irclog2html for #bzflag on 20060521

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05:43.10CIA-6BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/ the opengl framework is required even for non-sdl due to cglgetcurrentcontext() used for state management
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16:01.02gsneddersall it does is prevent you from properly playing :P
16:01.51brlcadgsnedders: you're just now figuring that out?
16:01.57gsneddershell no.
16:02.22Tuponehi brlcad
16:02.24brlcadare or familiar IP addrs to anyone?
16:02.35brlcadciao tupone
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16:52.57Mr_MolezJeffM2501: have trouble understanding english ? heh
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16:53.41Mr_Moleznevermind you wont understand
16:53.52JeffM2501ummm ok
16:56.42usois there any description how to compile and use bzfs plugins?
16:57.16JeffM2501you build them just like you build BZ
16:57.28JeffM2501for whatever build system you are on
16:57.42usohave done it, even tried --enable-plugins
16:57.44JeffM2501to use them, the commands are described in the man pages ( loadplugin)
16:57.57JeffM2501plugins are built by default
16:58.02JeffM2501what version of the source?
16:58.05usothe server gives no warning loading it
16:58.13Mr_Moleztry --enable-shared
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16:58.40usobut it allso gives no warning if i try to load a plugin like xxx ;)
16:58.49JeffM2501what version of the source?
16:59.10JeffM2501try the enable-shared
16:59.13usoenable-shared? during configure?
16:59.19usoi'll try
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17:04.23usoJeffM2501: which man page are you refering to? bzfs.6? it contains not even the -loadplugin option
17:04.43JeffM2501it shouold
17:04.57usoyes :)
17:05.00JeffM2501I remember writing it
17:05.05Mr_Molezoh yeh the man pages, the pages that are either 12 years out of date or impossible to find :P
17:05.17JeffM2501no, we update them
17:05.22JeffM2501the one on the web is old
17:05.23usois it only in HEAD?
17:05.31JeffM2501I did plugins back in 2.0.5
17:06.00JeffM2501plugins also have there own doc set
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17:06.05JeffM2501in /plugins/docs
17:06.59usoyes, but there are only informations how to write a plugin, not to use it
17:07.18JeffM2501yeah looks like it's not in the man page
17:07.23JeffM2501I know I wrote it
17:07.36usobzflag/man/bzfs.6, search for plugin, find nothing ..
17:07.44JeffM2501I belive you
17:07.48JeffM2501I too can search ;)
17:08.45usowas more the question if i am at the right place
17:08.59JeffM2501yes, that is where it should be but is not
17:10.38JeffM2501the sample plugins are not doced much, as they were suposed to be programing samples, not stuff people use
17:11.58CIA-6BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/man/ for some reason loadplugin was never added here.
17:15.18usoshouldn't the plugin be a .so file? or is it the .o file?
17:15.37JeffM2501but it's in .lib after it builds it
17:15.38usostill don't get one
17:15.42JeffM2501it's hidden
17:15.46JeffM2501libtool hides it in .lib
17:15.52JeffM2501libtool is wiered
17:16.04JeffM2501plugins on linux got way more complicated then I thought they would
17:16.11JeffM2501on windows it's easy, one dll... done
17:17.20usoshared libs on linux are easy too, seems to be libtool which is complicated
17:17.45JeffM2501difrent linux like systems do shared libs difrently
17:17.48JeffM2501hence libtool
17:17.55JeffM2501I just don't know why it hides them
17:18.11JeffM2501also on linux it exports all functions from bzfs, not just the ones you want for the API
17:18.17JeffM2501so that makes it a little harder
17:18.25JeffM2501you can't have a name confict with stuff inside BZ
17:19.18usodoes option -loadplugin assume a default path for the plugin to be installed? or can I put the full path of the plugin behind -loadplugin?
17:19.28JeffM2501there is a search path
17:19.34JeffM2501but yes you can put in the full path
17:19.38JeffM2501that's the first thing it trys
17:19.43JeffM2501to just load it as you put it
17:19.51JeffM2501then it trys your path, with .so..
17:19.54JeffM2501then some other paths..
17:20.19usowanna be sure that the server loads it as it seems not to put any error message if it can't find the plugin
17:20.41blast007the server will output an error to the console if it fails
17:20.57menotumei always use the full path :)
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17:21.36JeffM2501if your set up to load them
17:24.00usoblast007: any hint if it does not output an error?
17:24.18blast007what debug level?
17:24.33usogood point :)
17:24.46usoassumed it is an error message, not a debug one ;)
17:25.24blast007it's at level 1 debug
17:25.45usoyes, with level 1 i get it
17:25.52JeffM2501failing to load is not a critical error
17:25.57JeffM2501the server CAN go on
17:26.00JeffM2501so it's debug 1
17:26.18JeffM2501you can also use /loadplugin in game
17:29.47usoas the plugin commands are not shown with "/?", are there others than listplugin, loadplugin and unloadplugin?
17:32.26JeffM2501tho plugins may install there own commands
17:33.05JeffM2501now this is what bzflag should look like :)
17:33.54blast007hehe :)
17:37.32PuMpErNiCkLeJust so long as you don't use that shade of orange by default... :x
17:37.47JeffM2501the colors in that mod... well...
17:39.40usohehe, but it would be another game then
17:39.53JeffM2501well yes
17:39.59JeffM2501but it would look badass ;)
17:40.09usosure :)
17:40.15JeffM2501and you could have it look like that
17:40.19JeffM2501and follow the bz rules
17:41.05usobut where will be my boxes and pyramid style ;)
17:41.14uso... and who pays me the grafics card
17:41.20JeffM2501then make a map that DOSN'T have that
17:41.37JeffM2501don't buy pizza for a day... get a new graphics card ;)
17:42.12usowill make me starved
17:42.23JeffM2501probably not for one day
17:42.29JeffM2501or eat rammen for one day
17:42.32PuMpErNiCkLemore like don't buy beer for a week... you must get some crazy discounts on cards o_O
17:42.32JeffM2501instead of pizza
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17:42.39PuMpErNiCkLeEither that or your pizza man hates you. :)
17:42.50JeffM2501PuMpErNiCkLe, you can get A FX5200 for 35$
17:43.01JeffM2501so no, there are just some cheap cheap cards out there
17:43.26usobtw, would a nvidia 6200 be faster then a ati 9200 for bzflag?
17:43.35JeffM2501hard to say
17:43.41JeffM2501they are simila
17:43.52JeffM2501for bzflag, probalby not
17:43.59JeffM2501since I doubt bz is maxing ether of them
17:44.00PuMpErNiCkLeI'd get the nvidia, but that's my linux bias showing.
17:44.09JeffM2501well ATI does suck :)
17:44.29JeffM2501my mac has a 9200 in it, it runs a little chucnky
17:44.33usoi have the ati, but nvidia has the much better driver support for linux
17:44.42JeffM2501I had a 6200 onece, and it ran fine
17:44.57JeffM2501nvidia drivers are usualy less of a pain on linux yes.
17:45.09JeffM2501ATI dosn't like people who buy old cards.
17:45.29JeffM25016200's should be around 50$
17:45.33usoi saw the 6200 for about $60 and wasn't sure if i should try it
17:45.43JeffM2501do you play any other games?
17:45.56JeffM2501and was it a 256 meg card?
17:46.06usono shooters
17:46.19usoonly strategy ones
17:46.37JeffM2501if they are modern games, they can use a lot of video ram
17:46.43JeffM2501more video ram is better
17:46.46JeffM2501in general
17:46.53usoafair yes, 256 mb
17:47.06JeffM2501the 9200s are usualy 128meg cards
17:47.09JeffM2501some 64meg
17:48.58usoyes, mine has only 128 mb
17:49.11CIA-6BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/include/bzfsAPI.h: add a help hook for custom commands to use, so we can start listing them
17:49.46usoyou are fast adding things :)
17:49.55JeffM2501the code is right here
17:50.03JeffM2501may as well do it before I forget
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18:24.18JeffM2501mmmmm scrabled eggs... lunch of lazy people
18:28.34ruskiemmm eggs++
18:30.52CIA-6BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/src/bzfs/commands.cxx:
18:30.52CIA-6BZFlag: store custom slash commands with the / and list them when doing a /? ( at the end
18:30.52CIA-6BZFlag:  )
18:35.02JeffM2501I'm not sure how CmdHelp works. so I won't add in help text for them
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18:46.31Gnurduxhi Tropican8
18:46.41Tropican8Hey Gnu
18:46.49Tropican8What's up?
18:49.19Gnurduxnot much
18:50.14Tropican8No word from the xtux devels? (I'll join #gltux if the answer is yes)
18:52.46Gnurduxnot yet
18:54.30JeffM2501DTRemenak, you don't have any 2.1 servers?
18:56.15JeffM2501and brad what's the point of having badflags with no timeout ?
18:57.36usoyou have antidot flags to get rid of them if no timeout is set
18:58.12JeffM2501his server didn't show any
18:58.33Gnurduxyou can have them drop on kills
18:58.57JeffM2501so basicly pointless on a test server when there is noone to play ;)
18:59.50usothe antidot flag shows up only if you have a bad flag
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19:00.42JeffM2501I know
19:00.44JeffM2501I had a bad flag
19:00.46JeffM2501had nothin
19:00.50JeffM2501he probalby had kills set
19:01.33blast007it would show the drop method(s) in the server list
19:01.47JeffM2501pfft server list
19:10.13CIA-6BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/win32/VC8/ (17 files): give each build target it's own BuildOS
19:12.47CIA-6BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/win32/VC8/ (16 files): release builds use the new target too
19:19.42usowhat does the $(prefix) in bzfsPlugins.cxx refer to? shouldn't this be replaced by the autoconf mechanism?
19:20.03usoprobably by /usr, so the path would be /usr/lib/bzflag?
19:20.10JeffM2501yeah it was never done right
19:20.38usoat least it works now with full plugin path :)
19:20.44usoso thanks for the help
19:23.46*** part/#bzflag Tropican8 (
19:25.09GnurduxJeffM2501, i told you about that a few days ago lol
19:25.14JeffM2501I know
19:25.21JeffM2501that is why I said it was never done right
19:25.23Gnurduxi had to fix my source
19:25.29JeffM2501I'm sure you did
19:25.32JeffM2501I can't fix it
19:25.40JeffM2501I know nothing about autoconf
19:25.49JeffM2501remember when I asked you to fix it and you refused?
19:26.19Gnurduxi dint know how
19:26.24Gnurduxi know nothing aobut autoconf either
19:26.41JeffM2501then why point out that you told me about it days ago?
19:27.01Gnurduxalso, even if the prefix WAS right, make install installs it directly in prefix/lib; not prefix/lib/bzflag
19:27.05Gnurduxso that need to be fixed too
19:27.27JeffM2501so just telling me magicaly makes things get fixed?
19:27.35JeffM2501ever hear of a bug report
19:27.36Gnurduxumm, no
19:27.40Gnurduxhmm good idea
19:27.48JeffM2501ya think
19:27.48Gnurduxive also heard of developers who use linux
19:27.53Gnurduxbut whatever
19:29.30CIA-6BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/src/geometry/BoltSceneNode.cxx:
19:29.30CIA-6BZFlag: clean up the geoBolt rendering, make the nested pills align in depth, base all the
19:29.31CIA-6BZFlag:  geo nesting off the base radius, tighten up the shells a litte.
19:31.23CIA-6BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/plugins/recordmatch/recordmatch.ncb:
19:31.24CIA-6BZFlag: ncb... what are you doing here?.. your local...your
19:31.24CIA-6BZFlag:  binary... nobody should see you... your our dirty
19:31.24CIA-6BZFlag:  little secret.
19:31.24usoJeffM2501: the order "year month day" for the filename of the recorded matches may make it easier to find them in the replay list
19:31.25JeffM2501then feel free to mod it up :)\
19:31.25usoi do :)
19:31.26JeffM2501I only made that plugin for one reason, and one reason alone
19:34.28GnurduxJeffM2501, how did my bug report get assigned to you?
19:34.42JeffM2501some are auto asigned
19:35.28JeffM2501some I pull myself
19:35.28Gnurduxcause i put it in plugins
19:35.28Gnurduxwell it should go to a *nixer
19:35.28JeffM2501we don't realy use it for task management
19:35.30JeffM2501so someone will get it
19:35.36JeffM2501the person it's asigned too is not important
19:35.43JeffM2501everyone can see them all
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19:39.49JeffM2501DTRemenak, I'm changing the name of the Win32 dir, to MSVC, since it's not just 32 bit anymore... and it follows more of the projects I've seen
19:39.54JeffM2501any objections?
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19:46.43CIA-6BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/ (55 files in 4 dirs):
19:46.43CIA-6BZFlag: change the "Win32" dir to a more descriptive "MSVC" dir, since 64bit windows is supported (ish).
19:46.43CIA-6BZFlag: Update makefiles and readme for new dirs.
19:47.25blast007JeffM2501: also makes sense since Dev-C++ has it's own directory too
19:48.08CIA-6BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/win32/ (51 files in 3 dirs): remove win32 dir
19:48.19Gnurduxoops JeffM2501 i found another API bug
19:48.21JeffM2501I've seen other projects use the MSVC tag before
19:48.26JeffM2501Gnurdux, oh noooessss.
19:48.30JeffM2501only 1000 more to go!
19:48.41Gnurduxthe API is ouchie right now
19:49.01Gnurduxbz_GetAutoTeamEventData doesnt set the event type
19:49.12JeffM2501cus it's ASKING you
19:49.20JeffM2501or is it after
19:50.15GnurduxJeffM2501, whaat?
19:50.28JeffM2501no it sets the team
19:50.37Gnurduxyea = convertTeam(t)
19:50.46JeffM2501then it uses that in the setTeam
19:50.50Gnurduxbut the eventdata doesnt have eventType set
19:51.12JeffM2501the constructor dosnt' do it?
19:51.37JeffM2501and that breaks the entire API?
19:51.48Gnurduxbut the API is mostly buggy
19:52.03JeffM2501so it has more bugs then functioning code?
19:52.08JeffM2501why use it then?
19:52.16Gnurduxwell it has more bugs than it would if it was planned first
19:52.26JeffM2501bzflag wasn't planed
19:52.31JeffM2501why should the API have been?
19:52.38JeffM2501you just don't get how we work here do you?
19:52.43JeffM2501it's a whatever goes thing
19:52.47JeffM2501there is no plan
19:52.52JeffM2501and people make mistakes
19:52.55JeffM2501everyone does
19:53.58purple_cowGnurdux: if there are bugs, then fix them
19:54.12purple_cowit's a much more constructive use of your time than complaining
19:54.28CIA-6BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfs.cxx: set the event type for the autoteam event.
19:54.43JeffM2501no complain :)
19:54.43Gnurduxumm shouldnt it have been set in the constructor, like all the others?
19:55.01JeffM2501head is all difrent
19:55.03JeffM2501like way difrent
19:55.05Gnurduxah ok
19:56.57JeffM2501wonder why I did it like that
19:58.58JeffM2501realy should make the event data stuff just be a list of name/value pairs
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20:09.20Gnurduxhi A_Meteorite
20:10.18A_MeteoriteJeffM2501: ping
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20:13.53A_MeteoriteBinarySpike needs you... hold on a second ;)
20:14.20JeffM2501he can get to me now
20:18.18JeffM2501A_Meteorite, you can have a userdb if you want
20:18.21JeffM2501but it's not required
20:18.32JeffM2501it's only used if you want local perms for global users
20:18.40JeffM2501I'll be his server just isn't public
20:18.50A_MeteoriteMine stores global groups in userdb too?
20:18.51JeffM2501he's trying to use /identify on global login... that's the problem
20:18.58JeffM2501if you have it yes it will
20:19.02JeffM2501but that is kinda bad
20:19.07JeffM2501cus if you remove them from the global group
20:19.09A_MeteoriteSo... there really is no point
20:19.12JeffM2501they will still be in the local
20:19.16JeffM2501and not realy be removed
20:19.25JeffM2501it's best to just have a group DB
20:19.27JeffM2501that's it
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20:28.02GnurduxJeffM2501, i wish that when the list server reported # of players, it didnt count obs
20:28.34A_MeteoriteGnurdux: I noticed one server had 5 bzadmins and one was only counted.
20:29.01Gnurduxi think they shouldnt be counted, because you get things like 22/20 players
20:29.12usoshouldn't Record::start check if recording is already sctive?
20:31.41usoJeffM2501: bz_saveRecBuf should either stop the recording or there should be a bz_stopRecBuf in the api
20:32.13DTRemenakJeffM2501: win32->msvc is fine with me
20:32.42JeffM2501uso, umm ok
20:32.44JeffM2501add one
20:33.24DTRemenakbut I see you already did it anyway :)
20:33.28JeffM2501I did
20:33.33usoi prefer the first, because i do not need to add an api function ;)
20:33.53JeffM2501uso, what's it mater if you have to change bzfs or add a function?
20:33.57JeffM2501they are both changes
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20:35.44usoi do not know in which places i have to change things if i change the api, the other fix is a one line thing
20:36.07usoalso for the api logic it's more consistent if bz_saveRecBuf also stops the recording
20:36.11JeffM2501all you do is add a function
20:36.12CIA-6BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/ (include/bzfsAPI.h src/bzfs/bzfsAPI.cxx): add record stop function
20:36.19JeffM2501just like the others
20:36.22JeffM2501see it's not hard :)
20:37.48usois the api only in the bzfsAPI.cxx/h files? no dependencies in other files?
20:38.09JeffM2501other files may use it
20:38.14JeffM2501but it dosn't use anything else
20:38.24JeffM2501that's so that on windows, you can build plugins with out BZ source
20:38.28JeffM2501just the .h and the lib
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20:50.23CIA-6BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/ServerMenu.cxx: don't count observers as players
20:50.25JeffM2501anyone got a current cvs head client?
20:50.36JeffM2501and a 10 shot server?
20:51.33CIA-6BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/ quote AC_CONFIG_FILES
20:52.12CIA-6BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/ no longer distributing win32 directory, name changed to MSVC
20:52.18JeffM2501need to test the new shots in crazy-go-nuts mode
20:52.27JeffM2501brlcad, I missed that?
20:52.37I_Died_Once>dict oppression
20:52.45brlcadminor, but yea
20:53.00JeffM2501I'm sorry
20:53.09JeffM2501I was trying to get thema ll
20:57.55I_Died_Oncehey, are you guys still planning on making the new 2.2 line of bzflag where the server can control and dictate score?
20:58.18JeffM2501that was changed a while ago
20:58.26JeffM2501like 2 months ago
21:05.01*** join/#bzflag Tropican8 (
21:05.02tokimiis there a way to selectively choose where shots will rico, and where they will not?
21:05.26L4m3rtokimi: Not really.
21:05.52L4m3rYou can use certain map tricks to "trap" ricochets inside of objects, but that
21:05.55L4m3r's about it
21:05.59a-delusionyou've got the shootthrough option
21:06.02L4m3rand it doesn't work perfectly
21:07.06JeffM2501how do I build server only from make?
21:09.03blast007./configure --disable-client --disable-bzadmin
21:10.24JeffM2501going to see if I can set up a 10 shot 2.1 server and how many people I can get on it with the new shots
21:10.39JeffM2501since I can't use bots to test
21:11.16Tuponebots were able to get flags before they stopped working
21:11.19tokimiis therea known issue compiling a client for x86_64 computers?
21:11.42JeffM2501tokimi, what OS?
21:12.02trepanmap weapons are good for testing
21:12.03JeffM2501should compile fine
21:12.16JeffM2501trepan, or just get a bunch of people and play a game:)
21:12.32JeffM2501the shots work like I expect them to
21:12.39tokimii get library complaints
21:12.40JeffM2501now I just have to find out of they look good
21:12.55JeffM2501you have 64 bit versions of your libs?
21:13.19JeffM2501I built fine on my ubuntu system
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21:15.56tokimigetting an SDL fail
21:16.26Tuponetokimi: did you install SDL-devel ?
21:16.37tokimiwhat ever came with FC4
21:17.00Tuponeso ... you install all the package in FC4 ?
21:17.50Tuponeyou should paste the error in bzpasetbin
21:18.08ibothmm... bzpastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel, and it archives too. - try
21:18.08tokimiif some one is willing to look, sure :)
21:18.39Tuponethink positive
21:19.32tokimipositive? hehe
21:20.08Tuponeit seems you have not installed SDL
21:20.14JeffM2501you sure you did the devel one?
21:20.20JeffM2501not just the normal sdl
21:20.24JeffM2501they are seperate
21:20.29*** join/#bzflag RPG_ (
21:20.37RPG_OS: Ubuntu Breezy Badger
21:20.39tokimino, im not completely sure
21:20.44RPG_Nvidia drivers installed, card: 6600 GT
21:20.52RPG_every time i try to launch BZ, X crashes
21:20.53JeffM2501RPG_, wtf?
21:21.07JeffM2501what a wierd way to ask a question
21:21.16JeffM2501RPG_, what drivers?
21:21.32JeffM2501from the site? or package, or defalt?
21:22.04JeffM2501tokimi, you'll want to make sure you have the SDL-devel, mesa-dev, and libcurl dev packages
21:22.14JeffM2501usualy those are not put in by default
21:22.19JeffM2501since most people don't compile programs
21:22.34tokimiheh, shame for them
21:22.44tokimiwhat fun is it with out a few cement blocks in the way....
21:22.52JeffM2501most people just get a package and USE the computer ;)
21:24.34JeffM2501brlcad, umm I'm trying to build cvs head.. keeps saying that the has a modification time of 2e+03 seconds in the future, and keeps running configure
21:24.35spldartJeff... If you haven't already... I've done cvs up on head and I'm building now but it'll take a bit. already up the shots to 10 in .conf so when I restart the head bzfs it'll be -ms 10
21:24.36JeffM2501in a big loop
21:24.54JeffM2501spldart, ok, server didn't change just client
21:25.24spldartoh... so If I just restart with 10 shots real quich you would be hooked up then
21:25.35JeffM2501well and something not decks, with rico
21:25.40JeffM2501I need to see em bounce :)
21:25.58spldartlemme check if legoland is still in there
21:26.25JeffM2501who all has a current CVS head client and can test?
21:26.35blast007JeffM2501: I'm running a checkout right now
21:30.38spldartI'm starting my client rig to test it real quick
21:32.13*** part/#bzflag |zongo| (
21:33.05TuponeJeffM2501: touch
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21:36.12JeffM2501Tupone, same thing
21:37.23spldartok.. 10 shot legoland set up on mine... but I'd have to rebuild my client to see the new bullits if that's what you changed and it was recent
21:37.37spldartwith ricochet
21:39.01JeffM2501it was recent
21:39.07JeffM2501and you have to go to experimental
21:40.17spldartah... might be problem since this machines acceleration isn't fully enabled yet... driver problems
21:40.26spldartbut I'm building anywho
21:41.05spldartgot a autoreconf failed message btw
21:41.26JeffM2501ohh it'll kill a softie machine :)
21:41.40JeffM2501ugg rougue shots look like crap :(
21:42.13*** join/#bzflag ruskie (n=ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
21:45.10tokimibtw, thanks JeffM2501 Tupone, that worked out
21:48.23JeffM2501tokimi, cool
21:48.30brlcadJeffM2501: sounds like your local clock is out of sync
21:50.36*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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21:50.47JeffM2501how would I check it's time?
21:51.52blast007'date' command
21:52.12JeffM2501and I can use that to set it?
21:52.53blast007~wtf date
21:53.15spldartit's just -ffa right?
21:53.15spldartin the .bzw
21:53.16JeffM2501it's nothing
21:53.17blast007spldart: no, just remove the references to CTF
21:53.20JeffM2501ffa is the default
21:53.26usodo you have inet connection on the machine?
21:53.30JeffM2501we need more players tho
21:53.40JeffM2501must set up nntp
21:53.46usotry ntpdate
21:54.05usoif it's installed ;)
21:54.13JeffM2501is now :)
21:54.55usobetter than mess around with the date command/format ;)
21:55.06JeffM2501we need more players to test
21:55.11JeffM25011000 man dev brawl :)
21:55.29spldart8 player 20 shot ffa
21:55.37tokimithere doesnt happen to be a windows build that i could use to hope on andhelp out would there?
21:55.40spldartstill legoland
21:55.49JeffM2501I'm building a windows release one now
21:55.58JeffM2501after I make a small change
21:57.38JeffM2501well at least win32, win64 is still buggy in the libcurl
22:00.26CIA-6BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/src/geometry/BoltSceneNode.cxx: add a minimum value for each channel of the core of a geoBolt
22:00.44*** part/#bzflag Tropican8 (
22:02.07tokimicool, look at that baby compile:P
22:04.02spldartwindows release of head or 2.0
22:04.24spldartI wanna try it :)
22:04.30JeffM2501spldart, acutaly if you could do it, running in openFFA would be best
22:04.35JeffM2501then anyone can shoot anyone
22:05.02JeffM2501I'm building a test pack for windows now
22:05.08spldartmy server? it is default ffa now
22:05.22JeffM2501our "FFA" isn't realy free
22:05.26JeffM2501it's team
22:05.28JeffM2501use -offa
22:05.33JeffM2501then there are no teamkills
22:05.42JeffM2501cus there are no teams
22:05.43*** join/#bzflag lan56 (
22:05.48spldartokies I'll add that to the .bzw
22:05.54JeffM2501everyone is like a colored rogue
22:05.54spldartor is it better the .conf
22:05.58A_Meteorite-offa ? Hmmm
22:06.06JeffM2501spldart, dosn't matter
22:06.16JeffM2501A_Meteorite, yes open free for all
22:06.31A_Meteoriteis there any doc on this new 2.1 stuff? :)
22:07.48lan56anybody else getting an error saying "Network Error: no route to host" when trying to cvs update?
22:08.07tokimiusing the newer cvs?
22:08.08JeffM2501lan56, what is your cvs server at?
22:08.23spldartok... -offa -mp 20 0 0 0 0 2 -ms 20 is about to get started by I'm sure my connection will choke if it get's half full
22:08.24lan56trying to update head
22:08.24JeffM2501the server name
22:08.30JeffM2501SF made changes
22:08.37lan56oh the old one
22:08.42JeffM2501use the new one :)
22:09.00A_MeteoriteIf it's OpenFFA isn't that the same as all rogues?
22:09.09lan56ahh its funny I remember reading that news item and saying "this doesnt mean anything for me" and here I am needing it :)
22:09.12JeffM2501you can pick a color
22:09.21JeffM2501and it dosn't even try to do teamscore
22:09.25JeffM2501or any team stuff
22:09.30JeffM2501at a server level
22:09.32A_MeteoriteI like :)
22:09.54JeffM2501cus all black is booring
22:09.58tokimiwhen did teh cvs server change any way
22:10.17JeffM2501bout 2 weeks ago
22:10.46usohehe, but who is telling the noobs that there are colored teams when they start playing at such a server ;)
22:10.55A_MeteoriteIs bzfquery.php going to get updated for 2.1?
22:11.01JeffM2501the game mode help
22:11.15JeffM2501the same text that is telling noobs to not shoot people the same color as you
22:11.16usoas if everybody reads it :)
22:11.27JeffM2501training is another problem
22:11.34usoafter the tk, ok
22:11.35JeffM2501but that should not stifle new stuff
22:11.59JeffM2501most first time players are not used to a thing called 'free for all" to have teams
22:12.04JeffM2501if you come from the FPS games
22:12.15usoof course, a colored ffa looks more funny
22:12.18JeffM2501our FFA is more like team deathmatch
22:12.33JeffM2501well in other games you pick a color just for personal preferance
22:12.48usoi know
22:12.52spldartI'm running as -offa now I'm working on building a new client though
22:12.59JeffM2501before 2.2 ships I want to at least have a popup dialog that comes up that shows the rules the first time a player plays each game tyupe
22:13.12A_Meteoritepop-ups! yay!
22:13.14JeffM2501that's a windows quickiy
22:13.20JeffM2501A_Meteorite, like a dialog box
22:13.28JeffM2501that you hit enter to close
22:13.29A_MeteoriteI know, I just had to pull your leg
22:13.37JeffM2501sometimes there is info we need to make them read
22:13.48A_Meteoriteyes, I see so many n00bs who don't know what rabbit hunt is
22:14.30JeffM2501spldart, you only allow rouges
22:14.35JeffM2501what is your -ms set to?
22:14.47JeffM2501sorry -mp
22:15.12spldart20 0 0 0 0 2
22:15.13spldartI think
22:15.15spldartlemme check
22:16.00spldartyeah -mp 20,0,0,0,0,2
22:16.14JeffM2501for open FFA you don't restric teams
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22:16.21JeffM2501-mp 22
22:16.41spldarti'll correct that real quick... killing server now
22:17.23spldartokies restarting with -mp 22
22:17.37JeffM2501eww pink shots
22:19.24spldartif I do a build on my server is it going to lag the bzfs for players?
22:19.36spldartI humped my bzadmin messing around with it :(
22:19.40A_Meteoritespldart: maybe, try nice -n 20 make
22:19.43spldartgotta redo it
22:19.58spldartcool... I'll try that :)
22:20.08lan56is the full address to bzflag's cvs place ""?
22:20.12CIA-6BZFlag: 03blast007 * 10bzflag/MSVC/VC71/bzflag.vcproj: No more VerticalSync.h/cxx
22:21.32usolan56: one bzflag too much for me
22:21.45lan56k thx
22:21.50spldartshould I do 'nice' before all high cpu intensive apps when on the server in order to not intefere with all the other appies
22:21.57JeffM2501lan56, dosnt' work anymore IIRC will point to the right place always
22:25.02JeffM2501MG + -ms 20 == the lag maker :)
22:25.11JeffM2501comeon now we need more players :)
22:25.27spldartI'm make ing
22:25.32spldartbe there in a bit
22:32.54JeffM2501and then it crashed
22:33.15A_Meteoritethe chat is really messed up, I noticed
22:33.20A_Meteoriteit got me confused
22:33.32JeffM2501it shows your last line
22:33.34spldartlet's figure out colors first
22:33.47blast007and public chat shows up as private
22:33.48JeffM2501just pick automatic
22:33.56JeffM2501it'll spread em out
22:39.09trepanis there any reason to keep the shift-Fx console text blanking toggles?
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22:48.49A_MeteoriteYay! "Server Communication Error"
22:48.55*** part/#bzflag shadow_stalk3r (
22:48.56spldartI cracked up again apparenty
22:49.07spldartdon't have that happen normall
22:50.07A_MeteoriteOh, the "Error Connecting to Server" doesn't seem as instant as before
22:50.15A_Meteoritethere's a pause
22:50.22A_Meteoritebut, that's nothing ;)
22:50.53spldarti restarted with -ms 10 but I'm getting back to real world problems of custome configuring my xf86server stuff
22:51.59A_Meteoriteno one coming to the server?
22:52.08a-delusiona couple..
22:52.15a-delusionwe got 3 bots right now
22:54.13CIA-6BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/playing.cxx: openFFA dosn't need "teammate" killed by messages
22:56.13CIA-6BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/clientCommands.cxx: disable console text toggling
23:08.56CIA-6BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/src/geometry/BoltSceneNode.cxx: more color tweaks for the geoBolt
23:09.34L4m3rI think the text toggling would be useful if it were more customizeable
23:09.47L4m3rHell, the whole console could be reworked...
23:10.09JeffM2501yay for aliasing
23:10.13L4m3rbut I'll have to see what Jeff does to the HUD before making any further suggestions :)
23:10.20blast007L4m3r: all the toggeling did was turn off the text iirc
23:10.40blast007which was pointless
23:11.01blast007since there is already a way to toggle the whole console panel, not just the text
23:11.11JeffM2501penis canons of the world unite!
23:11.59JeffM2501well inside renderGeoPill, there is a part that says "draw the shaft"
23:12.40JeffM2501have to figure out what to do for GM
23:12.54JeffM2501maybe I'll watch starwars and see what a proton torp looks like
23:13.00blast0073D missile model?  ;)
23:13.08JeffM2501tried that, didn't look so good
23:13.25JeffM2501tho the happy face on the missle was kinda cool
23:13.26blast007you had that old mod before with the smile on the end
23:13.40JeffM2501"say hello to my little friend"
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23:13.53blast007I had that in a couple BZFlag XL releases
23:14.02A_MeteoriteOh, I see that you guys were testing the length of the bullets
23:14.11A_Meteoriteno wonder I didn't see them because I was using a week old client
23:14.45blast007A_Meteorite: also has to be in experimental quality mode once you get that far
23:14.54A_Meteoriteyes, I had experimental :)
23:15.00A_MeteoriteI got the cool geolaser but nothing else
23:15.15JeffM2501you need to rebuild
23:16.13spldartwill there be a windows build of head available? just curious
23:16.22trepanmy old single pass gm:
23:16.47A_MeteoriteI really like that GM, trepan
23:16.57A_Meteoriteare you going to commit it anytime soon?
23:16.58JeffM2501thought about doing the taper thiung
23:17.20JeffM2501maybe a couple mach cones in the back
23:17.23trepanwouldn't even require exp. mode  ;)
23:17.50JeffM2501just a bunch of billboards
23:18.12trepaneven better as point sprites, via a vertex shader
23:18.31JeffM2501they don't look phalic enough tho0
23:18.45trepandon't think that that was my intention at the time
23:18.51JeffM2501I'm thinking giant guided mondo wang
23:19.14L4m3rI really liked those shots... they looked like fireballs :D
23:19.34A_Meteoritemaybe put one in high and the other in exp.?
23:19.38L4m3ryou know what I meant
23:20.01L4m3rooh I know
23:20.13L4m3ruse the pill shape and make the "glow" taper to one end
23:20.21CIA-6BZFlag: 03lan56 * 10bzflag/README.DEVC++: update to make it Linux friendly: CodeBlocks ( can build Dev-C++ files and is for Linux too
23:20.23JeffM2501I think it all depends on what the general theme of the shots are
23:20.27L4m3rthat'd look sweet
23:20.41JeffM2501yeah I can make it taper
23:20.45trepanagain, doesn't require exp. mode:
23:20.45JeffM2501that's what I was thinking
23:20.55JeffM2501his way dosn't use the geo stuff
23:21.03trepangeo stuff is a waste
23:21.07JeffM2501it is
23:21.23JeffM2501mostly it's there to goad you into commiting the shaders ;)
23:21.41trepanJeffM2501: doesn't even come close  ;)
23:21.53JeffM2501need more phalisism then?
23:21.54trepanheck, i haven't even committed my non-shader version
23:22.13A_Meteoritetrepan: commit! commit!
23:22.27trepanoh, well in that case
23:22.30blast007yes, I'm sure THAT will work  ;)
23:22.31L4m3rAnything is a huge improvement, really
23:22.36JeffM2501the geo stuff is a waste, but it looked better then the old stuff
23:22.48L4m3rI mean, once you lose the conventiently-undirectional ping pong ball...
23:22.51A_Meteoritethe old stuff was a texture, correct?
23:23.00JeffM2501a billboard yes
23:23.05JeffM2501and the laser was even lamer
23:23.11JeffM2501a textured +
23:23.47trepandeferred rendering makes really nice lasers possible
23:23.49L4m3ryeah, geolaser is definitely a very worthy improvement... altho it may bog down your client lasermania/boxy war :P
23:24.14JeffM2501hook it up.. show em how it should be done ;)
23:24.25trepancan do it with specialized frag shaders, but it's a pain (an extra non-standard light type)
23:24.35trepanA_Meteorite: not worth the time
23:25.42A_Meteoriteit probably wouldn't do much good since I am OpenGL clueless if that even has something to do with it (although "deferred" gives the impression of another GPU?)
23:26.47A_Meteoriteah, ok, it's lighting/rendering thing
23:31.37Tuponeblast007: toggling was not pointless IMHO, now you cannot know when a new message arrives, before you had that red
23:32.42blast007then make turning off the whole console make the tabs still show, but rendered lower on the screen
23:33.17Tuponeyeah, that could work.
23:37.28Tuponeand then reselecting shift-Fx should enable again the console
23:37.44trepanTupone: don't attach it to shift-Fx
23:38.05trepanat least not for disabling
23:38.06TuponeI'm not coding anymore for sometime so I wont
23:38.08blast007well, I can see turning the console back on
23:38.42trepanhitting shift-Fx twice and seeing the text disappear was the reason I killed it, found it non-intuitive  ;)
23:40.58*** join/#bzflag triclops (
23:41.59CIA-6BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/clientCommands.cxx: shift-F# reenables the console
23:45.24CIA-6BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/clientCommands.cxx: continuity
23:47.47*** join/#bzflag Akatsuki (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.