4m3rhonestly, I haven't played with vBulletin code in a while
01:03.51L4m3rmy forums collapsed on Christmas Eve
01:04.05*** join/#bzflag codergeek42 (n=peter@gentoo/developer/codergeek42)
01:05.18L4m3rI have a vague idea of how one could mod the code to do it, but it'd be tough to modify every user call
01:06.10A_MeteoriteI just thought I would get this in, I haven't looked at any code for awhile...:
01:06.30L4m3rnow, what you could maybe do would be to just use a different DB table for users and make the corresponding changes, and disable the forum's integrated registration
01:07.38L4m3rreally, the problem with vBulletin is that it's very tempting to just integrate your whole website into it
01:07.49L4m3rbecause it's not a hard thing to do :P
01:09.37JeffM2501brlcad, we need to see about geting rpg and dmp there rewards for the image submiter
01:09.42JeffM2501and get the last of the bugs fixed
01:11.07A_MeteoriteJeffM2501: now I wished I stayed up night and day doing that... :)
01:11.31A_Meteorite(for some reason my PHP hates me... it won't upload anything - had to do it on a remote server)
01:12.25JeffM2501I think we got a good system between the 2 of them
01:12.41A_MeteoriteI bet so, haven't tried it yet
01:12.48JeffM2501and it showed some problems with the pay for code thing
01:13.30A_MeteoriteJeffM2501: I'm sure something will come along that I can do soon or later ;)
01:13.48A_Meteorite*will come along sooner or later
01:13.51A_Meteoritecan't type todady
01:14.09*** join/#bzflag RPG_ (
01:14.36JeffM2501an automated group system would be cool
01:14.42JeffM2501where you reg up a server name
01:14.48JeffM2501then can manage like 10 groups
01:14.51JeffM2501using that name
01:15.00JeffM2501then we don't have to do it manualy
01:15.37A_MeteoriteI would need phpBB...
01:15.47A_Meteoritewhat version you using?
01:15.53JeffM2501don't remember
01:16.00JeffM2501group stuff should all be the same tho
01:16.56*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
01:16.56*** mode/#bzflag [+v DTRemenak] by ChanServ
01:17.01L4m3rvB has a thing that lets you pick a bunch of groups and forums and assign one set of perms to all of them
01:17.25A_MeteoriteL4m3r: if I was in charge I would of made the switch already ;)
01:17.37A_Meteoritethat sounds pretty cool
01:17.42A_Meteoriteexcept the license part
01:17.47L4m3ryeah, I know
01:17.51JeffM2501we don't realy use the perms on groups
01:17.58JeffM2501mostly I just want a way to let users make there own
01:18.12L4m3ryeah, that's harder
01:18.28A_MeteoriteL4m3r: I bet their plugin API allows you to make groups
01:18.34A_Meteoriteif not you could extend it
01:18.48L4m3ror you can just mod the PHP
01:18.51RPG_JeffM2501: so you want a system that can add to the phpBB database group information?
01:19.01JeffM2501Tim did the global login and groups thing, but kinda just droped the creation of them
01:19.23JeffM2501RPG_, yes something where users reg a server name ( unique ) and then can have like 10 groups using that name
01:19.36L4m3rthere's really not much of a point in writing plugins for your own use for vBulletin, they're meant for newbie forum owners to use :P
01:19.37RPG_spec sheet?
01:19.38JeffM2501and use the normal group tools to manage them
01:19.43JeffM2501havne't made one
01:19.57JeffM2501need to get you with DMP to finish the image thingy :)
01:20.00JeffM2501and get you your prize
01:20.02RPG_heh true
01:20.05RPG_prize! yay
01:20.08A_Meteoriteprize? mmm
01:20.13A_MeteoriteI wonder what it could be....
01:20.13RPG_err what was the prize again :)
01:20.30JeffM2501from me 25$ ether paypall or amazon gift cert
01:20.39JeffM2501IIRC brlcad was to match
01:20.42RPG_very nice
01:21.29JeffM2501but yes, basicly something so that it dosn't take a person to make new groups
01:21.38JeffM2501but also dosn't let somone fill the namespace
01:21.57JeffM2501so make a limit of like 5 servers per user, and 10 groups per server
01:22.06JeffM2501in the format
01:22.11RPG_hm... soudns a little confusing, you want the script to verify that the server is valid, and then add up to 10 groups for that server?
01:22.23JeffM2501I want a user to go to a page
01:22.30JeffM2501be able to register a server name
01:22.36JeffM2501like add "badgerking"
01:22.43A_MeteoriteJeffM2501: or we could migrate to something else and extend it properly without making weird hacks ;)
01:22.44JeffM2501then that user is the "owner" of that server name
01:22.50A_Meteorite*you not we
01:22.52JeffM2501then they can add up to 10 sub groups
01:23.09JeffM2501A_Meteorite, you come up with a migration plan that dosn't loose data, then fine.
01:23.09RPG_A_Meteorite: it doesnt' require a weird hack
01:23.14RPG_you could do it without touching PHPBB, IIRC
01:23.26JeffM2501it's not realy a hack, it's just a difrent interface to the bb
01:23.28L4m3rthat sounds better as a standalone, yeah
01:23.49JeffM2501just so it's not tied to the admin interface
01:23.51L4m3ractually, it would probably be easier to move the entire groups setup out of phpBB
01:23.58JeffM2501you'd have to move the users too
01:24.05L4m3rand then hack phpBB to use it for forum access
01:24.07JeffM2501I woudl think that's a harder thing
01:24.20A_MeteoriteRPG_: something integrated as plugin sounds "cleaner" in my opinion
01:24.34L4m3rvBulletin plugins aren't clean at all :P
01:24.39RPG_cleaner? cleaner to hack up the PHPBB code?
01:24.53A_MeteoriteRPG_: maybe forums software that supports plugins then
01:24.58L4m3rand I doubt any other kind of PHP plugin is really clean
01:25.11A_MeteoriteI've never looked at phpBB's code vB's code
01:25.32*** join/#bzflag TheRedBaron (
01:25.36L4m3rvBulletin plugins are meant for distributed hacks, for admins who are scared of modding code
01:25.45A_Meteoriteoh, that sounds bad
01:25.51L4m3rthey're a real headache when you try to mess with them
01:26.00A_MeteoriteL4m3r: then why'd you suggest it...
01:26.05L4m3rthey look clean but they're not
01:26.15L4m3rwell, they're great for end-user stuff
01:26.29L4m3rbut for writing things for your own private use, they're annoying
01:26.49A_MeteoriteI see
01:26.51L4m3respecially when it's so easy to just tweak the PHP ;)
01:27.08A_MeteoriteI've never found one true "killer" forum software
01:27.16A_Meteoritethe best of both worlds: clean code and lots of features
01:27.51JeffM2501well unless one of you is gonna buy one of those pay forums, it's kind of moot ;)
01:28.02RPG_PHPBB 3 is in beta
01:28.12JeffM2501is it easy to mod?
01:28.14A_Meteoritehmmm... /me goes and gets phpBB
01:29.09L4m3rI used phpBB 1
01:29.20L4m3rphpBB2 is leaps and bounds ahead of it :P
01:29.33A_MeteoriteI wonder if phpBB3 is the same :D
01:29.43A_MeteoriteI've never installed phpBB myself
01:32.03JeffM2501one would think it would not be too hard to have the phpbb user stuff just go thru an API to an external system
01:32.18JeffM2501bigest problem we have is that we don't have anyone asigned to maintain it
01:32.22L4m3risn't that sorta how it works now?
01:32.26JeffM2501I don't know
01:32.30JeffM2501I know little php
01:32.46JeffM2501I just generaly know how it works, not the ins and outs
01:32.52RPG_from what it appears, the list server script uses the phpbb users database table to do global logins
01:32.56blast007the list server code scares me more than the phpBB code
01:32.58A_MeteoriteRPG_: yeah
01:33.00JeffM2501yeah it does
01:33.06JeffM2501blast007, that is the truth
01:33.14RPG_whats wrong with the LS?
01:33.23blast007RPG_: have you looked at it?
01:33.26JeffM2501it would be cool if there was one common php page that did the user lookup that both compoinents shared
01:33.31blast007the logic is hart to follow
01:34.08RPG_modding PHPBB to use a specialized user database would be HARD, IMHO
01:34.18blast007RPG_: there's a mod for it already
01:34.23JeffM2501do they do direct user lookups everywhere?
01:34.28JeffM2501or do they use one file?
01:36.54A_MeteoriteI see some nice phpBB 3B1 features...
01:37.11A_Meteorite"Send to groups"
01:37.56A_Meteoriteheh.. I'll just have to get it, not a phpBB wiz
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02:05.52TheRedBaronbah, I'd just like an empty barebones computer case, no motherboard, no power supply...
02:07.23L4m3rTheRedBaron: good cases don't come with power supplies
02:07.42TheRedBaronl4m3r: exactly :)
02:07.51L4m3rand, conversely, good power supplies don't come with cases
02:07.52TheRedBaronI already have a power supply
02:07.57TheRedBaronI want a case to put it in :)
02:08.27L4m3rdirectron, newegg, tigerdirect, zipzoomfly. Or a local computer fair if you're desperate.
02:08.48L4m3rany color/style/size preference? I could recommend a case for you :P
02:10.11TheRedBaronpreference: cheap :)
02:11.52L4m3rhow cheap?
02:12.31L4m3rI mean, I'm assuming that you're the handy type since you can weld, so, you can always mod a case :P
02:12.42TheRedBaronyes, I can weld :)
02:12.58TheRedBaronbut would i want to?
02:13.27L4m3rnot on a case
02:13.36L4m3rbut I'm assuming you can paint and cut also :P
02:13.58*** join/#bzflag JeffM2502 (
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02:15.01JeffM2501for nefarious reasons surely ;)
02:15.09TheRedBaronL4m3r: so far, your assumptions are correct
02:15.45TheRedBaronL4m3r: I'm not the "bling" type guy - Functunality will always be first and formost - if it looks cool, I count it a bonus :)
02:16.44L4m3rthat's bad news then, because functional cases are expensive :P
02:17.30JeffM2501TheRedBaron, did you ever get a new machine?
02:17.54purple_cowwow, it's been a long time since i saw that nick
02:18.15JeffM2501the elf?
02:18.42TheRedBaronJeffM2501: I never "get a new machine" I build them :)
02:18.54JeffM2501tha's what I mean
02:19.00TheRedBaronJeffM2501: shopping :)
02:19.09JeffM2501find any good deals?
02:20.06purple_cowJeffM2501: yeah
02:20.14TheRedBaronHaven't bought anything yet - just lining things up
02:20.15L4m3rIMO, the only thing a case really "needs" is a front intake
02:20.30JeffM2501purple_cow, left work machine on doing a build, :(
02:20.30L4m3ranything else depends on what you're willing to put up with
02:20.32TheRedBaronbuilding one off this motherboard -
02:20.41spldartI just made a front intake on my server ;-)
02:20.42JeffM2501and the elf needs food very badly, saldy it's tv dinners
02:20.56JeffM2501L4m3r, a top one helps more then a front
02:21.15L4m3ryeah, but a top one is a lot easier to add than a front one
02:21.30purple_cowJeffM2501: aww
02:21.32JeffM2501heard bad things about asrock
02:21.46L4m3rI hear bad things about tom's hardware
02:22.05JeffM2501TheRedBaron, what do you need dual sata for?
02:22.22TheRedBaronJeffM2501: I've heard mixed reviews,  and its cheap enough for me, and it still allows me to use my old gfx card, but still allow for an expansion to PCIe
02:22.46TheRedBaronJeffM2501: I don't, i'm getting it for the agp and PCIe
02:22.46JeffM2501well best of luck wiht it :)
02:22.55TheRedBaronthanks :)
02:22.57JeffM2501that's the part I've heard problems wiht
02:23.01L4m3rdual SATA... heh
02:23.08JeffM2501the intels are the bang for buck these days tho
02:23.12L4m3rI have eight :x
02:23.22JeffM2501sata 2?
02:23.33JeffM2501on the mobo?
02:23.41L4m3ryup. two sets of four
02:23.46L4m3rraid and everything... nf4
02:24.25JeffM2501nice board
02:24.25L4m3rI love enthusiast boards, they're ridiculous :D
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02:24.44L4m3r2 gigabit LAN ports, SPDIF, all kinds of stuff I'll never use
02:24.56JeffM2501I use the spdif ;)
02:25.01JeffM2501digital speakers
02:25.25L4m3rit will make a hell of a server when retired, that's for sure
02:25.26JeffM2501just picked up an X-FI sound card
02:26.56L4m3rsound card is something I can never get around to getting
02:27.06JeffM2501onboard is good enough for most things
02:27.07L4m3rbut with mere 2.1 speakers I don't think it matters
02:27.16TheRedBaronJeffM2501: from what i understand, its not dual sata
02:27.23TheRedBaronbut SATA II
02:27.33L4m3rI see two headers on the board :P
02:27.44JeffM2501yeah usualy you get more then one ;)
02:27.50JeffM25012 is not many these days
02:27.55JeffM25014 is common
02:27.56TheRedBaronlike i said, in my understanding ;)
02:28.00L4m3rmost chips have 4
02:28.19JeffM2501but realy check the reviews for your chip/mobo/video combination
02:28.21TheRedBaronoh cool
02:28.25TheRedBaronI just found an empty case
02:28.32JeffM2501asrock has been known to do "wierrd" things with there agp slots
02:28.32L4m3rlike, in your house?
02:28.52L4m3rsome of those smaller brands are becoming better
02:28.53JeffM2501ultra has a nice case/PS combo for like 70$
02:29.01L4m3rECS, for one
02:29.05JeffM2501500w ps with PCI-E contectors
02:29.12TheRedBaronlinks? :)
02:29.20L4m3rthey're getting props for great compatibility with OSx86
02:29.22JeffM2501umm I just go to the store :)
02:29.30TheRedBaronwhat?!? :)
02:30.21JeffM2501the ultra wizard
02:30.36TheRedBaronJeffM2501: do you know of any other boards that have AGP and PCIe?
02:30.53JeffM2501mostly I know about the amd ones
02:31.00JeffM2501you want to go intel?
02:31.03L4m3rUltra has a neat-looking chieftec knockoff
02:31.12JeffM2501yeah they rip from others, but they do good work
02:31.15L4m3rthat cool grille goes all the way up into the door
02:31.22TheRedBaronmost of my experience  has been with amd
02:31.22L4m3rand it's got a gloss finish
02:31.49JeffM2501what CPU you going with?
02:33.45TheRedBaronor opteron if I can find them on ebay cheap :)
02:33.54JeffM2501ummm then that mobo was an intel mobo
02:33.58JeffM2501you can't put an AMD in that
02:34.04JeffM2501and what kind of athalon
02:34.16L4m3rI only went with AMD for nf4... this was before the "intel edition"
02:34.21TheRedBaronI just showed you the review article
02:34.28TheRedBaronnewegg has the amd mobo
02:34.42JeffM2501oh my bad 939, didn't see that ;)
02:34.46JeffM2501thought it said 930 ;)
02:35.06brlcadJeffM2501: I was thinking the same thing regarding those two just a few days ago
02:35.24TheRedBaronI wonder if my case is big enough
02:35.41JeffM2501many opeterons are 940
02:35.44JeffM2501not 939
02:35.46JeffM2501so watch out
02:35.57JeffM2501for gaming the operton dosn't get you much
02:36.04JeffM2501save the money and go dual core
02:38.43JeffM2501and realy mobos are so cheap, you can just get an AGP one now, then just pick up a cheap 40-50$mobo when you get a PCI-E card
02:39.20JeffM2501how big a PS you gonna go with?
02:45.36L4m3rspldart: I want to try mini-itx :o
02:45.54*** join/#bzflag TheRedBaron (
02:45.56L4m3rI've got a ucla shower tote I want to try to cram a computer in
02:46.36TheRedBaronISP issues :(
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02:47.47spldartMe to l4m3r but don't have teh resources... But I got almost everything I need to build a microatx version :)
02:48.01spldartjust mobo and case
02:48.04L4m3rhere's a pic:
02:48.16L4m3rI'll have to rig up a frame inside
02:48.24L4m3rand cut it up a bit
02:48.37spldartsweet idea :)
02:48.47L4m3rit will be a tight fit
02:49.01L4m3rbut if it works it will be a nice conversation piece in the dorms
02:49.13spldartI can imagine :)
02:49.31TheRedBaronknow anything about chief max power supplies?
02:49.56L4m3rstay away?
02:50.13spldartI've know experience with 'em
02:50.18spldartknow = no
02:50.38JeffM2501they are cheap
02:50.45L4m3rAntec, Enermax, Thermaltake are the generally trusted brands for PSUs
02:50.52TheRedBaronand you get what you pay for :)
02:50.54spldartI use Antec
02:51.00JeffM2501I've had good luck with antec and ultra
02:51.03L4m3rnot necessarily
02:51.20L4m3rthere are some well-priced thermaltake power supplies
02:51.45JeffM2501had to get an antec truecontrol 2 for this sucker :(
02:51.48JeffM2501was not cheap
02:51.52L4m3rand some of the crappy ones are expensive because of excessive bling
02:52.08*** part/#bzflag Berniebee (n=otti@
02:52.09TheRedBaronI'm looking at a 680watt chief max
02:52.11L4m3rlike the Ultra X-connect... I've only heard bad things about those
02:52.25JeffM2501the ones with the contectors suck
02:52.33TheRedBaronfor $30
02:52.38JeffM2501that HAS to suck
02:52.45spldartAnd not the good kind of suck
02:52.51TheRedBaronthat is exactly why i'm asking :)
02:53.02L4m3rI paid $35~40 for a 430W thermaltake, and that was a DEAL
02:53.02JeffM2501it'll probably work put things in perspective
02:53.09JeffM2501but expect to to fail before a year
02:53.31JeffM2501I paid 50$ for a decent ultra 500w
02:53.38L4m3ryou can get a 350W for like $15 on sale
02:53.45L4m3rbut it will suck
02:53.53JeffM2501and 120$ for the current antec 550
02:54.18L4m3ralthough I've seen $200 PSUs for 500 watts
02:54.31L4m3rbut these were supposed to be super high-quality
02:54.38JeffM2501needed one with 40+ amps per PCI-E channel
02:54.43L4m3rpacked with all kinds of heat dissipators
02:55.03spldartPaid like 80 for my old 480
02:55.22L4m3rnot sure I'd run a big SLi setup with this 430
02:55.30spldartBut it's been running 3 years nearly straight
02:55.37JeffM2501it would probably run 6600's ok
02:55.45JeffM2501they often don't even need a plug
02:55.52L4m3r6600s don't even have plugs
02:56.07JeffM25017800GTXs on the other hand....
02:56.12L4m3rbut at that price, it's a damn good unit
02:57.02TheRedBaronsometimes, i hate egay
02:57.12JeffM2501be nice
02:57.20TheRedBaronits not worth sorting through the crap to find the deals sometimes
02:57.24L4m3rebay is how I found the company I bought the black box from
02:57.36L4m3r...and the black box is a pile of junk
02:58.41TheRedBaronlike this - inconcievable eh? -
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02:59.20L4m3ryou get enough surprises buying retail... if you're seriously considering ebay you must be hungry for punishment
03:00.15TheRedBaroni rarely take ebay serious
03:00.15*** part/#bzflag L4m3r (
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03:00.38L4m3ralso, TRB, that is like a classic computer fair case :P
03:00.52L4m3rif you want one, just go to a computer fair, no shipping cost
03:00.52TheRedBaronlike I said, I rarely take ebay seriously
03:01.08TheRedBaroni actually find the LED lights annoying
03:01.21L4m3ryou can use a switch
03:01.54L4m3rthe pictures exaggerate the lights, I'm sure. those bubble tubes are powered by two LEDs, probably rather diffuse
03:02.24spldartGot my wify a case with two bubble looking bars...
03:02.27spldartBlue led's
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03:02.59spldartJust checked out the link..
03:03.03L4m3rI put 30 LEDs in the grille of my chieftec :x
03:03.05spldartThat's almost exactly the case
03:03.15L4m3rbut you don't see them directly, just a glow
03:03.22*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
03:03.50spldartA caveat... the fan in the side cover made som much emi that it caused errors and crashes. I disconnected it till I can get a replacement fan of higher quality
03:05.28TheRedBaronhere's what I'm looking at -
03:05.53L4m3rah, the cheiftec knockoff :P
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03:08.13JeffM2502this PC is in that exact case
03:08.17JeffM2502they sell it with a 500w PS for 80$
03:08.27L4m3rhere's one that's similar one that's bigger:
03:08.42L4m3rone that's similar and bigger
03:10.09TheRedBaronand more expensive, without a power supply :)
03:10.26L4m3rand GLOSS black :D
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03:11.36TheRedBaronspray paint is cheap :)
03:11.50L4m3rperfect gloss isn't easy with spraypaint
03:11.52JeffM2502it's a computer, not a honda
03:13.30JeffM2502what you don't have one now? ;)
03:13.52QuantumBeepGod made s***, Honda made it move.
03:14.20L4m3rHonda: Where the H in HP means "hamster"
03:14.54L4m3rnot that me and my hyundai have any room to talk
03:15.06spldartDon't forget the Type R sticker l4m3r
03:15.07L4m3rblistering 70 horsepower...
03:15.18spldartIt's worth 5 to 10 hp
03:15.54TheRedBaronL4m3r: 10 more horse power than I have :)
03:16.06blast007just wait until I can drive my PC around the house
03:16.15L4m3rTheRedBaron: you you live on top of a huge hill? lol
03:16.54TheRedBaronL4m3r: Heavens no
03:16.58blast007L4m3r: no, but he has a wench on the front to get up hills
03:17.00L4m3rlucky you
03:17.25L4m3rI have to throw it into third gear and dodge the old people
03:21.09L4m3ryou know, the ones who drive big sedans with engines powerful enough to idle up the hill
03:21.57L4m3rwhereas my lawn mower is annoying to drive if I lose momentum
03:23.35TheRedBaronL4m3r: i know exactly how you feel
03:23.50TheRedBaronbtw - what about this? -
03:24.18L4m3rno intake in front to cool your hard drives.
03:25.33TheRedBaron... I can't spell tonight
03:31.24spldartMy file/web/bzflag server needed cooling for all the harddrives so
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03:38.37TheRedBaroni'm guessing a 450watt won't cut it?
03:39.09JeffM2501with a 5700
03:39.11JeffM2501shoudl be fine
03:46.00TheRedBaronYES! -
03:47.29*** join/#bzflag TheRedBaron (
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03:54.29L4m3rI've seen worse cases
03:56.07*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
03:58.47TheRedBarontime for me to go to bed
03:58.49TheRedBaronnight all
04:08.02spldartI should go to bed but I'm fighting to repair a deb install I somehow wrecked severe :(
04:09.35Tropican8repair a deb install, that's an oxymoron :-)
04:14.17spldartBut.. It's almost done
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04:36.29spldartnight night
04:47.45delusionalmac compile instructions
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04:50.04*** join/#bzflag Blue89 (
04:50.27delusionalas soon as I finish the CVS portion, I'm posting
04:50.45Blue89how do I setup a bzflag bot for offline play on my server?
04:51.38L4m3rjoin from the command line
04:51.50L4m3rand add -solo x, where x is the number of bots you want
04:51.59L4m3rjoin your local server and bots will join with you :)
04:52.10Blue89I installed on a laptop, but I can't play online if I'm not at my desk, wireless wde area networking lags out
04:52.28Blue89-solo x on the client or the server?
04:53.21delusionalstart server normally, start client with command -solo x
04:53.28delusionaljoin server
04:54.20JeffM2501you can't do server side bots, just on the client, so you have to keep a client runing when ever you want the bots
04:54.29delusionalreplace x with a  number, that's how many bots you'll get
04:54.43JeffM2501and yourself
05:03.25Blue89what is default port number for server?
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07:22.23[NP]Tangenthey L4m3r, you around?
07:22.55[NP]Tangentyour fairCTF plugin
07:22.59[NP]Tangentit's acting weird
07:23.07[NP]Tangentit won't enable CTF when teams are even
07:23.15[NP]TangentI'm using Green and Blue teams, if that makes a difference
07:25.27[NP]Tangentknow why?
07:25.47*** part/#bzflag Upsetter (n=Upsetter@
07:33.36L4m3rdid someone play with the commands?
07:33.46L4m3rtry /ctf auto
07:34.32[NP]Tangentctf auto won't work right
07:34.46[NP]Tangentit'll set it to auto, but it won'tenable/disable correctly
07:38.10[NP]Tangent# Load plugins
07:38.10[NP]Tangent-loadplugin "/home/nullbzfl/bzfs/,0.25:2:3"
07:38.13[NP]Tangentthat's in my .conf file
07:38.19[NP]Tangentthat should work, right?
07:39.10[NP]Tangentseems to work now
07:39.17[NP]Tangentbut when we had 5vs5
07:39.19[NP]Tangentit wasn't working
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11:09.32SportChick~hapbir orchid
11:09.34ibotACTION sings a variant of Happy Birthday (to avoid royalty fees) to orchid
11:10.12ruskiehappy bday orchid
11:12.38Manuruskie: hi
11:12.59ruskienot working...
11:15.57Manuorchid: hapy birthday
11:19.16gsneddersorchid: happy b'day
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14:31.27TheRedBaronthat was a massive split
14:31.27*** topic/#bzflag by brlcad -> || || || paste to || CVS HEAD is 2.1 UNSTABLE, use for new commits || Today is bzgirl's birthday!
14:31.43brlcadonly massive to you as you were on the smaller side ;)
14:31.54TheRedBaronit was just me an zongo in her
14:32.26Birdieand me!
14:33.43*** join/#bzflag A-Delusion (
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14:38.26menotumehi hi :)
14:39.23brlcadsober yet?
14:39.27Mr_Molezme ? never
14:39.32Birdiewb menotume
14:39.34brlcadno menotume
14:39.39menotumealmost :)
14:39.54*** join/#bzflag ruskie (n=ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
14:39.55TheRedBaronmenotume: ping ;)
14:40.21TheRedBaronj/k :-D
14:47.33*** join/#bzflag Matt123 (
15:06.08I_Died_Onceanyone here ever hear of the name "Young Goodman Brown" ???
15:06.58I_Died_OnceWasn't that one of Spoogebob's many alias' ???
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16:40.14Gnurduxhi TimRiker
16:40.38Gnurduxwhos bzgirl brlcad ?
16:40.44cosmosnow he is using literary names?
16:40.50cosmosmust be a school kid
16:41.07im_fine_uhi Gnu
16:41.23cosmosusing a hawthorne character, i kind of like it
16:41.53pauliferI had sex with a guy
16:42.39I_Died_OnceHow much did that cost ya?
16:43.43I_Died_Oncepro-bono ?
16:43.43Mr_MolezGnurdux: kierra
16:44.15pauliferi used viagra dipshit
16:44.23JeffM2501paulifer, language please
16:44.31JeffM2501this is not the place for talk like that
16:44.57I_Died_Oncethis is a faggotry free channel
16:45.05JeffM2501I_Died_Once, same to you
16:45.20im_fine_ufreenode blocked all pms?
16:45.26JeffM2501no, you have to reg
16:45.37pauliferhow do you register?
16:45.45JeffM2501/ msg nickserv help
16:55.58cosmoswho is that guy
16:57.24JeffM2501some idiot
16:57.35Mr_Moleznice guy :P
16:59.07*** join/#bzflag paulifer (
16:59.41JeffM2501byb bye
16:59.47*** mode/#bzflag [+b *!] by JeffM2501
16:59.47*** kick/#bzflag [paulifer!n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501] by JeffM2501 (JeffM2501)
16:59.54*** mode/#bzflag [+o DTRemenak] by ChanServ
17:00.00DTRemenakheh, beat me to it
17:01.06JeffM2501well I can't have you sully youself with the shame of denying people there free speach, I've allready done it so I'll take one for the team.
17:01.11cosmoslet me make sure that ip range is banned on hepcat
17:01.41DTRemenakfree speech...pft.  this is not a public forum, they can take their free speech somewhere else.
17:01.46*** join/#bzflag paulagain (
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17:02.13*** mode/#bzflag [+b *!*@*] by JeffM2501
17:02.13*** kick/#bzflag [paulagain!n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501] by JeffM2501 (JeffM2501)
17:02.24JeffM2501just shoot the load for a bit
17:02.54cosmosthe provider is located in Hicksville, NY
17:02.58cosmosnice city
17:03.20JeffM2501probably mikeeusa
17:03.31DTRemenaknaw, you'd know if it was him
17:03.47Mr_Molezcould be me ;)
17:03.50DTRemenakby the "DEATH TO WOMEN'S RIGHTS" chant if nothing else
17:04.16bryjenis tor still blocked?
17:04.57brlcadbitter kid simply because a girl dumped his sorry arse..
17:05.06DTRemenakor, maybe not...I think the hostmask format changed
17:06.12gsnedderswho… is… tor?
17:06.18ibotmethinks tor is a network of virtual tunnels that allows people and groups to improve their privacy and security on the Internet. See
17:06.46brlcada way to be effectively anonymous ip-wise
17:08.09DTRemenakbryjen: *!*@*.session.tor is banned.  I think it should be *!*@tor/session/* now, but I'm not sure.
17:08.40gsneddersbrlcad: then who is the bitter kid? :P
17:09.11gsneddersbrlcad: "bitter kid simply because a girl dumped his sorry arse.."
17:10.01brlcadyou can read up on his threads prior and post to some "incident" with a girl
17:10.16brlcadever since, he's been on an anti-women's rights rant
17:10.24brlcadin whatever forum he can get
17:11.06gsneddersand threads where?
17:11.33JeffM2501this isn't the place to promote his site ;)
17:12.32DTRemenakand he hopes that we all die in a car crash :)
17:12.38DTRemenaknice guy really ;)
17:17.28I_Died_OnceI've done so much... what exactly is it we're talking about
17:17.54gsneddersI_Died_Once: look at the previous thing you said here
17:18.57I_Died_OnceWell, I dont wanna read about man-sex and such in here
17:19.05I_Died_Oncethis aint that kind of channel
17:19.42gsneddersand I for one didn't interpret it as meaning that.
17:19.53I_Died_Oncethat guy had said he had him some....
17:20.00I_Died_Onces'ok, nm
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17:21.57gsneddersand also your comment about how much it cost him…
17:21.57gsneddersorchid: /me wishes you again
17:21.57TheRedBaron~hapbir orchid
17:21.59ibotACTION sings a variant of Happy Birthday (to avoid royalty fees) to orchid
17:22.29Tropican8yes, you know that's why resturants make up their own songs
17:22.38I_Died_Onceanytime someone says they "got some" its my joke-on-tap to imply it was paid for
17:23.00I_Died_Oncegotta go to town, i'll be away
17:25.23DTRemenak~birthday orchid
17:25.24ibotACTION Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you!, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEEEAARR orchid, Happy Birthday toooo yoooou!
17:25.45DTRemenakguess ibot has to pay them royalty fees after all ;)
17:26.11bryjen~lart the RIAA
17:27.21*** part/#bzflag Tropican8 (n=Tropican@
17:28.00JeffM2501happy birday :)
17:28.05JeffM2501birth day even
17:28.43JeffM2501lost all the music :(
17:29.31orchidhow'd that happen?
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17:32.50DTRemenakyou don't keep backups?
17:34.23SportChick~hapbir orchid!
17:34.25ibotACTION sings a variant of Happy Birthday (to avoid royalty fees) to orchid!
17:34.25JeffM2501yes and no
17:34.43JeffM2501we were in the process of redoing the machine to have a backup drive
17:34.48JeffM2501when it went poop
17:34.58JeffM2501I have backups of most of my data
17:35.02JeffM2501as do other people
17:35.04JeffM2501but one guy dosn't
17:35.13JeffM2501and we had been telling him for months to get one
17:36.08JeffM2501but I do have the bzg folder backed up ;)
17:36.34JeffM2501it is some of the better music
17:37.12DTRemenakheh :)
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17:38.23Gnurdux~lart ibot
17:38.52TheRedBaronibot isn't a masochist
17:40.41DTRemenakhe is, however, a sadist
17:41.06Gnurdux~spank ibot
17:41.08ibotACTION bends ibot over his knee and tatoos 'ibot' on ibot's pasty white buttocks.
17:42.00L4m3ribot is a contortionist eh?
17:43.02GnurduxTimRiker must've made a bug in
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18:09.03S1gnI have some proposal - to change sampling rate of *.wav files to 44100, it should work with alsa's dmix then
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18:10.38brlcadJeffM2501: got your priv msg, it's likely due to a phpbb bug that bzgirl encountered
18:10.51brlcadit wiped out her account and possibly her groups too
18:10.54JeffM2501brlcad, ok, just figured I should forwared it on
18:11.09JeffM2501I got no acces to any of that stuff anymore thankfully ;)
18:11.26DTRemenakS1gn: bzflag's own mixer can't handle other sampling rates.  patches are welcome to fix that.
18:11.30brlcadi would imagine that the sql error is simply because the group doesn't exist any more
18:11.45S1gnDTRemenak: ah
18:11.48JeffM2501zombie group
18:12.00brlcadsomething like that
18:12.13JeffM2501then that means it's shotgun time ;)
18:12.13brlcadah ha!
18:24.29SportChickhehe, brlcad
18:24.34SportChickI hope you had some sushi with that sake
18:25.48JeffM2501sake only lunches are the best
18:25.49JeffM2501for about an hour
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19:21.37[NP]Tangent_skyColor darkred
19:21.44[NP]Tangentand _mirror "black 0.6"
19:21.47[NP]Tangentgo really good together
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19:43.34|zongo|JeffM2501, ping
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21:10.03[NP]Tangentis there a really dark blue I can set the sky color to?
21:10.20Gnurdux[NP]Tangent, make your own
21:10.35Gnurdux"0 0 55"
21:10.43[NP]Tangentdidn't know you could do that
21:10.55Gnurdux/set _skyColor "0 0 55"
21:12.27[NP]Tangentthat made a cool color
21:12.37JeffM2501yeah its' not 0 to 255 Gnurdux
21:12.40JeffM2501it's 0 to 1
21:13.01Gnurduxyea gl is liek that too i think
21:13.02JeffM2501read... THEN speak ;)
21:13.13[NP]Tangenthaha, thanks Jeff
21:15.44JeffM2501gl is
21:15.55JeffM2501hence why we are like it ;)
21:16.09[NP]Tangentwhy can't we just use Hex codes
21:16.19JeffM2501actualy you may be able to
21:16.25JeffM2501the parser supports a number of them
21:16.30JeffM2501don't recall all tho
21:16.36JeffM2501if not, code it up
21:16.47a_temp_distorange is now known as fe8f00
21:17.14ibot[orange] not apple, or 600nm, or the strong silent type, or special
21:17.14[NP]Tangentdidn't work
21:17.17[NP]Tangentoh well
21:17.26iboti guess tangent is or the creator and maintainer of Intimate Linux, or idle alot of the time.
21:17.26JeffM2501then there is an enhancement for ya to do ;)
21:17.44[NP]TangentJeff, I already thought of my own enhancement
21:17.48[NP]Tangentunrelated to sky colors
21:18.01JeffM2501who says you can only have one ;)
21:18.06[NP]Tangentthe Shoot-Someone-in-X-Seconds-or-Die mod
21:18.40JeffM2501yeah but the color thing would be able to be put into the main
21:19.12[NP]Tangentthat shoot-someone-in-x-seconds thing would be a fun addition to rabbit hunt
21:19.25[NP]Tangentrabbit gets n seconds to shoot x players
21:19.32[NP]Tangentand if he succeeds, he stays rabbit
21:19.36[NP]Tangentif he fails, he blows up
21:19.39JeffM2501you'd have to verify with tim, but in general he's been against such changes, as they add complexity
21:20.09[NP]TangentI usually don't play RH anyways
21:20.12[NP]TangentI'm a big CTF fan
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22:40.14spldartI was wondering if you could change my ip on
22:40.35spldartRR did a magor rework of the local system and I'm now
22:40.46spldartThanks :-)
22:40.52JeffM2501well while we are changing it, do you mind changing to another base domain name?
22:41.04JeffM2501I will not be keeping baka past the end of the year
22:41.15spldartWhat will it be now?
22:41.33spldartI like it :)
22:41.43JeffM2501it sounds cooler then the baka ;)
22:41.49spldartYes it does.
22:42.09JeffM2501it's ceated
22:42.19spldartI'm going to take this time to run update and reboot my server
22:42.25spldartthanks Jeff :)
22:46.03spldartTested and working :-D
22:47.06JeffM2501mostly just figured that a name with "combat" in it made more sense for a game.
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22:48.01spldartYour right there... esp for these kinds of games. And it's so way guy cool :)
22:48.37spldartMy brother is goin to be jelous of the domain name hehehe
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22:53.08JeffM2501I wanted to get org but it was taken :(
22:53.34spldartwhy the preference of .org over .net?
22:54.57JeffM2501cus it was suposed to be for a free game
22:55.03JeffM2501and it's not realy a "network"
22:56.13spldartah has been parked is in the process of expiring
22:56.35JeffM2501but can't be taken yet
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22:59.42spldartAhhhhhhhhhhh... I feel everything is right again... My bzfs's are running... :-)
22:59.53spldartInteresting on teh suffixes
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23:18.10spldartSo polite
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.